[FairfieldLife] A short break from all the cult apologetics and mean girl sniping

2014-04-19 Thread TurquoiseBee
This one goes out to the misogynist asshole who used to post here (I forget his 
name) who used to claim that women martial artists were pussies who couldn't 
hold their own in a real fight against "real men." Meet Chloe Bruce, who demos 
what martial arts can look like without the CGI and the wires and mirrors. 

The Best Of Chloe Bruce - The Perfect Human

   The Best Of Chloe Bruce - The Perfect Human  
View on www.youtube.com Preview by Yahoo  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What are the *benefits* of believing in God?

2014-04-19 Thread salyavin808


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Sal wrote:
 A better question for you to ask would be, why doesn't it happen to everyone 
if reincarnation is a common occurrence? Why to so very few?


 Maybe for the same reason we often don't remember our dreams after awakening.  
I mean to answer that aside from something like, "the process is set up that 
way, because a recall of that nature could likely disruptive to one's present 
life".  Aside from that, I would say the birth process is a somewhat traumatic 
event, which is followed a tremendous amount of sensory input, as we become 
accustomed to the new world we are born into.  All of that would likely 
overshadow the memory of a previous life.

 Seems to me that's the same as it would be if there wasn't any reincarnation. 
The "process being set up that way" is one of those convenient extra's you need 
to make it work. Who or what set it up? 

 My main questions are, where do the souls come from? There are twice as many 
people as there were 20-odd years ago. Do we get an upgraded animal soul? That 
might explain behaviour at football matches but how did it get started in the 
first place. 

 If there isn't a ready soul when you are born does a new one get made for you? 

 Finally, how can we measure them? They must be measurable if they control what 
happens in our heads, or even just interact in some/any way.

 It always seems to me the essence of a poor theory is when it raises more 
questions than it answers. That isn't "denial" I'm just waiting to be convinced.

 One of the major stories I know of like that is of a Scottish boy who said he 
came from an island where planes land on the beach. It turns out there is one, 
called Barra. His family claimed there was no way he could have known but even 
when they were being interviewed there was a TV on in the background.

 The most recent incident I recall is that of small child (American) recalling 
a memory of being a fighter pilot in WW2, IIRC.  There didn't appear to be any 
mitigating factors such as the type you mention.

 Apart from the fact they live in a culture where WW2 is mentioned daily on TV. 
It's hard to be sure about things like this. But I have heard fascinating 
stories, you have to remember that they aren't studied by anyone objective, 
people might have their own reasons for blurring what happened with what they 
want to be true. 

 It's a known problem with paranormal research that when faced with with 
something unexpected the imagination can run riot and people create all sorts 
of apparently convincing stories out of meagre data. It's the pattern 
recognition part of our minds that makes 1 + 1 sometimes equal 37.

 I'm all for getting scientific about things like this but they are extremely 
rare and so not easy to test. Basically you have to iron out the possibility of 
them picking the information up anywhere else. The plural of anecdote really 
isn't data, I've yet to see a story like this that has reliable facts that are 
certain not to have been isolated from the child. 

 These stories appear in the mainstream media periodically, and there are also 
a number of instances that have been documented elsewhere.  I am sorry I can't 
give you a reference for those.  I am sure many of the stories are false, but 
enough of them seem able to survive the scrutiny to which they are subjected.

 And like a lot of beliefs about the mind it lacks any known mechanism about 
how it might work, which doesn't mean it can't but it would also have to 
explain why it works so rarely. Tricky for something physical. If that's what 
it is. Everyone dreams for instance.

 I imagine that it would be anomalies such a these that might be able to 
puncture a hole in belief that these things are just a fabrication of the mind. 
 Certainly I recommend subjecting these accounts to a rigorous examination.

 Seems to me that knowledge of previous lives would be immensely useful, why do 
we forget it?

 Why do you think it would be so helpful?  I think it could be counter 

 Putting it in an evolutionary context, the vast majority of people that ever 
lived were hunter gatherers. I think it would be highly useful to automatically 
know how to find water, how to avoid leopards etc. we are born as we are with 
minimal instincts and mental development (compared to other animals) because 
evolution favoured a more sophisticated culture which our brains need to learn 
from our parents. Any extra help would make this so much easier surely?

 Nowadays, if evolution were known to be true we still had the skill and 
remembered everything we could bury a pot of cash and pick it up in our next 
life. Or get revenge on whoever it was that ran us over thus ending this one. 
You might say it just isn't set up to work like that but you'd just be 
multiplying entities beyond neccessity again. Occams razor. Anyway the burden 
of proof is always on the people with r

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What are the *benefits* of believing in God?

2014-04-19 Thread TurquoiseBee
From: Richard J. Williams 

To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, April 20, 2014 3:28 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What are the *benefits* of believing in God?

On 4/19/2014 6:09 PM, emilymae...@yahoo.com wrote:
> I just laugh at your obsession with using poor dead Fred as a baseball 
> bat to hit Barry over the head with. 

Yes, it is funny -  I use poor dead Fred as a baseball bat every time 
Barry uses poor dead Marshy as a baseball. LoL!

At least Richard can admit to being a cultist, and to what triggers his use of 
cult tactics. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Jai FFL!

2014-04-19 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Why morality is important in reaching enlightenment. And,

 Why TM teachers cannot get Shankara's teachings:

 Jai Guru Dev, These are fantastic posts.


  I been out building fence and seeding pastures and such these last few days, 
and am way behind reading here on FFL. These two experiential spiritual posts 
to FFL really speak to where the Fairfield, Iowa meditating community has gone, 
experiential-ly. There is a lot of illumined folks here now in Fairfield that 
have gone on working on this very material. Victory!   Go in to the coffee 
shops or to the various satsanga here and this is evidently is where the old TM 
meditating community has gone. Some of you who have not been around ought to 
come and hang out with the illumined here and see what this is. You all may 
think and carp here about TM but it is way more than that here. I got to back 
up later and read these again once the sun goes down again, these are really 
good checkings to things spiritual like a good satsanga potentially could give. 
Jai FFL!

 More spring field work to do before the sun goes down,
 -Buck on the Range  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What are the *benefits* of believing in God?

2014-04-19 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Ahh, but the metaphysical answer is that if you were still cognizant of who 
and what you were in that last incarnation, you would still be enamored or 
obsessed with the places and people you were with then, so that would interfere 
with getting on with your current life.

 Goodness knows we would't want that - there are so many things to be "enamored 
or obsessed" with in this life. Who'd have the time?
 On Sat, 4/19/14, salyavin808 mailto:no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What are the *benefits* of believing in God?
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Saturday, April 19, 2014, 5:46 PM
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
  wrote :
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 mailto:no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :
 FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 

 wrote :
 And that is why I replied to
 Barry's request.  But then I was accused of
 pestering him to reply to me.
 yes Richard, that is the issue that I think atheists
 don't want to go near.  
 are better off staying in full denial, and passing off
 incidents that defy an easy explanation as just some sort of
 weird coincidence.  "Science works in mysterious
 ways"  or at least there is some scientific
 explanation for this or that occurrence, but the science has
 not progressed sufficiently to explain it.
 How do we explain things like a child being
 obsessed with events that took place before he was
  born, and knowing details about such events when he
 has had no exposure to them.
 How does
 something like that occur?
 A better question for you to ask would be, why
 doesn't it happen to everyone if reincarnation is a
 common occurrence? Why to so very
 One of the major stories I know of like that is of a
 Scottish boy who said he came from an island where planes
 land on the beach. It turns out there is one, called Barra.
 His family claimed there was no way he could have known but
 even when they were being interviewed there was a TV on in
 the background.
 I'm all for getting scientific about things like
 this but they are extremely rare and so not easy to test.
 Basically you have to iron out the possibility of them
 picking the information up anywhere else. The plural of
 anecdote really isn't data, I've yet to see a story
 like this that has reliable facts that are certain not to
 have been isolated from the
 And like a lot of beliefs about the mind it lacks any
 known mechanism about how it might work, which doesn't
 mean it can't but it would also have to explain why it
 works so rarely. Tricky for something physical. If
 that's what it is. Everyone dreams for
 Seems to me that knowledge of previous lives would be
 immensely useful, why do we forget it? 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What are the *benefits* of believing in God?

2014-04-19 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 4/19/2014 6:09 PM, emilymae...@yahoo.com wrote:
> I just laugh at your obsession with using poor dead Fred as a baseball 
> bat to hit Barry over the head with. 
Yes, it is funny -  I use poor dead Fred as a baseball bat every time 
Barry uses poor dead Marshy as a baseball. LoL!

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More Mother India -- "Take your poo to the loo"

2014-04-19 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 4/19/2014 6:28 PM, emptyb...@yahoo.com wrote:
> You are already awareness itself and don't require some kind of 
> "awareness of awareness". This attempt to locate a self-reflexive 
> awareness is just a mental simulation of what it might be like. A 
> confused one at that. No wonder you are so confused. You'd be better 
> giving up this delusive "taza" for some mo-chao. Read it weep.
In Dogen's Zen practice, the primary realization is the *oneness* of 
practice-enlightenment. The practice of zazen and the experience of 
enlightenment are one and the same - there is no difference - no 
duality. Dogen is most often referring specifically to shikantaza, 
roughly translatable as "nothing but precisely sitting", which is a kind 
of sitting meditation in which the meditator sits "in a state of 
brightly alert attention that is free of thoughts, directed to no 
object, and attached to no particular content". For Dogen, the practice 
of zazen and the experience of enlightenment were one and the same.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Sun 20-Apr-14 00:15:05 UTC

2014-04-19 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 04/19/14 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 04/26/14 00:00:00
93 messages as of (UTC) 04/20/14 00:02:27

 21 Richard J. Williams 
 11 steve.sundur
  9 salyavin808 
  9 emilymaenot
  9 Michael Jackson 
  8 nablusoss1008 
  6 authfriend
  5 dhamiltony2k5
  4 TurquoiseBee 
  3 awoelflebater
  3 Share Long 
  2 emptybill
  1 Mike Dixon 
  1 Dick Mays 
  1 Bhairitu 
Posters: 15
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Jai FFL!

2014-04-19 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Jai Guru Dev, These are fantastic posts. I been out building fence and seeding 
pastures and such these last few days, and am way behind reading here on FFL. 
These two experiential spiritual posts to FFL really speak to where the 
Fairfield, Iowa meditating community has gone, experiential-ly. There is a lot 
of illumined folks here now in Fairfield that have gone on working on this very 
material. Victory!   Go in to the coffee shops or to the various satsanga here 
and this is evidently is where the old TM meditating community has gone. Some 
of you who have not been around ought to come and hang out with the illumined 
here and see what this is. You all may think and carp here about TM but it is 
way more than that here. I got to back up later and read these again once the 
sun goes down again, these are really good checkings to things spiritual like a 
good satsanga potentially could give. Jai FFL! 
 More spring field work to do before the sun goes down,
 -Buck on the Range  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More Mother India -- "Take your poo to the loo"

2014-04-19 Thread emptybill
You are already awareness itself and don't require some kind of "awareness of 
awareness". This attempt to locate a self-reflexive awareness is just a mental 
simulation of what it might be like. A confused one at that. No wonder you are 
so confused. You'd be better giving up this delusive "taza" for some mo-chao. 
Read it & weep.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What are the *benefits* of believing in God?

2014-04-19 Thread steve.sundur
Sal wrote:
 A better question for you to ask would be, why doesn't it happen to everyone 
if reincarnation is a common occurrence? Why to so very few?


 Maybe for the same reason we often don't remember our dreams after awakening.  
I mean to answer that aside from something like, "the process is set up that 
way, because a recall of that nature could likely disruptive to one's present 
life".  Aside from that, I would say the birth process is a somewhat traumatic 
event, which is followed a tremendous amount of sensory input, as we become 
accustomed to the new world we are born into.  All of that would likely 
overshadow the memory of a previous life.

 One of the major stories I know of like that is of a Scottish boy who said he 
came from an island where planes land on the beach. It turns out there is one, 
called Barra. His family claimed there was no way he could have known but even 
when they were being interviewed there was a TV on in the background.

 The most recent incident I recall is that of small child (American) recalling 
a memory of being a fighter pilot in WW2, IIRC.  There didn't appear to be any 
mitigating factors such as the type you mention.

 I'm all for getting scientific about things like this but they are extremely 
rare and so not easy to test. Basically you have to iron out the possibility of 
them picking the information up anywhere else. The plural of anecdote really 
isn't data, I've yet to see a story like this that has reliable facts that are 
certain not to have been isolated from the child. 

 These stories appear in the mainstream media periodically, and there are also 
a number of instances that have been documented elsewhere.  I am sorry I can't 
give you a reference for those.  I am sure many of the stories are false, but 
enough of them seem able to survive the scrutiny to which they are subjected.

 And like a lot of beliefs about the mind it lacks any known mechanism about 
how it might work, which doesn't mean it can't but it would also have to 
explain why it works so rarely. Tricky for something physical. If that's what 
it is. Everyone dreams for instance.

 I imagine that it would be anomalies such a these that might be able to 
puncture a hole in belief that these things are just a fabrication of the mind. 
 Certainly I recommend subjecting these accounts to a rigorous examination.

 Seems to me that knowledge of previous lives would be immensely useful, why do 
we forget it?

 Why do you think it would be so helpful?  I think it could be counter 

 If it is the case that there is rebirth, I think there is something to be said 
for a fresh start. (-:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Babies about to hatch!

2014-04-19 Thread authfriend
Oh, isn't she lovely! She looks like she knows something's about to happen. 
Maybe the chicks are beginning to tap on the shells? "I'm done, let me out of 

 Do send a post when they actually start to hatch. I'll keep checking too.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I've been watching this falcon cam on a state building in Harrisburg Pa. since 
about March 20th. The mother Peregrine has been incubating four eggs since 
then. They are due to hatch any day now. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What are the *benefits* of believing in God?

2014-04-19 Thread emilymaenot

 Do you think he would have known the difference?  AnyhooI just laugh at 
your obsession with using poor dead Fred as a baseball bat to hit Barry over 
the head with.  Are you getting the mileage you are looking for?  
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 On 4/19/2014 1:04 PM, emilymaenot@... mailto:emilymaenot@... wrote:

 Re: "Rama walked on air. He appeared to glide over the desert sands as if 
boards with rollers were attached to his legs. His legs appeared as light beams 
that formed triangles at the bottom. "


 Richard, you are soo JELLOS!
 Why should I be JELLOS of Barry? 
  I know, deep down, you just wish you had seen this.  Did you ever take 
hallucinogenics?  If you did, and they were any good, you should be able to 
 Yes, but Barry  said it was real, not a hallucination. 

 This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus 
http://www.avast.com/ protection is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What are the *benefits* of believing in God?

2014-04-19 Thread Michael Jackson
Ahh, but the metaphysical answer is that if you were still cognizant of who and 
what you were in that last incarnation, you would still be enamored or obsessed 
with the places and people you were with then, so that would interfere with 
getting on with your current life.

On Sat, 4/19/14, salyavin808  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What are the *benefits* of believing in God?
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Saturday, April 19, 2014, 5:46 PM
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
  wrote :
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
  wrote :
 wrote :
 And that is why I replied to
 Barry's request.  But then I was accused of
 pestering him to reply to me.
 yes Richard, that is the issue that I think atheists
 don't want to go near.  
 are better off staying in full denial, and passing off
 incidents that defy an easy explanation as just some sort of
 weird coincidence.  "Science works in mysterious
 ways"  or at least there is some scientific
 explanation for this or that occurrence, but the science has
 not progressed sufficiently to explain it.
 How do we explain things like a child being
 obsessed with events that took place before he was
  born, and knowing details about such events when he
 has had no exposure to them.
 How does
 something like that occur?
 A better question for you to ask would be, why
 doesn't it happen to everyone if reincarnation is a
 common occurrence? Why to so very
 One of the major stories I know of like that is of a
 Scottish boy who said he came from an island where planes
 land on the beach. It turns out there is one, called Barra.
 His family claimed there was no way he could have known but
 even when they were being interviewed there was a TV on in
 the background.
 I'm all for getting scientific about things like
 this but they are extremely rare and so not easy to test.
 Basically you have to iron out the possibility of them
 picking the information up anywhere else. The plural of
 anecdote really isn't data, I've yet to see a story
 like this that has reliable facts that are certain not to
 have been isolated from the
 And like a lot of beliefs about the mind it lacks any
 known mechanism about how it might work, which doesn't
 mean it can't but it would also have to explain why it
 works so rarely. Tricky for something physical. If
 that's what it is. Everyone dreams for
 Seems to me that knowledge of previous lives would be
 immensely useful, why do we forget it?

[FairfieldLife] Babies about to hatch!

2014-04-19 Thread Mike Dixon

I've been watching this falcon cam on a state building in Harrisburg Pa. since 
about March 20th. The mother Peregrine has been incubating four eggs since 
then. They are due to hatch any day now.http://www.pacast.com/players/falcon.asp

Re: [FairfieldLife] Why morality is important in reaching enlightenment.

2014-04-19 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/19/2014 1:38 PM, Share Long wrote:
Richard, I worked at MIU for 3 years and received one whole school 
year for free, tuition, room, board, the whole kit and caboodle, MA in 

And then they gave me a scholarship to earn the MS in Psychology!

Congratulations. If MJ had been able to follow a few simple rules and 
worked hard, he would have probably earned a Ph.D. in Computer Science 
at MUM years ago, */for free/*. He could be managing a data center in 
S.C., earning the big bucks. Go figure.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What are the *benefits* of believing in God?

2014-04-19 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/19/2014 1:04 PM, emilymae...@yahoo.com wrote:

Re: "Rama walked on air. He appeared to glide over the desert sands as 
if boards with rollers were attached to his legs. His legs appeared as 
light beams that formed triangles at the bottom. "

Richard, you are soo JELLOS!

Why should I be JELLOS of Barry?

 I know, deep down, you just wish you had seen this.  Did you ever 
take hallucinogenics?  If you did, and they were any good, you should 
be able to relate

Yes, but Barry  said it was real, not a hallucination.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What are the *benefits* of believing in God?

2014-04-19 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 4/19/2014 1:07 PM, emilymae...@yahoo.com wrote:
> Well, I certainly am glad that you have reduced the number of your 
> "special" posts to just over a hundred last week - still topping the 
> leader board though. 
We've been pretty busy the last few weeks.. It's time consuming 
providing all the lurkers and the informants something to read on FFL. 
They are just insatiable information junkies! It's a good thing we have 
Rick, Buck and Share to keep us informed about the comigs and goings of 
TMers up there. Keep up the good work.

P.S. We just got offered a free house at Ocean Shores, Grays Harbor 
County, Washington. Go figure.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Why morality is important in reaching enlightenment.

2014-04-19 Thread emilymaenot
Ahhh.good place to put that degree to work. :)   ---In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Came to the Funny Farm Lounge...
 On Saturday, April 19, 2014 1:44 PM, "emilymaenot@..."  wrote:
   What did you do with the MS in Psychology?  


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Richard, I worked at MIU for 3 years and received one whole school year for 
free, tuition, room, board, the whole kit and caboodle, MA in SCI!

And then they gave me a scholarship to earn the MS in Psychology!

 On Saturday, April 19, 2014 1:35 PM, Richard J. Williams  
   On 4/19/2014 1:00 PM, emilymaenot@... wrote:
 > It is pretty great they offered the courses for free. Glad you 
 > availed yourself of the opportunity.
 Most schools have programs for staff so they can take courses free or at 
 a discount - it's a win-win arrangement.
 > I knew a janitor who worked his career at the UW and not only enjoyed 
 > what he did, but was able to retire with enough to support he and his 
 > wife, albeit with a little downsizing, but who cares about all the 
 > stuff anyway.
 There are always a few who really do enjoy being poor and working at 
 menial jobs. The large majority of janitorial staff live below the 
 poverty level. People should be encouraged to take courses at a 
 community college in order to achieve financial independence. When it's 
 free, there's just not much excuse to not avail yourself of some 
 education and to try and better yourself. Go figure.
 This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus 
protection is active.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Why morality is important in reaching enlightenment.

2014-04-19 Thread Share Long
Came to the Funny Farm Lounge...

On Saturday, April 19, 2014 1:44 PM, "emilymae...@yahoo.com" 
What did you do with the MS in Psychology?  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Richard, I worked at MIU for 3 years and received one whole school year for 
free, tuition, room, board, the whole kit and caboodle, MA in SCI!

And then they gave me a scholarship to earn the MS in Psychology!

On Saturday, April 19, 2014 1:35 PM, Richard J. Williams  wrote:

On 4/19/2014 1:00 PM, emilymaenot@... wrote:
>> It is pretty great they offered the courses for free.  Glad you 
>> availed yourself of the opportunity.
>Most schools have programs for staff so they can take courses free or at 
>a discount - it's a win-win arrangement.
>> I knew a janitor who worked his career at the UW and not only enjoyed 
>> what he did, but was able to retire with enough to support he and his 
>> wife, albeit with a little downsizing, but who cares about all the 
>> stuff anyway.
>There are always a few who really do enjoy being poor and working at 
>menial jobs. The large majority of janitorial staff live below the 
>poverty level. People should be encouraged to take courses at a 
>community college in order to achieve financial independence. When it's 
>free, there's just not much excuse to not avail yourself of some 
>education and to try and better yourself. Go figure.
>This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus 
>protection is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Why morality is important in reaching enlightenment.

2014-04-19 Thread emilymaenot
What did you do with the MS in Psychology?  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Richard, I worked at MIU for 3 years and received one whole school year for 
free, tuition, room, board, the whole kit and caboodle, MA in SCI!

And then they gave me a scholarship to earn the MS in Psychology!

 On Saturday, April 19, 2014 1:35 PM, Richard J. Williams  
   On 4/19/2014 1:00 PM, emilymaenot@... wrote:
 > It is pretty great they offered the courses for free. Glad you 
 > availed yourself of the opportunity.
 Most schools have programs for staff so they can take courses free or at 
 a discount - it's a win-win arrangement.
 > I knew a janitor who worked his career at the UW and not only enjoyed 
 > what he did, but was able to retire with enough to support he and his 
 > wife, albeit with a little downsizing, but who cares about all the 
 > stuff anyway.
 There are always a few who really do enjoy being poor and working at 
 menial jobs. The large majority of janitorial staff live below the 
 poverty level. People should be encouraged to take courses at a 
 community college in order to achieve financial independence. When it's 
 free, there's just not much excuse to not avail yourself of some 
 education and to try and better yourself. Go figure.
 This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus 
protection is active.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Why morality is important in reaching enlightenment.

2014-04-19 Thread emilymaenot
Well, to quote Steve here as a response to your idea of "bettering 
yourself""And again, I feel the spiritual path is what makes life 
meaningful, but that path take on many forms."

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 On 4/19/2014 1:00 PM, emilymaenot@... mailto:emilymaenot@... wrote:
 > It is pretty great they offered the courses for free. Glad you 
 > availed yourself of the opportunity.
 Most schools have programs for staff so they can take courses free or at 
 a discount - it's a win-win arrangement.
 > I knew a janitor who worked his career at the UW and not only enjoyed 
 > what he did, but was able to retire with enough to support he and his 
 > wife, albeit with a little downsizing, but who cares about all the 
 > stuff anyway.
 There are always a few who really do enjoy being poor and working at 
 menial jobs. The large majority of janitorial staff live below the 
 poverty level. People should be encouraged to take courses at a 
 community college in order to achieve financial independence. When it's 
 free, there's just not much excuse to not avail yourself of some 
 education and to try and better yourself. Go figure.
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Why morality is important in reaching enlightenment.

2014-04-19 Thread Share Long
Richard, I worked at MIU for 3 years and received one whole school year for 
free, tuition, room, board, the whole kit and caboodle, MA in SCI!

And then they gave me a scholarship to earn the MS in Psychology!

On Saturday, April 19, 2014 1:35 PM, Richard J. Williams  
On 4/19/2014 1:00 PM, emilymae...@yahoo.com wrote:
> It is pretty great they offered the courses for free.  Glad you 
> availed yourself of the opportunity.
Most schools have programs for staff so they can take courses free or at 
a discount - it's a win-win arrangement.

> I knew a janitor who worked his career at the UW and not only enjoyed 
> what he did, but was able to retire with enough to support he and his 
> wife, albeit with a little downsizing, but who cares about all the 
> stuff anyway.
There are always a few who really do enjoy being poor and working at 
menial jobs. The large majority of janitorial staff live below the 
poverty level. People should be encouraged to take courses at a 
community college in order to achieve financial independence. When it's 
free, there's just not much excuse to not avail yourself of some 
education and to try and better yourself. Go figure.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Why morality is important in reaching enlightenment.

2014-04-19 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 4/19/2014 1:00 PM, emilymae...@yahoo.com wrote:
> It is pretty great they offered the courses for free.  Glad you 
> availed yourself of the opportunity.
Most schools have programs for staff so they can take courses free or at 
a discount - it's a win-win arrangement.

> I knew a janitor who worked his career at the UW and not only enjoyed 
> what he did, but was able to retire with enough to support he and his 
> wife, albeit with a little downsizing, but who cares about all the 
> stuff anyway.
There are always a few who really do enjoy being poor and working at 
menial jobs. The large majority of janitorial staff live below the 
poverty level. People should be encouraged to take courses at a 
community college in order to achieve financial independence. When it's 
free, there's just not much excuse to not avail yourself of some 
education and to try and better yourself. Go figure.

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is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What are the *benefits* of believing in God?

2014-04-19 Thread Richard J. Williams

If Barry didn't want to dance, why did he come to the dance party?

On 4/19/2014 11:11 AM, emilymae...@yahoo.com wrote:

Barry is scared of introspection.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

With all due respect, Steve, you seem to have been infected with 
JudyRobinitis, and expect me to argue with you just because you want 
to argue.

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is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What are the *benefits* of believing in God?

2014-04-19 Thread emilymaenot
Well, I certainly am glad that you have reduced the number of your "special" 
posts to just over a hundred last week - still topping the leader board though. 
 No shit, Sherlock.  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 On 4/19/2014 11:29 AM, steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... wrote:

 They are better off staying in full denial, and passing off incidents that 
defy an easy explanation as just some sort of weird coincidence. >
 Barry posted that when Rama filled the whole lecture hall with golden light, 
that he wasn't all that impressed - he figured it was just another guy who 
could do cool things with light. So, when was the last time you witnessed 
ANYONE levitating, surrounded by a bright golden light? Instead of denying this 
incident, Barry used it to make himself look special on a discussion group. Go 

 This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What are the *benefits* of believing in God?

2014-04-19 Thread emilymaenot
Re: "Rama walked on air. He appeared to glide over the desert sands as if 
boards with rollers were attached to his legs. His legs appeared as light beams 
that formed triangles at the bottom. "

 Richard, you are soo JELLOS!  I know, deep down, you just wish you had 
seen this.  Did you ever take hallucinogenics?  If you did, and they were any 
good, you should be able to relate

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 On 4/19/2014 12:46 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

 I'm all for getting scientific about things like this but they are extremely 
rare and so not easy to test. >
 According to Barry, the Rama levitation event happened hundreds of times and 
thousands of people witnessed it, so it wasn't that rare. It wouldn't be very 
difficult to test - Randi could set up a lab test, but Rama is dead now and he 
didn't teach Barry the secret. Maybe Rama reincarnated as Barry - they both 
like dogs and stage shows. But, since Barry was already born by the time Rama 
offed himself, maybe instead of reincarnating as Barry, Rama just took over the 
Barry body and mind - sort of like in the movie Transcendence. That would 
explain some things, like why Barry likes movies so much and electronic music, 
just like Rama. Go figure.
 "Rama walked on air. He appeared to glide over the desert sands as if boards 
with rollers were attached to his legs. His legs appeared as light beams that 
formed triangles at the bottom. "

 This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus 
http://www.avast.com/ protection is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Why morality is important in reaching enlightenment.

2014-04-19 Thread emilymaenot
It is pretty great they offered the courses for free.  Glad you availed 
yourself of the opportunity.  I knew a janitor who worked his career at the UW 
and not only enjoyed what he did, but was able to retire with enough to support 
he and his wife, albeit with a little downsizing, but who cares about all the 
stuff anyway.  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 On 4/19/2014 11:38 AM, emilymaenot@... mailto:emilymaenot@... wrote:

 Re: One janitor I know is still working there after twenty-five years..

 Is it a "failure" that he is still a janitor? 
 Not if you enjoy cleaning up after adolescent children all day and night for 
twenty years for minimum wage. What I couldn't understand is why most of the 
staff didn't take some free courses at the college. In two years, I saw kids 
get degrees and certifications and start making some real money. One student I 
knew went through the two-year RN program and is now making $75,00 a year. Go 

 This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What are the *benefits* of believing in God?

2014-04-19 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/19/2014 12:46 PM, salyavin808 wrote:
I'm all for getting scientific about things like this but they are 
extremely rare and so not easy to test.

According to Barry, the Rama levitation event happened hundreds of times 
and thousands of people witnessed it, so it wasn't that rare. It 
wouldn't be very difficult to test - Randi could set up a lab test, but 
Rama is dead now and he didn't teach Barry the secret. Maybe Rama 
reincarnated as Barry - they both like dogs and stage shows. But, since 
Barry was already born by the time Rama offed himself, maybe instead of 
reincarnating as Barry, Rama just took over the Barry body and mind - 
sort of like in the movie Transcendence. That would explain some things, 
like why Barry likes movies so much and electronic music, just like 
Rama. Go figure.

"Rama walked on air. He appeared to glide over the desert sands as if 
boards with rollers were attached to his legs. His legs appeared as 
light beams that formed triangles at the bottom. "


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Why morality is important in reaching enlightenment.

2014-04-19 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/19/2014 11:38 AM, emilymae...@yahoo.com wrote:

Re: One janitor I know is still working there after twenty-five 

Is it a "failure" that he is still a janitor?

Not if you enjoy cleaning up after adolescent children all day and night 
for twenty years for minimum wage. What I couldn't understand is why 
most of the staff didn't take some free courses at the college. In two 
years, I saw kids get degrees and certifications and start making some 
real money. One student I knew went through the two-year RN program and 
is now making $75,00 a year. Go figure.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What are the *benefits* of believing in God?

2014-04-19 Thread salyavin808


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 And that is why I replied to Barry's request.  But then I was accused of 
pestering him to reply to me. 

 But yes Richard, that is the issue that I think atheists don't want to go 

 They are better off staying in full denial, and passing off incidents that 
defy an easy explanation as just some sort of weird coincidence.  "Science 
works in mysterious ways"  or at least there is some scientific explanation for 
this or that occurrence, but the science has not progressed sufficiently to 
explain it.  



 How do we explain things like a child being obsessed with events that took 
place before he was  born, and knowing details about such events when he has 
had no exposure to them.

 How does something like that occur?

 A better question for you to ask would be, why doesn't it happen to everyone 
if reincarnation is a common occurrence? Why to so very few?

 One of the major stories I know of like that is of a Scottish boy who said he 
came from an island where planes land on the beach. It turns out there is one, 
called Barra. His family claimed there was no way he could have known but even 
when they were being interviewed there was a TV on in the background.

 I'm all for getting scientific about things like this but they are extremely 
rare and so not easy to test. Basically you have to iron out the possibility of 
them picking the information up anywhere else. The plural of anecdote really 
isn't data, I've yet to see a story like this that has reliable facts that are 
certain not to have been isolated from the child. 

 And like a lot of beliefs about the mind it lacks any known mechanism about 
how it might work, which doesn't mean it can't but it would also have to 
explain why it works so rarely. Tricky for something physical. If that's what 
it is. Everyone dreams for instance.

 Seems to me that knowledge of previous lives would be immensely useful, why do 
we forget it?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What are the *benefits* of believing in God?

2014-04-19 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/19/2014 11:29 AM, steve.sun...@yahoo.com wrote:
They are better off staying in full denial, and passing off incidents 
that defy an easy explanation as just some sort of weird coincidence.

Barry posted that when Rama filled the whole lecture hall with golden 
light, that he wasn't all that impressed - he figured it was just 
another guy who could do cool things with light. So, when was the last 
time you witnessed ANYONE levitating, surrounded by a bright golden 
light? Instead of denying this incident, Barry used it to make himself 
look special on a discussion group. Go figure.

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is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What are the *benefits* of believing in God?

2014-04-19 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/19/2014 11:59 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

And that is why I replied to Barry's request.  But then I was accused 
of pestering him to reply to me.

But yes Richard, that is the issue that I think atheists don't want to 
go near.

They are better off staying in full denial, and passing off incidents 
that defy an easy explanation as just some sort of weird coincidence. 
 "Science works in mysterious ways"  or at least there is some 
scientific explanation for this or that occurrence, but the science 
has not progressed sufficiently to explain it.

Denial about what?

Denial that when Rama levitated it was a miracle? Or, a denial that Rama 
was the Last Incarnation of Lord Vishnu?

Who passes off things as a weird coincidence?

It was a weird in my opinion because Barry /just happened to be present/ 
when one of the most important events of all time occured, after the 
invention of the lever.

So what if not everything can be explained NOW. Does that mean we 
should chuck out what we have worked out?

It seems like, with power like that, to be able to levitate hundreds of 
times, Rama could have done some good with his talent instead of sending 
Barry out to work and give him more money.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What are the *benefits* of believing in God?

2014-04-19 Thread steve.sundur


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 And that is why I replied to Barry's request.  But then I was accused of 
pestering him to reply to me. 

 But yes Richard, that is the issue that I think atheists don't want to go 

 They are better off staying in full denial, and passing off incidents that 
defy an easy explanation as just some sort of weird coincidence.  "Science 
works in mysterious ways"  or at least there is some scientific explanation for 
this or that occurrence, but the science has not progressed sufficiently to 
explain it.  

 Denial about what? 

 Denial that we come into this world not as a blank slate, but with tendencies 
and predispositions that shape our lifetime.

 Who passes off things as a weird coincidence? 


 How do we explain things like a child being obsessed with events that took 
place before he was  born, and knowing details about such events when he has 
had no exposure to them.

 How does something like that occur?

 So what if not everything can be explained NOW. Does that mean we should chuck 
out what we have worked out?


 No, but what I am saying is that there are things that don't appear to be 
within the purview of science to explain, at least anytime soon.  And so, if we 
want to understand them, we need to work out some theory.  And the theory that 
I have worked out in my mind, is that we have been here before, and the 
"before" shapes our experiences "now".  

 Now for the record, this may not be anything that needs to be known for our 
daily  goings on,  but they are entomological questions that we all think about 
to one degree or another. or at least I do.

 We'll wait.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 On 4/18/2014 9:43 PM, steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... wrote:

 To help me understand this, I'm asking the believers in God here to speak up 
and tell me what the BENEFITS of such a belief are. >
 Because, it will help you understand karma and reincarnation and what it is 
that reincarnates and what reaps the karma?

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What are the *benefits* of believing in God?

2014-04-19 Thread salyavin808


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 And that is why I replied to Barry's request.  But then I was accused of 
pestering him to reply to me. 

 But yes Richard, that is the issue that I think atheists don't want to go 

 They are better off staying in full denial, and passing off incidents that 
defy an easy explanation as just some sort of weird coincidence.  "Science 
works in mysterious ways"  or at least there is some scientific explanation for 
this or that occurrence, but the science has not progressed sufficiently to 
explain it.  

 Denial about what? 

 Who passes off things as a weird coincidence? 

 So what if not everything can be explained NOW. Does that mean we should chuck 
out what we have worked out?

 We'll wait.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 On 4/18/2014 9:43 PM, steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... wrote:

 To help me understand this, I'm asking the believers in God here to speak up 
and tell me what the BENEFITS of such a belief are. >
 Because, it will help you understand karma and reincarnation and what it is 
that reincarnates and what reaps the karma?

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http://www.avast.com/ protection is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Why morality is important in reaching enlightenment.

2014-04-19 Thread emilymaenot
Re: One janitor I know is still working there after twenty-five years.. 

 Is it a "failure" that he is still a janitor? 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 On 4/18/2014 8:09 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
 > Spoken like the puffed up with TM specialness fool you are. If you had 
 > ever served on staff at MIU you would have heard Big Bopper Bevan 
 > speak many times to the staff on the total importance of the dedicated 
 > staff in serving Marshy and the Movement and bringing the world to 
 > enlightenment. We were the guys who baked the bread, cleaned the 
 > toilets, washed the sheets and kept the heating and ac going. But your 
 > arrogance doesn't allow you to appreciate the everyday joes who 
 > actually allow your big shot gurus to live in luxury, do you?
 Well, I became a "big shot" through hard work. Not special because of TM 
 - I started out as a janitor at the school worked my way up from there - 
 I had the will power to persevere and follow the rules. It is just 
 amazing how may janitors never took a single course at the college, and 
 the courses were FREE. Go figure.
 One janitor I know is still working there after twenty-five years. He 
 must have seen countless generations graduate in his time. All schools 
 need janitors, but at some point you need to take on some responsibility 
 and stop blaming others for your failures.
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protection is active.
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[FairfieldLife] Don't worry about God, Worry about Robots

2014-04-19 Thread Bhairitu
Just because you can build it doesn't mean you should.  Of course then 
the stockholders will scream "you better build it or brand X will and 
our stock will go in the toilet."  Such is the dilemma of technology.  
Here is an article about some scientists concern that we may be building 
robots that could go out of control.  Terminator, anyone?


One could redo "Planet of the Apes" where the astronauts return and find 
earth inhabited by nothing but machines and they become the target of a 
hunt.  Believe me their are goofy young kids that think you're an 
asshole if you want to impede technology and trans-humanism.   I look 
upon them as subspecies.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What are the *benefits* of believing in God?

2014-04-19 Thread steve.sundur
And that is why I replied to Barry's request.  But then I was accused of 
pestering him to reply to me. 

 But yes Richard, that is the issue that I think atheists don't want to go 

 They are better off staying in full denial, and passing off incidents that 
defy an easy explanation as just some sort of weird coincidence.  "Science 
works in mysterious ways"  or at least there is some scientific explanation for 
this or that occurrence, but the science has not progressed sufficiently to 
explain it.  

 We'll wait.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 On 4/18/2014 9:43 PM, steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... wrote:

 To help me understand this, I'm asking the believers in God here to speak up 
and tell me what the BENEFITS of such a belief are. >
 Because, it will help you understand karma and reincarnation and what it is 
that reincarnates and what reaps the karma?

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http://www.avast.com/ protection is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Jennifer Aniston: Transcendental meditation keeps me looking good

2014-04-19 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/19/2014 5:40 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:

Ah, but some people seem to be. On the other hand, the last photo 
shows Girish Varma being arrested for rape, so at least one part of 
him has been rejuvenated... :-)

Never pass up a tragic situation if it can help you win a religious debate.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What are the *benefits* of believing in God?

2014-04-19 Thread emilymaenot
Barry is scared of introspection. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
 With all due respect, Steve, you seem to have been infected with 
JudyRobinitis, and expect me to argue with you just because you want to argue. 
I posted what I had to say, you had the opportunity to post what you had to say 
in response, and you did so. I even answered once. I don't see that I "owe" you 
anything more as "follow up," just because you want to turn it into some mock 
"debate" that you feel you can "win." 

If you have more to say, say it. The fact that you weren't able to put 
everything you wanted to say into your first reply post does not obligate me to 
get involved in a longer series of posts with you. Frankly, whenever someone 
does, you tend to just repeat yourself, rather than introducing anything new. 
I'd rather skip that part and stand on what I said originally. If you don't 
like what I said or disagree with it, feel free to post more about that to your 
heart's content. That doesn't require me to participate. 

It is not problem Barry.  I am only doing what you are doing - putting 
something out there.  I do not care if you reply or not.

 I am sorry you interpret it as if am trying to engage you, or have some 
expectation that you need to reply.

 I think you may have developed some hyper sensitivity in that area.

 BTW, I was expecting the comparison to Judy to come up at some point.  Now, 
throwing   in Robin, well that was a little unexpected. (-:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: !Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam is Coming to Fairfield!

2014-04-19 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 4/19/2014 6:07 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> God Almighty, what can you say to such shit thinking. Rather than 
> being small minded, it shows they have retained some independence of 
> thinking and have not been completely ruined, but you Nazi minded 
> fellow who goose steps in lock step with whomever you think is the 
> biggest cheese on the block want to say there is something wrong with 
> their "practice" - and it all boils down to whomever Benjy Creme, a 
> shameless fraud himself who ripped off his schtick from CW Leadbeater, 
> designates as the Big Cheese. But you are right - there is something 
> wrong with their practice - they are doing a mediocre meditation which 
> is really a Hindu devotional practice designed to get Hindu gods to 
> give 'em a whole bunch of stuff. Looks like the Hindu gods gave 'em 
> the booby prize when they "blessed" them with the rajas.
As opposed to your practice of Chinese communist Kung Fu? Go figure.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Is Classical Theism Really the Strongest Version of the God Idea?

2014-04-19 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/19/2014 10:19 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:

Judy Stein Argumentation Clinic, Lesson #1

It's all about Judy.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What are the *benefits* of believing in God?

2014-04-19 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/18/2014 9:43 PM, steve.sun...@yahoo.com wrote:

To help me understand this, I'm asking the believers in God here to 
speak up and tell me what the BENEFITS of such a belief are.

Because, it will help you understand karma and reincarnation and what it 
is that reincarnates and what reaps the karma?

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is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What are the *benefits* of believing in God?

2014-04-19 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 4/18/2014 8:04 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> That would be a grand experiment for the TMO to undertake. Look at the 
> faith based beliefs in non-TM settings amongst non-TM groups and the 
> same look is given to TM faith based activities and happenings. Lets 
> see whose faith has the greatest effect in the real concrete world - 
> the TM True Believer's faith or the non-TM True Believers in whatever.
In your case, the experiment would probably find that you were doing 
well when you were at MUM, but now, not so good.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What are the *benefits* of believing in God?

2014-04-19 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/19/2014 8:59 AM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:

You are a fossil, a stone, petrified. You stay the same, you do not move.

He seems like that now, but keep in mind that Barry did a 180 after he 
got hurt by Judy over on Google Groups. You're talking about a guy that 
was once a cult apologist - he sold the snake oil for over twenty-five 
years. Now, it's all about Judy. Remember, if Judy is for it, Barry is 
against it. It's that simple, Ann.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: !Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam is Coming to Fairfield!

2014-04-19 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 4/18/2014 8:12 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> that's interesting that some would have the reaction. I mean, didn't 
> they know the rajas wore such outfits?
Their outfits probably don't look any stranger than your Kung Fu 
costume. Go figure.

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is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Why morality is important in reaching enlightenment.

2014-04-19 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 4/18/2014 8:09 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> Spoken like the puffed up with TM specialness fool you are. If you had 
> ever served on staff at MIU you would have heard Big Bopper Bevan 
> speak many times to the staff on the total importance of the dedicated 
> staff in serving Marshy and the Movement and bringing the world to 
> enlightenment. We were the guys who baked the bread, cleaned the 
> toilets, washed the sheets and kept the heating and ac going. But your 
> arrogance doesn't allow you to appreciate the everyday joes who 
> actually allow your big shot gurus to live in luxury, do you?
Well, I became a "big shot" through hard work. Not special because of TM 
- I started out as a janitor at the school worked my way up from there - 
I had the will power to persevere and follow the rules. It is just 
amazing how may janitors never took a single course at the college, and 
the courses were FREE. Go figure.

One janitor I know is still working there after twenty-five years. He 
must have seen countless generations graduate in his time. All schools 
need janitors, but at some point you need to take on some responsibility 
and stop blaming others for your failures.

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is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: !Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam is Coming to Fairfield!

2014-04-19 Thread dhamiltony2k5
This is all an interesting consideration about Transcendental Meditation. Very 
much like Brahmananda Saraswati, our Guru Dev, meditators here 
characteristically are very practical, down to earth and real in their 
spirituality. You have read the discourses of Guru Dev, Maharishi's teacher? 
People here are quite experienced spiritually. For instance meditators well 
know that if there is no useful shakti in something presented as spiritual then 
they will mostly go on to the next satsanga. Yes, there is a wide 
disheartenment in the old community of TM teachers and meditators with the 
specialness a Raja stick in TM. Even the TM.org is hiding the gold foil hats 
and robes of the Rajas. What were they thinking coming in to that meeting in 
full regalia? Certainly they considered it. That would have been a good 
question to have asked of Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam [MAR], CEO and Teacher of 
all of TM from the open Microphone at the meeting and heard an explaination of 
their need to wear that stuff in public. Nablusoss, you seem to have been 
around that more than anyone posting here. Maybe you can take a whack at the 
reasoning that they would come to visit America dressed like that. After 
morning meditation right now I got some work today with my livestock to move 
them out to green pastures and I don't got time towards to representing that 
POV on behalf of them here. Alex is related to it, may be he has some insight 
about the 'why' of gold foil hats. It is a question everyone asks about the 
meeting, “did they wear the hats?”. Notably, John Hagelin did not wear that 
stuff. That proly took some guts. Personally I am partial to a golden straw 
Amish broad brimmed hat for summer work. 
 Out standing in his fields,




 mjackson74 writes:
 God Almighty, what can you say to such shit thinking. Rather than being small 
minded, it shows they have retained some independence of thinking and have not 
been completely ruined, but you Nazi minded fellow who goose steps in lock step 
with whomever you think is the biggest cheese on the block want to say there is 
something wrong with their "practice" - and it all boils down to whomever Benjy 
Creme, a shameless fraud himself who ripped off his schtick from CW Leadbeater, 
designates as the Big Cheese. But you are right - there is something wrong with 
their practice - they are doing a mediocre meditation which is really a Hindu 
devotional practice designed to get Hindu gods to give 'em a whole bunch of 
stuff. Looks like the Hindu gods gave 'em the booby prize when they "blessed" 
them with the rajas.


 Nablusoss1008 writes:

 Buck, if they are so
 small-minded about how someone dress (!) something must
 be not right with their practice. Such a narrow-mindedness is unhealthy and 
indicates that something not right is going
 on in the top floor. I can't understand how they can
 express such silliness, take a look at what the Indians just
http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-27031180These people in
 Fairfield really, really needs a checking to get out of
 those small boundries which obviously are bothering them.
 You know that group-checkings are easy to do, why don't
 you organize it ? 
 Yes, the Raja part
 of TM is such a small
 circle in TM and of the larger TM community but people do
 wonder if they
 are going to keep doing it. When you talk to meditators in
 community there is a general disheartenment that those guys
 wear that
 stuff representing the movement and the meditating community
 Generally you ask people here if they are meditators and the
 meditators respond saying, “yes, but not that.. .”,
 pointing in
 the general direction of campus and Vedic
 Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: !Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam is Coming
 to Fairfield!
 out in the Dome entry area
 and on the sidewalks to the parking areas as the meeting
 closed and
 people left: a big WTF reaction was, that they actually
 the gold foil hats and robes and stuff. I can't say
 that Alex's
 brother or some of those others following after
 Maharaja Adhiraj
 Rajaraam also in full regalia did not necessarily look or
 particularly ethereal in the cult outfit. Though that
 just been the bad light on them. It did sort of look and
 feel like 
 The Return of the King set for The Lord of the
 It was just a little narcissistic. 
 However, Hagelin and our other movement dignitaries seated
 on stage
 facing the crowd were dressed secular in suits and such. 
 was dignity and was all more corporate than cult. Lots of
 people with high-mindedness and well-intentioned. Deserves
 only a
 watching and of course transparency to see. It was a good
 meeting of
 the remaining meditating community.
 -Buck in the Dome
 mjackson74 asks:
 did he

Re: [FairfieldLife] Jennifer Aniston: Transcendental meditation keeps me looking good

2014-04-19 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 From: nablusoss1008 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, April 19, 2014 12:27 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Jennifer Aniston: Transcendental meditation keeps me 
looking good
   You are still not too old for a little rejuvenation !



Ah, but some people seem to be. On the other hand, the last photo shows Girish 
Varma being arrested for rape, so at least one part of him has been 
rejuvenated... :-)


 Anybody else see the similarity in looks between Bevan and someone else on 
this list? Bevan could be his brother based on looks. It's just an observation, 
not a condemnation.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More Mother India -- "Take your poo to the loo"

2014-04-19 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 4/18/2014 7:39 PM, emptyb...@yahoo.com wrote:
> Yep ... the practice is the end-all of it all. Why it's just sittin' 
> on my ass looking oh-so-lightened. Ca..., Can..., Can't  you all see 
> my aura?"
It's not that complicated. All you have to do is sit, and be aware of 
being aware. According to the Soto Zen Master Dogen, this "just sitting" 
and being aware IS the enlightened state. Your cup is too full - first 
you must empty your cup before you can understand emptiness.

In reality, there is no thought, no flow of thought, no not flow of 
thought; thoughts and things do not go anywhere, and they don't move. If 
you observe your own thoughts by just being aware, you will find that 
they are insubstantial, like a mirage, an illusion, horns on a hare. 
That's all you need to know about enlightenment.

Read more:

'The Three Pillars of Zen'
Teaching, Practice and Enlightenment
By Phillip Kapleau
Anchor Books, 1989
p. 178

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Ashes and Snow by Gregory Colbert

2014-04-19 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Glad you liked it. As Maharishi said to the CP's in Rishikesh: "The 
relationship between man and animals is very delicate"

 A deep relationship with any animal is a privilege.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What are the *benefits* of believing in God?

2014-04-19 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 From: "steve.sundur@..." 
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The concept of a God *complicates* things, rather than simplifying them. 

 That would be fine with me.  I am trying to go about understanding things, 
like most of us.  And for me, I've come to the conclusion that there is a 
higher power at work, even if there is much I don't understand about it. 

And I have come to the opposite conclusion. End of story. It would seem that 
there is nothing further to discuss, unless you feel the need to try to convert 
me to your conclusion. Me, I feel no such need. Believe whatever you want.  

 Barry, it is you who have lost your edge.  You would be well advised not to 
bring up subjects or issues that you are unwilling, or unable to follow through 


With all due respect, Steve, you seem to have been infected with JudyRobinitis, 
and expect me to argue with you just because you want to argue. I posted what I 
had to say, you had the opportunity to post what you had to say in response, 
and you did so. I even answered once. I don't see that I "owe" you anything 
more as "follow up," just because you want to turn it into some mock "debate" 
that you feel you can "win." 

If you have more to say, say it. The fact that you weren't able to put 
everything you wanted to say into your first reply post does not obligate me to 
get involved in a longer series of posts with you. Frankly, whenever someone 
does, you tend to just repeat yourself, rather than introducing anything new. 
I'd rather skip that part and stand on what I said originally. If you don't 
like what I said or disagree with it, feel free to post more about that to your 
heart's content. That doesn't require me to participate. 

This is all because you, Bawwy, are a solidified, narrow-minded and completely 
closed individual who is, by his own admission, unwilling or maybe even unable, 
to consider that his currently-held ideas and beliefs need modification. You 
are a freak of nature, as I have ascertained before. You are a fossil, a stone, 
petrified. You stay the same, you do not move. You might as well be dead. You 
are dead in all the ways that count. But then, I am talking to a deaf man, a 
blind man - someone who feels there is nothing left to know. Someone who 
refuses to allow anything to shake his fortified structures of belief. Add to 
that your odiousness and violence when these belief structures are questioned  
and we have one hell of an example of how humans can become so seriously 
isolated by their own choices and fears.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Is Classical Theism Really the Strongest Version of the God Idea?

2014-04-19 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/18/2014 6:02 PM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:

It's really funny when you think about how Judy masterfully pulls
them into the rabbit hole again and again. It's simply amazing!
They sound well-read but would anyone like to wager they probably
never even heard of Feser before this dialog? If they actually
know what Judy is talking about, they're even further down the
rabbit hole than I realized. They sound like doctors of
metaphysics. In their zeal to discredit Judy, they won't even
acknowledge Barry's levitation claims. Go figure.

I'm not a philosopher. I'm not a scientist. I'm not religious.
I know there are wonders all around me. I know that I know
virtually nothing and yet my life seems to continue with some
degree of order and flow. This probably means there is
intelligence beyond what I contain and what I consciously
know. That is good enough for me. The fact that I'm not
ultimately the driver behind the wheel is a huge relief.
That's about all I want to say about it.

A Chinese sage once fell down into a ditch because he was always
walking around looking up at the sky.

We don't even know what credentials these guys have. While it is 
believable that Judy has read Feser and maybe others, it's not clear how 
well-read the others are. But it is funny how easily they get drawn into 
a religious debate. It's almost like they are trying to convince 
themselves of something. They don't seem to be familiar with the 
Singularity or the Field in quantum physics. I'm not sure they are up on 
the latest speculations and theories in theology or comparative 
religions. As an editor, I'd think Judy has much more exposure to 
current writings on theism. Go figure.

I believe in life; what it does to you, and what you do back.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "The End" must be nigh

2014-04-19 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/18/2014 2:24 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

Sorry man, are we going on a bit?

It ought to be over before the predicted end of the universe

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

Wow, all this chatter about God, Theism, etc yawn. The end must be
nigh. Oh wait, never mind, this is the Funny Farm Lounge. :-D

There is nothing quite so comical as three or four atheists debating the 
existence of supernatural beings. What is even more amusing is that 
Sally and Ajax apparently thought Judy was a theist. Barry knew better 
but he prattled on. Go figure.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What are the *benefits* of believing in God?

2014-04-19 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/18/2014 8:22 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
For the record, I have no problem with "some sort of fundamental 
energy" that underlies the universe. What I take issue with is whether 
this energy "structures" the universe in the sense of either creating 
it or maintaining it, hands-on. I take issue with its supposed 
sentience or ability to have a Plan, much less manifest one.

So, I wonder what sort of fundamental energy would underlie 
reincarnation or karma? Is a just a mechanical process? If so, where 
does a person get their individual personality and consciousness? Go figure.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why does TM seem to focus on losers?

2014-04-19 Thread steve.sundur
Michael, I don't know if I was so much a true believer in that I surrendered 
all my analytical skills. Yes, I believed in the message, and  spread it pretty 
effectively I think. That is to say the basic technique of TM.   

 Perhaps, like many, I was searching for something "more" back in the day, and 
TM seemed to be the answer for that.  And so, I became a teacher and graduated 
from MIU.

 Throughout that time, there were aspects of the organization that I found 
ridged and a bit misguided and so it lost some of its charm for me.  But there 
was no single event that caused me to become disillusioned.  In fact I've 
mentioned that after I graduated in 1981, I continued to do group program until 
the time I got married and had a child.

 And now, I feel as though that spiritual journey has entered a different 
phase.  As far as my mediation, I still do that after work before I come home, 
or after dinner when I feel a need.  I find it relaxing, although I don't do it 
in the context of a spiritual technique, if that makes any sense.

 And again, I feel the spiritual path is what makes life meaningful, but that 
path take on many forms.  My wife is a pretty devout Catholic, and I think she 
has been served well by her adherence to that practice.

 Thanks for the inquiry.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Steve, I may be wrong but didn't you recently allude to you being a real true 
believer at one time who became disillusioned with certain things about TM or 
at least with the TMO? Would you mind telling what aspects you became 
disillusioned with and what aspects you are still alright with?
 On Sat, 4/19/14, steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@...> wrote:
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why does TM seem to focus on losers?
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Saturday, April 19, 2014, 1:49 AM
 FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 And *this* gets
 me to thinking about whether Maharishi always pitched TM to
 losers and people with problems and low self esteem because
 they become the best disciples. And *disciples* is what he
 was looking for.
 Or is it possible that for whatever reason the
 generation that responded most strongly to Maharishi's
 message was a generation that was searching for something
 different.  Is it possible that this may have been a
 reason, or do you prefer just to go with the low self
 esteem, loser
 And is it possible that somehow you have gotten
 more jaded in your outlook on life such that everything to
 do with TM, at least, gets reduced to the worst possible
 This is after all an organization that you left
 more than 40 years ago, and yet you are one of the most
 active participants in a forum which has this organization
 as it's focus.
 I don't know if the TB experiment you allude
 to regularly really makes
 You appear to have a pretty big investment in
 anything, and everything
 Am I wrong about
 Think about it. Does the TMO really spend
 any energy trying to market TM to "regular
 people," who have few problems in life and are just
 looking to enjoy it more? They do not. They focus on People
 With Problems.
 Kids doing badly in school. Criminals locked
 away in prisons. Veterans with PTSD. 
 Can't this be seen as a continuation of
 a long-standing trend to look for prospective new students
 among populations who are more likely to be easy to convert
 into True Believers and thus become disciples? 
 It's just an idea. YMMV. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What are the *benefits* of believing in God?

2014-04-19 Thread steve.sundur


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
 With all due respect, Steve, you seem to have been infected with 
JudyRobinitis, and expect me to argue with you just because you want to argue. 
I posted what I had to say, you had the opportunity to post what you had to say 
in response, and you did so. I even answered once. I don't see that I "owe" you 
anything more as "follow up," just because you want to turn it into some mock 
"debate" that you feel you can "win." 

If you have more to say, say it. The fact that you weren't able to put 
everything you wanted to say into your first reply post does not obligate me to 
get involved in a longer series of posts with you. Frankly, whenever someone 
does, you tend to just repeat yourself, rather than introducing anything new. 
I'd rather skip that part and stand on what I said originally. If you don't 
like what I said or disagree with it, feel free to post more about that to your 
heart's content. That doesn't require me to participate. 

It is not problem Barry.  I am only doing what you are doing - putting 
something out there.  I do not care if you reply or not.

 I am sorry you interpret it as if am trying to engage you, or have some 
expectation that you need to reply.

 I think you may have developed some hyper sensitivity in that area.

 BTW, I was expecting the comparison to Judy to come up at some point.  Now, 
throwing   in Robin, well that was a little unexpected. (-:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Jennifer Aniston: Transcendental meditation keeps me looking good

2014-04-19 Thread salyavin808

President of the Council of Supreme Intelligence! Will that ever not be funny?  


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 From: nablusoss1008 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, April 19, 2014 12:27 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Jennifer Aniston: Transcendental meditation keeps me 
looking good
   You are still not too old for a little rejuvenation !



Ah, but some people seem to be. On the other hand, the last photo shows Girish 
Varma being arrested for rape, so at least one part of him has been 
rejuvenated... :-)



Re: [FairfieldLife] Ashes and Snow by Gregory Colbert

2014-04-19 Thread Share Long
Hauntingly beautiful Nablusoss, thank you for posting. I especially love the 
frames in which a person is sleeping near or on the animal. That moves me so 

On Saturday, April 19, 2014 4:30 AM, nablusoss1008  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: !Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam is Coming to Fairfield!

2014-04-19 Thread Michael Jackson
God Almighty, what can you say to such shit thinking. Rather than being small 
minded, it shows they have retained some independence of thinking and have not 
been completely ruined, but you Nazi  minded fellow who goose steps in lock 
step with whomever you think is the biggest cheese on the block want to say 
there is something wrong with their "practice" - and it all boils down to 
whomever Benjy Creme, a shameless fraud himself who ripped off his schtick from 
CW Leadbeater, designates as the Big Cheese. But you are right - there is 
something wrong with their practice - they are doing a mediocre meditation 
which is really a Hindu devotional practice designed to get Hindu gods to give 
'em a whole bunch of stuff. Looks like the Hindu gods gave 'em the booby prize 
when they "blessed" them with the rajas.

On Sat, 4/19/14, nablusoss1008  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: !Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam is Coming to 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Saturday, April 19, 2014, 8:29 AM
 Buck, if they are so
 small-minded about how someone dress (!) something must
 be not right with their practice. Such a narrow-mindedness
 is unhealthy and indicates that something not right is going
 on in the top floor. I can't understand how they can
 express such silliness, take a look at what the Indians just
 did:http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-27031180These people in
 Fairfield really, really needs a checking to get out of
 those small boundries which obviously are bothering them.
 You know that group-checkings are easy to do, why don't
 you organize it ?
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
  wrote :
 Yes, the Raja part
 of TM is such a small
 circle in TM and of the larger TM community but people do
 wonder if they
 are going to keep doing it.  When you talk to meditators in
 community there is a general disheartenment that those guys
 wear that
 stuff representing the movement and the meditating community
 Generally you ask people here if they are meditators and the
 meditators respond saying, “yes, but not that.. .”,
 pointing in
 the general direction of campus and Vedic
 Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: !Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam is Coming
 to Fairfield!
 out in the Dome entry area
 and on the sidewalks to the  parking areas as the meeting
 closed and
 people left: a big WTF reaction was, that they actually
 the gold foil hats and robes and stuff.  I can't say
 that Alex's
 brother or some of those others following after
 Maharaja Adhiraj
 Rajaraam also in full regalia did not necessarily look or
 particularly ethereal in the cult outfit.  Though that
 just been the bad light on them.  It did sort of look and
 feel like 
 The Return of the King set for The Lord of the
 It was just a little narcissistic. 
 However,  Hagelin and our other movement dignitaries seated
 on stage
 facing the crowd  were dressed secular in suits and such.  
 was dignity and was all more corporate than cult.  Lots of
 people with high-mindedness and well-intentioned.  Deserves
 only a
 watching and of course transparency to see.  It was a good
 meeting of
 the remaining meditating community.
 -Buck in the Dome
 mjackson74 asks:
 did he say about the relationship of the US movement to
 he was not asked about that so did not get to that.
  Uptown that readily gets asked by meditators but it
 was not asked last night for him to comment on.
 spoke about that.   That as a larger community
 Is still unresolved, as in not spoken
 to. -Buck
 Nablusoss, here in the states some
 FFers hie off in winter to a place in Florida called Vero
 Beach. Probably not as nice as Nice (-:
 Anyway, yes the meeting was good, though it went a little
 too late for my preference. imo Dr. Nader embodies a loving
 heart and brilliant mind and down to earth practicality. I
 think Maharishi chose wisely when he chose him.
 Very nice report Buck, thanks for posting. I'll
 soon have a community meeting myself in Nice where I'm
 contemplating buying a house. Seems there are quite a few
 meditators down there in the sun
 Meeting.Was a Nice
 meditating community
 meeting.  Non-meditators and townies would not have
 understood a lot
 of it.  Though nothing was said that they could not have
 heard.  It
 had some meditation news, some theoretical type of
 related to consciousness and meditation, some celebration,
 John Hagelin was a fun and
 witty MC, Bevan called in with some  nice comments.  We all
 got to
 sing the TM happy birthday song at a point in the 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why does TM seem to focus on winners ?

2014-04-19 Thread Michael Jackson
You are wrong again. I am not bitter, nor do I feel "spurned" by Marshy - I 
just recognize him for the fraud he was. I did once believe he was enlightened, 
but that was when I was deep in the TM Brain Dead lifestyle, and belief in his 
"enlightenment" and his version of enlightenment (which doesn't exist) was one 
of the first of my illusions to go.

On Sat, 4/19/14, steve.sun...@yahoo.com  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why does TM seem to focus on winners ?
   Michael, you
 once offered your services to help me get over my TBerness.
  I now make the same offer to you.
 Lesson One: Maharishi was never a God, and is not
 God.  He did not possess supernatural powers and never
 claimed to have them. Now, I realize that this may be hard
 for your to accept.
 act more like a spurned lover who has put the object of his
 affections on a unrealistic pedestal that could never be
 ascended.  And now that this object of your affections
 has come up short, you are unable to get over the
 disappointment, and have become
 me know if I can help, and maybe, just maybe we can make
 some progress and move forward.
 Friend in Recovery,
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 wrote :
 more like the CIA
 was never interested in TM to begin with and Marshy was a
 superstitious paranoid con artist. If he was so convinced
 the CIA was dogging his tracks, why didn't he use some
 of his enlightened powers to run 'em off, or call on
 Shiva to destroy them? I mean, if Shiva could make his own
 frozen pecker appear outside Marshy's bedroom when
 Marshy was in his dotage, surely he could have done the Old
 Goat that little favor.
  On Fri, 4/18/14, nablusoss1008
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why does TM seem to focus
 on winners ?
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Friday, April 18, 2014, 12:18 PM
 It's a tricky question. First of all the CIA
 lost interest in the TMO already 29 years ago since they
 found it is a harmless org. The people at Langley are not
 stupid and only started their inquiries because that
 peanut-farmer asked them to. Plenty of people
 were on their payrolls at the time including some
 and members of Purusha. One fellow I know was caught
 red-handed when posting a report in a mailbox during a
 project in Asia. Maharishi didn't become the
 least upset and simply asked the fellow if he would
 give up his association with the CIA and continue to work
 for us, he agreed and is still fulltime.Then there is
 the issue with that Lama fellow. Unfortunately he is next
 broke and has little funds to spare as most Governments
 him as a clown.My thinking these days is that
 the naysayers and dwellers in the comfy old outdated
 about to crumble, so furiously opposing change are not paid
 for their role. At least not that I am aware of.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 wrote :
 Again just for the edification of
 the "lurker press," Perfect TMer Nabby should
 remind them that -- as he has said here many times -- many
 of the TM critics here are being paid by the CIA. It is
 still an open question which Overlord pays better -- the
 Dalai Lama or the CIA. And there is the question as to
 whether some of them are "double-dipping" and
 being paid by both Overlords. Perhaps Nabby can answer
 nagging questions for us. 
 From: nablusoss1008
 Sent: Friday,
 April 18, 2014 1:34 PM
 [FairfieldLife] Re: Why does TM seem to focus on winners ?
  By asking
 for donations to finance free Initiations David Lynch takes
 from the rich and gives to the poor, a modern day Robin
 Hood. No wonders the devotees of stale, rigid and outdated
 religions representing the old ways of doing things hate
 him. Unfortunately the representatives of their
 outgoing energies are plenty here on FFL.
 David Lynch Foundation offers TM instruction for free to
 people in "at risk" groups, but the $2500 price
 tag was originally set by Maharishi to entice wealthy
 and only wealthy people to learn TM. Weren't you
 complaining about how insanely high that price tag
 Seems to me that no
 matter how TM is marketed and for what price and for
 whichever group of people -the homeless, war refugees,
 students in El Barrio watching their cousins kill their
 cousins, or world famous actors and actresses, CEOs worth
 much as small countries, etc.- you'll find a reason to
 It's just
 an idea. YMMV.
 One of the t

Re: [FairfieldLife] Crimean Deal to 'de-escalate' agreed to in Geneva

2014-04-19 Thread Michael Jackson
You are easily impressed by hypocrites and hucksters. When has that rascal ever 
been involved in community like he is telling you to be? When has the rest of 
the TM leadership? They live insular communities that collude to treat these 
men like the kings they think they are - which they are not

On Sat, 4/19/14, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Crimean Deal to 'de-escalate' agreed to in Geneva
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Saturday, April 19, 2014, 2:09 AM
   Well actually Maharaja Adhiraj
 Rajaraam [MAR], CEO and Teacher of all of TM commented the
 evening that as much as we go in to consciousness we bring
 it out and
 that as humans we should be active, caring and present in
 life and civic
 affairs as well being meditators.  This was in response to
 person at the open microphone going on with some aggravation
 governments and currencies he could not trust but imploring
 that we
 get more people meditating in the Domes.  MAR gave a very
 practical and humored answer very just like Maharishi or
 Guru Dev
 Brahmananda Saraswati would have that was sympathetic but
 in the spirituality of 'meditate and act' and
 governments are a
 reflection of the coherence of their people.  MAR was really
 brilliant and kind answering this guy who instead was really
 scratching and hoping for some affirmation of an
 anti-government political thing to grind.  The guy evidently
 did not get it.  MAR was being
 quite teacher-ly in a very Spiritual way.  I was
 -Buck in the Dome
 writes:tell that to the Jews
 who are being forced to register - better yet, tell the
 purusha and siddhas you and Nabby claim are responsible for
 this glorious turn of events.
 Jai Guru Dev,Russia, Ukraine, the US and the
 European Unionhave said that all sides have
 agreed to steps to"de-escalate" the
 crisis in easternUkraine.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why does TM seem to focus on losers?

2014-04-19 Thread Michael Jackson
Steve, I may be wrong but didn't you recently allude to you being a real true 
believer at one time who became disillusioned with certain things about TM or 
at least with the TMO? Would you mind telling what aspects you became 
disillusioned with and what aspects you are still alright with?

On Sat, 4/19/14, steve.sun...@yahoo.com  wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why does TM seem to focus on losers?
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Saturday, April 19, 2014, 1:49 AM
 FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote
 And *this* gets
 me to thinking about whether Maharishi always pitched TM to
 losers and people with problems and low self esteem because
 they become the best disciples. And *disciples* is what he
 was looking for.
 Or is it possible that for whatever reason the
 generation that responded most strongly to Maharishi's
 message was a generation that was searching for something
 different.  Is it possible that this may have been a
 reason, or do you prefer just to go with the low self
 esteem, loser
 And is it possible that somehow you have gotten
 more jaded in your outlook on life such that everything to
 do with TM, at least, gets reduced to the worst possible
 This is after all an organization that you left
 more than 40 years ago, and yet you are one of the most
 active participants in a forum which has this organization
 as it's focus.
 I don't know if the TB experiment you allude
 to regularly really makes
 You appear to have a pretty big investment in
 anything, and everything
 Am I wrong about
 Think about it. Does the TMO really spend
 any energy trying to market TM to "regular
 people," who have few problems in life and are just
 looking to enjoy it more? They do not. They focus on People
 With Problems.
 Kids doing badly in school. Criminals locked
 away in prisons. Veterans with PTSD. 
 Can't this be seen as a continuation of
 a long-standing trend to look for prospective new students
 among populations who are more likely to be easy to convert
 into True Believers and thus become disciples? 
 It's just an idea. YMMV. 

[FairfieldLife] Time travelling future humans visit site of TM village!

2014-04-19 Thread salyavin808


 The Rendlesham forest UFO incident is a classic. The story has been added to 
over the years by these guys and now bears no relation to the original reported 
events in which a bunch of airmen got lost in the woods at night and scared 
themselves silly after seeing some lights which were most likely the lighthouse 
on the coast, and then failed to use their geiger counters properly. 

 Or they had a close encounter with alien beings.

 The other thing you need to know is that Nick Pope isn't a UFO expert any more 
than I am, he worked at the Ministry of Defence for a few years and dealt with 
enquiries from the public about lights in the sky. He was on duty when the 
reports about flying triangles came in during the first Gulf war and was as 
puzzled as everyone else. He had no top secret clearance and so wasn't informed 
of their true origins. He also didn't know anything about the UK governments 
previous investigations into unexplained arial phenomena and had no comment 
when it all came out under the official secrets act a few years ago. He is 
however a UFO True Believer of the very first order.

 But it's a great story, I really want to believe it:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Jennifer Aniston: Transcendental meditation keeps me looking good

2014-04-19 Thread TurquoiseBee
From: nablusoss1008 

To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, April 19, 2014 12:27 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Jennifer Aniston: Transcendental meditation keeps me 
looking good

You are still not too old for a little rejuvenation !


Ah, but some people seem to be. On the other hand, the last photo shows Girish 
Varma being arrested for rape, so at least one part of him has been 
rejuvenated... :-)

[FairfieldLife] Jennifer Aniston: Transcendental meditation keeps me looking good

2014-04-19 Thread nablusoss1008
You are still not too old for a little rejuvenation !

[FairfieldLife] In Spite Of The Mind Being Restless One Needs To Continue The Practise

2014-04-19 Thread nablusoss1008
Questions, and Answers by Sri Ma Anandamayi

[FairfieldLife] Charlie Haden & Pat Metheny - Spiritual

2014-04-19 Thread nablusoss1008

Re: [FairfieldLife] Ashes and Snow by Gregory Colbert

2014-04-19 Thread nablusoss1008
Glad you liked it. As Maharishi said to the CP's in Rishikesh: "The 
relationship between man and animals is very delicate"

[FairfieldLife] "The Deity Answers Only to The Call of The Heart"

2014-04-19 Thread nablusoss1008
Snatam Kaur - Blissful Music Bundle - Anandamayi Ma 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Ashes and Snow by Gregory Colbert

2014-04-19 Thread TurquoiseBee
Very nice.

 From: nablusoss1008 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, April 19, 2014 11:30 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Ashes and Snow by Gregory Colbert


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What are the *benefits* of believing in God?

2014-04-19 Thread TurquoiseBee
From: "steve.sun...@yahoo.com" 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

The concept of a God *complicates* things, rather than simplifying them. 

That would be fine with me.  I am trying to go about understanding things, like 
most of us.  And for me, I've come to the conclusion that there is a higher 
power at work, even if there is much I don't understand about it. 

And I have come to the opposite conclusion. End of story. It would seem that 
there is nothing further to discuss, unless you feel the need to try to convert 
me to your conclusion. Me, I feel no such need. Believe whatever you want.  

Barry, it is you who have lost your edge.  You would be well advised not to 
bring up subjects or issues that you are unwilling, or unable to follow through 

With all due respect, Steve, you seem to have been infected with JudyRobinitis, 
and expect me to argue with you just because you want to argue. I posted what I 
had to say, you had the opportunity to post what you had to say in response, 
and you did so. I even answered once. I don't see that I "owe" you anything 
more as "follow up," just because you want to turn it into some mock "debate" 
that you feel you can "win." 

If you have more to say, say it. The fact that you weren't able to put 
everything you wanted to say into your first reply post does not obligate me to 
get involved in a longer series of posts with you. Frankly, whenever someone 
does, you tend to just repeat yourself, rather than introducing anything new. 
I'd rather skip that part and stand on what I said originally. If you don't 
like what I said or disagree with it, feel free to post more about that to your 
heart's content. That doesn't require me to participate. 

[FairfieldLife] Ashes and Snow by Gregory Colbert

2014-04-19 Thread nablusoss1008
http://vimeo.com/29498902 http://vimeo.com/29498902

[FairfieldLife] Re: Excellent, a must-see, enjoy!

2014-04-19 Thread nablusoss1008

 It's beautiful and has been posted here before. It's part of Seinfeld's series 
"Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee" Apparently TM saved the life of Howard 
Stein's mother.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 A really great 6-minute conversation in a restaurant between Howard Stern and 
Jerry Seinfeld Discussing Transcendental Meditation


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: !Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam is Coming to Fairfield!

2014-04-19 Thread nablusoss1008

 Buck, if they are so small-minded about how someone dress (!) something must 
be not right with their practice. Such a narrow-mindedness is unhealthy and 
indicates that something not right is going on in the top floor. I can't 
understand how they can express such silliness, take a look at what the Indians 
just did:
 These people in Fairfield really, really needs a checking to get out of those 
small boundries which obviously are bothering them. You know that 
group-checkings are easy to do, why don't you organize it ?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Yes, the Raja part of TM is such a small circle in TM and of the larger TM 
community but people do wonder if they are going to keep doing it. When you 
talk to meditators in the community there is a general disheartenment that 
those guys wear that stuff representing the movement and the meditating 
community here. Generally you ask people here if they are meditators and the 
meditators respond saying, “yes, but not that.. .”, pointing in the general 
direction of campus and Vedic City.




 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: !Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam is Coming to 

 Afterwords, out in the Dome entry area
 and on the sidewalks to the parking areas as the meeting
 closed and
 people left: a big WTF reaction was, that they actually came
 the gold foil hats and robes and stuff. I can't say
 that Alex's
 brother or some of those others following after
 Maharaja Adhiraj
 Rajaraam also in full regalia did not necessarily look or
 particularly ethereal in the cult outfit. Though that might
 just been the bad light on them. It did sort of look and
 feel like 
 The Return of the King set for The Lord of the
 It was just a little narcissistic. 
 However, Hagelin and our other movement dignitaries seated
 on stage
 facing the crowd were dressed secular in suits and such. 
 was dignity and was all more corporate than cult. Lots of
 people with high-mindedness and well-intentioned. Deserves
 only a
 watching and of course transparency to see. It was a good
 meeting of
 the remaining meditating community.
 -Buck in the Dome
 mjackson74 asks:
 did he say about the relationship of the US movement to
 he was not asked about that so did not get to that.
  Uptown that readily gets asked by meditators but it
 was not asked last night for him to comment on.  Nobody
 spoke about that.   That as a larger community question
 Is still unresolved, as in not spoken
 to. -Buck
 Nablusoss, here in the states some
 FFers hie off in winter to a place in Florida called Vero
 Beach. Probably not as nice as Nice (-:
 Anyway, yes the meeting was good, though it went a little
 too late for my preference. imo Dr. Nader embodies a loving
 heart and brilliant mind and down to earth practicality. I
 think Maharishi chose wisely when he chose him.
 Very nice report Buck, thanks for posting. I'll
 soon have a community meeting myself in Nice where I'm
 contemplating buying a house. Seems there are quite a few
 meditators down there in the sun :-) 
 The Meeting. Was a Nice meditating community
 meeting. Non-meditators and townies would not have
 understood a lot
 of it. Though nothing was said that they could not have
 heard. It
 had some meditation news, some theoretical type of knowledge
 related to consciousness and meditation, some celebration,
 John Hagelin was a fun and
 witty MC, Bevan called in with some nice comments. We all
 got to
 sing the TM happy birthday song at a point in the end to our
 university's vice president. It was all nice. 
 Maharaja Adhiraj
 Rajaraam, CEO of all of TM, acquitted himself very well.
 Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam and some of our TM Raja
 arrived in
 full regalia, in the hats and outfits having been driven to
 the Dome
 in their stretch limo. 
 Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam
 was introduced briefly he spoke fondly of the Domes in
 Fairfield and their
 purpose. After that he turned to the open microphones for
 to answer. A usual sequence of touched community
 characters jumped
 to the mics. Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam did a really
 fine job of
 handling that.  Journalistically,
 earlier in the day in town asking and surveying
 around of what questions people would like to have asked of
 Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, in rapid-fire people easily
 about the lack of transparency and financial statements, our
 relationship with Girish Varma, the Pundits, the Domes. 
 Other than
 the fact that none of these questions or concerns of
 substance got
 much of a chance to be asked it was a good meditator
 meeting. He
 said he'll be back,Jai Guru
 meeting tonite is incredibly extremely really important for
 all of Transcendental Meditation.Maharaja Adhiraj Rajara