[FairfieldLife] Archangelic Revelations for 2006

2005-11-29 Thread Blue Star

From:  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/circle2012dreams/Archangelic Revelations for 2006  Received through Wisdom Teacher Sri Ram Kaa and Angelic Oracle Kira RaaThe universe is love! It is the energy of expansion cradled in afabric of unconditional acceptance.  As we come to know the truth oflove, all prophetic information delivered from spiritual truth mustbe, and can only be, of love! Prophecy is indeed preparation, an opportunity to prepare oneselfthrough an expanded point of view.  Archangel Zadkiel is most adamantthat all revealed information of coming events is only
 shared as ameans to enhance your ability to prepare within; a loving gesture thatopens portals of remembrance.  Your understanding of propheticinformation will most benefit when aligned with the energy of an openheart.As you read these revelations from the Archangelic Realm, giftyourself with energetic recognition and limitless understanding thatthe time of joyous preparation is before you.  The answers to thequestions in this article are all directly from Archangel Zadkiel andexpand the gift of loving preparation.  May you align ever-more with the truth of your being and the joy ofauthentic __expression on this glorious planet that is our current home!"Your destiny is already determined, HOW you reach it is still up to you!".Archangel ZadkielMany Blessings of Love and Light,Sri Ram Kaa and Kira
 RaaQuestion:  Is the economy perhaps collapsing, and if so, where is thebest place to put ones money?Uh Oh, stock tips!  (audience laughter)  We do not do this.  No hotstock tips here today.  The economy is not perhaps collapsing, it iscollapsing.  You must know that. It is.  It is not the perhaps.  Letyour own heart guide you.  We wish to ask you a question.  Dearestones if you know it is coming, why do you delay?  What do you need? What do you want?  Let us expand our answer even more.  So many say, "Should I dig acave?  Should I go here or there? Should I put money in mattress? What should I do?"We invite you to go into your truth ever more.  Dearest ones if theprospect of a collapsed economy scares you,  imagine a collapsedplanet! We recognize that for many the issue
 of money is mostimportant. We hear it all the time.  "Where is my money?  Get me moremoney.  I want money".  OK!You have entered into a three year period of releasing.  During thisperiod the earth and all of its components will begin to releaseenergies in many ways.With respect to money, it is when the structures of density begin toshift that you can actually expand evermore and be untouched if youare indeed energetically prepared.  You must understand that the truthof your safety is already within you.  Yes, there will be a period ofseveral weeks of readjustment after the first what you would call"crash".  In the United States, especially, it will look verydifferent than it does now by the end of this three year period.  There will be many in uniforms who will come to the streets and say weare here to protect you.  And so you
 should be prudently prepared fora couple of weeks.  This is all you will need.  During that time, youwill readjust and you will be able to shift dimensionally.  In truthdearest ones, all you need is water. With respect to your money and where to put it, your heart will guideyou.  If you are in your truth with yourself, you will be guidedproperly.  Remember that it is a time of joyous, joyous, joyous being!Celebrate!  If you have a week where you live on water, celebrate thepurity that you are.  Celebrate!  In your celebration there is no fearand in your celebration you are safe.  This is all we wish to sayabout this now.  Q:  Will there be earth changes and should I move soon?  Is where I amliving safe? We shall answer your second question first.  We wish to serve all bymaking this a globally applicable
 question.  Each has within theirsoul essence an intuitive understanding of where their energy must bealigned during the time of the great planetary shift. Because of thateach will be exactly where they need to be at any given time.  Where you each make your home is most important based upon your energyand the needed support that aligns with your soul's core essence.  So for each, yes, the earth is shaking, and yes, the earth is shiftingand yes there are many, many areas that soon will look verydifferently as you have just very recently experienced in severaldifferent areas.  Our answer is that you should not be preoccupiedwith WHERE you live, and if you must be pre-occupied, be aware of WHYyou are living there and HOW you live.You cannot ever not exist.  Understand?   Good!  Let's say it again. You cannot ever not exist.  Oh, double
 negatives, we like that.  (muchlaughter) OK! It is important to remember that if you can go into thetruth of this, you will dimension shift when you need to, and you willbe where you need to be and you will not ever experience terror orpain!  It is only the mind of the 3rd dimension that can experienceboth terror and pa

[FairfieldLife] Message from Archangel Michael

2005-11-28 Thread Blue Star

From:  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/circle2012dreams/  you can find the updates in  http://www.celestialstation.org/  The Energies for December 2005  The Cosmic Sunrise  Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn   http://www.starchildascension.org/starchild/      "Sunrise 4" by Fred Casselman. www.earthecho.com Dearest Lightworkers, what a grand month December will be! Waves of Cosmic Light and Radiance from the Great Central Sun will flood the Earth's new Crystalline grids. Pluto, the engine of transformation, moves into close conjunction with the Great Central Sun or Galactic Center, providing the powerful surge of transformative energy that will initiate the "Great Awakening" of the next two years. Yes, indeed, dearest Lightworkers, the Earth is now poised for a great leap in consciousness. Daily the light and radiance on the planet increases.   We will call it a "Cosmic Sunrise", for the brilliant light from the Great Central Sun rises to illuminate the planet, which is now
 poised for the great awakening that will be the beginning of the New Earth or the "Golden Age". In 2006 and 2007, dearest Lightworkers, you will be the Rainbow Bridge that will facilitate many millions of people shifting their consciousness into the Higher Dimensions as they prepare to ground themselves in the Crystalline Grids of the New Earth. You, as the First Wave and pioneers of Ascension, have prepared the way and you are holding the Light Bridge so that others may follow.   There will be two focal points in this period - the 12:12:13 stargate and the Solstice. The 12:12:13 PortalAs the radiant Cosmic energies from the Great Central Sun flood the Earth, the consciousness of the Collective rises. You, the first wave of Ascension workers, will move, as a group, into the Ninth Dimension of Consciousness. Here you will anchor your awareness at the level of the Christ Consciousness. What a Gift! The first large group of transitoning adults now meets with the
 blessed Crystal Children who are already holding the Christ light - and together you open the portals of the Christ Consciousness for the Collective.   In the next two years, many will follow you to this level. Here, you will embrace your work as stewards of the Planetr, keepers of the ecology of the New Earth. As you make this shift, you will feel within you a desire to hold and balance nature. To take all humanity with you into an Earth of radiant beauty and radiant health. This is the New Earth that waits to manifest as humanity raises its Collective Consciousness to the place where this radiant Earth exists.   And so, dearest Lightworkers, at this time there are three words or concepts that we offer for your consideration.Completion, Mystery and the Child.   Completion is relevant for you now, as you, the first wave, are completing your Ascension work. You have arrived at the Ninth Dimension, and you are being held and supported by the Ascended Masters and
 Angelic hosts on the 10, 11th and 12th levels. You will find yourself completing and closing off any outstanding work and issues that remain from the last year, and the last solstice. The Orange-Pink ray that came through in August at the Lion's Gate portal has done its work of cleansing and balancing the lower chakras, and you are now empowered to work with the Crystal grids in a clear and wonderful way. Now more than ever it is important to find your soul families and form communities of Light, so that you may anchor the new energies firmly in the grids, and hold the balance and be the bridge for humanity right now.   Many of you may feel tired and a little lost. You may not feel particularly radiant right now. But we ask you to underdstand that you have worked hard in the last years, and you have pioneered a great shift in consciousness. You will need time to move into the full realization of the potential that you now carry. Everything is different, and you are in a kind of
 limbo as it were, between two worlds, as you begin to discover what it truly means to be a Crystal or Christed being.   This is also the nature of Mystery. Entering into an Acceptanceof the Great Mystery and the Sacred nataure of All Life. Allowing the Light and the Divinity of All Things to be seen and perceived. From now on, you will not really need logical explanations, for your heart will understand the nature of Mystery, and will accept the Beauty and Grace of Infinity. For beyond Christ Consciousness, lies the portals of Infinity and the Mystery of all that Is within the Cosmos. A Sacred Mystery.   And finally, dearest ones, the Child! As you move towards the festival known as Christmas, we urge you to remember the sacred nature of this time. It celebrates the birth of the Christ child, who was to be the first anchor and avatar of this age. Celebrate the emergence within you at this time of the "Christed child", the Magical Child, the Emergence of Light. And then
 celebrate the beauty of those Christed children who hold

[FairfieldLife] Love Meditation

2005-11-27 Thread Blue Star

  From:  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/circle2012dreams/  Love Meditation (I use pink light btw)1. Sit or lie down comfortably.2. If you like, you can play nice soothing background music.3. Feel the emotion of love. You do not need to feel love as a strong emotion like excitement or anger. Love is calm, just like gratitude and compassion. While doing love meditation, it is helpful to keep smiling.4. Using your imagination, visualize love as bright, warm white light. Imagine the light of love moves from your chest to every part of your
 body.5. Next imagine that every cell of your body is glowing with bright, white light of love. Enjoy the blissful feeling of love in your glowing body. It is normal to feel that your body is vibrating while doing love meditation.6. Now from every cell of your body, imagine that white light of love is radiated to your surrounding.7. Imagine that white light is filling the whole room.8. Next imagine that the light is expanding further and fill the whole town or city.9. Imagine that all people, plants and animals feel warm and happy when they are exposed to the white light of love.10. Now imagine that the white light is filling the whole planet earth. Imagine that all living beings of the world are filled with white light of love.11. Do it 15 to 30 minutes everyday.12. You can also send
 love to anybody by imagining white light of love being sent to that person.Benefits of doing Love Meditation everyday :1. People around you will be nice to you.2. You will feel good and you can reduce stress and negative emotions by doing love meditation.3. You will feel healthy.4. Your life will change and you will have good luck.     Love,  Theresa   Where others see but the dawn coming over the hill, I see
   the soul of God shouting for joy  Yahoo! Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs. Try it free.
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[FairfieldLife] Lotsa UFO Links

2005-11-26 Thread Blue Star

From:  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/circle2012dreams/  Jets & UFO's Photographed Over Northern California  http://www.ufocasebook.com/northerncalifornia.htmlGlowing Object Filmed Over Phoenix, AZ  http://www.ufocasebook.com/phoenix110405video.htmlUnknown Object Photographed Over Lake O' The Pines, TXhttp://www.ufocasebook.com/lotp101805.html Photograph Of Unknown Object: Guatemala 2003http://www.ufocasebook.com/guatemala2003.htmlUFO Flotillas Over Buenos Aries  http://www.hbccufo.org/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=3375UFO Picture Galleryhttp://quebec-ufo-abductions.com/gallery.htm Strange Object Over Santiago, Chilehttp://www.rense.com/general68/santiago.htmTube-Like Object Filmed Over Phoenix, AZ  http://www.ufocasebook.com/phoenix102005video.htmlStrange Lights Photographed In Mexico  http://www.rense.com/general68/strange.htmTriangle Morphs Over Kaufman, TXhttp://www.ufocasebook.com/kaufman102205photos.htmlSaucers Photographed In ET Zone, Puerto Rico  http://www.rense.com/general68/etzone.htmHuge Triangle Dims Airport Lights in Puerto Ricohttp://www.rense.com/general67/triangle.htm UFO Video (maybe)http://www.lookatentertainment.com/v/v-1783.htmCouple Photograph Saucer Shaped Object http://www.ufosnw.com/springfldor07032005.htmResident Films Encounter With UFO  http://www.wsmv.com/Global/story.asp?S=4141356&nav=menu109_10UFO Videoshttp://www.ufodigest.com/video2.html Three videos of Adamski UFOs http://www.eyepod.org/Video-Adamski.htmlWeird UFO Photographed near Aiken, South Carolina  http://www.ufodigest.com/scufo.htmlUFO Over Building w/many witnesses (anyone know Russian?L.)http://www.ufodigest.com/mediaplayer.cfm?medialink=http://www.ufodigest.com/video/ufovideo.wmv&mediatitle=Reporter Large UFO Armada Over Mexicohttp://www.ufodigest.com/mediaplayer.cfm?medialink=http://www.ufodigest.com/video/mexicaninvasion.wmv&mediatitle=Mexician_Invasion UFO Fleets or Just Balloons?http://ufomatrix.com/balloons/balloons.htmMore Daylight Sightings in Mexicohttp://www.rense.com/general68/meccx.htm  YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS 
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[FairfieldLife] Very Sad News

2005-11-25 Thread Blue Star

From;  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/circle2012dreams/  VERY SAD NEWS The Supreme Court has ruled that there cannot be a Nativity Scene in Washington, DC this Christmas season. This isn't for any religious reason,they simply have not been able to find three wise men and a virgin in the Nation's capitol. There was no problem, however, finding enough asses to fill the stable.
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[FairfieldLife] Ashtar on Thanksgiving

2005-11-24 Thread Blue Star

From:  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/circle2012dreams/Subject: ASHTAR ON THANKSGIVING  "Well, Good Evening!!!"And so it is that you are on the eve, as it were, of another one of what you call the holiday seasons.  And so, yes, we do have news for you.  It is simply that this year, 2005 in your Earth time, is to be a true holiday season - a holiday from stress, worry, lack and all of the other things that have "plagued" most you in this lifetime, and all of you in others as well.  And, while the New
 Year in your time shall bring even more gifts, we shall address what is left of this year of 2005."For you see, it is no accident that you are still in 3D-waiting for those gifts of freedom, peace and abundance that you so long for. It is perfect that they begin to manifest at this most holy time of year!  And, now is the time to think ONLY in terms of being thankful for these gifts, for they are indeed all yours!  It is not serving you at all to dwell on what you perceive that you lack, because you don't.  It is for you to take a deep breath and literally breathe in your new life, and along with it, your new self."Give honor, Beloveds, to WHO YOU REALLY ARE  Give up the limitations, for there is a part of you which dwells in what you call the higher dimensions, and it is that part of your selves that you all must get into PERMANENT touch with, never more to be separated for any reason.  You are all marverlous creators, and it is up to
 you individually and as a group, or Family, to create all that you want your earth to be, and all that you want to be as well.  "Create your visions, and, everytime a lower vibrational thought comes in, SWITCH CHANNELS IMMEDIATELY! That is an excellent way to put it! Go to the higher place in your creations.  Change your focus, and you will change your life."Now, let us take this opportunity to say how much we love you all, so brave, so loyal, and so dedicated to bringing the light to your wondrous world.  Join with us now, and wrap yourselves in the hugs of our love, and allow your own self-love to shine bright.  And, if you aren't thinking about loving yourself right in this moment, please open to doing so!!  You are each the greatest treasure upon the Earth, and we honor you all for being here at this time.  In fact, we shall be joining in with you in your observance of Thanksgiving, with songs and praises of thanks and gratitude for
 you all and the splendid work you are doing"Be rest assured, beloveds, that this is truly the beginning of your Golden Age manifestation REALIZED upon Earth.  We join with Mother Gaia and with all of Her kingdoms below, on and above, in welcoming you HOME!"Enjoy the happiest of Thanksgivings, Beloved Family, and , when you count your blessings, begin with your own divine selves.  Truly, you shine brighter than the brightest of stars, and we are honored, indeed, to be ONE with you."In Thanks and Infinite Love,Salut!"Given through Susan, November 22, 2005, Olympia, WAEnjoy our website at www.ashtarontheroad.com !   Yahoo! FareChase - Search
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[FairfieldLife] The Aztec Prophecy

2005-11-23 Thread Blue Star

From:  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/circle2012dreams/  http://www.cablevision.qc.ca/micael/spåcetïme.htm     The sacred Aztec calendar is properly called the Eagle Bowl. It represents the solar deity Tonatiuh. The amazingly accurate calendar has been in
 use in various forms for more than 2,000 years. A Zapotec prophecy, based on the Eagle Bowl, states:   “After Thirteen Heavens of Decreasing Choice, and Nine Hells of Increasing Doom, the Tree of Life shall blossom with a fruit never before known in the creation, and that fruit shall be the New Spirit of Men.”   The 13 Heavens and 9 Hells were each 52 years long (1,144 years total). Each of the 9 Hells were to be worse than the last. On the final day of the last Hell (August 17, 1987), Tezcatlipoca, god of death, would remove his mask of jade to reveal himself as Quetzelcoatl, god of peace.   In the mythology of the Aztecs, the first age of mankind ended with the animals devouring humans. The second age was finished by wind, the third by fire, and the fourth by water. The present fifth epoch is called Nahui-Olin (Sun
 of Earthquake), which began in 3113 BC and will end on December 24, 2011. It will be the last destruction of human existence on Earth. The date coincides closely with that determined by the brothers McKenna in The Invisible Landscape as “the end of history” indicated by their computer analysis of the ancient Chinese oracle-calendar, the I Ching.   The Mayan calendar is divided into Seven Ages of Man. The fourth epoch ended in August 1987. The Mayan calendar comes to an end on Sunday, December 23, 2012. Only a few people will survive the catastrophe that ensues. In the fifth age, humanity will realize its spiritual destiny. In the sixth age, we will realize God within ourselves, and in the seventh age we will become so spiritual that we will be telepathic.
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[FairfieldLife] 2012 - ET Visitation Becomes Public Event

2005-11-22 Thread Blue Star

From:  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/circle2012dreams/  2012 - alien visitation from the Hyperspace becomes public event   India Daily Technology Team Nov. 21, 2005              Scientists all around the world are preparing for something spectacular behind the scenes. They will not talk about it, give any hint about it to anyone they do not know but some know very well that 2012 may be the year when the extraterrestrials unveil their hide and seek game and show up finally from the Hyperspace. It may not happen in 2012 but sooner or later it will happen!       Many researchers watching the
 UFO sightings, flight patterns and extreme increase in the number of natural calamities predict a spectacular phenomenon.       According to these think tanks, earth will face extreme flood in the coastal cities, extreme devastation of the earth’s crust through endless earthquakes, enormous volcanic activities, landslides, Tsunamis and so on.               The earth may become a planet not suitable to support intelligent life forms any more. What happened to Atlantis many years back may happen to the whole earth in a mega scale. All these can be caused due to excessive solar storms and weakness in the earth’s magnetosphere.        The earth is in the process reversing its polarity and so is Sun. No one really knows what the net effects will be!  
     No one knows what will be the intensity of devastation – but is true that we will experience exceeding amount of natural calamities between now and 2012.       According to some thinks tanks, our civilization may be savede by some spectacular rescue efforts by the advanced extraterrestrial type IV alien civilization. According to these future observers, there are possibilities; we will be transported out to some other planets in distant galaxies or even out of this Universe into another Universe in the Hyperspace.               They see possibilities of spectacular events where our precious civilization will be saved. Some believe that something else will happen! We will not experience any significant problems at all. The extraterrestrial type IV civilizations will
 provide electromagnetic shield to us by hardening earth’s magnetosphere by many folds.           TECHNOLOGY ARTICLESMolecular imaging and nano-technology used to understand the extraterrestrial origin of terminal diseases – Cancer, Avian Flu, HIV … India Daily Technology
 TeamTerminal diseases that have no cure, no effective vaccine – what is the original source? What triggered it in the first place? What really happens when an endemic like Avian Flu starts and spreads all over the world?READ MORE>>2012 - alien visitation from the Hyperspace becomes public event India Daily Technology TeamScientists all around the world are preparing for something spectacular behind the scenes. They will not talk about it, give any hint about it READ MORE>>Accelerated time dimension – a natural time machine – a typical phenomenon in the extraterrestrial anti-matter parallel universe India Daily Technology Teamany life form in that environment can naturally use a time machine to fast forward or rewind the anti-space...READ MORE>>Advanced alien intelligent life forms of macroscopic size – result of macroscopic fluid dynamics of galaxies coupled to
 microscopic processes India Daily Technology Team Scientists are investigating a very interesting science to understand the alien life forms of higher order that are technologically far superior – type III or type IV civilizationsREAD MORE>>   MORE ARTICLES >>  
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[FairfieldLife] Message from The Ashtar Command

2005-11-21 Thread Blue Star

  From:  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/circle2012dreams/  Sunday December 4th 2005 Listen Online 11AM Est-8 AM Pst  Michael and Aurora Ellegion
 Well known authorities on space phenomena, Michael and Aurora Ellegion have lectured to vast audiences on extensive UFO information. As the International Directors of the Extra-Terrestrial Communications Network and formerly Directors of the National Investigations Committee on UFOs, the Ellegions have worked with interesting people from all walks of life, including scientists, pilots, engineers, retired military, government and NASA personnel, many who have been privy to top-secret information and have shared this information with the Ellegions, believing the suppression of this information to be part of a "Conspiracy of Silence"     To listen to The Cosmic Eye Radio Show dedicated to The Ashtar Command  go to this link  http://.wesufm.org/ or  click on The Cosmic Eye banner above every Sunday 11am  EST, and then click Ralaudio, Media player, Winamp, or for Apple   users, Itunes to listen to the program live.  Our show can be heard around the planet with ambient spiritual  space music, space ship news, interviews, messages from The  Ashtar Command, and call ins from around the planet.  Tune in, turn on, space out.  Blessings in the Light of The Most radiant One  Adonai  Commander Aleon        Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click. 
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[FairfieldLife] Message from Enki

2005-11-20 Thread Blue Star

From:  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/circle2012dreams/  Enki: Nov 17, 05I give you some news this day,
 as to what I see coming in the next few days. That is that there will be soldiers walking up to their officers and saying, “No more, I will not fight one more minute.” There are going to be news reporters who’ll walk into their offices and they will walk up to their employers and say, “I will not report lies one more minute.”
 There will be executives in oil companies who’ll go to the head haunchos and they will say. “No more, I will not be party to gauging the public any more with these prices, not one more minute.” There are heads of state who will have to face those people who have been serving them, who will come to them and say, “No more. I will not participate in the lies, the schemes, the murders, the
 atrocities, not one more minute.”It is done my dear ones; it is done! And we stand victorious in the light, for it is accomplished. What is left now is the playing out of all of the parts in this grand finale that carries earth and her inhabitants into the Promised Land. I stand at the gate, humble on my knees as you come to me. I rise up clasping your hands in mine, and I kiss your fingertips, for they are Holy. We are all One and all that is, is in our fingertips, and our hearts, and our minds, and our souls and our Spirit; we’re all One. I leave you now to your evening, and I sit in glory in your presence.Bob: Thank you Enki.
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[FairfieldLife] Message from St Germaine

2005-11-19 Thread Blue Star

From:  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/circle2012dreams/Special Message> St. Germaine Speaks11-19-2005      Greeting my Dear Ones of Light and Truth,     I Am St. Germaine     You have asked the question, Will our American Troops come home?     Yes indeed the troops, all troops, in Iraq will be coming
 home.      You asked the question when?     Now. By this I mean this is already done and arranged by us and many White Dragons on the ground in Iraq and in many other countries. The troops know they are coming home. The governments all involved in this war are beginning to pull their troops out already. America has no more troops to send anywhere. The recruiting job has failed. The troops left in Iraq are banning together to get themselves out, with our and our “White Dragons“. You will see a sit down by the American troops who will refuse to fight any longer this senseless war. They know too much of the truth and are banning together as we speak to do just this. Their courage to sit down and be charged with treason and firing squad will not deter them at all. They will only participate in
 Peace movements to restore the terrible damage their government had them to do, under falsity and lies. This event you will see and hear on your TV’s and radios and Internet. Then you will see the complete collapse of the Bush regime and the new world order they had designed come to its end. They all will be held in courts to be judged by the people for the people. All parties will be held in a place they cannot leave. Like where Saddam Hussein is held now. They will all be there together. It will begin to happen in and around your Xmas time. The days of warring comes to its end.  The troops will lay down their guns and leave their tanks and sit in Peace as an example of the lies they will no longer serve. Pray for them all. It has and is taking great courage to stand down in this war. It is like troops (Gandhi) sit down. Many will join them and the whole world will witness this event. The Divine Mother has been coming to the troops and is helping them to awaken and to
 surrender to Peace as Impeccable warriors for Peace. This kind of Warrior you may take great pride in.With this bit of news I will now depart. Hold the Peace and Hold this vision I have given you today.I am St. GermaineTele-communicated by: Kara Kincannon  [EMAIL PROTECTED]        Source Of Light Center S.E. CO. "We are here to pierce the hearts of all, with white light". We are the "White Dragons" in service to the Illumination process of Gaia's Rebirth.Products & Services go to:http://sourceoflightportal.com[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites 
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[FairfieldLife] Message from Archangel Michael

2005-11-18 Thread Blue Star

From:  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/circle2012dreams/Integrating the 12 Chakra Multi-Dimensional Self in order to Createthe Beauty of New EarthArchangel Michael through Celia FennIntegrating the Twelve Chakra System in Preparation for the Gate EnergiesDearest Ones, at this time of the 7:7:7, we urge you to light a candleand find a quiet moment to go within and connect with your own TwelveChakra System.Begin by seeing yourself standing on the earth, your feet firmlyplanted on the ground. Let the Earth support you and nourish you.Connect with the Earth Star point, which is the place a few feet belowyour feet where
 you are connected into the Earth grids energetically.Then move your awareness into your Base Chakra and feel yourconnection with all other physical beings on the planet, your familyand relations, be they the human,plant animal or mineral kingdoms.Then move into the Sacral Chakra, feeling your personal "fire", youremotions and your creativity. Celebrate your creativity and yourenergies, and then move into your Solar Plexus Chakra. Feel yourconnection with the mental or mind energies of the planet, and feelthat this is good. It is a network of communication and ideas thatlinks the Human Collective mind into your mind.Then lift the energies into the Heart Chakra. Feel the waves ofUnconditional Love as Spirit energy from above links with the Physicalenergy from Below. Feel the energies of Acceptance, Hope, Joy, Faithand Trust. Rest in these wonderful energies and feel yourself as a"Heart Link" between Heaven and
 Earth.Now move to your Throat Chakra. Feel your connection with yourGuidance and Higher Self as you speak your truth and walk in trust. Atthe Brow Chakra, allow the intuitive and psychic energies of the ThirdEye to link you to your psychic and perceptual abilities. You are aChild of Light - a Magical Child! Activate your Higher mentalfacilities and feel your freedom and your joy.Now move into your Seventh Chakra, just above your head. Feel theexpansion of the energies here as you open to the Higher Vibrations ofthe Sirian Stellar energies. Remember that these energies flow fromthe source via the Galactic Center and through Sirius to you. They arethe highest ___expression of Divine Will available to you on this Planetat this time. Feel yourself creating BALANCE within your lower sevenchakra system as you integrate the energies. Only when you feelbalanced and calm should you proceed to the next level. (If you
 cannotfeel the balance, rather wait until another time, do not proceed ifyou feel out of balance as the next steps will only serve to unbalanceyou further if you are not grounded and balanced.)Now lift into your Eighth Chakra, a few feet above your head. Feelyour connection to the Archetypal Higher Mind of the Human Collective.This is the place of power and dreams and desires. Allow yourself toconnect with only your highest dreams and aspirations for yourself andthe Planet. Fill this chakra with radiant golden light and seeyourself transmitting this light to the Collective Mind of the HumanSpecies, helping to transform from Homo Sapiens (determined by thelower mind) to Homo Christos (defined by the Higher Mind).Now move into the Ninth Chakra, and feel your energetic connection tothe Planet. You are a Lightworker and a keeper of the Planetary Grids.Allow yourself to strengthen the Crystal Grids by transmitting
 yourunconditional love and joy to the Planet. It is a beautiful andwonderful creation. Let that be your message, a confirmation of yourwonder and joy at being a part of the ongoing creation called PlanetEarth at this miraculous time!As you move into the Tenth Chakra you will open to your Higher SolarSelf and you will enter into the beloved presence of the Ascended Onesand the Angelic Realm of Light. Feel the love and support that comesto you from the Higher Dimensions. Open to the knowledge that you toohave your place among these beings as you access the radiant light ofyour Tenth Chakra. Moving ever higher, open to the Eleventh Chakra.This illuminates your Galactic heritage. You are a Starseed, and yoursoul's essence is here in the stars. Feel the joy and the love thatbelongs to the children of the Galaxy as they go about their missionsof creativity and self-realization on behalf of the Divine Source Energy.And,
 finally, as you enter the Twelfth Chakra, feel yourself movinginto the Blessed Energy of the Divine Source. You are entering intothe place of Divine Oneness. You are One with All That Is. Rest atthis point. Allow the energies to fill your Being. You are in theHeart of Light. You are the Light. You are Home. You are You. This iswho You Are. (And while you rest here in radiant glowing light, allowyour consciousness to touch briefly on the Divine Mystery of alexistence at the Thirteenth Chakra.)Now - as you return, let yourself move slowly back through thechakras, 12 to 11, to 10,9,8,7, and then move down the body back tothe Earth and into the Earth Star, to ground yo

[FairfieldLife] 2012 - Planetary Ascension Year

2005-11-17 Thread Blue Star

From:  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/circle2012dreams/  2012 - Planetary Ascension year 2012  A Wisdom Archive on 2012 - Planetary Ascension year 2012  2012 - Planetary Ascension year 2012  2012
 is by many separate sources of wisdom seen as being a portal into what some people call the Golden Age. 2012 marks, according to the The Mayan Calendar, the ending of Time as we know it and as something old die something new will be born. The Mayan perspective of 2012 and the current times we live in is very similar to the view of Kalki and the Golden Age Foundation who is also co-organising the Oneness Festival. The concept of a coming Golden Age is widely recognised among many spiritual authors, spiritual traditions and teachers. "I think that by 2012 you will have people that are enlightened (open, honest, caring, loving, united to the divine) and those that still seek humanity's lower natures (suffering, misery, hate, separation from the divine) but at least the scale may be tipping more toward enlightened."Hermes Trismegistus 
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[FairfieldLife] The Ascended Masters Pictures

2005-11-16 Thread Blue Star

From:  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/circle2012dreams/   http://www.theascendedmasters.com/  
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[FairfieldLife] Lotsa Nostradamus Links

2005-11-15 Thread Blue Star

From:  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/circle2012dreams/

Did Nostradamus Predict the Bombing of the Twin Towers in New York? 

Looks at the sixteenth-century astrologer's supposed prophecy.
Review It Rate It Bookmark It 

Golgotha The Place of the Skull 

The real message of Nostradamus using the foundation upon which his prophecies stand. Discover the true purpose of the 'Cite Neufue' (New City) quatrains and who Nostradamus regarded as antichrist.
Review It Rate It Bookmark It 

History Lists: Nostradamus 

Features charts and interpretations of his most well known predictions.
Review It Rate It Bookmark It 

How Nostradamus Works 

A look at who he was and what he predicted. Also, the ongoing controversy surrounding his supposed prediction of the September 11 attack.
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[FairfieldLife] Hopi Prophecy

2005-11-14 Thread Blue Star

From:  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/circle2012dreams/

Turning to the Hopi tradition, one of the most memorable speakers >> came on March 27, 2001. Hopi Elder Chief Dan Evehema had this >> message for mankind:>> >>  >> >> "We Hopi believe that the human race has passed through three >> different worlds and life ways since the beginning. At the end of >> each prior world, human life has been purified or punished by the >> Great Spirit, or Massau, due mainly to corruption, greed and turning >> away from the Great Spirit's teachings. The last great destruction >> was the flood which destroyed all but a few faithful ones who asked >> and received a permission from the Great Spirit to live with Him in >> this new land. The Great Spirit said, `It is up to you, if you are >> willing to live my poor, humble and simple life way. It is hard but >> if you agree to
 live according to my teachings and instructions, if >> you never lose faith in the life I shall give you, you may come and >> live with me.' The Hopi and all who were saved from the great flood >> made a sacred covenant with the Great Spirit at that time. We Hopi >> made an oath that we will never! turn away from Him. For us the >> Creator's laws never change or break down. >> >> "We are now faced with great problems, not only here but throughout >> the land. Ancient cultures are being annihilated. Our people's lands >> are being taken from them, leaving them no place to call their own. >> Why is this happening? It is happening because many have given up or >> manipulated their original spiritual teachings. The way of life >> which the Great Spirit has given to all its people of the world, >> whatever your original instructions are not being honored. It
 is >> because of this great sickness-called greed, which infects every >> land and country that simple people are losing what they have kept >> for thousands of years. >> >> "Now we are at the very end of our trail. Many people no longer >> recognize the true path of the Great Spirit. They have, in fact, no >> respect for the Great Spirit or for our precious Mother Earth, who >> gives us all life. >> >> "We are instructed in our ancient prophecy that this would occur. We >> were told that someone would try to go up to the moon: that they >> would bring something back from the moon; and that after that, >> nature would show signs of losing its balance. Now we see that >> coming about. All over the world there are now many signs that >> nature is no longer in balance. Floods, drought, earthquakes, and >> great storms are
 occurring and causing much suffering. We do not >> want this to occur in our country and we pray to the Great Spirit to >> save us from such things. But there are now signs that this very >> same thing might happen very soon on our own land.">> >>  >> >> As with Mayan tradition, Hopi prophecy also talks of us having Four >> Worlds, with the Fifth World about to emerge from the ashes of the >> Fourth, the timing signified by Nine Signs:>> >> The coming of white-skinned men, who take land that is not theirs >> and who strike their enemies with thunder (guns) >> The coming of spinning wheels filled with voices (covered wagons) >> A strange beast like a buffalo but with long horns that overruns the >> land in large numbers (cattle) >> The land is crossed by snakes of iron (railroad tracks) >> The land is crossed by
 a giant spider's web (power lines) >> The land is crossed with rivers of stone that make pictures in the >> sun (mirages on asphalt and concrete roads) >> The sea turns black, killing many living things (oil spills) >> Many youth, who wear their hair long like our people, come to the >> tribal nations to learn our ways and wisdom (hippies) >> A dwelling-place in the heavens, above the earth, falls with a great >> crash, appearing as a blue star (future demise of a space station?).>> These are the signs of impending great destruction, or `columns of >> smoke and fire such as the white man has made in the deserts (above->> ground atomic testing). Following the destruction, `there will be >> much to rebuild.' And very soon afterward, The Great Spirit (known >> as Pahana or Massau) will return, bringing with him the dawn of the >> Fifth World.>>
 >>  >> >> Hopi Prophecy RockThe famous Hopi Prophecy Rock clearly depicts two paths:1) A `two-hearted path,' with three individuals upon it. A two-hearted person is one who thinks with his head rather than his heart. M

[FairfieldLife] Lotsa HAARP Links

2005-11-13 Thread Blue Star

From:  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/circle2012dreams/

Bearden's briefing papers and slide on scalar weapons    http://www.cheniere.org/books/ferdelance/s94.htm     Weapons Slides by Tom Bearden    http://www.cheniere.org/images/weapons/index.html     Scalar Wars - My attempt to summarize Bearden's information    http://prahlad.org/pub/bearden/scalar_wars.htm     Horrifying US Secret Weapon Unleashed In Baghdad - from Rense    http://prahlad.org/pub/bearden/new_weapon_in_iraq.htm     Scalar Heaven or Hell: Psychoenergetics    http://prahlad.org/pub/bearden/Psychoenergetics.htm     Are any of these Earthquakes Being caused by Scalar Weapons?    http://prahlad.org/pub/bearden/scalarvocanos.htm     Examples of Probable Scalar Weapons Tests - by Tom Bearden    http://prahlad.org/pub/bearden/examples.htm     Scalar War Has Already Begun    http://prahlad.org/pub/bearden/Scalar_War_Already.htm    Messin' With the Weather   http://www.illinoisleader.com/columnists/columnistsview.asp?c=28992 
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[FairfieldLife] 2012 - Is Something Big Coming?

2005-11-12 Thread Blue Star

From:  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/circle2012dreams/

A.D. 2012 
Is Something Big Coming? 
"A birthing planet vibrating at a lower tone than evolving Earth is preparing itself to receive beings who prefer to embrace greed and power, those who desire to control, possess and destroy that which is not rightfully theirs. The awaiting planet is far from Earth, but it is not altogether unlike Earth."  
Arcturian Songs of the Masters of LightPatricia L. Pereira
There have been many prophesies for us to think about over the ages. Some have materialized while others have not. 
All prophecy is fluid and changeable. The future is not set in stone. The reason is simple. We create our own reality through our collective thinking (mass consciousness). What a prophet "sees" is one of the probable outcomes of our future. If we don't like what the prophet has to say, we have the power to change it.
Cosmic cycles are nothing new to our ancestors and are a part of the lore and history of many ancient civilizations. For example, the Mayans studied them with a passion and they formed the basis of their sky religion. 
This is also the end of the 2160-year Age of Pisces, the beginning of Aquarius, the close of the Mesoamerican fifth world and the ending of the Kali Yuga of the Hindus. The sacred scriptures of the Indian Vedas describe cycles of creation spanning millions of years in the past including civilizations that flourished and those that decayed and perished. 
The momentous crossroads in cosmic time we are fast approaching at 2012 has been prophesized by the Hopis, the Mayans, the Aztecs and many others. Some of that information is briefly summarized below.  
In addition, I've also excerpted below fifteen different sources channeled transmissions that I take seriously. All are saying the same basic thing. And I find it hard to ignore. 
Here is the information that has influenced my thinking... 
(snipped here.) for the entire compilation, see :


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[FairfieldLife] Lotsa Spirit Links

2005-11-10 Thread Blue Star

From:  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/circle2012dreams/

Ka Gold Jewelryhttp://www.ka-gold-jewelry.com/index.php?ref=42http://www.traditionofkindness.org/Music for Spiritual Transformation
http://www.innersong.comThe Indigo Evolution
http://www.theindigoevolution.com/ Vibrationshttp://www.consciousone.com/friend/index.cfm?PID=362  Earthcode Newsletter & Morehttp://paulapeterson.com/newsletter.html The Journey Beginshttp://www.multidimensions.com/home_new.html Practices for Self-Renewalhttp://www.seishindo.org/The 12 Dimensions of Creation - Pts. 1, 2, 3http://www.infinitebeing.com/0509/12dparts1and2.htmhttp://www.infinitebeing.com/0509/12dimensions.htmSpirituality & Health Magazine - Current Articles(find something interesting? share it with us.Loree)http://www.spiritualityhealth.com/NMagazine/current.phpBrother David's Sitehttp://www.gratefulness.org/Intentionshttp://www.weboflove.org/lifepurposeintentions 

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[FairfieldLife] Lotsa Prophecy Links

2005-11-09 Thread Blue Star

From:  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/circle2012dreams/

Tarot etc beautiful sitehttp://60sfurther.com/Tarot-Decks-Bags.htmProphecy Indexhttp://www.raptureready.com/rap2.html  Apocalyptic Anxiety Runs High in Disasters' Wakehttp://www.nynewsday.com/news/local/brooklyn/nyc-end1013,0,3124167,print.story?coll=nyc-manheadlines-brooklynBrian's Predictions - Click on Link for Demonstrated Predictionshttp://briansprediction.com/warnings.htm Healing: An Alaskan Prophecyhttp://www.viewzone.com/alaskan.htmlDo Prophecies Fortell Iraq's Future?http://www.fatemag.com/2005_10art3.html The Origins of Doomsday Anxietyhttp://www.thunderbolts.info/tpod/2005/arch05/050914doomsday.htmNew History Reveals the Truth About the Fátima Incidenthttp://www.book-of-thoth.com/article1369.html  
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[FairfieldLife] Hopi Elder's Call to Indigos

2005-11-08 Thread Blue Star

From:  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/circle2012dreams/

Hopi Elders call to IndigosFriends,The Hopi Nation has called to the New Children to play their essential rolein healing the world, especially the water of the world. I recently receivedthis letter (excerpt below) asking the Indigos to step forward, and for us,their Guardians, to assist them in this critical endeavor. Please read thismessage and pass it on to everyone you know.Also, the Indigo documentary, "The Indigo Evolution," will have its worldpremier on November 14 in Phoenix, and we invite you to join us. This movie,which features experts including Ram Das, Doreen Virtue PhD, Neale DonaldWalsch, Gary Zukav and water expert Dr. Emoto, is perhaps the best way toconnect with and understand these masters. Complete info on the premier isat the bottom of this email.In Peace,James TwymanMessage and Plea from the Hopi Elders for the Indigo Children:"To Hopi,
 children are the natural healers of the manifest and unmanifestworld. From the beginning, we have called upon them, day-to-day, to restoreand sustain the harmony and balance upon which the Hopi and the worlddepend.They bring fresh attachment to life and the future, hope to what isever-coming to be. Peace among peoples and cultures, health and purity innature, love and hope within our homes all depend upon this hopeful healingnature of children. It is in learning through them that we come again torestore our true selves and to create the daily balance by which we and alllife are sustained.When discord and hatred, disrespect and abuse rule the home for a time, itis to the children that the parents turn. Their voice is a healing. Throughthem, mother and father learn to speak to one another again. Respect isrecovered; proper behavior renewed; family, the balm of days, is restored;and Hopi life is preserved.It is
 time once again that we turn to the children and seek from those whoare innocent and have the power to heal all waters and for all of life whichit sustains -- or not. As the life-quality of water is threatened by humanand industrial waste, by irresponsible behaviors and disrespect -- assickened water weakens all of life - it is the prayers of children that mustbring hope-filled healing to the spirit and substance of water, towater-the-source-of-all-life."The Hopi Elders
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[FairfieldLife] 2005 Crop Circle Pics

2005-11-07 Thread Blue Star

From:  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/circle2012dreams/

Hi Friends
Here is the link to the 2005 Crop Circle Pics, very well done too.
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[FairfieldLife] Lotsa UFO Links

2005-11-06 Thread Blue Star

From:  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/circle2012dreams/

10 Years of Scientific Research of the Hessdalen Phenomena (pdf)http://www.anomalia.org/2005_hauge.pdf (452 kB)Strange Lights All Across the State of California - 10-26http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2005/10/27/BAG7VFEOC81.DTL Area 51 - A Personal Accounthttp://ufo.whipnet.org/area.51/vl.custer/index.htmlUFO/Mars Correlationhttp://www.dudeman.net/siriusly/0/sup/ufo-mars.shtmlLights in the sky (A bit old but still valid & interesting)http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/Features/2005/09/15/1218331-sun.html BBC cameraman films UFOs over Hanbury http://www.bbc.co.uk/herefordandworcester/features/2003/07/ufo.shtml UFO's: What The Government Really Knows 
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[FairfieldLife] Ascension Tools for Ascension

2005-11-05 Thread Blue Star

From:  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/circle2012dreams/

Tools For ComfortA brief note:  Not all of our physical and emotional discomfort can belabeled as an "ascension symptom".  There are certainly times when weare just not well, period.  For instance, we can easily have a cold orflu and not be clearing at all.a cigar is sometimes just a cigar.Rest. Rest. Rest. Your body is going through an incredibletransformation and is on over-load. For those highly sensitives withfragile nervous systems, rest can make all the difference. I havefound that severely limiting my activities and attending to extremeself-care has made a considerable difference. It also has a naturalby-product of putting you in the higher realms.Water is key.  Perhaps the most helpful support of all is water. Itcleanses us, neutralizes us and has many other attributes yet
 to bediscovered. Drink lots and lots of it, submerge yourself in it andmove through it (preferably a pool) and program it through yourintention to do what you desire. Exercise, water and letting go andtrusting are the most essential supports.Find your own personal supports that vibrate as you do, whether theybe acupuncture, yoga, breathwork, or mainstream therapy, etc.  Feelingsupported and not alone can do wonders.  In addition, absolutely everyone of us is being supported by our families of origin from the starsand our ascension guides. They are here to make sure that we are notgiven more than we can handle and that we are ALWAYS provided for. Wecannot possibly end up out in the street destitute and alone! We arethe stars of this incredible show and we are totally being watchedover and guided.Three important keys:  Stay as grounded as possible (it's easy now togo into much higher realms than we may
 want to. The Earth is alsoascending, and she will welcome and embrace us if we anchor into her),maintain healthy boundaries (there is a lot of energy flying aroundout there being released and part of the way you may be feeling is notyou), and be in the moment.Really, really trust.  If you can let go and stay open and out of theway, you will receive a tremendous amount of help.Be in your creativity as much as possible. The higher energies cravecreativity, and you will naturally, automatically and comfortably beelevated into the higher realms, as well as opening a channel for thatenergy to flow more easily.Try not to resist the process.  I have found that fear and resistanceto the ascension process only creates an unpleasant experience.Everything is in divine right order. Again, we all have our ownspecial non-physical beings monitoring our process (I have seenthem!), and we will not be allowed to go "too
 far" into a danger zone.We are never given more than we can handle, even though sometimes itseems otherwise! At one point my ascension guide told me that myattitude, fears and resistance were creating about 50% more discomfortthan necessary.Monitor your thoughts.  This is also key. Higher and positive thoughtswill immediately place you in the higher realms, as well as assistgreatly in what you are creating. Find a "feel good" vision foryourself and use it often. I frequently envision my perfect life inall ways. Know it will arrive. You have the vision because you aresupposed to be living it!Let your soul guide you.  We tend to want to be in control of what isgoing on and may "over do" grasping for some kind of relief. If youlet go and ask, your soul will bring to you the messages you need(whether through another person, a book, an e-mail, etc.), and is agreat navigator for a smoother and more pleasant
 transition. I havefound that "less is more". The process itself has its own way ofgetting you where you need to go, and you can easily overstimulateyourself by trying to take charge or "over remedy-ing" yourself.If you are guided to supplemental support, take it.   Adrenal supporthas assisted me greatly. Our bodies are working overtime. Relaxingherbs are good as well.Although doctors may be baffled by your symptoms, as you don't fitinto their "niches", they still may be of help.  Our bodies have beenthrown out of balance and you may have a chemical imbalance, ahormonal imbalance, a thyroid imbalance, or anything else that canbenefit from a doctor's diagnosis. Doctors seem to be catching on, andare really coming around.  My docotors and nurses in Asheville, NCfrequently told me about surrounding myself with white light, beingmindful not to take on the energies of others and that I was
 releasingpast lives.  They are out there!Spend as much time in nature as you can.  The sky is still blue, thesun is still rising and nature is still blooming and thriving. Itfeels good to connect.Get plenty of exercise.  If you are too tired to exercise, trywalking.  It is important to keep things moving.Soak up the sun.  The sun carries the vibration of the New energy andit really helps to be out in it daily.

[FairfieldLife] New Group

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