Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More Mother India -- "Take your poo to the loo"

2014-04-20 Thread emptybill
That explains why you think you think you are the eh.pee.tomee of lightenmint. 
You sit on your ass like those pictures of Zen-monks and feel like yer the 
Buddha. Then you stand up, strut around and proclaim - I'm  lightened just by 
stiiting on my ass. Buddha Dogen says so and I can tell! 
Ahem ... 
Better find out how to do mo-chao instead. 
One minute of sitting - one inch of Buddha. 
One minute of shitting - one stench of Buddha.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: More Mother India -- "Take your poo to the loo"

2014-04-19 Thread emptybill
You are already awareness itself and don't require some kind of "awareness of 
awareness". This attempt to locate a self-reflexive awareness is just a mental 
simulation of what it might be like. A confused one at that. No wonder you are 
so confused. You'd be better giving up this delusive "taza" for some mo-chao. 
Read it & weep.

[FairfieldLife] Re: More Mother India -- "Take your poo to the loo"

2014-04-18 Thread emptybill
Great refutation of Chan Master Sheng-Yen and his teaching about Mo-Chao.
"I'm practicing lighten-mint - can't you see? I'm the very eh-pee-tomee of it."
Yep ... the practice is the end-all of it all. Why it's just sittin' on my ass 
looking oh-so-lightened. Ca..., Can..., Can't  you all see my aura?"

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why TM teachers cannot get Shankara's teachings

2014-04-18 Thread emptybill
Don't worry - you needn't be.

[FairfieldLife] Shikan-taza is NOT Silent Illumination (Mo-Chao)

2014-04-18 Thread emptybill
No one will ever get "enlightened" although they might get some kind of 

What is yours will always be yours - what is not yours will never be yours. If 
you have it, it will be given to you. If you don't have it, it will be taken 
away from you. Blah Blah.

So much for "lighten-mint"
 Shikantaza and Silent Illumination
 Lecture given by master Sheng-yen during the Dec. 1993 Ch’an retreat 

 The Japanese term “shikantaza” literally means “just sitting.” Its original 
Chinese name, ,mo-chao means “silent illumination.” “Silent” refers to not 
using any specific method of meditation and having no thoughts in your mind. 
“Illumination” means clarity. You are very clear about the state of your body 
and mind.
 When the method of silent illumination was taken to Japan it was changed 
somewhat. The name given to it, “just sitting”, means just paying attention to 
sitting or just keeping the physical posture of sitting, and this was the new 
emphasis. The word “silent” was removed from the name of the method and the 
understanding that the mind should be clear and have no thoughts was not 
emphasized. In silent illumination, “just sitting” is only the first step.

[FairfieldLife] Why TM teachers cannot get Shankara's teachings

2014-04-18 Thread emptybill
TM teachers are instructed within a yogic-advaita framework - one that 
underpins their understanding about meditation and reality. Without exposure to 
Shankara's teachings and the traditional Upanishad methodology, it will be hard 
for any TM'er to entertain this original view.
 Shankara says:
 For there is the statement of the shruti : “The Brahman that is direct and 
immediate” (BU 3.4.1) and there is the statement, tat tvam asi “you are That” 
(CU6.8.7) which teaches [that Brahman] is already accomplished. This sentence 
“you are That” cannot be interpreted to mean "you will become That" after you 
are dead (i.e in heaven).
 Comans explains: 
 Firstly, Shankara is committed to the understanding that the Self is 
self-luminous, for it is by nature simple, sheer Awareness (BUbh 4.3.23). 
Secondly, in accord with this view of the self-luminosity of the Self as 
Awareness, Shankara has characterized the Self as “Experience Itself” 
(anubhavâtman). We should therefore expect that the experience about which 
Shankara speaks is the “intuition”, “insight”, or even “recognition” of oneself 
as sheer Awareness. It cannot be a new experience of producing something that 
did not previously exist. Nor can it be an experience involving the 
objectification of Awareness. It is rather the “experience” of oneself AS 
Awareness, without limitations. For that is what one is, and so finds oneself 
to be, when there is the apprehension of one’s own fundamental 
Awareness-nature, together with the apprehension of the “seeming”, or the 
apparent nature (mithyâtva) of all limiting adjuncts (upâdhis) - those that 
pertain to the individual body-mind (tvam), as well as to the Lordship of 
Brahman (tat). 
 TM teachers are not educated or trained to receive, apprehend or articulate 
such a view about the immediacy of direct realization.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What We Did Today

2014-03-28 Thread emptybill
Sounds like a repetition of a Vaj rant with all thse generalizations still 
intact. That means the info in this rant either hasn't been challenged yet or 
hasn't been compared to the Ganga Mahamudra of Tilopa, Naropa and Marpa, which 
in its orignal practice/recognition, was similar to TM - only without using a 

[FairfieldLife] Re: No Mantra will cure willfully arrogant stupidity

2014-03-26 Thread emptybill
Here is a mantra you can use with or without Turmeric on your eggs -
Leo-pold ...  Leo-pold
For your advanced technique you add  Phisher ... Phisher
When you become very advanced you can add  Duh, Duh
You'll be claiming lighten-mint in "no-time".

[FairfieldLife] Re: No Mantra will cure willfully arrogant stupidity

2014-03-25 Thread emptybill
And the mantra-devatâ for your scrambled egg sutra is something you got from 
some householder FFL yogi?... Or did you just cook it up?

[FairfieldLife] Re: No Mantra will cure willfully arrogant stupidity

2014-03-25 Thread emptybill
Dear TurquoiseZee 
You seem so knowledgeable about nits. Lots of experience ... huh? 
Must be all them European beds.

[FairfieldLife] No Mantra will cure willfully arrogant stupidity

2014-03-25 Thread emptybill
Recently I have read here on FFL an argument professed by former TM’ers who 
stopped practicing because they claimed they were deceived about the "meaning" 
of mantras. 
 Their fundamental claim is that a mantra is the name of a Hindu god. The claim 
is that a mantra, by definition, encapsulates a method for worshiping a Hindu 
god but that this fact is withheld from practitioners. Within the domain of 
this argument, these claimants will often quote some text from a Hindu Tantra. 
These quotes are passages usually assigning a particular deity to a particular 
mantra and sometimes even assigning a set of deities to each of the Sanskrit 
letters composing the written forms of the mantra’s sound. This textual 
assignment is often done quite haphazardly but occasionally is done in the 
Vedic format of rishi-deva-chhanda.
 Along with the quoted Tantric text is sometimes a quoted statement by MMY, 
declaring that a mantra is a "sound whose effect is known". This argument 
quotes the TMO claim that a mantra is used in TM for the beneficial effects it 
produces in causing the spontaneous refinement of perception. This explanation 
is then paraded as an example of shameful exploitation of Western ignorance of 
the "Hindu" foundation of TM and of any other Indian meditation that does not 
confess itself as a form of "Hindu devotionalism". This devotionalist criticism 
is further paraded around by pointing to various Indian swamis and cross-eyed 
yogis who make these claims and arguments themselves.
 Here are some considerations about these claims:
 SBS taught in India. MMY began teaching in India before coming to the West. 
They both taught within the context of the Indian Hindu cultural model. 
Although they taught in India, where there are many Muslims, they did not 
present their teaching within a Muslim cultural model. Although Buddhism is 
from India and many Indians consider Buddha as one of their own, neither SBS 
nor MMY taught within a Buddhist cultural model. Rather, they taught within the 
cultural context of their listeners.
 After coming to the West, MMY continued speaking and teaching within the 
Indian cultural model - for a while. It was the teaching model established by 
Vivekananda and Paramahansa Yogananda – partly religious, partly philosophical 
and partly yogic. However, the cultural context of this form of teachings was 
the 19th and 20th century paradigm of Western Modernity. 
 When MMY realized the limitations brought by this model and the limitations of 
religious language here in the West he took a left turn. That divergence left 
some of his teachers behind - Charlie Lutts being an example.
 This is one reason that pointing to early religious language by MMY or SBS is 
an inaccurate over-simplification. 
 As far as the “it is all a deceit” claimants, the two groups that are the most 
antagonist and strident are the materialists and the religionists. Materialists 
claim mantras are the mumbo formulas of hindoo gods and that the concept of 
gods/god is a false idea propounded by power brokers to enslave the masses. 
This is a truncated Marxist view popular among the half-educated.
 Contrary to this, the fundamentalist religions claim that mantras are secret 
demonic traps devised to enslave us to hindoo devils. This is the view of 
true-believing adherents of the Abrahamic religions – Jews, Christians and 
Muslims. This is not some fundamentalist diatribe from TV evangelicals. This 
was the original view of Christians from the second century C.E. forward and 
was used as an ideological propellant for killing polytheists after 
Constantine’s ascent to Roman power.
 What is obvious is that both groups are unable to rationally consider the 
facts because they are ideologues entrenched in a priori conclusions.  One 
example of this is a clear demarcation about the difference between yoga and 
religion. Materialists dismiss such an idea because yoga historically emerged 
within in a Hindu cultural context. Semitic monotheists condemn this idea for 
the same reason. 
 If we consider the role of yoga, it is apparent that most meditating 
Westerners are functionally ignorant about the nature, range, depth and 
complexity of yoga lineages - whether Vedic, Hindu, Buddhist or Jain. Most of 
them do not know the difference between Vedic, Puranic and Tantric lineages of 
practice. They also do not understand how these three streams developed and 
then intertwined into Hindu temple rites. They don't know vidhi from vedi.*
 (*vidhi is a specific method of puja. Vedi is the altar used in yajña. )
 Even more surprising, most swamis and imported "yogis" are not Pandits, 
Indologists, or Sanskritists. Very few are formally educated in the yoga 
traditions of the Indian subcontinent. Most are only trained in asana, pranayam 
and japa.  A little bhakti here, a few Upanishad citations there and "om tat 
sat" - I’m a guru.
 Faced with this, most of us Westerners who meditate are at a disadvantage when 

[FairfieldLife] State TV says Russia could turn US to 'radioactive ash'

2014-03-16 Thread emptybill


[FairfieldLife] ‘Pirated’ Boeing 777 may return to skies as stealth nuclear weapon

2014-03-16 Thread emptybill

[FairfieldLife] Re: Who's been this happy ever in any TMO related activity?

2014-03-16 Thread emptybill
About time! 
How come they "transcend" but can't transcend their own myopia? 
Is it because they are drooling cultists? 
"Let them eat petit fours".
---In,  wrote :
Share, I'm generally against people in the TMO having animals because of the 
attitude generated by Maharishi towards animals which was purely cultural. They 
treat them like lower forms of life not worthy of our concern, they are a 
*drain*, yada ,yada, yada. I've seen animals in the care of people employed by 
the TMO suffer terribly, starved, neglected and denied medical care, "Oh, it's 
their karma, I can't be involved or distracted", is the attitude, as if they 
were some feral animal on the streets of CalcuttaOn more than one occasion, I 
have let it be known that if I ever hear of this kind of treatment towards an 
animal by TMO people again,I would go to the SPCA and the media and blow a 
whistle that would be heard all over the country and bring total disgrace to 
the TMO. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Pundit Sex Talk

2014-03-16 Thread emptybill
The quote, the claim, the view:
  Shankara, as related in his classic work The Crest Jewel of Discrimination - 
"A wise man views women as corpses, bags of urine and feces."
  Shankara and his principle disciples were all renunciates (sannyasin-s). 
Their lives were not dedicated to achieving as much sensory and sensual 
pleasure as humanly possible - like most of us. 
   Renunciation is not a objective in itself but is rather a means – a codified 
consequence of behavior to aid single-minded dedication to a goal. That goal, 
for Advaita Vedantin-s, is ascertainment of the primacy of the field of 
essence-awareness as the reality of human identity (satyam-jñanam-anantam  or 
essence, awareness, limitlessness). Afterward there occurs the application of 
discrimination between that Real and the limited senses/mind/intellect. 
Finally, following that discernment is realization of the indivisibility of 
Reality-Brahman and all appearances (i.e. the universe of experience - both 
external and internal). 
  There is incomprehension and antipathy towards this goal and its lifestyle on 
FFL, which just demonstrates biased ignorance towards the source-teachings at 
the root of this lineage. 

 Read it and sleep.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Unity Village in Kansas City

2014-03-13 Thread emptybill
Gotta work tomorrow unrtil 6:30 or 7pm. If you are coming back this way let me 
know. We can try to find a date/time.
 Weekends work 1best for me lbecause we only have four people supplying the 
whole hospital. Time off is a trick.
 Enjoy Unity - best time is late spring or eary summer. Their teachers are 
quite positive and seem to just want to help people.
 Imagine that. Sortta like the old TM days.

 Email me: to get my phone #.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Tantra means loosely – “Sac red teachings” – (thankas)

2014-03-09 Thread emptybill
"Class, today we are going to learn a bunch of big words and the proper way to 
show love to someone"
Oh so right! Let's call our new flavor Prairie Doc lightn-mint. 
Is them words big enuff?

[FairfieldLife] RE: Funny article from the Guardian Newspaper about TM

2014-03-09 Thread emptybill
 Rakshasas raksasas (Sanskrit) [from the verbal root raksh to protect] The 
preservers; in modern popular superstition in India, commonly associated with 
evil spirits and demons. Esoterically they are the gibborim (giants) of the 
Bible, the fourth root-race or Atlanteans: 
"when Brahma created the demons, Yakshas (from Yaksh, to eat) and the 
Rakshasas, both of which kinds of demons, as soon as born, wished to devour 
their creator, those among them that called out 'Not so! oh, let him be saved 
(preserved)' were named Rakshasas (Vishnu Purana Book I, ch. v.). The Bhagavata 
Purana (III, 20, 19-21) renders the allegory differently. Brahma transformed 
himself into night (or ignorance) invested with a body, upon which the Yakshas 
and Rakashasas seized, exclaiming 'Do not spare it; devour it.' Brahma then 
cried out, 'Do not devour me, spare me.' This has an inner meaning of course. 
The 'Body of Night' is the darkness of ignorance, and it is the darkness of 
silence and secrecy. Now the Rakshasas are shown in almost every case to be 
Yogis, pious Saddhus and Initiates, a rather unusual occupation for demons. The 
meaning then is that while we have power to dispel the darkness of ignorance, 
'devour it,' we have to preserve the sacred truth from profanation. 'Brahma is 
for the Brahmins alone,' says that proud caste. The moral of the fable is 
evident" (SD 2:165n).

[FairfieldLife] RE: Tantra means loosely – “Sac red teachings” – (thankas)

2014-03-09 Thread emptybill
The point of maithuna practice (sexual-union yoga) is to assist in the ascend 
of the prana-shaktis up the spine, whether that is understood to be a 
collection of prana-s gathered into the spinal axis or of the ascent of the 
mula-prana known as kundalini-shakti at the base of the spine. The Buddhist 
tantric union of shunyatâ (emptiess) and sukha (happiness) is merely a metaphor 
for ecstatic union and its oceanic manifestations. Sexual experience in this 
askesis is used because it coincides with death and fainting as entry-points to 
the most extreme experiences of absorption in the experience of transcendence. 
This is all explained in the expositions of Tsongkapa upon the six sadhana-s of 
Naropa. In essence, that means you are spouting off about something you know 
nothing about. 
Great display of Prairie Dog 'lighten-mint'.

[FairfieldLife] "God "- the concept

2014-03-09 Thread emptybill
Our Western notions about “God” emerge through the theological lens of Semitic 
Monotheism - Judism, Christianity, and Islam. That’s why we so casually pitch 
forth the term “God” rather than “the gods” – as our Greek and Roman ancestors 
once did. The Semite god is fundamentally a tyrant in the Greek “polis” 
(city-state) sense of that term. This means the Semitic “God” is a monarch who 
at will exercises power in a ruthless, pitiless manner – as an oppressive, 
harsh, arbitrary person. 
 Apposite this cruel despot steps forth the weeping Jesus – wounded in his 
“heart” by our iniquitous and malevolent self-will. Won’t you open your 
darkened, ego-obsessed soul to the bleeding Jesu and put his cross in place of 
your own wickedly defying “I”?  Of course, if you fail to replace You with Him, 
Jesu, like big God, will likewise send you into the pit and the fire! Then you 
can count on torment without intermission for as long as eternity lasts – all 
just because He can.
 Opposite this parody of a Semitic king, is the concept of Patanjali’s Ishvara. 
The term Ishvara means ruler, owner, master. Patanjali’s Ishvara is a specific, 
different (viseša) purusha never possessing afflictions, karmic acts and 
results or deposits of  habitual tendencies. However, this Ishvara is was never 
a creator in the Semite sense.
 Apparently, Patanjali included the concept of Ishvara because yogins bent upon 
samâdhi and liberation had direct experience with a cosmic intelligence that 
was accessible for receiving teachings and grace. His codification of the sound 
(shabda) of Ishvara and the means to its realization was Patanjali’s 
contribution to direct realization through “pranava (omkara) repetition and 
contemplation of its meaning”. 
 Contrary to this, Buddhists believe in puny “worldly” devas but deny a cosmic 
creator/ruler. The Dalai Lama calls it “the god concept”. However, in Tantric 
Buddhism they do indeed use “om” as a cosmic sound and as a conceptual 
construct for transcendence. 
 All of this should show just how insular and self-involved this Semite-rooted 
concept of Judeo-Christo-Islamic “Godism” has become and just how widely it has 
infiltrated both our historical and current thinking.

[FairfieldLife] Is Vedanta only a theory to be confirmed through experience? (More Ted Schwartz)

2014-03-09 Thread emptybill
This is a notion prevalent among seekers who have encountered a diluted form of 
Vedanta and/or have not yet cultivated the qualifications necessary to enable 
them to properly assimilate the teachings that even though self-inquiry is a 
means of knowledge, the knowledge it produces is only theoretical, and that it 
therefore has to be subsequently validated by a direct personal experience of a 
mystical or otherwise special state of consciousness.
 The claims that a special experience is required to convert theoretical 
knowledge into reality are based on the fact that generations of yogis, Tantra 
masters, and mystics have been talking about and placing great emphasis on the 
value of experiences and, moreover, prescribing techniques and methods intended 
to help seekers cultivate various altered states of consciousness.
 The fundamental error underlying the erroneous notion that enlightenment or 
self-realization is a particular state of being and all the yogic practices 
aimed at attaining it is that reality is a duality, that the self is something 
other than and separate from oneself.  The idea that any action is necessary to 
obtain the non-dual awareness in which all objects appear and of which all are 
essentially made – the very awareness, in other words, that is now, has always 
been, and will always be aware of everything, the very awareness that is 
presently illumining one’s mind, the very awareness because of which one knows 
both what one knows and what one doesn’t know – is upon even the most cursory 
analysis absurd.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Funny article from the Guardian Newspaper about TM

2014-03-08 Thread emptybill
Sorry to have to say it again to you but none of us will get any 
"enlightenment" at all, not now or at any time - never, ever. Enlightenment is 
a silly scam to get you to want something that you already are by nature. It is 
more accurately called selling water by the river. There is nothing to obtain 
other than the direct discernment of your real nature. 
Read it and weep.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Who Are You Going to Call?

2014-03-01 Thread emptybill
Everybody knows that this aggression is Bush's fault. 
Maybe you should pose a selfie outside his ranch with a sign ...

"W! On behalf of the U.N. you are under citizen's arrest for your crimes! Get 
out of your car with your hands in the air." 
So get to it. We'll be waiting for you to post it here.

Oh so brave Barry-Two sez:
Don't forget that "Springtime is Wartime" be it Hitler or Dubya.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Russell Simmons on TM - Front page of

2014-02-26 Thread emptybill
In high school everyone was already chanting the shakti form of the vahni-bija 
- rah rah shish koom bah or the really secret  high school mantra - rama longa 
ding dong. Must be why all the time they wanted to eat and have sex. It wasn't 
the hormones after all. 
Just the short uh (as in "ə" - the schwah) is all they need for SM (Simmons 
Meditation) ... as in rəm rəm rəmə rəmə.

[FairfieldLife] RE: A National Robin Hood Tax To Take Back Our Economy

2014-02-26 Thread emptybill
Sal: Can I wear green tights? I look good in green tights.
Only if you use a codpiece.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Deification and the Uncreated Engergies of God

2014-02-25 Thread emptybill
OK - no prob.
 I was commenting upon the wiki link that Willy posted in message #374571.
---In,  wrote:

 emptybill, if you're responding to a post (rather than starting a new thread), 
please click "Show message history" before you send it so we can see what 
you're replying to. It's not difficult, just one click. 

 Message 16 of this thread pointed out - Wiki is a soph-moronic source - full 
of generalities and misunderstandings. 
This article misrepresents the smarta sampradaya.
"Supreme Being" is not the meaning of Brahman nor is "Hinduism" a form of 
monotheism. The terms "monotheism/polytheism ... etc" are all categories used 
to describe Western philosophy and Semitic theology.
It's all so 19th Century.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Deification and the Uncreated Engergies of God

2014-02-25 Thread emptybill
Message 16 of this thread pointed out -
Wiki is a soph-moronic source - full of generalities and misunderstandings. 
This article misrepresents the smarta sampradaya.
"Supreme Being" is not the meaning of Brahman nor is "Hinduism" a form of 
monotheism. The terms "monotheism/polytheism ... etc" are all categories used 
to describe Western philosophy and Semitic theology.
It's all so 19th Century.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Deification and the Uncreated Engergies of God

2014-02-24 Thread emptybill
This suggestion is so inappropriate. 
 Our members driving this very thread are the sheer eh-pee-tomee-s of 
deification. After all we’re all the apex of evolution. The space bro’s visit 
us just to admire us. Apparently the "word" is out. 
 Ca Ca Can’t we jus’ jus' get along?
  Willy sez: 
 Maybe we should just move this whole discussion over to WhatsApp since 
 NOBODY in less than 24 hours is going to EVER again read this discussion 
 about theism and " Deification and the Uncreated Engergies of God". 
 NEVER. Somebody prove me wrong.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Buddhists Protest Against Dalai Lama in SF

2014-02-23 Thread emptybill
It is not so simple. 
You have to know something about Tibetan Vajrayana, Tibetan exile politics and 
specifically about this apotheosized guardian-daimon to understand what is 
happening here. 
It's all about maintaining workable relationships between the four major sects 
of Tibetan Buddhism. The Dalai Lama heads only one sect out of four.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Deification and the Uncreated Engergies of God

2014-02-23 Thread emptybill
Wiki is a sophmoronic source - full of generalities and misunderstandings.
   Most discussions about deity in the current theism/scientism debate are 
replete with Euro-American myopic views about Western philosophical-theological 
history and terms. This is particularly true about monotheism’s incipient 
onto-theology (as Heidegger uses that term).
   The idea that deity/god transcends both essence (hyperousia) and substance 
(hypostasis) is either unknown or unrecognizable in this debate by both sides.
  A short synopsis about Heidegger’s “OntoTheology”:
 For Heidegger, OntoTheology contributes to the oblivion or forgetfulness of 
Being. Indeed "metaphysics is Onto-Theo-logy," and Western metaphysics "since 
the beginning with the Greeks has eminently been both Ontology and theology." 
The problem with this intermixing of ontology and theology according to 
Heidegger's analysis, and the reason why Heidegger and his successors sought to 
overcome it, is at least twofold.
 First, by linking the philosophical with the theological, and vice versa, the 
distinctiveness of each respective discourse is clouded over. As such, the 
nature of philosophy as a factually unknown and structurally unknowable path of 
thought is restricted by an economy of faith. Likewise, with theology, as the 
science of faith, theology at its best testifies to the irreducible mystery of 
its source in revelation and to the unapproachable and incomprehensible aim of 
its desire in God. However, once theology becomes Onto-Theological that 
mysterious source and incomprehensible aim are reduced to the order of beings.
 Second, and on a more fundamental level, the OntoTheological problem is part 
and parcel of the overall degeneration of Western thought and the consequent 
troubles of Western technological culture. The problem, in a nutshell, is the 
human desire for mastery and OntoTheology contributes to this by presuming 
knowledge regarding the "first cause" of philosophy and the "highest being" of 
 According to Merold Westphal, Heidegger has three main objections to 
 First, it deprives the world of its mystery. Second, it gives us a God not 
worthy of worship. 
 In a famous passage, Heidegger complains that before the causa sui (a name for 
the God of onto-theology that emphasizes the need for an explainer that doesn’t 
need to be explained) no one would be tempted to pray or to sacrifice and that 
this God evokes neither awe nor music and dance. Onto-theology is hostile to 
 "Third, having deprived the world of both its mystery and of a God worthy of 
worship, onto-theology opens the way for the unfettered self-assertion of the 
will to power in the form of modernity, namely the quest of science and 
technology to have everything at human disposal. This is the ultimate hubris of 
western humanity, in which, under the banner of modernity, it arrogates to 
itself the place of Plato’s Good and the Christian God. Heidegger describes 
this self-coronation as an attack, an assault, an uprising, an insurrection."
 The óntōS Insurrection

[FairfieldLife] RE: The Truth

2014-02-23 Thread emptybill
And that is just the gross physical level.
However, you prove the point ... 
The self is everything that is.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Deification and the Uncreated Engergies of God

2014-02-23 Thread emptybill
The paragraph saying -
"If we were able to unite with the essence of God, we too would become gods in 
essence. In other words everything would become a god, and there would be 
confusion so that, nothing would be essentially a god. In a few words, this is 
what they believe in the Oriental religions, e.g. in Hinduism, where the god is 
not a personal existence but an indistinct power dispersed through all the 
world, in men, in animals, and in objects (Pantheism). "
This is a typical Semitic Monotheistic misunderstanding of the "Orientals". It 
is just as prevalent in Orthodoxy as in RC/Protestant theology - only is 
uses/misuses Western philosophic terminology (i.e. "pantheism"). Since the 
creature/Creator distinction is paramount, it is the backdrop of every 
discussion about theosis. 
The point of the discussion is the doctrine of Theosis and how/why it is the 
original Christian theological formulation.

[FairfieldLife] Deification and the Uncreated Engergies of God

2014-02-22 Thread emptybill
Christian theology has been very clear for about 1500+ years that God's essence 
is transcendent yet manifests uncreated energies/acts. Eastern Orthodoxy 
teaches that “What God is by nature, humans become by grace.”  This is the 
meaning of the term theosis (deification) – which is declared the true purpose 
of human life.
 However, even more provocative is their assertion that God transcends essence 

[FairfieldLife] China Preparing for War with US

2014-02-21 Thread emptybill

[FairfieldLife] Re: Creepy?

2014-02-21 Thread emptybill
Simone Weil was a Platonist. She was not particularly enamored with the Roman 
Catholic Church but found affinity with a form of Christian Platonism. That’s 
because of the historically inherited conglomerate – a term that actually 
descriptive of the bastard shotgun wedding of Christianity and Platonism. Weil 
was, in essence, a serious contemplative with typical French political 
 Since my karmic predecessor spoke fluent French, I might have met her (before 
WWII). Haven’t explored that faint possiblity. However, if so, it would only 
reveal the personal since that predecessor was not enabled for such things – at 
least as far as I know.

---In,  wrote:

 Re "Anyone considering these passages, who either sees or believes in 
supra-material intelligences will conclude that YHVH was not a deity 
(theos/theon) but rather an evil demon (kakodaimōn). ":
 The second-century theologian Marcion declared that Christianity was opposed 
to Judaism and loathed the Old Testament. Marcion did not claim the Jewish 
Scriptures were false but au contraire should be read as literally true, 
showing that YHWH was not the God spoken of by Jesus.

 In a similar vein, French philosopher Simone Weil (who was an anti-Jewish Jew) 
was incensed that the New Testament was packaged up with the Old Testament in 
The Bible. The two books she always carried with her were the New Testament and 
The Gita.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Creepy?

2014-02-21 Thread emptybill

 Thanks for posting some of the “holy” evidence against the god of Semitic 
Monotheism. However, these passages are superseded by Joshua 1-12, where the 
god of the Jews is revealed to be a genocidal murderer - a Hitler before 
 Anyone considering these passages, who either sees or believes in 
supra-material intelligences will conclude that YHVH was not a deity 
(theos/theon) but rather an evil demon (kakodaimōn). 


 So much for sacred history.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Ravi Yogi back at it - must need the attention

2014-02-19 Thread emptybill
Dear oh-so-good friend emptyliar.
Don't send messages to my wife. Stay off her Facebook page.
Then I won't care about your antics.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Ravi Yogi back at it - must need the attention

2014-02-19 Thread emptybill
I don't know why you believe I am interested in what you say. You produce 
little original content here. Mostly you are Judy-lite, her snide 
second-in-disdain for those Judy needs to attack . You're wasting my time.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Ravi Yogi back at it - must need the attention

2014-02-18 Thread emptybill
There was no context to explain. Ravi decided to let my wife know he was 
"thinking about her" even though she doesn't know him except through my 
descriptions. Originally she had to ask me who this Ravi guy was. 
When someone you don't know writes "I love you" and "I'm thinking of you" on 
your Facebook page then I call it stalking. Perhaps, instead, you would feel 
pleased and excited and call it worship.

[FairfieldLife] Ravi Yogi back at it - must need the attention

2014-02-18 Thread emptybill
My oh-so-great buddy, pycho-Ravi, has sent another unsolicited message to my 
wife's facebook page ...  "I miss you". Nice for her to know that this internet 
troll is stalking her.

Re: [FairfieldLife] An acute differnce between Eastern Orthodox Christianity and Roman Catholicism

2014-02-16 Thread emptybill
Willy sez: 

 So, where is the part about "man becoming God" in the Eastern Orthdoxy?
 Look it up:

 As St. Athanasius said, “God became man, so that man might become a god.”

[FairfieldLife] An acute differnce between Eastern Orthodox Christianity and Roman Catholicism

2014-02-16 Thread emptybill
Original Sin vs Ancestral Sin Another point of theological contention according 
to some Orthodox theologians is the Roman Catholic teachings on Original Sin. 
Orthodox theologians trace this position to having its roots in the works of 
Saint Augustine. Eastern Orthodoxy, Oriental Orthodoxy and Eastern Catholicism, 
which together make up Eastern Christianity, acknowledge that the introduction 
of ancestral sin into the human race affected the subsequent environment for 
humanity, but never accepted Augustine of Hippo's notions of original sin and 
hereditary guilt. The Roman Catholic Church did not accept all of Augustine's 
ideas, at least as these are commonly interpreted outside the Church, such as 
the idea that original sin deprives man of free will or that God predestines 
some people to hell, and also his teaching that infants who die without baptism 
are confined to hell. It holds that original sin does not have the character of 
a personal fault in any of Adam's descendants.

[FairfieldLife] The bastard union of psychotherapy and anti-cultism: it's all about the money

2014-02-16 Thread emptybill
Psychotherapy and counseling are growth industries. The BBC for example finds it
necessary to frequently add after stories involving any degree of shock "those 
effected are
receiving counseling" or "are being offered counseling". Psychotherapy and 
are widely seen as acceptable, meaningful and valid.
That they may be unscientific folk practices offered by unscrupulous 
individuals is not a
popular view. But it may be a more accurate assessment.
This essay considers psychotherapy and counseling as social movements. We look 
at the
ideology of therapy and ask whether it is really there to benefit the patient. 
We reflect on
the 'long and arduous' training for psychotherapy and find that in fact it is 
neither long nor
arduous. We look at the view of people that therapy holds to; necessarily 
people are seen
as in need of therapy, that is weak and lacking. We suggest that the valuation 
emotionalism in therapy is a retreat from a difficult world not a mature 
response to it. We
consider whether therapy is a cult, a religion or a science; it seems that 
therapy has most
in common with folk movements. And finally we ask how it is that people do not 
leave their
therapists; here we catch a glimpse into the power of the therapist, a power 
not unlike that
of the witch-doctor in a primitive society.

[FairfieldLife] It's just sheer awareness (drišti-mâtratâ) and it ain't transcendent

2014-02-16 Thread emptybill
Still believe in the four states of consciousness?

 While the waker, dreamer, and deep sleeper as well as the worlds they appear 
to inhabit continuously shuffle in and out of existence, assiduous inquiry does 
reveal a “fourth factor,” as it is called in the Mandukya Upanishad, that 
remains a constant though subtle presence throughout all three states of 
experience. This “fourth factor” is often misunderstood to be a transcendental 
state, and many a seeker spends years, often a whole lifetime, striving to 
reach, experience, merge with, and ultimately become permanently established in 
this blissful realm. All such attempts, however, are inevitably doomed to 
failure because all states are experiential and, therefore, no state is 
eternal. Rather than a state, the “fourth factor” is quite simply the 
limitless, attributeless awareness in which all three experiential states 
appear. This “fourth factor” never fails to shine, never fades away, never 
forfeits its all-pervasive existence. It is the singular substratum of the 
apparent universe. It is the sole reality. It is the eternal self.
 from the blog of Ted Schmidt

[FairfieldLife] RE: The Robin Carlsen Cult on Fairfield Life

2014-02-09 Thread emptybill
I dub thee Queen Vicious Bitchious. 

[FairfieldLife] RE: The Robin Carlsen Cult on Fairfield Life

2014-02-09 Thread emptybill
... with an irrational exuberance bordering on juvenile pathology. 


 Oh yeah ... did I add Share to your poison salad mix?


 Read it and froth.

[FairfieldLife] RE: The Robin Carlsen Cult on Fairfield Life

2014-02-09 Thread emptybill
Why would any of us still care what you think about Barry?

Having paraded it around to everyone, along with Judy, you must consider you 
personal opinion a prototype for all humanity. 

 Any two consecutive posts by Judy, following a single statement by Barry, is 
enough for any interlocutor to conclude that you both are obsessed with an 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Marshy Enlightened?

2014-02-09 Thread emptybill
Willy sez:

 "The "separative divide" between Eastern and Western orthodox religions is 
that the Western orthodox religion teaches that a man became God in the person 
of Jesus Christ. Eastern orthodox religions do not teach this and even denies 

 This is clearly a misinformed statement. You should have consulted the 
Orthodox Wiki

 Incarnation is the act of clothing with flesh, or the state of being so 
clothed; the act of taking, or being manifested in, a human body and nature. 
Used by itself, the word refers to the fact that in Jesus, God took on flesh and became man. God, the Son, has truly lived and died and risen from 
the dead in the flesh, as a true human being. 

 The Orthodox doctrine of Christ incarnate is: 
 True God and true man, one person in two natures, without separation and 
without confusion: a single person, but endowed with two wills and two 
energies. From the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed: "... and He was incarnate 
of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and became man." 

[FairfieldLife] Now it can be told ... the truth about Vedic/Tantric deities or angry Semetic gods!

2014-02-08 Thread emptybill

 The Big Board - by Kilgore Trout

 … It was about an Earthling man and woman who were kidnapped by 
extra-terrestrials. They were put on display in a zoo on a planet called 

 These fictitious people in the zoo had a big board supposedly showing stock 
market quotations and comodity prices along one wall of their habitat, and a 
news ticker, and a telephone that was supposedly connected to a brokerage on 
Earth. The creatures on Zircon-212 told their captives that they had invested a 
million dollars for them back on Earth, and that it was up to the captives to 
manage it so that they would be fabulously wealthy when they were returned to 
The telephone and the big board and the ticker were all fakes, of course. They 
were simply stimulants to make the Earthlings perform vividly for the crowds at 
the zoo—to make them jump up and down and cheer, or gloat, or sulk, or tear 
their hair, to be scared shitless or to feel as contented as babies in their 
mothers’ arms.
The Earthlings did very well on paper. That was part of the rigging, of course. 
And religion got mixed up in it, too. The news ticker reminded them that the 
President of the United States had declared National Prayer Week, and that 
everybody should pray. The Earthlings had had a bad week on the market before 
that. They had lost a small fortune in olive oil futures. So they gave praying 
a whirl.
It worked. Olive oil went up.

[FairfieldLife] RE: HC grants bail to Girish Verma

2014-02-02 Thread emptybill
Bail of less than US $800. Think he could afford it?

[FairfieldLife] RE: All About Sadhus and Yogis

2014-02-02 Thread emptybill
These are discussions about claims of tantric sex. No doubt, for you, it is the 
reverse of Vedanta. The rope you saw suddenly was recognized to be a snake. If 
you get my meaning. 

Some Shakti-s just love to be bound so they can be freed.

[FairfieldLife] RE: All About Sadhus and Yogis

2014-02-02 Thread emptybill
You must belong to the P-Dog school of dear professor.
I'm sure there's a dog for every school.

[FairfieldLife] Welcome to the United States of paranoia

2014-02-02 Thread emptybill

[FairfieldLife] RE: All About Sadhus and Yogis

2014-02-02 Thread emptybill
There is no such thing as "Tantric Sex". 

Indian Tantra was transgressive in practice ... so coitus with a low-caste or 
non-caste woman was a one of the means for breaking the severe behavioral 
commandants and restrictions of Hindu life. 

Sex is life ... not Tantra. Tantra is the personal worship of the 
devâtma-shaktis and devyatma-shaktis that animate the cosmos.Tantric ritual is 
its yogic codification while the inner agni-hotra (antar-yaga) is the means. 

Since Western society is already suffused with sex, drugs and rock-n-roll, any 
Tantra practice based upon such praxis is not transgressive. It therefore lacks 
the added fuel to break boundaries.

In Vajrayana yogas, the only value of a sexual partner (karma-madra) is to more 
quickly and more powerfully activate the prana-s and pull them into the spine's 
central channel. In fact, it is considered almost parallel to the withdrawal of 
the pranas into the spine at death. However, mere sexual enjoyment is 
tangential and is considered a type of falling-down back to the sense-powers. 
It is NOT considered either some kind of awakening nor is it considered 

About Vajrayana yogas see Tsongkapa's explanation of each the six yogas of 

[FairfieldLife] RE: All About Sadhus and Yogis

2014-02-02 Thread emptybill
Vedic Chhandas and bijâkshara-s don't work - for the deaf or damn fools. Nor do 
books about Tantra sadhana.

[FairfieldLife] When Europeans were enslaved by Muslims

2014-02-02 Thread emptybill
Muslim like to portray themselves as the victims of Westerners and Jews. 
Not only is this portrait false but slavery has always been practiced in Islam 
and is still legal. One day they hope they can do it again. Following the 
population trends, they probably will, at least in Europe. 

A new study suggests that a million or more European Christians were enslaved 
by Muslims in North Africa between 1530 and 1780 – a far greater number than 
had ever been estimated before.

Pirates (called corsairs) from cities along the Barbary Coast in north Africa – 
cities such as Tunis and Algiers – would raid ships in the Mediterranean and 
Atlantic, as well as seaside villages to capture men, women and children. The 
impact of these attacks were devastating – France, England, and Spain each lost 
thousands of ships, and long stretches of the Spanish and Italian coasts were 
almost completely abandoned by their inhabitants. At its peak, the destruction 
and depopulation of some areas probably exceeded what European slavers would 
later inflict on the African interior.

The enslavement of Europeans doesn’t fit the general theme of European world 
conquest and colonialism that is central to scholarship on the early modern 
era, he said. Many of the countries that were victims of slavery, such as 
France and Spain, would later conquer and colonize the areas of North Africa 
where their citizens were once held as slaves. Maybe because of this history, 
Western scholars have thought of the Europeans primarily as “evil colonialists” 
and not as the victims they sometimes were, Davis said.

 Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the 
Barbary Coast, and Italy, 1500-1800

[FairfieldLife] RE: Complex phil chart - history tree

2014-02-02 Thread emptybill
This chart of European philosophy skips from 4th century B.C. Aristotle to 12th 
century A.D. scholastic theo-philosophy.
Leaving out 1500 years of intellectual history is just another form of 1950's 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Those who reject superstition are displaying extra brain power

2014-02-02 Thread emptybill
They were always fuckheads. Even before Jerry Jarvis left there were too many 
of them in the movement.

Organizational and ideological control went together in the "movement" - which 
made it a bowel movement. 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Those who reject superstition are displaying extra brain power

2014-02-02 Thread emptybill
Contrary to thee, I always lie. 


[FairfieldLife] RE: Secret Doctrines

2014-02-01 Thread emptybill
Junior High level philosophy. 
Wiki punditry. 

 Embarrassing half-baked knowledge.

 "Against the Buddhist Subjective idealists (Vijñanavadin-s), who denied the 
existence of the external world, Shankara urges a number of arguments, the 
first and strongest among which is that we must admit the existence of what we 
actually perceive. If anyone has any suspicion that Shankara was a subjective 
idealist himself, let that be laid to rest here. In fact, he almost stoops to 
sarcasm when he suggests that we should no more pay heed to to a man who, while 
perceiving external things with his senses, denies their existence than believe 
the report of a man who, while eating and experiencing the feeling of 
satisfaction, avers that he does not do so. Strange as it may sound, mâyâvâda 
implies a very strong affirmation of the reality of the world. In this respect 
it goes as far as empiricism would want to go. No empiricist  ever ascribes 
absolute reality to the world in any case."

 Hermeneurtical Essays on Vedântic Topics, John G. Arapura
Professor Emeritus, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario

---In,  wrote:

 So, let's review what we know: 

 These days almost nobody can read and understand the Sanskrit scriptures so 
it's a really good thing that somebody can elucidate what the ancients were 
talking about. According to what I've reaed, there is a close affinity between 
Advaita Vedanta and Yogacara Buddhism. This has been noted by many scholars and 
historians due to the fact that the BS (Brahma Sutras) seem to indicate that 
Badarayana may have been a pantheistic realist. This is certainly what Ramanuja 
and Madhva seemed to have believed - that a dualist or quasi-dualist (dwaita 
and/or vasisit-advaita) reading is possible from BS. 

 Are we agreed so far?

 According to Werner, "Their theory of Maya emerges from their belief in 
experiential reality of the absolute consciousness 'Brahman' (as emphasized in 
Upanishads), as opposed to Buddhist doctrine of emptiness, which emerges from 
the Buddhist approach of observing the nature of reality." The Upanishads were 
composed by transcendentalists, that is, the authors all believed in the 
existence of an Absolute, which was beyond or transcendental to, the world of 
the senses. According to what I've read, all the Upanishads were authored after 
the passing of the historical Buddha. 

 Shankara taught that through direct knowledge one could realize Brahman. He 
taught that it was only through direct knowledge that one could realize 
Brahman. Vasabandhu taught that yoga is a direct knowledge experienced as 
emptiness - there is a co-dependency and non-origination. Werner says, "A 
perception of the fact that the object seen is a rope will remove the fear and 
sorrow which result from the illusory idea that it is a snake". Cited from 
Shankara's "Vivekachuudaamani" verse #12/a metaphor that was borrowed from 
Yogacara Buddhist thinkers, who used it in a different context." 

 Works cited:

 'The Yogi and the Mystic'
 Karel Werner
 Routledge, 1995, 
 p. 67.

 by S. Vidyasankar


 On Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 7:31 AM, mailto:emptybill@...> wrote:
   Yer so right. 

"Let's review what we know."

Yep, there's nothing here to know and apparently you got nothing out of it.
"Are we agreed so far?".

Yep, we all agree - nothing here in the beginning, the  middle or the end..


[FairfieldLife] RE: All About Sadhus and Yogis

2014-02-01 Thread emptybill
The pundito doesn't want to understand deeply and expansively.
Rather he wants to appear "knowledgeable" and "o-so erudite". 

Professor P-Dog apparently equates humility with humiliation. 
No other explanation for such repeated, intractable behavior.

[FairfieldLife] RE: All About Sadhus and Yogis

2014-02-01 Thread emptybill
The usual half-baked information from the "professor".

You should try reading the Aghora series by Svaboda. 
Perhaps that might help you not embarrass your self so much.

[FairfieldLife] INVASION USA

2014-02-01 Thread emptybill
How the GOP lost Middle America
 Pat Buchanan explains impact of Republican Party 'selling its soul to the 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Secret Doctrines

2014-02-01 Thread emptybill
Yer so right. 

"Let's review what we know."

Yep, there's nothing here to know and apparently you got nothing out of it.

"Are we agreed so far?".

Yep, we all agree - nothing here in the beginning, the  middle or the end..

[FairfieldLife] The Gutless Wonder - by Kilgore Trout

2014-01-28 Thread emptybill
 It was about a robot who had bad breath, who became popular after his 
halitosis was cured. But what made the story remarkable, since it was written 
in 1932, was that it predicted the widespread use of burning jellied gasoline 
on human beings.
It was dropped on them from airplanes. Robots did the dropping. They had no 
conscience, and no circuits which would allow them to imagine what was 
happening to the people on the ground.
Trout’s leading robot looked like a human being, and could talk and dance and 
so on, and go out with girls. And nobody held it against him that he dropped 
jellied gasoline on people. But they found his halitosis unforgivable. And then 
he cleared that up, and he was welcomed to the human race.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The new guru domain

2014-01-28 Thread emptybill
How could I not be jealous of your erudition, wisdom and illimitable awareness? 
Isn't that why you're known as Mr. TrikaVijñanavad?

 I feel that's the only explanation of why no one ventured to pony up the $$ to 
help fund your registration fees for your domain. They are just in awe 
of you and too over-whelmed to say so. 


 For my part, I don't know which domain name you prefer - maybe this: (easier to spell for those Westerners).

 Maybe you could be entitled VladGuru for short. 

[FairfieldLife] The new guru domain

2014-01-26 Thread emptybill
I propose that we take up a collection so Willy can create his own special 

I'm thinking we could launch PDog into orbit until he becomes a star in the 
firmament of guru worship.

We could then claim ... "I used to know him when he was just a TexoHind. But 
now now that he's Professor HindoBuddha, I can finally tell everyone that I 
know him as he really is - an' now, above all, it can be told ... He 'lightened 

[FairfieldLife] Maniacs in the Fourth Dimension

2014-01-25 Thread emptybill
Maniacs in the Fourth Dimension - by Kilgore Trout
 It was about people, whose mental diseases couldn’t be treated because the 
causes of the diseases were all in the fourth dimension, and three-dimensional 
Earthling doctors couldn’t see those causes at all, or even imagine them.
 One thing Trout said that Rosewater liked very much was that there really were 
vampires and were-wolves and goblins and angels and so on, but that they were 
in the fourth dimension. So was William Blake, Rosewater’s favorite poet, 
according to Trout. So were heaven and hell.wolves and goblins and angels and 
so on, but that they were in the fourth dimension. So was William Blake, 
Rosewater’s favorite poet, according to Trout. So were heaven and hell.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Advaita is about inherent freedom

2014-01-24 Thread emptybill
Apparently you can't understand what you read.

 Gaudapada in Mandukya Karika, 4.99; “naitad buddhena bhasitam” (this was not 
expressed by Buddha). 


 Shankara comments:

 The nature of the supreme reality is free from the differences of knowledge, 
known and knower, and is without a second, etat, the fact: na bhâsitam, was not 
expressed; buddhena, by Buddha; though a near approach to non-dualism was 
implied in his negation of outer objects and his imagination of everything as 
mere consciousness. But this non-duality, the essence of the ultimate Reality, 
is to be known from the Upanishads only. This is the purport. 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Advaita is about inherent freedom

2014-01-23 Thread emptybill
As usual, you are really only interested in spouting off what you have read. 
However, what you have read is not deep and comprehensive and it shows in your 
amateurish identifications of the influences between separate traditions. 


 You read about these influences from the common arena of discourse in India 
and then conclude that x causes y because of similar concerns in two 
traditions. Advaita means not-two. However, that does not mean that because the 
use the term "advaita" or "advaya" is used in multiple traditions that one of 
these traditions has caused, created or even influenced the view of the others. 


 Kashmiri Trika is not and never has been influenced by Shankara's Kevela 
Advaita. What they share is a common Indian basis for philosophizing.

 You also know nothing about the pivitol question of causation in the 
development of Hinayana dharma-pluralism, Vijñanavada Ideationism and HwaYen's 
Tathata-Causation. This is a topic that was later very important in the 
refinement and development of Chan/Zen/Sön - both Linji and Caodong traditions. 

But then you must already know this because you are the professor who 
discourses upon everything you've read. You must be the ultimate embodiment of 
mutual-identity and interpenetration between absolute and relative. 

Hail to Professor P.Dog Willy  

---In,  wrote:

 Thanks for posting the information,but you failed to point out the 

 Shankara's Advaita claims to be based on the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita and 
the Brahma Sutras, but many scholars such as Sharma and Raju have noted that 
Shankara shows many signs of influence from Mahayana Buddhism, Madhyamaka, 
founded by Nagarjuna, the Yogacara, founded by Vasubandhu and Asanga. Gaudapada 
incorporated aspects of Buddhism into Hindusim in order to reinterpret the 
Upanishads and the Brahma Sutras.

 1.  Gaudapada adapted the Buddhist concept of "ajata", the doctrine of 
non-origination or non-creation, from Nagarjuna's Madhyamika. Ajata is the 
fundamental philosophical doctrine of Gaudapada. 

 2. Advaita Vedanta also adopted from the Madhyamika the idea of two levels of 
reality - "two truths" - absolute and relative.

 3. Gaudapada and Shankara adopted almost all of the Buddhist dialectic, 
methodology, arguments and analysis, their concepts, their terminologies and 
even their philosophy of the Absolute. 

 4. Gaudapada embraced the Buddhist idea that the nature of the world is the 
four-cornered negation.

 5. Gaudapada adopted the Buddhist doctrines that ultimate reality is pure 

 P.S. You also did not explain the connection between the non-dualism of 
Advaita Vedanta and the non-dualism of Kashmere Tantrsim.

 On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 9:28 PM, mailto:emptybill@...> wrote:
   In Tibetan Buddhism, Nagarjuna is the most important philosophical figure. 
It is like Thomas Aquinas for Roman Catholics. Madhyamaka is the basis for 
understanding Buddhism and Vijñanavada is a close correlate. 
Contrary to the Tibetans, Madhyamaka is not given the same exalted status in 
the history of Chinese Buddhism. Their conclusion was that the eight-fold 
negation of Nagarjuna set the framework for a final negation of all elements 
(dharmas) of experience, whether material, psychological, or celestial. 
However, according to them, this very conclusion cannot be final. That is 
because any negation (no matter how subtle or all encompassing) is by 
definition the opposite of an affirmation - not merely logically but in final 
meaning and result. It is therefore merely relative and is neither final nor 
Consequently, Madhyamaka was superseded by various other Buddhist schools until 
Hwa-Yen became the view that encompassed all other schools and all other 
elements of experience. 

That view about Madhyamaka was echoed by Shankara who characterized Madhyamaka 
as shunyavada and dismissed it rather swiftly. Shankara in fact saved some of 
his most pointed criticisms for the Buddhists of his day, particularly 
 In spite of this, there are parallels between some of Gaudapada’s statements 
and the views of Vijnanavada because they both draw from the same milieu of 
philosophic discourse.

 This is one reason that assertions that Advaita was a secret Buddhism 
demonstrate ignorance of the issues and shallow scholarship.
 As pointed out by K. A. Krishnaswamy Aiyer, Buddhism and Advaita are 
fundamentally opposed in five key points:
 1. Both say that the world is “unreal”, but Buddhists mean that it is only 
a conceptual construct (vikalpa), while Shankara does not think that the world 
is merely conceptual.
 2. Momentariness is a cardinal principal of Buddhism – consciousness is 
fundamentally momentary for them. However, in Advaita, consciousness is pure 
(shuddha), without beginning or end (anadi) and is thoroughly continuous. The 
momentariness of empirical states of consci

[FairfieldLife] RE: Advaita is about inherent freedom

2014-01-22 Thread emptybill
In Tibetan Buddhism, Nagarjuna is the most important philosophical figure. It 
is like Thomas Aquinas for Roman Catholics. Madhyamaka is the basis for 
understanding Buddhism and Vijñanavada is a close correlate. 

Contrary to the Tibetans, Madhyamaka is not given the same exalted status in 
the history of Chinese Buddhism. Their conclusion was that the eight-fold 
negation of Nagarjuna set the framework for a final negation of all elements 
(dharmas) of experience, whether material, psychological, or celestial. 
However, according to them, this very conclusion cannot be final. That is 
because any negation (no matter how subtle or all encompassing) is by 
definition the opposite of an affirmation - not merely logically but in final 
meaning and result. It is therefore merely relative and is neither final nor 

Consequently, Madhyamaka was superseded by various other Buddhist schools until 
Hwa-Yen became the view that encompassed all other schools and all other 
elements of experience. 

That view about Madhyamaka was echoed by Shankara who characterized Madhyamaka 
as shunyavada and dismissed it rather swiftly. Shankara in fact saved some of 
his most pointed criticisms for the Buddhists of his day, particularly 
 In spite of this, there are parallels between some of Gaudapada’s statements 
and the views of Vijnanavada because they both draw from the same milieu of 
philosophic discourse.

 This is one reason that assertions that Advaita was a secret Buddhism 
demonstrate ignorance of the issues and shallow scholarship.

 As pointed out by K. A. Krishnaswamy Aiyer, Buddhism and Advaita are 
fundamentally opposed in five key points:
 1. Both say that the world is “unreal”, but Buddhists mean that it is only 
a conceptual construct (vikalpa), while Shankara does not think that the world 
is merely conceptual.
 2. Momentariness is a cardinal principal of Buddhism – consciousness is 
fundamentally momentary for them. However, in Advaita, consciousness is pure 
(shuddha), without beginning or end (anadi) and is thoroughly continuous. The 
momentariness of empirical states of consciousness overlies this continuity. 
 3. In Buddhism, the “self” is the ego (the “I”) – a conceptual construct 
that is quite unreal. In Advaita, the Self is the only “really Real” and is the 
basis of all concepts. 
 4. In Buddhism, avidya causes us to construct continuities (such as the 
self) where there are none. In Advaita, avidya causes us instead to take what 
is unreal to be real and what is real to be unreal. 
 5. Removal of avidya leads to nirvana/blowning out for Buddhists but for 
Shankara it leads to perfect knowledge (vidya).







Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Advaita is about inherent freedom

2014-01-22 Thread emptybill
I have already provided a scholarly synopsis of the real differences between 
Shankara's Advaita and Vijñanavada Buddhism. Many times I have also explained 
how and why Shankara refuted the same.

 You answer has always been the same - "Yeah, but ... and then you continue 
onward without considering it at all. You only want to appear as "Mr. 
Professor" so you continue to repeat stuff you read that was written 10-20 
years ago. 

 You simply waste my time. Therefore I don't want to waste more with your b.s. 
and your "it is all about Prof..Willy P-Dog". 

 This is apparently how you understand both Advaita and Trika: 

 "I am the Universe. It's all about Me. It's my Maya".


---In,  wrote:

 There is nothing absurd about any of my citations and they have not been 
refuted by any scholars that I know of. If you have any sources you'd like to 
cite, please list them so we can read them for ourselves. 

 mAyA - illusion , unreality , deception , fraud , trick , sorcery , witchcraft 
magic RV; an unreal or illusory image, phantom , apparition ib. (esp. ibc= 
false, unreal, illusory; duplicity (with Buddhists one of the 24 minor evil 
passions) Dharmas. Illusion (identified in the Samkhya with Prakriti or 
Pradha1na and in that system, as well as in the Vedanta, regarded as the source 
of the visible universe.

 Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon:

 On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 8:46 PM, mailto:emptybill@...> wrote:
   All of these absurd assertions have long ago been refuted by excellent 
scholars. You simply don't know what you are talking about - to put it quite 


[FairfieldLife] RE: Advaita is about inherent freedom

2014-01-21 Thread emptybill
All of these absurd assertions have long ago been refuted by excellent 
scholars. You simply don't know what you are talking about - to put it quite 

[FairfieldLife] RE: O Mio Babbino Caro

2014-01-20 Thread emptybill
Since it is opera why not listen to it sung by some of the best mezzos?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Advaita is about inherent freedom

2014-01-20 Thread emptybill
This reply demonstrates that you are either unable to understand the post or 
you didn't read it. It also shows that you are probably unqualified to study 

The post was about Advaita - not Kashmiri Trika or Shri Vidya.Your reply is 
merely inane. Don't sully this one with your quasimoto, pseudo-professorial 

[FairfieldLife] Advaita is about inherent freedom

2014-01-19 Thread emptybill
A popular view of Advaita Vedanta (sometimes an accusation) is that it is 
Maya-vada ... the doctrine that everything is mere Maya. 


 This is a classical misrepresentation that began with Ramanuja (11th Century 
head of the Sri Vaishnava-s) and continues down to today. Probably one reason 
for the misunderstanding is that different teachers presented alternate 
explanations of the Brahma Sutras. In essence, they held contrary 
preconceptions. Another reason is that discussions about the nature of Maya 
became continuous in debates between Advaita scholars. This led to the belief 
that “Maya talk” was the core of Advaita. The reality is that Advaita is more 
accurately call Brahma-vada, the teaching about Brahman. It uses the principal 
Upanishads, the Brahma Sutras and the Bhagavad Gita as a threefold 
authoritative Vedic source.  


 However, leading up to the 14th Century, the Yoga Sutras became an alternate 
source for understanding the path to realize Brahman. By the middle of the 
14th-15th Century, this view so infiltrated Advaita Vedanta that the works of 
Shankaracharya Swami Vidyâranya (who wrote Pañchadâši and Jivanmuktiviveka) 
presumed that students of Advaita followed a yogic path to realize Brahman.

 The modern proponent of this view was Swami Vivekananda. MMY just continued 
that mode – which included the division of the Bhagavad Gita into three topical 
sections, a theme also found in Sri Aurobindo Ghose. Scholars now call this 
interpretation “Yogic Advaita” - an interpretation that is more about yoga and 
less about Advaita Vedanta.
 Perhaps more perplexing for those studying Advaita, the concept of 
“enlightenment” (so over-popularized) was borrowed from the Buddhists – and is 
neither Yogic nor Vedantic. The Yoga Sutras, in fact, do not even propose yoga 
as a goal but rather discuss the necessity for “vi-yoga” … separating, 
dis-uniting, dis-joining. Thus the question … “separating what from what”? In 
this case, separating the apparent con-fusion (fusing together) between 
awareness (purusha) and the field of experience (i.e. body, senses, mind).

 Contrary to this Yogic assumption of two orders of reality (purusha and 
prakriti), Shankara’s Vedanta teaches the inherent unity of Reality (Brahman). 
Rather than chitta-vritti-nirodha, nirvikalpa-samâdhi or Buddhist 
dhyana-samâpatti, Advaita points to the direct ascertainment of one’s own true 
nature. The purpose of such recognition is seeing directly that moksha 
(freedom) is already the inherent nature of human beings. It also recognizes 
that moksha is freedom from any experience, while realizing that like waves 
moving across the ocean, experience is itself nothing but Brahman.  

[FairfieldLife] RE: Apostasy, is a terrible thing.

2014-01-18 Thread emptybill 

[FairfieldLife] The Art of Amour-cortois: Eros, Jois and Mahäsukha in Tantra and the Troubadours

2014-01-18 Thread emptybill
By Bishnu Charan Dash 
Now available on Scribd

[FairfieldLife] RE: Apostasy, is a terrible thing.

2014-01-18 Thread emptybill
Not a cult but rather a church. Most Christian don't consider it Christian 
because it isn't the exclusionary type with which they identity.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Apostasy, is a terrible thing.

2014-01-18 Thread emptybill
I live in the City of Unity. I did a number of residence courses at Unity 
Village - back in the old days. Unity Village is a fabulous facility but now 
there are a number of other  Unity facilities - such as Unity Temple on the 
Plaza and Unity Church of Overland Park.


 Unity Temple on the Plaza is full of meditation groups and classes - 
Vipassana, Mahayana, Zen, Vajrayana, Dzogchen ... all because they have a 
Buddhist Center there. This also is where Khachab Rinpoche teaches Dzogchen 
twice a year when he comes into town.. 


 Unity Church of Overland Park is a few blocks away from my residence. I even 
live next to a Unity minister. So they are pretty much everywhere. Each Unity 
facility has specialized in a particular part of the spiritual marketplace so 
their appeal has been well thought out. 



---In,  wrote:

 There are a few splinter Christian churches that do not follow the idea that 
we are inherently sinful, but are instead, inherently good. One such church is 
the Unity Church of Practical Christianity. On the other hand the majority of 
Christian flavours do indeed seem to regard our species as base and vile in 
some way. Should a creator that makes such defective merchandise really be 
revered for attempting to patch its mistakes? It really does not make much 
sense. OK, y'all are bad, doomed, so I'll send my son and kill him for your 
benefit. After all this time it is hard to tell what Jesus actually taught; it 
may have had a more esoteric meaning in the beginning, but it is that more 
abstract way of interpretation that tends to get lost as time marches on.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Apostasy, is a terrible thing.

2014-01-18 Thread emptybill
The Dancing Fool - by Kilgore Trout


 A flying saucer creature named Zog arrived on Earth to explain how wars could 
be prevented and how cancer could be cured. He brought the information from 
Margo, a planet where the natives conversed by means of farts and tap dancing.
Zog landed at night in Connecticut. He had no sooner touched down than he saw a 
house on fire. He rushed into the house, farting and tap dancing, warning the 
people about the terrible danger they were in. The head of the house brained 
Zog with a golf club.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Apostasy, is a terrible thing.

2014-01-18 Thread emptybill
Judy - it was a play upon and between words and meaning.
You should've gotten it.

 And finally, I find the notion that one should never feel shame for one's 
mistakes contemptible.

I feel shame that your mistaken notion is contemptible.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Apostasy, is a terrible thing.

2014-01-18 Thread emptybill
This is the essence of confession (a renewal of baptism). It was originally a 
practice that started with ordinary people seeking out desert monastics who 
spent their live in askesis. Only later was it usurped by priests whose actual 
job was just the rite of absolution. 

 The belief of the Greek Church is naturally also that of the Russian in this 
regard. Russian Orthodox theologians all hold that the Church possesses the 
power to forgive sins, where there is true repentance and sincere confession. 
The form in use at present is as follows: 


 "My child, N. N., may our Lord and God Christ Jesus by the mercy of His love 
absolve thee from thy sins; and I, His unworthy priest, in virtue of the 
authority committed to me, absolve thee and declare thee absolved of thy sins 
in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen."

[FairfieldLife] RE: Apostasy, is a terrible thing.

2014-01-18 Thread emptybill
So many World Teachers ... SBS, MMY and Robin.

How many world teachers does it take to liberate everyone?

[FairfieldLife] RE: Apostasy, is a terrible thing.

2014-01-18 Thread emptybill
And finally, I find the notion that one should never feel shame for one's 
mistakes contemptible.

 I feel shame that your mistaken notion is contemptible.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Apostasy, is a terrible thing.

2014-01-18 Thread emptybill
MMY was not a personal guru and said so many times. How could he, with so many 
followers? At my TTC in Fiuggi, there were over 2,000 teachers. Just getting 
the mantras of initiation took about 1-1/2 hours of waiting to go through the 
whole process. 


 A personal guru (like Shri Yukteshwar) gives strict guideline to help form the 
personality of a student. Self-evaluation is part of that practice. 


 What MMY gave was simple - practice your own culture's ethics and teach TM. He 
only gave a general outline about yama-niyama once (at Humbolt TTC). He may 
have taught more elsewhere but he was moving the TM Movement and that was his 

 Robin probably didn't get anything more than anyone else. 



---In,  wrote:

 If I may comment, presumably the disciple doesn't know any better. How can the 
disciple demand something he or she doesn't know is necessary?

 FWIW, I've always thought Maharishi didn't give Robin the help he needed after 
he'd had this profoundly transformative experience on the mountain. Robin 
didn't think he needed any guidance, but he would surely have accepted it if 
Maharishi had offered it.

 Whether whatever Maharishi could have given him in the way of guidance would 
have made a difference, I have no idea. But it's almost as if Maharishi wanted 
to see what he'd do if left to his own devices. He kept close tabs on Robin 
once he'd gone off to teach on his own in Canada but never interfered, and even 
told Bevan to leave Robin alone when he came to MIU and started causing 
trouble, leading Robin to assume he approved of what Robin was doing.

 I sure could be wrong, but I'm inclined to put some of the blame for what 
ultimately happened to Robin on Maharishi's hands-off approach.

 << emptybill, following up on your last sentence below, how is it possible for 
a teacher to cheat a disciple "out of the self-evaluations necessary for real 
sadhana." Surely the disciple has some say in the matter. Do you think this is 
what happened to Robin? >>

 This is what happens when experience itself becomes the object of sadhana 
(practice) rather than conformity with Reality. It is the same old theme and 
“gurus” just fool people when they cheat them out of the self-evaluations 
necessary for real sadhana. 




[FairfieldLife] RE: Apostasy, is a terrible thing.

2014-01-18 Thread emptybill
LSD still comes in tabs? 

 How would you know that?
 Perhaps you read about it on MSLSD.

 (disclaimer for the NSA snoops: I don't know nothin' bout nothin')




[FairfieldLife] RE: Apostasy, is a terrible thing.

2014-01-18 Thread emptybill

 Prof. P. Dog sez:

 MMY's sadhana is based on yoga practice. If it was Vedantic, MMY would have 
emphasized the Vedantic notion of maya, which is not real, yet not unreal. 


 Your view of Vedanta is that it is Maya-vada ... a teaching about Maya. This 
is a classical misrepresentation that began with Ramanuja and continues today. 
It infiltrated Vedanta with the works of Swami Vidyaranya, who wrote 


 Its modern proponent was Vivekananda and MMY just continued that mode – 
including the division of the Bha. Gita into three topical sections, also found 
in Aurobindo. This form of interpretation is known as Yogic Advaita and is more 
about yoga and less about Vedanta. 

 The whole concept of “enlightenment” is Buddhist not Vedantic. Shankara’s 
Vedanta teaches the ascertainment of one’s own true nature, not 
chitta-nirvikalpa or Buddhist dhyana-samadhi. The purpose of the teaching is 
realization of moksha (freedom) - liberation from any experience, whether 
inner, outer or transcendent. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostasy, is a terrible thing.

2014-01-17 Thread emptybill

 Michael sez:
 "Robin's experience was that his actions were, as it were, dictated by cosmic 
forces, rather than that he could just do whatever he felt like. His experience 
was that he could not do other than what he did, even though at times there was 
some aspect of himself that didn't want to do what he was doing."
 So bottom line I don't buy Robin's assertion that he in essence was forced to 
behave in this way by these "forces." That excuse goes back as long as we have 
had the idea of a Devil. 
 Emptybill replies:
 Robin never was interested in a classical Vedantic assessment of his so-called 
“enlightenment”. All of this, in spite of the fact that Shankara’s Vedanta was 
the proffered basis of Maharishi’s tradition. Such an assessment would have 
presented an opposite view about this whole “enlightenment meme”. I pointed 
this out to Robin a number of times but he wasn’t interested in hearing about 
it. Rather he just wanted to espouse his chosen narrative about how he was 
deluded by “cosmic entities” but was now free of them. More of the old - “I 
didn’t fail … I was fooled” as you also pointed out. 
 This is what happens when experience itself becomes the object of sadhana 
(practice) rather than conformity with Reality. It is the same old theme and 
“gurus” just fool people when they cheat them out of the self-evaluations 
necessary for real sadhana. 

[FairfieldLife] The future of Osamacare in a revealing report

2014-01-17 Thread emptybill
Hail Chanukistan!
 Tens of thousands fled socialized Canadian medicine in 2013

[FairfieldLife] RE: All About Zen

2014-01-13 Thread emptybill
What amateurish bullshit.

[FairfieldLife] RE: The Islamization of America in 2013

2014-01-12 Thread emptybill
In chanukistan they proly prefer live and let live. I figure it is the French 
influence - bend over and take it in the end. 

However, sometimes I have to remind the frothing critters that I don't make 
this stuff up but rather advance a traditional view of spiritual life i.e. 
advaita, tantra, dzogchen. 

 Whether you like, dislike, accept or, reject is incidental to me since you 
just make it up anyway. You have no basis to evaluate these teachings because 
you are not trained in them. Your assessment that they are based upon pride is 
just more self-referenced me since it implies that you are an oracle 
uniquely qualified to assay my intent. It ain't necessarily so but so what?   . 

 Perhaps you have become the new World Teacher. 

 Robin would be so proud.

[FairfieldLife] RE: The Islamization of America in 2013

2014-01-12 Thread emptybill
You are absol ... fuckin.. uutaaly right. 
I was never initiated into Willy-ism. 
Go finger ... 

[FairfieldLife] RE: The Islamization of America in 2013

2014-01-12 Thread emptybill
Obviously defiled ... right commissar?

[FairfieldLife] RE: The Islamization of America in 2013

2014-01-12 Thread emptybill
More appeasement. 

 You are asleep about the constitutional threat.
 However, don't worry about it. 

 Just take two Valium and
 call everything "perfectly fine".

[FairfieldLife] RE: The Islamization of America in 2013

2014-01-12 Thread emptybill
Actually, you have no idea what you are talking about
 As you know, I had a ritvikâcharya teach me mahârudrâbhishekam. Over a period 
of 5-6 years he also imparted much of the Vedika view of values. According to 
him, the Tantrika view was that the universe was actualized by limitless 
shakti-s that structured its being, patterns and interactions. 
 The only thing he wouldn't yield about was teaching me the mechanics of 
agni-hotra (although he performed one for me at the installation of my 
shiva-lingam). I believe he considered me too far from being a renouncer and 
therefore prone to get into trouble with an agni-hotra ... all because if done 
properly, the yajñamana receives the results quickly and decisively.
 You also forget that I have a Vajrayana Tantric and Dzogchen teacher. 
Certainly different practices but when he first saw my altar he pointed to the 
traditionally carved shiva lingam and commented “original Tantra”. 
 All this means that your evaluation is a parody of a Willy-ism - which is as 
much value as I can give it.

[FairfieldLife] RE: The Islamization of America in 2013

2014-01-12 Thread emptybill
After death, bodies are turned with the head facing South to signal the 
yama-dhutas to come and lead the soul to Lord Yama.

Which is why Jñana Dakshinamurti Shiva sits in meditation facing South. He is 
the preceptor residing in unborn-undying awareness (jñana-chaitanyam) - marking 
"death" as just an idea in the mind of the deluded. 

So thank you for the compliment. I'll try and remind the jihadi-s that you are 
a KINO - a kafir in name only.

[FairfieldLife] RE: The Islamization of America in 2013

2014-01-12 Thread emptybill
Typical clap-trap appeasement. 

[FairfieldLife] RE: The Islamization of America in 2013

2014-01-12 Thread emptybill
So will you convert or die? 

Sufism is the last castle still existing of Neo-Platonism but it is under 
attack by the Wahabi-s and Jihadists. They hate and kill Sufi-s like they kill 

You worship polytheistic devils posing as "gods". You say their devil-name 
emblems in your demon-worship meditations. That make you an enemy of Allah 
("al-llah" the deity).

However, there is only one deity (La ilaha illa Allah) who has no associates or 
equals. Also, there is only one final divine messenger (Muhammadun rasulu'Llah) 
who abrogates all others.

Wake up and smell the stink of headless bodies in the streets. 





[FairfieldLife] The Islamization of America in 2013

2014-01-12 Thread emptybill
Your Constitution is is not revealed by Allah. The sword is your destiny unless 
you submit and beg to be His slave. Read it and weep infidel.

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