2015-10-20 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
The same website has links to country-level contacts for TM teachers. Each 
country is responsible for its own peace-creating group so you'd have to check 
to see what is going on where: 

 Learn Transcendental Meditation: Teachers and Centers by country 
 Learn Transcendental Meditation: Teachers and ... 
http://tmhome.com/learn-transcendental-meditation/ Alphabetical list for 
contacting teachers certified to teach the TM technique.
 View on tmhome.com http://tmhome.com/learn-transcendental-meditation/ 
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 it is old video of a defunct program. does anyone have any good news of an 
actual program in existence in the Middle East at present? posting this gives a 
wrong idea that there is some kind of group now and things are getting worse 
anyways. not helpful for the cause you are trying to promote.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Texas Denies Birth Cetificates

2015-10-20 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
SCOTUS ruled quite a while back that the 14th Amendment applies to anyone born 
in the USA *unless* they are children of someone with diplomatic immunity or 
the equivalent. 

 It might be that there really IS a push to get the 14th Amendment 
re-interpreted, but that opens a truly scary door where you might have multiple 
generations of kids who are permanently illegal.

 THink crime is bad now? Wait until all children of illegals have no 
possibility of being accepted in Society, EVER.




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 If that's the case then,the understanding  and intent of the 14th amendment 
may be in the process of being challenged in the courts. The 14th amendment was 
originally intended to make sure former slaves were recognized as citizens. The 
children of foreign diplomats, that are born in the US, are not given 
citizenship to my understanding. So birth in the US does not guarantee 

 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 7:32 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Texas Denies Birth Cetificates
   The author is making a point relating to the 14th Amendment of the 
Constitution and not about a bureaucratic issue.  Denying children born here in 
the US of their birth certificates is a violation of the Constitution.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 This has been going on for a while.The ID that has been in use previously and 
now denied,is a card issued by the Mexican consulate. It's called a Matriculas 
card. It's not issued by either a state agency or a federal agency. It's 
foreign issued and no longer valid.



 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 5:28 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Texas Denies Birth Cetificates
 The state is already implementing Donald Trump's vision of America by denying 
birth certificates for some  children of immigrants born in the US.  And a 
federal judges ruled that this is okay.

 Texas Is Already Implementing Donald Trump's Vision Of America 

 Texas Is Already Implementing Donald Trump... 
http://www.refinery29.com/2015/10/96026/texas-birth-certificates Officials in 
Texas didn't wait for Donald Trump to win the presidential election before 
implementing a policy beloved by anti-immigrant conservatives. Trump m...

 View on www.refinery29.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 







[FairfieldLife] Vastu as you have never seen before...

2015-05-29 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Timeline Photos - Arquitectura Védica: Arq. Javier Ortiz Cabrejos | Facebook 

 Timeline Photos - Arquitectura Védica: Arq. Javier Ortiz... 
 Arquitectura Védica: Arq. Javier Ortiz Cabrejos posted this photo on 
2015-05-16. 7 likes. 0 comments. 0 shares.
 View on www.faceboo... 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Re: How many people have ever lived on earth?

2015-05-25 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]

 I'm not real good with logs and exponential growth, but their chart claims 
that the population of the world went from 2 in 50,000 BC to 5,000,000 by 8,000 

 Fair enough (adam and eve are postulated for mathematical calculations, I 
guess), but then they go on to assert that over 1 billion people lived and died 
during that 42,000 year period.





 I'm pretty sure that archeologists would object to that claim.

 Then go on to claim that  300,000,000 were living by 1 AD.

 They then assert that 46 BILLION people had lived and died between 8000 BC and 
1 AD.


 46 billion/8000 = 5,750,000

 So basically, they're saying that over 5 million people a year died during a 
period that started with 5,000,000 and ended with 300,000,000.   H


 You DO see that their calculations are a bit off, right?



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Your figures are wy off, as you assume steady growth. The point of that 
saying about "more people alive today..." was to point out that human beings 
were reproducing faster than ever before:

 They aren't my figures. It all comes from data collected by the Population 
Reference Bureau.

 Any graph of the population from 3 million BC until now that could be drawn in 
a normal computer monitor would show that the word's population was essentially 
zero (10 million) until the advent of agriculture many thousands of years ago 
and then grew rapidly so that by 1 AD,  it reached 300 million. Between 1 AD 
and 1800 AD, population tripled. Between 1800 and 2015, the population has gone 
up 7-fold.

 So for most of our existence, there less than 10 million people or less alive 
at any given time.

 So the graph wouldn't even show a blip until 12,000 BCE and then grow 30-fold 
in the next 12,000 years. and then 3-fold in the next 1800 years. and then 1.6x 
in the next hundred years and than 4 fold in the past 100 years. The pace has 
leveled off from the estimated high of 2% growth per year in 1960, however.

 Yup, their chart shows that clearly, perhaps you are forgetting to add the 
total number of generations per given time? This multiplies each figure for a 
century many fold.

 They go into it in more detail here:


 How Many People Have Ever Lived on Earth? 

 How Many People Have Ever Lived on Earth? 
 How many people have ever lived on Earth? PRB's estimate is about 108 billion 

 View on www.prb.org 
 Preview by Yahoo 




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 It was written during the 1970s that 75% of the people who had ever been born 
were alive at that moment. This was grossly false.

 Assuming that we start counting from about 50,000 B.C., the time when modern 
Homo sapiens appeared on the earth (and not from 700,000 B.C. when the 
ancestors of Homo sapiens appeared, or several million years ago when hominids 
were present), taking into account that all population data are a rough 
estimate, and assuming a constant growth rate applied to each period up to 
modern times, it has been estimated 
http://www.prb.org/Articles/2002/HowManyPeopleHaveEverLivedonEarth.aspx that a 
total of approximately 106 billion people have been born since the dawn of the 
human species, making the population currently alive roughly 6% of all people 
who have ever lived on planet Earth.

 World Population Clock: 7 Billion People (2015) - Worldometers 

 World Population Clock: 7 Billion People (2015) - Worl... 
http://www.worldometers.info/world-population/ How many people are there in the 
world? World population has reached 7 billion. World population live counter 
with data sheets, graphs, maps, and census data...

 View on www.worldometers.info http://www.worldometers.info/world-population/
 Preview by Yahoo 



[FairfieldLife] Re: Space Brother's hideaway?

2015-05-25 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Nyah, the Space Brothers were born in Japan and work at NASA. 

 Space Brothers on Crunchyroll! 
 Space Brothers on Crunchyroll! 
http://www.crunchyroll.com/space-brothers/reviews To follow his brother Hibito 
to the moon, Mutta will attempt to become an astronaut at the age of 32. 
Unaware of his own talent, Mutta chases his dreams t...
 View on www.crunchyr... http://www.crunchyroll.com/space-brothers/reviews 
 Preview by Yahoo 


 NASA was actually offering its support at one point for the production of the 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 NASA needs our help in turns out to be right and another for the silliest 

 Nasa wants your help to find out what these mysterious bright spots on Ceres 

 Nasa wants your help to find out what these mysterious b... 
 Nasa scientists have asked the public what the bright spots on the surface of 
dwarf planet Ceres could be, being no closer to the answer despite the Dawn ...

 View on www.independent.co.uk 
 Preview by Yahoo 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Waging Fraternity and Peace, the MUM Commencement.

2015-05-25 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
The Japanese "itadakimusu" (I [humble form] receive) is meant to cover all the 

 Acknowledges every being, divine or mortal, that had a hand in getting the 
food to the table.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Apparently the President of the university failed to thank the kitchen help 
for preparing all the food for the commencement party? 
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I don't quite understand, how was the President thank-less in character?

 From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, May 25, 2015 7:16 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Waging Fraternity and Peace, the MUM Commencement.
 May 2015, Fairfield, Iowa. The MUM commencement exercise with its processions 
of trustees, faculties, staff, and students in decorum was beautiful and quite 
inspiring especially to see all these scholars in a community of 
accomplishment. Interestingly the President was thank-less in character as 
usual though a young student speaker did catch up that part very well 
acknowledging, recognizing and enumerating a thanks each all around to the 
various grades and aspects of the of university community.  Bravo.
 The audience was full of community and families colorful with nationalities 
from around the globe. The brass ensemble lent an exuberant seriousness and 
pomp to the occasion with their selections. The Dome was a wonderful setting. 
391 graduates this year. Very well done. The main speaker gave a speech that 
was very appropriate to the University and community mission.



[FairfieldLife] Re: How many people have ever lived on earth?

2015-05-24 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Your figures are wy off, as you assume steady growth. The point of that 
saying about "more people alive today..." was to point out that human beings 
were reproducing faster than ever before: 

 Human Population: Population Growth 
 Human Population: Population Growth 
 View on www.prb.org 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 Any graph of the population from 3 million BC until now that could be drawn in 
a normal computer monitor would show that the word's population was essentially 
zero (10 million) until the advent of agriculture many thousands of years ago 
and then grew rapidly so that by 1 AD,  it reached 300 million. Between 1 AD 
and 1800 AD, population tripled. Between 1800 and 2015, the population has gone 
up 7-fold.

 So for most of our existence, there less than 10 million people or less alive 
at any given time.

 So the graph wouldn't even show a blip until 12,000 BCE and then grow 30-fold 
in the next 12,000 years. and then 3-fold in the next 1800 years. and then 1.6x 
in the next hundred years and than 4 fold in the past 100 years. The pace has 
leveled off from the estimated high of 2% growth per year in 1960, however.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 It was written during the 1970s that 75% of the people who had ever been born 
were alive at that moment. This was grossly false.

 Assuming that we start counting from about 50,000 B.C., the time when modern 
Homo sapiens appeared on the earth (and not from 700,000 B.C. when the 
ancestors of Homo sapiens appeared, or several million years ago when hominids 
were present), taking into account that all population data are a rough 
estimate, and assuming a constant growth rate applied to each period up to 
modern times, it has been estimated 
http://www.prb.org/Articles/2002/HowManyPeopleHaveEverLivedonEarth.aspx that a 
total of approximately 106 billion people have been born since the dawn of the 
human species, making the population currently alive roughly 6% of all people 
who have ever lived on planet Earth.

 World Population Clock: 7 Billion People (2015) - Worldometers 

 World Population Clock: 7 Billion People (2015) - Worl... 
http://www.worldometers.info/world-population/ How many people are there in the 
world? World population has reached 7 billion. World population live counter 
with data sheets, graphs, maps, and census data...

 View on www.worldometers.info http://www.worldometers.info/world-population/
 Preview by Yahoo 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MUM Commencement

2015-05-23 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Congrats. I take it your nervous system is simply going through the motions of 
posting trash talk about TM in Fairfieldlife because, well, force of habit? 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I am already enlightened and I got there without TM


 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, May 23, 2015 6:17 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MUM Commencement
   That "last stress" before enlightenment is proving to be a doozy for you...





---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Ha ha! Lawson! Sup, bro?

 One might also ask how 20 years of non-stop TM, 15 years of which were 
TM-Siddhi years would lead me to being sooo stressed out? (From a TM'er 
True Believer's POV)

 The real and obvious answer is the TM doesn't do most of what it is purported 
to do, but folks who believe in yagyas, jyotish and so on don't believe THAT 
for a second. 


 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, May 23, 2015 4:00 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MUM Commencement
   Well, I don't know if you would stop believing things about Maharishi or 
not, but I'm pretty sure your attitude would be less stressed than it is now...



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Not too long ago my friend Bill who I knew back in the old days (1970's) at 
the old local TM center visited with a woman who was a TM teacher back then, 


 She never taught that many people, but she still goes to MIU once a year in 
the summer to do a World Peace Assembly and she still believes Marshy was 
enlightened. Bill is the guy I mentioned before who stopped doing TM due to the 
things I was learning on FFL and sharing with him.

 In their conversation, Susan emphatically told Bill that if he and I would 
just start doing TM again, it would improve out attitude and we wouldn't 
believe these things about Marshy and the Movement anymore. I reckon she's a 
True Believer.







[FairfieldLife] Re: Multiverse Revealed in Bhagavad Gita

2015-05-23 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Well, the Puranas explicitly talk about all the Brahmas, Shivas, etc, each 
lording over a different universe. 

 That's from about 1000 AD, I believe. Wikipedia mentions it in their 
discussion of multiverse:

 The concept of parallel universes http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiverse 
appears in the Brahma Vaivarta Purana 
 And who will search through the wide infinities of space to count the 
universes side by side, each containing its Brahma, its Vishnu, its Shiva? Who 
can count the Indras in them all--those Indras side by side, who reign at once 
in all the innumerable worlds; those others who passed away before them; or 
even the Indras who succeed each other in any given line, ascending to godly 
kingship, one by one, and, one by one, passing away? (Brahma Vaivarta Purana)


 Multiverse (religion) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
 Multiverse (religion) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiverse_%28religion%29#Hinduism In religion a 
multiverse is the concept of a plurality of universes. Some religious 
cosmologies propose that our universe is not the only one that exists.
 View on en.wikipedia.org 
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Reason would say that, if you take the high road, you'll find the true meaning.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 So in other words, one can interpret ANYTHING one reads according to what one 
wants it to say. 

 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Friday, May 1, 2015 1:27 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Multiverse Revealed in Bhagavad Gita
   One has to read the Gita and other wisdom books in various levels of 
understanding.  From a literal sense, the translation of this verse appears 
mythical and impractical.  But in a figurative sense, the translation reveals 
the infinite properties of the multiverse which are represented by the infinite 
faces of the Supreme Deity or the laws of nature present in these worlds.

 From this point of view, one can see the deep wisdom that is being conveyed in 
this chapter of the Gita.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Don't you have any better translations of the Bhagavatam to work with than 
Bhaktivedanta? You will never view unbiased translations from his works ... or 
from any Gaudiya Vaishnava-s for that matter. 

There are much more accurate translations available. Why quote contaminated 
scriptures full of ideologically corrupted interpretations?

″sarvavedanta saram yadbramhatmaikatva lakshanam vastwadwitiyam tannishtham 
kaivalaikaprayojanam″( BP 12.13.12) 

″You already know that the essence of all vedanta is the non-duality of atman 
and brahman. Only this is the given subject of Bhagavata Purana. The aim of 
this (Bhagavata Purana) is kaivalya moksha only.″




[FairfieldLife] Re: It's who you know that counts

2015-05-23 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
One could imagine the US military creating a "honey pot" website for suicidal 
wannabe jihadists: 

 Blow yourself up immediately. We'll even supply the vest. Apply online now. 
Dozens of operators waiting to take your call...



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 When will we achieve a fair society in which your chances of advancement 
depend on your individual talents and not on having the right connections? 
Islamic State would-be suicide bombers are complaining that fellow jihadists 
jump the queue to blow themselves up and are getting the prime locations in 
Syria and Iraq.
 http://tinyurl.com/pnhb3o7 http://tinyurl.com/pnhb3o7



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MUM Commencement

2015-05-23 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
That "last stress" before enlightenment is proving to be a doozy for you... 





---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Ha ha! Lawson! Sup, bro?

 One might also ask how 20 years of non-stop TM, 15 years of which were 
TM-Siddhi years would lead me to being sooo stressed out? (From a TM'er 
True Believer's POV)

 The real and obvious answer is the TM doesn't do most of what it is purported 
to do, but folks who believe in yagyas, jyotish and so on don't believe THAT 
for a second. 


 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, May 23, 2015 4:00 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MUM Commencement
   Well, I don't know if you would stop believing things about Maharishi or 
not, but I'm pretty sure your attitude would be less stressed than it is now...



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Not too long ago my friend Bill who I knew back in the old days (1970's) at 
the old local TM center visited with a woman who was a TM teacher back then, 


 She never taught that many people, but she still goes to MIU once a year in 
the summer to do a World Peace Assembly and she still believes Marshy was 
enlightened. Bill is the guy I mentioned before who stopped doing TM due to the 
things I was learning on FFL and sharing with him.

 In their conversation, Susan emphatically told Bill that if he and I would 
just start doing TM again, it would improve out attitude and we wouldn't 
believe these things about Marshy and the Movement anymore. I reckon she's a 
True Believer.






[FairfieldLife] Re: Activating "junk-DNA"?

2015-05-23 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
But, as I said, and you neatly sidestepped, the most important way in which 
TM-Sidhis is supposed to work--creating a situation where the brain remains 
active while in a PC-like state--does seem to occur. 

 And this explains why most of Fred Travis' enlightened subjects in his study 
on CC were people who had been doing TM + the TM-Sidhis:

 on average, the enlightened people had had 15,000+ hours of "sitting time" (to 
use the Zen term).

 That's hard to do with just 20 minutes twice daily of TM, but doable with, 
say, 1 hour twice daily of TM + TM-Sidhis.

 And if you're on the Invincible America course, they'll pay you to become 

 8 hours/day x 365 = 2920 hours per year, so on average, 5 years of the 
Invincible America course might be enough to bring someone to CC.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 "Before you can speculate on how the TM-Sidhis work, it would be good to 
establish that they DO work."

 Excellent point! 


 And given the fact that no one levitates, talks to or understands the language 
of animals, turns invisible, walks through solid objects, has unusually 
demonstrable attributes of friendliness, happiness and compassion (which 
generally seem to be lacking in the upper echelons of the Movement anyway) one 
can safely and logically conclude that in fact the TM-Siddhis do NOT work, 
except to make the practitioner feel they are superior to their non-TM-Siddhi 
friends and non-TM meditators in general (this is a very real effect of TM 
Siddhi practice that I witnessed many times over the years, especially in the 
governors of the Movement.) The other effect is to make the practitioner 
believe they are doing something good because of the energy they feel whilst 
doing TM Siddhis.  


 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, May 23, 2015 4:11 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Activating "junk-DNA"?
   Before you can speculate on how the TM-Sidhis work, it would be good to 
establish that they DO work.

 What DOES seem to happen is that the brain tends towards a Pure 
Consciosuness-like state around the time that hopping (and presumably other 
"flavors") occur.

 This supports MMY's claim that their practice stabilizes PC along with more 
"subtle" activities of the brain. In the case of Yogic Flying, there's a 
physical side-effect of this "subtle activity."

 Long-term, TM-Sidhis practice does, as MMY asserted, seem to hasten the 
stabilization of higher states of consciousness, as he defined them.

 So, with respect to THAT claim, the TM-Sidhis work, and the mechanism is at 
least somewhat understood:

 the brain remains in a PC-ish state while specific activities are occurring. 
Simple plasticity explains how this promotes "higher states": it's the same 
general mechanism by which TM promotes CC.

 If you're looking for explanations of how "flavors" transition into full-blown 
"powers," that aint going to happen until "powers" are documented.

 But why do you care, unless you're hoping for external confirmation that the 
internal perception that Self is atman is Brahman really is how the universe 
works on an "objective" level?



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 No. Some think siddhis are techniques for consciously activating the brain's 
mechanisms that come into play during dreaming sleep, but when the mind is 
still awake. Thus various internal experiences people report would be dreams, 
and things like 'flying' would be like sleepwalking, but in a more conscious 
state. This hypothesis provides an alternative explanation as long as actual 
proof of the siddhis are not scientifically confirmed, for things like real 
levitation have observable physical consequences that would have precise 
differences from, say, hopping; conservation of momentum would be broken if 
real levitation occurred and then stopped.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Are siddhis mainly based on activating some "junk-DNA"??




[FairfieldLife] Re: Activating "junk-DNA"?

2015-05-23 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Before you can speculate on how the TM-Sidhis work, it would be good to 
establish that they DO work. 

 What DOES seem to happen is that the brain tends towards a Pure 
Consciosuness-like state around the time that hopping (and presumably other 
"flavors") occur.

 This supports MMY's claim that their practice stabilizes PC along with more 
"subtle" activities of the brain. In the case of Yogic Flying, there's a 
physical side-effect of this "subtle activity."

 Long-term, TM-Sidhis practice does, as MMY asserted, seem to hasten the 
stabilization of higher states of consciousness, as he defined them.

 So, with respect to THAT claim, the TM-Sidhis work, and the mechanism is at 
least somewhat understood:

 the brain remains in a PC-ish state while specific activities are occurring. 
Simple plasticity explains how this promotes "higher states": it's the same 
general mechanism by which TM promotes CC.

 If you're looking for explanations of how "flavors" transition into full-blown 
"powers," that aint going to happen until "powers" are documented.

 But why do you care, unless you're hoping for external confirmation that the 
internal perception that Self is atman is Brahman really is how the universe 
works on an "objective" level?



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 No. Some think siddhis are techniques for consciously activating the brain's 
mechanisms that come into play during dreaming sleep, but when the mind is 
still awake. Thus various internal experiences people report would be dreams, 
and things like 'flying' would be like sleepwalking, but in a more conscious 
state. This hypothesis provides an alternative explanation as long as actual 
proof of the siddhis are not scientifically confirmed, for things like real 
levitation have observable physical consequences that would have precise 
differences from, say, hopping; conservation of momentum would be broken if 
real levitation occurred and then stopped.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Are siddhis mainly based on activating some "junk-DNA"??


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MUM Commencement

2015-05-23 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Well, I don't know if you would stop believing things about Maharishi or not, 
but I'm pretty sure your attitude would be less stressed than it is now... 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Not too long ago my friend Bill who I knew back in the old days (1970's) at 
the old local TM center visited with a woman who was a TM teacher back then, 


 She never taught that many people, but she still goes to MIU once a year in 
the summer to do a World Peace Assembly and she still believes Marshy was 
enlightened. Bill is the guy I mentioned before who stopped doing TM due to the 
things I was learning on FFL and sharing with him.

 In their conversation, Susan emphatically told Bill that if he and I would 
just start doing TM again, it would improve out attitude and we wouldn't 
believe these things about Marshy and the Movement anymore. I reckon she's a 
True Believer.





[FairfieldLife] Re: You can all relax now

2015-05-06 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
My  only response is that I've tried to say hello several times and you never 
responded. This is unfortunate from my perspective, because I thought we had 
established some kind of e-friendship beyond the boundaries of fairfieldlife. 



 Good to know that you're still alive, at least.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 OK, that's it, I've said most of what I wanted to say. If anyone responds to 
any of these posts, my follow-up is:

 "I stand by what I wrote."

 Anything Barry or aryavazhi adds will most likely involve deliberate 
misrepresentations, so take that into account. Others of Barry's thugs may 
decide to emulate their Dear Leader in the hope of receiving his strokes.

 Now I'm going to go take a long hot bath to wash off the corruption. Phew. Bye.

Re: [FairfieldLife] No one greater in the whole history of the world from the beginning of time

2015-04-14 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
So, the _Tao te ching_'s first line is context-dependent? 





---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I looked at that website last week and it was an attempt by someone to teach 
what they could via book and web.  It does not pretend to replace personal 
instruction and there are some posts about that.  But there have been books 
around for ages that provide techniques one can use in the place of personal 
instruction.  How well they work may depend on the reader.
 On 04/14/2015 12:08 PM, LEnglish5@... mailto:LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife] 
   Eh, he DOES have a point:

 if TM works as advertised, AND learning TM from a book or webpage isn't really 
useful, AND the Maharishi Effect is real AND if several-other-things...

 then what Maharishi has done is more than a little significant with respect to 

 Lots of "ifs" of course.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 Srijau is a good example of the kind of people I was mentioning the other day 
who came back from the AE courses, made asses of themselves and acted like TM 
 On 04/13/2015 11:49 PM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   From: "srijau@..." mailto:srijau@...  mailto:srijau@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 3:55 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] No one greater in the whole history of the world from 
the beginning of time
   than Maharishi Mahesh Yogi who gave mankind the possibility to create the 
Maharishi Effect for perpetual peace and prosperity

 I love it when Srijau goes on a Belief Bender. It's like watching a long-time 
junkie shoot up in a doorway and then stand on a street corner and rant at 
passersby for two hours.




[FairfieldLife] Re: Trying again. Very trying...heh heh

2015-04-14 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]

 And what of MMY's use of the term "Transcendental Consciousness?"

 This is a situation where there is no internal awareness, nor external 
awareness, and yet somehow, the brain isn't asleep.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Three definitions of transcendence.

 First definition:

 Classically it is the word used for periods of time of "no ego."  This is a 
very common status for the normal human operation called "consciousness."

 It is everyone's experience that many times per day, everything is flowing "on 
automatic" and the ego is not "doing" something such as "mindfully managing" 
that which is happening.  This happens hundreds of times per day but goes 
largely unnoticed.  We get most of life done without an ego pretending that 
it's the author of all thoughts and emotions.  We can drive our car home and 
never break a traffic law, but yet we might have had our minds on other topics 
and the braking, steering, and signaling still has happened correctly, no 
accidents, etc.   Who was driving?

 Second definition:

 If you watch your mind's actions, you'll see that all your "mental life" is as 
if coming out of thin air -- you're not the maker of thinkingness, instead, 
you're the witness of thinkingness.

 This distinction informs us about a second, more subtle, definition of 
transcendence:  by observing the mind as something happening to one, it 
GRADUALLY becomes obvious that one is not in any manner involved with reality 
as most folks define it.  

 By realizing ones witness status as "the real me," the ego is as if "tamed," 
and becomes but another echo in the mind.  

 From the standpoint of the witness, the ego, the emotions, and the so-called 
"soul," are all massively immense processes of biological systems which are 
intricately interdependent such that causality is impossible to suss out.  
Everything causes everything, but the witness YET REMAINS UNTOUCHED by any of 
it.  It is beyond doingness.

 Therefore: we see that this status of "witness" is a much purer state of 
transcendence -- this is where the witness is seen as the sole identity, and 
the personality is seen as if it were some character in a dream -- being had by 
a smart ape or meat robot (your choice.)  

 Now, as witness only, meaning itself has been "gone beyond," in that the 
witness no longer can be allured to identify with an ego and all its trappings 
-- the witness has zero desires, is eternal and infinite, and consciousness, by 
comparison, is an insane cacophony of merely an "almost infinite" ocean of 
Rorschach patterns upon which ANY meaning can be projected.

 Third definition:

 With the death of the body/mind, the witness, which is half real and half 
illusory, also disappears.

 The real part of it is called awareness -- not consciousness.

 When solely pure awareness is all that remains, even time and space have been 
transcended.  Every form of "real" is but a potentiality of awareness, but 
expression is zero -- awareness is not an expression, not an experience of a 
nervous system, not a result of consciousness.  It is -- all else seems.  

 The ancients tell us:  from this awareness comes ALL THIS, yet awareness never 
becomes illusory, never becomes dual, never becomes "a part of" what is 
commonly called "reality" by those who have not yet discovered the levels of 
transcendence.  To see the utter interconnectedness of all things is to reveal 
the illusion that they are truly separate entities.  Clarity about this fact 
results in an experience of unity.  

 Typically only monks etc. have had the time to dwell within themselves enough 
to discover and enliven the above truths such that their hearts and intellects 
could act upon them.  Such personalities are called saints.  Some folks are 
blessed at birth with a heightened ability to learn how to transcend, but most 
folks are chasing the carrots on sticks and "devoting" time to such a quest is 
easily abandoned in today's hectic modernity.



Re: [FairfieldLife] incompetent "Guru"

2015-04-14 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
But TM mantras ARE meaningless in the sense that no dictionary meaning is 
provided, and that goes back to the idea that associations during TM 
instruction are kept minimal in order to facilitate the way in which TM works. 

 Or rather, that the fact that there is an effective  attempt to keep  
associations minimal during TM facilitates the process by which TM is througt 
to work on a physical level.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 No mantra is meaningless - that is a lie Marshy made up to allay the fears of 
westerners. Read David Frawley's "Mantra Yoga and Primal Sound" and you will 

 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 3:06 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] incompetent "Guru"
   It doesn't mean its "wrong" but even the fact that they're teachign via 
printed word means its not likely to be TM.

 It turns out that when you learn nonsense words via reading them, you create a 
visual memory of them in your mind that is evoked when you remember them.

 A meaningless mantra is meant to be a heard thing, not a written/visualized 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 There are all kinds of different methods of yoga practice.  Just because it 
doesn't conform to the narrow "yoga lite" practices of TM doesn't necessarily 
mean it's wrong.
 On 04/13/2015 07:48 PM, srijau@... mailto:srijau@... wrote:
   this website gives wrong advice like reversing the order of the awareness of 
the body starting from the feet and moving up in a modified version of one 
technique, due to not understanding about the nadis and the primordial status 
of the nadi at the top of the head. So it seems wise to such a relatively 
ignorant person to do like this and then teach this wrong technique to others! 
also using "unbounded awareness as synonym for Brahman! do nt follow this 
follow the real, true ,correct thing, Maharishis original teachings.
 AYP Home Page - Free Lessons in Meditation, Pranayama, Kundalini, Tantra
 AYP Home Page - Free Lessons in Meditation, Pra... Events & Training AYP 
Retreats Worldwide Listing Weekly Global Meditation and Healing Samyama Local 
Contacts Meditation Groups, Training &...

 View on www.aypsite.org 
 Preview by Yahoo 





[FairfieldLife] Re: one can barely describe Maharishi's greatness

2015-04-14 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Note the date: a day or two after MMY died, when friends and followers are at 
their emotionally irrationally positive. 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I see that the link includes the following sentences: "Maharishi’s divine plan 
of spiritual regeneration was the destiny of the world. It brought the dawn of 

 I hadn't realised that this was official TMO teaching - MMY has played midwife 
to Sat-Yuga, a new golden age. 

 Presumably he was a puppet of higher powers.

 It's a pretty story. Are there really people out there who believe it? I 
wouldn't want to take away from them their soothing delusions - that would be 
cruel. Perhaps us cynics should envy them? And, what the hell! It could be true!



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 but it is good to try... page 20 

 Global Good News: Maharishi's Achievements 

 Global Good News: Maharishi's Achievements 
 lighthouse of Invincibility for every nation, and a perpetual memorial to the 
over fifty years of unprecedented achievements of His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh 
Yogi i...

 View on www.maharishi-pro... 
 Preview by Yahoo 


Re: [FairfieldLife] No one greater in the whole history of the world from the beginning of time

2015-04-14 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]

 And you're certain that any and all of the contingencies are invalided?



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Eh, he DOES have a point: 

 if TM works as advertised, AND learning TM from a book or webpage isn't really 
useful, AND the Maharishi Effect is real AND if several-other-things...

 then what Maharishi has done is more than a little significant with respect to 

 Lots of "ifs" of course.

 He hasn't got a point then has he.
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Srijau is a good example of the kind of people I was mentioning the other day 
who came back from the AE courses, made asses of themselves and acted like TM 
 On 04/13/2015 11:49 PM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   From: "srijau@..." mailto:srijau@...  mailto:srijau@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 3:55 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] No one greater in the whole history of the world from 
the beginning of time
   than Maharishi Mahesh Yogi who gave mankind the possibility to create the 
Maharishi Effect for perpetual peace and prosperity

 I love it when Srijau goes on a Belief Bender. It's like watching a long-time 
junkie shoot up in a doorway and then stand on a street corner and rant at 
passersby for two hours.



Re: [FairfieldLife] No one greater in the whole history of the world from the beginning of time

2015-04-14 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Eh, he DOES have a point: 

 if TM works as advertised, AND learning TM from a book or webpage isn't really 
useful, AND the Maharishi Effect is real AND if several-other-things...

 then what Maharishi has done is more than a little significant with respect to 

 Lots of "ifs" of course.
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Srijau is a good example of the kind of people I was mentioning the other day 
who came back from the AE courses, made asses of themselves and acted like TM 
 On 04/13/2015 11:49 PM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   From: "srijau@..." mailto:srijau@...  mailto:srijau@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 3:55 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] No one greater in the whole history of the world from 
the beginning of time
   than Maharishi Mahesh Yogi who gave mankind the possibility to create the 
Maharishi Effect for perpetual peace and prosperity

 I love it when Srijau goes on a Belief Bender. It's like watching a long-time 
junkie shoot up in a doorway and then stand on a street corner and rant at 
passersby for two hours.



Re: [FairfieldLife] incompetent "Guru"

2015-04-14 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
It doesn't mean its "wrong" but even the fact that they're teachign via printed 
word means its not likely to be TM. 

 It turns out that when you learn nonsense words via reading them, you create a 
visual memory of them in your mind that is evoked when you remember them.

 A meaningless mantra is meant to be a heard thing, not a written/visualized 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 There are all kinds of different methods of yoga practice.  Just because it 
doesn't conform to the narrow "yoga lite" practices of TM doesn't necessarily 
mean it's wrong.
 On 04/13/2015 07:48 PM, srijau@... mailto:srijau@... wrote:
   this website gives wrong advice like reversing the order of the awareness of 
the body starting from the feet and moving up in a modified version of one 
technique, due to not understanding about the nadis and the primordial status 
of the nadi at the top of the head. So it seems wise to such a relatively 
ignorant person to do like this and then teach this wrong technique to others! 
also using "unbounded awareness as synonym for Brahman! do nt follow this 
follow the real, true ,correct thing, Maharishis original teachings.
 AYP Home Page - Free Lessons in Meditation, Pranayama, Kundalini, Tantra
 AYP Home Page - Free Lessons in Meditation, Pra... Events & Training AYP 
Retreats Worldwide Listing Weekly Global Meditation and Healing Samyama Local 
Contacts Meditation Groups, Training &...

 View on www.aypsite.org 
 Preview by Yahoo 



Re: [FairfieldLife] ~~~~~~~~~~ about TMO friendship ~~~~~~~~~~~

2015-04-14 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Well, yes, that is the point of using famous people to promote a product: 

 people are interested in the famous person, and while watching the famous 
person, they've learned to associate whatever good vibes they get from thinking 
about the famous person with the product.

 In this case, MUM.


 HUGE plus for the TMO and MUM itself.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 It went viral because Carrey is a famous actor, not because of ANYTHING the 
university says or does. 


 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 6:30 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] ~~ about TMO friendship ~~~
   Why does everyone assume that the model that MMY developed must be the only 
model that the TM organization can use?

 The David Lynch Foundation does just fine getting new and old-time celebrities 
to support the cause, and just because you don't see the new wave that is 
beginning, that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

 Jim Carrey's commencement speech to MUM has gone viral with 6+ million views 
on youtube:

 Full Speech: Jim Carrey's Commencement Address at the 2014 MUM Graduation 
 Full Speech: Jim Carrey's Commencement Address a... 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V80-gPkpH6M Maharishi University of Management 
(http://www.mum.edu) granted degrees to 285 students representing 54 countries. 
Jim Carrey gave the commencement a...

 View on www.youtube... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V80-gPkpH6M
 Preview by Yahoo 



 That's 5+ million people who never would have heard of MUM otherwise.


 If nothing else, the google adsense revenue alone should be enough to pay for 
a full-time MUM faculty member.

 And the TM org is canny enough to figure out how to continue creating new 
publicity at all levels.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The problem I see for the TMO, moving into the future, is that it's an 
organization in which NO ONE inspires confidence. 


 You would *have* to be an existing, 
pre-programmed-as-the-result-of-decades-of-propaganda True Believer to find 
*any* of the leaders or "celebrity spokespersons" of the TM movement in any way 
charismatic or confidence-inspiring. Show photos of them to anyone under 30, 
straight off the street, and they'd laugh at you for considering them worthy of 
attention, much less worthy of being "followed" in a spiritual context. Young, 
dynamic people don't "follow" people who look like this:





Re: [FairfieldLife] ~~~~~~~~~~ about TMO friendship ~~~~~~~~~~~

2015-04-14 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
I thought you were talking about a model where celebrities wanted to be around 

 Using celebrities to promote a product is used by jjust about everyone if they 
can afford it, so I see no reason fro that to change. 

 For the cost of room, board, a plane ticket, and a nice plaque, MUM can get 
6.5 million people to watch a video where the central theme is graduating from 

 Why would they change THAT model?


 ANd of course, if the negotiations go well in South America and in Africa, the 
TMO will expand 20-fold over the 10 years. Why would they try to do things 

 Few companies in history go from 5 million customers to 100 million customers 
in only 10 years.

 Of course, success like that will breed its own set of problems, but I'm 
pretty sure that they're looking at sustainability issues at the same time that 
they're looking at expansion issues, which is something MMY had to deal with 
using extremely drastic measures last time. This time, they have 10 years 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 12:30 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] ~~ about TMO friendship ~~~
   Why does everyone assume that the model that MMY developed must be the only 
model that the TM organization can use?

 Duh. Because the TM organization is a personality cult. Such cults don't 
change just because the personality dies. If anything, the 
personality-in-charge's rules become even more written in stone and 
unchangeable when he croaks. 


 Look at what you yourself did below. While writing a post ostensibly claiming 
that the TMO could possibly use some other sales model than "celebrity 
spokesmodels," you go on to describe the latest use of celebrity spokesmodels. 
You didn't even notice. THAT is how entrenched and "stuck in their ways" cults 
and cultists can get.

The David Lynch Foundation does just fine getting new and old-time celebrities 
to support the cause, and just because you don't see the new wave that is 
beginning, that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

 Jim Carrey's commencement speech to MUM has gone viral with 6+ million views 
on youtube:

 Full Speech: Jim Carrey's Commencement Address at the 2014 MUM Graduation 
 Full Speech: Jim Carrey's Commencement Address a... 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V80-gPkpH6M Maharishi University of Management 
(http://www.mum.edu) granted degrees to 285 students representing 54 countries. 
Jim Carrey gave the commencement a...

 View on www.youtube... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V80-gPkpH6M
 Preview by Yahoo 



 That's 5+ million people who never would have heard of MUM otherwise.


 If nothing else, the google adsense revenue alone should be enough to pay for 
a full-time MUM faculty member.

 And the TM org is canny enough to figure out how to continue creating new 
publicity at all levels.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The problem I see for the TMO, moving into the future, is that it's an 
organization in which NO ONE inspires confidence. 


 You would *have* to be an existing, 
pre-programmed-as-the-result-of-decades-of-propaganda True Believer to find 
*any* of the leaders or "celebrity spokespersons" of the TM movement in any way 
charismatic or confidence-inspiring. Show photos of them to anyone under 30, 
straight off the street, and they'd laugh at you for considering them worthy of 
attention, much less worthy of being "followed" in a spiritual context. Young, 
dynamic people don't "follow" people who look like this:





Re: [FairfieldLife] ~~~~~~~~~~ about TMO friendship ~~~~~~~~~~~

2015-04-14 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Why does everyone assume that the model that MMY developed must be the only 
model that the TM organization can use? 

 The David Lynch Foundation does just fine getting new and old-time celebrities 
to support the cause, and just because you don't see the new wave that is 
beginning, that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

 Jim Carrey's commencement speech to MUM has gone viral with 6+ million views 
on youtube:

 Full Speech: Jim Carrey's Commencement Address at the 2014 MUM Graduation 
 Full Speech: Jim Carrey's Commencement Address a... 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V80-gPkpH6M Maharishi University of Management 
(http://www.mum.edu) granted degrees to 285 students representing 54 countries. 
Jim Carrey gave the commencement a...
 View on www.youtube... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V80-gPkpH6M 
 Preview by Yahoo 


 That's 5+ million people who never would have heard of MUM otherwise.


 If nothing else, the google adsense revenue alone should be enough to pay for 
a full-time MUM faculty member.

 And the TM org is canny enough to figure out how to continue creating new 
publicity at all levels.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The problem I see for the TMO, moving into the future, is that it's an 
organization in which NO ONE inspires confidence. 


 You would *have* to be an existing, 
pre-programmed-as-the-result-of-decades-of-propaganda True Believer to find 
*any* of the leaders or "celebrity spokespersons" of the TM movement in any way 
charismatic or confidence-inspiring. Show photos of them to anyone under 30, 
straight off the street, and they'd laugh at you for considering them worthy of 
attention, much less worthy of being "followed" in a spiritual context. Young, 
dynamic people don't "follow" people who look like this:


Re: [FairfieldLife] ~~~~~~~~~~ about TMO friendship ~~~~~~~~~~~

2015-04-12 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Are any of them still in charge of anything:? 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Really?  You weren't around back then to see these goons?  Maybe you would 
have liked these types.  It's a wonder they didn't wear jackboots. 
 On 04/12/2015 01:30 PM, LEnglish5@... mailto:LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife] 
   "Most of them were very mediocre souls probably lifetimes away from 
attaining any permanent state of enlightenment."


 Judgmental much?


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 On 04/12/2015 12:56 PM, dhamiltony2k5@... mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Discussing: “One thing which is interesting here is that this movement was 
founded by people who had a distinct lack of the first list and an abundance of 
the second list.  To take a year off college and go to a 3-month TM TTC in 1972 
required a great lack of obedience, compliance, conformity, discipline and 
adherence; and a great abundance of authenticity, self-direction, 
self-expression, appreciation of diversity, critical analysis, and playfulness. 
 When did we change?”
 ..when did the movement change?

 After the AE courses.  Some teachers came back and assumed being "TM Gestapo". 
Most of them were very mediocre souls probably lifetimes away from attaining 
any permanent state of enlightenment.  They were rude and mean to other 
teachers and made pronouncement as if they had a stick up their butt.  That's 
when folks started fleeing elsewhere.
 Sorta reminds me of the "Wayward Pines" trailer I just posted.


Re: [FairfieldLife] ~~~~~~~~~~ about TMO friendship ~~~~~~~~~~~

2015-04-12 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
"Most of them were very mediocre souls probably lifetimes away from attaining 
any permanent state of enlightenment."

 Judgmental much?



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 On 04/12/2015 12:56 PM, dhamiltony2k5@... mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Discussing: “One thing which is interesting here is that this movement was 
founded by people who had a distinct lack of the first list and an abundance of 
the second list.  To take a year off college and go to a 3-month TM TTC in 1972 
required a great lack of obedience, compliance, conformity, discipline and 
adherence; and a great abundance of authenticity, self-direction, 
self-expression, appreciation of diversity, critical analysis, and playfulness. 
 When did we change?”
 ..when did the movement change?

 After the AE courses.  Some teachers came back and assumed being "TM Gestapo". 
Most of them were very mediocre souls probably lifetimes away from attaining 
any permanent state of enlightenment.  They were rude and mean to other 
teachers and made pronouncement as if they had a stick up their butt.  That's 
when folks started fleeing elsewhere.
 Sorta reminds me of the "Wayward Pines" trailer I just posted.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Shri Sukta – Maharishi Vedic Pandits full audio

2015-04-12 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
So conflicting stories about an event means that someone is lying? 

 In fact, police investigators are more likely to think that eyewitnesses are 
telling the truth when their stories contradict somewhat because people almost 
never tell the same set of details about the same event unless they've coached 
each other in what to say.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 now that is very interesting in light of the fact that the stories of heavy 
unstressing on the Majorca/Fuigi course are legendary. So either such stories 
were lies, or there was more than one Majorca course. Mark Landau has said 
there were lots of people going bananas. I believe Rick has made statements to 
that effect as well.


 From: "Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com" ; Dick Mays 
 Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2015 2:32 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Shri Sukta – Maharishi Vedic Pandits full audio
Nothing out of the ordinary. One guy had digestive problems, everyone called 
him Mr. Cucumber, don't know why because all he seemed to eat was steamed 
zucchini. Oh yes, there was one real basket case, won't mention his name but M 
had him running down to the beach and back, getting messages with very little 
time actually spent in meditation. The guy actually looked horrible the whole 
course but I saw him a year or so later and he looked great. Then there was one 
guy, named Greg, that supposedly developed CC and a chick named Meadow that 
also developed CC. I think they married after the course and divorced later. 
But for the most part, most people had pretty normal experiences with an 
occasional head bobber.

 From: "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com" ; Dick Mays 
 Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2015 12:56 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Shri Sukta – Maharishi Vedic Pandits full audio
 I was actually inquiring about all the folks around you. 


 From: "Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com" ; Dick Mays 
 Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2015 9:19 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Shri Sukta – Maharishi Vedic Pandits full audio
 My *unstressing* was pretty much boredom. Thoughts, mantra ,thoughts, mantra. 
Occasional Kundalini rushes. I actually had far better experiences of pure 
awareness and kundalini before TTC.

 From: "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com" ; Dick Mays 
 Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2015 6:13 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Shri Sukta – Maharishi Vedic Pandits full audio
 So how was the unstressing level in your neck of the hotel at the Majorca 
Fuiggi course? Regular or high test? 


 From: "Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com" ; Dick Mays 
 Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2015 5:33 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Shri Sukta – Maharishi Vedic Pandits full audio
Geez Dick, at least tell us what's so wonderful about it. Did the secrets of 
the universe or creation open up to you? Did it *expand* your consciousness? 
Maybe you became enlightened? LOL, I remember on my TTC, Majorca-Fuiggi ,when M 
gave advanced and special techniques, if you didn't come down to dinner 
claiming to be *blown away*, you just weren't evolved enough(cool, for those 
from Rio Linda) to appreciate the powerfulness of the techs that had just been 
given. Of course, M did away with most of those techniques later because they 
were so ineffective.











Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: ~~~~~~~~~~ about friendship ~~~~~~~~~~~

2015-04-08 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
He's a frail old man on death's door. *I* never claimed he was beyond death's 
infirmaties and neither did he. Quite the opposite, if you were paying 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 When 85 year olds agree to give TV interviews, they have a right to specify 
which questions will and will not be asked. 

 Reporters can ignore this and score points with their viewers, but most 
reporters respect their interviewee's wishes because word gets around.

 Obviously, this  guy didn't care if word got around.

 Oh, cry us a river Lawson. If Marshy was half of what he claimed this would be 
a line on air instead of an obvious affront to his egomania.

 Any journalist visiting such a cult-ish group will try and get something that 
peers beneath the carefully cultivated veneer put  out by the PR handlers and 
the the fact that Marshy wouldn't actually meet him must have said something 
important about what was going on. And all anyone knows - or cares - about TM 
is that the Beatles learned, so why would he refuse to answer a question about 
it? No journalist worth his salt would leave without trying to get a quote on 
the only thing somebody is known for.

 You can't have it both ways, he can't be an evolved being so far beyond normal 
consciousness that he experiences the actual unified field of the universe and 
also a scared old man trying to hide his past. 

 Get a grip.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
 Sent: Wednesday, April 8, 2015 8:20 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: ~~ about friendship ~~~
 Maharishi's giggling was -- as you suggest -- a passive-aggressive way to 
derail questions he didn't want to deal with and pretend to be unfazed by them. 
I wish I had a link to that video clip towards the end of his life when some 
reporter tried to keep asking about the Beatles. At first he tried to "laugh it 
off" and pull his giggling routine again, but when the reporter wouldn't stop 
asking about the Beatles Maharishi finally lost it and got angry at him and 
revealed how much his ego was affronted by someone asking about the Beatles 
instead of him. 


 Here it is. It's one of the rare interviews in which the TMO "pre-screening" 
process didn't keep the reporter from actually asking hard questions. The 
"interview" (Maharishi in another room entirely) starts at about the 40 second 
mark and continues throughout the clip. 


 Maharishi Exposed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGc1yTDU8Fs

 Maharishi Exposed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGc1yTDU8Fs

 View on www.youtube.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGc1yTDU8Fs
 Preview by Yahoo


 You can imagine how much I like this Australian interviewer's 'tude. He's 
clearly a no-bullshit kinda guy having people pour buckets of bullshit over him 
and tell him it's Kool-Aid, and he ain't drinkin' the Kool-Aid. He also isn't 
buying a minute of it. He keeps puncturing the TMO fantasy-balloons and 
bringing the blissninnies down to earth. 


 One of my favorite moments at about the 3:00 minute mark shows him sitting in 
a chair forced to watch a bunch of TM butt-bouncers *clearly* using their 
muscle power to bounce back and forth on a bunch of slabs of foam. Bevan -- the 
proverbial 900 pound gorilla in the room -- is sitting there next to him with a 
big "THIS will convince this guy and make him feel the *awe* he should feel 
towards us" look on his face. Meanwhile, the reporter is sitting there 
alternating between being bored and amazed that anyone would consider this 
outrageous display impressive. Afterwards, interviewing one of the bouncing 
blissninnies, the BN says, "When I do this I feel tremendous bliss...I could do 
this [hop like this] for hours -- back and forth." The reporter just says, "But 
why would you?" :-)

 Jump to about 5:20, when the reporter (via video) speaks the *obvious* to 
Maharishi, that the Beatles established his reputation to the world. NOT much 
giggling from the giggling guru. Instead, he starts to grow clearly angry and 
tries to browbeat the reporter into talking about what he wants instead of 
these damned Beatles. Jump to the 11:00 mark, in which the reporter asks him 
more hard questions, and Maharishi reacts very badly indeed, especially in 
reaction to the question, "Can you fly yourself?" At that point, the cult 
toadies cut the connection and Sir Bevan the Bloated tries to usher him out of 
the room using the same uber-gay wave-your-hand gesture he'd use to convince 
someone to kneel during TM instruction. 


 This is one of the most damning exposes I've ever seen about TM, but my point 
in reposting it here is to place in into context alongside the recent 
Scientology documentary. You DON'T see any

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: ~~~~~~~~~~ about friendship ~~~~~~~~~~~

2015-04-08 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
When 85 year olds agree to give TV interviews, they have a right to specify 
which questions will and will not be asked. 

 Reporters can ignore this and score points with their viewers, but most 
reporters respect their interviewee's wishes because word gets around.

 Obviously, this  guy didn't care if word got around.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
 Sent: Wednesday, April 8, 2015 8:20 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: ~~ about friendship ~~~
 Maharishi's giggling was -- as you suggest -- a passive-aggressive way to 
derail questions he didn't want to deal with and pretend to be unfazed by them. 
I wish I had a link to that video clip towards the end of his life when some 
reporter tried to keep asking about the Beatles. At first he tried to "laugh it 
off" and pull his giggling routine again, but when the reporter wouldn't stop 
asking about the Beatles Maharishi finally lost it and got angry at him and 
revealed how much his ego was affronted by someone asking about the Beatles 
instead of him. 


 Here it is. It's one of the rare interviews in which the TMO "pre-screening" 
process didn't keep the reporter from actually asking hard questions. The 
"interview" (Maharishi in another room entirely) starts at about the 40 second 
mark and continues throughout the clip. 


 Maharishi Exposed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGc1yTDU8Fs

 Maharishi Exposed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGc1yTDU8Fs

 View on www.youtube.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGc1yTDU8Fs
 Preview by Yahoo


 You can imagine how much I like this Australian interviewer's 'tude. He's 
clearly a no-bullshit kinda guy having people pour buckets of bullshit over him 
and tell him it's Kool-Aid, and he ain't drinkin' the Kool-Aid. He also isn't 
buying a minute of it. He keeps puncturing the TMO fantasy-balloons and 
bringing the blissninnies down to earth. 


 One of my favorite moments at about the 3:00 minute mark shows him sitting in 
a chair forced to watch a bunch of TM butt-bouncers *clearly* using their 
muscle power to bounce back and forth on a bunch of slabs of foam. Bevan -- the 
proverbial 900 pound gorilla in the room -- is sitting there next to him with a 
big "THIS will convince this guy and make him feel the *awe* he should feel 
towards us" look on his face. Meanwhile, the reporter is sitting there 
alternating between being bored and amazed that anyone would consider this 
outrageous display impressive. Afterwards, interviewing one of the bouncing 
blissninnies, the BN says, "When I do this I feel tremendous bliss...I could do 
this [hop like this] for hours -- back and forth." The reporter just says, "But 
why would you?" :-)

 Jump to about 5:20, when the reporter (via video) speaks the *obvious* to 
Maharishi, that the Beatles established his reputation to the world. NOT much 
giggling from the giggling guru. Instead, he starts to grow clearly angry and 
tries to browbeat the reporter into talking about what he wants instead of 
these damned Beatles. Jump to the 11:00 mark, in which the reporter asks him 
more hard questions, and Maharishi reacts very badly indeed, especially in 
reaction to the question, "Can you fly yourself?" At that point, the cult 
toadies cut the connection and Sir Bevan the Bloated tries to usher him out of 
the room using the same uber-gay wave-your-hand gesture he'd use to convince 
someone to kneel during TM instruction. 


 This is one of the most damning exposes I've ever seen about TM, but my point 
in reposting it here is to place in into context alongside the recent 
Scientology documentary. You DON'T see any of the "giggling guru" evasions and 
distractions here. Maharishi is so used to being surrounded by toadies who 
accept everything he says as gospel (literally) that he simply *cannot handle* 
being treated like an ordinary person. 



 From: salyavin808 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 8, 2015 7:52 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: ~~ about friendship ~~~

 The only time Marshy made me laugh was in an interview in Israel. A journalist 
was trying to pick holes in his ideas and used a story that he'd learnt TM 
himself on recommendation from his mother who was a devotee, but he had 
abandoned it after a few days and not had the heart to tell her. 

 Whenever he saw her though, she always said "You look so well, I told you TM 
was good for you". Marshy just laughed and said "There, you see the benefits 
from doing TM for just a few days?" and wet himself laughing. He was on top 
form in those days - at least in so far as not letting anyone get one over on 

 The overall impression from that interview is that it got grating the longer 
it went on as it was obvious he wasn't answ

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Travolta defends Scientology...

2015-04-08 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
if you say so, it must be true. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The issue is NOT who your "chosen expert" is. It's that your knee-jerk 
reaction is to trot one out, and shoot the messenger the way you were taught 

 And the even bigger issue is that you're so brainwashed you don't know you're 
doing it. 


 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 8, 2015 8:04 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Travolta defends Scientology...
   That's possible too.

 My chosen expert is a former TMer who explicitly says he has no use for TM nor 
MMY any more and quit TM specifically because TM didn't work as advertised (no 
enlightenment in the given timeframe).

 But, as you say, he has a specific view about MMY  in this context that is 
in-line with my own.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 So -- yet again -- the reaction an admitted True Believer has to someone 
describing something about Maharishi that he doesn't like is "She's LYING." 


 Lawson couches it in weasel language ("My chosen expert says it couldn't have 
been true so it couldn't have been true"), but the message is still "She's 
LYING." Shoot the messenger.


 Tell us, Lawson...what is the difference between what you just did and what 
Scientologists are doing to the people who say things in "Going Clear" that 
they don't like hearing said?

 BTW, the answer to your cult apology is that people DID know what was going 
on, but just like the Scientologists in the documentary, they LIED about it 
because they were expected to.

 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 8, 2015 4:49 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Travolta defends Scientology...
 "...as I snuck back to my room."

As Anthony Campbell, author of Seven States of Consciousenss, points out, he 
doesn't see how MMY could have carried on any kind of sexual affair during the 
time-in-question without many people being in on the "secret," including 

 And Anthony Campbell doesn't practice TM any more and hasn't in decades, from 
what he says, so he's speaking as a relatively disinterested observer who 
simply happened to be in the physical location where the alleged affair took 
place and was one of the myriad people who was working with Maharishi almost 
around the clock in groups of many, during that period.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


The first time for Maharishi and me as a man and woman is still a very private 
moment . . . He struck me as not being a very experienced lover  . . . he just 
hugged me and kissed me with great enthusiasm and I felt his desire. The first 
time we both kept our clothes on and engaged in a lot of petting of the type 
teenagers do in high school. I remember wondering how far this was going to go. 
In the wee hours of the morning we finally joined as man and woman, and I felt 
both shocked and happy as I snuck back to my room. I felt so loved.

 Robes of Silk, Feet of Clay pp 79-80

 It's not Fifty Shades of Grey but the sense is clear. There are other, similar 
passages in the book.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Note to readers: in this silk  robe there  are NO descriptions of any sex acts 
between the author and the Maharishi - it's all about feet positioning and 
wearing silk robes and saris.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 "How many TB TMers have actually read 'Robes Of Silk, Feet Of Clay?' Show of 
hands. See? Almost no one."  

So, I sent a check for $18. and all I got was a paperback of 221 page with a 
few lousy, grainy photos of the author with MMY, Jemima Pittman and Jerry 
Jarvis. Apparently the author was supposed to be the head clerk of the TMO. 

The funniest part of the book is when the author wore a mini skirt one day and 
walked up to MMY and Jerry, who were sitting on the ground, and she insisted on 
taking their photo. So, the next day MMY bought her a silk robe to wear. LoL!

There's no tantra in this book - it's all just posing. 

 :-), but it's really true. People who are True Believers always *know* 
subconsciously that they ARE True Believers, and avoid looking at anything that 
they intuitively know will shatter the illusions they believe in and force them 
to admit that they were w...w...w...wrong. 

 Plus, don't forget that several TMers over the years have reported that the 
"official" policy about Fairfield Life they told by TMO representatives is that 
they shouldn't be looking at something like that because it's "negative" and 
would lower their state of consciousness. That's what a Scientologist would be 
told about reading or watching anything critical of the Co$. 


 Now in this case, given the number of times Travolta has been accused of 
groping guys he hired to give him a massage, I think we can assume that he is 
in on the whole coverup, and is a 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Travolta defends Scientology...

2015-04-07 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
That's possible too. 

 My chosen expert is a former TMer who explicitly says he has no use for TM nor 
MMY any more and quit TM specifically because TM didn't work as advertised (no 
enlightenment in the given timeframe).

 But, as you say, he has a specific view about MMY  in this context that is 
in-line with my own.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 So -- yet again -- the reaction an admitted True Believer has to someone 
describing something about Maharishi that he doesn't like is "She's LYING." 


 Lawson couches it in weasel language ("My chosen expert says it couldn't have 
been true so it couldn't have been true"), but the message is still "She's 
LYING." Shoot the messenger.


 Tell us, Lawson...what is the difference between what you just did and what 
Scientologists are doing to the people who say things in "Going Clear" that 
they don't like hearing said?

 BTW, the answer to your cult apology is that people DID know what was going 
on, but just like the Scientologists in the documentary, they LIED about it 
because they were expected to.

 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 8, 2015 4:49 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Travolta defends Scientology...
 "...as I snuck back to my room."

As Anthony Campbell, author of Seven States of Consciousenss, points out, he 
doesn't see how MMY could have carried on any kind of sexual affair during the 
time-in-question without many people being in on the "secret," including 

 And Anthony Campbell doesn't practice TM any more and hasn't in decades, from 
what he says, so he's speaking as a relatively disinterested observer who 
simply happened to be in the physical location where the alleged affair took 
place and was one of the myriad people who was working with Maharishi almost 
around the clock in groups of many, during that period.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


The first time for Maharishi and me as a man and woman is still a very private 
moment . . . He struck me as not being a very experienced lover  . . . he just 
hugged me and kissed me with great enthusiasm and I felt his desire. The first 
time we both kept our clothes on and engaged in a lot of petting of the type 
teenagers do in high school. I remember wondering how far this was going to go. 
In the wee hours of the morning we finally joined as man and woman, and I felt 
both shocked and happy as I snuck back to my room. I felt so loved.

 Robes of Silk, Feet of Clay pp 79-80

 It's not Fifty Shades of Grey but the sense is clear. There are other, similar 
passages in the book.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Note to readers: in this silk  robe there  are NO descriptions of any sex acts 
between the author and the Maharishi - it's all about feet positioning and 
wearing silk robes and saris.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 "How many TB TMers have actually read 'Robes Of Silk, Feet Of Clay?' Show of 
hands. See? Almost no one."  

So, I sent a check for $18. and all I got was a paperback of 221 page with a 
few lousy, grainy photos of the author with MMY, Jemima Pittman and Jerry 
Jarvis. Apparently the author was supposed to be the head clerk of the TMO. 

The funniest part of the book is when the author wore a mini skirt one day and 
walked up to MMY and Jerry, who were sitting on the ground, and she insisted on 
taking their photo. So, the next day MMY bought her a silk robe to wear. LoL!

There's no tantra in this book - it's all just posing. 

 :-), but it's really true. People who are True Believers always *know* 
subconsciously that they ARE True Believers, and avoid looking at anything that 
they intuitively know will shatter the illusions they believe in and force them 
to admit that they were w...w...w...wrong. 

 Plus, don't forget that several TMers over the years have reported that the 
"official" policy about Fairfield Life they told by TMO representatives is that 
they shouldn't be looking at something like that because it's "negative" and 
would lower their state of consciousness. That's what a Scientologist would be 
told about reading or watching anything critical of the Co$. 


 Now in this case, given the number of times Travolta has been accused of 
groping guys he hired to give him a massage, I think we can assume that he is 
in on the whole coverup, and is a *wlling* blackmail victim because the Church 
coverup enables him to stay in the closet. *His* fame and livelihood depend on 
the Co$ keeping his secrets, too. So effectively by saying he's never seen the 
documentary, he avoids ever having to lie on the record about its claims. 


 This is essentially the same thing that the Co$ is doing on a larger scale -- 
they have scrupulously avoided dealing with ANY of the claims made in the 
documentary, focusing all their efforts on demonizing the people who made those 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Travolta defends Scientology...

2015-04-07 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
I don't know if your analogy applies are not. Married couples often spend more 
of their daily lives apart than together. My reading of Campbell's point was 
that there was no significant amount of time that he was aware of of where 
Maharishi was alone with just one person. Everyone was clamoring for a piece of 
him, and he scheduled his time in blocks set aside for groups, rather than 
individual audiences, or such is my interpretation of what Campbell said. 


 And I'm not sure why he would have changed his mind unless there are details 
in the book that provide an explanation for how he and others would have missed 
the periods of alone-time that he hadn't thought of when he made his original 

 I believe it was MJ who said in this forum that Jerry Jarvis' only 
recollection of her is when she stood up in a group and described the dream she 
had had that she and Maharishi had gotten married and had kids.


 In the interview I saw with her, she describes the dream that she had a few 
years after Maharishi died where Maharishi begged her to set the record 
straight about their secret love affair.

 While I can't be certain, an laternate explanation for the whole thing is it 
is a bit of wishful fan fiction that she convinced herself over the past 40+ 
years really happened, and she has become certain that, just as she is certain 
that the Maharishi who to her in a dream was the real Maharishi telling her 
what to do, she is now certain that the Maharishi who appeared to her in a 
dream and talked about getting married was also the real Maharishi.


 Or it really did happen 40 years ago the way she says it did and Jerry 
Jarvis was wrong.

 Does she mention her dreams of Maharishi and her from 40 years ago in the 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 [Anthony Campbell] doesn't see how MMY could have carried on any kind of 
sexual affair during the time-in-question without many people being in on the 

 Didn't Anthony Campbell write that many moons ago? I wonder if he still 
believes it?

 Even if Campbell does still believe it, we know that there are many people who 
have been blissfully unaware that their very own married partners were carrying 
on affairs for years. (And I always wonder about that. I mean, isn't there a 
giveaway smell? A decline in sexual interest? A shifty avoidance of eye 

 I don't and can't know if Judith Bourque is telling it like it was. I wasn't 
there. I'm just pointing out that Richard's claim there are no descriptions of 
sex acts is belied by the words I see on the page.





---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 "...as I snuck back to my room."

As Anthony Campbell, author of Seven States of Consciousenss, points out, he 
doesn't see how MMY could have carried on any kind of sexual affair during the 
time-in-question without many people being in on the "secret," including 

 And Anthony Campbell doesn't practice TM any more and hasn't in decades, from 
what he says, so he's speaking as a relatively disinterested observer who 
simply happened to be in the physical location where the alleged affair took 
place and was one of the myriad people who was working with Maharishi almost 
around the clock in groups of many, during that period.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


The first time for Maharishi and me as a man and woman is still a very private 
moment . . . He struck me as not being a very experienced lover  . . . he just 
hugged me and kissed me with great enthusiasm and I felt his desire. The first 
time we both kept our clothes on and engaged in a lot of petting of the type 
teenagers do in high school. I remember wondering how far this was going to go. 
In the wee hours of the morning we finally joined as man and woman, and I felt 
both shocked and happy as I snuck back to my room. I felt so loved.

 Robes of Silk, Feet of Clay pp 79-80

 It's not Fifty Shades of Grey but the sense is clear. There are other, similar 
passages in the book.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Note to readers: in this silk  robe there  are NO descriptions of any sex acts 
between the author and the Maharishi - it's all about feet positioning and 
wearing silk robes and saris.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 "How many TB TMers have actually read 'Robes Of Silk, Feet Of Clay?' Show of 
hands. See? Almost no one."  

So, I sent a check for $18. and all I got was a paperback of 221 page with a 
few lousy, grainy photos of the author with MMY, Jemima Pittman and Jerry 
Jarvis. Apparently the author was supposed to be the head clerk of the TMO. 

The funniest part of the book is when the author wore a mini skirt one day and 
walked up to MMY and Jerry, who were sitting on the ground, and she insisted on 
taking their photo. So, the next day MMY bought her a silk robe to wear. LoL!

There's no tantra in this book -

[FairfieldLife] Re: Travolta defends Scientology...

2015-04-07 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
"...as I snuck back to my room."

As Anthony Campbell, author of Seven States of Consciousenss, points out, he 
doesn't see how MMY could have carried on any kind of sexual affair during the 
time-in-question without many people being in on the "secret," including 

 And Anthony Campbell doesn't practice TM any more and hasn't in decades, from 
what he says, so he's speaking as a relatively disinterested observer who 
simply happened to be in the physical location where the alleged affair took 
place and was one of the myriad people who was working with Maharishi almost 
around the clock in groups of many, during that period.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


The first time for Maharishi and me as a man and woman is still a very private 
moment . . . He struck me as not being a very experienced lover  . . . he just 
hugged me and kissed me with great enthusiasm and I felt his desire. The first 
time we both kept our clothes on and engaged in a lot of petting of the type 
teenagers do in high school. I remember wondering how far this was going to go. 
In the wee hours of the morning we finally joined as man and woman, and I felt 
both shocked and happy as I snuck back to my room. I felt so loved.

 Robes of Silk, Feet of Clay pp 79-80

 It's not Fifty Shades of Grey but the sense is clear. There are other, similar 
passages in the book.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Note to readers: in this silk  robe there  are NO descriptions of any sex acts 
between the author and the Maharishi - it's all about feet positioning and 
wearing silk robes and saris.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 "How many TB TMers have actually read 'Robes Of Silk, Feet Of Clay?' Show of 
hands. See? Almost no one."  

So, I sent a check for $18. and all I got was a paperback of 221 page with a 
few lousy, grainy photos of the author with MMY, Jemima Pittman and Jerry 
Jarvis. Apparently the author was supposed to be the head clerk of the TMO. 

The funniest part of the book is when the author wore a mini skirt one day and 
walked up to MMY and Jerry, who were sitting on the ground, and she insisted on 
taking their photo. So, the next day MMY bought her a silk robe to wear. LoL!

There's no tantra in this book - it's all just posing. 

 :-), but it's really true. People who are True Believers always *know* 
subconsciously that they ARE True Believers, and avoid looking at anything that 
they intuitively know will shatter the illusions they believe in and force them 
to admit that they were w...w...w...wrong. 

 Plus, don't forget that several TMers over the years have reported that the 
"official" policy about Fairfield Life they told by TMO representatives is that 
they shouldn't be looking at something like that because it's "negative" and 
would lower their state of consciousness. That's what a Scientologist would be 
told about reading or watching anything critical of the Co$. 


 Now in this case, given the number of times Travolta has been accused of 
groping guys he hired to give him a massage, I think we can assume that he is 
in on the whole coverup, and is a *wlling* blackmail victim because the Church 
coverup enables him to stay in the closet. *His* fame and livelihood depend on 
the Co$ keeping his secrets, too. So effectively by saying he's never seen the 
documentary, he avoids ever having to lie on the record about its claims. 


 This is essentially the same thing that the Co$ is doing on a larger scale -- 
they have scrupulously avoided dealing with ANY of the claims made in the 
documentary, focusing all their efforts on demonizing the people who made those 
claims. That is not just Scientology policy -- right out of their dogma, as 
written by LRon -- it's even legally sound because by not lying about the 
claims, they don't run the risk of being found guilty of perjury in addition to 
being found guilty of the crimes in the claims themselves. 


 This is all Cult 101, guys. Do your homework...

 From: salyavin808 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 7, 2015 11:45 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Travolta defends Scientology...
 But he hasn't seen "Going Clear"...

 John Travolta breaks silence on Scientology doc Going Clear 

 John Travolta breaks silence on Scientology doc Going Cl... 
 Travolta spoke out about the Scientology-bashing HBO documentary on Monday as 
he promoted his upcoming film The Forger.

 View on www.d

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yoga, Religion and Schools

2015-04-07 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]

Appeals court upholds yoga program in Encinitas public schools 
 Appeals court upholds yoga program in Encinitas public ... 
 The teaching of yoga in Encinitas public schools does not represent an illegal 
attempt at religious indoctrination, an appeals court ruled Friday.
 View on www.latimes... 
 Preview by Yahoo 
 As of April 3...

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Its not TM, but the issues are the same:

Attorneys Square Off in School Yoga Case 
 Attorneys Square Off in School Yoga Case 
 Attorneys squared before a panel of judges Wednesday in an appeals case 
concerning an Encinitas Union School District (EUSD) yoga program and whether 
or not it vio...

 View on www.nbcsandiego.com 
 Preview by Yahoo


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: One for Turq and fellow conspiracy fans

2015-04-06 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Not quite. All living people have been pardoned, but aside from Turing (and a 
few others?) none of the dead have been: 

 "Since then the discussion of posthumous pardons has gathered momentum. In 
2012 new legislation was passed allowing the 16,000 still-living victims of 
these bigoted, and now-defunked, laws to apply to have their convictions 
disregarded. Whilst this is a necessary and positive step, the wording of this 
legislation left the 59,000 men convicted and now dead without any sort of 
redress or recognition." 

 - See more at: 




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I don't think this is true. Homosexual acts were decriminalized, but no one 
(other than famous people like Turing) were ever granted pardons for the 
incarcerations and chemical castrations they had been subjected to. 


 If you think it through, that could never happen, because it would open the UK 
government to millions -- possible billions -- of pounds in reparation 

 Some Brit may be able to correct me on this, but none of the articles I've 
seen about this shameful era of British history suggest that anyone has even 
*apologized* to the victims of these laws, much less issued pardons to them. 


 From: "Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
 Sent: Sunday, April 5, 2015 3:26 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: One for Turq and fellow conspiracy fans
I'm pretty sure, though not absolutely certain, that *pardon* was extended to 
everyone later.

 From: "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
 Sent: Saturday, April 4, 2015 10:30 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: One for Turq and fellow conspiracy fans
 Just got home from watching Imitation Game - quite a good film, Cumberbatch is 
excellent as always. I thought the pardon was a wunnerful thang. It was done as 
a "royal prerogative of mercy" which just goes to show Her Starchiness does 
have some practical use in today's UK?


 From: "s3raphita@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, April 4, 2015 8:44 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: One for Turq and fellow conspiracy fans
   Re "The Imitation Game to watch with my daughter and her mom":


 It mentions at the end of the film that Alan Turing has recently been pardoned 
(a Royal Pardon, no less) for his conviction for homosexual indecent acts. 
That's just the kind of headline-grabbing, liberal hand-wringing that drives me 
nuts. My grievance is that if the argument is that being gay is no longer a 
crime so we should posthumously and retrospectively pardon those convicted 
under the old law then why single out Turing? Surely *everyone* convicted under 
the old legal framework deserves a reprieve?

 There's also the issue that we are all well aware that they did things 
differently in Olde England. To revisit the past and apply contemporary 
standards to old judgements is pointless. We wouldn't have forcibly deported 
someone to Australia for stealing a loaf of bread, but so what? There's 
something tiresomely self-congratulatory about these revisions. It's 
advertising to the world how tolerant and well-intentioned you are. 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I can barely keep up with Grimm and Justified. 


 Tonight I am taking a DVD of the Imitation Game to watch with my daughter and 
her mom - Daughter is a BIG fan of Benedict Cumberbatch, or Benedict Cumberbund 
as I usually call him, much to her annoyance.  


 From: "Bhairitu noozguru@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, April 4, 2015 3:46 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] One for Turq and fellow conspiracy fans
 And WGN's "Salem" season 2 begins Sunday.  You're not a fan of the show but 
Lucy Lawless joins the cast this season.
 On 04/04/2015 01:34 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:


   Sounds interesting. I always liked her, so at the very least it has a high 
"eye candy" quotient for me.  :-)
 From: "Bhairitu noozguru@... mailto:noozguru@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Friday, April 3, 2015 9:13 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] One for Turq and fellow conspiracy fans
   "American Odyssey" stars Anna Friel and debuts on NBC Sunday night:
 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3551796/ http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3551796/

Re: [FairfieldLife] ~~~~~~~~~~ about friendship ~~~~~~~~~~~

2015-04-06 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
I think you're wrong all the way across the board in your conclusinos, even if 
you make partially valid points. 

 The TM organization appears to be thriving, and on the verge of being 100x 
laster than it has ever been, while being recognized by the largest 
organizations in the world as being important.

 Of course, that last may never happen, but what if does?




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I suspect Michael, that Maharishi as a young spiritual groupie was much like 
the people who eventually surrounded him, with that bright naive sense that 
everything would be grand. And then the reality of the world, the incapacities 
of the people, began to set in. Nothing goes the way you think it will go 
(though statistically there are always a few people who are on the lucky end of 
the curve).  

 He did acknowledge there would be a flaw that would derail the whole thing. 
But there is always more than one way for something to come off the rails, and 
it can come from inside oneself just as well as from outside. Creating an 
organisation, especially a large one, is one way to bollix up the works because 
resources that might have been used to supposedly enlighten people have to be 
diverted to support and sustain the organisation. 

 The organisation then becomes a vampire that sucks its supposed beneficiaries 
dry in order to sustain itself. Anyone at the head of such an organisation who 
has personal issues or flaws in relation to its stated mission becomes a major 
distorting factor in its growth, along with the flaws of all the rest who 
become part of it. 

 Add to that that enlightenment offers nothing in the end except the knowledge 
that there was nothing to get in the first place and cuts you loose to live 
your life independently means those few who do 'succeed' in getting what this 
truly odd business of 'spiritual' growth is about are not usually going to be 
enthusiastic about being surrounded by spiritual cretins and their inept dreams 
of a utopia. 
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Too bad he was a damnable liar.

 From: "email4you mikemail4you@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Monday, April 6, 2015 5:32 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] ~~ about friendship ~~~ [1 Attachment]
https://us-mg6.mail.yahoo.com/neo/launch?.rand=1m3eulnvn0j8u#TopText from 
email4you included below] 


  I will fill the world with Love, 

and create Heaven on Earth.


   Jai Guru Dev   


 Stationery, a Yahoo Mail and Paperless Post collaboration 










Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The last tower

2015-04-04 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
And so, the standard vastu fits right in. 

 My point was there's no single thing that can be called "Modern Dutch 
Architecture" and so you can't expect vastu architecture to look just like it.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Ahem. Don't you ever get tired of acting so certain about shit you know 
nothing about?

 dutch modern architecture - Google Search 
 dutch modern architecture - Google Search 
 detail-online.com by 24 H Architecture. 500 × 332 - 138k - jpg trendir.com by 
Dutch Architect Paul de 600 × 399 - 55k - jpg flickr.com IJburg architecture 
1024 × 752 - 499k - jpg

 View on www.google.com 
 Preview by Yahoo


 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, April 4, 2015 6:10 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The last tower
   Hideous is a matter of taste.

 I agree that if they do build, I'd like to see a more Netherlands-oriented 
architectural style, but my impression is that there really isn't such a thing 
in the modern Netherlands, unless  you count windmills.

 Vastu windmills, that's what's missing!



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, April 4, 2015 1:32 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The last tower
   The last part of the video is a rendering of the planned vastu community.


 Please tell me you're not so brainwashed that you don't recognize how hideous 
this is. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
 Vlodrop is changing it's shape, the last tower came down yesterday. I have 
lived in this building once, but I don't have nostalgic feelings about it. IMHO 
the laws trying to preserve old buildings are overdoing it in Europe. We have 
lots of old buildings, and not everything is worth of being preserved. The new 
layout looks a little bit like a home for assited living ;-)

 It depends what old buildings are being replaced with. My town has lost loads 
of classic buildings and had featureless blocks of flats packed in instead. 
It's hideous, the place looks like no one ever gave a damn about it. 


Assisted living - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
 Assisted living - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assisted_living An assisted living residence or 
assisted living facility (ALF) is a housing facility for people with 
disabilities. These facilities provide supervision or assistance with 
activities of daily living (ADLs); coordination of services by outside health 
care providers; and monitoring o...

 View on en.wikipedia.org https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assisted_living
 Preview by Yahoo 







Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The last tower

2015-04-04 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Pretty wealthy red necks then. 

 Those are pretty huge buildings to refer to them as a "trailer park."

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
   The last part of the video is a rendering of the planned vastu community.


 Please tell me you're not so brainwashed that you don't recognize how hideous 
this is. 




 It's like a trailer park for Vedic rednecks.  



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
 Vlodrop is changing it's shape, the last tower came down yesterday. I have 
lived in this building once, but I don't have nostalgic feelings about it. IMHO 
the laws trying to preserve old buildings are overdoing it in Europe. We have 
lots of old buildings, and not everything is worth of being preserved. The new 
layout looks a little bit like a home for assited living ;-)

 It depends what old buildings are being replaced with. My town has lost loads 
of classic buildings and had featureless blocks of flats packed in instead. 
It's hideous, the place looks like no one ever gave a damn about it. 


Assisted living - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
 Assisted living - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assisted_living An assisted living residence or 
assisted living facility (ALF) is a housing facility for people with 
disabilities. These facilities provide supervision or assistance with 
activities of daily living (ADLs); coordination of services by outside health 
care providers; and monitoring o...

 View on en.wikipedia.org https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assisted_living
 Preview by Yahoo 







Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The last tower

2015-04-04 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Hideous is a matter of taste. 

 I agree that if they do build, I'd like to see a more Netherlands-oriented 
architectural style, but my impression is that there really isn't such a thing 
in the modern Netherlands, unless  you count windmills.

 Vastu windmills, that's what's missing!



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, April 4, 2015 1:32 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The last tower
   The last part of the video is a rendering of the planned vastu community.


 Please tell me you're not so brainwashed that you don't recognize how hideous 
this is. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
 Vlodrop is changing it's shape, the last tower came down yesterday. I have 
lived in this building once, but I don't have nostalgic feelings about it. IMHO 
the laws trying to preserve old buildings are overdoing it in Europe. We have 
lots of old buildings, and not everything is worth of being preserved. The new 
layout looks a little bit like a home for assited living ;-)

 It depends what old buildings are being replaced with. My town has lost loads 
of classic buildings and had featureless blocks of flats packed in instead. 
It's hideous, the place looks like no one ever gave a damn about it. 


Assisted living - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
 Assisted living - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assisted_living An assisted living residence or 
assisted living facility (ALF) is a housing facility for people with 
disabilities. These facilities provide supervision or assistance with 
activities of daily living (ADLs); coordination of services by outside health 
care providers; and monitoring o...

 View on en.wikipedia.org https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assisted_living
 Preview by Yahoo 





[FairfieldLife] Re: The last tower

2015-04-04 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
The last part of the video is a rendering of the planned vastu community. 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Vlodrop is changing it's shape, the last tower came down yesterday. I have 
lived in this building once, but I don't have nostalgic feelings about it. IMHO 
the laws trying to preserve old buildings are overdoing it in Europe. We have 
lots of old buildings, and not everything is worth of being preserved. The new 
layout looks a little bit like a home for assited living ;-)

 It depends what old buildings are being replaced with. My town has lost loads 
of classic buildings and had featureless blocks of flats packed in instead. 
It's hideous, the place looks like no one ever gave a damn about it. 


Assisted living - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
 Assisted living - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assisted_living An assisted living residence or 
assisted living facility (ALF) is a housing facility for people with 
disabilities. These facilities provide supervision or assistance with 
activities of daily living (ADLs); coordination of services by outside health 
care providers; and monitoring o...

 View on en.wikipedia.org https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assisted_living
 Preview by Yahoo 



Re: [FairfieldLife] The last tower

2015-04-04 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Latest thing I could find. Reading google translate is painful, but it appears 
to say that the TMO got a final ruling in their favor after 4 rulings went 
against them, which preservation  organizations found "suspicious": 




 Original Dutch text:

 Hoger beroep tegen sloop klooster Sankt Ludwig 
 Hoger beroep tegen sloop klooster Sankt Ludwig 
 De stichting Burgercomité St. Ludwig en het Cuypersgenootschap gaan in hoger 
beroep tegen een uitspraak van de rechtbank in Roermond die slopen van...
 View on www.dichtbij.nl 
 Preview by Yahoo 


 And so, bribery or no, the demolition was approved by a court, not just done 
while people weren't looking.

 As to the bribery thing... 

 heavy sigh, but the building appears to have been unwanted by anyone else, as 
the TMO was able to buy it for 900,000 $EU if I read wikipedia correctly.

 Without occupancy (and the TMO wouldn't have been going near it ever since MMY 
discovered vastu) and continued upkeep, the thing would have been near-collapse 
by now anyway.

 Not meant as a defense, _per se_, just pointing out that even without the 
efforts of the TMO, it might have collapsed within a few years anyway as it 
wasn't in use and no-one was taking care of it (this appears to be quite common 
in the Netherlands, based on my own experiences trying to figure out how to 
renovate an old school with a Dutch friend).




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Haven't looked, but there would BE no news unless someone from the local area 
noticed what was going on and looked into things. And that means that someone 
would have to believe that the TMO is important enough to pay attention to, 
which simply isn't something that's likely to happen in the Netherlands any 
more. The general feeling about the remnants of the TMO in Vlodrop I've 
encountered from the Dutch is along the lines of, "What? Are any of those 
people still there? I thought they'd all died by now."

 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, April 4, 2015 11:25 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The last tower
   You may be correct, but if that is so (and I'm not denying it) then there is 
bound to be local, or even national news about it.

 I haven't bothered to look for any, have you?


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The laws are *incredibly* strict about historical buildings here, and do not 
leave room for "exceptions." I have learned this because I'm looking for houses 
to purchase right now, and learning that one has to be careful to make sure 
they're *not* classified as a monument. That status can mean that you can't 
even replace the *windows* in your building, much less change its exterior or 
tear it down. 

 So it's bribery, pure and simple. The only way someone could have gotten 
permission to do what the TMO did is to pay one or more important local 
officials a LOT of money so that they would "look the other way" and pretend 
not to have seen the demolition take place until after it was over. 

 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, April 4, 2015 11:12 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The last tower

 Or, they may have offered teh entire government a sweetheart financial deal 
that trumped the traditional attitude...

 Or both.

 AT least the TM organization can be said to put its money where its vastu 
mouth is...



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Having lived in the Netherlands for a few years now, and having dealt with its 
fanaticism about "protected buildings" and "national monuments" and preventing 
people from tearing them down or changing the exteriors of them, there is only 
one thing that explains why the TMO was able to do this -- BRIBES. And big 
ones, too. Someone in the local Gemente is now a millionnaire thanks to TMO 
bribery. That's the only way something like this could happen in the 


 From: aryavazhi 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, April 4, 2015 1

Re: [FairfieldLife] The last tower

2015-04-04 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
You may be correct, but if that is so (and I'm not denying it) then there is 
bound to be local, or even national news about it. 

 I haven't bothered to look for any, have you?




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The laws are *incredibly* strict about historical buildings here, and do not 
leave room for "exceptions." I have learned this because I'm looking for houses 
to purchase right now, and learning that one has to be careful to make sure 
they're *not* classified as a monument. That status can mean that you can't 
even replace the *windows* in your building, much less change its exterior or 
tear it down. 

 So it's bribery, pure and simple. The only way someone could have gotten 
permission to do what the TMO did is to pay one or more important local 
officials a LOT of money so that they would "look the other way" and pretend 
not to have seen the demolition take place until after it was over. 

 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, April 4, 2015 11:12 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The last tower

 Or, they may have offered teh entire government a sweetheart financial deal 
that trumped the traditional attitude...

 Or both.

 AT least the TM organization can be said to put its money where its vastu 
mouth is...



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Having lived in the Netherlands for a few years now, and having dealt with its 
fanaticism about "protected buildings" and "national monuments" and preventing 
people from tearing them down or changing the exteriors of them, there is only 
one thing that explains why the TMO was able to do this -- BRIBES. And big 
ones, too. Someone in the local Gemente is now a millionnaire thanks to TMO 
bribery. That's the only way something like this could happen in the 


 From: aryavazhi 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, April 4, 2015 10:54 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The last tower
   Vlodrop is changing it's shape, the last tower came down yesterday. I have 
lived in this building once, but I don't have nostalgic feelings about it. IMHO 
the laws trying to preserve old buildings are overdoing it in Europe. We have 
lots of old buildings, and not everything is worth of being preserved. The new 
layout looks a little bit like a home for assited living ;-)


Assisted living - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
 Assisted living - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assisted_living An assisted living residence or 
assisted living facility (ALF) is a housing facility for people with 
disabilities. These facilities provide supervision or assistance with 
activities of daily living (ADLs); coordination of services by outside health 
care providers; and monitoring o...

 View on en.wikipedia.org https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assisted_living
 Preview by Yahoo 






[FairfieldLife] Oaxaca, Mexico: Inauguration of new multi-purpose (vastu flying hall) classroom

2015-04-04 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]


 Original Spanish:

 Inauguran primera aula dedicada a la meditación trascendental; única en su 
tipo a nivel nacional e internacional | Gobierno del Estado de Oaxaca 

 Inauguran primera aula dedicada a la meditación t... 
 · La obra requirió una inversión superior a los 700 mil pesos y fue auspiciada 
por la Fundación David Lynch de América Latina, organización internacional que 
 View on www.oaxaca... 
 Preview by Yahoo 


Re: [FairfieldLife] The last tower

2015-04-04 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]

 Or, they may have offered teh entire government a sweetheart financial deal 
that trumped the traditional attitude...

 Or both.

 AT least the TM organization can be said to put its money where its vastu 
mouth is...



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Having lived in the Netherlands for a few years now, and having dealt with its 
fanaticism about "protected buildings" and "national monuments" and preventing 
people from tearing them down or changing the exteriors of them, there is only 
one thing that explains why the TMO was able to do this -- BRIBES. And big 
ones, too. Someone in the local Gemente is now a millionnaire thanks to TMO 
bribery. That's the only way something like this could happen in the 


 From: aryavazhi 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, April 4, 2015 10:54 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The last tower
   Vlodrop is changing it's shape, the last tower came down yesterday. I have 
lived in this building once, but I don't have nostalgic feelings about it. IMHO 
the laws trying to preserve old buildings are overdoing it in Europe. We have 
lots of old buildings, and not everything is worth of being preserved. The new 
layout looks a little bit like a home for assited living ;-)


Assisted living - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
 Assisted living - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assisted_living An assisted living residence or 
assisted living facility (ALF) is a housing facility for people with 
disabilities. These facilities provide supervision or assistance with 
activities of daily living (ADLs); coordination of services by outside health 
care providers; and monitoring o...

 View on en.wikipedia.org https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assisted_living
 Preview by Yahoo 





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM reaches the Orient...

2015-04-03 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Actually, Chopra's first book was NOT _Return of the Rishi_ but but _Creating 
Health_, written before he had fully integrated with the TM organization. 


 Certainly, _Return of the Rishi_ mentioned TM, because it was about the 
journey of a young doctor discovering the revival of Vedic India in the form of 
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's various projects.

 IN fact, _Return of the Rishi_ is the only one of Chopra's books to still have 
a dedication to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. 

 It is also the only one of his books he doesn't sell through his website, last 
I checked, though he does sell a selected readings audio version.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 According to what I've read, Chopra never said that "TM" was "the solution to 
all problems." In fact, Chopra doesn't even mention TM in his first book, 
"Return of the Rishi". It's just too bad Judy isn't here anymore to correct all 
these claims. We will ask Chopra about this when he gets to town. Go figure.

San Antonio, TX - The Future of Wellbeing, The 13th Disciple Book Tour 
 San Antonio, TX - The Future of Wellbeing, The 13th Disc... 
https://www.deepakchopra.com/event/article/362 San Antonio, TX April 8, 2015 
The 13th Disciple Book Tour Join Deepak Chopra for a book signing!

 View on www.deepakchopra... https://www.deepakchopra.com/event/article/362
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 This was in Washington D.C. Think it was about 1985, I do not recall exactly. 
His comments were specifically related to the claim that Ayurveda could cure 
diabetes. As you recall, there was a time that TM was supposed to cure 
everything, the solution to all problems. 

Non sequitur. Nobody ever claimed that TM could cure diabetes.

At time went on, Chopra the MD became more and more Chopra the Woo Doctor. 

Non sequitur.

He also had a wife who did not want to live within the movement's restrictions 
as far as income etc., and Chopra was concerned about this, he had had after 
all a good position at a hospital.

Non sequitur.

Apparently he got some financial concessions from Maharishi, but eventually 
Chopra wanted to go his own way more independently and Maharishi could not get 
his cut of the action, which as you know would ideally be all of it. My guess 
is Chopra was fairly rational until the movement got its claws into him, and 
like Hagelin, fell into a more irrational frame of mind. The movement seems to 
lack someone who could put the ideas about reality and consciousness into some 
kind of rational perspective that is also actually in tune with scientific 
principles rather than in tune with a parody of scientific principles.

Non sequitur. Of course, Chopra, who is an M.D., couldn't begin to compare to 
all your scientific credentials. LoL!

 From: "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
 Sent: Friday, April 3, 2015 3:10 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM reaches the Orient...
 "Interestingly, the first time I heard Chopra speak within the movement he was 
much more sceptical about such things as what Ayurveda could accomplish"

 You are kidding!!! When and where was this? This is the first time I have ever 
heard of that!



 From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Friday, April 3, 2015 11:07 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM reaches the Orient...
   What I liked about the movie Bad Teacher, is while the character played by 
Diaz has to adjust to a new situation in her life that resulted from her 
'badness', it is not a Cinderella, Disney kind of story where everything like 
her personality turns to gold. It has a more realistic arc that does not 
magically undo her 'morally bankrupt' characteristics. She adapts to the extent 
she has to and finds a modicum of satisfaction well below her original goals.

 I did see Chopra a few times within the movement. The last time I saw him he 
was coming out of the Twenty-First Century Bookstore in Fairfield, IA (the 
local Ru Woo bookstore which no longer exists I hear). Interestingly, the first 
time I heard Chopra speak within the movement he was much more sceptical about 
such things as what Ayurveda could accomplish, but I think once he got the idea 
he could make money selling nostrums, that scepticism was quietly put away. 
Those well inculcated by TM philosophy always seemed to feel that something was 
not quite right with him, that he was out for himself, which probably was true, 
as he did not turn out to be the tool Maharishi wanted for promoting the 
movement, which is of course someone who only promotes Maharishi's goals, 
financial and otherwise.

 The Chopra-Mlodinow book was one of the results after the following exchange 
occurred at the end of a panel debate (the future of God) at CalTech. This was 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Raja Luis on yogic flyers in S.A.: 50,000 => 100,000 => 1 million

2015-04-03 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Certainly, there is quite a distance between the Governor of a Mexican state 
cutting hte ribbon for a new building, and one million students in Latin 
America learning Yogic Flying, but my impression is that Luis Alverez is a 
pretty decent fellow, overall. 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 According to Raja Luis

 That is the operative phrase. Luis is a liar and learned to be so from his 
mentors in the Movement. Lying to get prestige and money is endemic to and an 
integral part of the Movement. Always has been always will be.


 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, April 2, 2015 9:23 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Raja Luis on yogic flyers in S.A.: 50,000 => 100,000 
=> 1 million



 The video shows the inauguration of the first official vastu flying hall in 
Mexico, attended by the governor of the state and other government dignitaries. 
According to Raja Luis, South American governments are jumping on the bandwagon 
of requesting TM and TM-SIdhis instruction far faster than they can meet demand 
and they are training one or two teachers in each school to be TM teachers to 
provide followup for each school because there is no practical way to do it 



[FairfieldLife] Re: TM reaches the Orient...

2015-04-03 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Bobby isn't a shill. A shill is someone who is pretending that they do NOT work 
for an organization but actually do. 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 For what purpose would you be wanting to get your TM med checked? Go figure.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Wow! Golly gee! 


 A real shore 'nuff news article posted on the Maharishi Foundation USA web 
site and written by grinning Bobby Roth, certified shill for the TM Movement! 


 I must-a been wrong in all I ever said about TM being a mediocre technique and 
Marshy being a con man! 


 I guess I need to dust off my TM mantra and go to the nearest Peace Palace and 
get my TM med checked.

 From: salyavin808 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, April 2, 2015 12:37 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] TM reaches the Orient...
 More than 3,000 Buddhist monks in 100 monasteries throughout Southeast Asia 
have learned the Transcendental Meditation technique 
http://www.tm.org/meditation-techniques?leadsource=CRM421, as a result of the 
work by a revered Japanese Buddhist 
Reverend Koji Oshima, who is a longtime TM practitioner and certified TM 
 According to Rev. Oshima, the Buddhist monks appreciate the simplicity, 
effortlessness, and profound experience of transcendence, which is gained 
almost immediately after starting the TM practice. Rev. Oshima adds that 
transcendence provides the natural basis for the monk’s subsequent prayers and 
 Thousands of Buddhist Monks in Asia Learn Transcendental Meditation | 
Transcendental Meditation® Blog 

 Thousands of Buddhist Monks in Asia Learn Transcendenta... 
http://www.tm.org/blog/meditation/buddhist-monks/ More than 3,000 Buddhist 
monks in 100 monasteries throughout Southeast Asia have learned the 
Transcendental Meditation technique, as a result of...

 View on www.tm.org http://www.tm.org/blog/meditation/buddhist-monks/
 Preview by Yahoo 





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brand rejected by Scientology?

2015-04-03 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
He threw out people who were unwilling to play the game his way. 

 That has nothing to do with CC, only with his desire to have a strictly 
controlled organization.

 Someone in CC could certainly play the game his way, or not. Whether they do 
so or not has nothing to do with CC, only with what they do or not do, CC or 


 I marvel at how many of you seem to have completely misunderstood his words 
and actions over the years.

 Very strange.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
   I never heard anyone claim that Maharishi said that everyone would conform 
to some societal norm.

 Don't be dense. Of course he never *said* it -- he just expected it. And 
*enforced* it, by throwing out everyone who didn't "fit the mold."


 In fact, CC was about no longer being bound by norms: you would simply 
spontaneously do what was right. Until that time, the path of least stress 
would be to follow societal and cultural norms, but once enlightenment  started 
to set in, all bets were off.

 Of course, enlightened or not, you still have to deal with the consequences of 
going against societal norms, but in CC or higher, societal norms no longer are 
any more relevant than any other relative aspect of existence.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
 Why do non-comformists have to worry about teh Age of Enlightenment and why 
would TM teachers be worried about it?

 Because the AofE - as far as the TMO teaches it - is going to be a full 
expression of what Marshy wanted the TMO to be. A certain amount of conformity 
is expected when you work in the organisation (or frequent it's courses and 
programmes) So if you don't fit in you have no place in it. You will have how 
things are supposed to be explained to you and if you question it too much 
you'll be shown the door. The idea is that because Marshy was "in absolute" 
everything he said and wanted was perfect because it was in tune with "natural 
law", therefore if you disagree you are contradicting him. 

 I had some great arguments about it, and saw some hilarious slack jaws when 
offering my opinions about all sorts of stuff. In my defence I'd say that in 
the intro talk I was told that TM was something you could do without changing 
your beliefs, so I held them to it. They didn't like that. The assumption is 
that as you grow in experience and hear more about the "knowledge" you will 
naturally accept it as true and for the reasons outlined above - Marshy said 


 I mean, what is wrong with being an enlightened non-conformist?

 No such thing according to the reesh. See above. I mean, of course there is 
really what I'm talking about is how cults like their people to conform. I 
would say that going along with a belief system you don't agree with is going 
to hold you back no matter what you are trying to acheive.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I'd have thought he'd be perfect, they could show how effective their 
programmes are by transforming his life. Or not. I think he'd be more likely to 
expose any wrong doing than most celebs.

 It's always telling when people get thrown out of utopian cults. I used to ask 
TM teachers where the non-conformists would go in the age of enlightenment and 
they'd just look blank like they hadn't really thought it through. After all, 
if you can guarantee perfection for people because of an innocent technique and 
that technique doesn't work for some or it turns out that there's more to being 
a member of the gang than an innocent technique then you've clearly been lying 
about something.

 Seems to me that every utopian group attracts the sort of people it needs to 
function as a closed order and anyone who rocks the boat needs to be thrown out 
to keep everyone else happy in the delusion that the perfect society they'e 
created would work when scaled up to greater society. It wouldn't of course, 
but the feeling of superiority the cultists get from "knowing" they have the 
answer because their group functions perfectly is a powerful trip and worth the 
occasional casualty


 Why Tom Cruise rejected Russell Brand from the Church of Scientology 

 Why Tom Cruise rejected Russell Brand from the Ch... 
 Russell Brand has been vocal about his devotion to the Hare Krishna movement. 
But it seems Indian spirituality isn’t the

[FairfieldLife] Re: Brand rejected by Scientology?

2015-04-03 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
I never heard anyone claim that Maharishi said that everyone would conform to 
some societal norm. 

 In fact, CC was about no longer being bound by norms: you would simply 
spontaneously do what was right. Until that time, the path of least stress 
would be to follow societal and cultural norms, but once enlightenment  started 
to set in, all bets were off.

 Of course, enlightened or not, you still have to deal with the consequences of 
going against societal norms, but in CC or higher, societal norms no longer are 
any more relevant than any other relative aspect of existence.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Why do non-comformists have to worry about teh Age of Enlightenment and why 
would TM teachers be worried about it?

 Because the AofE - as far as the TMO teaches it - is going to be a full 
expression of what Marshy wanted the TMO to be. A certain amount of conformity 
is expected when you work in the organisation (or frequent it's courses and 
programmes) So if you don't fit in you have no place in it. You will have how 
things are supposed to be explained to you and if you question it too much 
you'll be shown the door. The idea is that because Marshy was "in absolute" 
everything he said and wanted was perfect because it was in tune with "natural 
law", therefore if you disagree you are contradicting him. 

 I had some great arguments about it, and saw some hilarious slack jaws when 
offering my opinions about all sorts of stuff. In my defence I'd say that in 
the intro talk I was told that TM was something you could do without changing 
your beliefs, so I held them to it. They didn't like that. The assumption is 
that as you grow in experience and hear more about the "knowledge" you will 
naturally accept it as true and for the reasons outlined above - Marshy said 


 I mean, what is wrong with being an enlightened non-conformist?

 No such thing according to the reesh. See above. I mean, of course there is 
really what I'm talking about is how cults like their people to conform. I 
would say that going along with a belief system you don't agree with is going 
to hold you back no matter what you are trying to acheive.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I'd have thought he'd be perfect, they could show how effective their 
programmes are by transforming his life. Or not. I think he'd be more likely to 
expose any wrong doing than most celebs.

 It's always telling when people get thrown out of utopian cults. I used to ask 
TM teachers where the non-conformists would go in the age of enlightenment and 
they'd just look blank like they hadn't really thought it through. After all, 
if you can guarantee perfection for people because of an innocent technique and 
that technique doesn't work for some or it turns out that there's more to being 
a member of the gang than an innocent technique then you've clearly been lying 
about something.

 Seems to me that every utopian group attracts the sort of people it needs to 
function as a closed order and anyone who rocks the boat needs to be thrown out 
to keep everyone else happy in the delusion that the perfect society they'e 
created would work when scaled up to greater society. It wouldn't of course, 
but the feeling of superiority the cultists get from "knowing" they have the 
answer because their group functions perfectly is a powerful trip and worth the 
occasional casualty


 Why Tom Cruise rejected Russell Brand from the Church of Scientology 

 Why Tom Cruise rejected Russell Brand from the Ch... 
 Russell Brand has been vocal about his devotion to the Hare Krishna movement. 
But it seems Indian spirituality isn’t the only aspect of religion he’s pursued 

 View on www.independent.co.uk 
 Preview by Yahoo 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Brand rejected by Scientology?

2015-04-03 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Why do non-comformists have to worry about teh Age of Enlightenment and why 
would TM teachers be worried about it? 

 I mean, what is wrong with being an enlightened non-conformist?



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I'd have thought he'd be perfect, they could show how effective their 
programmes are by transforming his life. Or not. I think he'd be more likely to 
expose any wrong doing than most celebs.

 It's always telling when people get thrown out of utopian cults. I used to ask 
TM teachers where the non-conformists would go in the age of enlightenment and 
they'd just look blank like they hadn't really thought it through. After all, 
if you can guarantee perfection for people because of an innocent technique and 
that technique doesn't work for some or it turns out that there's more to being 
a member of the gang than an innocent technique then you've clearly been lying 
about something.

 Seems to me that every utopian group attracts the sort of people it needs to 
function as a closed order and anyone who rocks the boat needs to be thrown out 
to keep everyone else happy in the delusion that the perfect society they'e 
created would work when scaled up to greater society. It wouldn't of course, 
but the feeling of superiority the cultists get from "knowing" they have the 
answer because their group functions perfectly is a powerful trip and worth the 
occasional casualty


 Why Tom Cruise rejected Russell Brand from the Church of Scientology 

 Why Tom Cruise rejected Russell Brand from the Ch... 
 Russell Brand has been vocal about his devotion to the Hare Krishna movement. 
But it seems Indian spirituality isn’t the only aspect of religion he’s pursued 

 View on www.independent.co.uk 
 Preview by Yahoo 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Dutch Parl iament Bans Monsanto’ s RoundUp

2015-04-02 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Monsanto: great place to work, dangerous products for sale? 


 I'm not convinced that the  UN WHO decision concerning glyphosate is correct, 
but if you DO accept such findings, the fact is that Monsanto's main business 
is to produce seeds whose only utility is that they enable you to buy lots of 
pesticide that Monsanto sells, directly or indirectly.

 And if you think the pesticide is dangerous, then there is no justifiable 
reason to do business with them as the seeds are only worth buying if you're 
going to use the pesticide.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Can anyone out there please explain cognitive dissonance? Thanks.

Science Magazine ranked Monsanto as 5th on its 2013 Top Employers list, 
describing its top attributes as "innovative leader in the industry", "makes 
changes needed", and "does important quality research".


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Thought for the day: "Destroy Monsanto"
 On 04/02/2015 03:43 AM, email4you mikemail4you@... mailto:mikemail4you@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

 Dutch Parliament Bans Monsanto’s RoundUp | CSGlobe Starting from the end of 
2015 the sale of glyphosate-based herbicides to private parties will be 
prohibited due to a recent decision by the Dutch Parliament

 View on csglobe.com
 Preview by Yahoo





[FairfieldLife] Raja Luis on yogic flyers in S.A.: 50,000 => 100,000 => 1 million

2015-04-02 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]



 The video shows the inauguration of the first official vastu flying hall in 
Mexico, attended by the governor of the state and other government dignitaries. 
According to Raja Luis, South American governments are jumping on the bandwagon 
of requesting TM and TM-SIdhis instruction far faster than they can meet demand 
and they are training one or two teachers in each school to be TM teachers to 
provide followup for each school because there is no practical way to do it 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Notes from a viewing of "Going Clear"

2015-04-01 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Scientologists may believe in science, but the Church of Scientology refuses to 
let any of its claims be tested by independent researchers. 


 That is, I suspect, the fundamental difference between a religion and a 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The Scientology religion is based on one simple principle: some people just 
feel better when they have someone to talk to. 

So now it's been established that you never even read Dianetics. I'm sure this 
won't be lost on Judy, if she's still a reader here. According to what I've 
read, Scientologists believe in Science - L.Ron himself was a science-writer. 
They believe souls reincarnate after physical death and that there is a Force 
of energy and intelligence in the Soul or Self. 

Does this sound familiar? 

It should, because you seem to believe in some of the same religious cult 
beliefs. Apparently you've been a closet Tibetan Thetan for most of your adult 
life. Go figure.

P.S. How's that solo auditing coming along? LoL!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Interestingly, my first (and only) brush with the Co$ was when I was working 
for the TMO at 1015 Gayley in West L.A. I was on my lunch break one day and 
walked into a bookstore there in Westwood, and on a display table was this 
weird-looking book with a volcano on the cover called "Dianetics." 


 Out of curiosity, I picked it up and opened to a page at random and read about 
L. Ron's theory of (as I remember) the Third Element. It went, "Every problem, 
disagreement, or argument between two human beings -- EVERY problem -- is 
always caused by an unseen third person." 


 I remember being somewhat floored by this and possibly muttering out loud, 
"Man, whoever wrote this is as paranoid as a long-tailed cat in a room full of 
rocking chairs!" Then I put the book down and walked away and never opened it 
or any other Scientology literature again. I had stumbled by chance on exactly 
the right passage to make me lose interest in it forever.


 But who knew that my first impression was so bloody accurate, eh? 


 My only other connection to LRH is that while working there at 1015 Gayley I 
got to know an older woman whose name escapes me now, but she was one of the 
original TM pioneers who discovered Maharishi early on and formed the SRM there 
in Los Angeles. She, as it turns out, had been LRH's personal secretary for 
many years before she left and ran into Maharishi. So one day I asked her what 
she thought of him (Hubbard) and she said, very precisely and carefully, "I 
honestly believe that L. Ron Hubbard is the most brilliant man I have ever met. 
I also believe that he was *certifiably* paranoid." 

 From: salyavin808 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 7:16 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Notes from a viewing of "Going Clear"

 Excellent, it's a must see I reckon. Especially the billion year contract, 
does that include a dental plan I wonder?

 I almost wish I joined when I was interested after reading "Dianetics", 
trouble is I might now be a CO$ TB who is forbidden to read or watch "negative" 
stuff about the "church". 

 Then again, when it got to Xenu and all that crap it would have had the same 
effect on me that Marshy's unified field ideas did when I learnt TM. I'd see 
through it and keep my distance. Wouldn't I?


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I'll just say it -- any long-term current or former member of the TM movement 
or any other large spiritual organization who does not track down and watch all 
two hours of the HBO documentary "Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of 
Belief" is a COWARD. This film should be required viewing for anyone on a 
spiritual path, to teach them about the perils of following a spiritual path.  

Here are a few random notes I scribbled down while watching it myself:


Off-camera voice (probably Alex Gibney, director): 
Scientology is such a subject of fascination for people...how did you get 
engaged in the story?

Lawrence Wright (author of the book the HBO film is based on): 
Well, I've always been interested in religions, and why people believe one idea 
rather than another. I've studied Jonestown and radical Islam, and they're 
oftentimes good-hearted people, idealistic, but full of a kind of crushing 
certainty that eliminates doubt. You know, my goal wasn't to write an expose -- 
it was simply to understand Scientology, trying to understand what people get 
out of it. You know, why did they go into it in the first place? I was 
interested in intelligent and skeptical people who were drawn into a belief 
system and wind up acting on those beliefs in ways they never thought they 


Onscreen photo of the actual legal contract:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Notes from a viewing of "Going Clear"

2015-04-01 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Hey, are you saying that I'm not an active TBer? 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 We should probably point out that in this discussion group all the active TBs 
have left to form another discussion group. The only informants left here are a 
few old guys who got kicked out of the cult over 30 years ago and are still 
living in the past, still making TMO status claims that can't be supported with 
any evidence. 

So, as far as informants, they suck, big time, because they are no longer 
insiders. Obviously these old guys have not been on a spiritual path for 
decades. I wouldn't believe anything they say now, after they lied to us for 
all those years. Where is Judy when we need her? Go figure. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I know that you have no problem with admitting that you committed many years 
of your life to what you now realize was a cult, Geeze. We both came to that 
realization at about the same time, back in 1977 or so. 


 What amazes me are the ones who -- 37 years later -- *still* can't look at 
this documentary, compare "Scientology  stories" to "TMO stories," and say, 
"Check." How far up their asses do they keep their heads to remain this blind, 
and for this long?

 From: "geezerfreak@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 1, 2015 2:34 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Notes from a viewing of "Going Clear"
   Happened to me too Barry, as you know.

 Fascinating also to see the various monuments to Elron around the world, as 
well as the him posing for an artist bust in clay.

 Monumental (literally) ego of the leader leads to monuments made to said 
leader: check

 Large real estate holdings become critically important as cult membership 
dwindles: check

 We, and we alone, are the only salvation for planet Earth: check

 If planet Earth is not saved, it's YOUR fault: check

 Those who don't believe as we do are categorized as Wogs or non-meditators: 

 Those who express doubts or question the fundamentals are excommunicated: check

 I could go of course, but the point is that this can happen to anyone. It 
happens slowly, over time.

 Imagine if in TM we were told in our intro lecture that those who want to 
delve deeper into the practice will learn to "fly', walk through walls, etc.

 Imagine if in TM we were told in our intro lecture that our mantras literally 
are the seed form names of vedic gods and that when completed (advanced 
techniques) we would literally be saying: Most glorious Saraswati, I Bow Down 
To You Again and Again. (Saraswati used here as an example.)

 Nope, we learned how to soft sell it in the intro lecture, knowing full well 
that we are lying through our teeth. Those who bring new recruits into 
$cientology learn to do the same.





---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I know that you have no problem with admitting that you committed many years 
of your life to what you now realize was a cult, Geeze. We both came to that 
realization at about the same time, back in 1977 or so. 


 What amazes me are the ones who -- 37 years later -- *still* can't look at 
this documentary, compare "Scientology  stories" to "TMO stories," and say, 
"Check." How far up their asses do they keep their heads to remain this blind, 
and for this long?

 From: "geezerfreak@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 1, 2015 2:34 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Notes from a viewing of "Going Clear"
   Happened to me too Barry, as you know.

 Fascinating also to see the various monuments to Elron around the world, as 
well as the him posing for an artist bust in clay.

 Monumental (literally) ego of the leader leads to monuments made to said 
leader: check

 Large real estate holdings become critically important as cult membership 
dwindles: check

 We, and we alone, are the only salvation for planet Earth: check

 If planet Earth is not saved, it's YOUR fault: check

 Those who don't believe as we do are categorized as Wogs or non-meditators: 

 Those who express doubts or question the fundamentals are excommunicated: check

 I could go of course, but the point is that this can happen to anyone. It 
happens slowly, over time.

 Imagine if in TM we were told in our intro lecture that those who want to 
delve deeper into the practice will learn to "fly', walk through walls, etc.

 Imagine if in TM we were told in our intro lecture that our mantras literally 
are the seed form names of vedic gods and that when completed (advanced 
techniques) we would literally be saying: Most glorious Saraswati, I Bow Down 
To You Again and Again. (Saraswati used here as an example.)

 Nope, we learned how to soft sell it in the intro lecture, knowing full well 
that we are lying through our teeth. Those who bring new recruits into 
$cientology learn to do the same.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Is Russell Brand mad enough to crash a plane into a mountain?

2015-03-31 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]

 I always thought that "capitalism" meant something other than just turning a 
profit, though it isn't easy to decide when the latter turns into the former, 
and where the practicality ends and the self-destructive element begins.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 That's it? That's all you got  out of this video? "Blame fox?"

 I got the usual overdose of Russell Brand's narcissism. His manic presentation 
does no one any favours. 

 Do you really (I mean *really*) buy the idea that "capitalism" (aka liberal 
democracy) is turning people into crackpots who willingly terrorize and murder 
innocent people, including children? Ask your friends and neighbours what they 
think of the outrage. They'll react with disgust. Why should they react like 
that? Why haven't they been infected with the Lubitz curse? Because they get on 
with their lives and engage with the society around them and try and make use 
of the opportunities on offer to do something positive for themselves and their 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The loony Brand blames Fox News for the tragedy . . .


[FairfieldLife] Re: Is Russell Brand mad enough to crash a plane into a mountain?

2015-03-31 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
That's it? That's all you got  out of this video? "Blame fox?" 





---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The loony Brand blames Fox News for the tragedy . . .

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
You DO realize that this means that Brook has no dog in the fight of TM vs 
whatever? He's so out of touch with the politics that he has pictures of the 
Dali Lama put on the screen at MUM. Pretty neutral guy, obviously. 


 And so if he comes to a specific conclusion based on looking at the research 
(e.g. TM is better for the treatment of high blood pressure) it as a 
disinterested party...
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Ha ha ha! Love it! Brooks was inspired by the likes of the Dalai Lama and 
Jiddu Krisnamurti to look into meditation. I bet Schneider's arse drew up when 
they showed those non-TM guru's on the overhead projector. Wish the camera had 
panned the audience, but they wisely did not. Have to stop now to order the 
pizza for Daughter's lunch vittles.


 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 9:45 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

TM, Air Pollution, and Your Heart with Robert D. Brook, MD by Maharishi 
University of Management http://new.livestream.com/mum/brook 
 TM, Air Pollution, and Your Heart with Robert D. Brook, ... 
http://new.livestream.com/mum/brook Watch Maharishi University of Management's 
TM, Air Pollution, and Your Heart with Robert D. Brook, MD on Livestream.com. 

 View on new.livestrea... http://new.livestream.com/mum/brook
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 post the link to the mum speech please


 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 8:42 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"
   As I pointed out, the lead author (who also wrote the response in the 
Letters to the Editor), is now pretty good friends with Schneider and announced 
at the MUM speech he gave that he was doing his own research on TM.

 Coincidentally enough, the research the he will be doing is exactly of the 
kind that he says needs to be done to boost TM's rating, should it find that TM 
*does* have a positive effect on BP.





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Actually, people DO pay attention to what billlionaires say and do.  

 They really DO set teh trends and fashions of society.

 And of course, when Ray Dalio appears on the stage with Bob Roth, it makes all 
sorts of headlines in business journals.

 How Meditation Makes Ray Dalio Feel 'Like A Ninja In A Fight' 
 How Meditation Makes Ray Dalio Feel 'Like A Ninja In... 
http://www.businessinsider.com/ray-dalio-2014-2 Hedge fund billionaire Ray 
Dalio says he got into meditating 42 years ago because of 'The Beatles.'
 View on www.busines... http://www.businessinsider.com/ray-dalio-2014-2 
 Preview by Yahoo 
The GQ Guide to Transcendental Meditation 
 The GQ Guide to Transcendental Meditation 
http://www.gq.com/life/health/201309/gq-transcendental-meditation-guide GQ 
addresses transcendental meditation. Should you cross your legs, close your 
eyes, and join in?
 View on www.gq.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 Could this be the key to success on Wall Street? Hedge fund billionaire Ray 
Dalio thinks so 
 Could this be the key to success on Wall Street? H... 
 A string of recent deaths within the banking world have brought global 
attention to the stressful conditions that financiers work in and around. Large 
 View on finance.yahoo... 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 Meditation grows popular at high-stress Wall Street firms 
 Meditation grows popular at high-stress Wall Street firm... 
http://money.cnn.com/2014/03/11/investing/meditation-wall-street/ The David 
Lynch Foundation has been getting an increasing number of calls from Wall 
Street firms to come and offer its $1,000 intensive course on Transcend...
 View on money.cnn.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I bet you will go to your grave as a TM apologist. 


 You are highlighting one of the PROBLEMS with the TMO - they market to the 
millionaires to line their own pockets.


 Few people give a rat's ass how many celebrities and big money people do TM.

 Just do a bit of research to see what fuck heads the current and former 
Japanese prime ministers are. Like denying the existence of the Japanese 
comfort girls in WWII? And denying allegations of illegal funding to his 
political party. 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]

TM, Air Pollution, and Your Heart with Robert D. Brook, MD by Maharishi 
University of Management http://new.livestream.com/mum/brook 
 TM, Air Pollution, and Your Heart with Robert D. Brook, ... 
http://new.livestream.com/mum/brook Watch Maharishi University of Management's 
TM, Air Pollution, and Your Heart with Robert D. Brook, MD on Livestream.com. 
 View on new.livestrea... http://new.livestream.com/mum/brook 
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 post the link to the mum speech please


 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 8:42 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"
   As I pointed out, the lead author (who also wrote the response in the 
Letters to the Editor), is now pretty good friends with Schneider and announced 
at the MUM speech he gave that he was doing his own research on TM.

 Coincidentally enough, the research the he will be doing is exactly of the 
kind that he says needs to be done to boost TM's rating, should it find that TM 
*does* have a positive effect on BP.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Ummm. You keep on posting and I keep on responding. 

 I'm posting positive stuff about TM here and on reddit.

 And who told you I was banned from the entire website?

 I'm co-moderator of /r/transcendental afterall.


 By the way, what makes you certain that 'tis a lost crusade?

 The fact that the DLF is negotiating with the United Nations concerning 
training UN workers to be TM teachers?



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 As I pointed out, the lead author (who also wrote the response in the Letters 
to the Editor), is now pretty good friends with Schneider and announced at the 
MUM speech he gave that he was doing his own research on TM. 

 Coincidentally enough, the research the he will be doing is exactly of the 
kind that he says needs to be done to boost TM's rating, should it find that TM 
*does* have a positive effect on BP.

 You're devoting a lot of time to this lost crusade Lawson, have you been 
banned from Reddit again?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
You're aware that all TM teachers teach the same way, and more than likely some 
of the recerted teachers work for the DLF? 

 I mean, Bobby Roth goes to teh Hamptons and lectures to billionaires and is 
introduced on national TV as "Meditation Bob, meditation teacher to teh stars."


 You have more problem with TM teachers than other people it seems. Rupert 
Murdoch tweeted about learning TM last year, and numerous prominent people have 
learned TM recently without making a big deal about how  cultish the TMO is.

 And of course, both the current and a former Prime Minister of Japan are both 
TMers, having learned it from the head of the Japanese TM organization 25 years 

  It's really quite fascinating how uncomfortable people on Fairfield Life are 
with the idea that most people simply don't CARE about things like 5 minute 
initiation ceremonies, and the like.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 In practicality, That an availability is 'limited' through re-certified 
teachers, MJ in writing his usual mean and aggressive negativity here raises a 
valid point within it in offering these excerpts from the J. Am. Heart 
Association memo. 
 Limited availability is one thing, but further I also run in to a corollary 
fact that a general public also does not necessarily like going in to the Peace 
Palaces for learning TM. Possibly this is what the memo is also driving at. 
..Way too much carry-on baggage with TM. 

 From the J.AmHeart Association memo:
 “..TM was not invented to lower BP. We acknowledge that meditation techniques 
may offer numerous benefits to people. Nevertheless, we believe that existing 
limitations need to be addressed before revisiting a higher class of 
recommendation concerning TM..” 

 Evidently contact with the tru-believer re-certified side of the movement is 
too obviously odd, setting off cult-radar 'warnings' in many who may go near. 
This is a cultural thing. Though culturally modified the David Lynch Foundation 
side of TM is more extra-territorial or secular to the re-cert side or strict 
movement certified facilities that present a whole glossy panoply of TM Vedic 
things. The whole vedic thing evidently seems too much cult-like Scientology 
today as cult. That can evidently can be worked with as with the good work of 
the DLF.
 -Buck, a transcendent meditator in Fairfield, Iowa   

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Which shows that the TM leaders and their medical shills like that jack-ass 
Bob Schneider are greedy for nothing less than a world wide endorsement of TM 
as the sovereign remedy to cure all society's ills and all man's diseases.

 And a few other excerpts from the letter:

 "About practicality, there is a marked difference between providing a 
treatment in a randomized controlled trial and referring unselected patients 
with hypertension for TM training in clinical practice. TM is also more 
expensive than other approaches ($1500), and access to certified training may 
be more limited. For example, the Cleveland area has only 2 listed sites 
covering a population of ≈2 million people 


 We objectively and fairly presented the published data about the lowering of 
BP from TM. Its efficacy was indeed shown to be on par with some other 
alternative approaches when cross-comparing summary meta-analyses results 
(although few direct comparisons are available). We clearly stated that most 
approaches have modest efficacy (not just TM), and that patients requiring >10 
mm Hg reductions should be monitored closely. 

 TM was not invented to lower BP. We acknowledge that meditation techniques may 
offer numerous benefits to people. Nevertheless, we believe that existing 
limitations need to be addressed before revisiting a higher class of 
recommendation concerning TM for the sole purposes of managing high BP"

 Had I been the doctor replying to Greedy Bob's request to mark TM as being the 
be all and end all of life, I would have concluded the letter by saying "Bob 
Schneider can kiss my ass, not on the left side and not on the right side, but 
right down the middle."


 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 8:22 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"
   In case you hadn't noticed, the lead author of the American Heart 
Association report that said that TM was (and still is two years later, even 
after revisions) the only form of meditation that the AHA says can be 
recommended by doctors for the treatment of hypertension is now pretty good 
friends with Robert Schneider, has appeared on the same stage with him, and has 
announced that he is doing his own study on TM and hypertension.

 He's also recently published an article discussing when to recommend 
alternative therapies for hypertension.

 When and How to Recommend "Alternative Approaches" in the Management of High 
Blood Pressure. http://www.ncbi.n

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
As I pointed out, the lead author (who also wrote the response in the Letters 
to the Editor), is now pretty good friends with Schneider and announced at the 
MUM speech he gave that he was doing his own research on TM. 

 Coincidentally enough, the research the he will be doing is exactly of the 
kind that he says needs to be done to boost TM's rating, should it find that TM 
*does* have a positive effect on BP.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Which shows that the TM leaders and their medical shills like that jack-ass 
Bob Schneider are greedy for nothing less than a world wide endorsement of TM 
as the sovereign remedy to cure all society's ills and all man's diseases.

 And a few other excerpts from the letter:

 "About practicality, there is a marked difference between providing a 
treatment in a randomized controlled trial and referring unselected patients 
with hypertension for TM training in clinical practice. TM is also more 
expensive than other approaches ($1500), and access to certified training may 
be more limited. For example, the Cleveland area has only 2 listed sites 
covering a population of ≈2 million people 


 We objectively and fairly presented the published data about the lowering of 
BP from TM. Its efficacy was indeed shown to be on par with some other 
alternative approaches when cross-comparing summary meta-analyses results 
(although few direct comparisons are available). We clearly stated that most 
approaches have modest efficacy (not just TM), and that patients requiring >10 
mm Hg reductions should be monitored closely. 

 TM was not invented to lower BP. We acknowledge that meditation techniques may 
offer numerous benefits to people. Nevertheless, we believe that existing 
limitations need to be addressed before revisiting a higher class of 
recommendation concerning TM for the sole purposes of managing high BP"

 Had I been the doctor replying to Greedy Bob's request to mark TM as being the 
be all and end all of life, I would have concluded the letter by saying "Bob 
Schneider can kiss my ass, not on the left side and not on the right side, but 
right down the middle."


 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 8:22 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"
   In case you hadn't noticed, the lead author of the American Heart 
Association report that said that TM was (and still is two years later, even 
after revisions) the only form of meditation that the AHA says can be 
recommended by doctors for the treatment of hypertension is now pretty good 
friends with Robert Schneider, has appeared on the same stage with him, and has 
announced that he is doing his own study on TM and hypertension.

 He's also recently published an article discussing when to recommend 
alternative therapies for hypertension.

 When and How to Recommend "Alternative Approaches" in the Management of High 
Blood Pressure. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25644320 
 When and How to Recommend "Alternative Approaches" in the Management of High 
Blood ... http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25644320 1. Am J Med. 2015 Jan 30. 
pii: S0002-9343(15)00079-0. doi: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2014.12.029. [Epub ahead of 

 View on www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25644320
 Preview by Yahoo 


 When discussing TM research in a formal response to Robert Schneider's request 
for an upgrade to the AHA's evaluation of TM, he politely refused but said:

  We do agree that TM is unique in the robustness and quality of evidence among 
meditation techniques for BP-lowering







---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Let's not forget its power as advertising. Everyone knows science carries 
weight so being able to say you have 4000 studies published in 750 peer 
reviewed journals is a big help with the apparent credibility. No matter how 
well or not it stands up, and a lot of it is crap. Some of the newer stuff is 
better but they make unreasonable claims for it and even had to be told to stop 
using some results from the AMA because they simply weren't true.

 They totally blew it when they tried to stop non-accredited TM teachers from 
using the same research in their literature though. What happened about that I 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Did you miss that the AHA accepted, without dispute, the claim that TM reduces 
DEATH by 48% over 5 years in Black Americans with cardiac disease? 

 Ball-squeezing may have more effect on BP, but TM's effects on overall 
mortality go beyond simple lowering of BP.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 In case you hadn't noticed, the lead author of the American Heart Association 
report that said that TM was (and still is two years later, even after 
revisions) the only form of meditation that the AHA says can be recommended by 
doctors for the treatment of hypertension is now pretty good friends with 
Robert Schneider, has appeared on the same stage with him, and has announced 
that he is doing his own study on TM and hypertension. 

 He's also recently published an article discussing when to recommend 
alternative therapies for hypertension.

 When and How to Recommend "Alternative Approaches" in the Management of High 
Blood Pressure. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25644320 
 When and How to Recommend "Alternative Approaches" in the Management of High 
Blood ... http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25644320 1. Am J Med. 2015 Jan 30. 
pii: S0002-9343(15)00079-0. doi: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2014.12.029. [Epub ahead of 

 View on www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25644320
 Preview by Yahoo 


 When discussing TM research in a formal response to Robert Schneider's request 
for an upgrade to the AHA's evaluation of TM, he politely refused but said:

  We do agree that TM is unique in the robustness and quality of evidence among 
meditation techniques for BP-lowering


 But not as good as squeezing a rubber ball for 10 minutes I seem to remember.

 And that's the trouble really, using research like that to claim that TM is 
the best thing for something when it isn't.





---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Let's not forget its power as advertising. Everyone knows science carries 
weight so being able to say you have 4000 studies published in 750 peer 
reviewed journals is a big help with the apparent credibility. No matter how 
well or not it stands up, and a lot of it is crap. Some of the newer stuff is 
better but they make unreasonable claims for it and even had to be told to stop 
using some results from the AMA because they simply weren't true.

 They totally blew it when they tried to stop non-accredited TM teachers from 
using the same research in their literature though. What happened about that I 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
In case you hadn't noticed, the lead author of the American Heart Association 
report that said that TM was (and still is two years later, even after 
revisions) the only form of meditation that the AHA says can be recommended by 
doctors for the treatment of hypertension is now pretty good friends with 
Robert Schneider, has appeared on the same stage with him, and has announced 
that he is doing his own study on TM and hypertension. 

 He's also recently published an article discussing when to recommend 
alternative therapies for hypertension.

 When and How to Recommend "Alternative Approaches" in the Management of High 
Blood Pressure. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25644320 
 When and How to Recommend "Alternative Approaches" in the Management of High 
Blood ... http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25644320 1. Am J Med. 2015 Jan 30. 
pii: S0002-9343(15)00079-0. doi: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2014.12.029. [Epub ahead of 
 View on www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25644320 
 Preview by Yahoo 


 When discussing TM research in a formal response to Robert Schneider's request 
for an upgrade to the AHA's evaluation of TM, he politely refused but said:

  We do agree that TM is unique in the robustness and quality of evidence among 
meditation techniques for BP-lowering







---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Let's not forget its power as advertising. Everyone knows science carries 
weight so being able to say you have 4000 studies published in 750 peer 
reviewed journals is a big help with the apparent credibility. No matter how 
well or not it stands up, and a lot of it is crap. Some of the newer stuff is 
better but they make unreasonable claims for it and even had to be told to stop 
using some results from the AMA because they simply weren't true.

 They totally blew it when they tried to stop non-accredited TM teachers from 
using the same research in their literature though. What happened about that I 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]

 Interesting perspective, and there may be some truth to it.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 Lawson is IMO a perfect example of the reason the TMO does "research." 
Contrary to popular opinion, the research is NOT done to convince 
non-meditators of the efficacy of the meditation technique in order to sell TM 
to more new people. 


 Nay, IMO the research is for the *existing* TMers who have been doing it for 
years *without any real experiences to speak of*. Unwilling to face this fact 
and maybe try some other technique that might actually deliver on its promises, 
they cling to the "research" and believe that if *others* are experiencing all 
of this cool stuff, then they should keep on keepin' on themselves. The TM 
"research" is to hold on to the organization's "base" and keep them following 
the carrot.  



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-30 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
This ignores the fact that when Benson asked the Dalai Lama for an intro to 
BUddhist practitioners of levitation, all he got were people hopping like a 

 But Buddhist Hopping Like a Frog is special, while TM Hopping Like a Frog 

 It's always amusing to see people bring up issues that it is obvious they are 
guilty of and accuse someone else of being guilty of that same thing.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 From: salyavin808 
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 So now you're saying that the Yogic Flyers aren't really "hopping like a frog?"

 Forget all that. My new guru has taught me that walking fast is the first 
stage in running through the light barrier. I'm just going to huff and puff to 
the cafe and test it out. 

 Just think, one day I'll get there before my grandfather was born. I wonder 
what the future will be like, disappointing maybe?

 I just can't participate in any of this any more...it's just too embarrassing 
for Lawson. I mean, here is a guy who has never in his life had the curiosity 
to even *try* some other form of meditation other than TM, and he's trying to 
sell the pseudo-science that was created to keep him believing that TM was the 
"best" form of meditation. It's like someone waving their kindergarten coloring 
book at you and claiming it's the most advanced textbook on physics ever 


 I love how convinced he is about it. Probably got that from Marshy, he always 
sounded like he knew what he was talking about just because he seemed convinced 




[FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-29 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Does the term "simile" mean anything to you? 

 "Moving along the ground as a frog jumps" probably doesn't mean your legs turn 
green, but that you move in a series of short hops, or so I would interpret it.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Absolutely!  The Dome but-bouncers can even come close to the hopping of real 
frogs. Refer to the websites on the frog-jumping contests at the Calaveras 
County fair. One site shows Larry the Cable Guy holding one of the champion 
frogs.  Larry would'nt be caught dead in the Domes. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-29 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
So now you're saying that the Yogic Flyers aren't really "hopping like a frog?" 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 But the dome but-bouncers haven't even gotten to the first (frog-hopping) 
stage, so it's more a matter of objectivity rather than rudeness. ..
 As far as even close to being credible, (imo) a good second hand account would 
be the chapter in Yogananda's Autobiography of a Yogi on the levitating Saint 
(a practitioner of Kriya Yoga).  There are other accounts of Kriya Yogin 
levitators besides Yogananda's.
 In any event, the Traditions of a. Kriya Yoga and b. Christianity; may be good 
candidates for exploring possible examples of true levitation (hovering); in 
contrast to the TM Tradition which is a dud.   

[FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-29 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Responses embedded following your text in the old school way of responding... 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Meditation may reduce death, heart attack and stroke in heart patients

 Meditation and Heart Health 
 (another AHA page) 
 Meditation and Heart Health 
 Lower stress, cardiovascular disease risk by meditating. Taking a few minutes 
to relax each day could help you lower your risks of cardiovascular disease.

 View on www.heart.org 
 Preview by Yahoo 


 On the other hand, the only long-term study on mindfulness and high blood 
pressure I know of explicitly says that the effects of mindfulness on blood 
pressure go away after 2 or 3 years. What were the effects of the follow up on 
the TM study? I don't know, by the way. 

 The 2012 study they refer to WAS the followup:


 Meditation may reduce death, heart attack and stroke in heart patients | 
American Heart Association 
 Meditation may reduce death, heart attack and stroke in ... 
http://newsroom.heart.org/news/meditation-may-reduce-death-heart-240647 Study 
Highlights: Twice-a-day Transcendental Meditation helped African Americans with 
heart disease reduce risk of death, heart attack and stroke. Medit...
 View on newsroom.hea... 
 Preview by Yahoo 
  African Americans with heart disease who practiced Transcendental Meditation 
regularly were 48 percent less likely to have a heart attack 
 or die from all causes compared with African Americans who attended a health 
education class over more than five years, according to new research published 
in the American Heart Association journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality 
and Outcomes.


 Fred Travis has published physiological research on 17 people in CC and tells 
me that he has found at least 51 new CC subjects for a new physiological study 
on CC that he's doing. Anyone who wants 'enlightenment' really should aim a bit 
higher than CC, or 'glorified ignorance' as M said. CC is pretty common these 
days with so many meditators from various traditions having practised for many 

 I remain unconvinced of that. Many different states can be described the same 
way, and yet have completely different physiological correlates. CC, for 
example, seems to depend on strengthening the connections between the parts of 
the brain thought to be responsible for sense-of-self (which typically is 
associated in scientific literature with mind-wandering and aimless thoughts) 
without associating any specific mental activity with the connectivity between 
the regions of the brain  responsible for sense-of-self. The "Self" in CC is 
just what everyone else calls "self," but without the ongoing mental stuff that 
clouds the issue about what Self really is or isn't. 


 Other practices actually reduce connectivity between these same parts of the 
brain, and are held (by the scientists reporting the fact) to be reducing 
sense-of-self. And state that can be interpreted to sound like CC obviously 
isn't teh same thing as  "self" goes away as a result of these practices.



 And as far as the claim that Unity isn't involved goes, I simplified Fred's 
papesr. He  asked people who  had Self present 24 hours per day, to describe 
"their self" and made physiological measures and correlated them with the 
response to the question and to other psychological measures.

 The only criterion was that Self was present 24 hours a day, including during 
deep sleep, continuously for at least a year. He didn't try to screen OUT 
people who were in "higher" states than CC. Here's teh response to the question 
"Describe your self" given by various "enlightened" subjects. Note that CC, GC, 
and UC-like responses were given by various people, but with only 17 subjects 
total, it wasn't possible to do sub-group analysis, so there's no way to say 
what physiological correlates there were for CC vs GC vs UC, if indeed there 
are any such distinctions to be found:


 Physiological correlates:


[FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-29 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Lots of people enjoy piling onto Maharishi about "hopping like a frog" being 
the first stage of Yogic Flying, with a latter stage being levitation, but as I 
pointed out, the _Shiva Samhita_ describes levitation as coming in various 
stages, including moving along the ground as a " frog jumps" (around verse 
45ish I think) so this isn't something MMY made up. 

 As well, when Herbert Benson wanted to investigate paranormal claims about 
meditation, he asked the Dalai Lama about it and was sent to a  remote region 
of Tibet as he describes in his book:

 Timeless Healing by Herbert Benson 


 ...On other expeditions, my colleagues and I tried to confirm legendary 
reports that Tibetan monks levitate, rising and hovering above the ground 
during meditation. But when we were allwed to view the levitation of monks in 
the mountain hamlet of Chail, it appeared only to be an act of considerable 
physical agility in which monks, leg-locked in lotus position, sprang several 
inches off the floor. They did not hover. I was told through a translator that 
the sages of old had done so. When I asked, "Is it possible today?" the monk 
replied, with a twinkle in his eye," There is no need. Today we have airplanes."


 And, I should point out that the subjects for Fred Travis' study on the 
psychological and physiological correlates of enlightenment were mostly drawn 
from long-term participants in teh Invincible America course. The average foam 
time was about 15,000 hours. Further, the EEG of the TM-Sidhis, including Yogic 
Flying when hopping isn't involved, is TM-like, but with more coherence in 
non-alpha frequencies -in other words, more CC-like.

 So mocking people who sit on the foam  in the Domes for years is an expression 
of both rudeness AND ignorance (of course those often go hand-in-hand).


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 If we were to discover meditation tomorrow and start the nomenclature all over 
again would we still go for a unified field/"pure" consciousness/vedic infinity 
kind of approach? I think not. The emphasis would be mostly on what use it 
might possibly have, and that would be based on evidence and not the wild 
claims of the reesh.

 It would be a good project as we could disabuse people of the idea that it's 
something to do with physics from the get-go and thus remove a lot of tricksy 
cash cows from organisations like the TMO and also stop a lot of people 
spending all their lives sitting in domes waiting to fly and create a 
non-existent peace-field when they could be doing something they might be more 
proud of in later life. 

 Would it be as much fun though?








Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-29 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
This might be Maharishi's distinction between little-t transcending, where the 
mind is diverted from thinking the mantra and  back on thoughts even though 
pure consciousness never occured, vs Big-T Transcending, aka "pure 
consciousness" aka "pure awareness," where all perception of any kind has 
ceased, leaving the brain in an alert mode without any object of attention to 
be alert about. 

 There's a switch between the inward and outward "strokes" of meditation, with 
no object-less situation between.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 According to Comans, samadhi has two stages: samprajana samadhi - enstasis 
where there is still object-consciousness; and, nirvikalpasamadhi - where  
there  is  no longer any object-consciousness. 

"The purpose of yogic meditation is to *isolate* bodily fluctuations and pass 
into samprajana samadhi, hence to total isolation of mental fluctuations and 
then to pass into nirvakalpasamadhi where the Self is not hidden by external 
conditions of the body or the mind (citta)."

'The question of the importance of Samadhi in modern and classical Advaita 
by Michael Comans


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I don't know where the debate started, but my point was that two different 
groups are using the same two words in different ways: 

 TMers equote "pure awareness"Back 
https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/FairfieldLife/conversations/messages with 
"pure consciousness" with "transcendental consciousness" with samadhi, which is 
a state devoid of any perception


 The passage on mindfulness equoted "pure awareness" to an advanced form of 
mindfulness called "open monitoring" where one is equally receptive to all 

 "Devoid of stimuli" is not eqivalent to "equally receptive to all stimuli" 
except in the trivial sense that if there are zero stimuli, that one is equally 
receptive to all of them.

 However, the phrase clarifying what "pure awareness" means in the context of 
"open monitoring" explicitly refers to perception of pain, so "pure awareness" 
ala open monitoring is NOT a state "devoid of any perception."


 That was my only point: two different groups are using the same two-word 
phrase to describe different situations.

 Which group is using the words "correctly" is a point that I never raised: I 
merely pointed out that two different groups are saying "pure awareness" and 
the meaning is quite different: devoid of any perception as compared to open to 
experience without making any attempt to interpret, change, reject or ignore 
painful sensation.

 And the implication for me is that once you mistake the label for what is 
being talked about, confusion follows. Nashville, Florida is NOT Nashville, 
Tennessee, and if you seek the Grand Ole Opry in the former, you're going to be 
looking for a ticket seller to a concert for a very long time indeed.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote 

 I honestly think that many folks on this forum are far less interested in 
finding "truth" than they are in asserting that the TM organization holds the 
copyright to the word.

 This whole thread, after all, was started because someone essentially claimed 
that the TMO had the right to define what "pure consciousness" is. Right?


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 We were debating? 


 My argument: TM leads to a different style of physiological functioning than 
mindfulness does, and so, to claim that they are spiritually identical doesn't 
make sense, if you by Maharishi's theory that spirituality is based on the 
physical functioning of the nervous system.

 Anartaxius' argument: No it doesn't, and research isn't good enough to show 
differences, and even if they DO show differences, it doesn't matter. So there.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 You can only measure what y ou have the equipment to measure. 

 However, it's a truism that just because two things can be described teh same 
way at one level, doesn't mean that they are identifical.

 My favorite example is what happened to some British friends many decades 
ago... They got a sweetheart travel package to visit Nashville.


 Nashville, Florida, that is.


 Just because you can describe a city as "Nashville" doesn't mean it is the 
Nashville you were hoping to visit. Unfortunately, they actually got on the 
plane and landed before they discovered their mistake.



 The moral is: a label, "pure awareness," that is described as being "without 
thought," might not  be referring to the same thing between two different 
meditation traditions. A two-word phrase may not provide you enough info to 
make a rationale choice any more than just knowing the name of the city without 
knowing the state it is in is enough to make rationale trav

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-29 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
I don't know where the debate started, but my point was that two different 
groups are using the same two words in different ways: 

 TMers equote "pure awareness"Back 
https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/FairfieldLife/conversations/messages with 
"pure consciousness" with "transcendental consciousness" with samadhi, which is 
a state devoid of any perception


 The passage on mindfulness equoted "pure awareness" to an advanced form of 
mindfulness called "open monitoring" where one is equally receptive to all 

 "Devoid of stimuli" is not eqivalent to "equally receptive to all stimuli" 
except in the trivial sense that if there are zero stimuli, that one is equally 
receptive to all of them.

 However, the phrase clarifying what "pure awareness" means in the context of 
"open monitoring" explicitly refers to perception of pain, so "pure awareness" 
ala open monitoring is NOT a state "devoid of any perception."


 That was my only point: two different groups are using the same two-word 
phrase to describe different situations.

 Which group is using the words "correctly" is a point that I never raised: I 
merely pointed out that two different groups are saying "pure awareness" and 
the meaning is quite different: devoid of any perception as compared to open to 
experience without making any attempt to interpret, change, reject or ignore 
painful sensation.

 And the implication for me is that once you mistake the label for what is 
being talked about, confusion follows. Nashville, Florida is NOT Nashville, 
Tennessee, and if you seek the Grand Ole Opry in the former, you're going to be 
looking for a ticket seller to a concert for a very long time indeed.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote 

 I honestly think that many folks on this forum are far less interested in 
finding "truth" than they are in asserting that the TM organization holds the 
copyright to the word.

 This whole thread, after all, was started because someone essentially claimed 
that the TMO had the right to define what "pure consciousness" is. Right?


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 We were debating? 


 My argument: TM leads to a different style of physiological functioning than 
mindfulness does, and so, to claim that they are spiritually identical doesn't 
make sense, if you by Maharishi's theory that spirituality is based on the 
physical functioning of the nervous system.

 Anartaxius' argument: No it doesn't, and research isn't good enough to show 
differences, and even if they DO show differences, it doesn't matter. So there.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 You can only measure what y ou have the equipment to measure. 

 However, it's a truism that just because two things can be described teh same 
way at one level, doesn't mean that they are identifical.

 My favorite example is what happened to some British friends many decades 
ago... They got a sweetheart travel package to visit Nashville.


 Nashville, Florida, that is.


 Just because you can describe a city as "Nashville" doesn't mean it is the 
Nashville you were hoping to visit. Unfortunately, they actually got on the 
plane and landed before they discovered their mistake.



 The moral is: a label, "pure awareness," that is described as being "without 
thought," might not  be referring to the same thing between two different 
meditation traditions. A two-word phrase may not provide you enough info to 
make a rationale choice any more than just knowing the name of the city without 
knowing the state it is in is enough to make rationale travel plans.









[FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-29 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]

 Here is Maharishi's take on teh scientific study of meditation. Note that he 
is talking about human consciousness here, not the ground state of natural law, 
aka brahman. That is referred to as that wholeness of life which is present 



 "Every experience has its level of physiology, and so unbounded awareness has 
its own level of physiology which can be measured. Every aspect of life is 
integrated and connected with every other phase. When we talk of scientific 
measurements, it does not take away from the spiritual experience. We are not 
responsible for those times when spiritual experience was thought of as 
metaphysical. Everything is physical. Consciousness is the product of the 
functioning of the brain. Talking of scientific measurements is no damage to 
that wholeness of life which is present everywhere and which begins to be lived 
when the physiology is taking on a particular form. This is our understanding 
about spirituality: it is not on the level of faith --it is on the level of 
blood and bone and flesh and activity. It is measurable."

 -Maharishi Mahesh Yogi


 And so, you can assert that "pure awareness," ala open monitoring is the same 
as "pure awareness" ala TM, is the same thing, but that isn't supportable by 
the words that clarify what "pure awareness" means in the context of the 
original passage.

 The question of whether or not mindfulness leads to the same "place" as TM 
isn't even being addressed here, as my point was simply that the phrase "pure 
awareness" is being used in a different way than when TMers use it as a synonym 
for samadhi.


 as I said originally: What they call pure awareness is not what TMers call 
pure awareness.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Here is a question: If we assume there is a human experience-able ground state 
to the universe (i.e., enlightenment), and different meditation systems claim 
this can be experienced, is the result the experience of the same ground state 
with different flavours of the experience due to the differences in 
physiological state, or is the result the experience of two different ground 
states due to the differences of physiological state? If the former, what is 
the nature of truth if it is not an identical experience, and if the latter, if 
there are two different truths, what does that say about truth?

 There could be no human experience-able ground state without us being the 
ground state. And this is in fact what Marshy claimed, which is a long way from 
Lawson's claim that spirituality is based on the physical functioning of the 
nervous system.

 If the state of "pure" consciousness was some sort of ground state then you'd 
expect it to be the same when accessed via different types of meditation etc. 
This it clearly is not, and I'm talking from experience. So obviously it's a 
rare neurological state and not anything to do with physics.

 What I think happened is this: we have a fascinating experience via meditation 
that gives us the impression that we are unbounded and infinite in some 
fundamental way. So a huge mythos has evolved around these states of mind but 
it's the meditational trip-outs that came first. We recognise the description 
of the experience and we have no way of gainsaying the teacher due to his/her 
presumed affinity with this stuff and get drawn in further until we can't 
separate the two things.

 If we were to discover meditation tomorrow and start the nomenclature all over 
again would we still go for a unified field/"pure" consciousness/vedic infinity 
kind of approach? I think not. The emphasis would be mostly on what use it 
might possibly have, and that would be based on evidence and not the wild 
claims of the reesh.

 It would be a good project as we could disabuse people of the idea that it's 
something to do with physics from the get-go and thus remove a lot of tricksy 
cash cows from organisations like the TMO and also stop a lot of people 
spending all their lives sitting in domes waiting to fly and create a 
non-existent peace-field when they could be doing something they might be more 
proud of in later life. 

 Would it be as much fun though?









[FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-29 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
We were debating? 


 My argument: TM leads to a different style of physiological functioning than 
mindfulness does, and so, to claim that they are spiritually identical doesn't 
make sense, if you by Maharishi's theory that spirituality is based on the 
physical functioning of the nervous system.

 Anartaxius' argument: No it doesn't, and research isn't good enough to show 
differences, and even if they DO show differences, it doesn't matter. So there.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Anartaxius, really great quotes for this debate. This is some of your best 
writing here in style: clear, precise and shortly said as a knock-out punch 
delivered. Thanks, yes their assumptions and own minds clearly are a problem 
these spock-like guys have for this thing as they try in method to do the big 
put-down of all other meditations, other than TM.  "..by verbal mental 
 An irony in this whole thing though that they try to do with co-opting 
meditation is that their TM-sidhis, the TM-Ved and Physiology practice, and 
several of the advanced TM-techniques are mindfulness by way nature in practice 

  In the heart of the body-mind complex of it all, what is going on in 
cultivated spiritual meditation evidently is a lot more than 
alpha-global-coherence, that global-alpha-coherence may even have little to do 
with what is going on underneath.
 -Buck, sitting in pure-awareness meditation prior to going out to check the 
sheep and do chores. Clover and rye are sown ready for spring rains.  Life in 
the body.
 Rain likely, mainly before 10am. Chance of precipitation is 70%. New 
precipitation amounts of less than a tenth of an inch possible.
anartaxius@...> writes:

 J. Krishnamurti | (no date)

 "When we stop fighting with ourselves, we aren't creating anymore conflict in 
our mind. Then our mind can for the first time relax and be still. Then for the 
first time our consciousness can become whole and unfragmented. Then total 
attention can be given to all of our thoughts and feelings. And then there will 
be found a gentleness and a goodness in us that can embrace all that is been 
given in the world. Then a deep love for everything will be the result of this 
deep attention. For this total attention, this soft and pure consciousness that 
we are, is nothing but love itself."
 (Note that he is talking about this while being awake and in activity)

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I was quoting comments on research to indicate that relying on research with 
the present level of quality is a fool's game. 

 You are making the assumption that 'pure consciousness' is a specific 
meditative state instead of the ground of experience which includes what TM 
calls 'the relative' and this includes CC where pure consciousness is 
coincident with active experience, and Unity where the objects of experience 
are known as 'pure consciousness'. Whether you say the self expands to Self 
(TM) or whether you say the self vanishes and is replaced by the totality 
(mindfulness) makes no difference as they are the same thing expressed from 
opposite points of view. The individual sense of ego gets subsumed by a larger 
quality of experience, and it really matters not what it is called, because 
there is not real definition for it that does not imply limitation by verbal 
mental reductionism.

 I quoted Krishnamurti because Maharishi specifically said he was in Unity. And 
true, probably few or none ever got enlightened by him because he just popped 
in, and never really knew how it happened, but you are welcome to point out 
those whom Maharishi enlightened (that is, that are in unity, not CC). More 
comments below.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Can you point me to contemporary mindfulness essays or research on 
contemporary mindfulness practitioners where they describe a situation where 
there is no thought, no mantra, no awareness of the outside world, no awareness 
of the body, no emotion, no intuition, no memory, no mind content of any kind, 
and yet the meditator is still somehow awake? 
 Also, mindfulness practices tend to disrupt the sense of self, as has been 
reported in quite a few modern studies on practitioners. In fact, researchers 
note that mind-wandering simply does not happen in long-term practitioners and 
count this a  good thing: they note quite happily, that mindfulness reduces 
activity and interactions between the parts of the brain thought to be 
responsible for sense of self.
 TM, on the other hand, is taught in terms of allowing the mind to wander, and 
physiological research shows that the same activity and interactions that 
mindfulness reduces, TM enhances.
 Interestingly enough, this review article, "Towards  a neuroscience of 
mind-wandering" (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3112331/ 
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3112331/) notes specifically th

[FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-29 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
I wouldn't say "no thought = no thinker" nor would I say the opposite... 

 How could "you" know?


 However, even if there's no way to examine the non-existent internal landscape 
of someone while in the PC state, we can look at the physiological correlates, 
and they are quire interesting.

 Analysis of EEG implies that the resting state networks, especially the 
default mode network, is quite active, while other parts of the brain are not 
as active. Further, the mind-wanderign mode and PC seem to be very related, and 
the activity of the parts of the brain most associated with sense-of-self seem 
to be very active during PC.

 And, outside of meditation, as the EEG starts to become more like that found 
during PC, we find that sense-of-self becomes stronger, but not associated with 
any "thing."

 All of this seems to support the traditional view that PC, AKA _samadhi_, is 
the state where observer, observed and process of observation have merged, 
leaving only the quality of observer, by Itself.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Thanks for posting this sparaig. This is one of my hobby horses. Pure 
consciousness is precisely awareness without any thought, image or sensation. 
And no thought = no thinker. 

 Robert K C Forman (a TM practitioner) has written on this topic, including The 
Problem of Pure Consciousness: Mysticism and Philosophy and (a better choice) 
Mysticism, Mind, Consciousness.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Rolls eyes. 

 You can force silence by distracting the mind and diverting resources away 
from the verbal centers or you can allow the mind to become more calm until 
silence is everywhere.


 Pure consciousness during TM is no mantra, no thought, no body awareness, no 
intuition, no emotion, no memory, no sensory awareness  of any kind, not just 
"no verbal thoughts."

 It occurs spontaneously, not at beck and call, and is accompanies by higher 
levels of alpha coherence in the frontal lobes, along with increased skin 
resistance, abrupt decrease i heart rate as well as an apparent cessation of 
breathing or at least abrupt drop in breath rate.

 It's hard to miss when you hook someone up to the right equipment, but what 
they found when the examined the woman who most consistently showed these 
signs, while using the most sophisticated eqiupment, was that she didn't notice 
the existence of the state, only the transition *out of* the state.




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 No mantra-No thought 

 Sounds the same.

 It is a correct experience of the practice of TM (second night checking) and 
evidently Mindfulness too

 Pure Awareness.  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 What they call pure awareness is not what TMers call pure awareness. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 [Scientific American article by Matthieu Ricard, Antoine Lutz, and Richard J. 
Davidson, Nov. 2014, p. 43]

 "In our Wisconsin lab, we have studied experienced practioners while they 
performed an advanced form of mindfulness meditation called open presence.  In 
open presence, sometimes called "pure awareness", the mind is calm and relaxed, 
not focused on anything in particular yet vividly clear, free from excitation 
or dullness.  The meditator observes and is open to experience without making 
any attempt to interpret, change, reject or ignore painful sensation"
 ...[the experimenters somehow induced some pain to experienced meditators, 
then compared the results to novices.]
 ."We found that the intensity o0f the pain was not reduced in meditators, but 
it bothered them less than it did members of a control group".
 "Compared with novices, expert meditators' brain activity diminished in 
anxiety related regions - the insular cortex and the amygdala - in the period 
preceding the painful stimulus."
 "Other tests in our lab have shown that meditation training increases one's 
ability to better control and buffer basic physiological responses - 
inflammation or levels of a stress hormone - to a socially stressful task such 
as giving a public speech or doing mental arithmetic in front of a harsh jury."

[FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-28 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Can you point me to contemporary mindfulness essays or research on contemporary 
mindfulness practitioners where they describe a situation where there is no 
thought, no mantra, no awareness of the outside world, no awareness of the 
body, no emotion, no intuition, no memory, no mind content of any kind, and yet 
the meditator is still somehow awake? 
 Also, mindfulness practices tend to disrupt the sense of self, as has been 
reported in quite a few modern studies on practitioners. In fact, researchers 
note that mind-wandering simply does not happen in long-term practitioners and 
count this a  good thing: they note quite happily, that mindfulness reduces 
activity and interactions between the parts of the brain thought to be 
responsible for sense of self.
 TM, on the other hand, is taught in terms of allowing the mind to wander, and 
physiological research shows that the same activity and interactions that 
mindfulness reduces, TM enhances.
 Interestingly enough, this review article, "Towards  a neuroscience of 
mind-wandering" (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3112331/ 
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3112331/) notes specifically that 
mind-wandering is essential for "sense of self" according to modern 
neuroscience theories, so to claim that mindfulness leads to the same  kind of 
enlightenment as TM, where sense-of-self is perceived as the basis of all 
reality, is kinda odd: mindfulness disrupts the very foundation of such a 


 Finally, citing that Scientific America citing a wikipedia page is hilarious 
(the text 'unknown/unclear/uncertain or not well-established' appears nowhere 
in the original article, even though it is quoted as though it does, so we know 
that the author cut and paste from wikipedia rather than reading the actual 
scientific statement from the American Heart Association). The quoted text is 
from an image included with the article to help explain what different wordings 
could be used for which category. In the case of Level IIB, the added words 
referred to comparison with Level IIA or higher and had no other meaning in 
context. As well, the SA author's points are even more out of date 2 years 
later, as a new review of research on TM and high blood pressure was published 
at the start of this year, lending further support to the idea that TM does 
have a consistent effect on high blood pressure. 
 Investigating the effect of transcendental meditation on blood pressure: a 
systematic review and meta-analysis. 

 On the other hand, the only long-term study on mindfulness and high blood 
pressure I know of explicitly says that the effects of mindfulness on blood 
pressure go away after 2 or 3 years. 
 Effects of stress reduction on cardiovascular risk factors in type 2 diabetes 
patients with early kidney disease - results of a randomized controlled trial 
(HEIDIS). http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21713118 
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21713118 "...Parallel to the reduction of 
stress levels after 1 year, the intervention-group additionally showed reduced 
catecholamine levels (p < 0.05), improved 24 h-mean arterial (p < 0.05) and 
maximum systolic blood pressure (p < 0.01), as well as a reduction in IMT (p < 
0.01). However, these effects were lost after 2 and 3 years of follow-up."



 As far as J Krishnamurti goes, how many people became enlightened by listening 
to him?

 Fred Travis has published physiological research on 17 people in CC and tells 
me that he has found at least 51 new CC subjects for a new physiological study 
on CC that he's doing.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 People practising mindfulness (Vipassana) meditation appear to describe pure 
consciousness as a result as much as those practising TM, though, from what I 
have read of peoples' experiences, perhaps not quite so soon after starting 
meditation as TM practitioners. Perhaps part of the difficulty in discerning 
'pure consciousness' is traditions other than TM do not seem to regard 'pure 
consciousness' as something separate from waking experience, they regard it as 
simultaneous with waking (as in CC) or as the essential aspect of waking 
experience (unity), while TM philosophy tends to separate it out as a 
sequential development of experiences. 

 People learning mindfulness do seem to take a bit longer to experience settled 
meditations than those practising TM, but if we look at end results 
(enlightenment — Brahman in TM-speak) there does not seem to be a great 
distinguishing factor between them. There does not seem to be useful research 
allowing us to tell more specifically. If meditation is a valuable resource for 
life, perhaps the focus could be on what works best for people on an individual 
basis rather than on the particular system one is enamoured of because it is 
the only one that was tried. For improvi

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The David Lynch Foundation... Its goal is to empty 100 million wallets

2015-03-28 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
You may be correct. 

 WIth negotiations going on with the United Nations, the governments of Brazil 
and Peru, various NGOs, etc., the flaws you metnion will certainly come to 
light very fast and sink any such plans.

 On the other hand, what if they negotiations actually go through

 Will you rethink your attitude or will you simply assume that all the people 
involved have somehow missed the facts that you say are irrefutable and totally 




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I forgot to mention, I have in fact looked at facts, many of them presented 
here on FFL. And not just those stories posted by Sal, Curtis and Barry. 


 I perused the archives of FFL since its inception and those things I found, 
posted by many who no longer post here, along with my personal experiences, and 
my conversations with some people who grew up in the Movement plus my own 
common sense has lead me to the inescapable conclusion that TM is not the 
fabulous technique it is billed as being, Marshy was a brilliant orator and 
businessman and a lair, con artist and fraud all at the same time, TM in many 
cases and circumstances is actually dangerous to those who practice it, and the 
Movement itself is an utterly fake and fraudulent organization. 


 From: feste37 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, March 28, 2015 11:47 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The David Lynch Foundation... Its goal is to 
empty 100 million wallets
   This is excellent news, although of course it is not much use directing it 
to Turquoise B or MJ, neither of whom, despite their protestations to the 
contrary, is remotely interested in the truth. They actually remind me of 
political zealots, like the right-wing Republicans who oppose everything Obama 
says or does simply because it is Obama. There is no thought process involved, 
no analysis, just blind ideology and a willful, determined ignorance of the 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 Ha ha. 

 But did you read the article?

 A little more background:

 after the DLF published the 2 pilot studies on how TM affects PTSD in war 
refugees in Africa, they received inquiries from various groups tasked with 
handling the ongoing Disaster-that-is-Africa.

 [Basically, 100 million Africans are thought to have PTSD, so anything that 
offers such rapid relief to what is probably the foundational cause of much of 
the cycle of violence and greed in the region would be a Very Good Thing™]

 And so. these organizations wanted to know 1) how fast could the DLF's Africn 
PTSD Relief project http://www.ptsdreliefnow.org/the-research.html 
http://www.ptsdreliefnow.org/the-research.html be scaled up to reach all of 
Africa? and 2) how much would it cost?


 And so, the DLF is acting as middle man between the TM organization and the 
United Nations and other groups to negotiate a deal to train relief workers as 
TM teachers. The UN workers would continue to be employees of the UN and would 
teach TM for free, much the same way that the DLF does in public schools.

 I don't know any of the financial details, but I'm sure that that is what the 
negotiations are about.


 By the way, none of these groups would dream of shelling out what will 
eventually be very large sums of money without doing their own research on TM 
and PTSD in the target populations and the first of these independently 
conducted studies has been submitted for review. I'm told it isn't nearly as 
dramatic as the DLF-funded studies, as it shows that it takes TWO months of TM 
practice for 90% of the PTSD subjects to become non-symptomatic, rather than 
only one month. Even so, the results of this and other studies in the pipeline 
are remarkable enough that the DLF is now projecting that by the end of 2018, 
ten million people will learn TM for free, taught by government and relief 
workers trained as TM teachers, teaching TM as part of their job description 
for their current employer.

 That will include relief workers, school counselors, prison guards and so on.



 So your little title change isn't relevant: the UN, should their own research 
justify it, would be paying for their own people to teach TM. The TM 
organization would be simply acting as a training and accreditation 
organization (with whatever details are required to make it work for both 




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 You seem to have mistyped the Subject line, so I corrected it for you. 

 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, March 28, 2015 4:11 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The David Lynch Foundation... Its goal is to touch 
100 million lives in the next decade.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The David Lynch Foundation... Its goal is to touch 100 million lives in the next decade.

2015-03-28 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
As I pointed out to Unc, should the projects happen as intended, it would be 
the United Nations and teh disaster relief NGOs (not to mention the governments 
of Brazil, Peru, and other countries negotiating to have their own employees 
trained as TM teachers) that would be paying for TM instruction. 

 The TM organization would be serving as a training and accreditation 
organization. How they will work out details so that national-level 
organizations can handle the ongoing needs of 100 million new meditators is 
also obviously a consideration, but it is in the best interests of the relief 
agencies that might be involved to ensure that there is ongoing support for TM 
at the local level, so the negotiations should be relatively smooth -assuming 
that such organizations determine that TM is worth teaching, then obviously it 
is worth ensuring that people continue to practice it once the disaster is 
over, so it is in their best interest to see that there is a viable followup 
program available for new TMers after they leave.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

You know Americans are going to have to subsidize the cost to teach 100 
million. I guess they can up the American initiation fee and make recertified 
teachers get recertified again.
  From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Friday, March 27, 2015 10:11 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The David Lynch Foundation... Its goal is to touch 
100 million lives in the next decade.


 Autoloading is not working but the link seems to be valid.

 All in the mind 

 The David Lynch Foundation helps people overcome extreme stress by using the 
power of meditation. Its goal is to touch 100 million lives in the next decade. 
Julie Cramer talks to co-founder Bob Roth to find out more David Lynch is at 
the centre of much media attention of late as he starts filming a conclusion to 
cult TV series Twin Peaks after a 25 year break. The US director is famous for 
his surrealist style in films such as The Elephant Man, Mulholland Drive and 
Eraserhead. What many people may not know, is that he’s also a firm believer in 
the beneficial power of transcendental meditation. He says: “I started 
transcendental meditation in 1973 and have not missed a single meditation ever 
since. Twice a day, every day. It has given me effortless access to unlimited 
reserves of energy, creativity and happiness deep within.”
 After a chance meeting with fellow practitioner Bob Roth a decade ago, the 
pair started the David Lynch Foundation and have since helped hundreds of 
thousands of at-risk people using this form of meditation. 
 Here Roth, the co-founder and executive director of the foundation, talks 
about its aim to help 100 million people in the next decade. Given the current 
surge in interest in mindfulness, now is the perfect time for spas to get 
involved he says.
 What’s the main purpose of the David Lynch Foundation? 
We’re a non-profit organisation, founded in 2005 by the film director David 
Lynch, dedicated to making transcendental meditation (TM) accessible to many 
different areas of the population. 
 In the beginning, our focus was on helping at-risk children in low income 
urban schools to cope with the extreme stresses that they were facing. In less 
than 10 years, we’ve touched the lives of more than 500,000 students. 
 Over time, our work has spread to a wider range of people, from the homeless 
to victims of domestic violence, war veterans with post traumatic stress 
disorder and HIV/AIDS sufferers. 
 How did you meet David Lynch?
I was organising a TM conference and David Lynch, who had been practising TM 
for around 30 years, was invited to attend.
 He heard the horror stories about at-risk youth – of kids who witnessed and 
experienced domestic violence and gangland shootings and were then expected to 
go to school and learn algebra. The idea of the foundation was born from this 
meeting and we created it soon after.
 How does TM differ from other forms of meditation? 
According to science, there are three basic approaches to meditation. The first 
is called ‘focused attention’, where you attempt to actively control your 
thoughts, clear your mind, or focus on your breath. This produces the gamma 
brainwaves that are associated with peak concentration.
 The second is ‘open monitoring’ which includes many mindfulness techniques, 
where you learn to observe your thoughts or emotions dispassionately. This 
produces theta brainwaves, which are very slow and present during the REM 
stages of sleep.
 Thirdly is ‘automatic self transcending’, which is transcendental meditation, 
where you learn to effortlessly transcend conscious thinking to achieve a 
profound state of calm,

[FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-28 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
You can only measure what y ou have the equipment to measure. 

 However, it's a truism that just because two things can be described teh same 
way at one level, doesn't mean that they are identifical.

 My favorite example is what happened to some British friends many decades 
ago... They got a sweetheart travel package to visit Nashville.


 Nashville, Florida, that is.


 Just because you can describe a city as "Nashville" doesn't mean it is the 
Nashville you were hoping to visit. Unfortunately, they actually got on the 
plane and landed before they discovered their mistake.



 The moral is: a label, "pure awareness," that is described as being "without 
thought," might not  be referring to the same thing between two different 
meditation traditions. A two-word phrase may not provide you enough info to 
make a rationale choice any more than just knowing the name of the city without 
knowing the state it is in is enough to make rationale travel plans.







---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Great quotes. The TM researchers and movement seem quite desperate to prove a 
negative, even if they don't experience it. So, they co-opt the discussion by 
defining their particular alpha-coherence as the definition of a transcendence. 
That makes it real easy to win an argument between meditation practices. 
 The question remains still as to whether the TM'ers with all their investment 
in fancy equipment are close to measuring the right thing. 
 Evidently spirituality is way more than alpha-wave-coherence. They obviously 
are not able to measure what all is going on with a spirituality of a soul in 
the whole body-mind complex, commonly referred to as embodying the spiritual 
heart-being. Is that why TM'er are commonly thought of as heartless and in the 
head? 'Spock-like'? There was a longer thread on this over at The_Peak 
 The Peak 
 The Peak 
https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/the_peak/conversations/messages/3393 The 
Peak is an ongoing conversation about our journey as human beings, upwards 
towards the pinnacle, and fulfillment of our existence; Enlightenm...

 View on groups.yahoo.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 From The_Peak,  
 Thanks, good discernment extending this aspect of souls incarnating to 'origin 
of awareness' and a why or implication of incarnational life. 
 Deferring here to my wife's experience with this from her career work with 
people as 'the Heart Field in addition to the Mental Field'.. She is quite 
eloquent on this from her experience with it. The Divine qualities of the Heart 
evidently are not linear like mental fields of the mind. In the mind those 
values are linear and thoughts. In the heart they are inward divine fields that 
extend out as field effects in life. Long-term meditators may have bright open 
upper mental fields but as a cultivated awakened super-mental purity which can 
be dry, calm and not blissful.

 An implication by contrast is that spiritually people die as they have lived, 
either in the head or heart. As people die you can feel the cultivated value in 
balance of what is mental and heart being. Meditators can be peaceful but also 
cold or dry simply in how people have lived their lives. This speaks to what is 
spiritually possible from cold and calm to expansive and open to a bliss 
experience as what can be done to cultivate larger spiritual values. 

 For instance, Divine Friendliness, Compassion or Happiness is a relationship 
which is luscious in the energy field where it is activated. ..where the 
transcending happens in the heart. You can find this in some meditators as they 
have lived their lives.

 More than peace it is love. Brain waves do not necessarily translate in to 
heart-being but when 'calm' gets activated by the mechanism of the heart 
chakra. You can see super developed mental fields that are cold and serene but 
without a lusciousness or love. Soul-self is bliss-self in the incarnational 
light body.

 The soul in life wants to 'dip its toe' in to incarnation. The spark of jivan 
is in the heart chakra and when the heart stops the soul heads out. You can 
feel it as it happens when you are there. It is phenomenon as it happens while 
it happens if you are open to it. It is a miraculous coming and going in life.

 Some people are naturally cultivated in divine qualities of the heart, some 
have cultivated in life divine qualities of friendliness, compassion and 
happiness in the living of their lives. So people are afraid when without a 
fullness of the field of love there this is not cultivated in capacity the 
experience of love in the heart. Without activation of the divine qualities in 
the heart people are lonely otherwise and suffer sp

[FairfieldLife] Re: The David Lynch Foundation... Its goal is to empty 100 million wallets

2015-03-28 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Ha ha. 

 But did you read the article?

 A little more background:

 after the DLF published the 2 pilot studies on how TM affects PTSD in war 
refugees in Africa, they received inquiries from various groups tasked with 
handling the ongoing Disaster-that-is-Africa.

 [Basically, 100 million Africans are thought to have PTSD, so anything that 
offers such rapid relief to what is probably the foundational cause of much of 
the cycle of violence and greed in the region would be a Very Good Thing™]

 And so. these organizations wanted to know 1) how fast could the DLF's Africn 
PTSD Relief project http://www.ptsdreliefnow.org/the-research.html 
http://www.ptsdreliefnow.org/the-research.html be scaled up to reach all of 
Africa? and 2) how much would it cost?


 And so, the DLF is acting as middle man between the TM organization and the 
United Nations and other groups to negotiate a deal to train relief workers as 
TM teachers. The UN workers would continue to be employees of the UN and would 
teach TM for free, much the same way that the DLF does in public schools.

 I don't know any of the financial details, but I'm sure that that is what the 
negotiations are about.


 By the way, none of these groups would dream of shelling out what will 
eventually be very large sums of money without doing their own research on TM 
and PTSD in the target populations and the first of these independently 
conducted studies has been submitted for review. I'm told it isn't nearly as 
dramatic as the DLF-funded studies, as it shows that it takes TWO months of TM 
practice for 90% of the PTSD subjects to become non-symptomatic, rather than 
only one month. Even so, the results of this and other studies in the pipeline 
are remarkable enough that the DLF is now projecting that by the end of 2018, 
ten million people will learn TM for free, taught by government and relief 
workers trained as TM teachers, teaching TM as part of their job description 
for their current employer.

 That will include relief workers, school counselors, prison guards and so on.



 So your little title change isn't relevant: the UN, should their own research 
justify it, would be paying for their own people to teach TM. The TM 
organization would be simply acting as a training and accreditation 
organization (with whatever details are required to make it work for both 




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 You seem to have mistyped the Subject line, so I corrected it for you. 

 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, March 28, 2015 4:11 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The David Lynch Foundation... Its goal is to touch 
100 million lives in the next decade.


 Autoloading is not working but the link seems to be valid.

 All in the mind 

 The David Lynch Foundation helps people overcome extreme stress by using the 
power of meditation. Its goal is to touch 100 million lives in the next decade. 
Julie Cramer talks to co-founder Bob Roth to find out more David Lynch is at 
the centre of much media attention of late as he starts filming a conclusion to 
cult TV series Twin Peaks after a 25 year break. The US director is famous for 
his surrealist style in films such as The Elephant Man, Mulholland Drive and 
Eraserhead. What many people may not know, is that he’s also a firm believer in 
the beneficial power of transcendental meditation. He says: “I started 
transcendental meditation in 1973 and have not missed a single meditation ever 
since. Twice a day, every day. It has given me effortless access to unlimited 
reserves of energy, creativity and happiness deep within.”
 After a chance meeting with fellow practitioner Bob Roth a decade ago, the 
pair started the David Lynch Foundation and have since helped hundreds of 
thousands of at-risk people using this form of meditation. 
 Here Roth, the co-founder and executive director of the foundation, talks 
about its aim to help 100 million people in the next decade. Given the current 
surge in interest in mindfulness, now is the perfect time for spas to get 
involved he says.
 What’s the main purpose of the David Lynch Foundation? 
We’re a non-profit organisation, founded in 2005 by the film director David 
Lynch, dedicated to making transcendental meditation (TM) accessible to many 
different areas of the population. 
 In the beginning, our focus was on helping at-risk children in low income 
urban schools to cope with the extreme stresses that they were facing. In less 
than 10 years, we’ve touched the lives of more than 500,000 students. 
 Over time, our work has spread to a wider range of people, from the homeless 
to victims of domestic violence, war veter

[FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-27 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Rolls eyes. 

 You can force silence by distracting the mind and diverting resources away 
from the verbal centers or you can allow the mind to become more calm until 
silence is everywhere.


 Pure consciousness during TM is no mantra, no thought, no body awareness, no 
intuition, no emotion, no memory, no sensory awareness  of any kind, not just 
"no verbal thoughts."

 It occurs spontaneously, not at beck and call, and is accompanies by higher 
levels of alpha coherence in the frontal lobes, along with increased skin 
resistance, abrupt decrease i heart rate as well as an apparent cessation of 
breathing or at least abrupt drop in breath rate.

 It's hard to miss when you hook someone up to the right equipment, but what 
they found when the examined the woman who most consistently showed these 
signs, while using the most sophisticated eqiupment, was that she didn't notice 
the existence of the state, only the transition *out of* the state.




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 No mantra-No thought 

 Sounds the same.

 It is a correct experience of the practice of TM (second night checking) and 
evidently Mindfulness too

 Pure Awareness.  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 What they call pure awareness is not what TMers call pure awareness. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 [Scientific American article by Matthieu Ricard, Antoine Lutz, and Richard J. 
Davidson, Nov. 2014, p. 43]

 "In our Wisconsin lab, we have studied experienced practioners while they 
performed an advanced form of mindfulness meditation called open presence.  In 
open presence, sometimes called "pure awareness", the mind is calm and relaxed, 
not focused on anything in particular yet vividly clear, free from excitation 
or dullness.  The meditator observes and is open to experience without making 
any attempt to interpret, change, reject or ignore painful sensation"
 ...[the experimenters somehow induced some pain to experienced meditators, 
then compared the results to novices.]
 ."We found that the intensity o0f the pain was not reduced in meditators, but 
it bothered them less than it did members of a control group".
 "Compared with novices, expert meditators' brain activity diminished in 
anxiety related regions - the insular cortex and the amygdala - in the period 
preceding the painful stimulus."
 "Other tests in our lab have shown that meditation training increases one's 
ability to better control and buffer basic physiological responses - 
inflammation or levels of a stress hormone - to a socially stressful task such 
as giving a public speech or doing mental arithmetic in front of a harsh jury."

[FairfieldLife] The David Lynch Foundation... Its goal is to touch 100 million lives in the next decade.

2015-03-27 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]


 Autoloading is not working but the link seems to be valid.

 All in the mind 

 The David Lynch Foundation helps people overcome extreme stress by using the 
power of meditation. Its goal is to touch 100 million lives in the next decade. 
Julie Cramer talks to co-founder Bob Roth to find out more David Lynch is at 
the centre of much media attention of late as he starts filming a conclusion to 
cult TV series Twin Peaks after a 25 year break. The US director is famous for 
his surrealist style in films such as The Elephant Man, Mulholland Drive and 
Eraserhead. What many people may not know, is that he’s also a firm believer in 
the beneficial power of transcendental meditation. He says: “I started 
transcendental meditation in 1973 and have not missed a single meditation ever 
since. Twice a day, every day. It has given me effortless access to unlimited 
reserves of energy, creativity and happiness deep within.”
 After a chance meeting with fellow practitioner Bob Roth a decade ago, the 
pair started the David Lynch Foundation and have since helped hundreds of 
thousands of at-risk people using this form of meditation. 
 Here Roth, the co-founder and executive director of the foundation, talks 
about its aim to help 100 million people in the next decade. Given the current 
surge in interest in mindfulness, now is the perfect time for spas to get 
involved he says.
 What’s the main purpose of the David Lynch Foundation? 
We’re a non-profit organisation, founded in 2005 by the film director David 
Lynch, dedicated to making transcendental meditation (TM) accessible to many 
different areas of the population. 
 In the beginning, our focus was on helping at-risk children in low income 
urban schools to cope with the extreme stresses that they were facing. In less 
than 10 years, we’ve touched the lives of more than 500,000 students. 
 Over time, our work has spread to a wider range of people, from the homeless 
to victims of domestic violence, war veterans with post traumatic stress 
disorder and HIV/AIDS sufferers. 
 How did you meet David Lynch?
I was organising a TM conference and David Lynch, who had been practising TM 
for around 30 years, was invited to attend.
 He heard the horror stories about at-risk youth – of kids who witnessed and 
experienced domestic violence and gangland shootings and were then expected to 
go to school and learn algebra. The idea of the foundation was born from this 
meeting and we created it soon after.
 How does TM differ from other forms of meditation? 
According to science, there are three basic approaches to meditation. The first 
is called ‘focused attention’, where you attempt to actively control your 
thoughts, clear your mind, or focus on your breath. This produces the gamma 
brainwaves that are associated with peak concentration.
 The second is ‘open monitoring’ which includes many mindfulness techniques, 
where you learn to observe your thoughts or emotions dispassionately. This 
produces theta brainwaves, which are very slow and present during the REM 
stages of sleep.
 Thirdly is ‘automatic self transcending’, which is transcendental meditation, 
where you learn to effortlessly transcend conscious thinking to achieve a 
profound state of calm, of inner wakefulness. It’s like diving underneath a 
choppy ocean to the calm waters beneath. In this state, deeply relaxing alpha 
brainwaves are present. 
 Because of its simplicity and naturalness TM is the easiest to learn – even a 
10-year-old can practise it. 
 What are the benefits of TM? 
In a society where there’s an epidemic of stress, TM helps people achieve a 
profound state of rest at will. It’s been shown to instantly drop cortisol 
levels by 30 per cent – which is more than we get from a good night’s sleep. 
There’s also evidence that TM reduces high blood pressure as effectively as 
medication, reduces cholesterol, atherosclerosis and risk of stroke; and 
reduces anxiety, depression and insomnia.
 In addition, much research indicates that TM improves memory, creativity and 
problem solving. It wakes up the brain!
 How did you first discover TM? 
I was at the University of Berkeley in California, in the 1960s. It was a time 
of riots, strikes and anti-war demos. Students were being shot and tanks were 
parked outside.
 I wasn’t a hippie or a druggie but I was looking for a natural way to overcome 
the intense pressures of going to school full time, working full time and 
dealing with the social upheaval all around me. A good friend who I trusted 
suggested I try TM. I’m a naturally sceptical person, but my friend was a 
no-nonsense kind of person so I decided to try it. 
 Its effect on me was immediate and profound. I experienced a state of rest and 
relaxation I never knew I coul

[FairfieldLife] Re: "Mind of the Meditator"

2015-03-27 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
What they call pure awareness is not what TMers call pure awareness. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 [Scientific American article by Matthieu Ricard, Antoine Lutz, and Richard J. 
Davidson, Nov. 2014, p. 43]

 "In our Wisconsin lab, we have studied experienced practioners while they 
performed an advanced form of mindfulness meditation called open presence.  In 
open presence, sometimes called "pure awareness", the mind is calm and relaxed, 
not focused on anything in particular yet vividly clear, free from excitation 
or dullness.  The meditator observes and is open to experience without making 
any attempt to interpret, change, reject or ignore painful sensation"
 ...[the experimenters somehow induced some pain to experienced meditators, 
then compared the results to novices.]
 ."We found that the intensity o0f the pain was not reduced in meditators, but 
it bothered them less than it did members of a control group".
 "Compared with novices, expert meditators' brain activity diminished in 
anxiety related regions - the insular cortex and the amygdala - in the period 
preceding the painful stimulus."
 "Other tests in our lab have shown that meditation training increases one's 
ability to better control and buffer basic physiological responses - 
inflammation or levels of a stress hormone - to a socially stressful task such 
as giving a public speech or doing mental arithmetic in front of a harsh jury."

[FairfieldLife] Maharishi School retrospective

2015-03-17 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
PAPERMAG: Growing Up in Fairfield, Iowa -- America's Transcendental Meditation 

 PAPERMAG: Growing Up in Fairfield, Iowa -- America's... 
 Among the white barns, brick silos and verdant farmlands of Middle America is 
the city that Maharishi built. 
 View on www.paperm... 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM never does harm

2015-03-17 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
I reiterate (and of course I may be wrong): 

 the stories from 30-40+ years ago are far more extreme than what you hear 
these days.

 That doesn't mean there aren't suicides, and perhaps some of those suicides 
can be directly attributed to "too much TM" (where "too much" might include 
doing it  at all).

 But impression is that the stuff that happened back in the late 60's/early 
70's is NOT happening as much, or as intensely as it was back in the day.

 And again, I might be wrong.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 I learned the TM-SIdhis in 1984, I think it was. We were meditating and 
practicing TM and  the TM-SIdhis for many hours a day for 2 months straight. 
The worst unstressing I ever saw was towards the end of the flying block when 
it was reiterated that only hopping was taking place and that there was no 
evidence of anything but muscle power involved in said hopping.

 So, maybe in the days before the TM-SIdhis, when rounding only involved TM, 
such things went on, or perhaps it WAS due to the highly experimental nature of 
drug use from the 60's and 70's as people have speculated, but I never saw 
first-hand the kinds of things that people talk about from the late 60's/early 
70's, even though I was involved in a 2-month retreat with hours upon hours of 
TM + TM-Sidhis practice.

 One point that Brian Rees made when asked such a question is that in none of 
the control group studies, even those involving war refugees from Africa, or 
military eole with PTSD, have such things happened.

 Only in anecdotal reports involving self-selected participants from 40+ years 
ago, do you hear such stories, and rounding has been severely limited for the 
past 30-40 years, so those stories become less and less frequent the closer you 
get to present day.

 Even with the 8 hours/day Invincible America course, you don't hear the same 
kind of stories as you did from 40+ years ago.

 And it's never occurred to you that the *reason* you never hear these kinds of 
stories is that everyone has been conditioned never to speak of them and to 
pretend -- like David Orme-Johnson -- that no adverse effects ever take place?

 Don't you understand that you are practicing cult apologetics here, Lawson, 
just as Steve Sundur did yesterday? He actually admitted *being* one of the 
"twitching group," but then claimed that it was no big thing. He characterized 
the courses that produced this aberrant behavior as "experiments" and "wild 
events," and basically tried to make excuses.


 "No big thing?" After my course, several of the twitchers (whom I knew from 
Toronto) got to the airport but were *not allowed to board the plane* because 
their arms were flailing about uncontrollably in the waiting room and the 
airline couldn't take the chance of seating them next to someone and having 
them hit them. They finally had to be sedated by a doctor before they were 
allowed to fly home. But to cult apologist Steve-o, this is no big thing, and 
just "sorts itself out quickly." Two of the twitchers from Toronto took *six 
months* before their compulsive twitching stopped. 


 THIS is the kind of denial that cultists engage in when their dogma says that 
"TM never does harm" and they've been conditioned to actually believe it, and 
for years? Like Steve-o, they pretend that "twitching" and shouting and 
spasming that was basically uncontrollable and indistinguishable from 
Tourette's Syndrome was "no big thing." Some cult apologists even find ways to 
write off the many TM suicides as "Well, they must have been fucked up before 
the course." 


 It appears to me that such people are practicing "willful blindness," and 
choosing to IGNORE the many instances of negative effects from TM, rather than 
contradicting the "TM never does any harm" dogma that Maharishi sold them. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Re this exercise in cult apologetics from David Orme-Johnson, here is the 
challenge I wrote to Feste in an earlier post:

 Here's a challenge for you, Feste. As a long-time TMer who claims not to be a 
cultist and who in fact seems to be affronted by the very notion that I suggest 
you're one, how do you react to the propaganda piece by David Orme-Johnson that 
srijau just posted, claiming that (per TM dogma) "TM never does any harm." Was 
that YOUR experience, in all of the years you spent in the TM movement? It 
certainly wasn't mine. 


 For example, long before the Sidhis appeared, I was on a course in which 
several dozen people were placed in special "twitching groups" and forced to 
sit together at the front of the lecture hall because they were twitching and 
spasming and shouting uncontrollably all the time, 24/7, even when not in 
meditation. It looked and sounded like a convention of people suffering from 
Tourette's Syndrome. I personally know that this condition persisted in many of 
these people for mont

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM never does harm

2015-03-17 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
I call it sad. 

 And I never said the stories weren't true, only that they don't seem to be 
nearly as common as they were 40 years ago, for whatever reason.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 My friend Mark Totten who was on the citizen purusha program, a Movement 
straight arrow man all the way who never missed a set of asanas stepped in 
front of a train right there in Fairfield. What would you call that, 
unrelenting bliss?


 From: "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 5:51 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM never does harm

 I learned the TM-SIdhis in 1984, I think it was. We were meditating and 
practicing TM and  the TM-SIdhis for many hours a day for 2 months straight. 
The worst unstressing I ever saw was towards the end of the flying block when 
it was reiterated that only hopping was taking place and that there was no 
evidence of anything but muscle power involved in said hopping.

 So, maybe in the days before the TM-SIdhis, when rounding only involved TM, 
such things went on, or perhaps it WAS due to the highly experimental nature of 
drug use from the 60's and 70's as people have speculated, but I never saw 
first-hand the kinds of things that people talk about from the late 60's/early 
70's, even though I was involved in a 2-month retreat with hours upon hours of 
TM + TM-Sidhis practice.

 One point that Brian Rees made when asked such a question is that in none of 
the control group studies, even those involving war refugees from Africa, or 
military eole with PTSD, have such things happened.

 Only in anecdotal reports involving self-selected participants from 40+ years 
ago, do you hear such stories, and rounding has been severely limited for the 
past 30-40 years, so those stories become less and less frequent the closer you 
get to present day.

 Even with the 8 hours/day Invincible America course, you don't hear the same 
kind of stories as you did from 40+ years ago.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Re this exercise in cult apologetics from David Orme-Johnson, here is the 
challenge I wrote to Feste in an earlier post:

 Here's a challenge for you, Feste. As a long-time TMer who claims not to be a 
cultist and who in fact seems to be affronted by the very notion that I suggest 
you're one, how do you react to the propaganda piece by David Orme-Johnson that 
srijau just posted, claiming that (per TM dogma) "TM never does any harm." Was 
that YOUR experience, in all of the years you spent in the TM movement? It 
certainly wasn't mine. 


 For example, long before the Sidhis appeared, I was on a course in which 
several dozen people were placed in special "twitching groups" and forced to 
sit together at the front of the lecture hall because they were twitching and 
spasming and shouting uncontrollably all the time, 24/7, even when not in 
meditation. It looked and sounded like a convention of people suffering from 
Tourette's Syndrome. I personally know that this condition persisted in many of 
these people for months or years after they went home from this course, and 
that there had never been any sign of such an affliction before they went to 
that TTC course. Are you going to join with Orme-Johnson and tell me that TM 
was not the *cause* of all of this? Just wondering...

 Now, let's take this further, shall we? It is very possible that Feste was NOT 
in Fiuggi Fonte, Italy in 1972, the location of the course in which almost a 
hundred people were visible *every day* sitting in a section reserved for them 
in the main lecture hall. So all he would have to react to is my claim that 
this is what was happening. 


 But, as it turns out, it seems that David Orme-Johnson WAS there in Fiuggi 
Fonte, and thus would have had no choice but to see all of these people 
twitching and jerking and spasming and shouting through every large group 
lecture. How then can he *possibly* claim that TM never has any negative 
results? The level of dissociation and/or dishonesty exhibited by him *having 
personally witnessed such mass negative results* and then later claiming that 
none have ever existed is simply amazing.

 How do I know that David OJ was in Fiuggi? Well, thanks to Google and a photo 
(now taken down) once posted by our very own Texas Troll, Willytex:



 Recently discoverd rare photo: 

 Peggy Snell, Dr. Vincent Snell, Dr. David Orme-Johnson,
and Dr. Keith Wallace with Maharishi in Fiuggi Fonte, Italy, June, 1972.
 http://willytex.home.texas. net/archives/maharishi12.jpg 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM never does harm

2015-03-17 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]

 I learned the TM-SIdhis in 1984, I think it was. We were meditating and 
practicing TM and  the TM-SIdhis for many hours a day for 2 months straight. 
The worst unstressing I ever saw was towards the end of the flying block when 
it was reiterated that only hopping was taking place and that there was no 
evidence of anything but muscle power involved in said hopping.

 So, maybe in the days before the TM-SIdhis, when rounding only involved TM, 
such things went on, or perhaps it WAS due to the highly experimental nature of 
drug use from the 60's and 70's as people have speculated, but I never saw 
first-hand the kinds of things that people talk about from the late 60's/early 
70's, even though I was involved in a 2-month retreat with hours upon hours of 
TM + TM-Sidhis practice.

 One point that Brian Rees made when asked such a question is that in none of 
the control group studies, even those involving war refugees from Africa, or 
military eole with PTSD, have such things happened.

 Only in anecdotal reports involving self-selected participants from 40+ years 
ago, do you hear such stories, and rounding has been severely limited for the 
past 30-40 years, so those stories become less and less frequent the closer you 
get to present day.

 Even with the 8 hours/day Invincible America course, you don't hear the same 
kind of stories as you did from 40+ years ago.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Re this exercise in cult apologetics from David Orme-Johnson, here is the 
challenge I wrote to Feste in an earlier post:

 Here's a challenge for you, Feste. As a long-time TMer who claims not to be a 
cultist and who in fact seems to be affronted by the very notion that I suggest 
you're one, how do you react to the propaganda piece by David Orme-Johnson that 
srijau just posted, claiming that (per TM dogma) "TM never does any harm." Was 
that YOUR experience, in all of the years you spent in the TM movement? It 
certainly wasn't mine. 


 For example, long before the Sidhis appeared, I was on a course in which 
several dozen people were placed in special "twitching groups" and forced to 
sit together at the front of the lecture hall because they were twitching and 
spasming and shouting uncontrollably all the time, 24/7, even when not in 
meditation. It looked and sounded like a convention of people suffering from 
Tourette's Syndrome. I personally know that this condition persisted in many of 
these people for months or years after they went home from this course, and 
that there had never been any sign of such an affliction before they went to 
that TTC course. Are you going to join with Orme-Johnson and tell me that TM 
was not the *cause* of all of this? Just wondering...

 Now, let's take this further, shall we? It is very possible that Feste was NOT 
in Fiuggi Fonte, Italy in 1972, the location of the course in which almost a 
hundred people were visible *every day* sitting in a section reserved for them 
in the main lecture hall. So all he would have to react to is my claim that 
this is what was happening. 


 But, as it turns out, it seems that David Orme-Johnson WAS there in Fiuggi 
Fonte, and thus would have had no choice but to see all of these people 
twitching and jerking and spasming and shouting through every large group 
lecture. How then can he *possibly* claim that TM never has any negative 
results? The level of dissociation and/or dishonesty exhibited by him *having 
personally witnessed such mass negative results* and then later claiming that 
none have ever existed is simply amazing.

 How do I know that David OJ was in Fiuggi? Well, thanks to Google and a photo 
(now taken down) once posted by our very own Texas Troll, Willytex:



 Recently discoverd rare photo: 

 Peggy Snell, Dr. Vincent Snell, Dr. David Orme-Johnson,
and Dr. Keith Wallace with Maharishi in Fiuggi Fonte, Italy, June, 1972.
 http://willytex.home.texas. net/archives/maharishi12.jpg 

 From: "srijau@..." 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, March 16, 2015 3:02 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] TM never does harm
   the science is clear that TM does not cause anyone harm

 Does TM Do Any Harm? - David W. Orme-Johnson, Ph.D. 

 Does TM Do Any Harm? - David W. Orme-Johnson, Ph.D. 
Does TM Produce Any Harm? The Issue: Is there any scientific research showing 
that the Transcendental Meditation program has harmed anyone? The Evid

[FairfieldLife] Re: Whoo Hoo at the Marshy School!

2015-03-06 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
If the exemption was made for the school, or for TMers in general (since all 
students at the school do TM and at least one partent does), then y ou would 
expect every student, or almost-every, to have the exemption, but such is not 
the case. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 A few schools have large pools of unvaccinated kids 
 A few schools have large pools of unvaccinated kids 
 Maharishi School in Fairfield is only one where less than half of students are 

 View on www.desmoinesregi... 
 Preview by Yahoo


 Good points made by the reporter - like how can u have a religious exemption 
when TM is not a religion!!

[FairfieldLife] Anime review: Parasyte

2015-03-05 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Parasyte  (寄生獣 or  Kiseijū lit. "Parasitic Beasts") is an interesting anime 
taken from an award-winning manga/comic-book published in Japan over a period 
of 7 years from 1988 to 1995.

 It follows the life of a high schooler named Shinichi Izumi, who accidentally 
survives the attack of a parasitic alien invader because he is a restless 
sleeper and accidentally tangles himself in a phone cord while sleeping to the 
point that the burrowing alien larva has no choice but to establish residency 
in his arm by eating his right hand, rather than proceeding to his brain and 
consuming his head. As camouflage, rather than taking the shape of his head and 
assuming his identity, the alien disguises itself as Izumi’s right hand,

 Preventing from fulfilling its primary function, the parasite goes into 
survival mode and establishes a symmbiotic relationship with Izumi, protecting 
him from its fellow aliens, who sense the presence of the parasite AND that 
something is not right.

 Izumi, over protests of the newly-named “Migi” (short for right-[handed]), 
attempts to intervene in an alien feeding and ends up being stabbed through the 
heart by another parasite. Migi revives him by using its own tissue to help 
repair the heart, and while doing so loses control of bits of itself that 
establish uncontrolled symbiotic relationships with various organs and tissues 
throughout Izumi’s body, making him both slightly alien and immensely stronger 
than a normal human. He is even able to kill an alien by himself by catching it 
off-guard and throwing it through a brick wall. He also loses the capacity to 
cry and his friends note that he is distinctly colder than he used to be.

 Migi, in turn, without the protections established by assuming its primary 
mode, starts to take on at least a few human characteristics, like a need for 
sleep, and [perhaps] at least a tiny sliver of capacity for empathy.


 The story is an interesting examination of what it means to be human, and is 
told from the perspective of a mostly-human caught in the midst of an 
unrecognized alien invasion (human authorities around the world gradually 
become aware of the invaders but refuse to warn the general public for fear of 
panic),  and from the perspective of one of the invaders unable to continue as 
an accepted member of its kind. As I noted, it was given literary awards in 
manga form, and is now the inspiration for a 2-part live action sci-fi movie.


 An amusing aside is that, due to the right-to-left nature of Japanese comics, 
the translator simply reversed raw image of the entire comic during 
translation, so that the various panels are read in the normal English way, 

 As a result of this mirror-reversal, “Migi” is translated as “Lefty” in the 
English version of the comic.


 Parasyte is definitely an upper-tier anime worth watching. It is available for 
viewing free (aside from commercials) at crunchyroll.com

Re: [FairfieldLife] nice photo of Adhiraja Maharaja Rajaram's wife

2015-02-22 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Imagine if he was half-black and had a funny middle and last name... 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Yeah, someone posts a nice picture of a happy couple and look at the response 
it gets. This forum really has sunk into the abyss. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 You sound JELLOS.

Tony Nader never claimed he was celibate after he got married.You just told a 
big fib. I just checked the a.m.t. archives and this meme was totally 
discredited - Judy called you a liar.

In fact, the wedding was kept secret from you and you weren't invited to the 
reception, even though you lived just down the street at a crash pad in Paris. 
Or something like that. LoL!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 No shit, srijau, I just had to reply to this to say thanks for posting this 
photo. I never knew what Mrs. da King looked like, but now that I do I 
completely understand da King's look in this photo. It's sorta like, "And you 
think I should feel BAD about hiding this beauty from you and claiming I was 
celibate for all those years? Fuck that. I got to be with *her* all those years 
while you were focusing on me rather than enjoying your own lives." Or 
something like that.  :-)

 From: "srijau@..." 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2015 1:48 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] nice photo of Adhiraja Maharaja Rajaram's wife
   Day 1, International Conference to... - Re-Establishing Vedic India | 
 Day 1, International Conference to... - Re-Estab... 
 Re-Establishing Vedic India posted this photo on 2015-02-20. 17 likes. 2 
comments. 21 shares.

 View on www.facebook.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 




Re: [FairfieldLife] nice photo of Adhiraja Maharaja Rajaram's wife

2015-02-22 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
U. Celibate? 

 Maharishi made it clear that King Tony's position was hereditary.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 No shit, srijau, I just had to reply to this to say thanks for posting this 
photo. I never knew what Mrs. da King looked like, but now that I do I 
completely understand da King's look in this photo. It's sorta like, "And you 
think I should feel BAD about hiding this beauty from you and claiming I was 
celibate for all those years? Fuck that. I got to be with *her* all those years 
while you were focusing on me rather than enjoying your own lives." Or 
something like that.  :-)

 From: "srijau@..." 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2015 1:48 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] nice photo of Adhiraja Maharaja Rajaram's wife
   Day 1, International Conference to... - Re-Establishing Vedic India | 
 Day 1, International Conference to... - Re-Estab... 
 Re-Establishing Vedic India posted this photo on 2015-02-20. 17 likes. 2 
comments. 21 shares.

 View on www.facebook.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 




[FairfieldLife] Re: Orthorexics of the world, unite! (and feel guilty about your lunch)

2015-02-06 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
At the time that Maharishi AYurveda was first introduced, teh advice was to 
follow BOTH the ayurvedic AND the western nutritional guidelines. 

 Has that really changed, or do people just want ayurveda (Maharishi Ayurveda) 
to be perfect and beyond the need for the application of Western common sense 
and simply ignore that simple caveat?


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


I know of five people in the TMO who practised ayurveda and who got really ill 
even though they did everything by the book. They had their pulse read and kept 
to the diet, took their walks in the moonlight and any other lifestyle advice 
as prescribed by our wonderful and highly trained ayurvedic "doctors". 

 Their problem was they developed a massive B12 deficiency that the awesome 
technique of pulse reading is clearly incapable of detecting, and if it can't 
help with deep problems like that I can't see the point of it. One of these 
guys was the ultimate devotee of AV and would go on about it endlessly. The 
funny thing is he still sees our AV "doctor" and doesn't hold any bad feelings 
about the obvious inadequacy of this "perfect system of natural healthcare".


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I've been waiting for scientists to put a name to this *obvious* eating 
disorder for years. I would go so far as to say that *every* diet trip I ever 
heard sold to me by the TMO or any other supposedly spiritual or Woo Woo trip 
falls into this category. 




[FairfieldLife] Re: Science backfires for Fairfield :-)

2015-02-04 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Have you ever looked at mindfulness research? 

 Most of it makes TM research look absolutely brilliant in its design and 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 While you can never fully trust science, you can pretty much distrust TMO 
promoted science as a matter of course. TMO promoted science is about 1% 
reliable based on various reviews of study size, controls, and experimental 
design. It's the dumbing down effect of religious memes that prevent 
researchers from thinking more clearly along scientific lines. It is difficult 
enough to do science properly without also having to get approval from people 
whose minds work along the lines of metaphysical fantasy. 

 I don't have to do recreational drugs any more, as the doctors have been 
loading me up on additional pills and injections as I get older and more 
decrepit (the latter, according to TMO science is a sign my age is reversing)

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 You can never fully trust science. Take this study, for example. If Fairfield, 
IA's claimed reputation as an early-to-bed, fairly drug-free, and fairly 
non-promiscuous small town is true, all that really means is that its 
population isn't very intelligent.  :-) 


 Research Shows Intelligent People Stay Up Late, Do More Drugs, And Have More 

 Research Shows Intelligent People Stay Up Late, Do More ... 
 By Steven Bancarz|  What is the mark of an intelligent mind in our day and 
age?  When we think of intelligent people, we may have been conditioned to 
envision them ...

 View on www.spiritscience... 
 Preview by Yahoo


[FairfieldLife] Re: Any experience with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's Art of Living organization in Boone, NC?

2015-01-31 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Anyone know whose picture is used for that puja, Maharishi's or Guru Dev's? 

 I've also seen some odd pictures using the holy tradition picture:


 View on bawandinesh... 
 Preview by Yahoo 




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The TM community there, having purchased or built homes got screwed by the 
movement's shenanigans because they expected Purusha and Mother Divine to be in 
their neighbourhood. Don't know what Shankar is doing. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 First thanks everybody for answering my question regarding Mother Divine again 
selling their property in Boone, NC after having re-acquired it. 

 From the internet I found that the Purusha Campus on Heavenly Mountain in 
Boone, NC was purchased by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's Art of Living Foundation. 
They offer Pancha-Karma, yoga retreats, pranayama and even a meditation 
technique called Sahaj Samadhi.

 There is a video on YouTube in which Sri Sri does exactly the same Puja as 
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi did. This somehow seems to indicate that he still sees 
himself as belonging to the same tradition as Maharishi.

 Do you believe Sri Sri's Sahaj Samadhi technique is TM?

 Has any of you been on the campus on Heavenly Mountain and how did you 
experience it?

 To me it seems that the TM community living on Heavenly Mountain can be really 
happy to have such amazing neighbors. They don't eat meat, don't drink alcohol, 
practice meditation and thereby create some level of coherence not dissimilar 
from the Purusha group. It might not be a substitute, but still pretty awesome. 
Imagine a Christian or corporate group would have purchased the campus! They 
wouldn't really fit very well into the existing TM community.

 What do you think?

[FairfieldLife] Deepak Chopra gets mad

2015-01-30 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
A blogger dredged up an old video of Deepak's and tore into him. Deepak's 
rhetoric I think, was taken slightly out-of-context, but only slightly. It was 
Deepak at his worst: spew post-Maharishi rhetoric combined with Maharishi 
rhetoric and never watch what you're saying, regardless.

 The original blog post that started things is found here:

 Deepak denies that HIV causes AIDS 

 Deepak denies that HIV causes AIDS 
 Well, if Chopra ever had any scientific credibility, it's now in shreds. 
Listen to the part of this video (laughably labeled "Two great minds question 
 View on whyevolutioni... 
 Preview by Yahoo 


 I throw in several "what he should have said" [from teh Maharishi Ayurveda/TM 
perspective] remarks, but the real fun comes when apparently Deepak gets wind 
of it and comes onto the blog to defend himself, and then posts his own blog 
entry on his own website, attacking the original blogger:


 Response to Jerry Coyne’s Misrepresentation of My Position on HIV/AIDS « The 
Chopra Foundation 

 Response to Jerry Coyne’s Misrepresentation of My Position on HIV/AIDS « The 
Chopra Foundation 
 Response to Jerry Coyne’s Misrepresentation of My Position on HIV/AIDS Posted 
on: January 30, 2015 Jerry Coyne has set himself up repeatedly to use smear 
tactics in order to portray me as irrational. 
 View on www.choprafoundation.org 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Arizona cities incinerated by apocalyptic heat

2015-01-30 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
I remember that day. Millions of people died, just down the road. It made all 
the local newspapers. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 http://youtu.be/iXuc7SAyk2s http://youtu.be/iXuc7SAyk2s


[FairfieldLife] Re: Why Are Buddhists Committing Genocide Again?

2015-01-26 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
I was referring mostly to the effects of TM on the president and the people who 
were meditating and how their meditation rpactice appeared to affect their 
behavior, not the Maharishi Effect. 

 And in fact, TM IS supposed to improve moral behavior in an absolutist sense 
of making one's behavior more "in-tune with the laws of nature."

 That isn't a well-defined phrase, but "greater common good" might be a good 
first-order approximation.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Typical mindfulness/concentrative practices are not claimed to make you moral 
or ethical.

 And TM is?

 I always contrast such things with:

 You're drawing targets round arrows Lawson. The wonder of being able to affect 
the unified field is supposed to improve all aspects of life:


 "The economy suffered serious setbacks when in 2000 and 2001 Mozambique was 
hit by floods which affected about a quarter of the population and destroyed 
much of its infrastructure.
 Furthermore, in 2002 a severe drought hit many central and southern parts of 
the country, including previously flood-stricken areas. Poverty remains 
widespread, with more than 50% of Mozambicans living on less than $1 a day."
 So, did he get his wish? Doesn't sound very good, but it's better than civil 
war but when do they ever last forever? 
 Mozambique country profile http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-13890416

 Mozambique country profile http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-13890416 
Provides an overview of Mozambique, including key events and facts about this 
former Portuguese colony and its recovery from a long civil war in the 19...

 View on www.bbc.co.uk http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-13890416
 Preview by Yahoo 








 Meditation is path to peace, Mozambique leader says 
http://www.theguardian.com/world/2001/sep/22/jamesastill Former Marxist 
guerrilla turned president spreads the word of the Beatles' guru to his 
ministers and the military.

 View on www.theguar... http://www.theguardian.com/world/2001/sep/22/jamesastill
 Preview by Yahoo 




 Can Meditation Change the World? 
 Can Meditation Change the World? 
 What would happen if every member of a country's government and army started 
to meditate? The amazing story of Mozambique's 'meditating president.'

 View on www.psychol... 
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


[FairfieldLife] Re: Why Are Buddhists Committing Genocide Again?

2015-01-26 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Self-selected samples prove nothing. 

 Only suitably designed studies can resolve that issue with any certainty, but 
even so, the only country we know about where the head of state did TM and was 
in a position to seek retribution, didn't, but instead showed higher wisdom 
than average, resulting in a relative golden age of growth and peace for this 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Meditation and Moral Behaviour

TM claims this, but it definitely does not appear to be true: look what it did 
to the people on FFL and even those that left to go to The Peak. My thoughts on 
this are the universe has no moral characteristics at all, and meditation TM or 
otherwise cannot provide such. Moral considerations are a mental overlay, a 
verbal program inserted into the mind, probably based on certain evolutionary 
considerations, such as cooperation, that allowed our species to flourish, and 
that survival of the family, the tribe, the city, the province or state, the 
nation, and the planet are prioritised in that order as mostly hard wiring in 
the brain. 

 Genocide is a way of life for humans back even hundreds of thousands of years, 
if archaeology is any evidence. It is still going on today among people who 
meditate and those who do not. Most TM meditators are not in a situation where 
genocide would be a potential issue, except perhaps India, where Muslims and 
Hindus engage in fighting. Buddhists are not exceptions to the rule, and even 
TMer's have committed murder.

 I have never considered the TMO as a moral entity, rather the opposite. 
Contrasting violent behaviour with people who talk about meditation and peace 
is not the way to study the problem. In the absence of any verbal and cultural 
input concerning moral behaviour, would meditation make a group of humans less 
likely to commit genocide or otherwise disengage from violent crime?

 When we learn TM we also get a barrel full of verbiage concerning peaceful 
behaviour &c., and there are a lot of peacemaking peer related mood-making cues 
in the movement to adjust in that direction. But what would happen if you got 
Boko Harum to meditate, would they cease their relentless killing, if in 
teaching them, they got no verbiage or cues about moral behaviour? Or would 
they just overjoyed that in 'becoming more effective' they could kill more each 
day, and perhaps get a few extra sex slaves in the bargain, and not be so tired 
at the end of the day after all that invigourating activity?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Typical mindfulness/concentrative practices are not claimed to make you moral 
or ethical. 

 I always contrast such things with:

 Meditation is path to peace, Mozambique leader says 
 Meditation is path to peace, Mozambique leader says 
http://www.theguardian.com/world/2001/sep/22/jamesastill Former Marxist 
guerrilla turned president spreads the word of the Beatles' guru to his 
ministers and the military.

 View on www.theguar... http://www.theguardian.com/world/2001/sep/22/jamesastill
 Preview by Yahoo 




 Can Meditation Change the World? 
 Can Meditation Change the World? 
 What would happen if every member of a country's government and army started 
to meditate? The amazing story of Mozambique's 'meditating president.'

 View on www.psychol... 
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


[FairfieldLife] Re: Why Are Buddhists Committing Genocide Again?

2015-01-26 Thread lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]
Typical mindfulness/concentrative practices are not claimed to make you moral 
or ethical. 

 I always contrast such things with:

 Meditation is path to peace, Mozambique leader says 
 Meditation is path to peace, Mozambique leader says 
http://www.theguardian.com/world/2001/sep/22/jamesastill Former Marxist 
guerrilla turned president spreads the word of the Beatles' guru to his 
ministers and the military.
 View on www.theguar... 
 Preview by Yahoo 



 Can Meditation Change the World? 
 Can Meditation Change the World? 
 What would happen if every member of a country's government and army started 
to meditate? The amazing story of Mozambique's 'meditating president.'
 View on www.psychol... 
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


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