[FairfieldLife] Re: the REAL Guru Tattava

2018-12-30 Thread srijau
its someone elses post. I have cc witnessing experiences am I fully in cc hard to answer

[FairfieldLife] result of the REAL Guru Tattva

2018-12-29 Thread srijau
this is the day to day experience you can get from following the real thing, the whole thing " One day last week, Eva my two year old grand daughter excitedly ran into my studio to show me something very important as she is often wont to do. Prior to her visit my field of experience was a stil

[FairfieldLife] the REAL Guru Tattava

2018-12-29 Thread srijau
this is a description of the day to day experience of someone who has followed Maharishi's teaching. He is not a recluse or trying in any way to be egoless. He is a sucessful person in the marketplace. " I am the pervasive exuberance in the oneness of Self-awareness. My individuality shines as

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rich history of Nada Yoga and healing music.

2018-12-29 Thread srijau
Well I think you're all wrong and full of nonsense and so is your Guru but I would not go into a newsgroup of your Gurus followers to tell them that. Because that would be very crass, full of the worst kind of ahamkara wouldn't it?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rich history of Nada Yoga and healing music.

2018-12-29 Thread srijau
Maharishi would not be insulted by your ahamkara comment. Never the less your intent to insult is plainly demonstrated.

[FairfieldLife] babylonian astrologer on the new year

2018-12-29 Thread srijau
well its not good https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFTsyB0GDIM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFTsyB0GDIM

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rich history of Nada Yoga and healing music.

2018-12-29 Thread srijau
the musicianship of Maharishi Gandharva Veda is so much better and more enjoyable! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JXHsm8dMAc&start_radio=1&list=RD2JXHsm8dMAc&t=14 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JXHsm8dMAc&start_radio=1&list=RD2JXHsm8dMAc&t=14 http://www.maharishi-gandharva.com/page5.htm

[FairfieldLife] The real Guru Tattwa

2018-12-29 Thread srijau
this is the experience of a long time Sidha that he posted recently, as far as I know he was sent to Vietnam and got into drugs after, he is not some young person who never experienced difficulties or never has a reason to resent anyone... he is not one Purusha or IA but he does go on courses.he

[FairfieldLife] My God (or Guru) is greater than your God

2018-12-26 Thread srijau
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEm9xda4KwM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEm9xda4KwM

[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Tattva

2018-12-26 Thread srijau
India has countless people like this who says they are God. here is another one. Im sure he thinks that DattaTreya is one of those who bows down before him http://samratchana.net/about/baba/hisstory/en-us/default.asp http://samratchana.net/about/baba/hisstory/en-us/default.asp

[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Tattva

2018-12-21 Thread srijau
TMO has people like Claire Hoffman spontaneously levitating several feet! We have never seen such a thing in at least 1o,ooo years if not millions. TMO has not the least lack of Guru Tattwa, our Guru Maharaja Adhiraja Adiraja / Dr Tony Nader shows the Ramayana in the physiology of every indi

[FairfieldLife] Palestinians are 90% ethnic Jews

2018-12-21 Thread srijau
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLSaX1CamTA&t=661s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLSaX1CamTA&t=661s

[FairfieldLife] a useful tool

2018-12-17 Thread srijau
especially for those who are witnessing https://srath.com https://srath.com/k%E1%B9%9B%E1%B9%A3%E1%B9%87a-teachings-dreams/Lord Krisna teaching dreams

[FairfieldLife] Tony Anthony

2018-12-16 Thread srijau
I know he went through some really rough times in his life... this is his experience today: Tony Anthony https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100014836309000&__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARA9RtjC5ielVTbj-uYO0DHjILP1smWG4PN0agl6FUQKou04sH5XyFjCHpcJLdQgBnPgoggGZIrNsbhG&hc_ref=ARTRmvnqofnYd5V-8bt_nSJbWP

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

2018-12-15 Thread srijau
I wouldn't mind shoveling cow manure either, but *I* personally would never descend to peddling the metaphorical kind for a living.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

2018-12-15 Thread srijau
you made statements here that very much called into question whether you really do the TM Sidhis as orignally taught when you are in group program ie " the sun moon and stars" comment you gratuitously insult the founders of the university . Yes the constitution guarantees free speech. Your spee

[FairfieldLife] Raama on Soundcloud!

2018-12-11 Thread srijau
https://soundcloud.com/hareraama/srirama-jayarama-raamakatha https://soundcloud.com/hareraama/srirama-jayarama-raamakatha

[FairfieldLife] RamRaj TV

2018-12-11 Thread srijau
http://www.ramrajtv.com http://www.ramrajtv.com

[FairfieldLife] She asked him what "Jai Guru Dev" meant

2018-12-11 Thread srijau
She asked him what "Jai Guru Dev" meant, hearing him using it. He said, "It means, 'Hail, Divine Teacher'. Nice?" . . . "This way we honor all Divine Teachers," said Maharishi.

[FairfieldLife] music for Raam Raj

2018-12-11 Thread srijau
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5pekJ8jteg&t=1523s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5pekJ8jteg&t=1523s

[FairfieldLife] IMF warning

2018-12-11 Thread srijau
https://finance.yahoo.com/news/imf-warns-storms-clouds-gathering-global-economy-091951105--business.html https://finance.yahoo.com/news/imf-warns-storms-clouds-gathering-global-economy-091951105--business.html

[FairfieldLife] More than 100 Dutch shops accept 'raams'

2018-12-11 Thread srijau
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/2730121.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/2730121.stm

[FairfieldLife] Raam Mudra

2018-12-11 Thread srijau
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbQm91kgWT8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbQm91kgWT8

[FairfieldLife] Knowing by Being and the story of Kush and Lav (Ramayana) - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

2018-12-11 Thread srijau
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-UVMc6Ovoc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-UVMc6Ovoc

[FairfieldLife] The Veda App

2018-12-11 Thread srijau
Sri Raama Sahasranaam Ram Raksha Stotra on Play Store and Apple

[FairfieldLife] Part I - Ramayan in Human Physiology (Science, Consciousness, Veda and the Self)

2018-12-11 Thread srijau
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xS3ZJQSW4Zc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xS3ZJQSW4Zc

[FairfieldLife] Maharaja on the Raamayana in Human Physiology

2018-12-11 Thread srijau
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iaZ8Zai_1Yg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iaZ8Zai_1Yg

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Omkara

2018-12-05 Thread srijau
there is not the slightest suggestion there that it would not make you unproductive. Maharishi (and his Guru as is well documented) said don't do this if you want to be a full part of and enjoyer of material as well as spiritual life.

[FairfieldLife] non TMer Vamadeva Shastri on Maharishi

2018-12-02 Thread srijau
https://www.indiatoday.in/magazine/news-makers/story/20170925-maharishi-mahesh-yogi-yoga-guru-followers-meditation-master-yogic-knowledge-1045175-2017-09-16 https://www.indiatoday.in/magazine/news-makers/story/20170925-maharishi-mahesh-yogi-yoga-guru-followers-meditation-master-yogic-knowledge-10

[FairfieldLife] to heal the whole world, proven to all

2018-12-02 Thread srijau
https://www.gusp.org/defusing-world-crises/scientific-research/ https://www.gusp.org/defusing-world-crises/scientific-research/

[FairfieldLife] the purest most powerful Ghandarva Veda

2018-12-02 Thread srijau
no synthesizers the most supreme musicianship https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2yHajogEddw-O9A6zHhuTkgjKFBFhIVz https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2yHajogEddw-O9A6zHhuTkgjKFBFhIVz the music of nature" http://www.maharishi-gandharva.com/page4.htm http://www.maharishi-gandharva.com/

[FairfieldLife] The Whole Thing The Real Thing -Brahmananda Saraswati

2018-12-02 Thread srijau
Whoever surrenders to Him, takes refuge in Him, puts himself in His protection, can he be regarded as an orphan? I ask you, whoever has not established contact with the Father, is he not an orphan? http://life-after-joining-ishayoga.blogspot.com/2013/09/seeker-whoever-surrenders-to-him-takes.

[FairfieldLife] Shiva

2018-12-02 Thread srijau
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4Ao9M_wjfc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4Ao9M_wjfc

[FairfieldLife] Love

2018-12-02 Thread srijau
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_vuAJZ8y50 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_vuAJZ8y50

[FairfieldLife] he arrived in each place with nothing

2018-12-02 Thread srijau
and not knowing anyone http://oaks.nvg.org/olson.html http://oaks.nvg.org/olson.html

[FairfieldLife] real healing proven to all

2018-12-02 Thread srijau
https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/905325 https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/905325

[FairfieldLife] coherence too far away

2018-12-01 Thread srijau
USA and Europe China Russia are not coherent groups are too far away things are looking dire

[FairfieldLife] Re: Cows are to be worshipped

2018-12-01 Thread srijau
so if it instantly cleanses me of my sins to drink this cow pee and poo drink am I not guaranteed to live to 120 with no accidents or misfortunes of any kinds? after all every bad thing that comes our way is due to our sins is it not?

[FairfieldLife] synthesizer musician

2018-11-28 Thread srijau
TMO was missing a synth musican. Hey wait I think we had. Never mind https://www.youtube.com/user/SGSRagaSagara/videos https://www.youtube.com/user/SGSRagaSagara/videos

[FairfieldLife] Dawning

2018-11-28 Thread srijau
the new time is dawning https://europe-project.org/results/ https://europe-project.org/results/

[FairfieldLife] Dawn is coming

2018-11-28 Thread srijau
https://europe-project.org/results/ https://europe-project.org/results/

[FairfieldLife] Re: JBP: why are there so few enlightened people?

2018-11-28 Thread srijau
I have met him. If this was so I would have felt it. I didn't feel more than with Maharishi's senior people,maybe less. It sounds nice but it doesn't prove anything to say it. I welcome anyone doing TM to look into it further because they will reach the same conclusion that there isn't anythin

[FairfieldLife] "No world war in 2019"

2018-11-13 Thread srijau
very highly regarded Jyotishi says no world war in 2019, due to the nature of the signs involved in the Saturn - Ketu conjunction.


2018-11-11 Thread srijau
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwRLYV3RPVM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwRLYV3RPVM

[FairfieldLife] he said it

2018-10-27 Thread srijau
And Vidura, saying 'This race is doomed' went away to where the sons of Pritha were.'"

[FairfieldLife] Re: Shabarimala – Ayyappa

2018-10-21 Thread srijau
no you are the one who wants to subjugate everyone to your philosophy

[FairfieldLife] the tolerant majority-Sanatana Dharma

2018-10-21 Thread srijau
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZcmai9bB0w https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZcmai9bB0w

[FairfieldLife] over 500,000 watched Maharaja

2018-10-20 Thread srijau
https://www.maharishichannel.in/econtact_mailing/MAILING_OUT/2018/2018_10/2018_10_07_What_is_consciousness_really.html https://www.maharishichannel.in/econtact_mailing/MAILING_OUT/2018/2018_10/2018_10_07_What_is_consciousness_really.html

[FairfieldLife] catholic-health-world-reports-on-medical-students-learning-transcendental-meditation-to-counter-stress-promote-physician-wellness/

2018-10-19 Thread srijau
https://theuncarvedblog.com/2018/10/16/catholic-health-world-reports-on-medical-students-learning-transcendental-meditation-to-counter-stress-promote-physician-wellness/ https://theuncarvedblog.com/2018/10/16/catholic-health-world-reports-on-medical-students-learning-transcendental-meditation-to-

[FairfieldLife] david-lynch-has-a-solution-to-bring-together-divided-americans

2018-10-19 Thread srijau
https://www.salon.com/2018/10/18/david-lynch-has-a-solution-to-bring-together-divided-americans-and-it-is-extremely-lynchian_partner/ https://www.salon.com/2018/10/18/david-lynch-has-a-solution-to-bring-together-divided-americans-and-it-is-extremely-lynchian_partner/

[FairfieldLife] david-lynch-thinks-transcendental-meditation-is-a-better-investment-than-the-military

2018-10-19 Thread srijau
https://www.vice.com/en_ca/article/gyengq/david-lynch-thinks-transcendental-meditation-is-a-better-investment-than-the-military https://www.vice.com/en_ca/article/gyengq/david-lynch-thinks-transcendental-meditation-is-a-better-investment-than-the-military

[FairfieldLife] every scandal or mistake relived

2018-10-18 Thread srijau
if you want to focus on complain and blame its all here for you in complete detail though there is a mistake about the identity of one person in it https://www.amazon.com/Maharishi-Me-Seeking-Enlightenment-Beatles/dp/1510722688 https://www.amazon.com/Maharishi-Me-Seeking-Enlightenment-Beatle

[FairfieldLife] "we do not waste time on what we have not achieved." Maharishi

2018-10-18 Thread srijau
Never think of problems if failure happens. Don't try to learn a lesson from failure. Go ahead, make mistakes. As a runner, never look back, only forward. We draw attention to our success. We are not trying to figure out why we have failed... we do not waste time on what we have not achieved. Ma

[FairfieldLife] Re: 30th November movement

2018-10-18 Thread srijau
why would it be worth listening to? anyone can claim that they talk to a ghost, if you can then give some concrete specific information to prove you did, others have discussed this here before and noted things like attributions to Maharishi being uncharacteristic of human in many ways why don

[FairfieldLife] Ravanas Palace?

2018-10-16 Thread srijau
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhDy7ygZg50&t=444s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhDy7ygZg50&t=444s

[FairfieldLife] david-lynch-thinks-transcendental-meditation-is-a-better-investment-than-the-military

2018-10-15 Thread srijau
https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/gyengq/david-lynch-thinks-transcendental-meditation-is-a-better-investment-than-the-military https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/gyengq/david-lynch-thinks-transcendental-meditation-is-a-better-investment-than-the-military

[FairfieldLife] Re: Communal Studies

2018-10-15 Thread srijau
they did not damage anything they created it with others and Maharishi, everything it ever was through their devotion to the Guru, they did the impossible

[FairfieldLife] 100,000 times faster antibiotic resistance with gmo corn etc

2018-10-13 Thread srijau
https://phys.org/news/2018-10-links-common-herbicides-antibiotic-resistance.html https://phys.org/news/2018-10-links-common-herbicides-antibiotic-resistance.html

[FairfieldLife] Re: "OUR NATION'S LAST YEAR"

2018-10-13 Thread srijau
there is no adequate superradiance for America now that's obvious to everyone. a good pocket of good influence for Fairflield and some other pockets of good influence elsewhere where in some cities there is a lot of people doing TM take Rik with some salt but if you can read a Jyotish chart

[FairfieldLife] "OUR NATION'S LAST YEAR"

2018-10-12 Thread srijau
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sS19SvGzVBQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sS19SvGzVBQ

[FairfieldLife] lightn up war coming anywayz

2018-10-11 Thread srijau
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEmZHTf8x5k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEmZHTf8x5k

[FairfieldLife] Re: Communal Studies

2018-10-09 Thread srijau
there is nothing new there its how he has always been he still wears the crown for the special events that he always has

[FairfieldLife] Re: France needs a Trump carde?

2018-10-07 Thread srijau
I don't see any reason why the native peoples of Europe should give up their homelands to others but that has nothing to do with what Trump represents.. the native peoples of America are the Algonquins the Seneca the Lenape etc whch Trump mocks and abuses not Donald Drumpfs german and british r

[FairfieldLife] Monotheism? What Monotheism?

2018-10-05 Thread srijau
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2ngnDUhOBo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2ngnDUhOBo

[FairfieldLife] Ghandi the cult sex abuser and molester

2018-10-02 Thread srijau
https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/books/features/thrill-of-the-chaste-the-truth-about-gandhis-sex-life-1937411.html https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/books/features/thrill-of-the-chaste-the-truth-about-gandhis-sex-life-1937411.html

[FairfieldLife] ancient greeks, native americans and our own dna

2018-09-30 Thread srijau
he can read the languages of the ancients and the language of nature in mathematics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKr4gQ8jOyU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKr4gQ8jOyU

[FairfieldLife] much worse than rape

2018-09-30 Thread srijau
https://sadhgurukilledhiswife.wordpress.com/ https://sadhgurukilledhiswife.wordpress.com/

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: I tell Vasishtha experience at this Mon. Sept.24 Dalby Hall MUM celebration on Vasishtha

2018-09-25 Thread srijau
fear mongering

[FairfieldLife] for your consideration please

2018-09-23 Thread srijau
What a relief it has been for the children and teachers to be at the new school location this year. Enjoy a glimpse of the students' progress through the eyes of one of their beloved teachers, Grace Nankya. The road approaching EDAPO School campus http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F

[FairfieldLife] superior technology to our own today

2018-09-21 Thread srijau
http://gizapower.com/LoTeAnArticle.htm http://gizapower.com/LoTeAnArticle.htm

[FairfieldLife] ancient high tech everywhere

2018-09-18 Thread srijau
not just India resonates to OM though!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pcKC_X-1Hg&t=906s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pcKC_X-1Hg&t=906s

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Purnima: the Raja class..

2018-09-07 Thread srijau
no New York times op-ed mystery here, its all Doug talking to Doug about what Doug is doing - not so much circulating as circular.. looks like you have mastered a kind of self-referral quality there lol.

[FairfieldLife] KP astrologer on the end of Trump rule

2018-09-06 Thread srijau
" The problem will start in Feb/March 2019 when Ketu enters Sagittarius sign, and collides with transit Saturn for 9 months. At the same time Rahu enters Gemini sign. During this time transit Saturn will be in last 10 degrees in Sagittarius sign, and aspects the natal position of Jupiter in Virg

[FairfieldLife] Re: Shlomoh (Solomon) and the Beast?

2018-09-02 Thread srijau
interesting... don't know what it means reallly though, what do you think?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hidden teachings of Jesus Christ, Master of Yoga!

2018-09-02 Thread srijau
this is great, very important , however this guy thinks that the Kundalini once raised you can walk on water and dont need to eat, I felt a kind of orgasmic in the head experience of the Kundalini reaching the top chakra while in TM but I am not fully enlightened and I cannot do those things eit

[FairfieldLife] yoga and blood pressure small study

2018-08-29 Thread srijau
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/08/29/yoga-could-effective-pill-cutting-blood-pressure-study-suggests/?li_source=LI&li_medium=li-recommendation-widget https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/08/29/yoga-could-effective-pill-cutting-blood-pressure-study-suggests/?li_source=LI&li_medium=li-recom

[FairfieldLife] brilliant and upbeat jyotish video- Joni Patry

2018-08-29 Thread srijau
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JIvOTAkbes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JIvOTAkbes

[FairfieldLife] Predictions. about the future.

2018-08-27 Thread srijau
She makes predictions. About the future. She is not perfect, but mostly she IS correct. She uses Jyotish, with the outer planets. no Nadi techniques https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSFz94mr3ag https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSFz94mr3ag

[FairfieldLife] PVR Narasimha Rao one of greatest living astrologers

2018-08-26 Thread srijau
"I am not yet satisfied that we have understood the words of rishis correctly, even in some key fundamental issues"

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sun not the ruler of Leo?!

2018-08-26 Thread srijau
You are indeed an ignorant food, a know it all know nothing. so you think you know the vast vedic literature? you think the Vedic Rishis saw with their physical eyes? Have you even read Parashara Hora Shastra? watch the guys video if you think anyone can teach you anything. Veda Vyasa in Maha

[FairfieldLife] Sun not the ruler of Leo?!

2018-08-25 Thread srijau
He claims there is statements of outer planets in Parashara and one is the true ruler of Leo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mj3XED51Z8Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mj3XED51Z8Q

[FairfieldLife] the Buddha "wisdom"

2018-08-25 Thread srijau
https://www.firstpost.com/world/the-ethnic-cleansing-hidden-behind-bhutans-happy-face-918473.html https://www.firstpost.com/world/the-ethnic-cleansing-hidden-behind-bhutans-happy-face-918473.html

[FairfieldLife] Sri lankan Buddha wisdom

2018-08-25 Thread srijau
try cultural genocide on the Hindus. If they resist, murder and hack them to death with machetes. warning this is what is shown on this webpage. https://hinduexistence.org/tamil-hindu-killing-fields-in-sri-lanka/ https://hinduexistence.org/tamil-hindu-killing-fields-in-sri-lanka/

[FairfieldLife] the wise Buddha senior followers

2018-08-25 Thread srijau
https://www.wsj.com/articles/buddhist-leader-spreads-hatred-of-muslims-in-myanmar-1507806002 https://www.wsj.com/articles/buddhist-leader-spreads-hatred-of-muslims-in-myanmar-1507806002

[FairfieldLife] sweet Buddha wisdom

2018-08-25 Thread srijau
https://tricycle.org/trikedaily/sri-lanka-buddhist-violence/ https://tricycle.org/trikedaily/sri-lanka-buddhist-violence/

[FairfieldLife] Re: Vedic Techniques

2018-08-24 Thread srijau
I saw him many years ago, the experience for me was that it was like that saying about old style ayurveda can be like sand in the gears, certainly the feeling I got from his prescription was quite harsh.

[FairfieldLife] Trump's Jyotish

2018-08-22 Thread srijau
Trump goes into a really weak Saturn bhukti in Jan 2019, the dispositor for saturn is Moon which is weak at 28 degrees and conjunct ketu and the Saturn is weak at less than 1 degree in the 12th house though conjunct Venus. Looks like he would travel as President to some country (Russia?) and the

[FairfieldLife] interesting Muhurta coming

2018-08-22 Thread srijau
Joni Patry has a new vid out saying what an amazing Muhurta opportunity is available on Sept 13th, if you are planning to start something and can use this timing. Looks to me like around 9:42pm is best in Los Angeles with 26 degrees Aries but you need to check your ascendant based on your locat

[FairfieldLife] jàime les dessins animes

2018-08-13 Thread srijau
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veEmUVZe7ms&feature=share https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veEmUVZe7ms&feature=share

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Purnima: the Raja class..

2018-08-13 Thread srijau
This is unbelievable claim on your part. There is little to no such webpages. Here is the gobal country website below: the imagery you suggest is almost completely absent. Likelihood anyone or any substantial amount of people has reacted in the way you suggest is spectacularly low. This is your

[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Purnima: the Raja class..

2018-08-06 Thread srijau
if you watch the Guru Purnima coverage you would find out for yourself better than he knows. It is always archived on the Maharishi Channel

[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Purnima: the Raja class..

2018-08-06 Thread srijau
it is Maharishi's movement being administered exactly as he wishes. if you don't like it start your own thing. You are an endless blame and complainer who never tires of inventing divisions and problems where there are none.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Billionaire Yogi Behind Modi’s Rise

2018-08-04 Thread srijau
some westerners and most especially Americans like to cling to the idea of their superiority while an honest understanding of India shows them to have been little more than savages on the fringes of civilization. Desperate, they resort to slander

[FairfieldLife] Hep B cured by Ayurvedic physician

2018-08-04 Thread srijau
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFlDyKlNFdM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFlDyKlNFdM

[FairfieldLife] The Assault on Swami Ramdev

2018-08-04 Thread srijau
http://www.indoamerican-news.com/yoga-gurus-under-siege-in-the-western-media-the-assault-on-swami-ramdev-today/ http://www.indoamerican-news.com/yoga-gurus-under-siege-in-the-western-media-the-assault-on-swami-ramdev-today/

[FairfieldLife] Re: Zero-point energy!

2018-07-25 Thread srijau
this is extremely valuable and brilliant stuff you are posting

[FairfieldLife] TM "growing exponentially" now

2018-07-22 Thread srijau
https://maharishichannel.in/archives/2014_mp4/2014_play_mp4.php https://maharishichannel.in/archives/2014_mp4/2014_play_mp4.php

[FairfieldLife] ME may involve Dark Matter

2018-07-22 Thread srijau
https://maharishichannel.in/archives/2014_mp4/2014_play_mp4.php https://maharishichannel.in/archives/2014_mp4/2014_play_mp4.php

[FairfieldLife] Re: Vishnu's Creation of universes while sleeping

2018-07-21 Thread srijau
dreaming this world into being http://web.archive.org/web/20071110053113/http://www.l-spioneers.org/mmeylin/teams/cobra/SS/1stAmericans/Len.creation.html http://web.archive.org/web/20071110053113/http://www.l-spioneers.org/mmeylin/teams/cobra/SS/1stAmericans/Len.creation.html

[FairfieldLife] ancient bicycle

2018-07-21 Thread srijau
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zHHPCAao4k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zHHPCAao4k

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