[FairfieldLife] Re: Masterbation and Yoga..

2007-01-20 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "llundrub" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> some masturbation is worship at some of the greatest temples

Doubtful.procreation of Shiva/Shakti more probable!

[FairfieldLife] "No man cometh unto the Father (Brahman) except thru me...."

2007-01-20 Thread wmurphy77
As Jesus, the Christed one, so well put it, the Christ in him was one
with the Absolute, (CC)
and like Jesus we must realize 'Christ' in us (as God Consciousness,
personal) BEFORE we can become one with the Father, Brahman or
impersonal God.

Christ Chaitanya (consciousness) is awareness of the personal God IN
creation (manifest). Christ means simply 'annointed one', so we must
become Christed like Jesus before we can reach Cosmic Consciousness or
oneness (Unity) with the Father.

God consciousness is awareness of the universal Soul of Creation, it
is essentially formless consciousness (chaitanya), it can take ANY form!

Unity or CC is awareness of Brahman beyond creation and ultimately as
both, the manifest God AND the unmanifest God together, this teaching
(i.e. Jesus) is entirely missing from Maharishi's TMorg.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM's confusing guide to higher consciousness unraveled....

2007-01-20 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "llundrub" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This god consciousness is pretty much where Dzogchen begins.
> But because it begins without mind, one simply cannot reify any mental 
> elaboration and therefore no philosophy will ever reach such cognition.

 It can be intellectually understood, but only realized on the level
of consciousness!

[FairfieldLife] MUM's confusing guide to higher consciousness unraveled....

2007-01-20 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The seven states of consciousness are identified, according to the
MUM style guide, as:
> http://resources.mum.edu/manuals/styleguide.pdf  
> Turiya Chetanå (Transcendental Consciousness) 
> Turiyåtit Chetanå (Cosmic Consciousness) 
> Bhagavad Chetanå (God Consciousness) 
> Bråhmi Chetanå (Unity Consciousness) 
> Seems to me that these terms should be traceable to one or more
sanskrit sources. 
> Turiya, for instance, is found in one of the Upanishads.

Brahmi Chetana or Brahman Consciousness, Maharishi himself refers to
as *Cosmic Consciousness* in Love and God! Let me attempt to remove
the confusion, when MMY talks about CC, if it's on the level of the
individual he means simply Self-Realization or soul/jiva realization.
When he speaks of Bråhmi Chetanå (Unity) then he is *still* speaking
of CC, but at the level of Brahman, get it?

Remember Jiva and Brahman are different terms signifying different
degrees and quality of the one Cosmic Being...

MMY repeatedly refers to Brahman as the state of Cosmic Consciousness
which is consistent terminology with other groups. (See Gita CH V,
vs21 & ChII vs 72).

It's confusing because the common nomenclature of Cosmic Consciousness
as the final and highest state of consciousness, is correct. But MMY
uses CC and UC interchangably and hence the confusion.

CC essentially is what MMY says it is in Love and God, Purnam adah and
Purnam idam. (That Unmanifested Brahman is perfect and This Manifested
Brahman is also perfect.) This is COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS, the highest!

Just remember, TC or CC, according to MMY is simply Brahman on the
level of the individual (jiva or soul) and therefore distinct in
quality and degree from Brahman chaitanya. See Gita VI vs3.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Masterbation and Yoga...(Sorry Judy, men only!)

2007-01-18 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "llundrub" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> for some people shakti is never quiet and jacking off is not even a
pause in 
> evolution

If you say so.. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Masterbation and Yoga...(Sorry Judy, men only!)

2007-01-18 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Rules on sex were probably made during times of famine by kings or 
> priests trying to keep the population down.  There is an ayurvedic 
> connection in that excessive masterbation can make one vata.  It is the 
> vata imbalance that will impede spiritual development.  BTW, women 
> masterbate too.  :)

You're not suggesting...no, that, well, you know who, masterbates are you?

[FairfieldLife] Masterbation and Yoga...(Sorry Judy, men only!)

2007-01-18 Thread wmurphy77
The highest and best use of the sexual energy is  procreation; whether
that be spiritual procreation (higher consciousness) by conservation
of the shakti (sex) force, or material procreation for the purpose of

The next outcome, masterbation,  in order to release congestion, is
the lesser of two evils, though still unfortunate.

And the last and worst use of the sex force is for indulging sexual
fantasies. In particular meditators should avoid this as the sexual
shakti force is so much better used in the service of unfolding higher
consciousness and soul powerfor what it's worth!  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hey, was Guru Dev in CC or GC or UC???? Acording to MMY-CC!

2007-01-17 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Marek Reavis" 
> wrote:
> >
> > Comment below:
> > 
> > **
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77  wrote:
> > >
> > >**snip**
> > > 
> > > True, in man, it is limited in its expression, ("The silence which 
> > is
> > > experienced in cosmic consciousness, and which separates the Self 
> > from
> > > activity, is on an *infinitely* smaller scale, for it is on the 
> > level
> > > of individual existence", Gita CHVI vs3)
> It that supposed to be a *translation* of Giitaa VI verse 3?
> aarurukSor muner yogaM
>  karma kaaraNam ucyate
> yogaaruuDhasya tasyaiva
>  shamaH kaaraNam ucyate
> IMO, Maharishi's ( & Vernon Katz's?) translation is as
> accurate as it can get.

That 'was' from MMY's Bhagavad Gita...verbatum!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why Patanjali's eight limbs are fundamental to Yoga..even with MMY!

2007-01-16 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77  wrote:
> >
> > Number one: Yama, which includes the below,
> > 
> > Truthfulness
> > Non-violence
> > Non-covetousness
> > Celibacy
> > Non-acceptance of others possessions.
> > 
> > If you're waiting for limb number 8, Samadhi, to solve all of your
> > problems, think again! It is only thru samadhi that one is empowered
> > to practice the other limbs most effectively. (archer analogy)
> > 
> > All the other limbs must be practiced however!! As MMY says in the
> > Bhagavad Gita pg363 HB.."With the continuous practice of all these
> > limbs, or means, simultaneously, the state of Yoga grows
> > simultaneously in all eight spheres of life, eventually to become
> > permanent."
> > 
> > So if you've taylored your life around waiting for TM to kick in
> > (hungry dog analogy)you're gonna be waiting a long timeand I only
> > mentioned Patanjali's first limb!!
> > 
> > Are you practicing Patanjali's other limbs of Yoga as recommended by
> > MMY himself in his Bhagavad Gita?
> >
> Are you practicing the religion and other cultural traditions you
learned at your mother's 
> knee?

No...actually I got waylayed by MMY, I'm just picking up the pieces
now!! (Not completely his fault either, got some good stuff too!) I'm
just beginning to practice true Yoga including all Patanjali's limbs.
Still practice TM too!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hey, was Guru Dev in CC or GC or UC???? Acording to MMY-CC!

2007-01-16 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > On Jan 16, 2007, at 5:50 PM, wmurphy77 wrote:
> > 
> > >>
> > >> Indeed they are.: the commentaries of the Badarayana sutras.
> > >>
> > >> I traced this years ago after I heard the first mention.
> > >
> > > OK, let's just assume for simplicity sake Guru Dev was in UC and MMY
> > > just calls everything Cosmic Consciousness, Thanks! :-)
> > 
> > 
> > Non sequitur. There's no mention nor any implication in my above  
> > statement that is connected to your response. Turiyatita or jivan- 
> > mukti are the traditional words for "CC". It's well-known in what  
> > style of literature these are used.
> > 
> > Written accounts only mention him as a jivan-mukti, but the truth
> > there is more to life than the written word. We really, at this late  
> > date don't have any clue about a man not even one of us has ever
> > But also worrying about something so long gone is pathetic. Learn  
> > what there is to learn and move on.
> > 
> > But just to stir the pot he was known for a couple of siddhis:  
> > spontaneously lighting ritual fires and materialization of objects.  
> > The clincher is the last one. Can you guess what state of  
> > consciousness one would have to be in to materialize sacred objects?  
> > (hint: it ain't CC :-)).
> >
> So, which is "higher," someone in temporary UC, or a jivan-mukta?

A Jivan-mukta (freed while living) may still have some karma, but
essentially is freed from Reincarnation (on earth), full Unity
Consciousness is only possible after MahaSamadhi, the final exit from
the three physical casings; physical body, astral body, and causal body.

If he retains his body after achieving  Nirvikalpa Samadhi, (inner and
outer fullness) he is considered to be in the highest Jivan-mukta
state. To the best of my knowledge...maybe Vaj knows better.

[FairfieldLife] Why Patanjali's eight limbs are fundamental to Yoga..even with MMY!

2007-01-16 Thread wmurphy77
Number one: Yama, which includes the below,

Non-acceptance of others possessions.

If you're waiting for limb number 8, Samadhi, to solve all of your
problems, think again! It is only thru samadhi that one is empowered
to practice the other limbs most effectively. (archer analogy)

All the other limbs must be practiced however!! As MMY says in the
Bhagavad Gita pg363 HB.."With the continuous practice of all these
limbs, or means, simultaneously, the state of Yoga grows
simultaneously in all eight spheres of life, eventually to become

So if you've taylored your life around waiting for TM to kick in
(hungry dog analogy)you're gonna be waiting a long timeand I only
mentioned Patanjali's first limb!!

Are you practicing Patanjali's other limbs of Yoga as recommended by
MMY himself in his Bhagavad Gita?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hey, was Guru Dev in CC or GC or UC???? Acording to MMY-CC!

2007-01-16 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Non sequitur. There's no mention nor any implication in my above  
> statement that is connected to your response. Turiyatita or jivan- 
> mukti are the traditional words for "CC". It's well-known in what  
> style of literature these are used.
> Written accounts only mention him as a jivan-mukti, but the truth is,  
> there is more to life than the written word. We really, at this late  
> date don't have any clue about a man not even one of us has ever met.  
> But also worrying about something so long gone is pathetic. Learn  
> what there is to learn and move on.
> But just to stir the pot he was known for a couple of siddhis:  
> spontaneously lighting ritual fires and materialization of objects.  
> The clincher is the last one. Can you guess what state of  
> consciousness one would have to be in to materialize sacred objects?  
> (hint: it ain't CC :-)).

Actually it is more simply stated as that between a thimble full of
water representing Self Realization (CC according to MMY, sometimes),

A picture full of water representing GC (realization of the personal
formless 'consciousness' of the personal God IN creation)

And Unity or UC, represented by a broken picture of water, realization
of the Universal oneness of Brahman as manifest and unmanifest. :-)

Just like water is the same regardless of the container, so Brahman is
essentially the same regardless of the form it is expressed thru...(my

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hey, was Guru Dev in CC or GC or UC???? Acording to MMY-CC!

2007-01-16 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jan 16, 2007, at 5:26 PM, sparaig wrote:
> > The seven states of consciousness are identified, according to the  
> > MUM style guide, as:
> >
> > http://resources.mum.edu/manuals/styleguide.pdf
> >
> >
> > Turiya Chetanå (Transcendental Consciousness)
> > Turiyåtit Chetanå (Cosmic Consciousness)
> > Bhagavad Chetanå (God Consciousness)
> > Bråhmi Chetanå (Unity Consciousness)
> >
> >
> > Seems to me that these terms should be traceable to one or more  
> > sanskrit sources.
> >
> > Turiya, for instance, is found in one of the Upanishads.
> Indeed they are.: the commentaries of the Badarayana sutras.
> I traced this years ago after I heard the first mention.

OK, let's just assume for simplicity sake Guru Dev was in UC and MMY
just calls everything Cosmic Consciousness, Thanks! :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hey, was Guru Dev in CC or GC or UC???? Acording to MMY-CC!

2007-01-16 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The seven states of consciousness are identified, according to the
MUM style guide, as:
> http://resources.mum.edu/manuals/styleguide.pdf  
> Turiya Chetanå (Transcendental Consciousness) 
> Turiyåtit Chetanå (Cosmic Consciousness) 
> Bhagavad Chetanå (God Consciousness) 
> Bråhmi Chetanå (Unity Consciousness) 
> Seems to me that these terms should be traceable to one or more
sanskrit sources.
> Turiya, for instance, is found in one of the Upanishads.

This would be consistent with Paramahansa Yogananda and others but the  
enlish translation is a little confusing as some groups use CC for UC,
but the *principle* is the same!

Basically...Self Realization, then God Realization and then Unity.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hey, was Guru Dev in CC or GC or UC???? Acording to MMY-CC!

2007-01-16 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Marek Reavis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Well, this is the stuff that FFL was made for, right?  
> The field of pure existence -- Being -- *is* the Self.  Actually, the 
> Self is beyond both existence and non-existence.  It is so rock-solid 
> and complete that it doesn't permit the possibility of anything but 
> itself and therefore no qualifiers can ever reference it.  It is 
> absolutely exclusionary of anything and everything.  Nothing is except 
> That.  Everything appears to exist because of That.  So the realization 
> of the Self does seem to encompass what Maharishi refers to as Cosmic 
> Consciousness as well as Brahman.

True, in man, it is limited in its expression, ("The silence which is
experienced in cosmic consciousness, and which separates the Self from
activity, is on an *infinitely* smaller scale, for it is on the level
of individual existence", Gita CHVI vs3)
> Self Realization is not the realization of a limited isolate or created 
> soul.  The Self is never created.  The Self is uncreated, One, pure and 
> immovable.  The reflection of that in the notion of a nervous system 
> causes the notion of a jiva, or soul, to appear.  Jiva is the "created" 
> soul; but it's just a notion of individuality and separateness; it 
> isn't a reality, it's an appearance.  It never was created.  

Yes, but in order to speak of it we must draw distinctions, from the
level of Unity or Brahman Consciousness UC all is one.
> Maharishi's exposition is frequently muddled by his ambition to sell 
> his product.  That's a shame.  The clearest, cleanest articulation (for 
> me) is Nisargadatta's.  He illuminates everything that I learned from 
> Maharishi but hadn't realized yet.

What really cleared it up for me was PYogananda's Bhagavad Gita, I
thought I had read the Gita (MMY's) no way, Yogananda's was far superior.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY's race to impose 'Natural Law' ahead of 'Sharia Law'..

2007-01-16 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "llundrub" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It might be wise to understand that Vedic law is the first law which 
> supported the democracy of Harappa.

And it was a democracy?...call MMY immediately!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hey, was Guru Dev in CC or GC or UC???? Acording to MMY-CC!

2007-01-16 Thread wmurphy77
Thanks Marek for a really fine reply!! The real significence of his
Bhagavad Gita is that "Awareness in the state of Being alone makes the
whole field of devotion real", this is significent!  (page 7 Preface)

The state of Being he is referring to is *Self-Realization* (or
realization of the soul as created by the creator)not Cosmic
Consciousness; CC (or UC) being the culmination of devotion! He is
very confusing sometimes expecially when he is trying to be clever in
spreading TM.

Half of the time you don't know if he is refering to Brahman in
relation to 'self-awareness' or 'universal awareness'. Hope this
helps. BillyG.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Marek Reavis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Comment below:
> **
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > On Jan 16, 2007, at 3:04 PM, wmurphy77 wrote:
> > 
> > > In Love and God MMY proclaims Guru Dev had reached the "Cosmic
> > > Consciousness'the perfect expression of 'Purnamadah
> > > purnamidam'.   Now in the Gita he says CC is merely the basis of GC
> > > which leads to UC, huh???
> > >
> > > You mean Guru Dev was just in CC...go figure!
> > 
> > 
> > Yeah I'd heard him described in older writings as a jivan-mukta
> > i.e. in CC.
> >
> **end**
> Maharishi's articulation of states of enlightenment definitely seems
> to have evolved over time; at first he spoke only of Cosmic
> Consciousness (which was offered as the big E -- the be all and end
> all of human evolution), and only later spoke of God Consciousness,
> then Unity, and later Brahman Consciousness.  Whether that progression
> followed his own interior evolution or the arc in the evolution of the
> teaching (or both) would be impossible to ever tease out since
> Maharishi (almost?) never speaks in terms of his own experience.
> It's telling, though, that his description of his evolution is solely
> in terms of his attunement to Guru Dev.  He describes it as not even
> knowing he was living and that there was such congruency between him
> and Guru Dev that it wasn't as if 'he' existed as separate from Guru
> Dev.  I've always considered that his path to enlightenment, just as
> Trotaka was enlightened by his devotion to Adi Shri Shankaracharya. 
> And,  of course, Maharishi has made that same comparison.
> But partly because of that, what's always struck me as peculiar is
> that Maharishi's programs and organizations are so devoid of bhakti. 
> With the exception of him teaching us the guru puja to Guru Dev (now
> somewhat morphed -- at least in emphasis -- to the Holy Tradition),
> Maharishi's teaching have always been rather dry and academic, even
> more so the last couple of decades.  His circular expositions of
> silence, and silence into silence, and silence out of silence, etc.,
> etc., just have no juice for me.  And they don't effectively speak to
> my experience, either.  It mostly seems to be dry intellectualization
> with no ground either in heart or the experience along my path.  Not
> to mention all the scientific and pseudo-scientific discussions.
> And that seems to be in contradistinction to what Guru Dev taught and
> lived.  If you go to Paul Mason's website on Guru Dev you learn that
> Guru Dev taught primarily (at least to the masses) in terms of God and
> the heart.  You can listen to Guru Dev sing bhajans and the
> biographies all point out that he continued to practice devotionals
> throughout his life.  Anyone ever have any experience with Maharishi
> doing any devotional exercises (besides puja to Guru Dev)?
> This isn't going anywhere; the above two posts just prompted the
> Marek

[FairfieldLife] MMY's attempt to teach 'Sanatana Dharma' , the eternal Religion of the Vedas,

2007-01-16 Thread wmurphy77
without mentioning the word Religion.hey, if you cut the head off
a dog, IT'S STILL A DOG! Personally I'm fine with TM being taught as a
Religion, although, I may have never started...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hey, was Guru Dev in CC or GC or UC???? Acording to MMY-CC!

2007-01-16 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jan 16, 2007, at 3:04 PM, wmurphy77 wrote:
> > In Love and God MMY proclaims Guru Dev had reached the "Cosmic
> > Consciousness'the perfect expression of 'Purnamadah
> > purnamidam'.   Now in the Gita he says CC is merely the basis of GC
> > which leads to UC, huh???
> >
> > You mean Guru Dev was just in CC...go figure!
> Yeah I'd heard him described in older writings as a jivan-mukta IIRC,  
> i.e. in CC.

As stated in the Gita, the Master (Guru Dev) had reached the Highest
State of Brahmi-sthiti, or COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS.

All that other jargon is tortured logic by MMY, it's there, but very
confusing. A Jivan-Mukti would be a Self-Realized Soul..not yet cosmic
or MMY's CC.

[FairfieldLife] Is MMY afraid of using the word 'Soul' .......

2007-01-16 Thread wmurphy77
...that would explain his concept of 'Self-Realization' now wouldn't
it, but if you use the word Soul, yikes that smarts of
Religion...can't do! So let's just call it CC. Gettin' the picture???
 CC is Self Realization or realization of Spirit or Brahman in
relation to your SELF or SOUL! (Limited to your reflection as the
individual Soul)

GC is realization of the SOUL of the UNIVERSE (formless, appearing as
any form dear to your heart)as the PERSONAL God Limited to creation.

and UC is realization of "I am that, thou art that, and all of this is
nothing but that". (Unlimited)

It's all a progressive expansion of consciousness, you don't realize
Brahman, (UC) and then come back and realize GC, that's just nonsense.

[FairfieldLife] Hey, was Guru Dev in CC or GC or UC???? Acording to MMY-CC!

2007-01-16 Thread wmurphy77
In Love and God MMY proclaims Guru Dev had reached the "Cosmic
Consciousness'the perfect expression of 'Purnamadah
purnamidam'.   Now in the Gita he says CC is merely the basis of GC
which leads to UC, huh???

You mean Guru Dev was just in CC...go figure!

He also states that Brahmi-sthiti is the state of Brahman or Cosmic
Consciousness in the Gita HB page369.

Ou vey..so is Brahman CC, UC or both? Remember Guru Dev was in CC
according to MMY and he realized the fullness of Brahman in the
Absolute and Relative and MMY calls this CC.

[FairfieldLife] MMY's race to impose 'Natural Law' ahead of 'Sharia Law'..

2007-01-16 Thread wmurphy77
And how will it be done? Spread neo-hinduism incorporating Yoga-lite
(i.e. Mantra Yoga) on modernity.  The less mentioned about God the
better, then when this is established and modernity has tasted a
little bliss, full blown hinduism can hold sway.

So much for 'freedom' and 'democracy' (MMY-"damn democracy"!)but hey,
the world will be better off in the endif he can pull it off!

The MMY won't have to hold back and he can teach true 'Sanatana
Dharma' the eternal Religion of the Vedas!

Let's hope Osama don't beat him to the punch, I'd say it's a toss up
at this point

[FairfieldLife] Chronic neck pain due to TM....

2007-01-13 Thread wmurphy77
One of the dangerous side effects of TM is chronic neck pain if not
handled properly. When during TM if you fall asleep sitting, the head
will fall towards the chest, *this is a very dangerous situation*.
Over time if the head is not supported by a neck pillow or brace of
some kind you will develope chronic neck pain!!

MMY has mentioned this verbally in one of his lectures but to my
knowledge it is still NOT in the checking notes which should be
imperative it be there!

I am sure many have suffered this unexpected side effect of TM.

[FairfieldLife] Charlie lecture on 'Faith'....

2007-01-13 Thread wmurphy77

Faith is one thing that is most needed in this life and something that
so many have so little of. It generally follows that persons who have
a strong character have strong faith and those of a weak character
have very little faith in anything. In the Scriptures it is said, "Ye
of little faith." Faith is a strong conviction in something when
little proof is readily available. As little children we are filled
with faith. But, as we grow older we lose much of this due to
experiences that have destroyed our faith in anything we cannot
cognize with our physical senses. It is a sad situation that we are
not able to sustain our faith as we go along in life. If we are
faithful or filled with faith most of those we gravitate to are also
filled with faith and if we are of little faith most of our associates
will be of the same nature and they will strengthen our conviction
that all people are faithless.
As adults faith is something we should acquire and more so as we grow
older in life. We should have an unshakeable faith in God, as an
example, and if we do we will gain strength as we go along. If we have
none we will grow weaker as we go along life's path. Faith in God will
impart the strength and energy of God to us and we will continue to
grow in strength and in character. Religion for many ages has become a
path of faith because the keys to most religions have become lost and
we have not understood the word that has been imparted to us. So those
of religion have had to fall back on an unfolding revealing experience
as they continue in life. Faith should become the living word. If we
can acquire the experience of God in our daily life it will become the
living word. Very little faith is needed if we are able to experience
God because fact replaces faith. We can then speak from our experience
and no longer have to muster up faith in order to maintain a firm
conviction of God.
However, for at least two thousand years faith and the mystery schools
have been the only light humanity in the West has had to carry them
along on a very dark path. Faith is the one thing, when it is lacking,
that leaves humanity with a hopeless outlook on almost everything. Yet
on the other hand it is the one thing that has inspired those who have
it to rise to the heights. For it is the one thing that is capable of
moving mountains. Also where one has a strong faith in God he also has
a strong faith in himself. In order to accomplish almost anything in
life we must have the faith of our own convictions.
Often we place our faith in the wrong person or the wrong thing and we
become very disillusioned, yet this is the part of life where we learn
from our experiences and each time we place our faith in the wrong
thing we learn a valuable lesson and this is good. It was a lesson we
needed to learn. Some people place all their faith in material wealth
and then when it is carried away by one misfortune or another they are
devastated and have nothing to fall back on, while others having their
faith anchored in God find this is a rock that can withstand any storm
of life.
As Transcendental Meditators we are rapidly exchanging faith for
experience. We are gaining wisdom. We are beginning to know ourselves
and what we know about ourselves is wisdom; when we know about
ourselves we also know about God. What it really means is that we
experience ourselves and in so doing we experience God. Therefore, we
are in touch with total reality and very little faith is required.
However, for the masses who have no awareness of the facts of life and
their own destiny, faith becomes a necessity for them. People without
faith will perish...
...Today the curtain is being lifted and many are coming to the West
from the East and they are giving out wisdom that the whole world can
benefit from. Slowly experience of God is replacing faith in God. What
is now needed is the faith to continue to follow the Path of Wisdom
one has been placed on even when the lower self tries to get one to
forsake the path so it will not have to surrender to the higher Self...
The mind is so constructed that when you show it a way to greater
happiness and one begins to experience Bliss not too much faith is
needed. However, faith can still move the mountains and continued
faith, when it is required by one on the Path of Liberation, will
still be the means to carry that one to Eternal Liberation.
Faith is always that something that will carry us forward in the face
of darkness and doubt. If a mustard seed has faith, a human should be
the embodiment of faith. God has always had loving faith in us. So in
turn, we should also have total faith in Him. And when we do, we will
have faith in our own destiny. Faith is the light in this dark world
and we are the ones in these dark days on Earth that have been chosen
to keep the light burning and cause it to shine brighter until no
shadow remains and all will clearly see and again walk and talk with
God. Then, faith will have at long l

[FairfieldLife] New Charlie website....with written material by Charlie.

2007-01-13 Thread wmurphy77
http://www.maharishiphotos.com/index.html May have already been posted
heregood written lectures by Charlie.

[FairfieldLife] Re: After 38 years of TM, I finally understand MMY's Bhagavad Gita, that is...

2007-01-11 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings 
> > wrote:
> > 
> > > You're an idiot.  
> > snip
> > > OffWorld
> > 
> > I see ad hominum attacks didn't take long to surface, I feel right at
> > home, cracker anybody?>>
> Incorrect, it was a conclusion based on reasoning. 
> You have yet to prove it otherwise. Do you really think that someone 
> who is liberated and "merged with the cosmic existence" has bad karma 
> associated with them. You completely went off on the wrong track from 
> the start and I tried to help you out twice, but your mind was jumping 
> around like a crackerjack.
> So I merely made a rational conclusion based on observation.  
> You took it personally that I called you an idiot, when it was merely 
> an example of pure unbiased scientific observation. You know, like 
> saying, "the grass is green", that sort of conclusion.
> OffWorld

If MMY had stated only GOOD karma is visited upon his relatives I
would agree, he did not state that however, that is your assumption
and for you to proveyes?

Surely tat walla baba had some kind of bad karma, why would he have
been shot to death..

Although your point is interesting in that, can one achieve full
realization and still have bad karma...or any karma?

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY's 'goofy'? idea on karma!

2007-01-11 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> You're an idiot.   
> In that quote you quoted, Maharishi's comment only referred to the 
> good karma that would come to your children when you are liberated 
> and merge with the Cosmic. I tried to direct your mind to that fact 
> in my last post , but intelligent posts are wasted on your scattered-
> brain.
> OffWorld

So now I'm twice the idiot!?! Oh well, who cares! BTW, please tell me
where you find it mentioned MMY only meant *good* karma?

[FairfieldLife] Re: After 38 years of TM, I finally understand MMY's Bhagavad Gita, that is...

2007-01-11 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> You're an idiot.  
> OffWorld

I see ad hominum attacks didn't take long to surface, I feel right at
home, cracker anybody?

[FairfieldLife] Re: After 38 years of TM, I finally understand MMY's Bhagavad Gita, that is...

2007-01-11 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "nablusos108" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Perhaps you are mixing up the consept of Jesus and The Christ ?

Jesus was the man, Christ is the Universal Soul, the only begotten of
the Father, the Father being Brahman. We all have the power to become
Christ (formless essence of the Solar System)where as there will only
be one Jesus or John, etc.

Christ consciousness is the God Consciousness of MMY by another name,
same principle.


[FairfieldLife] MMY's *withches brew* of consciousness!

2007-01-11 Thread wmurphy77
Hey, it's all transcendental, right! Most TM'er are mixed up when it
comes to understanding the differentations of CC, GC and UC.  MMY
explains it so poorly that anybody who reads the Gita is sure to be
confused. Here, I'll unravel it for you!

CC is Self Realization, realization of your Soul! Not Brahman!

GC is Realization of YOUR greater Soul, God the creator Brahma or the
fromless 'Christ' IN creation.

UC is realization of Brahman the Being beyond and IN creation as his
personal God Brahma. Get it?  Each level is more expanded than the
previous like circles within circles. I feel your pain!  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY's 'goofy'? idea on karma!

2007-01-11 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77  wrote:
> >
> > Science of Being Art of Living page 137 hb.
> > 
> > "When a man is liberated and his individuality has merged into cosmic
> > existence, then the influence of his past karma will be received by
> > his son or grandson *or* by those who have blood affinity with him."
> > 
> > You gotta be kiddin' right!!!  And this is JUSTICE, I just seriously
> > doubt it! Does anybody know of anyone else besides MMY that teaches
> > this (what I think) nonsense? Or is MMY, alone in this respect?
> > 
> > I read a lot of books on the subject but this takes the cake!
> >
> Er, karma is a matter of physical and manmade law. Certainly, for
the manmade part, a 
> man's debts are inherited by his children, to some extent.  What is
so outrageous about 
> assuming that more subtle debts are also inherited by his children?
> "The sins of the father are visited upon the sons, yay unto the 10th
generation..." or 
> something like that. Jewish reincarnation theory certainly seemed to
imply the same kind 
> of thing.

Good argument.although does that seem fair to you?  Also, MMY
never said "to some extent"!

[FairfieldLife] Re: After 38 years of TM, I finally understand MMY's Bhagavad Gita, that is...

2007-01-11 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77  wrote:
> >
> > after reading Paramahansa Yogananda's Bhagavad Gita (all 18 
> chapters).
> > MMY's terminology is very confusing and conflates all levels of
> > consciousness so many times you don't know if you're coming or going!
> >>
> Speak for yourself.
> > Although the principles are there the process of getting there is
> > *painfull* to say the least! 
> > 
> > And what did Christ mean when he said, "No man cometh onto the Father
> > except thru me"...Hummm.>>
> IF ...Christ existed, he obviously means that "the Cosmic Big Self 
> that I am living, walking, and breathing, (Pure Consciousness), is the 
> source, course, and goal of all life, therefore, only through that 
> which I am (Tat Svam Asvi - or whatever that phrase is), I am the 
> Cosmic Self, the Source, and only through that will you come to the 
> Source of existence (the Father)." Christ also said: "Before Abraham 
> was, I AM" (at least in the versions I have read, but I have not read 
> the most ancient texts direct translations for a long time)
> OffWorld

 Nope, you're talking about Brahman! The Christ or 'Christos' is the
formless Being (which can take any form)IN creation, the creator as
assumed in the form Brahma! *Brahman* is the formless Absolute beyond

[FairfieldLife] Re: After 38 years of TM, I finally understand MMY's Bhagavad Gita, that is...

2007-01-11 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "nablusos108" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77  wrote:
> >
> > after reading Paramahansa Yogananda's Bhagavad Gita (all 18 chapters).
> > MMY's terminology is very confusing and conflates all levels of
> > consciousness so many times you don't know if you're coming or going!
> > 
> > Although the principles are there the process of getting there is
> > *painfull* to say the least! 
> > 
> > And what did Christ mean when he said, "No man cometh onto the Father
> > except thru me"...Hummm.
> The "me" of The Christ is the Kingdom of heaven within, or 
> transcendence. Basic stuff really.

The me of Christ is the personal God immanent in Creation like Brahma
the creator...not Brahman.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY's 'goofy'? idea on karma!

2007-01-11 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77  wrote:
> >
> > Science of Being Art of Living page 137 hb.
> > 
> > "When a man is liberated and his individuality has merged into cosmic
> > existence, then the influence of his past karma will be received by
> > his son or grandson *or* by those who have blood affinity with him."
> > 
> > You gotta be kiddin' right!!!  And this is JUSTICE, I just seriously
> > doubt it!>>
> Also (see other post), (although I think the whole concept is bound up 
> in linear earthbound thought patterns) what is it that you think is 
> not justice? 
> When Maharishi says the man is "liberated and his individuality has 
> merged into cosmic existence", surely he means that the soul is not 
> bound to even come back to the world, so what is wrong with the 
> concept that his good karma would go back to his bloodline. The 
> bloodline must have some significance in cosmic reality, not just 
> humpity bumpity, squirty squirty (as in MDIXON's case). Surely you 
> would hope your children and grandchildren would benefit from your 
> spiritual growth.
> However, I really think the whole concept is metaphorical created by 
> humans to satisy the cosmic story in their minds. Life is just a play 
> being re-played for fun, so it needs a context that can portray the 
> plot for any given culture, (on Earth, or on another planet?).
> In other words, in the context of the quote you gave, what happens to 
> the liberated man whose most powerful concept is: "The World is My 
> Family" ?
> OffWorld

Hey, why should I pay for your mistakes?  Family yes, responsible for
your foiblesI think not!

[FairfieldLife] After 38 years of TM, I finally understand MMY's Bhagavad Gita, that is...

2007-01-11 Thread wmurphy77
after reading Paramahansa Yogananda's Bhagavad Gita (all 18 chapters).
MMY's terminology is very confusing and conflates all levels of
consciousness so many times you don't know if you're coming or going!

Although the principles are there the process of getting there is
*painfull* to say the least! 

And what did Christ mean when he said, "No man cometh onto the Father
except thru me"...Hummm.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY's 'goofy'? idea on karma!

2007-01-11 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77  wrote:
> >
> > Science of Being Art of Living page 137 hb.
> > 
> > "When a man is liberated and his individuality has merged into cosmic
> > existence, then the influence of his past karma will be received by
> > his son or grandson *or* by those who have blood affinity with him."
> > 
> > You gotta be kiddin' right!!!  And this is JUSTICE, I just seriously
> > doubt it! Does anybody know of anyone else besides MMY that teaches
> > this (what I think) nonsense? Or is MMY, alone in this respect?
> > 
> > I read a lot of books on the subject but this takes the cake!
> Sure explains the Uncles in India thang though,
> doesn't it. He's compensating them in advance.  :-)

Ha, hashame, shame!  How so?

[FairfieldLife] MMY's 'goofy'? idea on karma!

2007-01-11 Thread wmurphy77
Science of Being Art of Living page 137 hb.

"When a man is liberated and his individuality has merged into cosmic
existence, then the influence of his past karma will be received by
his son or grandson *or* by those who have blood affinity with him."

You gotta be kiddin' right!!!  And this is JUSTICE, I just seriously
doubt it! Does anybody know of anyone else besides MMY that teaches
this (what I think) nonsense? Or is MMY, alone in this respect?

I read a lot of books on the subject but this takes the cake!

[FairfieldLife] Re: How to beat your wife under Islamic law.

2006-10-18 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Go to youtube.com and put in the words "islam" and "wife" in the 
> search engine and you'll get some wonderful pointers on how to beat 
> your wife according to the Koran.
> I guess Paul McCartney should have read up on this before he hit 
> Heather...

Hey, what harm can come from 10 blows with a toothpick? 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Nirvikalpa Samadhi...the highest samadhi!

2006-10-13 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jim_flanegin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> However, as you note, it ripens into GC, or seen another way, 
> integrates fully with all relative existence as seen from the CC 
> perspective, becoming GC. 

> Then as the fullness deepens once again, its relative component is 
> seen to be multiple GCs so to speak, which could be called UC, or a 
> ripening or fulfillment of GC. This then is no longer dependent on 
> the Jivan-mukta, or seen another way, the Jivan-mukta is redefined 
> as being larger than it was before- sort of infinity becoming more 
> infinite.

I think the Buddhists refer to this as the great *Maha para Nirvana*, 
a Yogi cannot sustain it and still be in a human body
> So each higher state of consciousness is the fulfillment of the 
> prior one.

Yes, and my point was that from the  human beings perspective and 
MMY's teachings and all the great teachings regarding this matter, CC 
is the highest state a human can achieve which finds its 
*fulfillment* in GC. Beyond that...well, as Charlie Lutes use to say 
it's 'unknowable'. (Till you get there)

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[FairfieldLife] MMY refering to Guru Dev's state of consciousness....

2006-10-13 Thread wmurphy77
Love and God, page 8, "Soon he arrived at the Heatless Smokeless 
Effulgence of the Self and realized the Divine Truth, the *Cosmic 
Consciousness*, the *Ultimate Supreme Reality*, Sat Chit Anandam, the 
Nirvana." MMY

Beyond Nirvana there is a term Buddhists use called the "Maha Para 
Nirvana" that is, the great beyond Nirvana which is *unknowable* by 
mere human beings, that is why when a Yogi takes his final MahaSamadhi 
(Conscious exit from the body) he reaches this state of the great 'Maha 
Para Nirvana'...a Yogi still in the body *cannot* sustain these 
unknowable (to us) states and still maintain the physical body!

For human beings the highest state of consciousness IS Cosmic 
Consciousness which contains within it as its fulfillment God 
Consciousness (awareness of God in creation and God transcendent to 

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[FairfieldLife] Nirvikalpa Samadhi...the highest samadhi!

2006-10-13 Thread wmurphy77

OM..purnam adah, purnam idam, (inner and outer fullness). In the book Love and God, (page 5) MMY relates that  Guru Dev is in the highest Sahaja-samadhi. This IS the God Consciousness referred to by MMY. 
When your *Samadhi* experience *embodies* the fullness of the relative... Eureka, you have reached the fulfillment of the first glimpse of transcendental pure consciousness  or Savikalpa Samadhi (temporay Samadhi,Gita CHIV vs42).
It is important to note that 'God Consciousness' referred to by MMY in his Bhagavad Gita is NOT a 'higher' state of consciousness but the *fulfillment* of Cosmic Consciousness!! The operative word here being *fulfillment*!
I, personally have always been confused about this sequential development, confusing GC with a state above CC which is a mistake, it is merely the fulfillment of CC! The highest state of consciousness a Yogi can obtain is Cosmic Consciousness! Purnam adah, purnam idam! JGD
P.S Though there are states beyond CC, MMY does not speak of them, per se!.he perhaps refers to them in the catch all phrase *Unity*.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Vote here for the "Aliens" solution

2006-09-22 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> Again, I *apologize* for having mentioned this
> group on AMT a year ago. If I hadn't you wouldn't
> have been faced with this alien infestation. 

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,.welcome to American, where are you 
papers Senior!?!?!? Racist!

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[FairfieldLife] Take a Hillbilly from the South and put him in the Middle East....

2006-09-18 Thread wmurphy77

and what have you got?  A Genius!  Charlie Lutes some 20 years ago! Swear to God, I heard it with my own ears...paraphrased!!


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[FairfieldLife] Re: The true meaning of the word, *infidel*..........

2006-09-16 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 9/16/06 11:20:14 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> Once this is accomplished he/she is considered a Siddha,(perfected  
> being). I personally don't know any Siddhas in spite of how 
> the word is thrown around today
> "Only after many life times of this  practice"

Though in the context of the immensity of time (Yugas, etc.), a 
relatively short time!!

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[FairfieldLife] The true meaning of the word, *infidel*..........

2006-09-16 Thread wmurphy77
The battle of the Bhagavad Gita wages on the field of Kurukshetra (the 
physical and subtle bodies) for the undisputed reign of the bodily 
kingdom, which is the war between Buddhi, or discriminative 
intelligence and avidya, or ignorance.

Every spiritual aspirant wishing to win this battle must defeat the 
rebels (the *infidels* or 100 evil minded sons of Dhritarashtra; lust, 
greed, anger, and so forth up to 100) by 'Pandu' and the POWERS of 
virtue unfolded in meditation by the 5 chakras; self restraint, 
obedience, good habits, vitality/virtue, calmness (samadhi).

Once this is accomplished he/she is considered a Siddha,(perfected 
being). I personally don't know any Siddhas in spite of how cavalierly 
the word is thrown around today.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Intellect

2006-09-16 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Seems like 'mahat' (mahat-tattva[sp?]: the great principle)
> also means 'intellect':
> 1 mahat mfn. (orig. pr. p. of 1. %{mah} ; strong form , %{mahAnt} 
f. %
> {mahatI4} ; in ep. often %{mahat} for %{mahAntam} ; ibc. mostly %
> {mahA} q.v.) great (in space , time , quantity or degree) 
> (rarely n. scil. %{tattva}) , `" the great principle "'N. of 
Buddhi , 
> `" Intellect "' , or the intellectual principle (according to the 
> Sa1m2khya philosophy the second of the 23 principles produced from 
> Prakr2iti and so called as the {great} source of Aham2ka1ra , `" 
> consciousness "' , and Manas , `" the mind "' ; cf. IW. 83 , 91 
> The beginning of the relevant suutra goes like this:
> sattva-rajas-tamasaaM saamyaavasthaa prkRtiH prakRter mahaan 
> mahato 'haMkaaro (sandhi for mahataH + ahaMkaaraH) 
the "sameness-
> condition" (saamya-ava_sthaa) of sattva, rajas and tamas (is) 
> prakriti, from prakriti (is born?) mahat (sandhi and stuff: 
> from mahat ahaMkaara (ego)...

Nicely put.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Its Official: FFL is Now AMT

2006-09-12 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> on 9/12/06 4:09 PM, Alex Stanley at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> >> 
> >> > , "blissbunn1"  wrote:
> >>> >> 
> >>> >> What's AMT?
> >> > 
> >> > alt.meditation.transcendental
> >> > 
> >> > http://groups.google.com/group/alt.meditation.transcendental?
> > 
> It¹s interesting to see the top poster stats:
> http://groups.google.com/group/alt.meditation.transcendental/about?
> I wish Yahoo Groups had that.

Amazing tool!! Thanks.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Its Official: FFL is Now AMT

2006-09-12 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning  
> > >
> > > Its Official: FFL is Now AMT 
> > > 
> > > Of the past 100 posts, 78% were made by former/current heavy 
> > > 
> > > Leaders: % of total posts
> > > 
> > > Spraig 24
> > > Shemp  20
> > > Unc16 
> > > Judy   14
> > >
> > 
> > Hey...don't forget me, I'm an old AMT'er too!  :-) BillyG.
> >
> You were in the sample* totals of 78% AMTers. But your personal 
> were so dismal :), they didn't warrant individual citing. 

O, ouch!

> Your 1-2% of posts are hardly enough to drive long-time FFL's /
> non-ATMers away -- a trend observed over the last 6 months from the,
> IMO, increasing courser, meandering, toxic and wrath-ladden 
> characterstic of some of the material from the tough-street 
> ATM-school of posters.

Excluding yourselfof course!

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Its Official: FFL is Now AMT

2006-09-12 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning  wrote:
> >
> > Its Official: FFL is Now AMT 
> > 
> > Of the past 100 posts, 78% were made by former/current heavy 
> > 
> > Leaders: % of total posts
> > 
> > Spraig 24
> > Shemp  20
> > Unc16   
> > Judy   14
> >
> Yeah, but it's quality that counts, not quantity.
> Of the past 100 post, 94% of the most intelligent were made by 
> Shemp 94
> Unc5
> Spraig 1
> Judy   0

Ha, ha,everybody's always pickin' on poor ol'Judy!

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Its Official: FFL is Now AMT

2006-09-12 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Its Official: FFL is Now AMT 
> Of the past 100 posts, 78% were made by former/current heavy AMTers.
> Leaders: % of total posts
> Spraig 24
> Shemp  20
> Unc16 
> Judy   14

Hey...don't forget me, I'm an old AMT'er too!  :-) BillyG.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Why TM is Yoga/lite for modernity..and why that's OK!

2006-09-12 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer  wrote:
> >
> > on 9/11/06 1:32 PM, wmurphy77 at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > 
> > >> > I'm not sure Shemp, sometimes I feel a personal Guru might be
> > >> > necessary and sometimes not! Why is it though, Shemp, all well 
> > >> > Saintshad Gurus?
> > >> >
> > Amma and Ramana Maharshi didn¹t.
> >
> Saint Francis. Jesus. And Buddha rejected the teachings of all his 

I think you'd have to research all of their previous lives.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Why TM is Yoga/lite for modernity..and why that's OK!

2006-09-11 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


> He implicitly said it when he told you that with the TM Program you 
> would unfold 100% of your mental potential.

You may be right but surely ONLY time will tell. I'm still betting on 
this horse (TM) coming in..:-)

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Why TM is Yoga/lite for modernity..and why that's OK!

2006-09-11 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
wrote: snip>
> I may be pollyanna-ish about this but I truly am convinced that TM 
> is all that is needed...AND I believe it's the fastest most 
> effective way to enlightenment. And let me reiterate: I am 
> to that first technique we all got for $35.00 back in '73 when we 
> had long hair and bell bottoms.
> Me -- a snot-nosed 18-year-old into every vice available to his 
> immature materialistic-infested life -- shelled out 35 Canadian 
> bucks and the cost of 6 flowers, two fruit, and a goddamn hanky and 
> a month later I experienced pure consciousness...something that 
> millions of yogis and assorted saddhu types spend lifetimes and 
> paperweights dangling from their penises trying to achieve.
> And I got it without any effort and the price of, at the time, 
> 5 medium pepperoni pizzas.
> All the rest of the current TMO offerings is fluff and money-
> making...stuff that's probably necessary if you're running a multi-
> national operation but has nothing to do with transcending OR the 
> Program.
> And MMY can, ethically, always fall back on the disclaimer he gave 
> us all in the first 5 minutes of the first step of the 7-step 
> program to learning TM: it's not a religion or a philosophy...it's 
> do-it-yourself program that doesn't require belief or any other 
> additions.
> Anyone that deviates from that A-in-AGNI-like first utterance of 
> official declaration by the TMO can't blame anyone when they 
> discover they've wasted thousands of dollars and thousands of hours 
> rubbing sesame oil on their bald heads and getting Jyotish advice 
> from some dhoti-wearing, amoeba-dysenteric Dravidian who Maharishi 
> hired off the streets of some God-forsaken Indian ghetto.
> Suckers!  I told you in the first five minutes that you didn't need 
> any of that other shit!  Did you think I was lying?

Nice to see you get it off your chest.I'm not so sure! :-)

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Why TM is Yoga/lite for modernity..and why that's OK!

2006-09-11 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> on 9/11/06 2:18 PM, wmurphy77 at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> >> <mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com>
> >> > , Rick Archer  wrote:
> >>> >> 
> >>> >> on 9/11/06 1:32 PM, wmurphy77 at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>> >> <mailto:no_reply%40yahoogroups.com>  wrote:
> >>>> >>> 
> >>>>>> >>>>> I'm not sure Shemp, sometimes I feel a personal Guru 
might be
> >>>>>> >>>>> necessary and sometimes not! Why is it though, Shemp, 
all well
> >> > known
> >>>>>> >>>>> Saintshad Gurus?
> >>>>>> >>>>> 
> >>> >> Amma and Ramana Maharshi didn¹t.
> >> > 
> >> > and therefore you don't!?!  I assume. How do you even know 
> > saints?.
> I¹m a lot more sure about it than I am that MMY is one.

Whoaand what is your *criterion* for such an 
analysis? Subjective 'hunch', OK, that's good enough. Of course we 
live and die with the decisions we make, I personally don't know. The 
real question is however whether or not one needs a personal Guru for 
final illumination...

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Why TM is Yoga/lite for modernity..and why that's OK!

2006-09-11 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> But MMY says that all that is needed is TM.
> That's why I see a dilemma for True Believers in this area: if they 
> feel they need to do MORE than TM and take MMY as their personal 
> guru, then they are implicitly admitting that TM by itself is not 
> enough.
> But if they do that, then they are spitting in the very face of the 
> very guru they have taken on because that guru has told them that 
> they do NOT need a guru to get full enlightenment.
> Quit a little conundrum...

On further review of your post, I amend my response slightly, to take 
issue with the Guru is NOT *spitting in his face*, to take another 
Guru may be.

I don't recall MMY saying you *don't* need a Guru. Also, MMY is NOT a 
personal Guru, he is a World Teacher or Master, NOT a personal Guru!

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Why TM is Yoga/lite for modernity..and why that's OK!

2006-09-11 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, gerbal88 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> > Quit a little conundrum...
> A very interesting conundrum, Shemp. It is good you have pointed 
> out.
> I think that although TM is a very basic calming technique, a 
> somewhat refined but common manasika-japa, it could be enough if, 
> the teaching that went with it were actually directed at freeiing 
> individual from the guru. 
> But Mahesh's teaching increasingly leads to further and further 
> dependence upon the guru/Mahesh. You have to buy more and more. The 
> guru's teaching, Maheshism, is based on greed, *the mind goes in 
> direction of more and more*. 
> Greed will not free anyone from anything, it will only increase 
> dependence on the guru or whoever/whatever is supplying more! 
> an interesting "pointing out" instruction in one of Ken Wilber's 
> books. I have forgotten which one, but if I can find it, I'll post 
> Quite simply KW shows how you can be completely self sufficient 
> how Mahesh made a buck on that one and the 108's) and not need the 
> guru. It isn't as easy as depending on Mahesh to give you what he 
> thinks you need (which is another way of saying "as easy for Mahesh 
> to take what he wants from you"). But with KW's pointing out 
> instructions you can confidently go from tescher to teacher 
> more and more and not get hooked on giving more and more and having 
> little or nothing for yourself but the paranoia that you might not 
> get anything if you don't try to buy it all.
> Thanks Shemp.

Dear Gerbals-Fi! *World Peace* is only a matter of *MONEY*, World 
Peace that is!  MMY couldn't care less about mere Gold, he's a smile 
millionaire! IMO. Love him or hate him his motivations are pure!

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Why TM is Yoga/lite for modernity..and why that's OK!

2006-09-11 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "bhairitu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a personal guru and it is great to be able to have questions
> answered plus a whole advanced path of techniques leading to the
> archarya level.  However I tested this guru and he tested me before
> proceding to initiation.  A personal guru may not be for everybody
> though we do teach "yogic meditation" for the masses (that is what TM
> is too) as many will not have the time for the advanced techniques and
> procedures.

Indeed, there is such a concept as the *probationer* or, one who is on 
the path pending further review and is not fully accepted until certain 
*standards* are met

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Why TM is Yoga/lite for modernity..and why that's OK!

2006-09-11 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> on 9/11/06 1:32 PM, wmurphy77 at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > 
> >> > I'm not sure Shemp, sometimes I feel a personal Guru might be
> >> > necessary and sometimes not! Why is it though, Shemp, all well 
> >> > Saintshad Gurus?
> >> >
> Amma and Ramana Maharshi didn¹t.

...and therefore you don't!?!  I assume. How do you even know they're 
saints?...also the exception doesn't disprove the rule. (If there is 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Why TM is Yoga/lite for modernity..and why that's OK!

2006-09-11 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> I don't know.
> But MMY says that all that is needed is TM.
> That's why I see a dilemma for True Believers in this area: if they 
> feel they need to do MORE than TM and take MMY as their personal 
> guru, then they are implicitly admitting that TM by itself is not 
> enough.
> But if they do that, then they are spitting in the very face of the 
> very guru they have taken on because that guru has told them that 
> they do NOT need a guru to get full enlightenment.
> Quit a little conundrum...

Agreed! In my view it may be MMY himself that becomes your *personal* 
guru in a coming life! I still think TM is a great technique and 
intend to stick with it.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Why TM is Yoga/lite for modernity..and why that's OK!

2006-09-11 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77  wrote:
> >
> > To understand this is to understand and love MMY. Many have come 
> to 
> > Yoga because MMY has simplified the esoteric teaching of India to 
> > comform to modern standards and receiptivity; though, in the end 
> > personal *guru* may be necessary to achieve final illumination. 
> MMY is 
> > NOT a personal guru!
> > 
> > Did you think MMY was going to spill all the beans for every Tom, 
> Dick 
> > and Harry? NO, he still has not released all of the knowledge 
> is 
> > available, however, this knowledge will only be given to those 
> > apply themselves and *merit* it, and that is where a personal 
> > comes in.
> > 
> > Keep on meditating...it's a good technique but there is much yet 
> to be 
> > revealed! IMHO!
> >
> Bill: so you don't feel that all you need is the TM technique to 
> unfold 100% of mental potential?

I'm not sure Shemp, sometimes I feel a personal Guru might be 
necessary and sometimes not! Why is it though, Shemp, all well known 
Saintshad Gurus?

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[FairfieldLife] Why TM is Yoga/lite for modernity..and why that's OK!

2006-09-11 Thread wmurphy77
To understand this is to understand and love MMY. Many have come to 
Yoga because MMY has simplified the esoteric teaching of India to 
comform to modern standards and receiptivity; though, in the end a 
personal *guru* may be necessary to achieve final illumination. MMY is 
NOT a personal guru!

Did you think MMY was going to spill all the beans for every Tom, Dick 
and Harry? NO, he still has not released all of the knowledge that is 
available, however, this knowledge will only be given to those who 
apply themselves and *merit* it, and that is where a personal guru 
comes in.

Keep on meditating...it's a good technique but there is much yet to be 
revealed! IMHO!

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Helen Lutes once said, "MMY tricked us into meditating".

2006-09-08 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer  wrote:
> > It¹s worth about as much as ³bees come from Venus,² another
> > of Charlie¹s little gems of wisdom.
> Oh, gee, did he really say that?  Bless his heart, but
> that's just hilarious.

Hey...maybe they do come from Venus, can you prove otherwise?

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[FairfieldLife] "A million years to reach Cosmic Consciousness" MMY Fuiggi.

2006-09-07 Thread wmurphy77

MMY said:  "It will take you a million years to reach CC, unless you come to these courses"!  I was there and that's what he said in Fuiggi, Italy in the Auditorium...snif.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Helen Lutes once said, "MMY tricked us into meditating".

2006-09-07 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jim_flanegin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Hey, perhaps you are on your seventh as we speak! Seriously, as a 
> hypothesis the reason all of us were attracted to TM in the first 
> place could be because of past lifetimes doing some form of 
> meditation.

Dream on Amigo..OK only 6 for you!! :-)

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Helen Lutes once said, "MMY tricked us into meditating".

2006-09-07 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 9/7/06 10:19:18 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> Hey, who knew it was gonna take us 7 lifetimes to reach CC...Ha, 
Ha! We  
> had to get THAT from Charlie!!! By the way, if MMY was giving 
> suggesting that in 7 lifetimes you would finally achieve what he 
> teaching would YOU have started??? Hardly! Chakras??? forget it! 
> might as well have been talking about UFO's, you must remember his 
> was/is to regenerate the world (modernity) and India, of 
> that's it Tm is Yoga for modernity short all the controversial  
> stuff...OK, OK, so Yogic flying is a little, shall we say, 
weird!  :-)
> If one is thinking in terms of 7 life times to CC then he has an 
awful lot  
> of hope for the future, not that that is bad. Krishna says in the 
Gita , only  
> after many life times of this practice. Of course, as M says, this 
is a point  
> most people would find discouraging so he came up with the 
explanation that  
> each time one transcends, that counts as a life time, which makes 
> statement a little easier to swallow. I'm more inclined to take 
> statement literally.

I think both comments are apt!  They both apply, when one transcends, 
it is the same process that occurs at death, the withdrawal of the 
life force, etc. (except the two lower ethers) even the heart stops, 
so there you go, however, even so, it requires many births 
(literally) for most of us.

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[FairfieldLife] Helen Lutes once said, "MMY tricked us into meditating".

2006-09-07 Thread wmurphy77
Hey, who knew it was gonna take us 7 lifetimes to reach CC...Ha, Ha! We 
had to get THAT from Charlie!!!  By the way, if MMY was giving intros 
suggesting that in 7 lifetimes you would finally achieve what he was 
teaching would YOU have started???  Hardly! Chakras??? forget it! He 
might as well have been talking about UFO's, you must remember his goal 
was/is to regenerate the world (modernity) and India, of course. 
that's it Tm is Yoga for modernity short all the controversial 
stuff...OK, OK, so Yogic flying is a little, shall we say, weird! :-)

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Om

2006-09-07 Thread wmurphy77
Right on...even MMY says that in his little book, "The Vedas". 
Additionally, when you transcend, *consciously* you will experience 
the mother of all mantras, AUM! The very vibration that has created 
the cosmos is Mother Divine.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Brahman is the highest of all. Om is his name. Om is also your real
> name. It covers the threefold experiences of man. From Om this sense
> world has been projected. The world exists in Om and dissolves in 
> Om is the greatest of all mantras (mystic formula). Om bestows 
> liberation. All mantras begin with Om. Om is the life, the soul, of
> all mantras. Every Upanishad begins with Om. Oblations that are
> offered to the various gods are all preceded by Om.
> All languages, all sounds, come out of Om. The essence of the four
> vedas is Om. A-U-M covers the whole range of sound vibrations. A
> starts from the root of the tongue, U proceeds from the middle and M
> comes from the end, by closing the lips.
> Om is the source of all religions and scriptures. This sacred
> monosyllable is the means of liberation from the bonds of matter. It
> leads one, stage by stage, to the highest bliss. It is fit for the
> lowest as well as for the highest and most advanced intellect. It is
> fit for the brahmachari (celibate-student) as well as the sanyasin
> (monk). It is fit for any condition.
> Om is your birthright. It is the common heritage of all. It is the
> word of power. It fills the devotee with spiritual strength, vigour
> and energy when chanted with harmony and rhythm. It brings
> inspiration and intuition.
> It elevates the mind. It is a spiritual food and tonic. It is full 
> divine potency. Live in Om. Meditate on Om. Inhale Om. Exhale Om.
> Rest peacefully in Om. Take shelter in Om. May that Om guide you.
> Om stands for all phenomenal worlds. From Om this sense universe has
> been projected. Om has been formed by adding the letters A-U-M; A
> represents the physical world; U represents the mental and the 
> planes, the world of spirits, all heavens; and M represents the deep
> sleep state and, even in the waking state, all that is unknown,
> beyond reach of the intellect. Om therefore represents all. It is 
> basis of your life, thought and intelligence. All words that denote
> objects are centred in Om - hence the whole world has come from Om,
> rests in Om and dissolves in Om.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The big WHY

2006-09-07 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine  
> > wrote:
> > 
> > > I first noticed something odd when even counseling was given
> > > a bum rap, and they started to ask questions about if you'd 
> > > had any.  Seemed very personal and none of their business.
> > 
> > On the other hand, the TMO has been criticized
> > for not being more careful in its screening
> > procedures.  Seems to me requiring one's therapist's
> > written permission to learn TM was a sensible
> > precaution, a step in the right direction, at least.
> >
> Was that ever really the case?  And if it is STILL the case, then 
the lawsuit against TM/MUM 
> fails immeditately if the murderer at MUM never informed anyone 
about their TM practice OR 
> their being on medication for severe psychosis.

The big WHY is easy:  MMY wants what is best for YOU and the WORLD! 
There's no conspiracy here, how many here would have started TM if it 
was taught in the traditional wayvery few, MMY had to modify and 
simplify lots of things to make it palatable to the west!! TM is 
Yoga/lite for modernity, and it works/worked. I won't fault him for 
cutting corners here and there if it results in me and thousands of 
others starting TM; this is understanding MMY at a subtle level IMO. 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Has anyone here 'perceived' the Ajna chakra?

2006-09-07 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert Gimbel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> This seems to be Muktananda's description of his experience; but 
> words, although flashy, would still fall short. Because words are 
> devisive by nature, and the opening of the third eye, or spiritual 
> site, or soul-realization, is by nature, an experience of unity, not 
> seperateness. 
> So, I could never relate to Mukatananda's description, myself.
> But my would feel a closer description, might not be so flashy, but 
> rather an enlivening of the 'perception' of 'oneness'.
> R.G.

This was not Muktananda's description,nice try, close but no cigar! At 
any rate, the 'spinal highway' is the pathway of *decent* of the Spirit 
(soul) INTO matter and the *only*, yes I repeat, *only* way BACK to 
Spirit, thru awakening the kundalini up thru the Chakras to the 
Sahasrara the uppermost Chakra.this is Yoga 101. It's embarrassing 
most TM'ers don't know this stuff. 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Has anyone here 'perceived' the Ajna chakra?

2006-09-07 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's an easy enough thing to dismiss. If you think that samadhi is a 
thing to be perceived, 
> or that there is a consistent experience that always precedes it, 
you're wrong.
> Period. End of story. Move along folks, nothing here to see 

It's easy for you to dismiss 5000+ years of Indian religious history, 
not for me, though I have never experienced the opening of the third 
eye surely the principle, (like I have stated) is universal in Yoga and 
even in the Bible. (If thine eye be single, thy body will be full of 
light) What do you think Jesus was talking about? 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Has anyone here 'perceived' the Ajna chakra?

2006-09-07 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Interesting. Who says?
> That's the all-important question, you see.
> If the source of a statement about meditation or spiritual
> practice is not Maharishi personally, or some book that 
> bears his official seal of approval, the knowledge cannot 
> possibly be true or valuable and most likely is dangerous.
> You've been infected by non-approved ideas, Billy. For
> your own sake, you should go back to believing ONLY what
> you have been told to believe by Maharishi. Anything
> else is BAD for you. What is wrong with you...didn't 
> you GET that after all those years of studying with him?  
> :-)

I appreciate your tounge in cheek response, and of course there will 
be those who cannot think, 'out of the box'. The mystery remains as 
to why MMY has chosen NOT to address this particular Yogic principle, 
as for me, I do not know why and can only speculate.

I do know by his 
current approach he has given me the great gift of knowledge and 
direct experience, perhaps this issue is deemed, 'too controversial', 
and so be it, if more people begin to experience higher 
consciousness. :-)

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Has anyone here 'perceived' the Ajna chakra?

2006-09-06 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77  wrote:
> >
> > Within the silence of meditation a blue light will appear and 
> > surrounding this blue light a wider white or golden light, this 
is the 
> > light of the all-seeing spiritual eye of the soul (the third 
eye). Upon 
> > entry therein the consciousness finds itself one with God in 
> > (Prakiti) also known as Krishna consciousness or Christ 
> > 
> Interesting. Who says?
> > Within this blue light there will appear a white starlike light, 
> > is the doorway to transcendental pure consciousness, Savikalpa 
> > of which MMY speaks. When this Savikalpa Samadhi becomes 
permanent in 
> > Cosmic Consciousness and the Krishna or Christ consciousness 
becomes a 
> > part of the meditators *Samadhi* experience this is *God 
> > as MMY speaks, the Absolute fullness and Relative fullness. 
Purnam adah 
> > and Purnam idam, as Guru Dev was purportedly in.Sahaja-
Samadhi or 
> > all time natural state of Cosmic Consciousness.

Ha, ha...says me, of course. Look, what does it matter, does it ring 
true or not? You be the judge!.
> >

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[FairfieldLife] Has anyone here 'perceived' the Ajna chakra?

2006-09-06 Thread wmurphy77
Within the silence of meditation a blue light will appear and 
surrounding this blue light a wider white or golden light, this is the 
light of the all-seeing spiritual eye of the soul (the third eye). Upon 
entry therein the consciousness finds itself one with God in nature 
(Prakiti) also known as Krishna consciousness or Christ consciousness. 

Within this blue light there will appear a white starlike light, this 
is the doorway to transcendental pure consciousness, Savikalpa Samadhi 
of which MMY speaks. When this Savikalpa Samadhi becomes permanent in 
Cosmic Consciousness and the Krishna or Christ consciousness becomes a 
part of the meditators *Samadhi* experience this is *God Consciousness* 
as MMY speaks, the Absolute fullness and Relative fullness. Purnam adah 
and Purnam idam, as Guru Dev was purportedly in.Sahaja-Samadhi or 
all time natural state of Cosmic Consciousness.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Conscious transcending thru the Ajna Chakra (third eye).....

2006-09-04 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77  wrote:
> >
> > (Warning: Proceed at your own risk!  This information for stout 
> souls 
> > only!)
> > 
> > Unless your have *consciously* experienced the holy AUM vibration 
> and 
> > passed thru the omnipresent all seeing third eye to spiritual 
> and 
> > bliss you *have not transcended*even once! This is the 
> > until kundalini rises to the 7th chakra, transcending to 
> transcendental 
> > pure consciousness is NOT possible!
> > 
> > Whether or not TM enables this experience we are NOT sure, I 
> believe at 
> > some point it will, but at present no testimony or instruction 
> > suggested that it will.
> > 
> > The bubble diagram only works when one is able to *completely* 
> > transcend relativity at least once.  All meditators transcend, 
> > most,if not all, NOT to transcendental pure consciousness, that 
> very 
> > rare and one must be highly advanced!  BillyG.
> >
> I seem to be usually at svaadhiSThaana (sva + adhi + sthaana) or 
> below...

Ha, ha...agreed!!

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Conscious transcending thru the Ajna Chakra (third eye).....

2006-09-04 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jim_flanegin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77  wrote:
> >
> > (Warning: Proceed at your own risk!  This information for stout 
> souls 
> > only!)
> > 
> > Unless your have *consciously* experienced the holy AUM vibration 
> and 
> > passed thru the omnipresent all seeing third eye to spiritual 
> light and 
> > bliss you *have not transcended*even once! This is the 
> > until kundalini rises to the 7th chakra, transcending to 
> transcendental 
> > pure consciousness is NOT possible!
> > 
> > Whether or not TM enables this experience we are NOT sure, I 
> believe at 
> > some point it will, but at present no testimony or instruction 
> > suggested that it will.
> > 
> > The bubble diagram only works when one is able to *completely* 
> > transcend relativity at least once.  All meditators transcend, 
> > most,if not all, NOT to transcendental pure consciousness, that 
> very 
> > rare and one must be highly advanced!  BillyG.
> >
> Thanks for this. However, the problem with such statements as above 
> is that they portray the enlivening or awakening of the chakras as 
> linear, all or nothing process. This is incorrect.
> It is true that the third eye must be opened as an element of 
> pure consciousness 24X7, though many other combinations are 
> possible. For example, we can have the experience of the third eye 
> opening, and then closing again, and then reopening as a result of 
> new integration with Being. However during this time we are not to 
> be said fully enlightened, or living Being 24X7. 
> 24X7 enlightenment comes about as a result of continuously 
> the nervous system, and attuning it to Being. It is a gradual 
> process of purification, attained efficiently through the practice 
> of TM and TM-Sidhis. 
> Then when we are ready, a phase transition occurs, changing our 
> forever, when we are fully integrated with Being. Spiritual 
> eveloution continues after this point of course, though the 
> transition beween a bound life and a life in eternal freedom is a 
> one time, unmistakable experience.

 I mostly agree Jim..

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[FairfieldLife] Conscious transcending thru the Ajna Chakra (third eye).....

2006-09-04 Thread wmurphy77
(Warning: Proceed at your own risk!  This information for stout souls 

Unless your have *consciously* experienced the holy AUM vibration and 
passed thru the omnipresent all seeing third eye to spiritual light and 
bliss you *have not transcended*even once! This is the secret, 
until kundalini rises to the 7th chakra, transcending to transcendental 
pure consciousness is NOT possible!

Whether or not TM enables this experience we are NOT sure, I believe at 
some point it will, but at present no testimony or instruction has 
suggested that it will.

The bubble diagram only works when one is able to *completely* 
transcend relativity at least once.  All meditators transcend, but 
most,if not all, NOT to transcendental pure consciousness, that is very 
rare and one must be highly advanced!  BillyG.

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[FairfieldLife] The 7chakras as found in the Mundaka Upanishad...

2006-09-03 Thread wmurphy77
> "The flame has seven licking tongues: Kali, the dark one; the 
> the swift-as-thought; the crimson one; the smoky-colored; the 
> one; and Devi, she who takes all forms."
> "Whoever performs the sacrifice correctly, when these seven are 
> *enlivened, he is led by them, as the rays of the sun, to the world 
> the lord of the gods."
> From "The Upanishads" by Alistair Shearer and Peter Russell both TM 
> practioners!!
> Notice how each tongue lines up so with each chakra; Kali 
> being the Shakti power of Mother Divine, the crimson one equal to 
> Heart chakra and its color,the sparkling one equal to the 6th 
> ajna chakra effusing pure spiritual light, and so on...Billyg.
> P.S. The 'sacrifice' or Yajna is offering the ego or little self 
> the ineffable Spirit..when done correctly. Samadhi!

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[FairfieldLife] The 7chakras as found in the Mundaka Upanishad...

2006-09-03 Thread wmurphy77
"The flame has seven licking tongues: Kali, the dark one; the terrible; 
the swift-as-thought; the crimson one; the smoky-colored; the sparkling 
one; and Devi, she who takes all forms."

"Whoever performs the sacrifice correctly, when these seven are 
*enlivened, he is led by them, as the rays of the sun, to the world of 
the lord of the gods."

>From "The Upanishads" by Alistair Shearer and Peter Russell both TM 

Notice how each tongue lines up so beautifully with each chakra; Kali 
being the Shakti power of Mother Divine, the crimson one equal to the 
Heart chakra and its color RED,the sparkling one equal to the 6th 
anahata chakra effusing pure spiritual light, and so on...Billyg.

P.S. The 'sacrifice' or Yajna is offering the ego or little self into 
the ineffable Spirit..when done correctly. Samadhi!

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Is opening the third eye (Ajna) necessary for enlightenment (CC)?

2006-09-03 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > The third eye is the portal to infinity, that's why it's 
> > Unfolding of the chakras unfold powers of morality, self control, 
> > chastity, descrimination, etc. That is why we meditate, and the 
> > unfolding of the chakras is the methodology from which we get 
> > powers and win the battle of life, (i.e. good over evil).
> >
> So, when does this concept appear? It's not in the Upanishads, 
Bhagavad Gita or Yoga Sutras. 
> Where is it?

In the Bhagavad Gita it is referred to allegorically (as that is what 
the Gita is, an allegory) as the 5 Pandavas which represent the 5 

Sahadeva=coccyx center=restraint (muladhara chakra). Nakula=sacral 
center=obedience (svadhishthana chakra) Arjuna=lumbar=Self control 
(manipura chakra)

Bhima=dorsal=vitality (anahata)
Yudisthira=cervical=calmness (vishuddha)

When these powers or 'warriors' come to the aid (are unfolded) of the 
chela or 'Arjuna' they fight the evil minded sons of the blind King 
Dhritarashtra; lust, greed, avarice and so on.I could go on but 
get the idea.

The Gita is an alegorical story about the internal battlefield 
(kurukshetra) of man and his struggle with evil (delusion) and the 
final victory by ascention to Spirit and the destruction of evil.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: 'The Electo-Magnetic Energy of Enlightenment'

2006-09-03 Thread wmurphy77
You've got it Spock!!! And it's so basic to Yoga, really!

-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jason Spock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>   Many Yogis have told me that the Sexual Chakra is the Second 
Chakra [Orange].  The first Chakra [Red] is the base, also called 
Mooladhara Chakra in which the Kundalini serpent is Coiled and 
>   You don't energise the Sexual Chakras to awaken the 
kundalini.  Who told you this.??  You awaken the kundalini through 
meditation.  The three lower chakras are look after the base 
functions of the human body.  The kundalini travels across the  lower 
three chakras and once it reaches the fourth chakra, the person 
becomes more spiritual.
>   The Seventh Chakra [Violet] is in the middle of your brain 
and it's also the "Third Eye".  Both are one and the same.  
>   The Feminine energy of the Earth and Masculine energy of the 
Heaven is what the Chinese call Yin-Yang energy.  However, there is 
only one Universal Force, the Chi - Force that flows through 
everything and sustains everything.
>   Of course Electricity and Magnetism are two sides of the same 
coin.  James Clerk Maxwell was the first to unify Electricity and 
Magnetism by his four equations called Maxwell's equations in 1864.
> Robert Gimbel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2006 21:50:00 -0700 (PDT)
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] 'The Electo-Magnetic Energy of 
>   A thought just occurred to me, in regard to the opening of the 
third eye, and chakras.
>   That is the idea, of Shiva & Shakti...
>   If we think of Shakti, as the feminine energy of the earth;
>   And if we think of Shiva, as the electrical energy of the sky
>   Then we need both for enlightenment.
>   So, whether we think of the energy of the soul, radiating down 
into the body;
>   Or if we take the other direction of energizing the sexual 
chakras, to arouse the Kundalini; shooting upward.
>   Then,
>   Both are necessary; 
>   We know that when we are attracted to someone or something, there 
is a magnetic impulse to it.
>   We also know that when we have a sudden awareness or insight, 
this seems more electrical in nature;
>   Electricity and magnetism are two sides of the same coin.
>   So, it just seems to me, that both sides of the equation are 
>   Earth and Heaven; Shiva and Shakti both.
>   From head to toe, the more energy of the universe, we can have 
flowing through us;
>   The more of life energy is flowing through us.
>   The Unification of Shakti with Shiva that is the energy of 
>   The spinning of those chakras, the opening of the energy...
>   In digital terms;  higher vibrations= increased sampling, or 
even, infinite sampling.
> -
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Is opening the third eye (Ajna) necessary for enlightenment (CC)?

2006-09-03 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What the hell is this third eye and why do you think it is important?

The third eye is the portal to infinity, that's why it's important! 
Unfolding of the chakras unfold powers of morality, self control, 
chastity, descrimination, etc. That is why we meditate, and the 
unfolding of the chakras is the methodology from which we get these 
powers and win the battle of life, (i.e. good over evil).

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Where the mantras come from!...

2006-09-03 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> wmurphy77 wrote:
> >In the Astral/Causal spine there are 7 centers (chakras)coexistent 

> Have you read the "Mantra Mahodadhi of Mahidhara"?


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[FairfieldLife] Re: The death of Guru Dev

2006-09-03 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Paul Mason" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Another piece of jigsaw puzzle, thanks.


So what happened when you looked in MMY's eyes that caused you to stop 
meditating?  (P.S. Like your website BTW.)

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Is opening the third eye (Ajna) necessary for enlightenment (CC)?

2006-09-03 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> > Before anyone freaks out and considers this 
> > "anti-TM," it's not.

> Why, *of course* it's not anti-TM (or anti-MMY).
> How could anybody think accusing MMY of talking
> about something he knew nothing about and getting
> it wrong was anti-MMY?

Ha, ha,on the other hand, can you prove any different? Turq. could 
be right, yes?

That's the problem, we really don't know, MMY has left us in the dark 
on this, central to Yoga, subject; maybe it's justified, I guess I'll 
just continue to meditate.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Is opening the third eye (Ajna) necessary for enlightenment (CC)?

2006-09-03 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Haven't any of you guys considered the obvious?
> > He doesn't speak about chakras (and thousands
> > of other spiritual subjects) because he doesn't
> > know anything about them.

Ha, haI enjoyed this and your posts below, I think you may have 
something here! Although, it does leave one a little insecure as I do 
believe Kundalini and Chakras are central to understanding Yoga and 
instrumental in achieving 'Yoga'.

 Although I will continue to do TM as it has 'enlightened' me and 
made me what MMY calls a 'knower of reality', albiet, a ways to 
go.  :-)  BillyG.

> > > >
> > If you want to know about such things, go to
> > the spiritual traditions that have studied them
> > for centuries. His obviously didn't.
> Before anyone freaks out and considers this 
> "anti-TM," it's not. I honestly think that
> 1) he doesn't discuss this particular subject
> (chakras) and many others (the mechanics of
> what happens between incarnations, how to 
> transmit shakti, how to perceive auras, etc.)
> because he doesn't know anything about them,
> 2) that it is *fine* and *appropriate* that 
> he doesn't know anything about them, and
> 3) that it's a *good idea* that he doesn't
> say anything about them. Why spread ignorance
> when so many people are going to listen to
> it and assume that it's knowledge?
> Maharishi grew up in a very conservative and
> mainstream Hindu tradition. They had a lot of
> things they were knowledgable about, and when
> he discusses those things, he is on safe ground
> and is doing his students a service to pass
> along what he might have learned. But to stray
> into areas that he never studied (because his
> tradition didn't study them or consider them 
> important) would be a *disservice* to his 
> students.
> If you think I'm wrong about this, try to 
> remember when he *has* talked about other spir-
> itual traditions, like the times he's conveyed
> complete and total misinformation about Subud,
> about Scientology, and about Christianity. In 
> every case, one or more of his students cornered
> him into talking about something he knew nothing
> about except some misinformation that he'd heard
> along the way, and he passed along that misinfor-
> mation as if it were true.
> In my opinion, when you know nothing about a 
> subject, it's better to say nothing about it than
> to spout a buncha bullshit and *prove* that you
> know nothing about it. Some posters here, who 
> feel compelled to act as if they know all about
> things they've never studied (the Google-it-for-
> five-minutes-and-pretend-you're-an-expert approach)
> would IMO do better to follow their teacher's 
> example and just stay away from subjects they
> know nothing about.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Is opening the third eye (Ajna) necessary for enlightenment (CC)?

2006-09-03 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >
> Yup, he secularized a lot of the stuff.  For instance, creative 
> intelligence for shakti.

 I think you hit the nail on the head, MMY simplified everything and 
made it more appealing to a world wide audience..hence you see a dope 
like me meditating.

The question remains, however, does TM bring one to the 'spinal 
highway', the way  home to Spirit? After all, it was the path of 
into relativity and must therefore be the path to reascend again to 
Spirit. I think it does, but that and a buck won't get you a cup of 

Judy is right about marmas, not the same as chakras, acu points, etc.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Is opening the third eye (Ajna) necessary for enlightenment (CC)?

2006-09-02 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:

> Or perhaps because chakras are grafted on after the vedic stuff he 
DOES consider important? 
> Maharishi mentions marmas, and not chakras.

In all fairness to MMY, I don't think he wanted to open a pandora's box 
with this more esoteric stuff, who knows, I may not be a meditator now 
if he did. He wants to broden his appeal not lessen it, afterall.I 
don't hold it against him, although it would be reassuring if he did 
explain it from our (TM) point of view.  :-)

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Is passage thru the Ajna Chakra (third eye) necessary for enlightenment (CC)?

2006-09-02 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77  wrote:
> >
> > I've only been meditating for 37 years (TM govenor/Siddha...in poor 
> > standing)and don't really know...any takers?  BillyG.
> >
> It is easier for a poor man to enter the kingdom of heaven than for a 
> rich man to pass through the eye of a needle.

And did not Jesus say: "If thine eye be 'single' thy body shall be full 
of light"?

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[FairfieldLife] Where the mantras come from!...

2006-09-02 Thread wmurphy77
In the Astral/Causal spine there are 7 centers (chakras)coexistent with 
the Sushumna and the Brahmanadi 'spine'each center (chakra) has a 
specific number of 'petals' or vibrations (50 in total, not including 
the Sahasrara chakra, the 7th, which contains them all) from 
which the Sanskrit language is formed.

>From the seed (bija) sounds emitted by the action of these vibrations 
on the 'petals' of these chakras the rishis devised mantras, hence we 
have TM.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Is opening the third eye (Ajna) necessary for enlightenment (CC)?

2006-09-02 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >And what does MMY say?
> >  
> >
> Like others have mentioned here I never heard him speak of the 
> It's not that the information isn't important though.

I'm not sure why MMY does not mention opening of the spiritual 
astral/causal third eye, but it might be because it smacks of Religion 
and Hinduism, and of course, we all know TM isn't a Religion, God 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Is opening the third eye (Ajna) necessary for enlightenment (CC)?

2006-09-02 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yep, I'm sure that is what Christ meant: "me" = 3rd eye.

Yes, as Christ is *the only begotten* of the Father and is God immanent 
IN creation (formless Christ or Buddhic plane of consciousness, the one 
life, the one soul) one must unfold that 'kosha' or bliss covering 
before on can merge into Brahman or Samadhi.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Is opening the third eye (Ajna) necessary for enlightenment (CC)?

2006-09-02 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Indians in general speak of the third eye open ("kundalini has 
> as a sign of enlightenment.

And what does MMY say?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The death of Guru Dev

2006-09-02 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Paul Mason" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Correction: for the record I dropped practice for a few weeks after 
> seeing the look in MMYs eyes whilst standing near him in Royal Albert 
> Hall London in the mid-1970's.

Care to share what you saw???

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Is opening the third eye (Ajna) necessary for enlightenment (CC)?

2006-09-02 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jim_flanegin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Not sure I understand all of what you said- 
> all I can say is that when the third eye opens (a very weird 
> expression by the way...) the ability is gained to see all manner of 
> things without the optic machinery of the eyes, although such sights 
> are still like any other picture, with dimension, shape, color, etc.

Jim-The 'third' or all seeing eye opens up the 'vision' and conscious 
awareness of God immanent in creation as the Creator, not bad, wouldn't 
you sa. But like you said, without the optic machinery of the eyes, 
remember what Christ said, no man cometh unto the Father (Brahman) but 
thru meie. thur the all seeing 'third' eye.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Is passage thru the Ajna Chakra (third eye) necessary for enlightenment (CC)?

2006-09-02 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77  wrote:
> >
> > I've only been meditating for 37 years (TM govenor/Siddha...in poor 
> > standing)and don't really know...any takers?  BillyG.
> >
> MMY never discusses Chakras. Good luck with making something up 
concerning THAT aspect 
> of TM and theory.

Yogic flying and no 'chakras'.they are an essential ingredient of 
Yoga Philosophy, even Guru Dev sports the OM symbol on his pedestal, 
(OM or AUM the mother of all sounds and mantras). But you're right, I 
won't hold my breath...

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Is opening the third eye (Ajna) necessary for enlightenment (CC)?

2006-09-02 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jim_flanegin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wmurphy77  wrote:
> >
> > I've only been meditating for 37 years (TM govenor/Siddha...in poor
> > standing)and don't really know...any takers? BillyG.
> > 
> > (previous subject line cut off)
> >
> Hi, I think yes, it probably is, though I had such an experience long 
> before gaining enlightenment. The reason I say probably is that it 
> seems like such a normal and necessary part of functioning once 
> liberation is attained. Performance of the TM-Sidhis really hastened 
> the experience for me. What has your experience been?

 I have never seen the Ajna Chakra or any other for that matter, but my 
understanding it is essential as the 'spinal highway' is the only way 
back to Spirit. (Brahman).

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[FairfieldLife] Is opening the third eye (Ajna) necessary for enlightenment (CC)?

2006-09-02 Thread wmurphy77
I've only been meditating for 37 years (TM govenor/Siddha...in poor
standing)and don't really know...any takers? BillyG.

(previous subject line cut off)

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[FairfieldLife] Is passage thru the Ajna Chakra (third eye) necessary for enlightenment (CC)?

2006-09-02 Thread wmurphy77
I've only been meditating for 37 years (TM govenor/Siddha...in poor 
standing)and don't really know...any takers?  BillyG.

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[FairfieldLife] Maha'Rush'i (Rush Limbaugh)and MahaRishi agree on UN....

2006-07-20 Thread wmurphy77
The great MahaRushi and Maharishi agree that the UN is nothing but a 
bad JOKE: useless, insipid, impotent, and run by nothing other than a 
monkey in a silk suit (have you seen his suits, KaChing $). My 
grandpap use to call them slick nigger devils, I however have better 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Maharishi and Mantras'

2006-07-19 Thread wmurphy77
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert Gimbel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> So, Maharishi evolved himself, and the teaching evolved as he did.
> Now, as we know, the teaching has become a lot more than just the 
> mantra and the method of using the mantra.
> Maharishi, the teaching, the movement has all evolved, like 
> everything does, like it or not.

So, what technique did Guru Dev practice? Also, I thought this 
technique was as ancient as the hills, I mean, even Krishna taught it 
to Arjuna, right? Whatever..:-)

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