[FairfieldLife] #11# [toreflect] #1# Flowers of Forgiveness

2014-04-08 Thread Paulo Barbosa
love, your hope and your joy, and your abundant life, a hand to help him reach Heaven. Sow, each day, flowers of forgiveness in your heart. The world around you will be more beautiful, more agreeable, more perfumed. Paulo Barbosa A blind in internet

[FairfieldLife] #5# Illusion

2014-02-16 Thread Paulo Barbosa
eption. We want the truth and we cannot pretend we are indifferent to it. One day I stopped illuding myself. I received Jesus in my heart. And you? Paulo Barbosa A blind in Internet m.pararefle...@gmail.com

[FairfieldLife] #5# When the New Year Arrives

2014-01-04 Thread Paulo Barbosa
od will give you in the New Year that is about to arrive? Paulo Barbosa A blind in internet tprob...@terra.com.br

[FairfieldLife] #5# Jesus Is Born -- Merry Christmas!

2013-12-17 Thread Paulo Barbosa
ll the years of our lives. Jesus is born! It is Christmas! This is our Christmas! "Glory to God on the Highest, and on earth peace among those with whom He is pleased!" A Merry Christmas to all! Paulo Barbosa A blind in Internet

[FairfieldLife] #5# More Effective Than A Miracle

2013-11-15 Thread Paulo Barbosa
an unbeliever, like Voltaire, would not be able to resist the power of God and would not be indifferent to what God has done in us. And you? Has your testimony led people to Christ? Paulo Barbosa A blind in internet

[FairfieldLife] #5# Take Advantage of Every Opportunity

2013-10-12 Thread Paulo Barbosa
powerfully. There are people, like us, who should do their part, sowing the Word with passion and determination, so that many can know the Truth and be blessed with salvation and eternal life with God. Do not lose any opportunities. Let the Lord shine in your life. Paulo Barbosa A blind in Internet

[FairfieldLife] #5# Are you Talking to Me?

2013-09-29 Thread Paulo Barbosa
with joy, we can say: "Yes, Father, I understand. Thank You!" Paulo Barbosa A blind in internet tprob...@terra.com.br www.ministeriopararefletir.com.br (Portuguese)

[FairfieldLife] #5# A Special Beauty

2013-09-21 Thread Paulo Barbosa
e Lord of H eaven. Do you believe you have this special beauty? If so, your joy is more than certain! Paulo Barbosa A blind in ternet tprob...@terra.com.br

[FairfieldLife] #5# OUR ENGINE DRIVER

2013-09-07 Thread Paulo Barbosa
safely to the station of victory! If Jesus is the "Engine Driver" of your life, smile and sing, because He will always take care of you! Paulo Barbosa A blind in internet www.ministeriopararefletir.com.br (in Portruguese) *See our channel in youtube, with the "Moment To Ref

[FairfieldLife] #5# With Life or Without Life?

2013-08-23 Thread Paulo Barbosa
should not be the objective of my life but a blessing that the Lord can add to my life ... if He so desires. I want to be a living church not a dead one. And you? Paulo Barbosa A blind in Internet tprob...@terra.com.br To Reflect Ministry - 17 years of victory Site (in Portuguese) www.ministeriopararefletir.com.br

[FairfieldLife] #5# Should I Remain Seated or Should I Stand?

2013-08-10 Thread Paulo Barbosa
pose of sending him to his brothers. His answer was, "Here I am." In the same manner God has called us and sent us to seek the lost. And our response should be the same: "Here I am". Are you going to continue seated or are you going to rise up right away? Paulo Barbosa A blind in internet

[FairfieldLife] #5# Keeping What We Give

2013-08-02 Thread Paulo Barbosa
To Reflect...(30/07/13) Keeping What We Give "He has distributed freely; he has given to the poor; his righteousness endures forever; his horn is exalted in honor" (Salmos 112:9). ESV A story is told about Sadie Sieker, who served for many years taking care of children of missionaries

[FairfieldLife] #5# Rescue Team

2013-07-26 Thread Paulo Barbosa
To Reflect... Rescue Team "Because the Son of Man came to save the lost" (Luke 19:10). A group of boy scouts was used as "guinea pigs" in an emergency training session. A false earthquake was produced and the boyscouts pretended to be the injured people and would be taken to t

[FairfieldLife] #5# Think About It... A day which the Lord had made

2012-10-31 Thread Paulo Barbosa
piness and satisfaction. Praised be the name of the Lord. Paulo Barbosa

[FairfieldLife] #5# Think about It... Have we been practicing Love?

2012-05-26 Thread Paulo Barbosa
Think about It... Have we been practicing Love? "Since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus, and of the love which ye have to all the saints" (Colossians 1:4). When our faith is based in the Lord, we do His will. And the Lord's will is that we love one another. Think about it...

[FairfieldLife] #5# Think About It... Have we been Labourers Together With God?

2012-03-25 Thread Paulo Barbosa
urers, why we are not? Think about it... Paulo Barbosa

[FairfieldLife] #5# Think About It... Are You Walking In The Light?

2012-02-26 Thread Paulo Barbosa
ourandgoodrelationshipwithGod, we need to walk in the light of Christ, glorifying Him in all our actituds. Think about it... Paulo Barbosa

[FairfieldLife] #5# Think About It... From Where Are You Coming? Where Are YouGoing?

2012-02-05 Thread Paulo Barbosa
our Guide, all our walk happens at the centre of His wish. And when we walk according the will of God, the blessings follow us all time. Think about it... Paulo Barbosa

[FairfieldLife] #5# Think About It... My Life Belongs To Him

2012-01-08 Thread Paulo Barbosa
Think About It... My Life Belongs To Him "My beloved is mine, and I am his" (Song of Songs 2:16). The Lord is ours and our life is given to Him. Could we want something better? Could we be happier? Think about it... Paulo Barbosa Visit our blog: (Only in Portuguese) http://

[FairfieldLife] #5# Think About It... New Year

2011-12-29 Thread Paulo Barbosa
Think About It... New Year "But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to..." (Deuteronomy 8:18). Praise God all days in new year . even though problems and difficulties, He will give you strength to win. Think about it... Happy New Year! Pau

[FairfieldLife] #5# Merry Christmas

2011-12-23 Thread Paulo Barbosa
Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year to everybody. May God bless you abundantly! My best wishes, Paulo Barbosa

[FairfieldLife] #5# Think About It... Jesus Is Born

2011-12-18 Thread Paulo Barbosa
ernal life. Think about it... Paulo Barbosa tprob...@terra.com.br

[FairfieldLife] #5# Think About It... Have we Fear? From What?

2011-12-04 Thread Paulo Barbosa
y think in this? Paulo Barbosa tprob...@terra.com.br

[FairfieldLife] #5# Think About This... A Time To Every Purpose

2011-11-26 Thread Paulo Barbosa
hink about this... Paulo Barbosa

[FairfieldLife] #5# Think About This... The Lord's Wonders

2011-11-20 Thread Paulo Barbosa
Think About This... The Lord's Wonders "And Joshua said unto the people, Sanctify yourselves: for tomorrow the LORD will do wonders among you" (Joshua 3:5). What I am doing what for the marvels of the Lord reach me? Paulo Barbosa www.ministeriopararefletir.com

[FairfieldLife] #5# Think About This... Spiritual treasures

2011-11-02 Thread Paulo Barbosa
rial, that, when disappear, carry our happiness? Paulo Barbosa tprob...@terra.com.br

[FairfieldLife] #5# Think About This... Eternal Happiness

2011-10-30 Thread Paulo Barbosa
Think About This... Eternal Happiness "I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever" (Ecclesiastes 3:14). You already thought in let God give you the true happiness -- for ever? That happens when we let Christ enter our hearts. Paulo Barbosa

[FairfieldLife] #5# Abundant Life

2011-10-09 Thread Paulo Barbosa
Think About this... Abundant life "Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye" (Proverbs 7:2). Have we been living with joy and happiness? Have we been keeping the teachings of the Lord? Paulo Barbosa Ministry "To Reflect"

[FairfieldLife] #5# Think About It... Trust

2011-10-02 Thread Paulo Barbosa
Think About It... Trust "Our help is in the name of the LORD, who made heaven and earth" (Psalm 124:8). In who do you trust in the difficulties? In your friends? In your money? Or in the Lord? Paulo Barbosa

[FairfieldLife] #5# New life With Jesus!

2011-09-18 Thread Paulo Barbosa
Think About this: new life with Jesus! "Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God" (John 3:3). new life... really new... now with Jesus in the heart! Do you want? Paulo Barbosa tprob...@terra.com.br

[FairfieldLife] #5# Think about this: Good is to talk about God things

2011-09-10 Thread Paulo Barbosa
t Him allways? Paulo Barbosa tprob...@terra.com.br

[FairfieldLife] #5# I Am Not Lost Anymore

2011-09-03 Thread Paulo Barbosa
Think About This: I Am Not Lost Anymore "Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life" (John 8:12). I was lost and do not be anymore -- Jesus found me! And you? Pau

[FairfieldLife] #5# Think About This: Are you happy?

2011-08-27 Thread Paulo Barbosa
Think About This... "Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. I was created by God and belong to Him. I am very happy... and you? Paulo Barbosa

[FairfieldLife] #5# Think About It - Bruno Barbosa - Weekly Column

2011-06-04 Thread Paulo Barbosa
Think About It - Bruno Barbosa - Weekly Column June 04, 2011 "The lots of friends man should show itself friendly, but there is a friend arrived most than a brother" (Proverbs 18:24). "The true friendship essence is able to change people's life. It can change the world". (Bruno Barbosa) This w

[FairfieldLife] #5# Think About It - Bruno Barbosa - Weekly Column

2011-05-28 Thread Paulo Barbosa
Think About It - Bruno Barbosa - Weekly Column May 28, 2011 "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven" (Ecclesiastes 3:1) "Why throw all away, thinking that your turn to receive the victory will never come? Even if you are 'in the end of the line' ... your t

[FairfieldLife] #5# Think about this - Bruno Barbosa

2011-05-21 Thread Paulo Barbosa
Think About It - Bruno Barbosa Weekly Column May 21, 2011 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13) All is impossible when you give up ... but when we believe in our dreams, the impossible becomes just another step forward. Just walk." (Bruno Barbosa) I know we

[FairfieldLife] #5# Live With Christ

2011-03-06 Thread Paulo Barbosa
"Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him" (Romans 6:8). We, with Christ, die for the things of this world, futiles and deceitful, and we proceed living abundantly the spiritual things that truly cheer up the heart. Paulo Barbosa www.ministerioparare

[FairfieldLife] #5# We Confess

2011-01-13 Thread Paulo Barbosa
"Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven" (Matthew 10:32). Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords. We testified that without Him we can do nothing. He is with us and is our way to the Father and the glory of heav