[FairfieldLife] #11# [toreflect] #1# Flowers of Forgiveness

2014-04-08 Thread Paulo Barbosa
  To Reflect...

  Flowers of Forgiveness

  "and if anyone would sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as 
well" (Mathew 5:40).

  One day, when Stan Mooneyham walked along a trail in East Africa with some 
friends, he smelled a delicious perfume in the air. He looked up at the trees, 
and around at the bushes, trying to discover 
where that marvellous frangrance came from. Seeing
 Stan's effort his friends told him to look down, to the small blue flowers 
along the trail. While they crushed the tiny flowers with their feet, their 
perfume would fill the air. His friends told him: 
"We call them the flowers of forgiveness". They d
o not wait for us to forgive them for crushing them. They do not send their 
perfume in small doses, nor do they expect anything in return from us. They do 
not wait for excuses; they freely forgive, completely 
and richly. What a moving example of so gr
eat a forgiveness!

  And we, are we ready to forgive? Are we ready to forget the evil that is done 
to us, instead of revengeful returning the evil, do we understand that the Lord 
desires that our attitudes, though we are 
hurt, should be pure love? Are we convinced that 
we should shine even when the hurts stimulate us to keep the light turned off?

  The most effective revenge of a true Christian is in reaching out to whoever 
turns his back on you; it is to smile with sympathy to whoever frowns with 
anger; it is to help win the person who works only 
to destroy you.

  The world is perishing in darkness ... we walk in the presence of God. The 
world hoards selfishness ... we distribute generosity. The world preaches 
unbelief ... we believe and share our faith.

  If a person insists on taking away your peace, take the time to offer him 
your love, your hope and your joy, and your abundant life, a hand to help him 
reach Heaven.

  Sow, each day, flowers of forgiveness in your heart. The world around you 
will be more beautiful, more agreeable, more perfumed.

Paulo Barbosa
A blind in internet

[FairfieldLife] #5# Illusion

2014-02-16 Thread Paulo Barbosa
  To Reflect...


  "If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to 
cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:8, 9).

  World leaders, after being deceived by the Nazis, said: We cannot, truly, 
know the heart of others, but we can examine our own.

  The most important thing we can do, in relation to sin and salvation in 
Christ, is to recognize that we are sinners and repent of the sins committed 
and ask the Lord to forgive us, freeing us from all guilt and condemnation.

  When the Lord forgives our sins, we go forth in peace, with joy and 
confidence, enjoying the life that God has given us and we know where we are 

  It is very good to walk with the Lord, to hold His hands, hear His counsel, 
do His will and enjoy His blessings. It is comforting to know that we have a 
wonderful Friend, a unique protector, someone who encourages us when we fail 
and applauds us whe

n we are victorious.

  To be deceived by other people is very disagreeable, but, worse still is to 
be illuded about salvation, eternal life and joy. We can say that there are 
many ways to follow, but down deep inside we know that this is not true. There 
is only one way...

 only one way leads to our Heavenly Home... only Jesus Christ is the Way.

  And if we know this and try to ignore it, we are deceiving ourselves. And we 
do not want a life of deception. We want the truth and we cannot pretend we are 
indifferent to it.

  One day I stopped illuding myself. I received Jesus in my heart. 
  And you?

Paulo Barbosa
A blind in Internet

[FairfieldLife] #5# When the New Year Arrives

2014-01-04 Thread Paulo Barbosa
  To Reflect...

  When the New Year Arrives

  "... I have trusted in the LORD without wavering" (Psalms 26:1).

  "Are there resentments you would like to remove from your heart?

  Some old sins that continue your soul to hurt?
  Gather them together today and throw them far away,

  when the New Year arrives.

  Bad thoughts are heavy and difficult to bear, my friend,

  and life is too short, from beginning to end.

  Be generous with yourself alway - keep nothing bad for another day --

  when the New Year arrives."

  There are only a few days for the New Year to arrive. What are we storing up 
for it? The bitterness, the frustrations, the incessant battles, the anguish of 
the passing year, the accumulated uncertainties, the tears and the lost hopes?

  No! With firmness and assurance, No!

  Things past and ugly should be left behind, burnt in the fire of 
forgetfulness. After all, they should have served for our edification, growth 
and spiritual strengthening.

  The New Year is coming and we should begin to exercise our faith, to open the 
parcels of our hopes, to light the lamps of the trees of our dreams, to plant 
the seeds that enable us to reap the fruit of the blessings for which we so 
anxiously hope.

  When the New Year arrives, everything will be different. That is what we 
desire, it is what we need to believe. The Lord will be with us, guiding our 
footsteps, holding our hands, celebrating with us each victory gained.

  When the New Year comes, our world will be more colourful, the sun will shine 
more intensely, there will be more smiles on our face, and our joy will be 

  Do you continue harbouring the deceptions of the old year, or have you 
already cast everything away, leaving room for everything good that God will 
give you in the New Year that is about to arrive?

Paulo Barbosa
A blind in internet

[FairfieldLife] #5# Jesus Is Born -- Merry Christmas!

2013-12-17 Thread Paulo Barbosa
  To Reflect... Christmas

  Jesus Is Born -- Merry Christmas!

  "Unto us a child is born... (Isahia 9:6).

  "The Word did not become a philosophy, a theory or a concept to be discussed, 
debated or reflected. The Word became a Person to be followed, appreciated and 

  Christmas Day is coming. A date celebrated by the whole Christian world. A 
date when families come together, where presents are exchanged, where many 
decorate their tables and light their houses and trees. A date when many forget 
their differences, 
differences of opinions, and passing struggles. A date when love unites and 
involves people no matter how different they may be

  What is more important to us at a time like this when everyone celebrates 
Christmas? Could it be the date in itself? No! What is important is that Jesus 
is born! The exact date is not important, but the fact that -- Jesus is born! 
He was born for me

, for you, for all who desire to leave aside the resentments of the world, the 
momentary uncertainties, the failures that happened in the past, the tables 
without cake or typical foods, the windows without stockings and coloured 
lights. He is born so 
that we can find much more than all this, so that we might look at the table 
and find it adorned with blessings, to the window and see the promised 
victories, to stop complaining and begin to sing melodies of praise and joy.

  Jesus is born so that we might think less about ourselves and more about Him, 
the purpose of His coming, the lost ones He so loves. Jesus is born so that we 
might be filled with joy, not for what we have but for what we are -- sons of 
God! he is bor

n so that we might learn to celebrate Christmas, not only on a day in December, 
but every day of the year and all the years of our lives.

  Jesus is born! It is Christmas! This is our Christmas! "Glory to God on the 
Highest, and on earth peace among those with whom He is pleased!"

  A Merry Christmas to all!

Paulo Barbosa
A blind in Internet

[FairfieldLife] #5# More Effective Than A Miracle

2013-11-15 Thread Paulo Barbosa
  To Reflect...

  More Effective Than A Miracle

  "Oh that my ways be steadfast in keeping Your statutes. Then I shall not be 
put to shame, having my eyes fixed on all Your commandments" (Psalms
  119:5, 6).

  It is recorded that Voltaire said: "Should I hear about a miracle performed 
in the market in Paris, in the presence of two thousand people, I would not 
believe it". Just a fact, even though well presented, is not sufficient to lead 
someone into the
presence of Christ.

  Far more effective than what we preach is what we live. Far more impressive 
than telling what God has done in someone's life is to show what He has done in 
our own lives. Far more productive than to describe the life of a saint is to 
live a sanctifi

ed life in an impure world, without sanctity.

  I know a man --- he married a primary school friend, and shared a wonderful 
experience with me. He told me he spoke of many virtues of men of God in the 
Bible when someone said to him: "More surprising than these facts you are 
talking about is you,
who, though living among us, unworthy men, continue to live a pure and 
sanctified life, without being contaminated by our errors.

  One of the greatest blessings in our lives is to live daily without having 
anything to be ashamed of. We know we are not perfect, that we fail, that 
though we do not want to, we sin. But, we place our lives on the altar of God, 
and we ask Him to gui

de and direct us, that our lives may shine for the glory of His name.

  Our attitudes speak louder than what we say. Our way of life calls more 
attention than the powerful sermon at church. Our smile and our love toward our 
friends leads more people to Jesus than the narrative of a miracle.

  We are the greatest miracle! Even an unbeliever, like
  Voltaire, would not be able to resist the power of God and would not be 
indifferent to what God has done in us.

  And you? Has your testimony led people to Christ?

Paulo Barbosa
A blind in internet

[FairfieldLife] #5# Take Advantage of Every Opportunity

2013-10-12 Thread Paulo Barbosa
  To Reflect...

  Take Advantage of Every Opportunity

  "preach the Word; be ready in season and out of season" (2
  Timothy 4:2).

  During a terrible storm, young Charles Spurgeon
  took refuge in a Methodist Chapel. The sermon was preached by a deacon with 
little instruction who frequently repeated some common phrases. However, 
Spurgion, there and then, opened his heart to Jesus, 
later to become one of the best-known preachers
 of all times.

  How many people do we meet along the way, every day, in all places, in 
different situations? What value to we give them? Do we treat them with 
indifference that we judge to be normal, or do we take the
opportunity to talk to them about salvation in
Jesus, of forgiveness of sins and eternal life?
  How many annointed preachers might be within our reach without our knowing it?

  Sometimes we forget that the Lord called us to be His disciples, proclaimers 
of the Good News, witnesses to the transformation that only He can operate in 
the life of men. Many times we ignore the possibility
that God caused such people to pass thro
ugh our lives, so we would share with them the joy that one day we found when 
we opened our hearts to the Saviour. It is time to begin living the Christian 
life that the Lord expects us to live, putting 
aside the inertia so common in Christians today.

  If we do not know how to preach the Gospel, the Holy Spirit will give life to 
our words. If we feel weak and impotent before the world, the Lord will be our 
strength. If what we say seems of no importance
to our hearers, let us be persistent, someth
ing will happen and the name of the Lord will be lifted up and glorified.

  There are people, like Spurgeon, needing God. There are people, still 
unknown, that God wants to use powerfully. There are people, like us, who 
should do their part, sowing the Word with passion and
determination, so that many can know the Truth and
 be blessed with salvation and eternal life with God.

  Do not lose any opportunities. Let the Lord shine in your life.

Paulo Barbosa
A blind in Internet

[FairfieldLife] #5# Are you Talking to Me?

2013-09-29 Thread Paulo Barbosa
  To reflect...

  Are you Talking to Me?

"O you who dwell in the gardens, with companions listening for your voice;
let me hear it." Songs of Solomon 8:13

  Asmall boy, four years old, was eating an apple at the back of the car
when he asked his father: "Daddy, why does the apple turn brown?"
"Because," explained his father, "after you bite through the skin, the flesh
of the apple comes in contact with the air, causing oxidation, thus changing
the molecular structure, changing its colour."
There was a long silence. Then the boy asked, "Daddy, are you talking to

 What our soul desires most is to talk with God and hear Him talk with us.
We want to be in His presence, we want to be in constant contact with Him,
we want to hear His voice and we ardently desire that He hear ours. Without
Him we are nothing, without Him we can go nowhere, without Him our life is
empty and meaningless.

We want to hear Him and we want to understand what He says to us.
We want to talk with our Lord and we desire our words to be sincere,
authentic and true.

And when the Lord speaks to us, we understand. He knows that we can
understand, He knows what we want to hear, He knows which words can quench
our thirst to hear Him.

When we are sad and depressed, He tells us His joy will strengthen us. When
we are discouraged, He tells us to rise and shine, because He will cause His
glory to shine on us. When He sees that our hope is finishing, He hugs us
and invites us to only believe, promising to be at our side and guaranteeing
our victory.

We do not ever need to ask God, as the little boy asked his father: "Are you
talking to me?" He will talk to us and we will know that He is talking to
us. And, with a heart overflowing with joy, we can say: "Yes, Father, I
understand. Thank You!"

  Paulo Barbosa
A blind in internet
www.ministeriopararefletir.com.br (Portuguese)

[FairfieldLife] #5# A Special Beauty

2013-09-21 Thread Paulo Barbosa
  To Reflect...

  A Special Beauty

  "A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance" (Proverbs 15:13).

  "I have experienced what it is to be in Christ. I am poor, old, and have 
nothing special, except to have Christ in my heart. In Him I am strong, I am 
beautiful and I am happy. His presence makes my whole being shine." (a member 
of the church, after 
a sermon)

  People, today, worry a lot about their outside appearance. They spend hours 
in a gym, or in a beauty salon, or in large malls in the city. They try to make 
their appearance stand out, so that everyone will admire them, so that they can 
enchant every

one who sees them. Many times they are not successful, because the main 
ingredient of human beauty is missing ... the reflection of presence of Christ, 
our beloved and gracious Saviour.

  When we give our lives to God, He fills us with His love and this love makes 
us beautiful. More than the external appearance, what people most admire in us, 
and what mostly enchants others, are our attitudes. 

  A generous person, who does not measure efforts to raise someone who has 
fallen, who reaches out without personal interests, who always has a friendly 
word for who is unhappy, is more beautiful than another who is not able to do 
the same, even thoug

h she has been on the cover of a famous magazine.

  Beautiful is the woman who prays, who is concerned with sharing the blessings 
received, who at any moment and in any circumstance, never leaves off saying: 
"Here I am, Lord".

  Beauty coming from a gym, or from a beauty salon, or any other artificial 
production does not have the same value as the one that comes from the inside, 
from the heart, from a life with God. It may not be applauded by men, but it is 
by the Lord of H


  Do you believe you have this special beauty? If so, your joy is more than 

Paulo Barbosa
A blind in ternet

[FairfieldLife] #5# OUR ENGINE DRIVER

2013-09-07 Thread Paulo Barbosa


"He shall cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you shall take 
refuge" (Psalm 91:4)

During the French Revolution, a train transporting mail bags needed to arrive 
at its destination, across 60 miles of sinuous roads, in one hour. The engine 
driver was responsible for the mail bags and his wife and daughter were on the 
train. He needed

to go as fast as possible and when he crossed a bridge over a great lake, it 
seemed as though the train would be derailed as it leaped in the air. The few 
people who were on the train were terrified and some even held their breath 
because of the fear
that gripped them. In the midst of all this apprehension there was someone who 
played and amused herself without any preocupation. When she was asked why she 
was not afraid, the little girl laughed and answered: "Because my father is the 
A little later, the train conductor entered the wagon to his wife's joy. While 
he wiped the sweat from his face, his daughter jumped into his arms and laid 
her head against his chest, with the same tranquility that she had when at 
home.  What a
lesson for the children of our Heavenly Father!

How many times have we been terrified by the shaking of the train of our lives 
as we cross the sinuous roads of daily difficulties. It seems as though we 
cannot reach our objectives and that we are about to derail! Is it a job we 
have lost, or a
entrance exam, or just some misunderstanding that insists on happening in our 

However, if we have placed our lives before God, and we have believed that our 
Father conducts all things according to His will, we have nothing to fear, and 
even though everything seems to be contrary, surely He will lead us safely to 
the station of

If Jesus is the "Engine Driver" of your life, smile and sing, because He will 
always take care of you!

Paulo Barbosa
A blind in internet
www.ministeriopararefletir.com.br (in Portruguese)

*See our channel in youtube, with the "Moment To Reflect" in video (in

Link of channel:  http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZCz9xEDBh2Ur0G6nWoflig

*See our official page of facebook (in Portuguese)


[FairfieldLife] #5# With Life or Without Life?

2013-08-23 Thread Paulo Barbosa
  To Reflect...

  With Life or Without Life?

  "Because the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost."
  (Luke 19:10).

  "A church, cold and without life, asks: What activities could we have that 
would adjust to our structure and organization? Now a living and dynamic church 
would ask: What structure would we need so that our activities could be 
accomplished and our p

urposes reached?" (Linus Morris)

  We are the church of Christ. We were called and separated to take the Word of 
the Lord to the ends of the earth. The Lord enables us, prepares us, and 
anoints us to allow His presence to shine and  to  reach those that He desires 
to save.

  And what have we done? We are accomodated and satisfied with what we have 
done .. nearly nothing ... or are we seeking the power of the Lord so that much 
more will be done and we can see the name of Jesus lifted up in power and 

  Our purpose needs to stop being "our purpose"; and our objectives cannot be 
"to reach our objectives". I will be happy to obey and submit to what the Lord 
expects of me; and I will be victorious if I do the will of the Lord. To make a 
lot of money, 
or be famous, or be successful in my business, is not the purpose for which I 
was called. It was not for this that the church of Christ was established. The 
church exists to seek and to save the lost.

  To make money is not a defect or a sin. To be famous isn't either. But these 
should not be the objective of my life but a blessing that the Lord can add to 
my life ... if He so desires.

  I want to be a living church not a dead one. And you?

Paulo Barbosa
A blind in Internet
To Reflect Ministry - 17 years of victory
Site (in Portuguese) www.ministeriopararefletir.com.br

[FairfieldLife] #5# Should I Remain Seated or Should I Stand?

2013-08-10 Thread Paulo Barbosa
  To Reflect...

  Should I Remain Seated or Should I Stand?

  "Come, I will send you to them. And he (Joseph) said to him: Here I am."
  (Genesis 37:13).

  "There are two ways to reach the top of a great oak tree: you climb it or you 
sit on a small sprout and wait for it to grow."

  Taking into consideration the text above, we can say that there are two ways 
to reach the lost, those who do not know God and walk without joy and without 
hope: one is to obey the commandment of the Lord Jesus -- Go and preach! The 
other is to sit o

n a church bench and wait for others to do the work to which we were called. 
Which of the two has seemed better to us?

  When we obey the will of God we place ourselves at His altar, saying "you can 
count on me", our testemony is true, our spiritual life grows, our days are 
blessed and our joy is complete. Nothing brings more joy to the heart of the 
Lord than our will

ingness to seek and to save those that are lost. Nothing brings more joy to our 
heart than to know that our life brings joy to the heart of God.

  Sitting back in comfort is not part of the life of a child of God. 
Indifference toward those who need salvation in the Lord is not a part either. 
We are in the world to be a light, to reach out, to show others that just as we 
have found abundant and

 eternal life in Christ, they can find it too. It is time to rise up and get to 

  Joseph's father called him with the purpose of sending him to his brothers. 
His answer was, "Here I am." In the same manner God has called us and sent us 
to seek the lost. And our response should be the same: "Here I am".

  Are you going to continue seated or are you going to rise up right away?

Paulo Barbosa
A blind in internet

[FairfieldLife] #5# Keeping What We Give

2013-08-02 Thread Paulo Barbosa
  To Reflect...(30/07/13)

  Keeping What We Give

  "He has distributed freely; he has given to the poor; his righteousness 
endures forever; his horn is exalted in honor" (Salmos 112:9). ESV

  A story is told about Sadie Sieker, who served for many years taking care of 
children of missionaries in the Phillippines. Sadie loved books. Some of them 
she lent, but most of them she kept in a trunk under her bed. On one occasion, 
in the middle o

f the night, Sadie heard a faint sound of rustling. After searching throughout 
the room, she discovered the noise came from her trunk. When she opened it, she 
found torn paper and dust. All her books that she had  kept were destroyed by 

  Have we learned to serve the Lord generously? Have we offered to those who 
have little, that which the Lord has given us in abundance? Have we revealed 
Christ through attitudes of love? Or do our actions only prove that we are 
selfish, greedy and in

different to those who are around us?
  The Apostle Paul said: "But test everything, hold fast what is good" (1 
Thessalonians 5:21). We can apply this verse to the words of the interview with 
Pope Francis:
  "I think it is absurd for a priest to ride in a luxury car while so many live 
in poverty. I think it also absurd to waste such a great amount of food while 
so many people have nothing to eat." And this has been the very truth in the 
world today. For

 the most part, our churches are concerned mainly with making money much 
money... and continue indifferent to the needs of so many who are around them.

  What use is it for me to accumulate treasures that cannot be taken with me to 
Heaven? To accumulate immense reserves in banks that I cannot spend till the 
end of my life? What do I gain if I have everything and do not have love? What 
good would it b

e if I gain this whole world and hear the Lord say to me: "I don't know you"?

  What we give, we keep. What we accumulate, we lose. Give your love, your 
faith, your hope, and your spiritual trunk will be full when you meet God!

[FairfieldLife] #5# Rescue Team

2013-07-26 Thread Paulo Barbosa
  To Reflect...

  Rescue Team

  "Because the Son of Man came to save the lost"
  (Luke 19:10).

  A group of boy scouts was used as "guinea pigs" in an emergency training 

  A false earthquake was produced and the boyscouts 

  pretended to be the injured people and would be taken to the emergency units. 

  One boy scout should have remained lying on the 

  ground to await the rescue team but the people reponsible for 

  first aid delayed and the "wounded" boy scout 

  remained lying there for various hours. 

  When the rescue group arrived at the place where the victim should have been, 

  they found only a note saying:
  "Having bled to death, I went home..."

  Up to what point have we understood that we are called as a rescue group to 
seek those who are lost? How quickly have we dealt with people who have not 
experienced the blessing of knowing Christ and receiving Him in their hearts? 
Have we been neglig

ent, ignoring the needs of the world, as were those who left the young boy 
waiting to be rescued?

  Jesus is our Lord and Saviour and expects of us determination in seeking 
those who are wandering in this world, not knowing what to do or where to go. 
He has called us, anointed us and sent us to the arid field of sin to take the 
water of the Gospel

 to the thirsty and discouraged.

  Many are in anguish, weakened, wounded in soul and anxious for a hand to 
rescue them from their suffering. They are waiting and... what are we doing? 
What has been our priority? Jesus came to seek the lost and counts on us to 
continue His work.

  Just as the boy scout, who wearied of waiting, went home, many will seek 
needed help in other places, perhaps even worse that those in which they have 
already been.

  Are you going to remain where you are or are you going to go immediately to 
the rescue?

[FairfieldLife] #5# Think About It... A day which the Lord had made

2012-10-31 Thread Paulo Barbosa
Think About  It... A day which the Lord had made

"This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and
be glad in it" (Psalm 118:24).

There are people who choose a day and commemorate it of mistaken form. The
days belong to the Lord and He had made them for our happiness and 
satisfaction. Praised
be the name of the Lord.

Paulo Barbosa

[FairfieldLife] #5# Think about It... Have we been practicing Love?

2012-05-26 Thread Paulo Barbosa
Think about It... Have we been practicing Love?

"Since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus, and of the love
which ye have to all the saints" (Colossians 1:4).

When our faith is based in the Lord, we do His will. And the
Lord's will is that we love one another. Think about it...

Paulo Barbosa
Jesus Christ is our Lord

[FairfieldLife] #5# Think About It... Have we been Labourers Together With God?

2012-03-25 Thread Paulo Barbosa
Think About It... Have we been Labourers Together With God?

"For we are  labourers  together  with  God:  ye  are  God's
husbandry, ye are God's building" (1 Corinthians 3:9).

what we are doing in God's work? Or, what we are not  doing?
If God called us to be labourers,  why  we  are  not?  Think
about it...

Paulo Barbosa

[FairfieldLife] #5# Think About It... Are You Walking In The Light?

2012-02-26 Thread Paulo Barbosa
Think About It... Are You Walking In The Light?

"But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have
fellowship one with another, and the blood of  Jesus  Christ
his Son cleanseth us from all sin" (1 John 1:7).

If we want to have a victorious life,  and  peace  with  our
 we need to walk in the light of Christ, glorifying  Him  in
all our actituds. Think about it...

Paulo Barbosa

[FairfieldLife] #5# Think About It... From Where Are You Coming? Where Are YouGoing?

2012-02-05 Thread Paulo Barbosa
Think About It... From Where Are You Coming? Where  Are  You

"The wind bloweth where it listeth,  and  thou  hearest  the
sound thereof, but canst not  tell  whence  it  cometh,  and
whither it goeth: so is  every  one  that  is  born  of  the
Spirit" (John 3:8).

When God is our Guide, all our walk happens at the centre of
His wish. And when we walk according the will  of  God,  the
blessings follow us all time. Think about it...

Paulo Barbosa

[FairfieldLife] #5# Think About It... My Life Belongs To Him

2012-01-08 Thread Paulo Barbosa
Think About It... My Life Belongs To Him

"My beloved is mine, and I am his" (Song of Songs 2:16).

The Lord is ours and our life is given to Him. Could we want
something better? Could we be happier? Think about it...

Paulo Barbosa

Visit our blog: (Only in Portuguese)

[FairfieldLife] #5# Think About It... New Year

2011-12-29 Thread Paulo Barbosa
Think About It... New Year

"But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that
giveth thee power to..." (Deuteronomy 8:18).

Praise God all days in new year . even though  problems  and
difficulties, He will give you strength to win. Think  about

Happy New Year!

Paulo Barbosa

[FairfieldLife] #5# Merry Christmas

2011-12-23 Thread Paulo Barbosa
Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year to everybody. May God bless you

My best wishes,

Paulo Barbosa

[FairfieldLife] #5# Think About It... Jesus Is Born

2011-12-18 Thread Paulo Barbosa
Think About It... Jesus Is Born

"For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour,
which is Christ the Lord.
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will
toward men" (Luke 2:11, 14).

Jesus was born, not for parties and drunkenness, but, to save and
give us eternal life. Think about it...

Paulo Barbosa

[FairfieldLife] #5# Think About It... Have we Fear? From What?

2011-12-04 Thread Paulo Barbosa
Think About It... Have we Fear? From What?

"Yea, though I walk through the  valley  of  the  shadow  of
death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with  me;  thy  rod
and thy staff they comfort me" (Psalms 23:4).

When the Lord is in us, we have no fear. He protect us!  Did
you already think in this?

Paulo        Barbosa

[FairfieldLife] #5# Think About This... A Time To Every Purpose

2011-11-26 Thread Paulo Barbosa
Think About This... A Time To Every Purpose

"To every thing there is a  season,  and  a  time  to  every
purpose under the heaven: a time to keep, and a time to cast
away" (Ecclesiastes 3:1, 6)

It would not be this time appropriated to keep the faith and
to cast away all incredulity? Think about this...

Paulo Barbosa

[FairfieldLife] #5# Think About This... The Lord's Wonders

2011-11-20 Thread Paulo Barbosa
Think About This... The Lord's Wonders

"And Joshua said unto the people, Sanctify yourselves: for
tomorrow the LORD will do wonders among you" (Joshua 3:5).

What I am doing what for the marvels of the Lord  reach me?

Paulo Barbosa

[FairfieldLife] #5# Think About This... Spiritual treasures

2011-11-02 Thread Paulo Barbosa
Think About This... Spiritual treasures

"But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither
moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor
steal" (Matthew 6:20).

Have we kept spiritual treasures, that fill us  of
happiness and remain for ever, or material, that,  when
disappear, carry our happiness?

Paulo Barbosa

[FairfieldLife] #5# Think About This... Eternal Happiness

2011-10-30 Thread Paulo Barbosa
Think About This... Eternal Happiness

"I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever" (Ecclesiastes

You already thought in let God give you the true happiness -- for ever?
That happens when we let Christ enter our hearts.

Paulo Barbosa

[FairfieldLife] #5# Abundant Life

2011-10-09 Thread Paulo Barbosa
Think About  this... Abundant life

"Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of
thine eye" (Proverbs 7:2).

Have we been living with joy and happiness? Have we been keeping the teachings 
of the

Paulo Barbosa
Ministry "To Reflect"

[FairfieldLife] #5# Think About It... Trust

2011-10-02 Thread Paulo Barbosa
Think About It... Trust

"Our help is in the name of the LORD, who  made  heaven  and
earth" (Psalm 124:8).

In who do you trust in the difficulties? In your friends? In
your money? Or in the Lord?

Paulo Barbosa

[FairfieldLife] #5# New life With Jesus!

2011-09-18 Thread Paulo Barbosa
Think About this: new life with Jesus!

"Jesus answered and said unto him,  Verily,  verily,  I  say
unto thee, Except a man be born again,  he  cannot  see  the
kingdom of God" (John 3:3).

new life... really new... now with Jesus in  the  heart!  Do
you want?

Paulo Barbosa

[FairfieldLife] #5# Think about this: Good is to talk about God things

2011-09-10 Thread Paulo Barbosa
Think about this: Good is to talk about God things

It is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD, and to sing
praises unto thy name,  O  most  High:  To  shew  forth  thy
lovingkindness in the morning, and  thy  faithfulness  every
night" (Psalms 92:1, 2).

Do you praise God and tal about Him allways?

Paulo Barbosa

[FairfieldLife] #5# I Am Not Lost Anymore

2011-09-03 Thread Paulo Barbosa
Think About This: I Am Not Lost Anymore

"Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of
the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall
have the light of life" (John 8:12).

I was lost and do not be anymore -- Jesus found me! And you?

Paulo Barbosa

[FairfieldLife] #5# Think About This: Are you happy?

2011-08-27 Thread Paulo Barbosa
Think About This...

"Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us,
and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.

I was created by God and belong to Him. I am very happy... and you?

Paulo Barbosa

[FairfieldLife] #5# Think About It - Bruno Barbosa - Weekly Column

2011-06-04 Thread Paulo Barbosa
Think About It - Bruno Barbosa - Weekly Column
June 04, 2011

"The lots of friends man should show itself friendly, but there is a friend 
arrived most than a
brother" (Proverbs 18:24).

"The true friendship essence is able to change people's life. It can change the
world". (Bruno Barbosa)

This week I watched a video in the internet that showed the history of a boy 
was sick.
He needed to do chemotherapy and lost all his hair. The biggest surprise was 
he, when arriving at school, faced with an incredible and touching scene... all 
of his friends
had scraped their heads so that he did not look different.

I passed much time thinking about this episode and reflected that we are very
careless instead of solidary. We have the power of changing our friends' life,
help them at the difficult moments and also cheer up with them. A true friend is
always present,  does not matter the time, the place or the person... the
important is what we can do!

I know a friend that owns this essence. His name is Jesus. He is always present 
help us despite of circumstances. Allow Him be your friend as well!

Bruno Barbosa
Ministry To Reflect

[FairfieldLife] #5# Think About It - Bruno Barbosa - Weekly Column

2011-05-28 Thread Paulo Barbosa
Think About It - Bruno Barbosa - Weekly Column
May 28, 2011

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose
under the heaven" (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

"Why throw all away, thinking that your turn to receive the victory will never 
come? Even if
you are 'in the end of the line' ... your time will come." (Bruno Barbosa)

Often we are impatient when we want or need something in our lives. We think 
that nothing will go right and that God does not care for us 
neither work for our cause. Actually the God's time does not correspond to our, 
but surely the victory comes at the best
time that could be. Simply because God knows our needs and knows the right time 
to answer our requests. 

Trust Him and see that the "line" is not so big and your time will come soon!

Bruno Barbosa
Ministry To Reflect

[FairfieldLife] #5# Think about this - Bruno Barbosa

2011-05-21 Thread Paulo Barbosa
Think About It - Bruno Barbosa Weekly Column
May 21, 2011

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13)

All is impossible when you give up ... but when we believe in our
dreams, the impossible becomes just another step forward. Just walk." (Bruno 

I know we go through problems and difficulties in our lives. They,
often, prevent us of realizing our dreams. Do not look sideways nor
backwards. the past a lot of time, want to blame us for something. Believe in 
your dreams, look
 ahead and keep walking, even if there are many obstacles. Remember, we have a 
God who removes all of
them. He will give us victory.

Trust in God and walk into your purposes!

Bruno Barbosa
To Reflect Ministry

"Tudo é impossível quando se desiste... mas quando acreditamos nos nossos sonhos
o impossível se torna somente mais um passo a frente. Apenas caminhe".  (Bruno 

Sei que todos nós passamos por problemas e grandes dificuldades em nossas
vidas, muitas das vezes impedindo-nos de realizar nossos sonhos. Não olhe para
os lados e muito menos para trás, o passado quase sempre quer nos acusar de
algo. Acredite nos seus sonhos, olhe sempre para frente e continue caminhando, 
mesmo que
existam inúmeros obstáculos. Lembre-se que nós temos um Deus que remove todos
eles e vai nos dar a vitória.

Confie sempre em Deus e apenas caminhe para sua conquista!

Bruno Barbosa
Ministério Para Refletir

[FairfieldLife] #5# Live With Christ

2011-03-06 Thread Paulo Barbosa
"Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also
live with him" (Romans 6:8).

We, with Christ, die for the things of this world, futiles
and deceitful, and we proceed living  abundantly  the
spiritual things that truly cheer up the heart.

Paulo Barbosa

[FairfieldLife] #5# We Confess

2011-01-13 Thread Paulo Barbosa
"Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I
confess also before my Father which is in  heaven"  (Matthew

Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords. We testified  that
without Him we can do nothing. He is with us and is our  way
to the Father and the glory of heaven.

Paulo Barbosa