[FairfieldLife] RE: Opera?

2013-12-20 Thread j_alexander_stanley
I've been using Opera for years. Heck, I even bought the paid version to kill 
the annoying ad window that used to be built into it. For me, the only browser 
that stands out as being really crappy is Safari. I do avoid IE for the usual 
Microsoft security reasons, but I don't find it to be all that bad a browser; 
one of my IP cameras is an ancient Axis that actually displays much cleaner 
video in IE with ActiveX than with Java in other browsers.


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 Anybody tried the Norwegian Opera browser? At least
 in my PC it's almost lightning fast compared to e.g Chrome!

[FairfieldLife] RE: Opera?

2013-12-20 Thread cardemaister
And furthermore, Yahoo Neo looks way "prettier"!


[FairfieldLife] Re: OPERA neutrino anomaly?

2011-10-27 Thread Duveyoung

Lots of agreement with ya, and ya instructed me on a couple of nuances of word 
usage too, so thanks for that.

I'll comment, but also I'll be snipping the stuff for which I have no immediate 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" 

You:  By radiation-less space I am assuming you mean truly *empty* space 
without electromagnetic radiation passing through it, or particles (like cosmic 
'rays'). In this universe, there is the observation called the Lamb shift, 
indicating virtual photons come into being and out again in the electromagnetic 
quantum field. Without objects or particles, waves, or gravity, there is no 
handle you can attach to space to give it any sense of dimension. If you 
examine spiritual language, it is really analogical, with words for physical 
phenomena such as 'light' representing spirit or consciousness, and words such 
as 'great' implying size dimensions bigger than some other aspect that is being 
talked about, utilising the concepts of non-empty space to convey an idea.
> > 

Me:  The analogy of "light is consciousness," seems apropos to me solely for 
communicating about the small self.which I consider to be merely a 
"history" of a tiny location in space/time in the ultimate matrix of radiant 
manifestation -- every THING to me is easily explained as radiance of some 
sort.  Identification seems to be a case of universal awareness being 
inexplicably anchored in time/space such that the content of a particular mind 
is mistakenly thought to be localized product-of-the-ego instead of an emergent 
phenomenon of the whole of creation. 

To me "empty space" is just that...empty, except that our very presence 
un-emptifies space by deluding one that that which is in space tells us the 
size of spacewhich I call a delusion because it seldom considers the actual 
"amount" of space being traversed and instead insists that the cardinal points 
designate a "measurement" of space.  However, acceleration shows that the 
cardinal points remain stationary relative to each other despite the fact that 
"more space" is being traversed.  A five gallon bucket doesn't contain a set 
amount of space...we have to stipulate the speed of that bucket relative to the 
background of the entire universe.  

How far must I paddle to get across a 100 foot wide river that's flowing at 
10mph?  Obviously not merely 100 feet, since I would have to paddle upstream a 
little in addition to my across stream efforts to create the illusion that I 
was crossing the river perpendicularly.  The distance I cover is far greater 
than 100 feet.  Just so, we need to know the absolute speed of a bucket to know 
how much space it is "holding" PER TIME UNIT. A five gallon bucket simply 
cannot be made absolute -- it doesn't hold five gallons of space. 

You: It would seem our concept of time is based on objects in space that are 
moving, and that differential gives us the feeling of progression. Have you 
ever sat in a car at a stop light, and not quite paying attention, the light 
changes and the car next to you speeds ahead, and suddenly you think you are 
rolling backward even though you are not moving on the street?

Me:  Of course I have had that experience, and a person floating alone in empty 
space cannot tell if he is moving or not.  Just so, a person residing as the 
small self cannot tell if the motions of the mind are real or illusory. Only a 
bird's eye view would inform the driver which car is stopped and which ones are 
moving; just so, only a view from the Self can reveal the relativity of thought.
You: The idea of Self, as opposed to self with the small 's' seems to have the 
purpose of setting up a goal in the mind, a goal that is greater than what and 
where we are now, even though where and what we are now is in fact what is 
always so. 

Me:  I agree that language perforce hustles us into polarities and that what 
is, has always been what is, and that our thinking about reality must 
necessarily be incomplete ala Godel's theory.

You:  The identification with ideation is the killer. 

Me:  Nothing can be killed, but yeah.

You: Even knowing this intimately intellectually does not break the chains. 

Me:  I would agree, but I'm half convinced that my clarity is far from that 
which would be needed to see if clarity can solely break the incarnational 
bond.  Could be that intellectual contemplation can so consistently prove that 
"nothing is good or evil but thinking makes it so," that the mind let's go of 
the notion that its contents have any existential basis -- after tens of 
thousands of experimental datapoints have been collected. 

You: Meditation, solitude, or having someone around who knows how to push your 
buttons in a way to get you to experience through the identification seem to be 
the greatest aids in breaking the chains that hold us in thrall with our 

Me:  I've been thoroughly punished by life for the crime of thinki

[FairfieldLife] Re: OPERA neutrino anomaly?

2011-10-25 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius
Duveyoung, I find this rather an intriguing response.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:

> X, 
> Not so sure I can defend the equation.  If Curtis pipes in, I'm doomed, but, 
> but, but . . .  let's see what I come up with.
> To me, radiation-less space has the quality of "being almost not there" -- 
> and it would be tough to say more, but consider how everyone feels they have 
> a significant clarity about time's various attributes or at least most folks 
> have had a lot of experience with mentally chewing on the concept of time and 
> its various presentations.  Who hasn't experienced time's relativity?  
> "Eternity in an hour.," and all that.
> But try to get someone to talk about the qualities of radiation-less space 
> and how these qualities are discernible in daily life, and we hear crickets 
> out to the horizon.

What an interesting sentence. It feels very Zen. By radiation-less space I am 
assuming you mean truly *empty* space without electromagnetic radiation passing 
through it, or particles (like cosmic 'rays'). In this universe, there is the 
observation called the Lamb shift, indicating virtual photons come into being 
and out again in the electromagnetic quantum field. Without objects or 
particles, waves, or gravity, there is no handle you can attach to space to 
give it any sense of dimension. If you examine spiritual language, it is really 
analogical, with words for physical phenomena such as 'light' representing 
spirit or consciousness, and words such as 'great' implying size dimensions 
bigger than some other aspect that is being talked about, utilising the 
concepts of non-empty space to convey an idea.
> We all feel we can (by some metric, however so relative,) know about time's 
> passing, but, if we accelerate a person towards the speed of light, at no 
> point along that journey do we expect one to say something like:  "I feel a 
> huge increase in the amount of space whizzing between my atoms, not the usual 
> ho-hum amount I usually feel from the various vectors I am participating in, 
> such as the motion of the earth, or the solar system's motion around the 
> galactic core, etc." 
> Astronauts have yet to report anything about space moving faster through 
> themlike that.  Yet that is precisely the truth if Einstein is correct 
> when he insists that we forever marry space-and-time.

It would seem our concept of time is based on objects in space that are moving, 
and that differential gives us the feeling of progression. Have you ever sat in 
a car at a stop light, and not quite paying attention, the light changes and 
the car next to you speeds ahead, and suddenly you think you are rolling 
backward even though you are not moving on the street?
> Unknown too is the Self -- which the scriptures of the world seem to agree is 
> beyond any instrumentality's grasping, be it physical or conceptual.

The idea of Self, as opposed to self with the small 's' seems to have the 
purpose of setting up a goal in the mind, a goal that is greater than what and 
where we are now, even though where and what we are now is in fact what is 
always so. In attempting to visualise empty space, which is really impossible 
to do, you eliminate everything that creates any sense of size, duration, and 
even meaning in life. Something that is static has no progression or sense of 
change. To sense that life is even just dull and boring, let alone interesting 
and fun, requires a sense of dimension and duration, as you intimate in the 
following sentence:
> The clockwork whirring of the mind's gears is, as is time's passage, 
> perceivable to all, such that we all feel ourselves to be quite intimate with 
> the passage of time due to the metronome ticking of "objects of 
> consciousness" as they pass through the mind.
> Commonly, and spiritually alarming, most of us are in the thrall of thoughts 
> and identify with them as if they are "bits of self on parade."  Disturb 
> someone's thoughts, and it can be as jarring  to them as keying the side of 
> their car might be -- such is the power of one's deluded identification with 
> ideation.

Yes. The identification with ideation is the killer. Even knowing this 
intimately intellectually does not break the chains. Meditation, solitude, or 
having someone around who knows how to push your buttons in a way to get you to 
experience through the identification seem to be the greatest aids in breaking 
the chains that hold us in thrall with our thinking. It took me more than a 
third of century to finally have a major breakthrough in this. I was alone, 
minding my own business when it happened spontaneously. But it has taken some 
time to get comfortable with this new perception of thought and its 
relationship with experience, with some difficult bumps along the way. And this 
redefines sense of self and even Self. It is as if the mystery of existence is 
solved without the mystery going away. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: OPERA neutrino anomaly?

2011-10-24 Thread Duveyoung

Not so sure I can defend the equation.  If Curtis pipes in, I'm doomed, but, 
but, but . . .  let's see what I come up with.

To me, radiation-less space has the quality of "being almost  not there" -- and 
it would be tough to say more, but consider  how everyone feels they have a 
significant clarity about time's various attributes or at least most folks have 
had a lot of experience with mentally chewing on the concept of time and its 
various presentations.  Who hasn't experienced time's relativity?  "Eternity in 
an hour.," and all that.

But try to get someone to talk about the qualities of radiation-less space and 
how these qualities are discernible in daily life, and we hear crickets out to 
the horizon.  

We all feel we can (by some metric, however so relative,) know about time's 
passing, but, if we accelerate a person towards the speed of light, at no point 
along that journey do we expect one to say something like:  "I feel a huge 
increase in the amount of space whizzing between my atoms, not the usual ho-hum 
amount I usually feel from the various vectors I am participating in, such as 
the motion of the earth, or the solar system's motion around the galactic core, 

Astronauts have yet to report anything about space moving faster through 
themlike that.  Yet that is precisely the truth if Einstein is correct when 
he insists that we forever marry space-and-time.  

Unknown too is the Self -- which the scriptures of the world seem to agree is 
beyond any instrumentality's grasping, be it physical or conceptual.

The clockwork whirring of the mind's gears is, as is time's passage, 
perceivable to all, such that we all feel ourselves to be quite intimate with 
the passage of time due to the metronome ticking of  "objects of consciousness" 
as they pass through the mind.

Commonly, and spiritually alarming, most of us are in the thrall of thoughts 
and identify with them as if they are "bits of self on parade."  Disturb 
someone's thoughts, and it can be as jarring  to them as keying the side of 
their car might be -- such is the power of one's deluded identification with 

The only way to win thermonuclear war is to never play that game -- same deal 
with winning the thought wardon't start playing with the tar baby. 

The hardest part about spiritual evolution is that we can have no sense of  any 
attributes about Self, and therefore we cannot know if we (our small selves) 
are evolving into greater resonance with it -- just as an increase in the 
amount of space flowing through our atoms is imperceptible but real 
nonetheless.  Obviously "faith" is a response this issue of unknowability.  

Again, this is a comparative analogy, and I like the exercise, but in 
actuality, space is, however so subtly, part of "that which is manifest," and 
therefore cannot be, as no other thing can be either, instructive about Self, 
but the study of space is evolutionary for the small self such that clarity 
about space, silence, love, etc. can bring the mind to lesser states of 
anxiety, such that, with the mental cacophony reduced in intensity by 
meditation of many sorts, be expected to be, however so little, more prepared 
for ascertaining just exactly why the small self is necessarily an artifact of 
Self and unworthy of identification -- which would be narcissistic sin.  

Such clarity can be expected to "max out" when identification becomes universal 
and beyond universe.  

Tell Shakespeare: "To be beyond being or non-being cannot be questioned."
Tell Descartes:  "Amness precedes ego, and amness is an artifact of silence."  

Tell Godel:  "Say hi for me if you see Nisargatta."  


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:
> >
> > The problem most folks have with relativity is that they don't grok "space" 
> > nearly as much as they do "time."  
> > 
> > Same deal with them when it comes to seeing the importance of Self when 
> > everyone goes around strutting as an expert on thoughts.
> > 
> > Edg
> Duveyoung, could you elaborate a bit on the second sentence? I may be dense, 
> and do not quite get the gist of what you are saying. As an analogy, it does 
> not quite seem to sync with the first sentence, so either I am unclear, or 
> your sentence is too vague, and if you respond, you can let me know which you 
> feel it is.
> I get that it is easier to visualise time distortion than the distortion of 
> space, which I believe most probably visualise as being very rectilinear and 
> stable. Most seem to not appreciate there is a distinction between the 
> concept of 'self' as opposed to 'Self', as 'Self' is not a commonly known 
> concept in the United States at least. I have friends for whom this idea 
> makes no sense whatever.
> But it only makes sense from a certain perspective. 'Self' versus 'self' does 
> not really mean anything if you discover what thes

[FairfieldLife] Re: OPERA neutrino anomaly?

2011-10-23 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:
> The problem most folks have with relativity is that they don't grok "space" 
> nearly as much as they do "time."  
> Same deal with them when it comes to seeing the importance of Self when 
> everyone goes around strutting as an expert on thoughts.
> Edg

Duveyoung, could you elaborate a bit on the second sentence? I may be dense, 
and do not quite get the gist of what you are saying. As an analogy, it does 
not quite seem to sync with the first sentence, so either I am unclear, or your 
sentence is too vague, and if you respond, you can let me know which you feel 
it is.

I get that it is easier to visualise time distortion than the distortion of 
space, which I believe most probably visualise as being very rectilinear and 
stable. Most seem to not appreciate there is a distinction between the concept 
of 'self' as opposed to 'Self', as 'Self' is not a commonly known concept in 
the United States at least. I have friends for whom this idea makes no sense 

But it only makes sense from a certain perspective. 'Self' versus 'self' does 
not really mean anything if you discover what these terms are all about, 
because they are part of the mythos of a particular set of spiritual paths, and 
only have relevance for part of that trek when one is under the influence of 
the dream.

[FairfieldLife] Re: OPERA neutrino anomaly?

2011-10-23 Thread Duveyoung
The problem most folks have with relativity is that they don't grok "space" 
nearly as much as they do "time."  

Same deal with them when it comes to seeing the importance of Self when 
everyone goes around strutting as an expert on thoughts.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > Do you believe ONA is "real"?
> > 
> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OPERA_neutrino_anomaly
> >
> http://dvice.com/archives/2011/10/speedy-neutrino.php
> "Those weird faster-than-light neutrinos that CERN thought they saw last 
> month may have just gotten slowed down to a speed that'll keep them from 
> completely destroying physics as we know it. In an ironic twist, the very 
> theory that these neutrinos would have disproved may explain exactly what 
> happened."
> [...]
> "Relativity is really, really weird. It says that things like distance and 
> time can change depending on how you look at them, especially if you're 
> moving very fast relative to something else. In the case of the neutrino 
> experiment, we've got two things to think about: the detectors on the ground 
> that measure where and when the neutrinos depart and arrive, and the GPS 
> satellites up in space that we're using as a basis for these measurements. 
> Since the satellites are orbiting the Earth and moving way faster than the 
> detectors, we say that they're in a different "reference frame," which just 
> means that the motion of the satellites is significantly different than the 
> motion of the Earth."

[FairfieldLife] Re: OPERA neutrino anomaly?

2011-10-22 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister  wrote:
> Do you believe ONA is "real"?
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OPERA_neutrino_anomaly


"Those weird faster-than-light neutrinos that CERN thought they saw last month 
may have just gotten slowed down to a speed that'll keep them from completely 
destroying physics as we know it. In an ironic twist, the very theory that 
these neutrinos would have disproved may explain exactly what happened."


"Relativity is really, really weird. It says that things like distance and time 
can change depending on how you look at them, especially if you're moving very 
fast relative to something else. In the case of the neutrino experiment, we've 
got two things to think about: the detectors on the ground that measure where 
and when the neutrinos depart and arrive, and the GPS satellites up in space 
that we're using as a basis for these measurements. Since the satellites are 
orbiting the Earth and moving way faster than the detectors, we say that 
they're in a different "reference frame," which just means that the motion of 
the satellites is significantly different than the motion of the Earth."

[FairfieldLife] Re: OPERA neutrino anomaly?

2011-10-22 Thread John
The faster than light finding by scientist at CERN could be due to a lensing 
effect of the soil and rock that the particle had to traverse from CERN to the 
lab in Italy.  IOW, relative to particle's clock time, the particle is moving 
at the speed of light.  But relative to the lab clock, the neutrino appeared to 
have exceeded the speed light.

This means that the neutrino particle had to work harder to get to its 
destination through rock and soil along the way.  The resulting effect is like 
the bending of light when it goes through a glass of water.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister  wrote:
> Do you believe ONA is "real"?
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OPERA_neutrino_anomaly