Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some here complain about meditation programs they don't practice

2014-03-20 Thread LEnglish5
$200/30 = $6.66 per day. They also get room and board. Assuming that a minimum wage person spends about 50% of his income on room and board, that $200 + room and board is about 3-6x the minimum wage for someone living in India. They're not business workers living in the USA. They ar

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Meditating Fairfield, Iowa and Unity Village Kansas City

2014-03-20 Thread LEnglish5
Current TM initiations are higher than they have been since the Merv Griffith days. The pprice of TM instruction has been lowered 36% for adults, and down to $360 for ages 10-18, and full-time college students, at least through May 31, 2014. ADU

[FairfieldLife] Re: Is ANYONE happy with how Yahoo groups replying works?

2014-03-20 Thread LEnglish5
Depending on which button or option I used to reply, there may or may not be a "show history" button, or there may be an inline list of all text without a button, or there may be no text at all.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Hurt Community, Bevan Morris Role

2014-03-20 Thread LEnglish5
John Haglein is now "Raja" John Hagelin, in charge of the TMO for North America. I was arguing with someone in about TM finances and looked at the IRS form 990 records for various TM-related organizations. John is paid $37,000 as President of the DLF. He gets another $36,000 for

[FairfieldLife] Re: JAMA on meditation

2014-03-20 Thread LEnglish5
A few nits with that eview: 1) it only examined clinical populations, so the effect of meditation on stress levels on normal people was not evaluated 2) it only looked at psychological test results, with one exception: weight loss, which no meditation practice affected in clinical populati

Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John McLaughlin in old age

2014-03-20 Thread LEnglish5
Well, in order to be able to reliably notice more subtle aspects of perceptual, emotional and thinking reality, you need to have some level of quietude in the background. Otherwise, how can you tell if what you are perceiving is subtle, or just noise? L

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: JAMA on meditation

2014-03-21 Thread LEnglish5
I said what I said. The reviewers chose to only look at clinical populations and counted a study that found significant effects on physical aspects of stress to be a "no effect" study because the experimental group was already low anxiety and tested low again after the subjects had been medit

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Hurt Community, Bevan Morris Role

2014-03-21 Thread LEnglish5
Who says he was worth billions? A newspaper?

[FairfieldLife] accounting of TM organization 2012, including TM initiations, etc

2014-03-21 Thread LEnglish5
Since the TM organization (Maharishi Foundation USA) is a 501(c)(3) organization, they have to file an IRS 990 form every year: Summary: 8

[FairfieldLife] Re: accounting of TM organization 2012, including TM initiations, etc

2014-03-21 Thread LEnglish5
Net revenue for 2012 was $805,586 not $205, 586

[FairfieldLife] Re: accounting of TM organization 2012, including TM initiations, etc

2014-03-21 Thread LEnglish5
Thanks. probably more typos there, even though I double-checked. The 990 form is an image of a pdf file, not selectable text.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: accounting of TM organization 2012, including TM initiations, etc

2014-03-22 Thread LEnglish5
For which you are very happy, am I correct?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Is there much of any truth to Counter-Revolutionary poison?

2014-03-22 Thread LEnglish5
There's a huge concerted effort (by the massive 26 members) to attempt to sabatoge any and all QUiet Time Schools in San Francisco. Mjackson is apparently a member.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Correction

2014-03-24 Thread LEnglish5
You have some more work to do, Michael, to achieve your most-laudible goal. All the kids, parents and faculty who thought that they had gained something of value from TM but were deceived will all wake up soon and thank you, as well.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ejecting Quiet time meditation from our public schools

2014-03-25 Thread LEnglish5
The significance of a pujah is whatever the hell the person doing the pujah says it is:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Correction

2014-03-25 Thread LEnglish5
Well, at least in Latin America, Quiet Time students often get to learn the TM-Sidhis [apparently] for free, so its not too far off to say that teaching low-income students TM is a "gateway drug" for the TM-Sidhis. Since they are already in meditating in groups, such QT TM-Sidhas are already in

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ejecting Quiet time meditation from our public schools

2014-03-25 Thread LEnglish5
I'll say again, and make it more explicit (obviously you didn't bother watching teh video): it doesn't matter what the words say. All that matters is the reason given for performing the stupid thing. Maharishi gave a reason. TM teachers agreed to accept that reason. End of story. L

Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-03-25 Thread LEnglish5
Maharishi acknowledged that his "Seven states of consciousenss" was merely a convenient fiction. On the there hand, there are plenty of Buddhists out there who believe in teh jhanas as literal things that must be seen as exact steps with specific techniques to "attain" each one, in order, an

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ejecting Quiet time meditation from our public schools

2014-03-26 Thread LEnglish5
Are we talking about the same "reason" [given] here? As I understand it (paraphrasing), there are several issues addressed by the TM teacher performing the TM pujja at the start of teachign TM, including: 1) it gives Maharishi a spiritual loophole where teh TM teacher dedicates teh entire

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ejecting Quiet time meditation from our public schools

2014-03-26 Thread LEnglish5
Are you surprised that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who spent 13 years in a Hindu monastary with a priminent Hindu spiritual leader, and who founded a spiritual organization dedicated to the memory of his teacher, and dedicated to spreading his teacher's interpretation of Hindu spirituality to the wor

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ejecting Quiet time meditation from our public schools

2014-03-26 Thread LEnglish5
How can you possibly say that? The TM puja means what maharishi says it means. He said it was to be used to keep the purity of the teaching so therefore, it is meant to keep the purity of teh teaching.

Re: [FairfieldLife] No Mantra will cure willfully arrogant stupidity

2014-03-26 Thread LEnglish5
Herbert Benson called "The Relaxation Response" prayer early in his career, and expressed concerns that publishing positive research on its effects would get him ostracized. And yet, TM isn't really prayer in any normally accepted sense of the word I'm familiar with. Can you pray, not onl

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: No Mantra will cure willfully arrogant stupidity

2014-03-26 Thread LEnglish5
My interpretation of what he said is that the Ramayana can be seen as (among other things) an extended metaphor for how the human nervous system operates, with one-to-one correspondence between various literary/plot elements in the book, and actual aspects of our physical nervous system and how

Re: [FairfieldLife] No Mantra will cure willfully arrogant stupidity

2014-03-26 Thread LEnglish5
"Mantra of personal god" is an interesting phrase. "personal god" is one way of translating the Yoga Sutra term, "ishtadeva," which can also be translated as "preferred shining one," which goes back to Maharishi's point about a mantra being an attractive object of attention (which is also tak

Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-03-26 Thread LEnglish5
fMRI is not used by the TMO for several reasons: 1) the equipment is darned expensive (a single state-of-the-art fMRI machine would cost almost as much as MIU cost when it was bought, and the overhead for running/maintaining it would be a substantial fraction of the entire MUM operating budge

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ejecting Quiet time meditation from our public schools

2014-03-26 Thread LEnglish5
Speaking as a Unitarian-Universalist, the broadest interpretation of Hinduism and Uni-Unism becomes pretty much identical. Unless you specifically believe that a specific interpretation of a specific book/writing/tradition is valid, and no other, or that the non-believer equivalent, hardcore ath

Re: [FairfieldLife] No Mantra will cure willfully arrogant stupidity

2014-03-26 Thread LEnglish5
I would say that devas are labels given to fundamental behaviors and connections that enlightened sages perceived as existing within themselves and perceived as external to themselves as well. Of course, most neuroscientists are pretty confident that the only way we can interpret reality is b

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: delightful but not for prudes

2014-03-26 Thread LEnglish5
My favorite variations are the fight scene with Jackie Chan where he has run nude from a Turkish bathhouse and gets into a fight with a bunch of guys in a Turkish street occupied by a large number spice merchants. After he lost his towel during the fight, the only way he had to maintain his mode

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: delightful but not for prudes

2014-03-26 Thread LEnglish5
Actually, now I think on it, everyone had two balloons and it was a guy (or two) offstage that were reaching out and popping the balloons as teh dancers spun.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Non-Celebrity TM Endorsements

2014-03-26 Thread LEnglish5
I guess I'm a young'n. I'm not yet 59. L

Re: [FairfieldLife] Non-Celebrity TM Endorsements

2014-03-26 Thread LEnglish5
except that different reply buttons give different options. L ---In, wrote : ---In, wrote : I guess I'm a young'n. I'm not yet 59. So young, and ostensibly a software engineer, and "enhanced" by decades of TM improving yo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: question about hoopla

2014-03-26 Thread LEnglish5;jsessionid=8E9C0DE638D9C9C95B9931C8DC9A6DF0 first I've heard of it. L ---In, wrote : Already did. They don't have it and didn't seem to know what it is. On Wednesday, March 26,

[FairfieldLife] Re: SWAMI VASUDEVANANDA SARASWATI Shankaracharya of Jyotirmath, Kumbh Mela 2013

2014-03-26 Thread LEnglish5
I can only recall the words of my friend, Anoop Chandola, spoken by the characters in his book In the Himalayan Nights (paraphrasing since the exact quote isn't available): it would have been better if Maharishi-ji had been made Shankaracharya rather than those two court-loving idiots. ye

Re: [FairfieldLife] Non-Celebrity TM Endorsements

2014-03-26 Thread LEnglish5
This is the response I can make using the top-most reply button, ntext to the view menu. It shows the "view history" . L ---In, wrote : Nobody said it was a "reply button," Lawson. This is a link (not a "button") saying "Show message history" in the l

Re: [FairfieldLife] Non-Celebrity TM Endorsements

2014-03-26 Thread LEnglish5
This is the response from teh buttom "Reply" link, and inf fact, it now also shows a "show message history." I may have missed it, but I've noted it on this group several times, and until I started typing this particular message, using the two different methods for replying, seemed to provide

[FairfieldLife] Re: Neural Correlates of Consciousness?

2014-03-26 Thread LEnglish5
"This leads all too easily to the idea that while someone is awake they must always be conscious of something or other. And that leads along the slippery path to the idea that if we knew what to look for we could peer inside someone's brain and find out which processes were the conscious ones an

[FairfieldLife] Re: Neural Correlates of Consciousness?

2014-03-26 Thread LEnglish5
As I said, she doesn't see any value in the TM Pure Consciousness research so she doesn't take it into account and consider the implications of a state of alertness in the brain without any content to be alert about. L ---In, wrote : Who has the "false idea

[FairfieldLife] Re: Neural Correlates of Consciousness?

2014-03-26 Thread LEnglish5
She's very Buddhist in her outlook. She's even developed intellectual affirmations to reinforce teh Buddhist slant to her scientific perspective and acknowledges quite frankly that it is the only slant worth having, all others being illusion. Since mindfulness and focused attention practic

Re: [FairfieldLife] Non-Celebrity TM Endorsements

2014-03-26 Thread LEnglish5
Maybe teh fact is that I didn't see it at the bottom of some of the replies I made, and never understood its use. L ---In, wrote : Taking bets. I say we're not going to see Lawson hitting the Show History Link anytime soon. Not sure why. Maybe it's a

Re: [FairfieldLife] Non-Celebrity TM Endorsements

2014-03-26 Thread LEnglish5
Judy, just to be clear Up until today, when I clicked "reply" at the top, I got a different text box than if I clicked "reply" at teh bottom. One had a ">show message history" option and one did not. I didn't realize that you needed to click on the "show message history" to include

[FairfieldLife] Re: Neural Correlates of Consciousness?

2014-03-26 Thread LEnglish5
Well, teh buddhist idea is that when you peer deeply into your own mind, you'll see that "sense of self" is an illusion, and in fact, they are correct: if you practice mindfulness and concentrative practices long enough, the disconnect between self-centers and the rest of teh brain that occ

[FairfieldLife] Re: Neural Correlates of Consciousness?

2014-03-26 Thread LEnglish5
That should read: ...should become a trait outside of such practices... L ---In, wrote : if you practice mindfulness and concentrative practices long enough, the disconnect between self-centers and the rest of teh brain that occurs during such practic

[FairfieldLife] Re: Neural Correlates of Consciousness?

2014-03-26 Thread LEnglish5
IT seems to be mostly a Tibetan Buddhist idea, actually. Zen and Ch'an practices at least sometimes show the same coherent alpha-1 EEG in teh frontal lobes, which becomes teh trait outside of TM practice that is supposed to be the reason fro people describing their self differently. I'l

[FairfieldLife] Research on Cosmic Consciousness

2014-03-26 Thread LEnglish5
Recently, Fred Travis published a paper in The Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences' special edition on meditation research: Transcendental experiences during meditation

[FairfieldLife] Re: Neural Correlates of Consciousness?

2014-03-27 Thread LEnglish5
But see my comments. She doesn't take PC research seriously. I've seen her mentino it in passing, but she doesn't even attempt to incorporate it into her world view. She's much like James Austin, who misreads/misquotes the PC research and then fits the misread/misquote into his theories on me

[FairfieldLife] Re: Neural Correlates of Consciousness?

2014-03-27 Thread LEnglish5
Fred has asked some of the most prominent researchers into Buddhist meditation why they don't take the PC research seriously. The response is always along the lines of: show me a Western theory that suggests that it is important, and I will. Anomalous measurements that are consistently

Re: [FairfieldLife] Another Politician Bites the Dust

2014-03-27 Thread LEnglish5
Well, they kind of hint at it by saying that he's big on gun control... L ---In, wrote : What's missing, in any article I can find, is that they don't mention if Leland Yee is a *republican* or a *democrat* state senator. Based on that, I have to assume he

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Neural Correlates of Consciousness?

2014-03-28 Thread LEnglish5
The difference between anesthesia and pure consciousness is that the brain is still showing many of the accepted physiological correlates of being alert. One thing I picked up from chatting with Fred and Alaric and reading their research on PC and CC is that there are anecdotal reports of

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Neural Correlates of Consciousness?

2014-03-28 Thread LEnglish5
The current physiological model used to explain PC explains why it is impossible to have sensory perception OR mental perception during the "pure" state of PC. It is possible that the model is wrong. It is also possible taht you are an exception to the rule. It is also possible that what

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Neural Correlates of Consciousness?

2014-03-28 Thread LEnglish5
Perhaps you ahead of the rest of us, or perhaps the model is too limited. MUM has an advantage over anywhere else i the world when it comes to studying advanced meditators since as much as 20% of the population does TM, but they don't have any high-end equipment, so the measurements they ma

Re: [FairfieldLife] Is TM an Effortless Practice?

2014-03-29 Thread LEnglish5
What is effort? If I hear a sound and sit up from sleep, did I apply mental effort to sit up or was it a spontaneous reaction? If I close my eyes after sitting up and my mantra spontaneously flits through my mind and I fail to open my eyes again for 10-60 minutes, even though I'm sure

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield

2014-04-01 Thread LEnglish5
It is true that TM doesn't hurt some people, but to say that it is good for most is a flat out lie. Which statistics are you going by to assert the above? The numbers have always been jimmied by the TMO and True Believers. Most people who are initiated stop doing TM soon after. That

Re: [FairfieldLife] TM Mantras - Source?

2014-04-01 Thread LEnglish5
Maharishi chose to use a subset of the mantras that are available,.presumably because his intuition said it was a sufficiently large subset to be useful. Upcoming research on TM using advanced EEG analysis should help make it more clear what it means to be "useful." In the meantime, the

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield

2014-04-01 Thread LEnglish5
The thing is, living in Amsterdam really DOES make it easy to get laid whenever you want. If nothing else, the red light district is a legal, well-policed section of town... L ---In, wrote : ---In, wrote : I may (or may n

[FairfieldLife] EEG-only part of presentation by Alaric Arenander

2014-04-01 Thread LEnglish5 For those who didn't want to watch all of the presentation by Alaric, here's the most important bit all by itself: the EEG t

RE: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield

2014-04-01 Thread LEnglish5
Only a cult apologist would say that, Rick. L ---In, wrote : To say that “black and white thinking is EXACTLY what the TMO engages in and exactly how they advertise TM” is itself an expression of black and white thinking. From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Holy Grail Found?

2014-04-02 Thread LEnglish5
Get killed, have someone pour water from it down your throat, wake up with all wounds healed. Didn't you watch the Indiana Jones movie? L ---In, wrote : But how can one prove it's the real one?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM and the Scorpion Nation

2014-04-02 Thread LEnglish5
And yet, after he died, not a single one of the people who remained loyal left. All the people who were going to leave, already had left. That may not have been his intent, but that was the effect: the inevitable schism took place before he died, rather than after. L ---In FairfieldLif

Re: [FairfieldLife] Research Shows Group Meditation Can Reduce Crime Rates

2014-04-03 Thread LEnglish5
Teh statistic was skewed. For one week, the homicide rate was double the average. THAT was what was picked up by the press and extrapolated for the entire 8 week period. True Believers want the research to be true Skeptics are often as desperate to be sure that it is false. The reality is tha

Re: [FairfieldLife] Research Shows Group Meditation Can Reduce Crime Rates

2014-04-03 Thread LEnglish5
Who says that the Maharishi Effect "converts" anyone? Here is MY understanding of the Maharishi Effect: TM, by its very nature, has a beneficial effect on the practitioners AND on their surroundings. Group TM, by the nature of synergy, has a greater effect than TM practiced outside of grou

Re: [FairfieldLife] Research Shows Group Meditation Can Reduce Crime Rates

2014-04-04 Thread LEnglish5
That's likely true of all b ut the most clearcut examples of new research programmes. The problem is that the TM organization abandoned attempting to conduct new research on the topic, so we're left with stale research. Any theory can be rescued however, if proponents care to put enough time a

Re: [FairfieldLife] Research Shows Group Meditation Can Reduce Crime Rates

2014-04-04 Thread LEnglish5
I don't know if Barry ever suggested that (he never mentioned it to me that I remember) but I've been suggestiing variations on that idea for decades. The problem has been that Fred Travis' original research along that line (his PhD thesis actually) used 40 seconds average EEG and that's too co

[FairfieldLife] Re: 1968!!

2014-04-04 Thread LEnglish5
Reasonably accurate, but the assumption is that MMY was wrong about wealthy people. Wealthy people who managed to make it on their own usually DO deserve what they have gained (criminals and "advanced debt investment instrument" proponents aside). It's the children of wealth who have often

Re: [FairfieldLife] Research Shows Group Meditation Can Reduce Crime Rates

2014-04-04 Thread LEnglish5
W anyone could develop enough of an attachment to such a dumbfuck idea as to want to "prove" it. From: "LEnglish5@..." To: Sent: Friday, April 4, 2014 10:37 AM Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Research Shows Group Meditation Can Reduce Crime Rat

[FairfieldLife] Interesting Zen mater quotes about mindfulness

2014-04-04 Thread LEnglish5 Zen criticism[edit§ion=8] Some Zen teachers emphasize the potential dangers of

Re: [FairfieldLife] Research Shows Group Meditation Can Reduce Crime Rates

2014-04-04 Thread LEnglish5
Hmm, I wasn't there for any "inner circle" sales pitches to TM teachers, but I attended an introductory lecture on the TM-Sidhis by Rick Archer and friends about 38 years ago (do you remember that one in Tucson, Rick?) and the Yogic Flying part was presented as a way to gain enlightenment fast

Re: [FairfieldLife] Research Shows Group Meditation Can Reduce Crime Rates

2014-04-04 Thread LEnglish5
That's silly. "The Maharishi Effect" name was coined rather late. I don't know when he started pitching the idea that a small number of meditators could have an effect on society, but its probably years prior tot he name being given to the concept. L ---In,

Re: [FairfieldLife] Research Shows Group Meditation Can Reduce Crime Rates

2014-04-04 Thread LEnglish5
Friday, April 4, 2014 3:48 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote: The point I don't understand, Lawson, is WHY anyone would want to do "research" to validate or "prove" something as ludicrous as "We can affect other people and the world by bouncing around on our butts on

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Soma and the Gods

2014-04-04 Thread LEnglish5
The devvas are fundamental vibrations of consciousness. The gut has a highly complex nervous system all its own. While its not conscious in the same way our brains our, using Tononi's phi, it almost certainly ranks high as a conscious system. L ---In, wrote

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Soma and the Gods

2014-04-04 Thread LEnglish5
95% of all serotonin is made in the Enteric System, the nervous system of the gut. It might well be that most of the soma, "that substance or substances created by the nervous system to support enlightenment," is also made in the Enteric System. L

Re: [FairfieldLife] Research Shows Group Meditation Can Reduce Crime Rates

2014-04-04 Thread LEnglish5
Did any of you guys even bother to watch the video on EEG done by Alaric Arenander that I linked to. The entirity of the 4 higher states of consciousness was shown in the EEG, I suspect. I could draw parallels between each major "higher" stage of consciousness that MMY talked about, and the

[FairfieldLife] Re: Marshy

2014-04-04 Thread LEnglish5
""He was a brilliant manipulator," said Mrs Pearce. "I just couldn't see that he was a dirty old man. We made love regularly. At one stage I even thought I was pregnant by him. And I don't think I was the only girl. There was a lot of talk that he'd tried to rape" This seems a far cry from t

Re: [FairfieldLife] Research Shows Group Meditation Can Reduce Crime Rates

2014-04-04 Thread LEnglish5
A puja means whatever the person doing it says it means, so the fact that there is a puja involved means nothing more than a Hindu started the organization. Unless, of course, you think the puja is doing something special for the sake of the student, in which case, its, by definnition, scienti

Re: [FairfieldLife] Research Shows Group Meditation Can Reduce Crime Rates

2014-04-04 Thread LEnglish5
Probably a good portion of the Shankaracharya Order at that time had positive feelings towards Hitler. The student of Gurudev's who eventually became the court-appointed Shankaracharya of Jyotirmath, had been a Hindu "freedom figher," likely with a price on his head as a "terrorist" against t

Re: [FairfieldLife] Research Shows Group Meditation Can Reduce Crime Rates

2014-04-04 Thread LEnglish5
They dont' know much about human anatomy. The Enteric System has more neurons than the spinal column, or all the nerve cells of teh peripheral nervous system. 500 million of 'em. The gut "eats" 95% of all the serotonin produced by the human body. L ---In, wrote

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Marshy

2014-04-04 Thread LEnglish5
The rape rumors were pooh-poohed by Mia Farrow herself in her book. Linda Pierce was not underage. Which rape are we talking about? L

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Marshy

2014-04-04 Thread LEnglish5
that yogic flying leads to peace in teh world has been standard yogic mystical rhetoric for centuries. L ---In, wrote : From: Michael Jackson To: Sent: Friday, April 4, 2014 7:18 PM Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Marshy

Re: [FairfieldLife] Research Shows Group Meditation Can Reduce Crime Rates

2014-04-04 Thread LEnglish5
Share, the money to teach TM to disadvantaged people comes from donations. Aside from a few pilot projects on TM and PTSD, almost all TM research dollars these days are coming from the NIH and other grants-giving governmental bodies. Any large donations are for pandits or Invincible America pa

Re: [FairfieldLife] Marshy

2014-04-04 Thread LEnglish5
PRudence Farrow is teaching TM in Florida I believe. She's teh longest continuously active TM teacher in teh USA with 4.5 decades of teaching under her belt. She currently lives in Seagrove, Florida

Re: [FairfieldLife] Research Shows Group Meditation Can Reduce Crime Rates

2014-04-04 Thread LEnglish5
--In, wrote : There is a lot of research on TM, but the quality of most of that research is not particularly good, which is one of the reasons it is not taken seriously. IN 2013, teh American Heart Asosication published a paper on alternate forms of treatment

Re: [FairfieldLife] Research Shows Group Meditation Can Reduce Crime Rates

2014-04-04 Thread LEnglish5
Serotonin IS produced by teh human digestive system and IS consumed by that same system. It's been known for a very long time. Maharishi may have read something about it in school, even. L ---In, wrote : contact her and ask her if you want to know - she was

Re: [FairfieldLife] Research Shows Group Meditation Can Reduce Crime Rates

2014-04-04 Thread LEnglish5
I would say that tehre's a lot LESS to it than that. L ---In, wrote : Well, Barry, actually there is more to it than that. It's been a long time for you, and as we all know, you have a lousy memory that is getting worse the older you become. And as

Re: [FairfieldLife] Research Shows Group Meditation Can Reduce Crime Rates

2014-04-04 Thread LEnglish5
The technique of TM is "think a mantra but don't try." There, now you can be sure that no-one will ever pay a cent to teh TM organization again, because learning from a one-line webpage text is the same as learning from a teacher trained to make a carefully choreographed presentation.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Various Levels of the Multiverse

2014-04-04 Thread LEnglish5
What he doesn't mention about this idea of a Type IV Multiverse where any mathematical construct can be teh basis for a universe, is that this really means that any *story* about a world defines a real universe where that story exists. No matter what kind of story it is, whether about elves and

[FairfieldLife] Re: Dubya's Artworks

2014-04-04 Thread LEnglish5
They'd mostly sell based on the fact that he's a former President, but yeah, far, FAR better than I can do (damning with seriously faint praise). L ---In, wrote : I hate to admit it, but they're not bad, IMHO. He has a good eye, if not a brilliant technique.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Research Shows Group Meditation Can Reduce Crime Rates

2014-04-04 Thread LEnglish5
OBviously you didn't look at the video link I gave of Alaric Arenander's talk on EEG and TM. The last minute or so is a before/after of a guy who had been practicing TM and teh TM-SIdhis for several years on the Invincible America Course. Regardless of how trivial the techniques seem, the

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Soma and the Gods

2014-04-04 Thread LEnglish5
I was merely pointing out that MMY's description of soma being consumed in the gut as part of the enlightenment process may not be invalid. WHAT is consuming the soma is another matter. Of course, a collection of 100 million nerve cells running along the 9 meter long GI tract is a bizarre con

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Marshy

2014-04-05 Thread LEnglish5, wrote : You realize, do you not, that you just spent an entire post "shooting the messengers" to protect the image of a dead man, right? And you wonder why people consider you a cult apologist. From: "LEnglish5@..." To: S

[FairfieldLife] Re: Marshy

2014-04-05 Thread LEnglish5
I havent been able to find an account by Mia Farrow where she says that MMY attempted to get her to lie down, just that he started to give her a hug. At least, that is what her autobiography says. She may have watered down her story from the time of the incident. Her sister is an active TM teac

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Marshy

2014-04-05 Thread LEnglish5
. On Sat, 4/5/14, LEnglish5@... mailto:LEnglish5@... mailto:LEnglish5@...> wrote: Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Marshy To: Date: Saturday, April 5, 2014, 7:00

Re: [FairfieldLife] Research Shows Group Meditation Can Reduce Crime Rates

2014-04-05 Thread LEnglish5
Well, my point was that the practice itself, like TM, is incredibly simple. L ---In, wrote : Perhaps you're so highly evolved you didn't need it, Lawson, but my Center Invincibility Course took six weekends, plus the two-week flying block at MIU. That was a

[FairfieldLife] Re: Marshy

2014-04-05 Thread LEnglish5
The book is about the Beatles. Does it quote Mia Farrow or does it quote someone quoting someone quoting Mia Farrow? Mia Farrow's own book should be taken as a better source of what happened to Mia Farrow than a book about the Beatles unless the guy is referring to direct interviews with Mia

[FairfieldLife] Re: Marshy

2014-04-05 Thread LEnglish5
"Since we know from other sources that he wasn't" He might not have been, Judy, but its entirely a he said, she said scenario here, and "he" is now dead so he can't refute the "she said" part. L ---In, wrote : That's how one version of the story goes. In

[FairfieldLife] Re: Marshy

2014-04-05 Thread LEnglish5
So a book is so persuasive that it convinces you? Wouldn't stand up in court, Judy. L ---In, wrote : Get back to us on this once you've read Judith Bourque's book, OK, Lawson? "Since we know from other sources that he wasn't" He might not have been,

[FairfieldLife] Re: Marshy

2014-04-06 Thread LEnglish5
I'm more interested in why Judy is willing to accept words in a book as persuasive. Did the book draw a timeline that showed that there were significant periods of private "face-time" on a regular basis between the author and Maharishi? Did the book provide evidence that Maharishi rearrang

[FairfieldLife] Re: Stage of samaadhi during YF?

2014-04-06 Thread LEnglish5
I would think any level can be reached. The point isn't which level is reached, but which level is maintained once the hopping starts, I think. L ---In, wrote : As most of us might know, saMyama (sanyama) "consists" of dhaaraNaa, dhyaana and samaadhi. What

Re: [FairfieldLife] Stage of samaadhi during YF?

2014-04-06 Thread LEnglish5
The TM model of samadhi seems to fit the observed EEG behavior pretty well. Brain scans during TM's 'pure consciousness' state (PC) don't exist as far as I know, so the activity level of the thalamus during PC hasn't been measured, though it could be. I'm not sure if any brain imaging technology

[FairfieldLife] Re: Stage of samaadhi during YF?

2014-04-07 Thread LEnglish5
What do you think of Thomas Egenes' translation of the Yoga Sutras? L ---In, wrote : Once again, I feel the need to emphasize that I don't think I belong to the cognoscenti. I'm just a linguistic technician, so to speak. Let's study the second suutra, that seem

[FairfieldLife] Re: Various Levels of the Multiverse

2014-04-07 Thread LEnglish5
Tegmark's page has links to lots of his essays: One thing that I didn't realize is that he believes that there's no real difference in the kind of universes found in Type I, Type II and Type III multiv

[FairfieldLife] Re: Meditative Art

2014-04-07 Thread LEnglish5
TM's main effect is in creating higher alpha EEG coherence in the frontal lobes associated with sense of self), as that video shows. There's plenty of examples of people who are NOT meditators of any kind who attain greater achievement when in a relaxed alpha state. Coherent alpha states are

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