Re: [Felvtalk] stray cat I took in has feline leukemia

2013-01-14 Thread Sharyl
Or hiding under the bed could be a sign she was scared.  
It is unusual for an adult cat to contract FeLV.  I would definitely have 
Pumpkin retested

 From: "" 
Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2013 11:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] stray cat I took in has feline leukemia


Thank you so much for the quick reply:)

I would have to guess she is about 4 years old.  

I've had cats with worms before, but they were quite obvious in the stool... I 
will try to check her stool more closely.  

So some pumpkin for my Pumpkin how ironic... might need to try that and I 
will let you know.  Maybe it will be best for her to stay in the basement,near 
her pottyfor awhile?  I had one other response, and he said, she just may have 
had an accident, which is what I might be thinking.  I think previously, we 
were chasing the kids in the house, and she may have gotten scared and it just 
sorta "ran out"...

What about hiding under the bed?? She did that when she first came here, and 
has been good now for a few weeks, but today she was under the bed again?  I 
read that sometimes can be a sign that they aren't feeling well?

Thanks again for your time and knowledge:


-Original Message-
From: Sharyl 
To: felvtalk 
Sent: Sun, Jan 13, 2013 9:42 pm
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] stray cat I took in has feline leukemia

Hi Tricia. You don't say how old Pumpkin is.  It is usual to re-test for FeLV 
after 3 months.  Since she used to be outside has she been treated for worms?  
That may be why her stools are soft.  Many add some canned plain pumpkin (not 
the spiced pie filling) to the canned food to add fiber when a kitty has 
diarrhea.   Usually start out with 1 tsp. 
I've never used Tylosin Tartrate.  Here is a link to more info 
Seems to be used as an anti-inflammatory and for colitis. 
You need to treat the diarrhea.  FeLV is probably not the reason she has it 

 From: "" 
Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2013 10:06 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] stray cat I took in has feline leukemia

I'm hoping someone can help me

We live in the country and have about 8 outside cats.   A friend decided to 
take one home, Pumpkin, and had her all fixed up at the vet with shots, spay 
and declaw.  She found out she has  feline leukemia.  She kept her for about a 
month, but I guess she was making a mess as far as using the litter box.  I 
told her I didn't want her to go to an over crowded humane society, so I took 
her back.  She is now in the house, as she is front declawed, and she is not to 
be around the other cats with her cancer.

So... I've had her home since just before Christmas, and she's been fine other 
than not eating a whole lot.  Her stool is quiet soft, and I did find a few 
hard turds in two different sleeping places that she uses.  Well now today,  
she had a ver messy stool on the wood floor in the hallway!! Really shocked me 
as she's been so good using the littler box.  

Is this a sign that she is getting sick, the not using the littler box?  She 
has a prescription for Tylosin Tartrate, and she said to give this to 
her(powder form), when/if she gets sick???

She does seems to sleep most of the day, but I know cats do do that:)  She also 
does purr quite loud!!  Must be a good sign.  She will play with a string too.  
So she's been very happy, but now I had to resort to putting her back in the 
basement with her food and litter.  I might end  up sleeping down there with 
her again, as I did when she first came in thehouse.  She has had the run of 
the house now for weeks, but I just don't trust her since her accident.

I've read where infected cats can live quite long, but yet others do not.  I 
certainly would not want to put her thru all sorts of treatments... 

Thank you for your time:)))

I appreciate any input for my Pumpkin!

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Re: [Felvtalk] stray cat I took in has feline leukemia

2013-01-14 Thread Christiane Biagi
A few things-first, thank you for taking in this little one.  Its too bad
that her adopter declawed her as it means she can't go outside!  On the
FELV-there are 2 standard tests.  There's one the vet does in the office-a
pin prick of blood on a test strip-its called the Elissa or snap test.  Then
there's one done by the vet drawing blood and sending to a lab-its called
the IFA.  If a cat tests pos on the Elissa it should be retested on the IFA
sometime later.  It is possible the cat can throw off the virus so you have
to give it time between the Elissa and IFA.


Many folks on this board will tell you about their cats who  have lived
long, healthy lives.  My own Tucson is 13 and doing ok.  I had another who I
brought in from the street after I'd been feeding him for a couple of years.
He died several years later from lymphoma and we guessed he was around 8.
The thing is that the FELV virus won't actually kill them but it makes them
so much more susceptible to infections-URI, UTI, etc.  I tend to bring
Tucson to the vet a bit quicker than I do my other ones if she has the
sniffles or stops eating, etc.  They are also more susceptible to gum
infections, lymphomas, blood disorders, etc.  so you have to keep an eye on


Best thing you can do is give her some decent food, watch for any sign of
problems.  As far as the litter box, tough to know.  Sometimes they don't
like a particular litter.  And the stool, you might want to take a stool
sample to vet for fecal.  I think the Tyleson Tartrate is an antibiotic but
am not familiar w. it.  I'm not sure about having it on hand to give to her
if she gets sick.  There are different antibiotics for different things.
Folks on the board might have more info.


How old is Pumpkin?  


From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2013 10:06 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] stray cat I took in has feline leukemia


I'm hoping someone can help me

We live in the country and have about 8 outside cats.   A friend decided to
take one home, Pumpkin, and had her all fixed up at the vet with shots, spay
and declaw.  She found out she has  feline leukemia.  She kept her for about
a month, but I guess she was making a mess as far as using the litter box.
I told her I didn't want her to go to an over crowded humane society, so I
took her back.  She is now in the house, as she is front declawed, and she
is not to be around the other cats with her cancer.
So... I've had her home since just before Christmas, and she's been fine
other than not eating a whole lot.  Her stool is quiet soft, and I did find
a few hard turds in two different sleeping places that she uses.  Well now
today,  she had a ver messy stool on the wood floor in the hallway!! Really
shocked me as she's been so good using the littler box.  

Is this a sign that she is getting sick, the not using the littler box?  She
has a prescription for Tylosin Tartrate, and she said to give this to
her(powder form), when/if she gets sick???

She does seems to sleep most of the day, but I know cats do do that :)  She
also does purr quite loud!!  Must be a good sign.  She will play with a
string too.  So she's been very happy, but now I had to resort to putting
her back in the basement with her food and litter.  I might end  up sleeping
down there with her again, as I did when she first came in the house.  She
has had the run of the house now for weeks, but I just don't trust her since
her accident.

I've read where infected cats can live quite long, but yet others do not.  I
certainly would not want to put her thru all sorts of treatments... 

Thank you for your time:)))

I appreciate any input for my Pumpkin!


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] stray cat I took in has feline leukemia

2013-01-14 Thread john pollack
Tigger passed very suddenly, from what we believe to be a feline heart issue

He has been playing that morning, being silly as usual, not wanting me to go to 
work, as usual
When i came home, he was gone

you probably had the SNAP done

wait a few weeks, then do the IFA

and remember, that they can live very rich lives, being just as loving (more 
so, in my opinion), and being silly.

Bless you for taking this little one in


 From: "" 
Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2013 11:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] stray cat I took in has feline leukemia

Hi John!

Thanks so much for your quick replywow, you had 6 cats all in the house?? 
That would be heaven for me:)))  My husband is NOT  a cat lover, so he was not 
particularly happy stepping in the poop today:(  

I'm thinking we were chasing the kids in the house at about the time she  left 
her mess.  Maybe she was scared and it justall ran out??  I hate to keep her in 
the basement now, but I don't want any "surprises" during the night.  She does 
have plenty of blankets down there with her food and two litter boxes.  

I do not know what test she was given.  If it's not too difficult for you to 
discuss, could you tell me how your Tigger's health deteriorated towards the 
end?    So I might know what signs to look for

Hope your other kitties are healthy:)

Thanks again for your time!

-Original Message-
From: john pollack 
To: felvtalk 
Sent: Sun, Jan 13, 2013 9:23 pm
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] stray cat I took in has feline leukemia

My Tigger lived 1 month shy of 5 years with FeLV
He had his ups and downs, as we all do
He lived with 6 housemates...NONE are positive!!

As far as the stool, cats get it like we do. may have eaten something that 
disagreed with him

What test was done. Snap or other??
With Snap, if he's been exposed, it will be postitve, other (ELSA??) is more 
through, and can tell if he actually has it
  I wish you the best
  FeLV kitties can be the most loving of all, as Tigger was



 From: "" 
Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2013 10:06 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] stray cat I took in has feline leukemia

I'm hoping someone can help me

We live in the country and have about 8 outside cats.   A friend decided to 
take one home, Pumpkin, and had her all fixed up at the vet with shots, spay 
and declaw.  She found out she has  feline leukemia.  She kept her for about a 
month, but I guess she was making a mess as far as using the litter box.  I 
told her I didn't want her to go to an over crowded humane society, so I took 
her back.  She is now in the house, as she is front declawed, and she is not to 
be around the other cats with her cancer.

So... I've had her home since just before Christmas, and she's been fine other 
than not eating a whole lot.  Her stool is quiet soft, and I did find a few 
hard turds in two different sleeping places that she uses.  Well now today,  
she had a ver messy stool on the wood floor in the hallway!! Really shocked me 
as she's been so good using the littler box.  

Is this a sign that she is getting sick, the not using the littler box?  She 
has a prescription for Tylosin Tartrate, and she said to give this to 
her(powder form), when/if she gets sick???

She does seems to sleep most of the day, but I know cats do do that:)  She also 
does purr quite loud!!  Must be a good sign.  She will play with a string too.  
So she's been very happy, but now I had to resort to putting her back in the 
basement with her food and litter.  I might end  up sleeping down there with 
her again, as I did when she first came in thehouse.  She has had the run of 
the house now for weeks, but I just don't trust her since her accident.

I've read where infected cats can live quite long, but yet others do not.  I 
certainly would not want to put her thru all sorts of treatments... 

Thank you for your time:)))

I appreciate any input for my Pumpkin!


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Re: [Felvtalk] stray cat I took in has feline leukemia

2013-01-14 Thread Marcia Baronda
I can certainly vouch for that! Mine were trying to use the litterbox as I was 
pouring Dr elseys into it! Fixed the problem(:

Sent from my iPad that my most awesome kids surprised me with, Christmas 2010. 

On Jan 13, 2013, at 10:29 PM, Dana Giordano  wrote:

> Have you tried dr elseys precious cat litter? It really does work, at least 
> when i tried it with my Buddy, who had felv and fiv and lived till he was 
> about 11. It worked immediately for him.
> On Jan 13, 2013, at 11:21 PM, wrote:
>> Hi John!
>> Thanks so much for your quick replywow, you had 6 cats all in the 
>> house?? That would be heaven for me:)))  My husband is NOT  a cat lover, so 
>> he was not particularly happy stepping in the poop today:(  
>> EdI'm thinking we were chasing the kids in the house at about the time she  
>> left her mess.  Maybe she was scared and it just all ran out??  I hate to 
>> keep her in the basement now, but I don't want any "surprises" during the 
>> night.  She does have plenty of blankets down there with her food and two 
>> litter boxes.  
>> E the
>> I do not know what test she was given.  If it's not too difficult for you to 
>> discuss, could you tell me how your Tigger's health deteriorated towards the 
>> end?So I might know what signs to look for
>> Hope your other kitties are healthy:)
>> Thanks again for your time!
>> Tricia
>> -Original Message-
>> From: john pollack 
>> To: felvtalk 
>> Sent: Sun, Jan 13, 2013 9:23 pm
>> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] stray cat I took in has feline leukemia
>> Tricia
>> My Tigger lived 1 month shy of 5 years with FeLV
>> He had his ups and downs, as we all do
>> He lived with 6 housemates...NONE are positive!!
>> As far as the stool, cats get it like we do. may have eaten something that 
>> disagreed with him
>> What test was done. Snap or other??
>> With Snap, if he's been exposed, it will be postitve, other (ELSA??) is more 
>> through, and can tell if he actually has it
>>   I wish you the best
>>   FeLV kitties can be the most loving of all, as Tigger was
>> John
>> From: "" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2013 10:06 PM
>> Subject: [Felvtalk] stray cat I took in has feline leukemia
>> Hello,
>> I'm hoping someone can help me
>> We live in the country and have about 8 outside cats.   A friend decided to 
>> take one home, Pumpkin, and had her all fixed up at the vet with shots, spay 
>> and declaw.  She found out she has  feline leukemia.  She kept her for about 
>> a month, but I guess she was making a mess as far as using the litter box.  
>> I told her I didn't want her to go to an over crowded humane society, so I 
>> took her back.  She is now in the house, as she is front declawed, and she 
>> is not to be around the other cats with her cancer.
>> So... I've had her home since just before Christmas, and she's been fine 
>> other than not eating a whole lot.  Her stool is quiet soft, and I did find 
>> a few hard turds in two different sleeping places that she uses.  Well now 
>> today,  she had a ver messy stool on the wood floor in the hallway!! Really 
>> shocked me as she's been so good using the littler box.  
>> Is this a sign that she is getting sick, the not using the littler box?  She 
>> has a prescription for Tylosin Tartrate, and she said to give this to 
>> her(powder form), when/if she gets sick???
>> She does seems to sleep most of the day, but I know cats do do that :)  She 
>> also does purr quite loud!!  Must be a good sign.  She will play with a 
>> string too.  So she's been very happy, but now I had to resort to putting 
>> her back in the basement with her food and litter.  I might end  up sleeping 
>> down there with her again, as I did when she first came in the house.  She 
>> has had the run of the house now for weeks, but I just don't trust her since 
>> her accident.
>> I've read where infected cats can live quite long, but yet others do not.  I 
>> certainly would not want to put her thru all sorts of treatments... 
>> Thank you for your time:)))
>> I appreciate any input for my Pumpkin!
>> Tricia 
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