RE: Jersey.....

2005-06-01 Thread Chris

I’m so sorry to hear about Jersey---He was lucky to have
you and you are lucky to have had him in your life….




-Original Message-
Behalf Of stany petrov
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005
4:50 PM
Subject: Jersey.


I am very sorry to tell you that Jersey died today-

He was very sick the last two days. I was going to
take him today to the vet clinic Bonnie reccomended me but it was late...

I think the kidney problems and not the leukimia is
the cause of his death. He was crying like a baby when I touched him. He didn't
want any food and just a little bit water. He was also very anemic.

I found the strength to bury him in a very nice place
in my area. So, please put him in the Candle Light Service (May 2003- June

I wish to thank you again for all advices and help. I
am going to read the letters in this forum because I might find a way to help
you or find out something I have to know for my future pets.

I strongly believe that a personal expericene might be
much more valuable than pure theoretical knowledge. That is why I like this
forum and for 10 days I lerant many many new things for the cats.

 I don't believe in the death and I think the
place pets are going after it is still a nice one.

On the other hand,though I believe that we have to
fight for their life till the semi- end. (I know Belinda will agree with
me 100%). 

And not the vets but God knows how long our pets
will live.

I really wish that XXI century will bring the
medication against cancer. It will come from herbs a famous fortunteller Vanga
used to say.

By the way, I have some Interferon left, some predinsoline and glavamox left. I
will keep the medications and if anybody needs them, you are welcome to write
me. If anybody is passing by Toledo, OH, can pick them.

See you later,


>From: Belinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Jersey
>Date: Wed, 01 Jun 2005 11:40:48 -0700
>Hi Stan,
>   Haven't seen any posts recently and just wanted to check in on

>Jersey and you, how are you both doing?
>Happiness is being owned by cats ...
>Be-Mi-Kitties ...
>Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens
>FeLV Candle Light Service
>  (affordable hosting & web design)
>BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

RE: Re: average lifespan

2005-06-01 Thread Chris

I absolutely agree---Many cats are tested
as kittens and never tested again—even if indoor-outdoor.  This is
not a new disease but has been around forever.  So I think its really hard
to do any statistical research as unless a cat becomes ill, they are not seen.




Behalf Of Tad Burnett
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005
2:25 PM
Subject: [Norton AntiSpam] Re:
average lifespan


couple things to think about.Many many cats are POS but never tested and
many of these will never be tested because they don't get sick...and these cats
don't get put into the data base that we use to figure life expectance...So in
reality the life span average may be longer than we think
Also there are advances being made every day that may be a cure...Like feline
interferon...There is always the hope that such will be available in time for a
cat that is still well today...Plus we know things good food and
low stress that we know will help to keep him healthy...
PS...I have an old thinks she is over 12 years old but she has been
with me for almost 2 years and she is doing well...I did just loose my old
Sammy that I have had for a year and a half...I thought the 2 old timers were
past the age where it would get them but Sammy developed a huge tumor in his
mouth in just a few hours and I had to let him go to escape the pain that it
was causing him.

Chris wrote:

I’ve got a 6 + year
old who tested pos last year though vet thinks she had it all along and a 4+
that I took in as a stray last year who also turned out to be pos…. 




On Behalf Of Barbara Baass
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005
12:34 PM
Subject: RE: average lifespan


Yes, this is
very depressing. Tom was about a year and a half the vet said and I guess now
he is 2 years old.  I know now from what the group said what to expect of
his life span. Maybe another year or two.

Is Salome just
a carrier or is it in the bone marrow? To be 9 years old, she must be a

Barbara Baass

Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This is just so
depressing to think about, isn’t it?

I look at Ginger, who is
just a year old and every day, I fear of the day – but fortunately she is
doing very good and try not to think about it too much, instead, I try to
concentrate on loving her more -  I am going to continue to fight with
Ginger no matter what..


On Behalf Of Barbara Baass
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2005 3:04
Subject: Re: average lifespan


Doesn't seem to be a long life span. Looks like maybe 3 to 5 or
6 years. I believe that Tom was born with this because it is in the bone
marrow. He probably got it from his mother. It is a shame that we have to go
through pain and suffering before we die. At least most of the time we do.

Barbra Baass


Samantha was 3 (1999)

Arielle was 4-1/2 (2001)

Gareth was 6-1/2 (2003)

Alec was 5-1/2 (2003)


Salome' is still with
me.  She's 9.


RuthieGirl was 6 months
(1996 -- not a FeLV related death; she was Salome's littermate).

Siggie, Sammi, and
Guinevere are FeLV negative.


=^..^= Terri, Salome',
Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, and 5 furangels: RuthieGirl,
Samantha, Arielle, Gareth and Alec =^..^=


Furkid Photos!
My FeLV Site:
My Personal Page:

- Original
Message - 

From: Gloria
B. Lane 


Sent: Monday, May
30, 2005 11:44 PM

Subject: Re: average


Yo Jenn -

My darling Calawalla Banana Boo-boo was 3 years old. (2004)

My sweet Mittens was maybe 2.5 yrs. (2003)

My baby Mr. Black kitty was FIV and FELV+ - vet said he was 18.  I 
don't believe it.  Think he was a bit younger than that - 10 yrs 
maybe? (2002)


>Well, my Moogie, who was born with FELV, lived 18 months, but it 
>varies widely, and also, I did not take drastic measures to prolong 
>her life. Had I done everything to the extreme, she may have lived 
>to be 2 years old. I'm not really sure what the "average" life
>of FELV+ cats is, but one study has been done on the lifespan 
>expectations for cats infected with feline leukemia virus that 
>tested persistently viremic (continuously tested positive). In the 
>study, reported by Dr. Susan Cotter in the November 1991 issue of 
>the Journal of the AVMA, most cats died within two years but about 
>20% of the cats 

RE: RE: average lifespan

2005-06-01 Thread Chris

Well, Tucson hovers between 16-17 lbs
and I recently had to put her on a diet as her weight affected her breathing… 
When she slows down on eating or is in a grumpy mood, I know something is up—that’s
how I found out she was FELV+.  I’ve had her since she was a kitten,
(had fallen into a wall in my parent’s apt) & she’s never been
exposed to FELV as she was indoors only so vets I saw were sure she’s had
it since birth.  Only problems I’ve had were two episodes of very
low white blood count which vet treated with immuno-regulin.  Big Boy is a
stray I fed for a couple of years before bringing him in—I saw him every
day all that time & he was never sick.  I was floored when he tested
pos.  Its hard to tell how old he is but vet says somewhere between
4-6.  He has been asymptomatic but vet trips are a real ordeal for him so
outside of regular blood tests, I try not to take him in too often.  My
other 3 (1 older, 2 younger than Tucson), were around her and not vaccinated for FELV—They now get
tested/vaccinated once a year (we’re due this month).  Anyway, so
far so good, (knock on wood)—though I know that things can change in a




-Original Message-
Behalf Of Hideyo Yamamoto
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005
5:33 PM
Subject: [Norton AntiSpam] RE:
average lifespan


How are they both doing?
 Are they asymptomatic?


Behalf Of Chris
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005
11:28 AM
Subject: RE: average lifespan


I’ve got a 6 + year
old who tested pos last year though vet thinks she had it all along and a 4+
that I took in as a stray last year who also turned out to be pos…. 




-Original Message-
Behalf Of Barbara Baass
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005
12:34 PM
Subject: RE: average lifespan


this is very depressing. Tom was about a year and a half the vet said and I
guess now he is 2 years old.  I know now from what the group said what to
expect of his life span. Maybe another year or two.

Salome just a carrier or is it in the bone marrow? To be 9 years old,
she must be a carrier??


Hideyo Yamamoto

This is
just so depressing to think about, isn’t it?

I look
at Ginger, who is just a year old and every day, I fear of the day – but
fortunately she is doing very good and try not to think about it too much,
instead, I try to concentrate on loving her more -  I am going to continue
to fight with Ginger no matter what..


Behalf Of Barbara Baass
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2005 3:04
Subject: Re: average lifespan


Doesn't seem to be a long life span. Looks like maybe 3 to 5 or
6 years. I believe that Tom was born with this because it is in the bone
marrow. He probably got it from his mother. It is a shame that we have to go
through pain and suffering before we die. At least most of the time we do.

Barbra Baass

Terri Brown

Samantha was 3 (1999)

Arielle was 4-1/2 (2001)

Gareth was 6-1/2 (2003)

Alec was 5-1/2 (2003)


Salome' is still with me.  She's 9.


RuthieGirl was 6 months (1996 -- not a FeLV related death;
she was Salome's littermate).

Siggie, Sammi, and Guinevere are FeLV negative.


=^..^= Terri, Salome', Siggie the Tomato Vampire,
Guinevere, Sammi, and 5 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth and
Alec =^..^=


Furkid Photos!
My FeLV Site:
My Personal Page:

- Original Message - 

From: Gloria
B. Lane 


Sent: Monday, May
30, 2005 11:44 PM

Subject: Re: average


Yo Jenn

My darling Calawalla Banana Boo-boo was 3 years old. (2004)

My sweet Mittens was maybe 2.5 yrs. (2003)

My baby Mr. Black kitty was FIV and FELV+ - vet said he was 18.  I 
don't believe it.  Think he was a bit younger than that - 10 yrs 
maybe? (2002)


>Well, my Moogie, who was born with FELV, lived 18 months, but it 
>varies widely, and also, I did not take drastic measures to prolong 
>her life. Had I done everything to the extreme, she may have lived 
>to be 2 years old. I'm not really sure what the "average" life
>of FELV+ cats is, but one study has been done on the lifespan 
>expectations for cats infected with feline leukemia virus that 
>tested persistently viremic (continuously tested positive). In the 
>study, reported by Dr. Susan Cotter in the November

short little lives, but full and loved

2005-06-01 Thread Kathy Gittel
I found this quoted on another list and I find it of great comfort. I 
hope some of you can find some comfort too.

"We who choose to surround ourselves with lives even more temporary 
our own live within a fragile circle, easily & often breached. Unable 
accept its awful gaps, we still would live no other way. We cherish
memory as the only certain immortality, never fully understanding the
necessary plan..."
It's a quote from Irving Townsend from Separate Life Times.

Kathy and Deirdre

Re: Interferon mixing question re refreezing

2005-06-01 Thread Del Daniels

Unless I hear otherwise from someone, that is what 
I thought ... that it could only be frozen ONE time.   Anyone else 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005 5:14 
  Subject: Re: Interferon mixing question 
  re refreezing
  I was told to NOT re-freeze the final dilution, 
  but that was several years ago, and maybe the advise has changed these days. I 
  believe I was told, refrigerated, the final dilution has a 2 to 3 month shelf 
  collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special needs cat who 
  must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.Bazil's caretaker 
  collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they add up until she earns a 
  free can of formula!PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for 
  If you use KMR, even just one can, please ask me for the mailing address 
  you can send them to, to help feed Bazil!

  No virus found in this outgoing message.Checked by AVG 
  Anti-Virus.Version: 7.0.322 / Virus Database: 267.4.0 - Release Date: 

Re: Jersey.....

2005-06-01 Thread Del Daniels

I am sorry for your loss of Jersey.  You were 
a good daddy and he knew you loved him.  

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005 3:49 
  Subject: Jersey.
  I am very sorry to tell you that Jersey died today- 11am.
  He was very sick the last two days. I was going to take him today to the 
  vet clinic Bonnie reccomended me but it was late...
  I think the kidney problems and not the leukimia is the cause of his death. 
  He was crying like a baby when I touched him. He didn't want any food and just 
  a little bit water. He was also very anemic.
  I found the strength to bury him in a very nice place in my area. So, 
  please put him in the Candle Light Service (May 2003- June 1-2005)
  I wish to thank you again for all advices and help. I am going to read the 
  letters in this forum because I might find a way to help you or find out 
  something I have to know for my future pets.
  I strongly believe that a personal expericene might be much more valuable 
  than pure theoretical knowledge. That is why I like this forum and for 10 days 
  I lerant many many new things for the cats.
   I don't believe in the death and I think the place pets are going 
  after it is still a nice one.
  On the other hand,though I believe that we have to fight for 
  their life till the semi- end. (I know Belinda will agree with me 100%). 
  And not the vets but God knows how long our pets will live.
  I really wish that XXI century will bring the medication against cancer. It 
  will come from herbs a famous fortunteller Vanga used to 
  By the way, I have some Interferon left, some predinsoline and glavamox 
  left. I will keep the medications and if anybody needs them, you are welcome 
  to write me. If anybody is passing by Toledo, OH, can pick them.
  See you later,
  Stan>From: Belinda Sauro 
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>Reply-To:>To:>Subject: Jersey>Date: Wed, 01 Jun 
  2005 11:40:48 -0700>>Hi 
  Stan,>   Haven't seen any posts recently and just wanted to 
  check in on >Jersey and you, how are you both 
  doing?>>-->Belinda>Happiness is being owned by 
  cats ...>>Be-Mi-Kitties 
  ...>>>Post Adoptable 
  Cats/Kittens>>>FeLV Candle 
  Service>>>  (affordable 
  hosting & web 
  Designs (non-profit web 

Re: Jersey.....

2005-06-01 Thread Terri Brown

I'm so sorry he lost his fight.  Big hugs to you.
Goodnight, sweet Jersey...
=^..^= Terri, Salome', Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, and 5 
furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth and Alec =^..^=
Furkid Photos! 
FeLV Site: 
Personal Page:

  - Original Message - 
  From: stany petrov 
  Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005 4:49 
  Subject: Jersey.
  I am very sorry to tell you that Jersey died today- 11am.
  He was very sick the last two days. I was going to take him today to the 
  vet clinic Bonnie reccomended me but it was late...
  I think the kidney problems and not the leukimia is the cause of his death. 
  He was crying like a baby when I touched him. He didn't want any food and just 
  a little bit water. He was also very anemic.
  I found the strength to bury him in a very nice place in my area. So, 
  please put him in the Candle Light Service (May 2003- June 1-2005)
  I wish to thank you again for all advices and help. I am going to read the 
  letters in this forum because I might find a way to help you or find out 
  something I have to know for my future pets.
  I strongly believe that a personal expericene might be much more valuable 
  than pure theoretical knowledge. That is why I like this forum and for 10 days 
  I lerant many many new things for the cats.
   I don't believe in the death and I think the place pets are going 
  after it is still a nice one.
  On the other hand,though I believe that we have to fight for 
  their life till the semi- end. (I know Belinda will agree with me 100%). 
  And not the vets but God knows how long our pets will live.
  I really wish that XXI century will bring the medication against cancer. It 
  will come from herbs a famous fortunteller Vanga used to 
  By the way, I have some Interferon left, some predinsoline and glavamox 
  left. I will keep the medications and if anybody needs them, you are welcome 
  to write me. If anybody is passing by Toledo, OH, can pick them.
  See you later,
  Stan>From: Belinda Sauro 
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>Reply-To:>To:>Subject: Jersey>Date: Wed, 01 Jun 
  2005 11:40:48 -0700>>Hi 
  Stan,>   Haven't seen any posts recently and just wanted to 
  check in on >Jersey and you, how are you both 
  doing?>>-->Belinda>Happiness is being owned by 
  cats ...>>Be-Mi-Kitties 
  ...>>>Post Adoptable 
  Cats/Kittens>>>FeLV Candle 
  Service>>>HostDesign4Ucom  (affordable 
  hosting & web 
  Designs (non-profit web 

RE: Sam is lost - AC

2005-06-01 Thread Gloria B. Lane
Thank you!!  I did contact Jasmine - she said she didn't deal with lost 
kitties, but gave me the name of Diane Samsel, in South Carolina, and I 
have an appointment with her in the morning at 10am cst!!  Thank you!!


At 04:25 PM 6/1/2005, you wrote:

Gloria, please contact ACs to see if they can help you find Sam, this is
an emergency and I know they can help locate Sam ASAP

I am leaving a couple of ACs names and the contact info to see if they
can help - they are all very good. Some also helped locate Sally's lost
cat, too.

Good luck everything - Also, Dr. Geri Ryan has a meditation that you can
use that is effective and bring an animal home quickly - please mention
that it's an emergency.

Marta Williams - 707.829.8186
Janet Shepherd (410) 664-9960
Jasmine Indra - (207) 443-1125 510-325-2062 (cell)
Dr. Geri Ryan (instructor) 510-569-6123-
Annette Betcher 360-871-4774

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of MacKenzie,
Kerry N.
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005 3:05 PM
Subject: RE: Sam is lost - add to Candlelight Service

It's heartbreaking---I hope and pray Sam is found safe.
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gloria B. Lane
Sent: Sunday, May 29, 2005 10:55 PM
Subject: Sam is lost - add to Candlelight Service

Hi - Belinda would you add Sam to the Candlelight Service, special
needs list?  Sam is lost.  He belonged to an older lady whose family
we know.  She became sick and  I found a foster home.

The foster mom accidently let Sam outside last weekend, and he hasn't
been seen since.  Susan and I've been going over and passing out
flyers and looking for him in the neighborhood.

Sam is a 17 year old Siamese cat, never been outside before that I
know of.  Prayers and good thoughts and vibes are appreciated.

Thanks -


This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are
addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the
system manager. This message contains confidential information and is
intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named
addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail.

Re: Jersey.....

2005-06-01 Thread Gloria B. Lane
Oh Stan, my heart goes out to you, I'm so so sorry.   We all know how hard 
it is, how sad it is.  Thank you for your kind words telling us about 
Jersey's passing. Thank you for your help to me in my searching for Sam, 
who is still lost.  Sleep soft sweet Jersey.


At 03:49 PM 6/1/2005, you wrote:

I am very sorry to tell you that Jersey died today- 11am.

Re: Jersey.....

2005-06-01 Thread Lernermichelle

I am so sorry.  Oh, God, we have lost so many recently on this 
list.  It is such a horrible thing to lose these babies. I am so 

Re: Jersey.....

2005-06-01 Thread felv

Stan, I'm so sorry that you lost Jersey. You have 
my deepest condolences. 
I'm glad to hear you are considering staying on 
the list. When my Moogie died, I left the list for a while (like a year or so), 
but then I came back because the people here are so wonderful, and they listen 
to you and try to help with anything they can (even if it's not FELV related). 
This is the single most supportive group of people I have ever known in my 
entire life. We'd love to have you stay, but if you need time, we certainly 
understand that too! Take care of yourself.
In Sympathy,Jenn
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.322 / Virus Database: 267.4.0 - Release Date: 6/1/2005

Re: Interferon mixing question re refreezing

2005-06-01 Thread felv

I was told to NOT re-freeze the final dilution, 
but that was several years ago, and maybe the advise has changed these days. I 
believe I was told, refrigerated, the final dilution has a 2 to 3 month shelf 

collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special needs cat who 
must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.Bazil's caretaker 
collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they add up until she earns a free 
can of formula!PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil!
If you use KMR, even just one can, please ask me for the mailing address 
you can send them to, to help feed Bazil!
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.322 / Virus Database: 267.4.0 - Release Date: 6/1/2005

Re: Jersey.....

2005-06-01 Thread Sheila208
I'm so sorry Stan . God bless you for loving Jersey. You now have a little kitty angel looking down on you. I know that Jersey is happy and healthy where there are others like him to run and play with. I pray that you will be happy again with another fur baby. You have a lot to give. I believe when one of our babies leave us they send another in to our lives. So be prepared. One day soon you may find another one to care for.  Sheila

RE: average lifespan

2005-06-01 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

How are they both doing?  Are they asymptomatic?


Behalf Of Chris
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005
11:28 AM
Subject: RE: average lifespan


I’ve got a 6 + year old who tested pos
last year though vet thinks she had it all along and a 4+ that I took in as a
stray last year who also turned out to be pos….  




-Original Message-
Behalf Of Barbara Baass
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005
12:34 PM
Subject: RE: average lifespan


Yes, this is
very depressing. Tom was about a year and a half the vet said and I guess now
he is 2 years old.  I know now from what the group said what to expect of
his life span. Maybe another year or two.

Is Salome just
a carrier or is it in the bone marrow? To be 9 years old, she must be a

Barbara Baass

Hideyo Yamamoto

This is just so
depressing to think about, isn’t it?

I look at Ginger, who is
just a year old and every day, I fear of the day – but fortunately she is
doing very good and try not to think about it too much, instead, I try to
concentrate on loving her more -  I am going to continue to fight with
Ginger no matter what..


Behalf Of Barbara Baass
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2005 3:04
Subject: Re: average lifespan


Doesn't seem to be a long life span. Looks like maybe 3 to 5 or
6 years. I believe that Tom was born with this because it is in the bone
marrow. He probably got it from his mother. It is a shame that we have to go
through pain and suffering before we die. At least most of the time we do.

Barbra Baass

Terri Brown

Samantha was 3 (1999)

Arielle was 4-1/2 (2001)

Gareth was 6-1/2 (2003)

Alec was 5-1/2 (2003)


Salome' is still with me.  She's 9.


RuthieGirl was 6 months (1996 -- not a FeLV related
death; she was Salome's littermate).

Siggie, Sammi, and Guinevere are FeLV negative.


=^..^= Terri, Salome', Siggie the Tomato Vampire,
Guinevere, Sammi, and 5 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth and
Alec =^..^=


Furkid Photos!
My FeLV Site:
My Personal Page:

- Original Message - 

From: Gloria
B. Lane 


Sent: Monday, May
30, 2005 11:44 PM

Subject: Re: average


Yo Jenn -

My darling Calawalla Banana Boo-boo was 3 years old. (2004)

My sweet Mittens was maybe 2.5 yrs. (2003)

My baby Mr. Black kitty was FIV and FELV+ - vet said he was 18.  I 
don't believe it.  Think he was a bit younger than that - 10 yrs 
maybe? (2002)


>Well, my Moogie, who was born with FELV, lived 18 months, but it 
>varies widely, and also, I did not take drastic measures to prolong 
>her life. Had I done everything to the extreme, she may have lived 
>to be 2 years old. I'm not really sure what the "average" life
>of FELV+ cats is, but one study has been done on the lifespan 
>expectations for cats infected with feline leukemia virus that 
>tested persistently viremic (continuously tested positive). In the 
>study, reported by Dr. Susan Cotter in the November 1991 issue of 
>the Journal of the AVMA, most cats died within two years but about 
>20% of the cats lived three or more years. Of course, if everyone 
>here tells you how old their FELV+ furangels were when they passed 
>on, then you'll get a good sampling, and be able to draw your own 
>conclusions, but you'll have to know how long they had the virus, 
>not just how long they lived, because some of them may have caught 
>it later in life, and that would skew the numbers.
>This could potentially be a very interesting thread, I wonder if we 
>qualify as a "study group"?

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RE: Sam is lost - add to Candlelight Service

2005-06-01 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
Gloria, please contact ACs to see if they can help you find Sam, this is
an emergency and I know they can help locate Sam ASAP

I am leaving a couple of ACs names and the contact info to see if they
can help - they are all very good. Some also helped locate Sally's lost
cat, too.

Good luck everything - Also, Dr. Geri Ryan has a meditation that you can
use that is effective and bring an animal home quickly - please mention
that it's an emergency.

Marta Williams - 707.829.8186 
Janet Shepherd (410) 664-9960
Jasmine Indra - (207) 443-1125 510-325-2062 (cell)
Dr. Geri Ryan (instructor) 510-569-6123- 
Annette Betcher 360-871-4774

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of MacKenzie,
Kerry N.
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005 3:05 PM
Subject: RE: Sam is lost - add to Candlelight Service

It's heartbreaking---I hope and pray Sam is found safe. 
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gloria B. Lane
Sent: Sunday, May 29, 2005 10:55 PM
Subject: Sam is lost - add to Candlelight Service

Hi - Belinda would you add Sam to the Candlelight Service, special 
needs list?  Sam is lost.  He belonged to an older lady whose family 
we know.  She became sick and  I found a foster home.

The foster mom accidently let Sam outside last weekend, and he hasn't 
been seen since.  Susan and I've been going over and passing out 
flyers and looking for him in the neighborhood.

Sam is a 17 year old Siamese cat, never been outside before that I 
know of.  Prayers and good thoughts and vibes are appreciated.

Thanks -


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intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are
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Re: Jersey.....

2005-06-01 Thread TenHouseCats
i'm sorry, stany--thank you for loving him and letting him know his
life mattered. since no one can prove to me that the rainbow bridge
DOESN'T exist, i choose to believe that all my furred friends are
happy and healthy there!


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

RE: Bones... please help her!

2005-06-01 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message

Sending positive healing vibes for Bones...I know she 
can't be described as lucky as far as her health goes, but boy, is she 
lucky that she found you.
keep us posted on her progress when you get time.

-Original Message-From: 
On Behalf Of JennSent: Sunday, May 29, 2005 12:57 
AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; sphynx rescue 
yahoogroup;; Dianne AldanSubject: 
Bones... please help her!
Hi everyone. Some of you may, or may not know 
about my newest rescue cat, Bones. She was almost dead when some local kids 
brought her to me last Wednesday night. I have nursed her out of severe 
hypothermia and starvation, but I am fairly sure she has a broken back (she 
still needs x-rays, and has an appointment on Wednesday). She is going to need 
surgery to stabilize the bones in her back, to ever get to have any normal 
quality of life, and be free of the pain she is in (she is in extreme pain if 
she moves at all now, it has gotten worse today than it was). I will be calling 
around tomorrow to area vets to get an estimate of the costs, and I will 
probably need help. If anyone can donate any amount to help Bones get her 
surgery, we would be very grateful. I will be setting up a special fund, 
and as soon as I know which vet I will be using, I will post the info. If 
any of you know (or are) a vet within a 100 mile radius of Vermont who would be 
willing to do Bone's surgery now and take payments, please let me know! 

In addition, we would also be very grateful for 
any prayers and positive energy you could send our way right now. I lost my 
beloved Do-Dah to a broken spine in 1998, and this is very hard for me, but I 
refuse to let Bones die from injuries that could be fixed if only we had money. 
I will be working many hours and doing everything I can to get her into surgery 
as quickly as possible. The sooner she gets her spine stabilized, the better 
chance she will have of ever being able to walk again (she could walk yesterday, 
today she can barely stand). Of course, even if she needs a wheelchair, I will 
still be keeping her and doing everything I can to help her have as good of 
a quality of life as I possibly can. This is my shot at redemption, I believe, 
because I could not help Do-Dah when he has this same injury. Please keep us in 
your thoughts, if you can, we need all the help we can get.
Bones is a very tiny snowshoe girl, she is a seal 
point with ice blue eyes, a big meow, and a loud and grateful purr. I named her 
Bones because she was, literally, so thin you could see every bone in her body 
when she first arrived (yes, only 3 days of nursing have made a huge difference 
already!). Please send her any positive energy you can spare! She has such a big 
heart, for such a poor little thing!

collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special needs cat who 
must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.Bazil's caretaker 
collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they add up until she earns a free 
can of formula!PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil!
If you use KMR, even just one can, please ask me for the mailing address 
you can send them to, to help feed Bazil!This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail.

RE: Sam is lost - add to Candlelight Service

2005-06-01 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.

It's heartbreaking---I hope and pray Sam is found safe. 
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gloria B. Lane
Sent: Sunday, May 29, 2005 10:55 PM
Subject: Sam is lost - add to Candlelight Service

Hi - Belinda would you add Sam to the Candlelight Service, special 
needs list?  Sam is lost.  He belonged to an older lady whose family 
we know.  She became sick and  I found a foster home.

The foster mom accidently let Sam outside last weekend, and he hasn't 
been seen since.  Susan and I've been going over and passing out 
flyers and looking for him in the neighborhood.

Sam is a 17 year old Siamese cat, never been outside before that I 
know of.  Prayers and good thoughts and vibes are appreciated.

Thanks -


This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended 
solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If 
you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. This 
message contains confidential information and is intended only for the 
individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not 
disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail.

RE: Jersey.....

2005-06-01 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
Title: Message

Hi, Stan,

I am so very sorry to hear about Jersey –

Though I felt much sorrow in your message,
I also felt lots of brightness in your message, and I agree with what you said
about - 


On the
other hand,though I believe that we have to fight for their life till the
semi- end. (I know Belinda will agree with me 100%). 

And not the
vets but God knows how long our pets will live.

I believe that the fate can be changed with
our love and dedications not matter what path is there for them – 

Thank you very much for taking good care of
Jersey – he is now free of pain – his soul is probably happily right
besides you ---


Behalf Of MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005
2:57 PM
Subject: RE: Jersey.


Dear Stan

I am so very sorry. Although I haven't
been posting, because you got so much excellent advice from members much more
knowledgeable than me, I have been following the story of your and Jersey's struggle. I am glad he knew he had such a
loving, caring friend looking out for him right to the end.

with much sympathy

take care,


-Original Message-
On Behalf Of stany petrov
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005
3:50 PM
Subject: Jersey.

I am very
sorry to tell you that Jersey died today-

He was
very sick the last two days. I was going to take him today to the vet clinic
Bonnie reccomended me but it was late...

I think
the kidney problems and not the leukimia is the cause of his death. He was
crying like a baby when I touched him. He didn't want any food and just a
little bit water. He was also very anemic.

I found
the strength to bury him in a very nice place in my area. So, please put him in
the Candle Light Service (May 2003- June 1-2005)

I wish to
thank you again for all advices and help. I am going to read the letters in
this forum because I might find a way to help you or find out something I have
to know for my future pets.

strongly believe that a personal expericene might be much more valuable than
pure theoretical knowledge. That is why I like this forum and for 10 days I
lerant many many new things for the cats.

don't believe in the death and I think the place pets are going after it is
still a nice one.

On the
other hand,though I believe that we have to fight for their life till the
semi- end. (I know Belinda will agree with me 100%). 

And not the
vets but God knows how long our pets will live.

I really
wish that XXI century will bring the medication against cancer. It will come
from herbs a famous fortunteller Vanga used to say.

By the way, I have some Interferon left, some predinsoline and glavamox left. I
will keep the medications and if anybody needs them, you are welcome to write
me. If anybody is passing by Toledo,
 OH, can pick them.

See you


>From: Belinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Jersey
>Date: Wed, 01 Jun 2005 11:40:48 -0700
>Hi Stan,
>   Haven't seen any posts recently and just wanted to check in on

>Jersey and you, how are you both doing?
>Happiness is being owned by cats ...
>Be-Mi-Kitties ...
>Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens
>FeLV Candle Light Service
>  (affordable hosting & web design)
>BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

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manager. This message contains confidential information and is intended only
for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not
disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail.

Re: Jersey.....

2005-06-01 Thread Belinda Sauro

 I have added him to the service.

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting & web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

RE: Jersey.....

2005-06-01 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message

I am 
so very sorry. Although I haven't been posting, because you got so much 
excellent advice from members much more knowledgeable than me, I have been 
following the story of your and Jersey's struggle. I am glad he knew he had such 
a loving, caring friend looking out for him right to the 
much sympathy

-Original Message-From: 
On Behalf Of stany petrovSent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005 3:50 
PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: 

I am very sorry to tell you that Jersey died today- 11am.
He was very sick the last two days. I was going to take him today to the vet 
clinic Bonnie reccomended me but it was late...
I think the kidney problems and not the leukimia is the cause of his death. 
He was crying like a baby when I touched him. He didn't want any food and just a 
little bit water. He was also very anemic.
I found the strength to bury him in a very nice place in my area. So, please 
put him in the Candle Light Service (May 2003- June 1-2005)
I wish to thank you again for all advices and help. I am going to read the 
letters in this forum because I might find a way to help you or find out 
something I have to know for my future pets.
I strongly believe that a personal expericene might be much more valuable 
than pure theoretical knowledge. That is why I like this forum and for 10 days I 
lerant many many new things for the cats.
 I don't believe in the death and I think the place pets are going after 
it is still a nice one.
On the other hand,though I believe that we have to fight for their life 
till the semi- end. (I know Belinda will agree with me 100%). 
And not the vets but God knows how long our pets will live.
I really wish that XXI century will bring the medication against cancer. It 
will come from herbs a famous fortunteller Vanga used to 
By the way, I have some Interferon left, some predinsoline and glavamox 
left. I will keep the medications and if anybody needs them, you are welcome to 
write me. If anybody is passing by Toledo, OH, can pick them.
See you later,
Stan>From: Belinda Sauro 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>Reply-To:>To:>Subject: Jersey>Date: Wed, 01 Jun 2005 
11:40:48 -0700>>Hi 
Stan,>   Haven't seen any posts recently and just wanted to 
check in on >Jersey and you, how are you both 
doing?>>-->Belinda>Happiness is being owned by cats 
...>>>Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP 
Cats/Kittens>>>FeLV Candle 
Service>>>  (affordable 
hosting & web 
Designs (non-profit web 
sites)>>>This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail.

Re: Jersey.....

2005-06-01 Thread Belinda Sauro

 I'm very sorry to hear Jersey has passed, you did your best and Jersey 
knew that.  Hopefully he will let you know he is OK on the other side, I 
too believe in an after life here existence.  Prayers for comfort for 
you and a peaceful swift journey for Jersey as he starts this new 
adventure.  Take care ...

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting & web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: Jersey.....

2005-06-01 Thread Barb Moermond
Oh Stan, I am so sorry your best buddy Jersey has gone ahead.  But he had the best daddy possible and was able to pass at home.  I'm glad you will stay with us; this is an amazing group of people.

I am very sorry to tell you that Jersey died today- 11am.
He was very sick the last two days. I was going to take him today to the vet clinic Bonnie reccomended me but it was late...
I think the kidney problems and not the leukimia is the cause of his death. He was crying like a baby when I touched him. He didn't want any food and just a little bit water. He was also very anemic.
I found the strength to bury him in a very nice place in my area. So, please put him in the Candle Light Service (May 2003- June 1-2005)
I wish to thank you again for all advices and help. I am going to read the letters in this forum because I might find a way to help you or find out something I have to know for my future pets.
I strongly believe that a personal expericene might be much more valuable than pure theoretical knowledge. That is why I like this forum and for 10 days I lerant many many new things for the cats.
 I don't believe in the death and I think the place pets are going after it is still a nice one.
On the other hand,though I believe that we have to fight for their life till the semi- end. (I know Belinda will agree with me 100%). 
And not the vets but God knows how long our pets will live.
I really wish that XXI century will bring the medication against cancer. It will come from herbs a famous fortunteller Vanga used to say.
By the way, I have some Interferon left, some predinsoline and glavamox left. I will keep the medications and if anybody needs them, you are welcome to write me. If anybody is passing by Toledo, OH, can pick them.
See you later,
Stan>From: Belinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>Reply-To:>To:>Subject: Jersey>Date: Wed, 01 Jun 2005 11:40:48 -0700>>Hi Stan,>   Haven't seen any posts recently and just wanted to check in on >Jersey and you, how are you both doing?>>-->Belinda>Happiness is being owned by cats ...>>Be-Mi-Kitties ...>>>Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens>>>FeLV Candle Light Service>>>  (affordable hosting & web design)>>>--->>BMK Designs (non-profit web
 sites)>>>Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito"My cat the clown:  paying no mind to whom he should impress.  Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile."- Anonymous
		Discover Yahoo! 
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RE: Jersey.....

2005-06-01 Thread Weese, Tracy

I am so sorry Stany.  I know we all hoped he would pull through.  I hope you will consider another cat when you have healed.  You sound like a good cat dad.  Rest easy, dear Jersey.

- Original Message - 

From: stany petrov 
Sent: 6/1/2005 4:49:36 PM 
Subject: Jersey.

I am very sorry to tell you that Jersey died today- 11am.
He was very sick the last two days. I was going to take him today to the vet clinic Bonnie reccomended me but it was late...
I think the kidney problems and not the leukimia is the cause of his death. He was crying like a baby when I touched him. He didn't want any food and just a little bit water. He was also very anemic.
I found the strength to bury him in a very nice place in my area. So, please put him in the Candle Light Service (May 2003- June 1-2005)
I wish to thank you again for all advices and help. I am going to read the letters in this forum because I might find a way to help you or find out something I have to know for my future pets.
I strongly believe that a personal expericene might be much more valuable than pure theoretical knowledge. That is why I like this forum and for 10 days I lerant many many new things for the cats.
 I don't believe in the death and I think the place pets are going after it is still a nice one.
On the other hand,though I believe that we have to fight for their life till the semi- end. (I know Belinda will agree with me 100%). 
And not the vets but God knows how long our pets will live.
I really wish that XXI century will bring the medication against cancer. It will come from herbs a famous fortunteller Vanga used to say.
By the way, I have some Interferon left, some predinsoline and glavamox left. I will keep the medications and if anybody needs them, you are welcome to write me. If anybody is passing by Toledo, OH, can pick them.
See you later,
Stan>From: Belinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>Reply-To:>To:>Subject: Jersey>Date: Wed, 01 Jun 2005 11:40:48 -0700>>Hi Stan,>   Haven't seen any posts recently and just wanted to check in on >Jersey and you, how are you both doing?>>-->Belinda>Happiness is being owned by cats ...>>Be-Mi-Kitties ...>>>Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens>>>FeLV Candle Light Service>>>  (affordable hosting & web design)>>>--->>BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)>>>


2005-06-01 Thread stany petrov

I am very sorry to tell you that Jersey died today- 11am.
He was very sick the last two days. I was going to take him today to the vet clinic Bonnie reccomended me but it was late...
I think the kidney problems and not the leukimia is the cause of his death. He was crying like a baby when I touched him. He didn't want any food and just a little bit water. He was also very anemic.
I found the strength to bury him in a very nice place in my area. So, please put him in the Candle Light Service (May 2003- June 1-2005)
I wish to thank you again for all advices and help. I am going to read the letters in this forum because I might find a way to help you or find out something I have to know for my future pets.
I strongly believe that a personal expericene might be much more valuable than pure theoretical knowledge. That is why I like this forum and for 10 days I lerant many many new things for the cats.
 I don't believe in the death and I think the place pets are going after it is still a nice one.
On the other hand,though I believe that we have to fight for their life till the semi- end. (I know Belinda will agree with me 100%). 
And not the vets but God knows how long our pets will live.
I really wish that XXI century will bring the medication against cancer. It will come from herbs a famous fortunteller Vanga used to say.
By the way, I have some Interferon left, some predinsoline and glavamox left. I will keep the medications and if anybody needs them, you are welcome to write me. If anybody is passing by Toledo, OH, can pick them.
See you later,
Stan>From: Belinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>Reply-To:>To:>Subject: Jersey>Date: Wed, 01 Jun 2005 11:40:48 -0700>>Hi Stan,>   Haven't seen any posts recently and just wanted to check in on >Jersey and you, how are you both doing?>>-->Belinda>Happiness is being owned by cats ...>>Be-Mi-Kitties ...>>>Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens>>>FeLV Candle Light Service>>>  (affordable hosting & web design)>>>--->>BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)>>>

Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 5, Issue 3

2005-06-01 Thread Lomaxturtle

I don't know if Bramble has ever had a FeLV shot. Like I said I've only had 
these 3 for just over 3 weeks now from the sanctuary. There they put FIV and 
FeLV cats in a pen together which is crazy - they should never expose an FIV cat 
to an FeLV cat (a) a because FeLV is easier to spread than FIV and especially to 
an FIV cat and (b) both will be more prone to infection and there is a higher 
risk of cross infections or so I would assume. Unfortunately they don't appear 
to know enough about either disease and just assume they are the 
same in that they weaken the immune system. So there is every chance that 
Both Bramble and Buddy are FIV and FeLV+ because they have been living together 
with Minstrel for 2 years already. The sanctuary manager just said well the 
diseases are much the same thing really - I accepted that until I started to 
research more on FeLV and found out that was rubbish. The more knowledgeable 
people I have met via internet based support groups were shocked to hear 
that the sanctuary kept them together. When the whole situation with 
Bramble has settled whichever way that turns out - I am going to get Buddy and 
Minstrel both checked again to see what I am dealing with - they have only been 
tested once when they were younger as far as I know and they are now 2 
years old. I need them to settle a bit more first - they are great affectionate 
cats and settled well but they won't let me pick them up so I can't get a hold 
of them yet. Bramble does but he is about 9 and not in good health.
Michelle L


2005-06-01 Thread Belinda Sauro

   Hi Stan,
  Haven't seen any posts recently and just wanted to check in on Jersey 
and you, how are you both doing?

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting & web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: average lifespan

2005-06-01 Thread Tad Burnett

A couple things to think about.Many many cats are
POS but never tested and many of these will never be tested because
they don't get sick...and these cats don't get put into the data base
that we use to figure life expectance...So in reality the life span
average may be longer than we think
Also there are advances being made every day that may be a cure...Like
feline interferon...There is always the hope that such will be
available in time for a cat that is still well today...Plus we know
things good food and low stress that we know will help to
keep him healthy...
PS...I have an old thinks she is over 12 years old but she
has been with me for almost 2 years and she is doing well...I did just
loose my old Sammy that I have had for a year and a half...I thought
the 2 old timers were past the age where it would get them but Sammy
developed a huge tumor in his mouth in just a few hours and I had to
let him go to escape the pain that it was causing him.

Chris wrote:

  I’ve got a 6
+ year old who tested
pos last year though vet thinks she had it all along and a 4+ that I
took in as
a stray last year who also turned out to be pos….  
Behalf Of Barbara Baass
  Sent: Wednesday, June
01, 2005
12:34 PM
  Subject: RE: average
  Yes, this is
very depressing. Tom was about a year and a half the vet said and I
guess now
he is 2 years old.  I know now from what the group said what to expect
his life span. Maybe another year or two.
  Is Salome just
a carrier or is it in the bone marrow? To be 9 years old, she must be a
  Barbara Baass
This is just
depressing to think about, isn’t it?
I look at
Ginger, who is
just a year old and every day, I fear of the day – but fortunately she
doing very good and try not to think about it too much, instead, I try
concentrate on loving her more -  I am going to continue to fight with
Ginger no matter what..

Behalf Of Barbara Baass
Sent: Tuesday, May
31, 2005 3:04
Subject: Re: average


Doesn't seem to be a
long life span. Looks like maybe 3 to 5 or
6 years. I believe that Tom was born with this because it is in the
marrow. He probably got it from his mother. It is a shame that we have
to go
through pain and suffering before we die. At least most of the time we

Barbra Baass


was 3 (1999)
was 4-1/2 (2001)
was 6-1/2 (2003)
was 5-1/2 (2003)
is still with me.  She's 9.
was 6 months (1996 -- not a FeLV related
death; she was Salome's littermate).
Sammi, and Guinevere are FeLV negative.
Terri, Salome', Siggie the Tomato Vampire,
Guinevere, Sammi, and 5 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle,
Gareth and
Alec =^..^=
My FeLV Site:
My Personal Page:

- Original Message

From: Gloria
B. Lane 


Sent: Monday, May
30, 2005 11:44 PM

Subject: Re: average


Yo Jenn

My darling Calawalla Banana Boo-boo was 3 years old. (2004)

My sweet Mittens was maybe 2.5 yrs. (2003)

My baby Mr. Black kitty was FIV and FELV+ - vet said he was 18.  I 
don't believe it.  Think he was a bit younger than that - 10 yrs 
maybe? (2002)


>Well, my Moogie, who was born with FELV, lived 18 months, but it 
>varies widely, and also, I did not take drastic measures to prolong

>her life. Had I done everything to the extreme, she may have lived 
>to be 2 years old. I'm not really sure what the "average" life
>of FELV+ cats is, but one study has been done on the lifespan 
>expectations for cats infected with feline leukemia virus that 
>tested persistently viremic (continuously tested positive). In the 
>study, reported by Dr. Susan Cotter in the November 1991 issue of 
>the Journal of the AVMA, most cats died within two years but about 
>20% of the cats lived three or more ye

Re: average lifespan

2005-06-01 Thread Belinda Sauro
FeLV in the bone marrow is dormant until something sets it off as I 
understand it, that's why a cat that tests positive on the IFA is 
generally thought to be unable to convert to negative, because it is 
already in the bone marrow.  I do remember a few years back though 
hearing about an IFA positive that restested with an IFA later and was 
negative.  Gets confusing, and that's why if my Bailey ever becomes 
active I will try anything and everything, because with this disease 
nothing is written in stone :)

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting & web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: Cats ...

2005-06-01 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
That is wonderful...and so true, thank you for sharing ;-))
CherieMarlene Chornie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello Group,
    I received this email from my brother-in-law yesterday (he and his wife are also cat people).  I wanted to share his thoughts with you, as I found it quite consoling and hope others may find some comfort as well.
"I think of cats and other animals a lot and I think of our cats especially now, Digby.
Cats have no concept of time, therefore they can't contemplate the past and have no concept of the future.  They only live the very present.  They don't like to be uncomfortable, afraid, hungry, thirsty, in pain etc.  Digby was kept warm, was always well fed, didn't experience any harsh pain, had no reason to be afraid, always had company and clean water to drink.  In other words he received the best of care.
If he could now be interviewed and asked the question what his life was like on earth, he would definitely say, "My life with Marlene and Nick was the GREATEST!"
(Pekoe & Angel Digby)Have a purrfect day

Interferon mixing question re refreezing

2005-06-01 Thread Del Daniels

I have the initial mix of Interferon with saline 
frozen in 99 syringes - used up the first syringe which was mixed into 
saline and frozen (first freeze) in 100 syringes.
My question:  Now I need to mix another batch 
... thaw a concentrated syringe and mix with saline will provide 100 syringes of 
ready-to-use ...CAN I FREEZE THESE?  If not, I will only use three months 
of interferon from this batch, and will have to mix another batch in three 
months.  Which would be okay, I just need to know.  If it can refreeze 
a second time I will have some to last a looong time.  Presently have 
three kitties taking it.
I hope I have made my question clear.

RE: average lifespan

2005-06-01 Thread Chris

I’ve got a 6 + year old who tested
pos last year though vet thinks she had it all along and a 4+ that I took in as
a stray last year who also turned out to be pos….  




-Original Message-
Behalf Of Barbara Baass
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005
12:34 PM
Subject: RE: average lifespan


Yes, this is
very depressing. Tom was about a year and a half the vet said and I guess now
he is 2 years old.  I know now from what the group said what to expect of
his life span. Maybe another year or two.

Is Salome just
a carrier or is it in the bone marrow? To be 9 years old, she must be a

Barbara Baass

Hideyo Yamamoto

This is just so
depressing to think about, isn’t it?

I look at Ginger, who is
just a year old and every day, I fear of the day – but fortunately she is
doing very good and try not to think about it too much, instead, I try to
concentrate on loving her more -  I am going to continue to fight with
Ginger no matter what..


Behalf Of Barbara Baass
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2005 3:04
Subject: Re: average lifespan


Doesn't seem to be a long life span. Looks like maybe 3 to 5 or
6 years. I believe that Tom was born with this because it is in the bone
marrow. He probably got it from his mother. It is a shame that we have to go
through pain and suffering before we die. At least most of the time we do.

Barbra Baass

Terri Brown

Samantha was 3 (1999)

Arielle was 4-1/2 (2001)

Gareth was 6-1/2 (2003)

Alec was 5-1/2 (2003)


Salome' is still with me.  She's 9.


RuthieGirl was 6 months (1996 -- not a FeLV related
death; she was Salome's littermate).

Siggie, Sammi, and Guinevere are FeLV negative.


=^..^= Terri, Salome', Siggie the Tomato Vampire,
Guinevere, Sammi, and 5 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth and
Alec =^..^=


Furkid Photos!
My FeLV Site:
My Personal Page:

- Original Message - 

From: Gloria
B. Lane 


Sent: Monday, May
30, 2005 11:44 PM

Subject: Re: average


Yo Jenn

My darling Calawalla Banana Boo-boo was 3 years old. (2004)

My sweet Mittens was maybe 2.5 yrs. (2003)

My baby Mr. Black kitty was FIV and FELV+ - vet said he was 18.  I 
don't believe it.  Think he was a bit younger than that - 10 yrs 
maybe? (2002)


>Well, my Moogie, who was born with FELV, lived 18 months, but it 
>varies widely, and also, I did not take drastic measures to prolong 
>her life. Had I done everything to the extreme, she may have lived 
>to be 2 years old. I'm not really sure what the "average" life
>of FELV+ cats is, but one study has been done on the lifespan 
>expectations for cats infected with feline leukemia virus that 
>tested persistently viremic (continuously tested positive). In the 
>study, reported by Dr. Susan Cotter in the November 1991 issue of 
>the Journal of the AVMA, most cats died within two years but about 
>20% of the cats lived three or more years. Of course, if everyone 
>here tells you how old their FELV+ furangels were when they passed 
>on, then you'll get a good sampling, and be able to draw your own 
>conclusions, but you'll have to know how long they had the virus, 
>not just how long they lived, because some of them may have caught 
>it later in life, and that would skew the numbers.
>This could potentially be a very interesting thread, I wonder if we 
>qualify as a "study group"?

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RE: life span and losses

2005-06-01 Thread Chris

I have 2 pos FELV & 3 negs… The
negs were all exposed to one of the pos for years before I knew she had it—they
have tested neg but I do give them FELV shots once a year (they have to be
retested each time before vet will give them shot)




-Original Message-
Behalf Of Barbara Baass
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005
12:22 PM
Subject: Re: life span and losses


I was
wondering if Bramble has ever had a felv shot? I worry about my other 4
non-positive ones getting Felv from Tom, especially the younger one that was 6
years old in May, Tasha. I had her since she was a baby at 6 weeks and she
will always be my baby cat no matter how old she gets. She was the one that was
shot with a pellet gun when I found her in my garage.

Barbara Baass


I'm so sorry to hear of those of you who have lost you beloved
furkids. It is so painful and I still miss my dear girl now even though it is 2
months since her death. I think I ended up coping by writing her a poem and
drawing her aswell as being around other animals and taking my 3 new cats.
Bramble is not a well cat I'm afraid and we are getting him on Feline Omega
Interferon tomorrow - certainly think it's calcivirus. And although Bramble is
FIV+ he could also have FeLV as he lives with an FeLV+ cat - I'm not testing
him though as he is reaching close to the end with the FIV I think. He
will be tested for Calicivirus too tomorrow. My FeLV+ cat is just so
mischeivious and looks so healthy although she too will be taking a trip to the
vet as she has a little bit of a runny nose but is coping well - she keeps
jumping on and off the wardrobe and diving in and out of her playing tunnel
chasing her buddy - Bramble just lets them get on with it. I think it was all
triggered by the stress of them changing homes when they came out of the animal
sanctuary 3 weeks ago into their new home.


I will
try what I can for Bramble but if he has no improvement I think it will be
kinder for him to be sent up to play with my Tidge at rainbow bridge until I
get there.


I also
hadn't realised that the FeLV+ cat life span was commonly so short so thanks
for discussing that as it will be useful to me cope with that when that time
arrives - so difficult when they have to pass over but helping them and knowing
they are well loved is well worth the heartache. 





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RE: average lifespan

2005-06-01 Thread Barbara Baass
Yes, this is very depressing. Tom was about a year and a half the vet said and I guess now he is 2 years old.  I know now from what the group said what to expect of his life span. Maybe another year or two.
Is Salome just a carrier or is it in the bone marrow? To be 9 years old, she must be a carrier??
Barbara BaassHideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This is just so depressing to think about, isn’t it?
I look at Ginger, who is just a year old and every day, I fear of the day – but fortunately she is doing very good and try not to think about it too much, instead, I try to concentrate on loving her more -  I am going to continue to fight with Ginger no matter what..

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Barbara BaassSent: Tuesday, May 31, 2005 3:04 PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: average lifespan

Doesn't seem to be a long life span. Looks like maybe 3 to 5 or 6 years. I believe that Tom was born with this because it is in the bone marrow. He probably got it from his mother. It is a shame that we have to go through pain and suffering before we die. At least most of the time we do.

Barbra BaassTerri Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Samantha was 3 (1999)

Arielle was 4-1/2 (2001)

Gareth was 6-1/2 (2003)

Alec was 5-1/2 (2003)


Salome' is still with me.  She's 9.


RuthieGirl was 6 months (1996 -- not a FeLV related death; she was Salome's littermate).

Siggie, Sammi, and Guinevere are FeLV negative.


=^..^= Terri, Salome', Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, and 5 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth and Alec =^..^=


Furkid Photos! FeLV Site: Personal Page:

- Original Message - 

From: Gloria B. Lane 


Sent: Monday, May 30, 2005 11:44 PM

Subject: Re: average lifespan

Yo Jenn -My darling Calawalla Banana Boo-boo was 3 years old. (2004)My sweet Mittens was maybe 2.5 yrs. (2003)My baby Mr. Black kitty was FIV and FELV+ - vet said he was 18.  I don't believe it.  Think he was a bit younger than that - 10 yrs maybe? (2002)Gloria>Well, my Moogie, who was born with FELV, lived 18 months, but it >varies widely, and also, I did not take drastic measures to prolong >her life. Had I done everything to the extreme, she may have lived >to be 2 years old. I'm not really sure what the "average" life span >of FELV+ cats is, but one study has been done on the lifespan >expectations for cats infected with feline leukemia virus that >tested persistently viremic (continuously tested positive). In the >study, reported by Dr. Susan Cotter in the
 November 1991 issue of >the Journal of the AVMA, most cats died within two years but about >20% of the cats lived three or more years. Of course, if everyone >here tells you how old their FELV+ furangels were when they passed >on, then you'll get a good sampling, and be able to draw your own >conclusions, but you'll have to know how long they had the virus, >not just how long they lived, because some of them may have caught >it later in life, and that would skew the numbers.>>This could potentially be a very interesting thread, I wonder if we >qualify as a "study group"?>>Jenn>>

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Re: life span and losses

2005-06-01 Thread Barbara Baass
I was wondering if Bramble has ever had a felv shot? I worry about my other 4 non-positive ones getting Felv from Tom, especially the younger one that was 6 years old in May, Tasha. I had her since she was a baby at 6 weeks and she will always be my baby cat no matter how old she gets. She was the one that was shot with a pellet gun when I found her in my garage.
Barbara Baass[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm so sorry to hear of those of you who have lost you beloved furkids. It is so painful and I still miss my dear girl now even though it is 2 months since her death. I think I ended up coping by writing her a poem and drawing her aswell as being around other animals and taking my 3 new cats. Bramble is not a well cat I'm afraid and we are getting him on Feline Omega Interferon tomorrow - certainly think it's calcivirus. And although Bramble is FIV+ he could also have FeLV as he lives with an FeLV+ cat - I'm not testing him though as he is reaching close to the end with the FIV I think. He will be tested for Calicivirus too tomorrow. My FeLV+ cat is just so mischeivious and looks so healthy although she too will be taking a trip to the vet as she has a little bit of a runny nose but is coping well - she keeps jumping on and off the wardrobe and diving in and out of her playing tunnel chasing her buddy - Bramble just lets them get on with it. I think it was all triggered by
 the stress of them changing homes when they came out of the animal sanctuary 3 weeks ago into their new home.
I will try what I can for Bramble but if he has no improvement I think it will be kinder for him to be sent up to play with my Tidge at rainbow bridge until I get there.
I also hadn't realised that the FeLV+ cat life span was commonly so short so thanks for discussing that as it will be useful to me cope with that when that time arrives - so difficult when they have to pass over but helping them and knowing they are well loved is well worth the heartache. 
Michelle L
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Re: life span and losses

2005-06-01 Thread felv

Sending my positive energy for Bramble and you 
Michelle L, hopefully he will pull through it!

I'm so sorry to hear of those of you who have lost you beloved furkids. It 
is so painful and I still miss my dear girl now even though it is 2 months since 
her death. I think I ended up coping by writing her a poem and drawing her 
aswell as being around other animals and taking my 3 new cats. Bramble is not a 
well cat I'm afraid and we are getting him on Feline Omega Interferon tomorrow - 
certainly think it's calcivirus. And although Bramble is FIV+ he could also have 
FeLV as he lives with an FeLV+ cat - I'm not testing him though as he is 
reaching close to the end with the FIV I think. He will be tested for 
Calicivirus too tomorrow. My FeLV+ cat is just so mischievous and looks so 
healthy although she too will be taking a trip to the vet as she has a little 
bit of a runny nose but is coping well - she keeps jumping on and off the 
wardrobe and diving in and out of her playing tunnel chasing her buddy - Bramble 
just lets them get on with it. I think it was all triggered by the stress of 
them changing homes when they came out of the animal sanctuary 3 weeks ago into 
their new home.
I will try what I can for Bramble but if he has no improvement I think it 
will be kinder for him to be sent up to play with my Tidge at rainbow bridge 
until I get there.
I also hadn't realized that the FeLV+ cat life span was commonly so short 
so thanks for discussing that as it will be useful to me cope with that when 
that time arrives - so difficult when they have to pass over but helping them 
and knowing they are well loved is well worth the heartache. 
Michelle L
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Cats ...

2005-06-01 Thread Marlene Chornie

Hello Group,
    I received this email from my brother-in-law yesterday 
(he and his wife are also cat people).  I wanted to share his thoughts with 
you, as I found it quite consoling and hope others may find some comfort as 
"I think of cats and other animals a lot and I think of our cats especially 
now, Digby.
Cats have no concept of time, therefore they can't contemplate the past and 
have no concept of the future.  They only live the very present.  They 
don't like to be uncomfortable, afraid, hungry, thirsty, in pain etc.  
Digby was kept warm, was always well fed, didn't experience any harsh pain, had 
no reason to be afraid, always had company and clean water to drink.  In 
other words he received the best of care.
If he could now be interviewed and asked the question what his life was 
like on earth, he would definitely say, "My life with Marlene and Nick was the 
(Pekoe & Angel Digby)

Re: outcome of anemia - Immuno-Regulin

2005-06-01 Thread carlas
I tried Immuno-Regulin for a fiv anemic cat. Helped alittle
But she had too many other things going on she was at the stage 
of full blown aides, her immunes system was "0". She was anemic 
due to her spleen was removed since they thought it was cancer 
but turned out it had some toxic  cells but not cancer.

Trick is to use the right amount of Immun each cat is different and 
has different side effects or reactions, it's a trial and error to find 
the dose that works well with that cat that is on it.


Date sent:  Tue, 31 May 2005 18:49:41 EDT
Copies to:  Subject:Re: outcome of anemia - 
Send reply to:

> Robin,
> I can't remember if I suggested Immuno-regulin.  There is an article 
> on this group's website about it.  Anecdotally there seems to be some 
> success with it helping anemic cats, where the anemia is not caused by
> lymphoma,  leukemia, or hemobartonella.  However, another cause of
> anemia is an  auto-immune reaction that causes the body to kill its
> own red blood cells, and  steroids are prescribed for this-- and I
> think Immuno-Regulin could make this  condition worse.
> Michelle

Re: more on valium in cats

2005-06-01 Thread Mari Kolbe
RE:  Valium Use
Our vet has prescribed 1/4 of a 5mg valium tablet given orally to break the cluster seizure cycle of one of our 10# cats who was doused in transmission oil as a kitten and as a result of liver damage from ingesting the toxin suffers cluster seizures.  If we administer it at the end of first cluster seizure, we can break the cycle.  If he is on the start of his second or third seizure, it will sometimes take a second dose an hour later in order to get the seizures to cease.  We have been using this protocol for the past five years possibly once or twice a year and he is doing fine.


life span and losses

2005-06-01 Thread Lomaxturtle

I'm so sorry to hear of those of you who have lost you beloved furkids. It 
is so painful and I still miss my dear girl now even though it is 2 months since 
her death. I think I ended up coping by writing her a poem and drawing her 
aswell as being around other animals and taking my 3 new cats. Bramble is not a 
well cat I'm afraid and we are getting him on Feline Omega Interferon tomorrow - 
certainly think it's calcivirus. And although Bramble is FIV+ he could also have 
FeLV as he lives with an FeLV+ cat - I'm not testing him though as he is 
reaching close to the end with the FIV I think. He will be tested for 
Calicivirus too tomorrow. My FeLV+ cat is just so mischeivious and looks so 
healthy although she too will be taking a trip to the vet as she has a little 
bit of a runny nose but is coping well - she keeps jumping on and off the 
wardrobe and diving in and out of her playing tunnel chasing her buddy - Bramble 
just lets them get on with it. I think it was all triggered by the stress of 
them changing homes when they came out of the animal sanctuary 3 weeks ago into 
their new home.
I will try what I can for Bramble but if he has no improvement I think it 
will be kinder for him to be sent up to play with my Tidge at rainbow bridge 
until I get there.
I also hadn't realised that the FeLV+ cat life span was commonly so short 
so thanks for discussing that as it will be useful to me cope with that when 
that time arrives - so difficult when they have to pass over but helping them 
and knowing they are well loved is well worth the heartache. 
Michelle L

Re: Need advice - kittens

2005-06-01 Thread Susan Loesch
Thanks!Cherie A Gabbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I would say test two or three more times, each test at 90 days"Gloria B. Lane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
Susan asked me to forward her message to the list. Here also are my comments on it - can anybody offer suggestions please? Thanks - Gloria>From: "Gloria B. Lane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>>H - I don't know ->I think if they test positive, they have the virus (& antigen). At >this point, their little immune systems can 1) kick the virus, or 2) >remain infected with the virus. Since it's a light positive, I'd be >really optimistic. But then I'm optimistic anyhow...>>Just thinking - but I've never heard of kittens getting low dose >interferon, and don't know what that would do. - Gloria>>At 1:39 PM -0700 5/31/05, Susan Loesch wrote:>>Don't know why my email to the list is bouncing back!Just got back a very very light positive test on 2 12-week old
 >>kittens. Through some "wire-crossing" in our group, the kittens are >>already in a foster home. The>>family has one 11 or 12 year old cat who has nothing to do with the>>kittens. Based on your experience with positive kittens eventually>>testing negative what do you think the likelihood is that this could be>>either a false positive (both kitts are super healthy) or that if>>positive they will kick it? Or is it even possible to make an >>educated guess. If the kittens can be separated from close contact >>with their current>>cat I'd like them to stay in the home -- it is a potential adoptive>>home. But I want to be able to make a better guess about the >>odds!! Thanks, all.
Have a purrfect day

Re: more on valium in cats

2005-06-01 Thread Lernermichelle

Good to know. Thanks.
In a message dated 6/1/05 12:36:38 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  I have used Valium in my female cat when she 
  has a Urinary Tract Infection to relieve the spasms she was having and to 
  calm her some. It really helped her a lot, she was no longer just sitting all 
  day in the litterbox straining and suffering, and she did not suffer any 
  bad side effects, as far as I know. She is very much alive and doing fine. I 
  gave her 1/4 of a 5MG tablet, so we're talking VERY low 


RE: average lifespan

2005-06-01 Thread Barbara Baass

Tom had the a first test and then I had the IFA done a month later. He tested positive on both. I guess that is the blood work isn't it. It was another vet that told me that it was in the bone marrow and that it would be better to put him to sleep because we couldn't save them all and that my negatives kitties were being exposed. He didn't exam Tom. I just told him about taking him to a clinic that tested him the first time around and I ran into him when I went to wash a comforter at the laundry mat. Then I took Tom to my regular vet to have the IFA. That is when I started looking for some information on the Felv and found the site for it. I am thankful for that. What a terrible thing for kitties to get.
Barbara BaassHideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Was Tom tested positive on the blood test (I know sometimes they test as negative when the virus is in the bone marrow, but not in blood) –
I am not sure what percentage of the cases when a kitty is positive for the FeLV virus, but tested negative on the blood work since it’s in the bone marrow only.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Barbara BaassSent: Tuesday, May 31, 2005 3:04 PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: average lifespan

Doesn't seem to be a long life span. Looks like maybe 3 to 5 or 6 years. I believe that Tom was born with this because it is in the bone marrow. He probably got it from his mother. It is a shame that we have to go through pain and suffering before we die. At least most of the time we do.

Barbra BaassTerri Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Samantha was 3 (1999)

Arielle was 4-1/2 (2001)

Gareth was 6-1/2 (2003)

Alec was 5-1/2 (2003)


Salome' is still with me.  She's 9.


RuthieGirl was 6 months (1996 -- not a FeLV related death; she was Salome's littermate).

Siggie, Sammi, and Guinevere are FeLV negative.


=^..^= Terri, Salome', Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, and 5 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth and Alec =^..^=


Furkid Photos! FeLV Site: Personal Page:

- Original Message - 

From: Gloria B. Lane 


Sent: Monday, May 30, 2005 11:44 PM

Subject: Re: average lifespan

Yo Jenn -My darling Calawalla Banana Boo-boo was 3 years old. (2004)My sweet Mittens was maybe 2.5 yrs. (2003)My baby Mr. Black kitty was FIV and FELV+ - vet said he was 18.  I don't believe it.  Think he was a bit younger than that - 10 yrs maybe? (2002)Gloria>Well, my Moogie, who was born with FELV, lived 18 months, but it >varies widely, and also, I did not take drastic measures to prolong >her life. Had I done everything to the extreme, she may have lived >to be 2 years old. I'm not really sure what the "average" life span >of FELV+ cats is, but one study has been done on the lifespan >expectations for cats infected with feline leukemia virus that >tested persistently viremic (continuously tested positive). In the >study, reported by Dr. Susan Cotter in the
 November 1991 issue of >the Journal of the AVMA, most cats died within two years but about >20% of the cats lived three or more years. Of course, if everyone >here tells you how old their FELV+ furangels were when they passed >on, then you'll get a good sampling, and be able to draw your own >conclusions, but you'll have to know how long they had the virus, >not just how long they lived, because some of them may have caught >it later in life, and that would skew the numbers.>>This could potentially be a very interesting thread, I wonder if we >qualify as a "study group"?>>Jenn>>

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