Re: Adri

2005-08-03 Thread Martha Alejandra Moreno
Kerry, thank you very much.  Even tough I miss her a lot, now  I am feeling better, I have many memories of her. 
>From: "Kerry MacKenzie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>Reply-To:>To: >Subject: Re: Adri >Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2005 22:45:52 -0500>>Dear Alejandra>I'm behind with list, but wanted to say how very, very sorry I am to hear your news of Adri. I am glad that she knew what it was to be loved so much--many FeLV kitties do not have such care and love as you gave her. I'm also glad she experienced the trip to your/her new home--I remember you saying she adapted well--and had lots of new things to interest her and satisfy her natural curiosity once she got there. I hope you can take comfort from the fact that not only did you give her so much love and care, you also gave her the gift of a whole new adventure before she had to leave you.>Sending lots of healing vibes your and 
Chema's way.>love and hugs, Kerry>>>- Original Message -> From: Martha Alejandra Moreno> To:> Sent: Friday, July 22, 2005 6:44 PM> Subject: Adri is dead>>> Thank you all for your words. I am feeling very bad.>> I still have chema, he is also FeLV(+) (I adopted Adri and Chema at the same time, i didn't know they had FeLV). Chema has been pretty heathly. I really hope he will be heathly for looong time.>> it is heartbreaking see chema looking for Adri>> >From: "Terri Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> >Reply-To:> >To: > >Subject: Re: Help for Adri> >Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2005 18:57:26 -0400> 
>> >Don't punish yourself over this. It isn't your fault. I understand why you feel that way though. my husband said the same thing after we lost our fourth FeLV+ cat, Alec. It just got too painful.> >> >Keep your chin up.> >> >Terri B in NJ> > - Original Message -> > From: Martha Alejandra Moreno> > To:> > Sent: Friday, July 22, 2005 5:03 PM> > Subject: Re: Help for Adri> >> >> > I feel horrible. They are my first pet ever. I do not want to have a FeLV(+) cat never again. This is to hard to live again> >> > >From: "Terri Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> > >Reply-To:> > >To: >> > >Subject: Re: Help for Adri> > >Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2005 16:54:01 -0400> > >> > >Uh-oh> > >> > >Sounds like she's got anemia. Has she been tested for hemobartinella? If she has and is not infected, the vet may (unfortunately) be correct..I've lost 3 due to severe anemia. It's devastating, I know.> > >> > >Positive vibes and hugs coming your way.> > >> > >=^..^= Terri, Salome', Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, and 5 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth and Alec =^..^=> > >> > >Furkid Photos!> > >My FeLV Site:> > >My Personal Page:> > > - Original Message -> > > From: Chris> > > To:> > > Sent: Friday, July 22, 2005 4:49 PM> > > Subject: Help for Adri> > >> > >> > > I'm not really experienced enough to give you specifics. I know there are other people on this list who are and perhaps they can give 
you some suggestions. I know that getting her to drink is real important so anything you can do to get her to take some water. also, try to feed her anything at all-water from a can of tuna, baby food (without onions), turkey breast, yogurt, cottage cheese, absolutely anything that you think she might try. Did the vet see her? What did he say was going on with her? I know that sometimes they want to run a lot of tests but he should have been able to give you a better idea of what's going on with Adri..> > >> > >> > >> > > Chris> > >> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED]> > >> > > -Original Message-> > > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Martha Alejandra Moreno> > > 
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2005 4:43 PM> > > To:> > > Subject: re:> > >> > >> > >> > > She is very pale, she does not want to eat, to drink, to walk, she barely moves; (she never meauw) but since today when she try to walk and fall she start to make a very sad noise it is not a normal meaw is loud and different I do not how to decribe it> > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> >>

Belinda--is CLS for missing Georgie possible

2005-08-03 Thread Kerry MacKenzie
I don't know (without risking crashing this computer again) if it's possible
to post a CLS message for the safe return of Nancy's Georgie?
Can you let me know--thanks, Kerry

- Original Message -
From: "Belinda Sauro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2005 8:16 PM
Subject: Re: Ashley FIV + fem TIME IS UP! 08/04/05

>Thanks Miriam, I did write them too.
> --
>  Belinda
> Happiness is being owned by cats ...
> Be-Mi-Kitties ...
> Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens
> FeLV Candle Light Service
>  (affordable hosting & web design)
> ---
> BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

please send prayers and positive vibes for lost kitty Georgie

2005-08-03 Thread Kerry MacKenzie
Hi everyone
A co-worker, Nancy (I'm not met her physically; a mutual friend put her in
touch with me), is grief-stricken since losing her cat Georgie. He was
originally a stray who found her.
Last night I gathered a bunch of your emails from the period when Gloria's
Sam went missing from his foster home and sent them to her in hopes she'd
get some more ideas on finding him. (Thanks all!)
Can everyone please send positive vibes for Georgie to come home safe and
sound please.
I've attached Nancy's email below---she sounds a truly dedicated cat
"mom"--she'd fit right into this group!
Thanks everyone!

Nancy's email re Georgie:
Just wanted all of you to know, we lost our baby Georgie this weekend. He is
a 2 1/2 year old orange tabby. For anyone who is a cat-lover and has had an
orange tabby, they can attest to the friendly, loving nature they have. Of
course, he was named "Georgie" because of his curious nature. Below are some
of the details I wanted to share. For anyone who lives close to us, please
excuse all the flyers every half-block...obviously this little boy is very
loved and missed! All the eyes and ears we have looking for him, the better
off we are.

Saturday morning around 10:00 a.m. we were getting ready to go to Michigan.
We had made plans to stop and visit our old neighbors and we were going to
Vetician Night in Saugutck. We were 5 minutes away from leaving. I was in
the back watering our garden and my husband was putting a cooler together.
As he was walking out the door our 15-year old wanted to go on the porch so
he opened the door. What he didn't see was the orange bullet came with him!
He dropped the cooler and the shock of seeing him on the porch must have
freaked the cat out. I heard yelling in the back and came running. As I was
running around the corner, I saw my GEORGIE dart below me and go to the
bushes (as if he was scared). I freaked out and started to have a panic
attack screaming "MY GEORGIE!". He ran back and my husband almost cornered
him around one our bushes (he could have jumped over them but he didnt). We
both went around the front of the house where my 15-year is still on the
porch and the orange bullet took off. My husband had a general direction he
went in and POOF he's gone, no one anywhere has seen him! We have walked the
neighborhood hundreds of times, drove around another hundred, posted flyers,
talked to everyone --we have meet people and neighbors we had that we never
meet before. We have townhomes about 4 blocks to the north on both sides and
we have focused there because it is open from our back yard. We also have
apts. to the west and we have driven and walked that as many times. We have
gone to the local shelters so they are aware. I came out balling. People
were giving up animals. All I want is to find my 1 cat...I WOULD NEVER GIVE

This cat is especially close to me. He would follow me everywhere and we had
a very special bond. We found him 2 weeks after my dad died and felt that in
some way he was my dad...which gave me peace and love at a very hard time.
Now that he is gone, I feel that I am not only mourning him, but my dad all
over. I just pray that he is safe and can somehow find his way home to use.
We feel someone may have him -- will they do the right thing and try to find
his owner?? At the end of our flyers we have the line "Please help us bring
our Georgie home!" People tell us "don't worry he will find his way home".
He has never been outdoors and won't know the trail to get home. The only
good thing is our 15-year old's scent is all around the house outside (and
we have catnip..what cat wouldn't want to come back!). We are right off
several busy streets which is very concerning. No one anywhere has seen him
and it is almost as if he just vanished. Being the people of "things happen
for a reason" we believe it could be a message from my dad: "Georgie was
borrowed to me to help me get through a very painful time (i.e., my dad came
to look over me) and he now knows that I am stronger and had to leave".. Sad
isn't it???

We cancelled all our weekend plans and are trying to stick close to home in
case we get a glimpse of him somewhere.
Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. (Sound silly to ask you to pray
about something like this but we need the support up there!)

Georgie's Mom

Re: Sweet Sebastian

2005-08-03 Thread Kerry MacKenzie

I'm sorry to hear about Sebastian's continuing leg problems, 
Jennifer. Earlier this evening I filed the email below for my own future 
reference, from fellow listmember Laurie, sent on July 18, and I thought you 
might be interested in it with a view to the next step with 
I'm sending lots of healing vibes for Sebastian--from 
everything you've described he's such a brave little cat and sure deserves a 
Wishing you and Sebastian all the best
I have 
written numerous messages to the board about my cat, BJ. Well, we adopted 
another cat, a female orange tabby named Mitzi. Both are feline leukemia 
positive and both are doing great. For those who might not know our story, here 
it is. My brother and I adopted a black and white domestic shorthair we call BJ. 
At the time, he was perfectly healthy. Then, three weeks later he had polyps in 
his left ear and had surgery to remove them. His middle ear was removed and his 
left ear closed. He has had no residual effect and his hearing is 
about two months later, he began having strange, unexplained fevers and was 
lethargic and not eating well. The diagnosis was feline leukemia. The prognosis 
given by our vet at the time, a traditional vet, was grim to say the least. She 
said the best thing to do was to have BJ euthanized. We immediately started 
looking for a vet who could 
help.Our last 
appointment with that vet was on a Friday. We took BJ home that night and had a 
consultation with an alternative vet the next Monday morning.  She 
practices holistic and homeopathic as well as tradition veterinary medicine. 
Some of her methods are not recognized by the American Veterinary Medical 
Association. Some traditional veterinarians would bristle at her ideas about 
good dog and cat nutrition. 
today, under our new vet's care, BJ is, for all intense and purposes, healthy. 
He shows no outward sign of illness, even though he still tests positive for 
feline leukemia. For anyone looking for good veterinary care for an FeLV+ cat or 
kitten, the best suggestion I can give is to contact the AHVMA, the Holistic 
Veterinary Medical Association using this link It may help you find a vet 
in your area who can treat your cat's or kitten's condition. 
I wish I 
could tell you how much it means to my brother and me to have a vet who has made 
the choice to treat feline leukemia, not just kill the host. She has the 
knowledge expertise to do what a traditional vet could not do. When we were 
given BJ's diagnosis a year ago, it was like getting hit by a truck. When we 
were told there was nothing to do but put him to sleep, it was like getting hit 
by a truck again. We knew very little about the illness then. However, we knew 
that if there was any chance that our precious BJ could live a good life with 
this disease, then that's what he would do.  We have never looked back and 
are thankful every single day that we made the choice to get BJ treated. 
Our vet also 
successfully treats our little one, Mitzi. She is now almost nine months old and 
is a curious, rambunctious, lively cat. Our non-traditional vet has made a world 
of difference for our entire family.Laurie B. Oliver

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 5:41 
  Subject: Sweet Sebastian
  I was finally able to get Sebastian in to see an internist and a 
  nuerologist.  The vet believes that the weakness in his back legs could 
  be a mass on his spinal cord or lesions all along his spine.  They would 
  have to do more tests to be sure.  Even after the tests there is no 
  real treatment for either, so I decided not to put him through all of 
  that.  He can barely walk anymore.  I can not bare to see him this 
  way.  Has anyone had any similar problems with there Felv+ kitties?  
  Is there anything I can do?  Maybe an alternative vet?  
  Also does anyone know the shelf life of 

Re: leaving_for_2weeks

2005-08-03 Thread Kerry MacKenzie

That's a wonderful idea, Stan. Good luck and keep us 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 5:20 
  Subject: leaving_for_2weeks
  Hello all,
  Nevertheless I don't write too much since Jersey left me, I am 
  reading most of the posting in the forum.
  After a lot of thinking I took a decision. I have been doing 
  photographs for more than 5 years and soon I think to start 
  doing freelance photography. One of my themes is taking photographs of 
  wild and domestic animals. 
  The decision which I took is: I am 
  going to dedicate all my animal picures to Jersey. 
  If I get any money award from a 
  competition by exibiting my animal shots I am going to donate 100 % 
  the money for FeLV research studies. 
  I think somebody in Ohio State is studying FeLV and I am sure 
  there are other labs in the country.
  That helps me feel better...
  From Friday I am going to take a 2 week break and I'll go to 
  Baltimore, MD.
  Belinda, can you please send me the link for temporary 
  Thank you.
  See you later

Re: Brambles trip to the vet

2005-08-03 Thread Kerry MacKenzie

I'm still catching up on list, and have just been reading all your 
latest news on Bramble--what a hero that little guy is. You two are an 
amazing team in fact.
I was extremely heartened to read that despite everything he's gone and is 
going through he still enjoys his food and wants to eat (I've never had that 
turnaround once mine stopped eating. I find it so comforting when they eat and 
the worst thing in the world when they don't).
Bramble knows how much you're rooting for him---I think when any 
creature--human or animal--is loved as much as you love Bramble, it's (at 
least) half the battle in combating illness.
I'm sending mega amounts of positive vibes for you and Bramble. He is one 
lucky little kitty to have such a wonderful mum.
love and hugs, Kerry

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2005 5:25 
  Subject: Brambles trip to the vet
  Thanks for your ideas - I will store and try.
  Well I panicked but the vet was fairly calm. When I put Bramble in his 
  carry case to go vet he sulked and slammed his tail down covering his bottom - 
  I wonder if he remembered the temperature taking last visit bless him. I told 
  the vet what had happened so far as me ordering the interferon without waiting 
  until today to discuss it and boy am I glad I got him on it straight 
  The evt said that it isn't common for calici to present with an ulcer on 
  the nose and no mouth ulceration so I said it happened last time - there were 
  no mouth ulcers but I suspect his throat is inflammed and maybe ulcerated and 
  the he gets the one on his nose. I told him that he is desperate to eat and 
  frantically tries but can't eat much as I thought his throat was sore and he 
  drools a bit trying to eat. Bramble has eaten bits but not much so he hasn't 
  totally gone without food for 2 days - I did try to force food in his mouth a 
  couple of times and he had a little each time but I stopped when he was 
  getting too stressed by it. The vet prodded the ulcer on his little 
  nose and it made him flinch and bled (poor Bramble hated that). He also felt 
  his throat which was very uncomfortable for Bramble so at least it confirmed 
  that I was right to say it is his throat. The vet gave him a shot of anabolic 
  steroid and we may do one shot a month. Due to Bramble being probably towards 
  the end of the ARC stage of FIV it is worth taking the chance - it may keep 
  him out of FAIDS a while longer. I am also discussing the interferon shots 
  every month as a trial protocol as a couple other people have found this 
  beneficial. Good thing is that Bramble ate about half a sachet of well mashed 
  cat food when he came home which was a great relief - after he had only eaten 
  about 1/8th this morning.
  The vet told me to give him strong cod-liver oil and a vitamin A each day 
  for 2 weeks and then to reduce vits and oil to every other day - he says we 
  won't reach toxicity levels so will be ok. He said try mixing butter with food 
  to help it slide down, chilled cream, cottage cheese, melted cheese around 
  mashed chicked etc... I will try all that works.
  Poor little boy gone through so much and yet is still desperate to try 
  and eat something to sit on my knee and purr - is there anywhere that members 
  upload photos too here on group site - I got a great picture of him on Sat sat 
  on my knee lapping up the tlc.
  A lady was having her 16year old dog put to sleep today at the vets and 
  she had to lift the dog to stand it up whilst crying - when she went in - 3 of 
  us sat in the waiting room with tears welling up - then the vet came out to 
  get a consent form and we were all wiping tears falling from our eyes for the 
  dog we had never seen before - amazing how much animals touch the heart.
  Michelle, Bramble, Minstrel & Buddy.
  PS - I'd like to add my thoughts and prayers to all of us who's furbabies 
  are currently poorly or have recently passed over - I pray their souls are 
  safe when I ask for my current and departed to be protected. 

Re: CLS for belinda and all the group

2005-08-03 Thread Kerry MacKenzie
Dear Macarena
You have been through so much lately, losing both sweet Riso and your
beloved Kurt. I believe I remember you saying earlier this year how
devastated you would be if you lost your dear buddy Kurt. Losing our dear
little friends is always so painful. Please know you're always in my
thoughtsI hope that you will gradually be able to draw comfort from all
the good times and all the good things you did with and for your kitties.
Many kitties sadly never know the sort of unconditional love -- or any love
for that matter--that you gave to Riso and Kurt. You gave them the best gift
of all.
much love and many hugs to you, Macarena

- Original Message -
From: "maca cats" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2005 11:22 AM
Subject: CLS for belinda and all the group

> hi dear group,
> i have been mostly lurking lately, and so sad for recent losses, yours
> and mine, that I couldn't write, kind of a frozen state...
> I want to send hugs for evey one of you that is struggling with disease
> and of course for all of you who have lost a dear friend recently.
> here it has been a hard battle too. on may 27 our lovely Riso died ater
> a terrible night. He had been diagnosed with pancreatitis, which is
> fatal, and given 2 months to live. he lived for 8 months of reasonable
> life quality with our care, but finally his little body couldn'fight any
> longer, and his last night he spent almost in comma, with an IV line at
> home, at bed with us, and he died peacefully in his sleep. I could bear
> it because we knes he was going to die, so we were at peace since we
> gave him the best we could.
> but then Kurt got sick..he was the light of my lie, 9 1/2 yo, he was the
> one who made me understand cats, we communicated with each other in a
> way I fear i will never be able to with any other creature. I miss him
> so much. he died on july 17, and i couldn't stop holding him until we
> buried him, he was cold and stiff, ... I never had so much trouble
> letting go... I still feear to go to bed every night, because my
> instinct is always to call him. he slept by my side, with his little paw
> over my neck for years, now i misss him as if a part of my body is
> gone...I know only you can understand what I am talking about...
> Belinda, could you please add Riso and Kurt to the CLS? it helps to see
> them remembered in some place. Also could you please add Canelo, an
> adorable orange tabby who belonged to my nephews, and was killed by a
> car last july 27.
> thank you so much for being theer, at the end of the line.
> sad Macarena and the 13 furballs.
> Chile

Re: Adri

2005-08-03 Thread Kerry MacKenzie

Dear Alejandra
I'm behind with list, but wanted to say how very, very sorry I 
am to hear your news of Adri. I am glad that she knew what it was to be loved so 
much--many FeLV kitties do not have such care and love as you gave her. I'm also 
glad she experienced the trip to your/her new home--I remember you saying she 
adapted well--and had lots of new things to interest her and satisfy her natural 
curiosity once she got there. I hope you can take comfort from the fact that not 
only did you give her so much love and care, you also gave 
her the gift of a whole new adventure before she had to 
leave you.
Sending lots of healing vibes your and Chema's 
love and hugs, Kerry
- Original Message - 

  Alejandra Moreno 
  Sent: Friday, July 22, 2005 6:44 PM
  Subject: Adri is dead
  Thank you all for your words.  I am feeling very bad. 
  I still have chema, he is also FeLV(+) (I adopted Adri and Chema at the 
  same time, i didn't know they had FeLV). Chema has been pretty heathly. I 
  really hope he will be heathly for looong time.
  it is heartbreaking see chema looking for Adri
  "Terri Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>Reply-To:>To: 
  >Subject: Re: Help for 
  Adri>Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2005 18:57:26 -0400>>Don't punish 
  yourself over this. It isn't your fault. I understand why you feel that way 
  though. my husband said the same thing after we lost our fourth FeLV+ cat, 
  Alec. It just got too painful.>>Keep your chin 
  up.>>Terri B in NJ> - Original Message -> 
  From: Martha Alejandra Moreno> To:> 
  Sent: Friday, July 22, 2005 5:03 PM> Subject: Re: Help for 
  Adri>>> I feel horrible. They are my first pet ever. I do 
  not want to have a FeLV(+) cat never again. This is to hard to live 
  again>> >From: "Terri Brown" 
  >Subject: Re: Help for Adri> >Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2005 16:54:01 
  -0400> >> >Uh-oh> >> >Sounds like 
  she's got anemia. Has she been tested for hemobartinella? If she has and is 
  not infected, the vet may (unfortunately) be correct..I've lost 3 due to 
  severe anemia. It's devastating, I know.> >> >Positive 
  vibes and hugs coming your way.> >> >=^..^= Terri, 
  Salome', Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, and 5 furangels: 
  RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth and Alec =^..^=> >> 
  >Furkid Photos!> 
  >My FeLV Site:> 
  >My Personal Page:> 
  > - Original Message -> > From: 
  Chris> > To:> 
  > Sent: Friday, July 22, 2005 4:49 PM> > Subject: Help for 
  Adri> >> >> > I'm not really experienced enough 
  to give you specifics. I know there are other people on this list who are and 
  perhaps they can give you some suggestions. I know that getting her to drink 
  is real important so anything you can do to get her to take some water. also, 
  try to feed her anything at all-water from a can of tuna, baby food (without 
  onions), turkey breast, yogurt, cottage cheese, absolutely anything that you 
  think she might try. Did the vet see her? What did he say was going on with 
  her? I know that sometimes they want to run a lot of tests but he should have 
  been able to give you a better idea of what's going on with Adri..> 
  >> >> >> > Chris> >> > 
  > -Original Message-> > From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Martha Alejandra 
  Moreno> > Sent: Friday, July 22, 2005 4:43 PM> > To:> > Subject: re:> >> 
  >> >> > She is very pale, she does not want to eat, to 
  drink, to walk, she barely moves; (she never meauw) but since today when she 
  try to walk and fall she start to make a very sad noise it is not a normal 
  meaw is loud and different I do not how to decribe it> >> 
  >> >> >> 

Re: Buck is Home

2005-08-03 Thread Kerry MacKenzie

I'm catching up with list slowlySheila, I'm so sorry to 
hear you lost your dear Spanky. I can well imagine your fears about Buck right 
on the heels of your mourning Spanky, so it's great to hear the good news. Buck 
sounds such an amazing guy--and a ripe old age too--from everything you say (a 
lifetime of Fancy Feast?)---it sounds like he "bucks' all the trends. More power 
to his paw. I love it that only his mom would do when it came to eating his 
dinner--not convenient to be sure, but boy, what a bond it shows you two 
Wishing Buck many more years of good living.
hugs, Kerry

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, July 25, 2005 10:12 
  Subject: Buck is Home
  Thanks everyone for your prayers and good 
  wishes for Buck. Much to my and the Vets surprise Buck came home this morning 
  and he seems to be doing fine. The first couple of days I had to go to the 
  Docs to feed him, he want eat for anyone but me. They put him on Hill's S/D 
  dry and he loves it. I could never get him to eat anything but Fancy Feast at 
  home. I'm so surprised that he likes it, I never had a cat who would eat it. 
  They don't recommend PU surgery for him because of his felv. The Vet said we 
  should pts,but my husband said no way not without a fight. I'm so glad he 
  stood his ground because Buck is acting like his old self again. If we had 
  listen to docs we would have pts 12 yrs ago. The Vet said he can't guarantee 
  that he want block again, but I will do everything I can to try to prevent it. 
  I have a lot of research to do on diet, because I've always been told dry food 
  is not good for kitties who have blocked and giving Buck medicine is like 
  trying to sand paper a tigers behind. I can't even get him to let me give him 
  water. He is not a feral but he sure acts like it if you try to put anything 
  in his mouth. He weighs 16 lb. now down form his usual 20 and still very 
  strong. So any advice you can give me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks 
  again everyone. I don't know what I would do without this list and all the 
  wonderful people on it.  Sheila, Buck and the gang. 

Re: Sad News-Katie Tetley

2005-08-03 Thread Kerry MacKenzie

Even though I did not know (or know of) Katie, I feel it like 
a personal loss---such a tragic waste of human and animal life. And 
devastating for her husband and the rescue world she worked so hard for. 
My heart goes out to her husband and all her family. 


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 9:03 
  Subject: Sad News-Katie Tetley
  Some of you may 
  not have known Katie Tetley, personally.  I am sending this to as 
  many rescues as I could to be sure all would have this tragic 
  Katie Tetley, along with numerous 
  animals, died in her home yesterday as a result of an electrical fire.  I 
  believe her beloved "Cookie" was one of the survivors but is badly burned and 
  just hanging in there.  11 cats, conditions not known, also survived and 
  are at the Abita Springs shelter.   Her Jazz (Sharpei) and a Sharpei 
  foster(Jo-lee) perished with her. Her husband Fred was at work and 
  is okay.
  Funeral services are incomplete at 
  this time but this is what I know.  Tentative viewing will be Sunday at 
  Hanacher Funeral Home in Slidell, La. with burial services on 
  Katie was involved in several 
  rescue groups, and I am hoping that one of you viewing this message is able to 
  get in touch with the cat rescue group in Atlanta, who she volunteered with a 
  lot.  I am not sure of the name, and all of her records burned, so her 
  husband doesn't have any information.
  I believe Cookie is at the 
  Ponchartrain Animal Hospital. All other dogs died in the home.
  Please keep Katie and all of her 
  rescues, who perished with her, in your prayers; most important, for Fred who 
  is devastated at the loss of his wife, animals and home.
  Lou Weiner - 
  North American Sharpei Rescue - 
  CHI PP Rescue of 
   Terrie MohrCheck site 
  for available Siameses for adoption!'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS Here to Join WASHINGTON 
  SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! Here to Join K9 and Puddy 
  RESCUEOwner/DriverPetfinder.comAdopt a Homeless Pet! CA. Siamese Rescue CA. Siamese Rescue

Re: Our boys' B-day!

2005-08-03 Thread Kerry MacKenzie
Happy (belated) birthday to your gorgeous boys!
That is such great news to hear, Jen!

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2005 2:18 PM
Subject: Our boys' B-day!

I was going to wait to post on the actual day...but since the list is a
little slow (and because I couldn't wait to announce it)  :) ...Our
boys, Sleepypants and Ewok, will be 3 years old on the 22nd!  :)  Not
too shabby for a couple of guys born with the virus!  :)


"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine de

"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief Dan

Re: For Stan - Unsubscribing Page

2005-08-03 Thread Belinda Sauro

   Hi Stan,
 Have a nice trip and good luck with your photos, I think that is a 
wonderful tribute to Jersey!

The unsubscribe/edit info is at the bottom.

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting & web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: Sweet Sebastian

2005-08-03 Thread Nina

I'm sorry Sebastian's visit to the vet wasn't more optimistic.  It does 
sound like you made the right decision about not doing further tests.  
My German Shepherd suffers from Degenerative Myelopathy, (degenerative 
spinal disease).  I too was told that there wasn't anything I could do 
to help him.  Does what they think Sebastian is suffering from have a 
name?  I did a search for DM for my Zevon on the web and came up with a 
couple of sites that talk about diet, medication, massage and exercise, 
(to keep the muscles in his back legs from atrophying).  The things I'm 
doing, (Flax seed oil, Lyprinol, Glucosamine/Chondroitin, MSM in his food,
massage and exercise), have definitely helped Zevon.  When I brought him 
to the ER, he could barely stand, they treated him overnight with, (I'm 
sorry, I never did get it completely straight), some sort of mega 
steroid treatment and his function was a bit improved in about a week.  
Since then he has improved somewhat in mobility and has not had any 
further loss of function.  Might Sebastian be helped with anti 
inflammatory therapy?

Interferon A lasts for at least 6 months in the fridge after it's 

I'm praying you find the answers you need to help Sebastian,


I was finally able to get Sebastian in to see an internist and a 
nuerologist.  The vet believes that the weakness in his back legs 
could be a mass on his spinal cord or lesions all along his spine.  
They would have to do more tests to be sure.  Even after the tests 
there is no real treatment for either, so I decided not to put him 
through all of that.  He can barely walk anymore.  I can not bare to 
see him this way.  Has anyone had any similar problems with there 
Felv+ kitties?  Is there anything I can do?  Maybe an alternative vet? 

Also does anyone know the shelf life of Interferon?

Re: Bandy temp up again, Tues..

2005-08-03 Thread Nina

Kerry R,
A while back the FDA put a freeze on dispensations for Interferon Omega 
and my vet did suggest the possibility of ordering without the benefit 
of approval.  The problem with that is that the vet's insurance would 
not cover it if it were lost, or stopped at the border.  If that were to 
happen, I would have had to eat the cost, which is substantial.  It's 
something I would consider in an emergency, but...  Why don't you pass 
on Michelle Rose's phone number to your new friend in case he would like 
to start going through proper channels?

It's my understanding that when someone runs a temperature, it is 
because they are fighting off an infection, (the body "heats up" as it 
were, from the battle.  I don't understand what your vet means by his 
temp being caused by "something to do with inflammation".  I know I must 
be missing something here.  Isn't Procrit used to treat cancer and 
increase red blood count?

If your vet suspects an infection, I'm sure she has run a WBC, (an 
elevated count would indicate infection).  A low PCV indicates anemia, 
(low red blood cell count).  It's wonderful that Bandy's count has 
improved so greatly.  The thing that's perplexing me is that your vet 
seems to be treating for symptoms without knowing what's causing them, 
or at least not making things clear to you.  I still think you would be 
better off getting a second opinion from the Internist you've seen before.

I hope Bandy is doing well today,

kerry wrote:

Yes, she called Michelle Rose, I guess..I gave her that info and she 
said she got an answering machine so she left a message..telling her 
what she needed...
About the IO... There is an order form to Abbeyvet..and they do ship 
it direct to your vet..He said it wasn't legal but they don't seem to 
care...He must get it all the time..  I'm not sure..

You should check it out Bud's website...  He has been FIV+ since 
1993.  He is 14 now, I think..It is amazing.. www.
I found that before I found the yahoo FIV group.. Some of the people 
at the FeLV list are on there, too..

I just don't post much, but I read all of it...
I will like you said go post this again about Bandy's temp..I know it 
makes him feel so rotten...
My vet keeps saying something to do with inflammation is why his temp 
keeps going up cause he doesn't seem to have an infection..His 
kidneys seem to be working just fine and no runny nose or eyes..If 
you look at him, you wouldn't think anything was wrong with him...he 
lost weight, but has gained back up to 61/2#.  He was under 51/2..I 
think his top weight is around 71/2 so he is gaining it back..I don't 
know..It is just strange...

I will see her again on Fri. this week...
She did tell me that for his PCV to go from 26 to 31 in 1 week was 
great...most cats or the ones she has treated it has taken as long as 
10 wks to get it up to that...So that is a good sign..He is only 
getting 2 shots of epogen (procrit) a week now..for
2 to 3 more weeks then we will go to 1 and maybe stop if it gets up 
some more...
I think she needs to check his WBC count too..What do you think about 
that? OR what other test would you suggest??

I will go post this to the list..

Re: Sweet Sebastian

2005-08-03 Thread maimaipg

I haven't had that problem with a cat but I have had 2 
dogs who have had problems helped by an alternative vet who practices 
acupuncture.  I can't tell you that she extended their lives but I know the 
quality was much better and I felt considerably better.  Right now she is 
working with Dixie Louise.  It is worth a shot.  
- Original Message - 

  Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 6:41 
  Subject: Sweet Sebastian
  I was finally able to get Sebastian in to see an internist and a 
  nuerologist.  The vet believes that the weakness in his back legs could 
  be a mass on his spinal cord or lesions all along his spine.  They would 
  have to do more tests to be sure.  Even after the tests there is no 
  real treatment for either, so I decided not to put him through all of 
  that.  He can barely walk anymore.  I can not bare to see him this 
  way.  Has anyone had any similar problems with there Felv+ kitties?  
  Is there anything I can do?  Maybe an alternative vet?  
  Also does anyone know the shelf life of 

Re: I have 8 week old w/leukemia, now I found the litter it came from.

2005-08-03 Thread Karolyn Lount
Hi, Take them to Bonanza Cat Hosp. They are really great at helping
cats. Please mention that 2nd Chance Cat Rescue suggested you take them
to them. I worked with them in January to get 2 cats into a new home. If
you like you can call me at 510 522 4762

Sweet Sebastian

2005-08-03 Thread JENNIFER RATLIFF

I was finally able to get Sebastian in to see an internist and a nuerologist.  The vet believes that the weakness in his back legs could be a mass on his spinal cord or lesions all along his spine.  They would have to do more tests to be sure.  Even after the tests there is no real treatment for either, so I decided not to put him through all of that.  He can barely walk anymore.  I can not bare to see him this way.  Has anyone had any similar problems with there Felv+ kitties?  Is there anything I can do?  Maybe an alternative vet?  
Also does anyone know the shelf life of Interferon?

Re: leaving_for_2weeks

2005-08-03 Thread Nina

I think that's a wonderful idea, dedicating your animal pictures to 
Jersey!  I would like to do something similar to donate to Felv 
research.  I have alot of wonderful, (at least I think they're 
wonderful), animal shots that I was thinking of making up into blank 
greeting cards and donating some of the proceeds, (if I ever make it 
happen!), to Felv research.  If you find a worthwhile place to put our 
funds, please let me know.  Wouldn't it be wonderful to find a cure!  
Have a nice "break" and come back to us soon.  I'd love to see some of 
your work, let me know when/where it becomes available.


stany petrov wrote:

Hello all,
Nevertheless I don't write too much since Jersey left me, I am reading 
most of the posting in the forum.
After a lot of thinking I took a decision. I have been doing 
photographs for more than 5 years and soon I think to start 
doing freelance photography. One of my themes is taking photographs of 
wild and domestic animals.
The decision which I took is: /I am going to dedicate all my animal 
picures to Jersey/.
/If I get any money award from a competition by exibiting my animal 
shots I am going to donate 100 % the money for FeLV research studies./
I think somebody in Ohio State is studying FeLV and I am sure there 
are other labs in the country.
That helps me feel better...
From Friday I am going to take a 2 week break and I'll go to 
Baltimore, MD.
Belinda, can you please send me the link for temporary unsubscrbing.
Thank you.
See you later

Re: Sniffles and red face- Lancelot

2005-08-03 Thread Nina

Hi Gloria,
I'm sorry Lance isn't all better, it sure sounds like you and he have 
been through alot of treatment options looking for something to help 
him.  I've never had this sort of problem with someone under my care, 
but when I was reading up on Budesonide for Gypsy's IBD, (instead of 
Pred), I found out it's prescribed, (for people), as an inhalant for 
allergy problems.  When they use it for IBD, it's in an injectable 
form.  It's a corticosteroid used to treat the symptoms that Lance is 
displaying.  Have you talked about it with your vet?  The link below is 
the first one that came up when I Googled it just now.

How about Lyprinol?  It's an Omega acid anti inflammatory that's made 
from sea mussels, I'm giving it to my GSD Zevon for his spine problems 
and it seems to be helping.  Some folks on my IBD list have given it to 
their cats too.  It's so hard to know if Zevon is doing well because of 
it, or something else that I'm doing for him, but his spinal problems 
are suppose to be degenerative and he's remained stable in his symptoms 
for a couple months now.  Here's the link to their product information page:

As far as getting the TF into Lance...  Sally says she gives it up to 3 
times a day for kitties that are in distress.  She mixes it with a 
little water and syringes it, in an assist-feeding kind of way.  It 
doesn't taste bad, in fact my kitties eat it happily mixed with some 
babyfood.  Is Lance a picky eater usually?

I sure hope that Lance makes a complete turnaround soon.  He's so young, 
what's with this fellow?  Doesn't he know how hard you're trying to get 
him better?  Keep us informed,



OK - Lancelot's getting better but still not out of the water!   
Again, he is a mostly white, felv- cat (maybe 1.5 yr old) with  

I took him to a second vet I go to, 1 hour away.  She did ozone, and  
gave me Ovaban (sp).  He did get better. We did 1 week of daily  
Ovaban, then once a week.

He's not scratching as badly, swelling has gone down, his nose isn't  
nearly as plugged up, but he still looks somewhat inflamed and a  
little sniffly.   I'm taking him back to her this week sometime, for  
more ozone.   He's still red faced, a bit.

Before that, he had Amoxi, Zeniquin, Dex, Tylosin, intereferon,   
blood test, skin biopsy, ear fungal test, other stuff.  Have tried  
Transfer Factor periodically, but hard to do because of the picky way  
he eats (and having 8-9 other cats).  Have used Interferon regularly.

I just can't get this kitty "WELL".  Somebody suggested Cyclosporin.   
First vet said this is expensive, I'll ask the second vet. But they  
say he has ALLERGIES.   I am changing to Petguard (health food store)  
pet food.  Any suggestions for allergies?  Trying to get this kitty  



2005-08-03 Thread stany petrov
Hello all,
Nevertheless I don't write too much since Jersey left me, I am reading most of the posting in the forum.
After a lot of thinking I took a decision. I have been doing photographs for more than 5 years and soon I think to start doing freelance photography. One of my themes is taking photographs of wild and domestic animals. 
The decision which I took is: I am going to dedicate all my animal picures to Jersey. 
If I get any money award from a competition by exibiting my animal shots I am going to donate 100 % the money for FeLV research studies. 
I think somebody in Ohio State is studying FeLV and I am sure there are other labs in the country.
That helps me feel better...
From Friday I am going to take a 2 week break and I'll go to Baltimore, MD.
Belinda, can you please send me the link for temporary unsubscrbing.
Thank you.
See you later

RE: (Fwd) Leukemia Positive Kittens

2005-08-03 Thread Karolyn Lount
Hi, I live in the San Francisco Bay area. I will take one or both of
them if you can get them to me.
My Phone # is 510 522 4762

Re: Bandy temp up again, Tues..

2005-08-03 Thread Nina

Nina wrote:
I'm sorry, I didn't respond fully to your last email.  Bandy's temp 
going back up again was all I could think about.

When you say your vet called to get papers for the FDA, do you mean she 
called my vet?  Michelle Rose has made up a packet that will stream line 
the process for you.  How is this fellow able to get feline interferon 
omega in 2 weeks?  Are you sure he's not talking about human 
interferon?  Does he live in the US?  If he's got a speedier process, I 
want to know about it!  I don't think the manufacturer, Abbey Vet will 
sell to anyone in the US without the FDA's special dispensation, (that's 
what takes so long, to go through that process).  Maybe he's figured a 
way around that?

What does your vet think the problem is that's causing Bandy's temp to 
spike like this?  There has to be some underlying condition, (besides 
the Felv), to cause him to be sick.  I thought FIV worked the same way, 
that the immune system is so weak that other infections can't be fought 
off, so they succumb, not to the Felv or FIV directly, but to something 
like a URI, or Anemia, or Hemobart, or cancer.  You have to find out 
what exactly is going on with Bandy in order to treat his disease and 
not just his symptoms!


kerry wrote:

Yes, she called Michelle Rose, I guess..I gave her that info and she 
said she got an answering machine so she left a message..telling her 
what she needed...
About the IO... There is an order form to Abbeyvet..and they do ship 
it direct to your vet..He said it wasn't legal but they don't seem to 
care...He must get it all the time..  I'm not sure..

You should check it out Bud's website...  He has been FIV+ since 
1993.  He is 14 now, I think..It is amazing.. www.
I found that before I found the yahoo FIV group.. Some of the people 
at the FeLV list are on there, too..

I just don't post much, but I read all of it...
I will like you said go post this again about Bandy's temp..I know it 
makes him feel so rotten...
My vet keeps saying something to do with inflammation is why his temp 
keeps going up cause he doesn't seem to have an infection..His kidneys 
seem to be working just fine and no runny nose or eyes..If you look at 
him, you wouldn't think anything was wrong with him...he lost weight, 
but has gained back up to 61/2#.  He was under 51/2..I think his top 
weight is around 71/2 so he is gaining it back..I don't know..It is 
just strange...

I will see her again on Fri. this week...
She did tell me that for his PCV to go from 26 to 31 in 1 week was 
great...most cats or the ones she has treated it has taken as long as 
10 wks to get it up to that...So that is a good sign..He is only 
getting 2 shots of epogen (procrit) a week now..for
2 to 3 more weeks then we will go to 1 and maybe stop if it gets up 
some more...
I think she needs to check his WBC count too..What do you think about 
that? OR what other test would you suggest??

I will go post this to the list..

Re: Bandy temp up again, Tues..

2005-08-03 Thread Nina

Hi Everyone,
Kerry Roach has been writing me off-list about Bandy's condition, I know 
she could benefit from the group and I'm trying to get her used to 
writing directly to the list.  I've told her I'm going to forward our 
correspondence to you guys so you can help too!  This is the first of 
two that I'm going to send.  Hopefully Kerry will get the hang of this 
and start sending stuff on-list, she needs more than just my help with 
her sweet Bandy!


Kerry & Bandy wrote:
Bandy's temp up again Tue:

Hi Nina,
I am so stressed about lil Bandy's temp going up and down..
It was 105.4 again today..I can almost always tell without even taking 
it because of the way he acts..He got another 1/2cc of dex today and 
it brings it right down...He went back to eating and seem to feel 
better..My vet said we are going to try 1/4 baby aspirin every 3 to 4 
days...His infection seems to be cleared so this is baffling me..She 
keeps saying it is the inflammation process that goes along with his 
troubles...because it goes down as soon as he receives a shot and 
stays down for several days...He went almost a week last time before 
it went up..I will post this again at the group to see if anyone else 
has ever had this problem.. She said we will coninue the antibiotics 
for 4 to 6 wks..
Also, she called to get the papers for the FDA..She hasn't heard from 
them yet, but I guess we will soon..I also received an email from 
someone on the FIV list who has an FIV+ since 1993.  He said we can 
have the omega interferon in as soon as 2 wks...He emailed me a form 
to use going thru abbeyvet...

Hope all your kitties are doing good...and we will keep you posted...
I have read alot the last couple of days and you are right...lots of 
knowledge in the group, very nice people...

Kerry and Bandy

Nina wrote:
That's very scary about Bandy's temp going up again like that.  Did you 
ask your vet about "Delta Albaplex"?  How about Immuno-Regulin?  I'm not 
saying either of these is the answer, but you should discuss them with 
your vet.  I think you may need a specialty vet, (a certified 
Internist). The fact that your vet keeps saying it's the Felv or FIV 
that's directly causing the fever makes me wonder if she knows what the 
heck she's talking about, of course, I don't know much about FIV.  She 
sounds like a wonderful vet, and she's doing all she can to help Bandy, 
but I don't think she has the expertise that Bandy needs.  If you could 
afford one visit to a specialist, it might make a difference.
How long has Bandy been on Dox?  Is he taking it twice a day?  How long 
have you had him on Baytril?  The steroid shots he's getting are 
relieving his temp symptom, but only temporarily, and you are doing 
damage to his immune system with their continued use.  You don't have to 
be curt with your current vet, just tell her the people on your Felv 
list are suggesting that you see a specialist, then ask her for a 
referral.  I'm still hoping the Dox will help and it just hasn't had 
time to kick in yet. It helps Grace in 3 or 4 days.  You really should 
be posting all of this to the list!  Maybe someone else will have a 
suggestion that will work, if nothing else, they're a great source of 
support when you're pulling your hair out, (or crying your eyes out) 
over something like this. I'm sorry, please remind me, did we talk about 
Transfer Factor?


kerry wrote:

I know I have thought about asking her to send us to someone...I have 
used an internal medicine spec. in the past, and she is very good 
too..You have to be referred, too..She treated Inky's mother for 
lymphosarcoma for almost a year..with good results for about 9 
months..   This is the first time it has gone up in over a week.. He 
has had 3- 1/2cc dex shots in the last 3 wks I guess..when the fever 
has gone up..She wants me to give him 1/4 baby aspirin on Fri..if it 
is up again but not before..I can tell by the way he acts most of the 
time when it is up..I can't take it rectally at home, he hates it..I 
am going to get one that goes in the ear..Have you ever used one like 
that?   About the aspirin..that can only be done every 3 to 4 days..   
Today after he had the shot, he starting eating and was back to his 
old self...I don't understand it, but she did say she doesn't think it 
is the infection, but inflammation cause he responds so well when he 
gets the shot..   He has been on dox once a day since he has 
had 4 doses..and he has been on Baytril almost continually since July 
18 or 25, I can't remember...He has been on so much since the middle 
of June. He is only getting Baytril once a day now too..I give him dox 
first part of the day and baytril at night..Wonder if I should switch 
that?  He ate good tonight...I sneaked a look thru the window at them 
and he was eating some dry food..


Re: Bandy's temp

2005-08-03 Thread Lernermichelle

Metacam is, I believe, a fever reducer as well as an anti-inflammatory medication. Ask your vet about it.

Re: CLS for belinda and all the group

2005-08-03 Thread berniluv
Macarena, I'm so sorry to hear of all your
losses. It's especially hard to lose more than
one family memeber at a time. I've been there;
you have my sympathies. Luv, Nancy and her MC

Heaven, to me, will never a Heaven be
Unless my pets are there with me!

Don't take your organs to Heaven~~~
Heaven knows we need them here!

Re: (Fwd) Leukemia Positive Kittens

2005-08-03 Thread Jenn

Transport is usually NOT a problem. All of these 
yahoogroups help rescue animals get to their new homes, via volunteer transport 
drivers. Once you are approved for the adoption, then you can arrange to get the 
kitten to you on one or several of these transport lists. Just join them, and 
tell them where the kitten is, where you are, and all the info about the kitten, 
including it's FELV status, and I'm sure someone will help you out!
JennAdopt a FIV+ cat:
I am interested in adopt a kitten, but I live in Corpus 
Christi, Texas. I do not know how to get the kitten.
Martha Alejandra Moreno [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>--- Forwarded message follows --->Send reply to: 
"Homeless Animal Rescue Team" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>From: 
"Homeless Animal Rescue Team" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>To: 
>Subject: Leukemia Positive 
Kittens>Date sent: Tue, 2 Aug 2005 19:40:57 -0700>>We are 
looking for a home for 2 kittens, brother and sister who don't>have to go 
together. She is a gorgeous ragdoll blue eyed babydoll and>he is a med 
hair gray and white tuxedo, both born on Easter Sunday.>Both are healthy 
now and are extremely sweet and well-mannered. I am>a foster home and 
cannot do any more rescues until they are gone.>Thanks, Diana HART 
Homeless Animal Rescue Team Cambria, CA
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.338 / Virus Database: 267.9.9/62 - Release Date: 8/2/2005

Re: Sniffles and red face- Lancelot

2005-08-03 Thread Del Daniels

While pricey, have you tested him for 
allergies?  It was close to $300 for each of my Daisy (-) and Butch 
(FIV+).  Now they have allergy shots.  Daisy is allergic to many 
things and changing her food has helped considerably.  Both of them still 
have flare-ups; theirs is skin.  The IVD fm the vet was best but Daisy will 
only eat Wellness chicken or turkey.  Her allergies are the carbs! rice, 
grains, etc., unusual for cats.  Butch did not test positive for foods yet 
the IVD or Wellness has helped him as well.  The allergy serum isn't cheap 
either, again about $300 each for a batch which lasts quite a while ... began in 
early January I think and still using the same vials.  

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 6:58 
  Subject: Re: Sniffles and red face- 
  OK - Lancelot's getting better but still not out of the 
  water!   Again, he is a mostly white, felv- cat (maybe 1.5 yr 
  old) with  allergies.I took him to a second vet I go to, 1 
  hour away.  She did ozone, and  gave me Ovaban (sp).  He 
  did get better. We did 1 week of daily  Ovaban, then once a 
  week.He's not scratching as badly, swelling has gone down, his nose 
  isn't  nearly as plugged up, but he still looks somewhat inflamed and 
  a  little sniffly.   I'm taking him back to her this week 
  sometime, for  more ozone.   He's still red faced, a 
  bit.Before that, he had Amoxi, Zeniquin, Dex, Tylosin, 
  intereferon,   blood test, skin biopsy, ear fungal test, other 
  stuff.  Have tried  Transfer Factor periodically, but hard to do 
  because of the picky way  he eats (and having 8-9 other cats).  
  Have used Interferon regularly.I just can't get this kitty 
  "WELL".  Somebody suggested Cyclosporin.   First vet said 
  this is expensive, I'll ask the second vet. But they  say he has 
  ALLERGIES.   I am changing to Petguard (health food store)  
  pet food.  Any suggestions for allergies?  Trying to get this 
  kitty  well!GloriaOn Jul 18, 2005, at 7:26 PM, 
  catatonya wrote:> Great News>> Gloria 
  wrote: I'd written about my  > problems with Lancelot - my little 
  mostly white> kitty - he had the slight sniffles, red swollen face and 
  eyes, face> and neck starting to itch. Weird. His nose was stopped up, 
  he looked> miserable. He was starting to scratch bloody places on his 
  neck.>> Took him to my "usual" vet, who tried Amoxi, Zeniquin, 
  blood test,> fungal test. No help. He had a couple of Cortisone shots, 
  the 1st> seemed to make it better then worse. She suggested food or 
  other> allergies as a possibilities.>> Last Friday, I 
  took him to another vet I go to, about an hour away in> Hot Springs. 
  I've gone to her before for several years. She gave> him ozone in his 
  ears (ear insufflation), did a skin biopsy, then> gave me Ovaban (if I 
  spelled it right) and I'm giving him that for a> week (then reduce to 
  once a week).>> Guess what! He's better. I'll still be curious 
  to see what the skin> biopsy says, but I'm delighted.>> 
  Gloria On Jul 2, 2005, at 12:45 PM, Gloria B. 
  Lane wrote:> > Hey Tonya,> >> > I just attempted 
  to have some Chlorphenarimine / Chlor Trimeton> > compounded into an 
  ear cream. They got it wrong and made a liquid> > for oral 
  consumption. The pharmacy said the ear cream would be $50.> 
  >> > I'm curious - how much do you get and how much does it 
  cost?> >> > I didn't know you could give kitties Benadryl, 
  so interested in  > that.> >> > My problem is 
  Lancelot - got him in January,February - declawed,> > outdoors for 
  two months. He had the sniffles. I've tried> > everything - Lysine, 
  Interferon, antibiotics, most recently a depo> > shot, which of 
  course did help some. THought I'd do the ear cream> > because he's 
  so hard to pill.> >> > Anyhow - any suggestions are 
  appreciated, and info on *ear cream* !> >> > 
  Gloria> >> >> >> > At 12:26 PM 
  7/2/2005, you wrote:> >> >> I had it compounded into a 
  cream for her ears to make it easier to> >> give it to her. She 
  is overgrooming her tummy and her 2 back legs> >> to where there 
  is very little hair yet. The vet says it's> >> allergies and 
  recommended prednisolone. We tried the baths, but> >> she really 
  HATED that!> >>> >> her benadryl dose is 25 mg. 
  twice daily.> >>> >> t> >>> 
  >> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:> 
  >> What is the dose, and why is she getting it? And why in her 
  ears?> >> You can actually give Benadryl orally to cats, the 
  dosage is 1MG> >> per pound, so since a tablet is 25MG, you'd 
  need to give a little> >> less than 1/2 a tablet to a 10 pound 
  cat, or if you buy the> >> capsules, you can dissolve the opened 
  capsule's powder into a bit> >> of water, shake well, and only 
  give 1/3 of the liquid, OR use> >> children's benadryl liquid, 
  but I'm not sure the strength of that,> >> so 

Re: Sniffles and red face- Lancelot

2005-08-03 Thread Jenn

If you happen onto any magical cure for general 
"allergies" let me know too! Mythic is STILL going through bald and scabby 
phases. At first, changing his food seemed to help, but he's all scabby again 
now. Really sad to look at... if anyone sees him like this, they will think I 
neglect my cats! I've tried SO many things, so many tests NOTHING helps the 
poor guy. The only thing that helps is steroid shots, and that's every other 
week for him, and I HATE to do it to him, but it looks like it's time for a 
month or two of shots.
JennAdopt a FIV+ cat:
collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special needs cat who 
must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.Bazil's caretaker 
collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they add up until she earns a free 
can of formula!PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil!
If you use KMR, even just one can, please ask me for the mailing address 
you can send them to, to help feed Bazil!
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Re: Sniffles and red face- Lancelot

2005-08-03 Thread gblane
OK - Lancelot's getting better but still not out of the water!   
Again, he is a mostly white, felv- cat (maybe 1.5 yr old) with  

I took him to a second vet I go to, 1 hour away.  She did ozone, and  
gave me Ovaban (sp).  He did get better. We did 1 week of daily  
Ovaban, then once a week.

He's not scratching as badly, swelling has gone down, his nose isn't  
nearly as plugged up, but he still looks somewhat inflamed and a  
little sniffly.   I'm taking him back to her this week sometime, for  
more ozone.   He's still red faced, a bit.

Before that, he had Amoxi, Zeniquin, Dex, Tylosin, intereferon,   
blood test, skin biopsy, ear fungal test, other stuff.  Have tried  
Transfer Factor periodically, but hard to do because of the picky way  
he eats (and having 8-9 other cats).  Have used Interferon regularly.

I just can't get this kitty "WELL".  Somebody suggested Cyclosporin.   
First vet said this is expensive, I'll ask the second vet. But they  
say he has ALLERGIES.   I am changing to Petguard (health food store)  
pet food.  Any suggestions for allergies?  Trying to get this kitty  


On Jul 18, 2005, at 7:26 PM, catatonya wrote:

Great News

Gloria Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I'd written about my  
problems with Lancelot - my little mostly white

kitty - he had the slight sniffles, red swollen face and eyes, face
and neck starting to itch. Weird. His nose was stopped up, he looked
miserable. He was starting to scratch bloody places on his neck.

Took him to my "usual" vet, who tried Amoxi, Zeniquin, blood test,
fungal test. No help. He had a couple of Cortisone shots, the 1st
seemed to make it better then worse. She suggested food or other
allergies as a possibilities.

Last Friday, I took him to another vet I go to, about an hour away in
Hot Springs. I've gone to her before for several years. She gave
him ozone in his ears (ear insufflation), did a skin biopsy, then
gave me Ovaban (if I spelled it right) and I'm giving him that for a
week (then reduce to once a week).

Guess what! He's better. I'll still be curious to see what the skin
biopsy says, but I'm delighted.


On Jul 2, 2005, at 12:45 PM, Gloria B. Lane wrote:
> Hey Tonya,
> I just attempted to have some Chlorphenarimine / Chlor Trimeton
> compounded into an ear cream. They got it wrong and made a liquid
> for oral consumption. The pharmacy said the ear cream would be $50.
> I'm curious - how much do you get and how much does it cost?
> I didn't know you could give kitties Benadryl, so interested in  

> My problem is Lancelot - got him in January,February - declawed,
> outdoors for two months. He had the sniffles. I've tried
> everything - Lysine, Interferon, antibiotics, most recently a depo
> shot, which of course did help some. THought I'd do the ear cream
> because he's so hard to pill.
> Anyhow - any suggestions are appreciated, and info on *ear cream* !
> Gloria
> At 12:26 PM 7/2/2005, you wrote:
>> I had it compounded into a cream for her ears to make it easier to
>> give it to her. She is overgrooming her tummy and her 2 back legs
>> to where there is very little hair yet. The vet says it's
>> allergies and recommended prednisolone. We tried the baths, but
>> she really HATED that!
>> her benadryl dose is 25 mg. twice daily.
>> t
>> What is the dose, and why is she getting it? And why in her ears?
>> You can actually give Benadryl orally to cats, the dosage is 1MG
>> per pound, so since a tablet is 25MG, you'd need to give a little
>> less than 1/2 a tablet to a 10 pound cat, or if you buy the
>> capsules, you can dissolve the opened capsule's powder into a bit
>> of water, shake well, and only give 1/3 of the liquid, OR use
>> children's benadryl liquid, but I'm not sure the strength of that,
>> so you'd have to do the math. When you say she is overgrooming, do
>> you mean she is cleaning one spot until she has no hair left? For
>> Mythic's skin itchies, I just used a good quality aloe cat shampoo
>> and bathed him once a week, and it seemed to help him a lot. The
>> vet gave me a special shampoo, but I found some stuff at the
>> hardware store that seems to help even more. The stuff the vet
>> sold me is made by Virbac, and it's called Epi-Soothe Shampoo
>> (label says available through vets only, and no number). The stuff
>> that works better for Mythic, is made by TropiClean, and it's
>> called Aloe Moist Natural Shampoo (1-800-542-7387). I wont ever
>> buy any other kind of shampoo again, it's really awesome stuff,
>> smells great too. Mythic also got shots at the vet for a while,
>> I'd have to dig up his records to tell you what it was though.
>> They only last for a couple of weeks, wasn't really worth the
>> trip. Changing his food to one with no grains helped more than
>> anything, his hair is still thin, but he does not scratch much at
>> all now.
>> Jenn

Re: CLS for belinda and all the group

2005-08-03 Thread gblane

Oh Macarena, I'm so sorry for these sad losses in your life.  Gloria

Bandy's temp

2005-08-03 Thread Kerry Roach
I took Bandy to get his shot on Tues. and his temp was up to 105.4 again..He will go several days without a temp, then it spikes again...He received another 1/2cc dex shot and it always lowers it..but we don't want to do that as to compromise his immune system further.
If it goes up again, we are going to use 1/4 baby aspirin..every 3 to 4 days..and no closer together...He started dox once a day on Sat. and is still on 1/2 baytril once a day along with interferon...and some other supplements...I have ordered TF so will start that when I get it..
My vet says that she thinks it has something to do with inflammation going on which causes his temp to go up off an on.  Due to him having both FIV and FeLV...
If any of you know of anything that could help with this, we would appreciate the info. I don't know what else to ask her...
Thanks so much,
Kerry R. and Bandy__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Flavia & Snowball

2005-08-03 Thread Kerry MacKenzie

My belated but no less heartfelt thanks -- it meant and means 
so much -- to Joan, MaryChristine, Kat, Terrie, Cherie, Barb, Stephanie, Nina, 
Hideyo, Jen, Tonya, Bramble's Michelle, Jennifer, Gloria, Del, James, Erika, 
Sheila, Peggy, Faye, Sue, Jenn & Melody for all your messages on and after 
July 6, a day that for all the wrong reasons will be etched in my brain for 
I was touched by the request for pix---I'm not teched up 
enough to upload pix at the moment but I'm told I can do it with a CD made 
from my regular pix. So watch this space for a fabulous pic of 
Snowball with his "arm" around his girlfriend Flavia. Hideyo 
suggested "the only thing I can think of is that Snowball is such a gentle soul, 
he could not let Flavia cross the bridge all by herself – so he decided to join 
her" which I found comforting.
It seems a bit weird that I'm posting this 
almost a month after it happened--all I can deduce is that that necessary trip 
to UK really got in the way of grieving for my little furballs. It wasn't 
possible to talk to anyone about it (my family aren't animal people and don't 
"get it") and I had no computer access.
Although I'm still way behind with the list 
email please know my thoughts are with all of you who have suffered losses, and 
I'm sending positive thoughts for all sick kitties.
love and hugs

  - Original Message - 
  Joan Doljan 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 12:40 
  Subject: Re: Please add Flavia to CLS 
  I am so sorry.  I know how much you cared for her and she sensed she 
  could make you understand that it was time for her to leave.  I know she 
  is in a better place, not suffering, but missing you as well.
  Kerry MacKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
allMy sweet, gorgeous little girl Flavia is gone.It all happened so 
quickly. When I went in to check on her at 9.30am (shehad seemed fine at 
6am and later), she was hiding in the carrier, and seemedto be breathing 
more rapidly than the others. I also noticed than someonehad vomited--a 
first, if my memory serves me right, since they all arrivedin December 
2003. I figured it was probably Flavia. Someone else has alsobeen 
urinating a little over the past few days out of the box--again, afirst. 
I thought it was probably Flavia.So, seeing her fast breathing, I 
panicked, and took her immediately to thevet I saw yesterday, Dr Teuber, 
and she confirmed that her respiratory ratehad increased since 
yesterday. We ran a PCV, and it had plummeted to 10,from 16 1/2 at 4pm 
yesterday.I actually think Flavia was ready. She didn't want to play at 
all last night(she hasn't been able to play the way she used to--leaping 
in the air tocatch the "bug"--for a few weeks, presumably because she 
hasn't had theenergy). Her quality of life was going downhill. It's a 
pity we didn't get achance to use the IR, which I had had fedexed to 2 
clinics. (Her IR wouldhave probably begun later this week--I had the 
housecall vet set up, andjust had to set a schedule.)I was/am a 
mess, but Flavia and I had a long cuddle, which was reallylovely, and 
helped a lot, for which I am very grateful. The vet was awonderful 
woman, who I only met yesterday (Dr Teuber at Higgins, Belinda--dotell 
your Chicago friend.). Looks like I may not have terminated 
myrelationship with Higgins after all...I am grateful that Flavia 
gave me the signs today, while I was still hereand able to help her.act 
on it immediately. The thought of her fighting forbreath for hours, or 
suffering in any way, while I was gone, and no one hereapart from the 
petsitter 30 mins a day, was not something I could accept. (Idid not 
want to hospitalize her.)I'm going to miss her terribly. I loved that 
little soul. I've been a bit ofa mess over the thought of losing her for 
the last 2 weeks, and shed moretears than I thought humanly possible. 
She was a tabby, very feminine,elfin-faced, with streaks of auburn and 
coffee and cream on her undersideand a long, beautiful, elegant tail. 
Last night I stroked her with a featherfor a long time and she really 
enjoyed it--stretching luxuriously. And, ofcourse, she became much more 
willing to be stroked and held over the pastfew days.Thanks to 
everyone for their prayers and good wishes. If I'm not in touchagain 
today, I send lots of healing vibes for all the sick kitties, and I'llbe 
in touch again the weekend of the 23rd.Goodbye, my gorgeous 
Flavia.Kerry- Original Message 
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 10:52 
AMSubject: Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 5, Issue 3...for Michelle 
L.> Dear Michelle L.:>> There is no point (and 
much risk) in vaccinating an immune-compromised cat> who is FIV+ or 
FeLV+. Vac