Re: Worms and Wormer Question

2006-08-27 Thread wendy
The general pill given for tapeworms is very small and
is called Droncit.  It works well.  Not sure about
other worms.


--- Stephanie E Caldwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Can someone send me some links to some wormers and
> information on common 
> kitty worms?
> Anything that is better tolerated in FELV+ and FIV+?
> Steph

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Re: Smokey is Coughing

2006-08-27 Thread wendy
Hi Dee,

I am stumped as to what could be causing Smokey's
coughing and labored breathing still.  I have no idea
what the normal respiratory rate is for a kitty.  Let
me know if you find out and I'll add it to the sick
kitty manual.  Is he still coughing today?  Do you
really feel that it's something serious?  You might
have to go with your gut on this one.  Coughing
doesn't sound too serios to me, generally, but it
would depend on how it sounded.  Also, since Smokey is
on an antibiotic, I would think it would help any
other infections he may have, like a URI.  Maybe time
will help you to make the decision on whether or not
to take him in sooner.  Prayers going to to Smokey. 
Please keep us posted.


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Re: To Gina: Re: OT: Re: Question #3: Supplements

2006-08-27 Thread wendy
Hey Gina,

What do you think made her start turning her nose up
at the wet Innova?  Do you think it was putting the
dry out?  Can you see if taking the dry will help?  I
would try that, especially since she needs the lysine.
 I don't think there's any way to add lysine to the
dry.  As far as other wet foods go, some people like
Wellness.  I think that California Naturals makes
Innova, so they will have other premium wet foods on
their website you can learn about.  Keep me posted on
what works.


--- Gina WN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Wendy,
>   I've been feeding Pippin Innova wet food and
> mixing in the L-lysine.  She seemed to like it.  I
> was supplementing with Innova Evo dry mixed with
> Science Diet dry (to transition her over from
> Science dry that she was eating.)  Now, she won't
> eat the wet Innova at all.  She turns her nose up at
> it and only wants the dry food.  Can I stir the
> L-Lysine into the dry food until I find a wet food
> she will eat?  And, can you recommend other wet
> foods I can try?
>   Gina
> wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Hey Gina,
> I am not sure how much is too much lysine, but from
> what I've read, if kitty is asymptomatic, then 250
> mg.
> per day is good for maintenance. If kitty has
> symptoms or is ill, then 500 mg. per day is not too
> much. That's what I gave Smookie when she had a
> corneal ulcer. If she tests negative on the second
> FeLV test, then I don't see the need to boost her
> immune system, unless the test is wrong. I have a
> kitty with feline herpes and I don't give her lysine
> unless she has symptoms. Some people do though. It
> just depends on the person and their philosophy. It
> is good for them, so doing it for maintenance or for
> symptoms, either way is fine. I am not sure how much
> lysine is too much. I think some people even give
> 1000 mg. per day or more depending on how sick kitty
> is. You should research this more though. You can
> find info. on the web. Just pay attention to the
> sources. 
> :)
> Wendy
> __
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> all final sales.  I am going to donate 100% of the
> proceeds to animal welfare organizations.  This is a
> great way to shop your favorite online pet stores
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To Tonya Re: Popeye has gone to the bridge

2006-08-27 Thread wendy
Hi Tonya,

First, let me say that I am so sorry that you have
lost Popeye.  I am so sorry that you had to let him go
and that nothing else can be done.  One positive thing
is that you know now that you made the right decision
in letting him go.  Had you not had that test result,
and made the decision to let him go, you would have
always wondered if it was the right one.  What a
blessing that you know.  I hope his sweet memories
help you to grieve for him.  And I know that he's
watching over you right now (and probably scratching
that principal's new Cadillac or clawing up their
couch when he/she is asleep.  hehe).  Popeye loves you
and will always be right by your side, even in death.

Second, let me say that I know exactly what it feels
like to work for a crappy administrator.  I have
worked in public education for 12 years now, at four
schools, first as a teacher/coach and now as a
librarian like Susan.  I have had some great
administators, and three crappy ones.  I work for two
of them now.  A lot of people don't know how much
politics and power do play a part in the public school
system.  It is a reality and it's sad the power that
an administrator has in a teacher's life.  I don't
know what state you are in, or how your evaluations
are done, but is this same administrator going to be
giving your evaluation?  Or is it your asst.
principal?  If it is this principal, I would strongly
suggest that you join the local region of your
teacher's union, like AFT or the like.  And document
everything that goes on this year with this principal.
 Everything.  Because the reality is that this
principal could really be a jerk and could cause you
trouble for no other reason than that his or her pants
are too tight.  I hate to be so fatalistic about this
but I've seen it and been through it, and I feel the
need to warn you.  Hopefully, this principal is just
trying to establish him or herself, and is a bit
insecure in the new position (maybe they are a first
year principal), and you and the other teacher were
the guinea pigs.  Keep in mind that you are a good
teacher and that you went into teaching because you
love kids and you love teaching them.  And pray for
guidance and protection this year.  You are a wise
woman to lie low.  I do the same thing.  I stay out of
the office unless I have to go in there, and when I
do, I'm sweet as pie.  Yes, I play the game, even
though I hate it.  Once, my senior year gov't teacher
told me that I would have to learn to play the game in
life, and I told her that was crap, and that I would
never do it, but she was right.  Sometimes you just
have to.  And I also agree wholeheartedly with the
others about calling in sick.  Complete honesty is not
always the best route to take.  It's like dealing with
the IRS.  The less they know, the better. 

Again, I am so sorry that you had to let Popeye go. 
If you need anything or just to vent, you know where
to find me.


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Re: Smokey is Coughing

2006-08-27 Thread Dee & Evan

   Yes, he had X-Rays done of his lungs about one week ago.  The only 
thing the vet told me is that it looked like fluffy cotton, which 
indicated slight pnuemonia. 


Re: Smokey is Coughing

2006-08-27 Thread Lernermichelle

Has he been x-rayed and/or ultrasounded to see if there are any masses 
near his lungs, i.e. lymphoma? Not to scare you, but it should probably be 

RE: Please send good vibes to Lucy

2006-08-27 Thread Diane Rosenfeldt

wishes for Lucy to restabilize.  Hang in there!
Diane R.


Lucy was doing great recovering from her last IBD relapse, and I had 
just tapered down to 2.5 mg/day (started at 12.5 and reduced by 1.25 per 
week).  And then she relapsed again. Liquid diarrhea and little 
interest in food. Otherwise she is acting fine this time, knock on 
wood.  I put her back up to 10 mg/day of pred and am giving her some 
homeopathic remedies. Please send her prayers, good thoughts, etc.  Her 
ibd definitely seems to be worsening, with more relapses that take longer to 
get better.  I always worry a bit that it is lymphoma, given her FeLV, 
though I am now getting used to the up and down of ibd so am more 
concerned/depressed than panicked. 
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Re: IFA kittens, retest at 6 mo & 1 yr? Or is IFA positive final?

2006-08-27 Thread Susan Hoffman
That's all too true.  Irrevocable decisions are made on the basis of an in-office ELISA test.  If cats were routinely tested with the IFA and given the time and environment to throw off the virus, what would we discover about FeLV?TenHouseCats <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:nope, cats CAN indeed test negative on the IFA if they were tested before they had thrown off the virus. it can take up to six or seven months for a negative IFA to become positive, tho even with the IFA, 120-days is the norm.      in rescue, most cats never are given the chance to HAVE an ifa in the first place, no less to be retested even once. if the cat has a home and it's important to know the status, then retesting is great   On 8/27/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: They are the two on the top on this page:   They look healthy to me.Phaewryn     Please adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!! Low cost Spay&Neuter services in VT, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners: Needs Cat Resources: The Sofa Poem: Please shop online through i-give and support the Feline Veterinary Emergency Assistance Program: Shop at GREAT stores, like Drs. Foster & Smith, Pet Food Direct, Musician's Friend, and LOTS more! It doesn't cost you a single penny more, and it makes so much difference to a sick cat in need!  No virus found in this outgoing message.Checked by AVG Free Edition.Version: 7.1.405 /
 Virus Database: 268.11.6/428 - Release Date: 8/25/2006-- Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!Maybe That'll Make The DifferenceMaryChristineAIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCatsMSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]ICQ: 289856892 

Smokey is Coughing

2006-08-27 Thread Dee & Evan
Smokey started his Doxy regiment last Wednesday for his Hemobart.  I 
started him on his Interferon this morning (Sunday).   The vet suggested 
I ease him into each regiment one at a time so if he has any symptoms we 
may be able to pinpoint which regiment caused the problems.  I am hoping 
to start him on the Lysine this week.  However, I am still worried about 
his breathing.  At times he seems to have labored breathing and at other 
times it seems to be better...but still not great.  However, I have 
noticed on at least three different times within the past week that he 
has had a coughing fit that takes him a while to cease.  It seems to be 
a "true" cough, not a hairball cough.  He has no discharge from his nose 
or eyes.  Does anyone know what is a cat's  normal respiratory rate?  
The vet wanted him to come in any way in about 5 to 7 days from when he 
started the Doxy to do some blood work (this Tuesday).  But I don't know 
if it would be better for him to wait due to the stress of the travel to 
the vet or if it would be better to take him in right away due to his 
coughing & breathing.  I know any stress can make the virus do more 
damage.  Does anyone have any advice to lend me?  Any input would be 
greatly appreciated.  Thanks.


Re: Please send good vibes to Lucy

2006-08-27 Thread Sherry DeHaan
Good thoughts and prayers for you and Lucy coming your way.[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Lucy was doing great recovering from her last IBD relapse, and I had just tapered down to 2.5 mg/day (started at 12.5 and reduced by 1.25 per week).  And then she relapsed again. Liquid diarrhea and little interest in food. Otherwise she is acting fine this time, knock on wood.  I put her back up to 10 mg/day of pred and am giving her some homeopathic remedies. Please send her prayers, good thoughts, etc.  Her ibd definitely seems to be worsening, with more relapses that take longer to get better.  I always worry a bit that it is lymphoma, given her FeLV, though I am now getting used to the up and down of ibd so am more
 concerned/depressed than panicked.      Thanks,  Michelle    
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Re: Please send good vibes to Lucy

2006-08-27 Thread TenHouseCats
GLOW for lucy, and for your sanity, as well

Lucy was doing great recovering from her last IBD relapse, and I had just tapered down to 2.5 mg/day (started at 12.5 and reduced by 1.25 per week).  And then she relapsed again. Liquid diarrhea and little interest in food. Otherwise she is acting fine this time, knock on wood.  I put her back up to 10 mg/day of pred and am giving her some homeopathic remedies. Please send her prayers, good thoughts, etc.  Her ibd definitely seems to be worsening, with more relapses that take longer to get better.  I always worry a bit that it is lymphoma, given her FeLV, though I am now getting used to the up and down of ibd so am more concerned/depressed than panicked. 

Michelle   -- Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!Maybe That'll Make The DifferenceMaryChristineAIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats

Re: IFA kittens, retest at 6 mo & 1 yr? Or is IFA positive final?

2006-08-27 Thread TenHouseCats
nope, cats CAN indeed test negative on the IFA if they were tested before they had thrown off the virus. it can take up to six or seven months for a negative IFA to become positive, tho even with the IFA, 120-days is the norm.

in rescue, most cats never are given the chance to HAVE an ifa in the first place, no less to be retested even once. if the cat has a home and it's important to know the status, then retesting is great 


They are the two on the top on this page: 
They look healthy to me.

Please adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!! Low cost Spay&Neuter services in VT, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners: Needs Cat Resources: The Sofa Poem: Please shop online through i-give and support the Feline Veterinary Emergency Assistance Program: Shop at GREAT stores, like Drs. Foster & Smith, Pet Food Direct, Musician's Friend, and LOTS more!
It doesn't cost you a single penny more, and it makes so much difference to a sick cat in need!
No virus found in this outgoing message.Checked by AVG Free Edition.Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.11.6/428 - Release Date: 8/25/2006
-- Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!Maybe That'll Make The DifferenceMaryChristineAIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCatsMSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ICQ: 289856892 

Please send good vibes to Lucy

2006-08-27 Thread Lernermichelle

Lucy was doing great recovering from her last IBD relapse, and I had just 
tapered down to 2.5 mg/day (started at 12.5 and reduced by 1.25 per week).  
And then she relapsed again. Liquid diarrhea and little interest in food. 
Otherwise she is acting fine this time, knock on wood.  I put her back up 
to 10 mg/day of pred and am giving her some homeopathic remedies. Please send 
her prayers, good thoughts, etc.  Her ibd definitely seems to be worsening, 
with more relapses that take longer to get better.  I always worry a bit 
that it is lymphoma, given her FeLV, though I am now getting used to the up and 
down of ibd so am more concerned/depressed than panicked. 

Re: head tilt/dialated eye

2006-08-27 Thread Lernermichelle

LJ, is Minnie positive? Where is her cancer?
In a message dated 8/27/2006 7:28:46 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 

   i am in lurk mode, 
  but my darling minnie ( who is 11) is coming towards the bridge and has a bit 
  of this syptom too. my awesome vet says that her cancer has proabably 
  metastisized ...weirdly enough, my mother who had cancer had this sort of 
  affect as well
  love and head bonks to all


head tilt/dialated eye

2006-08-27 Thread l.j. crabtree

 i am in lurk mode, but my darling minnie ( who is 11) is coming towards the bridge and has a bit of this syptom too. my awesome vet says that her cancer has proabably metastisized ...weirdly enough, my mother who had cancer had this sort of affect as well
much love and head bonks to all

Hit by a car..FeLV+

2006-08-27 Thread Tad Burnett
Title: Petfinder PetNotes


















this pet






Humane Society of Williamson County

Austin & Leander, 
(512) 260-3602


  	Tabby - Orange 
Age: Baby
Gender: Male
ID: 600738 


8/26/06 - Russo escaped all odds when he was hit by a car, then taken to The Humane Society of Williamson County. He was immediately rushed to the vet where he was treated, and it was determined he would be fine with a little TLC and care. 

Russo has only lived a short 3 months and thought his luck was changing. But, unfortunately his luck didn't hold out, he has tested positive for FeLV. 

The shelter does not have the proper facility to provide shelter for an FeLV kitty. We are desparate to see this little boy get a chance at love and life, even if just for a little while. He loves to snuggle, play, and purrs all day long. He has been through so, so much, and now this terrible turn of fate. Will you be the Guardian Angel that gives him the chance at love he so much deserves? 

He can either be an only kitty, or with other FeLV kitties, but has to be an indoor only cat. Please call or email us today and save this little boy from being just another statistic... 












	  Information regarding adoptable pets is provided by the adopting organization and is neither checked for accuracy or completeness nor guaranteed to be accurate or complete. The health status and behavior of any pet found, adopted through, or listed on the Website are the sole responsibility of the adoption organization listing the same and/or the adopting party, and by using this service, the adopting party releases from any and all liability arising out of o

Re: IFA kittens, retest at 6 mo & 1 yr? Or is IFA positive final?

2006-08-27 Thread felv

They are the two on the top on this page: 
They look healthy to me.
Please adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!! Low cost 
Spay&Neuter services in VT, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat 
Needs Cat Resources: 
The Sofa Poem: Please 
shop online through i-give and support the Feline Veterinary Emergency 
Assistance Program: Shop at 
GREAT stores, like Drs. Foster & Smith, Pet Food Direct, Musician's Friend, 
and LOTS more!It doesn't cost you a single penny more, and it makes so much 
difference to a sick cat in need!
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Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.11.6/428 - Release Date: 8/25/2006

Re: IFA kittens, retest at 6 mo & 1 yr? Or is IFA positive final?

2006-08-27 Thread Susan Hoffman
They still have a chance to throw off the virus, though it is more likely when an adult cat is exposed to feLV.  Still, if these kittens appear healthy and "normal" I am a strong believer in giving them the time to clear the virus.   If the cat or kitten is asymptomatic then by all means give them the luxury of time.[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Someone emailed me a couple of 10 week old FELV+ kittens to add to my website. She says they were confirmed positive on IFA, and she said "so it's in the bone marrow", and implied that retesting wont get any different results later as the IFA is "final". I always thought kittens could throw the virus, even if positive on IFA. So, what's the deal? Is an IFA result the final say, or do these babies have a chance of throwing the virus with time? 10 weeks old is awful young to throw in the towel, isn't it? I would suspect maternal antibodies at this point, but would they show on IFA?  Phaewryn     Please adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!! Low cost Spay&Neuter services in VT,
 and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners: Needs Cat Resources: The Sofa Poem: Please shop online through i-give and support the Feline Veterinary Emergency Assistance Program: Shop at GREAT stores, like Drs. Foster & Smith, Pet Food Direct, Musician's Friend, and LOTS more!It doesn't cost you a single penny more, and it makes so much difference to a sick cat in need!BEGIN:VCARDVERSION:2.1N:O'Gwynn;Jenn;Phaewryn;Ms.FN:Jenn Phaewryn O'GwynnNICKNAME:PhaewrynORG:UCAT rescue;operations/field workTITLE:Cat RescuerNOTE:I rescue cats. I run a small personal rescue operation, all on my own, and
 out of pocket. Donations appreciated at any time! Paypal donations can be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or send donations via check or money order to Jennifer O'Guin, PO Box 1008, Hardwick VT. 05843TEL;WORK;VOICE:802-472-8628TEL;HOME;VOICE:802 472-8628ADR;WORK:;home office;;Hardwick;VT.;05843;USALABEL;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:home office=0D=0AHardwick, VT. 05843=0D=0AUSAADR;HOME:;;P.O. Box 1008;Hardwick;Vermont;05843;USALABEL;HOME;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:P.O. Box 1008=0D=0AHardwick, Vermont 05843=0D=0AUSAX-WAB-GENDER:1URL;HOME:http://ucat.usURL;WORK:;PREF;INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED]EMAIL;INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED]EMAIL;INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED]REV:20060827T202242ZEND:VCARDNo virus found in this outgoing message.Checked by AVG Free Edition.Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.11.6/428 - Release Date: 8/25/2006

Re: IFA kittens, retest at 6 mo & 1 yr? Or is IFA positive final?

2006-08-27 Thread Susan Hoffman
They still have a chance to throw off the virus, though it is more likely when an adult cat is exposed to feLV.  Still, if these kittens appear healthy and "normal" I am a strong believer in giving them the time to clear the virus.   If the cat or kitten is asymptomatic then by all means give them the luxury of time.[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Someone emailed me a couple of 10 week old FELV+ kittens to add to my website. She says they were confirmed positive on IFA, and she said "so it's in the bone marrow", and implied that retesting wont get any different results later as the IFA is "final". I always thought kittens could throw the virus, even if positive on IFA. So, what's the deal? Is an IFA result the final say, or do these babies have a chance of throwing the virus with time? 10 weeks old is awful young to throw in the towel, isn't it? I would suspect maternal antibodies at this point, but would they show on IFA?  Phaewryn     Please adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!! Low cost Spay&Neuter services in VT,
 and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners: Needs Cat Resources: The Sofa Poem: Please shop online through i-give and support the Feline Veterinary Emergency Assistance Program: Shop at GREAT stores, like Drs. Foster & Smith, Pet Food Direct, Musician's Friend, and LOTS more!It doesn't cost you a single penny more, and it makes so much difference to a sick cat in need!BEGIN:VCARDVERSION:2.1N:O'Gwynn;Jenn;Phaewryn;Ms.FN:Jenn Phaewryn O'GwynnNICKNAME:PhaewrynORG:UCAT rescue;operations/field workTITLE:Cat RescuerNOTE:I rescue cats. I run a small personal rescue operation, all on my own, and
 out of pocket. Donations appreciated at any time! Paypal donations can be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or send donations via check or money order to Jennifer O'Guin, PO Box 1008, Hardwick VT. 05843TEL;WORK;VOICE:802-472-8628TEL;HOME;VOICE:802 472-8628ADR;WORK:;home office;;Hardwick;VT.;05843;USALABEL;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:home office=0D=0AHardwick, VT. 05843=0D=0AUSAADR;HOME:;;P.O. Box 1008;Hardwick;Vermont;05843;USALABEL;HOME;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:P.O. Box 1008=0D=0AHardwick, Vermont 05843=0D=0AUSAX-WAB-GENDER:1URL;HOME:http://ucat.usURL;WORK:;PREF;INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED]EMAIL;INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED]EMAIL;INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED]REV:20060827T202242ZEND:VCARDNo virus found in this outgoing message.Checked by AVG Free Edition.Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.11.6/428 - Release Date: 8/25/2006

IFA kittens, retest at 6 mo & 1 yr? Or is IFA positive final?

2006-08-27 Thread felv

Someone emailed me a couple of 10 week old FELV+ kittens to add to my 
website. She says they were confirmed positive on IFA, and she said "so it's in 
the bone marrow", and implied that retesting wont get any different results 
later as the IFA is "final". I always thought kittens could throw the virus, 
even if positive on IFA. So, what's the deal? Is an IFA result the final say, or 
do these babies have a chance of throwing the virus with time? 10 weeks old is 
awful young to throw in the towel, isn't it? I would suspect maternal antibodies 
at this point, but would they show on IFA?
Please adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!! Low cost 
Spay&Neuter services in VT, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat 
Needs Cat Resources: 
The Sofa Poem: Please 
shop online through i-give and support the Feline Veterinary Emergency 
Assistance Program: Shop at 
GREAT stores, like Drs. Foster & Smith, Pet Food Direct, Musician's Friend, 
and LOTS more!It doesn't cost you a single penny more, and it makes so much 
difference to a sick cat in need!
FN:Jenn Phaewryn O'Gwynn
ORG:UCAT rescue;operations/field work
TITLE:Cat Rescuer
NOTE:I rescue cats. I run a small personal rescue operation, all on my own, and out of pocket. Donations appreciated at any time! Paypal donations can be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or send donations via check or money order to Jennifer O'Guin, PO Box 1008, Hardwick VT. 05843
TEL;HOME;VOICE:802 472-8628
ADR;WORK:;home office;;Hardwick;VT.;05843;USA
ADR;HOME:;;P.O. Box 1008;Hardwick;Vermont;05843;USA
LABEL;HOME;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:P.O. Box 1008=0D=0AHardwick, Vermont 05843=0D=0AUSA
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.11.6/428 - Release Date: 8/25/2006

Re: Question #2: Grooming

2006-08-27 Thread felv

I trim the spots that Miranda wont let me brush (the private parts). Most 
vet offices can do a "sanitary clip" which removes the hair from the butt, 
inside the rear legs, and up under the tail. A good conditioner may help in your 
case, though I don't use them myself on my cats, I know many purebred people 
swear by them for longhairs. MC could probably suggest a few good ones for 
keeping the coat mat free, she's the Persian person on this group. OR, just go 
join a Persian cat yahoogroup, and ask what they use. They are the hardest to 
keep groomed breed, I believe, so if it works for them, it should work for you. 

There are combs special made for breaking up mats, with blade type teeth 
that cut through the mats. Search for matbreaker comb, or dematting comb. I 
usually try to finger pick out the mats I find, if you are patient, you can 
usually pluck at them and loosened them up and get them out without much hair 
loss if they are new mats (less then 3 days old).
Please adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!! Low cost 
Spay&Neuter services in VT, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat 
Needs Cat Resources: 
The Sofa Poem: Please 
shop online through i-give and support the Feline Veterinary Emergency 
Assistance Program: Shop at 
GREAT stores, like Drs. Foster & Smith, Pet Food Direct, Musician's Friend, 
and LOTS more!It doesn't cost you a single penny more, and it makes so much 
difference to a sick cat in need!
No virus found in this outgoing message.
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Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.11.6/428 - Release Date: 8/25/2006

Re: Dilated left eye

2006-08-27 Thread felv

Yep, we've all been there at one point. You take it as a lesson in life, 
and you try to move on, it's all you can do.
Please adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!! Low cost 
Spay&Neuter services in VT, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat 
Needs Cat Resources: 
The Sofa Poem: Please 
shop online through i-give and support the Feline Veterinary Emergency 
Assistance Program: Shop at 
GREAT stores, like Drs. Foster & Smith, Pet Food Direct, Musician's Friend, 
and LOTS more!It doesn't cost you a single penny more, and it makes so much 
difference to a sick cat in need!
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Re: Hit by car FELV+ kitten needs rescue

2006-08-27 Thread felv

Using the info found in the post, I determined via the area code and county 
listed that the cat is at: 
10930 Crystal Falls 
Leander, TX 
78641(512) 260-3602 
Please adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!! Low cost 
Spay&Neuter services in VT, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat 
Needs Cat Resources: 
The Sofa Poem: Please 
shop online through i-give and support the Feline Veterinary Emergency 
Assistance Program: Shop at 
GREAT stores, like Drs. Foster & Smith, Pet Food Direct, Musician's Friend, 
and LOTS more!It doesn't cost you a single penny more, and it makes so much 
difference to a sick cat in need!
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Re: Hit by car FELV+ kitten needs rescue

2006-08-27 Thread felv

Don't know, as I'm not the contact LISTED in the post. Email the CONTACT 
and ask them. :)
Please adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!! Low cost 
Spay&Neuter services in VT, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat 
Needs Cat Resources: 
The Sofa Poem: Please 
shop online through i-give and support the Feline Veterinary Emergency 
Assistance Program: Shop at 
GREAT stores, like Drs. Foster & Smith, Pet Food Direct, Musician's Friend, 
and LOTS more!It doesn't cost you a single penny more, and it makes so much 
difference to a sick cat in need!
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Re: Ordering interferon- Nina

2006-08-27 Thread felv

Get your own vet to make up a batch for you. All they have to do is order 
one vial of the actual human drug InterferonAlpha, and then dilute it to the 
correct dilution for cats, the instructions are available at the island pharmacy 
website for other vets to use (or at least they used to be). You should be able 
to have half prepared to full dilution, and have half stored in deep freeze for 
future dilution and use.
Please adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!! Low cost 
Spay&Neuter services in VT, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat 
Needs Cat Resources: 
The Sofa Poem: Please 
shop online through i-give and support the Feline Veterinary Emergency 
Assistance Program: Shop at 
GREAT stores, like Drs. Foster & Smith, Pet Food Direct, Musician's Friend, 
and LOTS more!It doesn't cost you a single penny more, and it makes so much 
difference to a sick cat in need!
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Re: Churchill Please add to the CLS

2006-08-27 Thread felv

My condolences go out to you, I'm sorry to hear you lost Churchill.
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Re: Popeye has gone to the bridge

2006-08-27 Thread felv

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I've been offline all week, so I know 
this is coming a bit late.
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Re: (OT) anyone else use

2006-08-27 Thread felv

I always try to use a local ISP if possible. Try your yellow page phone 
book under Internet Service, look for providers with addresses in your local 
phone service area. We tried MSN for a while, it really wasn't great service. We 
used one called Surf Global another time we couldn't get local service, they 
were fairly good.
Please adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!! Low cost 
Spay&Neuter services in VT, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat 
Needs Cat Resources: 
The Sofa Poem: Please 
shop online through i-give and support the Feline Veterinary Emergency 
Assistance Program: Shop at 
GREAT stores, like Drs. Foster & Smith, Pet Food Direct, Musician's Friend, 
and LOTS more!It doesn't cost you a single penny more, and it makes so much 
difference to a sick cat in need!
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Re: Question #9: Flea Treatments

2006-08-27 Thread felv

I really am disappointed with the frontline plus topspot. The Frontline 
SPRAY is much better, IMO (though if they groom themselves, they foam at the 
mouth something terrible for the first few days after applying it!). Advantage 
works well too, I think, I've had better success with it than with the Frontline 
topspots. I prefer flea baths over harsh chemical sprays, personally. Zodiac 
makes a really effective flea shampoo, if you follow the directions carefully, 
it has to soak on the cat for 5 minutes, and you should go as high up on the 
head as possible, and between every toe.
Please adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!! Low cost 
Spay&Neuter services in VT, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat 
Needs Cat Resources: 
The Sofa Poem: Please 
shop online through i-give and support the Feline Veterinary Emergency 
Assistance Program: Shop at 
GREAT stores, like Drs. Foster & Smith, Pet Food Direct, Musician's Friend, 
and LOTS more!It doesn't cost you a single penny more, and it makes so much 
difference to a sick cat in need!
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Re: Question #8: Vets & Neutering

2006-08-27 Thread felv

Just about any vet can handle a male cat neuter, it's a pretty basic thing. 
I wouldn't worry too much. I'd be more concerned with the Purina is as good as 
anything comment. Purina is junk, not worth feeding raccoons and skunks with, 
Please adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!! Low cost 
Spay&Neuter services in VT, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat 
Needs Cat Resources: 
The Sofa Poem: Please 
shop online through i-give and support the Feline Veterinary Emergency 
Assistance Program: Shop at 
GREAT stores, like Drs. Foster & Smith, Pet Food Direct, Musician's Friend, 
and LOTS more!It doesn't cost you a single penny more, and it makes so much 
difference to a sick cat in need!
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Re: Question #7: Carriers

2006-08-27 Thread felv

I think the person who wrote that sounds like a moron. What the hell 
difference does all that make, in her opinion? A cat that doesn't want to go 
into a kennel isn't going to be any easier to get in from the top than from the 
side, they have good claws, and a strong grip, and can splay their legs PLENTY 
wide enough apart to foil any attempts at loading, if they so desire. 
Ventilation on 4 sides is only required for international air travel, for common 
use, 3 sides is plenty, most likely, one side will be up against the back of 
your car seat anyways. And as for it being transparent, I've NEVER seen one 
transparent, and I think the cats tend to hide in the BACK of the kennel for a 
reason, because it's a place to HIDE, thus, a transparent kennel would make them 
feel less secure, IMO.
My biggest suggestion is to get an intermediate sized kennel, so you can 
put a small litterpan in it with your cat. I show an example on my products 

I've since come to realize that if you put the bedding in the BACK part of 
the kennel, and the litterpan in the front, the water and food that splashes out 
of the cage cups lands IN the litterbox, and causes no messes, plus, the cats 
tend to lay in the litterpan if it's in the back because they like to be in the 
back hiding. Just attach the cage cups up higher on the cage door, over the 
litterpan, like 3/4 of the way up the bars. The cats can still access them if 
they stand up that way, and can still dig in the box as well. To remove the cat, 
just take the pan out, set it off to the side, and remove the cat. To reinsert 
the cat, put the cat in, and then put the pan in after the cat.
Please adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!! Low cost 
Spay&Neuter services in VT, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat 
Needs Cat Resources: 
The Sofa Poem: Please 
shop online through i-give and support the Feline Veterinary Emergency 
Assistance Program: Shop at 
GREAT stores, like Drs. Foster & Smith, Pet Food Direct, Musician's Friend, 
and LOTS more!It doesn't cost you a single penny more, and it makes so much 
difference to a sick cat in need!
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Re: OT: Re: Question #4: Litter

2006-08-27 Thread felv

There's a product you spray (like spray paint) on the inside of your newly 
cleaned and DRY cat pans that keeps the clumping litters from sticking. It's a 
GREAT product, though I recommend spraying it OUTSIDE or with a window fan 
pulling the air out, as it takes a LOT to cover the inside of several boxes. 
It's called Stink Free Instantly: 
You just spray it on until it's got a nice white powdery coating on the 
entire inside of the pan, use extra in the corners. (it helps to have tan or 
beige colored boxes so you can see the coverage more)
Please adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!! Low cost 
Spay&Neuter services in VT, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat 
Needs Cat Resources: 
The Sofa Poem: Please 
shop online through i-give and support the Feline Veterinary Emergency 
Assistance Program: Shop at 
GREAT stores, like Drs. Foster & Smith, Pet Food Direct, Musician's Friend, 
and LOTS more!It doesn't cost you a single penny more, and it makes so much 
difference to a sick cat in need!
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RE: Question #2: Grooming

2006-08-27 Thread Chris

Question—how do you handle knots in
a dlh who is a bit lazy about self-grooming.  I swear she makes a face everytime
she goes to groom!  I try to comb her every day but now I’m thinking that
I almost just cut her hair short in spots that she just doesn’t seem to
take care of herself (like her rear end).  Of course, you can imagine she’s
not thrilled about that!




Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 2:48
Subject: Re: Question #2: Grooming


I use a grooming glove on all the shorthairs, once a
week or so: (the
one I own) (a
different brand)


Miranda, my only longhair (a slightly double coated
DLH with fine downy fur), gets combed once a week (though it should be done
every other day, I live a busy life, and she gets neglected) with a medium
shedding comb: (the
one I use)


I also occasionally, during prime shedding seasons,
use a soft CAT slicker on the thicker shorthairs (I would NEVER recommend using
this on a fine coated breed or one with no undercoat, like Siamese,
Abyssinians, Orientals, etc): 

(the one I have now, but don't really care for, as
it's too clunky) 

I used to own one that was called the "Tiny Tiger
Cat Slicker", and it was a MUCH better tool, more like this one, but I
can't vouch for the hardness of this one's pins: 


For a fine, short coat, a grooming glove and an
occasional bath should be all that is ever needed. I'd suggest a flea bath
using a good flea shampoo every late spring or summer, and a non-soap skin and
coat moisturizing bath in the winter. Some breeds require more frequent baths,
such as Sphynx and Persians, due to higher skin oil production. The shampoos I
prefer over all others: 
(flea shampoo) (the
best general and deodorizing shampoo) 
(for itchy, irritated skin) (for
itchy, flaky, dry skin, AND, get this, MY PERSONAL SHAMPOO, yes, for ME,
the HUMAN, it makes my hair look WONDERFUL combined with Aussie 3 minute
miracle deep conditioner)



Please adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!! 
Low cost Spay&Neuter services in VT, and Emergency Financial Assistance for
cat owners:
Special Needs Cat Resources:

The Sofa Poem:

Please shop online through i-give and support the Feline Veterinary Emergency
Assistance Program: 
Shop at GREAT stores, like Drs. Foster & Smith, Pet Food Direct, Musician's
Friend, and LOTS more!
It doesn't cost you a single penny more, and it makes so much difference to a
sick cat in need!

Re: Question #5: Routines

2006-08-27 Thread felv

I don't do routines, I catch them when I can, and where-ever they happen to 
be, for everything, from grooming to medicating.
Please adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!! Low cost 
Spay&Neuter services in VT, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat 
Needs Cat Resources: 
The Sofa Poem: Please 
shop online through i-give and support the Feline Veterinary Emergency 
Assistance Program: Shop at 
GREAT stores, like Drs. Foster & Smith, Pet Food Direct, Musician's Friend, 
and LOTS more!It doesn't cost you a single penny more, and it makes so much 
difference to a sick cat in need!
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Re: Question #2: Grooming

2006-08-27 Thread felv

I use a grooming glove on all the shorthairs, once a week or so: (the 
one I own) (a 
different brand)
Miranda, my only longhair (a slightly double coated DLH with fine downy 
fur), gets combed once a week (though it should be done every other day, I live 
a busy life, and she gets neglected) with a medium shedding comb: (the 
one I use)
I also occasionally, during prime shedding seasons, use a soft CAT slicker 
on the thicker shorthairs (I would NEVER recommend using this on a fine coated 
breed or one with no undercoat, like Siamese, Abyssinians, Orientals, 
(the one I have now, but don't really care for, as it's too clunky) 
I used to own one that was called the "Tiny Tiger Cat Slicker", and it was 
a MUCH better tool, more like this one, but I can't vouch for the hardness of 
this one's pins: 
For a fine, short coat, a grooming glove and an occasional bath should be 
all that is ever needed. I'd suggest a flea bath using a good flea shampoo every 
late spring or summer, and a non-soap skin and coat moisturizing bath in the 
winter. Some breeds require more frequent baths, such as Sphynx and Persians, 
due to higher skin oil production. The shampoos I prefer over all others:  
(flea shampoo) (the 
best general and deodorizing shampoo)  
(for itchy, irritated skin) (for 
itchy, flaky, dry skin, AND, get this, MY PERSONAL SHAMPOO, yes, for ME, 
the HUMAN, it makes my hair look WONDERFUL combined with Aussie 3 minute miracle 
deep conditioner)
Please adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!! Low cost 
Spay&Neuter services in VT, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat 
Needs Cat Resources: 
The Sofa Poem: Please 
shop online through i-give and support the Feline Veterinary Emergency 
Assistance Program: Shop at 
GREAT stores, like Drs. Foster & Smith, Pet Food Direct, Musician's Friend, 
and LOTS more!It doesn't cost you a single penny more, and it makes so much 
difference to a sick cat in need!
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Re: Treating nose sore

2006-08-27 Thread Lernermichelle

    Pixie might have a URI. Sometimes the stress of moving 
does that. For the URI symptoms, I recommend a few doses of 
   The bald patch could be ringworm. It often looks like you 
describe it. There have been some discussions on this list about treating 
ringworm. You don't want to treat for it unless Pixie has it, though, so you 
might want to get it looked at and/or cultured by a vet.

Re: Bacardi

2006-08-27 Thread Lernermichelle

Hi. You will get lots of good advice here. But most of all, try to keep 
Bacardi as stress-free as possible. It seems like stress often triggers the 
leukemia virus to wreak havoc.  And you will want to put him on a good 
quality food and some immune supplements, like lysine. Some people say that 
MegaC plus vitamins have helped kittens and cats who were fighting off the virus 
to throw it off (some kittens test positive and then a few months later test 
negative, because some throw it off).  Some people give Interferon orally 
every day, though the jury is out on how much it helps other than for oral 
Many FeLV+ kittens die before 2 years old. But many don't as well. I 
currently have a 5 year old and a 6 year old, and lost one in February who was 
7.  I have also lost positives at 5, 3, and 18 months. A few people on this 
list have positive cats who are over ten, and some have died at around 10.  
So definitely do not assume it is a death sentence. Just try to keep Bacardi as 
happy and stress-free as possible. If he gets anything that positives are prone 
to, like a URI or anemia, there are treatments that we have worked out and can 
share with you.
But right now it sounds like the biggest issue is that you are 
stressed, and that you are grieving. For now, if Bacardi is asymptomatic, 
just try to love him and enjoy life with him a little, and get him onto 
some healthy food (some of us do raw diets, but there are good prepared foods 
too like Innova's EVO, Eagle Pack, Wellness, California Natural, and Wysong) and 
I am really sorry about your loss of your other cat. We have all been 
through that a lot on this list.
In a message dated 8/27/2006 3:26:44 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
  kitten has been diagnosed with Felv.  I'm a vet tech, but it's easy for a 
  vet to tell u what they think, but it's another thing to have your own cat 
  be  positive.  We sent the confirming bloodwork to Antech to 
  find out it is in the bone marrow. I want to do everything I can for 
  him.  Three weeks beofre i found him my other cat died from 
  fibrosarcoma from the vaccine.  i just dont know what to do...  
  I'm open to suggestions from people that arent collecting a paycheck from 
  what i decide to do.Thanks, abby and bacardi


Re: Dilated left eye

2006-08-27 Thread Lernermichelle

That sounds like a neurological symptom to me.
In a message dated 8/27/2006 1:47:45 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 

  What does that mean when the one eye is dilated and the head is always 
  tilted. That happened to a felv positve once and my vet euthanized him this is 
  when I was new and didn't think to ask questions.


Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 19, Issue 75

2006-08-27 Thread Barbara Lowe
i belive the felv kitten hit by a car is possibly in austin texas as i 
googled that humane society and the area code 512 is also the same.
- Original Message - 

Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 1:27 PM
Subject: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 19, Issue 75

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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of Felvtalk digest..."

Today's Topics:

  1. Re: Hit by car FELV+ kitten needs rescue (TenHouseCats)
  2. Re: Popeye has gone to the bridge (catatonya)
  3. Re: Churchill Please add to the CLS (catatonya)
  4. Re: Popeye has gone to the bridge (catatonya)
  5. RE: Popeye has gone to the bridge (catatonya)
  6. Re: Dilated left eye ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2006 12:22:34 -0400
From: TenHouseCats <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Hit by car FELV+ kitten needs rescue
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"



 2. FeLV Kitten Survives Hit & Run Car Accident is now facing
Date: Sat Aug 26, 2006 5:20 pm (PDT)

Russo escaped all odds when he was hit by a car, then taken to The
Humane Society of Williamson County. He was immediately rushed to
the vet where he was treated, and it was determined he would be fine
with a little TLC and care.

Russo has only lived a short 3 months and thought his luck was
changing. But, unfortunately his luck didn't hold out, he has tested
positive for FeLV.

The shelter does not have the proper facility to provide shelter for
an FeLV kitty. We are desperate to see this little boy get a chance
at love and life, even if just for a little while. He loves to
snuggle, play, and purrs all day long. He has been through so, so
much, and now this terrible turn of fate.

The adoption fee will be completely waived we just want to see him
saved. He can either be an only kitty, or with other FeLV kitties,
but has to be an indoor only cat. Please call or email us today and
save this little boy from being just another statistic...

Ask for Kynama
(512) 947-9577

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Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892
-- next part --
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Message: 2
Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2006 09:28:34 -0700 (PDT)
From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Popeye has gone to the bridge
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Thank you.  I picked up his ashes on Friday. It was sad, so a friend came 
and went out to dinner with me. I am basically just 'laying low' at school 
and hoping for the best.  Being polite, etc


   I am so sorry for your loss. It sounds as if Popeye had fourteen 
wonderful years with you and was well loved.

 I'm glad that your HR department was able to make your principal be 
reasonable. Try not to let this taint your relationship with her too 
much - not to excuse or defend her but she may have come from a place 
where they didn't allow those sorts of absences or been trying to set 
policy right off the bat. Her approach was unfair and terrible, but you do 
have to work with her every day and it will only make your life miserable 
if you let this get to you too much.

------ next part --
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Message: 3
Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2006 09:37:37 -0700 (PDT)
From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Churchill Please add to the CLS
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

I'm so sorry Sherry.  Your "crash cats" are always in my prayers.

Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
   Hi we lost Churchill a beautiful big gray baby.He had a b

Re: Question #4: Litter

2006-08-27 Thread felv

I use natural litters only now. I like Cedarific, Feline Fresh, World's 
Best, and Swheat Scoop. The only non-clumping one I use is Cedarific, the rest 
are all clumping. I have one cat that prefers non clumping. I use it for all my 
boxes when I am busy, as it's VERY cheap, and I just change the whole box every 
3 days, and do NOT scoop at all for the 3 days. Much easier than scooping daily 
as must be done with the scoopables or they become one big clump that breaks up 
and then ruins the entire box.
Please adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!! Low cost 
Spay&Neuter services in VT, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat 
Needs Cat Resources: 
The Sofa Poem: Please 
shop online through i-give and support the Feline Veterinary Emergency 
Assistance Program: Shop at 
GREAT stores, like Drs. Foster & Smith, Pet Food Direct, Musician's Friend, 
and LOTS more!It doesn't cost you a single penny more, and it makes so much 
difference to a sick cat in need!
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Re: Dilated left eye

2006-08-27 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

my vet said toxo but he was guessing said he didn't think doing blood work 
was worth it to put him down
its one of those mistakes you make when your new I  don't use that vet 

RE: Popeye has gone to the bridge

2006-08-27 Thread catatonya
Thank you Kerry.     t"MacKenzie, Kerry N." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Tonya, I'm way behind on my email but wanted to say how very sorry I am to hear about Popeye, and how appalled I am by the treatment you had from the principal. (I'm glad to see from another post that you got yr day back.)  Popeye sounded a larger-than-life sweetie. I know you must miss him terribly. I'm just glad, as always, that he was so dearly loved during the time he was physically with you. Please know my thoughts are with
 you.  love and big, big hugs, Kerry      IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP to be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a person other than Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP) of that transaction or
 matter, and (ii) such taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayers particular circumstances from an independent tax advisor     This email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. 

Re: Popeye has gone to the bridge

2006-08-27 Thread catatonya
Thanks Susan.  I won't ever call in for a personal day ever again unless I'm actually going on a vacation or something.  I've learned my lesson!     tSusan Loesch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  I am sure glad you got your day back and I am so sorry that you've lost Popeye.   I also work in a school - as a librarian.  There isn't any point in trying to be honest with the admin. - only once in 32 years have I done that.  I had a couple of hours of personal leave left this spring and my feleuk baby, Cheyenne, was in the process of dying.  Since you are supposed to have PL approved sooner than the minute you want to take it I did call my principal and ask to take it that morning and said why.  But generally I just don't give them the chance to tell me no -- I just call
 in sick.  Or say I have a doctor's appt. if I have to leave  for a vet appt.  catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Thank you Marylyn.  She did give me the day back.  She had also docked another teacher last Friday who had to be out of state in a wedding.  Human Resources made her give both of us our days back.  Next time I have a problem with a cat I will be sure to call in SICK for myself and not have to deal with this kind of crap again.       tonyaMarylyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  My first message is being held by a monitor.  So
 I'll try again.  I am so sorry this has happened to you.  I don't understand how you can unapprove an absence after approving it.  You have no idea the level of meetings I've walked out on because a critter of mine needed me.  This is certainly not what we want to teach children.  Popeye is very grateful to you for your love and for being there for him.   Bless you.                       If you have men who will exclude any of God's
 creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who  will deal likewise with their fellow
 man.  St. Francis No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Free Edition.Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.11.5/425 - Release Date: 8/22/2006

Re: Churchill Please add to the CLS

2006-08-27 Thread catatonya
I'm so sorry Sherry.  Your "crash cats" are always in my prayers.  tonyaSherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Hi we lost Churchill a beautiful big gray baby.He had a big cattitude too,but we still loved him.Thanks everyone.  Sherry  Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.

Re: Popeye has gone to the bridge

2006-08-27 Thread catatonya
Thank you.  I picked up his ashes on Friday. It was sad, so a friend came and went out to dinner with me. I am basically just 'laying low' at school and hoping for the best.  Being polite, etc     tonya[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:I am so sorry for your loss. It sounds as if Popeye had fourteen wonderful years with you and was well loved.      I'm glad that your HR department was able to make your principal be reasonable. Try not to let this taint your relationship with her too much - not to excuse or defend her but she may have come from a place where they didn't allow those sorts of absences or been trying to set policy right off the bat. Her approach was unfair and terrible, but you do have to work with her every day and it will only make your life
 miserable if you let this get to you too much. 

Re: Hit by car FELV+ kitten needs rescue

2006-08-27 Thread TenHouseCats

2. FeLV Kitten Survives Hit & Run Car Accident is now facing    Posted by: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] kitrynak    Date: Sat Aug 26, 2006 5:20 pm (PDT)Russo escaped all odds when he was hit by a car, then taken to The 
Humane Society of Williamson County. He was immediately rushed to the vet where he was treated, and it was determined he would be fine with a little TLC and care. Russo has only lived a short 3 months and thought his luck was 
changing. But, unfortunately his luck didn't hold out, he has tested positive for FeLV. The shelter does not have the proper facility to provide shelter for an FeLV kitty. We are desperate to see this little boy get a chance 
at love and life, even if just for a little while. He loves to snuggle, play, and purrs all day long. He has been through so, so much, and now this terrible turn of fate. The adoption fee will be completely waived we just want to see him 
saved. He can either be an only kitty, or with other FeLV kitties, but has to be an indoor only cat. Please call or email us today and save this little boy from being just another statistic... Ask for Kynama
(512) 947-9577 No virus found in this outgoing message.Checked by AVG Free Edition.Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.11.6/428 - Release Date: 8/25/2006
-- Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!Maybe That'll Make The DifferenceMaryChristineAIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCatsMSN: 

RE: Dilated left eye

2006-08-27 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

I agree, Naomi’s left eye was
dilated and she had FIP, I think.. and Bella’s head was tilted and she
had inner ear infection – have you done the total body function on blood
work?  If you did, could you post it?


Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006
12:34 AM
Subject: Re: Dilated left eye


A head tilt and eye dilation means there's some kind of
neurological problem, usually, though it CAN happen with severe untreated ear
infections as well (more common in dogs than cats), and a few very rare
conditions I'd have to do a search for. You'd want to do a full neurological
exam to figure out the extent of the problem, and determine if it's affecting
quality of life. Many times there's no quality of life lost, so I don't know
why your vet would automatically euth on just that alone, maybe there was more
you were not aware of at the time.



Please adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!! 
Low cost Spay&Neuter services in VT, and Emergency Financial Assistance for
cat owners:
Special Needs Cat Resources:

The Sofa Poem:

Please shop online through i-give and support the Feline Veterinary Emergency
Assistance Program: 
Shop at GREAT stores, like Drs. Foster & Smith, Pet Food Direct, Musician's
Friend, and LOTS more!
It doesn't cost you a single penny more, and it makes so much difference to a
sick cat in need!

Hit by car FELV+ kitten needs rescue

2006-08-27 Thread felv

2. FeLV Kitten Survives Hit & Run Car Accident is now 
facing    Posted by: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
kitrynak    Date: Sat Aug 26, 2006 5:20 pm (PDT)Russo 
escaped all odds when he was hit by a car, then taken to The Humane Society 
of Williamson County. He was immediately rushed to the vet where he was 
treated, and it was determined he would be fine with a little TLC and care. 
Russo has only lived a short 3 months and thought his luck was 
changing. But, unfortunately his luck didn't hold out, he has tested 
positive for FeLV. The shelter does not have the proper facility to 
provide shelter for an FeLV kitty. We are desperate to see this little boy 
get a chance at love and life, even if just for a little while. He loves to 
snuggle, play, and purrs all day long. He has been through so, so much, 
and now this terrible turn of fate. The adoption fee will be completely 
waived we just want to see him saved. He can either be an only kitty, or 
with other FeLV kitties, but has to be an indoor only cat. Please call or 
email us today and save this little boy from being just another statistic... 
Ask for Kynama(512) 947-9577
FN:Jenn Phaewryn O'Gwynn
ORG:UCAT rescue;operations/field work
TITLE:Cat Rescuer
NOTE:I rescue cats. I run a small personal rescue operation, all on my own, and out of pocket. Donations appreciated at any time! Paypal donations can be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or send donations via check or money order to Jennifer O'Guin, PO Box 1008, Hardwick VT. 05843
TEL;HOME;VOICE:802 472-8628
ADR;WORK:;home office;;Hardwick;VT.;05843;USA
ADR;HOME:;;P.O. Box 1008;Hardwick;Vermont;05843;USA
LABEL;HOME;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:P.O. Box 1008=0D=0AHardwick, Vermont 05843=0D=0AUSA
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Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.11.6/428 - Release Date: 8/25/2006

Re: Treating nose sore

2006-08-27 Thread Susan Hoffman
Did she get the basic FVRCP vaccines?  That covers calicivirus.  Could it be ringworm?G D <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Hello everyone, I've been a silent member of the listserv since March and have been learning a lot from your discussions and feeling your sorrows as loved ones pass away. I'm now writing for advice -- my Pixie is a largely asymptomatic  2 y/o felv positive and in early August we moved from Philadelphia to the Netherlands (flew Northwest so she could be in the cabin with me).   A few days ago I noticed a small bald patch on the side of her nose and it's been growing in size and is now looking red and irritated. I've been looking up possible causes and I'm scared that it could be feline calicivirus because she has eye discharge, a wet nose, audible breathing, and the occasional sneeze. Does
 anyone have experience with calicivirus, especially in combination with felv?   Perhaps another, happier, explanation could be that Pixie is weirded out by the new environment and is over-grooming? I tried putting Polysporin on the sore a couple of times today and she's successfully groomed it off almost immediately. Any tips on treating the sore -- possible viral causes aside?   Pixie is eating normally and seems fine other than the aforementioned symptoms. I should also note that I gave her dewormer for roundworm two weeks ago, after finding some worms in her vomit. Not sure those worms are totally gone, either. Any advice would be much appreciated! She's my first felv cat and I'm thinking of adopting another (Dutch) one soon, once I know what's up with Pixie... and where to even find a felv cat in the Netherlands.   Cheers, Giselle

Re: advice re sedation for kitten on long trip

2006-08-27 Thread Kerry MacKenzie

Thanks Hideyo and Marylyn, appreciate it, have passed on the 
info to her. Kerry

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2006 3:36 
  Subject: Re: advice re sedation for 
  kitten on long trip
  One of the holistic vets I know recommends a very 
  concentrated catnip spray too.  I got something similar to what she uses 
  at one of the PetsMarts.  The combination of rr and catnip works better 
  than either alone.  
  If you have men who will exclude any of God's 
  from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who 
  will deal likewise with their fellow 
  St. Francis
- Original Message - 
Hideyo Yamamoto 

Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 11:28 
Subject: RE: advice re sedation for 
kitten on long trip

Theyact very 
differentlyincidividually,, some kitties really freak out with drug.. my 
recommendation is not to use any, but give some rescue remedy 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kerry 
MacKenzieSent: Friday, 
August 25, 2006 7:32 PMTo: 
felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: advice re sedation for kitten 
on long trip

Hi all

I don't know 
if this will go thru because I'm having a lot of problems. But I have to 
try, as someone I know is driving in the next couple of days from Chicago to 
NY City and asked my advice about sedating her kitten for the trip. I 
believe the kitten is 5 months old, and certainly under a year. I've never 
used any sort of sedation and said i wd ask you wonderful guys. I believe 
Benadryl was mentioned recently on the list?  Any advice much 


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Re: advice re sedation for kitten on long trip

2006-08-27 Thread Kerry MacKenzie

Thanks Phaewryn--much appreciated, 
I'll pass this on to her.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2006 11:46 
  Subject: Re: advice re sedation for 
  kitten on long trip
  DON'T do it, period. Provide a kennel big enough to 
  put a litter box in with the kitten (do NOT use clumping litter), and just let 
  him work it out. Sedation makes them carsick, and has side effects. It's not 
  in any way helpful, unless you have a cat that really freaks out and 
  hyperventilates and tries to kill himself, sedation is just not required or 
  Please adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!! Low cost 
  Spay&Neuter services in VT, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat 
  Needs Cat Resources: 
  The Sofa Poem: 
  Please shop online through i-give and support the Feline Veterinary 
  Emergency Assistance Program: Shop at 
  GREAT stores, like Drs. Foster & Smith, Pet Food Direct, Musician's 
  Friend, and LOTS more!It doesn't cost you a single penny more, and it 
  makes so much difference to a sick cat in need!

  No virus found in this outgoing message.Checked by AVG Free 
  Edition.Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.11.6/428 - Release Date: 

Treating nose sore

2006-08-27 Thread G D
Hello everyone, I've been a silent member of the listserv since March and have been learning a lot from your discussions and feeling your sorrows as loved ones pass away. I'm now writing for advice -- my Pixie is a largely asymptomatic  2 y/o felv positive and in early August we moved from Philadelphia to the Netherlands (flew Northwest so she could be in the cabin with me). 
A few days ago I noticed a small bald patch on the side of her nose and it's been growing in size and is now looking red and irritated. I've been looking up possible causes and I'm scared that it could be feline calicivirus because she has eye discharge, a wet nose, audible breathing, and the occasional sneeze. Does anyone have experience with calicivirus, especially in combination with felv? 
Perhaps another, happier, explanation could be that Pixie is weirded out by the new environment and is over-grooming? I tried putting Polysporin on the sore a couple of times today and she's successfully groomed it off almost immediately. Any tips on treating the sore -- possible viral causes aside? 
Pixie is eating normally and seems fine other than the aforementioned symptoms. I should also note that I gave her dewormer for roundworm two weeks ago, after finding some worms in her vomit. Not sure those worms are totally gone, either. Any advice would be much appreciated! She's my first felv cat and I'm thinking of adopting another (Dutch) one soon, once I know what's up with Pixie... and where to even find a felv cat in the Netherlands. 
Cheers, Giselle

Re: Popeye has gone to the bridge

2006-08-27 Thread catatonya
Thank you Gina.  I just crashed yesterday and I feel a lot better today.     tonyaGina WN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Tonya,     I am very sorry about what happened at your job during what was already a traumatic time with Popeye.  I wish people were more caring regarding the loss of our beloved companion animals.  You are in my thoughts and prayers.     Gina  Please visit my Tigger Tales site!       At the bottom of the home and links pages are my merchant affiliate
 banners.  If anyone uses my links to make a purchase, I will receive a percentage of all final sales.  I am going to donate 100% of the proceeds to animal welfare organizations.  This is a great way to shop your favorite online pet stores and give something to a worthy cause.  Thank you in advance!  How low will we go? Check out Yahoo! Messenger’s low PC-to-Phone call rates.

Re: Worms and Wormer Question

2006-08-27 Thread Precious Pets, Almost Home
LOL!!  You sick kitty!  Ha! Ha!

Precious Pets, Almost Home

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I prefer Droncit or Drontal, as it gets tapeworms,
> in addition to all the others too, where most other
> dewormers don't get the tape worms. The two most
> common in cats are roundworms and tapeworms, but
> they can get any type that dogs get, I believe.
> Hookworms, whipworms, etc.
> Roundworms are the ones the puke up in piles and
> look like spaghetti. Tape worms are the ones you see
> crawling out their butts that look like white rice.
> Yummy, who wants some carbs now?! LOL!
> Phaewryn
> Please adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!!
> Low cost Spay&Neuter services in VT, and Emergency
> Financial Assistance for cat owners:
> Special Needs Cat Resources:
> The Sofa Poem: 
> Please shop online through i-give and support the
> Feline Veterinary Emergency Assistance Program:
> Shop at GREAT stores, like Drs. Foster & Smith, Pet
> Food Direct, Musician's Friend, and LOTS more!
> It doesn't cost you a single penny more, and it
> makes so much difference to a sick cat in need!> No
virus found in this outgoing message.
> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.11.6/428 -
> Release Date: 8/25/2006

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Re: Bacardi

2006-08-27 Thread Gina WN
Hello Abby,I joined this list for support because my kitten Pippin tested a faint positive on her first FeLV test back in June when she was seven weeks old.  This is my first experience with FeLV.  Being on this list helps me cope.How old is Bacardi?  Does he have any symptoms?  You must be going through a lot of grief all at once over your other cat and now Bacardi.  My thoughts are with you.  There are experienced people on this list who have a lot of information and wisdom to share.  There isn't as much email on the weekends.  If you need someone to just talk with, I am here.Take care,GinaAbby Specht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: My kitten has been diagnosed with Felv.  I'm a vet tech, but it's easy for a vet to tell u what they think, but it's another
 thing to have your own cat be  positive.  We sent the confirming bloodwork to Antech to find out it is in the bone marrow. I want to do everything I can for him.  Three weeks beofre i found him my other cat died from fibrosarcoma from the vaccine.  i just dont know what to do...  I'm open to suggestions from people that arent collecting a paycheck from what i decide to do.Thanks, abby and bacardiPlease visit my Tigger Tales site!       At the bottom of the home and links pages are my merchant affiliate banners.  If anyone uses my links to make a purchase, I will receive a percentage of all final sales.  I am going to donate 100%
 of the proceeds to animal welfare organizations.  This is a great way to shop your favorite online pet stores and give something to a worthy cause.  Thank you in advance! 
		 All-new Yahoo! Mail - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done faster.


2006-08-27 Thread Abby Specht
My kitten has been diagnosed with Felv.  I'm a vet tech, but it's easy for a 
vet to tell u what they think, but it's another thing to have your own cat 
be  positive.  We sent the confirming bloodwork to Antech to find out it is 
in the bone marrow. I want to do everything I can for him.  Three weeks 
beofre i found him my other cat died from fibrosarcoma from the vaccine.  i 
just dont know what to do...  I'm open to suggestions from people that arent 
collecting a paycheck from what i decide to do.

Thanks, abby and bacardi

Ordering interferon- Nina

2006-08-27 Thread Kiley Dozier-Bosanko

Did you (or anyone else) ever find anywhere other than Island pharmacy to 
order interferon from?  With shipping it's going to cost $70.00 for me to 
get a 4-6 week supply.  If you have any ideas of where else to look I would 
be very greatful.

Thank you,
Kiley & Mio & Oscar