[Felvtalk] New To Group

2013-06-02 Thread kasia mosko

I have six cats and one of the has been recently diagnosed with feline leukemia 
and lymphoma (going through a chemotherapy). I have contacted two vets 
regarding Jack, and my other cats, and they both tell me something totally 
different. One of them says that I should separate Jack, and test the other 
cats for Leukemia, and vaccinate them if they are negative. The second vets 
tells me that the cats were already exposed to the virus and hopefully their 
immune system was strong enough to fight it. I also understood that once a cat 
is exposed to it, the virus may come to the surface at any time (even though 
the test may show negative today it may change tomorrow), and it is too late 
for the vaccination. I am totally confused and not sure what my next step 
should be. 
Help would be greatly appreciated,
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] New To Group

2013-06-06 Thread kasia mosko

Yesterday I had the rest of the cats tested for FelV, and they all turned out 
to be positive. I  have 6 cats suffering from FelV and one has lymphoma; I feel 
like my life has just ended. 


I unknowingly mixed two FelV cats into my group, and the two positive cats
are now 5 years old and in apparent good health in spite of being positive. 
There were several other older cats (not kittens) who were exposed and only
one became very sick and had to be PTS.  The other 9 cats are still fine. 
One has been tested twice and still remains negative. FelV is not always a
death sentence for older cats who are exposed, but sadly I have found that 
kittens born to a FelV mother and testing positive almost always die at
a year or so old.   Good luck with your cats and welcome to the group.


On 06-02, kasia mosko wrote:
>    Hello,
>    I have six cats and one of the has been recently diagnosed with feline
>    leukemia and lymphoma (going through a chemotherapy). I have contacted
>    two vets regarding Jack, and my other cats, and they both tell me
>    something totally different. One of them says that I should separate
>    Jack, and test the other cats for Leukemia, and vaccinate them if they
>    are negative. The second vets tells me that the cats were already
>    exposed to the virus and hopefully their immune system was strong
>    enough to fight it. I also understood that once a cat is exposed to it,
>    the virus may come to the surface at any time (even though the test may
>    show negative today it may change tomorrow), and it is too late for the
>    vaccination. I am totally confused and not sure what my next step
>    should be.
>    Help would be greatly appreciated,
>    Kasia

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Re: [Felvtalk] New To Group

2013-06-06 Thread kasia mosko
Hi Lorrie,

Three of my cats are around 7-8 years old, one is little over 3 years, and two 
will be three years old soon. From what I understood is that older cats got 
infected because they hang around the carrier for a long period of time. It is 
such a shocking news, I still do not know how to deal with it; honestly, this 
is the worst time of my life. All of my animals are the most important "things" 
in my life, I cant imagine losing any of them...unless they are old and ready 
to go. 

 From: Lorrie 
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org 
Sent: Thursday, June 6, 2013 4:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] New To Group

Oh Kasia, I am so sorry. You must be absolutely devastated. It is really
unusual for older cats to become positive unless they were kittens at
the time they were with the positive cats.

I know you are shocked and frightened, but cats who test positive can still
live long lives, but it is important to catch the first sign of illness and
treat it. I hope your cats will be able to live with this virus and have a
good long life in spite of being positive.


>    On 06-06, kasia mosko wrote:
>    Lorrie,
>    Yesterday I had the rest of the cats tested for FelV, and they all
>    turned out to be positive. I  have 6 cats suffering from FelV and one
>    has lymphoma; I feel like my life has just ended.
>    Kasia
>      __

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Re: [Felvtalk] New To Group-Lance

2013-06-06 Thread kasia mosko
Hi Lance,

Are any of your FeLV+ cats showing symptoms? 
***Besides Jack, who has lymphoma, none of the other cats show any symptoms.
Lance, when was your girl diagnosed with it?
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Getting myself ready for the battle

2013-06-07 Thread kasia mosko
Hi All,

So I am getting myself ready for the emergency situations, since the most 
important thing with felv cats is not to let them get sick. I am wondering what 
exactly do  I need? So far I've got on my list: scale to monitor their weight, 
thermometer, antibiotics  (in case i see any scratches) to prevent infections. 
I definitely need something good for immune system. I also talked with the vet 
and we decided to put them on interferon alpha...may help. Please, members with 
felv experience, let me know what else could be helpful.

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Getting myself ready for the battle-El

2013-06-07 Thread kasia mosko
Hi El,

I actually have at home Transfer Factor Classic, I used it last year for my 
late cat. What is the dosage, do you remember? So, your kitties were ok for 
about  five years after being diagnosed? 

 From: designercats cats 
To: "felvtalk@felineleukemia.org"  
Sent: Friday, June 7, 2013 12:00 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Getting myself ready for the battle

I've used Transfer Factor Plus Tri Factor for FeLV+ cats for several years. 
It's the best immune booster  I've tried. Also, I use the Agaricus Blazeii. 
Although all of the FeLV+ cats that I've taken in have come very ill and 
emaciated, once all the infections are treated and their immune system is built 
up, they haven't had for a few years. Mattie is the third one that has gotten 
lymphoma though after being healthy for 4 1/2 - 5 years. That seems to be the 
pattern here. One came with endocarditis but he lived 5 years with the right 
medical treatment and the transfer factor.


From: lini...@fastmail.fm
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2013 10:54:00 -0500
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Getting myself ready for the battle

I see that I wrote "beware" where I meant "be aware". 

A few options you may want to discuss with a holistic vet:

Thorne Research - Immugen
Atlas World - Agaricus Bio for Dogs and Cats
4Life - Transfer Factor Plus

You wouldn't necessarily want them on all of that at the same time, but those 
are a few more options.

The reason I think working with a holistic vet is a good idea is that they can 
help you coordinate an approach as well as vouch for supplements that they use.

On Jun 7, 2013, at 10:35 AM, Lance  wrote:

I've given Ember a product called Liquid DMG off and on. Vetri Science seems to 
be a reliable company, and I don't believe there's a risk of side effects. You 
might want to discuss this with a holistic vet in your area.
>Everything you mention is great to have. I don't think you'll need much else. 
>What you mainly want to do is beware of how the cats are behaving, how well 
>they eat and drink, how well they use the box, and how everyone generally 
>feels. Your eyes, ears, and attention to detail are more useful than anything 
>you could buy. That said, be careful not to scrutinize too much. As others 
>have said, FeLV+ cats get illnesses that may have nothing to do with FeLV, and 
>those are often treatable.
>On Jun 7, 2013, at 10:07 AM, kasia mosko  wrote:
>Hi All,
>>So I am getting myself ready for the emergency situations, since the most 
>>important thing with felv cats is not to let them get sick. I am wondering 
>>what exactly do  I need? So far I've got on my list: scale to monitor their 
>>weight, thermometer, antibiotics  (in case i see any scratches) to prevent 
>>infections. I definitely need something good for immune system. I also talked 
>>with the vet and we decided to put them on interferon alpha...may help. 
>>Please, members with felv experience, let me know what else could be helpful.
>>Felvtalk mailing list
>Felvtalk mailing list

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[Felvtalk] Treatment Protocols

2013-06-09 Thread kasia mosko

Hello All,

I've came across this website with treatments for Felv, and was wondering if 
anyone ever tried anything (I know some members tried Interferon Alpha)? The 
link is 

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Treatment Protocols-Lance

2013-06-09 Thread kasia mosko

Hi Lance,

Of those on the list, I've only used inteferon alpha.
***Did you start using it before your cat has shown any symptoms? 

How is Jack doing today?
*** So far Jack has been doing really good. It took him only two days to get 
back to "normal", and the fluid in his chest stopped building up as well. He 
eats soo much; much more than he used to, but it is ok, because he is only over 
6 pounds now.  It is his second week on chemo and no side effects so far; 
hopefully it will stay this way.



On Jun 9, 2013, at 11:24 AM, kasia mosko  wrote:

> Hello All,
> I've came across this website with treatments for Felv, and was wondering if 
> anyone ever tried anything (I know some members tried Interferon Alpha)? The 
> link is 
> http://www.felineleukemia.org/treatmnt.shtml 
> Best, 
> Kasia
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org

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[Felvtalk] Where to buy Interferon Alpha

2013-06-11 Thread kasia mosko

I ma wondering if anyone knows where can I purchase Interferon Alpha? My vet 
said he could get if for me but it would cost 40 dollars a month for each cat. 
He also said he would be able to dilute it if I could obtain it in its full 
strength, which would save us a lot of money.

Thanks so much,

From: Lance 
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org 
Sent: Sunday, June 9, 2013 1:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Treatment Protocols

Of those on the list, I've only used inteferon alpha and Dimethylglycine (DMG). 
Interferon is fairly affordable, while DMG is cheap and available in a number 
of formats (liquid, powder, "treat"). I can't vouch for whether or not they 
work. We have no studies that I know of for DMG use on FeLV+ cats, and 
interferon alpha studies show possible help, but nothing that says it will 
definitely improve anything.

ImmunoRegulin - I believe I spoke to Dr. Thomas (an article about her use of IR 
is listed on that page) about ImmunoRegulin. If I remember right, she hasn't 
used the drug for cats in a long time, but I don't think this was due to any 
problem with it. She still said it had done some good.

Acemannan - Ember's first vet to treat her for FeLV had tried using this drug 
on cats a long time ago, and he didn't see any use in it. 

Lymphocyte T-Cell Immune Modulator - This is a relatively new product, and my 
understanding is that adequate studies have not been conducted. My vet wasn't 
impressed. A cat in town is getting it for something related to sneezing, and 
the owner is happy with the cat's progress. I don't know anything about the 
case; just that my vet talked to another vet here about it. It shouldn't hurt, 
and I'm considering it. 

Staph Protein A - I know nothing about this one and don't know that I've ever 
heard of anyone using it.

Baypamun - <http://www.felineleukemia.org/baypamun.html> You can search the 
list archives for this, but I'm not sure it's even available. That page on the 
site hasn't been updated in quite awhile. 

How is Jack doing today?


On Jun 9, 2013, at 11:24 AM, kasia mosko  wrote:

> Hello All,
> I've came across this website with treatments for Felv, and was wondering if 
> anyone ever tried anything (I know some members tried Interferon Alpha)? The 
> link is 
> http://www.felineleukemia.org/treatmnt.shtml 
> Best, 
> Kasia
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org

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[Felvtalk] Vitamins Recommendation

2014-01-22 Thread kasia mosko
Hello Group,

I was wondering if anyone could recommend good vitamins for felv+ cats? 

Thank you so much,
Felvtalk mailing list