Re: [Flashcoders] Subversion Client on Mac?

2006-12-20 Thread Haikal Saadh
This may be a shotgun to kill a mosquito, but I use the Eclipse 
subversion plugin.

I've not been in any flash/AS projects that used version control, but 
have used it for Java/ColdFusion.

T. Michael Keesey wrote:

Do any people out there who use Macs have a recommendation for a
Subversion client? We're trying SVNX, and it's not bad, but ... it's
no TortoiseSVN, for sure.

What do you guys use?

Haikal Saadh
Applications Programmer
ICT Resources, TALSS
QUT Kelvin Grove

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Re: [Flashcoders] Iterate over all movieclips in a timeline

2006-10-09 Thread Haikal Saadh

Ah, thanks, that's exactly what I needed.

Current frame only is fine, as it's only going to do some initialisation 
at frame 1 anyway.

Steven Sacks | BLITZ wrote:

I feel a bit boneheaded asking this... is there any way of iterating
over all movie clips in a timeline?

for (var a in this) {
if (this[a] instanceof MovieClip) {

BLITZ | Steven Sacks - 310-551-0200 x209

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Haikal Saadh
Applications Programmer
ICT Resources, TALSS
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[Flashcoders] Iterate over all movieclips in a timeline

2006-10-09 Thread Haikal Saadh


I feel a bit boneheaded asking this... is there any way of iterating 
over all movie clips in a timeline?

At the moment, I just have a hard coded array that contains references 
to the clips I need. This isn't a big problem, but that just means one 
more thing to edit each time I add or remove clips. (and I'd have to 
name them as well).


Haikal Saadh
Applications Programmer
ICT Resources, TALSS
QUT Kelvin Grove

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Re: [Flashcoders] HitArea insanity

2006-09-05 Thread Haikal Saadh
The 4th line of code... That is assigning the attached clip to the 
hitArea of the class the code belongs to. (A class that extends UIComponent)

Latcho wrote:

you just showed us the simple attaching of a movieclip from the lib...

Haikal Saadh wrote:


I'm having some problems with hitTest();

Even though I've assigned a hitArea that's actually smaller than the 
area of a certain component, the actual hitArea seems to be the 
rectangle containing everything that's visible in the component. What 
gives? Have I misunderstood something?

Here's the code that assigns the hitArea:

   //trace("Loading hit area: " + __hitArea);
   hitAreaClip = attachMovie(__hitArea, "_hitAreaClip", depth++);
   hitAreaClip._visible = false;
   hitArea = hitAreaClip;  // make this component's hitArea be 
this just loadeded clip.

__ hitArea gets set as the property 'hitAreaSkin' at authortime.
Any ideas?

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Haikal Saadh
Applications Programmer
ICT Resources, TALSS
QUT Kelvin Grove

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[Flashcoders] HitArea insanity

2006-09-05 Thread Haikal Saadh


I'm having some problems with hitTest();

Even though I've assigned a hitArea that's actually smaller than the 
area of a certain component, the actual hitArea seems to be the 
rectangle containing everything that's visible in the component. What 
gives? Have I misunderstood something?

Here's the code that assigns the hitArea:

   //trace("Loading hit area: " + __hitArea);
   hitAreaClip = attachMovie(__hitArea, "_hitAreaClip", depth++);
   hitAreaClip._visible = false;
   hitArea = hitAreaClip;  // make this component's hitArea be this 
just loadeded clip.

__ hitArea gets set as the property 'hitAreaSkin' at authortime.
Any ideas?

Haikal Saadh
Applications Programmer
ICT Resources, TALSS
QUT Kelvin Grove

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Re: [Flashcoders] setSelection() with TextInput?

2006-08-30 Thread Haikal Saadh
Aha! That gives me an idea... I might try using doLater(), a method 
available to components and see if that works.

Thanks for the tip.

David Baldeschwieler wrote:

Hi Haikal,

I've just been doing exactly the same thing for the past day - beating 
my head against the wall for this same reason.  I am not working with 
any components, but trying to use setSelection within a class to 
select text in a text field nested within a movieClip - and getting 
the same non-result.  Infuriating.

So, what I finally came up with that is a lame hack but seems to work 
is using a setInterval to call setSelection a tenth of a second 
later.  So basically it's this:

class myClass

... (var declarations, constructor, etc.) ...

private function onMouseUp ():Void

selectionRunner = setInterval(this, "selectString", 10);

private function selectString ()


Selection.setSelection(0, myField_txt.text.length);

...  (mode methods, etc.) ...


If anyone else has a better solution (or even better, an explanation 
why this problem occurs in the first place) I'd love to hear it.


Hi all.

I've been beating my head against the wall for a bit, trying to get 
Selection.setSelection() to work inside a component.

I've got this code, inside a component which happens to contain a 

private function focusIn(){
   trace(answer_ti.text + "] received focus");
   Selection.setSelection(0, answer_ti.text.length);

Which gets runs when answer_ti fires a focusIn event. This just 
doesn't seem to work... the trace statement comes up, but I can't see 
the selection change.

Is there anything I've overlooked? I tried to use Delegate for event 
handling, but it didn't make a difference.


Haikal Saadh
Applications Programmer
ICT Resources, TALSS
QUT Kelvin Grove

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Haikal Saadh
Applications Programmer
ICT Resources, TALSS
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[Flashcoders] setSelection() with TextInput?

2006-08-29 Thread Haikal Saadh

Hi all.

I've been beating my head against the wall for a bit, trying to get 
Selection.setSelection() to work inside a component.

I've got this code, inside a component which happens to contain a TextInput:

private function focusIn(){
   trace(answer_ti.text + "] received focus");
   Selection.setSelection(0, answer_ti.text.length);

Which gets runs when answer_ti fires a focusIn event. This just doesn't 
seem to work... the trace statement comes up, but I can't see the 
selection change.

Is there anything I've overlooked? I tried to use Delegate for event 
handling, but it didn't make a difference.


Haikal Saadh
Applications Programmer
ICT Resources, TALSS
QUT Kelvin Grove

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Re: [Flashcoders] Role of boundingbox in the v2 component architecture

2006-08-22 Thread Haikal Saadh
Ah never mind. Found an answer:

Haikal Saadh wrote:

I'd like to ask:

Is a bounding box really necessary? I've read that unless you declare 
a bounding box, elements created programmatically will not render 

The reason I ask is because I get a little fed up with the whole 
"tweak code, adjust bounding box" routine.

What do you guys do with your bounding boxes? Is it really an 
unavoidable fact of working with v2 components?

Haikal Saadh
Applications Programmer
ICT Resources, TALSS
QUT Kelvin Grove

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[Flashcoders] Role of boundingbox in the v2 component architecture

2006-08-22 Thread Haikal Saadh

I'd like to ask:

Is a bounding box really necessary? I've read that unless you declare a 
bounding box, elements created programmatically will not render correctly.

The reason I ask is because I get a little fed up with the whole "tweak 
code, adjust bounding box" routine.

What do you guys do with your bounding boxes? Is it really an 
unavoidable fact of working with v2 components?

Haikal Saadh
Applications Programmer
ICT Resources, TALSS
QUT Kelvin Grove

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[Flashcoders] Flash/Actionscript Coding conventions

2006-08-21 Thread Haikal Saadh

Hi all

The earliest document I could find about coding conventions for flash 
and actionscript are from flash 5. Has anyone written up a guide for use 

I prefer to use my java/javascript conventions as a base, but that still 
excludes things like:

   * Naming symbols/linkages
   * Naming frames (not that I've had a need to, but in case...)
   * Use of __ and _ in front of variable names. (_ is straight-forward
 enough, and the v2 comp. architecture seems to use __ for private
 vars that have corresponding get/set methods.

Any other conventions you guys use?

Haikal Saadh
Applications Programmer
ICT Resources, TALSS
QUT Kelvin Grove

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[Flashcoders] Live Preview and Laying out Components

2006-08-20 Thread Haikal Saadh
Doing a little looking about Flash Components, and I've made some 
skinnable components. Now, in the default instance, they're quite 
boring, the idea being that you associate them with various movie clip 
instances in the Library to customise the look of these components. 
(I.e, each instance on the stage will look different) This is all well 
and good, but I've hit a bit of a problem when it comes to actually 
laying these out on the stage;

Now, according to, 
compiling these clips will give me a live preview, however, the live 
preview will not actually reflect the state of these components. This 
makes it pretty useless to me, as far as being an aid to laying them out 
on the stage goes.

Any suggestions on what to do? Just guess based on the bounding box?

Haikal Saadh
Applications Programmer
ICT Resources, TALSS
QUT Kelvin Grove

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Re: [Flashcoders] htacess and loaded SWFs

2006-08-20 Thread Haikal Saadh
This would be why:

Currently the SWF format does not include HTTP referrer information 
when sending http requests. Macromedia is aware of this issue and is 
considering possible future solutions.

Jay Bibby wrote:

Hi folks,

I've spent all evening trying to find an answer to this question, and
I've just recently subscribed to this list, so I apologize in advance
if this has already been covered.

I have set up a directory to serve up SWFs from with an htaccess file
that prevents direct access to the SWFs or from domains other than my
own. This is working fine... when an HTML or PHP file on my domain is
the file that is loading the SWF.

However, when the same HTML or PHP file loads a SWF that then tries to
load another SWF from the same directory, htaccess prevents it. I am
using a MovieClipLoader to load the external SWF.

How is loading a SWF from within a SWF different to Apache than
loading the same SWF from an HTML or PHP file?

I'm pulling my hair out here. Thanks in advance.

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Haikal Saadh
Applications Programmer
ICT Resources, TALSS
QUT Kelvin Grove

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2006-08-20 Thread Haikal Saadh

My approach to printing oodles of multiline text is to let the browser
do it:

   * When the print button is pressed, save the contents of the text
 field to a Local Shared Object
   * Open up an empty HTML page, which has as invisible flash movie
 which can then:
 o Read that shared object.
 o Pass the data that needs to be printed to a JS function which...
 o ...uses DOM to inject that data onto the page.

Simple, and quite elegant, if I say so my self. I've done this before
for arrays of objects, and it has worked a treat. The Flash/Javascript
bridge comes in handy here as well.

Peter O'Brien wrote:

I have the same problem as the original poster.

I don't suppose anyone can provide more info as a solution than Hans, or
Hans if you're there I would love to see some code.

What are flash mc dimensions to match an A4 page?  Doesn't it vary 

to screen resolution?

How can you efficiently fill a textfield to the point in which you 
know it

is completely full?


Haikal Saadh
Applications Programmer
ICT Resources, TALSS
QUT Kelvin Grove
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Re: [Flashcoders] flash widgets

2006-08-16 Thread Haikal Saadh
Flash dashboard widgets for OSX will be easy enough once Leopard comes 
out, thanks to it's clip to widget feature, which basically lets you 
make a widget from a section of a webpage.

The way I understood it, dashboard widgets atm are just mostly html and 
javascript? This would imply that you can use swfs in your widgets 
now... (I could be wrong, havent done extensive research).

Robin Burrer wrote:

Hi there,

Is there any way to create flash widgets other than using swf wrappers?
It would be cool if could use flash to create apple or yahoo widgets. 

I reckon for a c++ programmer it should not be too hard to create widget
runtime that uses the flash player. Can someone please do this? :-)

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Haikal Saadh
Applications Programmer
ICT Resources, TALSS
QUT Kelvin Grove

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Re: [Flashcoders] diff between var == value VS var eq value

2006-08-14 Thread Haikal Saadh

Yes, they are different.r

Actionscript dictionary says 'eq' is deprecated. It just compares string 
representations, so what you might be doing is comparing a number to 
it's string representation (User input, perhaps?):

What == does depends on what sort of data you're comparing. Again, from 
the dictionary:

The definition of equal depends on the data type of the parameter:

	Numbers and Boolean values are compared by value, and are considered 
equal if they have the same value.
	String expressions are equal if they have the same number of characters 
and the characters are identical.
	Variables, objects, arrays, and functions are compared by reference. 
Two variables are equal if they refer to the same object, array, or 
function. Two separate arrays are never considered equal, even if they 
have the same number of elements.

dnk wrote:

Is there a difference?

I have had some code that will not work using the "==" and then does 
using the "eq".

Any issues?

Just curious what the difference is.


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Haikal Saadh
Applications Programmer
ICT Resources, TALSS
QUT Kelvin Grove

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Re: [Flashcoders] trivial or mysterious problem with component?

2006-08-13 Thread Haikal Saadh


V2 components are meant to have empty constructors, with initialisation
being performed in an init() method, which will be called by the
component architecture when the time is right.

Try moving your code in your constructer to init();

Costello, Rob R wrote:
Dear all 

 I have a strange problem getting a V2 component to initialize 
I can copy code works that fine in one class, compiled into another
class (and another swf), and it no longer works - just fails silently  

This is the essence of it : 

import mx.controls.Button;

class Mysterious {
function Mysterious () {

function doStuff() {
var endNoteButt = _root.createClassObject(Button,

In the original class, it traces : _level0.endNoteButt
In the new class it traces : undefined 

Very odd ...i might well be missing something trivial / obvious, but I
can't see it... 

I know that V2 objects need some time to fully initialize, but they
shouldn't return undefined? 

Bit more info that might help someone advise me here 
(1) in the first (working) case, Mysterious is instantiated from another

class - in the second from the main timeline
(2) using MX2004 IDE - both swf's compile and run fine - no errors
(3) this is a new PC. fscommand also seems to have stopped working on
this machine - unrelated? Security issue? 
(4) both have same directory location, and class paths set for the swf



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Haikal Saadh
Applications Programmer
ICT Resources, TALSS
QUT Kelvin Grove
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Re: [Flashcoders] Weird getURL behavior

2006-08-07 Thread Haikal Saadh
While I've not run into these problems, I have had good experience with 
the Flash/Javascript integration kit.


Takes only a few lines of code to get it running, and the best part is 
you don't have to worry about  quote matching in those getURL() calls.

Darren Bowers wrote:

Yeah we had this issue for a while now - not just FP8 does it. It doesn't
work on my machine but will on a random machine I use. We use it a lot for
CDROM learning materials we create.

We used to do some JavaScript in the getURL before FP8 came out but it
throws a security  exception now so we are looking for another solution as

I think it stopped woking after a Windows update, but cant nail it down.

Pre-FP8 fix: getURL("'docname.doc'); void(0)");


-Original Message-
From: Merrill, Jason [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, 1 August 2006 11:27 PM

To: Flashcoders mailing list
Subject: [Flashcoders] Weird getURL behavior

I'm going crazy with this. Hopefully, I'm just missing something stupid.

Weird getURL behavior in my Flash 8 player.  Is there any reason why a Flash
file here:


Would not be able to link to this:



Same domain, same folder!  Ah, this is so freaking aggravating.  It was
working fine just a week ago.  We did recently move the flash file and the
linked-to doc to a new server... is there something about a URL that doesn't
have in it?  I didn't think so... so anyway I am just using:

getURL("EARS_L3_Interview.doc", "_blank");

or, I also tried the absolute path:


(note, don't try that paths above, it's on an intranet site and will fail
for you)

it does pop up a new window, but the window says, 

"Action canceled
Internet Explorer was unable to link to the Web page you requested. The page
might be temporarily unavailable."

HOWEVER, the file IS there and available:  if I put the path to the browser
address bar directly, it works fine!!!  What's up with that?
Why would getURL only fail in Flash?  My worst fear is there is some
security thing on the server the admins changed which is blocking my access
from Flash.  Ideas?

Jason Merrill
Bank of America
Learning & Organization Effectiveness - Technology Solutions 

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Haikal Saadh
Applications Programmer
ICT Resources, TALSS
QUT Kelvin Grove

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[Flashcoders] Architechting a drag and drop component.

2006-08-06 Thread Haikal Saadh

Hi folks.

I've been thinking about developing a drag/drop label/drop zone 
component, that works in a similar way to the ones that come with 
Flash's quiz template.

The way the flash one is laid out is:

   * Drag and Drop Activity Component
 o 8 Different drop label/zone pairs.

These  pairs seem to be 8 separate components themselves, rather than 8 
instances of the same component.

The reason for this seems to be that then, the programatically 
challenged can then just break them apart and draw away to their hearts 

Now, I'd like to develop a drag/drop pair that will also let 
aforementioned programatically challenged customise them, but without 
having the restriction of n predefined components that will do the same 

Has anyone done anything like this before? I was hoping to make a 
component, of which they can drop any amount on to the stage, and 
customised as  they wish. The idea I had was to use Linkages in the 
library, in a similar manner to specifying the skin for any other 
object. That way, they can have different movie clips for the initial 
and solved states, and another one that specifies the 'hit area'. Even 
better: Is it possible to write a custom properties panel that can 
browse the library?

Any hints?

Haikal Saadh
Applications Programmer
ICT Resources, TALSS
QUT Kelvin Grove

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Re: [Flashcoders] AS3 Compiler For MAC OS X

2006-07-30 Thread Haikal Saadh

Open a terminal window, and use  something like:

/path/to/flex/stuff/mxmlc my.mxml

If you don't want to type the full path each time, you can add the 
directory mxmlc lives in to your $PATH; See for 
discussion on how to.

CK wrote:


How would one go about using the command line compiler in MAC OS X?

Return True,

Principal/Designer/Programmer -Bushidodeep
"An ideal is merely the projection,
on an enormously enlarged scale,
of some aspect of personality."
  Aldus Huxley

On Jul 28, 2006, at 8:47 AM, Mark Winterhalder wrote:

On 7/28/06, CK <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Thanks, found the AS3 Preview (Flash 9 Alpha) release from http://, this allows use of AS3 in the FLASH IDE. Any
advantages to the command line over the IDE.

Better integration with third-party editors, automatic builds, etc.

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Re: [Flashcoders] AS3 Compiler For MAC OS X

2006-07-27 Thread Haikal Saadh

You can use the command line compiler than comes with flex2. You'll have
to copy stuff from the windows version, though.

CK wrote:


Just installed Flash Player 9, and after reading the 
following:(, is 
a special compiler needed for MAC OS X?

Return True,

Principal/Designer/Programmer -Bushidodeep
"An ideal is merely the projection, on an enormously enlarged scale, 
of some aspect of personality."

 -- Aldus Huxley

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[Flashcoders] Persisting Arrays of Objects with Local Shared Objects

2006-07-25 Thread Haikal Saadh


Are there any caveats to persisiting an array of shared objects?

My first attempt, which attempted to stick in one of those into a 
FlashCookie failed, and Solve couldnt open the .sol file either.

I'm going to try this again, with just simple objects that have only the 
fields, and no methods, but in the meantime, is there something else 
that I should watch out for?

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[Flashcoders] Customised date chooser

2006-07-20 Thread Haikal Saadh


Has anyone extended the DateChooser component so that it's easy to jump 
across years as well as months?

Also, any tips/gotchas would be nice as well, if you've played with this.

I just thought I'd ask before I went and did it myself.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: [Flashcoders] Scrollpane and masking

2006-07-18 Thread Haikal Saadh
That didn't work, for some bizzare reason, after re-importing 
DateField(of all things) in to the library, it all just started 
magically working. Major wtf.

Oh, by the way, I'm attaching UIComponent to the scrollpane instead of a 
blank MovieClip.

Excuse me if I sound delirious.

Steven Sacks | BLITZ wrote:
Try this. 

Drop your scrollpane on the stage, select it and Press F8 to put it into
a Movieclip symbol.  Name the scrollpane instance inside that movieclip
something short and easy like sp.

Then, set up the linkage on that movieclip and attach it instead of the
scrollpane and target the scrollpane inside that movieclip.

See if that works.

BLITZ | Steven Sacks - 310-551-0200 x209


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:flashcoders-
[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Haikal Saadh
Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 9:03 PM
To: Flashcoders mailing list
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Scrollpane and masking

It goes:

* Movie
  o Component (extends UIComponent)
+ Scrollpane
  # contents

The scrollpane is created by actionscript in Component's
createChildren(). The contents, which is a symbol instance that has


assigned a Linkage identifier, is then plugged into the scrollpane.

I haven't created a masking layer over the scrollpane, as I have read
that scrollpane is supposed to do it's own masking.

The scrollpane and it's contents are loaded and working; it shows up,
and you can drag the sliders around and everything. It's just that I


still see the stuff that has scrolled out of the ScrollPane.

Steven Sacks | BLITZ wrote:

How is your movie built?  Is the scrollpane component in a loaded in
swf?  If so, you must have the scrollpane component in the library


the root/loading swf.  Do you have the scrollpane embedded in


component?  Do you have the scrollpane masked?

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Re: [Flashcoders] Scrollpane and masking

2006-07-18 Thread Haikal Saadh

It goes:

   * Movie
 o Component (extends UIComponent)
   + Scrollpane
 # contents

The scrollpane is created by actionscript in Component's 
createChildren(). The contents, which is a symbol instance that has been 
assigned a Linkage identifier, is then plugged into the scrollpane.

I haven't created a masking layer over the scrollpane, as I have read 
that scrollpane is supposed to do it's own masking.

The scrollpane and it's contents are loaded and working; it shows up, 
and you can drag the sliders around and everything. It's just that I can 
still see the stuff that has scrolled out of the ScrollPane.

Steven Sacks | BLITZ wrote:

How is your movie built?  Is the scrollpane component in a loaded in
swf?  If so, you must have the scrollpane component in the library of
the root/loading swf.  Do you have the scrollpane embedded in another
component?  Do you have the scrollpane masked?

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[Flashcoders] Scrollpane and masking

2006-07-17 Thread Haikal Saadh

Hi all.

Having some problems with the v2 scrollpane.

I'm trying to pick up where this post:

leaves off.

Basically, the content 'outside' my scroll pane is not being masked off, 
and by reading the post above, I've got this bit of code:

   private function createChildren():Void {
   viewport = ScrollPane(createObject("ScrollPane","viewport", 

   viewport.contentPath = "TimeLineBackground";
   viewport.addEventListener("complete", this);

   timeLineBG = viewport.content;
   timeLineBG._width = 600;
   viewport.addEventListener("scroll", this); 
   private function forceScrollPaneRefresh(){

   trace ("viewPort redrawn");
   private function scroll(){


This is all within a component that extends UIComponent.  I can see the 
events are getting fired and handled from the traces. Am I 
misunderstanding what I'm supposed to do?

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[Flashcoders] Custom Components getting squashed?

2006-07-06 Thread Haikal Saadh

Hi folks.

I apologise in advance if this is a FAQ, but looking at the FlashCoders 
Wiki and the mailing list archives yielded no satisfactory answers, so 
I'll take a stab.

I have made a custom component, based to the 'Dial' example from the MM 
Docs, and the problem is, when I test the movie, the components appear 
to be squashed.


If you look at the stage, and the library, you'll see that the component 
has the correct dimensions, but when I test the movie, it's not only 
smaller, but skinnier as well.

Aside from that, the component works just fine.

Thanks in Advance.
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