[Flashcoders] Loaded swf file is not calling function residing main file if played from sub-domain or other domain.

2007-05-31 Thread Vivek Lakhanpal

I have a very unique problem, i am not sure if it's something related to
security sandbox issue or something else.

I have a flash player ( http://www.authorstream.com) in which i play slides
dynamically. I pick up a xml file and then prepare an array of the slides to
be loaded in the player.
I have System.security.allowDomain(*); line written on first frame of all
slides (swf files being loaded into player).

Scenario1 :

Each slide (a swf file) on reaching it's end call a AS function (inside
player) from it's last frame which picks up the next array value and make a
loading call for next slide.

Problem: If i remove the www from the full url i.e. make it e.g.
then check a slideshow which runs automatically and it's slide changes
automatically at the end. It doesn't load next slide (if called
automatically from inside the loaded slide.swf). But if i click next or
previous button it load the slide at that position.
Now if i play the same slideshow with www attached in the url i.e.
it plays properly.
i.e. next slide loads on a call to load next slide from inside the loaded
slide (swf file).

In this case my player and xml file are on Domain 1 and swf files to be
loaded as slides in the player are on Domain 2. I call crossdomain.xml file
from Domain 2 on which all slides reside.

Problem: similar to the problem mentioned above if i play the slide show
from Domain 1 i.e.
Slide loaded inside the player doesn't initiate the function call written in
the player and keep on looping in itself.

The problem which i see is that loaded slide is not able to call the
function written in player if played from subdomain  or any other domain.
Although i have called crossdomain.xml and calling it in the player.
Moreover i have writting System.Security.allowDomain(*) i don't see it is
playing any role here. Don't know why.

Can anyone provide me any insight into the issue? i will highly thankful.

Thanks & Regards,
Vivek Lakhanpal.
Phone: +91-987-608-2125 (India)
Skype ID: lakhanpalv
Website: http://viveklakhanpal.spaces.live.com
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Re: [Flashcoders] Transitions on dynamically loaded swf slow down if you resize that loaded swf file and then play the transition.

2007-05-22 Thread Vivek Lakhanpal

Hi Durairaj,

Thanks for looking into the problem. Let me try to rephrase it once again.

I have a flash player in which user can play slideshow (e.g.
http://www.authorstream.com) now in this player as you can see the dimension
of the player is around 400x300 approx. But the slides being loaded are
720x540 for some unavoidable reason.

Few days back a requirement came that we have to put up transitions in this
player as you see in the PowerPoint show. So i have imported transition
classes in the player and tried to implement the transitions into the loaded
clip (slides converted to swf from ppt).  Now as you can see the player is
of shorter dimensions then that of slides being provided to the player. So i
have to resize the slide after loading them into a clip. Here starts the

On a button click (next of play button or at end of slide) I load next slide
into the player. I have a function which load slide into the player.
This function first show the dynamically loaded clip into player on top of
already loaded clip and then hide the previous clip by setting it's
visibility to 0. Here i was implementing the Transition on the clip by
picking up the dynamic parameters being provided to me by the xml. So while
playing the transition it will play at certain speed till it reaches a half
way mark and then stops for a fraction of second and then again start till
finish. If i implement the same code in a player of normal size i.e. where i
don't have to resize the loaded swf file it plays smoothly.

BTW i have to remove the transition from the current player on the website
as it wasn't playing properly.

Let me know if you understood the problem. I will try to send you the code
next time

Thanks & Regards,
Vivek Lakhanpal.
Phone: +91-987-608-2125 (India)
Skype ID: lakhanpalv
Website: http://viveklakhanpal.spaces.live.com
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Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training

[Flashcoders] Transitions on dynamically loaded swf slow down if you resize that loaded swf file and then play the transition.

2007-05-21 Thread Vivek Lakhanpal

Hi Everyone,

I have a very unique problem. If i play transitions on dynamically loaded
swf files in my container swf file. They all play nicely until i resize
them. When i resize the dynamically loaded swf files as per the size of the
container file the transition slow down to almost 0speed midway for few
millisecond and then play.

2nd problem is that the container file i am referring here is a player which
plays a slide show in it. For a better client experience i am loading all
swf files into dynamically created child container clips, after loading each
swf file i stop it and set their visibility to 0. Now the problem is that
When i play the slide on it's turn and make it visible almost none of the
transition plays. I have to make it play the other way. I play the slide
when it's turn comes, set it's visibility to 1 and then set an interval of
almost 500ms after which i play a transition on that slide/clip and it
player nicely. I am not sure why is that.

Any suggestion or help in this regard will be highly appreciated.

Thanks & Regards,
Vivek Lakhanpal.
Phone: +91-987-608-2125 (India)
Skype ID: lakhanpalv
Website: http://viveklakhanpal.spaces.live.com
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[Flashcoders] Re: Can we know the domain name from where swf file is currently playing?

2007-04-24 Thread Vivek Lakhanpal

sorry i repeated this question. I found answer to this question on
flashnewbie posted yesterday.

On 4/24/07, Vivek Lakhanpal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Everyone,

Is there anyway we can check where from the current swf file is being
played? Something similar to location.href of javascript?

I don't want to use flashvars or javascript. Pure swf/AS.

Thanks & Regards,
Vivek Lakhanpal

Thanks & Regards,
Vivek Lakhanpal
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[Flashcoders] Can we know the domain name from where swf file is currently playing?

2007-04-24 Thread Vivek Lakhanpal

Hi Everyone,

Is there anyway we can check where from the current swf file is being
played? Something similar to location.href of javascript?

I don't want to use flashvars or javascript. Pure swf/AS.

Thanks & Regards,
Vivek Lakhanpal
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Re: [Flashcoders] Does Domain name play any role in within slide movement?

2007-04-12 Thread Vivek Lakhanpal

Hi Everyone,

As soon as i thought that my flash player slides playing problem is solved
and it's working fine with placing allSecureDomain("*") in called file, with
introduction of new feature it's again not playing properly.

This time we have introduced Transitions in the Flash player so that user
don't see blank screen between slide change.

The problem is it's working fine when played with full domain name. But it
plays erratically when played with sub-domain name.

For e.g. if you play this presentation


It sometimes plays fine. but sometimes blank screen start coming in between
slide transitions.

Where as if you play the same presentation with full domain name. i.e.


It's playing fine.

Any idea why it's behaving this way?

FYI for transition i am using 2 movie clips and changing their depth and
unloading the clip from the bottom clip as soon as the movie is loaded into
top clip.

Thanks & Regards,
Vivek Lakhanpal
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Re: [Flashcoders] Does Domain name play any role in within slide movement?

2007-04-10 Thread Vivek Lakhanpal

Thanks Rákos Attila it was actually a problem of allow secure domain.

Anyway it's working fine now.

Thanks & Regards,
Vivek Lakhanpal
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[Flashcoders] Does Domain name play any role in within slide movement?

2007-04-09 Thread Vivek Lakhanpal

Hi All,

I have designed a flash player for our website i.e.

When i am playing it with full url i.e. http://www.authorstream.com it's
playing perfectly fine.
But when i am playing it as http://authorstream.com it's not playing within
slide movements i.e. gotoAndPlay are not working. Even though xml parsing
and slide loading in player is working fine. Which i thought could be the
case that's why i loaded policy file in the player from
http://www.authorstream.com. But problem is still there. I also needed
policy file so that it can be played from any third party website/blogs.

What can be the possible reason? Any help will be appriciated as you can see
the player is already online and i am not finding any clue for such a
behaviour. The requirement is it shall work fine from both www and without
www url.

Thanks & Regards,
Vivek Lakhanpal
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[Flashcoders] attachVideo is functioning erratically!!!

2006-06-02 Thread Vivek lakhanpal

Hi everyone,

I have a very strange problem with playing video/audio through

Here is the code:

function loadAudioFile(){
   var connection_nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
   var stream_ns:NetStream = new NetStream(connection_nc);
   tVid.attachVideo(stream_ns); // tVid is the video object name
   stream_ns.onStatus = function(infoObject:Object) {
   trace("NetStream.onStatus called: ("+getTimer()+" ms)");
   for (var prop in infoObject) {

This is a simple copy paste from the Flash help file. I am trying to play
audio or video flash video file in the Flash IDE.
Problem: I have to publish-republish(by clicking Ctrl+Enter more then two
times in sequence) twice sometimes thrice to get audio/video events fired
and start playing.
System Config: Windows 2003 + Flash 8.0 & Windows 2000 Server + Flash 8.0.

Can someone tells me what can be the reason? It was working prefectly fine
in other application for me a day ago at same system

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Re: [Flashcoders] unescape function problem

2006-05-24 Thread Vivek lakhanpal

Yea you are very right :). Although i have sort out that problem for time
being saying that no one is going to sue % in his name. It was actually a
full name or company name so sometimes user can say ABC & XYZ or sometime
they can write ABC's company etc.

I was wondering if this is a problem in reality or am i missing something at
coding end.

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Re: [Flashcoders] unescape function problem

2006-05-24 Thread Vivek lakhanpal

actually i also never had to use it because i never encoded the querystring.
But this time i got a real scenario in which user was trying to pass a&b
where & is the seperator for name-value pair in querystring so i had to
shift to url encode method.
Which in turn led me to ' problem. :(

Anyway thanks for replying.
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Re: [Flashcoders] unescape function problem

2006-05-24 Thread Vivek lakhanpal

Actually if i try to pass to pass ' as %27 it pass it as it is and i have to
unescape it to get ' value. But if i pass %25 it shows me % that's what is a
bit confusing. Infect for rest all values i.e. all special characters i have
to use unescape function to get url.encoded values back to normal string.


On 5/24/06, Jim Robson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

%25 is the URL code for the % sign. So Flash is correct; when you pass %25
in a URL-encoded string, you are in fact passing simply %.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Vivek
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2006 6:18 AM
To: Flashcoders mailing list
Subject: [Flashcoders] unescape function problem


I am trying to pass url Encoded values to Flash through querystring.
Everything is working fine when i unescape the passed value.
But when i pass % sign for which url encoded value is %25. When i get
in Flash it's showing me % only, not %25. Can there be any reason for it?
because for rest all values it's passing correct value.

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[Flashcoders] unescape function problem

2006-05-24 Thread Vivek lakhanpal


I am trying to pass url Encoded values to Flash through querystring.
Everything is working fine when i unescape the passed value.
But when i pass % sign for which url encoded value is %25. When i get value
in Flash it's showing me % only, not %25. Can there be any reason for it?
because for rest all values it's passing correct value.

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Re: [Flashcoders] Alpha Masking Weirdness

2006-05-22 Thread Vivek lakhanpal

Try embedding font for the textfield.


On 5/23/06, Rifled Cloaca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I'm masking a MovieClip with an alpha mask using cacheAsBitmap.  The
MovieClip has a dynamic text field inside it that I populate at a later
time.  When I play the movie, the area where the textfield is remains
empty.  If I drag the corner of the player to resize the movie, the text
magically appears.  Anyone run into this sort of weird behavior?
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Re: [Flashcoders] ComboBox does not respond to user clicks when I use homemade preloader

2006-05-20 Thread Vivek lakhanpal

Does the main clip in which your combo box resides has any mouse event like
onRelease or onPress?

In that your combobox will not be able to catch click event. As the
movieClip in which it resides will not let the event pass to the combo box.

Just an idea.


On 5/20/06, Alberto Florentin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I have a ComboBox on a movieclip (inside a Window, does that matter?) like
this $targetMC.createClassObject(ComboBox, cbname, cbdepth);

It works ok when I play my movie directly.

When I use a simple homemade preloader swf which loads the main movie into
movieclip, the combo box works ok otherwise, i.e. gets updated as needed
actionscript, but does not respond to user clicks.

Anybody have any ideas?



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Re: [Flashcoders] Flash Media Server tutorial not working

2006-05-18 Thread Vivek lakhanpal

I wondered how your FMS is working on WinXP whereas they have clearly
mentioned in their requirement specs that it will working on Windows 2000
Server or Windows 2003 server.

Infect one of my colegue got problem when he tried installing FMS on WinXP.
He had to shift to Server adition of windows.

Only Adobe guys can tell the differnce.

Anyway the point is it's working and you were able to run the sample.


On 5/18/06, Aasim Momin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


The tutorial did work for me eventually. The problem seemed to be in the
main.asc file provided with the example.
I had it replaced by the default one provided with Flash 8 in the sample
and tutorials folder. This solved the problem.

I am still using WinXP so it seems the problem wasn't OS related.


Aasim Momin

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Vivek
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 10:06 AM
To: Flashcoders mailing list
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Flash Media Server tutorial not working

Hi Aasim,

As you mentioned you have Windows XP.It has been mentioned in the
requirement of FMS that it will work only on Windows 2000 Server or
2003 Server of Windows platform.

I doubt if your FMS is working at all.

You can try Flash Comm server 1.5 instead of FMS it will install on Win
and your example will work from Flash Comm.

For Flash Comm

For Flash Media Server

Right now it's working from remote location because FMS is working over


On 6/15/06, Asai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't know, brother, this is one of those strange FMS/XML
> things.  I'd suggest asking this question on the
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] list.  That's where some great Flash
> experts are.  Those guys would probably be able to answer your
> question better than me. You can search the archives on the flashcomm
> mailing list for the following thread: "Dynamic Playlist with XML
> generated thumbnails".  Some guys got back to me on it and it helped
> a bit.  But I'm not sure that's what you're looking for.
> At 10:38 AM 5/15/2006, you wrote:
> >Asai,
> >All these files have been placed in their respective folders.
> >the flv files have been placed under the
> >\applications\videosource\streams\_definst_ folder
> >as instructed by the tutorial.
> >
> >Regards,
> >Aasim Momin
> >
> >
> >
> >From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Asai
> >Sent: Mon 5/15/2006 10:30 PM
> >To: Flashcoders mailing list
> >Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] Flash Media Server tutorial not working
> >
> >
> >
> >I think I remember this problem.  Do you have all your files set up
> >in the proper paths?  Like do you have the trike_final video in the
> >videosource folder under the applications folder?
> >Sometimes path errors can be a really common problem.  Are they all
> place?
> >
> >At 09:44 AM 5/15/2006, you wrote:
> > >Asai,
> > >
> > >I have not edited any of the source files. The only edit has been
> the
> > >xml file. I have put a snippet below for ur reference.
> > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > >
> > >You can download the source files from the link I put in my
> > >mail.
> > >
> > >Regards,
> > >Aasim Momin
> > >
> > >
> > >-Original Message-
> > >[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> > >Sent: Monday, May 15, 2006 10:06 PM
> > >To: Flashcoders mailing list
> > >Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Flash Media Server tutorial not working
> > >
> > >Aasim,
> > >
> > >Hi, I also did a little work with this XML file tutorial.  I had a
> > >lot of problems with it, in fact I received a response from one of
> > >the Adobe engineers who said that basically, the code in that XML
> > >tutorial was full of problems and should have been checked more
> > >thoroughly before being put on line.  Now, I don't want to
> > >you from trying it out. You'll need to post a little more of your
> > >code in order to really diagnose the problem.
> > >
> > >At 09:28 AM 5/15/2006, you wrote:
> > > >Hi,
> > > >
> > > >I have downloaded the sample on the macromedia site for Flash
> > > >Server using XML file
> > > >ht

Re: [Flashcoders] Flash Media Server tutorial not working

2006-05-17 Thread Vivek lakhanpal

Hi Aasim,

As you mentioned you have Windows XP.It has been mentioned in the Technical
requirement of FMS that it will work only on Windows 2000 Server or Windows
2003 Server of Windows platform.

I doubt if your FMS is working at all.

You can try Flash Comm server 1.5 instead of FMS it will install on Win XP
and your example will work from Flash Comm.

For Flash Comm

For Flash Media Server

Right now it's working from remote location because FMS is working over


On 6/15/06, Asai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I don't know, brother, this is one of those strange FMS/XML
things.  I'd suggest asking this question on the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] list.  That's where some great Flash
experts are.  Those guys would probably be able to answer your
question better than me. You can search the archives on the flashcomm
mailing list for the following thread: "Dynamic Playlist with XML
generated thumbnails".  Some guys got back to me on it and it helped
a bit.  But I'm not sure that's what you're looking for.

At 10:38 AM 5/15/2006, you wrote:
>All these files have been placed in their respective folders.
>the flv files have been placed under the
>\applications\videosource\streams\_definst_ folder
>as instructed by the tutorial.
>Aasim Momin
>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Asai
>Sent: Mon 5/15/2006 10:30 PM
>To: Flashcoders mailing list
>Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] Flash Media Server tutorial not working
>I think I remember this problem.  Do you have all your files set up
>in the proper paths?  Like do you have the trike_final video in the
>videosource folder under the applications folder?
>Sometimes path errors can be a really common problem.  Are they all in
>At 09:44 AM 5/15/2006, you wrote:
> >Asai,
> >
> >I have not edited any of the source files. The only edit has been in
> >xml file. I have put a snippet below for ur reference.
> >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >
> >You can download the source files from the link I put in my previous
> >mail.
> >
> >Regards,
> >Aasim Momin
> >
> >
> >-Original Message-
> >[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Asai
> >Sent: Monday, May 15, 2006 10:06 PM
> >To: Flashcoders mailing list
> >Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Flash Media Server tutorial not working
> >
> >Aasim,
> >
> >Hi, I also did a little work with this XML file tutorial.  I had a
> >lot of problems with it, in fact I received a response from one of
> >the Adobe engineers who said that basically, the code in that XML
> >tutorial was full of problems and should have been checked more
> >thoroughly before being put on line.  Now, I don't want to discourage
> >you from trying it out. You'll need to post a little more of your
> >code in order to really diagnose the problem.
> >
> >At 09:28 AM 5/15/2006, you wrote:
> > >Hi,
> > >
> > >I have downloaded the sample on the macromedia site for Flash Media
> > >Server using XML file
> > >http://www.macromedia.com/devnet/flash/articles/video_player.html
> > >
> > >
> > >The application works fine, but when the xml file is edited to suit a
> > >local machine. i.e. when I change the xml entry from rtmp://www.
> > >To rtmp://localhost/... The application fails to load the movies
> > >although the thumbnails can be viewed in the list box.
> > >
> > >I can see this message in the log window of the FMS Console
> > >
> > >Sending this message: Hello! You are connected as: false
> > >Error : command msg sent before client connection has been accepted.
> > >
> > >I am using Windows XP SP2, Flash 8 Professional, Flash Player 8.
> > >
> > >Please suggest what changes can be made to enable this.
> > >
> > >Regards,
> > >Aasim
> > >
> > >
> > >___
> > >Flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com
> > >To change your subscription options or search the archive:
> > >http://chattyfig.figleaf.com/mailman/listinfo/flashcoders
> > >
> > >Brought to you by Fig Leaf Software
> > >Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training
> > >http://www.figleaf.com
> > >http://training.figleaf.com
> >
> >---asai
> >
> >___
> >Flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com
> >To change your subscription options or search the archive:
> >http://chattyfig.figleaf.com/mailman/listinfo/flashcoders
> >
> >Brought to you by Fig Leaf Software
> >Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training
> >http://www.figleaf.com
> >http://training.figleaf.com
> >___
> >Flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com
> >To change your subscription options or search the archive:
> >http://chattyfig.figleaf.com/mailman/listinfo/flashcoders
> >
> >Brought to you by Fig Leaf Software
> >Prem

Re: [Flashcoders] Shared object not saving off cd-rom?

2006-05-17 Thread Vivek lakhanpal


You have to ask that particular user if he has set knowingly or unknowingly
storage space to 0 for  flash cookies i.e. shared object?
As you might be knowing that Local Storage size can be altered through the
settings tab by right click on the Flash app and opening settings window.

Just a wild guess. This can be the issue.

Thanks Vivek
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Re: [Flashcoders] [Q] What's the relationship with the setFocus and the ComboBox component???

2006-05-12 Thread Vivek lakhanpal


This doens't occur only if you put up a V2 component on stage. But you try
to do with any of the component. Put any component on stage and then remove
that from stage. you input text field won't leave the focus even after you
click outside. i.e. It will fire kill focus and then again set focus.

But if you create any small movie cilp and remove that from stage and then
try this it textfield will not except the focus again. i.e. if you click
outside the textfield it won't fire set focus again.

Moreover it's not occuring in case you put V1 i.e. MX component on stage and
then remove from stage.

The reason why it occurs in case of V2 components only is a bit strange to
me as well.

It can be due the classes/scripting written for V2 components?
Might be someone who has done some deeper coding with V2 components can
comment on it.

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Re: [Flashcoders] x, y coordinates when using Mouse Listener object arenot giving correct output

2006-05-11 Thread Vivek lakhanpal

Hi Jim,

I have tried this problem at 2-3 other places and at last it has been
confirmed as some sort of bug in Flash. we have got a way out of the
problem. You can follow the following thread:


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Re: [Flashcoders] x, y coordinates when using Mouse Listener object arenot giving correct output

2006-05-03 Thread Vivek lakhanpal

Hi Jim,

Thanks for looking into the problem. It certainly seems a bug to me. For all
other who might have not been able to replicate this bug on their machine
here are the steps you can try and then check.
1. Left click on stage it will show x,y in trace window.
2. Without moving mouse do right click at same place.
3. Now move mouse to some other place (make sure your right click menu is
showing up on stage) in the file and do left click there and and the result
i got was the last x,y coordinates.which i got after doing action 1.
The environment i used is authoring environment Flash8.
I am not getting this problem when i test in Firefox with player 8 or
8.5but it's there if i check in IE with flash player
8.0 & 8.5.

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[Flashcoders] x, y coordinates when using Mouse Listener object are not giving correct output

2006-05-02 Thread Vivek lakhanpal

Hi All,

I would like to get mouse coordinates i.e. xmouse & ymouse when user's click
in my flash file and I am using mouse listener for this.

The problem i encountered is as follow

I did left click on stage and got some x, y coordinates then without moving
my mouse i did right click at same place.
Now i moved my mouse to some other place in the file and did left click
there and and i got last x,y coordinates.
Which is wrong output.

Here is the code i am using in my flash file.
// Create a mouse listener object
var mouseListener:Object = new Object();

mouseListener.onMouseDown = function() {
   trace("mouseDown " + _level0._xmouse);
   trace("mouseDown " + _level0._ymouse);
mouseListener.onMouseUp = function() {
   trace("mouseUp " + _level0._xmouse);
   trace("mouseUp " + _level0._ymouse);



Please suggest me some solution to this problem.

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[Flashcoders] x, y coordinates when using Mouse Listener object are not giving correct output

2006-05-02 Thread Vivek lakhanpal

Hi All,

I would like to get mouse coordinates i.e. xmouse & ymouse when user's click
in my flash file and I am using mouse listener for this.

The problem i encountered is as follow

I did left click on stage and got some x, y coordinates then without moving
my mouse i did right click at same place.
Now i moved my mouse to some other place in the file and did left click
there and and i got last x,y coordinates.
Which is wrong output.

Here is the code i am using in my flash file.
// Create a mouse listener object
var mouseListener:Object = new Object();

mouseListener.onMouseDown = function() {
   trace("mouseDown " + _level0._xmouse);
   trace("mouseDown " + _level0._ymouse);
mouseListener.onMouseUp = function() {
   trace("mouseUp " + _level0._xmouse);
   trace("mouseUp " + _level0._ymouse);



Please suggest me some solution to this problem.

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Brought to you by Fig Leaf Software
Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training

Re: [Flashcoders] Video capture

2006-04-30 Thread Vivek lakhanpal



in function deleteCam_f()
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