[flexcoders] Hierarchical data without the AdvancedDataGrid?

2009-01-16 Thread Keith Hughitt
Hi all, I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for handling hierarchical data without having to use the AdvancedDataGrid (I'm working with the open-source SDK). I can flatten the arrays and add the grouping as a properties of each array item so that I can display all of the entries, which

[flexcoders] ArrayCollection COLLECTION_CHANGE event doesn't fire right away?

2009-01-23 Thread Keith Hughitt
Hi all, I'm trying to detect changes in an ArrayCollection which is bound to a DataGrid with some editable components. For some reason, however, the event only seems to fire when the focus is change. For example, I check a check-box, and nothing happens. When I then click somewhere outside of the

[flexcoders] Re: ArrayCollection COLLECTION_CHANGE event doesn't fire right away?

2009-01-23 Thread Keith Hughitt
Hi Alex, Thanks for the suggestion. I was already trying to set the value using the click-handler, but even using change, I still am not having any luck: change=cbSelected = displayCheckBox.selected; (The data-binding is somewhat indirect: the checkbox sits inside a HBox, which I've given a

[flexcoders] Re: ArrayCollection COLLECTION_CHANGE event doesn't fire right away?

2009-01-23 Thread Keith Hughitt
I was able to get it working in one case using itemUpdated. I had to change the ArrayCollection to public, and then set the handler: [Bindable] public var colors:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([ {color:Red, display: true}, {color:Blue, display: true}, {color:Green, display:

[flexcoders] Mapping complex objects to custom components with data binding?

2009-02-03 Thread Keith Hughitt
Hello all, I am trying configure a DataGrid so that whenever a row is selected, a custom Details components will be updated to show some various information relating to that row. I am able to retrieve the row information whenever a row is selected, but I have not been as successful getting it to

[flexcoders] Using FABridge with SWFObject 2?

2009-02-05 Thread Keith Hughitt
Hi all, I was wondering if anyone has been able to successful use SWFObject with the Flex-Ajax Bridge (FABridge)? The SWFObject wiki offers a modified version of FABridge.js is supposed to resolve issues with supporting the FABridge, but I have not had any luck with it. I have a simple Flex

[flexcoders] Re: Using FABridge with SWFObject 2?

2009-02-05 Thread Keith Hughitt
Update: I figured out how to get the FABridge to work with SWFObject. Here is a simple working example with a button which when pressed calls a function test in the Flex app: !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd; html head

[flexcoders] [AIR] Custom install badge image not displaying?

2009-02-09 Thread Keith Hughitt
Hi all, I have been experimenting with using the custom install badge by Grant Skinner (http://www.adobe.com/devnet/air/articles/badge_for_air.html), however, for some reason the background image specified by imageurl does not display, even in the example badge. Instead of displaying the

[flexcoders] Re: [AIR] Custom install badge image not displaying?

2009-02-09 Thread Keith Hughitt
FIXED: There is a mistake(?) in the sample code. The parameter for the image should be image instead of imageurl.

[flexcoders] Re: Mapping complex objects to custom components with data binding?

2009-02-10 Thread Keith Hughitt
In case this helps anyone else, here is a fairly simple way to solve this problem: main.xml ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8? mx:Application xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml; xmlns:custom=custom.* mx:Script ![CDATA[ import mx.controls.Alert; public function

[flexcoders] Re: Mapping complex objects to custom components with data binding?

2009-02-13 Thread Keith Hughitt
Why do not you make a custom class and bind on this? Could you please give an example? I'm not entirely sure of what you mean. Thanks! Keith

[flexcoders] Is there any way to use predefined functions for a sortCompareFunction?

2009-02-17 Thread Keith Hughitt
When working with DataGrid ItemRenderers, you can say something like itemrenderer=Text, and Flex will know how to deal with the data. Is there anyway you can do this with a sortCompareFunction, e.g. sortCompareFunction=Numeric or sortCompareFunction=String? The reason is that I have some

[flexcoders] Publishing source code without Flex Builder?

2009-02-17 Thread Keith Hughitt
Anyone know how to include a View Source option in the context menu for Flex applications built using the SDK alone?

[flexcoders] Re: Is there any way to use predefined functions for a sortCompareFunction?

2009-02-18 Thread Keith Hughitt
Thanks all for the suggestions! Will using the sortOptions property on a DataGridColumn do what you want? Hmm. I don't think that is supported in Flex 3 (http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/langref/mx/controls/dataGridClasses/DataGridColumn.html), although that would have been nice. Both of the

[flexcoders] Relative Layout Question

2009-02-20 Thread Keith Hughitt
Hi all, I have a question about using creative relatively-sized layouts: The default behavior http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/langref/mx/containers/Panel.html of many containers is to use adopt a height just large enough to fit all of it's children content. Manually specifying a relative

[flexcoders] Re: Relative Layout Question

2009-02-20 Thread Keith Hughitt
Thank you both for the suggestions. You can use an expression in binding braces. Try this, see if it does what you want: mx:Panel height={this.height/4} This could work if I computed the desired height during initialization and set it, however, this would mean that I would need to update

[flexcoders] Re: Relative Layout Question

2009-02-23 Thread Keith Hughitt
Hm you also said something about a resize I completely blanked on that. Are you doing a manual resize of the component? (mouse involved?) Nope. Just responding to screen resizes. The application is set up to use ~100% of the browser width height, and the components are automatically resized

[flexcoders] Does anyone know how to get an accordion to occupy a specified relative height (

2009-02-24 Thread Keith Hughitt
Does anyone know how to get an accordion to occupy a specified relative height (e.g. 25% of the application) while ensuring that all accordion headers are visible? There are two methods that come pretty close. Both solutions behave exactly as desired when the content of the accordion's first

[flexcoders] Re: Does anyone know how to get an accordion to occupy a specified relative height (

2009-02-25 Thread Keith Hughitt
--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Tim Hoff timh...@... wrote: Unless you specify the height of the accordion, it will grow; based on the size of the first child. mx:Panel width=100% height=25% mx:Accordion id=optionsAccordion width=100% height=100% vso:Form label=Accordion

[flexcoders] Re: Does anyone know how to get an accordion to occupy a specified relative height (

2009-02-25 Thread Keith Hughitt
In case anyone else runs into the same problem, here is how you can setup the event handler to respond to application resizes: mx:Application xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml; width=100% height=100% resize=onResize(); ... private function onResize():void { optionsAccordion.height =

[flexcoders] Converting strings to numbers before sorting?

2009-02-26 Thread Keith Hughitt
Hi all, I have a problem related to sorting type-casted numeric data, and was wondering if someone could help me out: Given some numeric data stored as strings (11.5), how can I populate it into a DataGrid and have it sort properly? From the Flex API docs

[flexcoders] Re: Converting strings to numbers before sorting?

2009-02-27 Thread Keith Hughitt
var a:Number = obj1.number; var b:Number = obj2.number; That made things much more clear. The reason things weren't working for me was because I expected the sort function to receive only the variable mapped to the column (i.e. number) and not the entire row. The

[flexcoders] Setting the resize event handler for Application?

2009-03-03 Thread Keith Hughitt
Hi all, I am getting run-time errors in strange situations and was wondering if anyone might be able to provide some insight as to what is going on. If I try to attach a resize event handler to the Application class, and refer to other components within the application, I end up getting run-time

[flexcoders] Re: Setting the resize event handler for Application?

2009-03-04 Thread Keith Hughitt
if (myPanel != null) myPanel.title = TEST; That did the trick! So it looks like the resize event *is* being fired as soon as the application is being loaded, before the panels have even been instantiated? Thanks for the help

[flexcoders] Custom Actionscript component data-binding question

2009-06-01 Thread Keith Hughitt
Hi all, I have been working on my first custom ActionScript component and have been trouble getting the data-binding setup properly. I am trying to making a FilterManager component which will enable to the user to filter based on one or multiple columns in a DataGrid. In order to do this though

[flexcoders] Re: Custom Actionscript component data-binding question

2009-06-02 Thread Keith Hughitt
Hi Valdhor, Thanks for the suggestion, that is a very good idea and something I hadn't thought of. I'll certainly try that out, however, I'm still uncertain as to how to pass in / accept data in custom AS classes. For instance, when I specify things as MXML parameters, are they available in

[flexcoders] Re: Custom Actionscript component data-binding question

2009-06-02 Thread Keith Hughitt
Hi Steve, Thanks, that makes things pretty clear. I'm still having trouble passing in variables. For example, in the MXML example above I specify a test variable. When I try to access it in the FilterManager constructor, however, the variable is empty (both test, and _test). I must be missing

[flexcoders] Re: Custom Actionscript component data-binding question

2009-06-02 Thread Keith Hughitt
custom:FilterManager datagrid={Application.application.dgResults} test=Test String width=100% height=100%/

[flexcoders] Re: Custom Actionscript component data-binding question

2009-06-03 Thread Keith Hughitt
I'm testing the variable during the FilterManager constructor. I actually don't have Flex Builder, so I've been using Alert and ObjectUtil to output information about the variables at run-time, e.g.: public function FilterManager():void { super();

[flexcoders] Re: Custom Actionscript component data-binding question

2009-06-04 Thread Keith Hughitt
Thanks for all of the help guys! I have gotten things pretty much working now: I just need to sort out some issues relating to working with multidimensional data-sources, which I'm going to post in another thread. In case it is helpful to anyone else though, here is the near-completed class:

[flexcoders] Dynamically referencing arbitrarily deep arrays?

2009-06-04 Thread Keith Hughitt
Does anyone know a method to dynamically index an arbitrarily deep array or object-literal? e.g. Given an object t, and the string one.two, how can you access t.one.two? Here is some sample code to demonstrate the problem: ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8? mx:Application

[flexcoders] Re: Dynamically referencing arbitrarily deep arrays?

2009-06-05 Thread Keith Hughitt
Thanks Yves, I think that will work :) The reason I want to do this is because I'm working on a component to allow multiple filters to be easily assigned to a DataGrid (http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/flexcoders/message/143771), and to also be able to work with multi-dimensional

[flexcoders] Closures in ActionScript 3?

2009-06-05 Thread Keith Hughitt
Could someone please explain to me how closures work in ActionScript? I am attempting to create a set of Flex Form fields, and assign an event-handler to each of them, however, it seems that after creation, all of the fields have the same event handler. For example: var i:int = 0; for