Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: AirportList

2005-01-25 Thread Andrew Midosn
 --- Melchior FRANZ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> * Andrew Midosn -- Tuesday 25 January 2005 09:28:
> > 59,60c58,60
> > <
> > < true
> > ---
> > > 
> > >   true
> > > 
> ... and make sure that you don't accidentally send
> the patch to the
> developer whose coding style you are "correcting"
> along with your
> functional changes, especially if these changes are
> completely unrelated.
> m.  :-]

Ooops - I didn't notice that! I suspect it was the XML
editor I was using deciding to enforce its own style.
I certainly don't remember making any changes to that
part of the file. I would normally try to adopt the
coding style of the file I'm editing as far as
possible - it's just polite. I'll go back to using vi
I think - that's usually quite well behaved.



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Re: [Flightgear-devel] AirportList

2005-01-25 Thread Andrew Midosn
 --- Frederic Bouvier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

> Thanks for your efforts. I just have practical
> remarks regarding patch post to
> the list.
> Use unidiff ( -u ) because all those > are confusing
> mail readers that interpret
> added lines as message quote
> Attach the file because many lines are split
> Better yet, send directly to one maintainer with CVS
> write access
> This way you will avoid the frustration of having
> your patch ignored just
> because it is unusable without a man-month worth of
> effort to rebuild something
> that could be understood by the patch utility.

Thanks for the advice. I'll try and sort that out when
I get back from work. Who would be the best person to
send the diffs to?



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[Flightgear-devel] AirportList

2005-01-25 Thread Andrew Midosn
OK, I appear to have the Select Airport from List
option working properly (as far as I can tell). I'm
not completely happy with the solution, as I have had
to declare a constant for PUCLASS_LIST that could be
reassigned within plib. I have used a value at the top
end of the scale to try to reduce the risk, but it is
still possible that this could be broken by changes to

I'll include the diffs here in case this is worth
using, or in case anyone would like to offer any
advice or suggestions.



Index: GUI/AirportList.cxx
RCS file:
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -r1.8 AirportList.cxx
< AirportList::getStringValue ()
> AirportList::getListStringValue ()
< return (char
> return (char
Index: GUI/AirportList.hxx
RCS file:
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -r1.1 AirportList.hxx
< virtual char * getStringValue ();
> virtual char * getListStringValue ();
Index: GUI/dialog.cxx
RCS file:
retrieving revision 1.17
diff -r1.17 dialog.cxx
> // Special case to handle lists, as
getStringValue cannot be overridden
> if(object->getType() & PUCLASS_LIST)
> {
> node->setStringValue(((puList *)
> }
> else
> {
> }
return puTextBox;
Index: GUI/puList.cxx
RCS file:
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -r1.1 puList.cxx
> type |= PUCLASS_LIST;
> type |= PUCLASS_LIST;
< puList::getStringValue ()
> puList::getListStringValue ()
> int
> puList::getListIntegerValue()
> {
>   return _list_box->getIntegerValue();
> }
Index: GUI/puList.hxx
RCS file:
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -r1.4 puList.hxx
> # define PUCLASS_LIST   0x8000  // Hopefully
this value will never be used by plib
< virtual char * getStringValue ();
> virtual char * getListStringValue ();
> virtual int getListIntegerValue();

Index: gui/dialogs/airports.xml
RCS file:
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -r1.3 airports.xml
< true
>   true
<   property-assign
<   -
> nasal
>   setprop("/sim/presets/latitude-deg",
>   setprop("/sim/presets/altitude-ft",
>   setprop("/sim/presets/airspeed-kt",
setprop("/sim/presets/offset-distance", 0);
setprop("/sim/presets/offset-azimuth", 0);
setprop("/sim/presets/glideslope-deg", 0);
>   setprop("/sim/presets/heading-deg",
<   property-assign
<   /sim/presets/latitude-deg
<   -
> dialog-apply
<   property-assign
<   /sim/presets/altitude-ft
<   -
> presets-commit
<   dialog-apply
<   presets-commit
> dialog-close
< true
>   true
<   dialog-close
> dialog-close
< true
>   true

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: AirportList

2005-01-24 Thread Andrew Midosn
 --- Paul Surgeon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> On Monday, 24 January 2005 10:48, Erik Hofman wrote:
> > Maybe it's even a better idea to have a world map
> image where you can
> > zoom in in three or four steps to select the
> desired airport?
> If someone could add ssgContext support or some way
> to render to a texture or 
> window inside of FG I could add it within 2 weeks.
> I already have code that renders a textured WGS 84
> ellipsoid in OpenGL with 
> pan/zoom functionality. Adding airports to the globe
> with picker support 
> would take no more than a day or two.
> The only issue is that I'm using rather large
> texture maps - it would take a 
> bit more work to add vector maps.
> This issue of not being able to render to a sub
> window is coming back to bite 
> us everytime. If it's not stuff like this then it's
> moving map/GPS/ND type 
> instruments.

Now that sounds like the best idea overall. Mind you,
assuming we had the ability to render to a sub-window,
I think it's outside my abilities with C++ at present
(Python might be a different matter). I'll keep
tinkering away and learning for the moment, and wait
impatiently for someone else to do the hard stuff! ;-)



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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: AirportList

2005-01-23 Thread Andrew Midosn
 --- Paul Surgeon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

> The country codes for airports are already Robin's
> database - in fact he uses 
> them as part of the primary key.
> However he won't add it to the airport file because
> X-plane doesn't use them 
> and Austin Meyer doesn't want anything in the
> apt.dat that is not X-Plane 
> related.
> I feel that they should be added because they will
> prove to be very valuable 
> for filtering but I haven't got enough weight to get
> them added.

I can understand Austin wanting to keep the airport
file as lean as possible, but like yourself I think
the country information is useful.  I have only looked
at a demo of X-Plane, but if I remember correctly the
airport list is similar to FlightGear's - very long
and hard to use.

This is probably less of a problem for enthusiasts,
who will tend to know the code for any airport they
want to fly from, but is a pain for beginners who
would be happier browsing a list.



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Re: [Flightgear-devel] AirportList

2005-01-23 Thread Andrew Midosn
 --- Erik Hofman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

> I'm afraid I don't exactly understand what you are
> requesting here. Do 
> you want to location of the gui-code that sets the
> property, do you want 
> the code that generates the airport-list for the gui
> or do you still 
> want something else?

I had assumed that getStringValue() wasn't the
function that should be used to get the value from a
control as it wasn't getting called. So I was hoping
that someone could tell me which method *was* being
called. From Melchior's reply I gather that I got the
right method, but the overridden version on
AirportList isn't getting called due to the way PLIB
works. I don't know what the chances of getting PLIB
changed are, but I do think this (selecting an airport
from a list) would be a nice feature.

On the other hand, if most people feel that it isn't
necessary (you can change airports by using Position
Aircraft (on ground) after all) then the select from
list option should probably be removed.



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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: AirportList

2005-01-23 Thread Andrew Midosn
 --- Melchior FRANZ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

So it can't be done without changes to PLIB. That's a

As far as scanning the scenery directory to work out
which airports are available is concerned, I'm not
sure that's the right solution. I'm thinking of anyone
that runs terrasync - they should have access to any
airport regardless of whether they currently have the
scenery available for it or not, shouldn't they?

It might be more useful to be able to apply a filter
to the list to reduce it in size. Probably filtering
by state for the USA and by country for (most) of the
rest of the world would be OK. Of course, we would
have to have access to that information, which I don't
think is available in apt.dat.

Just my opinion anyway.



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[Flightgear-devel] AirportList

2005-01-23 Thread Andrew Midosn
I have been playing around with trying to get the
'Select Airport from List' option within FlightGear
working. So far I have managed to get the dialog to
close and FlightGear to restart when the 'Apply'
button is clicked (I just pinched the code from
location-on-ground.xml). However, it's still not
putting you at the selected airport.

The airport list control in the dialog is bound to the
airport-id property, and I had assumed that this would
be populated using the control's getStringValue()
method. But this method doesn't appear to get called
at all. So can anyone point me at the code that sets
the property that is bound to a gui control.




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Re: [Flightgear-devel] FGMetar.cxx

2005-01-22 Thread Andrew Midosn
 --- Frederic Bouvier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

> You really have screwed your SimGear tree, if you
> think it is up to date.

And that of course was the absolute truth. Having
scrapped my SimGear directory completely and started
again I now have everything compiling properly.
FGMetar is of course fine, and only my brain is
defective. My apologies for bothering the list, and my
thanks to Fred for not lobbing a virtual half-brick at
the idiot who was wasting his time. :-(



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[Flightgear-devel] FGMetar.cxx

2005-01-22 Thread Andrew Midosn
I've fixed one problem with the FGMetar constructor,
where the call to the parent class SGMetar was
incorrect, but now have another problem. In the
constructor the method getCAVOK() is called, although
it isn't defined anywhere in either FlightGear or
SimGear. Unfortunately I have no idea what this
function is supposed to do. I'll try defining it as a
bool in FGMetar that just returns True for the moment,
but that isn't really a solution.

I would really like to sort this out and feel I am
contributing in a small way to the project, but I'm
not sure enough of what this code is trying to do.



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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Problems building from CVS

2005-01-22 Thread Andrew Midosn
 --- Frederic Bouvier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Update SimGear too.

Yup - my poor tired brain eventually noticed that it
was complaining about SimGear *not* FlightGear (doh!),
so I've updated that also. I'm still getting errors
relating to FGMetar, so it certainly looks as if
something's broken there. I'll keep digging.



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[Flightgear-devel] Problems building from CVS

2005-01-22 Thread Andrew Midosn
I've just updated my source code from CVS, but the
build fails with the following:

Making all in Environment
make[2]: Entering directory
if g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../src/Include
-I../.. -I../../src  -I/usr/X11R6/include
-I/usr/local//include  -g -O2 -D_REENTRANT -MT
environment_mgr.o -MD -MP -MF
".deps/environment_mgr.Tpo" -c -o environment_mgr.o
environment_mgr.cxx; \
then mv -f ".deps/environment_mgr.Tpo"
".deps/environment_mgr.Po"; else rm -f
".deps/environment_mgr.Tpo"; exit 1; fi
In file included from environment_ctrl.hxx:50,
 from environment_mgr.cxx:31:
fgmetar.hxx: In member function `double
FGMetar::getRain() const':
fgmetar.hxx:45: error: `_rain' undeclared (first use
this function)
fgmetar.hxx:45: error: (Each undeclared identifier is
reported only once for
   each function it appears in.)
fgmetar.hxx: In member function `double
FGMetar::getHail() const':
fgmetar.hxx:46: error: `_hail' undeclared (first use
this function)
fgmetar.hxx: In member function `double
FGMetar::getSnow() const':
fgmetar.hxx:47: error: `_snow' undeclared (first use
this function)
make[2]: *** [environment_mgr.o] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

It looks as though the methods getRain(), getHail()
and getSnow() rely on private attributes that haven't
been declared. I have tried adding them as int's, but
now get the following error:

Making all in Environment
make[2]: Entering directory
if g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../src/Include
-I../.. -I../../src  -I/usr/X11R6/include
-I/usr/local//include  -g -O2 -D_REENTRANT -MT
environment_ctrl.o -MD -MP -MF
".deps/environment_ctrl.Tpo" -c -o environment_ctrl.o
environment_ctrl.cxx; \
then mv -f ".deps/environment_ctrl.Tpo"
".deps/environment_ctrl.Po"; else rm -f
".deps/environment_ctrl.Tpo"; exit 1; fi
environment_ctrl.cxx: In constructor `
environment_ctrl.cxx:332: error: no matching function
for call to `
error: candidates are: int
make[2]: *** [environment_ctrl.o] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

Sadly my C++ is very sketchy, so I'm struggling to get
past this. However, I'll keep digging, although it
would help if anyone could provide any pointers as to
the likely cause.



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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: FlightGear 0.9.8, Mac OS X build

2005-01-21 Thread Andrew Midosn
 --- Andrew Midosn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

> I notice that no-one is assuming that this could
> have
> been an innocent mistake. I accept that it is
> unlikely, but it wouldn't be the first time that a
> file has been included in a software release in
> error.
> I would agree that it is entirely inappropriate for
> this file to be distributed with FlightGear, but has
> anyone asked the package maintainer if they intended
> the file to be included?

Sorry - I really must finish reading ALL of my mail
before replying. I see that this has already been
covered, so I'll shut up again now. :-)



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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: FlightGear 0.9.8, Mac OS X build

2005-01-20 Thread Andrew Midosn
 --- Melchior FRANZ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> * Christian Brunschen -- Thursday 20 January 2005
> 17:43:
> > Is it really a good idea to have essentially
> religious propaganda 
> > shipped in the semi-official build of FlightGear
> for Mac OS X?
> No! I'm utterly disgusted by this abuse! It's an
> offense to all Jews,
> Muslim, Hindu, etc. and it has *nothing* to do with
> FlightGear. I don't
> want to see my name and my contributions in the
> context of religious
> or other propaganda.
> 1. The responsible person should be asked to
> *immediately* remove the
>offending religious content.
> 2. If he refuses (which the GPL lets him), he should
> not be given any
>further support. He should be banned from the
> mailing lists.
> 3. The project should note on the homepage that it
> is in no way
>affiliated with and distances itself from any
> religious or other
>propaganda that is distributed together with
> FlightGear.

I notice that no-one is assuming that this could have
been an innocent mistake. I accept that it is
unlikely, but it wouldn't be the first time that a
file has been included in a software release in error.
I would agree that it is entirely inappropriate for
this file to be distributed with FlightGear, but has
anyone asked the package maintainer if they intended
the file to be included?



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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Things to do to improve Flightgear

2004-12-15 Thread Andrew Midosn
 --- Erik Hofman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Well, at least it points out to the user that the
> user interface isn't 
> necessarily a high priority. For now FlightGear has
> been used and 
> improved by research projects and certified
> simulator developers.
> So far we have been able to satisfy every one to
> some degree, but (and I 
> sure hope not) there might be a time that both user
> bases start to 
> conflict in the code.
It seems slightly odd to me to feel that 'serious'
users don't want/need a decent user interface, while
gamers do. As a Linux user, and a developer who is
happy to use command line tools, I'm certainly not
afraid of not having a GUI available. But if someone
wants to provide something to make my life easier
(like allowing me to browse through a list of airports
rather than having to remember the codes for example),
then I'm not going to turn my nose up at it. The
important thing, I feel, is that any user interface
should be carefully designed so that it makes the
user's experience of the program easier, and more
intuitive. Too often the interface just gets in the
way and makes things worse.

Certainly keep the command line options - they are
extremely useful for those who understand them. Even
make the program start without a UI by default. But
don't ignore the idea of a user interface purely
because FlightGear is a 'serious' application.

Just my opinion, of course.



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