Userconfig.xml for FOP within an applet.

2005-02-06 Thread Manoj_Nair
As you might know I have successfully got the Japanese fonts to be displayed on PDF  by using the userconfig.xml file to load the MSGOTHIC.TTF fonts. In this case I was running a servlet which used FOP to convert the XML file on the webserver ( weblogic) to PDF and then open it using acrobat. I want to do the same thing within an applet. A few months back I could use FOP within an applet to convert XML residing on the server to PDF and then send  the resulting PDF to the printqueue on the clients default printer. This works perfectly.  Now my question is I want FOP within the applet to recognize Japanese character sets. My approach is to have the userconfig.xml, msgothic.ttf and msgothic.xml ( font metrics ) files in the same jar file as the Applet itself. Would this work? Can I just load the  userconfig.xml file from the jar file using the classloader and then call FOP ? I will be trying this next week and just wanted to know your opinion. ThanksManoj 

Re: Printing PDF on the client default printer.

2004-12-01 Thread Manoj_Nair

This is how I did it..

1) I used a invisible signed applet within the jsp page which renders the
2) The user selects the documents to be printed and passes  this info to
the applet.
3) The applet take this info and calls a servlet which creates the
corresponding XMLs.
4) The XSLTHandler within the applet then renders the pdf to the default
printer on the client side. The XSLT input handler
takes in the XSD and the created XML as its parameter during

Sorry to be short as i am busy here but can get in detail if reqd..


  "Charles Ohana"   
   Subject:  Re: Printing PDF on 
the client default printer.  
  11/30/2004 12:19  
  Please respond to 



wow!!! sounds great... Where can we get that ???  Thanx.
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2004 9:02 AM
 Subject: Printing PDF on the client default printer.

 Just wanted everyone to know that I have successfully implemented client
 side printing using FOP

 Eg: If the XML file gets created on the webserver which is located in Los
 Angeles and the user in London, then the XML is converted to PDF and the
 PDF file is printed on the clients default printer in London.


 -Forwarded by Manoj Nair/LA/SPE on 11/30/2004 09:00AM -

 Date: 10/21/2004 10:13AM
 Subject: Printing PDF on the client default printer.

 I had posted this in the fop-user group and the responses indicated that
 there is no way this can be implemented currently. Just wanted an opinion
 from the fop-dev crowd.

 My requirement is to render an XML as  a PDF and then print the PDF on the
 clients default printer. I dont want the PDF to prompt user to open the
 acrobat reader.

 I already have an applet on the client side which uses PrinterJob class to
 popup the printer selection box on client side.

 Now how do I redirect the content from server to this printer?

 Should I use Driver.RENDER_PRINT / Driver.RENDER_PCL set in the fop driver
 renderer ? and what content type should the response object return?


 PS: I have successfully use the FopPrinter example ( FopPrintServlet ) to
 print pdfs on the app servers default printer but what I need is to be
 to print on the clients default printer and not on servers printer.

Printing PDF on the client default printer.

2004-11-30 Thread Manoj_Nair
Just wanted everyone to know that I have successfully implemented client side printing using FOP Eg: If the XML file gets created on the webserver which is located in Los Angeles and the user in London, then the XML is converted to PDF and the PDF file is printed on the clients default printer in London. ThanksManoj -Forwarded by Manoj Nair/LA/SPE on 11/30/2004 09:00AM -To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: 10/21/2004 10:13AMSubject: Printing PDF on the client default printer.**I had posted this in the fop-user group and the responses indicated thatthere is no way this can be implemented currently. Just wanted an opinionfrom the fop-dev crowd.Thanks**My requirement is to render an XML as  a PDF and then print the PDF on theclients default printer. I dont want the PDF to prompt user to open theacrobat reader.I already have an applet on the client side which uses PrinterJob class topopup the printer selection box on client side.Now how do I redirect the content from server to this printer?Should I use Driver.RENDER_PRINT / Driver.RENDER_PCL set in the fop driverrenderer ? and what content type should the response object return?ThanksManojPS: I have successfully use the FopPrinter example ( FopPrintServlet ) toprint pdfs on the app servers default printer but what I need is to be ableto print on the clients default printer and not on servers printer.

XSLTInputHandler questions

2004-10-25 Thread Manoj_Nair

I am planning to use the following XSLTInputHandler constructor in an
applet downloaded on  the client side. Before I use it I have the following

public XSLTInputHandler(File xmlfile, File xsltfile) throws FOPException
{ }
  public XSLTInputHandler(String xmlURL, String xsltURL) throws
FOPException { }
  public XSLTInputHandler(InputSource xmlSource, InputSource xsltSource)
throws FOPException { }

1) Would a URL constructor passed as string like
new XSLTInputHandler (new String(http://host:7011/web/myXML.xml";), new
work ?

2) I read on some websites that
org.apache.fop.apps.XSLTInputHandler(InputSource ,InputSource ) constructor
doesnt work for InputSource and can only be used for String and File
arguments? Have anyone made it work with InputSource  arguments?

3) As the XSLTInputHandler is called on client side I want to read the XSL
and XML files from app server. How should I go about reading the XSL,XML
files from server? as inputstreams?


Printing PDF on the client default printer.

2004-10-21 Thread Manoj_Nair
I had posted this in the fop-user group and the responses indicated that
there is no way this can be implemented currently. Just wanted an opinion
from the fop-dev crowd.

My requirement is to render an XML as  a PDF and then print the PDF on the
clients default printer. I dont want the PDF to prompt user to open the
acrobat reader.

I already have an applet on the client side which uses PrinterJob class to
popup the printer selection box on client side.

Now how do I redirect the content from server to this printer?

Should I use Driver.RENDER_PRINT / Driver.RENDER_PCL set in the fop driver
renderer ? and what content type should the response object return?


PS: I have successfully use the FopPrinter example ( FopPrintServlet ) to
print pdfs on the app servers default printer but what I need is to be able
to print on the clients default printer and not on servers printer.

How to tell Driver to open acrobat in a new IE?

2004-08-11 Thread Manoj_Nair
I am parsing my XML file through FOP parser and then telling the driver to
render it as PDF. The process is initiated by clicking on a button on IE.
What happens is the current IE instance opens the acrobat and displays the
PDF it.

The users have to hit back button to get back to the application.

My question is how do i tell the Driver to open the PDF in a separate
instance of acrobat (within a new IE instance) or just by  acrobat


My sample code is below

 public void renderXML(XSLTInputHandler input,
  HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
Driver driver = new Driver();
String OS = System.getProperty("");
driver.render(input.getParser(), input.getInputSource());

byte[] content = out.toByteArray();
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new ServletException(ex);

XMLParser error with unicode characters in XML file.

2004-07-06 Thread Manoj_Nair
I am getting a XML parsing error from weblogic.apache.xerces when I parse a
document which contains accented characters.

This is what I am doing
1) Some database columns have accented data for spanish,japanese etc
like NÃmero de identificaÃÃo: and nÃmero de identificaciÃn.

2) I am reading this data and creating a XML file using some processing and
then writing the file on the disc using
flush() method.

3) Then I am using FOP to render this XML in PDF. In the rendering process
the weblogic.apache.xerces.XMLparser gets called to parse the XML. Here the
parser throws a org.xml.sax.SAXParserException ( An invalid XML character
(Unicode: 0xfa) was found in the element content of the document).

I was under the impression that XMLParser should take care of the accented
characters. When I open the XML file which I created in XML SPY I see "box"
characters like "cliente  nï de identificaciò".

Please let me know how should i handle my code here.



Accessing File in a WAR for XSLTInputHandler

2004-06-11 Thread Manoj_Nair
My application is deployed in a WAR format on Unix. The XSLTInputHandler is trying to access the XSL and the XML files on the system but the getRealPath() and the getResource() methods return null /or a path which included the war info and the  XSLTInputHandler errors out with FileNotFoundException. The XSLTInputHandler  constructor with InputSource and String doesnt work ( its a bug and I dont see it being fixed as per bugzilla).  So my question is how do i get the File objects for XSL and XML from a WARred setup? Thanks