Re: Structure Handlers - RTF Renderer

2002-05-31 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz

Hi Peter,

Sorry for taking so long, week's been hectic around here.

>. . .
> I think you will still have attribute resolution problems.  Remember
> that some attributes are only going to be resolved during the layout.

I understand that some attributes cannot be resolved at the parsing stage, 
and as Keiron mentioned, there will need to be a way to transfer them with 
all the relevant information.

The implications for RTF are not that clear for me though (mostly because 
jfor is currently sooo weak about attributes, AND I never worked on a 
print-type renderer) - I think I need to be able to play with actual code to 
better understand the issues. AFAIK Keiron is working on a first shot 
StructureHandler which should help me jump in.

>. . .
> It seems to me that the general solution would involve the definition of
> a structure api, taking account of the layout dependencies.  
>. . .

I agree, but again the whole picture is not clear enough in my mind yet to be 
able to specifiy these dependencies. I suggest that we wait for Keiron's 
skeleton code, on which we build a rough RTF converter which will help us (me 
at least ;-) understand the issues on concrete examples.

We should then be able to define a set of XSL-FO documents that show 
different use-cases for attribute resolution.

>. . .
> You may already have documented the structure transformations needed for
> FO->RTF.  If so, it would be a very good idea to include them in the NEW
> DESIGN documentation.
>. . .

Unfortunately not - what jfor currently does is 1-to-1 mapping of basic 
attributes like font sizes, bold, italic, etc. so there's not much to be said.


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Re: Structure Handlers - RTF Renderer

2002-05-29 Thread Keiron Liddle

On Tue, 2002-05-28 at 01:20, Peter B. West wrote:
> <
> I started writing this before the flurry of messages in the last day or 
> two, so it may now be redundant.  If so, however, I have missed part of 
> the conversation.  My recollection of consensus of opinion some months 
> ago was as I state just below.
>  >
> I think you will still have attribute resolution problems.  Remember 
> that some attributes are only going to be resolved during the layout.

The layout is handled by the viewer of the document. All we can do is
transfer across the flow and other information.
For properties that depend on the layout then they either need to be
transferred to the output document in a meaningful way, translated or
ignored (default value).

I would like to have a look at how the MIF handler would work with this
but I don't have a viewer so it is a bit difficult (does anyone have
access to a viewer?).

> It seems to me that the general solution would involve the definition of 
> a structure api, taking account of the layout dependencies.  to get 
> there, you need to define an XML equivalent of the structure that is 
> presented to the RTF renderer.  Define all of the data types that are 
> being passed into RTF, and isolate the circumstances in which 
> information cannot be passed across prior to layout.  Out of that you 
> might get three interface definitions: ideal RTF, layout RTF and FOTree 
> RTF.  With any luck, ideal RTF would co-incide completely with layout 
> RTF, and differ only in a few minor details from FOTree RTF.

If we do a parallel layout and resolve the properties that cannot be
transferred at the same time then it may give a better result. I guess
it would depend on circumstances and if it is really worth it.
I don't know the 'use cases' so it would only be a guess.

> Then have the same thing done for, say, MIF.  From a comparison of the 
> layout MIF and FOTree MIF, try to develop a general FOStructure API 
> which will hopefully be flexible enough to accommodate any other 
> structure renderers which come along.  The danger in not doing that is 
> that you end up with an FOStructure API that is only an RTFStructure API.
> It may be necessary to build in a fundamental option to choose, e.g., 
> layout RTF or FOTree RTF.  In the latter case, the User Agent would 
> arbitrate unresolved arrtibutes; in the former, the layout engine would 
> have to proceed far enough to resolve all of the attributes.  One 
> possibility in the former case is that you _may_ find it is possible to 
> do the transformation to FOTree RTF in XSLT.  Just a flight of fancy 
> perhaps.
> You may already have documented the structure transformations needed for 
> FO->RTF.  If so, it would be a very good idea to include them in the NEW 
> DESIGN documentation.
> Peter

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Re: Structure Handlers - RTF Renderer

2002-05-27 Thread Peter B. West


I started writing this before the flurry of messages in the last day or 
two, so it may now be redundant.  If so, however, I have missed part of 
the conversation.  My recollection of consensus of opinion some months 
ago was as I state just below.

I think you will still have attribute resolution problems.  Remember 
that some attributes are only going to be resolved during the layout.

It seems to me that the general solution would involve the definition of 
a structure api, taking account of the layout dependencies.  to get 
there, you need to define an XML equivalent of the structure that is 
presented to the RTF renderer.  Define all of the data types that are 
being passed into RTF, and isolate the circumstances in which 
information cannot be passed across prior to layout.  Out of that you 
might get three interface definitions: ideal RTF, layout RTF and FOTree 
RTF.  With any luck, ideal RTF would co-incide completely with layout 
RTF, and differ only in a few minor details from FOTree RTF.

Then have the same thing done for, say, MIF.  From a comparison of the 
layout MIF and FOTree MIF, try to develop a general FOStructure API 
which will hopefully be flexible enough to accommodate any other 
structure renderers which come along.  The danger in not doing that is 
that you end up with an FOStructure API that is only an RTFStructure API.

It may be necessary to build in a fundamental option to choose, e.g., 
layout RTF or FOTree RTF.  In the latter case, the User Agent would 
arbitrate unresolved arrtibutes; in the former, the layout engine would 
have to proceed far enough to resolve all of the attributes.  One 
possibility in the former case is that you _may_ find it is possible to 
do the transformation to FOTree RTF in XSLT.  Just a flight of fancy 

You may already have documented the structure transformations needed for 
FO->RTF.  If so, it would be a very good idea to include them in the NEW 
DESIGN documentation.


Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

>Hi Keiron,
>>. . .
>>This structure handler will have a number of methods for the start and
>>end of elements like block, table, list item etc. and others for
>>external graphic etc. 
>>. . .
>I agree that high-level events like start/end block, table, etc. are what we 
>need for structure rendering. 
>Currently jfor works by mapping SAX events (that come directly from parsing 
>the XSL-FO) to the construction of RTF objects, so the kind of interface that 
>you mention would certainly help integrating the current jfor code.
>>It will pass appropriate information, mostly the
>>current fo object.
>Maybe passing a compound object (StructureRendererContext?) that *contains* 
>the current fo object would help, as the renderer might need to access 
>configuration, logging or other services.
>>. . .
>>Currently the StreamRenderer does a very limited version with start, end
>>document and end page sequence. This could become a subclass of the
>>structure handler where it will only use a few methods (probably should
>>rename it to RenderHandler).
>>. . .
>Looks good to me - basing the current rendering process on the structure 
>rendering stuff certainly makes sense.
>If I get it right, the processing pipeline would then look as follows:
>parsing -> SAX events -> validation -> attribute resolution -> structure 
>rendering (SR)
>Where SR is either "RTF rendering" or "layout -> PDF rendering"
>- Bertrand

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Re: Structure Handlers - RTF Renderer

2002-05-27 Thread Keiron Liddle

On Mon, 2002-05-27 at 14:22, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
> What about:
> a) base class with all start/end methods but most of them are empty (costs 
> very little to call IMHO compared to the whole rendering process)
> b) derived class for RTFHandler and such, where most or all methods do 
> something.
> But you know the code much better than I do, so I'll let you choose the best 
> option.
> How about actually starting to implement this? I can spare a few hours a week 
> to help, but having some skeleton code to start with would help me a lot.
> -Bertrand

That is roughly the idea.
I will commit the bits I have (and fix another problem) and we can go
from there.

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Re: Structure Handlers - RTF Renderer

2002-05-27 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz

On Monday 27 May 2002 13:37, Keiron Liddle wrote:
>. . .
> I'm thinking of the start as setting up the current context and the
> properties, then when others start it will belong to the current
> context. The end can then indicate context and finish off the formatting
> object and if easier then to handle the children and put everything into
> the output.
>. . .

Sounds good. I was just afraid of having to hold the entire table in memory 
until all rows are done, but as I understand this would not be the case.

>. . .
> fo -> rtf
> startTable -> setup table
> endRow -> create row info in rtf
> endTable -> end table in rtf
>. . .

Sounds good too.

>. . .
> > I'd prefer many event calls, . . .
> I think the fastest way to handle this would be to have a boolean where
> if true it calls all start/end otherwise it only calls the ones required
> by the layout structure handler.
>. . .

What about:

a) base class with all start/end methods but most of them are empty (costs 
very little to call IMHO compared to the whole rendering process)

b) derived class for RTFHandler and such, where most or all methods do 

But you know the code much better than I do, so I'll let you choose the best 

How about actually starting to implement this? I can spare a few hours a week 
to help, but having some skeleton code to start with would help me a lot.


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Re: Structure Handlers - RTF Renderer

2002-05-27 Thread Keiron Liddle

On Mon, 2002-05-27 at 11:37, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
> Would this scenario be easy to implement?
> startTable
>   startRow (maybe after all FOs for the row have been parsed)
> startCell (maybe  after all FOs for the cell have been parsed)
>   start/end stuff for cell contents
> endCell
> more start/endCell
>   endRow
>   more start/endRow
> endTable
> or do you mean just one startTable with row/columns contained in the FO?

If you need to output the row after all FOs for the row then you could
simply use the endRow to get the row and output its children.

I'm thinking of the start as setting up the current context and the
properties, then when others start it will belong to the current
context. The end can then indicate context and finish off the formatting
object and if easier then to handle the children and put everything into
the output.
These methods are called by the fo tree objects themselves as a result
of the FOTreeBuilder calling through the SAX events.

fo -> rtf
startTable -> setup table
endRow -> create row info in rtf
endTable -> end table in rtf

> I'd prefer many event calls, as the StructureHandler wouldn't need to know as 
> much about FOs in this case. Conceptually (and this might be useful for 
> concrete stuff like testing too), I think the StructureHandler needs to 
> be able to rebuild the XSL-FO structure with as little code as possible.
> Maybe (if easier to implement or to avoid slowing down PDF 
> rendering) this "event generation" can be done by an intermediate component 
> that "decodes" the FOs and generates detailed events?

I think the fastest way to handle this would be to have a boolean where
if true it calls all start/end otherwise it only calls the ones required
by the layout structure handler.
I can't think of any better way without having two fo trees or something
slower being handled in the FOTreeBuilder.

I think the names should be StructureHandler, LayoutHandler, RTFHandler

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Re: Structure Handlers - RTF Renderer

2002-05-27 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz

Hi Keiron,

>. . .
> We should be able to set common objects like the logging and config on
> the structure handler itself.
> But the context idea could be useful for other objects that it may need
> to access.
>. . .

ok, It wasn't clear for me either what would go into the context object, but 
it is certainly better that passing the FO object directly.

>. . .
> I'm not sure about the best way to do things like the table columns. It
> would be simpler if it could do a start table after it has all the table
> columns rather than needing to get each table column individually
> through method calls.
>. . .

Would this scenario be easy to implement?

  startRow (maybe after all FOs for the row have been parsed)
startCell (maybe  after all FOs for the cell have been parsed)
  start/end stuff for cell contents
more start/endCell
  more start/endRow

or do you mean just one startTable with row/columns contained in the FO?

I'd prefer many event calls, as the StructureHandler wouldn't need to know as 
much about FOs in this case. Conceptually (and this might be useful for 
concrete stuff like testing too), I think the StructureHandler needs to 
be able to rebuild the XSL-FO structure with as little code as possible.

Maybe (if easier to implement or to avoid slowing down PDF 
rendering) this "event generation" can be done by an intermediate component 
that "decodes" the FOs and generates detailed events?


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Re: Structure Handlers - RTF Renderer

2002-05-27 Thread Keiron Liddle

Hi Bertrand,

On Fri, 2002-05-24 at 15:25, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
> > It will pass appropriate information, mostly the
> > current fo object.
> Maybe passing a compound object (StructureRendererContext?) that *contains* 
> the current fo object would help, as the renderer might need to access 
> configuration, logging or other services.

We should be able to set common objects like the logging and config on
the structure handler itself.
But the context idea could be useful for other objects that it may need
to access.

> Looks good to me - basing the current rendering process on the structure 
> rendering stuff certainly makes sense.
> If I get it right, the processing pipeline would then look as follows:
> parsing -> SAX events -> validation -> attribute resolution -> structure 
> rendering (SR)
> Where SR is either "RTF rendering" or "layout -> PDF rendering"

Where the validation is done by the FO tree and attribute resolution is
handled by the current property handling system.
The RTF handler will get the fo java object, then it can get the
properties and children (at the end).

I'm not sure about the best way to do things like the table columns. It
would be simpler if it could do a start table after it has all the table
columns rather than needing to get each table column individually
through method calls.


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Re: Structure Handlers - RTF Renderer

2002-05-24 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz

Hi Keiron,

>. . .
> This structure handler will have a number of methods for the start and
> end of elements like block, table, list item etc. and others for
> external graphic etc. 
>. . .

I agree that high-level events like start/end block, table, etc. are what we 
need for structure rendering. 

Currently jfor works by mapping SAX events (that come directly from parsing 
the XSL-FO) to the construction of RTF objects, so the kind of interface that 
you mention would certainly help integrating the current jfor code.

> It will pass appropriate information, mostly the
> current fo object.

Maybe passing a compound object (StructureRendererContext?) that *contains* 
the current fo object would help, as the renderer might need to access 
configuration, logging or other services.

>. . .
> Currently the StreamRenderer does a very limited version with start, end
> document and end page sequence. This could become a subclass of the
> structure handler where it will only use a few methods (probably should
> rename it to RenderHandler).
> . . .

Looks good to me - basing the current rendering process on the structure 
rendering stuff certainly makes sense.

If I get it right, the processing pipeline would then look as follows:
parsing -> SAX events -> validation -> attribute resolution -> structure 
rendering (SR)

Where SR is either "RTF rendering" or "layout -> PDF rendering"

- Bertrand

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Structure Handlers - RTF Renderer

2002-05-24 Thread Keiron Liddle


I have had a look at the structure handling concept in particular with
reference to the rtf renderer.

The idea is to use a structure handler class that is available to the FO
tree and replaces the current position of the StreamRenderer.

This structure handler will have a number of methods for the start and
end of elements like block, table, list item etc. and others for
external graphic etc. It will pass appropriate information mostly the
current fo object.

This should make it possible for the rtf handler to get the appropriate
information from the FO tree during the creation of the FO tree.

Currently the StreamRenderer does a very limited version with start, end
document and end page sequence. This could become a subclass of the
structure handler where it will only use a few methods (probably should
rename it to RenderHandler).
This should also help us to improve the normal rendering process as

Does this sound like a suitable approach? Will it make the rtf rendering
possible (Bertrand?)?


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