Re: multi-column layout and footnotes

2005-07-11 Thread Jeremias Maerki
Luca, I was intrigued by your idea though I see difficulties determining
the right intra-page/column breaks for situations where the line height
are not uniform and possibly have penalties that could interfere with
later break decision already made. At least, mixed single-/multicolumn
situations should be quite easy to handle since you could simply copy
multiple footnote sections (one per span group) together. The current
design should already help with that. Anyway, I'll defer this problem
for later, since there are more important things to deal with. After all,
we need to get a more or less usable FOP version out ASAP. I've
documented my findings and the current status briefly on the Wiki:

On 28.06.2005 18:45:06 Luca Furini wrote:
> Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> > I just hope this breaking-up of the
> > span-reference-areas won't cause too many problems with keeping the
> > footnotes working. I'm a bit worried about that. We'll see.
> I was thinking about this too: the texbook, speaking about footnotes and 
> columns, says something interesting: paginating a page of height H, N 
> columns ans footnotes having the whole width is quite similar to 
> paginating a page of height N*H, with a single column, where the height of 
> each footnote line has a magnification factor = N.
> I think that this way the column break could be seen as "moving indexes", 
> dividing the normal content in pieces of equal length, that could be 
> updated while adding some more normal content. (this could mean that 
> having balanced columns could be even easier than having unbalanced ones!)
> These are just some thoughts, as I did not try and implement anything yet 
> ...
> Regards
>  Luca

Jeremias Maerki

Re: multi-column layout and footnotes

2005-06-28 Thread J.Pietschmann

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Do I interpret correctly that the footnote-reference-area
always spans the whole width of the region-body even when the page
contents are rendered in multiple columns?

Given that AntennaHouse has an extension element for creating
per-column footnotes, and the already quoted text from the
spec, I'm pretty sure you're right.

I just hope this breaking-up of the
span-reference-areas won't cause too many problems with keeping the
footnotes working. I'm a bit worried about that.

Me too. But I'm confident you'll manage this :-)


Re: multi-column layout and footnotes

2005-06-28 Thread Luca Furini

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

I just hope this breaking-up of the
span-reference-areas won't cause too many problems with keeping the
footnotes working. I'm a bit worried about that. We'll see.

I was thinking about this too: the texbook, speaking about footnotes and 
columns, says something interesting: paginating a page of height H, N 
columns ans footnotes having the whole width is quite similar to 
paginating a page of height N*H, with a single column, where the height of 
each footnote line has a magnification factor = N.

I think that this way the column break could be seen as "moving indexes", 
dividing the normal content in pieces of equal length, that could be 
updated while adding some more normal content. (this could mean that 
having balanced columns could be even easier than having unbalanced ones!)

These are just some thoughts, as I did not try and implement anything yet 


Re: multi-column layout and footnotes

2005-06-28 Thread Jeremias Maerki

On 28.06.2005 14:07:49 Vincent Hennebert wrote:
> Jeremias Maerki a écrit :
> > Do I interpret correctly that the footnote-reference-area
> > always spans the whole width of the region-body even when the page
> > contents are rendered in multiple columns?
> Yes, I think you're right. There are more hints in 6.4.13 (fo:region-body): 
> the 
> region-body may be divided into 3 areas: before-float-reference-area, 
> main-reference-area and footnote-reference-area. The main and footnote areas 
> are 
> totally disconnected, and only the former may hold multi-column areas.


> (I would have preferred that footnotes are allowed to be rendered in columns, 
> as 
> the result is nicer, but that's not so).

I thought about that, too. But then I thought: How would footnotes be
handled when content with span="all" is encountered? In that case,
things could get a bit messy. :-)

> For the rest I can't help, sorry :-/

No problem. A second opinion was all I needed. Thanks again!

Jeremias Maerki

Re: multi-column layout and footnotes

2005-06-28 Thread Vincent Hennebert

Jeremias Maerki a écrit :

Do I interpret correctly that the footnote-reference-area
always spans the whole width of the region-body even when the page
contents are rendered in multiple columns?

Yes, I think you're right. There are more hints in 6.4.13 (fo:region-body): the 
region-body may be divided into 3 areas: before-float-reference-area, 
main-reference-area and footnote-reference-area. The main and footnote areas are 
totally disconnected, and only the former may hold multi-column areas.
(I would have preferred that footnotes are allowed to be rendered in columns, as 
the result is nicer, but that's not so).

For the rest I can't help, sorry :-/


So far I've managed to isolate the last parts from a broken element list
that need to be rebroken to do column balancing. For simplicity, I
currently simply send the contents after a span change (when content
switched from non-spanned to spanned or vice versa) to the next page. Now
I have to figure out how to modify the break decisions so they end up
balancing the columns. Then I have to figure out the maximum used BPD
after the balancing which delivers the available BPD for the next
element list, at which point I can remove the hack above that sends the
content to the next page. I just hope this breaking-up of the
span-reference-areas won't cause too many problems with keeping the
footnotes working. I'm a bit worried about that. We'll see.

Jeremias Maerki