Re: PSPad unicode 5.5.1 (783) English [78203]

2023-03-27 Tema obsahu tmpad
In the "English discussion forum" you wrote about the "Chinese characters

Yesterday I made another changes what can cause this problem. It will be
available in the next developer 

I think it could help to know what was changed so we can look out for situations
where it should not occur anymore.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Insert Line number in code [57192]

2011-09-20 Tema obsahu tmpad

TCL does not support processioning like in Perl or C.

Tcl is an interpreted language. Information like this can be determined

The Tcl equivalent to
"printDebug "LINE: __LINE__"; "


puts "LINE: [dict get [info frame 0] line]"

See for details on the
info command


PSPad freeware editor

Re: File Name is absent on the tab [57274]

2011-10-17 Tema obsahu tmpad
Under "Settings | Program settings | Program (part 1)" check the value for "File
Tab caption format:". It should read "%name%" or something similar.

BTW: Your OS is rather old.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: File Name is absent on the tab [57276]

2011-10-17 Tema obsahu tmpad
It looks as if you use a limited colour set. Also, it looks as if you have
changed the colour palette.

Try a standard 32 bit windows colour set.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Future: text difference between opened files [57628]

2011-11-29 Tema obsahu tmpad
I've been looking after this function for years! It is well hidden...

>From a user experience point of view this is an unexpected behaviour. I open a
file and want to work with that file (tab). Why should I (right-) click an
inactive tab? Therefore this option should be in the *active* tab pop-up

I can think of two different implementations:
1. Add a sub-menu entry "Compare with other tab >" that opens a list of all
other open tabs. Cons: The list can be become long.
2. Add a menu entry "Compare with other tab" that let the user select another
tab to compare with.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Future: text difference between opened files [57639]

2011-11-30 Tema obsahu tmpad
First, I want to say that PSPad for me is the best text editor available. :-)
I read the documentation but even there the function is hard to find.
I think one issue is that "Text Diff with active tab" is not *visible* on
the active tab pop-up menu. "Synchronize Moving" for example is visible on both
the active and the inactive tab pop-up menu, but greyed out on the active one.
I suggest to handle "Text Diff with active tab" in the same way.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Correction/Improvement proposals [58033]

2012-01-04 Tema obsahu tmpad

11) It isn't true. There is one compiler + 5 external application for
each highlighter. It can be different for each project. And you have possibility
to definy unlimited count of external tools on favourite 

Why is there a difference (in the configuration) between the "External
applications" and the "Compiler"? I would like to have ALL options from the
"Compiler" tab on the "External applications" tab (e.g. "Capture Program Output
Window") and vice versa.

I helped myself with the favourites tab, but they are not project specific.
Furthermore "project specific" is more than "file type specific". Consider two
projects with the same file types but different compiler versions.

>From the long list this is the only one I would like see changed.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.7 (2449) English [59744]

2012-10-03 Tema obsahu tmpad
Why do I have to double-click an item in the code explorer to make the mouse
wheel affect the code explorer and _not_ the code window?
A click in a window should move the mouse focus to that window by any means.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Searching for paragraph marks [60051]

2013-01-14 Tema obsahu tmpad
MS Word or word processors in general distinguish between paragraphs (hard
return) and lines (soft return). Pure text editors don't do this.

As far as I understand your question, you're asking how to find/replace the
newline character \n.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Expression search in all opened files (tabs) [60931]

2013-06-28 Tema obsahu tmpad
Menu -> Search -> Search/Replace in Files...
Then set the "Search Scope"


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Getting a specific syntax highlighting regardless of the file extension= [61081]

2013-08-16 Tema obsahu tmpad
1) View -> Change Syntax


2) Activate look toolbar via "View -> Toolbars -> Look". Click the 4th entry
"Change document syntax highlight"


PSPad freeware editor

BOMs for UTF-8 and UTF-16 [61802]

2014-01-18 Tema obsahu tmpad
I searched the forum for BOM related issues but did not find a sufficient

  Default CP for files opening: Menu format settings
  Ident bytes in UTF-8 coding: Checked.

Check Menu | Format | UTF-16 LE
Create a new file and the status line says UTF-16 LE. In Hex Edit Mode the BOM
is "FF FE". OK.

Check Menu | Format | UTF-8
Create a new file and the status line says UTF-8. In Hex Edit Mode the BOM is
also "FF FE", but the BOM for UTF-8 is "EF BB BF". 

Isn't this a bug?


PSPad freeware editor

Re: BOMs for UTF-8 and UTF-16 [61838]

2014-01-29 Tema obsahu tmpad
To be frank, it's not really clear from the help, that there are two
_different_ modes.

1) You say, that when I choose "View | Hex Edit MODE", I will see the content in
UTF-16LE. When I do so with a UTF-8 encoded file, the status line still reads
UTF-8, not UTF-16LE.

2) The hex code starts with a UT-16LE BOM. BOMs are meant for files, but not for
memory images.

3) When I overwrite the BOM with a blank, code 2000, and switch back to the
normal view, each charater is now followed by a blank.

I consider this as bugs.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: BOMs for UTF-8 and UTF-16 [61840]

2014-01-30 Tema obsahu tmpad
I create a UTF-8 encoded text file with another program.
I load that file into pspad; the status line says UTF-8.
I switch to "View | Hex Edit MODE".
The status line still says UTF-8, but the hex display starts with a UTF-16 LE

In Hex Edit MODE, the status line must read "UTF-16 LE" and should not show a
BOMs are used to tell other programs about the encoding of text files. When
showing a hex view of data in the memory, a BOM is obsolete. The program knows
about the encoding.


PSPad freeware editor

Only two recent projects in menu [63456]

2014-10-06 Tema obsahu tmpad
I have added a third project to PSPad. The list of recent projects still has
only two entries, with the new project missing. I have saved the project again,
I have restarted PSPad, no change.

Any idea?


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Only two recent projects in menu [63470]

2014-10-07 Tema obsahu tmpad
PSPad had been installed using an account with admin rights, no portable
installation and multiuser was enabled. This was not the root cause.

After I have deleted the section [Recent Projects] from the Recent.ini file, I
can now see three recent projects.

Problem solved :-), but not understood :-(.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.4 (381) English [73103]

2020-03-21 Tema obsahu tmpad
The text diff function in the 64bit version is not working at all. This has been
reported several times in the past. Is there a chance that it will be fixed

As I rely on that feature, I have to switch back to the 32bit version for the
time being.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Text Diff function is broken in x64 version 5.0.4 (395) [73444]

2020-05-13 Tema obsahu tmpad
I also suffer from the text diff issue in the 64bit version.

Microsoft stopped shipping Windows 10 32bit to OEMs.
64bit versions of Windows have a (Windows) market share of appx. 97%

Perhaps it's time to drop the 32bit version and focus on the 64bit version of


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.4 (507) English [73780]

2020-06-15 Tema obsahu tmpad
The version ignored my PSPad.INI and created a new one, i.e. I would have lost
all my settings.
I had to secure and rename the previous version to PSPad.INI to restore my


PSPad freeware editor

Saving files before when calling a Tool [73792]

2020-06-19 Tema obsahu tmpad
In the "Project Settings..." I can check "Save all files before external
application start".

I prefer to run external applications from "Tool Panel | Favourites | Tools"
because I use most of them in multiple projects or even independent of any
In this case, only the *current* file is saved when I start the
application. I would like to have the option to save all files.

I think to remember that it actually worked that way in previous versions


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.4 (539) English [74489]

2020-12-31 Tema obsahu tmpad
Issues with "Highlight all occurences of selected text" active (32 bit version)

Double-click behind the last character of a single word, word becomes selected
Other occurences are *not* highlighted

Single-click inside a selected single word
Word becomes unselected, other occurences of the word remain highlighted


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Find/Replace Regular Expression limit [74588]

2021-01-13 Tema obsahu tmpad
The error is in the RE (.*)(b|c)(.*), not in PSPad.
The first term (.*) matches the longest part of "a b b c c b b d" until one b or
c is left. So the result "a b b c c b ~ d" is correct.

A solution to your problem is:
Find: [bc]
Replace: ~

The same logic applies to the SQL problem. Don't make things more complicated
then they are...


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.5 (549) English [74662]

2021-02-01 Tema obsahu tmpad
The text below _Changes to 5.0.5 (547)_ is the same as with
_Changes to 5.0.4 (543)_.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.5 (549) English [74665]

2021-02-01 Tema obsahu tmpad
When I load a project (.ppr), all files from the last session are loaded, but
the "File Tabs" is not shown. "File Tabs visibility" is set to "Always visible".
I have to open another file, to make the file tab visible.

Neither changing the visibility nor deleting the PSPad.INI file fixed it.
The issue first occured with version 5.0.5 (547).


PSPad freeware editor

Tool Panel - "Edit Link" Dialogue - Proposal [74721]

2021-02-10 Tema obsahu tmpad
In the "Edit Link" dialogue in the "Tool Panel" the usage of context menus
(Right Mouse Button) is not consistent:

 * The fields "Parameters" and "Log File" have a context menu with PSPad
 * The field "Default Directory" has the standard Windows context menu for entry
fields with Cut, Copy, Paste etc. Variables have to be edited manually or copied
from one of the other fields.

 * use the standard Windows context menu for all three fields
 * each field gets an additional button, similar to the [?] buttons in the
"Replace" dialogue, that opens the menu with PSPad variables


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (623) English [75652]

2021-05-07 Tema obsahu tmpad
Where I set to see all line numbers and not only every 5th?


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (625) English [75721]

2021-05-13 Tema obsahu tmpad
Regular expression search & replace is broken in 625.
Searching for beginning of line with circumflex "^" finds nothing. Always
reports "no occurences found".


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (625) English [75723]

2021-05-13 Tema obsahu tmpad
I want to precede each line of a text file with a "{":
Search: ^
Replace: {

The message is 'Next occurence of "^" not found'
Tested Forward, Backward and Entire Scope search. Nothing works.
The same happens when I try to append a closing brace "}" at the end of each

Search: $
Replace: }


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (625) English [75726]

2021-05-13 Tema obsahu tmpad
Using ^/$ for begin/end of line has worked that way since I started using
To be on the save side I tested it with portable version 5.0.6 (589) and it
behaves as expected. Perhaps the new editor component?


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (625) English [75729]

2021-05-13 Tema obsahu tmpad

But ^ or $ doesn't represent anything, it's only modificatorthat you want to
start search on the begin or your expression must be on the end of line.

That is not correct. ^ and $ match the starting and ending position of a line.
They can be replaced but, because they are logical objects, they can not be
deleted (The King is dead, long live the King).

I was not aware of the "Insert Text into Lines..." dialogue. Especially after
you introduced search profiles, the search/replace dialogue is more convenient.
The functionality of the "Insert Text into Lines..." dialogue can be done with

Search: (^)(.*)($)
Replace: {$2}

This still works in the 5.0.7 (625), but blank lines are missed out!

I consider the current behaviour an error in handling regular expressions.


PSPad freeware editor

Feature request: Bookmark List as dockable window [76432]

2021-08-05 Tema obsahu tmpad
I would like to have the "Bookmark List" (Ctrl-Shift-B) as a dockable window
similar to the "ASCII table" or the "Code Explorer". I prefer this over the
current implementation as a floating window.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (687) English [76688]

2021-10-14 Tema obsahu tmpad
Jumping from a text diff window to the source text does not work.
Except when the target file is not already open.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (687) English [76691]

2021-10-19 Tema obsahu tmpad
Every now and then I have the same problem. It's not new, it started a couple of
years ago and I can't remember when. I never found a concrete context when it


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Corruption -- non-ASCII symbols in Perl script [76744]

2021-11-01 Tema obsahu tmpad
More and more people seem to experience this problem. It's not limited to Perl
scripts:,76652,page=2, post #11.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (705) English [76799]

2021-11-12 Tema obsahu tmpad
Issue with Text Diff window:
When you double-click in a file to jump to the original text, the text diff
control bar, with the file names and the buttons, disappears. Pressing F2 twice
brings it back.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (707) English [76831]

2021-11-17 Tema obsahu tmpad
A problem from version 687 is back:
Jumping from a text diff window to the source text does not work. Except when
the target file is not already open.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (707) English [76834]

2021-11-17 Tema obsahu tmpad
You're right. I somehow managed to extract the files to the Skin subdirectory


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (715) English [76908]

2021-12-03 Tema obsahu tmpad
In a previous post you said you "get lot of mails each days", here you say it
was "reported already".

What is your preferred way of receiving bug reports and wouldn't a public bug
report system make things easier?


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (717) English [76968]

2021-12-11 Tema obsahu tmpad
There are several reports about strange or Chinese

I think I first had the problem more than two years ago. I still can not link it
to a specific activity. What I observed:

I had it with files that I hadn't edited and which worked properly, i.e. the
interpreter did not complain.
I often had/found the problem when using text diff with active tab or a selected
file from the harddisk.
The problem is always in one single line. Looks like a string is read or written
beyond the end.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (717) English [76969]

2021-12-12 Tema obsahu tmpad
Issues with the Tool Panel and entry settings. The relevant settings for the
entry are:

Path: *path_to_script_language_interpreter*
Default Directory: %Dir%
Parameters: %File%
[X] Save All Files Before Compilation
[X] Capture Program Output Window
[X] Hide Output window

1) While the interpreter is running, switching to another file does not update
the status bar. It always shows the values of %File%.

2) When "Capture Program Output Window" is deactivated at start, the "Default
Directory" is not set/used. The script language interpreter complains about a
missing file which is actually present in %Dir%.
You have to activate "Capture Program Output Window" and use the entry once.
Then %Dir% is used even if "Capture Program Output Window" is disabled again.

3) When changing the UI language, the Tool Panel Favourites entries, i.e. Files,
Directories, WWW, etc., are not updated.

4) In the Project Tree, the last character of the project name is cut off.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (731) English [77335]

2022-04-03 Tema obsahu tmpad
First of all, thank you for the new version.

Is there an update on the "Chinese characters"
(,76068,76068#msg-76068,,76463,76503#msg-76503,,76652,76690#msg-76690) issue?
I experienced it again recently. Very annoying!


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (731) English [77342]

2022-04-03 Tema obsahu tmpad
I experienced the problem again today and tried to reproduce the situation. I'm
now able to force the problem to happen in many attempts!

When it happens, it *always* happens on a line with only a curly brace and
leading blanks. Nothing else in the line, just the blanks and the "}". The file
itself is appx. 1100 lines in total.

I found the characters using "Text Diff with active tab" from the file tabs
panel. It can happen with both files compared. Even if a file hasn't been
changed for months. Just loaded into the editor to compare it.

I just now compared two unchanged files loaded from disk and had "chinese"
characters in the left file. I correct it and saved the file. No "chinese"
characters in the right file. I closed both files, openend them again and now I
had "chinese" characters in the right file!


PSPad freeware editor

[no subject]

2022-05-04 Tema obsahu tmpad

2.) It seems to be independant of loaded file types. It has been reported at
least for C/C++, Basic and Jason code.
3.) It happens even without editing anything within a loaded file.
4.) It seems to occur always at the end of some code blocks (like closing curly
brackets in C/C++ or Endifs in basic)

I can confirm all these observations. I can add that it happens when the file is
loaded into PSPad.

Which PSPad features care about the end of a code block when loading a file? I
would say syntax highlighters and code folding. I had corrupted files where code
folding is not supported, that leaves syntax highlighters.

Has anybody ever seen a corrupted file with no syntax highlighting?


PSPad freeware editor


2022-08-07 Tema obsahu tmpad
How did you change the default font? This is done via menu bar "Format | Font",
where you can also set the style.
I recommend to keep the style "Regular". The setting will interfere with
highlighter styles.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: The regular expression does not support all possible combinations of ve= rses to be extracted [77582]

2022-08-17 Tema obsahu tmpad
What exactly do you expect as output from the two examples? Which matching
sub-expressions do you expect?

For example, "Ps 22:27-28; 98:2-3; Isa 42:1-4" can be broken up in several

1) Ps 22:27-28; 98:2-3
2) Isa 42:1-4

1) Ps 22:27-28
2) 98:2-3
3) Isa 42:1-4

1) Ps
2) 22:27-28
3) 98:2-3
4) Isa
5) 42:1-4



PSPad freeware editor