FM8 Boolean Expressions for Conditional Text

2009-01-08 Thread Alexandra Wilowska
Dear Framers

FM8.0p266, unstructured. Windows Vista.

I have just upgraded to FM8 this week and was really looking forward to
using the new boolean expression feature for conditional text, which in
theory should improve my workflow.

Unfortunately on trying it today I quickly discovered the main limitation -
that you can't import a boolean condition expression from a master file into
another file. As I manage my existing condition combinations all the time in
this way this is a problem. I'm going to look into the possibility of
handling it via FrameScript but first thought I'd check here in case anyone
has any workarounds.

Also, having created several expressions in the Expression drop-down list I
cannot figure out how to remove the ones I don't want from the dropdown. I'm
sure that's just me being unfamiliar with it but could someone advise?


Alexandra Wilowska

FM8 Boolean Expressions for Conditional Text

2009-01-09 Thread Alexandra Wilowska

Yesterday I posted:

>Also, having created several expressions in the Expression drop-down list I
>cannot figure out how to remove the ones I don't want from the dropdown.

Rick Quatro suggested editing the MIF file BookCondCatalog section to remove
them, and I have done this successfully; can't see any other way.


Automating the application of Master Pages

2007-05-04 Thread Alexandra Wilowska
Dear Framers

I've just been looking into the automatic Apply Master Pages functionality
in FM7.0 for the first time. I'm using unstructured FM on WinXP.

I maintain multi-chapter books where each book component uses the same
template and all possible master pages are defined in the template. Hitherto
I've assigned master pages manually and I'm happy enough to do that, but as
I had a bit of spare time yesterday I thought I'd see briefly whether I
could set up the Apply Master Pages functionality to automatically set all
my different master pages appropriately. I've never tried it before as the
manual approach is not a huge overhead for me. But from an initial look I
don't think I can make it do exactly what I want.

For example, I have a Preface chapter prior to the main Chapters. There are
master pages for, say, Preface First, Preface Right and Preface Left, which
differ from the master pages used in standard Chapters. The first page of
the Preface is distinguished by a unique para tag in the heading, so I can
map that to the appropriate master page. But the subsequent preface pages do
not differ in terms of tags used from subsequent pages in a normal chapter.
What makes them preface pages is purely that they follow on from a preface
front page until the end of the preface file. No unique tag on the page
marks it as a preface page and the same tags can appear on chapter pages. I
would like to set things up so as to: map Preface Heading para to the
Preface First master page, then for each subsequent left/right page apply
Preface Left or Preface Right, until a Chapter Heading para is encountered,
whereupon map that para to a Chapter First master page, apply it and apply
subsequent Chapter Left and Right pages etc. I have the same issue with
appendices, but you get the idea.

I think in theory that it would only work if I cloned and renamed a para
that would appear on each preface page after the first, and mapped that with
an Until Changed range indicator, and similar for chapter pages. But I'd
prefer to just keep doing the master pages manually than proliferate para

I looked on the web at the documentation for the Silicon Prairie Master Page
Tools, which looked more promising, as you can use a marker to indicate the
appropriate master page mapping in situations where you can't rely on the
presence of a particular para tag. But I would still have to maintain the
markers, and my interpretation of the documentation was that that I would
have to have a marker tag on each page that couldn't be mapped to a para
(i.e. I wouldn't be able to put a marker tag on the second preface page only
but have it apply appropriate preface left and right pages for all
subsequent pages until a different master page trigger is encountered).
Again, probably less effort to just apply the pages manually.

I do have FrameScript so another option would be to write a script to suit
my circumstances if I really really wanted to. 

I thought I'd run it by this list to see whether a) with my limited time and
knowledge I've correctly interpreted how FM's Apply Master Pages and Silicon
Prairie's Master Page Tools operate, and b) how anybody else might automate
this requirement. Like I said, it's not a major issue for me, but I'm sure
that it can't be such a rare requirement.


Alex Wilowska

Automating the application of Master Pages

2007-05-08 Thread Alexandra Wilowska
Thanks for the responses - I'm just back from the long UK holiday weekend.

It had never occurred to me that having all master pages defined in a single
template (I inherited it some years ago and have added to it occasionally,
but have never had to set a template up from scratch) could be
disadvantageous so it was interesting to look at it in that light. I see
that if I separated the various custom master pages into appropriate
templates, defining the standard Left and Right pages in each template
accordingly, I would get Apply Master Pages to work.  Rick also pointed out
about the benefit of this approach regarding deletion of blank master pages
on save and correct application of master pages for new content. 

And yet, my instinct is still to keep the master pages together - resistance
to change, I suppose, and the knowledge that there is just a single template
to maintain. Coincidentally, this Apply Master Pages issue arose in the
first place because I used to have a separate template for landscape
chapters, but now I need to cater for the possibility of mixed portrait and
landscape pages in the same chapter, so I thought it would be sensible to
bring the landscape pages into the standard template and save having to
think about separate templates, and then I thought that whilst I was at it
I'd take a look at Apply Master Pages. Turns out perhaps I should have been
heading the other way all along!

I'll mull over all this for the future rather than leap in straight away
with a few new templates as it wasn't a big deal to do the master pages
manually. But I now know more about custom master pages which is really
useful, so thank you.

Alexandra Wilowska

FM8 Boolean Expressions for Conditional Text

2009-01-08 Thread Alexandra Wilowska
Dear Framers

FM8.0p266, unstructured. Windows Vista.

I have just upgraded to FM8 this week and was really looking forward to
using the new boolean expression feature for conditional text, which in
theory should improve my workflow.

Unfortunately on trying it today I quickly discovered the main limitation -
that you can't import a boolean condition expression from a master file into
another file. As I manage my existing condition combinations all the time in
this way this is a problem. I'm going to look into the possibility of
handling it via FrameScript but first thought I'd check here in case anyone
has any workarounds.

Also, having created several expressions in the Expression drop-down list I
cannot figure out how to remove the ones I don't want from the dropdown. I'm
sure that's just me being unfamiliar with it but could someone advise?


Alexandra Wilowska



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RE: FM8 Boolean Expressions for Conditional Text

2009-01-09 Thread Alexandra Wilowska

Yesterday I posted:

>Also, having created several expressions in the Expression drop-down list I
>cannot figure out how to remove the ones I don't want from the dropdown.

Rick Quatro suggested editing the MIF file BookCondCatalog section to remove
them, and I have done this successfully; can't see any other way.



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RE: Any advantage to upgrade-FM7.2 to FM9?

2009-09-30 Thread Alexandra Wilowska
I haven't got as far as FM9, but the upgrade from FM7.2 to FM8 was well
worth it for me because of its support of Boolean operators in condition
expressions. I use conditions a lot and this feature (in conjunction with
FrameScript - the standalone Boolean condition functionality in FM8 isn't
useful enough on its own) simplified my workflow greatly, more than
justifying the upgrade cost. (Plus I happened to coincide with the TCS1
release so upgrading to the suite was a bonus). I haven't yet felt the need
to upgrade further, though.


Alexandra Wilowska


-Original Message-

Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2009 16:29:32 -0600

From: Jim Duszynski 

Subject: Any advantage to upgrade-FM7.2 to FM9?

To: "" 



Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


Is there any advantage to upgrade from FM 7.2 to FM 9? I am using FM9 trial
now and not finding enough improvement in features to justify the c0st to my


Another way to ask the question is, does anyone have any experience with FM
7.2 and compatibility with computer system utilities as time goes by?




Jim Duszynski



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RE: framers Digest, Vol 81, Issue 13 ** Use Mif2Go for broken link checking **

2012-07-16 Thread Alexandra Wilowska

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: 13 July 2012 18:00
Subject: framers Digest, Vol 81, Issue 13

Send framers mailing list submissions to

To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to

You can reach the person managing the list at

When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific than
"Re: Contents of framers digest..."

Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Finding broken links in a PDF (Jeremy H. Griffith)
   2. Re: Advanced FrameMaker online Training  (David Creamer)
   3. Re: Finding broken links in a PDF (An Update!) (Lin Sims)
   4. Re: Finding broken links in a PDF (An Update!) (Lin Sims)
   5. Re: Finding broken links in a PDF (An Update!) (Scott Prentice)
   6. Re: Support needed! (Doris Pavlichek)
   7. Re: Finding broken links in a PDF (Robert Lauriston)
   8. about the paragraph object Pgf (Amy Zhao)
   9. RE: about the paragraph object Pgf (Combs, Richard)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2012 12:47:39 -0500
From: "Jeremy H. Griffith" 
To: Frame Users 
Subject: Re: Finding broken links in a PDF
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

On Thu, 12 Jul 2012 11:50:41 -0400, Lin Sims  wrote:

>Has Adobe added a tool for finding broken links in a PDF yet? If so, 
>where is it? One of my coworkers is looking at a document that is 
>umpty-pages long with even umptier numbers of links. It just isn't 
>possible to find and click all of them to see if they all work, and 
>work as intended. As I recall, the lack of a tool like this has been a 
>long-standing issue with Acrobat, and I was kinda hoping they'd fixed 
>it by now.
>(For reference, the files are structured FrameMaker being saved as PDF 
>from a book file created using Leximation's DITA-FMx plugin, and it's 
>Adobe Acrobat X.)

Hi Lin!  Link checking is built in to Mif2Go for HTML conversions; it
produces an error report in Frame that links to every error it finds.  See
the User's Guide, par. 5.1.5, "Checking for broken links in HTML or XML
output".  It doesn't matter that the output in this case is PDF; just run an
HTML project using default settings, which takes a minute or two, and check
the report.

Since you don't need usable HTML output for this to work, you can just use
the free unlimited demo version.  Just one of the many free perks (like
runfm and Wash via MIF) we've built in to Mif2Go.

On the new Web site, , you need to register first, then
after activation you can download.  Be sure and put something related to
Frame or Mif2Go in the bio field; that's how we sort out real signups from
the frequent spammer attempts.  We've had to exclude gmail and hotmail
addresses for the same reason...


-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2012 12:06:21 -0700
From: "David Creamer" 
Subject: Re: Advanced FrameMaker online Training
Message-ID: <023201cd6061$6d52ce90$47f86bb0$>
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset="us-ascii"

Hello Trischa,

I provide online training for all levels of FrameMaker. Please contact me
for additional info.

David Creamer
IDEAS Training

Adobe Authorized Instructor & Certified Expert since 1995 Offering training
for Acrobat, InDesign, InCopy, Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Premiere
Pro, FrameMaker, Captivate, Fireworks, & PageMaker. 
Authorized FrameMaker Consultant with Frame Technologies since 1991.

Authorized QuarkXPress Instructor and Certified Expert since 1988 Microsoft
Office training, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, and more
Authorized FileMaker Instructor Authorized PitStop Pro Instructor Authorized
FlightCheck Instructor

Hi All,

I am looking for Framemaker training ( online). Looking for training for
intermediate to advanced level. Appreciate if anyone could let me know of
such a  training.



Message: 3
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2012 17:14:09 -0400
From: Lin Sims 
To: Frame Users 
Subject: Re: Finding broken links in a PDF (An Update!)

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

I think I've discovered (at least part of) the issue.

The links are actually there. What's happening is that instead of the PDF
hotspot covering the entirety of the text being wrapped in the xref or
fm-xref tag, it's forming as a little tiny spot to the left of the visible
text. I suspect this is the same thing that happens with xrefs t

Apologies (was RE: framers Digest, Vol 81, Issue 13 ** Use Mif2Go for broken link checking**)

2012-07-18 Thread Alexandra Wilowska
I'm so sorry; in a fit of utter absent-mindedness yesterday I accidentally
replied to the list rather than forwarding a digest to my work email
address. Thus not only adding a pointless post but also re-quoting the
entire digest which I know is extremely irritating. Rather embarrassing for
one who generally lurks to suddenly see her name up there in lights because
of a faux pas!

Alex (reverting to lurking)


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Automating the application of Master Pages

2007-05-04 Thread Alexandra Wilowska
Dear Framers

I've just been looking into the automatic Apply Master Pages functionality
in FM7.0 for the first time. I'm using unstructured FM on WinXP.


I maintain multi-chapter books where each book component uses the same
template and all possible master pages are defined in the template. Hitherto
I've assigned master pages manually and I'm happy enough to do that, but as
I had a bit of spare time yesterday I thought I'd see briefly whether I
could set up the Apply Master Pages functionality to automatically set all
my different master pages appropriately. I've never tried it before as the
manual approach is not a huge overhead for me. But from an initial look I
don't think I can make it do exactly what I want.


For example, I have a Preface chapter prior to the main Chapters. There are
master pages for, say, Preface First, Preface Right and Preface Left, which
differ from the master pages used in standard Chapters. The first page of
the Preface is distinguished by a unique para tag in the heading, so I can
map that to the appropriate master page. But the subsequent preface pages do
not differ in terms of tags used from subsequent pages in a normal chapter.
What makes them preface pages is purely that they follow on from a preface
front page until the end of the preface file. No unique tag on the page
marks it as a preface page and the same tags can appear on chapter pages. I
would like to set things up so as to: map Preface Heading para to the
Preface First master page, then for each subsequent left/right page apply
Preface Left or Preface Right, until a Chapter Heading para is encountered,
whereupon map that para to a Chapter First master page, apply it and apply
subsequent Chapter Left and Right pages etc. I have the same issue with
appendices, but you get the idea.


I think in theory that it would only work if I cloned and renamed a para
that would appear on each preface page after the first, and mapped that with
an Until Changed range indicator, and similar for chapter pages. But I'd
prefer to just keep doing the master pages manually than proliferate para


I looked on the web at the documentation for the Silicon Prairie Master Page
Tools, which looked more promising, as you can use a marker to indicate the
appropriate master page mapping in situations where you can't rely on the
presence of a particular para tag. But I would still have to maintain the
markers, and my interpretation of the documentation was that that I would
have to have a marker tag on each page that couldn't be mapped to a para
(i.e. I wouldn't be able to put a marker tag on the second preface page only
but have it apply appropriate preface left and right pages for all
subsequent pages until a different master page trigger is encountered).
Again, probably less effort to just apply the pages manually.


I do have FrameScript so another option would be to write a script to suit
my circumstances if I really really wanted to. 


I thought I'd run it by this list to see whether a) with my limited time and
knowledge I've correctly interpreted how FM's Apply Master Pages and Silicon
Prairie's Master Page Tools operate, and b) how anybody else might automate
this requirement. Like I said, it's not a major issue for me, but I'm sure
that it can't be such a rare requirement.




Alex Wilowska



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RE: Automating the application of Master Pages

2007-05-08 Thread Alexandra Wilowska
Thanks for the responses - I'm just back from the long UK holiday weekend.

It had never occurred to me that having all master pages defined in a single
template (I inherited it some years ago and have added to it occasionally,
but have never had to set a template up from scratch) could be
disadvantageous so it was interesting to look at it in that light. I see
that if I separated the various custom master pages into appropriate
templates, defining the standard Left and Right pages in each template
accordingly, I would get Apply Master Pages to work.  Rick also pointed out
about the benefit of this approach regarding deletion of blank master pages
on save and correct application of master pages for new content. 

And yet, my instinct is still to keep the master pages together - resistance
to change, I suppose, and the knowledge that there is just a single template
to maintain. Coincidentally, this Apply Master Pages issue arose in the
first place because I used to have a separate template for landscape
chapters, but now I need to cater for the possibility of mixed portrait and
landscape pages in the same chapter, so I thought it would be sensible to
bring the landscape pages into the standard template and save having to
think about separate templates, and then I thought that whilst I was at it
I'd take a look at Apply Master Pages. Turns out perhaps I should have been
heading the other way all along!


I'll mull over all this for the future rather than leap in straight away
with a few new templates as it wasn't a big deal to do the master pages
manually. But I now know more about custom master pages which is really
useful, so thank you.


Alexandra Wilowska



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or visit

Send administrative questions to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Visit for more resources and info.

Any advantage to upgrade-FM7.2 to FM9?

2009-09-30 Thread Alexandra Wilowska
I haven't got as far as FM9, but the upgrade from FM7.2 to FM8 was well
worth it for me because of its support of Boolean operators in condition
expressions. I use conditions a lot and this feature (in conjunction with
FrameScript - the standalone Boolean condition functionality in FM8 isn't
useful enough on its own) simplified my workflow greatly, more than
justifying the upgrade cost. (Plus I happened to coincide with the TCS1
release so upgrading to the suite was a bonus). I haven't yet felt the need
to upgrade further, though.

Alexandra Wilowska

-Original Message-

Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2009 16:29:32 -0600

From: Jim Duszynski 

Subject: Any advantage to upgrade-FM7.2 to FM9?

To: "framers at" 


  <0A40F4CEF76CB346BF24279809054C301AC8952A at SPIEXC01.SPI.LOCAL>

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Is there any advantage to upgrade from FM 7.2 to FM 9? I am using FM9 trial
now and not finding enough improvement in features to justify the c0st to my

Another way to ask the question is, does anyone have any experience with FM
7.2 and compatibility with computer system utilities as time goes by?


Jim Duszynski

framers Digest, Vol 81, Issue 13 ** Use Mif2Go for broken link checking **

2012-07-15 Thread Alexandra Wilowska

-Original Message-
[mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of
framers-request at
Sent: 13 July 2012 18:00
To: framers at
Subject: framers Digest, Vol 81, Issue 13

Send framers mailing list submissions to
framers at

To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
framers-request at

You can reach the person managing the list at
framers-owner at

When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific than
"Re: Contents of framers digest..."

Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Finding broken links in a PDF (Jeremy H. Griffith)
   2. Re: Advanced FrameMaker online Training  (David Creamer)
   3. Re: Finding broken links in a PDF (An Update!) (Lin Sims)
   4. Re: Finding broken links in a PDF (An Update!) (Lin Sims)
   5. Re: Finding broken links in a PDF (An Update!) (Scott Prentice)
   6. Re: Support needed! (Doris Pavlichek)
   7. Re: Finding broken links in a PDF (Robert Lauriston)
   8. about the paragraph object Pgf (Amy Zhao)
   9. RE: about the paragraph object Pgf (Combs, Richard)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2012 12:47:39 -0500
From: "Jeremy H. Griffith" 
To: Frame Users 
Subject: Re: Finding broken links in a PDF
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

On Thu, 12 Jul 2012 11:50:41 -0400, Lin Sims  wrote:

>Has Adobe added a tool for finding broken links in a PDF yet? If so, 
>where is it? One of my coworkers is looking at a document that is 
>umpty-pages long with even umptier numbers of links. It just isn't 
>possible to find and click all of them to see if they all work, and 
>work as intended. As I recall, the lack of a tool like this has been a 
>long-standing issue with Acrobat, and I was kinda hoping they'd fixed 
>it by now.
>(For reference, the files are structured FrameMaker being saved as PDF 
>from a book file created using Leximation's DITA-FMx plugin, and it's 
>Adobe Acrobat X.)

Hi Lin!  Link checking is built in to Mif2Go for HTML conversions; it
produces an error report in Frame that links to every error it finds.  See
the User's Guide, par. 5.1.5, "Checking for broken links in HTML or XML
output".  It doesn't matter that the output in this case is PDF; just run an
HTML project using default settings, which takes a minute or two, and check
the report.

Since you don't need usable HTML output for this to work, you can just use
the free unlimited demo version.  Just one of the many free perks (like
runfm and Wash via MIF) we've built in to Mif2Go.

On the new Web site, , you need to register first, then
after activation you can download.  Be sure and put something related to
Frame or Mif2Go in the bio field; that's how we sort out real signups from
the frequent spammer attempts.  We've had to exclude gmail and hotmail
addresses for the same reason...


-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2012 12:06:21 -0700
From: "David Creamer" 
Subject: Re: Advanced FrameMaker online Training
Message-ID: <023201cd6061$6d52ce90$47f86bb0$>
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset="us-ascii"

Hello Trischa,

I provide online training for all levels of FrameMaker. Please contact me
for additional info.

David Creamer
IDEAS Training

Adobe Authorized Instructor & Certified Expert since 1995 Offering training
for Acrobat, InDesign, InCopy, Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Premiere
Pro, FrameMaker, Captivate, Fireworks, & PageMaker. 
Authorized FrameMaker Consultant with Frame Technologies since 1991.

Authorized QuarkXPress Instructor and Certified Expert since 1988 Microsoft
Office training, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, and more
Authorized FileMaker Instructor Authorized PitStop Pro Instructor Authorized
FlightCheck Instructor

Hi All,

I am looking for Framemaker training ( online). Looking for training for
intermediate to advanced level. Appreciate if anyone could let me know of
such a  training.



Message: 3
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2012 17:14:09 -0400
From: Lin Sims 
To: Frame Users 
Subject: Re: Finding broken links in a PDF (An Update!)

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

I think I've discovered (at least part of) the issue.

The links are actually there. What's happening is that instead of the PDF
hotspot covering the entirety of the text being wrapped in the xref or
fm-xref tag, it's forming as a little tiny spot to the left of the visible
text. I suspect this is the same thing that ha

Apologies (was RE: framers Digest, Vol 81, Issue 13 ** Use Mif2Go for broken link checking**)

2012-07-16 Thread Alexandra Wilowska
I'm so sorry; in a fit of utter absent-mindedness yesterday I accidentally
replied to the list rather than forwarding a digest to my work email
address. Thus not only adding a pointless post but also re-quoting the
entire digest which I know is extremely irritating. Rather embarrassing for
one who generally lurks to suddenly see her name up there in lights because
of a faux pas!

Alex (reverting to lurking)