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Re: List Spam Filtering

2013-05-17 Thread freebsd
On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 10:53:39AM -0700, Robison, Dave wrote:
> This has gotten to the point of the ridiculous now. Comparing a few spam to
> wife beating and serial killers? That's just patently offensive, quite 
> frankly.
> All this bike shedding and crosstalk has produced far more pointless email
> than all the spam I've gotten from this list in the last month.

What he said, +infinity.
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Re: VPS FreeBSD Hosting

2012-11-26 Thread Hub- FreeBSD

For those looking for non-US based servers, we ( have been 
proudly offering FreeBSD since '95 …

On 2012-11-26, at 2:18 AM, Arthur Chance  wrote:

> On 11/25/12 22:07, Michael Sierchio wrote:
>> Top-posting for brevity.  I use EC2.  You can start with Colin
>> Percival's HVM instances - I run a Xen kernel using a modified version
>> of his original scheme - which is to have a 1GB Linux partition
>> running grub to boot from a FreeBSD disk.  I'm happy to share an AMI
>> with you, but you should try Colin's stuff.
>> On Sun, Nov 25, 2012 at 1:08 PM, Jim Flowers  wrote:
>>> I gave up maintaining my own hardware for providing cloud computing
>>> services about 10 years ago and have been using several dedicated server
>>> services with root-access FreeBSD since about 6.0. with good results. At
>>> the time VPS looked like too many problems.
> FreeBSD is now officially supported by Amazon (but still supplied by Colin) 
> as well as Colin's "defenestrated" FreeBSD AMIs.
> However, these are only on the new 3rd generation of EC2 instances, which are 
> heavy duty systems. For many uses micro instances are enough, but you still 
> have to pay the "Windows tax" on those. I don't know whether Colin is working 
> to change that, or if there are technical reasons why it's impossible.
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Should newfs include -S 4096? was Re: boot problem after freebsd-update from 9.1-RC2 to 9.1-RC3

2012-11-23 Thread freebsd
On 2012-11-20 21:10, Warren Block wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Nov 2012, wrote:
>> On 2012-11-20 14:28, Gary Aitken wrote:
>>> On 11/20/12 13:34, wrote:
>>>> freebsd-update upgrade -r 9.1-RC3
>> ...
>>>> "Not UFS"  "No ada0" "No boot"
>>> Seems like it isn't supposed to work for 9.1-RC2
>> I previously used binary update to migrate from 9.0 to 9.1, via:
>> freebsd-update upgrade -r 9.1-RC1
>> freebsd-update install
>> reboot
>> freebsd-update install
>> reboot
>> I'm starting to think having the swap partition in gm0s1a and the booting 
>> UFS partition in ada0s1b is the problem:
>> The "Not UFS" error comes immediately on boot.
>> If I boot from rescue media, I can start the gmirror, mount it and chroot 
>> into it.
>> The whole install seems fine except for the first stage boot loader finding 
>> the UFS partition.
>> A handy bootloader config trick would be greatly appreciated!
> boot(8) says
>   The automatic boot will attempt to load /boot/loader from partition
>   `a' of either the floppy or the hard disk.
> You could try setting the correct device path in /boot/boot.config, but I 
> suspect that won't be read until too late.
> gptboot looks for the first UFS partition.  Maybe /boot/boot can be modified 
> to do that also.

I ended up booting from rescue media, removing one drive and stopping the 
gmirror, creating a new gmirror on the removed drive to place the UFS partition 
first, and performing a dump/restore to transfer the system. Then I was able to 
boot from the new gmitrror and add the second drive to it.

One of the complications was getting old metadata off of the drive. After 
trying a couple of 'dd' invocations:
# overwriting the first sector
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ada0 bs=512 count=1
# also tried overwriting the last sector
diskinfo ada0 | cut -f4
(subtract 34, per WB) (I actually just subtracted the trailing 68)
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ada0 seek=3907029100

This would still seem to not delete all of the metadata, since after issuing:

gmirror label -b split gm0 /dev/ada0
gmirror load
# repartition new mirror
gpart create -s MBR mirror/gm0
# ignore "mirror/gm0s1 added, but partition is not aligned on 4096 bytes" after 
gpart add -t freebsd -a 4k mirror/gm0
# create the bsdlabel partitions in slice 1 (s1)
gpart create -s BSD mirror/gm0s1

I would see that the old gm0s1a and gm0s1b had reappeared, even though I had 
not yet issued the 'add -t freebsd-ufs'. I'm not sure if they came back with 
the 'add -t freebsd' or the 'create -s BSD'. 

The only thing that seemed to fix it was:

gpart destroy -F /dev/ada0

I also tried at one point:

gpart destroy -F ada0
gpart create -s gpt ada0
gpart destroy -F ada0

After that I could create the new partitions within the slice, with freebsd-ufs 

# size of ufs partition must be calculated, from 'diskinfo -v /dev/ada0':
2000398934016 # media size in bytes (1.8T)
; 1024*1024*1024
; 2000398934016/1073741824
# subtract 8G from 1863 = 1855G
gpart add -t freebsd-ufs -a 4k -s 1855G mirror/gm0s1
gpart add -t freebsd-swap -a 4k mirror/gm0s1

Everything looks good with 4K alignment, and freebsd-ufs first:

gpart show
=>63  3907029104  mirror/gm0  MBR  (1.8T)
  63  63  - free -  (31k)
 126  3907028979   1  freebsd  [active]  (1.8T)
  3907029105  62  - free -  (31k)

=> 0  3907028979  mirror/gm0s1  BSD  (1.8T)
   0   2- free -  (1.0k)
   2  3890216960 1  freebsd-ufs  (1.8T)
  389021696216812016 2  freebsd-swap  (8.0G)
  3907028978   1- free -  (512B)

After newfs, I was able to dump/restore to transfer the installed system from 
ada1 to gm0 (which is 9.1-RC3 now).

The thing I wonder about now: Should newfs include -S 4096?

I used:

newfs -U /dev/mirror/gm0s1a

Will this lead to 512 byte sector access to the disk through the file system?

Will this impact performance or longevity of the mirror?

Thanks again for the sage advice!

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Re: boot problem after freebsd-update from 9.1-RC2 to 9.1-RC3

2012-11-20 Thread freebsd
On 2012-11-20 14:28, Gary Aitken wrote:
> On 11/20/12 13:34, wrote:

>> freebsd-update upgrade -r 9.1-RC3
>> "Not UFS"  "No ada0" "No boot"

> Seems like it isn't supposed to work for 9.1-RC2

I previously used binary update to migrate from 9.0 to 9.1, via:

freebsd-update upgrade -r 9.1-RC1
freebsd-update install
freebsd-update install

I'm starting to think having the swap partition in gm0s1a and the booting UFS 
partition in ada0s1b is the problem:

The "Not UFS" error comes immediately on boot. 

If I boot from rescue media, I can start the gmirror, mount it and chroot into 

The whole install seems fine except for the first stage boot loader finding the 
UFS partition.

A handy bootloader config trick would be greatly appreciated!

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boot problem after freebsd-update from 9.1-RC2 to 9.1-RC3

2012-11-20 Thread freebsd


I recently installed a 9.1-RC2 system using gmirror with MBR, and swap in first 

orsbackup# gpart show
=>63  3907029104  mirror/gm0  MBR  (1.8T)
  63  63  - free -  (31k)
 126  3907028979   1  freebsd  [active]  (1.8T)
  3907029105  62  - free -  (31k)

=> 0  3907028979  mirror/gm0s1  BSD  (1.8T)
   0   2- free -  (1.0k)
   216777216     1  freebsd-swap  (8.0G)
16777218  3890251760     2  freebsd-ufs  (1.8T)
  3907028978   1- free -  (512B)

The drive was setup with the following commands:

orsbackup# gpart create -s MBR mirror/gm0
mirror/gm0 created
orsbackup# gpart add -t freebsd -a 4k mirror/gm0
# ignored "mirror/gm0s1 added, but partition is not aligned on 4096 bytes"
# create the bsdlabel partitions in slice 1 (s1)
orsbackup# gpart create -s BSD mirror/gm0s1
orsbackup# gpart add -t freebsd-swap -a 4k -s 8g mirror/gm0s1
orsbackup# gpart add -t freebsd-ufs -a 4k mirror/gm0s1
# put bootcode on the MBR and mark the first slice active
orsbackup# gpart bootcode -b /boot/mbr mirror/gm0
orsbackup# gpart set -a active -i 1 mirror/gm0
# put bootcode on the bsdlabel
orsbackup# gpart bootcode -b /boot/boot mirror/gm0s1

The system rebooted several times without issue. This system is a testbed for 
9.1 and is not yet deployed as a production server.

I thought I'd update to 9.1-RC3, so I ran:

freebsd-update upgrade -r 9.1-RC3
freebsd-update install

The system won't boot and complains about:

"Not UFS"  "No ada0" "No boot"

Before I charge ahead with reissuing the gpart bootcode commands I thought I'd:

a) make others aware there may be issues in freebsd-update with the 9.1 release 

b) ask about the best way to resolve this bootloader issue.

Thanks you for any pointers in resolving this bootloader issue!

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Re: 9.1 and gmirror with GPT?

2012-10-31 Thread freebsd
On 2012-10-29 03:58, Jeremy Chadwick wrote:

> If you're truly using 4096-byte sectors disks -- specifically MECHANICAL
> hard disks (MHDDs) -- use of 4KByte alignment is fine.
> But if you ever plan on using an SSD the future, you need to align
> things to 1MBytes or 2MBytes.

> This is why Windows Vista and Windows 7 aligns its partitions to 1MByte
> boundaries.
> ...and quite honestly FreeBSD should too.  I am aware 9.1-RELEASE
> supposedly addresses this -- however I have not determined if the
> alignment size chosen by the committer was 4096 or 1MB/2MB.  I have a
> gut feeling it's the former, and that's bad.
> With 1MByte or 2MByte alignment, performance on 512-byte MHDDs would be
> fine, performance on 4096-byte MHDDs would be fine, and performance on
> SSDs would be fine.

> Next: in case it's not made clear to readers from Warren's statements:
> the magical "8" divisor he's using comes from 4096/512 ("how many 512
> bytes are there in a 4096-byte sector").  Thus, for 1MByte alignment the
> value would be 1048576/512 or 2048.  For 2MByte alignment the value
> would be 2097152/512 or 4096.

Thank You Jeremy!

In an effort to bring concluding info from the original thread, on some MRB 
partitioned drives (spinning media in this case) gpart seems unable to align 
the containing "-t freebsd" slice to 4K boundaries. However subsequent creation 
of "-t freebsd-ufs" and "-t freebsd-swap" partitions within the slice align 

To make this alignment on 1M boundaries instead of 4K boundaries the "-a 1M" 
should be used instead of "-a 4K".

Example gpart commands for MBR partition table aligned to 1M sector size for 

gpart create -s MBR mirror/gm0

gpart add -t freebsd -a 1M mirror/gm0
# ignore possible warning "mirror/gm0s1 added, but partition is not aligned"

# create the bsdlabel partitions in slice 1 (s1)
gpart create -s BSD mirror/gm0s1
gpart add -t freebsd-swap -a 1M -s 8g mirror/gm0s1
gpart add -t freebsd-ufs -a 1M mirror/gm0s1

# put bootcode on the MBR and mark the first slice active
gpart bootcode -b /boot/mbr mirror/gm0
gpart set -a active -i 1 mirror/gm0

# put bootcode on the bsdlabel
gpart bootcode -b /boot/boot mirror/gm0s1

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Re: 9.1 and gmirror with GPT?

2012-10-30 Thread freebsd
On 2012-10-27 16:01, Warren Block wrote:
> On Sat, 27 Oct 2012, wrote:
>> I ended up just ignoring the not aligned warning from the "gpart add -t 
>> freebsd" and went on to add the freebsd-swap and freebsd-ufs partitions with 
>> "-a 4k" option.
>> Do you think I'm aligned?
> ...
>> =>63  3907029104  mirror/gm0  MBR  (1.8T)
>>  63      63  - free -  (31k)
>> 126  3907028979   1  freebsd  (1.8T)
>>  3907029105  62  - free -  (31k)
>> => 0  3907028979  mirror/gm0s1  BSD  (1.8T)
>>   0   2- free -  (1.0k)
>>   216777216 1  freebsd-swap  (8.0G)
>>16777218  3890251760 2  freebsd-ufs  (1.8T)
>>  3907028978   1- free -  (512B)
> The slice starts at block 126, and then the swap partition starts an 
> additional two blocks into the slice, which is block 128, evenly divisible by 
> 8 (4096 = 512 * 8).
> The freebsd-ufs partition starts at 126+16777218, which is also evenly 
> divisible by 8.
> So yes, that looks aligned to me.

Thanks again Warren!

I think I finally have this 9.1 system up and running with MBR and gmirror 
aligned to 4K sector size.

After getting the gm0 running, I did a dump/restore to transfer the live system 
from ada0 to gm0, before adding ada0 to the mirror. I ran into the journaled 
soft-updates issue, and again relied on one of your posts for the solution:

Thank You for your contributions to FreeBSD! 

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Re: 9.1 and gmirror with GPT?

2012-10-27 Thread freebsd
On 2012-10-27 14:41, Warren Block wrote:
> On Sat, 27 Oct 2012, wrote:
>> On 2012-10-23 17:46, Warren Block wrote:
>>> On Tue, 23 Oct 2012, wrote:

>> orsbackup# gpart add -t freebsd -a 4k mirror/gm0
>> mirror/gm0s1 added, but partition is not aligned on 4096 bytes
> This is new to me, I have not seen it before.  I had the impression that 
> gpart put the bsdlabel partition table at a misaligned offset so that the 
> actual filesystems in those partitions would land on an aligned block, but it 
> never gave that message.  That comes from sys/geom/part/g_part.c, function 
> g_part_ctl_add which starts at line 645:
> 743 /* Provide feedback if so requested. */
> 744 if (gpp->gpp_parms & G_PART_PARM_OUTPUT) {
> 745 sb = sbuf_new_auto();
> 746 G_PART_FULLNAME(table, entry, sb, gp->name);
> 747 if (pp->stripesize > 0 && entry->gpe_pp->stripeoffset != 
> 0)
> 748 sbuf_printf(sb, " added, but partition is not "
> 749 "aligned on %u bytes\n", pp->stripesize);
> 750 else
> 751 sbuf_cat(sb, " added\n");
> 752 sbuf_finish(sb);
> 753 gctl_set_param(req, "output", sbuf_data(sb), sbuf_len(sb) 
> + 1);
> 754     sbuf_delete(sb);
> 755     }
> 756 return (0);

Thanks Warren!

I ended up just ignoring the not aligned warning from the "gpart add -t 
freebsd" and went on to add the freebsd-swap and freebsd-ufs partitions with 
"-a 4k" option.

Do you think I'm aligned?



orsbackup# gpart create -s BSD mirror/gm0s1
mirror/gm0s1 created
orsbackup# gpart add -t freebsd-swap -a 4k -s 8g mirror/gm0s1
mirror/gm0s1a added
orsbackup# gpart add -t freebsd-ufs  -a 4k   mirror/gm0s1
mirror/gm0s1b added

orsbackup# gpart bootcode -b /boot/mbr mirror/gm0
bootcode written to mirror/gm0
orsbackup# gpart set -a active -i 1 mirror/gm0
active set on mirror/gm0s1
orsbackup# gpart bootcode -b /boot/boot mirror/gm0s1
bootcode written to mirror/gm0s1

orsbackup# gpart show
=>63  3907029105  ada0  MBR  (1.8T)
  63  63    - free -  (31k)
 126  3906994077 1  freebsd  [active]  (1.8T)
  3906994203   34965- free -  (17M)

=> 0  3906994077  ada0s1  BSD  (1.8T)
   0  3890216960   1  freebsd-ufs  (1.8T)
  389021696016777116   2  freebsd-swap  (8G)
  3906994076   1  - free -  (512B)

=>63  3907029104  mirror/gm0  MBR  (1.8T)
  63  63  - free -  (31k)
 126  3907028979   1  freebsd  (1.8T)
  3907029105  62  - free -  (31k)

=> 0  3907028979  mirror/gm0s1  BSD  (1.8T)
   0   2- free -  (1.0k)
   216777216 1  freebsd-swap  (8.0G)
16777218  3890251760     2  freebsd-ufs  (1.8T)
  3907028978   1        - free -  (512B)
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Re: 9.1 and gmirror with GPT?

2012-10-27 Thread freebsd
On 2012-10-23 17:46, Warren Block wrote:
> On Tue, 23 Oct 2012, wrote:
>> To create a swap and then a root that fills the rest of the disk, must the 
>> swap be created first, like this:
>> gpart add -t freebsd-swap -a 4k -s 4g mirror/gm0s1
>> gpart add -t freebsd-ufs  -a 4k   mirror/gm0s1
>> Is there any other way to tell gpart to create the / partition using all 
>> space except 4G?
> I'm afraid it requires one to Use Math(tm).  gpart show will at least show 
> the real capacity of a drive, instead of the diagonally-measured inflated 
> units used by drive vendors.

Thanks for your guidance Warren! I've also been reading a number of threads on 
the forums on this subject, to which you contributed.

Rather than face the scary prospect of using actual Math(tm) 8-) I was just 
going to create swap first at 8G, and let the freebsd partition fill the rest 
of the disk, however as I try to destroy previous non-aligned MBR and gmirror 
metadata, I'm running into issues:

"mirror/gm0s1 added, but partition is not aligned on 4096 bytes"

Below is a short screen shot of the commands used to destroy and then recreate 
gmirror. I'm currently running with non-geom ada0 as root, and am attempting to 
create the aligned partitions of gm0 on ada1. 

I'm not sure what to do to cause the MBR scheme to be aligned. Thanks for any 


orsbackup# mount
/dev/ada0s1a on / (ufs, local, journaled soft-updates)
devfs on /dev (devfs, local, multilabel)
orsbackup# gmirror status
  NameStatus  Components
mirror/gm0  COMPLETE  ada1 (ACTIVE)
orsbackup# gpart destroy -F mirror/gm0
mirror/gm0 destroyed
orsbackup# gpart create -s MBR mirror/gm0
mirror/gm0 created
orsbackup# ls /dev/mirror/
orsbackup# gpart add -t freebsd -a 4k mirror/gm0
mirror/gm0s1 added, but partition is not aligned on 4096 bytes
orsbackup# gpart show
=>63  3907029105  ada0  MBR  (1.8T)
  63  63- free -  (31k)
 126  3906994077 1  freebsd  [active]  (1.8T)
  3906994203   34965- free -  (17M)

=> 0  3906994077  ada0s1  BSD  (1.8T)
   0  3890216960   1  freebsd-ufs  (1.8T)
  389021696016777116   2  freebsd-swap  (8G)
  3906994076   1  - free -  (512B)

=>63  3907029104  mirror/gm0  MBR  (1.8T)
  63  63  - free -  (31k)
 126  3907028979   1  freebsd  (1.8T)
  3907029105  62  - free -  (31k)

=> 0  3907028979  mirror/gm0s1  BSD  (1.8T)
   0  3890216960 1  freebsd-ufs  (1.8T)
  389021696016777116 2  freebsd-swap  (8G)
  3906994076   34903- free -  (17M)

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Re: 9.1 and gmirror with GPT?

2012-10-23 Thread freebsd
On 2012-10-22 15:54, Warren Block wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Oct 2012, wrote:
>> On 10/21/2012 07:32 AM, Warren Block wrote:
>>> On Sun, 21 Oct 2012, Lucas B. Cohen wrote:
>>>> On 2012.10.20 20:17, wrote:
>>>>> Just wondering if 9.1 will bring any improvement to the situation of 
>>>>> creating a full disk geom mirror while also using GPT partition table?
>>> At present, MBR partitioning is recommended with gmirror(8).
>> I've been reading your article on formatting disks in FreeBSD:
>> Do you have any docs on setting up MBR using gpart, to allign for 4K sector 
>> size drives?
> This is a copy from the update of the gmirror section I'm planning to commit 
> to the Handbook.  For a single drive, replace mirror/gm0 with just the drive 
> name, like ada4.
> # create the MBR and add a FreeBSD slice
> gpart create -s MBR mirror/gm0
> gpart add -t freebsd -a 4k mirror/gm0
> # create the bsdlabel partitions in slice 1 (s1)
> gpart create -s BSD mirror/gm0s1
> gpart add -t freebsd-ufs  -a 4k -s 2g mirror/gm0s1
> gpart add -t freebsd-swap -a 4k -s 4g mirror/gm0s1
> gpart add -t freebsd-ufs  -a 4k -s 2g mirror/gm0s1
> gpart add -t freebsd-ufs  -a 4k -s 1g mirror/gm0s1
> gpart add -t freebsd-ufs  -a 4k   mirror/gm0s1
> # put bootcode on the MBR and mark the first slice active
> gpart bootcode -b /boot/mbr mirror/gm0
> gpart set -a active -i 1 mirror/gm0
> # put bootcode on the bsdlabel
> gpart bootcode -b /boot/boot mirror/gm0s1

That helps a lot Warren!

In recent years I've just been creating a swap partition and one big root 
partition. It just seems as soon as I make all the traditional partitions, one 
runs out of room.

Do you feel there are any major disadvantages of this approach?

To create a swap and then a root that fills the rest of the disk, must the swap 
be created first, like this:

gpart add -t freebsd-swap -a 4k -s 4g mirror/gm0s1
gpart add -t freebsd-ufs  -a 4k   mirror/gm0s1

Is there any other way to tell gpart to create the / partition using all space 
except 4G?

Thank You!

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Re: 9.1 and gmirror with GPT?

2012-10-22 Thread freebsd

On 10/21/2012 07:32 AM, Warren Block wrote:

On Sun, 21 Oct 2012, Lucas B. Cohen wrote:

On 2012.10.20 20:17, wrote:

Just wondering if 9.1 will bring any improvement to the situation of creating a 
full disk geom mirror while also using GPT partition table?

I'm curious about what this is about. Could you refer me to an article
or a discussion where this issue is described ?

The GPT backup partition tables goes at the end of a disk, the same
place gmirror(8) and other GEOM modules keep metadata.  If GPT
partitions are created inside a mirror, the backup GPT table is no
longer at the end of the disk.  Hiroki Sato created a patch which fixed
the gptboot complaints, but there was concern about the nonstandard
location of the backup table.

At present, MBR partitioning is recommended with gmirror(8).


I've been reading your article on formatting disks in FreeBSD:

It's a great description of using gpart to create GPT partitions, and using 
fdisk and bsdlabel to create MBR partitions.

Would you still recommend this method, using fdisk and bsdlabel, for MRB setup?

Do you have any docs on setting up MBR using gpart, to allign for 4K sector 
size drives?

Thank you for your advice!


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Re: 9.1 and gmirror with GPT?

2012-10-21 Thread freebsd

On 10/21/2012 07:32 AM, Warren Block wrote:

On Sun, 21 Oct 2012, Lucas B. Cohen wrote:

On 2012.10.20 20:17, wrote:

Just wondering if 9.1 will bring any improvement to the situation of creating a 
full disk geom mirror while also using GPT partition table?

I'm curious about what this is about. Could you refer me to an article
or a discussion where this issue is described ?

The GPT backup partition tables goes at the end of a disk, the same
place gmirror(8) and other GEOM modules keep metadata.  If GPT
partitions are created inside a mirror, the backup GPT table is no
longer at the end of the disk.  Hiroki Sato created a patch which fixed
the gptboot complaints, but there was concern about the nonstandard
location of the backup table.

At present, MBR partitioning is recommended with gmirror(8).

Thank you Warren. That sums it up.


I found this blag post informative:

There are also several interesting posts on Michael Lucas' blag, such as:

This is a good discussion thread that dives into a specific configuration and 
the implications:

I've tried to determine which came first GEOM or GPT. It seems GEOM  is 
actually older, dating from FreeBSD 5, around 2003. While GPT seems to have 
been integrated with what is now known as UEFI in the later half of that decade.

It also seems "greedy" of GPT to require both the first and last sectors of the disk. 
This seems to almost guarantee it will have issues with other low level disk formatting tools. Of 
course, given the history of the "WinTel" partnership, perhaps not interoperating with 
other tools was a design specification 8-)

In any case, the upcoming wide spread use of UEFI/GPT (i.e. windoze on 
commodity PCs) compared to the FreeBSD specific nature of GEOM, pretty much 
insures that it will have to be GEOM that changes to accommodate this conflict.

Even given the denial of who is David and who is Goliath, in the fact that the GEOM 
developers don't seem to consider this "their" bug:

It seems inevitable that the FreeBSD devs will have to capitulate and find 
another way to store the GEOM meta-data or we're going to loose the great 
benefits of whole disk mirrors under GEOM.

[please proceed with tongue in cheek]

This may not occur any time soon, as time progresses at a different rate for 
BSD than it does with the rest of the world. A great example is this sentence 
from the Architecture Handbook:

"The Universal Serial Bus (USB) is a new way of attaching devices to personal 

Of course USB is roughly 20 years old now 8-)

There are some other great quotes regarding the "new" computer input device, called the 

[safe to freely operate tongue again]

In any case, it seems my new 9.1-RC2 installation will be MBR partitioned with 
whole disk GEOM mirror. This motherboard is BIOS based, not UEFI.

It's become fairly de rigueur to accommodate the 4K sector size disks with 
fdisk and MBR partitioning. As we propel forward into SSDs this may not stay 
the case.

Any other comments or caveats are very greatly appreciated...

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9.1 and gmirror with GPT?

2012-10-20 Thread freebsd


Just wondering if 9.1 will bring any improvement to the situation of creating a 
full disk geom mirror while also using GPT partition table?

Is the fix for this a near term thing, or something in the farther future?

Thanks for any insight!

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Re: Your UPS Invoice is Ready

2012-10-09 Thread freebsd-questions

How is it that we are getting spam on the list like this?

On Tue, 9 Oct 2012, UPSBillingCenter wrote:

   This is an automatically 
generated email. Please do not reply to this email address. 
UPS Customer, New 
invoice(s) are available for the consolidated payment plan(s) / account(s) 
enrolled in the UPS Billing Center  
   Please refer to attached file from UPS Billing Center to view and 
pay your invoice.

   Discover more about UPS: 
   Visit ups.comExplore UPS 
Freight ServicesLearn About UPS CompaniesSign Up For Additional Email From 
UPSRead Compass Online
   (c) 2012 United Parcel 
Service of America, Inc. UPS, the UPS brandmark, and the color brown are 
trademarks of United Parcel Service of America, Inc. All rights reserved. For 
more information on UPS's privacy practices, refer to the UPS Privacy 
Policy.Please do not reply directly to this e-mail. 
   UPS will not receive any reply message. For 
questions or comments, visit Contact UPS.This communication contains 
proprietary information and may be confidential. If you are not the intended 
recipient, the reading, copying, disclosure or other use of the contents of 
this e-mail is strictly prohibited and you are instructed to please delete this 
e-mail immediately.
Privacy Policy

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Re: Request to Add Website Details- Hardware Section

2012-10-09 Thread freebsd-questions

Again... How is the list being spammed like this??

On Tue, 9 Oct 2012, Joe Phillip wrote:

Dear Webmaster,

We have been manually researching for relevant partners and found your
website very useful.

Adding my website under Hardware section(URL: * *of your esteemed
website would be very helpful to us as well be of high value to your

If interested, pls use the following link details to place our link on your

Title: Rackmount Monitor
Desc: KVMSwitchTech provides wide range of rackmount monitors to save
valuable space in server rooms. Get 1U rack mount monitors, 1u solaris
rackmount monitors at competitive prices.

OR you can use this HTML Code:";>Rackmount
Monitor - provides wide range of rackmount monitors
to save valuable space in server rooms. Get 1U rack mount monitors, 1u
solaris rackmount monitors at competitive prices.

In case if you also require a linkback, please let me know.

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Re: booting a CD-ROM

2012-04-03 Thread Xavier FreeBSD questions
On Tue, Apr 03, 2012 at 05:46:20AM -0400, Thomas Mueller wrote:

Hi Thomas,

> >   I have an old  FreeBSD  system that I haven't used for a long
time and I have forgotten the passwords.  This machine has  FreeBSD-4.3
and  FreeBSD-4.7
> > on it, and also  MS'  Windows98 .  I tried getting onto that system by
booting with a  CD-ROM  which started going and gave me the following
> > boot from  ATAPI  CD-ROM
> > CD Loader 1.2
> > Building the boot loader arguments
> > Relocating the loader and the BTX
> >   The system then did not output for a liitle over 5 minutes and
then typed:
> > Starting the
> > and after this I waited for over 5 minutes but the system did not type
anything else.  Then I tried  booting that  CD-ROM  on another system where
it booted
> > successfully and the program on it ( FreesBIE version 2) ran and I
could communicate with it.  I suspect a problem with the  boot loader on
the first system.
> >  Where can I get a new boot loader for that system?Since I want
to get a modern  FreeBSD  (version 9.1 or higher), I expect that will
include a new
> > multi-system loader on it that I can use on the old system if I can
load just that.  How can I load just the boot loader?  Also, what is the
structure of the
> > password  files (is this on the  web  with a per system-version note so
if it has been changed over time, I can find those I need) on those
systems, and how
> > can I find and clear out the password for  root  so I can get in and
set its password and then the other passwords?
> > Thanks in advance for your help.
> You'll have to wait some months for FreeBSD >= 9.1.  Current release is

I'm impatient ...

> I believe FreeBSD has a multisystem boot loader, BootEasy/boot0.  You can
also look to GRUB:

Another option is Boot-Repair-Disk ( ). This tool is easy
and intuitive.

See you.
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Your message to freebsd-isp awaits moderator approval

2012-03-26 Thread owner-freebsd-isp
Your mail to 'freebsd-isp' with the subject

Zarob 200-400 EUR za dwie godziny pracy juz w następnym

Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval.

The reason it is being held:

SpamAssassin identified this message as possible spam

Either the message will get posted to the list, or you will receive
notification of the moderator's decision.  If you would like to cancel
this posting, please visit the following URL:

PLEASE NOTE!  If you would like to post freely to the list, please
subscribe first.  If you post from multiple addresses, you can
subscribe each address and go into the options page and select 'no
mail' for all but one address. This will allow you to post without
delay in the future.

Sorry for the hassle, but certain immature people made this necessary.

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about change file mode

2012-03-22 Thread Xavier FreeBSD questions
Hi tot all,

Why don't change the files mode ?

casa# mount -t msdosfs /dev/da0s1 /mnt/JetFlash\ Transcend\ 1GB/
casa# cd /mnt/JetFlash\ Transcend\ 1GB/
casa# ls -lh
total 21940
-r-xr-xr-x  1 xxavi  wheel16M 21 mar 00:12 COLOR.pdf
-r-xr-xr-x  1 xxavi  wheel   4,7M 21 mar 01:26 COLOR_1.pdf
-r-xr-xr-x  1 xxavi  wheel   124k 21 mar 02:13 COLOR_2.pdf
-r-xr-xr-x  1 xxavi  wheel21k 21 mar 01:16 Untitled 1.pdf
-r-xr-xr-x  1 xxavi  wheel   9,3k 22 mar 00:17 Untitled 2.pdf
-r-xr-xr-x  1 xxavi  wheel   124k 21 mar 02:13 kscan_0002.jpeg.pdf
-r-xr-xr-x  1 xxavi  wheel20k 21 mar 00:12 ocr.txt.pdf
casa# chmod -x *
casa# ls -l
total 21940
-r-xr-xr-x  1 xxavi  wheel  17270757 21 mar 00:12 COLOR.pdf
-r-xr-xr-x  1 xxavi  wheel   4866360 21 mar 01:26 COLOR_1.pdf
-r-xr-xr-x  1 xxavi  wheel127452 21 mar 02:13 COLOR_2.pdf
-r-xr-xr-x  1 xxavi  wheel 21829 21 mar 01:16 Untitled 1.pdf
-r-xr-xr-x  1 xxavi  wheel  9561 22 mar 00:17 Untitled 2.pdf
-r-xr-xr-x  1 xxavi  wheel127452 21 mar 02:13 kscan_0002.jpeg.pdf
-r-xr-xr-x  1 xxavi  wheel 20513 21 mar 00:12 ocr.txt.pdf

Thanks, see you.
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GIMP(1) don't run

2012-03-20 Thread Xavier FreeBSD questions
Hi to all,

When I want run GIMP(1) it say:

> gimp
Shared object "" not found, required by "gimp">

How I can solvent this problem ?

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pwcview(1) don't work

2012-03-08 Thread Xavier FreeBSD questions
Hi to all,

I have:

> pkg_info | grep webc
evolution-webcal-2.32.0_1 Webcal(endar) handler for gnome
pwcview-1.4.1_4 The Video4Linux PWC webcam viewer
webcamd- A port of Linux USB webcam and DVB drivers into
> kldstat | grep cuse
 31 0xc12a4000 5c08 cuse4bsd.ko

casa# webcamd -d ugen4.6 -i 0 -v 0
: v3.2:USB Acecad Flair tablet driver
: v2.3 (May 2, 2007):Aiptek HyperPen USB Tablet Driver (Linux 2.6.x)
: Bryan W. Headley/Chris Atenasio/Cedric Brun/Rene van Paassen
GTCO usb driver version: 2.00.0006: v0.0.2:USB KB Gear JamStudio Tablet
: v1.52:USB Wacom tablet driver
lirc_dev: IR Remote Control driver registered, major 14
IR NEC protocol handler initialized
IR RC5(x) protocol handler initialized
IR RC6 protocol handler initialized
IR JVC protocol handler initialized
IR Sony protocol handler initialized
IR RC5 (streamzap) protocol handler initialized
IR LIRC bridge handler initialized
: 2.2.1:ATI/X10 RF USB Remote Control
Linux video capture interface: v2.00
em28xx driver loaded
Em28xx: Initialized (Em28xx dvb Extension) extension
USBVision USB Video Device Driver for Linux : 0.9.11
pvrusb2: V4L in-tree version:Hauppauge WinTV-PVR-USB2 MPEG2 Encoder/Tuner
pvrusb2: Debug mask is 31 (0x1f)
cpia2: V4L-Driver for Vision CPiA2 based cameras v3.0.1
: Zoran 364xx
au0828 driver loaded
USB Video Class driver (1.1.1)
: 0.4.7:D-Link DSB-R100 USB FM radio driver
: 0.0.2: A driver for the TEA5764 radio chip for EZX Phones.
b2c2-flexcop: B2C2 FlexcopII/II(b)/III digital TV receiver chip loaded
dib0700: loaded with support for 21 different device-types
virtual DVB server adapter driver, version 1.0-hps, (c) 2011 Hans Petter
Attached ugen4.6[0] to cuse unit 0
em28xx: New device @ 480 Mbps (eb1a:2820, interface 0, class 0)
em28xx #0: chip ID is em2820 (or em2710)
em28xx #0: board has no eeprom
em28xx #0: found i2c device @ 0x4a [saa7113h]
em28xx #0: Your board has no unique USB ID.
em28xx #0: A hint were successfully done, based on i2c devicelist hash.
em28xx #0: This method is not 100% failproof.
em28xx #0: If the board were missdetected, please email this log to:
em28xx #0: V4L Mailing List  
em28xx #0: Board detected as EM2860/SAA711X Reference Design
em28xx #0: Identified as EM2860/SAA711X Reference Design (card=19)
em28xx #0: Config register raw data: 0x00
em28xx #0: v4l2 driver version 0.1.3
em28xx #0: V4L2 video device registered as video0
em28xx_dvb: This device does not support the extension
Creating /dev/video0

casa# chmod 666 /dev/video0

And, can't play /dev/video0 :

> pwcview
Webcam set to: 320x240 (sif) at 5 fps
libv4l2: error queuing buf 0: Invalid argument
libv4l2: error queuing buf 1: Invalid argument
libv4l2: error queuing buf 2: Invalid argument
libv4l2: error queuing buf 3: Invalid argument
libv4l2: error reading: Device busy
Error reading from webcam: Device busy

Somebody can help me ?

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Re: Still having trouble with package upgrades

2012-03-07 Thread freebsd-lists-erik
On Wed, Mar 07, 2012 at 03:20:19PM -0500, David Jackson wrote:
> I think that your statement here is fundamentally flawed and wrong, because
> you have assumed that it is impossible for the OS to be able to be user
> friendly and geek friendly at the same time. This is wrong. In fact, I have
> outlined ways repeatedly that FreeBSD could provide an easy to use package
> system without compromising on the flexibility of ports in any way. The
> idea that the OS has to be either difficult to use or it has to be easy to
> use for novices is wrong.  The OS can be both and I have written about ways
> that can be done, in fact, I can show how it can be done in every area. For
> instance, with better binary packages, those are simply built from ports
> using the best set of options. Those who want to compile for themselves
> will still be able to do so, just fine.
> So you have presented a position here that is simply not true. FreeBSD can
> be more user friendly and as the same time be flexible and friendly to
> experts such as yourself.
> its not an either or choice.

It can be, if there aren't resources available to devote to both.

You've brought this up multiple times. No one is interested in
actually doing it. Maybe you should do it yourself and provide the
person-power and hardware to get it done right. If it works, I suspect
that the FreeBSD devs would accept it and make you an official

Otherwise, as has been noted several times, you are not FreeBSD's
target audience.
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Re: make install fails for /usr/ports/security/sudo after downgrade from 9.0-R to 8-STABLE

2012-03-03 Thread FreeBSD Mailing Lists

On 03/03/12 12:31, wrote:

Stale header files in /usr/include maybe?


Yes that's it. It seems  got changed to  between 8.2 
and 9.0. Fixed by csup of 9.0-R and doing the buildworld buildkernel etc.

freebsd at growveg dot net
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make install fails for /usr/ports/security/sudo after downgrade from 9.0-R to 8-STABLE

2012-03-02 Thread FreeBSD Mailing Lists
Hello list,

I had to downgrade from 9-R to 8-STABLE. To do this, I did the following:

1. rm -rf /usr/obj
2. pkg_delete -a
3. rm -rf /usr/ports
4. mkdir -p /usr/ports/distfiles
5. rm -rf /usr/src
6. rm -rf /usr/local/*
6. csup 8-STABLE sources
7. csup ports
8. cd /usr/src && make cleandir && make cleandir && make buildworld &&
make buildkernel && make installkernel && mergemaster -p
9. (merged required files)
10. make installworld && mergemaster
11. reboot.

Practically everything in ports actually builds. I've installed X,
icewm, windowmaker, firefox36, thunderbird, gimp and a few others. I
think I've eliminated all the cruft from 9.0. However, I can't build
sudo (or screen) and I can't work out why. Here is the error:

# make distclean clean install

===>  Cleaning for sudo-1.8.4
===>  Deleting distfiles for sudo-1.8.4
===>  License sudo accepted by the user
===>  Found saved configuration for sudo-1.8.3_2
=> sudo-1.8.4p2.tar.gz doesn't seem to exist in /usr/ports/distfiles/.
=> Attempting to fetch
===>  License sudo accepted by the user
===>  Found saved configuration for sudo-1.8.3_2
=> sudo-1.8.4p2.tar.gz doesn't seem to exist in /usr/ports/distfiles/.
=> Attempting to fetch


cc -c -I../include -I.. -I. -I.. -I. -O2 -pipe -march=core2
-I/usr/local/include -fno-strict-aliasing -D_BSD_SOURCE
-DLOCALEDIR=\"/usr/local/share/locale\" ./ttyname.c
cc -c -I../include -I.. -I. -I.. -I. -O2 -pipe -march=core2
-I/usr/local/include -fno-strict-aliasing -D_BSD_SOURCE
-DLOCALEDIR=\"/usr/local/share/locale\" ./ttysize.c
cc -c -I../include -I.. -I. -I.. -I. -O2 -pipe -march=core2
-I/usr/local/include -fno-strict-aliasing -D_BSD_SOURCE
-DLOCALEDIR=\"/usr/local/share/locale\" ./utmp.c
./utmp.c: In function 'utmp_settime':
./utmp.c:132: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
./utmp.c:133: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
./utmp.c: In function 'utmp_fill':
./utmp.c:151: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
./utmp.c:153: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
./utmp.c:154: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
./utmp.c:157: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
./utmp.c:160: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
./utmp.c:160: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
./utmp.c:161: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
./utmp.c:161: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
./utmp.c:166: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
./utmp.c:170: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
./utmp.c: In function 'utmp_login':
./utmp.c:294: error: storage size of 'utbuf' isn't known
/bin/sh ../libtool --tag=disable-static --mode=compile cc -c
-I../include -I.. -I. -I.. -I. -O2 -pipe -march=core2
-I/usr/local/include -fno-strict-aliasing -D_BSD_SOURCE
-DLOCALEDIR=\"/usr/local/share/locale\" ./sudo_noexec.c
./utmp.c: In function 'utmp_logout':
./utmp.c:343: error: storage size of 'utbuf' isn't known
*** Error code 1
libtool: compile:  cc -c -I../include -I.. -I. -I.. -I. -O2 -pipe
-march=core2 -I/usr/local/include -fno-strict-aliasing -D_BSD_SOURCE
-DLOCALEDIR=\"/usr/local/share/locale\" ./sudo_noexec.c  -fPIC -DPIC -o
1 error
*** Error code 2
1 error
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/security/sudo.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/security/sudo.

Can anyone help please?
freebsd at growveg dot net
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2012-03-01 Thread Xavier FreeBSD questions

I have:


and this problem:

ugen4.8:  at usbus4
umass2:  on usbus4
umass2:  8070i (ATAPI) over Bulk-Only; quirks = 0x0100
umass2:4:2:-1: Attached to scbus4
(probe0:umass-sim2:2:0:0): TEST UNIT READY. CDB: 0 0 0 0 0 0
(probe0:umass-sim2:2:0:0): CAM status: SCSI Status Error
(probe0:umass-sim2:2:0:0): SCSI status: Check Condition
(probe0:umass-sim2:2:0:0): SCSI sense: UNIT ATTENTION asc:29,0 (Power on,
 or bus device reset occurred)
cd1 at umass-sim2 bus 2 scbus4 target 0 lun 0
cd1: <_NEC DVD_RW ND-3500AG 2.07> Removable CD-ROM SCSI-0 device
cd1: 40.000MB/s transfers
cd1: cd present [2295104 x 2048 byte records]
(cd1:umass-sim2:2:0:0): READ(10). CDB: 28 0 0 23 5 3f 0 0 1 0
(cd1:umass-sim2:2:0:0): CAM status: SCSI Status Error
(cd1:umass-sim2:2:0:0): SCSI status: Check Condition
(cd1:umass-sim2:2:0:0): SCSI sense: ILLEGAL REQUEST asc:64,0 (Illegal mode
for t
his track)
(cd1:umass-sim2:2:0:0): Info: 0x23053f
(cd1:umass-sim2:2:0:0): cddone: got error 0x6 back

The DVDRW don't work correctly, ant idea for solvent this problem ?

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Re: odd SDcard behaviour in freebsd-9.0-R

2012-02-27 Thread FreeBSD Mailing Lists

On 27/02/2012 17:55, Michael Sierchio wrote:

Forgive the naive question, but on one of my Nikons, it is possible to
present the device itself, or the SD card as a USD drive.  Which are
you doing?  No doubt there is no driver for the D50 in the kernel, but
the generic umass driver should handle the device.


Yes, on freebsd 8.2 the camera has only ever presented itself as storage 
and it has only ever been the sd card within the camera that has been 
visible to freebsd. On 9.0 I can see umass output in /var/log/messages 
but not any corresponding disk descriptor like /dev/da5s1 so I have no 
way of accessing the sd card.

freebsd at growveg dot net
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Re: Unable to upgrade packages on FreeBSD

2012-01-30 Thread freebsd-lists-erik
On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 03:28:28PM -0700, Chad Perrin wrote:
> You talk a lot about how easy it is to maintain a binary package system.
> I would like you to convince me that it is easy, keeping in mind that it
> should remain compatible with the ports system.  I am willing to be
> convinced.
> -- 
> Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: ]

Oh come on, guys. David is the same person who said that FreeBSD was
poorly documented.

I really hate throwing around the 'T' word, but I'm starting to
wonder.  I'll give him the benefit of the doubt a bit longer.

David, it's increasingly clear that FreeBSD is not going to fit your
needs. If, for some reason, you are interested in the FreeBSD kernel,
but binary packages, consider GNU/kFreeBSD.
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Re: email hosting - How do you do it?

2012-01-27 Thread Hub- FreeBSD

Sorry … in my case, I've got an in-house written interface that allows clients 
to add / remove users, change passwords, set quotas, etc … 

On 2012-01-27, at 12:59 PM, Peter wrote:

>> On 2012-01-26, at 5:51 PM, Peter wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I've been on qmail/vpopmail combo forever and am looking to build a
>>> new,
>>> mail server.
>>> First choice so far is postfix, but almost all the virtual hosting
>>> 'howtos' require an SQL database, or editing files by hand. The SQL part
>>> seems like an overkill for ~20-50 email accounts, the editing files by
>>> hand seems like a pain and requires me doing everything but I'd rather
>>> let
>>> people manage their own domains.
>> SQL == SQLite for me … you don't need mysql/postgresql for doing it …
> Ok, and how do you manage it? web based? custom scripts? edit files by
> hand? how do users change their password? can they admin their domain?
> ]Peter[
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Re: email hosting - How do you do it?

2012-01-26 Thread Hub- FreeBSD

On 2012-01-26, at 5:51 PM, Peter wrote:

> Hello,
>  I've been on qmail/vpopmail combo forever and am looking to build a new,
> mail server.
> First choice so far is postfix, but almost all the virtual hosting
> 'howtos' require an SQL database, or editing files by hand. The SQL part
> seems like an overkill for ~20-50 email accounts, the editing files by
> hand seems like a pain and requires me doing everything but I'd rather let
> people manage their own domains.

SQL == SQLite for me … you don't need mysql/postgresql for doing it … 

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Re: Thank you for bsdstats!

2011-12-11 Thread Hub- FreeBSD

Since this may by of interest to others, including those maintaining ports, 
I've just created a dump of the history data for ports and versions reported in 
… not the reporting ports is optional, there appears to only be about 10% of 
the hosts that report in port information …

The dump is available at

it contains a postgresql dump of three tables:

ports, where
id == system id (anonymous data, but let's you group data)
catid == link to port_category (ie. net, www)
sw_id == link to port_software (ie. apache, perl)

the data goes back to '07, so a fair amount of history to look at …

For those unaware of what BSDstats is, check out *or* 
/usr/ports/sysutils/bsdstats … short summary:

An OptIn only site that accumulates statistics on *BSD related usage … as the 
#s show when you go to the site, it is by no means close to the # of sites 
using *BSD ...

We are averaging over 6k hosts reporting in each month, for 7 different 
variants of *BSD:

  PC-BSD, FreeBSD, DesktopBSD, DragonflyBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD and MidnightBSD 

To participate is a simple 'make install' in /usr/ports/sysutils/bsdstats … at 
a minimum, just make sure you enable it to run monthly out of periodic … 

The data collected and stored is done so totally anonymously … we collect no IP 
*or* hostname information … each participate gets an Id that is stored in a 
token file that is used for reporting, which also allows the system to work 
through proxy / nat, since the individual ID is generated the first time you 
connect to the system, and used going forward …

On 2011-12-10, at 11:06 PM, Alex Libman wrote:

> Dear BSD Stats Team,
> I just wanted to drop you a line and thank you for bsdstats.  I run it
> on my *BSD installations whenever it is feasible.  I am also wondering
> if it would be possible to access the aggregate data in a raw format.
> I am particularly curious about the ports usage data...
> Best regards,
> Alex Libman

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Abstraction leakage burning test DVD+R

2011-10-29 Thread freebsd-questions

After my dump/restore test failed back in May of 2010[1], I finally got 
around to burning a test DVD after installing about 2.5 inches of 
semi-rigid foam under the machine to dampen any local vibration.

In designing the test, I was under the mistaken impression that buffer 
under-runs would reduce the amount of space for writing. Apparently, 
DVD+R media supports loss-less linking[2].

Test Procedure (using ATAPI interface, rather than the newer ATAPI/CAM 
interface). The man pages do not imply any major differences for this 
test. The drive in question is a LG drive with the SuperMulti logo.

Test procedure:
1.# mkfifo auxout aux45G

2. In other terminals:
# cat auxout | md5
# dd if=aux45G count=2197266 bs=2048 | md5

3. Write test disk:
# dd if=/dev/urandom bs=2048 count=2295104 | \
 tee auxout aux45G | dd of=/dev/acd0 bs=2048

dd:/dev/acd0: Input/output error
679+0 records in
678+0 records out
1388544 bytes transferred in 80.97 seconds 
(step 4 not completed due to premature burn failure after 684 
blocks, 80 seconds (from 'dd if=aux45G'...) (15743 bytes/sec))
Drive spun up at least twice during this time.

4. Read test (in another term 'cat aux45G | md5')
# dd if=/dev/acd0 bs=2048 count=2295104 | tee aux45G | md5

Currently, the drive is locked. Before forcefully ejecting it and 
risking an new disk, I want to know what may have gone wrong. Was 
I expecting too much of FreeBSD on old hardware? 

The hardware is a Pentium-II desktop machine with 256MB of RAM, with a 
Promise ATA100 controller card. An extra-long 80-wire cable is in use 
(to ad4).
acd0: DVDR  at ata-1-master UDMA33
ad4: 78167MB  at ata-2-master UDMA100

dd if=/dev/urandom of=/home/test
Wrote at 4485315 bytes/second: faster than I was expecting (based on 
linux's slow urandom function), but still slow enough to cause buffer 
under-runs. So the second question is: do I have to do anything special 
to enable buffer underrun protection? (with DVD+R's lossless linking 
feature, no data should be lost.)

How important is running ATAPI/CAM? Obviously DVD burning was happening 
before the release of version 8, as far as I know.

If running out of data is supposed to be abstracted away, did I find a 
bug that only shows up on old hardware or heavy load? (Or possibly drive 
firmware bug?)


James Phillips

# uname -a
FreeBSD dusty.inet 8.0-RELEASE FreeBSD 8.0-RELEASE #0: Sat Nov 21 
15:48:17 UTC 2009 i386

[1] dump/restore (to DVD+R) test failure

[2] Why DVD+R(W) is superior to DVD-R(W)

PS: is signing messages on the mailing list a faux-pas?

OpenPGP Public Key:

Description: Digital signature

Re: ZFS and glabels when export/importing

2011-10-24 Thread FreeBSD Optik

Le 2011-10-23 23:00, Daryl Sayers a écrit :

"=?ISO-8859-1?Q?FreeBSD" == =?ISO-8859-1?Q?FreeBSD Optik 
S=E9curit=E9?=  writes:

Le 2011-10-18 21:57, Daryl Sayers a écrit :

Had a prblem when I needed to export a zpool and import again. The pool used
glabels for each device but after the import the pool is now using the raw
devices names.

sandbox# zpool create -f tank3 raidz1 /dev/label/012 /dev/label/066 label/040 
sandbox# zpool status
pool: tank3
state: ONLINE
scan: none requested

tank3  ONLINE   0 0 0
raidz1-0 ONLINE   0 0 0
label/012  ONLINE   0 0 0
label/066  ONLINE   0 0 0
label/040  ONLINE   0 0 0
label/064  ONLINE   0 0 0

sandbox# glabel list | grep Name
1. Name: label/012
1. Name: ada0
1. Name: label/066
1. Name: ada1
1. Name: label/040
1. Name: ada2
1. Name: label/064
1. Name: ada3

sandbox# zpool export tank3
sandbox# glabel list | grep Name
1. Name: label/012
1. Name: ada0
1. Name: label/066
1. Name: ada1
1. Name: label/040
1. Name: ada2
1. Name: label/064
1. Name: ada3
sandbox# zpool import tank3
sandbox# glabel list
sandbox# zpool status
pool: tank3
state: ONLINE
scan: none requested

tank3   ONLINE   0 0 0
raidz1-0  ONLINE   0 0 0
ada0ONLINE   0 0 0
ada1ONLINE   0 0 0
ada2ONLINE   0 0 0
ada3ONLINE   0 0 0

The only way I could get zfs to use the glabels without destroying the pool
was to install a new drive, glabel it and then replace that with the first
drive, then do the same for each drive.

sandbox# zpool replace -f tank3 /dev/ada0 label/014
... wait for completion
sandbox# zpool replace -f tank3 /dev/ada1 label/012
... wait for completion

Note that I did not need to glabel any drive (except the newly installed
spare) so the label was still intact on each drive.

So, How do I do an export and import and still keep the glabels that the
original pool was created with.

I just tried it and had no problem on 9.0-BETA3 AMD64. The labels were
still intact and used by ZFS after the import. Which FreeBSD version are
you using?

Yeh, Sorry I forgot to highlight the versions.

FreeBSD 8.2-STABLE amd64
ZFS filesystem version 5
ZFS storage pool version 28

I don't know what to say except try it with 9.0, if possible. The RC1 
just got out. I'm no expert on this, sorry I can't be more helpful.

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Re: ZFS and glabels when export/importing

2011-10-23 Thread FreeBSD Optik Sécurité

Le 2011-10-18 21:57, Daryl Sayers a écrit :

Had a prblem when I needed to export a zpool and import again. The pool used
glabels for each device but after the import the pool is now using the raw
devices names.

sandbox# zpool create -f tank3 raidz1 /dev/label/012 /dev/label/066 label/040 
sandbox# zpool status
   pool: tank3
  state: ONLINE
  scan: none requested

 tank3  ONLINE   0 0 0
   raidz1-0 ONLINE   0 0 0
 label/012  ONLINE   0 0 0
 label/066  ONLINE   0 0 0
 label/040  ONLINE   0 0 0
 label/064  ONLINE   0 0 0

sandbox# glabel list | grep Name
1. Name: label/012
1. Name: ada0
1. Name: label/066
1. Name: ada1
1. Name: label/040
1. Name: ada2
1. Name: label/064
1. Name: ada3

sandbox# zpool export tank3
sandbox# glabel list | grep Name
1. Name: label/012
1. Name: ada0
1. Name: label/066
1. Name: ada1
1. Name: label/040
1. Name: ada2
1. Name: label/064
1. Name: ada3
sandbox# zpool import tank3
sandbox# glabel list
sandbox# zpool status
   pool: tank3
  state: ONLINE
  scan: none requested

 tank3   ONLINE   0 0 0
   raidz1-0  ONLINE   0 0 0
 ada0ONLINE   0 0 0
 ada1ONLINE   0 0 0
 ada2ONLINE   0 0 0
 ada3ONLINE   0 0 0

The only way I could get zfs to use the glabels without destroying the pool
was to install a new drive, glabel it and then replace that with the first
drive, then do the same for each drive.

sandbox# zpool replace -f tank3 /dev/ada0 label/014
... wait for completion
sandbox# zpool replace -f tank3 /dev/ada1 label/012
... wait for completion

Note that I did not need to glabel any drive (except the newly installed
spare) so the label was still intact on each drive.

So, How do I do an export and import and still keep the glabels that the
original pool was created with.


I just tried it and had no problem on 9.0-BETA3 AMD64. The labels were 
still intact and used by ZFS after the import. Which FreeBSD version are 
you using?

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Problems removing non-empty directory through NFS

2011-10-10 Thread freebsd
I have a NFS server configured on FreeBSD 9.0 Beta2 that only serves a  
share through NFS v3 TCP. All the processes ( mountd, rpcbind, lockd,  
etc ) are started with -h  on both the server and the clients.

The NFS clients range from FreeBSD 6.1 to 8.2.

On all the clients, it is impossible for me to erase a directory that  
contains other data and is from that NFS share. I get this error:

rm -rf nick/
rm: fts_read: Input/output error

same is true if I give the full path:

rm -rf /usr/nfs.mount/nick
rm: fts_read: Input/output error

if the directory is empty, I can use rm -rf or rmdir without problems.

Besides this I can read all the files, erase files, chmod, chown, etc  
without any problem. I just can't erase directories.

Running a truss on the rm -rf shows ( towards the end ):

lseek(4,0x0,SEEK_SET)= 0 (0x0)
close(4) = 0 (0x0)
stat("new",{mode=drwx-- ,inode=53090640,size=512,blksize=4096}) = 0 (0x0)
open("new",O_NONBLOCK,027757765430)  = 4 (0x4)
fstat(4,{mode=drwx-- ,inode=53090640,size=512,blksize=4096}) = 0 (0x0)
fcntl(4,F_SETFD,FD_CLOEXEC)  = 0 (0x0)
fstatfs(0x4,0xbfbfe8c0)  = 0 (0x0)
fstat(4,{mode=drwx-- ,inode=53090640,size=512,blksize=4096}) = 0 (0x0)
fchdir(0x4)  = 0 (0x0)
getdirentries(0x4,0x8051000,0x1000,0x8050014)= 512 (0x200)
getdirentries(0x4,0x8051000,0x1000,0x8050014)= 0 (0x0)
lseek(4,0x0,SEEK_SET)= 0 (0x0)
close(4) = 0 (0x0)
open("..",O_RDONLY,00)   = 4 (0x4)
fstat(4,{mode=drwx-- ,inode=53090635,size=512,blksize=4096}) = 0 (0x0)
fchdir(0x4)  = 0 (0x0)
close(4) = 0 (0x0)
rmdir(0x80525a8) = 0 (0x0)
unlink("dovecot.index.log")  = 0 (0x0)
unlink("dovecot.index.cache")= 0 (0x0)
unlink("dovecot-uidlist")= 0 (0x0)
unlink("dovecot.index.log.2")= 0 (0x0)
unlink("dovecot.index")  = 0 (0x0)
open("..",O_RDONLY,00)   ERR#5 'Input/output error'
rm: write(2,"rm: ",4)= 4 (0x4)
fts_readwrite(2,"fts_read",8)= 8 (0x8)
: write(2,": ",2)= 2 (0x2)
Input/output error
write(2,"Input/output error\n",19)   = 19 (0x13)
process exit, rval = 256

There are no errors visible on the server.

Here is the output of nfsstat on the server:

Server Info:
  Getattr   SetattrLookup  Readlink  Read WriteCreate  
107929047  19257084 240622998   121  11209701  19004949 0   
   Rename  Link   Symlink Mkdir Rmdir   Readdir  RdirPlus  
  4115334   110898338  1845  15557465  14771644 0  

MknodFsstatFsinfo  PathConfCommit
0   449246247 0  14146384
Server Ret-Failed
Server Faults
Server Cache Stats:
   Inprog  Idem  Non-idemMisses
0 0 0 579078451
Server Write Gathering:
 WriteOps  WriteRPC   Opsaved
 19004949  19004949 0

Anyone has any ideas what might be causing this ?

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What are these errors ?

2011-09-18 Thread freebsd

I am running 9.0 BETA2 and I see these errors in /var/log/messages:

Sep 16 18:07:51 store2 kernel: GEOM: da1: corrupt or invalid GPT detected.
Sep 16 18:07:51 store2 kernel: GEOM: da1: GPT rejected -- may not be  

Sep 16 19:13:25 store2 kernel: lock order reversal:
Sep 16 19:13:25 store2 kernel: 1st 0xff80f2692c98 bufwait  
(bufwait) @ /usr/src/sys/kern/vfs_bio.c:2658
Sep 16 19:13:25 store2 kernel: 2nd 0xfe00058a2200 dirhash  
(dirhash) @ /usr/src/sys/ufs/ufs/ufs_dirhash.c:284

Sep 16 19:13:25 store2 kernel: KDB: stack backtrace:
Sep 16 19:13:25 store2 kernel: db_trace_self_wrapper() at  

Sep 16 19:13:25 store2 kernel: kdb_backtrace() at kdb_backtrace+0x37
Sep 16 19:13:25 store2 kernel: _witness_debugger() at _witness_debugger+0x2e
Sep 16 19:13:25 store2 kernel: witness_checkorder() at  

Sep 16 19:13:25 store2 kernel: _sx_xlock() at _sx_xlock+0x55
Sep 16 19:13:25 store2 kernel: ufsdirhash_acquire() at ufsdirhash_acquire+0x33
Sep 16 19:13:25 store2 kernel: ufsdirhash_remove() at ufsdirhash_remove+0x16
Sep 16 19:13:25 store2 kernel: ufs_dirremove() at ufs_dirremove+0x1c3
Sep 16 19:13:25 store2 kernel: ufs_rename() at ufs_rename+0x101c
Sep 16 19:13:25 store2 kernel: VOP_RENAME_APV() at VOP_RENAME_APV+0x9b
Sep 16 19:13:25 store2 kernel: kern_renameat() at kern_renameat+0x4b4
Sep 16 19:13:25 store2 kernel: syscallenter() at syscallenter+0x1aa
Sep 16 19:13:25 store2 kernel: syscall() at syscall+0x4c
Sep 16 19:13:25 store2 kernel: Xfast_syscall() at Xfast_syscall+0xdd
Sep 16 19:13:25 store2 kernel: --- syscall (128, FreeBSD ELF64,  
rename), rip = 0x8008fee9c, rsp = 0x7fffa008,

rbp = 0x7fffa4f0 ---
Sep 16 19:13:27 store2 kernel: lock order reversal:
Sep 16 19:13:27 store2 kernel: 1st 0xfe006c8b9638 ufs (ufs) @  
Sep 16 19:13:27 store2 kernel: 2nd 0xff80f2692c98 bufwait  
(bufwait) @ /usr/src/sys/ufs/ffs/ffs_vnops.c:260
Sep 16 19:13:27 store2 kernel: 3rd 0xfe006ca38bd8 ufs (ufs) @  

Sep 16 19:13:28 store2 kernel: KDB: stack backtrace:
Sep 16 19:13:28 store2 kernel: db_trace_self_wrapper() at  

Sep 16 19:13:28 store2 kernel: kdb_backtrace() at kdb_backtrace+0x37
Sep 16 19:13:28 store2 kernel: _witness_debugger() at _witness_debugger+0x2e
Sep 16 19:13:28 store2 kernel: witness_checkorder() at  

Sep 16 19:13:28 store2 kernel: __lockmgr_args() at __lockmgr_args+0xdc6
Sep 16 19:13:28 store2 kernel: ffs_lock() at ffs_lock+0x8c
Sep 16 19:13:28 store2 kernel: VOP_LOCK1_APV() at VOP_LOCK1_APV+0x9b
Sep 16 19:13:28 store2 kernel: _vn_lock() at _vn_lock+0x47
Sep 16 19:13:28 store2 kernel: vget() at vget+0x7b
Sep 16 19:13:28 store2 kernel: vfs_hash_get() at vfs_hash_get+0xd5
Sep 16 19:13:28 store2 kernel: ffs_vgetf() at ffs_vgetf+0x48
Sep 16 19:13:28 store2 kernel: softdep_sync_buf() at softdep_sync_buf+0x547
Sep 16 19:13:28 store2 kernel: ffs_sy
Sep 16 19:13:28 store2 kernel: ncvnode
Sep 16 19:13:28 store2 kernel: () at
Sep 16 19:13:28 store2 kernel:
Sep 16 19:13:28 store2 kernel: ffs_syncvnode+0x2b3
Sep 16 19:13:28 store2 kernel: ffs_fsync() at ffs_fsync+0x43
Sep 16 19:13:28 store2 kernel: ufs_rename() at ufs_rename+0xc7f
Sep 16 19:13:28 store2 kernel: VOP_RENAME_APV() at VOP_RENAME_APV+0x9b
Sep 16 19:13:28 store2 kernel: kern_renameat() at kern_renameat+0x4b4
Sep 16 19:13:28 store2 kernel: syscallenter() at syscallenter+0x1aa
Sep 16 19:13:28 store2 kernel: syscall() at syscall+0x4c
Sep 16 19:13:28 store2 kernel: Xfast_syscall() at Xfast_syscall+0xdd
Sep 16 19:13:28 store2 kernel: --- syscall (128, FreeBSD ELF64,  
rename), rip = 0x8008fee9c, rsp = 0x7fffa008,

rbp = 0x7fffa4f0 ---

Sep 18 12:30:51 store2 kernel: lock order reversal:
Sep 18 12:30:51 store2 kernel: 1st 0xfe00054cc278 syncer (syncer)  
@ /usr/src/sys/kern/vfs_subr.c:1734
Sep 18 12:30:51 store2 kernel: 2nd 0xfe011ebea638 ufs (ufs) @  

Sep 18 12:30:51 store2 kernel: KDB: stack backtrace:
Sep 18 12:30:51 store2 kernel: db_trace_self_wrapper() at  

Sep 18 12:30:51 store2 kernel: kdb_backtrace() at kdb_backtrace+0x37
Sep 18 12:30:51 store2 kernel: _witness_debugger() at _witness_debugger+0x2e
Sep 18 12:30:51 store2 kernel: witness_checkorder() at  

Sep 18 12:30:51 store2 kernel: __lockmgr_args() at __lockmgr_args+0xdc6
Sep 18 12:30:51 store2 kernel: ffs_lock() at ffs_lock+0x8c
Sep 18 12:30:51 store2 kernel: VOP_LOCK1_APV() at VOP_LOCK1_APV+0x9b
Sep 18 12:30:52 store2 kernel: _vn_lock() at _vn_lock+0x47
Sep 18 12:30:52 store2 kernel: vget() at vget+0x7b
Sep 18 12:30:52 store2 kernel: vfs_msync() at vfs_msync+0xa5
Sep 18 12:30:52 store2 kernel: sync_fsync() at sync_fsync+0x12a
Sep 18 12:30:52 store2 kernel: sync_vnode() at sync_vnode+0x157
Sep 18 12:30:52 store2 kernel: sched_sync() at sched_sync+0x1d1
Sep 18 12:30:52 store2 kernel

Re: FS of choice for max random iops ( Maildir )

2011-09-16 Thread freebsd

Quoting Terje Elde :

On 16. sep. 2011, at 16:18, wrote:

 Got a measly 74MB/sec.

You can't ask for advice, get it, do something completely different,  
and then complain that it didn't work.

Neither can you ask people to donate their time, if you won't spend yours.

In other words: if you won't listen, there's no point in us talking.


Don't disable ZIL. Just don't. It's not the way to go. If you want  
to know why, google will help.

Also, you're making some assumptions, such as the ZIL being bad for  
performance. That's not always the case. ZIL-writes are a rather  
nice load for spinning metal storage. Even if you write through  
cache, that can give you a boost on your real world workload.

Which brings us to the third bit. You're benchmarking, not trying  
real world loads. That's the load you'll have to worry about, and  
it's the load zfs shines at.

Thanks to the ZIL (the thing you're trying to kill, remember?) you  
can convert seek heavy writes to sequential zil-writes, freeing up  
disk bandwith for concurrent reads.

If you want to test before spending money, try what Svein said. Set  
up a small logical volume (preferrably smaller than your controller  
cache, if it's large enough), then try that as a dedicated zil-device.

Never tried that, but worth a shot.


It's not about spending money or not. I really want to use ZFS for  
some of its features ( journaled, snapshots, etc ) but it has to be a  
good fit for me. I'm not ignoring the advice I am given, just taking  
it with a grain of salt disabling the ZIL is recommended - sometimes -  
for NFS.

As per hundreds of messages I've read from the Archive along with this  
page,, it does appear that  
disabling the ZIL is  a solution for NFS. Yes, they still recommend  
SSD drives and I fully understand that. My point was the following:

Why is a sequential write test like dd slower on ZFS than on UFS ? The  
writes is already serialized so enabling/disabling the ZIL should have  
very little impact - which is indeed the case.

I even went as far as disabling the cache flush option of ZFS through  
this variable: vfs.zfs.cache_flush_disable: 1, since I already have  
the write cache of the controller. I've also set some other variables  
as per the Tuning guide but according to several benchmarks ( iozone,  
bonnie++, dd ) ZFS still comes in slower than UFS at pretty much  

Either I am missing something or there is something wrong with my setup.

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Re: FS of choice for max random iops ( Maildir )

2011-09-16 Thread freebsd

Quoting Terje Elde :

On 16. sep. 2011, at 12:31, wrote:
Right now I defined an entire array of 8TB ( all 16 disks )  
separated in two pieces. 50 GB for FreeBSD to boot and the rest  
available to configure as storage.

ZFS will want to write to it's ZIL (zfs intent log) before writing  
to the final location of the data. Even if you're not waiting for  
the ZIL-write to disk (because of the controller ram), those writes  
will probably make it through to disk. That gives you twice as many  
writes to disk, and a lot more seek.

If you want to take zfs for a proper spin, I'd like to sugget adding  
two small SSDs to the setup, mirrored by zfs. You can use those both  
for the ZIL, and also as cache, for the array. That's a fairly small  
investment these days, and I would be surprised if it didn't  
significantly improve performance, both for your benchmark, and real  

Note: you might be in trouble if you loose your ZIL, thus the  
doubling up. I *think* you can SSD a cache without risking dataloss,  
but don't take my word for it.


Well, I tried disabling the ZIL on a new dataset. These are the  
commands that I ran:

zpool create data da1
zfs create data/maildomains
zfs set sync=disabled data/maildomains

dd bs=1024 if=/dev/zero of=/data/maildomains/t1 count=1M
1048576+0 records in
1048576+0 records out
1073741824 bytes transferred in 14.537711 secs (73859071 bytes/sec)

Got a measly 74MB/sec.

On the UFS partition however...

dd bs=1024 if=/dev/zero of=/usr/t1 count=1M
1048576+0 records in
1048576+0 records out
1073741824 bytes transferred in 5.828395 secs (184225983 bytes/sec)


And this is synchronous writing, not random!

So what is ZFS good for finally ? Synchronous writing or small random iops ?

By the way, this is how the array is configured with 3ware:

Unit  UnitType  Status %RCmpl  %V/I/M  Stripe  Size(GB)  Cache  AVrfy
u0RAID-10   OK -   -   64K 7450.5ON ON

VPort Status Unit Size  Type  Phy Encl-SlotModel
p0OK u0   931.51 GB SATA  0   -WDC WD1002FBYS-01A6
p1OK u0   931.51 GB SATA  1   -WDC WD1002FBYS-01A6
p2OK u0   931.51 GB SATA  2   -WDC WD1002FBYS-01A6
p3OK u0   931.51 GB SATA  3   -WDC WD1002FBYS-01A6
p4OK u0   931.51 GB SATA  4   -WDC WD1002FBYS-01A6
p5OK u0   931.51 GB SATA  5   -WDC WD1002FBYS-01A6
p6OK u0   931.51 GB SATA  6   -WDC WD1002FBYS-01A6
p7OK u0   931.51 GB SATA  7   -WDC WD1002FBYS-01A6
p8OK u0   931.51 GB SATA  8   -WDC WD1002FBYS-01A6
p9OK u0   931.51 GB SATA  9   -WDC WD1002FBYS-01A6
p10   OK u0   931.51 GB SATA  10  -WDC WD1002FBYS-01A6
p11   OK u0   931.51 GB SATA  11  -WDC WD1002FBYS-01A6
p12   OK u0   931.51 GB SATA  12  -WDC WD1002FBYS-01A6
p13   OK u0   931.51 GB SATA  13  -WDC WD1002FBYS-01A6
p14   OK u0   931.51 GB SATA  14  -WDC WD1002FBYS-01A6
p15   OK u0   931.51 GB SATA  15  -WDC WD1002FBYS-01A6

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Re: FS of choice for max random iops ( Maildir )

2011-09-16 Thread freebsd

Quoting Terje Elde :

On 16. sep. 2011, at 12:31, wrote:
Right now I defined an entire array of 8TB ( all 16 disks )  
separated in two pieces. 50 GB for FreeBSD to boot and the rest  
available to configure as storage.

ZFS will want to write to it's ZIL (zfs intent log) before writing  
to the final location of the data. Even if you're not waiting for  
the ZIL-write to disk (because of the controller ram), those writes  
will probably make it through to disk. That gives you twice as many  
writes to disk, and a lot more seek.

If you want to take zfs for a proper spin, I'd like to sugget adding  
two small SSDs to the setup, mirrored by zfs. You can use those both  
for the ZIL, and also as cache, for the array. That's a fairly small  
investment these days, and I would be surprised if it didn't  
significantly improve performance, both for your benchmark, and real  

Note: you might be in trouble if you loose your ZIL, thus the  
doubling up. I *think* you can SSD a cache without risking dataloss,  
but don't take my word for it.


I know it's usually a big no-no but since I have the battery backed-up  
write cache from the raid card, can't I just disable the ZIL entirely ?

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Re: FS of choice for max random iops ( Maildir )

2011-09-16 Thread freebsd

Quoting Johan Hendriks : schreef:
I have a new server that I would like to use as a back-end Maildir  
storage shared through NFS. The specs are:

FreeBSD 9.0 Beta 2
Xeon x3470 @ 2.93 quad-core CPU
4 GB Ram @ 1333mhz ( upgrading to 12GB tomorrow )
3WARE 9650SE-16LP card with write cache enabled ( battery is installed )
16 x WD RE3 1TB drives
RAID 10 setup

Right now I defined an entire array of 8TB ( all 16 disks )  
separated in two pieces. 50 GB for FreeBSD to boot and the rest  
available to configure as storage.

I've tried three options for the storage file system but I'm not  
sure which one is the best option since I can't really reproduce  
production conditions. I only ran tests with dd and bonnie and  
here's what I found:

A. TEST1: dd bs=1024 if=/dev/zero of=/data/t1 count=1M

1. ZFS performed the worst, averaging 67MB/sec
2. UFS + gjournal did around 130MB/sec
3. UFS did around 190MB/sec

B. TEST2 ( random file creation ): bonnie++ -d /data -c 10 -s 0 -n 50 -u 0

1. UFS + gjournal performed the worst
2. ZFS performed somewhat better
3. UFS performed the best again ( about 50% better )

C. TEST3 ( sequential writing ): bonnie++ -d /data -c 10 -s 8088 -n 0 -u 0

1. UFS + gjournal crashed the box
2. ZFS performed average
3. UFS performed better than ZFS ( about 50% better )

I really like the concepts behind ZFS and UFS + Journaling but the  
performance hit is quite drastic when compared to UFS.

What I'm looking for here is max IOPS when doing random  
read/writes. Is UFS the best choice for this ? Do my results make  
sense ?

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Did you use raidz1 2 or 3 or mirror for the ZFS ppol.
I believe that ZFS mirror gives you the best performance, but the  
least actual space.

If you did make a raidz[1,2,3] try it with a mirror pool.

Also do not use the raid function of your raid controller if you use  
ZFS, this way you loose the goodies of zfs.

If you setup ZFS use JBOD on the raid controller.


I simply did a : zpool create data da1  and no zfs-level raid. I also  
created a dataset - tried both with lzjb compression and without - but  
the results were similar, aka bad.

Is zfs supposed to be faster if you let it manage the disks directly ?

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FS of choice for max random iops ( Maildir )

2011-09-16 Thread freebsd
I have a new server that I would like to use as a back-end Maildir  
storage shared through NFS. The specs are:

FreeBSD 9.0 Beta 2
Xeon x3470 @ 2.93 quad-core CPU
4 GB Ram @ 1333mhz ( upgrading to 12GB tomorrow )
3WARE 9650SE-16LP card with write cache enabled ( battery is installed )
16 x WD RE3 1TB drives
RAID 10 setup

Right now I defined an entire array of 8TB ( all 16 disks ) separated  
in two pieces. 50 GB for FreeBSD to boot and the rest available to  
configure as storage.

I've tried three options for the storage file system but I'm not sure  
which one is the best option since I can't really reproduce production  
conditions. I only ran tests with dd and bonnie and here's what I found:

A. TEST1: dd bs=1024 if=/dev/zero of=/data/t1 count=1M

1. ZFS performed the worst, averaging 67MB/sec
2. UFS + gjournal did around 130MB/sec
3. UFS did around 190MB/sec

B. TEST2 ( random file creation ): bonnie++ -d /data -c 10 -s 0 -n 50 -u 0

1. UFS + gjournal performed the worst
2. ZFS performed somewhat better
3. UFS performed the best again ( about 50% better )

C. TEST3 ( sequential writing ): bonnie++ -d /data -c 10 -s 8088 -n 0 -u 0

1. UFS + gjournal crashed the box
2. ZFS performed average
3. UFS performed better than ZFS ( about 50% better )

I really like the concepts behind ZFS and UFS + Journaling but the  
performance hit is quite drastic when compared to UFS.

What I'm looking for here is max IOPS when doing random read/writes.  
Is UFS the best choice for this ? Do my results make sense ?

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Re: fetchmail in "system-wide mode"

2011-09-07 Thread Xavier FreeBSD questions
2011/9/7 Daniel Bye 

Hi Daniel,

On Wed, Sep 07, 2011 at 05:25:50AM +0200, Xavier FreeBSD questions wrote:
> > On Tue, Sep 06, 2011 at 03:19:36PM +0100, Daniel Bye wrote:
> > I paste the fetchmail_startup in:
> >
> > For you, the answer of why don't worked for me fetchmail is lines 502 and
> > 503 ?
> Looks like a permissions problem on the fetchmail config file,
> /usr/local/etc/fetchmailrc. What do you get when you run
>  $ ls -l /usr/local/etc/fetchmail*
> ?
> I have just freshly installed fetchmail on a new system, and I see this:
>  -rw---  1 fetchmail  fetchmail  130  7 Sep 21:24 -
> /usr/local/etc/fetchmailrc
>  -rw-r--r--  1 fetchmail  fetchmail  130  7 Sep 21:24 -
> /usr/local/etc/fetchmailrc.sample
> If you see something different, try setting the permissions and ownership
> to
> what you see here, or try reinstalling the port.
I don't have the /usr/local/etc/fetchmailrc because I use a user local file.

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Re: fetchmail in "system-wide mode"

2011-09-06 Thread Xavier FreeBSD questions
On Tue, Sep 06, 2011 at 03:19:36PM +0100, Daniel Bye wrote:

Hi Daniel,

> On Tue, Sep 06, 2011 at 03:10:50PM +0200, Xavier FreeBSD questions wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > On the Internet there are some sites where they say to start
fetchmail(1) in
> > "system-wide" should put these two options in rc.conf(5) :
> >
> > fetchmail_enable="YES"
> > fetchmail_polling_interval="60"
> This has worked for me in the past when I've needed fetchmail(1).
> >
> > Although the second is optional and at first has little to do with this
> > question because this question is addressed rather to the first option.
> >
> > I searched in /etc/defaults/rc.conf and rc.conf(5) manual and find no
> > reference to these two options.
> This is to be expected. fetchmail(1) is a port, not part of the base
> >
> > I have them in my rc.conf(5) but fetchmail(1) does not start
> >
> > In /usr/src/UPDATING not found any reference to it.
> Again, what you'd expect.
> >
> > Which is the correct way to start fetchmail(1) in "system-wide"?
> Is fetchmail installed on your system? If so, and you still can't get it
> start automatically, try this:
>  # script fetchmail_startup sh -x /usr/local/etc/rc.d/fetchmail start
> You'll now have a file called `fetchmail_startup' which will contain a
> record of exactly what the fetchmail rc script did as it executed, which
> or may not prove informative.

I paste the fetchmail_startup in:

For you, the answer of why don't worked for me fetchmail is lines 502 and
503 ?

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fetchmail in "system-wide mode"

2011-09-06 Thread Xavier FreeBSD questions

On the Internet there are some sites where they say to start fetchmail(1) in
"system-wide" should put these two options in rc.conf(5) :


Although the second is optional and at first has little to do with this
question because this question is addressed rather to the first option.

I searched in /etc/defaults/rc.conf and rc.conf(5) manual and find no
reference to these two options.

I have them in my rc.conf(5) but fetchmail(1) does not start automatically.

In /usr/src/UPDATING not found any reference to it.

Which is the correct way to start fetchmail(1) in "system-wide"?

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[SOLVED]Re: atheros 9285 wifi

2011-07-15 Thread freebsd-questions

On Fri 15/07/11  7:46 PM , Vincent Hoffman  wrote:On 15/07/2011 03:15,
 > On Thu 14/07/11  9:28 PM , Maciej Milewski  wrote:On czwartek, 14
 > lipca 2011 04:25:59 Polytropon wrote:
 >  > On Thu, 14 Jul 2011 12:02:02 +1000, freebsd-
 >   wrote:
 >  > >  So are you saying I can't just grab the ath module?
 >  > 
 >  > Depends. Maybe a newer version of the module requires a more
 >  > recent version of the kernel, because a new interface or
 >  > function was added...
 >  > 
 >  > > I'd rather stick to release, but I guess if I'm having to
 > the
 >  > > kernel each update...
 >  > 
 >  > You _can_ try to just compile (1st step) and load (2nd step)
 >  > the module with the RELEASE kernel, but it's not guaranteed
 >  > to work. Both steps may require updates in sources or in the
 >  > running kernel as illustrated above.
 >  You may try to get ath driver from -HEAD and compile it with your
 > RELENG_8 
 >  tree[1]. There are many fixes for this chipset in the -HEAD. The
 > coming 9 will 
 >  have it(I don't know the timeframe for the release though)
 >  [1]
 > [2]"
 >  Ok, I tried that- I did look into running stable as well,
 > Polytropon  mentioned which twigged and I thought I might go that
 > but looking into it further it is still a development branch. I
 > I need a bit more stability for my users.
 > I bit the bullet and built subversion (which I'm more comfortable
 > than cvs) and pulled down ath from head (specifically
 > head/sys/dev/ath, head/sys/modules/ath, head/sys/modules/ath_pci -
 > tried stable as well, but got the same result as now). I'm having
 > trouble building though (if I need to switch to a different list
 > me know - just a little painful with no working network): I get
 > odd file not found errors on some includes (headers from ath_hal
 > specifically), and when I fix that I get HAL_PHYERR_PARAM not
 > errors which I can't quite figure out. A point in the right
 > will do; right now I'm getting lost in the maze a bit.
 > I'm going to keep trying to untangle this, but some assistance
 > be appreciated.
 are you following the instructions from Adrian (currently the ath
 here [4]"
 I do this myself and its working well. (atheros 9280 though)
 Arggh! I must be so tired... I completely missed the includes in
those instructions- and worse yet: I forgot them myself! Thanks for
the reminder :)
Works like a dream now, anyway. 8.2 with head ath drivers (for
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Re: atheros 9285 wifi

2011-07-14 Thread freebsd-questions

On Thu 14/07/11  9:28 PM , Maciej Milewski  wrote:On czwartek, 14
lipca 2011 04:25:59 Polytropon wrote:
 > On Thu, 14 Jul 2011 12:02:02 +1000, freebsd-
 > >  So are you saying I can't just grab the ath module?
 > Depends. Maybe a newer version of the module requires a more
 > recent version of the kernel, because a new interface or
 > function was added...
 > > I'd rather stick to release, but I guess if I'm having to rebuild
 > > kernel each update...
 > You _can_ try to just compile (1st step) and load (2nd step)
 > the module with the RELEASE kernel, but it's not guaranteed
 > to work. Both steps may require updates in sources or in the
 > running kernel as illustrated above.
 You may try to get ath driver from -HEAD and compile it with your
 tree[1]. There are many fixes for this chipset in the -HEAD. The
coming 9 will 
 have it(I don't know the timeframe for the release though)
 Ok, I tried that- I did look into running stable as well, something
Polytropon  mentioned which twigged and I thought I might go that way,
but looking into it further it is still a development branch. I think
I need a bit more stability for my users.

I bit the bullet and built subversion (which I'm more comfortable with
than cvs) and pulled down ath from head (specifically
head/sys/dev/ath, head/sys/modules/ath, head/sys/modules/ath_pci -
tried stable as well, but got the same result as now). I'm having
trouble building though (if I need to switch to a different list let
me know - just a little painful with no working network): I get some
odd file not found errors on some includes (headers from ath_hal
specifically), and when I fix that I get HAL_PHYERR_PARAM not defined
errors which I can't quite figure out. A point in the right direction
will do; right now I'm getting lost in the maze a bit.

I'm going to keep trying to untangle this, but some assistance would
be appreciated.

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Re: atheros 9285 wifi

2011-07-13 Thread freebsd-questions

On Thu 14/07/11 11:40 AM , Polytropon  wrote:On Thu, 14 Jul 2011
11:37:08 +1000,  wrote:
 >  I'm running release, though. I'm not exactly cvs proficient, I
 > subversion- just installing it is a PITA atm- so how do I bring in
 > stable version of the driver?
 Here's an approach that works quite well:
 First add to /etc/make.conf:
 Then create the /etc/sup directory, and in it, create the
 file /etc/sup/stabe.sup with the following content:
 *default base=/var/db
 *default prefix=/usr
 *default release=cvs tag=RELENG_8
 *default delete use-rel-suffix
 *default compress
 The setting RELENG_8 will bring you the latest 8-STABLE.
 Maybe you should replace the servers with something near
 your location for better speed.
 Then, as root:
 # cd /usr/src
 # make update
 and you've got the current sources.
 > I'm assuming also, then, that I will have to recompile my kernel
 > I?
 Of course, and kernel and world have to be in sync, so building
 world is also needed. See the instructions in the Makefile's
 comment section:
 # For individuals wanting to upgrade their sources (even if only a
 # delta of a few days):
 #  1.  `cd /usr/src'   (or to the directory containing your
source tree).
 #  2.  `make buildworld'
 #  3.  `make buildkernel KERNCONF=YOUR_KERNEL_HERE' (default is
 #  4.  `make installkernel KERNCONF=YOUR_KERNEL_HERE'   (default is
 #   [steps 3. & 4. can be combined by using the "kernel" target]
 #  5.  `reboot'(in single user mode: boot -s from the loader
 #  6.  `mergemaster -p'
 #  7.  `make installworld'
 #  8.  `make delete-old'
 #  9.  `mergemaster' (you may wish to use -U
or -ai).
 # 10.  `reboot'
 # 11.  `make delete-old-libs' (in case no 3rd party program uses them
 # See src/UPDATING `COMMON ITEMS' for more complete information.
 This is /usr/src/Makefile of course.
 So are you saying I can't just grab the ath module?
I'd rather stick to release, but I guess if I'm having to rebuild the
kernel each update... What are the cons to using stable? I thought
stable was still being worked on and shouldn't be used for production?
I'm providing services to very green users so I'd like to stay close
to reliable as possible- hence my addiction with the release versions.
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Re: atheros 9285 wifi

2011-07-13 Thread freebsd-questions

On Thu 14/07/11 11:15 AM , Chip Camden  wrote:Quoth  on Thursday, 14
July 2011:
 > Sorry, I hate to come to the list with such a stupid question. I
 > followed up a thread from a couple of months ago regarding this
 > chipset which is not fully supported yet- hardware resetting
 > and I'm trying to work out how to build this driver from head.
 > Unfortunately, when I run the cvs commands suggested it can't seem
 > find it, and I'm wondering exactly what I'm missing.
 > Network drops all the time, and won't handle any load, so assuming
 > only have amd64-8.2 base system utilities:
 > CVSROOT=pserver::/home/ncvs
 > cvs login
 > cvs co ath
 > cvs co ath_pci
 > And downloading modules list doesn't show ath, if_ath, ath_pci, or
 > anything with ath in it that is remotely related.
 > As I understand it, cvs should be pulling from head by default
 > So what am I missing? Or alternatively, how do I fix this wifi
 > rebooting every time it drops is a PITA! :)
 > Cheers
 > -
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 FWIW my ath 9285 is working fine on 8.2-STABLE.
 I'm running release, though. I'm not exactly cvs proficient, I prefer
subversion- just installing it is a PITA atm- so how do I bring in the
stable version of the driver?
I'm assuming also, then, that I will have to recompile my kernel won't
I? Any particular reason why ath is not a loadable module?
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atheros 9285 wifi

2011-07-13 Thread freebsd-questions
Sorry, I hate to come to the list with such a stupid question. I
followed up a thread from a couple of months ago regarding this
chipset which is not fully supported yet- hardware resetting errors-
and I'm trying to work out how to build this driver from head.
Unfortunately, when I run the cvs commands suggested it can't seem to
find it, and I'm wondering exactly what I'm missing.

Network drops all the time, and won't handle any load, so assuming I
only have amd64-8.2 base system utilities:

cvs login

cvs co ath

cvs co ath_pci

And downloading modules list doesn't show ath, if_ath, ath_pci, or
anything with ath in it that is remotely related.
As I understand it, cvs should be pulling from head by default right?
So what am I missing? Or alternatively, how do I fix this wifi card-
rebooting every time it drops is a PITA! :)

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Re: Perl Problem After Upgrade to 5.12.4

2011-07-08 Thread SoCruel.NU FreeBSD Questions Mailbox

On Wed, 06 Jul 2011 10:01:21 -0500, Tim Daneliuk wrote:

Ideas anyone?

I am trying to rebuild SpamAssassin after a perl upgrade to 5.12.4 

get this  (I DID run perl-after-upgrade prior to this):

===>   p5-Encode-Detect-1.01 depends on file:
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.12.4/Module/ - not found
===>Verifying install for
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.12.4/Module/ in
===>  License check disabled, port has not defined LICENSE
===>  Extracting for p5-Module-Build-0.3800_1
=> SHA256 Checksum OK for Module-Build-0.3800.tar.gz.
===>   p5-Module-Build-0.3800_1 depends on file:
/usr/local/bin/perl5.12.4 - found
===>  Patching for p5-Module-Build-0.3800_1
===>   p5-Module-Build-0.3800_1 depends on file:
/usr/local/bin/perl5.12.4 - found
===>   p5-Module-Build-0.3800_1 depends on package:
p5-CPAN-Meta>=2.110420 - found
===>   p5-Module-Build-0.3800_1 depends on package:
p5-Module-Metadata>=1.02 - found
===>   p5-Module-Build-0.3800_1 depends on package:
p5-Parse-CPAN-Meta>=1.44.01 - found
===>   p5-Module-Build-0.3800_1 depends on package:
p5-Perl-OSType>=1.000 - found
===>   p5-Module-Build-0.3800_1 depends on package: p5-version>=0.87 
- found

===>   p5-Module-Build-0.3800_1 depends on file:
/usr/local/bin/perl5.12.4 - found
===>  Configuring for p5-Module-Build-0.3800_1
*** BOOTSTRAPPING Perl::OSType ***
*** BOOTSTRAPPING version ***
*** BOOTSTRAPPING Module::Metadata ***
Checking prerequisites...
!  CPAN::Meta is not installed
!  Parse::CPAN::Meta (1.40) is installed, but we need version >= 

of the modules indicated above before proceeding with this 

Could not create MYMETA files
Creating new 'Build' script for 'Module-Build' version '0.3800'
Copied META.yml to MYMETA.yml for bootstrapping

These additional prerequisites must be installed:
! Perl::OSType (we need version 1.00)
! version (we need version 0.87)
! Module::Metadata (we need version 1.02)
===>  Building for p5-Module-Build-0.3800_1
Can't locate Perl/ in @INC (@INC contains: t/lib t/bundled
lib /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.12.4/BSDPAN

/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.12.4 .) at lib/Module/ line 13.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at lib/Module/ line 13.
Compilation failed in require at Build line 42.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Build line 42.
*** Error code 2

Stop in /usr1/ports/devel/p5-Module-Build.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr1/ports/converters/p5-Encode-Detect.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr1/ports/mail/p5-Mail-SpamAssassin.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr1/ports/mail/p5-Mail-SpamAssassi

Hello Tim, list,

I have the same problem on one of my boxes. Cannot upgrade 
p5-Module-Build-0.3800 port because of this.


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ugen device continuously disconnects after upgrade to 8.1

2011-05-01 Thread freebsd


Not sure if this list is correct, or if I should post to freebsd-usb?

Anyway, I have a USB connected UPS device that shows as /dev/ugen1.2 and is 
identified by usbconfig:

ugen1.2:  at usbus1, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=LOW (1.5Mbps) pwr=ON

The device continuously disconnects an re-enumerates, as shown in 

May  1 14:36:57 epicenter root: Unknown USB device: vendor 0x0764 product 
0x0501 bus uhub1
May  1 14:36:57 epicenter kernel: ugen1.2:  at usbus1
May  1 14:37:19 epicenter kernel: ugen1.2:  at usbus1 (disconnected)
May  1 14:37:22 epicenter root: Unknown USB device: vendor 0x0764 product 
0x0501 bus uhub1
May  1 14:37:22 epicenter kernel: ugen1.2:  at usbus1

I had this problem before in 7.1, but it was corrected in upgrading to 7.3.

Now that I've upgraded to 8.1 the problem is back.

The device is listed in the device quirks:

epicenter# usbconfig -d ugen1.2 dump_device_quirks | grep 0x0764

Lack of the UQ_HID_IGNORE is what messed up 7.1, not sure what is keeping 8.1 
from identifying this device.

Anyone have any ideas what is wrong?

Thank You!


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ORBit not upgrading

2010-11-09 Thread freebsd-questions
I have a wee problem... :) I've been naughty because I've been
working on other things and I was going to simply rebuild this m/c
when I got the chance anyway. Unfortunately I've run into a problem
where I need to upgrade because I've found a bug in php 5.3.2 which is
killing me. So I've run an upgrade at a rather late date, and
alswell... except ORBit is not behaving.
I've checked UPDATING and looked into the Makefiles, but for the life
of me I can't fathom what the hell is going on. It is running thru the
checks and stalls completely here:

checking for a BSD compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c -o root
-g wheel
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking whether gmake sets ${MAKE}... yes
checking for working aclocal... found
checking for working autoconf... found
checking for working automake... found
checking for working autoheader... found
checking for working makeinfo... found
checking for gcc... cc
checking for C compiler default output... a.out
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for executable suffix... 
checking for object suffix... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether cc accepts -g... yes
checking for strerror in -lcposix... no
checking for gcc... (cached) cc
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... (cached) yes
checking whether cc accepts -g... (cached) yes
checking how to run the C preprocessor... cpp
checking if C preprocessor likes IDL... yes
checking if C preprocessor can read from stdin... yes
checking how to ignore standard include path...
Huh? Any reason it'd be looking for a non standard include path?
Whats the hold up?
Now this is ORBit-0.5.17_5, and I don't think a manual reinstall
would make much difference. But WTF? Any Ideas?
As for the php error: anybody have trouble with preg_match and the
subject string being a variable? If I manually put the contents in as
the subject it works, but it won't read out of the variable. I'm
actually exec something and the variable holds the output (and yes, it
does work, and the variable holds the info right- just ran a print on
the variable) but the stupid thing is sending me bald and I can't
register a bug before an upgrade.

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Re: Android usb tethering

2010-11-05 Thread freebsd-questions

On Thu  4/11/10 10:28 PM , wrote:
 On Tue  2/11/10 11:37 AM , 
  On Tue  2/11/10 10:11 AM , Alejandro Imass  wrote:On Mon, Nov 1,
  at 6:25 PM, Ivan Voras  wrote:
   > On 11/01/10 15:42, Mark Atkinson wrote:
   >> Hash: SHA1
   > In the above messages, the kernel detaches the storage device
  (umass) and
   > tries to attach the new device, which doesn't have a driver so
   > as "ugen" - generic USB.
   Yes. One has to remember that USB is just the bus just like pci,
   microchannel, etc. Even though you have access to the device on the
   bus you still need a driver for that specific ethernet chip your
   kernel. This is analogous to having a video card on the pci bus,
   still need for the kernel to drive the specific chipset of the card
   regardless if it can see it on the bus.
   I have an HTC Nexus One so I may fiddle with this and see if I can
   help some more here. I am wishful that at least we can get a tty
   like other gsm modems and from there it's pretty straight forward
   using wvdial or alike. If it's only the Ethernet over usb like you
   mention, then the chipset driver would have to be translated/ported
   the FBSD kernel, if it's not already there ?
  Ok. But I will clarify here:
  The HTC Android systems uses an "Internet Sharing" feature-
  essentially Google has coded in routing/nat system into the base OS
  (probably moding the leftover code already in the linux base), and
  trying to allow similar using bluetooth and wifi at a later date as
  well. The RNDIS is a M$ system that allows sharing anything over USB
  (network, files, etc- but all essentially operated as network
  something they've been playing with for some years- I was looking
  an A-A USB cable since around 2003 or so to quickly transfer files
  when needed. Apparently M$ opened the specs a year or two ago and
  everyone's jumped on to use it. So where Google started was to start
  allowing the use of the router/nat via RNDIS USB - somehow this was
  easier than allowing bluetooth or wifi (probably security and
  available hardware features).
  So yes, apparently the phone hooks up as a usb mass storage device,
  uploads a file to the computer, and disconnects and becomes a
  device. Here is the output from linux:
  usb 2-2.2: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 4
  usb 2-2.2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
  scsi9 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices
  usb-storage: device found at 4
  usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning
  usb 2-2.2: New USB device found, idVendor=0bb4, idProduct=0ff9
  usb 2-2.2: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
  usb 2-2.2: Product: Android Phone
  usb 2-2.2: Manufacturer: HTC
  usb 2-2.2: SerialNumber: SH07TNX00726
  usb-storage: device scan complete
  scsi 9:0:0:0: Direct-Access HTC  Android Phone0100 PQ: 0
  ANSI: 2
  sd 9:0:0:0: [sdf] Attached SCSI removable disk
  sd 9:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg6 type 0
  usb 2-2.2: USB disconnect, address 4
  usb 2-2.2: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 5
  usb 2-2.2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
  usb 2-2.2: New USB device found, idVendor=0bb4, idProduct=0ffe
  usb 2-2.2: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
  usb 2-2.2: Product: Android Phone
  usb 2-2.2: Manufacturer: HTC
  usb 2-2.2: SerialNumber: SH07TNX00726
  usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_ether
  usb0: register 'rndis_host' at usb-:00:04.1-2.2, RNDIS device,
  usbcore: registered new interface driver rndis_host
  usbcore: registered new interface driver rndis_wlan
  usb0: no IPv6 routers present
  usb 2-2.2: USB disconnect, address 5
  usb0: unregister 'rndis_host' usb-:00:04.1-2.2, RNDIS device
  So. What would be my next step to make this work? OpenMoko have
  something similar and I tried moding some of their scripts (they've
  made theirs work with ALL OS- not just linux and Winblow$! Take heed
  manufacturers!) but it didn't mesh on the Android. I still end up
  a generic host.
  As I mentioned, I tried modifying the cdce driver and the device
  but that didn't help either, so when I moded the scripts and
  I figured that was the missing piece of my puzzle.
  I'd actually pay someone to do this, but I do need to figure this
  for myself anyway so I'm diving in deep and going to keep on
  struggling till I get it. I need it figured out before the year's
  so I'm not going to sit on my laurels :) That, and a usb mass
  device emulator to trick a dumb digital photo frame
 So I have more on this: has a project rndis for
 Its a lit

Re: failure to import ldif into ldap

2010-11-04 Thread freebsd-questions

On Fri  5/11/10  6:40 AM , Tim Dunphy  wrote:Thanks all.. I have read
the man of ldif your advice has gotten me
 quite far both in my current implementation and in my overall
 understanding of LDAP which I am hoping grows with each passing day.
  In my attempt to build my current directory, I have taken a dump of
 my last successful implementation (which was created on FreeBSD 8.1)
 and substituted values for the dc=company and dc=com values with the
 correct ones for the current directory (attempting to implement under
 CentOS 5.4) and even tho the correct schemas are in place it is
 choking on this entry:
 # defaults, sudoers, Services,
 dn: cn=defaults,ou=sudoers,ou=Services,dc=acadaca,dc=net
 objectClass: top
 objectClass: sudoRole
 cn: defaults
 description: Default sudoOption's go here
 And again I should have all the schemas in place to make this work...
 include /etc/openldap/schema/core.schema
 include /etc/openldap/schema/cosine.schema
 include /etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema
 include /etc/openldap/schema/nis.schema
 include /etc/openldap/schema/misc.schema
 inlcude /etc/openldap/schema/sudoers.schema
 include /etc/openldap/schema/openldap.schema
 [ ldif]# ldapadd -h ldap -a -w secret -x -D
 "cn=Manager,dc=acadaca,dc=net" -f
 adding new entry
 ldapadd: Invalid syntax (21)
 additional info: objectClass: value #1 invalid per syntax
 Why this ldif will work in one directory but not another is a mystery
 at this point..
 thanks again
I'd be checking in a schema browser- make sure your objectclasses are
all present and accounted for, plus your attributes and syntaxes

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Re: Android usb tethering

2010-11-04 Thread freebsd-questions

On Tue  2/11/10 11:37 AM ,
 On Tue  2/11/10 10:11 AM , Alejandro Imass  wrote:On Mon, Nov 1, 2010
 at 6:25 PM, Ivan Voras  wrote:
  > On 11/01/10 15:42, Mark Atkinson wrote:
  >> Hash: SHA1
  > In the above messages, the kernel detaches the storage device
 (umass) and
  > tries to attach the new device, which doesn't have a driver so
  > as "ugen" - generic USB.
  Yes. One has to remember that USB is just the bus just like pci,
  microchannel, etc. Even though you have access to the device on the
  bus you still need a driver for that specific ethernet chip your
  kernel. This is analogous to having a video card on the pci bus, you
  still need for the kernel to drive the specific chipset of the card
  regardless if it can see it on the bus.
  I have an HTC Nexus One so I may fiddle with this and see if I can
  help some more here. I am wishful that at least we can get a tty
  like other gsm modems and from there it's pretty straight forward
  using wvdial or alike. If it's only the Ethernet over usb like you
  mention, then the chipset driver would have to be translated/ported
  the FBSD kernel, if it's not already there ?
 Ok. But I will clarify here:
 The HTC Android systems uses an "Internet Sharing" feature-
 essentially Google has coded in routing/nat system into the base OS
 (probably moding the leftover code already in the linux base), and is
 trying to allow similar using bluetooth and wifi at a later date as
 well. The RNDIS is a M$ system that allows sharing anything over USB
 (network, files, etc- but all essentially operated as network
 something they've been playing with for some years- I was looking for
 an A-A USB cable since around 2003 or so to quickly transfer files
 when needed. Apparently M$ opened the specs a year or two ago and
 everyone's jumped on to use it. So where Google started was to start
 allowing the use of the router/nat via RNDIS USB - somehow this was
 easier than allowing bluetooth or wifi (probably security and
 available hardware features).
 So yes, apparently the phone hooks up as a usb mass storage device,
 uploads a file to the computer, and disconnects and becomes a network
 device. Here is the output from linux:
 usb 2-2.2: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 4
 usb 2-2.2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
 scsi9 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices
 usb-storage: device found at 4
 usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning
 usb 2-2.2: New USB device found, idVendor=0bb4, idProduct=0ff9
 usb 2-2.2: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
 usb 2-2.2: Product: Android Phone
 usb 2-2.2: Manufacturer: HTC
 usb 2-2.2: SerialNumber: SH07TNX00726
 usb-storage: device scan complete
 scsi 9:0:0:0: Direct-Access HTC  Android Phone0100 PQ: 0
 ANSI: 2
 sd 9:0:0:0: [sdf] Attached SCSI removable disk
 sd 9:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg6 type 0
 usb 2-2.2: USB disconnect, address 4
 usb 2-2.2: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 5
 usb 2-2.2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
 usb 2-2.2: New USB device found, idVendor=0bb4, idProduct=0ffe
 usb 2-2.2: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
 usb 2-2.2: Product: Android Phone
 usb 2-2.2: Manufacturer: HTC
 usb 2-2.2: SerialNumber: SH07TNX00726
 usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_ether
 usb0: register 'rndis_host' at usb-:00:04.1-2.2, RNDIS device,
 usbcore: registered new interface driver rndis_host
 usbcore: registered new interface driver rndis_wlan
 usb0: no IPv6 routers present
 usb 2-2.2: USB disconnect, address 5
 usb0: unregister 'rndis_host' usb-:00:04.1-2.2, RNDIS device
 So. What would be my next step to make this work? OpenMoko have
 something similar and I tried moding some of their scripts (they've
 made theirs work with ALL OS- not just linux and Winblow$! Take heed
 manufacturers!) but it didn't mesh on the Android. I still end up
 a generic host.
 As I mentioned, I tried modifying the cdce driver and the device list
 but that didn't help either, so when I moded the scripts and
 I figured that was the missing piece of my puzzle.
 I'd actually pay someone to do this, but I do need to figure this out
 for myself anyway so I'm diving in deep and going to keep on
 struggling till I get it. I need it figured out before the year's end
 so I'm not going to sit on my laurels :) That, and a usb mass storage
 device emulator to trick a dumb digital photo frame
So I have more on this: has a project rndis for

Its a little hard to navigate, but I downloaded the source code and
tried to build it on 8.0. No go, but I'm not sure what usb

Re: Android usb tethering

2010-11-01 Thread freebsd-questions

On Tue  2/11/10 10:11 AM , Alejandro Imass  wrote:On Mon, Nov 1, 2010
at 6:25 PM, Ivan Voras  wrote:
 > On 11/01/10 15:42, Mark Atkinson wrote:
 >> Hash: SHA1
 > In the above messages, the kernel detaches the storage device
(umass) and
 > tries to attach the new device, which doesn't have a driver so it's
 > as "ugen" - generic USB.
 Yes. One has to remember that USB is just the bus just like pci,
 microchannel, etc. Even though you have access to the device on the
 bus you still need a driver for that specific ethernet chip your
 kernel. This is analogous to having a video card on the pci bus, you
 still need for the kernel to drive the specific chipset of the card
 regardless if it can see it on the bus.
 I have an HTC Nexus One so I may fiddle with this and see if I can
 help some more here. I am wishful that at least we can get a tty just
 like other gsm modems and from there it's pretty straight forward
 using wvdial or alike. If it's only the Ethernet over usb like you
 mention, then the chipset driver would have to be translated/ported
 the FBSD kernel, if it's not already there ?
Ok. But I will clarify here:
The HTC Android systems uses an "Internet Sharing" feature-
essentially Google has coded in routing/nat system into the base OS
(probably moding the leftover code already in the linux base), and is
trying to allow similar using bluetooth and wifi at a later date as
well. The RNDIS is a M$ system that allows sharing anything over USB
(network, files, etc- but all essentially operated as network anyway),
something they've been playing with for some years- I was looking for
an A-A USB cable since around 2003 or so to quickly transfer files
when needed. Apparently M$ opened the specs a year or two ago and
everyone's jumped on to use it. So where Google started was to start
allowing the use of the router/nat via RNDIS USB - somehow this was
easier than allowing bluetooth or wifi (probably security and
available hardware features).
So yes, apparently the phone hooks up as a usb mass storage device,
uploads a file to the computer, and disconnects and becomes a network
device. Here is the output from linux:
usb 2-2.2: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 4
usb 2-2.2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
scsi9 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices
usb-storage: device found at 4
usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning
usb 2-2.2: New USB device found, idVendor=0bb4, idProduct=0ff9
usb 2-2.2: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
usb 2-2.2: Product: Android Phone
usb 2-2.2: Manufacturer: HTC
usb 2-2.2: SerialNumber: SH07TNX00726
usb-storage: device scan complete
scsi 9:0:0:0: Direct-Access HTC  Android Phone0100 PQ: 0
sd 9:0:0:0: [sdf] Attached SCSI removable disk
sd 9:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg6 type 0
usb 2-2.2: USB disconnect, address 4
usb 2-2.2: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 5
usb 2-2.2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
usb 2-2.2: New USB device found, idVendor=0bb4, idProduct=0ffe
usb 2-2.2: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
usb 2-2.2: Product: Android Phone
usb 2-2.2: Manufacturer: HTC
usb 2-2.2: SerialNumber: SH07TNX00726
usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_ether
usb0: register 'rndis_host' at usb-:00:04.1-2.2, RNDIS device,
usbcore: registered new interface driver rndis_host
usbcore: registered new interface driver rndis_wlan
usb0: no IPv6 routers present
usb 2-2.2: USB disconnect, address 5
usb0: unregister 'rndis_host' usb-:00:04.1-2.2, RNDIS device

So. What would be my next step to make this work? OpenMoko have
something similar and I tried moding some of their scripts (they've
made theirs work with ALL OS- not just linux and Winblow$! Take heed
manufacturers!) but it didn't mesh on the Android. I still end up with
a generic host.
As I mentioned, I tried modifying the cdce driver and the device list
but that didn't help either, so when I moded the scripts and devd.conf
I figured that was the missing piece of my puzzle.
I'd actually pay someone to do this, but I do need to figure this out
for myself anyway so I'm diving in deep and going to keep on
struggling till I get it. I need it figured out before the year's end
so I'm not going to sit on my laurels :) That, and a usb mass storage
device emulator to trick a dumb digital photo frame
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Android usb tethering

2010-11-01 Thread freebsd-questions
Anyone tried the data tethering feature on the Android phones?

I've tried cdce and tried modifying cdce but no luck. I need to
regenerate the device list, but I haven't had any luck yet- simply
running make doesn't work, and I've read Makefiles and googled out the

I tried modifying the details off the openmoko site for their data
tether system (for FreeBSD8, mind), still no luck.

Apparently it uses the cdc_ether RNDIS according to my Fedora shit
media system. usbconfig concurs.

Any hints, suggestions on how to further my investigations and
getting this thing working? Anyone happen to be working on this?

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disabling uhid driver

2010-05-29 Thread freebsd


I'm attempting to use a usb connected CyberPower UPS on generic kernel FreeBSD 
FreeBSD epicenter 7.1-RELEASE-p8 FreeBSD 7.1-RELEASE-p8 #0: Fri Oct  2 07:10:41 
UTC 2009  i386

The UPS uses an hid interface and apparently the uhid driver is preventing
the ugen driver from attaching to this device.

It keeps connecting and disconnecting (from messages):
May 26 14:16:42 epicenter kernel: uhid0:  on uhub1
May 26 14:17:04 epicenter kernel: uhid0: at uhub1 port 2 (addr 2) disconnected
May 26 14:17:04 epicenter kernel: uhid0: detached
May 26 14:17:07 epicenter root: Unknown USB device: vendor 0x0764 product 
0x0501 bus uhub1
May 26 14:17:08 epicenter kernel: uhid0:  on uhub1
May 26 14:17:11 epicenter kernel: uhid0: at uhub1 port 2 (addr 2) disconnected
May 26 14:17:11 epicenter kernel: uhid0: detached

I use no other hid devices. Is there some way, short of recompiling the kernel,
to disable uhid, for this device or entirely?

I hope to configure the nut utility which utilizes ugen and libusb.

Thanks for any suggestions!


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Re: Problem compiling lsof

2010-05-26 Thread The-IRC FreeBSD
I personally just synced my servers Kernel and Userland to current via cvsup
on a live system and still get same issue as discussed here for unknown

FreeBSD Alpha.The-IRC.Com 8.0-STABLE FreeBSD 8.0-STABLE

===>  Vulnerability check disabled, database not found
===>  Extracting for lsof-4.83B,4
=> MD5 Checksum OK for lsof_4.83B.freebsd.tar.bz2.
=> SHA256 Checksum OK for lsof_4.83B.freebsd.tar.bz2.
===>  Patching for lsof-4.83B,4
===>  Configuring for lsof-4.83B,4
Creating ./lockf_owner.h from /usr/src/sys/kern/kern_lockf.c
./lockf_owner.h creation succeeded.
rm -f ddev.c dfile.c dlsof.h dmnt.c dnode*.c dproc.c dproto.h dsock.c
dstore.c dzfs.h kernelbase.h machine.h machine.h.old new_machine.h __lseek.s
Makefile Makefile.zfs ./tests/config.cflags
rm -f ./tests/ ./tests/config.xobj ./tests/config.ldflags
Testing C library for localtime() and strftime(), using cc ... present
ln -s dialects/freebsd/dlsof.h dlsof.h
ln -s dialects/freebsd/dmnt.c dmnt.c
ln -s dialects/freebsd/dnode.c dnode.c
ln -s dialects/freebsd/dnode1.c dnode1.c
ln -s dialects/freebsd/dnode2.c dnode2.c
ln -s dialects/freebsd/dproc.c dproc.c
ln -s dialects/freebsd/dproto.h dproto.h
ln -s dialects/freebsd/dsock.c dsock.c
ln -s dialects/freebsd/dstore.c dstore.c
ln -s dialects/freebsd/dzfs.h dzfs.h
ln -s dialects/freebsd/machine.h machine.h
Makefile and lib/Makefile created.
Makefile.zfs created.
./tests/ created
./tests/config.cflags created
./tests/config.ldflags created
./tests/config.xobj created
===>  Building for lsof-4.83B,4
(cd lib; make DEBUG="-O2" CFGF="-pipe -fno-strict-aliasing
cc  -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing -DHASEFFNLINK=i_effnlink -DHASF_VNODE
-DHASIPv6 -DHAS_STRFTIME -DLSOF_VSTR="8.0-STABLE" -I/usr/src/sys -O2 -c
In file included from ../dlsof.h:81,
 from ../lsof.h:195,
 from ckkv.c:43:
/usr/src/sys/sys/conf.h:141: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...'
before 'vm_memattr_t'
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/sysutils/lsof/work/lsof_4.83B.freebsd/lib.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/sysutils/lsof/work/lsof_4.83B.freebsd.
*** Error code 1

[r...@alpha /usr/ports/sysutils/lsof]# cat /etc/make.conf
# added by use.perl 2010-05-18 19:41:32

[r...@alpha /usr/ports/sysutils/lsof]# cat /etc/profile
if [ -f ~/README ]; then
cat ~/README

export EDITOR=nano
alias nano='nano -w'
#export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/svn/bin
LSCOLORS="ExGxFxdxCxDxDxhbadExEx";export LSCOLORS

[r...@alpha /usr/ports/sysutils/lsof]# grep vm_memattr_t
 int nprot, vm_memattr_t *memattr);
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Re: [ HEADS UP ] Ports unstable for the next 10 days

2010-04-19 Thread freebsd-ports
On 2010-04-20 02:14:20, Ion-Mihai Tetcu wrote:
> A switch to use newer GMP version has been committed.
> I'm still investigating lang/gnat-gcc44.

As far as I know, the gnat-gcc44 bootstrap binaries will be
fine as they're bundled with the libgmp library that was used
to build them. Whether gcc builds with the newer libgmp remains
to be seen...

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Re: Errors on UFS Partitions

2010-01-16 Thread The-IRC FreeBSD
Thanks everyone for their input it has helped greatly.

Does anyone know a way to toggle soft-updates on a UFS non-root partition
while the system is live or without having to recreate the partition?
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Errors on UFS Partitions

2010-01-16 Thread The-IRC FreeBSD
? no

UNREF FILE I=9895015  OWNER=apexeon MODE=100600
SIZE=21 MTIME=Jan 11 00:03 2010

UNREF FILE I=10270973  OWNER=goodtime MODE=0
SIZE=0 MTIME=Jan 16 19:06 2010

UNREF FILE I=10270976  OWNER=goodtime MODE=0
SIZE=0 MTIME=Jan 16 19:06 2010

UNREF FILE I=10271040  OWNER=goodtime MODE=0
SIZE=0 MTIME=Jan 16 19:06 2010

UNREF FILE I=12107785  OWNER=chihuahu MODE=100644
SIZE=26585 MTIME=Jan 12 21:45 2010

UNREF FILE I=12107792  OWNER=chihuahu MODE=100644
SIZE=5005 MTIME=Jan 13 09:00 2010

UNREF FILE I=12107793  OWNER=chihuahu MODE=100644
SIZE=20045 MTIME=Jan 12 21:12 2010

UNREF FILE I=12107794  OWNER=chihuahu MODE=100644
SIZE=6 MTIME=Jan  3 03:22 2010

UNREF FILE I=12107811  OWNER=chihuahu MODE=100644
SIZE=4312 MTIME=Jan 13 07:30 2010

UNREF FILE I=12152959  OWNER=chihuahu MODE=100600
SIZE=0 MTIME=Jan 11 09:46 2010

UNREF FILE I=12789320  OWNER=bitunite MODE=100600
SIZE=0 MTIME=Jan 11 00:03 2010

** Phase 5 - Check Cyl groups



745441 files, 10985291 used, 39790082 free (85610 frags, 4963059 blocks,
0.2% fragmentation)

To prevent letting these errors go out of control and not beable to fix the
root partition errors without going into singleuser mode and the other
partitions by mounting them with soft-updates flag, does anyone advise
removing everything from the root partition and only leaving the bootloader
and thus moving /etc and /usr (or most of all just /usr) to it's own
partition or do you guys have a better solution.

Every partition gets errors over time but if you are unable to correct them
without downtime how are you to correct them before they get out of control?
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Re: 8.0-RELEASE-i386-memstick fixit - No USB devices found!

2009-12-07 Thread Derek (freebsd lists)

Ian Smith wrote:
Very long story short: googled for ages and found a forum thread about 
this very problem, in which someone suggested Options / Rescan Devices 
then trying again.  The OP there said it didn't work for him, but it 
sure did for me!  

Options / Rescan Devices fixed it for me.  Maybe it will for Derek
and/or maybe provide another clue?  

Indeed this works for me.  I've added a follow-up to the PR.

Thanks for the tip!

- Derek
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OpenBGPD compilation problem

2009-12-02 Thread freebsd

 Hi Guys, 

I can't seem to get OpenBGPD to compile properly on 7.0. I updated the
ports to the latest version using portsnap and when I do a make install I
get the following: 

cc -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe  -Wall
-I/usr/ports/net/openbgpd/work/bgpd/../openbsd-compat -Wstrict-prototypes
-Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith
-Wcast-qual -Wsign-compare -DCONFFILE="/usr/local/etc/bgpd.conf"
-DIPV6_LINKLOCAL_PEER  -c kroute.c
 kroute.c: In function 'kroute_find':
 kroute.c:905: warning: implicit declaration of function 'RB_PREV'
 kroute.c:905: error: 'kroute_tree' undeclared (first use in this
 kroute.c:905: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
 kroute.c:905: error: for each function it appears in.)
 kroute.c:905: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a
 kroute.c:911: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a
 kroute.c: In function 'kroute6_find':
 kroute.c:1052: error: 'kroute6_tree' undeclared (first use in this
 kroute.c:1052: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a
 kroute.c:1058: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a
 kroute.c: In function 'mask2prefixlen6':
 kroute.c:1745: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size

 uname -a
 FreeBSD xo-firewalla 7.0-RELEASE FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE #0: Sun Feb 24
19:59:52 UTC 2008   i386 

any ideas ? 

Thank you, 

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Re: 8.0-RELEASE-i386-memstick fixit - No USB devices found!

2009-12-01 Thread Derek (freebsd lists)

For the archives, there's now a PR for this:


- Derek
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Re: 8.0-RELEASE-i386-memstick fixit - No USB devices found!

2009-11-27 Thread Derek (freebsd lists)

Randi Harper wrote:

On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 5:00 AM, Derek (freebsd lists)
<> wrote:

It boots fine, and sysinstall comes up, but I continually get "No USB
devices found!" when I go to the fixit/USB option.

Anyways, has anyone successfully gotten the 8.0-RELEASE-i386-memstick fixit
prompt up?

can you bring up a normal fixit shell prompt and see what entries you have in 
/dev for
da0*? There should be a da0a. Due to sysinstall weirdness, adding this
USB support was somewhat of a hack, as it doesn't look for da0 - it
looks for da0a. :P

When I do Fixit/Shell and switch to tty3 I do:

find /dev/ -name "da0*"

and get:


Is this what you mean by "normal fixit shell"?

- Derek
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8.0-RELEASE-i386-memstick fixit - No USB devices found!

2009-11-27 Thread Derek (freebsd lists)


Just wondering if anyone else out there has successfully gotten 
the 8.0-RELEASE-i386-memstick fixit prompt up.

It boots fine, and sysinstall comes up, but I continually get "No 
USB devices found!" when I go to the fixit/USB option.

When I switch to the debug tty, I see da0, and all my device 

I've even created a second USB stick, and stuck it in and tried.

No joy.

Anyways, has anyone successfully gotten the 
8.0-RELEASE-i386-memstick fixit prompt up?

- Derek
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Re: gcc -pg and ld error, "cannot find -lgcc_p"

2009-10-27 Thread freebsd
> >  Use sysinstall to add the proflibs distribution.
>   Or one could rebuild/install world (and kernel if necessary)
> after investigating the "NO_PROFILE" option in /etc/make.conf.

There's only a PERL_VERSION in make.conf. Since sysinstall doesn't work
(this is -p4, not a base media install), how does one go about installing
proflibs? I didn't see anything related to proflibs in the csup files.

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gcc -pg and ld error, "cannot find -lgcc_p"

2009-10-26 Thread freebsd

On 7.2-RELEASE-p4, I have a very complicated C program:

int main(int argc, char** argv)
return 5;

I can compile this program (cc example.c -o example) and it compiles
and runs fine. However, if I try to enable profiling of this program by
compiling it as "cc example.c -pg -o example" I get an error:

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgcc_p

Is there some port/package that I'm missing? A configuration somewhere? Why
is ld stumbling on the profiling flag?


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Graphics card recommendation

2009-10-14 Thread freebsd
I'm in need of a new graphics card for a new computer, that I hope will
run FreeBSD (with a strong preference for AMD64) and compiz-fusion on a
dual-monitor, which I believe means the 3D acceleration has to be in good
working order. I don't really care whether the graphics driver is binary,
or freely-licensed.

Has anyone bought a recent graphics card that they know to be working in
x64 with 3D acceleration?

I've heard Nvidea support is probably better than ATI. Some of the GPU
choices I see are like GeForce 9400/9500/9600 GT, GSO, and/or GTX+ series
or the GTS/GTX 2** series. Are some of those better-supported than others?

I didn't see anything recent on this list or the website, and there wasn't
much response on IRC. Recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks!

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Re: PHP5 and ldap

2009-09-18 Thread FreeBSD admin

and now it working... 

tls_ssf=256 ssf=256

great thanks for php.ini trick!

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Re: PHP5 and ldap

2009-09-18 Thread FreeBSD admin

i had an incorrect php.ini in front of my apache installation. You put me on
the right tracks!
problem solved.

no I have a TLS negociation error, but this is another part.

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Re: PHP5 and ldap

2009-09-18 Thread FreeBSD admin

Hi folks, I don't know how to enable ldap for php5 on my Freebsd 7.2 system

this is a client only ldap system.
ldapsearch works well with tls on it.
but I try to enable roundcube ldap, and roundcube says:

 LDAP Error: No ldap support in this installation of PHP (GET

here is the output of pkg_info:
 pkg_info | grep ldap
openldap-client-2.4.16 Open source LDAP client implementation
php5-ldap-5.2.9 The ldap shared extension for php

find / -name

any idea?
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Re: Change one file in an ISO image

2009-09-16 Thread Gelsema, P (Patrick) - FreeBSD
On Thu, September 17, 2009 05:28, b. f. wrote:
> Patrick Gelsema wrote:
>>I need to change one file in an existing ISO image. It is a DVD image
>> btw.
>>Unfortunately I dont have many options of changing the fie before
>> creating
>>the image.
>>Mounting is not the issue, copying data neither but the ISO is also
>>bootable. There must be a simpler solution as in copying all the content
>>with cpio and making it bootable. OS on the DVD is WinPE btw.
>>Does anyone have some pointers for performing this action?
> Unfortunately, libarchive(3), which is used by tar(1) and cpio(1) on
> recent versions of FreeBSD, seems to have only read and extract
> support for ISO 9660 archives, and not write support (see
> libarchive-formats(5) or
> ).  So
> while you could use tar(1) or cpio(1) to extract the contents of the
> dvd without mounting it in order to make your change,  you would have
> to use some other tool to write the new .iso image, like mkisofs(8)
> from the sysutils/cdrtools-devel port.  (And if the original image has
> extensions that are not supported by librarchive(3), you could use
> something like readcd(1) from that same port instead of tar(1) or
> cpio(1) to read and extract it.)

If the linux suggestion fails I will try this one.

Unfortunately I can't do Make release as it is not Freebsd. It is a
Windows based boot cd.


> b.
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Change one file in an ISO image

2009-09-16 Thread Gelsema, P (Patrick) - FreeBSD
Hi list,

I need to change one file in an existing ISO image. It is a DVD image btw.
Unfortunately I dont have many options of changing the fie before creating
the image.

Mounting is not the issue, copying data neither but the ISO is also
bootable. There must be a simpler solution as in copying all the content
with cpio and making it bootable. OS on the DVD is WinPE btw.

Does anyone have some pointers for performing this action?


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+ahd0: Transmission error detected

2009-08-02 Thread Gelsema, P (Patrick) - FreeBSD
I received this erron on my Freebsd 7-Stable (1 or 2 months old).

I dont know how to read this error. Is this hardware? Or a software issue?

Box is still running, 3 x SCSI and a ZFS pool on 3 SATA disks.




+ahd0: Transmission error detected
+>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dump Card State Begins <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ahd0: Dumping Card State at program address 0x27 Mode 0x33
+Card was paused
+SCB Count = 512 CMDS_PENDING = 11 LASTSCB 0x1f3 CURRSCB 0x1f3 NEXTSCB 0xffc0
+qinstart = 59875 qinfifonext = 59875
+Pending list:
+Total 11
+Kernel Free SCB lists:
+  Any Device: 481 411 492 488 457 484 496 469 468 461 497 449 502 487 480
416 454
467 506 478 505 503 494 400 459 412 489 420 498 485 495 464 460 410 421
483 455 507
458 409 404 493 511 448 399 472 408 415 418 413 482 490 452 476 407 510
477 401 466
473 463 479 471 491 405 462 465 456 486 402 504 429 422 423 424 470 425
426 475 474
427 428 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 509 453 447 440 441 442 443 444 445
446 437 438
439 398 397 396 395 394 393 392 391 390 389 388 387 386 385 384 383 382
381 380 379
378 377 376 375 374 373 372 371 370 369 368 367 366 365 364 363 362 361
360 359 358
357 356 355 354 353 352 351 350 349 348 347 346 345 344 343 342 341 340
339 338 337
336 335 334 333 332 331 330 329 328 327 326 325 324 323 322 321 320 319
318 317 316
315 314 313 312 311 310 309 308 307 306 305 304 303 302 301 300 299 298
297 296 295
294 293 292 291 290 289 288 287 286 285 284 283 282 281 280 279 278 277
276 275 274
273 272 271 270 269 268 267 266 265 264 263 262 261 260 259 258 25!
 7 256 255 254 253 252 251 250 249 248 247 246 245 244 243 242 241 240 239
238 237
236 235 234 233 232 231 230 229 228 227 226 225 224 223 222 221 220 219
218 217 216
215 214 213 212 211 210 209 208 207 206 205 204 203 202 201 200 199 198
197 196 195
194 193 192 191 190 189 188 187 186 185 184 183 182 181 180 179 178 177
176 175 174
173 172 171 170 169 168 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 160 159 158 157 156
155 154 153
152 151 150 149 148 147 146 145 144 143 142 141 140 139 138 137 136 135
134 133 132
131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114
113 112 111
110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90
89 88 87
86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62
61 60 59
58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34
33 32 31
30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4
3 2 1 0
+Sequencer Complete DMA-inprog list:
+Sequencer Complete list:
+Sequencer DMA-Up and Complete list:
+Sequencer On QFreeze and Complete list:
+ahd0: FIFO0 Active, LONGJMP == 0x286, SCB 0x1a1
+SHADDR = 0x07e154000, SHCNT = 0x0 HADDR = 0x07e154000, HCNT = 0x0
+ahd0: FIFO1 Free, LONGJMP == 0x8286, SCB 0x1c1

Setup Spectra8 (btb878) capture card in FreeBSD

2009-07-09 Thread ovi freebsd


Anybody uses Spectra 8 (btb878) in FreeBSD?
The card model is that:

The manufacturer claims it works 100% under linux using BTTV 878.
I wonder if I can make it work under FreeBSD 7.2

After loading the module i got:

bktr0:  mem 0x93007000-0x93007fff irq 21 at device 8.0 on 

bktr0: [ITHREAD]
bktr0: Warning - card vendor 0xaa0c (model 0x146c) unknown.
bktr0: Pinnacle/Miro TV,  tuner.
bktr1:  mem 0x93005000-0x93005fff irq 22 at device 9.0 on 

bktr1: [ITHREAD]
bktr1: Warning - card vendor 0xaa0d (model 0x146d) unknown.
bktr1: Pinnacle/Miro TV,  tuner.
bktr2:  mem 0x93003000-0x93003fff irq 23 at device 10.0 
on pci8

bktr2: [ITHREAD]
bktr2: Warning - card vendor 0xaa0e (model 0x146e) unknown.
bktr2: Pinnacle/Miro TV,  tuner.
bktr3:  mem 0x93001000-0x93001fff irq 20 at device 11.0 
on pci8

bktr3: [ITHREAD]
bktr3: Warning - card vendor 0xaa0f (model 0x146f) unknown.
bktr3: Pinnacle/Miro TV,  tuner.

I've also loaded:
362 0xc6bf1000 2000 bktr_mem.ko
373 0xc6c05000 3000 iicbus.ko
381 0xc6c09000 4000 iicbb.ko
393 0xc6c0d000 2000 smbus.ko
401 0xc6c14000 3000 smb.ko
411 0xc6c17000 3000 iicsmb.ko
421 0xc6be 11000bktr.ko

Is something else I can do so my card could be properly detected and to 
be able to get signal/record on all 4 inputs (none of them are working).

uname -a
FreeBSD root 7.2-STABLE FreeBSD 7.2-STABLE #2: Sun May 17 22:52:20 EEST 
2009 r...@localhost:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/WRK  i386

best regards

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Re: you're not going to believe this.

2009-06-24 Thread freebsd
Gary Kline:
> Http://

> ... statement that this device lasts ten years before it fails to
> hold state.

Roland Smith:
> The big difference is that it is much easier to tweak and change
> algorithms when doing it in software.

Wojciech Puchar:
> This flash chips have to emulate hard drive, which slows them down
> manyfold

> ... has acceptable lifetime/reliability, and uses less power/generates
> less heat than traditional platter HD ...

> [F]or example wear leveling and emulation small blocks requires moving
> of data within flash, this lowers both performance and lifetime.

I should know better, but I'm going to reply anyway.

First, be careful about statements like "10 years before it fails to hold
state." Usually that means if you write data to the device and put it on a
shelf, you've got 10 years before the data is unreadable. Being marketing
figures, these numbers are naturally stretched and inflated. Data retention
is strongly dependent on ambient temperature, among other things. More
to the point, that's a statistic you probably don't care about, because
who's going to buy a $200+ SSD hard drive and then leave it on a shelf
for a decade? The number you probably care about is how long _in active
use_ the drive will last, and that's probably _not_ 10 years. The primary
source of degredation (and eventually, failure) is writes, so minimizing
writes will probably extend the drive's life. NAND Flash, as used in SSDs,
is typically rated for (order of magnitude...) 10k write cycles. How many 
writes that gives you, once you put a bunch of chips together into an SSD 
and do wear leveling and all that, is anyone's guess. (The manufacturer 
probably knows, but won't tell you.)

Current NAND Flash chips do ECC and wear leveling transparently. It
is a significant time cost to move a block, so it's usually done
when a block is already being erased. This eliminates half the time
because you already know half the data trivially (it's being erased),
and erase is already a long operation, so making it a little longer
is less noticeable. Implementing wear leveling in OS-level software
isn't feasible. As I mentioned, wear leveling happens within the chip,
so the OS doesn't even know a block swap has occurred. (As an extension
of this, the OS doesn't know what the write count is, per block.) The OS
doesn't have access to physical parameters of the Flash cells (parameters
the chip itself can measure on-the-fly) to know when a swap needs to
occur. Depending on implementation, the OS may not even realize when (or
how often) an ECC correction occurs. Wear leveling algorithms are anything 
but trivial, are usually are closely guarded trade secrets, and depend 
heavily on manufacturing process parameters that are themselves trade 
secret. (This is not to say a Flash-specific file system doesn't have
value... you can probably get a lot just by caching writes as long as
possible, and putting commonly-modified pieces of data near each other
in the address space so they can be written together when updating is

The SATA bridge does have a non-zero impact on read and write
times. However, that impact is nowhere near "manyfold" the inherenet
read/write time. In fact, it's pretty close to negligible. Most of the
time is eaten up by multi-level cell sensing/placement, ECC correction,
and as mentioned above, wear leveling (for writes).

The lifetime and reliability of SSDs are less-than-or-equal-to the
lifetime and reliability of spinning magnetic drives, so don't buy an SSD
for that. Whether SSDs use less power is an open question. There's a lot
of data going either way. The last comparison I saw suggested spinning 
drives average less power than their SSD counterparts. In any event, it's 
not clear-cut yet. SSDs probably do generate less heat (but I've not seen 
data on that). Of course, the access time on an SSD is order(s) of 
magnitude less than for a spinning drive, and that's cause enough for 
lots of people to buy one.

And finally, wear leveling is just a fact of life with Flash. It's not a
symptom of emulating a spinning drive or some particular block size. Wear
leveling won't go away (and you won't gain back that part of the write
time) by inventing a non-SATA, Flash-specific HD interface that nobody
supports yet. In fact, Gary's link talks about a device with a PCIe
interface, so the whole issue of acting like a spinning drive isn't

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Xorg manual configuration

2009-05-20 Thread freebsd-questions
I haven't got any response to Xorg in a jail, so I'll try and wing it... That 
said, I do need some help trying to figure out how to:

1. Determine exactly what Xorg is probing for (what details it needs, etc). So 
far I think I need memory address ranges, chipsets, etc. Found a lot of stuff 
in the log, but I'm not sure if its enough or all I need.

2. Then take the details and set them out in the Xorg.conf. (VideoAdaptor 

What I'm finding really annoying is why the manual configuration systems are 
completely unavailable as of now. I remember my first crack at getting X 
running on a 4.3 system, and having to go through screens of configurations for 
the monitor, card, inputs, etc. Ok, its cool now that we don't need to do this 
anymore, but it does kill things if you're trying this in a system which is 

>From all the info I gathered so far /dev/io is used for the probing. IF the 
>details are entered manually, then surely this would mean it doesn't need io. 
>I'm still not sure what to do about /dev/mem and /dev/kmem.

This is just an experiment- please do humour me and let me have my fun trying 
to bang my head even against the brick wall- who knows? Maybe I'll get 
somewhere... :)

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Re: CD Burning

2009-04-21 Thread ovi freebsd

Christopher Chambers wrote:

I have found that burning software is unable to detect my cdrom. I would
assume that this is because acd0 is listed in fstab as read-only. I am
just a little worried that changing it to rw might wreck a cd (already
burnt) one day. Since cp or mv to /cdrom won't work, I guess my fear is
unjustified hey?


Here is a tutorial about CD-DVD Burning under FreeBSD:

What burning software you use?

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Permissions on /usr/local/www gets modified by a ports installation

2009-04-04 Thread FreeBSD

Hi list!

I just noticed a strange behaviour after the installation of
/usr/ports/devel/subversion. Before the installation, the permissions on
the /usr/local/www folder are:

drwxrwxr-x   6 root  psm 2560 Apr  2 15:55 www

and right after the installation the folder is set with the "default"

drwxr-xr-x   6 root  wheel   2560 Apr  2 15:55 www

I just reproduced it on another FreeBSD 7.1-RELEASE box with generic kernel.

Can someone shed some light on this?

Thanks a lot for sharing :)


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libspectre -> libgs >= 8.61 problem

2009-03-18 Thread FreeBSD Lists
Morning All:
While installing the kde4 port, I got to libspectre. The libspectre port insists
that I must have libgs to compile it. After a little research, I found that
this is a ghostscript library. So I installed the ghostscript-8.63 port. noe,
libspectre insists that I have to have libgs version >= 8.61. I checked
/usr/local/lib and found the following:

ls -l libgs.* ->
libgs.so8 ->

So I'm guessing there's a problem in the configure script, but if there is, I
can't find it. Then again, maybe I'm just missing something simple.

Any ideas, anyone?


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Rsync always preserve owner/group

2009-03-17 Thread FreeBSD

Hi list!

I'm in the process of creating an automated update system based on SVN 
and rsync. I 'svn update' every night and then rsync the updated files 
from the working copy of SVN to the right folders. The problem I have is 
that when I rsync the files, the destination owner/group is set with the 
owner/group from the source file (the file from the SVN with a wrong 
owner/group). I don't want to modify the destination file owner/group 
but only update it's content. I'm not using any option with the rsync 
command. I also observed that the permissions are not changed in the 
transfer, which is a normal behaviour and perfect in my situation.


ll /usr/local/etc/scripts/
-rwxrwxrwx   1 psm   psm2754 Mar 17 10:51

And the details of the source file:
ll /root/update/scripts/
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel  2754 Mar 13 11:37

Execution of the rsync command:
rsync /root/update/scripts/ /usr/local/etc/scripts/

ll /usr/local/etc/scripts/
-rwxrwxrwx   1 root  wheel  2754 Mar 17 10:59

I also tried to explicitly disable preserve group with --no-g but got 
the same result.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks a lot for your help!


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Re: Error starting Snort via rc.d [SOLVED]

2009-03-12 Thread FreeBSD

Paul Schmehl a écrit :
--On Thursday, March 12, 2009 14:12:03 -0500 FreeBSD 

Hello list!

I'm running FreeBSD 7.1-RELEASE-p3 with a fresh ports tree. I just
installed Snort from the ports. The problem is that I always
got an error when I want to start/stop/restart Snort via

I isolated the part of the script that is outputting the error. The
problem comes from the last line : run_rc_command "$1"

The error I get is :
eval: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected (expecting ")")

I don't have any problem starting MySQL, so I don't understand why
there's a problem with this command only for Snort.

Thanks for your precious help,

The problem isn't in the last line.  That's just a common impression 
when an error message isn't clear.  You have to understand that the rc.d 
system, while it makes creating startup scripts easier, obfuscates (to 
some degree) what's going on in the backround.

If you'll notice, there is no eval command in the snort startup script.  
What's being parsed by eval is /etc/rc.conf.  If you'll look at 
/etc/rc.subr, you'll see that it uses eval to assess the values that you 
have assigned to the various variables used in the snort startup script.

For example, it checks to see if you've enabled the script by evaluating 
/etc/rc.conf for the line _enable="YES".  It checks the 
run_rc_command to see if the name is correct, what, if any, the 
arguments are that should be appended to the run command, what, if any, 
the extra arguments are, and so forth.

I'll bet you have a snort variable in /etc/rc.conf that isn't quoted 

Send us the results of this command:

grep snort /etc/rc.conf

It should look something like this:

# grep snort /etc/rc.conf
snort_flags="-u snort -g snort -Dq"

Thanks a lot! There was an error in the "snort_interface" line.

Thank you for your excellent explanation.

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Error starting Snort via rc.d

2009-03-12 Thread FreeBSD

Hello list!

I'm running FreeBSD 7.1-RELEASE-p3 with a fresh ports tree. I just 
installed Snort from the ports. The problem is that I always 
got an error when I want to start/stop/restart Snort via 

I isolated the part of the script that is outputting the error. The 
problem comes from the last line : run_rc_command "$1"

The error I get is :
eval: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected (expecting ")")

I don't have any problem starting MySQL, so I don't understand why 
there's a problem with this command only for Snort.

Thanks for your precious help,

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Re: Ports Collection

2009-03-12 Thread FreeBSD List

Quick question Why are you using 6.4 instead of the latest (7.1)?

Keep in mind that gnome2 has a lot of dependencies. That's just the 
nature of gnome2. When you say it didn't finish, did it stop and give 
you an error? When compiling gnome2 on FreeBSD, depending on your 
hardware, it can take quite a while to complete and sometimes it'll take 
up to a few hours to finish.

I recommend you take a look at 
as it will give you a lot of helpful information on installing and 
running gnome2 on FreeBSD.

-- Jacques Manukyan

Mario PNH wrote:

I really liked the FreeBSD running on my ASUS desktop,
until I tried to install gnome2 and I was surprised that
it never finished it, during which it created some 20 and
more user groups like 'nobody', 'anonymous', 'aiviah', 'games', etc ...
and I am wondering if that was a normal process.

# cd /usr/ports/x11/gnome2
# make install clean

I have burned the DVD of 6.4 version lately and I don't
know if that's all I needed to install gnome2 instead of
using Ports Collection.

Mario Palmer
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Re: Disabling write cache on eSATA enclosures

2009-03-11 Thread FreeBSD List
I've got an external eSATA enclosure as well which is using a Silicon 
Image Chipset and its connected to a Silicon Image SATA controller just 
like yours. So far, I haven't figured out how to turn off the write 
cache. I even tried playing with it on Windows (both XP & Vista) and so 
far, there is no way to disable it. This seems like a common problem 
with Silicon Image Chipset + Silicon Image SATA controller. There's a 
lot of complains on google about this but no fixes that work.

If anyone on the list has any first hand experience in resolving this, 
I'm all ears.

-- Jacques Manukyan

Dan wrote:

Hi. atacontrol is reporting that the write cache on an eSATA enclosure I
am using (Silicon Image chipset) with Silicon Image SATA controller has
write cache enabled even though I want it disabled in loader.conf. My
feeling is this has to be controlled by the enclosure, though such
control doesn't exist. Is this it, or is the OS still responsible for
turning off cache on external drives? What's your experience? Thanks.
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Re: p5-Digest-HMAC-1.01 installation is corrupt!

2009-03-11 Thread FreeBSD List

Try doing a "pkg_deinstall -pf p5-Digest-HMAC-1.01"

And if that fails, I guess you could try as a last resort "rm -Rf 
/var/db/pkg/p5-Digest-HMAC-1.01" and then reinstall the package and do a 
regular "pkg_delete -f p5-Digest-HMAC-1.01"

-- Jacques Manukyan

Noah wrote:

yes and I still get the error again when running portmanager

# pkg_delete -f p5-Digest-HMAC-1.01
pkg_delete: package 'p5-Digest-HMAC-1.01' is required by these other 

and may not be deinstalled (but I'll delete it anyway):
pkg_delete: package 'p5-Digest-HMAC-1.01' doesn't have a prefix
# portmanager -u -y
rCreateInstalledDbVerifyContentsFile 0.4.1_9 error: "@comment ORIGIN:" 
not found in /var/db/pkg/p5-Digest-HMAC-1.01/+CONTENTS

p5-Digest-HMAC-1.01 installation is corrupt!
recomend running "pkg_delete -f p5-Digest-HMAC-1.01" 
then manually reinstalling this port
rCreateInstalledDbVerifyContentsFile 0.4.1_9 error: "@comment ORIGIN:" 
not found in /var/db/pkg/p5-Digest-HMAC-1.01/+CONTENTS

p5-Digest-HMAC-1.01 installation is corrupt!
recomend running "pkg_delete -f p5-Digest-HMAC-1.01" 
then manually reinstalling this port

portmanager 0.4.1_9: Collecting installed port data

^CMGPMrCatchSignal received signal -=>2

Olivier Nicole wrote:
I am trying to remove p5-Digest-HMAC-1.01 installation.  How do I do 

# portmanager -u -y
rCreateInstalledDbVerifyContentsFile 0.4.1_9 error: "@comment 
ORIGIN:" not found in /var/db/pkg/p5-Digest-HMAC-1.01/+CONTENTS

 p5-Digest-HMAC-1.01 installation is corrupt!
 recomend running "pkg_delete -f p5-Digest-HMAC-1.01" 

Did you try  "pkg_delete -f p5-Digest-HMAC-1.01" as recommended?


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Re: Link UP/DOWN problem with re0 on FreeBSD 7.1

2009-02-10 Thread FreeBSD

Graeme Dargie a écrit :

-Original Message-
From: FreeBSD [] 
Sent: 06 February 2009 16:47

To: Graeme Dargie
Subject: Re: Link UP/DOWN problem with re0 on FreeBSD 7.1

Graeme Dargie a écrit :

-Original Message-
From: FreeBSD [] 
Sent: 04 February 2009 21:55

Subject: Re: Link UP/DOWN problem with re0 on FreeBSD 7.1

FreeBSD a écrit :

Graeme Dargie a écrit :

If you do a dmesg are you also showing a watchdog time out for the nic ?

I only ask as I am having the exact same problem with the exact same 
card and I have yet to find a solution, if I come across something I 
will let you know.


Not a single time...sorry.

-Original Message-
From: FreeBSD [] Sent: 26 January 2009 

Subject: Re: Link UP/DOWN problem with re0 on FreeBSD 7.1

FreeBSD a écrit :

Hi everyone,

Just to put you in context, I applied the following patch to make the 
card available:

SVN rev 186389 on 2008-12-22 00:46:22Z by yongari

Since we don't request reset for rlphy(4), the link state 'UP'
event from mii(4) may not be delivered if valid link was already
established. To address the issue, check current link state after
driving MII_TICK. This should fix a regression introduced in
r185753 on fast ethernet controllers.


I don't have any issue related to that anymore. The problem is that I 
get link UP/DOWN a few times per hour on 3 identical machines that I 
dumped/restored. They are all pluged in a Cisco switch that works 
fine for every other PCs.

Jan 26 06:09:15 term005 kernel: re0: link state changed to DOWN
Jan 26 06:09:17 term005 kernel: re0: link state changed to UP

I tried to switch cables, but I got the same result.

There is the pciconf -lv output:

r...@pci0:3:0:0: class=0x02 card=0x02831028 chip=0x816810ec 
rev=0x02 hdr=0x00

vendor = 'Realtek Semiconductor'
device = 'RTL8168/8111 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC'
class  = network
subclass   = ethernet

There is the output of vmstat -i:

interrupt  total   rate
irq18: re0 ehci0++ 63766  0
irq19: atapci0277001  3
cpu0: timer156068748   1961
Total  156409515   1966

Could it be related to the fact that there is re0 and ehci0++ on the 
same IRQ?

Thank you for your help,

I just tried with a brand new Dell 2708 switch and the problem is 
still there. I just confirmed that the UP/DOWN occurs every 10 minutes 
(+- a few seconds).

Thanks again,


Just to follow-up on my own problem...

I tried to disable some options of the card with :
ifconfig re0 -rxcsum -txcsum -tso -lro -vlanhwtag

but nothing as changed. I just tried to download a big file (FreeBSD 
7.1-REL DVD iso in fact) to see if the deconnection occurs even during a 
transfer. The DVD downloaded successfully and I verified that the MD5 
are OK. BUT, /var/log/messages continue to tell me that:

Feb  4 16:09:29 term003 kernel: re0: link state changed to UP
Feb  4 16:19:26 term003 kernel: re0: link state changed to DOWN
Feb  4 16:19:30 term003 kernel: re0: link state changed to UP
Feb  4 16:19:32 term003 kernel: re0: link state changed to DOWN

during the transfer (which worked OK). I don't know if that can help 
someone to help me ;)



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I have a solution to this well a work around.

Add -tso to the relevant line in /etc/rc.conf

ifconfig_re0="inet  netmask -tso"

Adding -tso stops the link up / link down problem. Now I am understand that 
this may increase cpu if the traffic on the nic is high. I am sure some one the 
list will know of any other implications this may have.

It is a known problem and I site I read the bug had been submitted so hopefully it wont exist in 8.0 



As I stated in my last post, I tried to disable a few options, including 
TSO. Still, I gived a try to your workaround. I now have this line in 

ifconfig_re0="DHCP -tso"

but I have the same problem (it disconnect every 10 minutes and ask for 
an IP to the DHCP).

Thanks for your suggestion,

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I don't use DHCP so it never causes me a problem, have you considered setting a 
static IP address ?


Re: /var grows, apache open file, which file?

2009-02-06 Thread Gelsema, P (Patrick) - FreeBSD
On Fri, February 6, 2009 20:05, Dan Nelson wrote:
> In the last episode (Feb 06), Gelsema, P (Patrick) - FreeBSD said:
>> I noticed that my var slice is getting eaten by apache. The amount of
>> free
>> space is getting less and less per day.  So I started to investigate.
>> I did the following;
>> # fstat -u www | grep var | more
>> www  httpd  970429 /var  74653 -rw---  176907484  w
>> www  httpd  97042   12 /var  71575 -rw---  1345623  w
>> www  httpd  97042   13 /var  24693 -rw-r--r--   0  w
>> www  httpd  97042   15 /var  70919 -rw---   0  w
>> www  httpd  97042   16 /var  70919 -rw---   0  w
>> www  httpd  260599 /var  74653 -rw---  176907484  w
>> www  httpd  26059   12 /var  71575 -rw---  1345623  w
>> So I have an Inumber, lets search for that.
>> # find / -inum 74653
>> /usr/ports/net/pptpclient/files
>> This confuses me! That is on a different slice.
> Then that is not the inode you are looking for.  Use "find -x /var ..." to

doesnt return anything.

> limit the search to just the /var mountpoint.  Your problem is probably
> due
> to a bad logfile rotator that isn't signalling apache to close&reopen the
> logs, so it keeps logging to a file you have deleted.  If you're using
> newsyslog, make sure you have listed your apache pidfile on the line
> correspoinding to any apache logs so it knows which process to signal.
> See
> the newsyslog.conf manpage for more details.

Added /var/run/ to newsyslog.conf and restarted apache.

I am also using cronolog.

from httpd.conf:
CustomLog "| /usr/local/sbin/cronolog
/var/log/apache2/%Y/%m/%d/access.log" combined

Thanks Patrick

> --
>   Dan Nelson

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/var grows, apache open file, which file?

2009-02-06 Thread Gelsema, P (Patrick) - FreeBSD
Hi List,

I noticed that my var slice is getting eaten by apache. The amount of free
space is getting less and less per day. So I started to investigate.

I did the following;

# fstat -u www | grep var | more
www  httpd  970429 /var  74653 -rw---  176907484  w
www  httpd  97042   12 /var  71575 -rw---  1345623  w
www  httpd  97042   13 /var  24693 -rw-r--r--   0  w
www  httpd  97042   15 /var  70919 -rw---   0  w
www  httpd  97042   16 /var  70919 -rw---   0  w
www  httpd  260599 /var  74653 -rw---  176907484  w
www  httpd  26059   12 /var  71575 -rw---  1345623  w

So I have an Inumber, lets search for that.

# find / -inum 74653

This confuses me! That is on a different slice.

When I restart apachectl the space is reclamed and I've got a normal usage
of /var.

# apachectl -v
Server version: Apache/2.2.11 (FreeBSD)
Server built:   Jan 11 2009 22:01:58

# uname -a
FreeBSD 7.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 7.1-RELEASE #0: Tue Jan
 6 07:44:32 CET 2009  i386

Any thoughts?


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Re: Link UP/DOWN problem with re0 on FreeBSD 7.1

2009-02-06 Thread FreeBSD

Graeme Dargie a écrit :

-Original Message-
From: FreeBSD [] 
Sent: 04 February 2009 21:55

Subject: Re: Link UP/DOWN problem with re0 on FreeBSD 7.1

FreeBSD a écrit :

Graeme Dargie a écrit :

If you do a dmesg are you also showing a watchdog time out for the nic ?

I only ask as I am having the exact same problem with the exact same 
card and I have yet to find a solution, if I come across something I 
will let you know.


Not a single time...sorry.

-Original Message-
From: FreeBSD [] Sent: 26 January 2009 

Subject: Re: Link UP/DOWN problem with re0 on FreeBSD 7.1

FreeBSD a écrit :

Hi everyone,

Just to put you in context, I applied the following patch to make the 
card available:

SVN rev 186389 on 2008-12-22 00:46:22Z by yongari

Since we don't request reset for rlphy(4), the link state 'UP'
event from mii(4) may not be delivered if valid link was already
established. To address the issue, check current link state after
driving MII_TICK. This should fix a regression introduced in
r185753 on fast ethernet controllers.


I don't have any issue related to that anymore. The problem is that I 
get link UP/DOWN a few times per hour on 3 identical machines that I 
dumped/restored. They are all pluged in a Cisco switch that works 
fine for every other PCs.

Jan 26 06:09:15 term005 kernel: re0: link state changed to DOWN
Jan 26 06:09:17 term005 kernel: re0: link state changed to UP

I tried to switch cables, but I got the same result.

There is the pciconf -lv output:

r...@pci0:3:0:0: class=0x02 card=0x02831028 chip=0x816810ec 
rev=0x02 hdr=0x00

vendor = 'Realtek Semiconductor'
device = 'RTL8168/8111 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC'
class  = network
subclass   = ethernet

There is the output of vmstat -i:

interrupt  total   rate
irq18: re0 ehci0++ 63766  0
irq19: atapci0277001  3
cpu0: timer156068748   1961
Total  156409515   1966

Could it be related to the fact that there is re0 and ehci0++ on the 
same IRQ?

Thank you for your help,

I just tried with a brand new Dell 2708 switch and the problem is 
still there. I just confirmed that the UP/DOWN occurs every 10 minutes 
(+- a few seconds).

Thanks again,


Just to follow-up on my own problem...

I tried to disable some options of the card with :
ifconfig re0 -rxcsum -txcsum -tso -lro -vlanhwtag

but nothing as changed. I just tried to download a big file (FreeBSD 
7.1-REL DVD iso in fact) to see if the deconnection occurs even during a 
transfer. The DVD downloaded successfully and I verified that the MD5 
are OK. BUT, /var/log/messages continue to tell me that:

Feb  4 16:09:29 term003 kernel: re0: link state changed to UP
Feb  4 16:19:26 term003 kernel: re0: link state changed to DOWN
Feb  4 16:19:30 term003 kernel: re0: link state changed to UP
Feb  4 16:19:32 term003 kernel: re0: link state changed to DOWN

during the transfer (which worked OK). I don't know if that can help 
someone to help me ;)



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I have a solution to this well a work around.

Add -tso to the relevant line in /etc/rc.conf

ifconfig_re0="inet  netmask -tso"

Adding -tso stops the link up / link down problem. Now I am understand that 
this may increase cpu if the traffic on the nic is high. I am sure some one the 
list will know of any other implications this may have.

It is a known problem and I site I read the bug had been submitted so hopefully it wont exist in 8.0 



As I stated in my last post, I tried to disable a few options, including 
TSO. Still, I gived a try to your workaround. I now have this line in 

ifconfig_re0="DHCP -tso"

but I have the same problem (it disconnect every 10 minutes and ask for 
an IP to the DHCP).

Thanks for your suggestion,

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Re: Link UP/DOWN problem with re0 on FreeBSD 7.1

2009-02-04 Thread FreeBSD

FreeBSD a écrit :

Graeme Dargie a écrit :

If you do a dmesg are you also showing a watchdog time out for the nic ?

I only ask as I am having the exact same problem with the exact same 
card and I have yet to find a solution, if I come across something I 
will let you know.


Not a single time...sorry.

-Original Message-
From: FreeBSD [] Sent: 26 January 2009 

Subject: Re: Link UP/DOWN problem with re0 on FreeBSD 7.1

FreeBSD a écrit :

Hi everyone,

Just to put you in context, I applied the following patch to make the 
card available:

SVN rev 186389 on 2008-12-22 00:46:22Z by yongari

Since we don't request reset for rlphy(4), the link state 'UP'
event from mii(4) may not be delivered if valid link was already
established. To address the issue, check current link state after
driving MII_TICK. This should fix a regression introduced in
r185753 on fast ethernet controllers.


I don't have any issue related to that anymore. The problem is that I 
get link UP/DOWN a few times per hour on 3 identical machines that I 
dumped/restored. They are all pluged in a Cisco switch that works 
fine for every other PCs.

Jan 26 06:09:15 term005 kernel: re0: link state changed to DOWN
Jan 26 06:09:17 term005 kernel: re0: link state changed to UP

I tried to switch cables, but I got the same result.

There is the pciconf -lv output:

r...@pci0:3:0:0: class=0x02 card=0x02831028 chip=0x816810ec 
rev=0x02 hdr=0x00

vendor = 'Realtek Semiconductor'
device = 'RTL8168/8111 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC'
class  = network
subclass   = ethernet

There is the output of vmstat -i:

interrupt  total   rate
irq18: re0 ehci0++ 63766  0
irq19: atapci0277001  3
cpu0: timer156068748   1961
Total  156409515   1966

Could it be related to the fact that there is re0 and ehci0++ on the 
same IRQ?

Thank you for your help,


I just tried with a brand new Dell 2708 switch and the problem is 
still there. I just confirmed that the UP/DOWN occurs every 10 minutes 
(+- a few seconds).

Thanks again,


Just to follow-up on my own problem...

I tried to disable some options of the card with :
ifconfig re0 -rxcsum -txcsum -tso -lro -vlanhwtag

but nothing as changed. I just tried to download a big file (FreeBSD 
7.1-REL DVD iso in fact) to see if the deconnection occurs even during a 
transfer. The DVD downloaded successfully and I verified that the MD5 
are OK. BUT, /var/log/messages continue to tell me that:

Feb  4 16:09:29 term003 kernel: re0: link state changed to UP
Feb  4 16:19:26 term003 kernel: re0: link state changed to DOWN
Feb  4 16:19:30 term003 kernel: re0: link state changed to UP
Feb  4 16:19:32 term003 kernel: re0: link state changed to DOWN

during the transfer (which worked OK). I don't know if that can help 
someone to help me ;)



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Strange fetch behaviour

2009-02-04 Thread FreeBSD

Hi everyone,

I'm totally mystified by this one:

I have a shell script that fetch a couple of RSS feeds periodically. It 
worked fine. I now want to integrate a 3 times retry if the fetch fails. 
The logic of the script if now good but when I'm testing the script by 
unplugging the network cable to confirm that the script is retrying I 
can see that fetch always succeed to download, even with the cable 

There is the output received by email from cron:

fetch: No address record
Let's wait...actualites.xml
fetch: No address record
Let's wait...actualites.xml
fetch: No address record
Let's wait...actualites.xml
Let's continue...
/usr/local/www/canadien.xml 10 kB  479 kBps
/usr/local/www/insolite.xml   9329  B  448 kBps

But the cable is still unplugged! Every feed comes from the same source 

At the beginning, my script used ftp instead of fetch, but I got the 
same result. I'm using a simple 'fetch -o actualites.xml' command that take the output file 
and the source file from a variable. I could paste the code but there's 
part of it in French so I'll just start with this.

I'm wondering if there is any sort of caching or verification that if 
the output file is already there not to download again? I know it's 
silly but I'm totally confused...

Thanks for your help.

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OT: SVN checkout checksumming

2009-02-04 Thread FreeBSD

Hi everyone,

I have asked this question on the and didn't got a good 
answer, so I try it here.

I want to use SVN to automate the update process of a custom 
application. So, I'm planning to indicate to every PC to update 
periodically to a specific branch of the repository. The problem is that 
I need to be sure the files where not corrupted during the transfer. So, 
I'm planning to generate the hash (SHA or MD5, doesn't really matters) 
of every file downloaded by SVN on the client. For this to work, I need 
to compare the hashes with their server-side equivalent. I looked at the 
post-commit hooks and it looks pretty interesting but is anyone doing 
something similar? How are you creating the file containing the hash of 
the committed file?

I got 2 answers on the forum from people thinking that SVN takes care of 
the checksumming by itself, but I would like a little more information 
than that. What is the algorithm used would be a nice start.

Thank you for sharing your OT knowledge!

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makeinfo is stopping portupgrade

2009-01-29 Thread freebsd-questions

I'm still running 5.5R on a machine that needs a few ports upgraded.
However, portupgrade now fails consistently when I try to upgrade m4 and
autoconf262 with errors that seem to relate to makeinfo. Is there anything
I can do to make this work, short of upgrading the base system?

Making all in doc
Updating ./version.texi
restore=: && backupdir=".am$$" &&  am__cwd=`pwd` && cd . &&  rm -rf $backupdir 
&& mkdir $backupdir &&  if (makeinfo --no-split --version) >/dev/null 2>&1; 
then  for f in ./ ./[0-9] ./[0-9][0-9] ./m4.i[0-9] 
./m4.i[0-9][0-9]; do  if test -f $f; then mv $f $backupdir; restore=mv; else :; 
fi;  done;  else :; fi &&  cd "$am__cwd";  if makeinfo --no-split   -I .  -o 
./ ./m4.texinfo;  then  rc=0;  cd .;  else  rc=$?;  cd . &&  $restore 
$backupdir/* `echo "././" | sed 's|[^/]*$||'`;  fi;  rm -rf $backupdir; 
exit $rc
./m4.texinfo:481: Unknown command `'.
./m4.texinfo:2582: Unknown command `'.
./m4.texinfo:2584: Unknown command `'.
./m4.texinfo:2795: Unknown command `'.
makeinfo: Removing output file `./' due to errors; use --force to 
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/devel/m4/work/m4-1.4.11/doc.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/devel/m4/work/m4-1.4.11.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/devel/m4/work/m4-1.4.11.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/devel/m4.
** Command failed [exit code 1]: /usr/bin/script -qa /tmp/portupgrade.27118.0 
env UPGRADE_TOOL=portupgrade UPGRADE_PORT=m4-1.4.11,1 UPGRADE_PORT_VER=1.4.11,1 
make DEPENDS_TARGET=package
** Fix the problem and try again.

Joel Hatton | Direct:  +61 7 3346 4520 
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Re: Link UP/DOWN problem with re0 on FreeBSD 7.1

2009-01-26 Thread FreeBSD

Graeme Dargie a écrit :

If you do a dmesg are you also showing a watchdog time out for the nic ?

I only ask as I am having the exact same problem with the exact same card and I 
have yet to find a solution, if I come across something I will let you know.


Not a single time...sorry.

-Original Message-
From: FreeBSD [] 
Sent: 26 January 2009 18:58

Subject: Re: Link UP/DOWN problem with re0 on FreeBSD 7.1

FreeBSD a écrit :

Hi everyone,

Just to put you in context, I applied the following patch to make the 
card available:

SVN rev 186389 on 2008-12-22 00:46:22Z by yongari

Since we don't request reset for rlphy(4), the link state 'UP'
event from mii(4) may not be delivered if valid link was already
established. To address the issue, check current link state after
driving MII_TICK. This should fix a regression introduced in
r185753 on fast ethernet controllers.


I don't have any issue related to that anymore. The problem is that I 
get link UP/DOWN a few times per hour on 3 identical machines that I 
dumped/restored. They are all pluged in a Cisco switch that works fine 
for every other PCs.

Jan 26 06:09:15 term005 kernel: re0: link state changed to DOWN
Jan 26 06:09:17 term005 kernel: re0: link state changed to UP

I tried to switch cables, but I got the same result.

There is the pciconf -lv output:

r...@pci0:3:0:0: class=0x02 card=0x02831028 chip=0x816810ec rev=0x02 

vendor = 'Realtek Semiconductor'
device = 'RTL8168/8111 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC'
class  = network
subclass   = ethernet

There is the output of vmstat -i:

interrupt  total   rate
irq18: re0 ehci0++ 63766  0
irq19: atapci0277001  3
cpu0: timer156068748   1961
Total  156409515   1966

Could it be related to the fact that there is re0 and ehci0++ on the 
same IRQ?

Thank you for your help,


I just tried with a brand new Dell 2708 switch and the problem is still 
there. I just confirmed that the UP/DOWN occurs every 10 minutes (+- a 
few seconds).

Thanks again,


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Re: Link UP/DOWN problem with re0 on FreeBSD 7.1

2009-01-26 Thread FreeBSD

FreeBSD a écrit :

Hi everyone,

Just to put you in context, I applied the following patch to make the 
card available:

SVN rev 186389 on 2008-12-22 00:46:22Z by yongari

Since we don't request reset for rlphy(4), the link state 'UP'
event from mii(4) may not be delivered if valid link was already
established. To address the issue, check current link state after
driving MII_TICK. This should fix a regression introduced in
r185753 on fast ethernet controllers.


I don't have any issue related to that anymore. The problem is that I 
get link UP/DOWN a few times per hour on 3 identical machines that I 
dumped/restored. They are all pluged in a Cisco switch that works fine 
for every other PCs.

Jan 26 06:09:15 term005 kernel: re0: link state changed to DOWN
Jan 26 06:09:17 term005 kernel: re0: link state changed to UP

I tried to switch cables, but I got the same result.

There is the pciconf -lv output:

r...@pci0:3:0:0: class=0x02 card=0x02831028 chip=0x816810ec rev=0x02 

vendor = 'Realtek Semiconductor'
device = 'RTL8168/8111 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC'
class  = network
subclass   = ethernet

There is the output of vmstat -i:

interrupt  total   rate
irq18: re0 ehci0++ 63766  0
irq19: atapci0277001  3
cpu0: timer156068748   1961
Total  156409515   1966

Could it be related to the fact that there is re0 and ehci0++ on the 
same IRQ?

Thank you for your help,


I just tried with a brand new Dell 2708 switch and the problem is still 
there. I just confirmed that the UP/DOWN occurs every 10 minutes (+- a 
few seconds).

Thanks again,


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Link UP/DOWN problem with re0 on FreeBSD 7.1

2009-01-26 Thread FreeBSD

Hi everyone,

Just to put you in context, I applied the following patch to make the 
card available:

SVN rev 186389 on 2008-12-22 00:46:22Z by yongari

Since we don't request reset for rlphy(4), the link state 'UP'
event from mii(4) may not be delivered if valid link was already
established. To address the issue, check current link state after
driving MII_TICK. This should fix a regression introduced in
r185753 on fast ethernet controllers.


I don't have any issue related to that anymore. The problem is that I 
get link UP/DOWN a few times per hour on 3 identical machines that I 
dumped/restored. They are all pluged in a Cisco switch that works fine 
for every other PCs.

Jan 26 06:09:15 term005 kernel: re0: link state changed to DOWN
Jan 26 06:09:17 term005 kernel: re0: link state changed to UP

I tried to switch cables, but I got the same result.

There is the pciconf -lv output:

r...@pci0:3:0:0: class=0x02 card=0x02831028 chip=0x816810ec rev=0x02 

vendor = 'Realtek Semiconductor'
device = 'RTL8168/8111 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC'
class  = network
subclass   = ethernet

There is the output of vmstat -i:

interrupt  total   rate
irq18: re0 ehci0++ 63766  0
irq19: atapci0277001  3
cpu0: timer156068748   1961
Total  156409515   1966

Could it be related to the fact that there is re0 and ehci0++ on the 
same IRQ?

Thank you for your help,

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