Re: Vinum Offset for Swap: 265 or 281?

2003-10-22 Thread rtjohan

For instance you have partition "e" with size=3142987 and offset
5242880, but the var volume uses sd len 3142987s driveoffset 524864s
drive rootdev. Why is it necessary for each subdisk to be 16 lower
then the partition it will be mapping?

Take /var for example.  It's on partition e, which starts at offset
5242880 from the beginning of the disk.  The subdisk starts at offset
5242864 from the beginning of the drive.  The drive starts at offset
16 from the beginning of the disk, so the subdisk starts at 5242880
from the beginning of the disk.

Thanks for clarifying the difference between disk vs drive. That's the 
part I didn't understand well enough. I used those 16 subdisk offsets in 
my vinum config file, just didn't understand why they were there for all 
the subdisks. Now I do.

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Re: Vinum Offset for Swap: 265 or 281?

2003-10-21 Thread rtjohan
So, my understanding of the bsdlabel process seemed correct:
 1) modify swap partition size to be 281 less than what sysinstall 
created the partition as
 2) have the swap offset at 281 instead of 0
 3) add vinum partition set to the size of "c" minus 16
 4) have vinum partition offset at 16

I might have misunderstood the vinum subdisks settings in the vinum 
configuration file though. I thought the process was:
 1) Each vinum subdisks uses the size of the partition it will be 
taking over from
  2) The subdisk offset is = (partition offset - 16)

Should the subdisk offset be equal to the partition offset?

Again, this is in respect to FreeBSD 5.1 RELEASE with mirrored vinum 
boot disks.

Are there known major bugs related to the 5.1 RELEASE as well?

Thanks for your help,
Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:

On Sunday, 19 October 2003 at  0:42:38 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Sanity check whether the mirrored vinum root drive is setup correctly.
Going to setup two more machines the same way, so wanted to make sure the
reference machine was setup correctly.
Was surprised to see that the vinum dumpconfig shows the offset for the
swap partition to be 265. Remember vaguely that it was supposed to be 281.
Do I have a misconfigured machine? The bsdlabel reports the offset to be
281. The vinum.conf used driveoffset of 265s for swap - would think it
should have been 281s.
The machine works, but have had a couple of unexplained reboots. The
mirrored drives are ad4s1 and ad8s1.

Vinum uses the first 265 sectors on a drive for configuration
information.  That has never changed.  It leaves the first 7 sectors
free for other stuff and puts the Vinum label in sector 8.
Unfortunately, this isn't compatible with bootstraps, which use
sectors 1 to 16.  The result is that if you put a Vinum drive exactly
at the beginning of a bootable disk, you will overwrite the bootstrap.
Thus the recommendation to put the drive at offset 16, so that nothing
will get clobbered.  This means that the first subdisk in the drive
will be at offset 281 from the beginning of the disk.  The offset of
the first subdisk in the drive remains the same at 265.  That's what
you have on your system:

b:   4194023  281  swap
h: 398283401   16 vinum

If you're having "reboots" (I suppose you mean panics or spontaneous
resets), it's almost certainly not because of the disk layout.  Follow
the instructions and we can probably find out what it is.  Note that
Vinum seems to be tickling bugs in -CURRENT ata code at the moment.
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Vinum Offset for Swap: 265 or 281?

2003-10-19 Thread rtjohan

Sanity check whether the mirrored vinum root drive is setup correctly. Going to setup two more machines the same way, so wanted to make sure the reference machine was setup correctly.

Was surprised to see that the vinum dumpconfig shows the offset for the swap partition to be 265. Remember vaguely that it was supposed to be 281. Do I have a misconfigured machine? The bsdlabel reports the offset to be 281. The vinum.conf used driveoffset of 265s for swap - would think it should have been 281s.

The machine works, but have had a couple of unexplained reboots. The mirrored drives are ad4s1 and ad8s1.

Thanks for any advice,


drive rootdev device /dev/ad4s1h
drive rootmirrordev device /dev/ad8s1h
volume root
plex org concat
  sd len 2097152s driveoffset 4194288s drive rootdev
  sd len 2097152s driveoffset 4194288s drive rootmirrordev
# a:  2097152  41943044.2BSD 2048 16384 28552 
volume swap
plex org concat
  sd len 4194023s driveoffset 265s drive rootdev
  sd len 4194023s driveoffset 265s drive rootmirrordev
# b:  4194023  281  swap
volume usr
plex org concat
  sd len 10485760s driveoffset 6291440s drive rootdev
  sd len 10485760s driveoffset 6291440s drive rootmirrordev
#  d: 10485760  62914564.2BSD 2048 16384 28552 
volume var
plex org concat
  sd len 1g drive rootdev
  sd len 1g drive rootmirrordev
volume tmp
plex org concat
  sd len 512m drive rootdev
  sd len 512m drive rootmirrordev
volume home
plex org concat
  sd len 10g drive rootdev
  sd len 10g drive rootmirrordev
volume ports
plex org concat
  sd len 5g drive rootdev
  sd len 5g drive rootmirrordev
volume backup
plex org concat
  sd len 40g drive rootdev
  sd len 40g drive rootmirrordev
volume local
plex org concat
  sd len 10g drive rootdev
  sd len 10g drive rootmirrordev
volume archive
plex org concat
  sd len 30g drive rootdev
  sd len 30g drive rootmirrordev
volume unused
plex org concat
  sd len 0 drive rootdev
  sd len 0 drive rootmirrordev


# DeviceMountpoint  FStype  Options DumpPass#
/dev/vinum/swap noneswapsw  0   0
/dev/vinum/root /   ufs rw  1   1
/dev/vinum/usr  /usrufs rw  2   2
/dev/vinum/local/usr/local  ufs rw  2   2
/dev/vinum/var  /varufs rw  2   2
/dev/vinum/tmp  /tmpufs rw  2   2
/dev/vinum/home /usr/home   ufs rw  2   2
/dev/vinum/ports/usr/ports  ufs rw  2   2
/dev/vinum/backup   /usr/local/backup ufs   rw  2   2
/dev/vinum/archive  /usr/local/archive ufs  rw  2   2
/dev/vinum/unused   /unused ufs rw  2   2
/dev/ad0s1c /usr/local/backup2 ufs  rw  2   2
/dev/acd0   /cdrom  cd9660  ro,auto 0   0

bsdlabel ad4s1:

# /dev/ad4s1:
8 partitions:
#size   offsetfstype   [fsize bsize bps/cpg]
 a:  2097152  41943044.2BSD 2048 16384 28552 
 b:  4194023  281  swap
 c: 3982834170unused0 0 # "raw" part, don't edit
 d: 10485760  62914564.2BSD 2048 16384 28552 
 e:  2097152 167772164.2BSD 2048 16384 28552 
 h: 398283401   16 vinum

bsdlabel ad8s1:

# /dev/ad8s1:
8 partitions:
#size   offsetfstype   [fsize bsize bps/cpg]
 b:  4194023  281  swap
 c: 3982834170unused0 0 # "raw" part, don't edit
 d:  2097152  41943044.2BSD0 0 0 
 e: 10485760  62914564.2BSD0 0 0 
 f:  2097152 167772164.2BSD 2048 16384 28552 
 h: 398283401   16 vinum

vinum dumpconfig:

Drive rootdev:	Device /dev/ad4s1h
		Created on  at Tue Jul 29 15:05:34 2003
		Config last updated Sun Oct 19 00:13:10 2003
		Size: 203921101312 bytes (194474 MB)
volume root state up
volume swap state up
volume usr state up
volume var state up
volume tmp state up
volume home state up
volume ports state up
volume backup state up
volume local state up
volume archive state up
volume unused state up
plex name root.p0 state up org concat vol root 
plex name swap.p0 state up org concat vol swap 
plex name usr.p0 state up org concat vol usr 
plex name var.p0 state up org concat vol var 
plex name tmp.p0 state up org con

Re: Restoring vinum root from dump

2003-10-12 Thread rtjohan
[Oops, didn't realize that the thread id was captured in email. Should 
have known, sorry.]

My terminology is all wrong. Just want to do a system restore.

Have two 200GB disks using vinum mirroring for vinum volumes: /, /usr, 
/usr/local, /usr/ports, /usr/home, /var, and /tmp.
Have one standalone 100GB backup disk.

Did a restore before, but messed everything up and ended up reinstalling 
+ redoing vinum setup. Don't want to do that again, so figured best to 
ask and make sure to use the correct restore process.

Should anything special be done during a full restore since volumes are 
mirrored vinum volumes?
I have complete dump images of the following vinum volumes : /, /usr, 
/usr/local, /usr/ports, /usr/home, /var.

Was wondering if I should take primary drive down and boot from 
secondary drive into single user mode. Then mount the primary drive and 
restore the volumes to the primary drive. Then bring primary drive back 
up and reboot normally and run from primary drive.

Pretty lame questions, but just didn't want to take a chance on this. 
Takes too much time for a newbie to set up machine up all over.

Thanks again for any tips,
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Restoring vinum root from dump

2003-10-12 Thread rtjohan
What's the best way to restore a vinum sub-disks?

I have complete dump images of the following vinum sub-disks: /, /usr, 
/usr/local, /usr/ports, /usr/home, /var.

Particularly worried about restoring / and /usr. What's the process?

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Fileserver: Samba or NFS or ?

2003-10-11 Thread rtjohan
Hi all,

For backing up WinXP machines to a FreeBSD 5.1 fileserver, what are the 
pros and cons of going with Samba vs NFS? The fileserver is being 
updated regularly using cvsup/portupgrade -ra. BTW - is a make world 
ever necessary for security patches.

Especially concerned regarding security.
Can either one be locked done well?
Seems like both have had security problems in the past. Are these issues 
resolved at this point? Is there maybe a better alternative?

Especially interested in if Samba or NFS can be paired with some 
encryption transport protocol.

Thanks for any advice,
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Re: Does any one know product like to Outlook 2003

2003-10-07 Thread rtjohan

Hi All, Does any one know FreeBSD product just like to Outlook 2003 (on
exchange server). My company people want same features.
Help me guys. Thanks

Have a look at this one.

Unless Xiam has changed this - I last remember it being somewhere in the 
ballpark of 50.00 to 100.00 bux per client.

Is there a free alternative available?

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cvsup: Error code 1

2003-10-07 Thread rtjohan
For some reason the portupgrade / or make reinstall does not work on any 
of the outdated ports. Get the same error on all of them. Error code 1. 
I've tried:
 portsclean -C
 portsclean -DD
 make index
 portsdb -Ufu
 pkgdb -F

Nothing seems to get the ports back into shape. The whole cvsup / 
portupgrade -ra had been working for a while. Not sure what could have 
messed it up. Is there a way I can get all the necessary indexes / 
databases required by cvsup / portupgrade / pkg_add recreated? The only 
way I know how to fix this is to reinstall. There must be a better way. 
Any assistance or tips would be very much appreciated.


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Group Calendar Server on FreeBSD?

2003-10-03 Thread rtjohan
Is there a group calendar software (client/server or peer-to-peer) 
solution that can run on FreeBSD?
Ideally has both a web front end as well as a client application.

Thanks for any tips,
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Re: FreeBSD Fax Server?

2003-10-01 Thread rtjohan
Which model of US Robotics did you get?
I take it that it should work with FreeBSD Rel 5.1?
C. Ulrich wrote:

On Tue, 2003-09-30 at 21:15, Bill Campbell wrote:

IMHO internal modems are to be avoided at all costs.

Generally, I used to concur with this, but a couple years ago I bought a
USR PCI internal _hardware_ modem and it's worked great with every OS I
threw at it. They're pretty much all I recommend anymore.
Charles Ulrich

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FreeBSD Fax Server?

2003-09-30 Thread rtjohan
Has anyone used freebsd to setup a fax server?

Looking at Hylafax ( 
. Any others worth looking at?

Which fax modem cards are supported by freebsd?

Will be using FreeBSD 5.1 release.

Thanks for any tips,
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when running portupgrade triggering reboot / how to do detailedsystem log to see precise reboot trigger?

2003-09-26 Thread rtjohan
Have not been able to keep machine up-to-date with cvsup since each time 
after the cvsup has completed, the portupgrade reboots the machine.

Probably the first thing to do is to enable some log utility to capture 
what triggered the reboot.
How should I go about this - logging in as much detail to figure what 

Running FreeBSD 5.1 Release with KDE.

The applications/libraries are all up-to-date except for the list below. 
Seems obvious that upgrading one of those packages triggered the reboot. 
Here are the pieces that are out-of-date from cvsup:
   - arts
   - cdparanoia
   - cups-base
   - esound
   - gconf2
   - gnome-icon-theme
   - gnomevfs2
   - kdemultimedia
   - libbonobo
   - libbonoboui
   - libgnome
   - libgnomeui
   - linux_base
   - p5-Net
   - pcre
   - pilot-link
   - scrollkeeper

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Install error resolv.h - Application: Webware

2003-08-26 Thread rtjohan
Trying to install an application that is generally run on Linux. No port
available and when I run their make file I get errors like
"/usr/include/resolv.h:104: field `nsaddr_list' has incomplete type". I
installed the linux-base and then tried the install again, but didn't change

Any help would be very much appriciated.


% cd WebKit/Adapters/wkcgi/
% ls
Makefilewebkit.cfg  wkcgi.dsp   wkcgi.exe
README  wkcgi.c wkcgi.dsw   wkcgi.h
% make
cc -O2 -c ./wkcgi.c -o ./wkcgi.o
In file included from ../common/wkcommon.h:20,
 from wkcgi.h:6,
 from wkcgi.c:5:
/usr/include/resolv.h:104: field `nsaddr_list' has incomplete type
/usr/include/resolv.h:114: field `addr' has incomplete type
/usr/include/resolv.h:129: field `ina' has incomplete type
/usr/include/resolv.h:130: field `in6a' has incomplete type
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/home/rtjohan/Webware-0.8.1/WebKit/Adapters/wkcgi.

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