Re: [Freedos-user] FD 1.0 installation... very instable?

2011-08-01 Thread e . auer


> - freedos 1.1 successfully installed.

Nice :-)

> Was 3x128 + 1x256 = 640, but recognized only 384 MB. This might...

Indeed odd.

> - CPU clock rate too high for a lot of old dos software?
> Do you think clocking down to below 500 Mhz might help?

If your hardware supports ACPI, starting from newer
socket 7 / pentium 3 afair, you can use FDAPM SPEEDn
where n is a digit to throttle the system a bit. This
halts the CPU and/or clock for N our of 8 time slices
in hardware (e.g. 1/32768 seconds long) but for fast
systems, it will just make games jumpy, not smoothly
reduce the speed. Also, strong throttle makes things
behave sluggish as it hinders timely IRQ handling.

More modern methods such as reduction of clock and
voltage together are not supported by FDAPM yet and
often only allow a few speed steps. For example AMD
cool n quiet might support only 100%, 80% and 40%.

More old methods such as single stepping through all
code can have compatibility problems and will waste
a lot of CPU performance and energy in general...

In the modern virtual computer case, you sometimes
simulate the whole CPU anyway, so you already do
waste host CPU performance but can use any speed.

> Bart says so for his network boot floppy.

Odd suggestion though ;-)

> - A20 stuff...
> especially the XMS/EMS driver loading seems to fail often.
> I have in mind that A20 has to do something with EMS oder XMS or UMB?

A20 only has to do with HMA, DOS=HIGH and with XMS.
Many EMS drivers permanently switch the A20 on, or
at least keep it on (should be default set by BIOS
during boot) and then just simulate A20 switching.

Also, switching off the A20 is only needed for some
obscure old software while not accessing HMA, so if
you have to revert to a setting (HIMEMX has quite
many) which "solves" the A20 problem by keeping the
A20 always on, you should be fine nevertheless. I
agree that apart from XMGR, HIMEMX and similar can
be an alternative. Try NOT to load any EMS / UMB
driver (JEMM386, EMM386 etc) before you solve the
XMS / HMA problem (HIMEM, XMGR...). A special case
is JEMMEX which combines both "HIMEM" and "EMM386"
in one driver, so you should NOT load HIMEM / XMGR
before JEMMEX, or at least need not load them 1st.

> And, A20 is some hack using the keyboard controller.
> Since I attached an USB keyboard to a USB switch, for easily 
> switching
> between computers... could this be a problem

The USB itself no, but the fact that the BIOS tries
to make the USB keyboard look like PS/2 by faking
some keyboard controller activities, maybe yes...

> - This time I partitioned and formatted the drive before booting the
> installer.

Very good idea and works well with GPARTED and other tools.

> btw, the fdisk program contained on the floppy sucks.

I agree, it mainly tries to look and feel like MS FDISK.

> created a bad partition layout. have to move partitions now...
> what about xfdisk instead?

XFDISK is an idea :-)

> - install Freedos 1.1T3
> Ran through in almost no time, wow!
> I got the same error message from Jemm, but pressing ESC continued
> booting the installer.

Still sounds evil. I hope the installer can work without JEMM.

> So where do you suggest to continue? Should I jump to the 1.0 
> installer?

If you want a big pile of software, you can manually unzip more
packages from the 1.0 CD-ROM into your DOS directory, or use a
more elegant "package install or update" tool which does almost
the same but in addition automatically checks dependencies and
runs post install batch scripts (not many packages use those).

> or should I install manually? Could you point me to a tutorial for
> manual install, or is it just "unpack anywhere", as we are used

Basically yes, but it is often better to unpack things from the
distro into the same DOS directory and keep the subdirectories
structured the way they are in the zip files.

> - network
> its a 3c905b. It should work using the NDIS driver included with 
> Barts
> Network Boot Disk. Does it work with freedos out of the box or do I 
> have
> to do this manually using this wiki page?

That 3com series sounds classic, so I assume there will be a
direct packet driver on crynwr which does not need NDIS/ODI.

The page also links nice pages about networking.

> Which cards are known to be working? Got a few Realtek based 
> somewhere...

Classic NE2000 compatible RTL80x9 and 100mbit/s RTL8139 cards
work nicely with DOS drivers and the PCI config is plug n play
for the driver. Not plug and play in the sense that DOS will
automatically find the driver for you, just in the sense that
the driver needs almost no command line options :-)

> - pascal compiler

freepascal, 32 bit, available for dos

> - maybe basic compiler or interpreter

freebasic, 32 bit, compiles, available for dos, has qbasic mode.

> - maybe fortran compiler, if the old software has to be r

Re: [Freedos-user] FreeCom: Wrong DIR behavior on empy disks.

2011-08-01 Thread e . auer

Hi Bernd, Dos386,

> I'd like to see -MM-DD (with dashes) and without COUNTRY.

... or Japanese MMDD as Bernd mentioned ...

>> makes sorting files by date so much easier.
> :-)

...or all the other date formattings: You can just set your country
depending on your taste. As long as you do not use nlsfunc, nothing
will try to make your keyboard or font Japanese. Simply pick a place
where date, time and number formats match your taste, e.g. German hh:mm 1.000,00 for COUNTRY even if your LANG setting for
strings, DISPLAY fonts (if any) and keyboard layout (if any other
than BIOS default US QWERTY) are totally different ;-)


PS: Note that COUNTRY also influences the "yes no characters" and
currency sign and a few other things... Some countries even have a
slightly specific collate order (e.g. how to sort accented chars).

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Re: [Freedos-user] FD 1.1 Bootfloppy Problems

2011-08-01 Thread Rugxulo

On Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 12:59 PM, JPT  wrote:
> the floppy had bad sectors. o.0
> The jemm crash when booting from the floppy vanished after writing the
> image again (on the same floppy).

Gah, annoying, but "it happens"!!   :-/

> But there still are some unresolved crashes from the old 1.0 CD.
> I put this topic on hold for a few days, but I will continue.

I don't know if wasting time on the 1.0 CD is worth it. In particular,
I've heard various times how it's network detection was buggy and
"hung" for various people. In short, don't expect even that to "just

> And I will send the screenshots as soon I am sure there actually is a
> problem. There is no use sending screenshots of problems caused by a bad
> floppy.
> so please be patient for a few days.

No pressure, we just are surprised if even XMS / EMS "safe" didn't work.

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Re: [Freedos-user] FD 1.1 Bootfloppy Problems

2011-08-01 Thread Jack


My apologies -- Hadn't noticed that I was in fact responding
to "old news"!

Jack R. Ellis

BlackBerry® DevCon Americas, Oct. 18-20, San Francisco, CA
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Re: [Freedos-user] FD 1.1 Bootfloppy Problems

2011-08-01 Thread Bernd Blaauw
Op 1-8-2011 20:58, Jack schreef:
> JPT,
> Ah, "good old" Asus, who AREN'T what they used to be, as I
> know from my prior Asus mainboard and MANY service-related
> E-Mails (both English ones from me, and Mandarin ones from
> my partner Johnson Lam) that all went totally UNANSWERED!!
> VERY unusual, for XMGR to fail!   I would need to see your
> exact CONFIG.SYS file.   If you use XMGR, I assume you are
> also loading JEMM386 (not JEMMEX!) with XMGR, or you would
> get some message from JEMMEX that an XMS manager (XMGR) is
> already loaded!

Think he wrote today that his floppy disk was corrupt, replacing that 
ment issues solved. My floppy has JEMMEX as a separate menu item, same 
for XMGR. Handy for debugging when things go rather wrong.

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Re: [Freedos-user] FD 1.1 Bootfloppy Problems

2011-08-01 Thread Jack


> tried the floppy to partition and format the hardisk.
> It works if I choose not to load any drivers, i.e. --
> 1 - Install FreeDOS ...
> 3 - Dont load any drivers at all
> In the other cases, I get crashes.
> 1 - Using default settings results in a JemmEx
> errormessage after loading the kernel ...
> 2 - Using alternative xms memory manager (xmgr)
> results in invalid opcode after loading the kernel.
> This is the hardware:  P3-800, Asus Cubx board,
> Intel i440BX chip, 384MB of RAM, Network 3Com 3c905b

Ah, "good old" Asus, who AREN'T what they used to be, as I
know from my prior Asus mainboard and MANY service-related
E-Mails (both English ones from me, and Mandarin ones from
my partner Johnson Lam) that all went totally UNANSWERED!!

VERY unusual, for XMGR to fail!   I would need to see your
exact CONFIG.SYS file.   If you use XMGR, I assume you are
also loading JEMM386 (not JEMMEX!) with XMGR, or you would
get some message from JEMMEX that an XMS manager (XMGR) is
already loaded!

XMGR cannot by-itself display an "Invalid Opcode" message.
This must be coming from JEMM386.

Also, only UMBPCI or the "EMM" driver (JEMM386, EMM386, or
JEMMEX when it is used) will "examine" the system and find
the upper-memory addresses (Ah to Eh) which can be
used.   XMGR examines only for XMS memory, 10h and up,
and relies on the "EMM" driver to deal with upper-memory.

So, my opinion is that your system likely has some area in
the upper-memory address range that "confuses" JEMM386 and
is causing your problem.

You can try running UMBPCI followed by XMGR, with NO "EMM"
driver, as I show in Section 5 of the README file for XMGR
and UIDE.   This leaves your system in "real mode", not in
"protected mode" as with the "EMM" drivers, so you may not
be able to run some protected-mode application programs.

But this lets UMBPCI "examine" the system for upper-memory
instead of the "EMM" driver.   UMBPCI, and XMGR in its XMS
memory tests, both have a somewhat more modern memory-test
scheme than the JEMM drivers, which desired to stay "fully
compatible" with the scheme used in the original EMM386.

So if XMGR + UMBPCI "survive" loading on your system, this
usually denotes an upper-memory "examination" problem with
JEMM386/JEMMEX.   You may then need to use specific I= and
X= commands in loading the JEMM drivers, to "avoid" memory
areas that cause trouble!

In any case, do post your actual CONFIG.SYS file, so I and
Japheth can see exactly what you are doing.

Jack R. Ellis

BlackBerry® DevCon Americas, Oct. 18-20, San Francisco, CA
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Re: [Freedos-user] FD 1.1 Bootfloppy Problems

2011-08-01 Thread JPT

the floppy had bad sectors. o.0
The jemm crash when booting from the floppy vanished after writing the
image again (on the same floppy).

But there still are some unresolved crashes from the old 1.0 CD.
I put this topic on hold for a few days, but I will continue.
And I will send the screenshots as soon I am sure there actually is a
problem. There is no use sending screenshots of problems caused by a bad

so please be patient for a few days.



Am 01.08.2011 19:37, schrieb Bernd Blaauw:
> Op 1-8-2011 19:33, Alain Mouette schreef:
>> Try emm386.exe, jemm is too much optimysed and does not work well on ALL
>> machines.
> It might work, but if even XMGR already gave trouble as per his report..
> Still awaiting those promised screenshots as well, I'm sure Jack or 
> Japheth would be interested.
> A reference bootdisk that does work correctly for him is something I'm 
> curious about. Maybe one of those ancient MSDOS disks :)
>>> tried the floppy to partition and format the hardisk.
>>> It works if I choose not to load any drivers. ^^
>>> ie.
>>> 1 - Install FreeDOS...
>>> 3 - Dont load any drivers at all
>>> In the other cases, I get crashes.
>>> 1 - Use default settings
>>> results in a JemmEx errormessage after loading the kernel.
>>> JemmEx: exception 06 occured ad cs:eip 02a3:...6af,errc 0
>>> after pressing escape
>>> JemmEx: exception 06 occured ad cs:eip 02a3:...15ae,errc 0
>>> again pressing escape gives an a: prompt
>>> 2 - use alternative xms memory manager (xmgr)
>>> results in invalid opcode after loading the kernel.
>>> This is for hardware
>>> P3-800, Asus Cubx board, Intel i440BX
>>> chip, 384MB of RAM, Network 3Com 3c905b
>>> On Oracle VirtualBox it works, but takes a long time searching the IDE
>>> bus. (did not attach a harddrive)
>>> Now these problems are documented and the drive is formatted, I will try
>>> the old installer CD again.
>>> JPT
>>> ps. I made screenshots, but I did not attach them to this email. so if
>>> you need more details, give me an email adress where to send them.
> --
> BlackBerry® DevCon Americas, Oct. 18-20, San Francisco, CA
> The must-attend event for mobile developers. Connect with experts. 
> Get tools for creating Super Apps. See the latest technologies.
> Sessions, hands-on labs, demos & much more. Register early & save!
> ___
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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] FD 1.1 Bootfloppy Problems

2011-08-01 Thread Bernd Blaauw
Op 1-8-2011 19:33, Alain Mouette schreef:
> Try emm386.exe, jemm is too much optimysed and does not work well on ALL
> machines.

It might work, but if even XMGR already gave trouble as per his report..
Still awaiting those promised screenshots as well, I'm sure Jack or 
Japheth would be interested.

A reference bootdisk that does work correctly for him is something I'm 
curious about. Maybe one of those ancient MSDOS disks :)

>> tried the floppy to partition and format the hardisk.
>> It works if I choose not to load any drivers. ^^
>> ie.
>> 1 - Install FreeDOS...
>> 3 - Dont load any drivers at all
>> In the other cases, I get crashes.
>> 1 - Use default settings
>> results in a JemmEx errormessage after loading the kernel.
>> JemmEx: exception 06 occured ad cs:eip 02a3:...6af,errc 0
>> after pressing escape
>> JemmEx: exception 06 occured ad cs:eip 02a3:...15ae,errc 0
>> again pressing escape gives an a: prompt
>> 2 - use alternative xms memory manager (xmgr)
>> results in invalid opcode after loading the kernel.
>> This is for hardware
>> P3-800, Asus Cubx board, Intel i440BX
>> chip, 384MB of RAM, Network 3Com 3c905b
>> On Oracle VirtualBox it works, but takes a long time searching the IDE
>> bus. (did not attach a harddrive)
>> Now these problems are documented and the drive is formatted, I will try
>> the old installer CD again.
>> JPT
>> ps. I made screenshots, but I did not attach them to this email. so if
>> you need more details, give me an email adress where to send them.

BlackBerry® DevCon Americas, Oct. 18-20, San Francisco, CA
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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] FD 1.1 Bootfloppy Problems

2011-08-01 Thread Alain Mouette
Try emm386.exe, jemm is too much optimysed and does not work well on ALL 

Plain old emm386 uses a more conventional aproach en tries NOT TO USE 
hardware as much as possible, an then it is more universal. It is 
probably slower, but safer...


Em 30-07-2011 08:47, JPT escreveu:
> Hi,
> tried the floppy to partition and format the hardisk.
> It works if I choose not to load any drivers. ^^
> ie.
> 1 - Install FreeDOS...
> 3 - Dont load any drivers at all
> In the other cases, I get crashes.
> 1 - Use default settings
> results in a JemmEx errormessage after loading the kernel.
> JemmEx: exception 06 occured ad cs:eip 02a3:...6af,errc 0
> after pressing escape
> JemmEx: exception 06 occured ad cs:eip 02a3:...15ae,errc 0
> again pressing escape gives an a: prompt
> 2 - use alternative xms memory manager (xmgr)
> results in invalid opcode after loading the kernel.
> This is for hardware
> P3-800, Asus Cubx board, Intel i440BX
> chip, 384MB of RAM, Network 3Com 3c905b
> On Oracle VirtualBox it works, but takes a long time searching the IDE
> bus. (did not attach a harddrive)
> Now these problems are documented and the drive is formatted, I will try
> the old installer CD again.
> ps. I made screenshots, but I did not attach them to this email. so if
> you need more details, give me an email adress where to send them.
> --
> Got Input?   Slashdot Needs You.
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> ___
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[Freedos-user] Using /E And Other UIDE Options.

2011-08-01 Thread Jack


> Is there any specific order for UIDE options?
> I am using the lastest UIDE (07-22-2011) wtih this options:
> Under VirtualBox, I am having the same problems when detecting
> the hard disk as the previous UIDE version.

Apologies for my "late" reply to the above, as I was busy last
weekend.   Rugxulo's reply was right, there is no : (colon) in
a /S switch, only the number of megabytes desired for the UIDE
cache.   Only the UIDE /D: switch uses a colon, to be the same
as that switch in SHSUCDX or SHCDX33E.

Also, there is no "order" needed by UIDE's switch options, and
you can specify them in whichever order you like.   Be advised
that most switches, once they are set, cannot be "un-set".   I
did not believe "un-setting" UIDE switches was necessary.

Re: UIDE /E "not detecting" your hard disk, note that /E makes
UIDE "go around" (avoid) its normal EDD-BIOS disk setup logic.
So, using /E, you will not get a message describing the "type"
of unit each hard-disk is, nor what ATA-xxx speed it will use.
However, you SHOULD get "Disk run by the BIOS:  1." or greater
if your system uses more than one hard-disk.   This means UIDE
was told by the BIOS how many hard-disks are present, and UIDE
will then "call the BIOS" to do I-O requests for them.   Hard-
disk data is still cached by UIDE, even with its /E switch!

Jack R. Ellis

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