Re: [FreeGeoCZ] EU podpora Horizont 2020

2016-09-21 Thread J.P.
H2020 už má první vlnu dotací za sebou v jiných oblastech  a české firmy se 
Na postup v administrativě nebo pomoc s přípravou by se dalo zeptat na 
  nebo poslední možnost 
obrátit se na Bruselskou Spojku, odkud jsem text převzal :)   Osobní zkušenost 

> 21. 9. 2016 v 13:2, Petr Jakeš :
> Jo, zajímala by mě: Kategorie „professional applications“:Agriculture:
> Ale koukal jsem na stránky
> A zdá se mi to všechno strašně administrativně náročné. Školení, 
> strukturované žádosti až se mi z toho zvedá kufr.
> Má s tím někdo zkušenosti?
> Petr Jakeš
> On 20 September 2016 at 23:19, J.P.  > wrote:
> Ahoj,
> tohle je vyjímečně druhý e-mail v jednom dni ode mne,  nevím jestli o tom 
> víte. Pokud to někoho zajímá profesně, prosím napište na to prosm krátký 
> feedback. Já osobně v tom nejsem a nemohu být zainteresovaný, takže to  jen 
> posílám dál.
> J.P.
> Evropská komise hodlá v rámci programu Horizon 2020 finančně podpořit 
> projekty, které se zabývají vývojem nejrůznějších aplikací, využitelných v 
> rámci chystaného evropského systému globální satelitní navigace Galileo. Na 
> „dopravní“ aplikace je vyhrazeno €14.500.000, na „profesionální“ aplikace 
> €8.000.000 a na aplikace pro „masovou spotřebu“ pak €9.000.000. Výběr by měl 
> odstartovat počátkem listopadu a skončit v březnu 2017.
> Kategorie „mass market applications“:
> Mobility as a service and Smart Cities: Development of EGNSS solutions for 
> cross-modal mobility and new emerging “mobility as a service” approach should 
> be addressed, in which the user does not buy a vehicle or a public transport 
> ticket, but a service to comply with her/his mobility needs. This area may 
> include innovative telematics applications in which the positioning, timing 
> and navigation are used both to deliver the mobility service and to calculate 
> a fair price based on the actual use of it. Development of EGNSS solutions 
> for other areas of future Smart Cities are also included in the scope.
> Internet of things: Development of EGNSS solutions for “internet of things” 
> should be addressed, exploiting the interconnectivity of uniquely 
> identifiable devices and the availability of their location. Proposals should 
> duly reflect the fact that the internet of things is not only improving 
> productivity and efficiency of organisations (with applications in almost 
> every sector of the economy, from automotive to consumer electronics, 
> healthcare or manufacturing and logistics), but that the internet of things 
> technology is also changing our daily lives.
> Commercial and social LBS: Proposals should address one of the two following 
> application areas. 1) Applications for commercial LBS, such as: secure 
> financial transactions; mobile workforce management, tracking solutions; 
> augmented reality; social networking and sport. 2) Applications for social 
> LBS, such as: safety and emergency (E112), e-health (health services more and 
> more connected), and solutions supporting visual and mobility of impaired 
> people.
> Kategorie „professional applications“:
> Agriculture: Automated machine guidance, precision farming and machine 
> control and field boundary measurements are possible areas to be addressed.
> Surveying and Mapping: Land survey, marine survey, cadastral and geodesy, and 
> construction are possible areas to be addressed.
> Timing and Synchronisation: Telecommunications, power generation and finance 
> are possible areas to be addressed.
> Other professional applications: clearly demonstrating amongst others the 
> contribution of EGNSS differentiators, the potential of integration with 
> earth observation data, and the future commercial potential are also invited.
> Kategorie „transport applications“:
> Aviation: The development of EGNSS solutions for navigation, surveillance and 
> communication in all phases of flight (aircraft and rotorcraft) should be 
> addressed, including the possibility to determine the location of aircraft in 
> distress. In particular, GNSS based PBN (Performance Based Operations), 
> advanced operations for approach and landing benefitting from robust vertical 
> guidance and LPV-200/CAT1 services[1]. Furthermore, surveillance 
> applications, such as ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast) and 
> use of reliable PVT for signal integrity, precise 

Re: [FreeGeoCZ] EU podpora Horizont 2020

2016-09-21 Thread Petr Jakeš
Jo, zajímala by mě:* Kategorie „professional applications“:*

Ale koukal jsem na stránky

A zdá se mi to všechno strašně administrativně náročné. Školení,
strukturované žádosti až se mi z toho zvedá kufr.
Má s tím někdo zkušenosti?

Petr Jakeš

On 20 September 2016 at 23:19, J.P.  wrote:

> Ahoj,
> tohle je vyjímečně druhý e-mail v jednom dni ode mne,  nevím jestli o tom
> víte. Pokud to někoho zajímá profesně, prosím napište na to prosm krátký
> feedback. Já osobně v tom nejsem a nemohu být zainteresovaný, takže to  jen
> posílám dál.
> J.P.
> Evropská komise hodlá v rámci programu Horizon 2020 finančně podpořit
> projekty, které se zabývají vývojem nejrůznějších aplikací, využitelných
> v rámci chystaného evropského systému globální satelitní navigace Galileo.
> Na „dopravní“ aplikace je vyhrazeno €14.500.000, na „profesionální“
> aplikace €8.000.000 a na aplikace pro „masovou spotřebu“ pak €9.000.000.
> Výběr by měl odstartovat počátkem listopadu a skončit v březnu 2017.
> *Kategorie „mass market applications“:*
> *Mobility as a service and Smart Cities*: Development of EGNSS solutions
> for cross-modal mobility and new emerging “mobility as a service” approach
> should be addressed, in which the user does not buy a vehicle or a public
> transport ticket, but a service to comply with her/his mobility needs. This
> area may include innovative telematics applications in which the
> positioning, timing and navigation are used both to deliver the mobility
> service and to calculate a fair price based on the actual use of it.
> Development of EGNSS solutions for other areas of future Smart Cities are
> also included in the scope.
> *Internet of things*: Development of EGNSS solutions for “internet of
> things” should be addressed, exploiting the interconnectivity of uniquely
> identifiable devices and the availability of their location. Proposals
> should duly reflect the fact that the internet of things is not only
> improving productivity and efficiency of organisations (with applications
> in almost every sector of the economy, from automotive to consumer
> electronics, healthcare or manufacturing and logistics), but that the
> internet of things technology is also changing our daily lives.
> *Commercial and social LBS*: Proposals should address one of the two
> following application areas. 1) Applications for commercial LBS, such as:
> secure financial transactions; mobile workforce management, tracking
> solutions; augmented reality; social networking and sport. 2) Applications
> for social LBS, such as: safety and emergency (E112), e-health (health
> services more and more connected), and solutions supporting visual and
> mobility of impaired people.
> *Kategorie „professional applications“:*
> *Agriculture:* Automated machine guidance, precision farming and machine
> control and field boundary measurements are possible areas to be addressed.
> *Surveying and Mapping:* Land survey, marine survey, cadastral and
> geodesy, and construction are possible areas to be addressed.
> *Timing and Synchronisation:* Telecommunications, power generation and
> finance are possible areas to be addressed.
> Other professional applications: clearly demonstrating amongst others the
> contribution of EGNSS differentiators, the potential of integration with
> earth observation data, and the future commercial potential are also
> invited.
> *Kategorie „transport applications“:*
> *Aviation:* The development of EGNSS solutions for navigation,
> surveillance and communication in all phases of flight (aircraft and
> rotorcraft) should be addressed, including the possibility to determine the
> location of aircraft in distress. In particular, GNSS based PBN
> (Performance Based Operations), advanced operations for approach and
> landing benefitting from robust vertical guidance and LPV-200/CAT1
> services[1]. Furthermore, surveillance applications, such as ADS-B
> (Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast) and use of reliable PVT for
> signal integrity, precise positioning and orientation of remotely piloted
> aerial systems (RPAS) might be addressed. Synergy and complementarity with
> the Sesar Joint Undertaking and other initiatives shall be clearly
> identified. Proposals should in particular build on
> multi-constellation/multi-frequency, current and future EGNOS integrity
> features and service levels, as well as integration of multi-constellation
> enabling capabilities.
> *Road:* Development of EGNSS solutions in emerging innovative domains,
> such as autonomous vehicles, that are safety critical and require a
> specific accurate and resilient positioning, timing and navigation should
> be addressed. Development of EGNSS solutions in policy driven applications,
> such as new generation of eCall, enha

[FreeGeoCZ] EU podpora Horizont 2020

2016-09-20 Thread J.P.
tohle je vyjímečně druhý e-mail v jednom dni ode mne,  nevím jestli o tom víte. 
Pokud to někoho zajímá profesně, prosím napište na to prosm krátký feedback. Já 
osobně v tom nejsem a nemohu být zainteresovaný, takže to  jen posílám dál.

Evropská komise hodlá v rámci programu Horizon 2020 finančně podpořit projekty, 
které se zabývají vývojem nejrůznějších aplikací, využitelných v rámci 
chystaného evropského systému globální satelitní navigace Galileo. Na 
„dopravní“ aplikace je vyhrazeno €14.500.000, na „profesionální“ aplikace 
€8.000.000 a na aplikace pro „masovou spotřebu“ pak €9.000.000. Výběr by měl 
odstartovat počátkem listopadu a skončit v březnu 2017.

Kategorie „mass market applications“:

Mobility as a service and Smart Cities: Development of EGNSS solutions for 
cross-modal mobility and new emerging “mobility as a service” approach should 
be addressed, in which the user does not buy a vehicle or a public transport 
ticket, but a service to comply with her/his mobility needs. This area may 
include innovative telematics applications in which the positioning, timing and 
navigation are used both to deliver the mobility service and to calculate a 
fair price based on the actual use of it. Development of EGNSS solutions for 
other areas of future Smart Cities are also included in the scope.

Internet of things: Development of EGNSS solutions for “internet of things” 
should be addressed, exploiting the interconnectivity of uniquely identifiable 
devices and the availability of their location. Proposals should duly reflect 
the fact that the internet of things is not only improving productivity and 
efficiency of organisations (with applications in almost every sector of the 
economy, from automotive to consumer electronics, healthcare or manufacturing 
and logistics), but that the internet of things technology is also changing our 
daily lives.

Commercial and social LBS: Proposals should address one of the two following 
application areas. 1) Applications for commercial LBS, such as: secure 
financial transactions; mobile workforce management, tracking solutions; 
augmented reality; social networking and sport. 2) Applications for social LBS, 
such as: safety and emergency (E112), e-health (health services more and more 
connected), and solutions supporting visual and mobility of impaired people.

Kategorie „professional applications“:

Agriculture: Automated machine guidance, precision farming and machine control 
and field boundary measurements are possible areas to be addressed.

Surveying and Mapping: Land survey, marine survey, cadastral and geodesy, and 
construction are possible areas to be addressed.

Timing and Synchronisation: Telecommunications, power generation and finance 
are possible areas to be addressed.

Other professional applications: clearly demonstrating amongst others the 
contribution of EGNSS differentiators, the potential of integration with earth 
observation data, and the future commercial potential are also invited.

Kategorie „transport applications“:

Aviation: The development of EGNSS solutions for navigation, surveillance and 
communication in all phases of flight (aircraft and rotorcraft) should be 
addressed, including the possibility to determine the location of aircraft in 
distress. In particular, GNSS based PBN (Performance Based Operations), 
advanced operations for approach and landing benefitting from robust vertical 
guidance and LPV-200/CAT1 services[1]. Furthermore, surveillance applications, 
such as ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast) and use of reliable 
PVT for signal integrity, precise positioning and orientation of remotely 
piloted aerial systems (RPAS) might be addressed. Synergy and complementarity 
with the Sesar Joint Undertaking and other initiatives shall be clearly 
identified. Proposals should in particular build on 
multi-constellation/multi-frequency, current and future EGNOS integrity 
features and service levels, as well as integration of multi-constellation 
enabling capabilities.

Road: Development of EGNSS solutions in emerging innovative domains, such as 
autonomous vehicles, that are safety critical and require a specific accurate 
and resilient positioning, timing and navigation should be addressed. 
Development of EGNSS solutions in policy driven applications, such as new 
generation of eCall, enhanced digital tachograph, dangerous goods transport, 
etc. might also be addressed. Proposals should in particular build on Galileo 
specific signal features and differentiators and new services such as 
authentication and high precision, as well as current and future EGNOS 
integrity features.

Maritime: Development of EGNSS based solutions in the different maritime and 
inland waterways (including the Arctic), such as vessels navigation, traffic 
management and surveillance, search and rescue, port operations, custom fraud 
control, fisheries monitoring should be addressed. Proposals should in 