[Futurework] web gleanings

2003-12-16 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Two from Harvard Business Working Knowledge weekly newsletter: Chinese premier promotes ties to US @ http://hbswk.hbs.edu/pubitem.jhtml?id=3833t=globalization Women leaders and organizational change @ http://hbswk.hbs.edu/pubitem.jhtml?id=3796t=organizations

RE: [Futurework] How was Saddam captured alive?

2003-12-15 Thread Karen Watters Cole
The national media made much of the disorientation Saddam reportedly displayed when he was removed from the dugout; one reported that he had hit his head, another mentioned that in the year before the war he was not really involved in daily dictatorship and more interested in the long

RE: [Futurework] Status and Honours

2003-12-15 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Here is the beginning of a weekend magazine article on consumerism though I wasnt sure if it was more appropriate for the Virginia Postrel post today. Its worth reading through this to get to the capuchin monkeys. Also note references to the cult of workaholism, competitive consumerism

RE: [Futurework] Saddam's capture

2003-12-15 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Probably the unhappiest groups today are those companies who havent yet inked their Iraq contracts, worried about international competitors. In the Arab world and elsewhere, there will be someone else who will arise to stand up to America as those who expressed regret for his capture

RE: [Futurework] Saddam's capture and Blair's body language

2003-12-14 Thread Karen Watters Cole
We have not seen an broadcast or announcement from the White House yet, although one should be forthcoming. Since Bush heard from Condi at 5am it was confirmed and aides rushed in early, they may be waiting to preempt Sunday news shows. Bush cancelled plans to go to church just across the

RE: [Futurework] Reframing (was V is for Volcano)

2003-12-14 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Here is another piece of Women On The Rise journalism, with an imposing date. Relax, just ovaries are mentioned this time. - KWC Women Will Have to Save the World Marlene Nadle, Pacific News Service, September 11, 2003 President Bush may not face much opposition in Congress to his

RE: [Futurework] Reframing (was V is for Volcano)

2003-12-14 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Agree, Ray. I dont even think saving the world is possible, but improving it is. If we align ourselves as coalitions around issues, we have short term results. We need a movement, broadly based, perhaps a Second Revolution. Mostly I wanted other FWers who might have an interest to see

RE: [Futurework] Framing the Issues (was Democratic 'Shadow' Groups Face Scrutiny)

2003-12-14 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Ray, not all who marched in the 60s are on the Right now. Like you, I do not respect those who opposed something in their youth just to 'go to the other side' as working adults IF they did so for superficial reasons like voting with their pocketbook or preferring to socialize with the rich instead

[Futurework] Look in the mirror

2003-12-13 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Conservative columnist George Will warns about overreaching to establish democracy in Iraq by comparing notes as Keith has recently about Northern Ireland. But he spends most of his space here describing Putinisms dark side. If we are comparing, maybe he could also write a column about

RE: [Futurework] Look in the mirror

2003-12-13 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Keith, responding to your comment about the likelihood of a massacre under the present troop deployment ratio, the Army has been criticized in some quarters for its heavy-handed tactics. Its also come to our attention that the Israelis have trained some US troops at Ft Bragg, that some of

RE: [Futurework] http://www.glaesernemanufaktur.de/

2003-12-13 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Bravo, Ed. Personally, I see you as a philosopher with a sense of humor, given to occasional rants. Seems like good magic to me. - KWC EW wrote: Thanks, Ray, but I'm not that good. I don't hold, or care to hold, political office, and I'm aging. But in my opinion, one of the great

[Futurework] Between a rock and a hard place

2003-12-12 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Dated for Saturday, posted 121203 online at 8:37 pm ET @ http://www.nytimes.com/2003/12/13/international/middleeast/13MIDE.html?hp Likud Debate: A Palestinian State to Save Israel By JAMES BENNET, NYT, December 13, 2003 JERUSALEM, Dec. 12 In this place that often

[Futurework] We take this commercial break for Applause

2003-12-10 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Now I dont want anyone to take this personally, but after it was mentioned here that we eventually wanted to attract more young minds to FW and the creative process we enjoy here, I mischievously had to share this, passed on to me from PlanetArk but originally posted at Reuters. - KWC

[Futurework] Signs of the times

2003-12-09 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Given the House and soon the Senate may pass an omnibus budget bill that fiscal conservatives are fuming about because of the federal deficit and our budgetary imbalances, this item summarized by yours truly from The Oregonian front page, below the fold, seemed a tad unjust and surreal,

[Futurework] Pax Americana update

2003-12-09 Thread Karen Watters Cole
U.S. Bars Iraq Contracts for Nations That Opposed War By Douglas Jehl, NYT, December 9, 2003, 4:22 pm ET WASHINGTON, Dec. 9 The Pentagon has barred French, German and Russian companies from competing for $18.6 billion in contracts for the reconstruction of Iraq, saying

RE: [Futurework] Reframing (was V is for Volcano)

2003-12-09 Thread Karen Watters Cole
SS wrote: When Jane Fonda says --- Because we can't just talk about women being at the table - it's too late for that - we have to think in terms of the shape of the table. Is it hierarchical or circular (metaphorically speaking)? We have to think about the quality of the men who are with

RE: [Futurework] Polarization myths (was fw: Interesting)

2003-12-08 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Ray, thanks for posting Samuelsons piece on polarization. I agree with several of his points about manipulating public perception, but wish that he had found a source newer than 1999 (Wolfe, One Nation, After All) that cited more than just middle class families. Much has changed since

[Futurework] China Files

2003-12-08 Thread Karen Watters Cole
From Asia Times @ http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Front_Page.html CHINA ON THE MOVE No reason to frighten the analysts Concerns over China's economy are preoccupying analysts all over the world. Samuel Baker toured the country recently and found that visions of disaster are overblown.

[Futurework] Asymmetrical economic growth

2003-12-07 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Sound familiar? In case you missed this. - KWC Who Wins and Who Loses as Jobs Move Overseas? By Erika Kinetz, NYT, Business, December 7, 2003 The outsourcing of jobs to China and India is not new, but lately it has earned a chilling new adjective: professional.

[Futurework] Opportunity Lost

2003-12-07 Thread Karen Watters Cole
There arent any real surprises here except, whos saying it and perhaps, the second and third recommendations below, in bold: Quote: In nation-building, Mr. Dobbins and his Rand colleagues have concluded that larger peacekeeping forces are better than smaller ones. Not only do small

[Futurework] Coal in their stockings

2003-12-05 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Three from Center for American Progress, Dec. 05, 2003. COAL IN THE STOCKINGS: With only twenty shopping days left until Christmas, disappointing retail sales have suggested to many analysts that this shopping season may not be as good as some retailers hoped a month or two ago. And the

[Futurework] Bush Boom-Bust Foreign Policy

2003-12-04 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Currently, the big money man the Bush2 loyalists love to hate, George Soros pens commentary on Bush foreign policy. I am excerpting here from about midpoint in this essay, which appears in the current issue of The Atlantic Monthly. You will see some familiar phrases here. - KWC The

RE: [Futurework] No Legal Cover

2003-12-02 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Good morning, Ed. Are you suggesting that historical precedence and overwhelming power (might makes right?) means that dissent is inconsequential? Let us not turn a blind eye to what is wrong just because we cannot stop it for the moment. Perhaps in addition to security,

RE: [Futurework] Bush's PR problems (was Blair's curious illnesses)

2003-12-02 Thread Karen Watters Cole
KH wrote re: Bush state visit with the Queen: It was a disaster. But Bush got his photos with the Queen. That's what the trip was planned for 18 months ago long before the invasion was planned and that's what he got. The rest was humiliation, but Bush is so thankful that Blair -- his only

RE: [Futurework] No Legal Cover

2003-12-02 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Ed, I agree with you that now that we are there we have the devil of a problem. But the point is the war profiteering contracts can be stopped now. If Bush2 can reverse course on which comes first, an unstable govt and elections or a stabilizing but unpopular occupation, then they can

[Futurework] Challenging those mass-media produced assumptions

2003-12-02 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Besides the two excellent articles that EW posted this weekend challenging assumptions about unemployment and productivity, this one also appeared in the NYT. It refers to a report by an Office of Tax Policy Research at the Univ of Michigan @ http://www.otpr.org/: How much of a stimulus

[Futurework] RE: A cottage in the country

2003-12-02 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Keith, I assume the garden has room for that koi pond you wanted. The aviary sounds interesting, only Id suggest keeping that long beard of yours trimmed before inviting small birds to cohabitate with you. Now since youve made it sound so delightful and quaintly British the way we

[Futurework] Managing damage control

2003-12-01 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Too bad they missed the opportunity to release these before Ramadan, but am cynically thinking it has more to do with the US holiday season and the election campaign. A politically propitious time may have a lot to do with how the rust belt states react to news pending of Bushs reversal of

RE: [Futurework] V is for Volcano2

2003-12-01 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Dear Arthur, I must say I would have written the last sentence differently myself, repeating the title and finishing the political theme, V is for Volcana, vote and victory. But I dont think this can be called male bashing, if for no other reason than she did express the conviction that

RE: [Futurework] V is for Volcano2

2003-12-01 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Here are links to two projects referenced in the original speech. http://www.thewhitehouseproject.org/ http://www.vday.org/

[Futurework] You Win some You Lose some

2003-11-28 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Bon nuit, mes amis. Whether or not Bush and Jack Straw were in country to secretly negotiate with the influential religious leader or not, there is no controlling the free press. I found the three citations from conservative papers in Spain a bit surprising. Also the Israeli paper.

[Futurework] Don't tell Santa

2003-11-28 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Okay. So where is that list of good boys and girls anyway? Also see at this website, Asia's Consumer Revolution Deepens Asia Times November 22, 2003 Impact of declining US capital inflows By Hussain Khan TOKYO - The wide range of declining currency inflows into numerous types of

[Futurework] Signs of the Times

2003-11-24 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Posted in red and white above each of the customer copiers at Office Depot, suburbs of Portland, Oregon, first noticed Sunday pm Nov 23, 2003: NOTICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS During this time of national emergency we will report any and all suspicious or questionable activity

[Futurework] Monday Yin and Yang

2003-11-24 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Heres a thought for a Monday morning, from another list, shared with me and then to you. This seems to reinforce that a computer and cell phone are not status goods but part of a master-slave relationship. We have the Consumption Economy, The New Economy, The Restorative Economy, The

[Futurework] The sociology and religion of addiction recovery

2003-11-24 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Found this in the OpEd pages of the Washington Post. Challenges a few myths. - KWC Quote: In his comprehensive book Not-God: A History of Alcoholics Anonymous, Ernest Kurtz notes that two conflicting impulses have been internalized in Western cultures -- Enlightenment secularism and its

[Futurework] Before you can reinvent or revive an ideal...

2003-11-24 Thread Karen Watters Cole
dont you have to take challenge the myths, of prosperity, of the bootstrap, of a secure middle-class? A New Kind Of Poverty Anna Quindlen in Newsweek, Dec 1st issue Winter flits in and out of New York City in the late fall, hitching a ride on the wind that whips the Hudson River. One

RE: [Futurework] The rise (and fall?) of fundamentalism

2003-11-23 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Id like to add a few comments on fundamentalism, the USA version 2003. Cheney and Rumsfeld et al are fundamentalists in regard to an absolutist worldview. They may not share the same spiritual values and social commonalities with the religious fundamentalists but they are symbiotic to

RE: [Futurework] Bush's impossible problem of same-sex marriage

2003-11-22 Thread Karen Watters Cole
REH wrote: In Keith we had the UK version of conservative thought about marriage while here is the American version. Although I disagree with Keith's math analogy. (You could make the case that any group that is not in the majority is somehow unnatural using his theory.) I do agree more

[Futurework] More than a pound foolish

2003-11-22 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Another victim of the Bush tax cuts and foolish myopia. KWC NYT Editorial: November 22, 2003 Save the Conservation Security Program In the debacle of last year's farm bill, a few programs emerged that had both common sense and innovation behind them. One that

[Futurework] Military Families and Vets speak out

2003-11-22 Thread Karen Watters Cole
7,000 US troops wounded in the Iraq War so far. Being charged $8/day for their food while in hospital? In the US of A? Theres a new article about the new swing voter the military as more military families question the strategy and competence of the Pentagon under Bush2. Hearing Bush

RE: [Futurework] The rise (and fall?) of fundamentalism

2003-11-22 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Keith, Baker makes a good point and Ive seen this argument before, that as much noise and ballast as they create, the orthodox agenda has not been very successful in terms of enacted legislation or actually changed that much on the political scorecard yet. As we know from other

[Futurework] Greider: Beyond Scarcity A New Story for American Capitalism

2003-11-21 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Following Brian's posting from Greider's The Soul of Capitalism, I thought some of you might be interested in this broadcast notice. Have we already discussed Louis Kelso's work on ESOPs? http://www.cesj.org/binaryeconomics/kelsovision.htm A QUESTION OF FAIRNESS: A NOW with Bill Moyers Special

RE: [Futurework] Enemy Myth (was Jessica Lynch -- American Dreamer

2003-11-17 Thread Karen Watters Cole
As others have discoursed here, there is a human need to put a face on an enemy. In these particularly uncertain times, the answer is all too simple for many: identify an enemy and focus all misbegotten confusion, failure and anger on him/it. This includes otherwise decent folk,

[Futurework] Using the technology we already paid for

2003-11-17 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Some of you may already know about this. If you dont, please check it out. I cant take credit for this web discovery, but I am passing it along because I think you will like this idea. Creative Commons @ http://mirrors.creativecommons.org/ You will need speakers. 1.5 Mb Flash

[Futurework] Web Gleanings Nov 17 2003

2003-11-17 Thread Karen Watters Cole
1. Portal For Nonprofits Two years ago, multimillionaire Arthur A. Bushkin paid $15 million to create an Internet portal called StargazerNet, and used it to offer nonprofit organizations a free way of networking, conducting online chats among offices, and organizing their data. Yet today

[Futurework] Some things are true even if GDubya believes them

2003-11-16 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Something here we all recognize and are familiar with, and yet, isnt it frustrating that the POTUS and his support staff have had such a difficult time articulating a vision and strategy? Could that be because they embraced militarization as a primary method and have just now learned its

RE: [Futurework] The coming crash

2003-11-07 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Yes, I remember something as recently as this summer at 1.1 or 1.2 to 3.1. Does that sound right? Karen, Thanks for the reference. What I remember from basic economics was that military spending does not have the same multiplier effect as does domestic spending. Bill See NOW

RE: [Futurework] Bush's preliminary step to withdrawal?

2003-11-07 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Personally, I was relieved to hear a better speech than usual from Bush, making good use of semantics designed to revitalize the disgruntled taxpayer. As we enter the holiday season, what could be more effective with voters than appealing to a higher mission and raising the spirit of

[Futurework] two step strategy back to fiscal sanity

2003-11-07 Thread Karen Watters Cole
As Russell Baker noted in his review of Krugmans book, The Great Unraveling, the trouble with Krugman as a critic of Bush2 policy is that he actually knows what he is talking about, unlike most pundits on Economics. KWC The Sweet Spot By Paul Krugman, NYT, October 17, 2003 @

RE: [Futurework] Wal-Mart...

2003-11-06 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Thanks for sharing the SF Chronicle article about Wal-Marts shenanigans in obtaining signatures for ballots, Robert. - KWC Heres the beginning of another article, too long to drop in here, but also contains other details, including making the point that WalMartization has contributed to

RE: [Futurework] All the President's votes?

2003-11-06 Thread Karen Watters Cole
While chopping veggies for a soup to ward off early winter weather in the Pacific Northwest and the first round of winter colds, I heard a tribute to now-deceased Sen. Mike Mansfield by the author of a new book about him, and was startled that I had failed to mention him recently as a man

[Futurework] RE: A major war coming?

2003-11-06 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Keith, while I dont disagree with your speculations below about prospective warfare plans, its entirely possible that strategists are reacting to the politically risky dependence upon Reserve and Guard units to supplement active duty forces. If a draft is reinstated but only calls up

RE: [Futurework] All the President's votes?

2003-11-06 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Karen We even need irascible opponents, like Thurmond was, to bring color and individuality to politics so that the general public can see somebody like themselves up there representing them and not feel distanced or awed by the process that in truth is operating everyday in their name.

[Futurework] Back to the Future of Work

2003-11-06 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Im adding a section from the transcript excerpted below, discussing Employee Stock Ownership Plans. For those interested, please note the question from San Diego, and the summary remarks. - KWC Leadership for a Changing World website info below. Minneapolis Can you describe the

RE: [Futurework] The coming crash

2003-11-06 Thread Karen Watters Cole
See NOW segment @ http://www.pbs.org/now/politics/defensedollars.html with sources listed at the bottom of the page. I wonder how much of the US growth was military driven. Bill

RE: [Futurework] The coming crash

2003-11-06 Thread Karen Watters Cole
I wonder how much of the US growth was military driven. Bill Bill, I found it right after sending you that clearinghouse link. Different writer here. Cant wait to see the Q3 numbers. And while thinking about more money, less accountability, check out the National Priorities

RE: Re: [Futurework] No similarities? (was All the President's votes)

2003-11-05 Thread Karen Watters Cole
One of the unfortunate similarities, perhaps, between Vietnam and the current conditions in Iraq is that troop morale and incidences of increasing hostile acts are leading to atrocities. For all concerned, let us hope this does not continue. Even if just half of these stories trickling out

RE: [Futurework] Teleworking -- or, a fortune awaits a house-builder

2003-11-05 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Keith, combined neighborhood office centers are already being implemented in small communities and suburbs as part of the redevelopment industry, wherein small pieces of real estate are converted as you envision, to lease on a temporary basis, bring revenue and enhancing property values

[Futurework] We export cronyism

2003-11-05 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Following that last little poison pen mention of the Bush2 global-corporate policy Ooops! - I meant to say global foreign policy, heres another example of cronyism. We already have a surplus of suspicion about US preemptive policy and governing agendas. Shouldnt the laws of supply and

[Futurework] Waging war against commercial feudalism

2003-11-05 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Followed from sojo.net to Orion, found: an excellent article about civil community and activist groups, local municipalities standing up to corporate personhood lawsuits, and the applications that citizens can take from these practical lessons opposing international trade agreements (GATT

RE: [Futurework] Fw: Electronic Voting Machine Action

2003-11-04 Thread Karen Watters Cole
See HR 2239 @ http://www.congress.org/congressorg/webreturn/?url=http://holt.house.gov I consider this the one most important we are facing in this country today; of course every country that holds elections will be facing the same issue sooner or later. Selma - Original Message - Sent:

RE: [Futurework] The penny hasn't dropped yet

2003-11-04 Thread Karen Watters Cole
And bolded here are the hot issues, imho, you will see repeated for Campaign 2004: The final size of the bill was $87,543,098,000, an amount larger than the annual budgets of seven cabinet departments. All the money will be added to the year's record budget deficit. The bulk of the bill

RE: [Futurework] Anthony Cordesman - Saudi Arabia and terror

2003-11-04 Thread Karen Watters Cole
And note the alumni list to the right on this page you provide but also check the names at About CSIS (private, nonpartisan, tax exempt) Just on a hunch, I went to my research files to see if he was a signer on the PNAC* letters to Clinton and Bush setting the precedent for Bush2

[Futurework] web discoveries

2003-11-04 Thread Karen Watters Cole
While in orbit this week: 1. Smaller galaxy being torn apart by much larger Milky Way @ http://www.msnbc.com/news/988973.asp?0cv=CB20 Also see Space.com 2. Harvard Business Schools online Working Knowledge, has a new webpage, Entrepreneurs in their own words @

RE: [Futurework] Fw: Electronic Voting Machine Action

2003-11-04 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Add this from the Practical Futurist blog at msnbc: I suspect we students of the cyberworld are getting a distant early warning of a potential electoral disaster that could make hanging chads look trivial. Newsweek's Steven Levy wrote about the gathering storm around electronic voting systems

[Futurework] Why Bush made his speeches quickly and then flew on

2003-11-04 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Again, 55,000 jobs added per month is still a loss. Until 100,000 jobs are added each month consecutively, we still have a jobless recovery. Also see Economic Policy Institutes Job Watch @ http://www.jobwatch.org/ and GDP Picture @

[Futurework] Bush League and The pen is mightier than the sword

2003-11-03 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Blueprint for a Mess, The New York Times Magazine (2 November 2003) by David Rieff http://www.nytimes.com/2003/11/02/magazine/02IRAQ.html Its been another busy FW weekend. Stephen Straker posted Rieffs work on Saturday with a succinct note. I made a go at responding late Sunday

RE: [Futurework] Riots in Riyadh?

2003-11-03 Thread Karen Watters Cole
And possibly this seems so because we have been conditioned to look for them as such. For example, the wildfires in S. California no doubt remind those absolutely convinced of that persuasion that it will not be a flood this time, but fire that destroys the earth. There are plenty of

RE: [Futurework] Riots in Riyadh?

2003-11-03 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Yes, absolutely, and here is just another indication of how it divides and why we must pursue a peaceful resolution: Poll controversy as Israel and US labelled biggest threats to World peace - 30.10.2003 - 17:41

RE: [Futurework] More nuance, less fury (was Riots in Riyadh?)

2003-11-03 Thread Karen Watters Cole
A Friend To the Other Israel By Yoel Esteron, Washington Post OpEd, Monday, November 3, 2003; Page A19 The writer is managing editor of the Israeli newspaper Haaretz TEL AVIV -- Was it only a bad dream? Just seven months ago, my girls, the grandchildren of Holocaust survivors who

RE: [Futurework] Riots in Riyadh?

2003-11-03 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Ray, I can only speak from my observations and proximity to those who believe that Armageddon is approaching and is the only way to obtain the any peace on earth: they subscribe to a victor and the defeated, who should be converted before they die in hell. I hesitate to generalize

RE: [Futurework] We're getting the hell out

2003-11-02 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Repeating what other colonial powers have done in times past, instituting policies or systems not possible to do on the home front, the US imposes a flat tax on Iraq that might be the equivalent of a Superbowl ad: great marketing for a huge audience. KWC U.S. Administrator Imposes Flat

RE: [Futurework] We're getting the hell out

2003-11-02 Thread Karen Watters Cole
The article further quotes Commerce Sec. Evans endorsing Russias flat tax at the Heritage Foundation and President Bush, in Russia last year to see President Vladimir Putin, said: The good news is that the flat tax in Russia is a good, fair tax -- much more fair, by the way, than many

RE: [Futurework] Article on Khodorkovsky

2003-11-02 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Dimitri Simes of The Nixon Center was just on CSpan this morning being interviewed on a number of topics covering Russia and confirmed that Khodorkovsky may have political ambitions. He said that Putin cannot run for reelection next time, the implication is that K. has to be taken out of

RE: [Futurework] Bush League

2003-11-02 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Stephen, I just finished reading this. Thanks for posting it. It covers the chronology of the planning process quite well, and though it is critical of the Pentagon and White House, does not subscribe to conspiracy theories for motives. I would concur that the section on neglecting ORHA

RE: [Futurework] Bush League Addendum

2003-11-02 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Let me also suggest Benjamins Rumsfelds Folly in Slate @ http://slate.msn.com/id/2090529/ and Friedmans End of the West?, in todays NYT @ http://www.nytimes.com/2003/11/02/opinion/02FRIE.html. From Rumsfelds folly: As foreign fighters pour into Iraq to attack U.S. troops and undermine

RE: [Futurework] Article on Khodorkovsky

2003-11-02 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Ed, the CSM agrees with you. Kremlins corporate seizure a war of elites @ http://www.csmonitor.com/2003/1031/p01s03-woeu.html Until now, Putin has apparently kept the two conflicting Kremlin clans in check by playing one off the other. But the likely departure of Putin's chief of staff,

[Futurework] Bad advice. Bad example. Bad politics.

2003-11-02 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Bush Ignores Soldiers' Burials By Christopher Scheer, AlterNet, October 30, 2003 On Monday and Tuesday, amid the suicide bombing carnage that left at least 34 Iraqis dead, three more U.S. servicemen were killed in combat in Iraq. In the coming days their bodies will be boxed up and sent

[Futurework] Neuroscience to social science

2003-10-31 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Based on prior conversations on the list, this should be of interest. Also nice to know that TV reruns can be health educational material. See below. KWC U.S. National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine (IOM) Annual Meeting 2003 http://www.iom.edu/event.asp?id=10244 THE SCIENTIST

[Futurework] web gleanings

2003-10-31 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Gleaned from an abundance of interesting items at Public Education Network newsweekly: www.publiceducation.org Schools With Poor, Minority Students Get Less State Funds School districts in Illinois and New York that have large numbers of poor students get some $2,200 less in state and

RE: Re: [Futurework] All the President's votes?

2003-10-31 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Ed, Harry, these are good comments about the nature of politicians and the publics often naïve expectations about them and by extension, government. There are still politicians with principles around, and Sen. Bobby Byrd comes quickly to mind, as irascible as he can be. The trouble

[Futurework] trick or treat

2003-10-31 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Just in time for Halloween - Mark Fiores animated Energy Bill @ http://www.sfgate.com/columnists/fiore/

RE: Re: [Futurework] All the President's votes?

2003-10-31 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Please, Arthur, lets not use the word hero with anyone in politics today. Im a great believer in mythological heroes, some military heroes, sports heroes, and especially fire fighters, police, medical and science research heroes, and everyday heroes. Yes, Byrd has a colored past, as do

RE: [Futurework] clarification: All the President's votes?

2003-10-31 Thread Karen Watters Cole
After an offline query, Id like to clarify something from my last post, in which I detailed that Sen. Ron Wyden is a Jew, but did not mention religious affiliation of any of the other names. The short answer is that I am familiar with Wyden, but not the others mentioned. In a very

RE: [Futurework] Word.A.Day--pundit

2003-10-30 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Arthur, I love it that pundit comes from Sanskrit. Following the trail of one of the quotes below, here is a link to Russell Baker's New York Review of Books comments re: Paul Krugman's book, The Great Unraveling: Losing our way in the New Century. IMHO, Baker is himself a pundit and commentator

[Futurework] It takes more work but it's worth it

2003-10-28 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Another reason to be thankful for FW and our predominately spirited exchange of ideas and information with opinion and learning. Up in Heaven, Alexander the Great, Frederick the Great and Napoleon are looking down on events in Iraq. Alexander says, Wow, if I had just one of Bush's

[Futurework] Blue Monday

2003-10-27 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Somedays, it is really difficult to be a Pollyanna and believe and hope that people will tap into their better natures, and evolve towards more positive ways of living with each other. It doesnt have to be enlightenment or an utopian state, just better, moving progressively forward

[Futurework] Cultural Wars 3 (was Jihad 2004)

2003-10-27 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Last in a series. Now mind you, I am not trying to persecute Christians, many of them believe everyone is right now, but I am pursuing with journalistic vigor and from personal background something that I feel grabs people much more passionately than economics and most policy in the

RE: [Futurework] Blue Monday

2003-10-27 Thread Karen Watters Cole
appears. The variable might be freq. of intercourse with the gender of the child being the dependent variable. arthur -Original Message- From: Karen Watters Cole [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, October 27, 2003 11:20 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [Futurework] Blue Monday

[Futurework] Culture Wars 2 (was Jihad 2004)

2003-10-26 Thread Karen Watters Cole
While I am not denigrating by any means the validity of the human rights issues and the moral values it derives from, I offer this piece as another example of catering to one segment of your voter base, while rebuffing others. - . KWC Open Door Policy Bumiller: Evangelicals Sway White

[Futurework] web discoveries

2003-10-26 Thread Karen Watters Cole
The Globalist: For global citizens. By global citizens. @ http://www.theglobalist.com/ From its mission statement: Our core editorial belief is that now more than ever, people everywhere are seeking a better understanding of what connects and divides nations and societies, economies and

RE: [Futurework] Wal Mart and the American dream

2003-10-26 Thread Karen Watters Cole
I guess, Harry, the shortest and sweetest reply I can give you is that many of us are interested in more than the cheapest price and just the bottom line in our choices. By the way, I think retail cannibalism refers to saturating a market area even if it means cannibalizing customer

RE: [Futurework] Walmart and the American dream

2003-10-25 Thread Karen Watters Cole
This news item ties in nicely to the NOW with Bill Moyers report on low wages at Tyson Foods and other labor issues that Arthur alerted us to yesterday via FW. Tyson also was raided and charged with knowingly hiring illegals, and two executives plead guilty, fines were paid. Wal Mart

[Futurework] assessing Iraq oil potential

2003-10-24 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Some of you may have seen this but given its appearance on the list, I thought Id forward yet another item of interest: Iraqs Oil: assessing the potential Amy Jaffe, the senior energy adviser for the James A. Baker Institute for Public Policy at Rice University; Yasser Elguindi,

RE: [Futurework] Middle East bilateral peace plan

2003-10-23 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Please see the Christian Science Monitors Daily Update, October 22, 2003 for the rest of this: links are live Israeli strikes launch debate about civilian casualties @ http://www.csmonitor.com/specials/sept11/dailyUpdate.html Reuters reports that recent strikes by Israeli forces in Gaza,

[Futurework] Lowering Expectations

2003-10-23 Thread Karen Watters Cole
There is an old sales adage, undersell, overdeliver. This works well when you are promising something on deadline. Maybe not so well in global foreign politics, because it leaves less room for failure. See below. - KWC Diplomatic Diary: Richard Wolffe Virtual Reality: George W. Bush's political

RE: [Futurework] Middle East bilateral peace plan

2003-10-23 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Thanks, Bill. For others who didnt explore the rest of the CSM report, heres more, which gives a bigger picture of the current debate about the ineffectiveness of current policies. Even if the Peoples Peace Plan does not do anything more than gather more signatures, it raises the level

RE: [Futurework] Middle East bilateral peace plan

2003-10-23 Thread Karen Watters Cole
in the coming months. This is not just about collecting weapons. It is about turning people into permanently employable individuals. (end of excerpts) *** On Thu, 23 Oct 2003 07:58:36 -0700 Karen Watters Cole [EMAIL PROTECTED

[Futurework] Jihad 2004

2003-10-23 Thread Karen Watters Cole
I see that cousin Ray is posting items reflecting the coming Cultural War in the US. Heres my contribution to the same subject. Newsweeks Fineman writes that Bush2 will not fire Lt. General Boykin, who has made Christian Zionist inflammatory remarks about Islam, linking the war on

RE: [Futurework] Declining morality or decling responsibility?

2003-10-22 Thread Karen Watters Cole
Following on that theme of more people feeling stressed due to the disconnect and rush of life: See Take Back Your Life Day/Week @ http://www.education.umn.edu/WCFE/FE/ParentEd/TBYFT.html and Parents Reconsider Kids Over-Controlled Lives @

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