Re: [Audyssey] science fiction was Creating Roll Playing Games From Scratch

2009-07-18 Thread Allan Thompson

Hi Tom,
We do have some diffrences here.
When it comes to having an alien field to draw from, it would still be there 
in this story , only the aliens would have genetic matches with human beings 
because they are in essence human beings despite the external features and 
other changes. If that was not flexible enough, there is plenty of mutations 
out in the galaxy and even in that core empire (illegal aliens, grin). With 
a mutations list, you can randomly create your characters or you can pick 
them out from the list using a point cost deal. technically, the sky is the 
limit for what "race" you want to be , either pregenrated base lines, or 
create your own weird character. I played west end games star wars too, and 
I played a protocol droid who had a split  personality. It was acutally an 
assassin droid, with protocol droid plating around it and so it would be 
able to get to hwerever it wanted to , do the hit, and leave as if nothing 
happened. So yes, I am sure robots, cybernetics, mind powers, androids, 
whatever it is can be generated up with a intuitive easy to use point system 
or random system.  That should give plenty of flexibility.

When it came to multi player, I am not sure what you mean. In my mind, I am 
thinking of a single gamer , making up a team of characters with diffrent 
skills and abilities. There would be no other gamer interaction, nor 
seperately  controlled characters by other gamers.

I mentioned those copyrighted materials because I didn't feel like trying to 
describe a light saber in just such a way that it was difrfrent just to make 
a point. I understand the copyrighted stuff from what you explained, and I 
was just trying to give examples of  technology that could be gotten  during 
a seeker trip. Sorry for the confusion.


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Re: [Audyssey] science fiction was Creating Roll Playing Games From Scratch

2009-07-17 Thread Thomas Ward

Hi Allan,
I do think you have a decent story line that could be further developed 
into a  roll playing game. Although, there are a few miner issues where 
I differ with you on the story line.
First, your story line proposes assembling a team of brave adventurers 
to explore the galaxy for the perfect genetic strands of humanity to 
keep they human race, such as it is, from becoming extinct. As I've 
mentioned before if I write this game it will be from a single player 
point of view. There will be no party based play. So it would be up to a 
single player to be skilled or to be trained in various skills in order 
to carry out the adventure at hand rather than a full team of explorers.
Second, I think I find the story just a tad bit limiting in a way. In 
your plot description humanity has become scattered among the stars and 
through centuries of genetic alterations the human species is facing 
extinction. That aspect  of the story isn't very appealing to me as a gamer.
I think I would personally like it if there actually was a galactic 
federation, republic, or empire of planets with various alien races 
besides humans. This would allow for more character development in terms 
of picking a character race, class, and perhaps powers.
For example, when I was in college I joined a guild of Star wars roll 
playing enthusiast's. One thing that made the game so enjoyable was the 
ability to create a truly unique character in the game universe. I 
wasn't limited to any specific race, class, and so on.
In terms of alien races alone I could be a human, Rodian, Wookee, etc. I 
could even be some sort of droid if I wanted to. The options were pretty 
flexible there.
Then, there were various class types such as a Jedi, smuggler, bounty 
hunter, tech, and so on. You could be unaligned, or you could choose to 
side with the Rebellion or the Empire. Either way you had alot of 
freedom in deciding what your character specialized in.
In terms of special powers goes this might be determined by the 
characters class or race. For example, in a Star Trek rpg Betazoids, 
while human, do haveempathic powers where a human from Earth wouldn't. A 
person who is part human and part Q would have special abilities and 
powers far above any normal human. Those are just a couple of examples 
how selecting a character race might effect powers.
Anyway, what i was going to say is having a well defined universe for 
your character to play in is the amount of possible adventures available 
for that character. Let us say your character is traveling through hyper 
space when he/she recieves a destress signal. He/she may answer the 
destress call and find out that a mining colony is being raided by 
pirates. If your character is a roguelike character, say a smuggler, 
he/she might want to side with the pirates and get a reward for helping 
them out. If your character is a heroic like character, say a galactic 
he/she  will attempt to fight off the pirate attack. Either way suchan 
action might come to the attention of the galactic council. If your 
actions were noble they might give you special tasks to carry out for 
them. if your actions were dishonest it might cause a bounty to be put 
on your head, and your over all alignment status would go down considerably.
Finally, we have to be careful what technology we put in the game. You 
mentioned including light sabers. That is a big no no interms of 
copyright law. Light sabers are unfortunately a copyrighted trade mark 
of the Star Wars Universe. WE have to be careful about things like that.


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[Audyssey] science fiction was Creating Roll Playing Games From Scratch

2009-07-17 Thread Allan Thompson

Hi Tom and Dark,
I really like  where you guys are going with the topic, and I was hoping to 
throw in my five dollars(inflation, you know, grin).
My only concern about a scifi universe like what dark explained was that the 
primary purpose might get overshadowed with  all the very cool things a 
player can do in the genre.

I  think, as an example, I would make a foundation like this.
Earth was left behind after it was  nearly destroyed in a nuclear exchange 
thousands of years ago, prompting the remaining human race to seek out new 
homes in the stars. Thousands of years later, humanity has been around, has 
colonized many worlds, some highly technical, some more wild, until they hit 
the mother lode. A core of worlds that could be a new home. They colonize, 
terraform, they expand and you get a  new human home, with a space empire to 
boot. Never the less, as time progresses, the first human galactic empire 
falls, it's borders dropping only to about a half dozen worlds. and that 
leaves  many planets cut off except a very few,  allowing those "rogue" 
planets to become whatever without interference from the Hi Tech empire. 
Thru the time of this  space "dark age" humanity all over the galaxy starts 
to change thru cybernetic implants, eugenic programs, genetic manipulation 
to make humans better suited for a particular world, radiation, magic, or 
just simple breeding and racial traits adaptations and mutations.
In any event,  after the many thousands of years and the continual changing 
and manipulation of DNA thru all the hybrid worlds, humanity established in 
the small galactic empirefind out about a strange genetic flaw which is 
causing the human race to  become unable to produce viable offspring. In 
effect, the  babies  being born die only minutes out of the womb. 
Furthermore, this same genetic flaw has started to affect each and every 
human being. The only hope for humanity is to find a "pure strain" of humans 
in order to discover the answer to the mystery and  save the entire human 
race from eventual extinction.

Needless to say, brave bands of Seekers need to be brought together to go 
forth and search the  galaxy for that elusive "pure strain". This means that 
all manner of  characters with all manner of job skills are needed. Some 
examples would be military personnel who would protect the starcraft from 
bandits, pirates, marauders and hostile enemy war vessels. Highly trained 
soldiers like rangers or green beret types would be needed to go out in the 
field for or with the scientists to protect them and things of that nature. 
scientists of all sorts are needed to help discover, and create the cure to 
save the human race. They would also be experts in various fields like 
computers and A.I. , robotics, cybernetics, biology, chemistry, even 
archeology. Then there is the medical personnel, space craft crew to 
maintain and drive the  seeker ship. A few ambassadors would be good for 
dealing with planets with civilized governments, and even some criminal 
types would be needed to get into some more "stealthy" situations of all 
sorts(after all, we are talking about saving the entire human race , by hook 
or by crook). Merchants would be invaluable as they would be needed to 
barter for things from food and water, fuel, or for a broke hyperdrive out 
in the middle of some desert planet somewhere. grin. The seeker ship could 
have a small squadron of single man or two man fighter space craft for 
various missions or ship defense as well, meaning maintanienc crews and 
space jocks would be needed for them. Then there is the possiblity of 
androids and robots, alien friendly races etc.
Now as the seekers go searching, they will run into all sorts of strange and 
new worlds, and there might even be  oppurtunities to  grab skills not 
immediatly available, like maybe magic, or certain types of implants, or 
psionic mind powers etc and so forth.
In addition, each quest does not have to be immediatly focused on the pure 
strain cure. The seekers could be asked to clear up some pirates at an 
asteroid mining colony before given a crucial bit of equipment, or a star 
map leading to some new unexplored planet. New technologies might be  out 
there as well and could be bought, stolen, invented such as cloaking 
devices, light sabers, teleportation devices, holtzman engines etc and so 
Also with the storyline is questions like, is the human flaw problem the 
inevitable  product of human genetic self manipulation, or is it the new 
deadly weapon of an alien race not encountered yet. Could it be  something 
introduced to humanity by a nazi like group of "pure" humans who hate all 
humanity not pure like themselves (which they ironically would have the very 
cure for humanity in themselves). Is it an attack from an alternate 
dimension, or was stephen hawking right and there really is some kind of 
information paradox out there (I watch a lot of the  science channel, grin).

How does that