Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-12 Thread Luca Barbato
Do not top post, is rude.

Peter Weber wrote:
> You seem to think that the discussion is around you, and your work :-)
> It is about Gentoo, please keep this in mind. Nobody says YOU have to
> make the work, or that you are doing sth. wrong. You could do the job,
> but you don't must do anything/everything alone. You want that Gentoo
> "needs" a internet-connection, and their should be now way to install
> Gentoo without access to the web?

He wants people quit annoying him about frivolous things.

> Sorry, but simply: No. I'am complet againt this! I select OSS, because I
> want independence (from the web in this special chase). I accept your
> position, but I don't agree.

His position: "I won't do it, do yourself or pay."

> On Question: Is their a howto, a script or a offical guidline how you or
> other gentoo-devs build the Universal-Disc's, what must be included an
> so on?



Luca Barbato

Gentoo/linux Gentoo/PPC

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-12 Thread Chris Gianelloni
On Thu, 2006-10-12 at 20:06 +0200, Peter Weber wrote:
> - The same installtion (networkless!) possibilites should be offered to
> the people who install via the shell (the oldschool an most often used
> way i believe), the ncurses-installer and the gtk-installer. I
> personally think a real Stage-3 would be the best, but it would be also
> good enough to have the possiblity to use the so called
> "voodoo-scripts".

I'm going to repeat myself exactly once more, then I'm flagging this
entire thread to /dev/null.

I'm not interested in supporting anything other than what we currently
support.  I'm not interested in spending any more of my *volunteer* time
supporting an installation method that I consider antiquated and
bug-ridden.  I am sick of wasting *my* time supporting the countless
bugs from the old networkless capabilities.  No amount of discussion
will change this.  If you want to change my mind, you are more than
welcome to initiate negotiations on my compensation for not only
building the required media, but also supporting it.  You are also free
to build the media and support it yourself.  If you're unwilling to
either pay me to do this, or do it yourself, then I simply don't care.

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering Strategic Lead
Alpha/AMD64/x86 Architecture Teams
Games Developer/Council Member/Foundation Trustee
Gentoo Foundation

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-12 Thread Peter Weber
Hi, im sorry about "creating" a flamewar. But their are a view points
that disturb me really:

- The same installtion (networkless!) possibilites should be offered to
the people who install via the shell (the oldschool an most often used
way i believe), the ncurses-installer and the gtk-installer. I
personally think a real Stage-3 would be the best, but it would be also
good enough to have the possiblity to use the so called

We are Gentoo, not Windows, let us the Shell, Please don't play the role
of the "Force" and the "Clickadventure-Community". There is often not
only one right way, regluary their are more. One on the Shell, NCURSES,
QT, GTK and something between that over a totally other subset of
librarys and programs ;-)

The best way to solve problems, is a clear communication over officall
channels like the gwn.

- Just because a developer thinks it is good, it isn't good. Just
because a User think it is good, it isn't good.

If there are to less testers/volunters - here I'am! I will do what I can
in my possiblities for Gentoo and the Community. Give me the the link to
the next release, I will take a look on it.

- Gentoo isn't User-Centric. Gentoo isn't Developer-Centric.

Gentoo is used by a lot of users, because the love the system behind the
CFLAGS/USEFLAGS and PORTS. Gentoo is used by a lot of developers,
because the love the system behind the CFLAGS/USEFLAGS and PORTS, it is
perfect for Coders. A lot of Users become also Developers.

Your User, who try to become sb. who move sth.

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-10 Thread Jon Portnoy
On Tue, Oct 10, 2006 at 10:40:01AM -0400, Kari Hazzard wrote:
> Not going to happen. I'm many things, but a software developer is not one of 
> them. I generally prefer to work on things like design and user psychology 
> than actually being involved in the coding of it.
> You don't want me producing code for the project, trust me on that one. >>

Perhaps get involved in userrel then?

Plenty of ways to get involved without necessarily producing code 

Jon Portnoy
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-10 Thread Chris Gianelloni
On Mon, 2006-10-09 at 23:30 -0400, Kari Hazzard wrote:
> The point is that if you build Gentoo to be developer-friendly rather than 
> user-friendly, Gentoo will be replaced by something else.

...and?  You seem to think that Gentoo being "developer-friendly" would
be a change in the current way we do things.

> User-centric design is why Gentoo is/was different from everything else. Take 
> away choices that people want and you take the Gentoo philosophy out of 
> Gentoo itself.

I can tell you that in the three years that I've been a developer, not
once have I done "user-centric" design.  I have always done what I think
is the best way to do something.  I am not alone, I know.  It's pretty
simple.  We design a system that *we* want to use.  If others benefit
from it, then great.

Apparently, this works pretty well since we have thousands upon
thousands of users.

> On Monday 09 October 2006 5:45 pm, Donnie Berkholz wrote:
> > That's only true if you assume Gentoo developers are in this for the
> > users and not for themselves and their own personal satisfaction.

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering Strategic Lead
Alpha/AMD64/x86 Architecture Teams
Games Developer/Council Member/Foundation Trustee
Gentoo Foundation

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-10 Thread Paul Varner
On Mon, 2006-10-09 at 23:30 -0400, Kari Hazzard wrote:
> The point is that if you build Gentoo to be developer-friendly rather than 
> user-friendly, Gentoo will be replaced by something else.
> User-centric design is why Gentoo is/was different from everything else. Take 
> away choices that people want and you take the Gentoo philosophy out of 
> Gentoo itself.

However, all developers are users first.  If you have an itch to scratch
that the current development team isn't meeting, then get involved.
There are lots of ways to do that.

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-10 Thread Chris Gianelloni
On Mon, 2006-10-09 at 19:50 -0400, Caleb Cushing wrote:
> from the ones that are on the mirrors. so what is the hangup? I doubt
> it's storage space and  bandwidth.

Uhh... it *is* storage space.

In fact, the space usage on our donated mirrors is one of the primary
motivators to have us decrease our space requirements, especially as
things seem to be increasing in size all on their own every release.

Not only that, but there's also the time required to build things and
test them.  The Universal CD has always been the one thing that was the
hardest to get tested.  With the amount and quality of testing that
we're receiving, we simply have to cut certain things.  No amount of
complaining will change this.  The only thing that will change it is for
us to get more *quality* testers.  We had 35+ "Release Testers" for
2006.1, of which, about 7 were providing quality feedback.  I don't know
if the rest even tested anything.

What it all boils down to is would you rather have a wide range of
shoddy release materials that may or may not work between different
releases, but "supports" all of the insane combinations of things you
would want to do, or would you rather have a few high quality release
materials that are well-tested?  Release Engineering has decided that
higher quality media is better than lots of diverse low-quality media,
and nobody is going to convince us otherwise.

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering Strategic Lead
Alpha/AMD64/x86 Architecture Teams
Games Developer/Council Member/Foundation Trustee
Gentoo Foundation

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-10 Thread Jason Stubbs
On Tuesday 10 October 2006 03:45, Kari Hazzard wrote:

After writing the last response, another thought came to mind that I figured I 
should post - and should probably be set out in a "user's guide to posting on 
dev mailing lists".

I had the thought that users likely feel that it's okay to repeatedly post 
arguments for their point of view because they often see developers doing it. 
There is a very obvious parallel between users and developers in these 
threads in that both are lazy and thus want things done their own way in 
order to make their lives easier.

The important difference is that (usually :/) at least some of the developers 
of each point of view are willing to implement the whole lot themselves. What 
they are arguing about is how much effort they see will be needed in the long 
term. Even in the case where a developer with a conflicting point of view is 
not willing to do the work now, the developer will argue for the point of 
view as they can see themselves having to redo it later on anyway.

In the open source world, the driving theme is that there is often something 
good enough to not require reinventing the wheel but, in the end, "if you 
want a job done right, you've got to do it yourself."

Jason Stubbs
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-10 Thread Jason Stubbs
On Tuesday 10 October 2006 03:45, Kari Hazzard wrote:
> On Monday 09 October 2006 6:30 pm, Alec Warner wrote:
> > I concur with Donnie here; Gentoo exists not because of Users, but
> > because of (a subset of active) Developers.  It isn't a statement that
> > is meant to trash users (because you are quite helpful in many
> > instances).  But the naive thought that Gentoo revolves around users
> > iswell, naive.  Gentoo was here before there were thousands of
> > users, in the unlikely event that you all switch distros, Gentoo will
> > probably still be here.
> It will not, however, have anywhere near as many developers, nor will it
> have more than a fraction of the resources now available to it. Users are
> the reason people sponsor Gentoo, users are the reason people know Gentoo
> exists, whether you realise it or not.

You miss the point entirely. Unpaid software authors do it because they want 
to use the software themselves. Those authors that publish their source 
generally do so because they see it as an overall waste of time for the 
proverbial wheel to be reinvented by others. I'd say they also do it because 
they are happy in the thought that 9 times out of 10 they'll find some other 
author has published source to achieve a new goal of their own saving them 
from having to reinvent the wheel themselves.

So how does this fit in with sponsors and volumnuous resources? Well, it 
doesn't. But then, it was never meant to. So called "end users" that don't 
give back to the project (giving resources is a way of giving back, by the 
way) make of more than 99% of those that utilize the resources provided by 
sponsors. Sponsoring is essentially payed advertising that wasn't done with 
dollars (or yen, etc) and has a generally high risk return.

If referring to the "sponsor a dev" program, it's still a similar give-take 
scenario. It either falls into the above scenario (that is, a lesser funded 
dev needs highly supported hardware to continue his regular work, gets it and 
blogs about it) or it falls into the category of poorly supported hardware - 
or both categories. In the case of the latter category, the dev is likely 
just looking for the learning experience when taking the hardware and 
building up support for it. It's all about win-win situations.

I don't know what the original post was about. I only read this one because
"I concur with Donnie here" caught my eye. But whatever was being asked for in 
the original post (I'm assuming that this sub-thread started with somebody 
asking for something?), would the dev get anything back for satisfying the 
request other than a less stressful time perusing their inbox?

> > To make another argument; if I go buy a RHEL3 box set and then complain
> > because the liveCD doesn't have some key programs (lets say
> > cryptsetup-luks statically compiled so I can boot off of a USB key and
> > encrypt my / partition), is the onus on them to release a new CD just
> > for me?  Hell I'm a paying customer!  But they don't care.
> Well, that's simply bad customer service.
> Don't constrict your support organ because someone else's support organ
> operates poorly. That doesn't help anyone, not users, not devs.

The initial premise for Alec's argument above is just wrong as when you go out 
and buy a RHEL3 box set you're not actually buying the software contained 
within. What you're buying is a set of installation CDs and an X month/year 
support contract. When you purchase Gentoo CDs, you're buying a set of 
installation CDs only. When you're downloading Gentoo, you're not purchasing 

I'll try to answer your response to his invalid point, though. Whichever 
product you buy, the licenses for the software contained therein almost never 
place any requirements on the licenser, rather only on the licensee. This is 
true even when it comes to Microsoft, Apple, etc. If you actually go and read 
most of the commercial licenses, it boils down to "This software is provided 
AS IS - except that you can't make copies, resell, use on more than one 
computer or by more than one person, etc."

> In any event, when was the decision made to kill the Universal LiveCD for
> x86 and replace it with the installer? I'd like to read the discussion.

I have a feeling the discussion took place about 18 months ago on -core, but 
I'm not sure as to the answer to this.

Jason Stubbs
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-10 Thread Kari Hazzard
Not going to happen. I'm many things, but a software developer is not one of 
them. I generally prefer to work on things like design and user psychology 
than actually being involved in the coding of it.

You don't want me producing code for the project, trust me on that one. >>

Kari Hazzard

On Tuesday 10 October 2006 10:28 am, Seemant Kulleen wrote:
> If the design was in any way user-centric, then that was a side-effect
> of the design being developer-centric.  The choices are all about
> enabling development and developers. The Gentoo philosophy is about
> empowerment -- we provide a platform for you to do what you want with
> it.  That's our only promise, all the rest is just gravy.  Rel. Eng. and
> others do what they do because, at its root, that's what they *want* to
> do -- that's how they exercise their own empowerment.  Feel free to join
> in the fray and exercise your own :)
> Thanks,
> --
> Seemant Kulleen
> Developer, Gentoo Linux
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-10 Thread Grant Goodyear
Kari Hazzard wrote: [Mon Oct 09 2006, 10:30:40PM CDT]
> User-centric design is why Gentoo is/was different from everything
> else. Take away choices that people want and you take the Gentoo
> philosophy out of Gentoo itself.

Heh.  You might want to read drobbins' "Making the distribution"
articles (see sometime.  Many
of the original design decisions were intended to facilitate a very small
number of developers in assembling and maintaining a sizeable
meta-distribution.  I think many of those decisions were quite inspired,
but "user-centric" is a bit much, I think.

All that said, we're not really trying to make things vastly harder on
people.  Many of the complaining e-mails I've read in this thread have
complained without any specifics.  If instead they were to say "I'm
wondering how I'll do 'blah' w/ the new CD, could somebody let me know
the best way to do this", I suspect that everybody would be happier.

Grant Goodyear  
Gentoo Developer
GPG Fingerprint: D706 9802 1663 DEF5 81B0  9573 A6DC 7152 E0F6 5B76

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-10 Thread Stuart Herbert

On 10/10/06, Seemant Kulleen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If the design was in any way user-centric, then that was a side-effect
of the design being developer-centric.  The choices are all about
enabling development and developers. The Gentoo philosophy is about
empowerment -- we provide a platform for you to do what you want with
it.  That's our only promise, all the rest is just gravy.  Rel. Eng. and
others do what they do because, at its root, that's what they *want* to
do -- that's how they exercise their own empowerment.  Feel free to join
in the fray and exercise your own :)

Or, to put it another way ...

... One aspect of the Gentoo Way(tm) is this: if you don't like how
part of Gentoo works, the thing to do is to volunteer to become a
developer, and work from the inside to change it.

Best regards,
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-10 Thread Seemant Kulleen
On Mon, 2006-10-09 at 23:30 -0400, Kari Hazzard wrote:
> User-centric design is why Gentoo is/was different from everything else. Take 
> away choices that people want and you take the Gentoo philosophy out of 
> Gentoo itself.

If the design was in any way user-centric, then that was a side-effect
of the design being developer-centric.  The choices are all about
enabling development and developers. The Gentoo philosophy is about
empowerment -- we provide a platform for you to do what you want with
it.  That's our only promise, all the rest is just gravy.  Rel. Eng. and
others do what they do because, at its root, that's what they *want* to
do -- that's how they exercise their own empowerment.  Feel free to join
in the fray and exercise your own :)


Seemant Kulleen
Developer, Gentoo Linux

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-10 Thread Kari Hazzard
On Monday 09 October 2006 6:30 pm, Alec Warner wrote:
> I concur with Donnie here; Gentoo exists not because of Users, but
> because of (a subset of active) Developers.  It isn't a statement that
> is meant to trash users (because you are quite helpful in many
> instances).  But the naive thought that Gentoo revolves around users
> iswell, naive.  Gentoo was here before there were thousands of
> users, in the unlikely event that you all switch distros, Gentoo will
> probably still be here.

It will not, however, have anywhere near as many developers, nor will it have 
more than a fraction of the resources now available to it. Users are the 
reason people sponsor Gentoo, users are the reason people know Gentoo exists, 
whether you realise it or not.

> To make another argument; if I go buy a RHEL3 box set and then complain
> because the liveCD doesn't have some key programs (lets say
> cryptsetup-luks statically compiled so I can boot off of a USB key and
> encrypt my / partition), is the onus on them to release a new CD just
> for me?  Hell I'm a paying customer!  But they don't care.

Well, that's simply bad customer service.

Don't constrict your support organ because someone else's support organ 
operates poorly. That doesn't help anyone, not users, not devs.

In any event, when was the decision made to kill the Universal LiveCD for x86 
and replace it with the installer? I'd like to read the discussion.

Kari Hazzard
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-10 Thread Kari Hazzard
The point is that if you build Gentoo to be developer-friendly rather than 
user-friendly, Gentoo will be replaced by something else.

User-centric design is why Gentoo is/was different from everything else. Take 
away choices that people want and you take the Gentoo philosophy out of 
Gentoo itself.

Kari Hazzard

On Monday 09 October 2006 5:45 pm, Donnie Berkholz wrote:
> That's only true if you assume Gentoo developers are in this for the
> users and not for themselves and their own personal satisfaction.
> Thanks,
> Donnie
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-10 Thread Andrew Gaffney

Simon Stelling wrote:

Roy Bamford wrote:
Dropping support for x86 suppose, its a question of when.

There is clearly only a few users, besides myself using systems that 
old, since there were very few forums posts about the original 2006.1 
x86 media not workign on P1 and AMD k6 based systems.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who is using a pentium mmx as a router, so 
you better think twice about it :P

But when was the last time you reinstalled it? :)

Andrew Gaffney
Gentoo Linux Developer   Installer Project
Today's lesson in political correctness:  "Go asphyxiate on a phallus"
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-10 Thread Simon Stelling

Roy Bamford wrote:
Dropping support for x86 suppose, its a question of when.

There is clearly only a few users, besides myself using systems that 
old, since there were very few forums posts about the original 2006.1 
x86 media not workign on P1 and AMD k6 based systems.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who is using a pentium mmx as a router, so 
you better think twice about it :P

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-09 Thread Caleb Cushing

umm... I don't that was the point (that it can't work for everyone).
However it would be nice if I didn't have to download a tarball.

I see the point in why it's hard with distfiles but how hard would it
be to add  tarballs and limited distfiles. to a "minimal cd) and make
it universal and put it up for download? maybe and make a note in the
handbook "distfiles are not supported" or some such. I really don't
understand why this is so difficult? the tarballs wouldn't be changing
from the ones that are on the mirrors. so what is the hangup? I doubt
it's storage space and  bandwidth. (btw I've built livecds using

On 10/9/06, Ciaran McCreesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Mon, 9 Oct 2006 19:11:47 -0400 "Caleb Cushing"
| I would like to state my opinion on this... debate. the installer for
| me... is inadequate it does not allow for nearly enough customization.

Then don't use the installer.

Ciaran McCreesh
Mail: ciaranm at
Web :
as-needed is broken :

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-09 Thread Ciaran McCreesh
On Mon, 9 Oct 2006 19:11:47 -0400 "Caleb Cushing"
| I would like to state my opinion on this... debate. the installer for
| me... is inadequate it does not allow for nearly enough customization.

Then don't use the installer.

Ciaran McCreesh
Mail: ciaranm at
Web :
as-needed is broken :

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-09 Thread Caleb Cushing

I would like to state my opinion on this... debate. the installer for
me... is inadequate it does not allow for nearly enough customization.
I generally keep my boot partitions at 32 MB why? because I don't need
anymore space than that( I have never even used half that much). I
optomize my ext3 partions using tune2fs as well.  I also have a
seperate partition for portage and distfiles. also not supported.
fortunately my network works. however I would prefer myself not to
have to dowload tarballs which seem to only be updated on the next
release anyway. I am hoping that one day that the GLI will support
full customization, but I won't complain as long as I can get stage3

as far as older than i686 I do have 1 or 2 i586s that I have gentoo
on. I would like to see a generic tarball kept around for anything
older than i686. because gentoo is one of the few distributions I've
been able to get working on older systems. It would be really sad to
see such support go.
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-09 Thread Alec Warner

Kari Hazzard wrote:

On Thursday 05 October 2006 10:48 am, Chris Gianelloni wrote:

What about *our* choice to not waste time building things we don't want?

So what about those of us who DO want that? Forcing us into an installer is 
more constricting and gives us less freedom--That's not the Gentoo way.

"If the tool forces the user to do things a particular way, then the tool is 
working against, rather than for, the user. We have all experienced 
situations where tools seem to be imposing their respective wills on us. This 
is backwards, and contrary to the Gentoo philosophy." - Daniel Robbins

While I like that quote; I think we are a long way from the times when 
it applied to what Gentoo was.

Gentoo is at it's core a metadistribution; it is *those* tools to which 
I believe Daniel is speaking of in that statement.  Obviously I can't 
make a liveCD that will satisfy everyone; there is no point in trying to 
do so.  However I can give you a tree and catalyst and all the parts you 
need to build your own.  That is what we call "enabling" and is really 
what I think his whole point was.

See, what *you* seem to be missing is that we're trying to provide a
better environment for our users.  The LiveCD is *not* just an
installation medium anymore.  It is a full-fledged Gentoo environment.
It can be used for showcasing Gentoo, as well as system recovery *and*

There's a thing called self-reference criteria. It's anathema in marketing. If 
you think you know what is best for your users, you will all of your users 
and thus most of your employees. Your users know what is best for them, *not* 
you, as you are not a user (whether you have it installed on your desktop 
notwithstanding you are *not* a user). If your users still want a Universal 
LiveCD, then the onus is on Gentoo to provide one.

I concur with Donnie here; Gentoo exists not because of Users, but 
because of (a subset of active) Developers.  It isn't a statement that 
is meant to trash users (because you are quite helpful in many 
instances).  But the naive thought that Gentoo revolves around users 
iswell, naive.  Gentoo was here before there were thousands of 
users, in the unlikely event that you all switch distros, Gentoo will 
probably still be here.

We try to incorporate feedback from users because we are trying to make 
our work coincide with that feedback.  Sometimes this is possible; many 
times it is not possible.  Generally more Users = larger pool of Devs, 
and more Devs = more cool stuff going on here.

To make another argument; if I go buy a RHEL3 box set and then complain 
because the liveCD doesn't have some key programs (lets say 
cryptsetup-luks statically compiled so I can boot off of a USB key and 
encrypt my / partition), is the onus on them to release a new CD just 
for me?  Hell I'm a paying customer!  But they don't care.  And you 
aren't even required to pay for Gentoo at all!  So why do you expect more?

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-09 Thread Peter Weber
It was only a suggestion, not a decision. Of course, there are only a
little number of this early systems.
i686 would be really nice, i386 would be nice, too ;-)

On Mon, 2006-10-09 at 20:45 +0100, Roy Bamford wrote:
> On 2006.10.09 19:42, Peter Weber wrote:
> [snip]
> > But to include the sources need simply too much space. I also think  
> > it it enough to deliver only one stage3 (i686 on the x86-disk, x86-64  
> > on
> > amd64-disk...).
> > 
> > Greetz
> > 
> [snip]
> Peter,
> Such a disk will not support P1s and AMD k6 CPUs (or older).
> Is anyone still using Gentoo on anything older ?
> Dropping support for x86  suppose, its a question of when.
> There is clearly only a few users, besides myself using systems that  
> old, since there were very few forums posts about the original 2006.1  
> x86 media not workign on P1 and AMD k6 based systems.
> Regards,
> Roy Bamford
> (neddyseagoon)

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-09 Thread Peter Weber
You've wrote sth. about more content and a stage3 on the LiveDVD, or

On Mon, 2006-10-09 at 17:50 -0400, Chris Gianelloni wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-10-09 at 20:42 +0200, Peter Weber wrote:
> > Hello, I am very glad to here that a complet networkless install via a
> > stage3 on the dvd without the installer would be possible again!
> I never said that.
> > > At any rate, the next release will allow a user to *very* easily to
> > > networkless installs *without* requiring them use the installer itself.
> > > I will have this documented by that time, so there's no need to fret
> > > over it.

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-09 Thread Ciaran McCreesh
On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 07:40:53 -0400 Kari Hazzard
| "If the tool forces the user to do things a particular way, then the
| tool is working against, rather than for, the user.

That doesn't mean that the user is using the right tool. If you're
trying to nail something to a wall, complaining because your bicycle
can't do it doesn't mean the bicycle is somehow defective.

Ciaran McCreesh
Mail: ciaranm at
Web :
as-needed is broken :

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-09 Thread Chris Gianelloni
On Mon, 2006-10-09 at 07:40 -0400, Kari Hazzard wrote:
> On Thursday 05 October 2006 10:48 am, Chris Gianelloni wrote:
> > What about *our* choice to not waste time building things we don't want?
> So what about those of us who DO want that? Forcing us into an installer is 
> more constricting and gives us less freedom--That's not the Gentoo way.

Start building...

> "If the tool forces the user to do things a particular way, then the tool is 
> working against, rather than for, the user. We have all experienced 
> situations where tools seem to be imposing their respective wills on us. This 
> is backwards, and contrary to the Gentoo philosophy." - Daniel Robbins

That's nice.

Nobody is forcing you to use the Installer.  Nobody is forcing you to
even use Gentoo release media to do your installations.  Your "point"
here is a complete non-point.

You're completely welcome to take the minimal CD, a stage3 tarball, and
wget and build your own Universal CD.  You're also more than welcome to
fire up catalyst and build a Universal CD yourself.  What you are *not*
welcome to do is try to tell me how I'm going to spend the time that I
volunteer to Gentoo.  Now, if you would like to hire me to build a
Universal CD, then contact me and we can discuss my compensation.
Otherwise, I have more important things (to me) to spend my time doing.

> > See, what *you* seem to be missing is that we're trying to provide a
> > better environment for our users.  The LiveCD is *not* just an
> > installation medium anymore.  It is a full-fledged Gentoo environment.
> > It can be used for showcasing Gentoo, as well as system recovery *and*
> > installation.
> There's a thing called self-reference criteria. It's anathema in marketing. 
> If 
> you think you know what is best for your users, you will all of your users 
> and thus most of your employees. Your users know what is best for them, *not* 
> you, as you are not a user (whether you have it installed on your desktop 
> notwithstanding you are *not* a user). If your users still want a Universal 
> LiveCD, then the onus is on Gentoo to provide one.

I'm sorry, but I'm calling bullshit on this one.

Release Engineering has a constant problem of not having enough help.
Now some people want to try to tell us that we need to do more work just
because they don't like a little change.  Well guess what, never going
to happen.

It's pretty simple.  So long as we have limited resources, we're going
to spend our limited time on what *we* want to spend time doing.

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering Strategic Lead
Alpha/AMD64/x86 Architecture Teams
Games Developer/Council Member/Foundation Trustee
Gentoo Foundation

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-09 Thread Chris Gianelloni
On Mon, 2006-10-09 at 20:42 +0200, Peter Weber wrote:
> Hello, I am very glad to here that a complet networkless install via a
> stage3 on the dvd without the installer would be possible again!

I never said that.

> > At any rate, the next release will allow a user to *very* easily to
> > networkless installs *without* requiring them use the installer itself.
> > I will have this documented by that time, so there's no need to fret
> > over it.

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering Strategic Lead
Alpha/AMD64/x86 Architecture Teams
Games Developer/Council Member/Foundation Trustee
Gentoo Foundation

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-09 Thread Donnie Berkholz
Kari Hazzard wrote:
> There's a thing called self-reference criteria. It's anathema in marketing. 
> If 
> you think you know what is best for your users, you will all of your users 
> and thus most of your employees. Your users know what is best for them, *not* 
> you, as you are not a user (whether you have it installed on your desktop 
> notwithstanding you are *not* a user). If your users still want a Universal 
> LiveCD, then the onus is on Gentoo to provide one.

That's only true if you assume Gentoo developers are in this for the
users and not for themselves and their own personal satisfaction.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-09 Thread Kari Hazzard
On Thursday 05 October 2006 10:48 am, Chris Gianelloni wrote:
> What about *our* choice to not waste time building things we don't want?

So what about those of us who DO want that? Forcing us into an installer is 
more constricting and gives us less freedom--That's not the Gentoo way.

"If the tool forces the user to do things a particular way, then the tool is 
working against, rather than for, the user. We have all experienced 
situations where tools seem to be imposing their respective wills on us. This 
is backwards, and contrary to the Gentoo philosophy." - Daniel Robbins

> See, what *you* seem to be missing is that we're trying to provide a
> better environment for our users.  The LiveCD is *not* just an
> installation medium anymore.  It is a full-fledged Gentoo environment.
> It can be used for showcasing Gentoo, as well as system recovery *and*
> installation.

There's a thing called self-reference criteria. It's anathema in marketing. If 
you think you know what is best for your users, you will all of your users 
and thus most of your employees. Your users know what is best for them, *not* 
you, as you are not a user (whether you have it installed on your desktop 
notwithstanding you are *not* a user). If your users still want a Universal 
LiveCD, then the onus is on Gentoo to provide one.

Kari Hazzard
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-09 Thread Roy Bamford

On 2006.10.09 19:42, Peter Weber wrote:
But to include the sources need simply too much space. I also think  
it it enough to deliver only one stage3 (i686 on the x86-disk, x86-64  





Such a disk will not support P1s and AMD k6 CPUs (or older).
Is anyone still using Gentoo on anything older ?

Dropping support for x86 suppose, its a question of when.

There is clearly only a few users, besides myself using systems that  
old, since there were very few forums posts about the original 2006.1  
x86 media not workign on P1 and AMD k6 based systems.


Roy Bamford

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-09 Thread Peter Weber
Hello, I am very glad to here that a complet networkless install via a
stage3 on the dvd without the installer would be possible again!

But why you write always something about the distfiles? Are there users
who want this? I really don't know.
I personally, think in the same way like you!
It is unecessary, because we got every week new ebuilds und useflags, if
someone would a total customized system he need to load alle sources
(stage1 or save it on the hdd before installation).

But to include the sources need simply too much space. I also think it
it enough to deliver only one stage3 (i686 on the x86-disk, x86-64 on


On Mon, 2006-10-09 at 08:47 -0400, Chris Gianelloni wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-10-09 at 10:38 +0200, Simon Stelling wrote:
> > Dominique Michel wrote:
> > > When an user or a potential user read it and want to do a networkless 
> > > install,
> > > it will just use the Live CD install, and just get in trouble. It is even 
> > > worse
> > > when many Linux magazines will have this CD. And you cannot argue at it 
> > > is just
> > > to use catalyst or to burn a CD from a stage 3, when the doc say "a 
> > > bootable CD
> > > that contains everything you need to get Gentoo Linux up and running."
> > 
> > That statement is still true. I have done 3 networkless installations 
> > for this release, without a problem. I used the installer. Using it you 
> > get your box up and running fast and convenient, so what exactly is the 
> > problem? It's not like you can't get Gentoo running without a network 
> > connection anymore.
> The problem is that it is a change, and our users resist changes.
> While I appreciate the input from our users, I have no intentions on
> "going backwards" to what we had before.  I was planning on adding more
> content to the LiveDVD images next time around, such as more packages,
> and likely the stage3 tarball.  Whether I include any distfiles or not
> is still up in the air, mostly due to the massive number of bugs that
> were caused every single release due to people using the provided
> distfiles/packages incorrectly.  We simply don't have enough manpower to
> test every single possible combination of USE and packages during the
> release cycle and our calls for testing usually go mostly unanswered.
> We saw a definite increase in the number of developers helping with
> testing this past release, but we still need more.
> At any rate, the next release will allow a user to *very* easily to
> networkless installs *without* requiring them use the installer itself.
> I will have this documented by that time, so there's no need to fret
> over it.

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-09 Thread Chris Gianelloni
On Mon, 2006-10-09 at 10:38 +0200, Simon Stelling wrote:
> Dominique Michel wrote:
> > When an user or a potential user read it and want to do a networkless 
> > install,
> > it will just use the Live CD install, and just get in trouble. It is even 
> > worse
> > when many Linux magazines will have this CD. And you cannot argue at it is 
> > just
> > to use catalyst or to burn a CD from a stage 3, when the doc say "a 
> > bootable CD
> > that contains everything you need to get Gentoo Linux up and running."
> That statement is still true. I have done 3 networkless installations 
> for this release, without a problem. I used the installer. Using it you 
> get your box up and running fast and convenient, so what exactly is the 
> problem? It's not like you can't get Gentoo running without a network 
> connection anymore.

The problem is that it is a change, and our users resist changes.

While I appreciate the input from our users, I have no intentions on
"going backwards" to what we had before.  I was planning on adding more
content to the LiveDVD images next time around, such as more packages,
and likely the stage3 tarball.  Whether I include any distfiles or not
is still up in the air, mostly due to the massive number of bugs that
were caused every single release due to people using the provided
distfiles/packages incorrectly.  We simply don't have enough manpower to
test every single possible combination of USE and packages during the
release cycle and our calls for testing usually go mostly unanswered.
We saw a definite increase in the number of developers helping with
testing this past release, but we still need more.

At any rate, the next release will allow a user to *very* easily to
networkless installs *without* requiring them use the installer itself.
I will have this documented by that time, so there's no need to fret
over it.

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering Strategic Lead
Alpha/AMD64/x86 Architecture Teams
Games Developer/Council Member/Foundation Trustee
Gentoo Foundation

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-09 Thread Simon Stelling

Dominique Michel wrote:

When an user or a potential user read it and want to do a networkless install,
it will just use the Live CD install, and just get in trouble. It is even worse
when many Linux magazines will have this CD. And you cannot argue at it is just
to use catalyst or to burn a CD from a stage 3, when the doc say "a bootable CD
that contains everything you need to get Gentoo Linux up and running."

That statement is still true. I have done 3 networkless installations 
for this release, without a problem. I used the installer. Using it you 
get your box up and running fast and convenient, so what exactly is the 
problem? It's not like you can't get Gentoo running without a network 
connection anymore.

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-09 Thread Dominique Michel
Le Fri, 06 Oct 2006 10:06:41 -0400,
Chris Gianelloni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :

> On Fri, 2006-10-06 at 09:39 +0200, Paul de Vrieze wrote:
> > Steev Klimaszewski wrote:
> > > No... but didn't one download and burn that CD that is being used for
> > > the _networkless_ install?  One could also download the stage needed,
> > > slap it on a usb key, and viola!  Of course, the other option, is to use
> > > that crazy installer option "Networkless" - I could be wrong, but I do
> > > believe that is the option I would choose.  (Actually I did this just
> > > the other day because of the issues I am having at home with my
> > > networking.  And it worked splendidly on a P2 366 - so kudos to the
> > > releng team)
> > 
> > The thing is, they guy does not want to use the installer. I don't
> > remember there being a way to just extract the stages/packages manually
> > either.
> OK.  I *said* that I was writing a document on this, but people seem to
> just want to keep on postulating and talking about complete
> inaccuracies.
> Yes, you can install using portions of the installer from the command
> line (not ncurses).  Unfortunately, one component necessary for a
> complete install from the command line (installing a kernel) was not
> added until after 2006.1 shipped, so you cannot do a completely
> networkless install with only the LiveCD/LiveDVD.

I will just say at this have to be fixed. From the website: "The Gentoo 2006.1
Handbook is an effort to centralize documentation into a coherent handbook. It
contains the networkless installation instructions for the 2006.1 release "

>From this handbook: "This document covers the installation using a Gentoo Linux
Installation CD, a bootable CD that contains everything you need to get Gentoo
Linux up and running."

When an user or a potential user read it and want to do a networkless install,
it will just use the Live CD install, and just get in trouble. It is even worse
when many Linux magazines will have this CD. And you cannot argue at it is just
to use catalyst or to burn a CD from a stage 3, when the doc say "a bootable CD
that contains everything you need to get Gentoo Linux up and running."

> > At this point though I think using the installer is reasonable enough.
> I would agree there.
I agree too, but only if it work, and it doesn't completely work for a
networless installation.

Dominique Michel

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-06 Thread Stelian Ionescu
On Thu, Oct 05, 2006 at 03:32:41PM -0500, Steev Klimaszewski wrote:
>> Stop being stupid please, you're only making fun of yourself. I guess I
>> don't have to explain you how useful a URL is to a _networkless_
>> installation, do I?
>No... but didn't one download and burn that CD that is being used for
>the _networkless_ install?  One could also download the stage needed,
actually, at least here in Italy many people buy Linux magazines only to
have the latest distros, since the percentage of population not reached
by *DSL lines is still quite high

(sign :name "Stelian Ionescu" :aka "fe[nl]ix"
  :quote "Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.")

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-06 Thread Chris Gianelloni
On Fri, 2006-10-06 at 09:39 +0200, Paul de Vrieze wrote:
> Steev Klimaszewski wrote:
> > No... but didn't one download and burn that CD that is being used for
> > the _networkless_ install?  One could also download the stage needed,
> > slap it on a usb key, and viola!  Of course, the other option, is to use
> > that crazy installer option "Networkless" - I could be wrong, but I do
> > believe that is the option I would choose.  (Actually I did this just
> > the other day because of the issues I am having at home with my
> > networking.  And it worked splendidly on a P2 366 - so kudos to the
> > releng team)
> The thing is, they guy does not want to use the installer. I don't
> remember there being a way to just extract the stages/packages manually
> either.

OK.  I *said* that I was writing a document on this, but people seem to
just want to keep on postulating and talking about complete

Yes, you can install using portions of the installer from the command
line (not ncurses).  Unfortunately, one component necessary for a
complete install from the command line (installing a kernel) was not
added until after 2006.1 shipped, so you cannot do a completely
networkless install with only the LiveCD/LiveDVD.

> At this point though I think using the installer is reasonable enough.

I would agree there.

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering Strategic Lead
Alpha/AMD64/x86 Architecture Teams
Games Developer/Council Member/Foundation Trustee
Gentoo Foundation

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-06 Thread Paul de Vrieze
Steev Klimaszewski wrote:
> No... but didn't one download and burn that CD that is being used for
> the _networkless_ install?  One could also download the stage needed,
> slap it on a usb key, and viola!  Of course, the other option, is to use
> that crazy installer option "Networkless" - I could be wrong, but I do
> believe that is the option I would choose.  (Actually I did this just
> the other day because of the issues I am having at home with my
> networking.  And it worked splendidly on a P2 366 - so kudos to the
> releng team)

The thing is, they guy does not want to use the installer. I don't
remember there being a way to just extract the stages/packages manually

At this point though I think using the installer is reasonable enough.

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-05 Thread Steev Klimaszewski
Simon Stelling wrote:
> Jakub Moc wrote:
>>> The missing Stage3 is the real problem.
>> Apparently...
> Stop being stupid please, you're only making fun of yourself. I guess I
> don't have to explain you how useful a URL is to a _networkless_
> installation, do I?
No... but didn't one download and burn that CD that is being used for
the _networkless_ install?  One could also download the stage needed,
slap it on a usb key, and viola!  Of course, the other option, is to use
that crazy installer option "Networkless" - I could be wrong, but I do
believe that is the option I would choose.  (Actually I did this just
the other day because of the issues I am having at home with my
networking.  And it worked splendidly on a P2 366 - so kudos to the
releng team)
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-05 Thread Caleb Cushing

grab catalyst 2 learn how to use it an make your own stage 3
installer. it's pretty easy. their's the gentoo-cayalyst list if you
need help.

Plus nothing stops you from creating your own customized media using our
release tools, as already said. You can still install Gentoo from stage1
if you really wish, it's just not something that we want to support any
more. You can do lots of other things, like stage4 stuff. I don't see
how are we discriminating anyone; we just choose what we can support and
what we don't wish/can't support any more with the limited manpower

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-05 Thread Simon Stelling
Jakub Moc wrote:
>> The missing Stage3 is the real problem.
> Apparently...

Stop being stupid please, you're only making fun of yourself. I guess I
don't have to explain you how useful a URL is to a _networkless_
installation, do I?

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-05 Thread Jakub Moc
Dan Meltzer wrote:

> None of which are that helpful for a networkless install :/

Funny, I can still do networkless install with those just fine by
fetching the distfiles tarballs before install - hint: emerge -[fF]

Plus nothing stops you from creating your own customized media using our
release tools, as already said. You can still install Gentoo from stage1
if you really wish, it's just not something that we want to support any
more. You can do lots of other things, like stage4 stuff. I don't see
how are we discriminating anyone; we just choose what we can support and
what we don't wish/can't support any more with the limited manpower

Best regards,

 Jakub Moc
 GPG signature:
 Primary key fingerprint: D2D7 933C 9BA1 C95B 2C95  B30F 8717 D5FD CEBA 3D9E

 ... still no signature   ;)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-05 Thread Dan Meltzer

On 10/5/06, Jakub Moc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Peter Weber wrote:
> You don't unterstand me, sorry.
> There is no Universal-CD, a User must to download the LiveCD which
> forces he/she to use the Ncurses/X11-Installer, because there is no
> Stage3-Tarball.

OH RLY? Maybe just read the options you can pass to bootloader to get CLI?

> The missing Stage3 is the real problem.


None of which are that helpful for a networkless install :/

Best regards,

 Jakub Moc
 GPG signature:
 Primary key fingerprint: D2D7 933C 9BA1 C95B 2C95  B30F 8717 D5FD CEBA 3D9E

 ... still no signature   ;)

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-05 Thread Peter Weber
On Thu, 2006-10-05 at 10:48 -0400, Chris Gianelloni wrote:
> > Second Question: Will there be a new Universal-CD (or a DVD) with a real
> > Stage3 for networkless-installion?
> No.  I do plan on putting the stage3 on the next LiveDVD, but without
> the necessary distfiles, it won't do much good for doing a completely
> networkless installation.  

> I've actually been writing a document on how to use the installer
> scripts from the command line (without running the installer itself) to
> perform an install.

More is not necessary. Thanks.

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-05 Thread Jakub Moc
Peter Weber wrote:
> You don't unterstand me, sorry.
> There is no Universal-CD, a User must to download the LiveCD which
> forces he/she to use the Ncurses/X11-Installer, because there is no
> Stage3-Tarball.

OH RLY? Maybe just read the options you can pass to bootloader to get CLI?

> The missing Stage3 is the real problem.


Best regards,

 Jakub Moc
 GPG signature:
 Primary key fingerprint: D2D7 933C 9BA1 C95B 2C95  B30F 8717 D5FD CEBA 3D9E

 ... still no signature   ;)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-05 Thread Chris Gianelloni
On Thu, 2006-10-05 at 15:52 +0200, Peter Weber wrote:
> First Question: Where is here the Choice_Of_Gentoo and why are we
> breaking with our tradition of shell-installing?

I love this argument.

What about *our* choice to not waste time building things we don't want?

> I would be better to offer a real Universal-CD or to creat a
> bootloader-script, which gives the users the possibility to start
> X11/GTK-Installer if they want this, not without a question.

Umm... "nox" works just fine.

See, what *you* seem to be missing is that we're trying to provide a
better environment for our users.  The LiveCD is *not* just an
installation medium anymore.  It is a full-fledged Gentoo environment.
It can be used for showcasing Gentoo, as well as system recovery *and*

> Second Question: Will there be a new Universal-CD (or a DVD) with a real
> Stage3 for networkless-installion?

No.  I do plan on putting the stage3 on the next LiveDVD, but without
the necessary distfiles, it won't do much good for doing a completely
networkless installation.  The simple truth is that there were way too
many bug reports each release about missing distfiles and other such
problems that made it not worth the time required to maintain for us.

> I think, a gentoo-user should be able to choose between the shell,
> ncurses- and a gtk-installer. And any of this groups should have the
> same possibilites to install.

I've actually been writing a document on how to use the installer
scripts from the command line (without running the installer itself) to
perform an install.

At any rate, there's *nothing* stopping someone *else* from building
their own Universal CD.  If you need it, build it.  People seem to think
that "choice" means "forcing developers to do what *I* want them to do
with *their* volunteered time".  It doesn't.

We release our code under the GPL.  We release our release-building
tool.  We release our spec files for that tool.  Anyone is capable of
running a few scripts to do exactly what we've done to build their own
"Gentoo" release.

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering Strategic Lead
Alpha/AMD64/x86 Architecture Teams
Games Developer/Council Member/Foundation Trustee
Gentoo Foundation

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-05 Thread Peter Weber
You don't unterstand me, sorry.
There is no Universal-CD, a User must to download the LiveCD which
forces he/she to use the Ncurses/X11-Installer, because there is no

The missing Stage3 is the real problem.

On Thu, 2006-10-05 at 16:27 +0200, Jakub Moc wrote:
> Peter Weber wrote:
> > Hello,
> > since Gentoo started its "Gentoopix" LiveCD I really miss a CD for
> > networkless-installation. I don't know why the stage3 is missing,
> > because just some people need a full Gnome-Desktop for the
> > installation :-(
> Oh noes, we even have a whole special handbook version [1] for
> networkless installs, but you didn't bother to check even, right?
> [1]
> Sigh. :(

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-05 Thread Jakub Moc
Peter Weber wrote:
> Hello,
> since Gentoo started its "Gentoopix" LiveCD I really miss a CD for
> networkless-installation. I don't know why the stage3 is missing,
> because just some people need a full Gnome-Desktop for the
> installation :-(

Oh noes, we even have a whole special handbook version [1] for
networkless installs, but you didn't bother to check even, right?


Sigh. :(

Best regards,

 Jakub Moc
 GPG signature:
 Primary key fingerprint: D2D7 933C 9BA1 C95B 2C95  B30F 8717 D5FD CEBA 3D9E

 ... still no signature   ;)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[gentoo-dev] Missing: Universal-CD - Gentoo discriminates shell and networkless users

2006-10-05 Thread Peter Weber
since Gentoo started its "Gentoopix" LiveCD I really miss a CD for
networkless-installation. I don't know why the stage3 is missing,
because just some people need a full Gnome-Desktop for the
installation :-(

A year ago I could choose between a Minimal-CD for network-installation,
or a Universal-CD for offline-installation (independence)
network-installation. Nowadays I need to load a "Gentoopix" with a lot
of really unnecessary Gnome-Stuff, and even don't get a real Stage3,
just a bunch of Voodoo-Scripts.

First Question: Where is here the Choice_Of_Gentoo and why are we
breaking with our tradition of shell-installing?
I would be better to offer a real Universal-CD or to creat a
bootloader-script, which gives the users the possibility to start
X11/GTK-Installer if they want this, not without a question.

Second Question: Will there be a new Universal-CD (or a DVD) with a real
Stage3 for networkless-installion?

I think, a gentoo-user should be able to choose between the shell,
ncurses- and a gtk-installer. And any of this groups should have the
same possibilites to install.


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