[gep-ed] Methyl bromide critical use exemptions?

2023-12-11 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks: Another really specific thing I'm looking for (thanks to everyone who helped with other really specific things) that SHOULD exist but I haven't found: Has anyone compiled a complete (or close-to-complete) list of all the "critical use" exemptions for methyl bromide under the Montreal

[gep-ed] Looking for a (specific) wily source on CFC economics

2023-11-13 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi Gep-Ed folks: This is a weirdly obscure request, but I have failed, and librarians have failed, to find a source that I keep seeing cited in work on ozone depletion. I'm wondering if any of you who have worked on this issue might have a copy squirreled away somewhere, or might have better

[gep-ed] Wellesley College - Visiting Lecturer in Environmental Studies and Political Science

2023-02-08 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi gep-ed folks: I'll be on leave next year, and this excellent one-year visiting job at Wellesley is (mostly) to replace me -- and I'll hand over all my teaching materials for that required social science course that will be taught twice as part of the position. Please, if you have late-stage

[gep-ed] Wellesley looking for Center for Environment/ES Dept Coordinator

2022-07-13 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi GEP-ED folks: Wellesley College is hiring a new program coordinator for our Frost Center for the Environment and the ES Department. This is a long-term position that requires only a bachelors in a related field and a bit of experience, and is a fantastic opportunity. The last person in this

[gep-ed] Interested in doing a summer book review?

2022-05-30 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks: Got some extra time this summer (or winter, if you're in the Southern Hemisphere) and need something to fill it with? How about some global environmental beach (or ski) reading? I'm looking for some people interested in doing quick turnaround book reviews for Global Environmental

[gep-ed] Got a minute to do a last-minute book review?

2021-12-18 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks: Are you worried about what to do with your time once you've finished grading student essays? Looking for an escape from family holiday gatherings? Seeking an excuse to procrastinate from New Year's cleaning? Stuck in quarantine from a global pandemic? *Global Environmental Politics*

[gep-ed] Interested in doing a quick turnaround book review?

2020-11-24 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks: In my role as the book review editor for *Global Environmental Politics*, I'm writing to ask for volunteers for reasonably quick turnaround book reviews -- you indicate your interest, and I'll try to find a book in your area of expertise and ask if you want to review it. I'm especially

[gep-ed] Suggestions for an environmental policy "topic" for reading exercise

2020-08-10 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi again, folks: Here's a more nebulous request for suggestions (and a recommendation for a class exercise -- this has worked really well for me). On the first day of my Environmental Policy seminar I have students all do a reading exercise, where they all get 10-15 minutes to "read" a source

[gep-ed] articles on non-state actors in developing countries?

2020-08-10 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks: I'm looking for some good articles (need to be things I can access electronically in the time of COVID, so great book chapters won't work unless you can send me a pdf) on the role of non-state actors in environmental policy, *with a focus on countries other than the rich west *(e.g. NOT

[gep-ed] Interested in reviewing books for GEP?

2020-03-27 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks: In the unlikely event that you find yourselves with extra spare time right now (if, say, all your favorite recreational activities have been cancelled and you're stuck in your home), and would like to spend some of that time doing a book review (or book review essay) for Global

[gep-ed] Wellesley seeking environmental scientist for spring

2019-09-11 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks: This is a little outside of the gep-ed area, but the Wellesley ES community is a lovely one, and if you know scientists please bring this to their attention. (This would be a good opportunity for a grad student in the Boston area or someone who doesn't have a job for spring or who has

[gep-ed] journals that do book reviews?

2019-06-03 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks: As the book review editor for a journal, and a writer of books, I feel like I should have a better handle on this, but I don't. Are there any good lists of which journals vaguely in our field (broadly defined) publish book reviews of books related to environmental politics? If anyone

[gep-ed] Good environmental trends

2019-04-06 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks: This seems like a no brainer, but I'm having a surprisingly difficult time gathering a list of positive environmental trends (worldwide and over history). Things that have -- because of human intervention -- unquestionably improved, with some specific details to hang on them. Things

[gep-ed] Re: index for government environmental commitment?

2018-04-25 Thread Beth DeSombre
ub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1070496506287135 -Some commonly utilized indicators of government commitment: signatories & ratification of environmental treaties/ agreements; lands (and coastal areas) set aside as natural reserves; number and status of eNGOs... On Mon, Apr 23, 2018 at 12:11 PM, Bet

[gep-ed] index for government environmental commitment?

2018-04-23 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi gep-ed-ers I'd love suggestions for an index that gets at country-level commitment about the environment across a wide variety of countries (in my case, I'm looking at countries with major seaports, across all continents). Everyone these days is using the EPI

[gep-ed] Environmental Studies at Wellesley summer school - REDUX

2018-04-18 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks: If you have environment-interested students who might want to be in the Boston area this summer, let me recommend Wellesley's (co-ed) summer school. One of our selling points is that all our summer courses are taught by full-time Wellesley faculty members. This summer in session I

[gep-ed] URGENT: ISA JSS Climate Transitions -- need discussant

2018-03-28 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks: If you're going to ISA and work on climate issues (and are available *Wednesday in the D panel slot*), can I ask for your help? The Junior Scholar symposium panel on Climate Transitions has lost both its discussants -- this is a part of ISA that is supposed to give EXTRA feedback to

[gep-ed] Seeking a one-course social scientist for fall at Wellesley

2018-03-21 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks: While I'm on leave in the fall, we're looking for someone to teach our core ES social science course (cross-listed with Political Science), called *Social Causes and Consequences of Environmental Problems*. It's about what social science tells us (at the macro and micro level) about why

[gep-ed] Send your students to Wellesley Summer School

2018-03-20 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks: If you have environment-interested students who might want to be in the Boston area this summer, let me recommend Wellesley's (co-ed) summer school. One of our selling points is that all our summer courses are taught by full-time Wellesley faculty members. This summer in session I

[gep-ed] ESS Speed Mentoring at ISA: Wednesday 8:15 a.m.

2018-03-20 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks: If you're going to ISA, please check out the Environmental Studies Speed Mentoring opportunity in the very first panel slot (Wednesday, 815-10:00 in Plaza B). We think we have something to offer to people at almost every stage of an academic career -- come with questions, or come to

[gep-ed] Re: Different types of reasons for saving the environment?

2018-02-08 Thread Beth DeSombre
,” in Antipode 28(2) (1996), pp. 160-174. Alasdair Cochrane, “Holistic Entities” and “Deep Ecology,” in Environmental Ethics/Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, http://www.iep.utm.edu/envi-eth/#SH1c Thanks to all who made suggestions. Beth On Mon, Jan 1, 2018 at 9:40 AM, Beth DeSombre <ed

[gep-ed] Different types of reasons for saving the environment?

2018-01-01 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks: I'm re-doing my Environmental Policy seminar syllabus for the spring, and want to have an initial week on different types of reasons for protecting the environment/addressing environmental problems. My hope is to have a different reading for each of a variety of (different types of)

[gep-ed] Anyone up for writing a book review quickly?

2017-07-05 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks: I'm the book review editor for Global Environmental Politics. I'm facing an unanticipated shortage of reviews for an upcoming issue. If you'd be interested in writing a review by the end of the month (I can get a book to you *quickly*), let me know -- and what your areas of interest

[gep-ed] Responses to Neil deGrasse Tyson?

2016-06-30 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks: If you saw Tyson's tweet yesterday about creating the country of "rationalia" (where "all policy shall be based on the weight of evidence")-- there have been a few interesting responses designed to poke at the problems with his logic, like this one from vox:

[gep-ed] Your favorite calls to action?

2016-06-01 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi Gep-ed-ers: I'm looking for suggestions for your favorite, inspiring "here's why we need to do something to save the planet" readings. (Less about what specifically we should be doing and more about the big picture of how urgent or important it.) Happy to collate and send the full list back

[gep-ed] "greenness" of cities

2015-10-18 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks: I tried posting this to the AESS list (apologies to those on both lists), but the suggestions I've received from there haven't been the sort of thing I was looking for, so I thought I'd try here. Anyone have suggestions for how to measure environmental public opinion in cities? (Are

[gep-ed] Quick suggestions for energy/electricity readings?

2015-01-18 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi gep-ed folks: I teach the capstone course for Wellesley's ES major; each year we take on a campus project and the syllabus for that course is designed around that project. This spring (soon!) we'll be looking at electricity and thermal (heating and cooling) energy generation and use on

[gep-ed] standard operating procedures and environmental effects?

2014-06-10 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks: I'm trying to find a literature on business standard operating procedures, or routine operations, and their effects on the environment (for good or for bad). I'm interested in the idea that routines that were established for one purpose end up having negative environmental effects

[gep-ed] Seeking ridiculous LCAs

2013-12-21 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks: [This message was cross-posted in AESS; apologies for those who get it twice] At points I've come across some politically motivated (or politically convenient) life-cycle assessments; one I remember in particular -- which was in popular media like the NYTimes Magazine or Wired or

[gep-ed] Wellesley College looking for one-course environmental economist for spring

2012-07-12 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks: Wellesley College will be looking to hire someone on a one-course basis to teach our course in Environmental Economics (in the economics department) in the spring semester. Because it is per-course hire, it would need to be someone already in the Boston area or who has other reasons

[gep-ed] seeking definitions of sustainability

2011-08-30 Thread Beth DeSombre
For a new introduction to sustainability course I'm involved in, we're seeking definitions of sustainability (which can include sustainable development). On the first day of class (soon!) we want to look at the range of different ways people define the term, which means we're seeking as wide a

[gep-ed] Summary of suggestions for certification/labeling of food

2011-01-20 Thread Beth DeSombre
Thanks, everyone, for great suggestions. gep-ed really is a great resource. Among other things, I've learned that this field is dominated my one particular part of the alphabet. Beth Auld, G. (January 01, 2010). Assessing Certification as Governance: Effects and Broader Consequences for

[gep-ed] adv/disadv of certification/labeling for food?

2011-01-19 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks: I know I owe you (I'll post soon) a summary of responses to my previous request, but here's another: For a new course related to food sustainability, we have a section on the various certifications, labels, etc. one could append to food (organic, fair trade, humane, MSC certified,

[gep-ed] Best very recent article on current international climate architecture?

2011-01-05 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks: For my international environmental law course (starting soon!) I want a very current reading that gives the lay of the land of the current state of international climate change politics -- the reading from course books on that subject is outdated, so I want to also include something

[gep-ed] Looking for some good book reviewers

2010-09-21 Thread Beth DeSombre
Hi folks: I'm the book review editor for the journal Global Environmental Politics. Most book reviews I commission by asking particular people to review specific books I know they have the expertise to review. But in order to expand the usual suspects, I also sometimes put out a call for

[gep-ed] Job posting: env politics at Davidson

2010-08-18 Thread Beth DeSombre
Davidson College has a job of relevance to some of us (our or graduate students). Please pass the word -- Davidson is a great place to work, and the political science department there is especially collegial. Beth Elizabeth R. DeSombre Wellesley College -- [Marker]View Posting Summary