Re: [Gimp-developer] Gimp Customizable Toolbar

2008-06-16 Thread Ingo Ruhnke
Here an extended toolbar patch (unfinished work in progress, not meant
for commit in the gimp tree):


It adds a secondary toolbar, so that one can have two at once. This of
course is a little ugly, but I haven't seen any easy way to get an
arbitrary number of toolbars going. The patch also adds the ability to
load image-toolbar.xml from ~/.gimp/menus/, since this is implemented
in  app/widgets/gimpuimanager.c it also allows every other interface
xml file to be stored in ~/.gimp/menus/, which might or might not be a
desirable feature.

One issue that pops up when one tries to access all menu functions is
that most menu entries don't have an icon or an icon that is to
unspecific to be usable in a toolbar, i.e. "Select/Invert" has the
same icon as "Colors/Invert":


This requires either a lot more icons or a way to let the user
customize the toolbar icons, but likely both, especially when it comes
to user supplied scripts.

Another small issue is that the undo/redo icons disappear when one
resizes the window, they reappear when one stops the resize, but it
still looks a little weird.

ICQ: 59461927
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Gimp Customizable Toolbar

2008-06-16 Thread Karl Günter Wünsch
On Monday 16 June 2008, Tobias Jakobs wrote:
> There is never enogth  space if it comes to the work with big photos. And as
> photos are usully in 4:3 and a lot of modern monitors are 16:10 the
> vertical space
> is more important.
You assume too much. In fact the majority of photos that professionals and 
quality conscious amateurs (which seem to be the intended target group of 
users) are working on are originating in 3:2 and 2:3 aspect ratio as this is 
the main aspect ratio that current DSLR are working with... But final results 
may well be in all sorts of aspect ratios. The important thing is that 
vertical space is truly at a premium but there is no rule that a toolbar 
needs to be placed horizontally when in fact a toolbar works equally well 
when placed at either side of the image.
> If you then add a way to dock the toolbox to the image
> window we would have a very nice solution.
Having the toolbox docked is one of the things that would render a toolbar 
redundant. So yes, this is a working solution that I would look forward to.
Karl Günter
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Gimp Customizable Toolbar

2008-06-16 Thread Tobias Jakobs
On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 3:56 PM, Ingo Ruhnke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 12:05 PM, peter sikking <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> As I outlined at the LGM: vertical space comes at a premium for
>> GIMP.
> a) Todays screens are big enough

There is never enogth  space if it comes to the work with big photos. And as
photos are usully in 4:3 and a lot of modern monitors are 16:10 the
vertical space
is more important.

The way I'd like to see it implemented is to be able to to add every
menu entry into
the toolbox. If you then add a way to dock the toolbox to the image
window we would
have a very nice solution.

Just my two Cent,
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Gimp Customizable Toolbar

2008-06-16 Thread Ingo Ruhnke
On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 4:14 PM, Alexandre Prokoudine
> On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 5:56 PM, Ingo Ruhnke wrote:
>> a) Todays screens are big enough
> Hate to tell you, but this is plain wrong. Here is current (last
> month) statistics for my community web project:

So what? If you have the money you can buy a big enough screen, if you
don't, you either disable the toolbar or dock it to the side of the
window (when implemented). I really don't see a reason against the
toolbar, the current implementation might be objectable, but the
toolbar concept itself really isn't, since there is no other way to
have one-click access to Gimp functions.

ICQ: 59461927
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Gimp Customizable Toolbar

2008-06-16 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 5:56 PM, Ingo Ruhnke wrote:

> a) Todays screens are big enough

Hate to tell you, but this is plain wrong. Here is current (last
month) statistics for my community web project:

1280x1024 - 39,11 % 
1024x768 - 27,09 %
1280x800 - 11,77 %
1680x1050 - 5,26 %
1440x900 - 4,03 %
1600x1200 - 3,37 %
1152x864 - 2,55 %
1920x1200 - 1,81 %
1280x960  - 1,65 %
1400x1050 - 1,29 %

Note that these people come to talk about using application for doing
real things with graphics.

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Gimp Customizable Toolbar

2008-06-16 Thread Ingo Ruhnke
On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 12:05 PM, peter sikking <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just because it can be programmed and does a good job
> in a mail program or a zip tool, does not mean it is
> sound UI design for GIMP.

It does a good job in GIMP! Have you actually tried it? I have and it
makes some things a lot easier.

> As I outlined at the LGM: vertical space comes at a premium for

a) Todays screens are big enough
b) If the user doesn't want it, he can hide it with just two clicks
are disable it in the preferences and never see it again.
c) The current implementation can't be docked to the side, but there
is no reason why that couldn't be implemented

> Simply said: a toolbar like this does not fit the UI of GIMP.

Why do you want to make other peoples work in Gimp harder just because
you don't like it?

ICQ: 59461927
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Gimp Customizable Toolbar

2008-06-16 Thread Karl Günter Wünsch
On Monday 16 June 2008, you wrote:
> My "hi-end" definition boild down to "streamlined UI for professionals".
Much of the "streamlined UI for the professionals" can be had if the toolbar - 
as proposed - would be configurable in both position (there is no reason why 
it should not be vertically alignable at the left or right hand side of the 
window) and content. Then it would serve multiple purposes in that it allows 
quick access to often used functions (individually for the specific user) and 
allow for an easier learning curve (if preconfigured to have a set of common 
functions that a new user might want to have access to in the beginning). 
One thing bothers me even more now that you are insisting on this strealiming: 
Why isn't this applied to the whole set of plugins and tools? 
One thing I'd expect from any high quality software product is that settings I 
have chosen once are keeping their value even if the program restarted. In 
GIMP this only applies to a few tools but important things like all the 
filters are all falling back to their inadaequate presets every time the GIMP 
is started. Even if I have the option to save settings as default (such as in 
the JPEG save dialog) some settings of the set are excluded for reasons that 
are neither obvious nor in any way discoverable from the UI  - in the case of 
the JPEG save dialog it's the comment field, most of the time I want to give 
a set of images the same or only slightly varying comments but I have to 
externally keep a copy of what I want to set in this propery around as even 
between images this contents isn't kept! 
> The proposed toolbar does not solve any real issue. I've been spending
> a lot of time talking to "graphics" software users of all levels (noob
> to pro) for past years and none of them ever requested it or had
> problems because of not having it (I explicitely asked them about it a
> number of time).
Because it isn't an option at the time of the initial contact with the program 
most users will not miss it and make do without. Offer something well 
designed from the beginning and it will be used and if you then remove it it 
will be sorely missed. At least that is my experience as a software developer 
who has made his living off his designs for more than 15 years... I have 
always been proven wrong when I had to resort to the lame excuse: "It's for 
the experienced in  (insert field of expertise here that doesn't involve 
> This toolbar *might* be good for a classic MDI application. In CSDI
> application al it does is cluttering interface. And all the users I
> ever dealt with are very vocal about cluttered UI.
And for those there could be the simple option to switch this toolbar off. But 
I'd wager a bet that many would like to have this toolbar around reflecting 
their most used tools, filters and options.
Karl Günter
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Gimp Customizable Toolbar

2008-06-16 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 2:10 PM, Karl Günter Wünsch wrote:
> On Monday 16 June 2008, peter sikking wrote:
>> Simply said: a toolbar like this does not fit the UI of GIMP.
> What a lame excuse to exclude a time saver and great help to occasional users 
> of the GIMP...

Make sure you pay enough attention to the "hi-end" word.

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Gimp Customizable Toolbar

2008-06-16 Thread Karl Günter Wünsch
On Monday 16 June 2008, peter sikking wrote:
> Simply said: a toolbar like this does not fit the UI of GIMP.
What a lame excuse to exclude a time saver and great help to occasional users 
of the GIMP... Not everyone wants to cram his brain full of key shortcuts!
Why not have the toolbar placeable at the side or top by simply dragging and 
dropping it at apropiate toolbar docks? That should be a simple task given that 
every good toolkit offers such functionality out of the box!

Karl Günter
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Gimp Customizable Toolbar

2008-06-16 Thread peter sikking
Ingo Ruhnke wrote:

> The patch adds a very simple standard Gtk toolbar to the Gimp image  
> window:

sorry to dampen the enthusiasm here, but that is that last
thing we need, in an application of this calibre.

Just because it can be programmed and does a good job
in a mail program or a zip tool, does not mean it is
sound UI design for GIMP.

As I outlined at the LGM: vertical space comes at a premium for
GIMP. that is why all the controls are (rightly so) to the side of the
image in GIMP.

Simply said: a toolbar like this does not fit the UI of GIMP.


 founder + principal interaction architect
 man + machine interface works : on interaction architecture

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Gimp Customizable Toolbar

2008-06-16 Thread Tobias Jakobs
On Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 7:03 PM, Ingo Ruhnke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [1] I listed some other features that I have been missing for a while at:
> But no promise that I will implement them to, just public brainstream
> of stuff I miss.

The "Brush Folders" or better "Tagging of GIMP Resources" are one of
the this years Google Summer of Code projects [1].
So we hope this will be better in the future.


Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Gimp Customizable Toolbar

2008-06-14 Thread Bill Skaggs
On Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 10:34 AM, Sven Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> One open question: Can menus/image-toolbar.xml currently be stored
>> inside ~/.gimp directory, i.e. is there a way to customize those .xml
>> files without messing around with the systemwide Gimp installation?
> No, there isn't. I dount that this would be implementable at all, at
> least not without changes in GTK+.

I haven't tried this myself, but isn't this exactly the sort of thing that
gtk_ui_manager_get_ui() is intended for?  Or am I missing something?

  -- Bill
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Gimp Customizable Toolbar

2008-06-14 Thread Joao S. O. Bueno
On Saturday 14 June 2008, Sven Neumann wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sat, 2008-06-14 at 19:03 +0200, Ingo Ruhnke wrote:
> > It currently only supports a single toolbar and isn't
> > customizable via the GUI, but only by editing
> > "menus/image-toolbar.xml".
> In my opinion this is useless as long as it is not configurable by
> the user. And editing XML files doesn't count as being configurable
> by the user.
And in my opinion, this is a 80% done feature that should not be 
simply called "useless" and disregarded.

I myself had never missed such a toolbar, but as well, I am not a 
tablet user. 

>From where it is, it does not seen it will be to hard to implement 
some drag and drop using the actions ("configure keyboard shortcuts") 

I would agree that it imight be too late for consideration for 2.6, 
and of course we just can't just go bloating the UI, but I think 
shuch a toolbar would be highly praised and the UI team shoudl take a 
look at it.   Moreover, once configurable, it could keep the most 
used tool icons, making the toolbox really optional, which is one of 
the ains of the whole set of UI large changes for 2.6.


> > One open question: Can menus/image-toolbar.xml currently be
> > stored inside ~/.gimp directory, i.e. is there a way to customize
> > those .xml files without messing around with the systemwide Gimp
> > installation?
> No, there isn't. I dount that this would be implementable at all,
> at least not without changes in GTK+.

> Sven
> ___
> Gimp-developer mailing list
> Gimp-developer@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU
> https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-developer

Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Gimp Customizable Toolbar

2008-06-14 Thread Martin Nordholts
Ingo Ruhnke wrote:
> [1] I listed some other features that I have been missing for a while at:
> But no promise that I will implement them to, just public brainstream
> of stuff I miss.


I see that one of the items on your list is

 * Overscroll - Bug #362915

and it is worth mentioning that this bug is one of the few
bugs/enhancment requests that blocks a GIMP 2.6 release, so any help
with it would be much appreciated.

Martin Nordholts
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Gimp Customizable Toolbar

2008-06-14 Thread Ingo Ruhnke
On Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 7:34 PM, Sven Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In my opinion this is useless as long as it is not configurable by the
> user.

Just having undo/redo available with a single click is already a great
help, but yes, configurability should of course be the goal, that
patch is just a first step.

> And editing XML files doesn't count as being configurable by the user.

It is still a lot better then having no toolbar at all.

> No, there isn't. I dount that this would be implementable at all, at
> least not without changes in GTK+.

Seems to be a simple matter of changing  gimp_ui_manager_entry_load()
in app/widgets/gimpuimanager.c:690 and adding another Folders entry to
the preferences.

ICQ:  59461927
Gimp-developer mailing list

Re: [Gimp-developer] Gimp Customizable Toolbar

2008-06-14 Thread Sven Neumann

On Sat, 2008-06-14 at 19:03 +0200, Ingo Ruhnke wrote:

> It currently only supports a single toolbar and isn't customizable via
> the GUI, but only by editing "menus/image-toolbar.xml".

In my opinion this is useless as long as it is not configurable by the
user. And editing XML files doesn't count as being configurable by the

> One open question: Can menus/image-toolbar.xml currently be stored
> inside ~/.gimp directory, i.e. is there a way to customize those .xml
> files without messing around with the systemwide Gimp installation?

No, there isn't. I dount that this would be implementable at all, at
least not without changes in GTK+.


Gimp-developer mailing list

[Gimp-developer] Gimp Customizable Toolbar

2008-06-14 Thread Ingo Ruhnke
Since one of the replies to my toolbar patch mentioned this should be
moved to the mailing list, here the mail and here the patch:

The bug report is at:

The patch adds a very simple standard Gtk toolbar to the Gimp image window:

It currently only supports a single toolbar and isn't customizable via
the GUI, but only by editing "menus/image-toolbar.xml". Which of
course isn't much, but it allows the patch to be pretty simple and
integrate well into the Gimp, since the toolbar behaves no different
then any of the other Image windows accessory (menubar, rulers,
scrollbars, etc.) and can be disabled just as them. Since this patch
is rather harmless I don't see much reason to not include it into
Gimp2.6, especially since the toolbar can be quite useful in many
cases, for example when using a graphic tablet and not having the
keyboard in an easy reachable position and is easy to disable when not
wanted. A toolbar is also a standard item that one expects from an
application, basically every other application has one, just not the
Gimp. And it is simply one of the features that I have missed the most
in Gimp for quite a long long time[1], which is the reason why I
implemented it.

One open question: Can menus/image-toolbar.xml currently be stored
inside ~/.gimp directory, i.e. is there a way to customize those .xml
files without messing around with the systemwide Gimp installation?

[1] I listed some other features that I have been missing for a while at:
But no promise that I will implement them to, just public brainstream
of stuff I miss.

ICQ: 59461927
Gimp-developer mailing list