GHC confused by hi-boot files

2004-09-17 Thread George Russell
With both ghc6.2 and 6.2.20040915 on Linux, ghc --make cannot compile
the attached files and produces a confusing error message.
 # ghc --make View.hs
Chasing modules from: View.hs
Compiling ViewType ( ./ViewType.hs, ./ViewType.o )
Compiling VersionGraphClient ( ./VersionGraphClient.hs, ./VersionGraphClient.o 
)Compiling View ( View.hs, View.o )
Couldn't match `VersionGraphClient' against `VersionGraphClient'
Expected type: VersionGraphClient
Inferred type: VersionGraphClient
In the `graphClient1' field of a record
In the record construction: View {graphClient1 = graphClient}
However ghc without make has no problems.
# ghc -c ViewType.hs
# ghc -c VersionGraphClient.hs
# ghc -c View.hs
best wishes to all Simons!

module VersionGraphClient where

data VersionGraphClient
module VersionGraphClient(

   ) where

import ViewType

newtype VersionGraphClient = VersionGraphClient Int
-- | This module defines the fundamental structure of the (untyped) 
-- objects in a repository. 
-- We depend circularly on CodedValue.hs.  This module is compiled
-- first and uses CodedValue.hi-boot.
module View(
   ) where

import ViewType
import VersionGraphClient

createView :: VersionGraphClient - IO View
createView graphClient =
  return (View {
 graphClient1 = graphClient
module ViewType(

   ) where

import {-# SOURCE #-} VersionGraphClient

data View = View {
   graphClient1 :: VersionGraphClient

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Template Haskell and boot files

2004-09-17 Thread George Russell
Hello GHC bug fixers,
I just sent a program which ghc --make couldn't compile but
individual ghc -c commands could.
Now I have just tried to work around this, using Template Haskell
to use a data rather than newtype declaration for ghc6.2
Unfortunately the new code has the opposite problem!  It breaks
ghc -c, but ghc --make works.  This is also for both ghc6.2
and ghc6.2.20040915
with -c it doesn't work:
# ghc -c -fglasgow-exts ViewType.hs
# ghc -c -fglasgow-exts VersionGraphClient.hs
tcLookup: `VersionGraphClient.VersionGraphClient' is not in scope
In the data type declaration for `View'
with --make it does work:
# ghc --make -fglasgow-exts VersionGraphClient.hs
Chasing modules from: VersionGraphClient.hs
Compiling ViewType ( ./ViewType.hs, ./ViewType.o )
Compiling VersionGraphClient ( VersionGraphClient.hs, VersionGr
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Loading package haskell98 ... linking ... done.
Loading package haskell-src ... linking ... done.

module VersionGraphClient where

data VersionGraphClient
module ViewType(

   ) where

import {-# SOURCE #-} VersionGraphClient

data View = View {
   graphClient1 :: VersionGraphClient

module VersionGraphClient(

   ) where

import ViewType

data Foo = Foo View

$(if False
 newtype VersionGraphClient = VersionGraphClient [Foo]
 data VersionGraphClient = VersionGraphClient [Foo]
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

-fwarn-unused-imports confused by hi-boot files

2004-09-16 Thread George Russell
# ghc -fwarn-unused-imports C.hs
Warning: Module `A' is imported, but nothing from it is used
 (except perhaps instances visible in `A')

However if I comment out the import of A I get
tcLookup: `A.A' is not in scope
In the type synonym declaration for `AS'
Failed to load interface for `A':
Bad interface file: ./A.hi
./A.hi: openBinaryFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)
Failed to find interface decl for `A.A'
from module `A'
Failed to find interface decl for `A.A'
from module `A'
module A where

data Amodule B where

type AS = [A.A]module C where

import {-# SOURCE #-} A
import {-# SOURCE #-} B

type ASS = [AS]___
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec requires -package text.

2004-09-08 Thread George Russell
Axel Simon wrote (snipped):
But if I have two layers over gtk 1.2 and 2.0 and both use the 
hierarchical module system and are therefore marked as auto you would 
have the same problem of linking in two versions of gtk which doesn't 
work. Did I miss something?
I presume that Simon meant that only *some* of the libraries in
the hierarchy should be marked as auto.  I would be in favour of
making this subset small, leaving out everything apart
from the Prelude modules + those with qualified names beginning
Control, Data, Foreign, System and Text.  This would leave
lots of namespace free for the user.  However there's no reason why
implementations should not implement extra modules and mark them
as auto so long as they begin with one of these five names.
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec requires -package text.

2004-09-07 Thread George Russell
Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
It's documented behaviour.
* import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec will work without any -package
flags, if any installed package has a module
Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.  It's very tiresome adding -package flags
all the time.
* The link step needs -package flags, because it only gets .o files, and
we didn't want it to start hunting through .hi files (though that would
be possible)
* ghc Main.hs is by definition equivalent to ghc -c Main.hs; ghc Main.o,
and the latter step needs the package flag. If you say ghc --make
Main.hs you'll get what you want.
Even though it is documented behaviour I think it is wrong.
It looks as if we now have the rather complicated situation that
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec will work during compilation
without loading the package parsec *unless* one of the other modules
being compile imports this module and uses Template Haskell.  It will
work during linking *if* you used --make, but otherwise you get some
very user-unfriendly messages about undefined symbols.
GHC's package system is good because it makes libraries
available in a uniform way.  The above complex rules just make things
more complicated.  People who have trouble typing --package parsec
should learn to use Make.  The solution someone else proposed of
stashing extra information in the object file to help the linker just
seems to me a recipe for more complexity, and in any case wouldn't
work when packages only contain non-GHC object files.  (Like some of
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec requires -package text.

2004-09-07 Thread George Russell
Alastair Reid wrote (snipped):
Why is it necessary to provide -package options at all?
ghc-pkg knows about all the packages in your system so it could just 
implicitly add -package $x for every package when compiling or linking.
My current need at least is to disable the lang, text, data packages and
so on so I can see if my code compiles even when GHC nukes FiniteMap
and only allows me to call it Data.FiniteMap.  As I expect it will
one of these days.
One reason I think it might still be necessary to retain -package options
is that otherwise code will stop working if a package is added to the
package.conf file which has modules with the same name as those
the user is working with.   The trouble is that the analogy with
the standard Prelude does not work; compiler writers are not supposed
to add names to the standard prelude, but they definitely do need to
be able to add packages to the package.conf files they distribute.
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec requires -package text.

2004-09-06 Thread George Russell
   ghc ParsecTest.hs -o pt
you get a link-time failure, because it looks as if the base package
Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec depends somehow on the package text.
module Main where

import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec

ch = char 'C'

main = 
  seq ch (return ())___
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec requires -package text.

2004-09-06 Thread George Russell
Ross Paterson wrote:
On Mon, Sep 06, 2004 at 12:10:09PM +0200, George Russell wrote:
  ghc ParsecTest.hs -o pt
you get a link-time failure, because it looks as if the base package
Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec depends somehow on the package text.

Try -package parsec
OK, I have.  But if parsec is required for linking, I think it should also
be required for compilation!
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list


2004-08-31 Thread George Russell
According to
there is a GHC option -fwarn-misc.   But ghc-6.2.1 doesn't seem to have it.
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Template Haskell, Haddock, -fwarn-missing-signatures don't mix

2004-08-31 Thread George Russell
Not so much a bug this as a whinge:
# ghc -c TH2.hs -fwarn-missing-signatures -fglasgow-exts
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Loading package haskell98 ... linking ... done.
Loading package haskell-src ... linking ... done.
TH2.hs:6: Warning: Definition but no type signature for `a'
TH2.hs:8: Warning: Definition but no type signature for `a'
The problem here is that the type signature for 'a' is outside the
splice while the definition is inside.  This is a useful idiom for
me, since for Haddock I preprocess files to strip out Template
Haskell splices, but still want Haddock to see a type signature.
module TH2 where

   if True
 [d| a = 2 |]
 [d| a = 4 |]

a :: Int
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

-fwarn-unused-binds misses a use

2004-08-31 Thread George Russell
# ghc Unused.hs -fwarn-unused-binds -fglasgow-exts
Unused.hs:10: Warning: Defined but not used: Dummy

module Unused(Foo(..),ff) where

class Foo (v :: (* - *) - *) where
   f :: v a - Int

ff :: Foo v = v a - Int
ff (_ :: (v :: (* - *) - *) a) = (f (error bar :: v Dummy))

data Dummy x = Dummy x___
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

ghc-6.2.1 incorrectly reporting duplicate instance declarations

2004-04-08 Thread George Russell
When I have a collection of files to compile and
(1) I use --make to compile them together;
(2) they are recursive
it works the first time, but when I try to compile them the
second time I get messages about bogus duplicate instance
declarations, for example:
Skipping  GlobalRegistry   ( GlobalRegistry.hs, GlobalRegistry.o )

Duplicate instance declarations:
  In module CodedValue: Control.Monad.Trans.MonadIO CodedValue.CodingMonad
  In module CodedValue: Control.Monad.Trans.MonadIO CodedValue.CodingMonad
Duplicate instance declarations:
  In module CodedValue: GHC.Base.Monad CodedValue.CodingMonad
  In module CodedValue: GHC.Base.Monad CodedValue.CodingMonad
Duplicate instance declarations:
  In module CodedValue: CodedValue.HasCodedValue ty
  In module CodedValue: CodedValue.HasCodedValue ty
It looks as if GHC 6.2.1 includes a new clever feature by which when a
module is imported using import {-# SOURCE #-}, it looks at the
corresponding .hi file (if one is available).  I would guess that it is
somehow importing the instances from this .hi file; however this gets
it muddled so that it thinks instances are really being duplicated when
they are not.
Unfortunately I have given up (after about half an hour of trying) in my
attempts to reduce this to a small test case.  If the Glasgow Haskell
people can't guess what is going on from the above description, I'll
happily explain to them how to obtain and compile the current workbench
sources (it's not as painful as it used to be) and hopefully it'll
be possible to demonstrate the problem.
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Possible instances problem with ghc-6.2.1

2004-03-26 Thread George Russell
With ghc-6.2.1 compiled from source

tar -xzf instances2.tar.gz
cd instances2
produces the message:

Could not deduce (Show value)
from the context (AttributeValue (Radio value),
  HasConfigRadioButton value,
  Bounded value,
  Enum value,
  FormLabel label)
  arising from use of `newFormEntry' at AttributesType.hs:15

(1) this does not seem to happen with ghc-6.2.
(2) why does newFormEntry need Show anyway?  It would only be
relevant in deducing HasConfigRadioButton, but in fact
it has that in the context anyway.
Sorry I didn't report this earlier.

Description: GNU Zip compressed data
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Mysterious error from ghc6.2

2004-03-11 Thread George Russell
# ghc -c FunnyError.hs

Couldn't match `Bool' against `[Char]'
Expected type: Bool
Inferred type: [Char]
In the definition of `b': b x Foo = ()
In the definition for method `b'
tcLookup: `FunnyError.$dmb' is not in scope
In the definition of `b': b = FunnyError.$dmb
In the definition for method `b'
In the instance declaration for `A Int'
The first error is correct, but the second error message is most peculiar,
is it not?
{- ghc6.2 -}
module FunnyError where

class A x where
   a :: x - ()
   b :: x - Bool - ()
   b x Foo = () -- deliberate type error

instance A Int where
   a _ = ()
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Package with no dependencies causes GHC to mislay standard prelude

2004-02-27 Thread George Russell
Unpacking the attached bundle and running the following with ghc=GHC6.2
(Linux, compiled from the ghc-6.2 tag), produces the following:
# cd packagesbug
# CompileBug
Chasing modules from: CompileFlags.hs
Compiling CompileFlags ( CompileFlags.hs, CompileFlags.o )
Reading package info from stdin... done.
Expanding embedded variables... done.
building GHCi library `/home/ger/test/packagesbug/package1/package1.o'... done.
Saving old package config file... done.
Writing new package config file... done.
Chasing modules from: UseCompileFlags.hs
Compiling UseCompileFlags  ( UseCompileFlags.hs, UseCompileFlags.o )
/home/ger/test/packagesbug/package1/package1.o: unknown symbol `__stginit_Prelude_'
Loading package package1 ... linking ... ghc-6.2: panic! (the `impossible' happened, 
GHC version 6.2):
can't load package `package1'
Please report it as a compiler bug to [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Description: BZip2 compressed data
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

ghc-pkg makes unnecessary assumptions on Solaris

2004-01-29 Thread George Russell
How do you install ghc so that ghc-pkg doesn't use the Solaris linker, but instead
the GNU linker which is called (here) gnu-ld?
Obviously it doesn't want to use the Solaris linker since that doesn't have
the --whole-archive option ghc-pkg needs.
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: hGetBuf (or something related) broken for 6.2 with sockets

2003-12-19 Thread George Russell
Simon Marlow wrote (snipped):

BTW George: there are plenty of snapshots available - these
are the 6.2 prereleases.  
There are, but no recent ones.  What I would like to have had is a 6.2-epsilon
version, not 6.1 and a bit.
We don't snapshot along the STABLE branch at
the moment; no real deep reason, we'd just have to figure out a version
numbering scheme, and this might upset various scripts that expect to
parse the GHC version number.  Since you have to build from source
anyway, why not download the sources from CVS?
The problem with downloading things direct from CVS is that I don't expect people
to run substantial tests before checking things into CVS.  (We don't on our CVS
server.)  Of course I don't expect a snapshot release to have the same reliability
as a real release, but at least snapshot releases seem to compile and succeed in
compiling themselves.
Anyway Simon, is there a workaround to the sockets problem I posted or not?

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

hGetBuf (or something related) broken for 6.2 with sockets

2003-12-18 Thread George Russell
I have just installed ghc6.2 on Linux. (I had to compile it from source because the
binaries insist on a glibc version we don't have.)
The attached module contains two functions (serverMain) and (clientMain).
clientMain opens a connection (to localhost) and sends some data along it,
then executes hFlush.
serverMain receives this data.  They should display identical data.
This should be run by (1) compiling the code using
 ghc Server.hs -c
(2) starting up ghci in this directory, twice, in separate terminal windows.
(3) in both ghci's doing
 :module Server
(4) in one ghci doing
(5) in the other ghci doing
What happens is
(a) the serverMain ghci displays Iterating several times.  This is because
hGetBuf appears to be terminating prematurely when there is still data to come
on the socket.  This is a pain (especially as I took several hours finding this
was why my program didn't work), but at least it can be worked around, and the code
in the module does this.
(b) The server module only gets part of the data.  In fact for me it comes to a stop
despite there being more data to come.  (And despite the fact that the client has
done hFlush).
I don't know any way of working around (b), so I suspect that means ghc6.2 is unusable
for us.  What a pity no development snapshot was made for 6.2 shortly before its
release, as it might have been possible for me to discover this bug in time for it
to be fixed in 6.2.(I did try to test the 6.3 development snapshot but was
grounded by the instances bug I've reported elsewhere.)
module Server where

import Char
import IO
import Random
import Monad

import Network
import GHC.IO(hPutBuf,hGetBuf)
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.ForeignPtr
import Foreign.Marshal.Array
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Foreign.Ptr

maxLen = (2000 :: Int)

port = PortNumber 11394
host = localhost

writeInt :: Handle - Int - IO ()
writeInt handle i = hPutStrLn handle (show i)

readInt :: Handle - IO Int
readInt handle =
  l - hGetLine handle
  return (read l)

runClient :: Ptr CChar - Handle - IO ()
runClient ptr handle =
 (\ _ -
writeOut ptr maxLen handle
   (\ toWrite - writeOut ptr toWrite handle  
  hFlush handle

writeOut :: Ptr CChar - Int - Handle - IO ()
writeOut ptr toWrite handle =
  putStr ([++show toWrite)
  hFlush stdout
  writeInt handle toWrite
  hPutBuf handle ptr toWrite
  putStr (])
  hFlush stdout

getChars :: Handle - Ptr CChar - Int - IO ()
getChars handle ptr 0 = return ()
getChars handle ptr toRead =
  read - hGetBuf handle ptr toRead
  if (read == 0) 
error (Unexpected EOF) else return ()
  if read  toRead
 putStrLn Iterating  hFlush stdout 
getChars handle (plusPtr ptr read) (toRead - read)
 return ()

readIn :: Ptr CChar - Handle - IO ()
readIn ptr handle =
  toRead - readInt handle
  putStr ([++show toRead)
  hFlush stdout
  getChars handle ptr toRead
  putStr ]
  hFlush stdout

runServer :: Ptr CChar - Handle - IO ()
runServer ptr handle =
  readIn ptr handle
  runServer ptr handle

clientMain =
  ptr - mallocBytes maxLen
  handle - connectTo host port
  runClient ptr handle
serverMain =
  ptr - mallocBytes maxLen
  socket - listenOn port
  (handle,hostName,_) - accept socket
  runServer ptr handle
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Instances which worked in ghc6.0.1 don't work for developmentsnapshot 6.3.20031201

2003-12-11 Thread George Russell
For ghc6.0.1 on Linux

# ghc Test1.hs -c -fglasgow-exts -fallow-undecidable-instances 
# ghc Test2.hs -c -fglasgow-exts -fallow-undecidable-instances 

But for ghc6.3.20031201 the second compilation produces the message:

 No instance for (FormValue (Maybe [Char]))
   arising from use of `isFormValue' at Test2.hs:6
 In the definition of `is': is = isFormValue (Just )
Oddly enough the compilation works if you do it in one step
# ghc --make Test2.hs -fglasgow-exts -fallow-undecidable-instances -fallow-overlapping-instances

module Test1 where

class FormValue value where
   isFormValue :: value - ()
   isFormValue _ = () 

class FormTextField value

instance FormTextField String

instance FormTextField value = FormTextFieldIO value

class FormTextFieldIO value

instance FormTextFieldIO value = FormValue value

instance FormTextFieldIO value = FormTextFieldIO (Maybe value)module Test2 where

import Test1

is :: ()
is = isFormValue (Just )___
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Template Haskell panic

2003-12-10 Thread George Russell
The attached file causes a panic when compiled with ghc6.0 on Linux.

# ghc -fglasgow-exts TH.hs -c
ghc-6.0.1: panic! (the `impossible' happened, GHC version 6.0.1):
nameModule newLen0 {- v a35 -}
Please report it as a compiler bug to [EMAIL PROTECTED],
module T where

bp :: Int - IO Int
bp newLen0 =
 newLen =
   -- work around GHC6 bug
   if True
 [| max 1 newLen0 |]
 [| newLen0 |]
  return newLen___
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Problems with Template Haskell

2003-12-05 Thread George Russell
Template Haskell seems to be type-checking some quasi-quotes, even when they
are not going to be used.  This is of course a terrible nuisance, since it
means it can't be used to work around interface incompatibilities between
libraries for different versions of GHC (such as the recent change in
RegexString.matchRegexAll's type).  Maybe I will have to go back to using
cpp ...
For example, the attached file fails to compile.

# ghc TestSplice.hs -c -fglasgow-exts

 Couldn't match `f a' against `Bool'
   Expected type: f a
   Inferred type: Bool
 In the second argument of `fmap', namely `True'
 In the definition of `TestSplice.p': TestSplice.p = fmap id True
This occurs for both ghc 6.0.1 and the recent snapshot  6.3.20031201

Another problem is that Template Haskell objects to undefined variables in
unused splices.  Thus if I replace p = fmap id True in the
attached file by foo = bar, I get TestSplice2.hs:7: Variable not in scope: `bar'
module TestSplice where

   if False
p = fmap id True
d = 2
   )module TestSplice where

   if False
foo = bar
d = 2
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: Problems with Template Haskell

2003-12-05 Thread George Russell
Simon Peyton-Jones wrote (snipped):

Still, in your cpp-like application, I guess your story is that the
condition might evaluate to True only if the system configuration was
such that bar was in scope.  If the condition evaluates to False, then
bar really might not be available.
OK, in TH (version 2 -- CVS HEAD) you want dynamic binding. You can say

	$(if ... then [|d foo = $(dyn bar) |] .. )

Now you won't get any type complaint, and bar will get looked up at
the splice site of x. 
This is a bit cumbersome.  Could there be some way of wrapping the whole
quasi-quotation to stop it from being looked at in any way, except what
is strictly necessary for converting it to a Q Dec or Q Exp, unless and
until it is actually spliced?  In fact, I for one would prefer that to be
the default ...
I appreciate that there are workarounds like $(dyn ...), and I've also
come up with the solution of declaring
   idVar = [| id |]

and then using $idVar in quasi-quotations, as a way of obfuscating the
type so GHC doesn't complain.  This is what is known as fighting the compiler ...
Does that help?
With dyn there's the problem that the module name and name of dyn have
changed from ghc6 to ghc6.3.  Meaning (a) without CPP I can't import
Language.Haskell.THSyntax (6.0) / Language.Haskell.TH (6.3); (b) I can't refer to
dyn in the first place anyway.  While with CPP it all seems so easy.
Of course (a) is an instance of a more general problem -- that we can't
use Template Haskell to select between import declarations.  It would be nice
if we could.
Of course there's the obvious problem that Template Haskell itself expects to
be able to use the variables in imported modules.  Would it be possible to allow
a splice in the import list, but restrict its environment to previously imported
Am I doing the wrong thing here?  Should I simply give up on the idea of
replacing cpp with Template Haskell?
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Incompatibilities between RPM .tar.gz versions of ghc-6.0.1

2003-11-10 Thread George Russell
It seems as if the RPM and .tar.gz versions of ghc-6.0.1 are binary
incompatible.  That is, a library built for one will not necessarily
work on the other.  For example, libHSbase.a defines the symbol
GHCziRead_lvl18_closure in the .tar.gz version, which can be
externally called; however in the RPM version it is not defined.
Many thanks for Walter Guttmann for discovering this.  I hope he
won't mind if I quote from his original message:
No, I have another version of that file, also from a binary release, which
explains the problem. The download homepage of ghc 6.0.1

offers several binaries, even for x86/Linux. I found out that your
libHSbase.a comes from Binary tar for Linux/x86 with glibc 2.2 and mine
comes from base RPM (even though I do not use RedHat Linux). Note that
the RPM's name is ghc-6.0.1-1.i386.rpm where the -1 might indicate
something. The creation date of your libHSbase.a is 2003-07-29 and that of
mine is 2003-07-30. I don't know if there have been some changes between
the two builds, if they just forgot to update the other build or if the
differences necessarily arise for the two builds (which would be very
sad). Anyway, I installed the other build and was able to compile, link
and run MainhsMines.hs. So I'm happy now, but you might want to contact
the ghc-builders and ask them about the difference.

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

LD_LIBRARY_PATH, ghc and Solaris

2003-10-16 Thread George Russell
It looks like I am going to have to hack the shell script that calls ghc, because
it needs to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH so that the executables can find libreadline.  Would
it be possible to have an option to ./configure that set a library path to be used
by these scripts?
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

hClose non-terminating

2003-10-10 Thread George Russell
I have a problem with a handle for which hClose does not terminate.  Unfortunately
it's too much work for me to narrow it down now, but perhaps it can be worked out
from these facts?
(1) it's a socket connection.
(2) it has BlockBuffering (Just 4096) set.
(3) it is possible that another thread is simultaneously trying to read from it.
(4) hFlush on the same handle terminates.
(5) if I remove the hClose the program terminates (presumably closing the connection)
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: peekCString stack overflow

2003-10-02 Thread George Russell
Actually what I really need is peekCStringLen.  This function can
surely avoid stack overflow by building up the result from right to
I think for peekCString the solution might be to get the length using
the C function strlen (which is more optimised than a Haskell alternative)
and then call peekCStringLen.
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

peekCString stack overflow

2003-10-01 Thread George Russell
The following program gives me a stack overflow for a file big.tex
15 bytes long.
-- Cut here --
module Main where
import Foreign.C.String
import Foreign.Ptr
import qualified GHC.IO
main =
  (ptr,len) - GHC.IO.slurpFile big.tex
  peekCStringLen (castPtr ptr,len)
  return ()
-- Cut here --
The message is Stack space overflow: current size 1048576 bytes.

Could peekCStringLen be changed so it does not expect stack space
proportionate to the input string?  I use this method quite a lot
for slurping strings in and out, so as it is the situation is

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Segmentation fault with GHCi 6.0

2003-08-27 Thread George Russell
What is going on here?  Is it already fixed in 6.1?

# uname -a
Linux denebola 2.4.19-4GB #2 Mon Mar 31 10:57:24 CEST 2003 i686 unknown
# ghc DynExcep.hs -c -fglasgow-exts
# ghci
   ___ ___ _
  / _ \ /\  /\/ __(_)
 / /_\// /_/ / /  | |  GHC Interactive, version 6.0, for Haskell 98.
/ /_\\/ __  / /___| |
\/\/ /_/\/|_|  Type :? for help.
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
GHC.Err.error :: forall a. [Char] - a
Prelude :module + DynExcep
Prelude DynExcep dynExcep
Segmentation fault
module DynExcep where

import Data.Dynamic
import Control.Exception

data FallOutExcep = FallOutExcep {
   fallOutId :: Int,
   mess :: String
   } deriving (Typeable)

type BreakFn = (forall other . String - other)

mkBreakFn :: Int - BreakFn
mkBreakFn id mess = throwDyn (FallOutExcep {fallOutId = id,mess = mess})

dynExcep = mkBreakFn 1 

GHC running out of memory, surprisingly.

2003-06-16 Thread George Russell
Yes, I know functional languages are memory hogs, but really!

The following is on linux

# ghci
   ___ ___ _
  / _ \ /\  /\/ __(_)
 / /_\// /_/ / /  | |  GHC Interactive, version 6.0, for Hask
/ /_\\/ __  / /___| |
\/\/ /_/\/|_|  Type :? for help.
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Prelude :module + Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
Prelude Foreign.Marshal.Alloc b1 - mallocBytes 1000
Prelude Foreign.Marshal.Alloc b2 - reallocBytes b1 0
*** Exception: resource exhausted
Action: realloc
Reason: out of memory
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Strange ghci :def failure

2003-06-07 Thread George Russell
What is wrong here?

  / _ \ /\  /\/ __(_)
 / /_\// /_/ / /  | |  GHC Interactive, version 6.0, for Haskell 98.
/ /_\\/ __  / /___| |
\/\/ /_/\/|_|  Type :? for help.
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Prelude :def code (\  - do { let {getCode acc = do { next - getLine ; if next == 
:edoc then return . unwords . reverse $ acc else getCode (next : acc)}} ; getCode [] } )
ghc-6.0: panic! (the `impossible' happened, GHC version 6.0):
getLinkDeps No iface for [pkg]GHCziErr
Please report it as a compiler bug to [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

ghc --make and missing interface files

2003-06-04 Thread George Russell
Hello all, I have a file BinaryIO.  This used to import a module
HGetCharHack to work around an annoying problem with ghc5.04 which
meant that hGetChar was blocking unexpectedly.  However I see that
this problem has now been fixed in ghc6 (ta very much, Simon) so I
deleted the files HGetCharHack.*, modified BinaryIO to stop importing
it, and then tried to compile it using ghc --make.  However the thing
fell over, as follows:
 Skipping ... (lots of files) ...
 Skipping UnionFind

 Could not find interface file for `HGetCharHack'
 (use -v to see a list of the files searched for)
What I think is happening is that ghc --make is picking up BinaryIO.hi
somehow, discovering that it refers to HGetCharHack, and complaining
when it can't find HGetCharHack.  At any rate, deleting BinaryIO.hi
fixed the problem.
What I think it should do is not look at BinaryIO.hi when BinaryIO.hs
is newer, or at least not be so surprised when an obsolete BinaryIO.hi
refers to non-existent modules.

Oh, by the way, I don't think I've said thank you very much for ghc6,
which in general is very good, and mostly works fine, so please take
that as read now.  Alas there isn't a [EMAIL PROTECTED]
list, so -bugs will have to do ...

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Can't install ghc-6.0 on Solaris

2003-06-03 Thread George Russell
# uname -a
SunOS leo 5.8 Generic_108528-18 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-280R
# ./ghci
./ghci: /nfs/moussor/hdaume/lib/ghc-6.0/ghc-6.0: not found
Also the install process failed as follows:

./mkdirhier /usr/local/pub-bkb/ghc/ghc-6.0/share/ghc-6.0/html
if test -d share/html ; then cp -r share/html/* 
/usr/local/pub-bkb/ghc/ghc-6.0/share/ghc-6.0/html ; fi
for i in share/*.ps; do \
cp $i /usr/local/pub-bkb/ghc/ghc-6.0/share/ghc-6.0 ; \
cp: cannot access share/*.ps
gmake: *** [install-docs] Error 2
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

ghc installation on Linux doesn't like CDPATH

2003-06-03 Thread George Russell
The cd command on Linux considerately prints out the name of the
new directory, which it gets from the CDPATH. This has the unfortunate
side-effect of breaking gmake install for ghc6.0, which uses some shell
hackery of the form something like:
for i in `(cd share ; find .)`

where i's first value will of course be the new directory printed out by
The workaround is to set CDPATH to null.

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list


2003-02-28 Thread George Russell
(1) I think Posix.getFileStatus should respond to a file which isn't there with 
something rather more helpful than
system error.   For example, a No such file or directory message.
(2) The logical way of spotting whether a file is actually there is the
queryFile function, documented for example here:
But sadly the queryFile function does not appear to be in the Posix module!  At least 
not for
Good thing there's a Directory.doesFileExist function!  Of course that's not quite the 
same, since it
only checks if there is a normal file of that name (it returns False for a directory).
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: ghc5.04.1 deriving Read/Show broken

2002-09-17 Thread George Russell

Manuel M T Chakravarty wrote:
 Luckily, there is a workaround (discovered by Tom Moertel on
 #haskell).  If you include field names in the data
 definition for which you derive Show and Read, it seems to
 work fine.
Thanks.  I may try this, if I get time.
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Division by 0 exits ghci

2002-09-17 Thread George Russell

On Solaris:

# /home/ger/ghc-5.04.1.install/bin/ghci
   ___ ___ _
  / _ \ /\  /\/ __(_)
 / /_\// /_/ / /  | |  GHC Interactive, version 5.04.1, for Haskell 98.
/ /_\\/ __  / /___| |
\/\/ /_/\/|_|  Type :? for help.

Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Loading package haskell98 ... linking ... done.
Prelude 1 `div` 0
Arithmetic Exception

(no more ghci)

Isn't this a little drastic?
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: Division by 0 exits ghci

2002-09-17 Thread George Russell

In fact the problem is more drastic than I mentioned in my last message; division by 0
doesn't seem to be catchable at all.  From this program
--- cut here ---
import Exception

main = 
  excep - Exception.try (seq (1 `div` 0) (return ()))
  putStrLn Survived
--- cut here --
I get the output Arithmetic Exception on Solaris and Floating point exception on 
while I think I ought to get Survived.
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: FFI: passing 6 FD arguments doesn't work

2002-09-09 Thread George Russell

Simon Marlow wrote:
  This was a bug in GHC's native code generator for SPARC,
  which sometimes
  misaligned the stack pointer. This has already been fixed in CVS (HEAD
  and branch), but it didn't make it into 5.04, see:
 I was just getting around to having a look at this one.  George, can you
 verify that your test case works fine if you use -fvia-C?  If so, I'll
 assume it's this NCG bug.  The fix has been merged into the forthcoming
Yes, it works with -fvia-C.
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

FFI: passing 6 FD arguments doesn't work

2002-09-03 Thread George Russell

uname -a:
   SunOS titania 5.8 Generic_108528-15 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-1
ghc --version:
   The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 5.04
gcc --version:

With the files in the attached archive unpacked:

ghc hw5.c TestHW5.hs -ffi -package posix -o hw5 -Wall
produces output
Hello World
(it works).

ghc hw.c TestHW.hs -ffi -package posix -o hw -Wall
produces output
Illegal Instruction
(it doesn't work).

However the only difference between the two is that the C function
called by TestHW.hs has 6 arguments of type Fd, while that called
by TestHW5.hs has only 5.  

I hope this gets fixed soon; I have just spent an embarassing amount of
time tracking down this bug, and I wouldn't like it to bit anyone else.

Description: Binary data

Posix.executeFile having problems with unevaluated argumnets

2002-08-28 Thread George Russell

Sorry, I haven't got time to narrow this down to a test case, but here are
what I hope are the key factors:

(1) We start up applications in a child process (forked with Posix.forkProcess)
by calling Posix.executeFile, wrapped in an Exception.catch handler (to detect
(2) Both the third (arguments) and fourth argument (environment) of Posix.executeFile
are non-empty.  The environment at least requires some computation, being obtained
by prepending another setting to the result of Posix.getEnvironment.
(3) The second argument of Posix.executeFile is True.
(4) The executable of the whole compiled Haskell program is pretty big (13.6MB).
This may be relevant because the problem I am about to describe developed quite
suddenly yesterday afternoon, after I'd made some small changes to completely 
areas of the program, and the only explanation I can think of is that in some way
the slightly increased size of the executable triggered the problem.

What happens is that the arguments and environment are somehow garbled.  This is 
but I have good evidence for it, obtained by putting a small proxy binary between
Haskell and the environment.  For example it does

echo indefectible $* | mail ger
[the real application] $*

and although the argument should actually be -pipe, what I get mailed is my current 
PATH, or
something of the sort.  Yes I know it's hard to believe.

Fortunately I have discovered a fix.  If I insert the commands
deepSeq (args parms) done
deepSeq (env parms) done
just before doing executeFile (actually they are also outside the exception handler)
everything works swimmingly.  deepSeq is just that helpful utility which forces full
evaluation of its argument, and so this forces full evaluation of the arguments and

As I have a fix, and not much spare time, I'm afraid I can't do much to fix this.
But could someone eyeball the code for Posix.executeFile and see if there's something
obviously wrong?
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Loading packages into ghci doesn't set options.

2002-07-17 Thread George Russell

For example, with the attached test-package.conf file,
we see that -fglasgow-exts in the first case works (because the package is
loaded in the beginning), but in the second case it doesn't (because the
package is loaded during GHCi).

This also applies to -fallow-overlapping-instances and friends, it appears.

ghci -package-conf test-package.conf -package uni-options
   ___ ___ _
  / _ \ /\  /\/ __(_)
 / /_\// /_/ / /  | |  GHC Interactive, version 5.04, for Haskell 98.
/ /_\\/ __  / /___| |
\/\/ /_/\/|_|  Type :? for help.

Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Loading package haskell98 ... linking ... done.
Loading package uni-options ... linking ... done.
Prelude let (a :: Int) = 2
Prelude :quit
Leaving GHCi.
# ghci -package-conf test-package.conf 
   ___ ___ _
  / _ \ /\  /\/ __(_)
 / /_\// /_/ / /  | |  GHC Interactive, version 5.04, for Haskell 98.
/ /_\\/ __  / /___| |
\/\/ /_/\/|_|  Type :? for help.

Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Loading package haskell98 ... linking ... done.
Prelude :set -package uni-options
Loading package uni-options ... linking ... done.
Prelude let (a :: Int) = 2

Illegal signature in pattern: Int
Use -fglasgow-exts to permit it

Description: Binary data

IOExts.slurpFile fails on zero-length files

2002-05-02 Thread George Russell

Specifically I get 

*** Exception: invalid argument
Action: hGetBuf
Handle: {loc=/tmp/d,type=readable,binary=False,buffering=block (8192)}
Reason: illegal buffer size 0

whether using 5.03.2 on Solaris or 5.03.20020410 on Linux.
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Private package files don't work on Linux with ghc5.03.20020204

2002-04-12 Thread George Russell

I have a private package file (attached).
However, specifying this via -f to the new ghc-pkg has the
following unpleasant consequences:

(1) -l only knows about the packages in my private file, not in the
GHC one.
(2) When I try to add a new package to this file that depends on one
of the GHC packages, it fails with the message
   dependency `concurrent' doesn't exist

Description: Binary data

Panic loading objects with big strings in Windows

2002-04-11 Thread George Russell

With ghc-5.02.3 on Windows starting with a package containing an object with a large 
I get the following message.  Note the last line.
   ___ ___ _
  / _ \ /\  /\/ __(_)
 / /_\// /_/ / /  | |  GHC Interactive, version 5.02.3, for Haskell 98.
/ /_\\/ __  / /___| |
\/\/ /_/\/|_|  Type :? for help.

Loading package std ... linking ... done.
Loading package lang ... linking ... done.
Loading package concurrent ... linking ... done.
Loading package util ... linking ... done.
Loading package data ... linking ... done.
Loading package text ... linking ... done.
Loading package uni-options ... linking ... done.
Loading package uni-util ... linking ... done.
Loading package uni-events ... linking ... done.
Loading package uni-reactor ... linking ... done.
Loading package uni-htk ... ghc.exe: panic! (the `impossible' happened, GHC version 
loadObj: failed

Please report it as a compiler bug to [EMAIL PROTECTED],

PEi386 object has suspiciously large string table;  64k relocs?
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

panic in ghc5.02.3

2002-04-10 Thread George Russell

(This is on sparc-solaris)

# /usr/local/pub-bkb/ghc/ghc-latest/bin/ghc --make resources/GUIValue.hs 
resources/Colour.hs -fglasgow-exts 
ghc-5.02.3: chasing modules from: resources/GUIValue.hs,resources/Colour.hs
Compiling GUIValue ( resources/GUIValue.hs, resources/GUIValue.o )
Compiling Colour   ( resources/Colour.hs, resources/Colour.o )
ghc-5.02.3: panic! (the `impossible' happened, GHC version 5.02.3):
Maybe.fromJust: Nothing

Please report it as a compiler bug to [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Is there a workaround, or am I going to have to go back to ghc5.02.2?

Personally I suspect multi-parameter type-classes

Description: Binary data

Re: panic in ghc5.02.3

2002-04-10 Thread George Russell

George Russell wrote:
 Personally I suspect multi-parameter type-classes
I've changed my mind and now think it's because GHC was upset it couldn't find the
.hi file for GUIValue.hs in a directory on the import list.  (Of course it shouldn't
be, it should know where the .hi file is, since it knows where GUIValue.hs is.)
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: panic in ghc5.02.3

2002-04-10 Thread George Russell

Simon Marlow wrote:
  George Russell wrote:
   Personally I suspect multi-parameter type-classes
  I've changed my mind and now think it's because GHC was upset
  it couldn't find the
  .hi file for GUIValue.hs in a directory on the import list.
  (Of course it shouldn't
  be, it should know where the .hi file is, since it knows
  where GUIValue.hs is.)
 That's still a bad error message.  Precisely what files were where, and
 what files were missing to make it fall over like that?
untgz the archive I sent.  You will get a directory called resources.  (It
may be contained in a directory called bug; I can't remember).  With current
directory the directory containing resources, execute the command I gave.
If you can reproduce the bug, then it's over to you.  If not, ask for more
details . . .
Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Does ghc have daemon threads again?

2002-02-01 Thread George Russell

I have a program which comes to the end of the main action, but nevertheless won't go 
away.  Is this
a bug?  When I give up and interrupt it, I get a message 
fatal error: resurrectThreads: thread blocked in a strange way; could this be 

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Dynamic types/multiparameter type classes

2002-01-31 Thread George Russell

Something is rotten in the state of dynamic types and multiparameter
type classes.  I'd be grateful if you'd fix it soon, this is causing
me big difficulties.

I'm sorry if this is complicated, but I've already spent two hours
narrowing this bug down and the security are about to throw me out
of the building . . .

 uname -a
SunOS bob 5.8 Generic_108528-12 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-280R
 ghc --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 5.02.2
 mkdir bug
 cd bug
 tar -xvzf [attachment]
 ghc -fglasgow-exts -fallow-overlapping-instances -fallow-undecidable-instances 
-package lang FoldersTest.hs TestFT.hs -o testFT

Fail: loop

[ OK, so main function isn't working]

 ghci -fglasgow-exts -fallow-overlapping-instances -fallow-undecidable-instances 
-package lang  
[GHCi startup screen]
Prelude :load FoldersTest 
Compiling FoldersTest  ( FoldersTest.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: FoldersTest.
FoldersTest Prelude.putStrLn ( (Dynamic.typeOf (Prelude.undefined :: 

[So this DOES terminate.  However it is exactly the same as the main function called by
testFT.  So what is going on]

Description: Binary data

The Handle returned by connectTo and accept is unbuffered by default.; oh yeah?

2002-01-25 Thread George Russell

According to the GHC libraries manual, 6.2.1: The Handle returned by connectTo and 
accept is unbuffered by default.   However, with such a handle and hPutStrLn, 
I am getting buffering, even when use IO.hSetBuffering to NoBuffering.   When I
put in an explicit hFlush after the hPutStrLn it works.

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

The signature contexts in a mutually recursive group should all be identical; why?

2001-12-19 Thread George Russell

The attached file doesn't compile (ghc -fglasgow-exts), with the message

Mismatched contexts
When matching the contexts of the signatures for
  g :: forall a b. (Silly a b) = a - b - SillyType a - [String]
  f :: forall a. SillyType a - [String]
The signature contexts in a mutually recursive group should all be identical
When generalising the type(s) for g, f

This seems strange.  f can't have the context Silly a b, as b doesn't occur in its
signature and is introduced later as part of an existential constructor . . .

I know this code looks pretty pointless.  If you want to see the Real World 450 line
module which provoked the message, do ask, but only if you like having your brain
curdled by mixtures of dependent types, existential types and overlapping 
type classes . . .

Description: Binary data

Confusing GHC error message

2001-11-23 Thread George Russell

(Yes, I know that's not very impressive, but you must all have been wondering what's 
happened to me.)

The attached file, when compiled with ghc5.02.1, -fglasgow-exts 
-fallow-overlapping-instances -fallow-undecidable-instances produces the error message
   Haskell.hs:11: Illegal left hand side in data/newtype declaration
This is rather confusing, as the error comes not from the data declaration in the 
file, but
because on the next line class was accidentally typed, rather than instance.

Description: Binary data

Re: whitespace in strings (was ghc misreports the error line)

2001-10-25 Thread George Russell

Malcolm Wallace wrote, answering me:
  On the contrary I'm glad to see that the Haskell standard is so sensible.
  I edit Haskell using XEmacs, and I don't want to have to do an octal
  or hexadecimal dump of my source code to determine whether a string 
  contains a tab, newline, return, line feed, Unicode en-space (there are 
  several funny Unicode space characters available) or whatever. 
 Syntax colouring, or indeed careful visual inspection, is good enough
 to reveal the extent of a string literal.  I don't see why a hex dump
 is required.
It reveals the extent, but not the contents.
  It is an unfortunate fact that the layout system means that invisible
  spaces of various types can transform one valid program into another
  inequivalent valid program,
 Both tabs and newlines are visible to me.  Adding _any_ character,
 whitespace or not, to a string literal changes a valid program to
 another valid program.  I'm afraid I don't know what point you are
 trying to make here.  Can you elucidate?
I cannot distinguish between tabs and sequences of spaces just by their
appearances.  And adding vertical tabs, returns, linefeed and miscellaneous
unicode spaces would make things even worse.
  Allowing newline in string literals is also a bad idea if you want any
  kind of intelligent error-recovery (admittedly lacking in GHC and Hugs),
  since if you miss out a  character the lexer has no way of recovering 
  until it hits EOF.
 It really isn't difficult to give a sensible error message when the close
 quote is missing.
It is however difficult to do error-recovery.  Possible perhaps, but writing
error-correcting parsers is hard enough as it is without us making it more
 Personally, I quite like being able to embed newlines in string
 literals because it reduces the meta-character clutter in long
 sections of text (e.g. help messages).
I don't really find it very hard typing
 main = putStrLn 
This style also has the advantage of preserving indentation, as well
as making it clear exactly what of the various end-of-line characters
(return, linefeed, formfeed, newline or whatever) is being printed.
 And note that no compiler/interpreter currently rejects a string
 containing a literal tab character.``
No Haskell compiler that I know of does error-recovery on lexing or
parsing.  But they should, in my opinion.

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

RE: ghc misreports the error line

2001-10-24 Thread George Russell

Malcolm Wallace wrote:
 No he isn't.  At least, I can't find anything in the Report which
 disallows literal newline characters in a string literal.
 Oh, hold on.  The production
 string -   { graphic_|` | space | escape | gap }  
 does seem to disallow newline characters.  But it also disallows
 literal tab characters!  I submit that this is a bug in the Haskell'98
 Report, and it should really say
 string -   { graphic_|` | whitechar | escape | gap }  
On the contrary I'm glad to see that the Haskell standard is so sensible.
I edit Haskell using XEmacs, and I don't want to have to do an octal
or hexadecimal dump of my source code to determine whether a string 
contains a tab, newline, return, line feed, Unicode en-space (there are 
several funny Unicode space characters available) or whatever.  If you 
want a tab (and mostly they are a total pain in the neck, if not lower 
down) you can jolly well write \t.

It is an unfortunate fact that the layout system means that invisible
spaces of various types can transform one valid program into another
inequivalent valid program, but I see no reason to make things even worse.

Allowing newline in string literals is also a bad idea if you want any
kind of intelligent error-recovery (admittedly lacking in GHC and Hugs),
since if you miss out a  character the lexer has no way of recovering 
until it hits EOF.

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

ghc5.02 can't read its own interface file.

2001-10-17 Thread George Russell

The attached interface file SimpleForm.hi provokes the following error from ghc5.02:

failed to load interface for `SimpleForm':
Bad interface file: /home/ger/uni/htk/toolkit/SimpleForm.hi
/home/ger/uni/htk/toolkit/SimpleForm.hi:155 Interface file parse error; on 
input ` label '

when read in later, although it is generated by ghc5.02 itself from the attached file 
with command line

/usr/local/pub-bkb/ghc/ghc-latest/bin/ghc -c toolkit/SimpleForm.hs -package concurrent 
-package data -package net -package posix -package text -package util -package lang 
 -fglasgow-exts -fallow-overlapping-instances -fallow-undecidable-instances -cpp 
-ddump-hi-diffs -H25M -recomp -fwarn-deprecations -Onot -DDEBUG -Onot -H30M -fasm 

What is going on?  I can send the complete .hi files for this project, but I'm not
doing so here as it would bust's 40k limit so delaying this extremely
irritating bug from being reported and hopefully fixed.  Is there a workaround?

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

import with hiding

2001-08-06 Thread George Russell

DaVinciTypes defines the types DaVinciAnswer and the constructor Context.
(.hi file attached.)
So I would expect

import DaVinciTypes hiding (Context)
import qualified DaVinciTypes 

to make DaVinciAnswer in scope, but DaVinciTypes.Context only available when so 
This doesn't appear to be the case with the following command line on Sparc/Solaris:

/usr/local/pub-bkb/ghc/ghc-latest/bin/ghc -c DaVinciBasicTest.hs -package concurrent 
-package data -package net -package posix -package text -package util -package lang 
 -fglasgow-exts -fallow-overlapping-instances -fallow-undecidable-instances -cpp 
-ddump-hi-diffs -H25M -recomp -fwarn-deprecations -Onot -DDEBUG -fasm

and attached file DaVinciBasicTest.hs, for I get the error

Type constructor or class not in scope: `DaVinciAnswer'

What's going on please?

ghci panic on unloadObj

2001-06-27 Thread George Russell

ghci -iutil:events -syslib lang -syslib data -syslibconcurrent util/object.o

[ lots of stuff skipped ]

Events :load GuardedEvents
unloadObj: can't find `events/Events.o' to unload
ghc-5.00.2: panic! (the `impossible' happened, GHC version 5.00.2):
unloadObj: failed

Please report it as a compiler bug to [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Events was previously loaded.  Indeed ghci displayed the messages:

Skipping  Events   ( events/Events.hs, events/Events.o )
Ok, modules loaded: Events, Toggle, Computation, Spawn, Object, Maybes, Debug.

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

ghc panic (this time due to openFile error):

2001-04-24 Thread George Russell

In trying out a particularly large set of files (circa 450) with ghc --make I

ghc-5.00: panic! (the `impossible' happened, GHC version 5.00):
resource exhausted
Action: openFile
Reason: process file table full
File: /tmp/ghc14562.hspp

Please report it as a compiler bug to [EMAIL PROTECTED],

I presume that this is due to some system limitation.
But it is a pity really, since it would save a lot of time if I could
compile all these files in one go.  Can you explain what is going
on and how I avoid it?  Also I think ghc is overreacting when it
panics . . .

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Another bug I think

2001-04-18 Thread George Russell

I'm trying to get UniForM through ghc 5.00 (limping at the moment, as I
have to turn on -fasm -Onot to work around bugs previously reported) and
I get

ghc-5.00: panic! (the `impossible' happened, GHC version 5.00):
ERROR: Native code generator can't handle casm

Please report it as a compiler bug to [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Which is what I'm now doing.  Actually I think in this case the bug is
that this is an error message rather than a panic . . .

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

ghc5.00 misreads a comment . . .

2001-04-18 Thread George Russell

This is ghc5.00/Sparc, running with the following command line

/usr/local/pub-bkb/ghc/ghc-5.00/bin/ghc -c CVSHigh.hs -package concurrent -package 
data -package net -package posix -package text -package util -package lang 
 -fglasgow-exts -fallow-overlapping-instances -fallow-undecidable-instances -cpp 
-ddump-hi-diffs -H25M -recomp -fwarn-deprecations -Onot -DDEBUG -fasm

The first lines of CVSHigh.hs are:
 {-# This module encapsulates the basic CVS functionality we need,
 calling CVSBasic to issue the commands, looking at the output,
 and returning what we need to know in a Haskell-friendly form.
 module CVSHigh(
(The complete module is attached)
The file compiles OK, but to my surprise, I cannot find CVSHigh.hi.
Further investigation reveals that instead I have "encapsulates.hi"
(also attached).  It looks as if GHC chooses the name "encapsulates"
from the comment.  Indeed if I change "encapsulates" to "wraps" 
I get wraps.hi.  However if I replace "This module e" by "E", sanity

So er what exactly is going on please?  I thought that unless a comment
began with something like OPTIONS or INLINE it would be treated as 
a "real" comment.

Mysterious file reference in ghc distribution

2001-04-10 Thread George Russell

I was just trying to compile the new ghc 5.00 on Sparc/Solaris and got this:

==fptools== gmake boot --no-print-directory -r;
 in /home/ger/ghc-5.00/ghc/lib/std/cbits

../../../../glafp-utils/mkdependC/mkdependC -f .depend -- -O -Wall 
-DCOMPILING_STDLIB -I../../../includes -I../../../rts-- closeFile.c echoAux.c 
errno.c fileEOF.c fileGetc.c fileLookAhead.c fileObject.c filePosn.c filePutc.c 
fileSize.c flushFile.c freeFile.c getBufferMode.c getCPUTime.c getLock.c inputReady.c 
openFile.c progargs.c readFile.c seekFile.c setBinaryMode.c setBuffering.c system.c 
tcSetAttr.c writeError.c writeFile.c 

===fptools== Finished making `boot' in cbits ...
PWD = /home/ger/ghc-5.00/ghc/lib/std

../../../ghc/utils/hsc2hs/hsc2hs-inplace Directory.hsc
/test/v-julsew/Nightly-HEAD/i386-unknown-linux/stage1/ghc/utils/hsc2hs/hsc2hs-bin: not 

Er, that filename don't look very unix-standard to me . . .

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

panic in 4.08.2.

2001-02-22 Thread George Russell

Compiling the above Haskell file with ghc4.08.2 (Sparc-Solaris) and the hi files in 
the attached
archive, options: 
   -c -package concurrent -package data -package net -package posix -package text 
-package util -package lang -fglasgow-exts -fallow-overlapping-instances 
-fallow-undecidable-instances -cpp -hi-diffs -H25M -K5M -recomp -fwarn-deprecations -O 

I get the following message:

panic! (the `impossible' happened):
IdInfo parse failed
./GuardedChannels.hi:58 Interface file parse error; on input ` :: '

Please report it as a compiler bug to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SIGH.  This is inconvenient.  How do I work around it until ghc4.08.3
comes out?

Re: panic in 4.08.2.

2001-02-22 Thread George Russell

Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
 There's a simple workaround:
 - don't export unfoldings for the offending module (GuardedChannels).
 - or edit the .hi file by hand to remove the offending kind signature.
   (I did this and it worked fine)
Well the first workaround (hacking my Makefiles to compile GuardedChannels with
 -funfolding-interface-threshold0) works.  Many thanks for the quick service,

George Russell

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: loop when running hsc

2000-11-02 Thread George Russell

Simon Marlow wrote:
 Ok, we'll need to investigate but this is going to be a tricky one to track
 down.  Is there any way you can try to narrow down the problem?
sigh  Oh alright then.  It's taken me some time but attached is a version
narrowed down to just two files.  When you've unpacked it, go into the directory
and do 
   gmake GHC=... BUG
where "..." is your ghc command (for Linux, 4.08.1).  At the end of the second 
I get a message:
   hsc: no threads to run:  infinite loop or deadlock?

Re: Why is variable out of scope?

2000-11-02 Thread George Russell

Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
 It's a bug all right, and a bizarre one at that.
 It's fixed in the before-ghci-branch.
 I'm not quite certain when it got fixed, mind you!
 Hmm.  Maybe we're going to need 4.08.2.
The trouble with all this wondrous new GHC code is that one suspects that it has
fixed many of the old bugs by introducing lots of NEW ones.  Have you tried 
compiling UniForM (now up to 48000 lines of Haskell) with GHC lately?

I stopped trying to compile GHC from CVS ages ago when I was getting unexplained
core dumps which apparently could only be fixed by reinstalling gcc/binutils . . .

I would appreciate it if the two bugs I've reported in the last two days were
fixed, but I wonder where on earth this is going.  Is the idea to keep on producing
4.08.* patches until you're finally confident enough with the head branch
of the CVS repository to turn it into a proper release?

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: Why is variable out of scope?

2000-11-02 Thread George Russell

Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
 Send us details about how to get access to your CVS archive,
 plus instructions on how to build it, and we'll set  it up.

Well you can read
but (touch wood) the following should work
(bash is assumed)

(1) export CVSROOT=:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/repository
(2) cvs login
and type "cvsread" when it asks for a password.
(3) cvs checkout uni
(4) cd uni
(5) you need to manually edit (sorry, I'm just about to work on
the configuration business, honest . . .) the file mk/
to set the variables HCHOME (where is GHC) and SOCKETLIB (depends on
Linux/Solaris); see comments in file.
(6) ./CONFIG
(If it produces warnings about not being able to find Wish etcetera,
that means you won't be able to run the programs until it can, but you
should be able to compile them.)
(7) gmake depend
(8) gmake clean

If you're freshing the sources:
(1) cd uni
(2) cvs update -Pd
(3) ./CONFIG
(4) gmake depend
(5) gmake
should work.

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: Why is variable out of scope?

2000-11-02 Thread George Russell

Simon Marlow wrote:
  I stopped trying to compile GHC from CVS ages ago when I was
  getting unexplained
  core dumps which apparently could only be fixed by
  reinstalling gcc/binutils . . .
 And that's our fault?
I've no idea whose fault it is.   I think there are various 
complications about whether or not one should use the 
system ld/ar utilities with gcc which _may_ be to blame,
but i think I gave up on investigating this. 

In any case ghc4.08 is a pretty good release which has
everything I need and does indeed seem to be comparatively free
of bugs, so there's little temptation to upgrade.  It's also good 
that other people can compile UniForM without going through the
hassle of getting a CVS release of GHC compiled.

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

loop when running hsc

2000-11-01 Thread George Russell

With ghc-4.08.1, running on Linux with -0 -O2-for-C, I get:


With ghc-4.08, running on Solaris, with -O -O2-for-C, I get:

hsc: no threads to run:  infinite loop or deadlock?

With ghc-4.08, running on Solaris, with -Onot, the compilation works.
For the sources you will need the whole of UniForM again, instructions on
request.  What is going on?

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: False duplicate or overlapping instances message

2000-10-26 Thread George Russell

Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk wrote:
 I am worried if the following scenario is possible: There are
 two modules. Everything is OK. Now one of them adds an innocent
 instance. It is perfectly correct in its context, but it happens that
 it triggers an ambiguity in the second module. Still neither module
 itself is at fault.
 I don't have a concrete case in mind...

I do though.  I mentioned it before.  I don't see how you can get a worse example in
principle than this.

Module 1:
   class Integral number where
  [ operations on numbers ]
   instance Integral number = Show number where
  [ extract digits in obvious way ]
Module 2:
class String string where
   [ operations on strings ]
class String string = Show string where
   [ extract canonical ASCII string representation ]

As a matter of fact GHC would not have a problem with these modules 
(unless perhaps someone imports both of them - I don't know if it checks that).
In any case I would rather it didn't have a problem with them.  I suspect some of
my code already relies on it not having a problem.

Now suppose J. Random User comes along three years later and adds something that's
an instance of both Integral and String.  S/he tries to show this hybrid.  
Then we DO have a problem.  But not until then.  I personally think it's quite
alright to print out a message at this stage along the lines of "I'm sorry, I can't 
work out which instance of Show to use, because it could come from Integral (see 
Module 1)
or from String (see Module 2)."

Compare the case when Modules 1  2 give the same symbol different definitions.  
doesn't have a problem.  It doesn't even have a problem if you import the two modules 
the same file.  It only has a problem if you try and use that symbol in that file.

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

False duplicate or overlapping instances message

2000-10-25 Thread George Russell

When I compile the attached file on Linux with 4.08.1:
   /home/ger/ghc-4.08.1-binary/bin/ghc -c Instances.hs -fglasgow-exts 
-fallow-overlapping-instances -fallow-undecidable-instances
I get the message:

Duplicate or overlapping instance declarations
for `HasConfig (arcTypeConfig value) (arcTypeParms value)'
defined at Instances.hs:19 and defined at Instances.hs:11

This is not fair, because while the instances for HasConfig have the
potential to conflict in the future, they will only do so should the classes
NodeTypeConfigParms and ArcTypeConfigParms overlap.

Re: False duplicate or overlapping instances message

2000-10-25 Thread George Russell

Keith Wansbrough wrote:
  Duplicate or overlapping instance declarations
  for `HasConfig (arcTypeConfig value) (arcTypeParms value)'
  defined at Instances.hs:19 and defined at Instances.hs:11
  This is not fair, because while the instances for HasConfig have the
  potential to conflict in the future, they will only do so should the classes
  NodeTypeConfigParms and ArcTypeConfigParms overlap.
 It is fair.  Let's rename your type variables to make what's going on a little 
   main = return ()
   class HasConfig a b where
  ($$) :: a - b - b
   class NodeTypeConfigParms a b where
  nodeTypeConfig :: a c - b c - b c
   instance (NodeTypeConfigParms a b) = HasConfig (a c) (b c) where
  ($$) = nodeTypeConfig
   class ArcTypeConfigParms a b where
  arcTypeConfig :: a c - b c - b c
   instance (ArcTypeConfigParms a b) = HasConfig (a c) (b c) where
  ($$) = arcTypeConfig
 You can now see that the two instance declarations overlap: their
 right hand sides are in fact *identical*.  Remember that the
 typechecker simply matches on the right-hand sides ("heads") of the
 instance declarations.
No they do not overlap, unless there is an a b satisfying NodeTypeConfigParms a b
and ArcTypeConfigParms a b.  Which there aint.
 If you do -fallow-undecidable-instances, I think your program will
 work (in the Prolog-ish backtracking way), but note that if
 NodeTypeConfigParms and ArcTypeConfigParms are ever given instances at
 the same pair of types, the value of ($$) will be undefined.
As a matter of fact I DID use -fallow-undecidable-instances, as you can see
from my original contribution . . .

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: False duplicate or overlapping instances message

2000-10-25 Thread George Russell

Keith Wansbrough wrote:
   You can now see that the two instance declarations overlap: their
   right hand sides are in fact *identical*.  Remember that the
   typechecker simply matches on the right-hand sides ("heads") of the
   instance declarations.
  No they do not overlap, unless there is an a b satisfying NodeTypeConfigParms a b
  and ArcTypeConfigParms a b.  Which there aint.
 Haskell makes the "open world" assumption... there may be new
 instances added later, and the behaviour of a well-typed program
 should not change if this occurs.
 I'll defer further discussion of this to the experts (Mark Jones?).
I think I've worked out what's going on now.  But I don't like it.  
When I use -fallow-undecidable-instances and -fallow-overlapping-instances
(as I did) I was assuming (like Keith Wansbrough did) that GHC would do a 
Prolog-style backtracking search when it was time to resolve an overloading,
and would only complain if there were more or fewer than one chain of inferences.
Instead Haskell eagerly tries to anticipate possible conflicts, which is a nuisance
when it is obvious (as it is to me in this case) that such conflicts are unlikely
to arise.  For a simpler example, imagine that we have two classes
Integral a (things corresponding to integers) and String a (things corresponding to
strings).  It is a pity that we cannot write

instance Integral a = Show a
instance String a = Show a

just because someone may come along later on and try to show something which is an
instance of both Integral and String.  (Though obviously if they do, we DO need an
error message.)

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: Program won't go away!

2000-10-19 Thread George Russell

Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk wrote:
 Wed, 18 Oct 2000 16:32:21 +0200, George Russell [EMAIL PROTECTED] pisze:
   In a standalone GHC program, only the main thread is required to
 terminate in order for the process to terminate.
  I have a program (which does some fairly complex things with forking processes,
 The above fact applies to threads (module Concurrent), not processes
 (module Posix).
 In some sense it does apply to processes, but the interface of
 forkProcess allows to "continue execution" with the child process,
 while the main process (parent) waits somewhere.
I don't understand what you mean.  However I don't think that it's that simple.
   (1) all the child processes do executeFile almost immediately after being forked.
   (2) the main program is still hanging, after printing "Test completed", even
   though according to ps the main program is the only process (apart
   from the enclosing shells) running on that terminal.
  the very last line of the "main" action is:
putStrLn "Test completed"
  The program prints "Test completed", but then hangs.
 Quite possible. For example (untested):
I don't see what this example has got to do with mine, since it prints
"Test completed" in the new process, while waiting in the old one.
 main = do
 pid - forkProcess
 case pid of
 Nothing - return () -- This is the new process.
 Just _  - do
 -- This is the old process.
 sleep 100; exitWith ExitSuccess
 -- This is the new process.
 putStrLn "Test completed"
  __("  Marcin Kowalczyk * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: Program won't go away!

2000-10-19 Thread George Russell

Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk wrote:
 On Thu, 19 Oct 2000, George Russell wrote:
  I don't see what this example has got to do with mine, since it prints
  "Test completed" in the new process, while waiting in the old one.
 I suspect that your program does the same thing. I.e. that the rest of
 main is not executed by the main process.
This is not correct.

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: Program won't go away!

2000-10-19 Thread George Russell

I think I've narrowed the problem down a bit further.  It looks as if the reason GHC is
hanging after the end of the main action is that there's a handle still open to a 
(to another process).  If I hClose the handle explicitly before the end of the main 
the hClose action returns (I get a message printed afterwards to prove it) and then the
following happens:
   select: Bad file descriptor
   test1: fatal error: select failed
I don't use the function or whatever it's called anywhere explicitly, so 
it looks
as if it's a bug in GHC (maybe the socket handle is somehow in a bad state).  Still at 
the program crashes at the end of the main action, rather than hanging, which is an 

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Program won't go away!

2000-10-18 Thread George Russell

In the GHC document, section "GHC-specific concurrency issues", it says:
 In a standalone GHC program, only the main thread is required to
   terminate in order for the process to terminate. 
I have a program (which does some fairly complex things with forking processes,
calling sockets etcetera) for which this doesn't appear to be true.  Specifically, the
very last line of the "main" action is:
  putStrLn "Test completed"
The program prints "Test completed", but then hangs.  I am using
the ghc-4.08.1 binary release on Linux.  What is going on.

Glasgow-haskell-bugs mailing list

Re: Depend: fatal error: stg_update_PAP: strange activation record

2000-09-22 Thread George Russell

"Julian Seward (Intl Vendor)" wrote:
 Sounds like some kind of rts/code generation bug.  We fixed a
 few in 4.08, so the recently released 4.08.1 might work better.
 As usual the best thing you can do is send us a test case
 showing the problem; can you do that?
Sadly not because this was at the top of a huge mountain of code which
I have changed too much since reporting the bug.  I managed to remove the
bug anyway in the end by removing a duplicate multi-parameter class
definition.  File 1 defined class A x, class B y, and class (A x,B y) = C x y.
It also declared instance (A x,B y) = C x y.  File 2 declared (wrongly I suppose)
a duplicate instance (A x,B y) = C x y, plus a specific instance C P Q.
File 3 used a function on C x Q, assuming C x Q as context.  Removing the first
instance of (A x,B y) = C x y solved the problem.  If you want code that actually
reproduces the bug I MAY be able to get back to the situation of several days
ago, but don't count on it.

Re: openFile, process file table full

2000-09-11 Thread George Russell

Simon Marlow wrote:
 I'm of the opinion that readFile/hGetContents are useful for small programs,
Personally I think Haskell would be a better language without them.  But maybe
it's too late now . . .

Re: Blocking I/O FIFOs

2000-05-26 Thread George Russell

Simon Marlow wrote:
 Grrr.  This works:
 module Main (main) where
 import IO
 import Posix
 import PosixUtil
 import Concurrent
 main = do
   h - openFile "/tmp/fifo" ReadMode
   fd - handleToFd h
   threadWaitRead (fdToInt fd)
   line - hGetLine h
   putStrLn line
Are you sure?  With the latest version of GHC (CVS as of yesterday evening)
I am getting hGetLine failing with code 0 even when I put in all the
palavar about threadWaitRead before.  Or is this a bug?

Re: Blocking I/O FIFOs

2000-05-10 Thread George Russell

Simon Marlow wrote:
 I can't repeat this problem; on both Linux/x86 and Solaris/Sparc here the
 Haskell process will block until another process opens the FIFO for writing,
 and will return EOF after the writing process closes the FIFO.  This appears
 to be correct according to the POSIX spec.
 If you get an EOF on a FIFO handle, and you want to wait for more data, I
 guess the right thing to do is close and re-open the FIFO.
However I think I am getting exactly the same problem.  (On Solaris/Sparc,
using CVS GHC compiled by itself.)  However instead of using pipes I am
using sockets.

Even worse, if the party of the second part closes the handle attached to
the socket, and the Haskell process to which the socket is attached subsequently
attempts to read, the result seems to be an immediate exit from the entire
Haskell process, though so far I haven't reported this since I presume
it's for the same reason that threadWaitRead causes a crash when the
Fd disappears.

ghc can't make DrIFT

2000-04-18 Thread George Russell

Er what is going on here?  CVS sources from this morning, building with
GHC binary release.

==fptools== gmake all --no-print-directory -r;
 in /usr/local/pub-bkb/ghc/fptools/hslibs/tools/DrIFT

../../../ghc/driver/ghc-inplace -o DrIFT -cpp -fglasgow-exts -package text   
DataP.o DrIFT.o Literate.o Pretty.o StandardRules.o ChaseImports.o CommandP.o 
DigitToInt.o ParseLib2.o PreludData.o RuleUtils.o UserRuleBinary.o UserRuleXml.o 
ld: fatal: file DrIFT: cannot open file: Is a directory
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
gmake[3]: *** [DrIFT] Error 1

Unhelpful Haskell error messages

2000-04-13 Thread George Russell

I think
  test9: fatal error: resurrectThreads: thread blocked in a strange way

The impossible has happened again

2000-04-11 Thread George Russell

This is with a version of GHC downloaded and compiled in
the morning of 31st March.  I'm attaching the HtmlFrame.hi/
HtmlFrame.hs; let me know if you want more.  The .hi file
would have been generated with the same compiler options you
see here.

/usr/local/pub-bkb/ghc/ghc-latest/bin/ghc -c Html.hs -syslib concurrent -syslib data 
-syslib net -syslib posix -syslib text -syslib util -syslib lang 
 -fglasgow-exts -fallow-overlapping-instances -fallow-undecidable-instances -cpp 
-hi-diffs -fvia-C -I/usr/local/pub-bkb/ghc/ghc-latest/lib/includes  -H25M -K5M -recomp 
-O -O2-for-C  

panic! (the `impossible' happened):
IdInfo parse failed
./HtmlFrame.hi:153 Interface file parse error; on input ` 0 '

Please report it as a compiler bug to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ghc/rts/RtsUtils.c

2000-04-11 Thread George Russell

George Russell wrote:
 George Russell wrote:
  I'm sure I've had problems with Sun's systime functions before . . .
  ../driver/ghc-inplace -I../includes -I. -Iparallel -optc-Wall  -optc-W 
-optc-Wstrict-prototypes  -optc-Wmissing-prototypes  -optc-Wmissing-declarations 
-optc-Winline -optc-Waggregate-return -optc-Wpointer-arith -optc-Wbad-function-cast 
-O2 -optc-DCOMPILING_RTS -static -O2 -optc-fomit-frame-pointer-c RtsUtils.c 
-o RtsUtils.o
  RtsUtils.c:232: warning: no previous prototype for `msTime'
  RtsUtils.c:243: storage size of `tv' isn't known
  RtsUtils.c:245: warning: implicit declaration of function `gettimeofday'
  RtsUtils.c:243: warning: unused variable `tv'
  gmake[2]: *** [RtsUtils.o] Error 1
  gmake[1]: *** [all] Error 1
  gmake: *** [all] Error 1
 I am still getting this bug.  Any progress?
OK, this is why I think it's happening.  Stg.h (#include'd via Rts.h)
sets the macro _POSIX_C_SOURCE.  This prevents Sparc/Solaris' sys/time.h
defining "struct timeval" and gettimeofday.  (Indeed if I add the line
#undef _POSIX_C_SOURCE to RtsUtils.c just before include sys/time.h 
it works again).  I presume your configure script does not include Stg.h
so it gets HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY wrong.

Re: ghc/rts/RtsUtils.c

2000-04-10 Thread George Russell

George Russell wrote:
 I'm sure I've had problems with Sun's systime functions before . . .
 ../driver/ghc-inplace -I../includes -I. -Iparallel -optc-Wall  -optc-W 
-optc-Wstrict-prototypes  -optc-Wmissing-prototypes  -optc-Wmissing-declarations 
-optc-Winline -optc-Waggregate-return -optc-Wpointer-arith -optc-Wbad-function-cast 
-O2 -optc-DCOMPILING_RTS -static -O2 -optc-fomit-frame-pointer-c RtsUtils.c 
-o RtsUtils.o
 RtsUtils.c:232: warning: no previous prototype for `msTime'
 RtsUtils.c:243: storage size of `tv' isn't known
 RtsUtils.c:245: warning: implicit declaration of function `gettimeofday'
 RtsUtils.c:243: warning: unused variable `tv'
 gmake[2]: *** [RtsUtils.o] Error 1
 gmake[1]: *** [all] Error 1
 gmake: *** [all] Error 1
I am still getting this bug.  Any progress?

Profiling.h in the attic

2000-04-04 Thread George Russell

==fptools== gmake boot --no-print-directory -r;
 in /usr/local/pub-bkb/ghc/fptools/ghc/includes

gmake[2]: *** No rule to make target `Profiling.h', needed by `mkNativeHdr.o'.  Stop.
gmake[1]: *** [boot] Error 1
gmake: *** [boot] Error 1
/usr/local/pub-bkb/ghc/fptools cd ghc/includes
/usr/local/pub-bkb/ghc/fptools/ghc/includes cvs status Profiling.h
File: no file Profiling.h   Status: Up-to-date

   Working revision:No entry for Profiling.h
   Repository revision: 1.10/cvs/fptools/ghc/includes/Attic/Profiling.h,v

Re: Profiling.h in the attic

2000-04-04 Thread George Russell

Simon Marlow wrote:
 Yes, I removed Profiling.h from ghc/includes and added it to ghc/rts.  You
 might need to 'make boot'
Actually it was gmake boot that was falling over.  However I seem to have
fixed that by doing "gmake depend" in ghc/includes (the .depend file contained
the obsolete reference to Profiling.h), though I don't yet understand
exactly what's going on.  (Surely regenerating .depend is gmake boot's job??)


2000-04-03 Thread George Russell

I'm sure I've had problems with Sun's systime functions before . . .

../driver/ghc-inplace -I../includes -I. -Iparallel -optc-Wall  -optc-W 
-optc-Wstrict-prototypes  -optc-Wmissing-prototypes  -optc-Wmissing-declarations 
-optc-Winline -optc-Waggregate-return -optc-Wpointer-arith -optc-Wbad-function-cast 
-O2 -optc-DCOMPILING_RTS -static -O2 -optc-fomit-frame-pointer-c RtsUtils.c -o 
RtsUtils.c:232: warning: no previous prototype for `msTime'
RtsUtils.c:243: storage size of `tv' isn't known
RtsUtils.c:245: warning: implicit declaration of function `gettimeofday'
RtsUtils.c:243: warning: unused variable `tv'
gmake[2]: *** [RtsUtils.o] Error 1
gmake[1]: *** [all] Error 1
gmake: *** [all] Error 1

rename/ParseIface doesn't compile with -O

2000-03-30 Thread George Russell

With GHC compiled from the night-before-last's CVS, compiling last-night's
CVS, I get

==fptools== gmake all --no-print-directory -r;
 in /usr/local/pub-bkb/ghc/fptools/ghc/compiler

/usr/local/pub-bkb/ghc/ghc-latest/bin/ghc -cpp -fglasgow-exts -Rghc-timing -I. 
-IcodeGen -InativeGen -Iparser 
 -recomp   -K5m -H80m -optCrts-M90m -Onot -H45m -K2m -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns  
-H40m -O -c rename/ParseIface.hs -o rename/ParseIface.o -osuf o
hsc: fatal error: scavenge
gmake[2]: *** [rename/ParseIface.o] Error 1

Re: system.c doesn't compile

2000-03-30 Thread George Russell

I had this bug on Monday, but it's been fixed.  Download the binary release
(4.06) and try again with the latest sources.

ghc/lib/cbits/system.c doesn't compile

2000-03-27 Thread George Russell

==fptools== gmake all --no-print-directory -r;
 in /usr/local/pub-bkb/ghc/fptools/ghc/lib/std/cbits

../../../driver/ghc-inplace -O -I../../../includes -I../../../rts  -Wall -static-c 
system.c -o system.o
system.c:71: warning: implicit declaration of function `vfork'
system.c:83: variable `tv_null' has initializer but incomplete type
system.c:83: warning: excess elements in struct initializer
system.c:83: warning: (near initialization for `tv_null')
system.c:83: warning: excess elements in struct initializer
system.c:83: warning: (near initialization for `tv_null')
system.c:83: storage size of `tv_null' isn't known
system.c:84: storage size of `itv' isn't known
system.c:87: warning: implicit declaration of function `setitimer'
system.c:87: `ITIMER_REAL' undeclared (first use in this function)
system.c:87: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
system.c:87: for each function it appears in.)
system.c:88: `ITIMER_VIRTUAL' undeclared (first use in this function)
system.c:89: `ITIMER_PROF' undeclared (first use in this function)
gmake[4]: *** [system.o] Error 1
gmake[3]: *** [all] Error 1
gmake[2]: *** [all] Error 1
gmake[1]: *** [all] Error 1
gmake: *** [all] Error 1

Re: ghc/compiler/utils/FastString.lhs won't compile (suspect version skew)

2000-03-23 Thread George Russell

Er, has this bug report been lost?  It doesn't seem to have been dealt with . . .

George Russell wrote:
 ==fptools== gmake all --no-print-directory -r;
  in /usr/local/pub-bkb/ghc/fptools/ghc/compiler
 /usr/local/pub-bkb/ghc/ghc-latest/bin/ghc -cpp -fglasgow-exts -Rghc-timing -I. 
-IcodeGen -InativeGen -Iparser 
 -recomp -H40m -Onot -c utils/FastString.lhs -o utils/FastString.o -osuf o
 FastString.lhs:93: Module `PrelArr' does not export `STArray(..)'
 FastString.lhs:93: Module `PrelArr' does not export `newSTArray'
 FastString.lhs:94: Module `IOExts' does not export `hPutBuf'
 FastString.lhs:94: Module `IOExts' does not export `hPutBufBA'
 Compilation had errors

Re: ghc/compiler/utils/FastString.lhs won't compile (suspect version skew)

2000-03-23 Thread George Russell

Sven Panne wrote:
 What GHC version are you using for compilation? Due to some library
 reorganization you have to build 4.07 with 4.06, most of the 4.07
 versions from CVS won't compile the current sources.
Ah I see.  I was indeed building it from 4.07.  I'll try going back to

Re: ghc/compiler/utils/FastString.lhs won't compile (suspect version skew)

2000-03-20 Thread George Russell

Oh, I forgot to say.  This is compiling the latest (as of the weekend) GHC
with GHC compiled from CVS on 10th March.

Re: gmp configure (fwd)

2000-03-16 Thread George Russell

Reuben Thomas wrote:
 I already came across this, and Sigbjørn sent me a fix, which should soon
 be in CVS. Just in case it's not, it follows below. I found that I also
 needed to change rts/gmp/ so that the first call to AC_INIT
 occurred after the setting of the three variables just below it.
anoncvs version still doesn't work, though at least it doesn't loop forever.
After regenerating the new gmp configure file I get:

gmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/pub-bkb/ghc/fptools/ghc/rts/gmp'
/bin/sh ./config.status
configure: error: --norecursion: invalid option; use --help to show usage

Re: gmp configure (fwd)

2000-03-16 Thread George Russell

Simon Marlow wrote:
 What version of autoconf is this, just out of interest?

autoconf --version
 Autoconf version 2.13
Oh no, don't tell me I've got to install a private copy of yet another bit of
software to compile GHC . . .

Re: gmp configure (fwd)

2000-03-16 Thread George Russell

Simon Marlow wrote:
 It builds fine for me here with autoconf 2.13 on Solaris.  Perhaps you have
 some old configure files lying around in ghc/rts/gmp/*.  Try blowing away
 your gmp subtree and starting again.
After deleting the whole of ghc, rerunning autoconf several times
(why isn't this done by gmake -f Makefile.config?), and ./configure several
more times I can now do gmake clean again.

Re: gmp configure (fwd)

2000-03-15 Thread George Russell

Reuben Thomas wrote:
 I already came across this, and Sigbjørn sent me a fix, which should soon
 be in CVS. Just in case it's not, it follows below. I found that I also
 needed to change rts/gmp/ so that the first call to AC_INIT
 occurred after the setting of the three variables just below it.

On the subject of bugs for which fixes are found which don't seem to make
it into the CVS repository for a while, why exactly does  RtsUtil.h
still contain the line
  extern StgStablePtr errorHandler;
when "errorHandler" isn't actually defined anywhere?  ("extern" of course doesn't
define a symbol, it just promises that a definition can be found somewhere else.)
Last time I tried this resulted in linking falling over for me.

threadWaitRead on a closed Fd - - -

2000-03-15 Thread George Russell

causes the entire program to crash.  (Not just the thread that is doing the
threadWaitRead.)  Is this not a little drastic?  To run the attached code use

ghc -syslib posix -syslib concurrent -cpp ThreadWaitFail.hs -o TWF

Re: FastString.lhs:629: parse error on input `#'

2000-03-13 Thread George Russell

Marc van Dongen wrote:
 Hi again,
 When trying to build ghc from cvs (cvs update, make clean, etc)
 I got:
 ==fptools== make all - --no-print-directory -r;
  in /newdisk/dongen/cvs/fptools/ghc/compiler
 /usr/local/bin/ghc -cpp -fglasgow-exts -Rghc-timing -I. -IcodeGen -InativeGen 
 -recomp -c utils/FastString.lhs -o utils/FastString.o -osuf o
 FastString.lhs:629: parse error on input `#'
 Compilation had errors
 make[2]: *** [utils/FastString.o] Error 1
 make[1]: *** [all] Error 1
 make: *** [all] Error 1
Odd, because I get (from the anon-cvs repository)

/usr/local/pub-bkb/ghc/ghc-latest/bin/ghc -cpp -fglasgow-exts -Rghc-timing -I. 
-IcodeGen -InativeGen -Iparser 
 -recomp -H40m -Onot -c utils/FastString.lhs -o utils/FastString.o -osuf o

Couldn't match
`ByteArray Int' against `MutableByteArray RealWorld Int'
Expected type: ByteArray Int
Inferred type: MutableByteArray RealWorld Int
In the second argument of `hPutBufBA', namely `mba'
In a do statement: hPutBufBA handle mba (I# l#)

Compilation had errors

"cvs status" tells me that my copy of FastString.lhs is up-to-date.

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