Re: Frames and Motorola's New Router.

2023-03-14 Thread Ben Scott
At 2023 Mar 14 Tue 08:07 PM +, Lori Nagel  wrote:
> It is a new motorola router.

   What model?

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Frames and Motorola's New Router.

2023-03-13 Thread Ben Scott
At 2023 Mar 12 Sun 09:36 PM -0400, Bruce Labitt  
>>> Why don't linux machines let me use the Wi-Fi when the router is set to 
>>> frames.
>>> It is supposed to be enhanced security, but it only works under windows.
>> I'm not sure what you mean here.
> Perhaps the router was set to use jumbo frames?

Jumbo frames aren't a security feature.  They also work under Linux.  They also 
don't make any sense on a home router, where the MTU for the WAN side will 
almost always be the same or less than regular Ethernet frames, let alone jumbo.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Debugging linux crashes

2022-06-06 Thread Ben Scott
On Sun, Jun 5, 2022 at 12:09 PM Bruce Labitt
> I am experiencing severe Linux crashes ...

Long meandering messages with critical details hidden throughout and
others omitted entirely will reduce the likelihood that others will
give you help for free.  (Or even when paid.)

In particular, specify what hardware you have, and the software you're
running, in one place.  If it's a scavenger hunt just to find that
information you'll get a poor response.  I didn't see any mention of
the model of machine, for example.  List major components with model
or type (CPU model and speed, RAM size, type and size of storage,
model/type video controller, etc.).  You mention distribution and
version, which is good, but also please provide kernel version.  Also
include steps to reproduce (when it happens, when it doesn't),
commands you've tried, places you've looked for files, error messages
received, etc., etc.

I know you've been around long enough that you've seen plenty of bug
reports and knowledge base articles and the like.  Follow their

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: ZFS vs btfrs

2022-02-23 Thread Ben Scott
On Wed, Feb 23, 2022 at 11:44 AM Bruce Dawson  wrote:
> Well, you're more concerned with files than large blocks of data, so I
> don't think either matter - other than standard filesystem performance.

I wouldn't go that far.  In particular, snapshots at the block layer
are generally less efficient compared to filesystem integrated
snapshots.  With all those static files, built-in checksums (vs
external MD5/SHA1) is rather nice.  EXT4 does handle large directories
better than its predecessors, but others are still better, or so I'm
told.  Tuning for file sizes and inodes gets old, too.  Mutt disk
collections (i.e., different ages and specs) is suboptimal for
traditional RAID; allegedly the new guys can handle that better.  And
so on.  Granted, I've never actually tried any of these things (or I
wouldn't be asking), but the brochure makes them sound really cool.

> ZFS is nice, but resource intensive.

  Care to expound?  Even if your use case isn't easily analogous to
mine, it'd be interesting reading for me and others, I expect.

> How about choosing btrfs so we (the community) can learn more about it?!

  Well, whichever road I end up going down, I'll be happy to share
notes on the route once I get there.  :-)

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

ZFS vs btfrs

2022-02-23 Thread Ben Scott
Hi all,

We haven't had a really good flamewar ^W discussion on here in far too long...


Btfrs vs ZFS. I was wondering if others would like to share their
opinions on either or both?  Or something else entirely?  (Maybe you
just don't feel alive if you're not compiling your kernel from
patches?)  Especially cool would be recent comparisons of two or more.

I'll provide an info dump of my plans below, but I do so mainly as
discussion-fodder.  Don't feel obligated to address my scenario in
particular.  Of course, commentary on anything in particular that
seems like a good/bad/cool idea is still welcome.


This is the stuff every article says.  I rarely find anything that goes deeper.

- ZFS has been around/stable/whatever longer
- btfrs has been on Linux longer
- btfrs is GPL, ZFS is CDDL or whatever
- Licensing kept ZFS off Linux for a while
- ZFS is available on major Linux distros now
- People say one is faster, but disagree on which one
- Oracle is a bag of dicks
- ZFS is easier to pronounce

For both, by coupling the filesystem layer and the block layer, we get
a lot of advantages, especially for things like snapshots and
deduplication.  The newcomers also get you things like checksums for
every block, fault-tolerance over heterogenous physical devices, more
encryption and compression options.  Faster, bigger, longer, lower,
wider, etc., etc.  More superlatives than any other filesystem.


I'm going to be building a new home server soon.  Historically I've
used Linux RAID and LVM and EXT2/3/4/5/102, but all the cool kids are
using smarter filesystems these days.  I should really get with the
times.  They do seem to confer a lot of advantages, at least on paper.


User community is me and my girlfriend and a motley collection of
computing devices from multiple millenia.  Administrator community is

Mostly plain old network file storage.  Mixed use within that.  I'm a
data hoarder.

All sorts of stuff I've downloaded over the years, some not even from
the Internet (ZMODEM baby!).  So large numbers of large write-once
files.  "Large" has changed over the years, from something that fills
a floppy diskette to something that fills a DVD, but they don't change
once written.  ISO images, tarballs, music and photo collections

Also large numbers of small write-once files.  I've got 20 GB of mail
archives in maildir format, one file per message, less than 4K per
file for the old stuff (modern HTML mail is rather bloated).  These
generally don't change once written either, but there are lots of
them.  Some single directories have over 200 K files.

Backups of my user systems.  Currently accomplished via rsnapshot and
rsync (or ROBOCOPY for 'doze).  So small to medium-small files, but
changing and updating and hardlinking and moving a lot.  With a
smarter filesystem I can likely dispense with rsnapshot, but I doubt
I'm going to move away from plain-old-files-as-backup-storage any time
soon.  (rsync might conceivably be replaced with a smarter network
filesystem someday, but likely not soon.)


Not a lot of mass-market videos -- the boob tube is one area where I
let others do it for me.  (Roku, Netflix, Blu-ray, etc.)

No plans to network mount home directories for my daily-driver PCs.
For laptops especially that's problematic (and sorting apps
(particularly browsers) that can copy with a distributed filesystem
seems unlikely to pay off).

Not planning on any serious hosting of VMs or containers or complex
application software on this box.  I can't rule it out entirely for
(especially as an experiment), but this is mainly intended to be a
NAS-type server.  It will run NFS, Samba, SSH, rsync.  It might run
some mail daemons (SMTP, IMAP) just to make accessing archives easier,
but it won't be the public-facing MX for anything.

It's unlikely to run any point-and-drool administration (web) GUIs.  I
have a set of config files I've been carrying around with me since I
kept them on floppy diskette, and they've served me well.  Those that
like them, more power to you, but they're not for me.  I inevitably
bump into their limitations and have to go outside them anyway.

I've tried a few consumer NAS appliances and have generally been
disappointed.  It's the same as the GUI thing above, except I hit the
limits sooner and in more ways.  Some of them have really disgusting
software internals.  (A shame, because some of the hardware is
appealing, especially in terms of watts and price.)

I don't want to put this on somebody else's computer.


I'm shooting for a super compact PC chassis, mini-ITX mainboard, 4 x
3.5-inch hot swap bays, SATA interfaces, x86-64 processor.  Initially
it will be two spinning disks.  Somewhere in the neighborhood of 3 to
6 TB effective.  The disks will be relatively slow, favoring lower
price-per-GB and less heat over performance.  This is bulk data
storage.  The user PCs have SSDs.  If fancy filesystems were

Jörg Schilling died 2021 OCT 11 (last year)

2022-02-06 Thread Ben Scott
This is somewhat old news, but it is worth repeating even if it wasn't
missed (as it was for me).

Jörg "Schily" Schilling succumbed to cancer, about four months ago, on
2021 October 11.

Schilling was probably best known for his cdrtools suite, which
includes mkisofs and cdrecord.  For more than two decades, the Linux
community depended on his code to make it possible to distribute and
install Linux.  If you ran Linux, your system almost certainly ran
through his software at some point, in some way, on its way to getting
on to your computer.  With optical drives going the way of punched
cards, and everything going the way of the cloud, it's less overt than
it once was, but ISO images are still commonly used to distribute

He also contributed (to) implementations of several common Unix tools,
including find, tar, make, as well various libraries and drivers,
particularly around SCSI.  He pushed a lot on the Unix standardization
front, and I understand he was also big in the Sun/Solaris Open Source

He was also known for being kind of a dick, but hey, so am I.  There
are worse sins.

As others have said, perhaps he will be immortalized in his software.
That would be a most fitting tribute for a hacker, I think.

-- Ben

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Review of MNT Reform "fully open" laptop

2022-01-31 Thread Ben Scott
Submitted for your consideration...

"Review: MNT Reform laptop has fully open hardware and software—for
better or worse"
2022 JAN 31 by Andrew Cunningham, Ars Technica

Summary: Interesting concept.  Some actual wins.  Very modular.  You
can change out the pointing device or processor module in the field.
Battery is made of commodity cells.  Decent screen.  Lots of quirks --
power control via aux LCD menu, strange keyboard.  Some parts
reportedly easy to break.  Crippled by a painfully slow processor and
near-useless WiFi.

Sounds like it might be something that can be improved upon, but I
don't know if interest/momentum/money/etc will last.

-- Ben

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Kind of puzzled about timestamps

2021-03-07 Thread Ben Scott
On Sat, Mar 6, 2021 at 9:17 PM Curt Howland  wrote:
>> Say you find a file that has a stored time of 2007 MAR 31 17:00 UTC.
> With GMT as the standard time stamp, one can at least know relative
> times of files, even if one does not know such real-world details.

There are a few problems with that theory:

(1) Not everything is the last modified date of an inode.  For
example, a file storing a time, like I gave as an example.  (Think
meetings in a calendar, messages in a mailbox, etc.)

(2) Clocks don't exist in a vacuum.  If the computer is deriving the
time from NTP or some other thing using UTC, then yes, you're good.
If the computer is deriving time from what the human typed in, you've
got trouble.  These days that's more the exception than the rule, but
not in 2007.

(3) Computers don't exist in a vacuum.  The whole point of a computer
is to automate real-world details.  True, if we didn't have humans, we
wouldn't have to worry about humans changing the time zone, or wanting
to read the time out of the computer.  But if we didn't have humans we
also wouldn't need to worry about the time being wrong either, because
the humans are the point of all this.

If we could get all the humans to agree to follow UTC everywhere and
just abolish time zones, things would be better, yah.  But we can't
even get the US on the metric system, so I hold little hope for that.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Kind of puzzled about timestamps

2021-03-06 Thread Ben Scott
On Thu, Mar 4, 2021 at 9:57 PM Joshua Judson Rosen
> And as a general word of advice from someone whose been burnt way too many 
> times:
> if you're going to put timestamps in your filenames, either just use UTC
> or explicitly indicate which timezone the timestamps are assuming.

Even that's not enough, because the stupid humans keep changing what
the time zones mean.  Say you find a file that has a stored time of
2007 MAR 31 17:00 UTC.  If that file was written before 2005, then the
offset to US Eastern is 5 hours.  If that file was written after 2005,
the offset is 4 hours.  Which did the human mean when they instructed
the computer to write the file?  No way of knowing, in the general

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: update on CIFS SAMBA CVE Re: Boston Linux VIRTUAL Meeting Wednesday, September 16, 2020 - Crypto News Review, Historical Vignette, and Transitioning from PGP/GnuPG

2020-09-17 Thread Ben Scott
On Thu, Sep 17, 2020 at 12:40 PM Bill Ricker  wrote:
> ... mentioned in my News segment in last night's presentation.

There was talk of the slide deck being made available online
somewhere.  Do you know if that happened?

Thanks again for an interesting and informative presentation, BTW.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Is your kids' school forcing Zoom on them too?

2020-08-10 Thread Ben Scott
On Mon, Aug 10, 2020 at 8:49 PM Joshua Judson Rosen
> security- and privacy- [which I guess I have to remind people are *not* the 
> same thing...]

OK, I'll bite, how is privacy not part of security?

(I suspect what you mean is that "privacy" is security you care about,
while "security" is security that corrupt corporate executives care
about.  But that doesn't mean privacy isn't security, it's just whose
assets we're talking about securing varies.  (In the later case, *you*
are one of the assets.))

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Is your kids' school forcing Zoom on them too?

2020-08-07 Thread Ben Scott
On Fri, Aug 7, 2020 at 5:52 PM Joshua Judson Rosen
> If you haven't heard..., Zoom has turned out to be a complete privacy- and 
> security-nightmare

So has everything else created in the past several years.

To paraphrase Larry Niven, it appears that the concept of "privacy"
was something of a passing fad.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: upgraded to Fedora 32 from Fedora 30 -- libvirtd no longer runs

2020-06-02 Thread Ben Scott
On Mon, Jun 1, 2020 at 5:54 PM Lloyd Kvam  wrote:
> I hope I did not burden you with excessive emails.

This is the most interesting thread we've had on this list for months.  ;-)

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Alex Hewitt, RIP

2020-05-07 Thread Ben Scott
On Wed, May 6, 2020 at 9:47 AM Ted Roche  wrote:
> Passing on the sad news that Alex Hewitt died on April 18th. Some of you may 
> remember Alex as the
> co-organizer of the Python SIG with the late Bill Sconce, or for his work at 
> DEC.


-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: How was the get-together?

2020-02-24 Thread Ben Scott
On Fri, Feb 21, 2020 at 10:00 AM Ken D'Ambrosio  wrote:
> Hey, all.  I'm deeply, deeply sorry I missed the fun.  Tow truck finally
> got me to Amherst around 7:00, and I still had to walk home from the
> shop.  But enough about me: I'm curious how things went!  Was a good
> time had by all?

  Everyone was so devastated by your inability to attend, they all
left after learning of the news.

> Should we consider getting together again on a regular
> (probably quarterly) basis, maybe with an actual agenda, etc.?

  My personal opinion (and not that of any other person, organization,
or entity) has long been that regular meetings should come before
formal meetings.  It seems like people get caught up in the desire for
topics or speakers or other formalism, and seeing an inability to
sustain such, give up.  My thought is that if a community is built and
nourished, things like topics and speakers will follow naturally, as
people discuss, discover, and want to do more.  But if there is no
community, the opportunity for that synthesis is greatly diminished.
(Others have theorized that a lack of formal structure means there is
nothing to build on.  So maybe I'm wrong.)

  So I would suggest picking a date and recurrence interval and
getting that going.

  Perhaps at the next meeting, the question of topics of interest
could be the discussed.  (See?  Already the synthesis occurs.)

  One concern I do have is: It is often difficult to hear and be heard
in a restaurant venue.  It certainly was the other night.  At the same
time, it seems like food and drink are an appealing aspect for many.
I know in the past, venues with a quiet corner or room, such that the
celebration and the discussion could be colocated, or relocated to
with a short walk, were sought, with some success.  Perhaps that is
still a possibility?

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Reminder/RSVP -- meet *this Thursday* for chat & beer.

2020-02-19 Thread Ben Scott
On Wed, Feb 19, 2020 at 4:23 PM Marc Nozell (
> I'll be there too. And as a Red Hatter ;-)

Given a relatively recent interest of yours, that's somewhat ambiguous.  ;-)

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

[GNHLUG] Linux Meeting - TOMORROW - THR 20 FEB - Martha's Exchange

2020-02-19 Thread Ben Scott
What : Meeting of Linux Users
Who  : You!  Your friends!  Total strangers!
Date : Thur 20 Feb 2020 (TOMORROW)
Time : 6:00 PM to whenever (at least 8:00 PM)
Where: Martha's Exchange, 185 Main Street, Nashua, NH

It has been a long, long time since GNHLUG got together for Linux, grub,
and suds.  This sad state of affairs will stand unopposed no longer!  A
gathering of Linux-fans and like-minded people will be held in February.
Specifically, on Thursday, February 20th, in the year 2020 of the current
reckoning.  That is tomorrow, as I send this.

There's no formal presentation or topic or anything.  We're getting
together because darn it, we like to!  (Although we may get lucky and get
to see a modern reproduction of the famed PDP-11.  You'll have to come to
find out.)

The start time is 6:00 PM, which means people will be there by then.
(People will be there before then, but some of them might not know anything
about Linux.)  The end time is "Whenever", but we promise to be there until
at least 8:00 PM.  (This will not be a hard promise to keep.)

In keeping with time-honored tradition, the meeting place will be Martha's
Exchange Restaurant & Brewing Company, located in downtown Nashua, NH.

Thanks to Ken D'Ambrosio for spearheading this!

= About GNHLUG =

GNHLUG is the Greater NH Linux Users Group, and is a registered non-profit
corporation in the state of New Hampshire, formed to promote the use,
development, and education in the use of  the Linux operating system and
associated software, especially free/open source software.  GNHLUG can be
found at:

[A previous edition of this announcement gave the wrong model of famed
computer.  The Times knows nothing of this error, but I regret it.]
gnhlug-announce mailing list
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Nashua-area folks -- meet up?

2020-01-30 Thread Ben Scott
On Tue, Jan 28, 2020 at 2:08 PM Ben Scott  wrote:
> >>> Maybe Thursday, the 20th of Feb.?  (Safely after Valentine's...)
> Should I send something to -announce and/or post it on the website?

  For the first time since October 2013, the GNHLUG website has an
upcoming event on the home page! :-)

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

[GNHLUG] Linux Meeting - THR 20 FEB - Martha's Exchange

2020-01-30 Thread Ben Scott
What : Meeting of Linux Users
Who  : You!  Your friends!  Total strangers!
Date : Thur 20 Feb 2020
Time : 6:00 PM to whenever (at least 8:00 PM)
Where: Martha's Exchange, 185 Main Street, Nashua, NH

It has been a long, long time since GNHLUG got together for Linux,
grub and suds.  This sad state of affairs will stand unopposed no
longer!  A gathering of Linux-fans and like-minded people will be held
in February.  Specifically, on Thursday, February 20th, in the year
2020 of the current reckoning.

There's no formal presentation or topic or anything.  We're getting
together because darn it, we like to!  (Although we may get lucky and
get to see a modern reproduction of the famed PDP-8.  You'll have to
come to find out.)

The start time is 6:00 PM, which means people will be there by then.
(People will be there before then, but some of them might not know
anything about Linux.)  The end time is "Whenever", but we promise to
be there until at least 8:00 PM.  (This will not be a hard promise to

In keeping with time-honored tradition, the meeting place will be
Martha's Exchange Restaurant & Brewing Company, located in downtown
Nashua, NH.

Thanks to Ken D'Ambrosio for spearheading this!

= About GNHLUG =

GNHLUG is the Greater NH Linux Users Group, and is a registered
non-profit corporation in the state of New Hampshire, formed to
promote the use, development, and education in the use of, the Linux
operating system and associated software, especially free/open source
software.  GNHLUG can be found at:
gnhlug-announce mailing list
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Nashua-area folks -- meet up?

2020-01-28 Thread Ben Scott
On Tue, Jan 28, 2020 at 2:18 PM Ken D'Ambrosio  wrote:
> > Should I send something to -announce and/or post it on the website?
> That sounds like an excellent idea!

  It seems there is a "Time" field in the announcement template.  What
should I put there?

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Nashua-area folks -- meet up?

2020-01-28 Thread Ben Scott
On Tue, Jan 21, 2020 at 1:23 PM Ken D'Ambrosio  wrote:
>>> Maybe Thursday, the 20th of Feb.?  (Safely after Valentine's...)

Should I send something to -announce and/or post it on the website?

(I think I remember how...)

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Job postings here or somewhere else? (IT/SysAdmin job in Lebanon, NH)

2020-01-21 Thread Ben Scott
On Tue, Jan 21, 2020 at 7:26 PM Bruce Dawson  wrote:
>> It gets around 3 posts per year, almost all from one person.
> Actually, a few went in there in the past month or two.

I suspect that may be a statistical anomaly.  Or perhaps just nobody
will post for the rest of the year.  ;-)

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: TECO! was, err, COBOL on HPUX

2020-01-21 Thread Ben Scott
On Fri, Jan 10, 2020 at 10:23 PM Ric Werme  wrote:
> Do newbies these days know what LIFE is other than some early cellular
> automaton?

Is it something else?

(I presume you're not referring to the corny board game.)

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Nashua-area folks -- meet up?

2020-01-21 Thread Ben Scott
On Thu, Jan 16, 2020 at 2:59 PM Ric Werme  wrote:
> I remember some almost grown kid named Ben.  I wonder whatever
> happened to him.

Me too.

-- some guy
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Job postings here or somewhere else? (IT/SysAdmin job in Lebanon, NH)

2020-01-21 Thread Ben Scott
On Tue, Jan 14, 2020 at 10:59 AM Alan Johnson  wrote:
> Apologies, but I have lost track if there is still a separate list for 
> posting jobs.

There is a gnhlug-jobs mailing list, but I seriously question its
contemporary vitality.  I suspect it may be something like the walking
dead at this point.  It gets around 3 posts per year, almost all from
one person.

As I recall, this came about during the height of the Linux bubble,
and there were fears of inundation here on -discuss.  At this point it
would prolly make sense to take -jobs out back and shoot it.

Other opinions?

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list


2020-01-08 Thread Ben Scott
On Mon, Jan 6, 2020 at 11:19 PM Ken D'Ambrosio  wrote:
> So I, a relative HP-UX neophyte, ordered COBOL for some thousands of dollars.
> That's a top-five most-frustrating-thing ever.  I sincerely hope that things 
> have changed in the intervening time.

Things have changed!  They're worse.  Now HP has split themselves into
two companies and is fighting over remains like a couple of dogs
playing tug-of-war with an old sock.  :-(

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Kevin D. Clark, R.I.P.

2018-09-04 Thread Ben Scott
On Wed, Aug 22, 2018 at 8:53 AM Ted Roche  wrote:
> I'm sorry to report of the passing of Kevin D. Clark at the too-young age of 
> 48...

This is horrible.

Oh my.

Kevin has been a member of GNHLUG since just about forever.  I
remember his astute comments on things far and wide.  Perl certainly,
but any number of other things -- often seeing the big picture, or the
critical details, that others missed.  And he was a genuinely nice guy
besides that.

We are all diminished by this.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: ARP weirdness.

2017-11-10 Thread Ben Scott
On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 4:49 PM, Ken D'Ambrosio  wrote:
> Ubuntu box acting as a router for some subnets.
> [] <-1302 VLAN->[switch]<-1302 VLAN->switch<-1302 VLAN->
> [router @]

So, to clarify, the Ubuntu box is at .1?  What is .12?

Can you give a concise description of what else is on the VLAN?

> The link is getting utterly spammed with ARP requests for

How are you determining this?  Packet sniffer?  If so, where?

Are these ARP requests originating from the .1 box?  You have verified
this by MAC address of the sending system?  If you unplug .1 to test,
does the flood stop?

One thought that immediately occurs to me is a broadcast loop.  Any
chance of a physical loop (e.g., cable plugged into two switch ports
on the same VLAN)?  Are you running spanning tree any/everywhere?

What are the switches?  Any particular config applied to the VLANs,
beyond the VLAN itself?  Any weird config applied to the switch in

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Remotely exploitable firmware vulnerability in all Intel chipsets

2017-05-02 Thread Ben Scott
This is potentially very bad for many people, as this is presumably exposed
outside the firewall on the computer, and is OS-independent.

That means any laptop that leaves a firewalled LAN is exposed to a remote
root exploit.

The Intel "Management Engine" (ME) runs along side the main processor.  It
piggybacks on the network ports, and can read/write any memory or disk
location in the system.  If an attacker can gain control of the ME, they
can do whatever they want, outside the OS.

Reportedly some (most?) chipsets are vulnerable even if you're not using
the ME or have it nominally disabled.  Even when not vulnerable to remote
attack, everything is locally vulnerable.

It appears firmware fixes have to come from the motherboard vendor.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Susan, where are you? (was: what a luck)

2017-04-09 Thread Ben Scott
On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 1:00 PM, Tom Buskey  wrote:
>> Susan Cragin are you there?
> I'm glad I don't admin an email system nowadays.

  Me too-- oh wait.  Crap. has been unsubscribed from all GNHLUG
mailing lists.  If Susan Cragin should so desire, she can subscribe at
any time, using any email address she likes.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Motherboardectomy: how to un-bond the CPU's heatsink?

2016-07-10 Thread Ben Scott
On Thu, Jul 7, 2016 at 11:31 PM, Joshua Judson Rosen
> Yeah--it's *stuck*. Maybe if I still had it locked in the socket,
> and/or if I'd been running it beforehand and still had it hot...,
> though the whole idea of holding the CPU by the pins, using the motherboard
> to apply leverage... actually kind-of freaks me out

  As it should.  The electrical contacts[1] are not structural, and
can easily be damaged.  The mechanism which holds the chip package in
place is also not designed to withstand significant mechanical
load[3].  I've seen what misapplied force does to a microchip package,
and it's not pretty.

  I strongly recommend first removing the package from the motherboard
socket, and then removing the heatsink from the heat-spreader[4], as
you ended up doing.

-- Ben

[1] Many recent designs actually put the pins (crushable pointy bits)
in the socket, and use flat pads on the chip package.  Since the chip
is usually more likely to be placed flat on a surface, and the
motherboard is often less expensive than the chip, I think this is a
good idea.

[2] This footnote intentionally left blank.

[3] It's called "Zero Insertion Force" for a reason.

[4] The piece of flat metal, that serves to interface the chip carrier
with the heat-sink.
gnhlug-discuss mailing list


2016-06-28 Thread Ben Scott
On Mon, Jun 27, 2016 at 4:14 PM, Jerry Feldman  wrote:
> Sometimes my friend gives the address of a funeral home, jail or morgue.

  Oh, I like that.  I think I will start offering:

One Center Plaza
Suite 600
Boston, MA  02108

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: What Language for a kid

2015-12-28 Thread Ben Scott
On Dec 24, 2015 12:47, "Paul Beaudet"  wrote:
> Pointing to the training wheel equivalent here alarms me we may be
overlooking the key objective, which is inspiration for a young person.

Conversely, if you give a ten-speed racing bike to someone who has not yet
learned to crawl, that will be pretty discouraging.  I remember seeing such
a bike as a very young kid, and not having a clue what all those levers
did.  Having to learn all that while also learning to get my legs to drive
the pedals while also learning how to balance would have been much more
difficult for me.  I'm glad I started with my single-speed coaster-braked

> Codeacademy and Khan start and such a basic level it's hard to see the
forest through the trees.  Here me right, I think they are great tools, I
just personally found them frustrating because of the great amount of time
taken mucking through the weeds or things that were already understood.

Things like proper syntax, rules of scoping, function definitions, and so
on can be weeds for some.

The advantage of things like LOGO, Scratch, and the like, is they get
people thinking about decomposing a problem into algorithms, variables,
debugging, and so on, without having to know what any of those things are.
The visual metaphors tap into basic skills we learn playing with blocks as
toddlers.  For some people, that can be a huge enabler.

There's no one solution that's right for everyone.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Networking Question

2015-11-07 Thread Ben Scott
On Fri, Nov 6, 2015 at 9:48 AM, Greg Kettmann  wrote:
> For various reasons, including reliability, I have two ISP's.  In my
> original configuration I had two Gateways, GW1- and
> GW2- on one subnet.

  You're better off having a single router, as the sole gateway on
your LAN, and having the router decide which ISP to use.  That's what
routers are for, to choose the best network route.

  If you have multiple local networks for other reasons (e.g., work vs
home, or guests, etc.), apply the same principle to all of them.  One
router, multiple local networks, multiple Internet connections.

  Note that "router" here could be a COTS solution (Cisco, Netgear,
et. al.), or a cheap home gateway running something like DD-WRT, or a
general-purpose computer running Linux or even a BSD.

  If it's simply about having Internet if an ISP goes down, all you
need is a way to detect which ISP is up.  If both ISPs send RIP
advertisements, you just need to run a basic routing daemon.  If not,
you'll need something that can detect what's up and what's not.
Google "dead gateway detection linux".

  If it's a matter of also making the best use of both ISPs when both
are up, that's usually called load balancing.

  If you want certain traffic to go over certain ISPs when possible
(e..g, work stuff uses ISP A, Netflix uses ISP B), that's called
policy routing.

  The site has some good info on both of the latter
two, although it's getting a bit stale from lack-of-updates.

  If you need help configuring some aspect of that, describe which aspect.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Looking for an intern to play with a Linux-powered robot fleet

2015-08-13 Thread Ben Scott
On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 1:00 PM, Joshua Judson Rosen
> ... candidates for engineering jobs will show up
> with _no portfolio_ (especially when we're talking about software jobs:

  Most of what I've done is work-for-hire, not owned by me, and under
37 levels of NDA.

> ... people on the other side of the interview-process often
> have no idea what to do when a candidate does have a portfolio of work
> available for review.

  Because they're used to the above.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Google thinks GNHLUG is spam now

2015-07-29 Thread Ben Scott
On Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 12:54 PM, Greg Rundlett (freephile)
> Anyway, I'm using GMail here and received your "Google thinks GNHLUG is spam
> now" msg in my regular inbox.

  Interesting.  I presume you mean the original message?

  Do you have any filters configured to exempt any gnhlug lists from
spam filtering?

> Here is the original of what I received earlier...  I notice that there is a
> DKIM signature failure in the middle.  I don't know much about DKIM, but
> maybe that is the source of the issue.

  I'm not familiar with DKIM, either, but that DKIM stuff is not
something GNHLUG's systems are adding, AFAIK.  DKIM was also not
involved in my original test messages.

  I believe mailing lists break DKIM, if they don't take special
actions for it.  (Since mail originating from one domain, and
cryptographically authenticated to that domain, is now originating
from a completely different mail exchanger.)

  Might be we should setup DKIM on the GNHLUG server.  Anyone know how
to do that, and have the time?  CentOS 5.x, Sendmail, and GNU Mailman.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Google thinks GNHLUG is spam now

2015-07-29 Thread Ben Scott
I accidentally sent a previous reply to the wrong address, which
resulted in a thread getting copied to -discuss mid-thread.  Sorr for
the confusion.  But, since we're here:

On Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 12:07 PM, Bill Ricker  wrote:
> I suspect Gmail is objecting to receiving mail with from 
> outside.

  I've found that messages sent from non-Google systems, using a
non-Google address, to a GNHLUG address, on the GNHLUG server (not
hosted with Google), which are then relayed to a address,
are getting tagged with a "Spam" label in Gmail.  The originating
domains do *not* have SPF records.

  So it's not that we're claiming to be Google.  Not just that, anyway.

  My guess for most likely possibility is our new host gave us an IP
address that had previously been a source of abuse.  That is a common
problem with the near-instant-provisioning available these days.  That
would explain why everything was fine until we changed servers.

  Possibly contributing is the fact that we are relaying mail for a
domain not us.  (That is, mail comes from, goes through a
server at, and is then given to  Google has no
way of knowing the mail we are claiming is from is legit.

  I don't think it's just the latter, as things have been fine this
way for years.  But it's possible the relaying is contributing to a
spam score, and the IP address change also increased that score, and
in total, we've crossed a threshold.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Google thinks GNHLUG is spam now

2015-07-29 Thread Ben Scott
On Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 10:32 AM, Greg Rundlett (freephile)
> Is there an SPF record?

  That would depend on the sending domain.

  For at least one of the affected messages, there is no SPF record
for the sending domain, and Google's added mail headers correctly
reflect that.

  Remember, this is a list server, and AFAIK, SPF has no good
mechanism to handle relaying.  DKIM does, IIRC, but we don't have DKIM
configured.  Never needed to.

  The only things that should have changed are the name and the IP
address.  (I suppose I could tell the new server to call itself
liberty and change DNS to match, and then the only change would be the
IP address.  Hmmm.)

  I found a form at Google for senders to report trouble.  They say,
"Thank you for your report. We will investigate this issue and take
the necessary steps to resolve it. We will contact you if we need more
details; however, you will not receive a response or email
acknowledgment of your submission."  Gee, thanks.  Keep right on not
being evil, GOOG.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Wiki Report: What's that wiki running?

2015-07-28 Thread Ben Scott
On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 10:41 PM, Greg Rundlett (freephile)
> I'm very interested in your feedback and "beta" testers.  What's your
> favorite wiki running?

  I keep seeing the word "Array" appearing, in red text, between the
CAPTCHA and the big blue submit button.  To me, this suggests internal
data leaking into the UI.  Firefox on Linux, with all manner of weird
stuff done to the browser.

  It doesn't recognize TWiki, which doesn't surprise me.  :)

  It doesn't recognize the WikiWikiWeb (*the* Wiki), which is kind of sad.

  It does work with the English Wikipedia for me.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Virtual machine host provider recommendations

2015-07-16 Thread Ben Scott
On Wed, Jul 15, 2015 at 4:50 PM, Bill McGonigle  wrote:
>> install a new
>> system, and transfer to there.  That is the quickest and easiest path,
> when you say 'new' do you mean 'current' as well?

  Yeah  We need to upgrade at some point anyway.  This is as good
a time as any.

> Be prepared for config and module changes between major
> versions of every blasted package.

  Fortunately, our needs are fairly simple, and most of the software
we use tends to follow the traditional Unix philosophy (or are just
old).  We have very little stuff from the "redesign it with every
release" crowd.

  (It would be nice if someone were to attack the GNHLUG web site with
a sledgehammer and crowbar, but while we've had lots of people giving
advice from their armchairs, we've had almost nobody actually roll up
their sleeves and get dirty.)

>> and we do not have a lot of time.  Our deadline is JUL 31, roughly two
>> weeks from now.
> [and] nobody goes on summer vacation.  Vendor noted. >:|

  There's multiple reasons why I'm not real eager to stay.  That's one of them.

  Also: The current box needs a new disk.  It's an old SCSI SCA
system.  I'd rather not start hunting for hardware on eBay.

  Also: For what GNHLUG needs, a dedicated physical box is way overkill.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Virtual machine host provider recommendations

2015-07-15 Thread Ben Scott
Hey all,

GNHLUG's server is being kicked out of our long-time free hosting.  Rather
than trying to find a new home for the box, I'm thinking I'll just buy an
account on a virtual machine hosting company, install a new system, and
transfer to there.  That is the quickest and easiest path, and we do not
have a lot of time.  Our deadline is JUL 31, roughly two weeks from now.

I'd like to hear people's experiences, good and bad, with service
providers.  Who is good?  Who is bad?  What to look for, or avoid?

Current requirements that I can think of are:
- Run an SMTP listener on TCP port 25 (receive email directly)
- Initiate outbound connections to TCP port 25 (send email directly)
- Run an HTTP listener on TCP port 80 (web server)
- Run an SSH listener on a non-standard port (SSH remote access)
- Run a DNS listener on UDP and TCP port 53 (authoritative name server)
- Install and run arbitrary Linux software
- Fairly low mail volume,web traffic, and DNS traffic
- Fairly low CPU, disk, and RAM usage
- No need for "CPanel" or other hand-holding software, and prolly better if
we don't have it

Lower prices are good, but it has to be reliable, too.  I'd rather pay more
for a provider that has less trouble, than have to tinker with it

I think this has been discussed before, but not recently, and I can't find
the thread.

Suggestions welcome, but we don't have time for "you can put the server in
my basement" or other detours.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: poking around for opportunities

2015-01-07 Thread Ben Scott
On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 1:53 PM, David Rysdam  wrote:
> I've been assuming that "embedded" meant some significant subset of the
> following properties:
> 1) realtime
> 2) re-entrant/parallel/interrupt-driven
> 3) specialty hardware
> 4) specialty OS (if there's an OS there at all)

  "embedded" has always been a loosely-defined term.  It means
different things to different people.  The above four items are rather
more specific, although "specialty" is still squirrelly.

  At $WORK, we have "embedded" systems which are basically commodity
PCs running vanilla Microsoft Windows, using a USB cable to plug into
a $100,000 CNC machine.  Other than that USB peripheral, there's no
specialty hardware involved.  ;-)

  When looking at want ads/etc., don't assume your experience isn't
useful.  Hiring entities rarely find people who are the exact ideal
candidate, and are often more than happy to get a smart person who can
learn what they don't already know.

> If it's just a regular PC running in a kiosk, that's
> completely different than what I was picturing.

  Could be.

  Could be a car nav/media system, which isn't far removed from a PC
these days.  May lack Internet, uses a touchscreen instead of hard
keyboard/mouse, reboots a lot, but otherwise will be similar to a home
Linux PC, or at least an Android phone.

  Could be an instrument controller, where your job will be to provide
a Linux environment to run the instrument software, or maybe write
software to take data from a driver and draw pretty pictures with it.

  Could be a vending machine which some PHB want to have a web
interface on.  Hey, it's their money.

  None of these are the traditional bitty-boxes that you're thinking
of.  They're running the latest ARM CPUs, plenty of RAM and HDD, an
Ethernet interface and IP stack, and a Linux OS that's only slightly
tailored to the platform.  They might even run an X implementation for
the UI.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: 20 years of GNHLUG

2014-12-31 Thread Ben Scott
On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 12:03 AM, Joshua Judson Rosen
> Did we really miss having a party for the 20th?

  The big party will be when GNHLUG turns 21.

  "After all, aren't we just a bunch of drinkers with a computer
problem?" (Rich Soule)

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Local inexpensive media destruction?

2014-12-31 Thread Ben Scott
On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 2:57 PM, Dave Johnson
> Anyone know of a local/inexpensive media destruction service?

  How concerned are you with nefarious recovery?

  For example, the US government has fairly strict standards on what
counts as "destruction" for machine media containing classified
information.  A degaussing magnet meeting the requirements costs
around $1000, for example.  But for unclassified media, software
multiple-pass overwrite is generally considered sufficient.

  For my own personal use, I do software overwrite if I can.  If not,
I do something that will prevent recovery to the casual attempt.

  For a hard drive, I disassemble the case, break up the circuit board
by hand, remove the platters, and scratch them up a bit with kitchen
steel wool.  (If I had a drill press, I'd maybe add a hole or three.)

  For tape, floppy, or other flexible magnetic, I cut up the media in
a few places using scissors.  Tape I take out of the spools and
unravel before cutting.

  For optical, I break it into pieces by hand.

  For flash, I'd smash the PCB and/or chips with a hammer and punch.

  If I had a *lot* of media, I might build a nice, hot fire, and toss
things in one at a time.  Or just do the above over time.

  A determined effort might still be able to recover data from the
above, but anyone willing to go to that length of trouble could more
easily break into my apartment and copy the current media.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

[GNHLUG] RIP Chris Gagnon

2014-12-18 Thread Ben Scott
  I regret to report that Chris Gagnon, AKA Chris Case, passed away
yesterday (WED 17 DEC).  Chris was a local hacker, Linux/FOSS
enthusiast, and by all reports, real good guy.  He is notable to
GNHLUG for running meetings in Nashua for a while.

  Multiple memorial gatherings are being held:


Day: FRI 19 DEC 2014
Time: 3 PM to 4:45 PM
Where: Martha's Exchange Restaurant & Brewery
Address: 185 Main Street, Nashua, NH

"Join us Friday afternoon to celebrate the life of a dear friend.
Please arrive early, the memorial will begin promptly at 3pm.  Bring
memories to share with Chris' friends and family.  Feel free to
forward this announcement to anyone we may have missed.  There is a
parking garage on High Street.  RSVP by Noon Friday if possible."


Day: FRI 19 DEC 2014
Time: 4:45 PM to 7 PM
Where: O'Shea's Tavern and Cigar Bar
Address: 449 Amherst Street, Nashua, NH

"We will probably adjourn to O'Shea's Tavern and Cigar Bar 449 Amherst
Street Nashua at 4:45pm, after Chris' memorial for a smoke and a drink
in his honor. If you cannot make the memorial but want to celebrate
his life with us, please feel free to join us!  We will probably be
there until 7pm."


Day: SUN 28 DEC 2014
Time: 11 PM
Where: The Quill (Amory Street Used Furniture Outlet)
Address: 131 Amory Street, Manchester, NH

"Chris was a member of CotS [Church of the Sword] and a really great
guy who moved to Nashua.  Our condolences to his family and friends.
If you've never been to a CotS memorial, friends will share their
memories of Chris if they want to, and we'll play some songs we know
he liked or that he should have liked.  We try to make sure we have
beverages available, and sometimes people bring pie.  And that's
pretty much it, so if you're worried about a sermon, don't be."

According to their website, CotS is a "a non-denominational
organization" which does "not require members to believe in a god or
gods, nor is such belief a hindrance to membership. We believe in
life-long learning, self-ownership, and independent thought."


Clear skies, Mr. Gagnon.

-- Ben
gnhlug-announce mailing list
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Can this disk be repaired? Does it need to be?

2014-12-04 Thread Ben Scott
On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 5:09 PM, Bruce Labitt
> Can FAT32 support "weird" aka Linux file names?


  Original FAT only supported a 1 to 8 character base filename, with a
very limited character set (monocase alphanumeric, no spaces, a
handful of punctuation).

  However, the "VFAT" extension added support for longer names, with a
larger character set -- including mixed-case and spaces.  Both Linux
and Windows support VFAT.

> I have directories with MAC ID's as directory names.
> I'm sure that is messing up windows.

  Do the MAC ID's have colons (:)?

  If so, that may cause some problems.  (If they're just spaces,
dashes, dots, or long, you should be OK.)

  Putting colons in a FAT or VFAT filename is a definite no-no.  Linux
should block such attempts, as far as I know.

  NTFS is more complicated.

  NTFS proper -- the filesystem itself -- can handle filenames with
any Unicode character except NUL, and names and paths thousands of
characters long.  Which is likely what Linux is doing.  The NTFS
implementation in Windows can prolly cope with this, too.

  However, higher layers of Windows -- in particular, the subsystem
which actually implements the Win32 API on top of the NT kernel --
impose a number of other limits.  There are a number of prohibited
characters, including the colon.  Paths cannot be longer than 255
characters (including directory separators and drive letter).

  However, that isn't necessarily what  is causing Windows to tell you
to repair the disk -- although it may be.  In my experience, when
Windows encounters file names it can't handle, it usually just fails
to access them, coughing up vague error messages.  But it usually
doesn't insist something be done about it.

  But Windows isn't exactly a model of consistency, so maybe this
situation is different, for whatever reason.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Can this disk be repaired? Does it need to be?

2014-12-04 Thread Ben Scott
On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 4:57 PM, Bruce Labitt
> This SSD was to be my carry around disk containing
> work I've done in the past as reference.  My brains so to speak.

  These days, the common thing to do is store such things "in the
cloud", i.e., on a server hosted by a third-party.  Or you could run a
server yourself.  Then you just need an Internet connection, and don't
have to worry about OS or hardware.  You may want to consider that

> I guess a NAS is in my future.

  If the problem is a hardware failure with the disk, a NAS won't help
that (unless you get one with RAID or whatever, but even then, the NAS
controller itself could fail).

  If the problem is corruption of the filesystem due to software bug
or premature disconnect or the like, then a NAS would be an

  However, in that case, you may also want to consider using an
external disk, but partitioned.  Make one partition NTFS, and use it
under Windows.  Make the other partition ext2/3/4/btrfs/whatever, and
use it under Linux.  Each OS gets to use its own, native filesystem.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Can this disk be repaired? Does it need to be?

2014-12-04 Thread Ben Scott
On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 12:24 PM, Bruce Labitt  wrote:
> Have an SSD formatted to NTFS.  I had intended to
> use it between linux and Win7 as a backup.  It
> worked for a while in both OS.  Yesterday Win7 asked
> if I wanted to repair the disk.

  Windows unfortunately confounds "disk", "partition", and
"filesystem", so it's difficult to know exactly what this is referring

  If this really is just a backup, there should be no unique data on
this disk.  That is, you could smash the disk up with a hammer, and
not lose anything.

  If that is *not* the case -- if there *is* data that exists *only*
on this disk -- the first thing you should do is make a backup copy of
that data, to another disk/location.  You should be doing this anyway,
as data storage can fail at any time.

  (I suggest having multiple backup copies for most cases.  It's
difficult to have too many backups.)

  Once you're confident all the data is safe, I would look at the logs
on the Windows system that complained.  Open the "Event Viewer" tool
on the Window system.  If it's Vista or later, look under
"Administrative Events".  Look for errors/warnings around the time
Windows asked if you wanted to repair.  See if you can figure out if
this was a problem with the physical device, or the filesystem on the
device.  If you're not sure, post copies of the error messages.

  If I had to guess, I would say it sounds like logical corruption of
the filesystem.  Hardware trouble is more likely to make *both* Linux
and Windows complain.  Conversely, if Linux's NTFS implementation
handles something differently than Windows, Linux may not see a
problem, while Windows is choking.

  However, sometimes one OS will be more tolerant of a hardware
problem or idiosyncrasy, so one can't really rule that out at this
stage, either.

> Is this fixable?

  Depends on what the problem is.  And we haven't even touched root cause yet.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: (was: powerschool webscraper?)

2014-11-04 Thread Ben Scott
On Nov 3, 2014 5:44 PM, "Joshua Judson Rosen"  wrote:
> I was pretty frustrated when I saw the hoops one needs to jump through
> to make blinking text[1], these days, since the browsers
> finally neutered both  and text-decoration:blink.

Firefox used to have an "about:config" option that could (re)enable
blinking, although I don't know if it still does.

But blinking text should be easy to do when you're reimplementing entire UI
concepts in HTML/CSS because all the cool kids are doing it that way these

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Historical note about two prominent GNHLUG members

2014-11-04 Thread Ben Scott
On Nov 3, 2014 4:09 PM, "Carole Soule"  wrote:
> Are we really that old?

"Age is a number.  Youth is a state of mind."

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Historical note about two prominent GNHLUG members

2014-11-03 Thread Ben Scott
  Wow indeed.  Congratulations to both of you!

  For those GNHLUGers who do not know, for a lng time, Bruce ran
the GNHLUG mailing lists and website, as well as the CentraLUG group.
Bruce and Carole have also hosted wonderful parties for us and sister
causes, at their farm (  They're kind
and generous people, and worthy of praise.

-- Ben

On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 9:41 PM, Bruce Dawson  wrote:
> Gadzooks! Have we known each other that long?! Wow.
> Thanks Dave!
> --Bruce
> On Thu, 2014-10-30 at 21:27 -0400, David Marston wrote:
>> On October 29th, 1984, the Northern New England UNIX User Group
>> held a meeting at what was then the Manchester branch of Daniel
>> Webster College. My archives are missing some of the exact
>> details, but it seems that Bruce Dawson and Carole Soule were
>> both at that meeting. As best I can tell, that was the night
>> they met.
>> Over the subsequent thirty years, separately and together, they
>> have been greatly supportive of the UNIX/Linux community in New
>> Hampshire, while also making radical career changes. May you
>> live long and prosper!
>> .David Marston   (Facilitator)
>> ___
>> gnhlug-discuss mailing list
> ___
> gnhlug-discuss mailing list
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: powerschool webscraper?

2014-11-03 Thread Ben Scott
On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 8:24 AM, David Rysdam  wrote:
> I don't need or even want a GUI. I want to run it as a cron
> job and email myself a result when there is one.

  Have the script start a VNC or null or other similar X server to host the GUI.

  Ugly, but it's the ultimate implementation of "simulate what a human
with a browser would do".

  It would be better if the world weren't ugly, but yet, here we are.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: powerschool webscraper?

2014-11-03 Thread Ben Scott
On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 8:29 AM, David Rysdam  wrote:
> It's also making me depressed how terrible the internet has
> become.


> Why does an extremely simple, automatable task like "check if
> posted grades have changed" require a human being to spend valuable time
> poking buttons (or programming a very faithful simulation thereof)?

  Because software these days is mostly about chasing buzzwords and
fashion trends, and not about information.

  The current crop of crap appeals to the same mentality that thought
the  tag was a good idea.

  (Aside: I've just discovered (for myself) that if you search for
"blink tag", Google makes all matching occurrences blink.)

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: GRUB, ISO, and remote boot.

2014-10-23 Thread Ben Scott
On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 6:58 PM, Ken D'Ambrosio  wrote:
> I know that GRUB can't, by itself, remote boot a live-boot ISO (it needs
> some help from the ISO, itself, which won't be the case, here).  But I
> also am almost sure I can
> 1) Mount the ISO on a remote system (and export it)

  This is just NFS, and (I presume) well understood.

> 2) pull specific files from the ISO, and use them to create a GRUB
> entry, which then

  Generally speaking, GRUB loads a kernel (and optionally, an initrd)
from image file(s) on disk, and then boots the kernel.  If you can
find the equivalent files somewhere in the ISO image, that should do
it, I would think.

> 3) boots up with the files pulled from the ISO, then accesses the remote
> system's exported ISO for the final boot process.

  This may be tricky.

  Generically, what you're doing is just a diskless workstation, an
idea several decades old in the nix world.  You just mount your root
filesystem over NFS and bam! -- you're off and running.

  However, the kernel provided by your live boot distribution may not
be set-up to support an NFS root.  If it doesn't, you'll likely have
to rebuild the kernel and/or initrd -- a non-trivial task, I expect.

> Trying to make this happen so that I can access remote hosts over a
> terminal server and do remote installs without having to have someone
> lug around a DVD and drive.

  Is USB flash drive an option?  It appears to be relatively easy to
copy an ISO image file onto a USB flash drive, and then make the
system boot from the USB flash drive, using the ISO image file as if
it were an optical disc.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

udevd restart == odd network kablooie

2014-09-29 Thread Ben Scott
GNHLUG's Internet presence was offline for a few days, after I tried
to restart udevd and the system immediately went dead-to-the-net.
That was on Thursday.  I got the system rebooted today.  (The system
has been so trouble-free since it was installed that nobody knew
exactly where it was, which slowed down trouble-shooting attempts.)

What's interesting about this episode are:

(1) I had just done the same on a system with roughly the same
software configuration, and it didn't seem to have any trouble.

(2) Checking logs after-the-fact, it appears the system was still
running, after a fashion.  I can only guess some part of the
networking subsystem had become the notworking subsystem.

  The first I can chalk up to Finagle's Law[1], but the second is more curious.

  Selected log entries include the following:

Sep 25 14:30:24 liberty sudo:   bscott : TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/home/bscott
; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/start_udev
Sep 25 14:30:30 liberty kernel: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth1: link is not ready
Sep 25 14:39:52 liberty ntpd[10892]: no servers reachable
Sep 25 14:46:23 liberty sshd[10399]: Read error from remote host No route to host
Sep 25 14:46:43 liberty sshd[10397]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session
closed for user bscott
Sep 25 15:01:39 liberty named[12525]: client
query (cache) '' denied
Sep 25 17:47:06 liberty named[12525]: client
query (cache) '' denied
Sep 25 18:25:18 liberty named[12525]: client
query (cache) '' denied

  The command at 14:30:24 is the one that ruined the parade for everybody.

  The entry at 14:30:30 makes some sense, as eth1 doesn't have
anything plugged into it (the link is eth0).  The fact that the system
decided to log that then, however, seems significant.  Perhaps the
network driver/interface layer reset, and came back with defaults (no
address)?  Without anything to tell it otherwise, it would sit there
forever, waiting to be configured with an IP address.

  The entries from 14:39 through 14:46, inclusive, are indicative of
networking being broken and various things failing as a result.

  The entries at 15:01 onward I don't get.  The DNS server logs them
when a client's query is denied.  Typically this is a client that's
trying to use us as a recursive resolver, which we aren't and don't
allow.  This particular domain suggests it's part of a DNS
amplification attack attempt, which means the source address is prolly
spoofed.  The part I don't understand is -- how did it get received in
the first place, if the network was down?

  In the future, I won't try restarting udevd remotely.

-- Ben

[1] "The perversity of the universe tends towards a maximum."  It is
more flexible than Murphy's Law, as it allows for things to go right
if by going right, that will lead to a larger problem later.  Case in
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Linux + MIDI

2014-09-24 Thread Ben Scott
On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 10:11 AM, David Rysdam  wrote:
>>... ISoundBlaster Extigy ...
> I was going to turn this down, thinking it was a sound card (he's
> probably migrating to a laptop soon). Turns out it's not a sound card
> and I don't know what to do because I can't tell what it *is*.

  It's a sound card.  It comes in it's own chassis, and it attaches to
your computer via USB.  Other than that, it's just like a traditional
sound card.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Best RAW photo editing tool?

2014-09-03 Thread Ben Scott
On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 10:28 AM, Paul Beaudet  wrote:
> I have got tired of post-processing because of the time it takes. Sad to say
> google's "auto-awesome" impresses me in terms of time efficiency.

  How do I run that on my Linux box?

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Best RAW photo editing tool?

2014-08-26 Thread Ben Scott
Hi Marc!

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: time for the annual Internet Speed Quest

2014-07-17 Thread Ben Scott
On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 8:28 AM, Lloyd Kvam  wrote:
>> Which was fine, until DSL came along.  DSL works by putting
>> equipment in the CO and connecting that to the existing loops.  The
>> DSL equipment overlays a digital signal onto analog phone service.
>> That doesn't work when there's no local loop connection in the CO.
> FairPoint will serve DSL from the RT.

  Ah, I neglected to mention that part of it.  It's certainly possible
to put DSL equipment in a Remote Terminal.  But DSL equipment is
expensive.  Plus, space in RTs is much more limited, and so costs more
to rent, when it's available at all.  If an independent provider like
G4 is only going to get one or two subscribers on a given RT, it would
cost more than they'd make.  So it's much less likely to happen.

  There's also the possibility of a independent provider reselling the
ILEC's DSL.  Sometimes this is still worth it for customers, because
the ISP will have experience dealing with the ILEC, and spare the
customer some of the pain.  But you're still beholden to the telco,
and inherit most of their limitations.  I have no idea if G4 does

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: time for the annual Internet Speed Quest

2014-07-09 Thread Ben Scott
On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 8:48 AM, Derek Atkins  wrote:
> Video buffering is not necessarily a latency-based complaint.  It can be
> latency, but it can also be pure throughput constraint.

  Or packet loss, or jitter, or...

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: time for the annual Internet Speed Quest

2014-07-09 Thread Ben Scott
On Sun, Jul 6, 2014 at 2:05 PM, David Rysdam  wrote:
> It's sounding like the upshot is that I should try comcast.

  Of those two, I'd much rather have Comcast than FairPoint.

> What does the cable modem consist of? From a black-box POV, I assume
> it's basically identical to a DSL modem. Magic on one side, CAT5
> ethernet on the other. Plug my tomato-powered wireless router into that
> side and away I go.

  Pretty much.

  Gory details:

  Most DSL systems function like a high-speed serial line, and run
PPP.  The CPE (Customer Premises Equipment (the so-called "modem"))
may act as a router, terminating the PPP link, and providing an IP
interface on the Ethernet port.  They'll often force NAT in this mode,
since that way the ISP doesn't have to give you valuable public IP
address space.  Alternatively, the CPE will forward the PPP frames
over Ethernet (PPPoE), and it's up to the customer to to provide a
router to terminate the PPP feed.  This lets the customer have access
to the public IP at the end of the PPP link, which is nice for geeks
who want to run their own router anyway.

  Coax operates more like old-school 10BASE2 Ethernet, with a bunch of
nodes on a shared bus.  The CPE ("cable modem") functions like a
bridge.  Customer plugs into the Ethernet port, does DHCP, and gets an
IP address that way.  Rather like plugging into your home LAN, except
it's Comcast's DHCP server, instead of yours.  Most cable operators
limit the customer to one MAC address, so if you want more than one
node, you need to provide your own router, and do NAT.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: time for the annual Internet Speed Quest

2014-07-09 Thread Ben Scott
On Sun, Jul 6, 2014 at 1:14 PM, Joshua Judson Rosen
> I think FairPoint does have some service in NH that's analogous to FiOS ...

  FairPoint inherited Verizon's FiOS system when they bought NH.  For
at least a few years, FairPoint was contracting Verizon to operate and
maintain the fiber; they didn't have the capability in-house.

  The Verizon->FairPoint transaction is a great example of "No matter
how bad things are, they can always get worse".  Never thought I'd see
the day where I was missing Verizon.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: time for the annual Internet Speed Quest

2014-07-09 Thread Ben Scott
On Fri, Jul 4, 2014 at 5:28 AM, David Rysdam  wrote:
> However it looks like your connection goes through FairPoint
> equipment that our connections do not go through. Sorry we couldn't
> help you.
> Does anyone have more information about this? Does Milford have two
> parallel sets of equipment only one of which G4 can use? Or do they mean
> they just don't serve Milford?

  It could be they just don't serve Milford.  This would mean G4
doesn't have equipment at the local CO (Central Office (building that
houses the telephone switching equipment for your area)).

  But I'm guessing you are behind a "pair gain" system.  Also called
an SLC (Subscriber Loop Carrier).

  Traditionally, every telephone line runs on a dedicated pair of
wires, AKA local loop.  That pair goes all the way back to the CO,
where it is connected to the switch (equipment that generates dial
tone, processes dialed digits, connects telephone calls, etc.).  There
is nothing on the poles except wire.  There's no intelligence in the
terminal (telephone), either.  Dumb terminal, dumb local loop,
intelligent core.

  Now, the ILEC (Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier (the telco that owns
the wires (FairPoint in NH))) has a limited number of pairs on the
poles.  Sometimes, to add capacity, they put equipment in the field,
outside the CO.  They put a small enclosure on the side of the road
somewhere, called an RT (Remote Terminal).  They grab some existing
pairs and put digital signals on them, capable of carrying many voice
channels at once.  Then they fan out new pairs from there.

  Which was fine, until DSL came along.  DSL works by putting
equipment in the CO and connecting that to the existing loops.  The
DSL equipment overlays a digital signal onto analog phone service.
That doesn't work when there's no local loop connection in the CO.

> Are there any other options in Milford? Or is this equipment thing
> limiting me? There's always cable, but my vague perception is that cable
> internet sucks for several reasons. Maybe I'm behind the times.

  I'm guessing the "several reasons" are mostly inaccurate or
incomplete.  Most of the time, coax beats DSL.  Fiber beats coax, but
there isn't much fiber around here.  Terrestrial fixed wireless is
great, but if you're not within radio line-of-sight to an ISP, it's no
good.  Satellite Internet is horrible; I'd almost prefer dialup modem.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Poll on GNHLUG meetings/topics/etc.

2014-06-20 Thread Ben Scott
On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 11:21 AM,   wrote:
> I would be interested in seeing a survey that's not hosted on google.
> :P

  Too bad for you then.  :-p

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

[GNHLUG] Poll on GNHLUG meetings/topics/etc.

2014-06-13 Thread Ben Scott
Paul Beaudet is running a poll for the Greater New Hampshire Linux
User Group, to try and gauge interest in meetings, topics, activities,

Please feel free to contribute your opinion.


-- Ben
gnhlug-announce mailing list
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: "Attention, graying geeks: Send me your BASIC memories, as the language turns 50" -- David Brooks

2014-04-10 Thread Ben Scott
On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 5:08 PM, David Hardy  wrote:
> We only had sticks to scratch into mud bricks, but there were no trees so we
> had to organize caravans into the mountains and then carry the logs back
> ourselves in desert heat and sand.

... uphill both ways.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Files <-> Samsung Galaxy S4

2014-03-25 Thread Ben Scott
  Work has provided me with a new handheld computer, a Galaxy S4, made
by Samsung.  It runs Android 4.3 plus whatever unspeakable horrors
Samsung and Verizon have inflicted upon it.  There's a microSD flash
memory card mounted inside, and I'd like to be able to copy files to
and from it, from my Linux home desktop.  This is proving unreasonably

  Aside from coping general documents, photos, etc., back and forth, I
have a large collection of MP3 files on my desktop that I want to keep
in sync on my handheld -- adds, changes, *and* deletes.  rsync does a
fine job of this on a filesystem.  My previous handhelds let me plug
in the USB cable and access the mem card as a USB Mass Storage Class
(MSC) device.  In other words, like a disk drive.  Block device
appeared, I mounted it, I did filesystem things, I unmounted it, done.
 Apparently that's not an option for this device.

  Difficulty: I can't root the device.  Corporate policy.  Whatever I
do has to play by the rules.  Apps are generally OK, but not apps that
attempt to circumvent security mechanisms.

  It appears the Galaxy really wants to speak MTP (Media Transfer
Protocol).  I've been playing with MTP stuff on Linux.  My desktop is
running Debian 7.4 "wheezy", kernel 3.2.0-4 package version 3.2.54-2.

  There's some issue that causes libmtp to hang for 20-30 seconds
whenever it opens the device.  That's maddeningly irritating at best.
If you're wanting to run a bunch of commands in sequence, it's
basically a showstopper.

  I've played around with the mtp-tools package from Debian (package
version 1.1.3-35-g0ece104-5).  It lacks a command to create
directories.  It can't transfer more than one file at a time (see
"showstopper", above).  The commands lack any documentation or help.
I think they're actually just example skeletons from the libmtp
sources that were packaged up and passed off as utilities.  :-p

  I tried the mtpfs FUSE filesystem (1.1, built from source).  I found
it couldn't create directories.  That's a problem if I want to
replicate a directory tree (see MP3 collection, above).

  I tried gmtp (pkg ver 1.3.3-1).  It suffers from the libmtp hang
issue, but at least once it's connects is responsive.  It can create
directories.  But it can only transfer files in one directory at a
time.  (Ibid.)

  I could, of course, take the mem card out of the handheld, plug it
into my desktop's card reader, and do the I/O that way.  Problem there
is, I've got a fancy sealed protective case for the handheld.  Opening
it repeatedly is bad for it.  And annoying.  And exposes the handheld
to damage.

   I've seen some suggestions of using "cloud" storage, like Dropbox
or Google Music, etc.  It seems silly to have to send many gigabytes
out my netfeed only to have to immediately download it again, on the
same feed, just to copy between devices which are six inches apart and
connected via USB cable.

  Anyone got a better idea?  Bluetooth?  Wifi?  Floppy disk?

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: USB video?

2014-02-18 Thread Ben Scott
On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 9:15 AM, Tom Buskey  wrote:
> Though the RasPi doesn't have VGA because of cost I've read.  They wanted to
> make sure it worked on TV which meant HDMI and composite.  So maybe the cost
> was HDMI/Composite vs HDMI/Composite/VGA

  I'd suppose so.  Plus, the RasPi (or at least the one I looked at in
detail) is based on a cell phone chipset, which often have HDMI.  I'm
guessing VGA is less common.

> I still see PS/2 on new systems.

  I don't see a lot of different brands these days, but Dell and HP
have both all but eliminated PS/2.  It shows up on some high-end
CAD/CAM/engineering systems (e.g., the Dell Precision line).  Not
their servers.  Certainly not their regular desktops.

  A quick spot check finds IBM isn't using PS/2 anymore, either.  Irony.  :)

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: USB video?

2014-02-15 Thread Ben Scott
On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 1:17 PM, Tom Buskey  wrote:
> Why do servers still have VGA + PS/2?

  From what I see, most have VGA and USB, these days.

>  Because most KVMs haven't switched?

  I'm not privy to their design meetings, but I would suppose:

  VGA is cheaper, both to build a video source, and to build a switch.
 DVI has higher connector costs, cable costs, and tighter signal
tolerances than VGA (especially at lower resolutions).  VGA only needs
5 conductors for a minimal implementation.  DVI may also have
mandatory and/or more complicated metadata signalling (vs VGA); that I
don't know about.  Plus, as you note, KVMs already had them; changing
creates a compatibility headache to no gain.

  USB vs PS/2: USB connector is flatter (important in pizza box form
factors), and cheaper, and more rugged.  USB is hot-swappable, which
means it's cheaper to build a switch -- you don't need to proxy the
mouse, the way you do with PS/2.  And you only need one channel from
the switch to the computer(s), since the protocol supports
multiplexing (hubs).

> FWIW, I still have a KVM that will do serial mice.

  I used to, too, but it was bigger than most of the servers it would
have been hooked up to.  ;-)

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: [OT-IGNORE] de-ComCastification test

2014-02-15 Thread Ben Scott
On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 12:21 PM, Michael ODonnell
> Subject: de-ComCastification test

  Do you get this reply?

  If so, your de-Comcastification didn't work completely.  I'm sending
from Comcast.


-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: What are you doing for home NAS?

2013-12-31 Thread Ben Scott
On Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 2:16 PM, Michael Bilow
> This allows the RAID manager (whether
> hardware or software) to handle the error appropriately, usually by
> computing what the sector should contain and writing it, thereby
> causing a reallocation of the failed sector from a reserve of
> spares.

  In my experience, the RAID managers I've dealt with (Linux, AMI/LSI,
QNAP, Intel, Adaptec) respond to that single bad block by failing the
member disk, and requiring a rebuild of the entire member.  :-p

  I haven't had any server disk failures for at least a few years
(knock on wood); maybe things have gotten better in that time.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: ARTICLE - Fixing UNIX/Linux filenames

2013-11-01 Thread Ben Scott
On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 9:15 PM, Joshua Judson Rosen
> ... perfectly useful on other operating systems but make Windows
> choke, like all of |\?*<":>+[]/$ and words like "nul", "aux", "com",
> "con", "prn"

  You can't put / in a Unix file name, either.

> Sounded like more than a fair trade to me

  I actually use spaces more than I use most of those (in file names).

  But, certainly, I don't recommend putting shell metacharacters (of
which space is one) in filenames.  I just don't think it should be
enforced by the filesystem layer.

> (seriously?
> I can't put all of my auxiliary files into a directory named "aux"?
> Not *anywhere* in the filesystem?).

  Yup, AUX: is the PS/2 mouse port, and the colon is optional after a
device name.  Another great design from MSFT.  :-p

> Then the "you can't have two files with the same name even
> if they're in different directories" thing really just... yow.

  I've never actually encountered that, in any version of Office or
Windows.  Or even any version of MS-DOS (other than 1.0 (which I've
never actually used, but it didn't have subdirectories)).  (Which is
not to say that some Microsoft product somewhere doesn't have that
problem.  Sounds like something they'd do.)

> So, what would have happened if I put a file named "clock$" into
> the repository somewhere that it would have been checked out
> by a Windows user?

  Hmmm, just tried, CLOCK$ doesn't seem to do anything anymore.  But
yah, back when it did, that prolly would have caused trouble.  I don't
think it would crash the system, but it might well scramble the
system's idea of the date and time.

> Or "lpt", even--if I put something like
> "this is what you get in trade for being able to use spaces
> in your filenames" into a file named "lpt1" or "prn", would it
> have printed on the Windows users' printers every time they
> did a "cvs up"?

  I think that might work, assuming they had a locally-attached
printer, or had redirected the port to a spool queue.


  Hyperlinks to file:///dev/urandom used to be a popular way to crash
Netscape.  I don't know if they've put in a check for that now.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: ARTICLE - Fixing UNIX/Linux filenames

2013-10-31 Thread Ben Scott
On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 5:12 PM, Tom Buskey  wrote:
> Each can inflict horrors on the other OSen (name a file prn: in Unix for
> your windows users)

  An old prank was to get an MS-DOS user to issue the command:


  Which has roughly the same effect as

   cat /dev/urandom

on Linux.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: ARTICLE - Fixing UNIX/Linux filenames

2013-10-31 Thread Ben Scott
On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 11:38 AM, Michael ODonnell
> You may find witches, ghosts and zombies at your door this
> evening but this discusses something even more horrible:

  This reminds me of sound on Linux.  The solution to so many
different standards on file names is ... another standard on file

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: I see GNU Make 4.0 is out

2013-10-11 Thread Ben Scott
On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 8:05 PM, David Rysdam  wrote:
> My question is, if the build system is now turing-complete, when can
> automake die?

  autoconf sucks because the world sucks and it's trying to fix that.

  (For values of "the world" equal to "POSIX portability".)

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: 911 calls from unsubscribed devices

2013-09-10 Thread Ben Scott
On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 1:02 PM, Michael ODonnell
> I assume that, ideally, a 911 operator would like to
> have a conversation with the caller to better assess the
> nature/urgency of the emergency, but I also assume that's not
> strictly necessary as long as location info is included in the
> transmission, as obtained either via GPS or tower-triangulation.

  That may be illegal.

  I don't know one way or the other, but there are rules against abuse
of 911, and deliberately attaching a terminal without voice capability
might qualify as abuse.

  I'm not even sure auto-dialers with recorded messages are legal.

  Might be fine, too.  I dunno.  I'd check, if I were you.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

[OT] Look for IT contractor

2013-08-29 Thread Ben Scott
  $DAYJOB is looking for a competent IT contractor firm from which we
can rent clue and bodies.  Predominantly Microsoft Windows (sigh),
although we use some Linux at the edge, and are usually open to FOSS
solutions.  Manufacturing company, ~125 employees, ~100 PCs.  Work to
be done on-site in Amesbury, MA.  Must be US citizens.  Contact me
off-list.  Referrals welcome.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Crowdfunding an Ubuntu smartphone (right now)

2013-08-04 Thread Ben Scott
On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 3:24 PM, Kenny Lussier  wrote:
> Sprint is a mix of both CDMA and PCS. In not sure what their Nextel phones
> are using these days.

  I think PCS is/was Sprint's brand name for a GSM-based offering,
which they've since discontinued.  They're now a strictly
IS-95/IS-2000 ("CDMA") and LTE operator.

  Nextel used iDEN, a Motorola technology that didn't work with
anything else.  After Sprint bought them, they eventually began
shutting down their iDEN network.  There are prolly some towers left,
but in this area, service started to become completely unreliable
around the end of 2012.  All their new PTT phones are IS-2000 and/or

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: MacOS/Samba not playing nice

2013-07-03 Thread Ben Scott
On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 9:39 AM, Mark Komarinski  wrote:
> I'd start with what Ben recommended and look at the 'force directory mode'
> setting on the server first.  Making changes there will be a lot easier than
> changing every OS X box, and changing it every time a new system shows up.

  Ah.  Good point.  I was thinking it would be "better" to configure
the client properly, but I'm used to a managed environment where IT
actually configures and administers the clients, too.  I had forgotten
that a lot of shops are basically a free-for-all on the client side.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: MacOS/Samba not playing nice

2013-07-02 Thread Ben Scott
On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 3:09 PM, Robert Pruyne  wrote:
> I have a Samba server running on it to serve files on our network.
> When our only Mac OS user logs in, and tries to make a new directory on
> the Samba server, it creates it with permissions of 0700, and the user is the
> owner, effectively disallowing any other user from using the directory.

  My guess is that Mac OS X, being a Unix-like OS under the covers,
supports the SMB extensions that allow it to specify Unix-style file
permissions.  Those are thus getting passed from the Mac OS X client
to the Samba server, and Samba dutifully sets the permissions it was

  Assuming that is correct, there are two approaches here: One is to
adjust the client to do what you want.  In theory, this is the more
"elegant" approach.  The other approach would be to configure Samba to
ignore whatever the client is telling it, and just set permissions
from the Samba config file.  That should work, but it's kind of
brutish, and if you ever want to apply other permissions, you'd need
to revisit.

  I don't know much of anything about Mac OS X, but this seems like it
might be applicable to adjust the client:

(found with: )

  To instead just clobber whatever other permissions might have
evolved and apply the same thing everywhere, use the "force create
mode" and "force directory mode" directives in your Samba config file.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Office base

2013-06-14 Thread Ben Scott
On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 10:51 AM, Jerry Feldman  wrote:
> There is a lady on the BLU list who is converting a client from MS
> Access to either LibreOffice base or OpenOffice base. Her issue is that
> the online documentation is either too basic or overly technical.

  Just like Microsoft Office, then!  ;-)

  (I have nothing productive to add to the conversation.  Sorry)

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Is this normal?

2013-06-14 Thread Ben Scott
On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 6:44 AM, James A. Kuzdrall  wrote:
> Question: How did Google get the link?  gnhlug is a public bulletin board,
> but doesn't Google promise not to search email content?

  Note also:

"Submission of information to this system implies permission to
publish, duplicate, and/or redistribute said information, in
accordance with the terms provided above."

> Question: Having gotten the link, what motivated them to follow it,
> especially to go beyond the index.html page referenced?

  Web search engines follow links to find other pages.  That's kind of
the whole point of the web.  Indeed, the very name "web" derives from
the interconnections forming a web.  :-)

> Question: Since the site was searched 2 days ago, why don't I get my site
> as a hit when its unique terms are entered into Google search?

  The crawler, the indexer, and the search are separate entities.  It
can take a while (days, even weeks) for updates to start appearing in
search results.

  From what I've seen, not all things (terms and/or pages) update at
the same rate.  I don't know if it's based on the perceived demand for
the page, or the search terms, or rate of change, or what.  But one
cannot generalize "X took Y amount of time" as typical.

  From what I've seen, the search is not perfect.  Sometimes I've had
a search for "X" not find a page, but then a search for "X and Y"
*does* find a page.

  Also note that Google uses clusters and per-user tuning, so what you
see as search results may not be what others see.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Mother of all xterms?

2013-05-27 Thread Ben Scott
On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 4:20 PM, John Abreau  wrote:
>>  But, as an FYI, I also found an interview with Mr. LaStrange, where
>> he does state that the "tab" in the later name change was due to the
>> title bars looking like tabs, and it was done as part of the
>> consortium transition.
> Indeed, that's precisely what I meant by "retcon". The fact that a lot of
> time has passed since the retcon event, or that it was done by a
> committee or a consortium, does not make it any less a retcon.

  It does make it harder to identify it as a retcon, though.  Food for thought.

  I'm told a lot of Christians think they invented Christmas, too.  ;-)

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Mother of all xterms?

2013-05-27 Thread Ben Scott
On Sun, May 26, 2013 at 10:43 AM, John Abreau  wrote:
> Personally, I don't care if some committee wants to retcon it. As far as I'm
> concerned, its proper name remains "Tom's Window Manager".

  Which is all well and good, if one happens to know it started that
way.  twm was already well-established under both names by the time I
met Unix, so I had no way of knowing.  :)

  But after all this I decided to go hunting.

  I found a copy of the original sources of the first Usenet release.
In twm.c, it is indeed identified as "Tom's Window Manager".  There is
no mention of "tab" in relation to the program.  (There is no man
page.)  So there's some hard evidence, plain as day.

  But, as an FYI, I also found an interview with Mr. LaStrange, where
he does state that the "tab" in the later name change was due to the
title bars looking like tabs, and it was done as part of the
consortium transition.  "The shaped titlebars made the windows look
like file folders with tabs so [the name] was changed to 'Tab Window
Manager.'  The reasoning was that it was now a Consortium effort and
no single developer should get credit over another."

  "And now you know... the rest of the story."

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Mother of all xterms?

2013-05-25 Thread Ben Scott
On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 8:52 PM, Bill Freeman  wrote:
>> [1] twm, confusingly, does not do tabbed windows.  ;-)
> IIRC the "t" stands for "Tom's", not "Tabbed"

  It depends on who you ask.  It can stand "Tom's" or "Tab".  I've
seen man pages for either and both.  My Debian box uses "Tab" in

  I've seen a claim that "Tab" was introduced by the X Consortium
because they found "Tom's" unprofessional, but I can't verify that.

  I don't know, but I'd speculate that the titular "tab" refers to
what is today called a "title bar", which was an innovation when twm
was introduced.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Mother of all xterms?

2013-05-25 Thread Ben Scott
On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 12:06 PM, Ken D'Ambrosio  wrote:
> Hey, all -- I've gotten quite used to gnome-terminal and konsole, and
> they both work, but I admit I have a little bit of iterm2 (for the Mac)
> envy -- e.g., being able to search back through the log to a specific
> timestamp.  Handy, that.  So, my question, really, is "is there a really
> cool terminal program out there with lots of bells and whistles?"  It'd
> be fun to kick the tires on something new.

  Under the Unix philosophy, you want xterm(1), script(1), and a
window manager that does tabbed windows.[1]  :-)

-- Ben

[1] twm, confusingly, does not do tabbed windows.  ;-)
gnhlug-discuss mailing list


2013-04-29 Thread Ben Scott
On Sat, Apr 27, 2013 at 1:36 PM, Ben Scott  wrote:
>   FYI, running "badblocks -w" on a 3 terabyte hard disk takes a long time.

  For those of you keeping score at home, the final tally was 68
hours, 21 minutes.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

SpinRite (was: FYI)

2013-04-28 Thread Ben Scott
On Sun, Apr 28, 2013 at 12:27 AM, Bill Ricker  wrote:
> If the disk is failing, perhaps what it needs in SpinRight to recover the
> iffy blocks. Not Free, not Open, but good stuff and not expensive.

  Oh boy.  This is going to get into religious territory.

  I am of the opinion that while SpinRite is not a total scam, it's
highly overrated, mostly obsolete, and all of it's useful
functionality is now available in free programs elsewhere.  SpinRite
*may* have had some relevance back in the days of MFM, when hard
drives were powered by steam and people still thought MS-DOS was a
good idea, but it's not worth paying for these days.  And some of the
claims made by the author are bunk and always have been.

  SpinRite will read every block on the disk, to make sure they still
can be read.  This is useful.  But even CHKDSK/SCANDISK will do that,
and have since DOS 6, circa 1993.

  SpinRite will read-and-rewrite blocks.  There are scenarios where
this may be a plausible benefit, such as allowing the drive's built-in
relocation mechanism to relocate a marginal sector.  But "badblocks
-n" will do the same thing, for free.

  SpinRite will read blocks over and over again.  If a read fails, it
will keep trying until it succeeds, which is useful on a failing but
not dead drive.  But dd_rhelp will do the same thing, for free.

  To read a bad block, SpinRite will try tricks like seeking to
adjacent cylinders/heads/sectors and back again, in various
directions.  This was plausible for ancient drives, but everything
made in the past 20 years or so has abstracted the real disk geometry
away from the host, even when presenting "CHS".  So these tricks are
meaningless on anything that isn't old enough to run for congress.

  And, of course, SpinRite is from Steve Gibson, who always talks like
an infomercial host.  Billy Mays could have taken lessons from Gibson.

  Gibson claims SpinRite "interfaces directly to the hard disk
system's hardware", which somehow gives it magical abilities.
Everything I've seen suggests this is an outright lie.  SpinRite
flat-out won't work if the drive isn't presented using BIOS interrupt

  He claims things like "hardware register level awareness of IDE and
SCSI drives".  SCSI drives *don't have hardware registers*.  The SCSI
spec is quite abstract and hides all that stuff. Further, you don't
talk to a SCSI drive, you talk to a host adapter.  You literally
*cannot* talk directly to the drive.

  You can, however, request additional sense data and mode pages,
which provide a wealth of useful information about the drive.  In the
DOS environment under which SpinRite runes, this is done through the
ASPI interrupt calls.  It's a useful capability, and I expect it's
what SpinRite does, but it isn't the Amazing Scientific
Breakthrough!!!1! Gibson claims it is.  He just Read The Fscking
Manual and learned how to use ASPI.

  I do think SpinRite did things other software wasn't doing, at the
time and place it was introduced in.  Even something as simple as
pattern testing wasn't common in the dark ages of DOS.  (Other
platforms had it, but the IBM-PC was the ghetto of the computer
world.)  I acknowledge that.  It was valuable at the time, and even
today, I suppose a nicely-presented, integrated package might still
have value.

  But that doesn't mean Gibson's bullshit doesn't stink.

> (And it makes possible the Security Now! podcast.)

  Regardless of the efficacy of SpinRite, Steve Gibson is in way over
his head when it comes to security.  His habit of being uninformed and
making stuff up has burned him more then once.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list


2013-04-28 Thread Ben Scott
On Sat, Apr 27, 2013 at 4:32 PM, Jim McGinness  wrote:
> Tell me about it. I've been running a "ddrescue" for over a month now trying 
> to recover what can
> be recovered from a failing 1TB disk. It averages under 200KB/s when it's not 
> getting stuck
> because the disk is failing. Perhaps I'm doing this wrong

  Try dd_rhelp.  It will recover as much data as it can from "good"
blocks before it starts focusing on the bad blocks.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list


2013-04-27 Thread Ben Scott
  FYI, running "badblocks -w" on a 3 terabyte hard disk takes a long time.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Talk topics

2013-04-27 Thread Ben Scott
On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 1:33 PM, kenta  wrote:
> Personally I'd be interested in SIP as I have little to no exposure to
> it ...

  +1 on the above.

  I can (in theory) give talks on: DNS and BIND; Samba; Sendmail;
IPTables/netfilter/policy routing; Squid HTTP proxy/cache; OpenVPN.  I
need *lots* of advanced notice for planning purposes, so it can't be
"hey, can you speak next week".  :)

  On the shell scripting note, I know lots of stuff, not sure if I
could give a talk, maybe.  But another option is "Shell Tips and
Tricks" where everybody just comes to share those things they know
about the shell that are handy.  Basically a "Nifties Night" with a
shell focus.

  ("Nifties" is an idea stolen from Bill McGonigle, basically a bunch
of quick talks by whoever shows up, on whatever topic they think is

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Symbolic linking confusion

2013-04-15 Thread Ben Scott
On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 9:59 PM, Bruce Labitt
> I'm running Ubuntu 12.10 and
> installed the nvidia-cuda-toolkit package.

  Side note: Make sure you install any related -dev or -devel packages, too.

> $ sudo ln -s  ?  or the other way around ?

  I don't know if that's the right thing to do here or not, but ln(1)
works just like the cp(1) command:

 ln existing_file new_link

  new_link ends up pointing at existing_file.

  (Technically existing_file doesn't need to exist already for a symlink.)

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: [GNHLUG] MerriLUG: April 2nd 2013 - Bitcoin

2013-04-06 Thread Ben Scott
On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 5:27 PM, David Rysdam  wrote:
>>   Peer-to-peer is two guys meeting on a street corner and saying "Hey,
>> wanna buy some Bitcoins?"  :)
> What if 100 guys meet on a street corner?

  Umm... then there's more of them?  :)  It doesn't inherently affect
the peer-to-peer nature, if that's what you're asking.

> And what if that street corner is then blocked, "DoS'd" if you will,
> by a rival gang? Isn't that exactly what happened here?

  I guess so... I get the feeling this analogy has gotten out-of-control.  :)

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: [GNHLUG] MerriLUG: April 2nd 2013 - Bitcoin

2013-04-04 Thread Ben Scott
On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 1:31 PM, Peter Petrakis  wrote:
>>   I thought one of the big things about Bitcoin is that there is no
>> "they", it's all peer-to-peer.  Yes/no?
> stock exchanges are also peer to peer in a sense ...

  No, they are not.  They are centralized clearing houses.  They're
also subject to regulatory oversight.  Those are not peers.  A peer,
by definition, is the same as the others.  :)

  Peer-to-peer is two guys meeting on a street corner and saying "Hey,
wanna buy some Bitcoins?"  :)

> It's classic market manipulation and it doesn't appear
> that I can go to the SEC for relief.

  That would be my understanding.The crypto-anarchists[1] wanted a
currency that was immune to government control.  The SEC is part of
the government.  Seems pretty straight-forward to me.  :)

-- Ben

[1] I do not use "anarchist" as a pejorative, but I do imply consequences.  :)
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: [GNHLUG] MerriLUG: April 2nd 2013 - Bitcoin

2013-04-04 Thread Ben Scott
On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 10:42 AM, Peter Petrakis
> If you can buy puts against this then it's easy money. Why don't they
> suspend trading during a DoS or an institute an uptick rule?

  I thought one of the big things about Bitcoin is that there is no
"they", it's all peer-to-peer.  Yes/no?

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: new member - introductions

2013-04-03 Thread Ben Scott
On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 11:27 AM, Greg Rundlett (freephile)
> I have a more complicated memory system that includes Google, mediawiki,
> drupal and various hard drives :-)

  "I haven't lost my mind -- it's backed up on tape somewhere!"
(traditional, Fidonet)

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: new member - introductions

2013-04-03 Thread Ben Scott

  There's a group doing a meatspace meeting (meating?) in Nashua every
month.  Announcements usually get posted here, although I don't think
they've discovered the web site yet.  :)  There's also regular
meatings in Manchester, both Linux and the Python SIG.  Prolly other
groups.  Hopefully people less busy than me can fill in what I forgot.

On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 10:08 AM, Peter Petrakis
> Hello,
> My name is Peter Petrakis, I'm local in Nashua, NH, and have been active
> in opensource since 1999; instead of buying my first car, I built an LX164
> Alpha instead :). I was the president of the UMASSLUG in Amherst, MA for
> a while and I'm the custodian of (yes it could use facelift,
> volunteers?).
> These days I work as a SWE for Canonical.
> Technical interests include:
> - storage
> - performance
> - architecture
> - cloud
> blog:
> aka "I use google to remember things for me"
> I get busy sometimes but I will eventually reply to your email :)
> Regards,
> Peter
> ___
> gnhlug-discuss mailing list
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: [GNHLUG] MerriLUG: April 2nd 2013 - Bitcoin

2013-04-02 Thread Ben Scott
On Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 4:08 PM, kenta  wrote:
> MerriLUG is having a meeting on Bitcoin this Tuesday!

  I happened to be around a TV showing CNBC (one of the financial news
channels) today.  Bitcoin was making headlines.  Apparently the total
value of the Bitcoin money supply has exceeded one billion dollars.

  Wish I could make the meeting.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Printer recommendations

2013-03-08 Thread Ben Scott
On Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 10:56 AM, Tom Buskey  wrote:
> I recently (November) got a Konica-Minolta 1690mf for somewhere around $200
> on a deal (!) from Adorama

  We have one of those at work.  A VIP demanded color, print, scan,
copy.  I demanded laser (I won't buy a desktop inkjet ever again if I
can help it).

  The user interface is horrid.  As in, you have to press random keys
at random times to invoke important functions.  The manual isn't much
better, and is useful mainly for discovering what to press when.
Changing print cartridges is slooow and clunky.

  But it does seem to work and be reasonably reliable.  For $200, it's
a good buy.

  Haven't tried that one with Linux or on the network.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Listing FOSS projects on LinkedIn?

2013-02-22 Thread Ben Scott
On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 7:43 PM, Joshua Judson Rosen
> So, I use LinkedIn. And my resume and professional portolio is the FOSS
> projects that I've worked on ... The question is: how do I tell that
> to LinkedIn?

  Have you tried asking them?  :)  In theory, that should be the most
effective way to not only answer your questions, but communicate a
deficiency to them.

-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

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