Re: [go-nuts] Draining http response bodies

2021-10-08 Thread David Riley
On Oct 7, 2021, at 3:36 AM, Amnon  wrote:
> Is it necessary for a http client to fully read the http response body?
> Opinion on the Go forums seems divided 
> But a simple benchmark
> suggests that leaving unread data in the response body will prevent 
> the connection being reused, and much slower performance.
> The documentation states:
> "The client must close the response body when finished with it:"
> The following example does include a call to io.ReadAll(resp.Body) 
> but it does not spell out whether there would be a performance penalty
> for failing to read the entire body.
> It would be good if the standard library documentation was a bit more 
> explicit here.

I suspect a lot of this actually comes down to operating system level handling 
of TCP sockets, which is something that it would be hard for the docs to 
address other than maybe offering a warning that your OS *might* not release 
the port for reuse if the body isn't fully drained.

I could be wrong, though, there's half a chance it's really a GC thing instead. 
 I'd have to look at the source to be sure.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Re: Makefiles for Go Programs

2021-08-23 Thread David Riley
On Aug 23, 2021, at 12:48, Roland Müller  wrote:
> What are the alternatives to Makefile that are used by Go developers? Please 
> comment :-)

Well, there’s mage, which aims to more or less replace the functionality of 
Make for Go. I’m not really sold on *needing* a replacement for Make, and if 
you’re doing CI builds, it still adds an external dependency, but it is an 
interesting project:

> I know Make from old C/C++ times. Therefore, my picture is that it is not 
> very portable and requires for quite many operations the usage of external 
> tools that again differ between the platforms. Basically Makefiles are 
> somehow enhanced shell scripts (Linux/Unix) or batch files (Windows).

Makefiles are quite portable, at least assuming you’re using GNU Make (which is 
at least available nearly everywhere). It may not be the most ideal option with 
Windows, but nearly everywhere else it’s pretty solid.

If you have problems with external tools behaving differently across platforms 
(the behavior of “which” on Solaris vs. Linux or BSD being a particular 
sticking point I’ve run across in scripts), I would argue that there’s not much 
out there that’s going to solve that problem.

> Currently, at work I deal a lot with Maven, that is a bit too Java -oriented 
> in spite of being capable in principle to build and compile other things too. 
> Another, issue is the XML syntax that's makes editing without tool support 
> very hard.

Most of the newer build tools like Maven, Gradle and Bazel seem to be more 
oriented towards either IDEs or large-scale projects. Make scales quite nicely 
to small, and moderately well to large. Recursive builds tend to be a problem, 
but fortunately with Go, you don’t tend to need those.

I would say Go tooling goes along rather well with Make if you’re following the 
semi-canonical repo structure, because you can tell Go to just build a list of 
executables from the ./cmd directory and the build tool takes care of caching, 
figuring out dependencies, etc. Not much in the way of portability issues there.

> Gradle would be another candidate. I am just began to explore it. It's a bit 
> like Maven with human syntax, but lacks again on lifecycle support that I 
> like with Maven.

I feel like Gradle is another very Java-oriented tool, and as a consequence 
seems to have inherited the very Byzantine nature of nearly every other Java 
ecosystem tool. I haven’t tried to use it for non-Java stuff, but I wouldn’t, 
personally. Not least because in a CI environment, I tend to try to stick to 
things either native to the language I’m using (so, the native Go build tools, 
*maybe* mage), or things present or easily installed in the host Docker image 
(both Bourne shell and Make fit this bill nicely).

The other benefit here is that in the projects I work on for work, not everyone 
wants to use Make (some folks have a pathological aversion to it), but it’s 
easy for us to make sure that Make is only ever a convenience method for things 
that can otherwise be easily done from the command-line (e.g. “go test ./…”). 
Make then becomes a) a convenience for running basic things (e.g. make test, 
make cover, make docker-test-race, that sort of thing) and b) a method for 
making sure our developers are running the same commands locally that the CI 
process does (don’t underestimate the importance of that for avoiding 
difficult-to-diagnose problems).

It’s also nothing you can’t do with plain shell scripts, but you’ll find 
yourself reinventing a lot of things that Make does for you quite nicely out of 
the box, like default parameters, list handling, target dependencies, etc.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Makefiles for Go Programs

2021-08-23 Thread David Riley
On Aug 22, 2021, at 23:11,  wrote:
> I've noticed that few, if any, Go programs use Makefiles. Is that because the 
> overhead of using make is greater than the overhead of just always compiling 
> and linking everything?
> One piece of evidence for this is that the Go compiler leaves no artifacts, 
> like object files, so as is make wouldn't fit into the current build method.

I use Makefiles in our own internal projects because it allows me to establish 
a lot of good tooling around them, especially for repos which build a lot of 
binaries, Dockerize them, etc. It’s quite useful, despite the lack of 
intermediate files which Make tends to rely on to determine whether to rebuild 
things. Among other things, Make deals a lot better with lists of files and the 
concept of prerequisite steps than e.g. Bourne shell, and the Make package is 
actually considerably smaller than Bash in most tiny distros like Alpine, which 
is a consideration for Dockerfiles.

Unfortunately, to make Make worth the effort in Go projects, you need to 
understand it, otherwise you’ll just wind up with a lot of independent targets 
with a lot of repetitive code. Many developers these days (especially newer 
ones) have never been exposed to Make other than just running it and aren’t 
aware of what it can do, and so tend not to understand why you might not use it 
instead of e.g. Bash (they also tend not to understand why it might not be a 
good idea to use Bashisms instead of vanilla Bourne shell, but that’s a 
conversation for another time).

Basically, Make can make your Go projects a lot more intuitive to build, 
especially when it comes to things like default flags and consistency with CI, 
but you do have to put some effort into it, and you have to get people over the 
“Make is hard” mindset or they will “fix” your project by getting rid of it, 

FWIW, our default “make test” target generally just does “go test -race ./…”, 
with some optional coverage arguments spliced in when you “make cover”. “make 
cover-report” is where Make starts to shine; there’s a file prerequisite rule 
defined for the coverage file as well as for the HTML coverage report, and 
“make cover-report” just says to build the report file and Make’s dependency 
resolution magically takes care of the rest. It’s actually a pretty good basic 
demonstration of capabilities that used to be considered standard knowledge.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Why isn't go more popular?

2021-08-06 Thread David Riley
On Aug 5, 2021, at 10:27 PM, Ian Lance Taylor  wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 5, 2021 at 7:20 PM Santi Ferra
>  wrote:
>> When you see the ranking of the most liked programming languages, go is near 
>> c++, a really "hated app". But since is efficient and produces really clean 
>> code, why no wants like it ?
> What rankings are you looking at?

Seconded.  I would question those rankings, at least for code that's used for 
forward-looking purposes; in my experience, Go is rapidly replacing Java and in 
a number of cases Python for backend applications, and it has a lot of 
first-party support for things like API clients, telemetry, etc. that comes 
before those languages in many cases as well.

I feel like most people who dislike Go generally haven't used it. Having used 
it quite a bit, there are things I don't like a lot about it, but they're 
things that I feel like I can easily overlook given all the things it improves 
for me.  Those are the things people who haven't really given it much use tend 
to seize on, in my experience (e.g. "Go doesn't have generics", "Go doesn't 
really have a good way to make an iterator", etc.).

Rankings aren't generally very useful because they try to turn a massive vector 
quantity into a scalar for everyone's purposes, when in reality different 
people put different weights on things.  It's much more likely that you're 
seeing the effects of "which language is most used", and Go is a lot younger 
than most of the other languages in those rankings.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Go and GPUs

2021-06-25 Thread David Riley
On Jun 25, 2021, at 10:23 PM, Robert Engels  wrote:
> There is also a LOT of support for Java and CUDA/OpenCL. You can essentially 
> reimplement them Java portion in Go. There are multiple open source projects 
> in this area. 
> Might be a lot easier than starting from scratch. 

Yes, CGo is going to be similar to JNI in this context.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Go and GPUs

2021-06-25 Thread David Riley
On Jun 25, 2021, at 1:32 PM, Robert Engels  wrote:
> Why not develop a Go <> CUDA binding using CGo?

This (ditto for OpenCL, Vulkan, etc) is more likely the path you'll have to go 
down.  Generally all of these interfaces rely on pretty massive libraries from 
NVIDIA, AMD, Intel, etc. which are only going to have a C ABI because basically 
every other language on the planet uses the C ABI (with exceptions for 
interpreted languages like Java or Pythons, which contain adaptations like JNI 
to the C ABI, whose purpose is fulfilled by CGo here).

You're not going to get a non-CGo interface to any mainstream GPU programming 
interface unless you happen to have enough money to convince Intel, AMD and 
NVIDIA to go to the trouble of writing them, at which point you will also be 
involving massive industry committees. You don't want that.

CGo is an acceptable tradeoff here, IMO, because the overhead of bus 
transactions to the GPU is likely to be much worse than any overhead CGo adds 
unless you're doing something terribly wrong. You want large, infrequent 
transactions that you can queue up, otherwise you'll eat up all your time 
waiting for transactions anyway.

Consider that plenty of high performance GPU computation is done using plain 
Python interfaced to CUDA. The interface to the library isn't what matters, 
it's what you do with it.

These interfaces already exist in various states of maintenance, FWIW: (last updated a year or so ago) (last updated about half a year ago)

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Golang language specification Document: Composite Literals example is not understandable

2021-06-22 Thread David Riley
On Jun 22, 2021, at 12:42, Axel Wagner  wrote:
> Oh and also:
>> Likewise, I think this only works for array literals; I don’t think (though 
>> again have not tried it) that you can declare slice literals with only 
>> selected members initialized.
> Works fine too: :)

Yeah, I re-read the doc and realized my assumption was erroneous shortly after 
I sent the last one… this is why I put the disclaimer on things I have not 
tried yet. :-)

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Golang language specification Document: Composite Literals example is not understandable

2021-06-22 Thread David Riley
On Jun 22, 2021, at 11:39, Vaibhav Maurya  wrote:
> Hi,
> Please help me to understand the following syntax mentioned in the Golang 
> language specification document.
> following is the search string for CTRL + F
> // vowels[ch] is true if ch is a vowel \
> Following declaration and initialization is confusing.
> vowels := [128]bool{'a': true, 'e': true, 'i': true, 'o': true, 'u': true, 
> 'y': true}
> Here one can see the vowels is an array. Where in the array initialization 
> syntax, there is a key value pair. I believe bool is the primitive type, so 
> the array values should be either true or false.
> Why there are key value pair separated by colon in the initialization.

In this case, it is because the single quotes create a literal rune, which 
ultimately is an integer; this is creating an array 128 wide of bools, of which 
only the values indexed by those character values are initialized (everything 
else is the zero value, or false).

This example only works for characters in the 7-bit ASCII subset of UTF-8; if 
you were to put other characters in which had rune values greater than 127, 
this would break (I assume with a runtime rather than a compiler error, but I 
haven’t tried it). Likewise, I think this only works for array literals; I 
don’t think (though again have not tried it) that you can declare slice 
literals with only selected members initialized.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Go: pointer bit stealing technique

2021-05-06 Thread David Riley
On May 6, 2021, at 7:16 AM, Vitaly Isaev  wrote:
> There is no similar type in C/C++/Go stdlib, but at least in C++ it's 
> possible to model it using bit stealing approach (see C++ example). On x86_64 
> arch only 48 bits of 64 bits are actually used, so one can store arbitrary 
> data in the remaining 16 bits, and work with the whole pointer and the data 
> atomically.

I would strongly recommend that you not do this, because this has a nasty way 
of breaking a LOT of things in the future.  The original Macintosh system 
software and ROMs used this "clever" technique almost exactly, because the 
68000 only had a 24-bit address bus.  When the 68020 came out and people wanted 
to use more than 16 MB of address space, it created BIG problems which took 
many years to resolve (and many things were not completely resolved until Apple 
moved to the PowerPC).

History is littered with examples of why you should not do naughty things with 
"unused" pointer bits (see also ARM's Thumb instruction set, which used the 
unused LSB of the instruction counter to signify Thumb mode, causing headaches 
for compiler, debugger and disassembler writers to this day).

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Go Create

2021-02-03 Thread David Riley
On Jan 12, 2021, at 5:40 AM, Kevin Chadwick  wrote:
> On 1/12/21 9:43 AM, Axel Wagner wrote:
>> git init
>> go mod init 
>> I guess you *could* safe the `git init` part, but is that really worth the 
>> added
>> complexity?
> I usually init git from within vscode afterwards. I wonder if doing it pre 
> would
> save me any trouble.
> AFAICT go mod init works great, if you use remote git.
> If you work locally then you have to manually edit the .mod files. For me 
> with a
> replace directive to bring in general libraries. That is the likely scenario 
> of
> a new user. I have noticed that GoPATH is more prominent again in the docs.

Truthfully, "git init" isn't required at all if you're not going to share.  You 
can name your module whatever you want in go.mod and as long as you're 
consistent with it elsewhere in your local project, it works fine.

I understand the need for the domain as part of the module namespacing, but it 
does make a certain assumption that all of these things are going to be on 
resolvable domains, which isn't true for everyone.  This is particularly a 
hassle when building with additional local resources so that you can test new 
library changes without having to do a full push to a remote git server, update 
go.sum, etc.  And I've still got a bit of a bee in my bonnet about the lack of 
workable relative imports, but I'm not interested in relitigating that right 

What I wonder might be useful is if go.[mod,sum] were able to pick up 
additional local overrides (e.g. a go.mod.local file to do the replace 
directives to point to local variants, with go.sum.local taking the 
corresponding changes so they don't wind up in go.sum).  We've run into this 
problem quite a bit at work where people point at their local workspaces and 
then accidentally commit the modified go.mod (often when they've made an actual 
change to go.mod that needs to be committed and they forget to temporarily 
remove it).  That way, go.mod.local would be easy enough to add to .gitignore, 
.dockerignore, etc. so that it doesn't escape into the wild.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Advice, please

2021-01-17 Thread David Riley
This particular problem is akin to the way GPUs work; in GPU computing, you 
generally marshal all your inputs into one buffer and have the outputs from a 
single kernel written to an output buffer (obviously there can be more on 
either side).  The execution overhead of a single invocation is large, so 
batching things up to run massively in parallel in one run is essential.

On a CPU, you'll also get benefits from this sort of arrangement due to things 
such as data locality (for caching purposes) and reduced IPC overhead.

Barriers can be reasonably simple to implement, depending on your use case 
(this may not describe yours); thinking about an event-driven simulator such as 
a VHDL/Verilog simulator, pushing your new events keyed by their scheduled time 
into a priority queue (generally a heap, so O(log(n)) time per insertion) and 
popping them (pre-execution) into your batch per time slice until you've 
reached the end of a given time slice (assuming events cannot push back into 
their own timeslice, which is usually bad behavior anyway) will let you 
simulate one "clock" at a time without having to worry about the actual clock, 
and will also let you simulate things like propagation delay without having to 
do weird special-casing for that sort of thing.

In any case, this approach doesn't require barriers so much as just managing 
work batches.  And, using this approach, if you ever do decide to do 
computation on something like OpenCL, you'll be lined up to process it that way.

- Dave

> On Jan 17, 2021, at 10:11 AM, Pete Wilson  wrote:
> The problem is that N or so channel communications twice per simulated clock 
> seems to take much longer than the time spent doing useful work.
> go isn’t designed for this sort of work, so it’s not a complaint to note it’s 
> not as good as I’d like it to be.  But the other problem is that processors 
> are still architected as if most code is sequential and synchronisations (and 
> communications) are extremely rare and so no problem if they’re as slow as 
> molasses (which atomic operations are)
> Your description is basically what I’m trying to do, except that I’m using 
> local storage rather than the array elements. It’s not clear that exchanging 
> array pointers is any quicker than having a 2-phase loop; the problem is 
> still the barriers.
> P
>> On Jan 16, 2021, at 11:14 PM, Bakul Shah  wrote:
>> You may be better off maintaining two state *arrays*: one that has the 
>> current values as input and one for writing the computed outputs. At 
>> "negtive" clock edge you swap the arrays. Since the input array is never 
>> modified during the half clock cycle when you compute, you can divide it up 
>> in N concurrent computations, provided a given output cell is written by 
>> just one thread. So theen the synchronization point is when all the threads 
>> are done with they computing. That is when you swap I/O state arrays, 
>> advance the clock and unblock all the threads to compute again. You can do 
>> this with N+1 channels. The tricky part may be in partitioning the 
>> computation in more or less equal N parts.
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Re: [go-nuts] Advice, please

2021-01-14 Thread David Riley
On Jan 13, 2021, at 7:21 PM, Peter Wilson  wrote:
> So, after a long ramble, given that I am happy to waste CPU time in busy 
> waits (rather than have the overhead of scheduling blocked goroutines), what 
> is the recommendation for the signalling mechanism when all is done in go and 
> everything's a goroutine, not a thread?

This is similar to something I'm working on for logic simulation, and I'd been 
thinking about the clocked simulation as well.  I'll be interested in your 
results; since I'm also considering remote computation (and GPU computation, 
which might as well be remote) I'm currently going with the idea of futures 
driven by either channels or sync.Cond.  That may not be as efficient for your 
use case.

> My guess is that creating specialist blocking 'barriers' using sync/atomic 
> (atomic.Operation seems to be around 4nsec on my Mac Mini) is the highest 
> performance mechanism. There's a dearth of performance information on channel 
> communication, waitgroup, mutex etc use, but those I have seen seem to 
> suggest that sending/receiving on a channel might be over the order of 
> 100nsec; since in C we iterate twice through the list in 30-40nsec, this is a 
> tad high (yes, fixeable by modeling a bigger system, but)

My advice would be to implement the easiest method possible that's not likely 
to box you in and profile it and see where your bottlenecks are.  In my case, 
so far, the delays introduced by IPC mechanisms (and also allocations) is 
absolutely dwarfed by just the "business logic" crunching the logical 
primitives.  So far it's not worth trying to improve the IPC on the order of 
nanoseconds (would be a nice problem to have) because the work done in each 
"chunk" is big enough that it's not worth worrying about.

This also leads me to the next part, which is that if you have lots of little 
operations and you're worried about the time spent on IPC for each little 
thing, you'll probably get the easiest and best performance gains by trying to 
batch them so that you can burn through lots of similar operations at once 
before trying to send a slice over a channel or something.

As always, do a POC implementation and then profile it. That's the only 
productive way to optimize things at this scale, and Go has EXCELLENT profiling 
capabilities built in.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Generics - please provide real life problems

2021-01-01 Thread David Riley
On Dec 31, 2020, at 11:54 AM, 'Axel Wagner' via golang-nuts 
> On Thu, Dec 31, 2020 at 5:46 PM robert engels  wrote:
> I’ll state for the record again, I was originally very dismayed that Go did 
> not offer generics - after developing with it for a while that is far less of 
> an issue to me than the error handling.
> Just to illustrate that the plural of "anecdote" isn't "data": I was 
> originally very vehemently opposed to generics in Go, but after using Go for 
> a bunch of years, I've been missing them often enough that I think they 
> provide a net-benefit (despite my criticism of this specific design).
> Generics just isn't a "if you use Go long enough you learn they are not 
> important" thing.

This is more or less my position on it as well.  From time to time, I find 
myself thinking "I could do this easier and more elegantly in C++", which is 
never a great place to be.  The lack of generics mostly causes me to create 
repeated, identical code for things that are almost the same (e.g. bitfield 
code for uint32 and uint64 variants) which is invariably more error prone and 
just isn't great.

I've been programming in C and C++ for about 25 years, which is not nearly as 
long as some people here, but it's enough to say that I understand the 
tradeoffs involved with preprocessor macros and templating.  C++ is not 
generally worth using without the STL, and Java usability was honestly greatly 
improved with the addition of generics (until this year, I hadn't done any 
serious Java work since before they were added, and I find myself liking it a 
lot better; recall that before generics, Java used an interface{}-like or void 
*-like approach with Object, which was not very fun).

I'm not going to waste any more time with the increasingly hostile folks who 
are denying the existence of real-world use cases in the face of real-world use 
cases, but I will gladly discuss the ways in which a generics scheme will make 
my real-world problems a lot smaller.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Generics - please provide real life problems

2020-12-30 Thread David Riley
This topic has shown little other than that a few people here are unwilling to 
consider points of view other than their own and declare that very real 
problems are not real.

You should listen to people who have been doing this much longer than you have 
before discarding all their points as "bullshit", and you should probably 
review the community code of conduct.

If you've got nothing constructive to contribute, why bother?

- Dave

> On Dec 30, 2020, at 3:53 PM, Space A.  wrote:
> "runtime type-casting"
> "type safety something"
> "boilerplate"
> "amount of code"
> "benefit something"
> "greatly simplified" (for whom?)
> This topic has clearly shown that most people pro-generic have no *real 
> world* problems that they struggle to solve, yet most of them don't even 
> understand what *real world* problems are.

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Re: [go-nuts] Generics - please provide real life problems

2020-12-24 Thread David Riley
Indeed. I'm working on a boolean logic package that has a number of different 
bitfield oriented backends, all of which will have a lot of very needlessly 
repetitive code without generics. If generics weren't coming "soon" I'd 
consider writing a generator to build it, but generics are the much more 
elegant solution. This is absolutely a real-world problem that I am having, 
right now, in the real world.

- Dave

> On Dec 24, 2020, at 5:20 AM, 'Dan Kortschak' via golang-nuts 
>  wrote:
> I agree.
> A lot of Gonum code would be greatly simplified with the availability
> of generics, particularly the linear algebra part. The graph packages
> would be richer and we could do more things with tensor-like
> operations.

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Re: [go-nuts] Golang slow performance inside for loop MySQL Queries

2020-10-21 Thread David Riley
On Oct 21, 2020, at 6:41 AM, Bill  wrote:
> Hello, 
> I created the sql to fetch all info in one call instead of multiple calls per 
> each row.
> One thing I noticed about golang is that when I ping my Remote DB from 
> localhost (running in vscode) I get ping -> 1.573826274s. So I think this is 
> the reason that all my calls to db are delayed.
> Have you any idea what can be the issue? Maybe a clean install of Golang in 
> MacOSX could fix this issue? If I test the code in server (upload the binary) 
> the response time is normal (200ms - 300ms).
> My Code to ping: 
> begin := time.Now()
> err := Config.DB.Ping()
> log.Printf("Ping in %s (%v)", time.Since(begin), err)

So Ping() just gets a response from the server, but it's not really defined how 
simple an operation that is.  If you have a high latency connection (e.g. 
international distances, slow/lossy connection, etc) to your database, it might 
only take a few round trips to reach over a second.  Honestly, 200 ms sounds 
excessively long for an on-server response if it's just going to localhost, 
though I suppose it depends on how loaded the database is.

In any case, if a simple database ping is taking a second and a half, it's 
reasonable to assume that a number of transactions which depend on each other 
could easily amount to 10s.  This is where joins are handy, because the 
database is actually generally really good at shuffling all that data around on 
its own before sending it back to you in one lump.  A good join (especially if 
you've done your indexing right) will improve both your latency and your code 
complexity immensely.  It sounds like you may have already done that, in which 
case I assume you've seen some improvement.

As to why it takes so long in the first place: where are you located relative 
to where the database server is located?  What's the response time from a 
regular command-line database ping?  If you're, say, on the other side of the 
world, it's going to take a while for each round trip, and there's not much way 
around that other than trying to keep things somewhat closer together where 
possible (and also reduce or parallelize the round trips where possible).  
There are fundamental limitations in re: the speed of light when it comes to 
latency, no matter what your bandwidth.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Golang slow performance inside for loop MySQL Queries

2020-10-21 Thread David Riley
On Oct 20, 2020, at 1:18 PM, Marcin Romaszewicz  wrote:
> Go's database layer is generally pretty quick, I use it a lot, but your code 
> immediately sets off my DB alarms, because you are doing queries within the 
> body of another query loop, which means you're opening up lots of 
> connections, which could be slow.
> I'd reorganize as followd.
> - Cache the results of your first query into an array, it's only 6 results.
> - Create two prepared statements, one for each query inside the loop.
> - Loop over your array of 6 results, and execute each prepared statement 
> instead of parsing the query each time.

I would also add that this seems like an excellent candidate for a join, not 
multiple queries, though I admit to not having looked *terribly* closely at the 
query structure.  That should cut down on overhead and complexity a lot.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] gccgo problem compiling go from source

2020-10-20 Thread David Riley
On Oct 20, 2020, at 2:38 AM, wrote:
> After looking at the list of supported platforms on
> and looking at the golang-nuts and golang-dev mailing list archives, I
> can't see the ppc e500 as a supported hardware platform for the go
> compiler (available on or  .)
> Getting a compiler to support a new platform or porting a compiler to
> a new platform are usually non-trivial processes.
> At this stage you'll probably want to use the gccgo compiler if that's 
> working.
> (Also you'll maybe find this useful:
> )

Yes, the biggest thing you'll run into is that support for 32-bit (and, IIRC, 
big-endian) PowerPC is long gone from the Go compiler.  Someone else on the 
golang-dev list was working on a port to a different embedded-ish 32-bit PPC 
implementation (440, if memory serves, but it often doesn't).  You might want 
to check there to see if you can collaborate.  There is also this tracking 
issue, which you may find instructive:

Of note to non-PPC people: the eXXX cores are generally similar to older 
commercial PowerPCs (i.e. the e300 was a derivative of the 603e, the e500 is 
somewhat similar to the 750/G3, but is more advanced).  Support for specific 
cores is not quite as important as support for the overall ISA unless you are 
building an operating system, where they can differ greatly on the low-level 

Personally, I'd love to see 32-bit PPC support reinstated because I have a few 
boards I'd love to use with Net/OpenBSD and Go, but I don't have the time right 
now and it's not of commercial interest to me, so I can't get funding for it.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] [ generics] Moving forward with the generics design draft

2020-08-21 Thread David Riley
On Aug 21, 2020, at 00:56, Ian Lance Taylor  wrote:
> No, the intent is that you would switch on the type parameter itself,
> not a value.
> func g[T C](v T) T {
>  switch T {
>// the rest is the same
>  }
> }
> Thanks for asking.

Oh, this clarifies my remaining murkiness about the type switches quite nicely. 

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] [ generics] Moving forward with the generics design draft

2020-08-20 Thread David Riley
On Aug 20, 2020, at 20:27, Ian Lance Taylor  wrote:
> 1.
> We’re going to settle on square brackets for the generics syntax.
> We’re going to drop the “type” keyword before type parameters, as
> using square brackets is sufficient to distinguish the type parameter
> list from the ordinary parameter list.  To avoid the ambiguity with
> array declarations, we will require that all type parameters provide a
> constraint.  This has the advantage of giving type parameter lists the
> exact same syntax as ordinary parameter lists (other than using square
> brackets).  To simplify the common case of a type parameter that has
> no constraints, we will introduce a new predeclared identifier “any”
> as an alias for “interface{}”.
> The result is declarations that look like this:
> type Vector[T any] []T
> func Print[T any](s []T) { … }
> func Index[T comparable](s []T, e T) { … }
> We feel that the cost of the new predeclared identifier “any” is
> outweighed by the simplification achieved by making all parameter
> lists syntactically the same: as each regular parameter always has a
> type, each type parameter always has a constraint (its meta-type).
> Changing “[type T]” to “[T any]” seems about equally readable and
> saves one character.  We’ll be able to streamline a lot of existing
> code in the standard library and elsewhere by replacing “interface{}”
> with “any”.

Resounding “yes” from me. I like this a lot. Good choice.

The rest also sounds good (I think; I may be misunderstanding some of the bits 
about type switches but I think it sounds good), but #1 in particular should 
hopefully end the bikeshedding because it seems a good all-around compromise to 

- DavE

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Re: [go-nuts] Port to powerpc 440fpu

2020-08-10 Thread David Riley
On Aug 10, 2020, at 4:59 AM, Hugo Cornelis  wrote:
> Hi,
> Bottom line: Docker works reliably on powerpc 440fpu 32 bit using gccgo as 
> the compiler.  We will likely soon start working on powerpc e6500 in 32bit 
> mode.
> After a fix in the structures used by the epoll system calls, the problem 
> disappeared.  I assume the problem was a starvation similar to
> We had to correct the used system call numbers for the fstat system call 
> family, for sendfile, fadvise, ftruncate, truncate and fcntl.
> We also had to fix the alignment of some of the structures used by these 
> functions and for the EpollEvent structure (ie. the generator did not always 
> generate correct structures).  The fix for EpollEvent also fixed the I/O 
> starvation problem.
> It remains unclear why the generator did not generate correct structures.  We 
> updated the post processor mkpost.go to fix the structures (alignment + 
> member names), but did not look further into the underlying problem.

Glad to see updates!  I hope there's a chance to mainline this, I would welcome 
running Go in 32-bit PPC on my Net/OpenBSD machines that run on that platform.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] First git commit for Go was in 1972? 🤯

2020-08-05 Thread David Riley
> On Aug 5, 2020, at 5:16 AM, Amarjeet Anand  
> wrote:
> How come the first git commit for Go was in 1972?
> Anybody want to share the story behind the first 4 commits of Go project by  
> Brian Kernighan?

I had not noticed these, but they are brilliant.  Note the history in the 
commit logs as well (which look like somewhat like SCCS delta messages to me).

A small glossary, and you can piece the rest together yourself:

ken = Ken Thompson, co-originator of Unix and Go
dmr = Dennis Ritchie (RIP), co-originator of Unix and C

Go has a distinct lineage from the Bell Labs folks that gave us C and Unix and 
Plan9, so these are a lovely homage to Go's ancestors.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Generic symbol metaproposal

2020-07-24 Thread David Riley
On Jul 24, 2020, at 5:50 PM, Ian Lance Taylor  wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 2:22 PM  wrote:
> >
> > On 7/23/20, Michael Jones  wrote:
> > ...
> > > Another delight is the uppercase signal for external.
> > >
> > > Maybe the “how to signal it” aspect of type instantiation could look to
> > > these approaches as well—make the automatic understanding so magical that
> > > the complete specification is unnecessary in most all cases, or the
> > > signaling so intrinsic to the variables that no identification Symbol or
> > > BracketedPair is necessary.
> >
> > Maybe braille?
> > ⠓⠑⠇⠇⠕⠺⠕⠗⠇⠙
> >
> >
> > ⠊⠞ ⠊⠎ ⠑⠁⠎⠽
> I've always felt that color is underused in modern programming languages.
> func Max(T)(s []T) T

Perhaps there could be some cross-pollination with ColorForth, wherein color 
actually is semantically meaningful.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Generics and parentheses

2020-07-22 Thread David Riley
On Jul 22, 2020, at 8:02 PM, Russ Cox  wrote:
> So it sounds like everyone is in favor of the entire generics proposal and 
> all the semantics, and all we have left to hammer out is the bracket 
> characters? Do I have that right?

We haven't covered what the bike shed roof is going to be made from, but other 
than that, assuming things like type switches are planned to be solved in the 
end, I'm happy with it.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Generics and parentheses

2020-07-22 Thread David Riley
On Jul 15, 2020, at 4:59 PM, Ian Lance Taylor  wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 15, 2020 at 5:44 AM Jan Mercl <> wrote:
>> My 2c - Alternative type parameters syntax (ab)using @$:
> Thanks for the detailed writeup.  I'm a bit concerned about name
> scoping.  Also about the fact that constraints can apparently show up
> anywhere; is that always going to work?  And I don't think that
> Vector@$T is going to be all that intuitive for anybody to read.

Well, it should make the VMS programmers happier.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Generics and parentheses

2020-07-15 Thread David Riley
On Jul 15, 2020, at 2:48 PM, Ian Lance Taylor  wrote:
> More seriously, though, let's look closely at Robert's example:
> a, b = w < x, y > (z)

TBH, I think a big argument in favor of square brackets over angle brackets is 
that they ascend above the center line in most typefaces, which makes them much 
more visually distinct from the shorter operators and many lowercase letters.  
This is similar to parens and curly braces while still being visually distinct 
from both.

As something that is essentially a metaparameter which is similar to, but 
distinct in function to the arguments in parens, there's a lot of good 
consistency going on there that I personally find easier to visually scan 
without syntax highlighting than I do angle brackets.  But that could be just 
me, and it does depend on typeface, so take it with whatever grains of salt you 
need to.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Generics and parentheses

2020-07-15 Thread David Riley
On Jul 15, 2020, at 4:47 AM, Nick Craig-Wood  wrote:
> In my mind the use of [ ]  clashes horribly with the array declaration 
> syntax. When I see [int] in particular my brain says, ah array declaration of 
> size int, what, no wait...

On the other hand, this is already how maps are declared (e.g. map[int]string). 
It's fairly consistent with that, actually.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Re: Generics and parentheses

2020-07-15 Thread David Riley
On Jul 15, 2020, at 12:13 AM, Ian Lance Taylor  wrote:
> The disadvantage of guillemets is that they are hard to type on many
> keyboards.  So to me either square brackets or angle brackets would be
> better than guillemets.

Not to mention that, while Go *is* officially in UTF-8, the chance of an output 
device or editor mis-formatting something that isn't 7-bit ASCII is still 
reasonably significant even in 2020, and that has much graver consequences for 
delimiters than for, say, identifiers or string contents.  I'm curious about 
how screen readers react as well; I know we have one or two folks on this list 
who could probably offer some perspective there.

> The disadvantage of a two character sequence such as <: :> is that it
> is more typing.  So again either square brackets or angle brackets
> seem to me to be better.
> An example of a reason that square brackets might be a poor choice
> would be ambiguous parsing, or cases where the code is harder to read.
> It's true that some other languages use angle brackets, but Go already
> does many things differently.  That is only a minor advantage for
> angle brackets.  To me at least it does not outweigh the
> disadvantages.

I think square brackets do the job of visually disambiguating the syntax from 
the other uses of parentheses on the same lines well enough, and it sounds like 
with the "type" keyword they do the job well enough for the parser as well.  
Personally, I have no horse in the race for square vs. angle brackets (other 
than I think it would be foolish to do something technically infeasible or 
problematic just because it subjectively looks nicer), but then, I also like 
Objective-C's visual styling, so YMMV.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Generics and parentheses

2020-07-14 Thread David Riley
On Jul 14, 2020, at 5:54 PM, 'Robert Griesemer' via golang-nuts 
> But if we are comfortable with the extra type keyword, the ambiguity 
> disappears:
>   type A[type N] E
> (When we originally dismissed square brackets, the type keyword was not yet 
> on the table.)
> Furthermore, the ambiguities that arise with parentheses appear not to arise 
> with square brackets. Here are some examples where extra parentheses are not 
> needed with square brackets:
>   using () using []
>   func f((T(int))  func f(T[int])
>   struct{ (T(int)) }   struct{ T[int] }
>   interface{ (T(int)) }interface{ T[int] }
>   [](T(int)){} []T[int]{}

Just my $0.02: I really like this.  Thank you for responding to feedback, and I 
look forward to trying the new syntax out!

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Golang telnet package

2020-07-12 Thread David Riley
On Jul 12, 2020, at 10:17 AM, Harris Newman  wrote:
> I'm writing a telnet server and have found several packages which provide 
> telnet functionality, but can't find any telnet support in the standard 
> library or other packages in the site. 
> Is there a golang supported telnet package that allows writing of telnet 
> clients/servers?  If so, can you point me to it?

I'd assume it's unlikely to ever be in the standard library for the same reason 
FTP clients/servers are unlikely to be there: telnet and FTP are both wildly 
insecure and largely obsolete in the commercial world, so there's relatively 
little reason for the standard library maintainers to spend the effort 
maintaining them given the overall utility to the Go community.

That said, there are lots of valid reasons to write Go telnet and FTP clients 
(speaking as a vintage computer enthusiast who frequently makes use of both 
protocols as well as Gopher, AppleTalk, DECnet and other things that will never 
live in the stdlib). They're just not the kind of really broad use case that 
would warrant inclusion in the standard library. But they're an excellent 
candidate for a popular third-party implementation if you or someone else wants 
to maintain that.

In general, as far as I can see, the standard library tends to be constrained 

- Things that are useful/needed for Go itself (e.g. text processing that the 
compiler uses)
- Selected very popular use cases (e.g. there is a built-in JSON 
encoder/decoder and HTTP server, but not YAML, Protobuf or gRPC, though the 
latter two are maintained separately by Google)
- A handful of esoteric tools proven useful (e.g. expvar)

Other than that, the rich array of available third-party modules is your friend.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] building go 1.14.4 on CentOS 7 multiple test failures

2020-07-10 Thread David Riley
On Jul 10, 2020, at 3:02 PM, Alastair Neil  wrote:
> It's an old but not an especially slow machine: dual 8 core E5-2670 Xeon  
> with 64 GB Ram.
> I wil try 

I've successfully built on an older and slower (pre-Nehalem) 8-core Xeon with a 
similar RAM load just last week, so it's probably not that.

Is something amiss with your system's timer setup?  The tick tests seem wrong, 
but precisely near 100ms boundaries.  It almost looks like you have 10 Hz 
scheduler ticks and it's not seeing the granularity it should (and maybe 
getting scheduled later than expected).

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Re: Speed up png.Decode

2020-06-27 Thread David Riley
On Jun 27, 2020, at 8:30 AM, Robert Engels  wrote:
> Just because the bulk of the time is in the decode doesn’t mean the decode is 
> inefficient or can be improved upon. It might be the most expensive stage in 
> the process regardless of the implementation. 

This is I think the most important point; image decoding is an expensive 
operation, and it makes sense that the bulk of your time decoding is spent on 
it.  The question is how it stacks up to other decoders; if you're able to 
write a quick C proof-of-concept to test how fast libpng does it (or libspng) 
and run the same benchmarks, you'll get your answer there.

Depending on how regular your images are (size-wise, especially), you may be 
able to get some additional mileage out of pooling your receiving buffers and 
reusing them after your operations are complete. There doesn't appear to be a 
handle for that in the current image/png library like there is for encoding, 
though; you'd have to do some surgery on decoder.readImagePass to do something 
like that.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Slices and inconsistency

2020-06-26 Thread David Riley
On Jun 26, 2020, at 2:59 PM, Ian Lance Taylor  wrote:
> I honestly don't think that append is an example of worse-is-better.
> I think it's an example of preferring to pass and return values rather
> than pointers.  The language could easily have made append take a
> pointer to a slice as its first argument, which would eliminate a
> certain class of bugs.  But it would also mean that you couldn't
> create a slice by simply appending to nil, as in s :=
> append([]int(nil), 1, 2, 3).  You would instead have to declare the
> variable first.

I should clarify that I don't consider it a dig; I think it's a practical 
solution to the problem even if it has its warts, because it is both performant 
and flexible.  Other languages choose either in-place operations (e.g. Java) or 
copies (e.g. Erlang), but you can do a lot more with what's offered in Go.  It 
just takes some getting used to.

> While append does confuse people from time to time, I think it's
> clearly documented, as pointed out upthread.  It's not really all that
> hard to understand.  And once you understand it, it's easy to use.

The "once you understand it" part is really the issue here, because it's not 
immediately obvious if you're not reading the manual.

> I don't think any particular approach is obviously better here, so I
> don't think this is an example of worse-is-better.

The canonical example in Worse Is Better is Unix's solution to the problem 
where you get an interrupt in the middle of a syscall; Unix just said "hey, 
this failed, do it again" instead of going to great lengths to try to resume 
the operation, which was the pragmatic choice even if it led to a somewhat 
quirky interface.

"Worse Is Better" is often characterized more by quirkiness rather than 
outright badness, and Richard Gabriel (LISP purist that he was) was pretty 
upfront about being cheekily hyperbolic about the properties that Unix and C 
had that made them perhaps occasionally inelegant but ultimately more effective 
and survivable.  I think a lot of aspects of Go embody that particular spirit, 
again for good reason considering its progenitors.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Slices and inconsistency

2020-06-26 Thread David Riley

> On Jun 26, 2020, at 2:52 PM, Tyler Compton  wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 26, 2020 at 10:52 AM David Riley  wrote:
>> Also, to this specific point: this exact approach, as with much of Go, 
>> embodies the Bell Labs approach to design (for better or for worse, and with 
>> good reason).  Sometimes we have to live with the artifacts of evolution.
> One interesting counterexample here is the GC and scheduler, which take on a 
> huge amount of complexity in the implementation to create a dead-simple 
> interface. It seems like Go is willing to take a worse-is-better approach 
> when the amount of interface complexity is relatively small.

Agreed, and this is a good point! Similar for even early Unix and the memory 
allocator.  Some things you have to make a simple interface for or no one will 
use them.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Slices and inconsistency

2020-06-26 Thread David Riley
On Jun 26, 2020, at 1:41 PM, Robert Engels  wrote:
> My opinion is that if RTFM is required more than once for a core concept 
> there may be a design problem. It clearly bites a lot of people. Slices are a 
> higher level struct, as the underlying array is the same as Java, but Java 
> doesn’t suffer these knowledge gaps. I’m guessing because it’s higher but not 
> high enough. Done for performance while forsaking some safety and clarity.

Also, to this specific point: this exact approach, as with much of Go, embodies 
the Bell Labs approach to design (for better or for worse, and with good 
reason).  Sometimes we have to live with the artifacts of evolution.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Slices and inconsistency

2020-06-26 Thread David Riley
On Jun 26, 2020, at 1:41 PM, Robert Engels  wrote:
> I don’t think “how it works” is the confusion, more of “how to use it 
> properly”
> My opinion is that if RTFM is required more than once for a core concept 
> there may be a design problem. It clearly bites a lot of people. Slices are a 
> higher level struct, as the underlying array is the same as Java, but Java 
> doesn’t suffer these knowledge gaps. I’m guessing because it’s higher but not 
> high enough. Done for performance while forsaking some safety and clarity.  

Frankly, I think the problem is with append().  I understand why it's 
structured the way it is, and yes, I agree the documentation is fairly clear 
about how it works *if you read it*, but we need to be honest with ourselves 
about how people read the documentation (or don't).  The problem with append() 
is that it returns a value, and if you only learn by example or quickly skim 
through the docs (as Howard pointed out), it's not going to be immediately 
apparently that it's not necessarily a new slice or array.

I don't say this because I think append() should be modified to be an in-place 
operator (that would be impractical and break a lot of things that rely on 
current behavior) but it shouldn't be mysterious to us that people coming from 
every language that has a variable-length vector think of it incorrectly 
because that's how the vast majority of them treat an append operation (either 
as an in-place or as a copy, and we've kind of split the difference).

I wish I had a more constructive answer to this, because I guess you can't make 
other people's tutorials call this out, and using the return value as a 
different slice is a valid thing to do even if it is inadvisable without doing 
more elaborate checking on the capacity, etc, so it's kind of hard to put in a 

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Slices and inconsistency

2020-06-26 Thread David Riley
> On Jun 26, 2020, at 9:28 AM, Robert Engels  wrote:
>> On Jun 26, 2020, at 8:23 AM, David Riley  wrote:
>> You are correct, the programmer needs to read the manual. Slices are 
>> "windows" into their underlying array, therefore assigning data into slices 
>> tied to a given array changes the data in other arrays as well.  The 
>> append() function merely extends the slice by n and assigns into those 
>> elements, returning the new slice header (the old one can remain unchanged, 
>> but they will both be slices of the same array).
>> Ian pointed to the canonical documentation on this: 
>> Additionally, the language spec has this: 
>> I do agree that it would be nicer if this were flagged a little more loudly, 
>> since the semantics of the append() builtin can lead the early developer to 
>> believe they are making a copy of the slice in question, but they aren't.
> That is not quite true. Once is it extended beyond the current capacity you 
> will have a new backing array and the slices will diverge.

Agreed, but the problem here is that unless you are checking the capacity 
beforehand, you cannot count on that behavior.  The general point is that if 
you want a modified copy of an array/slice, you need to be explicit about it or 
you will run into unpredictable and unpleasant to debug problems, but that is 
not immediately apparent given the superficial semantics of the append() 
builtin unless you understand slices at a deeper level.

As in all things, the proper fix is to RTFM, but I think TFM could afford to be 
a *tiny* bit more explicit about this because it's surprisingly easy to miss.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Slices and inconsistency

2020-06-26 Thread David Riley
On Jun 25, 2020, at 8:49 PM, wrote:
> Essentially based on the existing capacity, the assignment of one slice 
> effects other slices. These are stemming from the underlying pointer 
> arithmetic and seems inconsistent. Looks like programmer needs to know the 
> history of capacity before understanding the ramifications of slice 
> assignments.

You are correct, the programmer needs to read the manual. Slices are "windows" 
into their underlying array, therefore assigning data into slices tied to a 
given array changes the data in other arrays as well.  The append() function 
merely extends the slice by n and assigns into those elements, returning the 
new slice header (the old one can remain unchanged, but they will both be 
slices of the same array).

Ian pointed to the canonical documentation on this:

Additionally, the language spec has this:

I do agree that it would be nicer if this were flagged a little more loudly, 
since the semantics of the append() builtin can lead the early developer to 
believe they are making a copy of the slice in question, but they aren't.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Generics: More on parens

2020-06-18 Thread David Riley
On Jun 18, 2020, at 6:19 PM, Jon Conradt  wrote:
> Ian, I like the direction being taken on Generics, and I am thankful the Go 
> Team did not rush into an implementation.
> I'm not a huge fan of another set of ()'s and I agree with not wanting the 
> overhead of overloading <>. That got me thinking that we are in the 21st 
> century. We all use editors which are comfortable with Unicode. Why not take 
> advantage of characters beyond 7-bit ASCII?

The biggest reason, IMO: those are difficult to type on a keyboard.  What 
you're proposing here will be nearly impossible to type on any editor that 
doesn't have specialized support, which is a lot of them.  The keystrokes you 
propose (shift-opt-0/9) are Mac specific, since no one else has an Option key, 
and on my Terminal (on OS X) they result in the characters "·" and "‚" 
respectively, so I can't use them in vi.

The second-biggest reason is that they aren't guaranteed to display right 
everywhere (especially on screen readers, and I know we have a number of 
visually-impaired folks on this list for whom this is vitally important).  With 
apologies to those who can't view images, here is how this looks on my mail 
client in both proportional font (as received) and monospaced (as typed):

This will cause problems.  The authors of the proposal explicitly said they 
couldn't bring themselves to use something that's not ASCII, and I think that's 
still a valid decision.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] [generics] replace ()/(type ) with :[]

2020-06-18 Thread David Riley
On Jun 18, 2020, at 12:30 PM, 'Thomas Bushnell, BSG' via golang-nuts 
> On Thu, Jun 18, 2020 at 9:46 AM Kiswono Prayogo  wrote:
> Personally () parentheses seems like to be harder to read, too similar with 
> function calls.
> This is exactly why I like it. These are parameters, and should be thought of 
> just like other parameters in a function call.

This is precisely why I don't like it, because they are *metaparameters*. 
Having a variable length set of options where the length determines what the 
FIRST options are is actually really confusing, particularly because we already 
have an optional set of parentheses for the return types.

I understand that folks familiar with Lisp/Scheme might be comfortable with it, 
but I'm very comfortable with both of those and I find this a bit maddening.  
Could be just me.

I really do like the idea of separate characters for metaparameters on 
functions; another option would be Python/Java style decorators on the function 
(e.g. @type(A)), though I think in practice that might be a bit unpleasant (I 
really wish there were a better way to do the decorator pattern in Go, though). 
 I'm somewhat surprised that the parser developers find the variable-length 
list of parenthetical clauses *easier* to deal with; it seems like a good way 
to introduce ambiguity in the parsing.  That may be part of why the parser 
currently breaks when returning closures.  But then, I'm not the one writing 
the parser, so I'm running on a lot of assumptions.

I'm all for giving this time to settle and see how it plays out, of course.  
One thing I've learned is that it's generally a fool's errand to optimize for 
my use cases, at least if anyone else is going to like it.  But consider this 
my vote for alternate delimiters.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] [generics] Closure?

2020-06-18 Thread David Riley
I think this probably gets a little closer to what you were going for, but 
there's a puzzling error that leads me to think the parser doesn't quite 
understand the instantiation in the return type:

type Foo(type T) struct {}

type FooFunc(type T) func() Foo(T)

func bar(type T)() FooFunc(T) {
return func() Foo(T) {
return Foo(T){}

Looks like someone else just posted that naming the return value is a 
workaround for this parser issue:

type Foo(type T) struct {}

type FooFunc(type T) func() Foo(T)

func bar(type T)() FooFunc(T) {
return func() (_ Foo(T)) {
return Foo(T){}

> On Jun 18, 2020, at 2:17 PM, wrote:
> Hello,
> I didn't find in the latest draft design any mention of generics with closure 
> and I'm struggling in having something working:
> type Foo(type T) struct {}
> func bar(type T)() Foo(T) {
>return func() Foo(T) {
>   return Foo(T){}
> }
> In this example, how can I create a closure that would return a Foo(T)?
> Here is the playground:
> Cheers
> -- 
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Re: [go-nuts] Awkwardness around built in containers and user containers

2020-06-17 Thread David Riley
On Jun 17, 2020, at 8:45 PM, Ian Lance Taylor  wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 9:35 AM  wrote:
>> How do I write a function that can take any container? Either a built in 
>> container or a user defined structure? Java is awkward when deciding to 
>> accept arrays or the List type — is go fated to repeat this awkwardness?
> It is as you fear: Go does not have a unified syntax for looping over
> either builtin containers or user containers.  In Go this rarely comes
> up due to the absence of generics.

I might object to the use of "rarely" here: there's no convenient construct in 
Go to iterate over any non-fixed container but a channel, and while you can 
make an iterator/generator out of a channel, it is awkward and fraught with 
peril because of some of the peculiarities around hanging channels.  This comes 
up rather a lot for me, actually.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Re: political fundraising on!

2020-06-16 Thread David Riley
On Tuesday, June 16, 2020 at 11:52:10 AM UTC-4, K Richard Pixley wrote:
> There is agreement on the code of conduct.  There is not agreement on the 
> banner.  IMO, the banner is out of line with the goals of this group and 
> with the code of conduct.  It's inappropriate.  It needs to be removed.
> You're welcome to submit a CL and have the community vote on it. I look 
forward to voting on your submission.

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Re: [go-nuts] It is said that future Macs will use ARM, is golang ready for this move ?

2020-06-10 Thread David Riley
Not quite. When they switched to PowerPC, that was the case; the initial one 
was a table-driven instruction translator in ROM originally written for the 
M88k, which had been the original target before Motorola canned it, but it was 
apparently a relatively simple thing to change the translations to PowerPC 
instructions (only took a weekend according to legend, but, well, legends).  It 
eventually evolved into something much more sophisticated and performant.

The transition from PowerPC to Intel ended the Classic VM environment that ran 
Mac OS 9, which included the old 68k translator in the ROM file.  On a PowerPC 
Mac running OS X 10.4 (including G5s, which are 64-bit!), you can run 68k apps 
from the dark ages just fine (as long as they didn't use undocumented 
interfaces, etc).  I've been doing exactly this recently while porting a very 
old Mac game to modern systems.

Anyway, no Classic support on Intel, thus no 68k either (and PowerPC only for 
OS X apps).  The PowerPC emulation for Intel (Apple called it "Rosetta") was a 
licensed third-party product that used JIT-style compilation, but it really 
only worked for userland programs; it didn't support drivers and it presumably 
wasn't close enough to the real deal to support the Classic environment, so 
they dropped it in all Intel versions of Mac OS (10.5 dropped it for PowerPC as 
well for reasons I don't quite understand, since that was the last PowerPC 

Anyway, given that the PowerPC translation on Intel only lasted through 10.6, 
and Apple just dropped 32-bit Intel support in 10.15, I would expect backwards 
compatibility support for Intel apps (if they're even planning it) to drop 
within 2-3 revisions of macOS after the transition.  Just putting that out 

> On Jun 10, 2020, at 8:47 PM, Robert Engels  wrote:
> When Macs first switched to Intel the OS included a Motorola 68k emulator so 
> that existing Mac binaries would run. 

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Re: [go-nuts] It is said that future Macs will use ARM, is golang ready for this move ?

2020-06-10 Thread David Riley
On Jun 10, 2020, at 3:23 PM, David Riley  wrote:
> Also worth noting that IBM i (f/k/a System i and AS/400) traditionally stores 
> its executables as an IR form to be compiled to native code (currently PPC) 
> on execution, though my recollection is that this is a one-time process, not 
> a JIT process like Java or WASM.

Well. Actually, currently POWER, as long as I'm being pedantic. :-)

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] It is said that future Macs will use ARM, is golang ready for this move ?

2020-06-10 Thread David Riley
On Jun 10, 2020, at 5:50 AM, Jesper Louis Andersen 
> 2. Dynamic binary translation from machine-code to machine-code has been used 
> in the past for these architectural changes. While this carries a penalty, it 
> also provides a short-term solution. The added efficiency of recompiles for 
> the new machine code target encourages people to install newer versions in 
> the case. The history is old and long here. M68K to PowerPC, PowerPC to x86, 
> x86 to DEC Alpha, VAX to Alpha RISC, and even more. Apple have been involved 
> in at least two such models in the past, so I wouldn't count this out as a 
> strategy.

This is certainly pedantry, but it's worth noting that the VAX to Alpha 
translation in VMS wasn't dynamic recompilation, but static.  There are almost 
certainly similar examples; I'm not familiar enough with NT history to remember 
if there was a similar translator for the Alpha version, but given that Dave 
Cutler was at the helm of that transition (though not the VAX->Alpha transition 
at DEC), I wouldn't be surprised.

Also worth noting that IBM i (f/k/a System i and AS/400) traditionally stores 
its executables as an IR form to be compiled to native code (currently PPC) on 
execution, though my recollection is that this is a one-time process, not a JIT 
process like Java or WASM.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] High Performance REST API Framework.

2020-05-09 Thread David Riley
I like Echo ( a lot. Nice and modular, more capable than Gin 
with about the same performance, and I think it meets all of your criteria 
(except having never used Spring Boot before, I don't know how it compares).

- Dave

> On May 9, 2020, at 12:39 AM, Sai Matam  wrote:
> What would be a high performance web framework? I am looking for:-
>   • Reactive (non-blocking)
>   • Enough HTTP compatibility to implement a REST API
>   • Would be great if it feels like Spring Boot or Swagger
>   • Well maintained.
>   • Should be able to scale to tens of thousands of connections
>   • WebSocket support would be nice.
>   • idiomatic or stylized.
> Thank you.

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Re: [go-nuts] Re: go run requires internet connection?

2020-04-09 Thread David Riley
I feel like it's 10.15 where Apple really started doubling down on their 
"notarization" service? I haven't updated anything to it because it breaks (by 
design) a number of things I regularly use, so it would be hard to say, but 
that has to be frustrating for developers who can't be constantly online.

- Dave

> On Apr 9, 2020, at 7:54 AM, Michael Jones  wrote:
> Unable to reproduce the issue on MacOS Mojave 10.14.6, though I tried with 
> gusto.
> On Thu, Apr 9, 2020 at 4:32 AM Tanmay Das  wrote:
> Thanks, everyone for your valuable comments. I think Brain is right. It might 
> be an OS-related issue. I really like how active this group is. I look 
> forward to coming back with more topics in the future. Stay Home. Stay Safe.

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Re: [go-nuts] Re: Using modules with private repos

2020-04-01 Thread David Riley
This is actually a fairly neat solution!  I might look at using that from here 
on out.

How well does it work if something else (also with access to your private 
repository) tries to include your module?

- Dave

> On Apr 1, 2020, at 11:47 AM, Dave Mazzoni  wrote:
> With all the examples out there and a little experimentation, I found the 
> solution I needed. Here's the tree from the 'top' directory:

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Re: [go-nuts] Go course

2020-03-26 Thread David Riley
And since I'm a fan of lifelong learning, I have to admit to not having known 
that println() was a builtin until this post. Thanks! That does un-complicate 
it somewhat.

> On Mar 26, 2020, at 10:34 AM, Sebastien Binet  wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 26, 2020 at 3:29 PM David Riley  wrote:
> [...]
> But:
> - You still need to import something just to print a line, and it is 
> confusingly (to the novice) named "fmt"
> - You still need to declare a function called main(), and most brand-new 
> programmers don't understand functions yet, so this becomes a "wave the dead 
> chicken at it just right" thing
> - Semicolons are still there under the surface, but they're inserted by the 
> lexer, and when they get inserted can be really mysterious and trip a lot of 
> people up
> In contrast, in Python (3, in this case), it is:
> print("Hello, world!")
> to be fair, in Go, "hello world" can be reduced to:
> package main
> func main() {
> println("hello world")
> }
> that's usually how I start my Go-based lecture.
> (and then, 2-3 lectures/hands-on sessions after that, I do introduce 'import 
> "foo"')
> -s

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Re: [go-nuts] Go course

2020-03-26 Thread David Riley
, I would say that it is much 
> more complicated than Go.
> It has a large and growing number of expressive features which add to the 
> cognitive load of those attempting
> to get up to speed on the language. When you learn Go, you don't need to 
> understand dict comprehensions,
> decorators, metaclasses, asyncio etc. Compare the breathtaking simplicity of 
> launching a Go routine
> with the convoluted mess of python threading.
> The lack of strong static typing and a separate compilation phase means that 
> errors which in Go would 
> cause a compilation error result in run-time exceptions, when a particular 
> code path gets executed.
> Python also has the "feature" that changes in invisible whitespace characters 
> change the programme semantics.
> I never really understood the rationale for the feature.
> The Go 1 compatibility promise is also helpful. This means that course 
> materials or online code examples written 
> 8 years ago will still work today. The python community broke most existing 
> code when they moved from Python 2 to Python 3.
> (A decade on this transition is still ongoing).
> On Wednesday, 25 March 2020 23:04:58 UTC, David Riley wrote:
> It’s just my opinion, and I’m willing to be wrong. :-) 
> But having TAed a university introductory computer science course that was 
> first in C and then in Python (and having had several students who failed 
> when it was in C retake in Python and pass with flying colors), I will say 
> that a lot of the elements that tripped beginners up in C which were absent 
> in Python are present in Go. 
> Most of those (e.g. separate compilation, static typing, a few other bits of 
> arcana) are features that make Go a much more effective systems language than 
> Python, but I do feel like it’s probably best to “take the bumpers off” AFTER 
> the student knows about loops, variables, functions, etc. 
> Again, it’s only my point of view, and I do have some biases, but they do 
> have some basis. 
> - Dave 
> > On Mar 25, 2020, at 17:08, Dan Kortschak  wrote: 
> > 
> > I don't agree that Go is intrinsically harder than python as a beginner 
> > programming language. There are things that are subtle, but these can 
> > largely be avoided in the beginner setting. 
> > 
> > Note that there have been discussions here about using Go as a language 
> > for teaching beginners, notably this one 
> > 
> > 
> > Dan 
> > 
> >> On Wed, 2020-03-25 at 13:34 -0400, David Riley wrote: 
> >> If you are already a programmer in another language, the Tour of Go 
> >> ( is absolutely the best. 
> >> 
> >> If you are not already a programmer in another language, I personally 
> >> don't recommend Go as a first language; it's an excellent language, 
> >> but I feel that people will do better with it once they already grasp 
> >> the fundamentals of programming and are ready for something with 
> >> slightly more arcana.  Python makes a pretty good first language. 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> - Dave 
> >> 
> >> 
> >>> On Mar 25, 2020, at 6:07 AM, Renato Marcandier < 
> >>>> wrote: 
> >>> 
> >>> Hello guys, 
> >>> 
> >>> What's the best course to start with Go? 
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> Regards 
> >>> RG 
> >>> 
> >>> -- 
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> >>>
> >>>  
> >>> . 
> >> 
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> >> Groups "golang-nuts" group. 
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> >> send an email to 
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> >>
> >>  
> >> . 
> > 
> > 
> -- 
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Re: [go-nuts] Go course

2020-03-25 Thread David Riley
It’s just my opinion, and I’m willing to be wrong. :-)

But having TAed a university introductory computer science course that was 
first in C and then in Python (and having had several students who failed when 
it was in C retake in Python and pass with flying colors), I will say that a 
lot of the elements that tripped beginners up in C which were absent in Python 
are present in Go.

Most of those (e.g. separate compilation, static typing, a few other bits of 
arcana) are features that make Go a much more effective systems language than 
Python, but I do feel like it’s probably best to “take the bumpers off” AFTER 
the student knows about loops, variables, functions, etc.

Again, it’s only my point of view, and I do have some biases, but they do have 
some basis.

- Dave

> On Mar 25, 2020, at 17:08, Dan Kortschak  wrote:
> I don't agree that Go is intrinsically harder than python as a beginner
> programming language. There are things that are subtle, but these can
> largely be avoided in the beginner setting.
> Note that there have been discussions here about using Go as a language
> for teaching beginners, notably this one 
> Dan
>> On Wed, 2020-03-25 at 13:34 -0400, David Riley wrote:
>> If you are already a programmer in another language, the Tour of Go
>> ( is absolutely the best.
>> If you are not already a programmer in another language, I personally
>> don't recommend Go as a first language; it's an excellent language,
>> but I feel that people will do better with it once they already grasp
>> the fundamentals of programming and are ready for something with
>> slightly more arcana.  Python makes a pretty good first language.
>> - Dave
>>> On Mar 25, 2020, at 6:07 AM, Renato Marcandier <
>>>> wrote:
>>> Hello guys,
>>> What's the best course to start with Go?
>>> Regards
>>> RG
>>> --
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>>> Groups "golang-nuts" group.
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>>> .
>> --
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>> .

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Re: [go-nuts] Go course

2020-03-25 Thread David Riley
If you are already a programmer in another language, the Tour of Go 
( is absolutely the best.

If you are not already a programmer in another language, I personally don't 
recommend Go as a first language; it's an excellent language, but I feel that 
people will do better with it once they already grasp the fundamentals of 
programming and are ready for something with slightly more arcana.  Python 
makes a pretty good first language.

- Dave

> On Mar 25, 2020, at 6:07 AM, Renato Marcandier  
> wrote:
> Hello guys,
> What's the best course to start with Go?
> Regards
> RG
> -- 
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Re: [go-nuts] SIGILL running 1.14 on macOS

2020-03-17 Thread David Riley
On Feb 26, 2020, at 2:00 PM, James Pettyjohn  wrote:
> A little further digging shows that VZEROUPPER is part of the AVX instruction 
> set, not supported on any Apple computers prior to 2011 from what I can tell.
> Given the rc1 code worked fine, that could be an alternative for Darwin where 
> the CPU does not support AVX. While not ideal, I'd argue it's better than 
> cutting off support for these machines which can run High Sierra. Once 
> support for High Sierra is dropped then it should not matter as it takes a 
> 2013 or later model to run anything after High Sierra.

There are quite a lot of extant machines running Nehalem-generation Xeons 
(55/56xx) and routers running older Atoms that don't support AVX. I had a 
similar problem with the Suricata package for OpenBSD.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Re: Language proposal: labelled "with" statements to help make test code easier to write

2020-03-05 Thread David Riley
On Mar 5, 2020, at 5:17 PM, Warren Stephens  wrote:
> So I should invent a fractal programming language -- where every function 
> must be defined within another function -- have people write tests for that!

I think we call that "LISP".

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Re: Language proposal: labelled "with" statements to help make test code easier to write

2020-03-05 Thread David Riley
On Mar 5, 2020, at 9:26 AM, Warren Stephens  wrote:
> And I am saying Functions PLUS Structure.
> Functions remain.  Visible structure is added.

Right, and you can do your testing at the boundaries of those functions, 
because the structure is nothing but a shell (in most Step Lambda cases, just a 
state machine) that runs the lambdas.

That's what's also suggested for how one should structure Go code for 
testability; if you want to test something, it should be externally visible as 
part of the established, documented interfaces.  If you're trying to externally 
test function internals, you are inevitably setting yourself up for a lot more 
maintenance headaches down the road because the internals of a function are not 
(or should not be) subject to control by the specification.

Consider the testing approach defined by Cucumber (whose excellent Go 
implementation is available as "godog").  You can actually write the entire 
specification as a series of tests, if you wanted to. But the point is that it 
tests as a set of externally-observable behaviors, not relying on "this magic 
internal value should be set to this value".

It will save you a LOT of time in the end, even if it requires significant 
mental effort and dragging people along with you.  I spent the last year and a 
half trying to push changes like that at my org, and it was beginning to show 
tangible benefits right before the project got shut down for other reasons.  
Making your tests organized, consistent, readable and repeatable will make your 
life so much easier in the end, even if it seems insurmountable right now.

And if your org is resistant to spending the time necessary to clear away the 
technical debt that's been built up by (probably decades of) lax engineering 
approaches?  It's probably a sign that either you need to put your foot down 
more and/or sell it by noting that reduced defects means increased velocity and 
less embarrassing fires to put out, or you should start polishing your resume, 
because there are many orgs out there that will probably pay you more to do it 

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Language proposal: labelled "with" statements to help make test code easier to write

2020-03-05 Thread David Riley
On Mar 2, 2020, at 1:54 PM, Warren Stephens  wrote:
> I have never experienced that writing tests at the beginning saves time.  I 
> find it is always faster to not write them in the beginning.  Functionality 
> typically changes 3 or 4 times before it "settles down" enough that writing 
> tests makes sense to me.

I'm not a TDD stan in the least, but I have to argue here that if this is the 
case, you're not spending enough time on requirements and use cases up front.  
You should be able to write a specification that can be tested against; if that 
changes in huge, significant ways such that you have to rewrite all your tests, 
you don't have a spec, you have a draft.  I'm aware that that is the reality 
for a lot of engineers, having worked under both kinds of domains, but that 
doesn't make it right.

Similarly, if your problem with writing tests for your own code refactored by 
someone else is that you can't understand the dataflow anymore, then the 
problem is that someone somewhere along the line has not sufficiently 
documented the code.  The solution is not to enable the retroactive insertion 
of crutches into the internals of a function, especially since tests should be 
verifying that the external interfaces of the unit under test conform to the 
specification. Internals should not even be visible to tests, which is why they 
usually aren't.

IMHO we should not be modifying Go to enable poor engineering methodologies, 
and reactive design is absolutely one of those.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Re: [Proposal] Change how gofmt formats struct fields

2020-02-20 Thread David Riley
On Feb 20, 2020, at 8:35 AM, Manlio Perillo  wrote:
> This is not a matter of style.  It is a matter of having clean diffs in 
> commits.

It is both.

You may prioritize clean diffs, and I understand your reasons for that. Many 
other people prioritize readability over clean diffs. Neither side is *wrong*, 
because it's all subjective, but I think it would be better to get some sense 
of how it would affect users either way before committing to a path.  
Otherwise, you will wind up with pitchforks and torches.

My belief is that the status quo is actually the best compromise, but I'm 
willing to be convinced otherwise.  However, I'm unlikely to be convinced that 
a new "magic" tab that won't be supported by the vast majority of existing 
editors, terminals, printers, browsers and the like is going to be the solution.

You could always split the baby and use a default tabstop of, say, 30 or 40 
columns and let longer identifiers just run over. That's unlikely to really 
satisfy anyone, but it's equally unlikely to dissatisfy folks to the extent 
that changing to a single space will.

Note that any change made is going to wind up producing ENORMOUS superfluous 
diffs the first time anyone uses it on existing code that's already been 
formatted, not unlike the problem of converting hard tabs to spaces or vice 
versa, so bear that in mind.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Re: [Proposal] Change how gofmt formats struct fields

2020-02-18 Thread David Riley
On Feb 18, 2020, at 9:15 PM, Wojciech S. Czarnecki  wrote:
> [1] use marker relative to the opening brace hinting at the desired comment
> position, ie. compute type-start position relative to the opening brace then
> comment-start position relative to the marker from the comment of the brace
> line. Adjust both positions modulo 8 rounded up. Field name that gets over
> past the established type-start position stays over.

If I'm understanding what's proposed here, I think I like it.  The other option 
would be a wider fixed tab stop, but no one is ever going to agree on what that 
should be (but it worked for Fortran 77, I guess).

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Go without garbage collector

2020-02-13 Thread David Riley
On Feb 13, 2020, at 1:45 PM, Robert Engels  wrote:
> Swift uses GC - it uses a reference counting GC which has been proven to be 
> inferior compared to tracing collectors - especially in concurrent 
> environments. Not to mention cycles.

Worth noting, too, that Swift does this largely because it inherits its default 
runtime from Objective-C, which started as a manually refcounted language and 
added automatic refcounting GC-ish behavior later in life. Swift was designed 
to be a more intuitive replacement for ObjC, so it inherits most of its 
benefits and curses.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Re: arm64 builder on raspberry pi 3B/3B+

2020-02-13 Thread David Riley
As does Armbian ( I dare say they're my favorite ARM distribution 
for getting stuff up and running on generic ARM boards; their default SD card 
installs mostly Just Do The Right Thing (including automatically expanding the 
filesystem on first boot to fit), and the hardware support is generally some of 
the best you'll find.

- Dave

> On Feb 12, 2020, at 4:02 AM, Liam  wrote:
> The project has great support for a variety of arm64 boards.
> On Tuesday, February 11, 2020 at 7:33:04 PM UTC-8, kortschak wrote:
> I have been wanting an arm64 builder to do local testing for Gonum 
> recently. Unfortunately, though RPi 3 and 4 have 64 bit cores, Raspbian 
> is 32 bit, so they don't satisfy. 
> However, I found this article[1] which goes through installing a UEFI 
> bootloader and vanilla Debian Buster install on 3B/3B+. 
> I tried it out yesterday and it worked perfectly (making sure to follow 
> the instructions to the letter). 
> There is also a UEFI bootloader setup for the RPi4[2], but it is 
> currently experimental. 
> Dan 
> [1] 
> [2] 
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Re: [go-nuts] Go without garbage collector

2020-02-12 Thread David Riley
> On Feb 12, 2020, at 10:10 AM, Henrik Johansson  wrote:
> Well, Cassandra has a rewrite in C++ ScyllaDB hat performs many times better 
> so that particular example isn't really helping the GC case.
> I don't mind the GC myself but I hear the "GC is actually faster" often and 
> it seems not to be true in the wild although I am sure theoretical cases can 
> be envisioned.

GC *can* be faster, but it depends on the workload.  I don't believe in 
universals here.

If you have a lot of random allocations, and a GC/allocator that's designed for 
that, it's great. Go works well for random-access workloads; it tends to have 
some issues with database workloads, which have more linear allocations and a 
different object lifecycle.  Check out the discussions on caching algorithms 
for dgraph for some very interesting points of view on that.

People resigned themselves to writing custom allocators for purpose-specific 
things in the game engine world in C/C++ a long time ago.  In Go, you could do 
the same for specific use cases if you wanted as well, though you'd lose the 
advantages of GC (though I'd argue that in a database, if you can't track the 
objects you own, you're in for a world of hurt anyway).

Interacting with the allocator, as well as OS-level virtual memory structures, 
has long been a facet of database and similar design in the C/C++ world, and 
it's only escapable in the higher-level language world (e.g. Go, Java) if you 
want to avoid any discussion of performance issues.  If you haven't had to 
consider structures like B-trees and B-heaps to optimize for various virtual 
memory scenarios, you haven't delved deeply enough into the problem space to be 
talking about whether GC is "better" or not, and once you have, you'll probably 
realize that there's not a simple answer to that.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Why Discord is switching from Go to Rust

2020-02-09 Thread David Riley
On Feb 7, 2020, at 7:24 AM, Everton Marques  wrote:
> I think Go is way better than Rust, but it is amusing to see why people pick 
> one over another.

I think they have very different use cases.  Rust is fundamentally a functional 
language, which suits it quite well for things functional languages excel at 
(which definitely includes most server functionality).  Go is a 
mostly-imperative language, which makes it excellent for general purpose (and 
it does pretty well at server-oriented stuff as well).  Rust also has some 
concrete safety benefits over Go, largely down to the compile-time dataflow 
analysis that prevents a lot more hazards like data races, to which I've found 
Go is still quite susceptible.

There's been a lot of talk here about the effect of GC, and I think that's 
accurate, but it's worth noting that Go's GC is designed to make *initial* 
allocations very fast, which actually can give it a significant edge over many 
non-GC languages if they haven't come up with an allocator optimized for low 
latency (this is very popular in C/C++ game development because malloc() is not 
usually fast).

Correspondingly, the rather heavy requirements for the Go runtime make it a lot 
less practical for small embedded use cases (though not impossible, as recent 
list traffic indicates).  If I were building a small (think <=256k RAM) 
embedded system these days, I'd probably go with Rust, largely because I've 
come to recognize that the undefined behavior in C/C++ makes writing 
definitively safe code impossible.

As always, use the tool appropriate for your use case, otherwise you get Perl's 
"when all you have is scissors, everything looks like a nail" problem.  There 
are appropriate use cases for Forth.  Language "quality" is a vector quantity, 
and trying to reduce it to a scalar does everyone involved a disservice.

That said, if I were to describe my ideal language for modern PCs and/or 
servers, it would probably be "Rust, but more stable, with channels and 
Goroutines", so I am somewhat biased.  Maybe someone can make an LLVM target or 
something for the Go runtime that makes something like that possible, but I 
sure don't have the time.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] [Proposal] Change how gofmt formats struct fields

2020-02-03 Thread David Riley
On Feb 1, 2020, at 9:00 AM, Manlio Perillo  wrote:
> On Saturday, February 1, 2020 at 12:45:23 AM UTC+1, David Riley wrote:
>> Please don't do this.  Or make it an opt-in.  This is not a good change to 
>> force on users by default. 
> You are right, thanks.
> I guess the only possible solution is for gofmt to not align the fields, 
> using only one space character between field name and field type.

I don't know if that's the *only* solution; I think the current solution isn't 
terrible, even if it does lead to somewhat larger diffs when things are 
changed. The fact that it already only aligns them in a "clump" makes it a bit 
easier to segment those changes out.  The status quo is not, IMO, terrible 
(though again it is just my opinion).

Single space would definitely be preferable to single tab, since that's already 
fairly prevalent and reasonably legible. It ain't always pretty, but it gets 
the job done without a lot of weird jumping all over the place like tabs would 
invariably do.

If computing had evolved differently to the point where there were actual 
canonical tab stops at, say, 4 and 50 columns instead of just every n columns, 
this would be a fine proposal.  Alas, we have the ambiguous settings we have 
today.  This is, perhaps, one opportunity Unicode has to remedy things, but 
relying too much on fancy Unicode features to render code that is generally 
understood to be "sort of flexible ASCII", as Go is, is also a minefield when 
it comes to compatibility with existing tools.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] [Proposal] Change how gofmt formats struct fields

2020-01-31 Thread David Riley
On Jan 30, 2020, at 8:46 AM, Manlio Perillo  wrote:
> Yes.
> In fact I wrote that alignment should be done by the editor, not gofmt.

In this scenario, the editor needs to understand Go formatting and apply 
special formatting to tabs within struct fields? I strongly discourage this.

It will also make structs look TERRIBLE when viewed as plain text (witness the 
large corpus of C code which is only legible when viewed at a specific tab 
width because their authors used this approach).

Go's current hard-tab predilection works currently because tabs are always 
starting at a constant left offset (0) from the start of line; this is not the 
case in struct fields, variable declarations, etc.

Please don't do this.  Or make it an opt-in.  This is not a good change to 
force on users by default.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Go security bugs database

2020-01-20 Thread David Riley
I strongly agree this would be beneficial. I’ve discussed this exact concept 
with my employer before, because it’s an area we have scanners for with older 
languages, but not Go.

I do believe Snyk offers a commercial version of this service, but a public, 
official, well-vetted repository that is machine-readable would be EXTREMELY 

And before we get into religious wars, no, package scanning is far from a 
panacea, but it does help catch the low-hanging fruit early, and the popularity 
of (generally non-Go) exploits out there taking advantage of years-old 
known-vulnerable libraries indicate that widespread availability of such 
scanning is a good thing.

- Dave

> On Jan 20, 2020, at 14:34, Manlio Perillo  wrote:
> In, Russ Cox wrote about an 
> hypothetical database of bugs in Go modules.
> A tool can query the database, extracting the list of modules used in a 
> binary built with Go.
> Such a tool can be probably be written today, using, as an example, 
> and GitHub Security Advisories.
> For querying a CVE database, the tool can use the last segment of the module 
> import path (not sure if there are more than one module in a repository).
> For querying github security advisories, the tool can find the actual 
> repository associated with the import path, and then query GitHub (this 
> information *could* be reported by go get).
> The problem with the CVE database is that the query needs manual verification.
> The problem with GitHub is that not every Go module is on GitHub and not 
> every Go modules use the security advisory tool.  As an example:
>  -  go-jose is on github, but 
> there is no security advisor issued
>  - go-camo issued a github 
> security advisor
> IMHO, it would be useful to have an official security bug database for the Go 
> ecosystem, e.g.
> Thanks
> Manlio Perillo
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Re: [go-nuts] Re: Go mindshare is low & ~flat, per Google Trends

2020-01-16 Thread David Riley
I'll be interested to see how this trend goes when they FINALLY pull the plug 
on Python 2.7 and everyone who's been kicking the can down the road for the 
better part of a decade finally has to figure out which third-party libraries 
are breaking.

Python is better for some things, Go better for others.  Python makes a good 
first language; Go does not.  That affects numbers, too.  Go apps are MUCH 
simpler to deploy than Java or C# or Python apps, but that's going to matter 
more for enterprise users with a good release process than hobbyists or 
business users whose deploy is "scp a bunch of files over and reboot", which is 
more than you'd think, sadly.

I don't trust popularity metrics that treat vector quantities as scalars.  I'm 
not going to lose much sleep over this.

- Dave

> On Jan 15, 2020, at 8:16 PM, Liam  wrote:
> That could affect the level of a term, but wouldn't impact its trend much. 
> Trends are the important insight of this graph.
> On Wednesday, January 15, 2020 at 2:58:31 PM UTC-8, Robert Engels wrote:
> Please look deeper into how these "trends" are calculated.
> For example, if everyone that uses product Y can't figure out how feature X 
> works, and they search for it. Product Y will be showing growth...
> -Original Message- 
> From: Liam 
> Sent: Jan 15, 2020 4:18 PM 
> To: golang-nuts 
> Subject: [go-nuts] Re: Go mindshare is low & ~flat, per Google Trends 
> My point is that Go should be rising, since Java & C# are falling. Python has 
> gained significant mindshare, and Go is way better.
> I think something's amiss with the public perception of Go, but it's hard to 
> say what.

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Re: [go-nuts] Re: A question !

2020-01-07 Thread David Riley
On Jan 7, 2020, at 04:44, Motaz Hejaze  wrote:
> Thank you all guys for your help..
> May i ask what is the best deployment for more performance ??

I’m not quite sure what you mean. Do you mean what environment results in the 
highest-performing Go programs? I’d imagine the s390x architecture represents 
the biggest hammer, but it’s not one I’d suggest unless you know you need it.

Running on OS X and Linux (on any supported architecture) will likely yield the 
best mix of performance and pleasant development experience. But Go runs fine 
(modulo certain low-level compatibility issues) on Windows, FreeBSD, NetBSD, 
OpenBSD and a variety of other systems as well.

Deploying for production will likely be easiest with Docker containers or the 
like, albeit at the normal (relatively small, mostly) performance costs 
associated. You can deploy directly as a regular application, with all the 
associated maintenance issues that may involve.

What is the angle of your question?

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Re: [go-nuts] Need help to learn go lang

2019-07-21 Thread David Riley
This may be a controversial opinion on this list (maybe it's not, I don't 
know), but I've never thought Go is a particularly good first language.  It's 
an *excellent* language, but I've always said the same thing about it as I did 
about C/C++ and Java: there's just a touch too much arcana for it to be 
particularly beginner-friendly.  Much of that is because it's aimed squarely at 
experienced programmers and isn't meant to have training wheels which 
eventually hem you in.

But I'm biased; I grew up using BASIC on Apple IIs, which was a really great 
introduction to programming.  I feel like the modern equivalent to that is 
Python or Ruby, or anything where you don't really need to declare a special 
function that happens to be the thing that runs first.  After learning the 
basics of programming (what's a loop? what's a conditional? how do I write 
something to the console?), Go makes a very good second language, and makes a great introduction.  But it does assume some prior 
programming knowledge.

If you'd like, I'd be happy to point you toward some good tutorials and/or 
books.  But that's decidedly out of scope for this list.

- Dave

> On Jul 19, 2019, at 9:50 AM, Veeresh Reddy  wrote:
> Thanks much . To be honest I have not wrote any code so far but I wanted to 
> start of with Go Lang . Pleade suggest me some accordingly .
> On Fri, 19 Jul 2019, 7:15 pm Brian Hatfield,  wrote:
> Hi Veereshreddy!
> Welcome to Go!
> Here's a collection of links that I put together for some of my teammates who 
> are new to Go:
> Basics / Introduction to Go
> GoByExample is a great resource if you've got experience with 2+ programming 
> languages already. It quickly showcases langauge syntax and features, but is 
> relatively spartan in its presentation.
> The Little Go Book is a more thorough book-style approach to Go for folks 
> with less diverse programming language experience, or for folks who find 
> GoByExample to be too spartan.
> The Golang Tour is the official interactive introduction to Go. It leverages 
> the Go playground, which lets you run Go right in your web browser.
> Intermediate Go
> These links deal with the practicalities of writing Go, and 
> encourage/discourage various implementation patterns observed in real world 
> use.
> Effective Go is officially provided documentation that gives tips for writing 
> clear, idiomatic Go code. "Effective Go" is generally regarded in the Go 
> community as particularly helpful.
> Go Code Review Comments is a laundry list of common mistakes, not a 
> comprehensive style guide. It's great for beginners and advanced programmers 
> as it explains the rationale behind its guidance.
> Practical Go: Real World Advice presents an excellent overview of the 
> practice of software engineering in Go. Some overlap with Effective Go and 
> Code Review Comments, but with more explanation and memorable quotes to 
> describe patterns.
> On Fri, Jul 19, 2019 at 9:39 AM  wrote:
> would anyone help me out how to learn go lang more practically , may be some 
> resources . I want to understand go lang more practically , with some great 
> examples.
> thank you!
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Re: [go-nuts] Re: Project Layout Question

2019-06-11 Thread David Riley
On Jun 11, 2019, at 13:38, Ronny Bangsund  wrote:
>> On Tuesday, June 11, 2019 at 2:47:44 PM UTC+2, Boris Mühmer wrote:
>> Is the project layout total rubbish?
> I'm not sure - all I know is that it's different from how I prefer it, and 
> "pkg" is the one thing I frequently see people dislike ;)
> If you want to share packages, parent them to the project directory. Anything 
> you feel is too niche you can hide inside internal/. Binaries in cmd/ makes 
> it nice and tidy, but you can get away with top-level main packages if 
> there's only one command and it's really simple (few source files to clutter 
> it up).

This layout is, I feel, most useful for large projects which build many 
binaries and have many packages (which is what we use it for). In that context, 
it’s great.

> I might make a server cmd the same name as the project directory, and if 
> possible, make it have CLI options to control itself (talk via local socket, 
> gRPC, REST, whatever). Pleasing VS Code is mainly about configuring the build 
> task(s). I like to have Release and Debug tasks, sometimes with tasks 
> requiring other tasks (client-server projects, for instance).

One thing I’ve found it doesn’t work especially nicely with is things that have 
files hardcoded to be in `pwd` (the common “task” utility is an example of 
this), because then you get your nice, tidy top level cluttered with dreck from 
your tools.

Also, `go test` runs its commands from the directory of the tested package, not 
the current working directory, but that gripe is better hashed out elsewhere.

> I haven't looked closely at the current state of modules to say anything 
> about how it'll change up my standards, but it looks like we're expected to 
> run module stuff out of the top-level directory. If not, aren't those parts 
> better off breaking out into their own standalone projects? Running module 
> setup in sub-directories with potentially different versions of external 
> dependencies feels dirty.

It works fine with modules, at least assuming your repo directory is one 
module! We haven’t tried it with sub-modules, mostly because that feels like 

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Re: Marshaling to JSON and dynamically choosing fields

2019-06-02 Thread David Riley
There are other JSON packages (jsoniter, gojay come to mind) which may do more 
of what you want.

The standard library's JSON package is fine for simple things, but because it 
relies on struct tagging, it's not terribly well suited for situations where 
you want to separate the serialized representation from the internal data (e.g. 
it gets a little crowded if you need to map to other formats (maybe you also 
need XML and something else), and it's right out if you're separating a REST 
interface from business logic).

None of the off-the-shelf packages do *exactly* what I want to do in those 
regards, but gojay comes pretty close.

- Dave

> On Jun 1, 2019, at 10:58 PM, wrote:
> Have you solved this?
> On Monday, December 17, 2012 at 9:03:50 AM UTC+7, Boris wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 16, 2012 at 5:45 PM, Dustin Sallings  wrote:
> Boris  writes:
> > I have JSON web API that accepts fields URL parameter, like this:
> >
> > GET /something/?fields=a,b,c
> >
> > This is common pattern in web APIs to send partial objects instead of
> > full objects. Suppose struct has fields a,b,c,...z, I don't want to
> > fetch all fields from database, marshall, send, unmarshall, etc. I
> > know I can add tag to struct fields to suppress them in JSON, but that
> > is done at compile-time. Is there a way to do this at run-time, or
> > should I write custom marshaller for this?
>   You need to implement a custom MarshalJSON for your object that
> considers some internal fields you configure to specify which parameters
> are emitted.
> Interesting, so is the way to 
> override default marshaling. I guess I will implement some helper function so 
> I don't re-implement this for every single struct type I use, and have an 
> internal field in the item, which I set to indicate which fields to include. 
> If anyone has anything else to add, like an example implementation or tips 
> for efficiency, I will appreciate.
> Thanks
> Boris
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Re: [go-nuts] Go 2 generics counterproposal: giving up restricting types

2019-05-31 Thread David Riley
Because Min and Max are very good and simple indicators of whether the 
mechanism is generic enough to handle a fairly common idiom: small functions 
for similarly behaved items, say comparable items, which are annoying and 
repetitive to write for every data type which might support the operation (not 
to mention the fact that increases the surface area for errors).

It's also worth noting that if Min and Max can't be written in a generic 
system, it's likely that Sort can't, either.

If the purpose of a generic system is to reduce repetitive code in a readable 
way, it's probably not doing its job very well if it can't do Min and Max.  
They're good canaries.

- Dave

> On May 31, 2019, at 9:06 AM, Robert Johnstone  wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm not sure that Min and Max need to be in the 80%.  It's annoying to write 
> them repeatedly, but they are also very short.  The place where I typically 
> miss generics is larger chunks of code, such as concurrency patterns.  I'm 
> certain others are looking at datatypes.  Why do Min and Max need to be in 
> the 80%?
> Robert
> On Thursday, 30 May 2019 14:26:34 UTC-4, Ian Lance Taylor wrote:
> One of my guidelines for an acceptable generics proposal is that 
> people can write Min and Max.  Your proposal admits that it doesn't 
> permit that.  I think that is a problem.  I'm fine with the general 
> idea of "do 80% of the job" but in practice people really do want to 
> write Min and Max.  I think they are part of the 80% that needs to be 
> handled, not the 20% that can be omitted. 
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Re: [go-nuts] Go 2 generics counterproposal: giving up restricting types

2019-05-30 Thread David Riley
On May 30, 2019, at 2:25 PM, Ian Lance Taylor  wrote:
> One of my guidelines for an acceptable generics proposal is that
> people can write Min and Max.  Your proposal admits that it doesn't
> permit that.  I think that is a problem.  I'm fine with the general
> idea of "do 80% of the job" but in practice people really do want to
> write Min and Max.  I think they are part of the 80% that needs to be
> handled, not the 20% that can be omitted.

I agree strongly with this metric. My principal reason for wanting generics is 
precisely so I can avoid writing the kind of repetitive code that I currently 
need to write to perform the exact same simple operations on similar datatypes. 
 Min and Max are perfect examples of that, Map and Filter are slightly more 
complex ones.

If I can't write Min and Max for generic data types, I'm not using it.  YMMV.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] How to constant ?!

2019-05-28 Thread David Riley
On May 28, 2019, at 8:12 AM, Ashutosh Baghel  wrote:
> Hello folks,
> I want to declare a few variables constant. But I guess there is nothing as 
> "Constant" type in GoLang. How do I achieve this in GoLang?

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Re: [go-nuts] Re: the Dominance of English in Programming Languages

2019-05-18 Thread David Riley
On May 18, 2019, at 05:59, wrote:
>> On Saturday, 18 May 2019 00:44:33 UTC+1, Rob 'Commander' Pike wrote:
>> jail is a clear improvement over the ludicrous gaol...
> I hadn't actually realised that GAOL vs JAIL was a British vs. US English 
> distinction. I thought 'Gaol' was just an archaic spelling of 'Jail', as I've 
> only ever come across it in C19th and earlier literature. Even over this side 
> of the pond, 'Jail' is used pretty exclusively. Although we mostly call it 
> 'Prison' :-)

This is OT for the list, but: I think it’s more the latter (an archaism rather 
than a regional distinction; jail is basically universal here because we 
started later).

We do, however, tend to distinguish somewhat between “jail” and “prison”; the 
short version is that jail is temporary holding while awaiting trial, while 
prison is more permanent punitive containment post-sentencing. I’m not sure if 
that distinction exists as much overseas, and in colloquial US English, saying 
that someone is “in jail” is often used for both situations (I, myself, enjoy 
our more colorful slang such as “in the pokey” or “up the river”).

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Go if else syntax .. suggested replacement

2019-05-12 Thread David Riley
On May 12, 2019, at 06:55, Jesper Louis Andersen 
> I don't think there are developers who find it unreadable once they know the 
> logic of that operator. However, if you don't know the rules, then it looks 
> like black magic.
> In large software developments, consistency beats convenience almost all the 
> time. You can somewhat easily add another developer, if the notation rules 
> are consistent. Whereas clever notational convenience costs for every 
> developer you add to the project. Giving people a choice means you have yet 
> another section in your style guide to understand and maintain.
> The deeper observation is that in a language with two syntactic classes, 
> statements and expressions, you can opt to have an if-like evaluation in the 
> expression class, or you can omit it. Go does the latter, where C does the 
> former. Of course, you can also define your language with a single syntactic 
> class. In that case, the above example can be written
> let color = if temperature > 80 then "red" else "green" in ...
> This style is used in a large selection of languages, which people often call 
> "functional languages". Though the lines of when something fits into the 
> moniker is somewhat blurry.

As it happens, I did get to ask Ken Thompson about his reasoning when he 
presented at VCF East last weekend.

Ken said, as close to verbatim as my week-old memory gets, that they were “too 
hard to compile right without the possibility of introducing subtle bugs”. I 
didn’t press further, because there were plenty of people in line to talk to 
him and I didn’t want to be rude; my assumption is that he was talking about 
either order of expression execution, or the difficulty of lumping the 
subexpressions together. He definitely didn’t have anything to say about their 
potential for abuse or about them being confusing to new programmers, but then 
we also didn’t talk long.

Just adding that since I said I’d ask about it a few weeks ago.

BTW, the video of his keynote chat with Brian Kernighan is not to be missed; I 
was working the audio, so sorry about Brian’s levels, but he was feeding back 
so I couldn’t turn him up any louder:

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Running tests in read-only containers

2019-04-27 Thread David Riley
> On Apr 27, 2019, at 1:11 AM, Constantin Konstantinidis 
>  wrote:
> Your description seems to relate to this issue 

It does indeed! It would be great if there were also a way to prevent it from 
trying to modify the cache, or at least to be less noisy if that fails.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] cracking the go language aplication

2019-04-26 Thread David Riley
On Apr 26, 2019, at 07:12, smn shilla  wrote:
> Hi 
> any luck please

Your request (“how to crack the Go application.exe”) is vague, and it is not 
immediately clear that you’re asking for help that people here might be 
comfortable giving.

If you’re interested in reverse engineering Go applications, I would suggest 
taking a look at radare2 (or Ghidra, if you trust my country’s intelligence 
services not to backdoor an application they’ve publicly released) and one of 
the millions of tutorials on binary reversing, then delve into the considerably 
smaller number of tutorials/papers written on disassembling Go apps, which are 
somewhat different than most others.

What you’re (probably) asking about is a long and fascinating journey with a 
potential lifetime of learning and adaptation. It’s a lonesome valley worth 
walking, but as they say, no one can walk it for you (though you do not, in 
fact, have to walk it by yourself; there are lots of communities for this sort 
of thing).

In the meantime, I’d recommend asking more specific questions; if it is 
difficult to specify because of language difficulties, I’d be happy to 
recommend/help find reversing groups in your native language who may be able to 
guide you better.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Go if else syntax .. suggested replacement

2019-04-26 Thread David Riley
On Apr 26, 2019, at 2:12 AM, Mike Schinkel  wrote:
> Given that, I am curious what your thoughts would be if this were possible in 
> Go instead?
>color := if temperature > 80 then “red” else “green” 
> And especially if this formatting were valid:
>color := if temperature > 80 
>   then “red” 
>   else “green” 

That is pretty close to how Python added a ternary operator:

foo = bar if a==b else baz

More Pythonic, but same potential for abuse (no one is gonna stop you from 
nesting expressions).

- Dave

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[go-nuts] Running tests in read-only containers

2019-04-25 Thread David Riley
Hi all,

We have an unusual issue owing somewhat to Jenkins' rather odd (but 
understandable) method of running things in containers.  Jenkins, when it runs 
things in Docker containers through its pipeline plugin, volume-mounts the 
workspace directory at the same location as it is in the host system (problem 
#1), and then it runs from that directory using (by default) Jenkins' UID/GID 
(problem #2).

The reasoning for some of this makes sense, after a fashion: if you force the 
UID to be either root or the UID used by your container by default, any 
artifacts you store in the bind-mounted area for later consumption by Jenkins 
have those permissions (if it's even possible), which then often can't even be 
removed by the cleanup process, leaving you with a royal mess.  Ask me how I 

Our build process, for a multi-application set of containers built from a 
single repo, is as follows:

- Build "gobuild" images with Go compiler tools and needed distro packages 
(based off of golang:alpine for Alpine, and base Centos with a directory 
structure roughly mirroring golang:alpine)
- From the "gobuild" images, for each distro, build a "gobase" image by copying 
in the repo source, downloading the dependencies with "go mod download" (and 
"go get" for required Go tooling, like mockgen), generate the generated files, 
and build/install the binaries in a known location using "go install"
- Based on that image (for each distro), copy the application images and 
required assets into separate, fresh minimal-runtime container images per app 
to minimize image size

This generally works pretty well when we're building locally, and we can run 
the "go test" run off of the "gobase" image (which is part of why we build 
everything in a single image in the first place).  However, when building with 
Jenkins, we run into a problem: the parts of $GOPATH created by the "go" user 
used for the build (including $GOPATH/pkg) are effectively read-only to 
everyone but the "go" user, including Jenkins.  So is the original build 
directory, though that's a secondary concern because the volume-mounted 
workspace area at least has the same contents, except for what's been generated.

The problem here is that there doesn't seem to be any way to tell the go 
command to not even try to update the modules, and when it does, at the very 
least it is extremely noisy about not being able to update the mod cache.  In 
Go 1.11, we're still able to run the tests after that, it just jams up our log 
files.  But in Go 1.12, it fails when trying to write to go.sum in the local 
directory regardless of whether anything has changed.

Is there anything I've missed that can make Go just trust that the modules are 
good to go, so to speak?  We've tried "-mod=readonly", and it does... basically 
nothing to change this situation.  In theory, we could go to the extent of also 
building the test executables in the build phase and running them that way, but 
it seems like we should be able to build from a read-only tree and tell Go to 
just fail if something doesn't match up.  So far, there doesn't seem to be any 
way to inhibit the writes to go.sum (and I did spend about half a day looking 
at the source that drives that section without much luck, though I'm not sure 
if it's possible to redirect go.sum to a different directory).

I recognize that this is a sort of weird use case, but it does seem strange 
that there's no way to run the build that guarantees Go won't try to modify a 
source file (go.sum included, but also the packages).  Building from read-only 
storage isn't *that* out there.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Go if else syntax .. suggested replacement

2019-04-24 Thread David Riley
On Apr 24, 2019, at 5:25 PM, andrey mirtchovski  wrote:
>> I may easily misremember, but that doesn't match my recollection.  I
>> don't remember what position Rob and Robert took, but as I recall Ken
>> was generally opposed to the ternary operator.  He had been in part
>> responsible for adding it to C, and felt that it had been a mistake.
>> Ian
> I am happy to stand corrected. I believe it was an offhand comment by
> either Rob or Russ in one of the early Go talks. Unfortunately hard to
> find 10 years later, especially in non-transcribed videos.

Well, Ken is giving the keynote at the Vintage Computer Festival East this 
year, maybe I can ask him then. :-)

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Go if else syntax .. suggested replacement

2019-04-24 Thread David Riley
On Apr 24, 2019, at 12:34 PM, Marcus Low  wrote:
> On Wednesday, April 24, 2019 at 10:08:53 PM UTC+8, Mark Volkmann wrote:
>> Are there really developers that find this unreadable? 
>> color := temperature > 80 ? “red” : “green” 
>> I know what you are going to say. People will nest them. But even nested 
>> usage can be readable when formatted nicely with one condition per line. 
>> Another alternative is to allow only unnested ternaries. 

> color := map[bool]string{true:"red",false:"green"}[temperature>80]
> Here you go.

Pardon my bluntness, but it is silly to assert that this is anywhere near the 
readability of the ternary statement.  The entire point of the ternary 
statement is that it is concise and spartan; this is cluttered and overwrought.

Yes, people can (and will) abuse it.  That doesn't seem to have stopped us from 
having a reflection library, which is arguably much worse for readability and 
more pernicious compared to ternary statement abuse.

There are very few cases where you can force good coding hygiene by removing 
language features.  This isn't one of them.  If you wanted to force good coding 
style, put a check for nested ternaries in go vet along with other readability 

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Go if else syntax .. suggested replacement

2019-04-24 Thread David Riley
On Apr 24, 2019, at 8:04 AM, Mark Volkmann  wrote:
>> On Apr 24, 2019, at 6:22 AM, Robert Engels  wrote:
>> Though to the ops point, not sure why Go doesn’t have the ternary operator - 
>> which is pretty ubiquitous. 
> The idea of adding the ternary operator to Go has been debated many times. 
> It’s clear that those in charge have a strong dislike for it. For me the lack 
> of the ternary operator is one of main things I dislike about Go. It’s nails 
> on a chalkboard for me to write a five line “if” statement when it could have 
> been a one line assignment statement.

I enthusiastically concur with this.  I understand the antagonism toward the 
ternary statement to a point, but there are some things that it just makes 
about a million times easier without sacrificing readability:

fmt.Printf("This parrot is %s.\n", is_dead ? "pining for the fjords" : "alive")

This isn't just a toy example.  Nothing (to my mind) is unclear about this 

I run into this sort of thing every day; the main thing the ternary statement 
relieves me of is either writing convoluted if/switch/map statements when a 
single line would do, or repeating myself. I'd have to do one or the other to 
resolve the above one-liner, and it wouldn't enhance readability in the 

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Go+ replacement

2019-04-23 Thread David Riley
> On Apr 23, 2019, at 12:52 PM, Darko Luketic  wrote:
> But Twitter is a loose group of individuals, or does it have group 
> functionality now? Everything is done via #channels last time I checked.
> I honestly very rarely use it, too small sized posts, it's very chaotic and 
> stuff you've seen just now is gone after a reload and can't be found again.
> Also it's always so political and full of journalists, so hipster, all show 
> no substance.
> Anyhow what channels or "hashtags" do you subscribe to, or can you even 
> subscribe to hashtags?

I just follow a lot of folks who talk about things I'm interested, which 
occasionally includes Go? It's not what I'd call "organized", I guess, and I 
never follow hashtags, but everyone has their own preferred interaction styles. 
 I find I can ask about Go, k8s, Rust, whatever and there are people who will 
answer things.

Make whatever value judgments you want about it, but I do find some utility 

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Go+ replacement

2019-04-23 Thread David Riley
On Apr 21, 2019, at 9:02 PM, wrote:
> I don't know about you but for me, even if there wasn't so much going on, 
> Google+ and the Go+ community was a source of info.
> Reddit is reddit, this whatever it is, is what it is, mewe can't replace 
> G+.
> Facebook just isn't the crowd.
> Xing and the like just aren't made to handle the task of staying informed and 
> people presenting their work.
> An essential source of information has disappeared.
> What is there to replace it?
> People would post links to youtube videos there, some were quite interesting 
> and some were fresh from the horses mouth about whatever conferences or 
> happenings.
> It's all gone now.
> Nuts is more of a "help I have a problem" thing.
> I know, Google+ had its own issues, the biggest was them forcing changes onto 
> their users no one wanted.
> As a result most people stopped using it and in the end it disappeared.
> G+ did fill a nieche, that of the enterpreteur who also wanted to be 
> entertained and catch news, stay up to date.
> I know this post is kind of pointless, since it won't change what is.
> But maybe something exists that I'm unaware of

I actually find that the Go community on Twitter fills a lot of those roles for 
me fairly well.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] floating point question

2019-04-16 Thread David Riley
On Apr 16, 2019, at 2:29 AM, Miki Tebeka  wrote:
>> On Monday, April 15, 2019 at 7:59:28 PM UTC+3, David Riley wrote:
>> On Apr 15, 2019, at 12:47 PM, Miki Tebeka  wrote: 
>> > 
>> > On Monday, April 15, 2019 at 2:12:18 PM UTC+3, Jan Mercl wrote: 
>> > 
>> > 1.1*1.1 and 1.21 are untyped constants and have much higher precision at 
>> > which they are not equal. 
>> > Does that mean that the Go compiler is using floats with more precision 
>> > than the runtime? 
>> Yes, but it's also worth remembering that in general, in computing, it's not 
>> a great idea to compare floats for absolute equality except for specific 
>> constants (e.g. +/- zero, +/- infinity, NaN). 
>> Is there an in-built intrinsic in Go for comparing floats within an epsilon, 
>> or does that have to be done manually? 
> I came across this when teaching about floats not being exact, was surprised 
> to see the "true" :)

Yup! My personal perspective is that it's best to treat floating point numbers 
as "noisy", because you lose or add little bits to them with most operations in 
ways that are hard to control (this is one of the reasons IEEE floating point 
numbers have tightly-defined characteristics, because then at least the flaws 
are well-defined and you don't get e.g. diverging results in physics 
simulations on different machines because they round differently).

Treat a floating point number as a noisy signal, always compare within ranges 
(often enough, even when comparing against zero, especially considering that 
there is also a *negative* zero in floats) and you won't go wrong.  Well, not 
*very* wrong.  Better yet, avoid use of floating point arithmetic where at all 
possible (but here I'm showing my personal biases).

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] floating point question

2019-04-15 Thread David Riley
On Apr 15, 2019, at 12:47 PM, Miki Tebeka  wrote:
> On Monday, April 15, 2019 at 2:12:18 PM UTC+3, Jan Mercl wrote:
> 1.1*1.1 and 1.21 are untyped constants and have much higher precision at 
> which they are not equal.
> Does that mean that the Go compiler is using floats with more precision than 
> the runtime? 

Yes, but it's also worth remembering that in general, in computing, it's not a 
great idea to compare floats for absolute equality except for specific 
constants (e.g. +/- zero, +/- infinity, NaN).

Is there an in-built intrinsic in Go for comparing floats within an epsilon, or 
does that have to be done manually?

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] go in cloud server

2019-04-03 Thread David Riley
On Apr 3, 2019, at 11:34 AM, Shyaka Rene  wrote:
> Hello.
> I'm new to go, i'm looking for a programming language to replace java. I have 
> simple questions
>   • is it a good idea to deploy go in cloud server if go is compiled to 
> machine binaries, what can happen if the cloud provider changes the physical 
> server to different processor architecture.

This is a concern for Java, too, in that you have to have a JVM to run on. Go 
builds easily for most common cloud architectures these days (amd64, ppc64le, 
arm/aarch64, s390) and less easily for a few others (e.g. sparc).  Do 
multi-architecture builds to protect yourself.

If you're building for modern cloud infrastructure, you may be using Docker; 
Docker supports multi-architecture images, so if you do your build system 
correctly, you should be able to build image bundles that support a bunch of 
different architectures reasonably easily.

It's maybe somewhat less easy than distributing a Java binary across multiple 
architectures, but ultimately it's probably easier than maintaining something 
that needs to run well across different Unixes and beyond (OpenVMS, IBM i to 
name a few).

That said, most cloud providers aren't in the business of suddenly changing 
their entire processor architecture to something incompatible, unless they're 

>   • does go have embedded relational database management system similar 
> to h2 in java. google gives me key/value pair embedded database
>any help is appreciated. thank you

Go has lots of interfaces to lots of databases, from key/value (memcached, 
Redis, bdb) to relational (an flexible SQL interface with drivers for most 
popular RDBs including sqlite) to popular non-SQL databases (Couchbase, Mongo, 
etc).  Others on the list have also pointed out a few other embedded ones 
available for Go of which I wasn't aware, so that's very exciting.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Build problems with modules in Docker

2019-04-03 Thread David Riley
A few things. Responses inline.

> On Apr 3, 2019, at 7:05 AM, Marcus Franke  wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a small project here at work, that does not compile using modules 
> inside the golang docker image.
> The software resides inside a rather monorepo like repository inside the 
> organizations private repository at github. So far, a great place for the 
> modules, as I can develop the software outside my GOPATH and building it on 
> my machine works great.
> My code resides inside this private repository inside an arbitrary path, 
> which is not fully part of the name I initiated the module with. Which does 
> not impose a problem when building on my laptop.
> My go.mod file looks like this:
> ```
> module
> go 1.12
> require (
> v1.19.5
> v0.1.0
> v1.3.0 // indirect
> v0.0.0-20190327091125-710a502c58a2 // indirect
> v2.2.2
> )
> ```

This generally looks OK.

> I have a Makefile does some simple tasks for building, it creates a tarball 
> of my code directory and starts a docker build -t  job.

Why make a tarball? You'll get a lot more mileage out of just copying the files 
from the Docker context, which Docker is already tarring up to pass around 
anyway.  You'll get fewer surprises that way.

In our Dockerfiles, we generally have the following as preamble (we also add 
some non-root permissioning, which is more complex than you really need right 

# Provide arguments for the module name (required) and the
# optional module proxy for hermetic builds
ARG MOD_NAME=modname

# Set a variable for our working directory (make sure it matches
# the module name)
RUN mkdir -p $D

# Copy go.sum/go.mod and warm up the module cache (so that this
# rather long step can be cached if go.mod/go.sum don't change)
COPY go.* $D/
CMD go mod download

# Now copy the rest.

# Run the build script, which in the end generally calls
# "go install ./cmd/$app1 ./cmd/$app2 ...etc"
RUN ./scripts/ install-all -v

> My simplified Dockerfile:
> ```
> FROM golang:1.12
> CMD mkdir asm
> WORKDIR /go/asm
> ADD code.tar .
> CMD tar xvf code.tar

Careful with ADD, it automatically untars things when they're compressed 
(though yes, this is not currently compressed).  Again, though, there's usually 
not much reason to do that; you should probably just do a COPY of the files 
from your context instead.

> RUN cd cmd/asm

This doesn't doo what you think it does; it does not change the working 
directory.  For that, you want the WORKDIR directive. However...

> RUN go build -o asm

Instead of trying to change directories, you might want to just say go build 
./cmd/asm. You'll do yourself a lot of favors if you do your builds from the 
base of your repo

> ```
> When I execute the build, I get the following error output:
> ```
> Step 10/10 : RUN go build -o asm
>  ---> Running in 243e73e7ed25
> go: finding v1.3.0
> go: finding v0.1.0
> go: finding v1.19.5
> go: finding v2.2.2
> go: finding v0.0.0-20190327091125-710a502c58a2
> go: finding v0.1.0
> go: finding v1.1.0
> go: finding v1.0.0
> go: finding v0.1.0
> go: finding v0.0.0-20161208181325-20d25e280405
> go: finding v0.0.0-20190308221718-c2843e01d9a2
> go: finding v0.3.0
> go: finding v1.1.1
> go: finding v0.0.0-20190215142949-d0b11bdaac8a
> go: finding v0.0.0-20180206201540-c2b33e8439af
> can't load package: package unknown import path 
> "": cannot find module providing package 
> The command '/bin/sh -c go build -o asm' returned a non-zero code: 1
> ```
> Why does the go tool try to kind of resolve the import path of my project 
> itself? I thought this would be defined by the module directive in my go.mod 
> file, at the source root of my project directory?

It is, the Go tool generally uses that to specify where the package "lives" if 
it's working properly. This looks to me almost like it's not seeing go.mod 

> My repository contains two internal packages below a pkg/ directory and these 
> are being imported just fine with "" and 
> "" in my code. On my laptop the compiler can, 
> as written above, compile the project just fine. Here it seems it does not 
> fumble with finding that particular and rather virtual module name.
> Am I doing something wrong or did I just misunderstand the way

Re: [go-nuts] [CoC] screenshot images. Lazines or incompetence?

2019-03-12 Thread David Riley
On Mar 12, 2019, at 7:44 AM, Wojciech S. Czarnecki  wrote:
> On Mon, 11 Mar 2019 23:13:00 -0700 (PDT)
> Lucio  wrote:
>> It's clearly become a lot easier
> An that is the crux of the problem.
> It is so easy that it easily turns off the brain and suppress
> the last faint of thought that text turned into the image:
> * is not searchable
> * can neither be edited nor compiled
> * is not available to the part of the population

The above are more important, but I would also add:

- is hundreds to thousands of times larger than the original text

I don't know in what world it's "easier" to screenshot a section of the screen 
and attach the file than it is to highlight and copy some text, except on 
Twitter where there are actual character limits.  Taking a screenshot of plain 
text is like taking a tank to the grocery store across the street.  Please 
don't; it is inconsiderate, full stop.

- Dave

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[go-nuts] Module replacement forks and Artifactory

2019-03-11 Thread David Riley
Hi all,

We're running into a bit of an interesting problem with modules.  A month or 
two ago, we finally converted our project over to using modules, partly because 
it was The Right Thing To Do and partly because Artifactory supports module 
repositories (but not dep).

The process hasn't exactly been a smooth one.  We've hit a few of the 
interesting corner cases with modules, but none of them has been quite so pesky 
as the issue of replacing broken upstream dependencies with private forks. The 
one that's giving us the most trouble is the mock package 
(; as-is, it does not support Go Modules because the 
stock "mockgen" executable generates code which uses relative imports, which do 
not work under modules.

There is a fix in review for this from, but it's been held 
up because the only viable fix would break Go 1.9 and below, and the author was 
waiting for the release of 1.12 so that 1.9 would drop from the support list.  
1.12 has been released, and the fix is lingering in review (it's if anyone is curious).

Anyway, we absolutely require mockgen for our build and tests, and so we used a 
"replace" line in our go.mod file to point at the "poy" repo's "go-modules" 
branch.  That fixed the problem, but caused other ones for two reasons: 1) 
force-pushes were being used to rebase changes onto the branch, which caused 
the old commits to disappear and break the build, and 2) modules can't track a 
branch head, they can only be pointed at specific commits based on a ref when 
they're first pulled.  So we made a private fork of the repository at a point 
where it was functioning properly, which has solved THOSE problems for the time 

However, we can't get it to be cached in Artifactory's private repo (we cannot 
use the transparent proxy mode for Reasons) because the go.mod file in the fork 
claims it is instead of /mock. This doesn't 
cause problems with Go, which is happy to use it as a replacement, but 
Artifactory won't store it (and in fact barfs if I try to add it as a direct 
dependency because of the mismatch).  This means we can't build with GOPROXY 
set to the Artifactory repo, because the replacement module doesn't exist there 
and there's no fallback mechanism for GOPROXY, so the build just fails at the 
initial "go mod download".

Is there a good solution to this conundrum that isn't a) vendoring, which is 
yucky, or b) rewriting go.mod in the private fork? This sort of situation is 
inevitably going to happen again when we need to make private fixes to a 
dependency or the like, and it would be good to know if there's either a de 
facto or de jure best practice for this.

I recognize that this is probably a deficiency in Artifactory's module handling 
code (it doesn't seem to understand the "replacement" concept), and while I 
also recognize that this isn't an Artifactory support list, I have to imagine 
that someone here has run into this problem (or a similar one).

Thanks in advance.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Is Go a single pass compiler?

2019-02-28 Thread David Riley
Was this book written in the '70s or '80s?

Single-pass compilation is great in some ways (memory and time efficient), not 
in others (usability).  C is (sort of) single-pass (if you don't count the 
preprocessor, optimization passes, etc), which is why you need function 
prototypes.  Assemblers are very often single-pass.  C is basically a 
user-friendly front-end to the assembler anyway, so.

Languages built for the the minicomputers of the '70s and microcomputers of the 
'80s should be designed for a single pass, because if you were trying to do 
anything bigger than that it would likely take forever or exceed your available 
resources.  I don't think that has been a valid constraint on anything for a 
long time unless you're planning on e.g. compiling something on an AVR (for 
example, Forth is a single-pass language if you squint at it hard enough, and 
it fits nicely on some REALLY small things).

- Dave

> On Feb 27, 2019, at 6:46 PM, wrote:
> Thanks, Ian.
> I remember reading in some compiler book that languages should be designed 
> for a single pass to reduce compilation speed.
> Go proves that wrong :) It's amazingly fast, looks like computers are pretty 
> good at traversing AST trees.

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Re: [go-nuts] ctrl-c and Golang

2019-02-16 Thread David Riley
I suspect it's because your reference to the time_array is actually copying it 
into your closure that's running as the goroutine instead of making a reference 
to it. You might do better to pass that array as a parameter to the goroutine 
instead of trying to absorb it as context.

I should note that your approach of filling a statically sized array is 
probably not the best one, because that's going to eventually panic once you 
hit the limit.  But that's a bit out of scope of this discussion, and I'm sure 
you mostly meant it for illustrative purposes.

- Dave

> On Feb 16, 2019, at 9:29 AM, Hemant Singh  wrote:
> I have the following program.  The program is processing network packets at 1 
> Gbps rate.  I don't want to print the rate for every packet.  Instead, I'd 
> like to save the rate in an array and dump the array on Ctrl-c of the 
> program.  When I dump the array on Ctrl-c, the data is all zeroes.  Please 
> see "<===" in the program below.  Anything else one could do?
> Thanks.  
> -Hemant
> func main() {
>   const SZ = 65536
>   var time_array [SZ]float64
>   c := make(chan os.Signal)
>   signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
>   go func() {
>  <-c
>  fmt.Printf("You pressed ctrl + C. User interrupted infinite loop.")
>  fmt.Printf("%v ", time_array);  <=== all zeroes printed. 
>  os.Exit(0)
>   }()
>   i := 0
>   for {
> ...
> time_array[i] = rate
> fmt.Printf("%f bps ", rate) <=== value printed is correct. 
> i++
>   }
> }

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Re: [go-nuts] Re: using docker for compiling

2019-02-07 Thread David Riley
Yes, but we have somewhat different objectives than you might.

We use the Docker golang (alpine) image to build our images, and it works 
wonderfully (and really makes it a lot easier to cope with differences in 
Jenkins build nodes).  However, our apps generally eventually run on 
Kubernetes, which means we have a few things to consider for actual use that 
other folks might not.

I should also note that for the most part, we use shell scripts to build, as 
make doesn't really bring us many advantages; it can't really track 
dependencies across the Docker barrier, and since they're not strictly speaking 
files, it can't track the predecessor images (we use a multi-stage build 
process) as dependencies, so shell scripts it is.

By way of background, our project is a collection of microservices which we 
generally build at the same time for a variety of reasons (one of which is to 
maximize parallelism and cache reuse).  We use `go build` and/or `go install` 
to achieve that, but we use `go run` when testing things.

Our build process is as follows:

- We make a "build" image for each supported distribution we build our apps for 
(currently Alpine and CentOS, which have to be built separately because 
Alpine's musl-libc makes the binaries incompatible with everything else).  The 
build image is generally the base Go image (which is the official one for 
Alpine, and an equivalent cobbled-together one for CentOS) along with a basic 
set of packages installed that we know we need for our build (typically git, 
gcc, protobuf stuff and not much more).  That image is stored locally and used 
as a base for the next step.

- We make a "base" image by first copying in the bootstrap scripts (formerly to 
install dep, but now just to do a bit of prep work) and the go.{mod,sum} files. 
 We warm up the build cache by running `go mod download`, then copy in some 
secondary scripts to run `go get -u` to pull in the required Go binaries for 
things like code generators needed for the build.  Then we copy in the rest of 
the code (we defer this to maximize use of the Docker build cache so it doesn't 
fetch the dependencies every time), run the code generators with `go generate`, 
and then run `go install` on all the apps we want to build (rather than `go 
build` so they wind up in an easily-known location), running it on all of them 
at once to build them at the same time.  After that, we copy a few of the 
static assets that get bundled with the apps over to other well-known locations 
in the image because none of our environment variables carry over to the next 

- We then use Docker's newer multi-stage build capability to start from a fresh 
runtime image for each app/distro combo, and copy the apps and their required 
static assets into the fresh image. That way, our Alpine images tend to be less 
than 15MB each (CentOS is a bit more, though in theory the base layers get 
reused, though this is not always true for distribution).  Because they are 
microservices, each app container is built with the entrypoint simply launching 
the app itself so the container terminates when the app does (which is 
preferable for Kubernetes).

Now, this obviously wouldn't be ideal for rapid deployment, which is where 
things start getting interesting.  In theory, we could work directly from the 
"base" container (the middle piece), since that has all the source and runtime 
needed to run the containers, but not everyone on the team relishes using 
terminal-based text editors (there's no accounting for taste).  We do, in fact, 
run the unit tests and benchmarks from that container and it works splendidly.  
But for an edit-compile-run cycle, it leaves a little bit to be desired, so we 
add a bit more on for local development.

For the iterative cycle, we do two things.  First, we bind-mount our source 
directory over the copied source directory in the container (yeah, it's a 
little wasteful, but the image is already there and set up, so).  We then run 
an autorunner which watches the source files and re-runs `go run 
.// ` (we use `reflex` since it worked best for our 
purposes, but there are others out there including `realize` which seems to be 
generally more popular).  This works wonders for developing microservices in 
the container environment with an editor outside the container, though getting 
the regexes to hit all the right files can be interesting; you may need to 
manually poke things after a `go generate`, for example.  This works extremely 
well even across the VM barrier of Docker for Mac, and I would assume also 
Docker for Windows, since they have taken great pains to ensure that filesystem 
notifications work across platforms.

For specific Kubernetes work, because we want to be able to connect to 
in-cluster resources that aren't available outside the cluster as well as 
connect to the API and get all the environment variables we'd get when deployed 
in-cluster, it's a bit more complex.  You don't want to be t

Re: [go-nuts] What does "nil implay?

2019-01-20 Thread David Riley
On Jan 20, 2019, at 18:00, 伊藤和也  wrote:
> I know "nil" is zero values for slices, maps, interfaces, etc but I don't 
> know what "nil" implays. Does nil implay the absence of value or a variable 
> has't been initialized yet or something else?

Basically yes, all of the above. This pattern dates back to C, Lisp, and other 
languages of computer science history, though many languages have different 
semantics attached. In C, NULL was just a zero pointer value that effectively 
stood for an empty/uninitialized value; in Lisp (or Python, for example, which 
has a similar None), nil is a special value of its own type that connoted an 
empty value, or false (there is similarly a “t” in Lisp which connotes the 
opposite of nil, though it is valueless).

In C, NULL values can be dangerous to play around with; in Go, some effort has 
been made to make them useful (for example, they are treated an empty arrays, 
though they are not quite the same as an empty map).

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] What is nil pointer dereference?

2019-01-20 Thread David Riley
On Jan 20, 2019, at 16:36, Burak Serdar  wrote:
>> On Sun, Jan 20, 2019 at 2:32 PM 伊藤和也  wrote:
>> type a interface{
>>   m()
>> }
>> type abc int
>> func (abc) m() {}
>> func main() {
>>   var v a
>>   v.m()
> v is nil. It is declared but never assigned a value. You are
> dereferencing v to call m, causing nil ptr dereference.

Importantly, v is of type a, which is an interface; it has to be dereferenced 
in some sense in order to get its type information in order to figure out what 
m() method to call.

If you’d made v of type *abc (and m() was a method for type *abc, not abc), 
this would actually be valid and would execute, but the instance pointer passed 
to m() would be nil. Sometimes that’s actually something you want to do/handle, 
though I would argue it’s fairly rare and more often it’s something you would 
want to check as an error case.

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Versioning packages

2018-12-14 Thread David Riley
Oh man, I searched in vain for any kind of discussion exactly like that issue. 
Your Google-fu is clearly superior to mine. Thanks! :-)

> On Dec 14, 2018, at 10:08 AM, Paul Jolly  wrote:
> Just to briefly note the discussion in
> (and other issues linked
> within that one).

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[go-nuts] Versioning packages

2018-12-14 Thread David Riley
Hi all,

We're building with go 1.10.x and dep for a project at work, and having been 
bitten twice in the space of a week with unversioned upstream executables 
fetched via "go get" causing strife with versioned vendor code fetched by 
"dep", we've been working on making our build environment hermetic (we'll be 
moving to modules soon when we move to 1.11, especially because we use 
Artifactory, which supports vgo registries so we can protect our build chain, 
but for now we're stuck with dep).

Our common solution for this is to make sure the tool is put in the "required" 
stanza in Gopkg.toml, then running "dep ensure" to make sure it ends up in the 
Gopkg.lock file so the Docker build can pick it up when it runs "dep ensure 
--vendor-only". This works pretty well for protoc-gen-go from protobuf and 
mockgen (the two tools that broke our build this past week), but I also want to 
do the same for goyacc, which lives in

I notice that nothing from the repository is at all versioned, so as 
far as I can tell, it all comes from the master branch.  How do I version these 
to ensure that they don't break with older/other Go versions?  Is there some 
sort of guarantee that they'll work at least n revisions back?  I'm already 
extremely skeptical about the practice of just fetching all packages from git 
repositories, given how easy it is to slip malicious code in that way, so 
requiring a "go get" for those tools doesn't exactly give me the warm and 

- Dave

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Re: [go-nuts] Re: pass interface

2018-12-10 Thread David Riley
Ah! No, that is not possible, because interfaces (and other types) are not 
first-class objects in Go like they are in some other languages (such as 
Python).  You can work around it, to some extent, by passing a zero-valued 
instance of such an interface (e.g. PrintInterface(A{})) and using some 
reflection magics to do what you need based on the reflect.Type and similar. 
That's how a number of libraries like Resty determine how to e.g. deserialize 
JSON to a specific type requested by users. It's got its warts, but it works.

- Dave

> On Dec 10, 2018, at 9:53 AM, Mark Volkmann  wrote:
> Yes, this is what I'm trying to do!
> Perhaps this is not possible.
> On Sun, Dec 9, 2018 at 10:34 PM Robert Engels  wrote:
> I think what the OP wants is:
> type A interface{}
> type B interface{}
> ...
> PrintInterface(A)
> Meaning they want to pass the interface definition to some method. 
> At least that’s what I am guessing. 

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[go-nuts] Position(s) available at FireEye

2018-11-14 Thread David Riley
Hi all,

I work at FireEye on the tooling end of things, and my team needs more decent 
senior backend devs.  Our current project is a large-ish system in Go; we're 
looking for experienced systems programmers, but deep proficiency in Go isn't 
strictly required (Go is easy enough to pick up, system-building experience 
less so).

I'm a backend developer doing a lot of the API plumbing for the system 
(microservices orchestrated by Kubernetes tying several other major components 
in other languages together, along with the UI).  Currently we could REALLY use 
more folks on the backend.  It's supposed to be a remote position (East Coast 
US strongly preferred because of timezone), though I don't think that's 
reflected on the req.  Obviously, if you're already near the Reston, VA area 
that's obviously a plus.

This is the position on my team:

We have a few others on closely connected teams:

And in general, there are a number of related positions, so feel free to peruse 
the job board, you may find something you like if you're looking:

Feel free to bug me for a referral, it will speed the process up (obviously, 
we'll want to talk first).  I'm glad to make referrals for qualified 
candidates, including for entry level positions!  We're a good company, and we 
treat our workers well, and I'm very happy here as an engineer.

Hopefully this isn't the wrong forum for job posts, but I'm interested in 
finding enthusiastic developers. If you know anyone you can recommend, please 
send them my way (my direct email is my name, joined by periods, at fireeye dot 

- Dave

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