New address

2003-09-02 Thread jan . skibinski
I apologize to anyone who wrote me last week and did not get any response. For a 
reason unknown to me I can no longer access the email account which I used when 
subscribing to this list. I hope this address will remain stable enough.

Haskell mailing list

ANN: Konka doc

2003-08-23 Thread Jan Skibinski
Hi All,

You might be interested in Konka documentation, which is available either in HTML 

or as a raw source -- from which either HTML or a View format
can be generated in two seconds:

The preface to Konka doc explains how to generate the View format
on the fly, so if you get tired of scrolling the big 360K HTML version (with images 
and tabularized 25 Remote API functions) download one of the above plus the Rebol/View 
interpreter from

This small 530 executable installs in seconds and deinstalls even easier - by erasing. 
It is worthy to have - even just for the sake
of making and reading the Konka documentation.

Konka is a portable software for local and remote generation, transformation, viewing 
and "snapshoting" of 3D scenes. Any language, which speaks TCP can interface to Konka 
via its set of well documented
Remote API functions.

The documentation has one chapter on Haskell and one on O'Haskell and Timber. Two 
simple simbot examples demonstrate how to use
Konka API in GHCI. The overview of Haskell-Konka API is provided.
Low level clients are presented for Haskell and O'Haskell.


Finally, a free email address your friends will remember!
Haskell mailing list

Re: library Directory.hs

2001-06-19 Thread Jan Skibinski

On Tue, 19 Jun 2001, Nicole Gabler wrote:

> O.k. thank you Wolfgang!!
> Then I will tell you my problem exactly. Perhaps anybody can help me:
> My haskell programm is in the root directory. I want to parse from several
> files in different directories. How can I do this??

That depends what you want to do. If you know the names
and locations of files, you can easily access them
by specifying full FilePaths. And this is definitely
supported by Hugs. With some gymnastic you can even
get directory listings - if you are willing to use Hugs
as a string server.


Haskell mailing list

A pecular algebraic data structure

2001-06-05 Thread Jan Skibinski

I've been working with one pecular algebraic data structure,
named Register, which is described in currently upgraded
or in gzipped version of the same document
Section 13 of that document outlines the background for
the topic of this message. But the section is just way too
long to quote it in here.

But to summarize it: data Register is pecular because
it is indexable but not observable in a standard way,
and because two different representations can describe the same
state. In theory there should be well defined transformation
from one representation to another. This seems to me as a good
subject for some research work.
Granted that there are many experts on functional data
structures out there (I do not want to pressure any
of you gurus, so I am not naming anyone :-)), could you please 
look at the write-up and help me with the following questions?

+ Is the Register data structure strangely unique,
  or does it fit somewhere into a hierarchy of known
  functional data structures? I would be happy to learn
  that the latter is the case, since I could then start
  looking at it at a more formal, well known and tested way.

+ Is a non-uniqness of representation amenable to formal
  treatment, such as deforestation?


Haskell mailing list

Re: Advantages of Paper

2001-06-05 Thread Jan Skibinski

Judging from my logs, some libraries, such as University
of Chicago library, do their own indexing of WWW.


Haskell mailing list

Re: Ix class

2001-05-15 Thread Jan Skibinski

On Tue, 15 May 2001, Matt Harden wrote:


> I would like _any_ pair of Ints to be an acceptable boundary for the
> honeycomb, not just the ones that represent valid indexes.  For example,
> (Hx (0,0), Hx (15,12)) should be a valid set of bounds.  The current
> definition of rangeSize makes this impossible, which is why I would like
> to override it.  By the way, the Library Report does not explicitly say
> that the bounds have to both be valid indexes, though it does imply this
> with the sample definition of rangeSize.

There is an old article [1], that is somehow related to
what you do. Looks like it could add some extra fuel to your
arguments if re-examined in terms of current Haskell.

[It might be also interesting to those discussing arrays
in the other thread.] 


[1] D.B. Carpenter, Some Lattice-based Scientific Problems,
Expressed in Haskell,

Haskell mailing list

Re: Haskell Simulator of Quantum Computer

2001-05-05 Thread Jan Skibinski

>   Hoping to get some early feedback I am posting this
>   very preliminary version:
>   Jan

The bug mentioned in the write-up has been fixed and QFT
behaves well now. New versions of both files (module
and html page) are ready at the same location.

Sorry for talking to myself, but the thought of having posted
something buggy (in hope of getting some help) really
bothered me. 


Haskell mailing list

Haskell Simulator of Quantum Computer

2001-05-04 Thread Jan Skibinski

Hoping to get some early feedback I am posting this
very preliminary version:


Haskell mailing list

Re: List of words

2001-05-02 Thread Jan Skibinski

On Wed, 2 May 2001, Jerzy Karczmarczuk wrote:

> I am relatively new to Haskell.
> Somebody told me that it is a very good language, because all the
> people on its mailing list are so nice that they solve all 
> homeworks, even quite silly, of all students around, provided they
> ask for a solution in Haskell.
> Is that true, or a little exaggerated?

Not really. No one wants to answer my questions. :-)

Do you think that this list is the only source of
easy solutions? See what people ask Google and what Google
sends to our web server:


Must be a tough and generic problem. Notice that Haskell
is not mentioned here at all, but yet Google happily
directed it to one of Haskell pages here.

By the way, this is not the longest question that I've 
seen in the logs. Some are so long and weird that must
match any web page out there.


Haskell mailing list

factorizing a tree

2001-04-29 Thread Jan Skibinski

I need some help with some optimization of certain trees:

data Tree
= Leaf Item 
| Product Tree Tree 
| Sum (Double, Tree) (Double, Tree)
with this additional "collating" property:

Sum (Double, Leaf Item) (Double, Leaf Item) ==> Leaf Item

I have certain control over the shape of such trees.
I love products, but sums are expensive and hence my goal is
to avoid them at all cost. If this is unavoidable then I try
to push the sums down the tree as deeply as possible. By
doing that I am sometimes able to collate a sum of two leafs
into one leaf, and that's great. But even without the collation
effect a deeply set sum is still better than the top sum.

One of the functions, f say, is given two indices i, j
from the range (1, depth of the tree). It should modify
the layer "j" based on the information contained in the layer "i"
- producing new tree of the same depth. A naive solution
looks like this: 

f :: Int -> Int -> Tree -> Tree
f i j tree = Sum (1, g i j tree) (1, h i j tree)
g = ...
h = ... 

but this is the most costly solution.

One way of pushing the sums down the tree is to do something
of this sort:

f i j (Product t1 t2)
| (i <= d) && (j <= d) = Product (f i j t1) t2
| (i > d) && (j > d)   = Product t1 (f (i-d) (j-d) t2)
d = depth t1
depth t = ...   

I wonder if there are some known practises for handling such
problems. Or am I overlooking some very simple solution?
If I did not clearly specify the problem it is probably because
I did not want to post here too much of irrelevant information.
I can clarify it if required. 


Haskell mailing list

modules Eigensystem and LinearAlgorithms

2001-04-02 Thread Jan Skibinski

Experimenting recently with some quantum problems I've
decided that it's time to add some long overdue
algorithmic support for module QuantumVector.

So here are two new modules added to our collection:

The former partially overlaps with module Orthogonals,
but their most important algorithms are different,
although both modules use lists for representation
of matrices. This is still work in progress, but usable
as it is for Hermitian matrices.

Both modules are thoroughly documented, so here are just
few buzzwords:

Housholder reduction, complex reflection, Hessenberg
matrix, similarity, triangularization, tridiagonalization,
operators and maps.


Haskell mailing list

quantum search algorithm

2001-03-13 Thread Jan Skibinski

Directly from the oven :-):
Excerpt from a short module description is given below.
Grover's algorithm assumes that one is given a quantum function, also called
an oracle, that indicates, when confronted with any number between 0 and N-1,
whether this number is or is not the special number being sought.
The algorithm enables one to find a marked item in unstructured N-item database
in a time that scales not as N, as a classical computer would require, but only
as sqrt N.

Putting it another way: the maximum number of calls to oracle is proportional to
sqrt N. Think about a scenario when the oracle charges you per call, or
when its computations are very lengthy. The answer is probabilistic, but
given with very high degree of probability.

In our implementation the 'search' function is able to find specifically
marked number from the assemble of 8 numbers: 0..7 in just two calls to oracle,
with very high degree of probability. The 'test' performs m such searches.
Note that the final stage of the search is simulated as a quantum measurement
performed on the state vector.

Haskell mailing list

Interesting application for RandomIOR

2001-03-09 Thread Jan Skibinski

Well, at least interesting for me ... Thinking a bit
about modelling of a standard interpretation of a measurement
in Quantum Mechanics I came up with this tiny addendum
to module QuantumVector:
which simulates apparently random choice of an eigenvalue
and collapses the state to its corresponding eigenvector.


Haskell mailing list

Re: Proposal: module namespaces.

2001-02-28 Thread Jan Skibinski

Wrong namespace! Could you please, move your further discussion
on this subject to [EMAIL PROTECTED]? You pauperize the
other archive while polluting this one.


Haskell mailing list

Re: FW: Consortium Caml

2001-01-29 Thread Jan Skibinski

If this idea is also being considered for Haskell
I suggest to examine NICE pages to see how it works
in practice. 

NICE = Non-profit International Consortium for Eiffel.

Haskell mailing list

Haskell Module Browser with code

2001-01-19 Thread Jan Skibinski

Classes available from the description page at

Works in Squeak. Supports Hugs and NHC. Support for other
environments is planned. Hugs Module Browser is good only for
Linux/Unix users due to current lack of a support for pipes
and processes in Mac/Windows. NHC Module Browser should work
in any environment since it does not need to communicate with 
external processes.
This is the interim release, far from being finished, not
optimized, with some glitches and unfinished design.


Haskell mailing list

Re: Hash Functions

2001-01-15 Thread Jan Skibinski

On 12 Jan 2001, Steinitz, Dominic J wrote:

> I was thinking of using MD5 or SHA-1 for an application. 
> Is there a Haskell library that contains these or other hash algorithms
> that have a very low probability of giving clashes?
> Dominic.
contains interface to MD5 code in C via Greencard. There
is a support for one function only (the only
function I really needed for a certain CGI application)
digest :: String -> String.
It uses 'unsafePerformIO' but you could redesign it
changing its signature to 
digest :: String -> String IO
or extend it to supply other functions you need.


Haskell mailing list

Re: Learning Haskell and FP

2001-01-02 Thread Jan Skibinski

On Tue, 2 Jan 2001, George Russell wrote:

> Paul Hudak wrote:
> > 
> > > Unforunately, the "Gentle Introduction To Haskell" that
> > > links to is not a very useful introduction.
> > 
> > John and I should probably rename this document, since it really isn't a
> > very gentle intro at all.  We should probably also downplay it's
> > prominance on the haskell website.  It was written rather quickly many
> > years ago, at a time when there was not a single textbook on Haskell.
> > So it's probably outlived it's purpose, although I do believe that some
> > people still find it useful.

> [cut]
> Nevertheless I think it might be a mistake to downplay it unless 
> there's a better publicly-available introduction with which you can
> replace it.

Very valid observation.

John, Paul:
Wouldn't be worthwhile and possible to gradually upgrade
it within some sort of a supervised documentation project at
Yale, as part of your regular teaching curriculum? 


Haskell mailing list

Re: Learning Haskell and FP

2000-12-28 Thread Jan Skibinski

On Thu, 28 Dec 2000, Benjamin L. Russell wrote:

> On Thu, 28 Dec 2000 16:48:57 +0100
>  Frank Atanassow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > i r thomas wrote (on 28-12-00 12:50 +1000):
> > >> "Furuike ya!  Kawazu tobikomu mizu no oto."  --Matsuo Basho
> > >
> >   "(It's) An old pond! The sound of water steadily
> > dripping in..."
>"[It's] An old pond!  The sound of water as the frog jumps in"

Keeping with the minimalistic spirit of Haskell:


-- by James Kirkup, an English poet
-- Supposedly from Hiroaki Sato collection of 80 English translations
-- of this haiku.
3 down 77 to go..


Haskell mailing list

Re: Parser Combinators in C

2000-11-23 Thread Jan Skibinski

On Wed, 22 Nov 2000, Koen Claessen wrote:
> I thought it could be fun for Haskell programmers to see
> this. (One of the problems with this webpage is that I do
> not really know for who I am writing it...)
> So if you have any comments or suggestions, please tell me!

I can see its usefulness for development of a family
of some compiler-independent, light-weight utilities for
Haskell, operating on sources of Haskell modules:
+ Converter from literate to non-literate source code.
  If I am not mistaken, each Haskell compiler and Hugs has
  its own version of "unlit" program. However, each
  "unlit" is compiler specific and dependent on other
  *.c and *.h files. There is nothing platform or compiler
  specific in this problem that could not be handled
  by a generic utility, running ouside any Haskell system.

+ Code and comments extractor
  A code extractor ("give me a list of default methods for class
  XXX", etc.) from Haskell sources would be a useful addition to
  any kind of a high level GUI browser. Its logic could be much
  simpler if source modules were first prefiltered by "unlit".
From my utilitarian perspective, it does not matter whether
such utilities are developed in Haskell and then compiled to C
or in your framework of a pure C - as long as they are generic,
lightweight and C-compilable on any platform (Unix for

I am brewing my own code for such tasks, but I would gladly
use somebody's expertly designed utilities instead. 


Haskell mailing list

Re: A prototype explorer for Haskell

2000-11-10 Thread Jan Skibinski

On Fri, 10 Nov 2000, Paul Hudak wrote:

> Good work Jan.  I have two comments/questions:

Thank you, Paul (and all the others that responded privately).

> 1) Why can't we do this sort of thing in a Haskell GUI tool such as
> FranTk?  What is missing that would make it as easy as in Squeak?

If you take the adverb "easy" away then my answer would
be "nothing".

I do not want to preach Squeak. I've done enough of it
already. But the reality is that Smalltalk has excellent
IDE tools, proven by 20 years of practice. What I have
shown on the web pages is just a tip of the iceberg.
And those tools can be easily adapted to other tasks,
far from their original concept of usage.

For example, the Object Inspector.. This is in fact
one of debug tools. Had I chosen to use its original version
you would have seen much more verbose printout on
my web page - telling you what exactly you are looking
at: strings, arrays, dictionaries; their full contents, 
etc. But for this application all of that would be irrelevant
and unneceserily foggy. So I browsed several related 
classes (using of course Squeak's IDE) and finally found
three methods to adjust. Instead of modifying the original
classes, I subclassed - getting in effect quite different
customized tool. That was quite inexpensive thing to do.
From then on I could concentrate on the task on hand:
understanding what I am receiving from Hugs and deciding
on how to structure and present the data.

Anyone could have done it easily. It's just that one
day I was struck by a thought: what's so sacred about
interlanguage marriages? Do they really have to be
close in spirit to qualify? Like C and C++? Maybe this
is why we still do not have any decent front end tools for
Haskell? And then another thought: How about an unlikely
aliance of the purest functional language with the purest
object oriented language? No compromises! And do not
worry, Haskell could not possibly get polluted - after
all it has monads standing on guard! :-)

> 2) Why can't we as a community create "front-end" tools such as this
> that can be used with several compiler back-ends?  
> [cut]

A gui-less universal support would be quite useful too, 
so GUI tools from any toolkit, could tap to something
common for all Haskell environments, not necesserily Hugs.


Haskell mailing list

A prototype explorer for Haskell

2000-11-10 Thread Jan Skibinski

and tell me what you think about it.

The tool uses :browse command of Hugs. There is always
a choice for this kind of work:

+ Parse the source modules. 
  Pro: Tools are portable to other environments.
  Contra: source code is not type checked and might be buggy.

+ Be lazy and tap to work of others, such as Hugs.
  Pro: Modules are typed checked.
  Contra: tools are not portable.


Haskell mailing list

Re: The world's smartest i/o device for Haskell

2000-11-07 Thread Jan Skibinski

Since I have noticed some moderate interest in this subject:
several hundred visitors to the main page - some recurring,
several dozens peeks at the module (some recurring
again) and several encouraging private messages - including
some from the pillars of this congregation (only one public
message from Hannah though), I am posting this message as
my final addendum:

I had hesitated whether or not post my original message
to this forum. But thanks to the encouraging messages
(and they really count when one is not sure how stupid
or not the subject is) I will be occasionaly doing some
further work on some interfaces to Squeak. But I will
not be bothering this list with any related announcements.
If you are interested - check the pages from time to time: (linked from the above

But since I am still standing on the soapbox:
In meantime, the first page has been decorated by
a simple GUI example, a Hugs observer. The file has
been also significantly upgraded to include several safety
measures and multithreading support in order to be able to
interrupt lengthy or non-terminating Hugs computations.


Haskell mailing list

The world's smartest i/o device for Haskell

2000-11-01 Thread Jan Skibinski

Described in:


Haskell mailing list

Re: A small problem.

2000-08-22 Thread Jan Skibinski

> As Ralf mentioned you can compute the area of the triangle without
> using square roots:

Just for the record guys: you cannot cheat and skip
'sqrt' computation if the triangle has any arbitrary
orientation in 3D - unless you know its plane normal. :-)

Re: A small problem.

2000-08-22 Thread Jan Skibinski

On 22 Aug 2000, Friedrich Dominicus wrote:

> Dear Haskell Fans, I'm afraid that I'm a bit dumb but I'm somewhat
> stuck. 
> Can someone give me a hand on this problem
> I wrote this code to solve SOE, exc 5.1. 
> import Shape
> triangleArea :: [Vertex] -> Float
> triangleArea (v1:v2:v3:_) = let a = distBetween v1 v2
> b = distBetween v2 v3
> c = distBetween v3 v1
> s = 0.5 * (a + b + c)
> in sqrt (s * (s-a) *(s-b) * (s-c))
> triangleArea _ = 0

By the way:
A classical way of calculating area of a triangle is to compute
cross product r = p x q, where p = v2 - v1 and q = v3 - v1, and
then take half of its norm; 1/2 * sqrt (r1^2 + r2^2 + r3^2). 
Here, function 'sqrt' is called once only (providing that you
compute vector 'r' algebraically, not via norms); that is:
r1 = p2*q3 - p3*q2
r2 = p3*q1 - p1*q3
r3 = p1*q2 - p2*q1
In your example you call 'sqrt' four times (I presume here
that 'distanceBetween' is defined in terms of 'sqrt').
Although I appreciate the reason why this algorithm has been
exposed in SOE, it is - in fact - quite inefficient due to
all those 'sqrt' computations.

Furthemore, if you wish to compute area of a polygon, you
can indeed split it into a list of triangles, sum
all the vector products, and finally take one only 'sqrt' of
the result and divide it by two. It works for any type
of polygons, even those that have local convexes, for
example 'stars', etc. Internal 'holes' in your polygons
can be also automatically accounted for.
Take a look at
(section 6.2 and 8.1) and
(section 5) for some examples. This is a bit more that you need,
but it also show how to compute not only areas but also area
integrals (for this I use Sierpinski's fractals). Truthfully,
the later algorithm require some rethinking and optimization,
which I have not done as yet.


> o_array :: Shape -> Float
> o_array (Polygon (v1:vs)) =  
>let ph = phelp vs
>  foldr (+) 0.0 (map triangleArea ph)
>  where phelp :: [Vertex] -> [[Vertex]]
>phelp (v2:v3:vs) = (v1:v2:v3:[]):phelp (v3:vs)
>phelp _  = []
> what I want is to replace the recursive phelp function with a function
> using higher order functions. 
> My base idea is splitting up List of Vertices into a list of exactly
> three vertices calculating that area and adding them all. 
> BTW, I do not like the above solution anyway. It's too bulky. So if one has
> another idea on how to tackle it, I would be very thankful to some
> hint. 
> Best regards
> Friedrich
> -- 
> for e-mail reply remove all after .com 

Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

2000-08-11 Thread Jan Skibinski

>   No.  A definitive test is to submit the page to the validator at the World 
> Wide Web Consortium's web site (, which (not 
> surprisingly) finds 455 HTML errors, beginning with the absence of a document 
> type declaration.

I bet you that 99% web pages on the net would not
pass this test. Try,
or any other older pages out there (including mine,
of course). This (and some other validators) are quite
picky and do not distinquish between severe errors,
(yes, yes some "fancy" *.htm pages cause my Netscapes to
freeze) and innocent variations of the strict rules, 
such as adding  between list items to enhance its 



Re: doubles

2000-08-10 Thread Jan Skibinski

> Aha . And how many digits will GHC offer me?

I would think that you will get the same number of digits
as is available for C - unless some bits are reserved
for something special, which I am not aware of.
For example, in some implementations of Smalltalk the most
significant bit is used as a flag to distinquish between
a reference to an object and an unboxed integer, hence their
integers are one bit shorter than in C.


Re: doubles

2000-08-10 Thread Jan Skibinski

On Thu, 10 Aug 2000, Sebastian Schulz wrote:

> Hi!
> How can I use Doubles which are more exact than six digits?
>  For example HUGS gives me :
> >1,23456789
> 1.23457

1. What you see printed and what is used in internal
   computations are two different things.
2. But Hugs'es Double is the same as Float, anyway.
   This used to be a low priority for Mark.
> I want to rotate coordinates with eulerian matrizes and I'm using the pi
> from the Prelude ( 6 digits).
> After about 1000 360°-rotations I have an error of about 0.1% ; but I
> want it more exact.

Try compilers or STHugs instead.


Re: basAlgPropos state, Cayenne

2000-07-28 Thread Jan Skibinski

On Fri, 28 Jul 2000, S.D.Mechveliani wrote:

> And there arises a question.
> To make the implementation accessible, the paper file has to be 
> included there as the necessary part of documentation. Maybe, not 
> literally the paper, but something that 90% coincides with it.
> On the other hand, I want the paper to be published somewhere, maybe,
> in some conference proceedings, or I do not know, where. Just to have
> a `publication' and a "hard" reference, not only an http location.
> So, I wonder,
> * where to submit the paper,
> * whether publishing its file in www as a part of the library 
>   documentation may destroy its future acceptance for publication.
> Who could advise, please? 

I suggest "" e-print server. Although
originally designed for physics, it also hosts sections
from mathematics, nonlinear mechanics and computer science.
Publishing electronically does not prevent you from
publishing the same article in traditional journals.
As a matter of fact 70% e-print articles from
are reprinted somewhere else. This is being encouraged
by both media. For example, you can modify your abstract
on LANL server anytime to tell the world that:
+ your article has been accepted for hardcopy publication
+ your article appeared in such-and-such journal. 

I hope this helps.

Re: Haskell libraries, support status, and range of applicability(was:Haskell jobs)

2000-07-25 Thread Jan Skibinski

On Mon, 24 Jul 2000, Claus Reinke wrote:

> Jan Skibinski:
> > On Wed, 19 Jul 2000, Claus Reinke wrote:
> > 
> > [List of some examples of library status information..] 
> > 

> Someone asks about GUIs on comp.lang.functional, on the 
> Haskell list, or elsewhere, and we just point them towards the
> library list at - question answered, problem solved,
> isn't Haskell just nice?-) 


> Seeing a last-contact date for a library tells me more: on that
> date, the authors' plans where these. 

I always put two dates on my pages for the exact same reason,
which you are raising. But doing it on my own web is one
thing, and putting extra burden on shoulders of John Peterson
and Olaf Chitil is quite another. I would suggest to take
the example from and formalize submission
process via form interface. As you might have noticed,
the LANL e-print server does not accept free-form
abstracts, because that used to lead to a mess -- including
misspellings of the very word 'abstract'.
I have never submitted any request to the maintainers
of to place links to my modules. Yet,
several of them are there, and that tells me that either John
or Olaf does occasional scan of messages from this
list and update the pages from time to time. It is
quite a burden to keep everything up to date. The
automatic submission process should solve several

+ Put up-to-date status information on the
+ Ease the maintenance process of those pages.

For those who do not know how it works on LANL server:
+ You register yourself as an author and receive
  password for any future submission of your articles.
+ During submission of a particular paper your receive
  another password, which relates to that paper only.
  Based on this you have a power to correct your paper
  or even withdraw it.
> I think that would be a good idea for Haskell (but please,
> not at the level of comma positions;-).

I used to be bitching about that too:-). But
I later realized that those little things are also
really important for readability of the software.

> Perhaps could give out reference numbers for 
> software? So instead of the maintainers searching
> high and low for existing software, library authors would actually
> submit their stuff to get a reference number, so that they and
> their users could refer to the software as published on
> as [HS-LIB-2000-01] or [HS-TOOL-2000-02] or whatever?

LANL classification system is simple:

quant-ph/0007059 means: Section Quantum Physics, year 00,
(2000), month 07, article number 59 received in that month.
> Once we have references to software (not only to nice publication
> talking about software), the next step could be some form of
> software review, perhaps itself published online as 
> " - quarterly software review"?

I second both of your proposals. Alternatively some
sort of reader driven scoring system could be worthwhile to
consider - with a power given to authors to withdraw
their submissions. Such mechanism exists on LANL server.
This is fair to authors.

I think, a number of libraries on Haskell pages reached
some critical mass and it is about time to think of
quality rather than of manifestation of quantity of Haskell


Re: Haskell libraries, support status, and range of applicability(was: Haskell jobs)

2000-07-19 Thread Jan Skibinski

On Wed, 19 Jul 2000, Claus Reinke wrote:

[List of some examples of library status information..] 

They are all fine and useful. But I do not see any clear
incentives for authors for doing so, apart from their
desire to make libraries perfect .. in their spare time, 
if any, of course. If the develepment of good libraries
had similar gratifying effects as publishing scientific
papers the situation could have looked quite differently,
I guess.

I just read  "Heath B.O'Connell, Physicists thriving with
paperless publishing", e-print physics/0007040, (on
""), and I was amazed to learn how well this
paperless revolution works there, notwithstanding all
sorts of extra efforts needed for this to work as smoothly
as it does. But there _is_ a strong incentive to be quickly
read, and in the same token, to access information as
quickly as possible.

But what kind of gratification one gets from writing
a library, good or bad? Don't ask me, I have not seen
any so far, unless when I do something strictly commercially.

Secondly, I have not seen any real peer review on this
level. I cannot speak for others, but the feedback I receive
does not count; sporadic encouragement is not what is
important here and web access statistics is useless too.
Long time ago ISE Eiffel had so-called EifellShelf, where
contributions from third parties were carefully scrutinized
by a group at ISE in order to assure quality and conformance
to standards. I do not know whether this model is still
in operation, but I really liked it then, even though
I had to put my commas and blank spaces just right, or
put assertions where I had considered them unncecessary
at first. It did not harm my pride at all, and it really
helped everyone on a long run. 


Re: Eifskell

2000-07-05 Thread Jan Skibinski

On Wed, 5 Jul 2000, Anton Moscal wrote:

> IMHO, the closest analog of Haskell among OO languages is Cecil:
> Cecil contains closures, object initialization in Cecil is lazy and
> objects are immutable by default etc.
> And the main: Cecil multimethods in conjunction with the Cecil static type
> system looks similar to Haskell approach to overloading, based on type
> classes.
> But Cecil and Haskell is a two different languages.
> PS: Cecil URL:

See also "Cecil: using Eiffel"

A quote: "Cecil, designed by ISE, is the C library that
permits C and C++ applications (as well as applications
in other languages) to take advantage of almost all Eiffel

ISE = Interactive Software Engineering, Santa Brabara,
(Meyer's company).


Re: Eifskell

2000-07-04 Thread Jan Skibinski

On 4 Jul 2000, Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk wrote:

> Tue, 4 Jul 2000 00:40:18 -0700 (PDT), Ronald J. Legere <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > I think this is driven by the recent addition of closure like
> > 'agents' (
> They are poor substitutes of closures. 
> ...

Maybe they are, but this will evidently help with 
certain problems, which used to be quite awkward
to solve in Eiffel, such as implementation of higher
order functions.
If this thing were already in when interfacing to NAG
C libraries (EiffelMath) coding pointer-to-pointer-to-pointer
thingies (and NAG has plenty of them) would have been much
easier for us then. From this perspective this new language
extension is a progress and should be generally welcome.


Re: Questions about printing and rounding Float numbers

2000-06-26 Thread Jan Skibinski

On Mon, 26 Jun 2000, Michael Marte wrote:

> I always thought that the Int argument to showsPrec is the precision.
> So what is it good for? The library report does not explain it.

I sometimes use it to distinguish between the top
and the lower levels of nested data structures, which
allows me to shorten the output, as in:

Tensor [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]],
rather than
Tensor [Tensor [1,2,3], Tensor [4,5,6], Tensor [7,8,9]].


Re: Quantum oscillator

2000-06-17 Thread Jan Skibinski

Sorry for the repeated message. It appears that
our "qmail" mail server re-sends e-mails from
its queue any time I have to reboot the network.


Quantum oscillator

2000-06-12 Thread Jan Skibinski

Yet another testing module for QuantumVector module:

There is a lot of pretty theory and very little code
because the theory solves it all; well, almost, since
one can always find some mundane tasks for Haskell
to handle. 
But the code at least tests tensor products for
three-dimensional, anisotropic oscillators.

Harmonic oscillators are as important to physicists
as "factorial" and "fibonacci" functions are to
Haskellites. :-)
Very few examples in Quantum Mechanics have exact
solutions and this is one of the few good exceptions.
And pretty too.
It serves as a backbone for building more complex
apparata, and there are plenty of applications that
can be modelled as harmonic oscillators.
I could not help posting this example. Jerzy does it
too in his paper.


Re: More on Quantum vectors...

2000-06-11 Thread Jan Skibinski

In a second round I have made several improvements
to the formalism of QuantumVector module. Module
Momenta is also adjusted to match the changes.

The most notable improvement is related to tensor
products of vector spaces. Previous definition was
not good enough; although it could deal with many
subsystems but they had to be of the same type. 
This restriction has been now removed.

It does not sound like much, but in fact this
is a significant leap forward. I have few interesting
examples in mind which I intend to demonstrate

On Tue, 6 Jun 2000, Frank Atanassow wrote:

> I am aware of the many books on QM. However, I would not expect a
> CS person to read a whole book just to read a paper which has
> to do with QM.

I do not see a single principle of physics employed
in module QuantumVector. This is all preparatory work
based solely on some mathematics. There is some
physics in module Momenta though, and I provided
some summary of few laws a reader should know.

> Sure, it's a rehash of material available elsewhere, but it only needs to
> touch the points which are relevant for your paper.

Section 6 of QuantumVector is devoted to linear
operators and is mainly a rehash of known definitions,
to quote you.
You can find some documentation there. This was not
a main goal though; I was trying to demonstrate that
all known definitions of operators, such as inverse,
adjoint, unitary and hermitian, are valid -- even
though we deal here with strongly typed language and
have to assure that we do not compare apples to oranges.
Operators, as I view them here, are not just tables
of unnamed numbers; in many cases they map one distinct
type to another.


Crossing the 98 border

2000-06-05 Thread Jan Skibinski

So far I was able to stick with standard Haskell 98
features in the module QuantumVector I am working on.
But now it seems to me that I do not have any other choice
but to use Mark's extension of multiple parameter

The problem I have is described below.  
Question: Is there any way to code it in Haskell 98?
Question: If not, how portable is Mark's extension?
  Do I need to use it at all?



The problem is rather simple. I have two different
kinds of vectors: Ket a and Bra a and two conversion
functions "toBra" and "toKet".

I also define linear operators, which can be
either of the form:

a :: (Ord a, Ord b) => Ket a -> Ket b

b :: (Ord a, Ord b) => Bra a -> Bra b

These functions produce the adjoint operators:

toBra . a . toKet :: Bra a -> Bra b
toKet . b . toBra :: Ket a -> Ket b

But I want to define a function adjoint, such

(adjoint . adjoint) a == a, or
(adjoint . adjoint) b == b

I defined it this way:

adjoint op = dual . op . dual

class Dual a b | a -> b; b -> a where
dual :: a -> b

instance (Ord a, Ord b) => Dual (Bra a) (Ket b) where
dual = toKet

instance (Ord a, Ord b) => Dual (Ket a) (Bra b) where
dual = toBra

It all works perfectly well in Hugs -98 extension, but I am
afraid I am losing some portability here. 

Re: More on Quantum vectors...

2000-06-05 Thread Jan Skibinski

On Mon, 5 Jun 2000, Frank Atanassow wrote:

> Jerzy Karczmarczuk writes:
>  > ...although apparently there are exactly two readers/writers
>  > of this thread on this list. Oh, well, it is as boring as any 
>  > other subject.
> I'm reading it. I think this field of application could be very
> interesting. Jan, could you write up a paper on it, with enough of the
> mathematical background for non-physicist CS people to grok it?

Well, Frank, there are zillions of papers and books on 
mathematical background of QM and I certainly would not add
anything of a consequence here. A theoretical foundation of
Quantum Mechanics is the Hilbert space. Dirac's formalism
is a neat notation for that space and the physicists like it,
but you could use any other notation for that matter.

If you are asking for a paper on application of
QM that's again uncountable a task.

But if you are asking for a paper on QM vs. FP - that's
another story. Jerzy sent one pointer in his last post.
I hope more papers of this kind will appear in the future.

I would like to elaborate a bit more on what was already
said on applications of QM. There are tonnes of riches
of QM worth exploring. Some mathematicians have done it in
the past and some do it today. Some do not have a clue
what's there and that's a pity. This is what I have learned
from my days as a consultant in an engineering field:
a real life brings more interesting puzzles that I could
have ever invented by sitting at my desk and scratching
my head. (*)

Open any book on Quantum Mechanics and flip the pages
at random -- there is high probability that wherever
your finger points there are still some unresolved
problems waiting for you to compute.




Speaking of real life inspirations...
One apparently silly example: At a top of a high class
office bulding there is a running track for afficionados
of exercising. Runners cause track vibrations. Vibrations
cause noise. Noise propagates few stories down and annoy
the VIP. The VIP wants the problem fixed. The building
is new and noise/vibration consultants had been involved
in the project from the start. But they obviously missed

Well, the track is isolated by sandwiched layers of
rubber and other isolation. Stress waves reflect and
refract in the sandwich, which happens to have some
undesirable coefficients of refractions. As a result
the standing waves build up to extremely high levels.

Now, someone, somewhere could have written a paper
"Isolation properties of sandwiched materials", but
how on earth he/she would ever invented something
of this sort in the first place or - granted that -
how could he/she ever appreciate an importance
of this little problem?

Yesterday my friend posed a question about a concentric
cable whose 1 mm diameter conduit is welded to the base
of a printed circuit board. All of this sits on some
tower in Texas and is exposed to extreme temperature
changes. That causes high stress concentrations on
the contact surface between wire and the weld. The weld
breaks. But that's another unbelievable story...



Re: Module QuantumVector

2000-06-04 Thread Jan Skibinski

On Fri, 2 Jun 2000, Jerzy Karczmarczuk wrote:

> I hope that this work will progress. 

So it does. I started working on linear operators.
New version of the module is available for downloading.

Much still needs to be done, but the closure
formula is already there. Conceptually this seemed
to be a tough piece, but in fact the implementation
is pretty simple and consistent with all the rest.
And this is the real workhorse of the formalism and
corresponds to what one would use in matrix representation
(which we do not wish to use, as this is one of the goals
of the entire exercise).

A |x>  = |y> - Abstract equation
A |k> = |y> - Theoretical closure formula 
   (sum over basis k). 

a >< x-> y   - Haskell implementation of closure

Few examples of A show how to re-label representation,
and to "rotate" the basis.  
> For the moment I would only
> say, that the orthogonality requirement of Jan is a bit constraining,
> limiting the applicability of the theory to discrete (even finite?)
> spaces, 

Discrete yes, finite no. 

> while it would be interesting to work with, say |x>, with
> x belonging to R3... 

I had to start somewhere. There is enough abstraction for
me at the moment. Hopefully it can be generalized,
but even if not than there are many discrete cases
to work with. 

> Moreover, I assure you that some non-orthogonal
> bases are of extreme importance in physics, a canonical example
> being the coherent states in optics.

I am sure they are (*). Give me a break, will you? :-)

Thanks for the comments.


I think Jerzy is talking about cases conceptually sketched below.

  / e2|e2'
/ |
   /___   | contravariant basis
   e1  \
   covariant basis  \
 \ e1' 

e1 * e2' = 0   e1*e1' = 1
e2 * e1' = 0   e2*e2' = 1

Composing quantum angular momenta

2000-06-02 Thread Jan Skibinski

After two days of polishing the stuff I am pleased
to announce availability of the module Momenta:

Those who already downloaded the unofficial version
are adviced to get the new one. It is cleaner and
much faster. I also upgraded QuantumVector as well,
where I added few important bits for new Momenta
to work correctly.

I am quite pleased with myself :-). This stuff works
like a charm so far.

The explanation follows.



While computation of the total angular momentum for
a system of classical particles is a rather
trivial task, this is not so for quantum systems.
To describe quantum system of several interacting
subsystems one must properly define a vector space
spanned by eigenvectors of observables defined for
the entire system as a whole. Its basis, or rather
a set of several mutually orthogonal bases, can be
obtained by linear transformation of a tensor product
of the bases defined for the uncoupled subsystems.
The problem is how to find the coefficients of such

There exists a recursive method due to Clebsch and
Gordan, which does just that for two quantum
subsystems describing angular momenta. It can be
generalized onto three or more subsystems. For example,
four subsystems (a, b, c, d) can be first partitioned
into (((a, b), c), d) and then the Clebsch-Gordan
method can be applied three times in the inside-out
fashion. Although conceptually simple, this method
is too daunting for by-hand computations. However
it can be easily handled by computer programs, such
as this Haskell module.

There are two reasons for writing this module. First
of all, the problem of composing angular momenta is
pervasive in Quantum Mechanics; without much of an
exaggeration we say that a significant portion of
any typical textbook on Quantum Mechanics is in one
way or another related to a composition of angular
momenta. From this perspective, this module can be
considered a basic library module for quantum
mechanical applications.

But this module can be also considered a test case
for the QuantumVector module, which is currently
under development. Its abstract computing machinery
needs to be tested on some concrete non-trivial
problems, such as this one.

This module produces ready to go eigenvectors of
combined states and verify their correctness. Due
to all the background work we have done so far on
the abstract Dirac formalism and to the elegancy of
Haskell itself, the algorithm is simple and, most
probably, much clearer than in other implementations.

Re: mode in functions

2000-06-01 Thread Jan Skibinski

I watch in amusement how my name is glued to someone
else's prose. I mildly protest :-)


Re: mode in functions

2000-06-01 Thread Jan Skibinski

On 1 Jun 2000, Ketil Malde wrote:

> Jan Skibinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > For tar_x, tar_xv, tar_v kind of things people
> > invented objects, recognizing that "tar -x" 
> > approach is not a user friendly technology.
> Oh?  You realize there are Unix weenies on this list, don't you?
> Cryptic commands with equally cryptic options is very user friendly
> for an interactive command line.  I'm a lot more flexible, effective
> and efficient with that, than with any "object"-branded user interface 
> I've tried.

Well, I said that it was just mine opinion, to which
I stick. "De gustibus non est disputandum".
No need to feel offended about Unix. I use Linux
every day. But that does not change my opinion about
switches. This is the olden days technology.

I do not know what "object-branded" interfaces
you are familiar with, but NextStep for example
was able to hide all those unpleasent things quite
nicely and tar was (is?) quite friendly there.
[And you also had all fancy filters automatically
appearing in any application menu. Nice interprocess
communication. But you could still use scripts as
in any other Unix, of course.] 

Tar command is really a very good example. I was quite
tempted to copy here a header of "man tar", but I guess
everyone knows how big this beast is. I certainly would
not wish to cope with anything like this in any language
I use -- unless I re-wrote it first to some friendlier


Re: negate and sections

2000-06-01 Thread Jan Skibinski

On Thu, 1 Jun 2000, Jeffrey R. Lewis wrote:

> No so, of course.  (- x) means `negate x'.  Bummer.  What an unpleasant bit of
> asymmetry!

How about ((-) x) ?


Re: mode in functions

2000-06-01 Thread Jan Skibinski

On Thu, 1 Jun 2000, S.D.Mechveliani wrote:

> About the type constructor for mode, I half-agree.
> But about a single function - no.
> If you require the single functions
>  sort_merge, sort_insert, sort_quick,
> do you also require
>  tar_x, tar_xv, tar_v   instead of   tar 
> ?
> As to  quotRem - diveRem,  it has the three extra friends to export.

Since we are expressing "i_like --i_dislike" opinions,
here is mine:

For tar_x, tar_xv, tar_v kind of things people
invented objects, recognizing that "tar -x" 
approach is not a user friendly technology.


Module QuantumVector

2000-05-31 Thread Jan Skibinski

Here is our first attempt to model the abstract Dirac's
formalism of Quantum Mechanics in Haskell.

The exerpt from the summary follows.

        Jan Skibinski


We recognize a quantum state as an abstract vector | x >,
which can be represented in one of many possible bases --
similar to many alternative representations of a 3D vector
in rotated systems of coordinates. A choice of a particular
basis is controlled by a generic type variable, which can
be any Haskell object -- providing that it supports a notion
of equality and ordering.

The base vectors are abstract: on one hand they are just
used for identification purposes, on another -- they obey
all the rules of a vector space. Any vector | x > can
be represented as a linear combination of the base vectors
and complex scalars. [..]

We only require and impose the condition, that any two
base vectors from the same basis are orthonormal, as in:

< (i, j) | (p, q) > = d (i, j) (p, q)

where the left hand side is a scalar product and on the
right is a generalized definition of the classical Kronecker's

With this abstract notion we proceed with Haskell definition
of two vector spaces: Ket and its dual Bra. We demonstrate
that both are properly defined according to the abstract
mathematical definition of vector spaces. We then introduce
inner product and demonstrate that our Bra and Ket can be
indeed considered the vector spaces with inner product.

Multitude of examples are attached in the description. To
verify the abstract machinery developed here we also
provide the basic library module Momenta -- a non-trivial
example designed to compute Clebsch-Gordan coefficients
of a transformation from one basis of angular momenta to

Re: Fuzzy.hs

2000-05-12 Thread Jan Skibinski

On Fri, 12 May 2000, Malcolm Wallace wrote:

> > nhc98 and ghc4.06 show a different message:
> > 
> > Fuzzy.hs:188: Variable not in scope: `fromInt'
> The function "fromInt" is not part of Haskell'98.  Replace its sole use
> with "fromIntegral", and the module compiles just fine with nhc98.
> Regards,
> Malcolm

Until original Fuzzy.hs is upgraded I will temporarily host
its modified version in Fuzzy_oscillator directory. See:

Two changes were required: the first is mentioned by Malcolm
(for Nhc and Ghc) and the second relates to Show (for Hugs).

I upgraded Fuzzy_oscillator (upgraded reference to
the original location of Fuzzy.hs, importing GD
instead of Gif, regenerated pictures in PNG format,
changes to plotting functions) and GD modules as
well. The latter had the same "fromInt" problem.
Function "fromInt" is still being accepted by Hugs98


Re: Fuzzy.hs

2000-05-12 Thread Jan Skibinski

On Fri, 12 May 2000, Wilhelm B. Kloke wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to reproduce the fuzzy oscillator example by Jan Skibinski.
> ( )
> I am having problems to compile the module Fuzzy.hs. As I am
> just in an early learning stage, I need help to understand the error.
> hugs98 e.g. says:
> Reading file "/usr/local/share/hugs/lib/Prelude.hs":
> Reading file "Fuzzy_oscillator.lhs":
> Reading file "Fuzzy.hs":
> Type checking  
> ERROR "Fuzzy.hs" (line 76): Cannot build superclass instance
> *** Instance: Num (a -> b)
> *** Context supplied: Num b
> *** Required superclass : Show (a -> b)

This subject was already discussed in thread
"Show class on ADT with functions" (original
message by Mike Jones, 2000.05.05). Few answers
were given.

Fuzzy.hs was written long time ago by Warwick
researchers. Similarly, my Fuzzy_oscillator.lhs
is 1.5 years old. I do not have any idea as yet 
why Fuzzy used to work with old versions of Hugs.

If someone from Warwick reads these messages
the chance is that they will fix Fuzzy.hs.
If not, I can only promise to look into things and
provide patches for Fuzzy to assure that
Fuzzy_oscillator works again. It needed the face
lift anyway due to the replacement of Gif module 
by the newer GD module.


Re: When is it safe to cheat?

2000-05-09 Thread Jan Skibinski

On Tue, 9 May 2000, Frank Atanassow wrote:

> Jan Skibinski writes:
>  >Any good idea? First prize: a bottle of something good. :-)
> There is a thing known as an Entropy Gathering Demon (EGD). 
> >From :

You have been nominated for the first prize, 
thank you. That's all make sense to me. Now
that I know I should blame myself for not
noticing this little daemon running all the time
on our machines. But to give others a chance
I will postpone the final announcement :-)

I do not have a clue as yet why my mailer mishandled
my question about sources of randomness. I thought
it was sent few days ago. Sorry if you received it twice. 
I had few hardware problems recently, the servers
were down few times. Add to it yesterday's terrifying
storm - I could not belive my eyes when I saw sparks
coming out the receptacles. What a week!


Re: When is it safe to cheat?

2000-05-09 Thread Jan Skibinski

On Tue, 2 May 2000, Keith Wansbrough wrote:

> Off-topic, I know, but even if this worked as I think you intend, 
> it would hardly be random and would certainly be unsuitable for use as a
> nonce.  Applying `mkStdGen' to the current time doesn't make it any more
> random!  You might as well use
> nonce size = take size (cycle (map chr (chop_into_smaller_bits timeFrom1970)))
> where chop_into_smaller_bits expresses timeFrom1970 in base 36 or something.
> An attacker can certainly guess within a few seconds (= a few trials) when your 
>connection was negotiated.

Good point. Short of reading some truly random device
(perhaps ambient temperature fluctuation) this can be always
theoretically defeated. I can only make life more difficult
to the attacker by trying to outsmart him algoritmically
(Or to confuse him. My clock is always several hours too late
 or too early. Just kidding)
Any good idea? First prize: a bottle of something good. :-)


Re: basAlgPropos

2000-05-03 Thread Jan Skibinski

On Wed, 3 May 2000, S.D.Mechveliani wrote:

> > But this is not good enough to attract general attention
> > and to make it easy to discuss about. The onus is still
> > on you, to be frank. 
> It is large enough. If I expand it with more comments, people will
> be frightened by its messiness and would speak more about its 
> complexity. Probably, it is better to add the comments in the form
> of responses. But, for example, you wrote more than page of 
> comments, and there is nothing to really respond. The impression is
> still that the proposal had not been read.

Responding to your challenge I am sending to you
a very long private note with suggestions how to
restructure your current proposal.


Re: discussing basAlgPropos

2000-05-02 Thread Jan Skibinski


I will only make a short observation here - skipping
other unnecessary details which do not move this
discussion in right direction.  
You misread me, I wanted to help. Specifically, I sensed
a tone of resignation in your letter dated Wed, 26 Apr, 2000
in reponse to Fergus:

Fergus:> I think the "jury" is unlikely to rewrite the proposal;
Fergus:> more likely, they will simply reject the proposal.
Fergus:> It is up to the proponent(s) of the proposal to rewrite it.

Sergey:>>I have no idea of how such committee may appear.
Sergey:>>Neither do I care much of what with this proposal will happen.

If you are satisfied with a current process, I rest
my case. 


P.S. I read your proposal. I saw your comments within
it. I could even extract some sort of a small and
a big picture.
But this is not good enough to attract general attention
and to make it easy to discuss about. The onus is still
on you, to be frank. 



Re: Impasse for math in Haskell 2

2000-05-02 Thread Jan Skibinski

On Tue, 2 May 2000, Jerzy Karczmarczuk wrote:

> Well, all this is ambiguous. A "big picture" and
> "something moderate" contradict themselves IMHO.

Not necessary. How about moderately big picture? :-)

Seriously, I really worry that Sergey's initiative
does not receive proper attention it deserves
- as you said. Any initiative for that matter.
Some small ones popup here and there. I think
all of this needs some organization. A process
that would push the ideas forward to some
constructive resolution.
"Crying loud" ("if you miss something") is not
a solution. You may get a patch if you are
lucky. But here is a big chance to get something
done in reasonably complete or semi-complete way.

You sound pessimistic about such a process, and
I really do not understand why. On one hand you list
several shortcomings of Haskell that "worry you for
years", then you mention your own goodies that you
have developed for pure joy - which I am sure
(judging by the papers of yours I read) would be
beneficial to this project, then you worry about "jury"
and "their benevolent consideration". Forget about
the later - there is no jury and never be. I am sure
most of us would benefit from an open discussion on
the subject.  

We all make mistakes and some of us (if not most) are
ready to admit them - unless we are "priests of science"
jellously guarding our little "altars of science" - quite
ironically described by Truesdell in [1]. I hope this
does not apply to anyone on this list.

Did I coax you enough to head the project, or
at least take a part in it? :-)

> The "object-like" classification of math.
> structures *is not enough*. 

Fine. Then let's try to graphically show the static
portion and describe the missing dynamics and
detailed operations in words - as you did in your

"There is nothing that can be said by mathematical
symbols and relations which cannot also be said
by words."

But to be true to the spirit of the above quot
I should finish it up:

"The converse, however, is false. Much that can
be and is said by words cannot successfully
be put into equations, because it is nonsense."[1]



[1] Clifford Truesdell, Six Lectures on Modern Natural
Philosophy, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1966]

Re: Impasse for math in Haskell 2

2000-05-01 Thread Jan Skibinski

On Mon, 1 May 2000, Tom Pledger wrote:

> Here's an example of something which could be done, without major
> language extensions: insert a partial ordering class between Eq and
> Ord.  (It's something I've advocated before, so I won't dwell on it
> this time.)

That's why some sort of a big picture might hopefully
help to clearly organize the process into several stages
of the iteration loop:

+ What extra features would be really desired and, first of
  all - WHY? How will it make Haskell more useful
  from math-oriented application perspective? Opinions will
  differ, I am sure, but some small common subset could be
  probably accepted by most at first iteration.
+ How to implement them? What strategies are feasible?

What seems to be happening now is some sort of
sporadic voting on Basic Algebra Proposal as a whole:
"I like it", "I dislike it", "I agree with part of it", etc.
Some opinions has been expressed but nothing visible
constructive is coming out of the current process.

I think this happens because the Proposal is quite
specific and mixes Sergey's point of view on
some implementation issues and his naming convention
with generic goals and needs. A recurring comment
is that a particular feature should not be implemented
as class, but datatype, etc.  

If I could suggest to Sergey, or anyone else who
feels competent in doing so:

+ Start with a big picture and forget details
  for a moment.
  Use standard naming convention from Mathematics
  Subject Classification, so we all could refer
  to it, check it, and compare notes. Graphic
  representation would be nice.

+ Justify the needs for all those elements
  from the big picture. What am I buying
  from this as a whole and why I need this
  particular structure? What can I do with it?
  [That's why I cited Tegmar's diagram yesterday:
   he evidently knew where he was heading]

The bottom line is that some convincing
arguments for changes are needed first before
implementers are to be bothered at all.


Impasse for math in Haskell 2

2000-04-30 Thread Jan Skibinski

It appears to me that we have reached some impasse
in a design of basic mathematical structure for
Haskell 2. Sergey's proposal "Basic Algebra Proposal"
is there, but for variety of reasons (a language
barrier being probably one of them) it does not seem to
reverberate on this group.

Shouldn't we thus start with something more moderate,
that does not offer a concrete solution as yet,
but at least presents some framework for a serious

I recently came again across a "wacko" (in the words
of its author) 1998 article by Max Tegmark
"Is the `theory of everything' merely the ultimate
ensemble theory?": - USA - Germany

The www reference to this is on his web page:
"Which mathematical structure is isomorphic to
our Universe?",

Interesting in itself, although highly controversial,
the paper graphically sketches a portion of the hierarchy
of matemathical structures (or rather a web) in its
introduction. It refers to Mathematics Subject
Classification from American Mathematical Society,
Tegmark's sketch (both in the paper and on web page)
is obviously geared towards his interest in `TOE'
- which is fine with me but others from this list might
have completely different picture in mind.  

Wouldn't it be useful to start a discussion
on the future of math structures in Haskell 2
with something similar on hand? For example,
Sergey could convey his ideas in a more compact
and clear way, using this approach. And hey, there
is Functional Graph Library waiting to be used too.:-)

After all, Haskell98 Report has something of this
sort as well.


Re: When is it safe to cheat?

2000-04-28 Thread Jan Skibinski

On Sat, 29 Apr 2000, Fergus Henderson wrote:

> On 28-Apr-2000, Jan Skibinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > When can I safely cheat haskell compiler/interpreter
> > by pretending that I perform pure computations,
> > when in fact they are not?
> That depends on what degree of safety and portability you want.
> If you want the greatest degree of both of those, then currently
> the only safe answer is "never".  The Haskell 98 Report does not
> standardize `unsafePerformIO', and so there are no guarantees
> about whether future implementations will have such a function,
> or what it would do, or when it would be safe.

That's the best answer I got. It should be framed.

If my implementation currently cheats a bit but
it works in Hugs, that's my responsibility and
my possible future headaches. Period.

Lennart wrote:

> So, currentSecond is not safe to the kind of compiler optimizations
> that a good Haskell compiler can do.
> You can't make a working currentSecond if you don't involve IO in the
> type, that's just the way it is.

Just out of curiosity: Is your compiler clever enough
to do just what you said? Another words, would this
attached code fail to produce random nonce string (
the idea apparently criticized by Erik, but I do not care
where this came from. It works fine in Hugs-98,
February 2000 release). Humor me please :-)

nonce :: Int -> String
nonce size
= take size (filter isAlpha
   (randoms $ mkStdGen (fst $ unsafePerformIO timeFrom1970)))

timeFrom1970 :: IO (Int, Int)
-- you can simulate it somehow, but
-- source code is available to all
-- at

Erik, Frank and Nigel:

I appreciate your answers too. Please try to understand
that I am searching for clear answers about the limits
of usage of "unsafePerformIO". I do not try to
"outsmart compilers".

I often do just that in my other life - rocking a boat
a little. Really! When I take a dinghy for my
first sail, when the weather is warm, wind gusty,
no baggage and children on boat then I drive her
to her limits to gain some confidence of what can
I do with her.

Jan Skibinski

When is it safe to cheat?

2000-04-28 Thread Jan Skibinski

Facing a risk of being stomped all over again
without reason, I nevertheless post this question
to get to the bottom of things:

When can I safely cheat haskell compiler/interpreter
by pretending that I perform pure computations,
when in fact they are not? Here is a real example,
from my Md5Digest module which works fine in Hugs:

digest :: String -> String
digest string
= unsafePerformIO (
marshall_string_ string   >>= \x1 ->
prim_Md5Digest_digest x1  >>= \x2 ->
unmarshall_string_ x2 >>= \x3 ->
return x3

From my naive perspective it should look to Hugs
as a pure function - due to input argument.

If this is correct then

currentSecond dummyInput
= cheat expression involving dummyInput and unsafePerformIO
from my previous example should be, by extension, also
safe to use. Correct? Or are there some lurking
surprises that I am not aware of?

Not that I like cheating though :-)



Re: updating file

2000-04-28 Thread Jan Skibinski

On Fri, 28 Apr 2000, Fergus Henderson wrote:

> > 
> > This is all fine and dandy if `currentSecond' is within `where'
> > clause, because it will be always evaluated afresh.
> It might happen to work with current Haskell implementations,
> but I don't think there's any guarantee of that.

Thanks Fergus for pointing this out. I was playing
by ear: "Does it work in Hugs?" 

I rarely use (if ever) "unsafePerformIO" in any of my code,
but this time the application demanded such a heavy usage
of time stamps that a "lightweight" method of IO unwrapping
seemed to be quite handy. It turned out not to be :-)


RE: updating file

2000-04-28 Thread Jan Skibinski

> You have discovered the essence of monads, ie the difference between the bad
> and ugly world of side-effecting computations and the nice and clean world
> of pure functions. And even using my favourite example (*)!

Let's put it in other words: I knew the difference,
I was just not careful enough. What I often do when
in a midst of debugging is to move a local definition
temporarily to the left margin, just for debugging.
This time I got badly bitten.   

I thought that this was such a spectacular example
that I decided to share it with the world :-). 
> You say the currentSecond has type Int, so it is a pure value. However, when
> you assume that, you can prove that True equals False. It is not without
> reason that unsafePerformIO is called *unsafe*PerformIO!

Well, I said the same in my post.

> You said, "To my distress the clock stopped after the first call to
> `currentSecond'". Well, it is not the clock that stopped, but Haskell that
> assumes that it only has to look at the clock once to compute currentSecond,
> and thereafter immediately return that value everytime currentSecond is
> needed. 

"To my distress the clock stopped .." supposed to be a joke. 


Re: updating file

2000-04-27 Thread Jan Skibinski

On 27 Apr 2000, Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk wrote:

> Unless we are talking about unsafe extensions, which OTOH are very
> useful too. Sometimes eliminating unsafePerformIO would require
> huge rewrite of the whole program, making it less readable and less
> efficient. But they should be clearly marked as unsafe. The safe
> sublanguage should behave safely.

Changing a course a little bit to describe some dangers
related to usage of `unsafePerformIO'

I am not very proud of what I did, but I will tell this
story anyway, hoping that someone can learn from my mistake.
"Unsafe perform" is just what it says :-)

When writing DateTime module few days ago I stupidly
entered this line of code, without even thinking about
its signature:

currentSecond = second $ unsafePerformIO localDateTime

where `localDateTime' has been defined via primitive
call to C:

localDateTime :: IO DateTime

To my distress the clock stopped after the first call to
`currentSecond'. I took me much more than just few seconds
to realize that the problem was not related to any
bug in the C code, but in the signature of

currentSecond :: Int

This is all fine and dandy if `currentSecond' is within `where'
clause, because it will be always evaluated afresh.
But being a top level function, as it was, it was always 
reporting a cached value. This all relates to the yesterday's
subject "openFile :: String -> String" but it is even more
spectacular in its side effect. Try to beat this!



Re: updating file

2000-04-27 Thread Jan Skibinski

Ralf and Sven:

Thank you both for your answers. I knew that strictness
was needed here, but I was seeking some elegant solution.
I prefer your answer, Sven, a bit more. Could you elaborate
on your `hack' a bit more? It seems to be a good topic for
"how to be strict".

Your dressed up, reusable version is attached below.

updateFile :: FilePath -> (String -> IO String) -> IO ()
updateFile file process
-- `process' content of `file'
-- and update it in place
= readFile file  >>=
  hyperHack  >>=
  writeFile file
  hyperHack txt
  | length txt >= 0 = return txt
  | otherwise   = error "never happens" 


updating file

2000-04-27 Thread Jan Skibinski

Since we are in a mood for puzzles today ..

How to update file "xxx" without
making backup "yyy" first, as in:

readFile  "xxx" >>=
writeFile "yyy" >>=
readFile  "yyy" >>=
process >>=
writeFile "xxx"

Jan Skibinski

Re: openfile :: String -> String

2000-04-26 Thread Jan Skibinski

Angus is right on the track. I would only modify
it slightly:

content_xxx :: String
content_xxx = (unsafePerformIO . readFile) "xxx"

From Hugs perspective content_xxx is a constant.
Your may easily demonstrate it this way:

:!echo blah > xxx
content_xxx ==> "blah"
:!echo Hello > xxx
content_xxx ==> "blah"


Fast-CGI Hugs server

2000-04-25 Thread Jan Skibinski

Sources of the latest snapshot of Hugs serving
some simple example application via Fast-CGI framework
are available here:

[I may consider giving access to my Hugs server
 for testing to those from this list that I know
 by their postings. But the installation is not
 so complex - it just takes some time.]

Included are few HTML pages of documentation,
and auxiliary modules:

DateTime  - this one really computes what it says
Md5Digest - The server uses it for authentication
but you can use it for other purposes too.

The main module Bridge.hs provides low level
interface to C, but its main strength is in presenting
the application programmers with really simple
model, which I shortly describe here:

type Environment = [(Name, Value)]
type Query   = [(Name, Value)]
type Request = (Environment, Query)

serving_function :: Request -> IO ()

That's it! The request is just a glorified input,
and no one has to worry about where it has come from,
and in what form - POST, or GET, or whatever.

Writing fancy gadgets is a responsibility
of the application programmers, although I provide
some examples here too.

Aside from the basics, the Bridge.hs module
provides many examples and also a snapshot
of the simple application which is under
development and testing as I write this. The
application part requires some cleanup, but the
rest is quite decently designed and documented.


RE: Die Meisterstu:cke of software engineering

2000-04-07 Thread Jan Skibinski

Correction: After closer examination of CGI
directory in mod_haskell I found that the
library is strictly bound to a single concept
of using it as Apache loadable module.
Another words, one cannot use it as is in
other modes of operations, for example in fastCGI
mode. Or did I miss something here?

By fastCGI I understand either official one,
or home grown solution which I can easily provide
via pipes to runhugs or hugs. I can obviously modify
your library it to suit my needs, but wouldn't
it be better to provide a support for either
approach and let us made our minds how we want
to use it? I am sure everyone would benefit
from such a clear separation of functionalities.

RE: Die Meisterstu:cke of software engineering

2000-04-07 Thread Jan Skibinski

On Fri, 7 Apr 2000, Erik Meijer wrote:

> Probably you missed the announcement of mod_Haskell some time ago.
> Anyway, mod_Haskell gives you a Haskell98 update of my CGI-library
> integrated into Apache (yes, yes, that Linux-based webserver :-)

No I did not. What I missed is that mod_Haskell does
contain the upgraded version of CGI library, which
is based on your paper I cited in my previous post.

I looked at mod_Haskell before, I even recompiled
the Apache server, but it failed miserably during
the startup (the first frightful sign was that the memory
usage reports went out of bounds - I suddenly became
the owner of billions of megabytes).
I do not know the reason yet, but I am a bit reluctant
to try it again. There was probably some installation
error I made, but yet.. 
I'll give it a try again in the future, but 
.. thank you, I will stay with fastCGI idea for now.
This was the reason that I have not taken a good
look inside the mod_Haskell to find more about CGI.hs.

I owe you my thanks for this new version of CGI
library. However, that does not invalidate two
points that I made in my previous post:

+ Give us all a clear picture of current status of CGI.
  Available information on pages is misleading.
  Make it clear (on your pages or wherever) that CGI.hs
  is upgraded and that it can be used in the classic way
  -- without fiddling with Apache. You see, you even
  did not make it clear in your last post here.

+ My second point was about lack of cooperation
  between different parties. If Andy's library
  is of any value (and I believe, it is) someone
  should make some concessions in here to make
  those two pieces compatible. We should work
  together towards common goals. I might be
  a bit naive here, though.. :-)

As for the XMLambda - it looks very interesting,
and I am sure I'll find some use for it later.   


Die Meisterstu:cke of software engineering

2000-04-07 Thread Jan Skibinski

Die Meisterstu:cke of software engineering,
or "The crazy men in their magnificent flying

Once again I needed to quickly write few CGI programs.
Once again I did it in C. Once again I wished I could
use some ready to go Haskell modules instead.
And again I wonder: why don't we have anything as well
designed as the Perl CGI library?

Before anyone start protesting that there are few
Haskell CGI libraries around, I will count them
quickly myself: Erik Meijer's CGI library, Sven Panne's
modification of the former (both linked from
""), haskell_mod - a linkable library for
Apache server, htmllib - Andy Gill's HTML library
(somehow related) and few other variations on the
same original scheme of Erik that have been privately
reported to me.

The sad truth is that numbers do not count. Quality
does! There is the Erik Meijer's paper "Server Side
Web Scripting in Haskell" (
that has good quality engineering thoughts in it.
I would be happy to finally see those ideas
implemented, and the old libraries removed from sight.

On Oct. 4, 1999, I enquired here about availability
of software described in that paper (Where is "Server
Side Scripting" code?) and Erik's answer was, loosely
speaking, "wait until I finish it". As far as
I can tell nothing has changed in this respect.

This time I decided to do some reverse engineering
of the ideas outlined in Erik's paper. I fixed many
bugs I found there, filled in missing pieces, clarified
concepts, organized it in user friendly fashion,
documented it according to self-imposed rules
that I was arguing for a while back on this list,
and I have it ready for anyone who wishes to receive
it via email.
But I do not want to pollute the Haskell-CGI name
space by publishing it on my web pages because I
still hope to see the official Erik's version really

And here is a real explanation of the subtitle of
my message: "The crazy men in their magnificent
flying machines". Ever seen this funny movie? 
I just cannot help seeing the association between
some scenes from the movie and the situation here.

Here we have two marvellous masterpieces of engineering
(well, sort of :-)): one from Erik and one from
Andy Gill, but those pieces do not easily match.
I wished the two guys would sit down and compare
the notes. The CGI library is useless without
the form support. Why not to use Andy's HTML
library for this purpose, instead of redesigning
everything from scratch? The main problem is
in definition of HTML data structures. Erik
takes a straightforward approach:

data HTML = Text String
  | Element Tag [(Name, Value)] [HTML]

Andy takes a more circuitous route:

data MarkupElement content =
 = MarkupString String
 | MarkupTag {   
  markupTag  :: String,
  markupAttrs:: [MarkupAttr],
  markupContent  :: content
data MarkupAttr = MarkupAttr String String

newtype Html = Html [MarkupElement Html]  

How do you propose to match those? How would
you import Andy's widgets, such as:

checkbox :: String -> String -> Html -- Andy

to use them in Erik's framework?

checkbox :: (Name, Value) -> HTML-- Erik

[Name and Value are synonims for String].

Evidently, Erik's HTML is not the same as Andy's
Html and some ugly transformation is needed here.
What a dreadful idea! Translating from Haskell
to Haskell? Something of a sort as below?

import qualified Html as Andy

fromMarkup :: Andy.MarkupElement Andy.Html -> HTML
fromMarkup (Andy.MarkupString str) = Text str
fromMarkup (Andy.MarkupTag 
{Andy.markupTag = str, 
 Andy.markupAttrs = attrs, 
 Andy.markupContent = (Andy.Html markups)
}) = 
   Element str [(n, v) | (Andy.MarkupAttr n v) <- attrs] 
  [fromMarkup m | m <- markups]

fromHtml :: Andy.Html -> HTML
fromHtml (Andy.Html markups) = 
Element "nop" [] [fromMarkup m | m <- markups]
 || See this clutch here?

Re: improving error messages

2000-03-31 Thread Jan Skibinski

On Fri, 31 Mar 2000, S.J.Thompson wrote:

>   To help students I have compiled a list of messages and examples of code that
>   provoke them. In many cases a little effort would, I guess, lead to vastly
>   more informative error messages. I'd be interested to hear what you (and the
>   Hugs group) think. The catalogue of errors is at

To the maintainers of pages:

Would you consider linking to that page? Now that (I am so
sorry about it!) wiki-wiki pages are permanently down some
alternate mechanism for "howtos" or "faqs" is badly needed.
Would you also consider salvaging some material from
the wiki-wiki and making them available to public?


Solid modeling in Haskell

2000-03-28 Thread Jan Skibinski

Modules Solid, Solid_XML, Solid_tests and Solid_XML_tests
are available at

Some blurb follows.


What we need from a solid modeler is its ability to help us
with mundane computations of certain physical properties
of solids, such as areas, volumes, masses, centers or gravity,
moments of inertia, etc., and -- on the other hand -- help up
visualize those computations somehow.


This module does not concern itself with final graphical
representation or animation of solids. However, it can be
readily adapted to one of several existing graphic packages
for Haskell, such as graphics from "Haskell School of
Expression" or our module GD, which creates graphic files
in PNG and JPEG formats.
In fact, the latter was used to make the pictures found
in attached Solid_tests module.  

Acompanying this module is module Solid_XML, which supplies a
support for reading and writing solid objects in XML format. 

Module GD

2000-03-24 Thread Jan Skibinski

I would not take your time here if it were not for
the fact that my log file shows some traffic to
GD module in the last few days -- while I was still
making changes to it. Since I have finished with it
for now I might as well announce it here.

GD module is a substitution for Gif module, which
has been scrapped due to patenting issues (LZW
compression algorithm). GD library, to which GD.hs
interfaces, no longer suports GIF format and instead
supports PNG and JPEG formats. Accordingly, I remade
and renamed the package (Haskell module plus C driver)
as GD. It is available here:

While I was at it, I made massive changes to function
definitions (to improve their readability) and added
a support for styles and brushes via a concept of Pen.
All of this brakes some code in my other modules
from, and
- I suppose - some of yours. I apologize for this.


Re: HaskellDoc?

2000-03-23 Thread Jan Skibinski

On Thu, 23 Mar 2000, Volker Wysk wrote:

> (Message didn't get through the first time. Reposting.)
> Hi
> What you suggest sounds like a solution that's easy to learn, useful, and
> can be implemented with modest effort. It might be the a good solution
> for the problem at hand, documenting the haskell libraries.
> However, if one would take this way, one should keep the tool
> simplicistic. Or you could end up defining just another ad hoc tag syntax
> for just another literate programming system.

The viewing tasks that I listed before do not sound
simplistic to me at all. These are the things that I
need for daily programming. Frankly, I am not interested
in anything more than that.   

I tried to put an idea across that we do not need any
tags whatsoever for any of those facilities.
I really mean it. Neither XML based nor home grown, such as
triple-dash suggested by Manuel or double stars of Sun - as
used in Java.

 * They say that the double star supposes to signify
 * the importance of this comment for documentation.

I say that any comment that is not properly positioned
in the module structure should be ignored. It is not
worthy of our attention; it either signifies an
implementation hack or its author's frivolity. We only need
one type of comments - good and important comments.
The rest is a trash. If you accept this, the double
star is gone. We just got rid of one tag.

As you well know, a Haskell module must conform
to  a very specific structure -- as defined in Haskell
Report. No one complains that the import clause must
be positioned just after the module declaration.
Optional exports go in between. Definitions of infix
operators must be at the top of module too.

Now imagine that we all agreed on how we structure
the comments as well, and extended a module formal
definition to accomodate the (important) comments.
I see only a need for two or three types of comments.
Module comments just after exports. Function comments
just after the function signatures. Possible
class comments just after a class declaration.
Maybe data/newtype/type comments too...

I say "after", not "before". For Ross and Manuel
the "before" seems to be the obvious and natural
solution. For me it is not -- and for variety of
good reasons. One reason is logical: I am accustomed
to seeing a title of a book/work/program first, and
then the preface, summary, introduction, etc. 
This translates to "formal definition/name first,
explanation later". If I do it other way around
then I find myself in a typical "C" trap:

 * Function: void fillToBorder (
 *  Point p,
 *  Color fillColor,
 *  Color borderColor);
 * Formalized or very loose comment here: with or
 * without special tags.

 void fillToBorder (
Point p,
Color fillColor,
Color borderColor)

My experience teaches me that more often than not
programmers change their mind and modify the
number of arguments to their functions. And they
often forget to modify the comments above their point
of focus. From then on the original comments are not
only useless but also misleading if extracted
as API.

The second reason for my preference to "after" approach
is informative. I can use the names of arguments to
write the clear comments:

void fillToBorder (
Point p,
Color fillColor,
Color borderColor)
// Flood a portion of the image with `fillColor',
// beginning at point `p' and stopping at
// `borderColor'.


Notice that if I change my mind to redefine the above
function, the next natural thing for me to do is to
change comments below the signature. No discrepancies!

The third reason for my preference to "after" approach
is purely technical. I can easily convince my parsing
tool to switch to "comment state" right after it
found the function signature. And if it cannot find any
comment here - there will be no comments in API
documentation. Tough luck!
How about Haskell version of the above?

fillToBorder :: Point -> Color -> Color -> IO ()

Contrary what some people think, the signature
itself does not tell the full story. Here I can guess
the kind of action

Re: HaskellDoc?

2000-03-22 Thread Jan Skibinski

I was up all night and I need few hours of sleep,
so I will not be ready with any proposal till
tomorrow. In meantime you may take a look at

This is a document I wrote many years ago, but
it seems reasonably valid even today. I am not
terribly ashamed of it.
You will find there few hints about the subject
we are discussing here. It refers to Java, but it
does not matter.

Inside that document there are also pointers
to my two class hierarchy browsers for Java
- with documents that are also relevant to our subject.
The Xcoral-based class hierarchy browser is still
available, although I have not touched it
for years, so it is outdated and do not understand
more modern features of Java. But some people still
use it.



Re: HaskellDoc?

2000-03-22 Thread Jan Skibinski

On Wed, 22 Mar 2000, Frank Atanassow wrote:

> Could you give us a link to a description of this mechanism? I looked through
> but could only find more general descriptions of the
> language/compiler.

Strange as it may seem, Bertrand Meyer decided not to
include any documentation of the Eiffel language
and libraries in ISE Eiffel distribution. Unless
his policy has changed in meantime there is little
chance to find such information on ISE site.

The assumption was that user supposed to buy his
book "Eiffel: The Language", as well as the description
of libraries. The reference to these, I am pretty
sure, _can_ be found on ISE site.

I happen to have the book here, and several other
interesting pre-releases of other materials
from many years ago.

Bertrand Meyer, Reusable Software - The Base object-oriented
component libraries"

Kim Walden, Jean-Marc Nerson, Seamless Object-Oriented
Software Architecture (Analysis and Design of Reliable
Systems), Draft, February 4, 1994.
[This introduces static and dynamic models, the BON
notation (Business Object Notation) and uses those
for case studies]



Re: HaskellDoc?

2000-03-22 Thread Jan Skibinski

On Wed, 22 Mar 2000, Keith Wansbrough wrote:

> Jan... could you write up a proposal for such a system for Haskell,
> with 
>   1. The exact requirements (the comment conventions the programmer
>  must observe), and
>   2. A list of what could be automatically generated by a system
>  utilising these.

Ok, I'll try to come up with something informal for
a start.

> If we had a concrete proposal for something simple and usable, I'm
> sure all of us here on the Haskell list would be happy to thrash out
> the bugs and maybe go away and implement some of it.
> Regards,
> --KW 8-)

Re: HaskellDoc?

2000-03-22 Thread Jan Skibinski

In ideal world, programmers will be editing their programs
with fancy pretty-printing and editing tools. All kinds of
massive annotations would be then possible but they will be
invisible to a programmer's eye and not obscuring 
his/her code. Compilers will be clever enough to handle
pretty-printed and annotated source code. But the
programmers will never have to look into those special
files. They will always work with nicely presented views
of the possibly ugly internal representation of the source

But we do not live in such ideal world yet and what we use
daily are ascii editors for developement of our programs.
For a strange reason we are way behind the ordinary
computer users who do not care for ascii editors at all.

Because of our dependence on ascii format I protest those
proposals whose aim is to help some (hypothetical) tools to
generate fancy looking views: interfaces, cross-references,
No matter what some say, some of us will be still wanting
to work directly with the ascii source code. But if such
code is obscured by all those hints and helpings for
automated tools, such as XML tags and so on, the source code
presentation will be quite ugly and very hard to use

As someone already said here: programmer's comfort first
of all. Tools suppose to help us, not to impede our
work. If they are not intelligent enough - tough luck,
scrap them and find something better.

How come ISE Eiffel tools can handle all of this so
nicely from a clean ascii, readable source code? As far
as I can remember the only ugly looking comment line sits
somewhere at the top and says something like this:
"Document: $blaha $Date...". But the rest is pretty
-- as it supposed to be.

There are plenty of views that are given to Eiffel
users as his/her choice. And all of them are produced
from the same readable source code on the fly. So-called
short form which ignores inheritance? Here you go!
Flat form, fully blown API with inheritance. Flat-short
form. Extracts of description of classes. Cross references.
Lists of heirs, lists of parents. 
The only help a programmer gives to the Eiifel tools
is a bit of self-discipline. Location of comments.
Obligatory class comments. Preconditions and postconditions
that help to clarify the intended usage of the methods.
Licencing garbage at the bottom, not at the front of
the file. Well thought of comments: concise and clear.

I am just looking at one such extract, and -- beside
different representation of signatures -- all of
this look very Haskell! Even comments start with dash-dash. :-)
And it looks really good.



Hugs on the orbit

2000-03-15 Thread Jan Skibinski

Here is "How to convert Hugs into an Orbit server and supply it
with a GUI client"


Re: deduced context

2000-03-01 Thread Jan Skibinski

> The strongest objection I observed so far was that it agrees badly
> with writing programs to link to the object libraries given without
> sources. With overlaps, the interface module export types may start 
> to depend on the single `import A' declaration.
> It will be harder to satisfy the linkage of this to the shared 
> library.
> I consider such a case as esoteric, personally, fear to think of any
> program without source:
> how can one fix a bug in them, if their developers had quitted the
> support?
> And if one aims to link the program to object library and has not
> the sources for this library, all right, avoid overlapping 
> instances.
> --
> Sergey Mechveliani

Take a look at a simple example of extensibility
of libraries:
I do not have any opinion as yet about practicality
of their solution. They claim that it works. I do
not imply that something of this sort could apply
to Haskell. But on the speculative level the answer
is there.


Tutorial on Hawk

2000-02-22 Thread Jan Skibinski

Here is a tutorial on Hawk, which I prepared in December 1999
as a demo presentation for V3 Semiconductor in Toronto. 
It consists of four tutorial units, with 10 literate Haskell
modules and a lot of introductory material about Haskell
proper. Among other things you will find here a copy of a chapter
about I/O from Haskell Companion and an abridged html-ized version
of the paper "State in Haskell" by J.Launchbury and

Module "SymbolicMachine" from Unit 3 of this tutorial contains
several examples of concrete and symbolic simulation of
microprocessor models. Some examples included there were giving
me some trouble I described today in another thread.
To run this module you do not need Hawk library: all
what you need can be found in this directory.

Of all four units only the last one (specifically - module
"Super") needs the support from the Hawk library.
It describes the model of P6-like superscalar, out-of-order,
register-renaming microprocessor.

Most of the credit goes to the Hawk team, of course.
I am just a presenter, for better or for worse. I am
posting this tutorial as it was prepared in a hurry
before the lecture in Toronto. It badly needs further
editing, but since I opened a can of worms today:
here you are! If you want to run it, do not forget
to make symbolic links "html->lhs", or rename
the files apropriately. Enjoy!


RE: Help! Is there a space leak here?

2000-02-22 Thread Jan Skibinski

[Prompted by Sergey's message about the strange dates:
 The mess in my headers is entirely my fault.
 I have not had a chance to properly finish the
 upgrades to this machines: internationalization and
 the rest. Please forgive me for this mess]
On Tue, 22 Feb 2000, Mark P Jones wrote:

> Jan: I don't think you're being very fair.  

I stand corrected. But my remarks were out of
love to Hugs, not otherwise, you know! :-)

> Do you really
> know that the failures you demonstrated were due to a bug
> in Hugs?  Is it possible that they might have been caused
> by bugs in the program that you were running?  

No I don't know it. I had barely enough time to put
all those pieces together in a nice tutorial fashion,
so I could not examine them properly before the
demonstration I was giving. But this program came from
a reputable source, akin to Hugs itself, after all! :-)
I did not have any reason to suspect major problems

> Or perhaps
> you simply didn't have Hugs configured with a big enough
> heap for the size of the bigger problems that you tried?

I run the examples first on one of my resourceless
machines here and fiddling with the heap size would
not help. Later, the demo was being run on a 256Mb machine
where I had a comfort to set a heap size to quite
a large value. Yet, it did not help.

> If it truly was a bug in Hugs, I hope that you reported
> it so that the Hugs maintainers could do something to fix
> it?

No Mark, I did not. I got caught up in some other
problems and forgot all about it.
One of these days I am going to re-examine it again.

This particular program is quite big and I remember
one other curious thing about it: evaluation of
simple expressions (2*3, say) under Hawk prompt
were significantly slower than under Hugs prompt.



Re: Help! Is there a space leak here?

2000-02-22 Thread Jan Skibinski

On Sun, 6 Feb 2000, Joe English wrote:

> This turns out not to be the case; testing with Hugs
> invariably fails with a "Garbage collection fails to
> reclaim sufficient space" on even moderately sized
> documents (5000 nodes or so).

If I remember correctly, one of the past postings
explained that the current version of Hugs does not
properly handle the tail optimizations. You will
probably get a good explanation of this from someone

The reason I am answering your post is such that
I run into similar problems when executing one
of the examples from Hawk distribution. It deals
with the concrete and symbolic simulation of one
of the intel microprocessors. It supposed to simulate
an evaluation of a sequence of instructions, such
as the implementation of multiplications via additions.

In the concrete case it boils down to evaluation
of "7 * n", in a symbolic case it is "i * n",
where "n" is a running counter. Although it
looks quite simplistic here, the implementation
of those simulations is highly recursive.

Both simulations run fine for small values of
counter "n" but fail badly when "n" becomes big,
40,000 say. I happened to have a presentation
on the subject of Hawk about two months ago, and
the audience was not much impressed when they saw
Hugs failing on such simple (in their view)
examples. I knew beforehand what would happen for
large "n" and I tried to restrict my presentation
to small n's, but unfortunately the audience was
very inquisitive. You see, those people are accustomed
to running their tests for hours a time, so it
was natural for them to ask for some big values
of n.

Not a good publicity for Hugs, unfortunately.


Re: subscribe haskell

2000-02-22 Thread Jan Skibinski

On Fri, 18 Feb 2000, Avril Hardy wrote:

> I am very new to the Haskell environment and to this list.  I have 
> just started studying Haskell at University and have had problems 
> downloading Haskell or Hugs to my PC; I wondered whether it had 
> anything to do with the options set in the ini file in the Installation 
> guide html.


Nothing wrong with your setup. Standard version of Hugs
for Linux does not have menus. Your installation
at work must have been modified somehow from sources
to give you those extra perks. Hugs in Linux uses
the "ncurses" library when "readline" support is
compiled in. "Readline" gives you line editing and history
capability. I guess someone at your university
took advantage of ncurses and went one step further
to add menu support. And if both versions for Linux
and NT look similar he/she must have done quite
a good job.

I do not run Windows or NT version of Hugs, but I have
seen somewhere a picture of windows interface with menus.
I think it is called WinHugs. Look at the section
"Special items for Win 32 platform", at
But it does not mean that your menus at home will be
exactly the same as those at work.


P.S. Since I am already standing on a soap box..
If anyone out there uses Lynx and have trouble reading
Haskell Companion in its frames and tables version -
I recommend little known but crafty Lynx mutant from Czech
Republic, called "Links". This is another good example what
you can do with ncurses. Escape key shows you a menu and
all the setup is menu based. This package is missing some
features (like bookmarks) but the basics -- including
image support for external viewers -- are well

Re: drop & take [was: fixing typos in Haskell-98]

2000-01-24 Thread Jan Skibinski

> All the proposals break this law as well, so I this argument is weak (if
> not insane :-))
> -Alex-

IMHO, a consistency is the most important rule here.

I do not have any problems with any of those proposals,
providing that I can apply similar reasoning to other
functions as well. I do not wish to be forced to remember
that "drop" and "take" are somehow special in treatment
of (illegal/legal?) negative arguments.


Re: On Haskell and Freedom

2000-01-14 Thread Jan Skibinski

On Fri, 14 Jan 2000, Michael T. Richter wrote:

> At 06:48 AM 1/13/00 , Jerzy wrote:
> > Modifying source codes of your development tools is clearly a
> > pathology if not a perversion. It diverts you from your principal
> > task which should *exploit* those tools. 
> I'm glad to finally find someone saying this in this forum.  I was very
> close to unsubscribing from the Haskell list because it looked an awful lot
> like it was turning into an FSF soapbox.

As usually, there are two sides of the same coin.

It's hard not to notice all the advantages of the open source
delivery and of the bazaar-type collaboration in software
development - Linux and internet being just the two good examples.
I have been a taker and a giver in this scheme over the years,
and I am glad it exists.

On the other hand, lack of any serious quality control
seems to me the biggest menace in this scheme. Poor, outdated
or meaningless documentation and never ending upgrades with
never ending lists of new bugs force a casual user to become an
expert in each and every piece of software that she/he intends
to compile, install or use. [It does not mean that all commercial
programs are any better in this respect. Some are, many are not.]

And here I agree with Jerzy that - in a name of a private
or public progress - we should not have to be bothered
with fixing somebody else's bugs, no re-invent some basic
algorithms, such as "line drawing algorithm", over and over again.
I do not want to become an expert in all those updates
of Mozilla or GTK, I just want to use one of their reasonably
stable version if I can. I am grateful that someone does it
for me, and I try to repay it somehow to the best of my
But the reality is sometimes not so rosy. If anyone is
interested, I have prepared a lengthy hair-raising example
that documents the above:

A conclusion is that before we start glowing in glory of our
own achievements we should clean our own work first. And that
applies to FSF as well, as shown in the example. 


Re: Scientific uses of Haskell?

1999-11-30 Thread Jan Skibinski

> I spoke about the dataflow-style languages, the "circuit builders":
> Simulink, Scilab/SciCos, WiT, Khoros, IBM Data Explorer (Now Open 
> Source) a diagrammatic layer in MathCad, LabView, etc., (+ the defunct 
> Java Studio).
> And, of course, the notorious Visio used by some Haskell gurus
> around, for example by Eric Meijer.

It is worth mentioning Visual Hawk (in Haskell). It also uses
Visio. It seems that PacSoft/OGI do not advertise it yet; I
found this page by a pure chance:

I have not inspected it yet but the basic Hawk makes much
sense to me and it seems visually tractable. There is a brand new
version of Hawk 2.2 available at:

> If the block present themselves as "objects", not functions on
> the screen, their re-using consists in packaging smaller modules
> in a bigger one, and you will end up with a large hierarchy, which
> might to be difficult to code manually. 
> So, I disagree, the 2-dimensional, graphical programming has a nice
> future, although the dataflow languages like Lucid won't ever
> become very popular. 

Visual programming was (is?) also a part of the Smalltalk culture.
I do not think that a large hierarchy was there of any problem.
The problem was, in my private opinion, that -- although
it was all advertised as a non-brain package(s) --
the user still had to know something about programming.
All that linking of the components was fine for standard
usage (say, connect a telephone book to Btrieve) but for
non-trivial combination and usage of components one had to
go back to text mode anyway to fill in the gaps. Too simplistic
for programmers, too complex for casual users.


RE: RE to Rene Grognard (2)

1999-11-30 Thread Jan Skibinski

On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, Eduardo Costa wrote:

[About the scientific skepticism, pointers to literature
 re. mechanical arm an other goodies].

Thanks, Eduardo, for your pointers - this is much better :-).
To clarify my previous message: I did not question scientific
achievements of anybody in particular and I send  my best wishes
to dr. Alcimar in his work. Seems very interesting. I'd also like
to thank him in advance for his internal report to be sent
to me.


RE: RE to Rene Grognard (2)

1999-11-28 Thread Jan Skibinski

On Sun, 28 Nov 1999, Eduardo Costa wrote:

[About several promissing signs of usage of FP
 for scientific applications].

Far from pouring cold water on anybody's enthusiasm
regarding the usage of FP to scientific problems
(I would really like to see Haskell fit for such tasks),
I just want to point out that there is often a long
way from claims to reality. I have seen enough magic
algorithms for voice processing, published in well
acclaimed scientific journals, which have never passed
any tests that I have undertaken on my, then sophisticated,
Masscomp development station, nor when implemented
as real-time algorithms in hardware. Wiener, or not
Wiener, LSM or not, this stuff is really computationally
intensive and just could not be run as claimed: fast,
in small space, producing clean voice output for a claimed baud

And all of this was either C or assembler based, so the
basic speed (relative to what was available 10 years back)
was not an isssue. 

Please, let us avoid heresays and stick to well proven facts.
Where are the sources of the information you were talking about?

I could not find any single reference to a name Paschoarelli,
Soarez only matches with Alcimar Barbosa Soares (not two
persons as you seem to suggest) in context of the Clean discussion
list, Edimburg University somehow does not match with
mechanical arm, or arm of any sort, I could not find anything
related to prof. Malaquias'es publications (aside from his
correspondence to Clean list) etc., etc. Surely all those famous
people have already published at least something related to
the claims you mentioned?


Module Collection

1999-10-24 Thread Jan Skibinski

Our module Collection is now available at

It is based on Chris Okazaki's "BinaryRandomAccessList",
but with a twist and plenty of changes and additions.
An excerpt from the summary is appended below. 



Datatype Collection can be used almost anywhere where
List is used, but it also supports reasonably fast lookup and
update operations, and fast append operation. While the
latter is equivalent to the head-oriented operation on standard
lists, it also brings one additional benefit: if a collection
grows up by element appending rather than by up-front insertion we
do not have to worry about the re-enumeration of the existing
indices every time we add a new element to the collection. This is
important for database applications.

New class Container, defined here, exemplifies portability between
certain class of functions from List and Collection. Most of
them have familiar names, such as: length, take, foldl, etc.
We have ported so far certain group of List functions that
seems to be useful for one of our applications that
uses Collection datatype, but we will be revising this module
in the days to come and more functionality common to List
and Collection is to be expected.

Re: Module Tensor

1999-10-15 Thread Jan Skibinski

New version removes most of the previous limitations
(no limits on ranks, works for other dimensions than 3)
makes Tensor an instance of class Eq and Num and
introduces few operations for multiplication:
(*) - outer product
(<*>)   - inner product with one bound ("sqeezed" multiplication) 
(<<*>>) - inner product with two bounds


On Sat, 9 Oct 1999, Jan Skibinski wrote:

>   I have posted a sketchy design of module Tensor:
>   It has some limitations, which are clearly listed, but
>   it works well for 3D space. I would appreciate your
>   comments for improvements.
>   Jan

Module Tensor

1999-10-09 Thread Jan Skibinski

I have posted a sketchy design of module Tensor:

It has some limitations, which are clearly listed, but
it works well for 3D space. I would appreciate your
comments for improvements.


Re: Referential Transparency (was Re: OO in Haskell)

1999-10-07 Thread Jan Skibinski

Here are some comments about the prevailing view that the
concept of the World or the Universe is safe to use in
any kind of arguments related to referential transparency.
I would be quite cautious here. I am not an expert on
these issues in relation to FP, but I have seen enough
tough examples in physics that make me a bit sceptical here.
I am not fighting the concept itself, but I would like
to see it well described first to know exactly the limits
of its applicability. 

In my view, once I have introduced the idea of the outside
Universe into my model I am bound to complicate things quite
dramatically, because now I need to consider the interactions
between the two subsystems A and B (Universe). And they are
often not so simple..

To rigorously describe, and -- what is much more difficult --
to solve such a system one has to treat the compound A+B
as a whole. There are many such examples in physics, where
it is absolutely necessary to think globally. We cannot,
for example describe the system of two interacting electrons
via individual (interfering or not) waveforms: psi(x1) and
psi(x2). We have to use a function psi(x1,x2), which is an
amplitude of probability that one (we do not know exactly
which one) electron is at x1 and another at x2.

But physics also teaches us how to simplify things by
isolating the subsystem A from B -- as long as such
simplification makes practical sense. It is not always
possible though, and often not quite acurate. When you
describe the free fall of a mass "m" in the Earth gravitational
field you do, in fact, simplify the rigorous model by replacing
the two-body problem by the one-body problem. Knowing that
the gravitational pull of mass "m" has practically no effect
on the movement of Earth mass "M", you can just ignore
the Earth as such and instead introduce "one-way" gravitational
force into your model. This methodology of removing
constraints and replacing them by reaction forces (and/or
torques) dates back to Newton and is the first thing
to do in solving countless problems of classical mechanics.

You can also apply it to a quantum model of the hydrogen atom,
because the proton is much, much heavier than the electron.
But you cannot exactly apply it to the model of helium, because
now you deal -- in addition to heavy nucleus -- with two
electrons of the same mass.
I think that the monadic IO provides us with such a
simplification. As long as we realize what are its limitations
and as long as we stay within reasonable limits of the concept
we should be fine here. The operative word here is "realize".
Do we really know those limitations? 

I have seen engineers nondiscriminantly applying simplified
engineering formulas to problems where such simplifications
were not valid at all. You know, formulas of the sort "beam
bending moment", taken from some engineering handbook. Such
formulas had been, of course, derived from some basic theory
-- but with a lot of simplifying assumptions: linearity, isotropy,
small deflections, limits put on ratio of dimensions, etc.
But, by the time the formula hit the handbook, all those
assumption have been long forgotten.

I am afraid that once we start taking the monadic concept
too far we are bound to find some obstacles (philosophical or
practical) sooner or later. Same applies to the concept of
the Universe, because we often do not know what is exactly our
model of Universe. How do we model interactions of unknown
or imprecise nature?


Re: CPP is not part of Haskell

1999-10-04 Thread Jan Skibinski

If a good pre-processor is still a valid option, would not
something similar to Camlp4 be better than the plain CPP?

Camlp4 ===>

"Camlp4 is a Pre-Processor-Pretty-Printer for Objective Caml.
It offers syntactic tools (parsers, extensible grammars), the
ability to extend the concrete syntax of Objective Caml
(quotations, syntax extensions), and to redefine it from

If such a Haskell-specific tool existed and had the
ability to support any syntactic extensions to Haskell
then people would not have to worry too much about
syntactic incompatibilities, would they?


Where is "Server Side Scripting" code?

1999-10-04 Thread Jan Skibinski

Erik Meijer, in his paper "Server Side Scripting in Haskell", FFP, Jan 98
( claims that his Haskell/CGI library is a part of the
standard Hugs distribution. He also thanks the teams from Yale and
Nottingham for including it as one of the demos in the standard
distribution (of Hugs). I could not find it there though, nor on
Erik's site.

What is available from are two much outdated versions of CGI
library: one by Erik himself and one modified (and adopted to Haskell 98)
by Sven Panne. By outdated I mean that they both are based on Erik's
earlier work and much predate the refined and simplified concepts,
quite nicely described in the paper.

So where is the code in question? Is it still available to public
and if yes - who is a keeper?



Re: Sets of IOErrors?

1999-09-29 Thread Jan Skibinski

On 29 Sep 1999, Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk wrote:

> Wed, 29 Sep 1999 11:43:06 +0200, George Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> pisze:
> > When that happens in my code it counts as a bug!  Therefore error
> > is appropriate.  If you are in some larger Haskell universe calling
> > component Haskell code it is unfortunate if a single error calls the
> > entire universe to collapse, so you do need some way of recovering,
> I agree to both of the above.
> I only don't like the details about IOError. It's not extensible
> and Dynamic is still not nice. I have no idea how to make it
> better. Probably some general way of making extensible datatypes.

I think anyone involved in this and other related
threads should really take a serious look at O'Haskell.
Johann does not brag too much about it, so someone has to do
it for him :-).

I am one of those who support "small is beautiful"
idea and therefore I do not particularly like extensions
to existing systems - unless such extensions are deemed
absolutely necessary for practical reasons, especially if they
seem to fit well into the parent's base and do not look as ad hoc
decorations but as well thought off concepts.

Regardless of all sorts of constraints, Haskell has achieved
a lot in its current form. Working with restrictions
can be fun and intellectually stimulating but nevertheless
it can be sometimes frustrating. It's like writing a book
without using one of the letters of the alphabet, which
can be really challenging if you choose not to use the
most frequent vowel, as "e" in English. (*)

O'Haskell seems to take a stance: "Let's admit that
we need objects. Instead of peaking and poking here
and there i/o-wise why don't we start from scratch
and let them be as the first-class entities in Haskell?"

But referential transparency still holds, even though
the dreaded "x := x + 1" syntax is bravely exposed for
state updating in objects.

O'Haskell is able to extend hierarchies of entities via two
orthogonal mechanisms:
- subclassing, as in Haskell
- subtyping

This way one can easily generalize on existing abstractions.
Building superclasses on a top of existing classes
was a challenge for me in Smalltalk or Eiffel. Not
in O'Haskell!



(*) This is called lipography. A lipogram is a piece of text
written under the constraint that one or more letters
are not allowed to be used at all. Two examples:
- A e-less novel "Gatsby" by obscure Californian Ernest Vincent
  Wright, written in late 1930's.
- An excentric novel "La disparition" by French writer
  Georges Perec, written in French (again without letter "e")
  in 1969. This is a 26-volumed book (corresponding
  to the fact that there are 26 letters of alphabet),
  with volume 5  missing.

Source: Le Ton beau de Marot: In praise of the Music
of Language, by Douglas R. Hofstadter, ISBN 0-465-08643-8,
Basic Books, 1997


Re: Cryptarithm solver - Haskell vs. C++

1999-09-21 Thread Jan Skibinski

On Tue, 21 Sep 1999, D. Tweed wrote:

> Sometimes the problem that you're working on requires such
> a lot of computation (e.g., typical image processing stuff) that no
> savings from reduced writing time can by a machine fast enough to
> compensate for the slow-down.

I agree. The arguments "you are saving on development time
by using _the_ language" or "buy better equipment instead" 
are quite old actually. I've heard them first time in relation
to perceived slowness of Smalltalk. Nothing has changed
over the years in this perception, even though computers
have become faster and Smalltalk itself has been significantly
improved speed-wise; the competing languages have simply taken
the same advantage of hardware.
Besides, our apetites grow up too and the problems to solve
become much more complex than before. What used to be
considered an acceptable limitation is not such anymore.

The speed is a relative concept: comparing to what?
If I compete against delivery time than it matters to
me whether I will get my results in 6 versus 12 hours.
Just 50% difference, but it counts when impatient
client wants it done for "yesterday". And it counts
even more if he comes with another bright idea of
changing the input a bit and asks me to rerun it
again and again. If I use a top of the line commercial
software, which has no practical competion (say Ansys),
then buying faster equipment obviously helps.
But not if I have written my own staff, say in Haskell,
which supposes to compete with similar programs written
in C. 


Re: Haskell Companion

1999-09-14 Thread Jan Skibinski

[Most common concepts and definitions of functional
language Haskell]

The new official URL of the above overrides the previous
unofficial experimental pointer, which is no longer
useful. I think I found some sort of a stable working mode, 
so now I can publish a stable format and location, I think.
Here is the new URL:

Content-wise, nothing much has been added but just a handful
of new entries.
Presentation-wise, it now uses both frames, tables (supported
by "file include" mechanism) so three diffent views of the same
stuff are possible - with minimal editing on my part:

- tutorial organization
- tutorial + glossary
- glossary alone


Re: Implementation of type classes

1999-09-11 Thread Jan Skibinski

On Sat, 11 Sep 1999, Heribert Schuetz wrote:

> Most of this is probably well-known stuff and written down in papers.
> Which ones? The Haskell report concentrates on the static semantics of
> classes and instances. It looks like the dynamic semantics is expected
> to be already understood by the reader or intuitively clear. Are the
> references [6] (Jones: A system of constructor classes: overloading and
> implicit higher-order polymorphism) and [11] (Wadler/Blott: How to make
> ad hoc polymorphism less ad hoc) of the report available on the Web?

Have you read "Typing Haskell in Haskell" by Mark P.
(written not so long ago, available on Web and to be presented
in Haskell Workshop 1999).
It  might help you with some of your questions.


Re: Haskell Companion

1999-09-06 Thread Jan Skibinski

Since I have received several similar suggestion, mainly
related to formatting of the above document, I decided
to post my reponse publicly. Sorry for the noise.

Firstly, about the robots and the strange URL I posted.
I am not paranoic, just experienced. Our Haskell directory
has been already indexed anyway, but this document
is fresh and I would like to keep it sort of anonymous
for a time being. See below.
 > You could use the robots exclusion standard to achieve this.
Some robots ignore "robots.txt", especially those without
symbolic names (with numerical IPs only); some would
even take over my (slow) server for hours a time - and going
where they are not invited at all. Blindly copying..

I could place the page with keys in a publicly accessible
directory but restrict access to files with text proper -
thus eliminating indexing noise and random ways of accessing
this document. Good robots would respect this, but bad ones
would not care.

I worry about noise because documents like this one have
by their nature plenty of possible keywords for indexing.
Although comparing people's intents with the result of their
search (referer logs vs. access logs) is sometimes
quite joyful but I do not care for random users at all.
But I care for Haskell users, of course.

I still do not have clear idea about the future of
this document and thus I am trying to keep very low
profile for now. The options are: abandon, continue more
or less as is, change the format, move it to Wiki, 
move it to, etc. Your input is really needed,
because - short of the option 1 - the stuff will be soon
indexed anyway.

> Some immediate comments: it's generally easier to read documents set
> in a narrower measure, so for this sort of thing, if you want to use
> frames, it would be better to split the page vertically with most of 
> the width for the text.  This is a bit clumsy for the contents, but
> one typically spends less time reading that.  

Frames are the easiest to implement since they do not need any
special support from JavaScript or Java.
With the former I could implement some fancy features, such
as buttons instead of plain links to help the user with
navigation ("this button pressed - you are here!").
But I do not dare to use it at the moment because 
I have seen so many broken scripts due to all sorts of
incompatibilities among browsers and versions of JavaScript.
I'd rather not use Java -- at least for a moment.   
Visualization of the contents seems to me of the primary
importance. Grouping some related items, but not those in the
parent-child relation, on one horizontal line looks also as a good
idea. Having enough space for code exmples printed in fixed
font supports this choice too. Managing screen estate
by choice of very short keywords puts extra restraint and
reduces readability. These were the reasons why I have chosen
the horizontal split this time.

But I will think about how to accomodate those with
different "endianess" preferences. :-) 

> Making the frame [width/hight] adjustable would be a help, too.   
I played with this idea too, but my Netscape browser seemed
to ignore the hints. I forgot that reloading the page with
"frameset" definition would not do a job - for this I need
to retry it in a separate window. Now it works! I have updated
the hcompanion-frame.html file. But what I have read about it -
this might not work for MS Explorer. Sorry if this is a case and
let me know if this breaks the Explorer. 
> Splitting the sections into smaller html parts would be a help too --
> over a phone line the types section takes a while to download, and if   
> one only wants to read part of it, it would be nice to be able to save
> that time.

This is a very valid observation; I simply got carried away
with editing and one of the files is definitely too big! 

I'll try to break the text into smaller chunks -
each grouping entries belonging to the same major section.
But be aware that some definitions are reused in different
places and I do not guarantee that entries in a single file
will be organized in some logical hierarchy. 
> Another thing that would be helpful would be a link from each section
> to the next and back.

A lot of typing, but I will try to add it too.

Thanks for your input so far.

Haskell Companion

1999-09-04 Thread Jan Skibinski

Here is my first attempt in putting together a set
of common Haskell concepts and definitions - organized
in tutorial fashion. This is just a subset of what I
think is badly needed. So far it deals with types
(existential including) only.

Motivations, excuses and so on are in the Introduction.

I do not want it yet (if ever) to be a subject of robot indexing,
therefore I'll show its URL in two stages: -- directory name

filename: hcompanion-frame.html -- if you like to see it in
two Netscape frames.
filename: hcompanion-keys.html -- if you prefer to use two
separate pages for viewing.

Tested only via Netscape browsers. If it breaks in other
browsers it might be due to a somewhat risky usage of >, < within
 tags. Let me know if that happens. 

Let me also know whether the contents and presentation
make sense or not.

Re: Licenses and Libraries

1999-08-23 Thread Jan Skibinski

Several respondents pointed out to me my unfortunate choice
of words, which implied that H/Direct is either related to
MS-specific tools or MS-specific applicability. I apologize
for this.

But H/Direct focuses _also_ on COM, and for this a specific
approach and choice of tools has been made. At least - this
is what I understood from a series of articles on the subject.
Nothing wrong with that save the resulting complexity of
the product. I really do not need any interface to Cobol or
any other exotic language language but C. This would solve
most of _my_ problems and for this I would heartily welcome
anything simpler than H/Direct - no matter whether it came
from one camp or another.


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