Re: [Haskell-cafe] STM: "nested atomically" error

2012-01-12 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 12/01/2012 12:48 PM, Johan Brinch wrote:

I'm not using any unsafe IO

OK, good...

(only for debug printing)

...ah. It seems we have reached a contradiction.

Where is a transaction being nested?

My guess is that your "debug printing" is causing something to be 
evaluated when it otherwise wouldn't be, causing a transaction to begin 
within a transaction.

I could, however, be horribly wrong about that...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Windows: openFile gives permission denied when file in use

2011-12-29 Thread Andrew Coppin

gather that Linux does now support real locking though. (And file
update notifications, and ACLs, and lots of other things that
Windows has had for far longer.)

Hrmm: "Mandatory File Locking For The Linux Operating System, 15 April
1996" :)

Have a reference for when it was actually implemented?

I tried to look this up, and got this:

Sounds like it's not so "solved" after all. (Or perhaps the author just 
doesn't know enough about it, it's hard to say...) The Wikipedia page on 
file locking also points out a list of Unix-related locking problems. 
(But again, that might just be editor bias.)

I'm just saying it would be nice if Haskell could support
more of what these two OSes have to offer.

Totally agreed!

Good, that was my main point. Now, who's volunteering to implement all 
this? :-}

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Windows: openFile gives permission denied when file in use

2011-12-29 Thread Andrew Coppin

Every time I hear "oh, I don't think Windows can
handle that", I sigh with resignation.

Sorry to say, but it seems you yourself are unaware of the "extensive
and highly flexible" locking facilities on Linux :) The defaults on
Linux are advisory locking, not mandatory, but claiming Linux doesn't
support locking is plain wrong.

I would suggest that advisory locking isn't particularly useful. I 
gather that Linux does now support real locking though. (And file update 
notifications, and ACLs, and lots of other things that Windows has had 
for far longer.)

Either way, I have no interest in starting a Windows vs Linux flamewar. 
I'm just saying it would be nice if Haskell could support more of what 
these two OSes have to offer.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Windows: openFile gives permission denied when file in use

2011-12-29 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 29/12/2011 04:29 AM, Antoine Latter wrote:

On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 3:52 PM, Michael Snoyman  wrote:

Hi all,

I just received a bug report from a client that, when an input file is
open in FrameMaker, my program gives a "permission denied error". This
bug is reproducible with a simple Haskell program:

This bug and its discussion is similar, but not identical:

This one has been rumbling on for ages. As others have said, the Report 
demands that locking occur, which is probably a mistake. The daft thing 
is, apparently Linux doesn't really support locking, so on that platform 
these types of thing all work fine, and only on Windows, which does and 
always has supported propper locking, people get these errors. And yet, 
many people seem surprised to hear that Windows can actually turn off 
the locking; they seem completely unaware of the extensive and highly 
flexible locking facilities that Windows provides. Every time I hear 
"oh, I don't think Windows can handle that", I sigh with resignation.

Whatever we change the default to, it would be useful if we could expose 
locking mechanisms in a reasonably portable way so that people who care 
about such things can alter the default if it is not what they want.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] If you'd design a Haskell-like language, what would you do different?

2011-12-21 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 21/12/2011 10:09 AM, Jesse Schalken wrote:

IIRC, Scite's default configuration is with non-monospace font. I
actually found it quite appealing, and in fact forgot about it entirely
after some usage. It is much easier on the eyes to read. The difference
is really whether you care about aligning things mid-line or not, not to
mention editor support (i.e. not Vim or other terminal-based editor).

SciTE's default binding /is/ proportional, not mono-space. I find it 
ever so irritating. Then again, I'm sure this one comes squarely down to 
personal preference, so it seems pointless to debate it.

LaTeX offers the possibility of mid-line alignment even if you don't use 
monospace - a feature which I haven't seen in any other text processing 
system. It's a pitty this isn't more widespread...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] If you'd design a Haskell-like language, what would you do different?

2011-12-21 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 19/12/2011 07:20 PM, Robert Clausecker wrote:

Image you would create your own language with a paradigm similar to
Haskell or have to chance to change Haskell without the need to keep any
compatibility. What stuff would you add to your language, what stuff
would you remove and what problems would you solve completely different?

1. Remove special treatment for lists.

That is, remove the standard list type from the Prelude and make it into 
just another container library. The type is trivially definable; it 
doesn't need to be hard-wired into the language. I would name it "List" 
rather than "[]" too, and give its constructors sensible names rather 
than ":" and "[]".

I would also make the current literal list syntax overloaded, so it can 
be used to construct any type of container. (Much the way numeric 
literals are overloaded.)

2. Add special treatment for arrays.

That is, have strict, unboxed arrays hard-wired into the language. For 
every user type, not just ones which are members of a special type. 
Fully parametric. You know, like how they are in almost every other 
programming language known to Man, except Haskell. Also, the base array 
library would have zero-based integer indicies, and if you want 
arbitrary index values, that would be a library on top. Also, primitives 
for fast copying of array chunks.

3. Fix the Typeclassopedia.

By which I mean things like removing "fail" from Monad, making 
Applicative a superclass of Monad, etc. You know, the usual stuff 
everybody complains about for being horribly broken.

4. Do something sane with the numerical classes.

Unfortunately, this one is a Hard Problem. I doubt you can "solve" this 
without rampant language changes. But it should be possible to /improve/ 
on what exists currently.

5. Miscelaneous consistency changes.

Haskell has a number of minor glitches which are irritating though not 
catastrophic. Things like type signatures being allowed in expressions 
but not patterns. Value constructors can be operators, but type 
constructors cannot. Negation is the only unary operator. And so forth. 
Nothing radical here.

6. Experimental stuff.

I have a number of other, more radical ideas, but I probably wouldn't 
put those in, because the resulting language would be so drastically 
different that it wouldn't be "Haskell" any more. (That said, most of 
the stuff above would pretty much be hard breaking changes...)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What happens if you get hit by a bus?

2011-12-16 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 16/12/2011 07:05 PM, Bardur Arantsson wrote:

Michael Litchard wrote:


If getting hit by a bus is a significant factor in the overall outcome of
the project then I think those are pretty good odds, aren't they?

(I do realize that traffic accidents are a lot more frequent than we like to
think, but still...)

The /actual/ probability of being hit by a bus is irrelevant. The only 
thing of concequence is the /percieved/ probability. This latter 
quantity is not related to the former in any meaningful way. In fact, 
due to an effect known as availability bias, the probability of any 
potential threat varies depending on how long you spend thinking about it.

(In other words, if you've never even considered what would happen if 
your sole developer got hit by a bus, your estimate of the probability 
of this will be very low. If you sit down and think about how much 
trouble you'd be in if this actually happened, suddenly your estimate of 
the probability starts increasing. This is completely illogical - which 
is why it's called a cognitive bias.)

Ever heard the phrase "fear, uncertainty and doubt"? It's a killer in a 
business context.

It seems clear [to me] that there are actually quite a few Haskell 
programmers around, and it's not especially hard to find them. The 
question is how many "good" ones there are. "Good" is all vague and 
subjective and hard to measure, unfortunately.

On the other hand, if you just start the project with more than one 
developer on board in the first place, then the possibility of just one 
of them being killed prematurely becomes drastically less serious. (For 
the business. I'm sure it's still fairly serious for the person who just 

PS. Kudos to Ketil Malde for the best link I've seen today.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] XML modification

2011-11-23 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 23/11/2011 12:58 PM, Andrew Coppin wrote:

On 23/11/2011 10:14 AM, Jon Fairbairn wrote:


Mmm. That looks very promising...

which gives some idea of the flavour.

OK. So it looks like processXmlWith is the function I want, if I'm going
to read one file and create another from it. So now I just need to
figure out which combinators I need. (The documentation seems a bit
thin.) Can you show me a snippet for how I would find [one] element
named "foo" and change its "bar" attribute to have the value "5"?

Well, from what I've been able to gather, HaXml has a really nice filter 
combinator library. However...

Weird thing #1: processXmlWith handles the common case of loading a file 
from disk, filtering it, and saving the result to disk again. However, 
it does this based on CLI arguments. There is no function anywhere that 
I can find which allows the host program to specify what files to 
process. If you want to do that, you have to reimplement most of the 
body of this function all over again yourself. That seems a strange 

Weird thing #2: There are absolutely no filters for dealing with 
attributes. I couldn't find anything anywhere that says "apply this 
function to all the attributes of this element". I can find a function 
to /replace/ an element's attributes without regard to what existed 
before. But even something as trivial as adding an additional attribute 
while keeping the existing ones doesn't appear to be supported at all.

Fortunately it turns out to not be especially hard to read the source 
for the replace-attributes function and change it to do what I want. 
But, again, it seems a rather large and obvious ommission. (I'm guessing 
that since attributes are key/value pairs and not "content", you would 
need a seperate "attribute filter" type, which is different from the 
existing content filters. Even so, it shouldn't be /that/ hard to do...)

Anyway, the important thing is, Haskell (and more specifically HaXml) 
let me accomplish the task I wanted without too much fuss. It's 
/certainly/ faster than editing 80 files by hand in a text editor!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] XML modification

2011-11-23 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 23/11/2011 10:14 AM, Jon Fairbairn wrote:

Andrew Coppin  writes:

I've got a folder with about 80 XML files in it. I want to
take each file and make specific modifications to it.


Mmm. That looks very promising...

which gives some idea of the flavour.

OK. So it looks like processXmlWith is the function I want, if I'm going 
to read one file and create another from it. So now I just need to 
figure out which combinators I need. (The documentation seems a bit 
thin.) Can you show me a snippet for how I would find [one] element 
named "foo" and change its "bar" attribute to have the value "5"?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] XML modification

2011-11-23 Thread Andrew Coppin

Hi guys.

I've got a folder with about 80 XML files in it. I want to take each 
file and make specific modifications to it. (Mostly just finding 
specific attributes and changing their values to make then all consistent.)

Now I guess it wouldn't take me /that/ long to code something from 
scratch. But does anybody have a better suggestion for tools or 
libraries that might be useful?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A Mascot

2011-11-17 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 16/11/2011 04:50 AM, heathmatlock wrote:

On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 10:18 PM, John Meacham>> wrote:

People tend to concentrate on the lambda which cooresponds to the
functional aspect of haskell when designing logos. Not nearly enough
attention is paid to the other striking feature, the laziness. The
'bottom' symbol _|_ should feature prominently. The two most defining
features of haskell are that it is purely functional and _|_ inhabits
every type. The combination of which is very powerful.


I would have to think about this a bit longer, but here's the symbol
reworked onto the helmet:

If you're going to draw a piece of graphics, why use ASCII workarounds 
like "_|_", when you can use the real thing (i.e., "⊥")?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is it possible to represent such polymorphism?

2011-10-04 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 04/10/2011 07:08 AM, Dominique Devriese wrote:


In case anyone is interested, I just want to point out an interesting
article about the relation between Haskell type classes and C++
(overloading + concepts):


Thanks for that. A very interesting read...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is it possible to represent such polymorphism?

2011-10-02 Thread Andrew Coppin
On 02/10/2011 07:15 PM, Du Xi wrote:

> I guess this is what I want, thank you all. Although I still wonder why 
> something so simple in C++ is actually more verbose and requires less 
> known features in Haskell...What was the design intent to disallow 
> simple overloading?

In C++, the code is inferred from the types. (I.e., if a function is
overloaded, the correct implementation is selected depending on the
types of the arguments.)

In Haskell, the types are inferred from the code. (Which is why type
signatures are optional.)

Really, it's just approaching the same problem from a different direction.

Also, as others have said, you're probably just approaching the problem
from the wrong angle. You don't design an object-oriented program the
same way you'd design a procedural program; if you do, you end up with a
horrible design. Similarly, you don't design a functional program the
same way you would design an object-oriented one. It takes time (and
experience) to figure out how to approach FP - or any other radically
different paradigm, I suppose...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is it possible to represent such polymorphism?

2011-10-02 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 02/10/2011 02:04 PM, Du Xi wrote:

--It still didn't compile. I think the reason is that the following is

f x = x

The type "a -> b" doesn't mean what you think it does.

It does /not/ mean that f is allowed to return any type it wants to. It 
means that f must be prepaired to return any type that /the caller/ 
wants it to. So, given ANY POSSIBLE INPUT, the function must be able to 
construct a value of ANY POSSIBLE TYPE.

This is, of course, impossible. The only way you can implement a 
function with this type signature is to cheat.

Also, you can't just take x, which has type a, and then pretend that it 
has type b instead. Haskell doesn't work like that. Your type signature 
says that the result type can be different than the input type, but your 
function definition forces the result to always be /the same/ type as 
the input. Hence, it is rejected.

That aside, the fundamental problem here is that each tuple type is a 
different, completely unrelated type, as far as the type system is 
concerned. (x,y) and (x,y,z) might look similar to you, but to the type 
system they're as similar as, say, Either x y and StateT x y z.

In Haskell, the only way to get a function to work for several unrelated 
types (but not /every/ possible type) is to use classes. Depending on 
exactly what you're trying to do, you might be better using lists, or 
perhaps some custom data type. It depends what you want to do.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Data.IArray rant

2011-09-06 Thread Andrew Coppin

It's rather that some considered the IArray API to be
inadequate most of the time. Really, H98 arrays aren't very
good at anything they do. For collective operations, you are
supposed to convert the array to a list, work on the list and
then convert it back to an array which just seems wrong.

I am unconvinded that this is any more wrong than using a for
loop in an imperative language. Remember that the lists are
lazy, so it’s misleading to say “convert the array to a list”
since what happens most of the time is that elements are taken
out of the array and passed to the processing function and then
thrown away before the next element is processed.

You're still needlessly allocating and then garbage collecting memory 

My personal feeling is that Haskell programmers use lists a lot when 
what they really want are "streams" (in the sense of the stream-fusion 
library). I don't want you to actually *make* a physical list, I just 
want to abstract over something that sequentially generates data.

But then, lists are in the standard Prelude, and hard-wired into the 
language syntax. Streams aren't exposed by any moderately standard 
library. Even the stream-fusion library treats streams as a sort of 
"under the covers" thing to deforest lists. My humble opinion is that 
half the time when people create physical lists, what they really mean 
is a data pipeline that doesn't need to physically materialise at all.

But anyway... Haskell '98 arrays may have fancy indexing, but I've 
always wished that there had been a plain ordinary integer-indexed array 
construct, with the fancy indexing implemented on top of that, so your 
use of fancy indexing is /optional/. I get the distinct impression that 
the default array libraries are so barren just because nobody really 
used them much, and that was then and this is now, and it's a major pain 
to break something that so much code is written against...

I just hope we don't end up with a bazillion different array 
implementations popping up. But we'll see.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Off-topic: Mathematics and modesty

2011-08-31 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 30/08/2011 07:58 PM, Jerzy Karczmarczuk wrote:

I think I know several mathematicians who learning that a person asking
for help begins with trying to distinguish between knowledgeable, and
those who just think they are, will simply - to say it politely - refuse
to engage.

I didn't intend to sound snobbish. It's just that there are people who 
will have read about XYZ in a book one time, and there are people who 
actually use XYZ every day of their working lives. The latter probably 
know a tad more about it. That's all.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Off-topic: Mathematics

2011-08-31 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 30/08/2011 09:49 PM, Jerzy Karczmarczuk wrote:

Knuth admitted that he had learnt a lot while teaching things he already
knew. So did Feynman. And Landau.

As counter-intuitive as it may seem, explaining something to somebody 
else forces you to order your thoughts and think through the knowledge 
you already have, so that you can present it to somebody else in 
something resembling a coherant form. It's not unusual for this process 
to clarify your own knowledge.

At least, that's *my* excuse for constantly talking to myself... >_>

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Off-topic: Mathematics

2011-08-30 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 29/08/2011 01:13 PM, Christopher Done wrote:

There's also #math on freenode, but it's a scary wilderness.

On 29 August 2011 13:34, Benedict Eastaugh  wrote:

On 29 August 2011 09:34, Andrew Coppin  wrote:

This is fairly wildly off-topic but... does anybody know of a good forum
where I can ask questions about mathematics and get authoritative answers?

Apart from and, which people
have already mentioned, people often discuss mathematics on
#haskell-blah on Freenode.

I know of several places where I can ask maths questions and half a 
dozen people will take guesses at what the correct solution might be. I 
haven't yet found anywhere where I can say "when would a chi-squared 
test be more appropriate than a KS test?" and get an informed, 
knowledgeable answer. (Answers from people who /know/ what they're 
talking about rather than just /think/ they know.)

Anyway, from this thread I've got the names of a few places to start 
looking. And that's really what I was hoping for. Thanks for the tips.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Off-topic: Mathematics

2011-08-29 Thread Andrew Coppin
This is fairly wildly off-topic but... does anybody know of a good forum 
where I can ask questions about mathematics and get authoritative 
answers? (Apart from "go visit the nearest university", that is.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] bitSize

2011-08-29 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 29/08/2011 09:00 AM, Brandon Allbery wrote:

On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 03:40, Andrew Coppin>> wrote:

I meant if you're trying to *implement* serialisation. The Bits
class allows you to access bits one by one, but surely you'd
some way to know how many bits you need to keep?

I think that falls into the realm of protocol design; if you're
doing it
in your program at runtime, you're probably doing it wrong.
  (The fixed
size version makes sense for marshaling; it's *dynamic* sizes
that need
to be thought out beforehand.)

If you're doing, say, cryptography, then thousand-bit random
integers that need to be serialised are fairly common...

Sure, and there are encodings that let you do this without needing
bitSize (BER).  You need a word count, but that's usually part of the
structure holding the integer.

OK. But since there's no way of getting a byte count for an Integer 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] bitSize

2011-08-29 Thread Andrew Coppin

I meant if you're trying to *implement* serialisation. The Bits
class allows you to access bits one by one, but surely you'd want
some way to know how many bits you need to keep?

I think that falls into the realm of protocol design; if you're doing it
in your program at runtime, you're probably doing it wrong.  (The fixed
size version makes sense for marshaling; it's *dynamic* sizes that need
to be thought out beforehand.)

If you're doing, say, cryptography, then thousand-bit random integers 
that need to be serialised are fairly common...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] bitSize

2011-08-27 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 26/08/2011 10:51 PM, Steve Schafer wrote:

On Fri, 26 Aug 2011 20:30:02 +0100, you wrote:

You wouldn't want to know how many bits you need to store on disk to
reliably recreate the value?

I can't say that I have cared about that sort of thing in a very long
time. Bits are rather cheap these days. I store data on disk, and the
space it occupies is whatever it is; I don't worry about it.

I meant if you're trying to *implement* serialisation. The Bits class 
allows you to access bits one by one, but surely you'd want some way to 
know how many bits you need to keep?

Likewise, you say the standard PRNG can be used to generate random 
Integers, but what if you're trying to implement a new PRNG?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] bitSize

2011-08-26 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 26/08/2011 07:36 PM, Steve Schafer wrote:

On Fri, 26 Aug 2011 18:24:37 +0100, you wrote:

I would usually want #3 or #4.

Out of curiosity, what for? While I do occasionally need to get a
"logarithmic size estimate" of a number (which is basically what #3 and
#4 are), the specific requirements in each case tend to vary, enough so
that it's unlikely that a single function (other than simply taking the
logarithm) can handle the majority of applications.

You wouldn't want to know how many bits you need to store on disk to 
reliably recreate the value? Or how many bits of randomness you need to 
compute a value less than or equal to this one?

I suppose I could use a binary logarithm. I'm just concerned that it 
would be rather slow. After all, I'm not interested in the exact 
logarithm (which is fractional), just the number of bits (which is a 
small integer)...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] bitSize

2011-08-26 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 26/08/2011 02:40 AM, Daniel Peebles wrote:

And as Daniel mentioned earlier, it's not at all obvious what we mean by
"bits used" when it comes to negative numbers.

I guess part of the problem is that the documentation asserts that 
bitSize will never depend on its argument. (So would will write things 
like "bitSize undefined :: ThreadID" or similar.)

I can think of several possible results one might want from a bit size 

1. The number of bits of precision which will be kept for values of this 
type. (For Word16, this is 16. For Integer, this is [almost] infinity.)

2. The amount of RAM that this value is using up. (But that would surely 
be measured in bytes, not bits. And processor registors make the picture 
more complicated.)

3. The bit count to the most significant bit, ignoring sign.

4. The bit count to the sign bit.

Currently, bitSize implements #1. I'm not especially interested in #2. I 
would usually want #3 or #4.

Consider the case of 123 (decimal). The 2s complement representation of 
+123 is


The 2s complement representation of -123 is


For query #3, I would expect both +123 and -123 to yield 7. For query 
#4, I would expect both to yield 8. (Since if you truncate both of those 
strings to 8 bits, then the positive value starts with 0, and the 
negative one start with 1.)

Then of course, there's the difference between "count of the bits" and 
"bit index", which one might expect to be zero-based. (So that the Nth 
bit represents 2^N.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] bitSize

2011-08-25 Thread Andrew Coppin

Quoting the Haddock documentation for Data.Bits.bitSize:

"Return the number of bits in the type of the argument. The actual value 
of the argument is ignored. The function bitSize is undefined for types 
that do not have a fixed bitsize, like Integer."

Does anybody else think it would be *far* more useful if bitSize applied 
to an Integer would tell you how many bits that particular Integer is 
using? Especially given that it can vary?

Is there a way to actually determine how many bits are in an Integer?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] do-re-mi

2011-08-25 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 25/08/2011 02:59 AM, Albert Y. C. Lai wrote:

do, a block, a monad block
rec, a knot tied in the block
mu, a name that calls itself (mu is pronounced as me in modern Greek)
forM_, a long long list to run
SO, a state aborting threads (SO is stack overflow)
la, a state to follow SO
T's, tranformers of monads
that will bring us back to do

That's genius! :-D

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Performance of concurrent array access

2011-08-23 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 23/08/2011 09:04 PM, Andreas Voellmy wrote:

I compiled this with "ghc --make -rtsopts -threaded  -fforce-recomp -O2
Running "time ./DirectTableTest 1 +RTS -N1" takes about 1.4 seconds and
running "time ./DirectTableTest 2 +RTS -N2" take about 2.0 seconds!

I found that changing the array type used in the implementation of
DirectAddressTable from IOArray to IOUArray fixes this problem. With
this change, the running time of "time ./DirectTableTest 1 +RTS -N1" is
takes about 1.4 seconds whereas the running "time ./DirectTableTest 2
+RTS -N2" is about 1.0 seconds. Increasing to 4 cores gives a run time
of 0.55 seconds.

Finally, I tried one more variation. Instead of having the threads work
on the same shared array, I had each thread work on its own array. This
scales nicely (as you would expect), more or less like the second
program, with either IOArray or IOUArray implementing the
DirectAddressTable data structure.

I understand why IOUArray might perform better than IOArray, but I don't
know why it scales better to multiple threads and cores. Does anyone
know why this might be happening or what I can do to find out what is
going on?

I haven't deeply studied your code. However, I'm going to take a guess 
this has to do with strictness.

By using an IOArray, you're probably filling each cell with a reference 
to "drop 7 cyclicChars" or similar, which then only gets evaluated (in 
one thread) when you call "print".

By using an IOUArray, you're definitely forcing each character to be 
computed right away, by the thread doing the writing.

That's /probably/ what the difference is. As a guess. (Not sure how you 
can easily prove/disprove the theory though.)

You don't say which GHC version, but AFAIK recent releases of GHC have a 
seperate heap per thread (or was it per capability?), which probably 
makes a difference if you start giving each thread its own array. That 
and just plain ordinary cache coherance issues...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Potential problem with AC-Vector-Fancy package

2011-08-12 Thread Andrew Coppin

I think I have found a problem with the union function:
If you look here:
You will see that line 4 gives a different result to lines 6, 8, 10;
this shouldn't be the case because union is commutative.

AC-Vector-Fancy is merely a "fancy" facard over AC-Vector. So the bug is
actually with AC-Vector.

Looking at my source code, the true bug is in Data.BoundingBox.Range
[which provides the engine that all the other bounding box types use).
The actual bug turns out to by face-slappingly stupid: it's a typo in
one of the variable names.

I'll go get that fixed... and then maybe write some QuickCheck properties.

I just updated AC-Vector 2.3.2, which fixes the bug. Sorry about that... 
Let me know if you find any other stupid mistakes. (Or even clever ones, 
but I rather doubt that!)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Potential problem with AC-Vector-Fancy package

2011-08-11 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 10/08/2011 11:04 PM, Dave Tapley wrote:

Is anyone maintaining the AC-Vector-Fancy package?
I haven't had a reply from the latest maintainer (Andrew Coppin) on
Hackage, so I thought I'd open it up to cafe:

Oh, right. I haven't checked my mailbox recently...

I think I have found a problem with the union function:
If you look here:
You will see that line 4 gives a different result to lines 6, 8, 10;
this shouldn't be the case because union is commutative.

AC-Vector-Fancy is merely a "fancy" facard over AC-Vector. So the bug is 
actually with AC-Vector.

Looking at my source code, the true bug is in Data.BoundingBox.Range 
[which provides the engine that all the other bounding box types use). 
The actual bug turns out to by face-slappingly stupid: it's a typo in 
one of the variable names.

I'll go get that fixed... and then maybe write some QuickCheck properties.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell Weekly News: Issue 187

2011-06-24 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 23/06/2011 11:30 PM, Jack Henahan wrote:

My solution for the '[0] with a link far down the page' issue is just to search 
for '[0]'.

My solution is to never read the text version and only ever read the 
HTML version. Works great for me. :-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GHC 7.0.3 / Win32: Data.Time library?

2011-06-14 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 14/06/2011 01:41 PM, Dmitri O.Kondratiev wrote:

Yes, thanks. I just wonder why documentation for this particular module
(Data.Time) is missing from GHC, 7.0.3 "Haskell Hierarchical Libraries"
documentation generated for Win32. Really strange ...

There are several packages that come with GHC, but don't show up in the 
Win32 library index. I don't know why, but it's been happening for a 
long time now. Apparently this is supposed to be fixed soon though.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] How do you test a parser?

2011-06-11 Thread Andrew Coppin
OK, so suppose you sit down and write a complicated string parser. Now 
how do you test that it works correctly?

One way is to run the parser over a large corpus of "real world" 
samples. This has a number of problems:

* If the parser is for a grammar you just invented yourself, presumably 
no "real world" corpus exists yet.

* This tests that the most commonly used features work OK, but might not 
test whether more obscure features work right.

* There's no really obvious way to check that what the parser returns is 
/correct/. You've got the input, but there's nothing to compare with.

* This probably doesn't test whether the parser /fails/ for invalid 
input, since a real world corpus would presumably consist entirely of 
valid input.

Most people's library of choice appears to be QuickCheck. But while it's 
not hard to have QuickCheck generate random strings and confirm that the 
returned parse tree (if any) doesn't violate any invariants, it's not so 
easy to check that the parse tree is actually what it should be.

On top of that, depending on what the grammar is, the vast majority of 
random strings are probably just parse failures. Even if they aren't, 
there are probably specific constructs that are special-cased in the 
parser, which are very unlikely to appear by chance. (Things like 
keyword names, special combinations of punctuation, etc.)

You can try to write your own text generator that constructs text more 
closely approximating what your parser is supposed to parse. But then 
how do you tell whether your generator is right?

If you have a function that turns a parse tree back into text again, you 
can try verifying that a round-trip is the identity function. Except 
perhaps sometimes it isn't. Perhaps a given expression has more than one 
equivalent representation. A round-trip from string and back again is 
even less likely to be stable.

So what's the best way to attack this problem?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Cabal fail

2011-06-11 Thread Andrew Coppin

How do you make Cabal fail?

Let me clarify. I built a package that uses a post-configure hook to do 
some settings detection. Under certain circumstances, it can fail. When 
this happens, the hook prints "fatal error" and quits. Unfortunately, I 
didn't actually /test/ whether it works. On further investigation, I 
discovered that the hook considers itself to have failed, but it doesn't 
bother actually telling Cabal about this. (!) So Cabal still thinks 
everything went fine.

OK, so, let's the correct way to notify Cabal that we need to retry the 
configure step? I can't figure it out from the minimal documentation in 
Distribution.Simple. (I'm guessing I need to use a pre-configure hook, 
since by the time post-configure runs, the configure stage is presumably 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Building Haskell Platform natively for 64bit Windows

2011-06-10 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 10/06/2011 01:44 AM, Jason Dagit wrote:

On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 2:06 PM, Andrew Coppin

Too bad GHC doesn't support inline assembly yet... (Or does it? I know it
supports inline Core now.)

Really?  I found this in the manual so I think either the docs need to
be updated or you are mistaken:

Apparently I am mistaken. It allows inline C-- (as of 6.12.1):

Of course, C-- is not nearly the same as Core. Sorry about that...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Building Haskell Platform natively for 64bit Windows

2011-06-09 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 09/06/2011 08:44 PM, austin seipp wrote:

On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 1:53 PM, Andrew Coppin

I'm still left wondering if using 32-bit instructions to manipulate 64-bit
values is actually that much slower.

The problem is you're probably going to need to spill things
(somewhere) in order to operate on the upper 32bits of any given
register in the non trivial case. x86 already is pathetic in its 8 GP
registers. amd64 brings it up to 16.

Well, that's true enough.

Given that AMD64 adds more registers, I'm surprised that this apparently 
makes such a small difference to wall-clock run-times. (But perhaps it 
makes a bigger difference for GHC. I don't know.)

I'm wondering if you could write the operations you want is small C stub
functions, and FFI to them and do it that way. I don't really know enough
about this sort of thing to know whether that'll work...

It's highly unlikely that the cost of a foreign call (even an unsafe
one) in terms of just CPU cycles will be cheaper than executing a few
primitive arithmetic ops on the CPU.

Yeah, you're probably right there actually.

Too bad GHC doesn't support inline assembly yet... (Or does it? I know 
it supports inline Core now.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Building Haskell Platform natively for 64bit Windows

2011-06-09 Thread Andrew Coppin

On the other hand, I still think it would be worth actually
benchmarking this stuff to see how much difference it makes. Wouldn't
surprise me if the CPU designers did some clever trickery with
pipelining and superscalar execution to make two adjacent 32-bit
instructions execute the same way as a single 64-bit instruction would...

(I've seen various sources claim that running software in 64-bit mode
only gives you a 2% speedup. Then again, they presumably aren't
testing with chess software which heavily utilises explicit 64-bit

For a chess engine this is for sure not true. I guess that this is one
of very few domains where it really matters! The most (basic) operations
with bitboards are anding, oring, xoring, shifting and (for magic
bitboards) multiplying 64 bits values. When using 32 bits you need for
some of these more then double time to achieve the same.

I'm still left wondering if using 32-bit instructions to manipulate 
64-bit values is actually that much slower. Back in the old days of 
non-pipelined, uniscalar CPUs, it would certainly have been the case. 
Today's processors are far more complex than that. Things like cache 
misses tend to have a way, way bigger performance hit than anything 

I was wondering if there is a possibility to support 64 bit native codes
without other stuff (calling conventions, win64 specific system calls
etc). This could be perhaps a first step to full 64 bit support. But
from the code of ghc I could not understand what this would mean.

I'm wondering if you could write the operations you want is small C stub 
functions, and FFI to them and do it that way. I don't really know 
enough about this sort of thing to know whether that'll work...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Building Haskell Platform natively for 64bit Windows

2011-06-09 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 09/06/2011 06:54 AM, Scott Lawrence wrote:

On 06/09/2011 01:47 AM, Jason Dagit wrote:

Have you checked this by looking at the generated assembly?  I
generated some assembly from GHC on windows.  Here is what it looks

My assembly-fu is not strong enough to tell if it's using 64bit instructions.

It would appear to be 32-bit. (pushl instead of pushq&  no instances of
aligning to 8-byte boundaries)

The general register naming scheme on x86 is:

  AL, AH: 8 bits
  AX: 16 bits
  EAX: 32 bits
  RAX: 64 bits

There's a lot of code there, but from what I can see, it's all operating 
on 32-bit registers. So I'd say this is 32-bit code.

On the other hand, I still think it would be worth actually benchmarking 
this stuff to see how much difference it makes. Wouldn't surprise me if 
the CPU designers did some clever trickery with pipelining and 
superscalar execution to make two adjacent 32-bit instructions execute 
the same way as a single 64-bit instruction would...

(I've seen various sources claim that running software in 64-bit mode 
only gives you a 2% speedup. Then again, they presumably aren't testing 
with chess software which heavily utilises explicit 64-bit operations.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Building Haskell Platform natively for 64bit Windows

2011-06-07 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 06/06/2011 09:34 PM, Nicu Ionita wrote:


Just to double check: that means, today it's not possible to generate 64
bit operations under Windows, including bit level .&., .|. a.s.o. (from
Data.Bits), and this situation will stay like this for a while.

I'm asking this because I'm currently writing a pure Haskell chess
engine based on bitboards. The bitboards are 64 bit wide and the basic
operations are critical for speed, which is always critical in chess

Then it looks I'll have to implement these operations in C and use FFI
to link them.

No, 64-bit integer operations will /work/ just fine, regardless of what 
platform you're on. Whether it will take advantage of 64-bit operations 
at the machine-code level is another matter entirely.

I'm not especially sure, but I think even in 32-bit mode, the x86 line 
of processors supports performing 64-bit operations via MMX, SSE or 
similar. Whether GHC is using that, I couldn't tell you.

I suppose the ultimate answer is: Benchmark it, and see how fast it is.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: mecha-0.0.5

2011-06-05 Thread Andrew Coppin

As I understand it, this is a Very Hard Problem. This is (one of the
reasons) why there are so few converters from POV-Ray to mesh-based formats;
it's highly non-trivial to tesselate CSG.

POV-Ray is pretty fast.  I had contemplated just rendering a bunch of
POV-Ray images to emulate a realtime 3D view.  Images could be
buffered up based on the current camera position.

That's an... interesting way of doing it. It's probably easier to build 
a simple renderer internal to your program, but I suppose calling 
POV-Ray gives you lots of functionality without having it to implement 
it yourself.

Another goal of the project is to generate 2D prints from 3D models.
Any idea how hard is this going to be?  Basically it needs to identify
features (holes, edges, etc), then project these features to an
orthographic plane, alone with associated dimensions.

That ought to be reasonably easy.

If you think of each shape's surface as being the set of points 
satisfying an equation, then the edges of the intersection of those 
shapes would be the set of points satisfying a set of simultanious 
equations. (Quite possibly non-linear ones, depending on which kinds of 
shapes you allow.)

The only really tricky part is if you want to represent all of these 
shapes as "simple" curves such as lines, ellipses and paraboliods. See, 
for example,

"The curves of intersection of two cylinders of radii a and b, shown 
above, are given by the parametric equations

  x(t) = b cos t
  y(t) = b sin t
  z(t) = +/- Sqrt(a^2 - b^2 sin^2 t)

(Gray 1997, p. 204)."

A curve like that is not the sort of thing you can easily represent in 
SVG, unless you turn it into a general spline.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: mecha-0.0.5

2011-06-05 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 04/06/2011 08:25 PM, Tom Hawkins wrote:

What is the easiest way to generate polygon meshes from constructive
solid geometry?  Marching cubes [4] seems pretty involved.

As I understand it, this is a Very Hard Problem. This is (one of the 
reasons) why there are so few converters from POV-Ray to mesh-based 
formats; it's highly non-trivial to tesselate CSG.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Subcategories on Hackage

2011-06-05 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 05/06/2011 06:55 AM, Evan Laforge wrote:

I don't think a hierarchy would have helped in this case, but tags
would be appropriate.  Actually, I wound up using the categories like
tags.  I think we just need better search, e.g. +tag +tag or

+1 to all of the above.

Also, I don't think listing every package on all of Hackage in one giant 
page is very useful any more. (I gather it was only meant to be a 
temporary interface in the first place...)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Comment Syntax

2011-06-03 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 03/06/2011 05:02 PM, Albert Y. C. Lai wrote:

I propose that only {- -} is comment; that is, -- is an operator token
and not a marker of comments.

I'm curious to know why anybody thought that "--" was a good comment 
marker in the first place. (I'm curious because Haskell isn't the only 
language to have made this strange choice.)

I once tried defining a "++" operator and then when I went to define a 
matching "--" operator...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell School of Expression (graphics)

2011-05-29 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 29/05/2011 06:23 PM, Daniel Fischer wrote:

On Sunday 29 May 2011 19:14:57, Andrew Coppin wrote:

As far as I'm aware, the Haskell Platform doesn't come with any
graphics-related packages

I thought OpenGL was in the platform.

Uh... yes, you might be right about that. However, AFAIK you still need 
something with which to create a rendering surface in the first place. 
(Not sure if HP includes GLUT...)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell School of Expression (graphics)

2011-05-29 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 29/05/2011 02:52 PM, michael rice wrote:

Is this worth chasing down? I loaded the Haskell Platform, which I
assume has some graphics capability (Cairo?). Maybe my time would be
better spent getting familiar with that?

As far as I'm aware, the Haskell Platform doesn't come with any 
graphics-related packages, except low-level bindings to either X11 or 
Win32 (depending on which platform you're running on, obviously.) Cairo 
is part of the Gtk2hs collection of packages (i.e., the ones that aren't 
building right).

The fix that makes Gtk2hs build isn't difficult, it's just tedious and 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell School of Expression (graphics)

2011-05-29 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 28/05/2011 08:06 PM, michael rice wrote:

Couldn't match expected type `[PackageDB]'
with actual type `PackageDB'
Expected type: PackageDBStack
Actual type: PackageDB
In the sixth argument of `registerPackage', namely `packageDb'
In the expression:
verbosity installedPkgInfo pkg lbi inplace packageDb
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
cairo-0.11.1 failed during the configure step. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1

There's some sort of glitch with Gtk2hs (on which SOE depends) that 
causes it to not build with GHC 7.x (?) unless you hand-edit some of the 
files (!)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] No fish, please

2011-05-28 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 18/05/2011 10:39 PM, Andrew Coppin wrote:

On 18/05/2011 05:28 AM, Don Stewart wrote:

I'm intrigued by the idea of Hackage docs that don't use Haddock.

This is basically the reason I asked. Currently Cabal assumes that
Haddock is the only tool of its kind. If somebody built a better
Haddock, you wouldn't be able to use it. (Unless you named the
executable "haddock" and made it accept the same command options.)

Also, Haddock generates API reference documentation. It does not really
support generating tutorials, introductions, HOWTOs, and all the other
types of useful documentation that a project ought to have.

Apparently there's already a ticket for this:

It seems part of the reason for inaction is that people would like a 
general way of saying how to generate different types of documentation. 
Myself, I would be content with a way to say "put *these* files with 
documentation and tell the user where you've put them" as a first step. 
We can worry about how to *generate* various types of documentation later...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Efficient object identity (aka symbols as data)

2011-05-26 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 26/05/2011 07:56 PM, Andrew Coppin wrote:

On 26/05/2011 10:59 AM, Jacek Generowicz wrote:

Any comments on the relative efficiency of the above as compared to

A == B in the context of

data Foo = A | B | C | D | ... lots more ...


(I imagine that a Sufficiently Smart Compiler could reduce (==) ::
Person Person to just integer comparison.)

My understanding is that if you have a constructor with no fields, it
gets allocated as a compile-time constant. In other words, "C" is just a
pointer to a static data structure somewhere in the program binary, and
(==) effectively becomes pointer equity.

OTOH, I am not a GHC developer...

...and what I *should* of course have written is "go benchmark it". ;-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Efficient object identity (aka symbols as data)

2011-05-26 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 26/05/2011 10:59 AM, Jacek Generowicz wrote:

Any comments on the relative efficiency of the above as compared to

A == B in the context of

data Foo = A | B | C | D | ... lots more ...


(I imagine that a Sufficiently Smart Compiler could reduce (==) ::
Person Person to just integer comparison.)

My understanding is that if you have a constructor with no fields, it 
gets allocated as a compile-time constant. In other words, "C" is just a 
pointer to a static data structure somewhere in the program binary, and 
(==) effectively becomes pointer equity.

OTOH, I am not a GHC developer...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-21 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 19/05/2011 08:39 PM, Felipe Almeida Lessa wrote:

Regarding the Unicode problem, there is a standard solution today: use
the text package.  Yes, you may use other libraries, but text is the
recommended one.

Is that true? Last I heard, there was still some debate about the 
relative performance of the various libraries. (I don't recall hearing 
much argument about API though, so presumably everybody more or less 
agrees on that.)

The problem is that no one coming to Hackage discovers that on Hackage
itself.  You have to dig the Internet to find some blog post telling
you what to do.  And hope that the blog post isn't old.

...I suppose what I just wrote basically confirms this. I remember 
seeing some traffic about text performance, but I wasn't paying enough 
attention at the time to remember the precise details. (Or perhaps it's 
just that this specific subject area isn't generally all that important 
to me.)

So we really need a way of raking libraries in Hackage.  We already
have the Haskell Platform, which is really really nice, but the HP
can't embrace everything.  For everything outside HP, a ranking system
is needed.

Sounds like a good idea to me. My only minor worry is that when a 
once-popular library becomes superceeded by a superior competetor, the 
old library will still have a really good rating, and people might not 
"find" the new replacement.

Then again, how often is that likely to happen?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-21 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 19/05/2011 11:00 PM, Daniel Peebles wrote:

I agree that from an end-user's perspective it isn't always a clear win,
but I do think that having a bunch of libraries (even ones that do the
same thing) an indicator of a healthy, active, and enthusiastic

I won't argue with that. ;-)

Sure, it's decentralized and people will often duplicate
effort, but different variations on the same idea can also help explore
the design space and will reveal to everyone interested what works and
what doesn't.

Yeah, as some others have said, it depends on the problem domain. For 
some things, it's really not clear what the correct abstractions are 
yet, and there's still a lot of design space to explore. (I might pick 
at random, say, Functional Reactive Programming. As best as I can tell, 
several people have ideas, but there's no clear "best way" of doing this 
yet. We're still experimenting.) For stuff like that, it's useful to 
have lots of people trying different stuff.

But yeah, if you want to do X and you encounter 15 libraries that do X
and can't find a clear consensus on what's best, I can understand why
that might be frustrating.

Moreover, there can be network effects involved. A while back somebody 
from Google wrote that everybody agrees that String is too slow for 
high-performance I/O, but each library that involves high-performance 
I/O tends to end up using a different text representation, which rather 
impedes compatibility between them.

I don't think there's really a clear solution
to that though, other than gently encouraging collaboration and scoping
out of existing work before starting new work. But people generally hate
working with other people's code, so I doubt that'll have much of an
effect :)

Yeah, I'm not going to present I have a solution. I merely wanted to 
point out that it's a problem which does exist. Some of the other folks 
in this thread seem to be coming up with useful ideas though.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-21 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 19/05/2011 10:43 PM, Ketil Malde wrote:

Andrew Coppin  writes:

I'm trying to voice the opinion that there is such a thing as too many
libraries. The article I linked to explains part of why this is the
case, in a better way than I've been able to phrase it myself.

I don't think so, the article seems to talk more about social problems
among lisp users, which it - at least in part - ascribes to the technical
prowess of the language.

Actually, the author seems to be saying that Lisp is [relatively] 
unsuccessful because it's so powerful that is discourages cooperation. 
Personally I don't buy it; I'm sure there are *several* reasons why Lisp 
never became The Next Big Thing. (There's a dozen dialects of it, for 
starters...) But hey, I'm not really interested in Lisp. I'm interested 
in Haskell.

What I took away from the article is that if you design a really 
powerful language, paradoxically this can make it cheaper to reimplement 
stuff rather than reuse it. You'd think a language with strong support 
for reuse would encourage reuse, but not necessary.

As you point out, people not cooperating is a social rather than 
technical problem. It seems obvious once you say it out loud, but I 
hadn't really conciously realised that.

Consequently, the language isn't the whole story. If you make the 
language really powerful, that reduces the cost of implementing things 
from scratch. On the other hand, if you can do things that reduce the 
cost of finding existing code that you could reuse, you swing the 
balance back in the other direction. We have Hackage (and now HP). I 
have no idea whether Lisp has anything comparable.

The opinion that having too many libraries can be
a problem, which some people don't seem to agree with.

I don't see how the number of available libraries is a problem in
itself, but it would be nice if hackage or some other resource provided
more help in recommending which library to try first.  We do have
standardization efforts, committees bringing the language forward and an
inclusive and collaborative community.

I certainly don't think having a lot of libraries available is bad. 
Having lots of libraries available for /the same task/ is different. As 
some others have pointed out, it varies somewhat depending on what the 
task in question is.

If Haskell still used the old lazy-list I/O approach and Hackage had 3 
different monadic I/O libraries implemented on top of that, that would 
be really bad. Fortunately, once everybody realised that monadic I/O was 
the way to go, we ended up with one library which everybody uses. It has 
costs (e.g., you cannot redefine the Monad class to include, say, 
Data.Set), but it has the huge, huge benefit that nobody will ever utter 
the words "I'd like to bolt HsLogger onto Yesod - oh wait, I can't, they 
use incompatible IO monads".

On the other hand, there are lots of GUI libraries. Because they bind to 
different toolkits, or work on different combinations of platforms, or 
because they wrap low-level bindings with more "functional" interfaces, 
or whatever. We wouldn't want a massive *explosion* of identical GUI 
libraries, but I don't think the current set is excessive at all.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Reverse Show instance

2011-05-19 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 19/05/2011 10:11 PM, Artyom Kazak wrote:

And I can declare an instance for (x, y) which does NOT implies (Show x):

instance Show (x, y) where
show _ = "I'm tuple! Hooray!"

Ah. So it's a feature.

Fortunately I refactored the program where this came up, so it's no 
longer an issue. I just wanted to see whether or not it was a bug.

PS. Wouldn't such an instance require FlexibleContexts or something?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Reverse Show instance

2011-05-19 Thread Andrew Coppin

  Cannot deduce (Show x) from context (Show (x, y)).
  Cannot deduce (Show y) from context (Show (x, y)).

Um... seriously?

From Prelude, we have

  Show x, Show y => Show (x, y)

So clearly it works in the forward direction. But apparently not in the 
reverse direction.

Is this a bug or a feature? (I.e., is there some obscure possibility I 
haven't thought of which means that doing the reverse inference would be 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-19 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 19/05/2011 09:34 PM, wrote:

Andrew, you are being non constructive.

It seems I'm being misunderstood.

Some people seem to hold the opinion that more libraries = better. I'm 
trying to voice the opinion that there is such a thing as too many 
libraries. The article I linked to explains part of why this is the 
case, in a better way than I've been able to phrase it myself.

I'm not trying to say "OMG, the way it is now completely sucks!" I'm not 
trying to say "you must do X right now!" I'm just trying to put forward 
an opinion. The opinion that having too many libraries can be a problem, 
which some people don't seem to agree with. (Obviously it isn't *always* 
bad, I'm just saying that sometimes it can be.)

That's all I was trying to say.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-19 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 19/05/2011 08:58 PM, Don Stewart wrote:

This is classic community trolling behavior, Andrew.

And publicly calling somebody a troll isn't trolling behaviour?

I'm going to answer the rest of this off-list. I'm sure nobody else 
wants to hear it.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-19 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 19/05/2011 08:39 PM, Stephen Tetley wrote:

Och Mr Coppin

Lisp is a fine language, but all "Lisp" essays you'll find on the
internet except Richard Gabriel's "Worse is Better" are absolute tosh.

This wasn't an attempt to bash Lisp.

This is about all those people who think having multiple libraries which 
only solve half the problem is somehow a "good thing".

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-19 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 19/05/2011 07:56 PM, Gilberto Garcia wrote:

I think what Andrew meant is that it's not a good idea to have big
pile of different implementations of the same library, and all trying
to solve the very same problem.

I'm glad somebody understood what I was trying to get at.

I'm not saying that we shouldn't ever have more than one library 
tackling the same problem. I'm just saying that when people say "we have 
multiple libraries competing to solve this problem, and that's 
*great*"... well, not necessarily, no. Obviously there's room for 
finding out what the best way to solve the problem is, but ultimately 
the ideal is to end up with one library that solves the problem well, 
which everybody can use.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] The Lisp Curse

2011-05-19 Thread Andrew Coppin

Some of you might have seen this. Here's the short version:

  Lisp is so powerful that it discourages reuse. Why search for and 
reuse an existing implementation, when it's so trivially easy to 
reimplement exactly what you want yourself? The net result is a maze of 
incompatible libraries which each solve a different 80% of the same problem.

To all the people who look at Hackage, see that there are 6 different 
libraries for processing Unicode text files, and claim that this is 
somehow a *good* thing, I offer the above essay as a counter-example.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] No fish, please

2011-05-19 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 18/05/2011 11:25 PM, Ivan Lazar Miljenovic wrote:

On 19 May 2011 08:09, Daniel Fischer  wrote:

On Wednesday 18 May 2011 23:39:47, Andrew Coppin wrote:

(It also requires you to have somewhere to host, which not
everybody has.

Haskellwiki, bitbucket, github, ...

Also if you have a project on, then you also can have
a website for it on

Today is the first time I've seen these domain names mentioned. (They 
appear to be aliases to the same server that runs the rest of

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] No fish, please

2011-05-19 Thread Andrew Coppin

This is basically the reason I asked. Currently Cabal assumes that
Haddock is the only tool of its kind. If somebody built a better
Haddock, you wouldn't be able to use it. (Unless you named the
executable "haddock" and made it accept the same command options.)

Or maybe support for that tool would be integrated into Cabal and cabal and

I believe the correct approach would be to make it easy to configure 
Cabal to use any tool that might be produced one day, rather than 
integrating support for each specific tool that actually exists.

But even while such a tool is not yet available, it would be worth thinkng
about hackage offering the possibility to display other docs than haddock-
generated ones.


IF you do have better docs, host them somewhere, and put a link
prominently in the .cabal file synopsis.

That works, but it does mean that you can't read the documentation

Make it downloadable?
Include the docs in the package (extra-source-files: thedocs.tar.gz) and
mention it in the package descripiton for a (less than optimal) workaround.

I thought extra-source-files: is only for Haskell source code?

(It also requires you to have somewhere to host, which not
everybody has.

Haskellwiki, bitbucket, github, ...

BitBucket only works for Mercurial, GitHub only works for Git. The 
Haskell wiki might be OK, and has the nice advantage that other people 
can improve it. (Do we think Hackage will ever get a wiki per package?) 
The other thing is, you can bet as soon as you put your package's 
documentation on the wiki and link it from the package description, the 
URL will change at some point, breaking the link.

Sure, a centralised documentation-hosting would have advantages over
sprinkling over all the free project-hosting services, but the situation is
not unbearably dire as is.

Granted. I'm just saying how it could be better.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] No fish, please

2011-05-18 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 18/05/2011 05:28 AM, Don Stewart wrote:

I'm intrigued by  the idea of Hackage docs that don't use Haddock.

This is basically the reason I asked. Currently Cabal assumes that 
Haddock is the only tool of its kind. If somebody built a better 
Haddock, you wouldn't be able to use it. (Unless you named the 
executable "haddock" and made it accept the same command options.)

Also, Haddock generates API reference documentation. It does not really 
support generating tutorials, introductions, HOWTOs, and all the other 
types of useful documentation that a project ought to have.

IF you do have better docs, host them somewhere, and put a link
prominently in the .cabal file synopsis.

That works, but it does mean that you can't read the documentation 
offline. (It also requires you to have somewhere to host, which not 
everybody has. Hackage provides hosting for the code itself, but you can 
only host documentation there if it's Haddock.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] >>= definition for list monad in ghc

2011-05-16 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 16/05/2011 10:07 AM, Michael Vanier wrote:

Usually in monad tutorials, the >>= operator for the list monad is
defined as:

m >>= k = concat (map k m) -- or concatMap k m

but in the GHC sources it's defined as:

m >>= k = foldr ((++) . k) [] m

As far as I can tell, this definition is equivalent to the previous one
(correct me if I'm wrong), so I was wondering why this definition was
chosen instead of the other one. Does anybody know?

Any time you see a more convoluted definition which ought to be 
equivilent to a simpler one, the answer is usually "because this way 
makes some important compiler optimisation fire". It's even possible 
that the optimisation in question would fire anyway now, but way back 
when the code was written, the compiler wasn't as smart.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Exception for NaN

2011-05-12 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 12/05/2011 06:14 PM, Grigory Sarnitskiy wrote:

How do I make my program stop whenever it gets somewhere NaN as a result during 
a calculation? If there is no appropriate flag for ghc maybe there exist flags 
for C to use in optc.

I don't want NaN to propagate, it is merely stupid, it should be terminated.

There is an isNaN function somewhere. You could make a newtype over 
Double which performs an isNaN after every operations and throws an 
exception if necessary...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] No fish, please

2011-05-12 Thread Andrew Coppin
Both Hackage and Cabal seem to assume as a matter of course that I want 
to use Haddock to generate all my documentation. Suppose I decide to 
violate this assumption. Then what?

1. Is there some way I can include my own HTML documentation in the 
package tarball and have Hackage/Cabal use it?

2. Is there a way to tell Hackage/Cabal to use some tool besides Haddock?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Those damned parentheses

2011-05-10 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 10/05/2011 08:30 AM, Yitzchak Gale wrote:

I think the clearest way to write it is:

f = putStrLn . (++ " - message received") . show .

You're serious??

If I were to describe to someone in words what this
function does, I would say something like: "Apply,
turn it into a string, tack a message onto the end, and
print it." So why not write it that way in Haskell?

Hmm, I suppose.

OTOH, this breaks if you want to insert several items into a string. For 

  f x y z = putStrLn ("X = " ++ show x ++ ", Y = " ++ show y ++ ", Z = 
" ++ show z)

(Fortunately, here a simple call to ($) will fix you up nicely.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type-class conditional behavior

2011-05-09 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 08/05/2011 06:14 AM, Nicholas Tung wrote:

Dear all,

 I'd like to write a function "maybeShow :: a -> Maybe String",
which runs "show" if its argument is of class Show.

This is surely an FAQ. Is the answer listed somewhere?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Server hosting

2011-05-07 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 06/05/2011 07:16 PM, JP Moresmau wrote:

I use Amazon EC2 Free Tier. You can install Yesod/Warp easily enough
and it's fine for small traffic.

My understanding is that EC2 is only free for 1 year, after which you 
pay full price. ($0.02/hour = $15/month if it's running full-time.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Server hosting

2011-05-07 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 07/05/2011 09:10 AM, Gregory Collins wrote:

Linode. Can't recommend them highly enough.

If Linode is really the cheapest that the Internet has to offer, I'm 
going to need to find a job that pays /significantly/ more money...

(I'm also not sure whether being billed in USD is possibly a bad idea. 
Banks have a habit of charging you currency conversion fees for that. 
Then again, I haven't found many companies that list prices in GBP.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Server hosting

2011-05-06 Thread Andrew Coppin
OK, so strictly this is unrelated to Haskell as such. However, there's 
enough people doing webby stuff with Haskell that some of you must have 
wanted to run your code on a real, Internet-accessible web server. So 
does anybody have any suggestions on which companies offer the most 
favourable tools / pricing?

I currently have a website, but it supports only CGI *scripts* (i.e., 
Perl or PHP). It does not support arbitrary CGI *binaries*, which is 
what I'd want for Haskell. In fact, I don't have control over the web 
server at all; I just put content on there.

The same provider can offer me a virtual server, but at 3x the price I'm 
currently paying. I simply cannot afford that kind of money just for 
silly toy projects.

What does everybody else use?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Can't build Gtk2hs on Windows

2011-05-06 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 05/05/2011 09:50 PM, Andrew Coppin wrote:

On 05/05/2011 01:32 AM, Albert Y. C. Lai wrote:

Just 5 weeks ago,

Did anyone see it?

Right. So the problem might be GTK+ v3?


Apparently the bundle I downloaded contains GTK+ 2.20, which is fine. 
But the page above clarifies what the real problem is: HP 2011.2.0.1 
doesn't work, apparently. (Doesn't say why.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Can't build Gtk2hs on Windows

2011-05-05 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 05/05/2011 01:32 AM, Albert Y. C. Lai wrote:

Just 5 weeks ago,

Did anyone see it?

Right. So the problem might be GTK+ v3?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Can't build Gtk2hs on Windows

2011-05-04 Thread Andrew Coppin

Today I tried to install Gtk2hs. Big mistake!

Last time I tried it, it was quite easy. Now that it uses Cabal, even on 
Windows you can compile this stuff from source fairly easily. It's just 
that you have to fiddle with environment variables to make it find stuff.


1. Since the move of, the gtk2hs homepage has vanished off 
the face of the Earth. Is there any danger we might get this back some day?


(In other words, every time you try to cabal install a GTK-related 
package, it fails during the register step, and you need to hand-edit 
Gtk2HsSetup.hs to fix the issue.)


(In other words, certain GTK-related packages just plain fail to build 
due to undefined names or missing header files or...)

In summary, it's just utterly broken. Which is very frustrating, given 
that not so long ago it was working really well. (I never did get Glade 
to work though... although it looks like that might be fixed now, if I 
could just get past all the other issues.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Advertisement: the Haskell Stack Overflow Q & A site

2011-05-04 Thread Andrew Coppin

One of the benefits of a site like SO as a forum is the ability to
record and link to prior work, edit for technical errors, and easily
search and categorize past answers. It is also less prone to noise,
for those suffering from cafe overload.

I would also recommend SO.

My only experience of SO is that I asked a question once, and to this 
day it has still only been viewed a grand total of 6 times. (And I think 
that was just me looking to see if there were any replies yet.) OTOH, it 
wasn't Haskell-related.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A small Darcs anomoly

2011-04-29 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 28/04/2011 03:21 PM, Chris Smith wrote:

On Thu, 2011-04-28 at 08:04 +0200, Bardur Arantsson wrote:

There's also the fact that using in-repo branches means that all the
tooling doesn't have to rely on any (fs-specific) conventions for
finding branches.

As someone who has admin'd a reasonably large Bazaar setup (where


== directory similarly to Darcs) I can honestly say that this would be


HUGE boon.

Just keep in mind that adding branches withing the repository is a
massive increase in the conceptual complexity of the system, and it
would IMO be very un-darcs-like to adopt something like that into the
core mental model you need to use a darcs repository, only because of
incidental conveniences

Convention, rather than baking answers into tools, is the right way to
solve organizational problems, and that's essentially what we're talking
about here.  And adding complexity every time someone has an awkward use
case will lead (has led, in more systems than I can count) to an
unusable result in the end.

It seems half the people here think that having multiple branches per 
repo is a fantastic idea, while the other half think it's a stupid idea.

Perhaps there is room for more than one revision control system based on 
change-sets in this world?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A small Darcs anomoly

2011-04-26 Thread Andrew Coppin

This is because of a deliberate choice that was made by David Roundy.
In darcs, you never have multiple branches within a single darcs
repository directory tree.

Yes, this seems clear. I'm just wondering whether or not it's the best design 

It seems to me to be a considerable insight.

Presumably David thought the same. I won't deny that there is a certain 
simplifying elegance to it.

It does mean that you duplicate information. You have [nearly] the same set of 
patches stored twice,

No, if on the same machine, the patches only appear once, it is just the index 
that duplicates some information (I think).  In fact just as if it were a 
branch in another VCS.

1. Conceptually, you have the same information twice.

2. I have no idea how to make Darcs do the thing with "hard links" (is 
that even supported under Windows?) I just copy the whole folder using 
the normal OS file tools.

Either way, you lose the ability to see how branches are related to each 
other, which might be useful in some cases.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A small Darcs anomoly

2011-04-25 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 24/04/2011 06:33 PM, Jason Dagit wrote:

On Sun, Apr 24, 2011 at 2:05 AM, Andrew Coppin>> wrote:

So I was a little surprised to discover that... Darcs doesn't
actually support doing this. Darcs is only really interested in the
result of applying *all* changes in a repo.

It seems daft to me that you would design a sophisticated system for
splitting history into independent chunks, and then not let me
manipulate them independently.

This is because of a deliberate choice that was made by David Roundy.
In darcs, you never have multiple branches within a single darcs
repository directory tree.

Yes, this seems clear. I'm just wondering whether or not it's the best 
design choice.

To get the effect you want, you simply
create two repositories.  One having only the patches for ghc 6.6 and
one having the patches of ghc 7.0 and then you pull just the patches you
want from 7.0 into 6.6.  There are options to 'darcs get' that help you
select the right set of patches to help you create the two repositories.

It does mean that you duplicate information. You have [nearly] the same 
set of patches stored twice, and you're not really storing the history 
of the relationship between two branches, only the history of the branch 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] A small Darcs anomoly

2011-04-24 Thread Andrew Coppin

I've discovered something interesting.

Darcs stores history as a partially-ordered set of changes. This is a 
beautiful and elegant idea. In theory, this lets me apply any 
combination of changes, possibly generating file "versions" which have 
never actually existed before. (E.g., the new type checker from GHC 7.0 
embedded in the GHC 6.6 codebase - not that I imagine it would compile, 
but in principle I can do it.)

So I was a little surprised to discover that... Darcs doesn't actually 
support doing this. Darcs is only really interested in the result of 
applying *all* changes in a repo. If you want to apply some subset of 
changes, you need to make a seperate repo containing only the changes 
you want applied.

It seems daft to me that you would design a sophisticated system for 
splitting history into independent chunks, and then not let me 
manipulate them independently.

(If you think about it, the difference between, say, GHC 7.0 and GHC 6.6 
is which set of changes are applied. Yet because Darcs doesn't support 
looking at it like this, you must have a completely seperate repo for 
each one...)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] not redering correctly

2011-04-24 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 21/04/2011 02:36 AM, Conrad Parker wrote:

I thought the purpose of filing a bug report was to get things fixed?

The purpose of filing bug reports is to ensure that problems are not
forgotten. It allows the community (people like you) to have a useful
understanding of the problems that exist when choosing what tasks to
put time and effort into fixing.

*sigh* I guess that means the next step is to figure out if it's broken for
the Linux builds as well, or just for Windows. (Can't test for Mac OS since
I don't have access to the necessary hardware or software...)

The first step would be to make a patch that works for you, and to
attach it to the ticket.

Wouldn't that require me to somehow get hold of whatever repo contains 
the script for generating the Windows installer?

Then again if it's simply a matter of generating additional HTML text
(as opposed to styling/rendering issues) then it should be
straightforward to verify that the new content is added in the
generated files without worrying about other platforms.

I imagine the issue is something utterly trivial list a line of text 
missing from a file - which is why I'm so surprised that the problem has 
been reported multiple times and yet not fixed...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why not Darcs?

2011-04-23 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 21/04/2011 11:16 PM, John Millikin wrote:

My chief complaint is that it's built on "patch theory", which is
ill-defined and doesn't seem particularly useful. The
Bazaar/Git/Mercurial DAG model is much easier to understand and work with.

Possibly as a consequence of its shaky foundation, Darcs is much slower
than the competition -- this becomes noticeable for even very small
repositories, when doing a lot of branching and merging.

I think it's been kept alive in the Haskell community out of pure "eat
our dogfood" instinct; IMO if having a VCS written in Haskell is
important, it would be better to just write a new implementation of an
existing tool. Of course, nobody cares that much about what language
their VCS is written in, generally.

Ah, how silly of me. I should have known a question like this was highly 
likely to provoke a flamewar.

I had assumed that the way Darcs was is *the definition of* what 
"distributed version control" is. So it was a bit of a shock to read 
about how Git works, and discovered that it does it totally wrong. So I 
want and read about Mercural and all the others, and discovered that 
they all do it wrong too.

Given that the way Darcs works is so superior to the way everything else 
works, I was just puzzled as to why even GHC is trying to get rid of it.

It seems the answer is some combination of "performance issues" (I've 
never seen any) and "reliability issues" (which again I've never come 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Why not Darcs?

2011-04-21 Thread Andrew Coppin
I'm sure this must be a VFAQ, but... There seems to be universal 
agreement that Darcs is a nice idea, but is unsuitable for "real" 
projects. Even GHC keeps talking about getting rid of Darcs. Can anybody 
tell me what the "problems" with Darcs actually are?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] not redering correctly

2011-04-20 Thread Andrew Coppin

I notice that there's duplicate reports of the HTML documentation in the
Haskell Platform having chunks missing

Which ticket numbers are these? Trac allows one of them to be closed
as a duplicate. Perhaps you can do that, or at least provide those
details in email here.

When I get a minute I'll log in, mark the duplicates, and add a note to 
the ticket confirming that the issue still exists.

I thought the purpose of filing a bug report was to get things fixed?

The purpose of filing bug reports is to ensure that problems are not
forgotten. It allows the community (people like you) to have a useful
understanding of the problems that exist when choosing what tasks to
put time and effort into fixing.

*sigh* I guess that means the next step is to figure out if it's broken 
for the Linux builds as well, or just for Windows. (Can't test for Mac 
OS since I don't have access to the necessary hardware or software...)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] not redering correctly

2011-04-19 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 17/04/2011 11:29 AM, Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:

Hi all,

Trac pages aren't rendering correctly. It seems the HTTP server
can't find the CSS files. See below.


I'm glad it's not just me. Any danger of this being fixed someday?

I notice that there's duplicate reports of the HTML documentation in the 
Haskell Platform having chunks missing, and yet both HP 2011.2.0.0 and 
HP 2011.2.0.1 still have this exact same problem. I thought the purpose 
of filing a bug report was to get things fixed?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Questioning seq

2011-04-14 Thread Andrew Coppin

A couple of questions:

1. Why is the existence of polymorphic seq bad?

2. Why would the existence of polymorphic rnf be worse?

3. How is pseq different from seq?

That is all...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Current heap size and other runtime statistics -- API for accessing in GHC?

2011-04-12 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 11/04/2011 12:52 AM, Don Stewart wrote:

I'd like a proper FFI binding for getting at Stats.c dynamically. So I
can write programs that determine their own stats about the GC and so

I have often wished that there was a much bigger API for interacting 
with the RTS. Currently, you can query how many capabilities there are, 
and you can request a (magor?) GC cycle. And that's *it*.

One can imagine a far richer API, with the ability to do things like set 
and query RTS flags, query the GHC version number and RTS "way", ask how 
much RAM is allocated to what, request a minor or magor GC, try to 
release RAM to the OS, pre-allocate RAM from the OS because you're about 
to use it, find out how many threads are running or how many sparks are 
queued, and so on.

Of course, I doubt anyone is going to implement it anytime soon...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Encoding-aware System.Directory functions

2011-04-01 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 30/03/2011 08:18 PM, Bas van Dijk wrote:

It would also be great to have a package which combines the proper
encoding/decoding of filepaths of the system-filepath package with the
type-safety of the pathtype package:

Oh sweet! I was just about to write a package exactly like this. 
Apparently I don't need to. :-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Three Google Summer of Code project proposals

2011-03-27 Thread Andrew Coppin

*** Build multiple Cabal packages in parallel ***

Many developers have multi-core machines but Cabal runs the build
process in a single thread, only making use of one core. If the build
process could be parallelized build times could be cut by perhaps a
factor of 2-8, depending on the number of cores and opportunity of
parallel execution available.

Isn't the Cabal build process strictly I/O-limited rather than CPU-limited?

*** Simpler support for isolated/sandboxed Cabal builds ***

cabal-dev and capri allow developers to build packages in their own
sandboxes, using a separate package database for each. This allows for
isolated builds and prevents breakages due e.g. package upgrades.
Merging cabal-dev into Cabal allows us to share lots of code and makes
the feature more accessible to developers.

This would be very useful.

PS. I also love the way that performing "cabal build" causes it to claim 
that it's also registering the package, when in fact it isn't. Not sure 
why that spurious message is there...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Byte Histogram

2011-03-17 Thread Andrew Coppin

Right. So somebody else came up with an idea similar to mine, but since
nobody could agree on anything more than a rough idea, nothing actually got

Well, I also got the sense that it would be more than a little
nontrivial to implement. Or at least, someone was talking about how it
would be a good topic for writing a thesis about if someone managed to
figure how to do it. I suspect that if someone were to actually put in
the effort they would be afforded the privilege of getting to nail
down the details. That's just completely baseless speculation, though.

That sounds like a good description for just about every imaginable 
extension to Haskell that does something interesting! :-D

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Byte Histogram

2011-03-17 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 17/03/2011 12:11 PM, Gábor Lehel wrote:

Necroing this thread because I just noticed there's a (rather old!)
bug report which covers much of the same ground and doesn't seem to
have been mentioned by anyone:

Right. So somebody else came up with an idea similar to mine, but since 
nobody could agree on anything more than a rough idea, nothing actually 
got done...(?)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: Monad.Reader special Poetry and Fiction Edition

2011-03-17 Thread Andrew Coppin

I think we should have a wiki page somewhere which explains what all
the various Haskell-related terms mean. Terms like "typing the knot"
and "finally tagless". (Not to mention "Oleg rating"...)

I have created such a page:

Defining "unlifted type" without defining "bottom" probably isn't very 
helpful. (I'm sure there's already a wiki page for it though...)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: Monad.Reader special Poetry and Fiction Edition

2011-03-16 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 16/03/2011 03:05 PM, Brent Yorgey wrote:

This kind of "knot-tying" approach is nice for static graphs.

I think we should have a wiki page somewhere which explains what all the 
various Haskell-related terms mean. Terms like "typing the knot" and 
"finally tagless". (Not to mention "Oleg rating"...)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type trickery

2011-03-16 Thread Andrew Coppin

Hmm, yes. That will work, but I wonder if there's some way of doing this
that doesn't limit the scope of the container to one single span of

You can write helper functions which take containers as argument by
parameterizing these helper functions over s:

takesTwoContainers :: Container s1 -> Container s2 -> ...
takesTwoContainers c1 c2 = ... -- c1 and c2 can be used here

This function could be called like this:

withContainer (\c1 ->
withContainer (\c2 ->
takesTwoContainers c1 c2)) -- c1 and c2 can be used here

In this example, the scope of the containers is not limited to a single
span of code.

What you can't do is write functions such as

  foo :: Container x -> (Cursor x, Cursor x)

for example.

Perhaps this property is just too tricky to check in the type system. 
It's quite possible to check it at run-time; I'd just prefer to check at 
compile-time, if it's not too difficult to implement.

I thought of a further complication: What happens if you concatinate two 
containers? Then cursors to each of the original containers all become 
valid for the new, concatenated container. I suppose you could issue a 
new phantom type variable for the concatenated version, but the whole 
idea of mutable containers is to, you know, mutate them.

Given the above, perhaps it's just not possible to check this kind of 
thing statically at all.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Subsets and supersets

2011-03-16 Thread Andrew Coppin
The other day I saw the "green field Haskell" discussion on Reddit. Of 
course, I could give you a very long list (ha!) of things that I would 
change about Haskell. (This would probably begin with expunging with extreme prejudice...) But there's one particular feature 
which is non-trivial enough to be worth discussing here...

Haskell has ADTs. Most of the time, these work great. As I've written in 
several other places (but possibly not here), OO languages tend to 
"factor" the problem the other way. That is, if I want a binary tree, an 
OO language makes me split the type and all of its operations into three 
parts (an abstract base class, a branch subclass, and a leaf subclass). 
Adding each new operation requires adding an abstract version of it to 
the abstract base class, and putting half of the implementation into 
each concrete subclass.

Haskell is factored the other way. The definition of the type goes in 
one place. The definition of each operation over it goes in one place. 
More can be added at any time. In particular, the OO approach doesn't 
let you add new tree operations without altering the source code for the 
tree classes. The ADT version *does* let you add new operations - 
provided the tree structure is visible.

This is not to say that the OO approach is wrong, of course. The 
important thing about a binary tree is that there are exactly two kinds 
of nodes - leaves and branches - and there will *always* be exactly two 
kinds. That's what makes it a binary tree! [OK, no it isn't, but bare 
with me.]

If, instead of a binary tree, or an abstract syntax tree, or some other 
fixed, unchanging structure, we wanted to deal with, say, bank 
accounts... Well, there are a bazillion kinds of bank account. And more 
might be added at any time. Here an ADT is utterly the wrong thing to 
do. It would have a bazillion constructors, and all the processing for a 
particular bank account type would be split between dozens of seperate 
functions. By contrast, an OO language would put each account type and 
all its associated processing in the same place - the class definition.

In summary, problems can be factored two ways. ADTs do it one way, 
classes do it the other way, and both can be appropriate. OO languages 
use classes, but, happily, Haskell has ADTs *and* classes! :-D And not 
classes in the same sense as OO classes; the way Haskell does it is 
actually better, IMHO.

Anyway, coming back on-topic... ADTs are great, but sometimes they don't 
let me easily express exactly what I want. Specifically, sometimes I 
have one type which is really a subset of another type, or perhaps a 
superset of several times.

You can build subsets using GADTs, after a fashion:

  data Foo
  data Bar

  data Foobar x where
Foobar1 ... :: Foobar Foo
Foobar2 ... :: Foobar Bar
Foobar3 ... :: Foobar x
Foobar4 ... :: Foobar Bar
Foobar5 ... :: Foobar Foo

Now any expression of type Foobar Foo is guaranteed to contain only 
Foobar1, Foobar3 or Foobar5, while any expression of type Foobar Bar is 
guaranteed to contain only Foobar2, Foobar3 or Foobar4. As the tangle of 
sets becomes more complicated, this approach becomes more difficult to 

You can of course build supersets using an even more mundane Haskell 
construct. The canonical example is Either. If I want a field that holds 
a Foo *or* a Bar, I can trivially write Either Foo Bar.

The trouble is, this entails an extra level of indirection. In order to 
access a Foo or a Bar, I now have to strip off the Left or Right 
constructor to get to it. To construct a value, I have to stick in the 
constructor. Sometimes this is just fine, even desirable. For example, I 
recently wrote a function who's type is

  spans :: (x -> Bool) -> [x] -> [Either [x] [x]]

Here the Left and Right constructors are actually /telling/ me 
something. They convey /information/.

On the other hand, in the case of Either Foo Bar, the constructor tells 
me nothing. Consider:

  data Foo = Foo1 | Foo2 | Foo3
  data Bar = Bar1 | Bar2 | Bar3

  foobar :: Either Foo Bar -> x
  foobar e =
case e of
  Left  Foo1 -> ...
  Left  Foo2 -> ...
  Left  Foo3 -> ...
  Right Bar1 -> ...
  Right Bar2 -> ...
  Right Bar3 -> ...

There is, logically, no particular reason why we shouldn't simplify the 
function to just

  foobar Foo + Bar -> x
  foobar fb =
case fb of
  Foo1 -> ...
  Foo2 -> ...
  Foo3 -> ...
  Bar1 -> ...
  Bar2 -> ...
  Bar3 -> ...

The set of possible constructors for Foo and for Bar are disjoint. There 
is no possibility of ambiguity here. The type system itself even /uses/ 
this fact to infer the type of literal constructor applications! And 
yet, you cannot write code such as the above. Not in Haskell, anyway.

So what is the use case here? Well, consider for a moment the problem of 
parsing Haskell source code. Haskell contains both "patters" and 
"expressions". Now actually, 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: Monad.Reader special Poetry and Fiction Edition

2011-03-16 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 15/03/2011 11:35 PM, Brent Yorgey wrote:

I am pleased to announce that the special Poetry and Fiction Edition
of The Monad.Reader is now available [1]. Enjoy!

I love exercise 8, "write a complete computer game using this idea" (!)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type trickery

2011-03-16 Thread Andrew Coppin

You could define a function:

withContainer ∷ (∀ s. Container s → α) → α

which creates a container, parameterizes it with an 's' that is only
scoped over the continuation and applies the continuation to the
created container.

Hmm, yes. That will work, but I wonder if there's some way of doing this 
that doesn't limit the scope of the container to one single span of code...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Type trickery

2011-03-16 Thread Andrew Coppin
The well-known ST monad uses an ingenious hack to make it impossible for 
distinct ST computations to interact with each other.

Is there a way to do something similar so that I can create "cursors" 
that reference a (mutable) container, and then write a function that 
takes two cursor arguments which are statically guaranteed to refer to 
the same container?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell Platform 2011.2

2011-03-08 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 08/03/2011 08:57 PM, Don Stewart wrote:

We have plenty of testers on the haskell-platform@ list. If you're
interested, you can join there to discuss results.
By definition the test installers are not yet ready for haskell-cafe@

Oh, right. There's a mailing list? I wasn't aware of that. I'll go take 
a look...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell Platform 2011.2

2011-03-08 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 06/03/2011 11:46 AM, Andrew Coppin wrote:

On 06/03/2011 01:22 AM, Don Stewart wrote:

P.S. you can help by testing the installers, and reporting issues on
the HP trac and mailing list. The candidate installers are here:

Is there some way to navigate to this page from the HP homepage?

Seriously, if you want people to test it, having this fact more clearly 
visible seems like a good idea. (In particular, I have access to Windows 
systems I can test on, which is apparently rare around here, but until 
this email I had no idea that a release candidate was even available...)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell IDE

2011-03-08 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 07/03/2011 04:39 PM, Daniel Fischer wrote:

That sounds nice, so I thought I'd try out leksah again.

Unfortunately, the dependencies rule out GHC-7

Maybe someone could try relaxing the bounds and build it with GHC-7, and -
if it works - upload a new version?
(I could try if I get a go-ahead from Hamish or Jürgen)

I couldn't get it to build either. So I just grabbed the Windows binary 
from the homepage and used that. Worked just fine...

(Not sure that they have binaries for platforms that aren't Windows 
though. Can't remember off the top of my head.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell Platform 2011.2

2011-03-06 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 06/03/2011 01:22 AM, Don Stewart wrote:

P.S. you can help by testing the installers, and reporting issues on
the HP trac and mailing list. The candidate installers are here:

Is there some way to navigate to this page from the HP homepage?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell IDE

2011-03-03 Thread Andrew Coppin

On 03/03/2011 07:12 AM, Eugene Kirpichov wrote:

However, now I actually use vim - but that's because I'm scared of
trying to install Leksah on Windows (maybe it isn't hard, I haven't
tried) and because I'm only doing rather tiny things with Haskell at
the moment.

FWIW, last time I tried, "installing Leksah on Windows" consisted of 
downloading a compiled EXE file and double-clicking it. It was literally 
that complex.

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