Re: [IMail Forum] Clients want to send mass emails

2008-12-20 Thread Matt
The commonly accepted definition of "unsolicited" is someone that you 
don't have a first party relationship with.  So if these are clients and 
you include an unsubscribe, it's perfectly fine...if they are not, then 
you and your clients are spammers.  Regardless of which way you go, if 
you send out enough E-mail you will be blacklisted, so never, ever, ever 
do this from your mail server.


Steve Guluk wrote:
But yet in these economic times, mass mailing is a cheap means of 
Marketing so many clients are looking to expand on this front.

Bulk can still be to their own mailing lists.

I'm thinking I may need to program something to send out small blasts 
late at night with the proper DB opt-outs as a service for my clients.

On Dec 20, 2008, at 7:08 AM, Matt wrote:

Spam is E-mail that is both sent in bulk and is unsolicited.  There 
is no legitimate way to send E-mail that is sent in bulk and 


Adam Greene wrote:

Hey all,
Revisiting this topic ... one of our clients wants to be able to 
send emails out to people who have not explicitly opted in to 
receive their mailings. Most mass emailing companies I'm aware of 
require opt-in and in particular don't allow emails to be sent to a 
list of purchased email addresses. I can understand why -- who needs 
more spam? I guess my question is ... how does a company 
legitimately get their name and product out there without turning 
into a spammer? Is anyone aware of mass emailing companies or even a 
direct marketing company that uses legitimate means to do this, or 
what those legitimate means are?
Maybe semi-OT for this list ...

- Original Message -
*From:* Adam Greene <>
*Sent:* Thursday, December 11, 2008 9:04 AM
    *Subject:* Re: [IMail Forum] Clients want to send mass emails

We've been steering customers toward Emma (

<>). Customers still look to us for their
IT consulting needs, and get their basic (and advanced IMAP &
collaboration) email services from us. We have not found that
steering customers in this direction weakens our relationship
with the customer, but rather strengthens it as they get a good
mass email solution and don't have the constant headache /
stress of our not being able to service their mass email needs
smoothly. In many cases, we also manage their mass mailings for
them, for a fee (another source of income).


- Original Message -
*From:* Steve Guluk <>
*Sent:* Wednesday, December 10, 2008 11:45 AM
*Subject:* [IMail Forum] Clients want to send mass emails

As the economy prompts companies to do all they can to

market their products, email blasts are an attractive
inexpensive means to get marketing in front of many people.

Problem is, Blacklists from users that fail to subscribe to
whatever necessary standards are deemed essential to be a
legitimate email. And that one client can hurt the
other clients on the mail server that have nothing to do
with the offending clients mass mailing.

What do other server owners do? Tell the client no-way and
risk having them go elsewhere? I usually try to get them to
go to Constant Contact but some still push hard to use the
email account they have with me. I have a limitation of
50 recipients per email but what other resources are
available to us to help handle this condition in the best

What standards and policies do you do at your business?


*Steve Guluk*
(949) 661-9333


*Steve Guluk*
(949) 661-9333

Re: [IMail Forum] Clients want to send mass emails

2008-12-20 Thread Steve Guluk
But yet in these economic times, mass mailing is a cheap means of  
Marketing so many clients are looking to expand on this front.

Bulk can still be to their own mailing lists.

I'm thinking I may need to program something to send out small blasts  
late at night with the proper DB opt-outs as a service for my clients.

On Dec 20, 2008, at 7:08 AM, Matt wrote:

Spam is E-mail that is both sent in bulk and is unsolicited.  There  
is no legitimate way to send E-mail that is sent in bulk and  


Adam Greene wrote:

Hey all,

Revisiting this topic ... one of our clients wants to be able to  
send emails out to people who have not explicitly opted in to  
receive their mailings. Most mass emailing companies I'm aware of  
require opt-in and in particular don't allow emails to be sent to a  
list of purchased email addresses. I can understand why -- who  
needs more spam? I guess my question is ... how does a company  
legitimately get their name and product out there without turning  
into a spammer? Is anyone aware of mass emailing companies or even  
a direct marketing company that uses legitimate means to do this,  
or what those legitimate means are?

Maybe semi-OT for this list ...


- Original Message -
From: Adam Greene
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2008 9:04 AM
Subject: Re: [IMail Forum] Clients want to send mass emails


We've been steering customers toward Emma (  
Customers still look to us for their IT consulting needs, and get  
their basic (and advanced IMAP & collaboration) email services from  
us. We have not found that steering customers in this direction  
weakens our relationship with the customer, but rather strengthens  
it as they get a good mass email solution and don't have the  
constant headache / stress of our not being able to service their  
mass email needs smoothly. In many cases, we also manage their mass  
mailings for them, for a fee (another source of income).


- Original Message -
From: Steve Guluk
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 11:45 AM
Subject: [IMail Forum] Clients want to send mass emails

As the economy prompts companies to do all they can to market their  
products, email blasts are an attractive inexpensive means to get  
marketing in front of many people.

Problem is, Blacklists from users that fail to subscribe to  
whatever necessary standards are deemed essential to be a  
legitimate email. And that one client can hurt the other clients on  
the mail server that have nothing to do with the offending clients  
mass mailing.

What do other server owners do? Tell the client no-way and risk  
having them go elsewhere? I usually try to get them to go to  
Constant Contact but some still push hard to use the email account  
they have with me. I have a limitation of 50 recipients per email  
but what other resources are available to us to help handle this  
condition in the best manner?

What standards and policies do you do at your business?


Steve Guluk
(949) 661-9333


Steve Guluk
(949) 661-9333

Re: [IMail Forum] Clients want to send mass emails

2008-12-20 Thread Matt
Spam is E-mail that is both sent in bulk and is unsolicited.  There is 
no legitimate way to send E-mail that is sent in bulk and unsolicited...WTF!


Adam Greene wrote:

Hey all,
Revisiting this topic ... one of our clients wants to be able to send 
emails out to people who have not explicitly opted in to receive their 
mailings. Most mass emailing companies I'm aware of require opt-in and 
in particular don't allow emails to be sent to a list of purchased 
email addresses. I can understand why -- who needs more spam? I guess 
my question is ... how does a company legitimately get their name and 
product out there without turning into a spammer? Is anyone aware of 
mass emailing companies or even a direct marketing company that uses 
legitimate means to do this, or what those legitimate means are?
Maybe semi-OT for this list ...

- Original Message -
*From:* Adam Greene <>
*Sent:* Thursday, December 11, 2008 9:04 AM
    *Subject:* Re: [IMail Forum] Clients want to send mass emails

We've been steering customers toward Emma (

<>). Customers still look to us for their IT
consulting needs, and get their basic (and advanced IMAP &
collaboration) email services from us. We have not found that
steering customers in this direction weakens our relationship with
the customer, but rather strengthens it as they get a good mass
email solution and don't have the constant headache / stress of
our not being able to service their mass email needs smoothly. In
many cases, we also manage their mass mailings for them, for a fee
(another source of income).


- Original Message -
*From:* Steve Guluk <>
*Sent:* Wednesday, December 10, 2008 11:45 AM
*Subject:* [IMail Forum] Clients want to send mass emails

As the economy prompts companies to do all they can to market

their products, email blasts are an attractive inexpensive
means to get marketing in front of many people.

Problem is, Blacklists from users that fail to subscribe to
whatever necessary standards are deemed essential to be a
legitimate email. And that one client can hurt the
other clients on the mail server that have nothing to do with
the offending clients mass mailing.

What do other server owners do? Tell the client no-way and
risk having them go elsewhere? I usually try to get them to go
to Constant Contact but some still push hard to use the email
account they have with me. I have a limitation of
50 recipients per email but what other resources are available
to us to help handle this condition in the best manner?

What standards and policies do you do at your business?


*Steve Guluk*
(949) 661-9333

Re: [IMail Forum] Clients want to send mass emails

2008-12-19 Thread Steve Guluk
You know... I've been reporting this Robert Allen knucklehead for some  
time now (to the FCC) and it seems the Federal Gov may have other fish  
to fry than care about proper internet etiquette (opt outs being  
honored etc) , even if it's their own laws.  Is anyone else getting  
overwhelms by Robert Allen emails that not even MessageSniffer cares  
enough to write a rule to block?

On Dec 19, 2008, at 3:43 PM, Bruce Barnes wrote:

If you go and look at the Federal anti-spam laws they succinctly  
state that
anyone having a PRIOR RELATIONSHIP with a customer may contact them  
in any

manner - without prior permission and it is not spamming.

I do not agree with it, but if they have had any kind of contact  
with the

company, made a purchase, filled out a form giving them their e-mail
address, ect, they can be legitimately placed on an e-mail list.

Note, too, that if they request such, the must be immediately  
removed UNLESS
they have made a purchase from the source of the e-mail in which  
case the
request can be legally ignored for a period of six months from the  
date of

the purchase.

[] On Behalf Of Adam Greene
Sent: Friday, December 19, 2008 15:45
Subject: Re: [IMail Forum] Clients want to send mass emails

Hey all,

Revisiting this topic ... one of our clients wants to be able to  
send emails
out to people who have not explicitly opted in to receive their  
Most mass emailing companies I'm aware of require opt-in and in  
don't allow emails to be sent to a list of purchased email  
addresses. I can
understand why -- who needs more spam? I guess my question is ...  
how does a
company legitimately get their name and product out there without  
into a spammer? Is anyone aware of mass emailing companies or even a  

marketing company that uses legitimate means to do this, or what those
legitimate means are?

Maybe semi-OT for this list ...


- Original Message -
From: Adam Greene <>
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2008 9:04 AM
    Subject: Re: [IMail Forum] Clients want to send mass emails


We've been steering customers toward Emma (
Customers still look to us for their IT consulting needs, and get  
basic (and advanced IMAP & collaboration) email services from us. We  
not found that steering customers in this direction weakens our  
with the customer, but rather strengthens it as they get a good mass  
solution and don't have the constant headache / stress of our not  
being able
to service their mass email needs smoothly. In many cases, we also  

their mass mailings for them, for a fee (another source of income).


- Original Message -
From: Steve Guluk <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 11:45 AM
Subject: [IMail Forum] Clients want to send mass emails

As the economy prompts companies to do all they can to
market their products, email blasts are an attractive inexpensive  
means to

get marketing in front of many people.

Problem is, Blacklists from users that fail to subscribe to
whatever necessary standards are deemed essential to be a legitimate  
And that one client can hurt the other clients on the mail server  
that have

nothing to do with the offending clients mass mailing.

What do other server owners do? Tell the client no-way and
risk having them go elsewhere? I usually try to get them to go to  
Contact but some still push hard to use the email account they have  
with me.
I have a limitation of 50 recipients per email but what other  
resources are

available to us to help handle this condition in the best manner?

What standards and policies do you do at your business?


Steve Guluk
(949) 661-9333

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List Archive:
Knowledge Base/FAQ:


Steve Guluk
(949) 661-9333

RE: [IMail Forum] Clients want to send mass emails

2008-12-19 Thread Bruce Barnes
If you go and look at the Federal anti-spam laws they succinctly state that
anyone having a PRIOR RELATIONSHIP with a customer may contact them in any
manner - without prior permission and it is not spamming.
I do not agree with it, but if they have had any kind of contact with the
company, made a purchase, filled out a form giving them their e-mail
address, ect, they can be legitimately placed on an e-mail list.
Note, too, that if they request such, the must be immediately removed UNLESS
they have made a purchase from the source of the e-mail in which case the
request can be legally ignored for a period of six months from the date of
the purchase.

[] On Behalf Of Adam Greene
Sent: Friday, December 19, 2008 15:45
Subject: Re: [IMail Forum] Clients want to send mass emails

Hey all, 
Revisiting this topic ... one of our clients wants to be able to send emails
out to people who have not explicitly opted in to receive their mailings.
Most mass emailing companies I'm aware of require opt-in and in particular
don't allow emails to be sent to a list of purchased email addresses. I can
understand why -- who needs more spam? I guess my question is ... how does a
company legitimately get their name and product out there without turning
into a spammer? Is anyone aware of mass emailing companies or even a direct
marketing company that uses legitimate means to do this, or what those
legitimate means are?
Maybe semi-OT for this list ...

- Original Message - 
From: Adam Greene <>  
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2008 9:04 AM
        Subject: Re: [IMail Forum] Clients want to send mass emails

We've been steering customers toward Emma (
Customers still look to us for their IT consulting needs, and get their
basic (and advanced IMAP & collaboration) email services from us. We have
not found that steering customers in this direction weakens our relationship
with the customer, but rather strengthens it as they get a good mass email
solution and don't have the constant headache / stress of our not being able
to service their mass email needs smoothly. In many cases, we also manage
their mass mailings for them, for a fee (another source of income).

- Original Message - 
From: Steve Guluk <>  
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 11:45 AM
Subject: [IMail Forum] Clients want to send mass emails

As the economy prompts companies to do all they can to
market their products, email blasts are an attractive inexpensive means to
get marketing in front of many people.

Problem is, Blacklists from users that fail to subscribe to
whatever necessary standards are deemed essential to be a legitimate email.
And that one client can hurt the other clients on the mail server that have
nothing to do with the offending clients mass mailing.

What do other server owners do? Tell the client no-way and
risk having them go elsewhere? I usually try to get them to go to Constant
Contact but some still push hard to use the email account they have with me.
I have a limitation of 50 recipients per email but what other resources are
available to us to help handle this condition in the best manner?

What standards and policies do you do at your business?


Steve Guluk
(949) 661-9333

To Unsubscribe:
List Archive:
Knowledge Base/FAQ:

Re: [IMail Forum] Clients want to send mass emails

2008-12-19 Thread Adam Greene
Hey all, 

Revisiting this topic ... one of our clients wants to be able to send emails 
out to people who have not explicitly opted in to receive their mailings. Most 
mass emailing companies I'm aware of require opt-in and in particular don't 
allow emails to be sent to a list of purchased email addresses. I can 
understand why -- who needs more spam? I guess my question is ... how does a 
company legitimately get their name and product out there without turning into 
a spammer? Is anyone aware of mass emailing companies or even a direct 
marketing company that uses legitimate means to do this, or what those 
legitimate means are?

Maybe semi-OT for this list ...


  - Original Message - 
  From: Adam Greene 
  Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2008 9:04 AM
  Subject: Re: [IMail Forum] Clients want to send mass emails


  We've been steering customers toward Emma ( Customers still 
look to us for their IT consulting needs, and get their basic (and advanced 
IMAP & collaboration) email services from us. We have not found that steering 
customers in this direction weakens our relationship with the customer, but 
rather strengthens it as they get a good mass email solution and don't have the 
constant headache / stress of our not being able to service their mass email 
needs smoothly. In many cases, we also manage their mass mailings for them, for 
a fee (another source of income).


- Original Message - 
From: Steve Guluk 
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 11:45 AM
Subject: [IMail Forum] Clients want to send mass emails

As the economy prompts companies to do all they can to market their 
products, email blasts are an attractive inexpensive means to get marketing in 
front of many people.

Problem is, Blacklists from users that fail to subscribe to whatever 
necessary standards are deemed essential to be a legitimate email. And that one 
client can hurt the other clients on the mail server that have nothing to do 
with the offending clients mass mailing.

What do other server owners do? Tell the client no-way and risk having them 
go elsewhere? I usually try to get them to go to Constant Contact but some 
still push hard to use the email account they have with me. I have a limitation 
of 50 recipients per email but what other resources are available to us to help 
handle this condition in the best manner?

What standards and policies do you do at your business?


Steve Guluk
(949) 661-9333

RE: [IMail Forum] Clients want to send mass emails

2008-12-11 Thread Emily Pepperman
Hi All,

I like icontact very much.

So much I became a reseller and help set up my client to use it (so they
don't kill our mail servers) :-)
If you don't mind... use my link to get there. -
the guys that developed this are a neat bunch. I met them at a big internet
conference in Austin, TX... there interface is easy to use and I think their
prices are better than other systems that have the same functionality. 


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Andy Ognenoff
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2008 10:01 AM
Subject: RE: [IMail Forum] Clients want to send mass emails

In the same vein, check out CampaignMonitor
(, their pricing is a little easier to digest
than most ($5 + $0.01 per recipient) and you only pay when you send so there
is no monthly fee.

- Andy O.

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Adam Greene
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2008 8:05 AM
Subject: Re: [IMail Forum] Clients want to send mass emails

We've been steering customers toward Emma ( Customers still
look to us for their IT consulting needs, and get their basic (and advanced
IMAP & collaboration) email services from us. We have not found that
steering customers in this direction weakens our relationship with the
customer, but rather strengthens it as they get a good mass email solution
and don't have the constant headache / stress of our not being able to
service their mass email needs smoothly. In many cases, we also manage their
mass mailings for them, for a fee (another source of income).

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To Unsubscribe:
List Archive:
Knowledge Base/FAQ:

RE: [IMail Forum] Clients want to send mass emails

2008-12-11 Thread Andy Ognenoff
In the same vein, check out CampaignMonitor
(, their pricing is a little easier to digest
than most ($5 + $0.01 per recipient) and you only pay when you send so there
is no monthly fee.

- Andy O.

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Adam Greene
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2008 8:05 AM
Subject: Re: [IMail Forum] Clients want to send mass emails

We've been steering customers toward Emma ( Customers still
look to us for their IT consulting needs, and get their basic (and advanced
IMAP & collaboration) email services from us. We have not found that
steering customers in this direction weakens our relationship with the
customer, but rather strengthens it as they get a good mass email solution
and don't have the constant headache / stress of our not being able to
service their mass email needs smoothly. In many cases, we also manage their
mass mailings for them, for a fee (another source of income).

To Unsubscribe:
List Archive:
Knowledge Base/FAQ:

Re: [IMail Forum] Clients want to send mass emails

2008-12-11 Thread Adam Greene

We've been steering customers toward Emma ( Customers still 
look to us for their IT consulting needs, and get their basic (and advanced 
IMAP & collaboration) email services from us. We have not found that steering 
customers in this direction weakens our relationship with the customer, but 
rather strengthens it as they get a good mass email solution and don't have the 
constant headache / stress of our not being able to service their mass email 
needs smoothly. In many cases, we also manage their mass mailings for them, for 
a fee (another source of income).

  - Original Message - 
  From: Steve Guluk 
  Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 11:45 AM
  Subject: [IMail Forum] Clients want to send mass emails

  As the economy prompts companies to do all they can to market their products, 
email blasts are an attractive inexpensive means to get marketing in front of 
many people.

  Problem is, Blacklists from users that fail to subscribe to whatever 
necessary standards are deemed essential to be a legitimate email. And that one 
client can hurt the other clients on the mail server that have nothing to do 
with the offending clients mass mailing.

  What do other server owners do? Tell the client no-way and risk having them 
go elsewhere? I usually try to get them to go to Constant Contact but some 
still push hard to use the email account they have with me. I have a limitation 
of 50 recipients per email but what other resources are available to us to help 
handle this condition in the best manner?

  What standards and policies do you do at your business?


  Steve Guluk
  (949) 661-9333