Re: [pfSense] WiFi with Compex WLE600VX card

2016-01-24 Thread Mathieu Simon (Lists)
Hi Alex

Am 24.01.2016 um 14:05 schrieb Alexander Hofmann:
> The device shows up as:
> none1@pci0:4:0:0:
> class=0x028000 card=0x chip=0x003c168c rev=0x00 hdr=0x00
> but no device driver is associated with the device.
> Does anyone of you know if this device is already supported by
> FreeBSD/pfSense and can give me a hint?

Doesn't seem to be even remotely supported by FreeBSD-CURRENT as of
writing. However a quick google search revealed this:

If Adrian Chadd's writing in the root of his git repository is still
up-to-date then it means that he is / was working at some time in late
2015 on updating some Qualcomm Atheros drivers and it happens that your
device at least gets mentioned there. I'm not into drivers and can't
tell you anything about the state.

> If not: do you know if this device will be supported in a future release?

*cough* talk Adrian into polishing / finishing the port *cough*, be his
guinea pig, send him a sample card if he hasn't that particular card at
hand. I'd say that FreeBSD owes a couple of not-so unimportant wireless
advancements to Adrian, so be nice to him. :-)

Other than that, you might check the pfSense FreBSD source tree which
contains the patches and backported drivers to see what cards are really
already supported.

-- Mathieu
pfSense mailing list
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Re: [pfSense] SCVMM Agent

2016-01-09 Thread Mathieu Simon (Lists)

Am 09.01.2016 um 18:47 schrieb Jim Thompson:
> We have an official image for Azure coming. 
> Should be available soon. We're in final stages with Microsoft. 
That's one thing, but the OP is asking about the SCVMM agent, that's
another (additional thing) on top of Hyper-V integration services.
I don't use SCVMM, was able to get a hold on the install ISO and check a
bit against the documentation for SCVMM 2012 R2.

>From what I saw the Linux scvmmagent installer archives it contains have
some scripts looking for /bin/bash and at least one binary called
scvmmagent.bin which definitely is compiled for Linux, not FreeBSD. The
scripts seem to look for some some (Linux) distro-specific locations,
nothing mendionted about FreeBSD.

pfSense neither ships bash, nor linux.ko for Linux ABI compatibility
etc. In contrast to the Hyper-V integration stuff these bits are
definitely closed source and available to those with a license for SCVMM.

Maybe ESF has possibilities to work with MS, but I doubt that MS are
already working on supporting FreeBSD with SCVMM. I also doubt that ESF
would be very happy to ship linux.ko + linux_base + bash (+ maybe else +
some hackeries) with pfSense just for this one agent.

-- Mathieu
pfSense mailing list
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Re: [pfSense] on pfSense 2.2x

2015-10-13 Thread Mathieu Simon (Lists)

Am 13.10.2015 um 14:30 schrieb Olivier Mascia:
> I guess I first need to setup a development environment en BSD, then I should 
> be flying?

Seems to build here (simply following the instructions, without testing)
Ideally by getting a FreeBSD (virtual) machine running the same or
closest-to what pfSense's base is. That would be like FreeBSD 10.2.

> Are there some recommended guidelines for porting and debugging (if needed) 
> things to the specific BSD environment of pfSense 2.2x?

It seems that a port actually exists already:

See if it's in an updated and working shape for your usage, you
can likely install it from the binary packages repo, otherwise if you
need to tweak it (it last updated 2014), consider the porters handbook.

-- Mathieu
pfSense mailing list
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[pfSense] Question on WiFi frequency change

2015-07-28 Thread Mathieu Simon (Lists)
Hi there

I've an ALIX board still doing its daily routing job on pfSense 2.2.4
where a MiniPCI card serves as simple AP. I recently swapped out the
Atheros 802.11abg card for an AR9220-based Compex WLM200NX while I was
upgrading to a faster CF card. Almost all settings from the previous
card were imported properly (almost) all I had to select was the

What happened was, that the card came up on the selected 5GHz channel,
but since I had a (single) 2.4GHz client I had to switch back to 2.4Ghz
for now.

Now I realized that the card, even after applying the (several
different) frequency settings, it stayed on the first 5GHz channel when
checking ifconfig's output. The channel switching got applied after I
had rebooted pfSense.

Could anyone with a miniPCI(e) card confirm this behaviour?
- Get a console on your pfSense box and get the output of ifconfig
  where for ath_wlan you can see the current channel.
- In the UI switch to another frequency (maybe 2.4 -> 5 like myself)
  and apply the settings
- Check the output of ifconfig again

I'd be interested to know what you're seeing.


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Re: [pfSense] NetFlow analysis tools

2015-01-17 Thread Mathieu Simon (Lists)

Am 15.01.2015 um 17:08 schrieb

> I am particularly interested in GUI back-end. 
For a students project on the Uni's HPC cluster co-students and I were
also looking at first for such a tool and stumbled on FlowViewer used
and largely developed at NASA ESDIS:

FlowViewer was a beast to compile from source, but we made it run and it
look pretty good including graphs and had quite some documentation. Its
collector side supports NetFlow 5, 9 and IPFIX. Back then when we looked
at it looked promising but too big for our needs of a 1-semester
project. If it would have been for a serious deployment, we may have
ended up with that.

Because of our tight schedule and the excellent examples found in
'Network Flow Analysis' from the known BSD author Michael W. Lucas we
ended up filtering our NetFlow 5 data using good ol' flow-tools and
plotting data with gnuplot for our final report.

-- Mathieu

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Re: [pfSense] OT: Good network switch for 10 machines?

2014-09-25 Thread Mathieu Simon (Lists)

Am 25.09.2014 um 12:50 schrieb Josh Reynolds:
> EdgeRouters offer great performance and a good featureset, although for
> hardcore business/commercial use, there's still some things missing
> (features similar to carp/pfsync, HA, needs redundant power supply
> options, etc.).

Just as reminder: EdgeOS, the OS on Ubiquiti routers (a
Ubiquiti-internal Vyatta fork) is NOT what runs EdgeSwitches.

I remember reading on their forums that we can assume (strong CLI
similarity w. Netgear) that they run a branded Broadcom FastPath
switching software. Netgear managed switches definitely run on FastPath
(do an snmpwalk). FastPath itself often runs on top of an embededded Linux.

For Ubiquiti's wireless stuff, I agree, they don't do everything as good
as other big players, but at the price tey offer their devices, they
offer a lot bang for the buck with ease of management.

I've given a look at the EdgeSwitches but the following downsides made
me a bit hesitant:

- Almost no documentation, no CLI reference manual (yet).
  Cisco, HP, even Netgear have such documents, they are not only handy,
  but quite essential to look up i.e. default behaviour. Not all
  mentioned do top-notch documentation, but at least it's there.

- No console port current shipping models, though I've seen they
  strongly considered adding one in future revisions. On a managed
  switch with CLI, it's quite a must (at least for me)

- Fan control seems ot be absent, they tend to run quite noisy
> They are incredibly fast though, and Dave Taht (cero-wrt fame,
> bufferbloat project) has been working with the directly to get fq_codel
> added in.
For the EdgeOS yes, they seem to be loosely tracking and sometimes even
contributing back to the open source Vyatta fork VyOS (by looking at the
VyOS release notes).

-- Mathieu

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Re: [pfSense] [SOLVED] Re: Captive portal and RADIUS authentication

2014-07-11 Thread Mathieu Simon (Lists)
Hi Nicola

Am 11.07.2014 11:04, schrieb Nicola Ferrari (#554252):
> OK, now it's working with NDS Radius on Win2008R2 and radius settings
> directly in Captive Portal.
> I think the problem was simply a "too strong"/too long shared secret
> with non standard characters such as @, commas and others...
> maybe encoding problems??
Very likely, even on other environemts it happens that the supplicant
doesn't handle encoding as you'd expect. - Some OS X versions had issues
with special characters as well an users were unable to connect via WiFi
unless they removed those special characters from their passwords.

Glad to hear you worked out a solution for your environment and thanks
for sharing your howto with NPS and pfSense captive portal. :-)

-- Mathieu
List mailing list

Re: [pfSense] Captive portal and RADIUS authentication

2014-07-10 Thread Mathieu Simon (Lists)
Hi Nicola

Am 10.07.2014 12:31, schrieb Nicola Ferrari (#554252):
> I tried to config the internal freeradius2 package with ldap to
> interface with the win2008ad, but it doesn't seem to work.
Because it cannot verify passwords in LDAP as AD doesn't store passwords
in plaintext which is what FreeRADIUS would do against a LDAP server. If
you have a standalone RADIUS server on BSD/Linux you have to use Samba
and let FreeRADIUS check the passwords with 'ntlm_auth', which is part
of Samba.

I guess Brian is using FreeRADIUS locally with a local user database,
that should work as is.

Since FR with AD is one of the most-asked questions on, the FR
developers have made pretty comprehensive howtos for that precise
use-case. ( wiki and Alan Dekok's

I don't thinkg installing a full-blown Samba on pfSense is what you want
(there is no binary Samba package for pfSense either)

> could you please explain me your config?

I guess since if you have an NPS up and running that it's better to try
this route. Are you positive that you entered the hostname or IP, port
and shared secret in Service: Captive portal: ?

I'm asking since youre initial error message with PAP told you so.

You mention configuring RADIUS in User management -> Servers. In my
understanding this can be used for admin access, VPN etc, but captive
portal is independent. That's why there are the fields in the captive
portal to use RADIUS and then place to put the IP/port/shared secret.

In fact I configured a pfSense box to authenticate admins against an
existing AD so they don't get used to login as root. (and if someone
breaks things we know who it was, not just admin/root) - and that was
simply by using LDAP authentication, not extra RADIUS required in this case.

Hope that helps a little

-- Mathieu

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Re: [pfSense] pkg_add

2014-07-09 Thread Mathieu Simon (Lists)
Hi Martin

Am 09.07.2014 16:30, schrieb Martin Fuchs:

> Is there a possibility to install a package from the ports tree for testing
> purposes ?
Just a search away... (1)

Technically yes but not directly from the base OS, you'll need a FreeBSD
8.3 machine to build packages for. Remember that pfSense 2.1 is based on
8.3 and that current ports tree has removed support for this FreeBSD
release. You'll have to use an older version of the ports tree.
Read more here in the forums(2) concerning this topic.

> Somethink like pkg_add or else ?
Also a search away... (3)

pkg_add is available right in the base OS. However again: pkg_tools will
be phased out this year too in favour of pkg-ng(4).

pfSense 2.1 is a quite nicely update-date-patched 8.3 but but the base
is aging. That is why 2.2 is going to be based on 10.x :-) Currently no
pkg-ng is inside pfSense base system.

Be cautious with it (i.e. installing things that depend on openssl from
ports, as some software inside the base OS does use OpenSSL from ports
located in /usr/local/ (i.e. OpenVPN).

If you overwrite it with your own it will likely break things in the
base OS.

-- Mathieu


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Re: [pfSense] Thermal Sensors

2014-06-02 Thread Mathieu Simon (Lists)

Am 02.06.2014 10:33, schrieb Ulrik Lunddahl:
> Are you running pfSense as a VM?
> In that case you will not be able to, as HOST hardware instrumentations is 
> not propagated to VM's.
Yup, the OP he won't be able to if this is the case, for physical
installation pfSense there is something we the OP should be able to do.

I haven't read through the results of last-month's thread on this
machine, anyhow for physical installation of pfSense...

>> What's the trick to get the thermal sensors to work on pfSense? I'm using a 
>> power edge 2850 and they clearly show up in VMWare 4.1
Magical google search words: "pfSense sensors" ;-)


In short: You should be able to get the CPU thermal sensor shown in the
UI, for this enable loading the coretemp (Intel CPUs) module in Systems
-> Advanced -> Miscellaneous.

However when it comes to ACPI or IPMI sensors, well then it's more about
luck if you can get them working / if FreeBSD understands your hardware.
(As the docs page states). You might want to more specifically search on
FreeBSD list/forum archives.

(AFAIK) FreeBSD still doesn't have an equivalent to Linux lm-sensors or
OpenBSD's sensorsd(8)

-- Mathieu

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Re: [pfSense] apu.4c silently dies

2014-05-19 Thread Mathieu Simon (Lists)
Hi mayak

> Many roads lead to ... gut says SSD - I'd try running off CD first.
Seems apu1.4c (guess that's what you meant) has a SATA port, now you
only need to get find way for powering a desktop CD/DVD drive (i.e.
spare ATX power supply)

> On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 10:15 PM, mayak  wrote:
>> hi all,
>> i have a new apu.4c with a Kingston SSD
>> unit will run sometimes for days, or sometimes for several hours, before
>> becoming unresponsive:
>> - no mac response from ethernet cards
>> - serial console dies -- no errors displayed
Have you actually left serial console attached and kept logging
the output? I did that once with a whacky but important network switch
since syslog didn't give enough info. (i.e. tools like PuTTY can log
output to a text file)

>> - no errors in system log
>> - no crash report on reboot
Another idea would be to set up remote syslog logging so you can
possibly store more data off the device than is staying within the
circular logging on the box.
>> what is the best approach to finding out what is happening?
Ideally if someone knows how to set up serial crash console, but I'm not
enough knowledgable in this area :-\

-- Mathieu

P.S. I don't know if that makes any difference but it seems PC Engines
is still labeling APU's BIOS as beta so you might want to check out
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Re: [pfSense] supermicro A1SRI-2758F-O igb0: Could not setup recieve structures

2014-05-12 Thread Mathieu Simon (Lists)
Hi Kevin

Am 12.05.2014 09:34, schrieb Kevin Boatswain:
> Thank you for the response I wasn't sure if anyone would be up at this time
> to help (2:30 am central time us where i am at).
That's when it's morning in other regions.

> I ended up trying these settings in the /boot/loader.conf.local
> kern.ipc.nmbclusters="131072"
> hw.igb.num_queues=4
Depending on available memory look at the mbuf usage in pfSense UI if it
exhausts it under load inclrease it, otherwise leave as is.

However i.e. for 10GE adapters Intel recommends larger nmbcluster size.*

> I however am not sure if these settings are appropiate for my setup or not.

There is no patented recipe for this, however the values in the pfSense
Wiki correlate with other known good values shared n the FreeBSD
universe (i.e. FreeNAS). So they must be pretty much proven / OK.

> My box does currently have 4 igb nics (intel i354 x 4) and also currently
> has 8 cores (c2756) .
> Does this mean I should try hw.igb.num_queues=8 instead of
> hw.igb.num_queues=4 ?

Also here it depends: Test and see if you are fine with the results,
otherwise tune. It depends on the workload you throw at the box and also
how many other services you gonna run on it.

> I am not familiar with these settings just trying to figure out what
> settings I should apply for stability and out of the box performance.

I wasn't too and neither am familiar now. The base pfSense settings are
often chosen on the basis of less-powerful boxes ** (to not exhaust
limited resources) that's why you have to tune things a bit.

-- Mathieu

** Something like chooseable pre-tunings for slower or or larger systems
would be interesting. :-)
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Re: [pfSense] supermicro A1SRI-2758F-O igb0: Could not setup recieve structures

2014-05-12 Thread Mathieu Simon (Lists)
Hi Kevin

Am 12.05.2014 08:37, schrieb Kevin Boatswain:
> Has anyone that recently build or purchased the supermicro 2758 (Rangley)
> seen these errors before?
> This box would be somewhat identical to what is sold in the pfsense store
> and netgate minus the support and custom tuning,
> I seem to get the message "*igb0: Could not setup recieve structures*"
>  multiple times on my LAN interface.
> I found this case documented here as a bug for the igb driver but it has
> been marked as resolve and is over three years old so didnt figure it was
> still a problem.
I've seen such errors on a system with quad i350 NICs where I could only
enable 2 out of 4 ports if I remember correctly. Have you tried the
loader.conf.local changes as reference in the bug tracker?

Also see the wiki on this topic:

If you have built it yourself you don't a Netgate-flavoured but vanilla
image, the images on Netgate appliances (as Jim T. mentioned once on the
list) contain some pre-tuning in order to run pfSense smoothly

The tuning is specific per system which is why it isn't applied to the
standard image.

-- Mathieu

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Re: [pfSense] Intel Pro/1000 PT Quad Port PCI-e Gigabit Ethernet

2014-05-09 Thread Mathieu Simon (Lists)

Am 10.05.2014 00:34, schrieb Chris Bagnall:
> On 9 May 2014, at 23:25, Dave Warren  wrote:
>> I'm looking on eBay as well, it's worth the gamble vs buying new.
> Not pfSense-specific, but I've used quite a few from eBay (both dual and quad 
> port cards) in generic FreeBSD installs and not had a problem with them.
> As others have said, they're so cheap (by comparison to new prices) on eBay 
> that it's a gamble worth taking.

Those cards were launched between 7-9 years back ago and some of the
models are now EoL-ed by Intel, the servers that had them installed are
now aged too, that's why they become easily available.
(look at

A more modern I350-T4 uses less power (5 instead of 12W for the PT quad)
and has some fancy virtualization features. Other than that - solid and
almost-never failing cards.

HCL: If it's listed it means a someone reported it was actually working
with FreeBSD. Sometimes you can find about it when searching for the
network controller on the card. pfSense 2.1.1+ ships with quite recent
Intel NIC drivers, even I210 (2013) are supported.

-- Mathieu

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Re: [pfSense] HP DL160 for pfSense in a datacenter

2014-04-23 Thread Mathieu Simon (Lists)
Am 23.04.2014 15:24, schrieb Erik Anderson:
> On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 8:14 AM, mayak  wrote:
>> The machine has one of those stupid raid chips that works for software
>> raid -- pfSense knows about these kinds of cards, but nonetheless, I
>> would like to make this machine as bullet proof as possible (in terms of
>> disk failure).
> You're not going to want to hear this, but...
> ...purchase a real hardware RAID card. FakeRAID cards are horrible,
> and I'd never trust them for something as critical as a
> firewall/router device. You don't need anything fancy - you should be
> able to source a used RAID controller for a very reasonable price.

Unfortunately you don't tell us what controller (dmesg ?) it is nor the
 DL160's generation (G6, G7...). Some of those lower-end rackserver are
able to run in plain AHCI (if SATA) or SAS HBA-mode (i.e. LSI's in

If that is possible you may just go with that and install pfSense on a
geom mirror. The installer should (if I remember right) have such an option.

-- Mathieu

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Re: [pfSense] Netgate's customized pfSense release

2014-02-13 Thread Mathieu Simon (Lists)

Am 13.02.2014 17:54, schrieb Andrew Hull:
> [...] I've noticed that the pfSense pre-install image was
> customized with Netgate branding and the firmware auto-update mechanism
> was set to a Netgate URL.
> Has this been discussed on the list before?
I don't think often for what I can remember.
> My knee jerk reaction is that this is A Bad Thing(tm), and I reloaded
> the devices with images from ESF. Does anyone here have a strong opinion
> one way or the other?

No worries, that's how open source works, and in case of the BSD license
there are are almost all liberties to do derivative products, as long as
you follow minimal rules and trademark (pfSense and the logo are
trademarks of ESF). Netgate allows you to run what image you like, other
(non pfSense) appliance vendors are way less nice :-)

Common guess: Beyond branding, their images may contain pre-done tuning
for the hardware that makes it perform at its best without extra user
intervention. In comparison, at one place I have a 3-letter brand server
running pfSense and I had to spend some time on loader.conf.local and
tunings to make all NICs work and work good (props to ESF staff who

Quick history:
BSD Perimeter moved from Kentucky (in 2012) to Texas and reinstated as
ESF. Jim Thompson from Netgate (also Texas) got involved with ESF, he is
actually active in both companies.

That may explain why Netgate is permitted to redistribute modifed images
without the need to rename the resulting product binaries or replacing
the logos. (Jim, correct me I'm writing this out of my memory, I
remember there was once a post or a mailing list discussion)

-- Mat
List mailing list

Re: [pfSense] Recent FreeBSD Security Vulnerabilities

2014-01-20 Thread Mathieu Simon (Lists)

In Addition to Moshe's answer, they're working hard on fixing a couple
of bugs that were detected in 2.1 as well as including the FreeBSD
advisories where applicable, read:

and follow the discussion in the Development and Documentation section
of the forum.

-- Mat
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Re: [pfSense] Apple Messages Blocked

2014-01-14 Thread Mathieu Simon
Hi Paul

Although I didn't yet have to look at this, I could imagine some of our
teachers and students might come at us sooner or later and
ask about iMessage and Facetime, that's why I'm answering ...

2014/1/14 Paul Galati 

> I have tried searching the forums for find a fix to allow Apple Messages
> app to successfully connect using Audio, Video, or Screen Sharing.
>  Unfortunately I have not found a solution.  It seems the port number is
> different each time I view the logs.  Has anyone been able to resolve this
> or similar issue?  The initial connection does work (ringing the bell) but
> when I accept the invite, it fails to start the actual stream.  I am using
> the Jabber protocol with gmail since both parties have gmail accounts.
> Is it possible to temporarily create a DMZ to a specific private IP
> address to allow the service to connect and view  the logs to understand
> what ports are needed to make this work safely.
At least Apple has put up some documentation on that topic: maybe that's the ports you see listed

Honestly I don't know how good or bad iMessage works with NAT, at least
Apple seems to ask for (manual) port forwarding.
If that is going to be true, I don't see myself putting up static port
forwardings as we do have NAT and not that many public IPv4's for the
(wifi) network

However that's not my daily job and I'm just not seing the silver bullet to
make it work? ;-)

-- Mat
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Re: [pfSense] Who uses a Realtek RTL-8111 based nic without problems?

2013-12-04 Thread Mathieu Simon
Hi Adrian

2013/12/4 Adrian Zaugg 

> I would like to know whether you experience similar problems with your
> Realtek 8111 variant (or maybe another Realtek chip using the re
> driver). To test, send a lot of data through your Realtek-based device
> or just to your device, e.g. like this:
> - login to your_device and start:
>   nc -l 1 > /dev/null
> - send data from another machine:
>   dd if=/dev/zero | nc your_device 1

I have a Intel D510MO board (Atom D510) that I recently tossed 10.0-BETA3,
now BETA4 on
it. It seems this board has a the NIC you and others encounter issues with:

re0@pci0:1:0:0: class=0x02 card=0xd6158086 chip=0x816810ec rev=0x03
vendor = 'Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.'
device = 'RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller'
class  = network
subclass   = ethernet

I have no jumbo frames or whatsoever enabled.
The other side is a 10.0-BETA4 Virtualbox with an emulated Intel NIC (em).

So far (> 5' of continuous run), no hickups, but I doubt that in my case
the CPU on the Realktek
side is likely the limiting factor as 'top' says 50% continuous CPU load
(it has 2 core) and
"systat -ifstat" tells me that I'm receiving at rouhgly 64 MB/s - at that
rate the 8111 isn't really
hitting its limits.

After a minute or so, the ethernet link gets lost.

Currently this doesn't seem to happen here, but I only have 1 VM hitting
the box.

> Some reporters say until a manual intervention occurs, in many other cases
> like mine for a
> couple of seconds.
> [...] is it common sense to file a bug for pfsense and let the pfsense
> devs report upstream?).
Don't take this as reference, I'm still quite new to FreeBSD, but I also
run pfSense boxes
(not with Realtek NICs though). Asking for, or doing comparison against
native FreeBSD has
generally been helpful at least for me at least (i.e. for picking patches
from -STABLE)

Hitting pfSense tracker is certainly not a bad idea either (considering
people reported problems on FreeNAS too).

-- Mathieu
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Re: [pfSense] Intel PRO/1000 PT Quad Port Ethernet Card EXP19404PT doesn't work

2013-07-19 Thread Mathieu Simon

I've been using a single and dual variant of PRO 1000 PT on our last years
test rig (and that was 2.0.2 back then),
normally - it should just work. The PT's are now quite "old" there have
been newer cards that use less power like the "ET".
(newer 1GE cards from Intel have either no or very small heatsinks while
the PT had larger ones)

A good idea would be to get your hands on a FreeBSD 8.1 install disc
(that's what 2.0 is based on) and get to a shell
so you can see if it works. PT should be supported by "em" Adam as wrote,
only newer cards will use igb.

If you have lots of nics - at least that's what happened to me with 2 ixgbe
and 4 igb's I had to tune the loader.conf.local to make them all
working - although the kernel recognized them (that doesn't seem to be the
issue yet)

-- Mathieu

2013/7/19 Maik Heinelt 

> On 2013/07/19 11:07, Adam Thompson wrote:
>> -Original Message-
>>> From: [mailto:list-
>>>] On Behalf Of Maik Heinelt
>>> Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2013 8:41 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: [pfSense] Intel PRO/1000 PT Quad Port Ethernet Card
>>> EXP19404PT doesn't work
>>> We try to get working Intel PRO/1000 PT Quad Port Ethernet Card
>>> EXP19404PT with pfSense.
>>> Since it is an Intel card, it should work.
>>> The card is brand new and tested with Linux and Windows without
>>> issue.
>>> The card is not listed as Ethernet adapter.
>>> We use pfSense 2.0.3 64 bit, latest version.
>>> Any hint?
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Maik
>> FYI, replying to a message - even if you change the subject - will cause
>> many email programs to automatically lump your problem in with the other
>> discussion thread.  You should, wherever possible, start a new message when
>> starting a new discussion thread.
>> Anyway.  FreeBSD supports that card, so the problem is unlikely to be
>> pfSense.  However, you say you've tested with Linux and Windows, which
>> indicates the problem *is* pfSense.  This is puzzling.
>> Please verify that the FreeBSD kernel recognizes the card, by getting to
>> the command-line on the console (menu option #8) and looking for "Intel(R)"
>> in the dmesg output.
>> (i.e. run the command "dmesg | grep Intel")
>> You should see (at least) four lines that look something like this:
>> em0:  port
>> 0x2000-0x203f mem 0xd102-0xd103,**0xd100-0xd100 irq 18
>> at device 0.0 on pci2
>> em1:  port
>> 0x2040-0x207f mem 0xd104-0xd105,**0xd101-0xd101 irq 19
>> at device 1.0 on pci2
>> em2:... (etc.)
>> em3:... (etc.)
>> Yours will look different, because you have different hardware than I do,
>> but it'll be vaguely similar, and it should be recognizable as an Intel
>> PRO/1000 network card of some sort.
>> If the FreeBSD kernel recognizes the card, then we can proceed with other
>> troubleshooting.  If not, umm... then I don't know what to do next!  Maybe
>> try a different PCIe slot?
>> -Adam Thompson
>> __**_
>> List mailing list
> UPS, sorry, didn't know about the list email reply issue. Thanks for the
> info.
> Regarding the card, I checked the output of dmesg| grep Intel.
> pfSense find the CPU, all the Intel controller, but not the card. Maybe I
> should run a LiveCD on that hardware to make sure, the card is really
> working on that machine?!
> I am not able to use another PCIe slot. It is an ITX board and just have
> one slot.
> Maik
> __**_
> List mailing list

Mathieu Simon
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Re: [pfSense] Dandy pfSense appliance

2013-04-24 Thread Mathieu Simon
Am 24.04.2013 19:40, schrieb Odhiambo Washington:
> I'd like to acquire a nicely designed device running pfSense. Is there
> a nicely designed device the size of a typical Netgear WiFi router
> device, with high specs?
Depends what you think about "high specs" many 1 GE ports or even 10 GE,
lots of cores etc?

In case of sized like "typical netgear wifi router device" I guess you
won't get much
more than an atom in that form factor if it has to be fanless or
otherwise very quiet and

Other than that prebuilt Core i/Xeon systems exist, but they are more
likely to be
1 rack unit format (often not full depth) and less office-friendly I guess.

Some hardware vendors are listed here:

-- Mathieu
List mailing list

Re: [pfSense] 2.0.2 release now available

2012-12-24 Thread Mathieu Simon
Am 24.12.2012 10:04, schrieb Chris Buechler:
> We knocked out some of the most critical this month, especially the
> slow ro-rw mounts on nanobsd. There are still 81 open issues in
> redmine, though a slew of those are in feedback status meaning they
> need testing and/or confirmation and are probably fine. A significant
> portion of the others aren't regressions and only impact rare
> circumstances. Some of the rest are just input validation improvements
> to prevent foot shooting. Renato (rbgarga), a long time contributor on
> the open source side, is starting full time with us on January 2. His
> first month will largely be dedicated to 2.1, and a month of work will
> be enough to get it to RC1 status with release not long after.
Chris - thanks for the  positive news and congratulations to Renato
for joining the BSDPerimeter crew :-)

With some smal itches to scratch still here and there, I can confirm that
2.1 is doing really well over here in semi-production. - Although I do see
areas where the code might require some cleanup (like for PHP 5.4
compatibility once a day)
but that's maybe better for a post-2.1?

-- Mathieu
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Re: [pfSense] Firewall routing

2012-11-24 Thread Mathieu Simon
G'day Mark

2012/11/24 Mark Olliver :

> Can i install and use the quagga ipv4/6 daemon instead? I appreciate i would 
> have to manually configure it rather than use the gui but that it not an 
> issue.

If you built a pkg from ports or take it from FreeBSD you'll have to take care
to not break dependencies of other packages. - That's where I see the point
of using PBI's with 2.1 onwards.

For the init script just be aware that you can't just add id to
rc.conf but will want
to make a little script like it is done for other packages. (check how
other packages do) :-)

-- Mathieu
List mailing list

Re: [pfSense] Problems with installing pfSense Kernel 8.1 on R420 Poweregde?

2012-11-20 Thread Mathieu Simon
Hi Luiz

Much to answer... ;-)

Adam is right, the issue comes from the CD. It can come from your media,
your burner (I had some issues in that area too once). Make sure you don't
burn at maximum speed though.

It seems you're not using the DRAC-mounted ISO but your integrated DVD,
maybe the iDRAC (even with Adam's warnings) could yield better results?

It seems you're using a quite old image from November 2nd, If you're
stuck at F10,
this might be caused a couple of images that had this issue make sure
to get a fresh image.

You'll at least want a ISO built after November 7th to get the mfi
backport, but around then
the installer was messed and fixed. (well, that's what daily build are
for: testing)

I hope this gives you some ideas what to try next, at least
it doesn't look like a desperate situation, because your OS starts booting,
even up to the installer.
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Re: [pfSense] Problems with installing pfSense Kernel 8.1 on R420 Poweregde?

2012-11-20 Thread Mathieu Simon

Just take a picture of where it starts booting the OS, this likely to
give a hint
where the problem lies.

PERC 5 and 6 are all SAS 3GB/s controllers and thus (by now) quite dated,
I don't think you can find them in (or get them to work) in the quite
modern R410.

I don't hink (yet) that it is cause by the RAID controller, because
here initially
(pre-mfi-backport snapshots) booted fine but couldn' detect storage.

Yes, you could go with software RAID, but would have to switch the RAID
controller to a plain HBA  - or take risk to flash an HBA "IT"-mode
LSI firmware for
the PERC you use. (but this will void your Dell warranty...)

The onboard controllers in such boxes often only bring SATA, so you can just
cable the backplane to onboard ports since you cannot drive a SAS backplane
on a SATA controller. (SAS controler + backplanes on the other hand
can drive SATA disks)

-- Mathieu
List mailing list

Re: [pfSense] Problems with installing pfSense Kernel 8.1 on R420 Poweregde?

2012-11-19 Thread Mathieu Simon
G'day Luiz

If you happen to have a KVM over IP functionality in your IPMI/BMC
enabled (I think Dell cals them DRAC?), you may be able to capture a
console screenshot which will help you localize where it fails.

Additionally, check out a vanilla FreeBSD 9.1-RC3
in comparison. (and 8.3 if you can, but that one is sure to fail with mfi)

-- Mathieu
List mailing list

Re: [pfSense] Problems with installing pfSense Kernel 8.1 on R420 Poweregde

2012-11-19 Thread Mathieu Simon
G'day Luiz

As I have a IBM x3550 m4 with a Xeon E5-2609 here, the R420 looks
quite similar to my box here, maybe you get similar results.

With 2.0.1 the x3550 M4 panicked at early boot stage during SMP
initialization, but 2.1 booted fine.

Try to boot a pfSense 2.1 amd64 snapshot from to see how far you can get.

If you have bought a R420 with Intel NICs, it is likely to have I350's,
I'm sure they'll be recognized (the X3550 m4 has 4x I350). But you'll
have to  tune some parameters as mentioned here - especially with a high
core count.* (this seems to be known overall with FreeBSD)

For storage, I guess you'll have a PERC in this box?
If so (and this is why I answer ...  ;-) ) l'm actually interested in
your possible feedback:

Only recently pfSense recently added patches that backport the 'mfi'
module and 'mfiutil'
backport from FreeBSD 8-STABLE. The drivers still have some known caveats, but
expand the range of supported MegaRAID-based RAID controllers significantly.
(a plain FreeBSD 8.3 or 9.0 will not recognize most modern MegaRAID SAS)

If your box boots up, I'd be interested in some of the following
output from the shell:

pciconfig -lvb | grep mfi
mfiutil show adapters
mfiutil show volumes

Best regards

P.S. If you want your drives to be seen by pfSense, you need to create
them before boot in the MegaRAID/PERC BIOS or using mfiutil.

List mailing list

Re: [pfSense] pfsense running in hyper-v

2012-11-04 Thread Mathieu Simon
Hi Brad

Am 04.11.2012 19:24, schrieb Brad Otto:
> I successfully got pfsense running in Hyper-V on Win Server 2012.
Short answer: The problem is definitely on the Hyper-V side...

While I haven't run anything *BSD-based on Hyper-V I have "had to" use
Linux guests
in early days with Hyper-V at my work.  It took Microsoft developers
almost  2 years
(Linux 2.6.32 to 3.4) to get open source drivers in such shape they
behaved enough sane to
not be considered 'staging' anymore.  (they were horribly unstable in
the beginning when I tried the initial code)

Only this Summer a joint project by MS and some FreeBSD commercial
consumers have uploaded
open code to Github for FreeBSD. Yet from what I have been able to catch
was, that the code runs,
but wasn't really meeting expections to be considered stable. And thus
the drivers haven't been included in upstream FreeBSD.

Hyper-V relies so heavily on paravirtualized drivers connecting to some
"VMBus". Only OS with VMBus drivers
can utilize the faster devices or even use > 1 vCPU. Every device in the
VM that is emulated is generally dog slow.
Hyper-V guests without integration drivers are heavily crippled in terms
of performance and features.

The legacy NIC is an emulated 100MBits DEC Tulip and is theoretically
capped at 100MBit, but I can confirm
that also on Linux it wasn't always delivering the promised maximum. You
only get faster guest networking with the paravirt NICs.

So yes: pfSense on Hyper-V isn't yet something I'd recommend as the
required integration drivers
are not present inside pfSense and those floating around can't be
considered stable enough for now I'd say.

You'll have to bite the bullet and run pfSense on either physical or
another virtualization plattform like
VMware or something based on Linux or illumos KVM (virtio is supported
with pfSense).

Hope that got you some insights ;-)

-- Mathieu

P.S. The driver modules can be found here:
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