RE: Converting from chm to Lyx

2015-10-13 Thread Hannu Vuolasaho
I don't know how much other things there are but
they are compressed HTML files.
Wikipedia gives quite good list of tools which can
extract files from them. Rebuilding back to CHM
might be harder.
Best regards,
Hannu Vuolasaho

> Subject: Re: Converting from chm to Lyx
> To:
> From:
> Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2015 07:46:44 +1300
> Thanks for the replies. The file is the help section of
> a CAD programme with 400 pages and many graphics.
> I can print it directly to pdf but it needs editing, which
> would be easier in Lyx, hence the question.
> Richard, will look at importing into LO.
> Gordon.

Tool to graphically represent long packets

2014-10-09 Thread Hannu Vuolasaho

I'm writing protocol specification and I'm having hard time to find the info my 
document already.
Even that is nothing new I think I have a solution for it.

I want to put to my header bar which has boxes for header, target, payload, 
checksum etc.
Next I want to "zoom" the part under the main boxes and have more detailed view 
of the current part.
This could be generated from contents.

Anyway. I'm not even close to that yet. Are there any good tools. I looked 
bitfields latex package and tikz spy.

This system would be used in text. ight now I have rather ugly pictures.

My idea is to make something like this:

|header | payload | checksum|
|           \
|    \
|  \
|target | source | timestamp| 

|header | payload | checksum|
   /  \
/ \
|data | info | something | more |

Best regards,
Hannu Vuolasaho

RE: Line break

2012-04-29 Thread Hannu Vuolasaho

> Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2012 21:30:46 +0100
> From:
> To:;
> Subject: Re: Line break
> On 29/04/12 21:21, Ahmed Halil wrote:
> > Thanks a lot Paul, but I mean the width of the table.
> >
> > Ahmed
> >
> Ok i wonder if you can alter the page orientation for a single page so
> for the page with the table on make it landscape
> can anyone comment ?

In preamble:

p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }

\usepackage{lscape} If you want to turn the page on PDF too 
\usepackage{pdflscape} And on page before your float ERT: \begin{landscape} and 
after your float \end{landscape}

Does this help?

Best regards,
Hannu Vuolasaho

RE: [SOLVED] Changing captions and order in reference list

2012-04-20 Thread Hannu Vuolasaho


I found solution for this problem. It might not be the prettiest one, but 
changing citation delimiter and list of references number delimiter I added to 

p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }

\makeatletter % @ is now a letter

p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }

\def\@biblabel#1{\bibleftdelim #1\bibrightdelim}
\makeatother % @ is a symbol
That is from Tame the BeaST PDF file.

However I wasn't able to get the cite working and after all I am using natbib

And from 

Which probably can be put to preamble somehow.

best regards,
Hannu Vuolasaho

> From:
> To:
> Subject: Changing captions and order in reference list
> Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2012 01:19:31 +0300
> Hello everybody!
> I have on problem with reference list. I havenly five references. So this 
> isn't that bad problem. It can be done also some ugly manual way.
> I want to get list as
> /1/ reference
> /2/ reference
> instead Lyx always generates
> [1] reference
> [2] reference
> So how that is changed?
> Another problem is that the appear in same order as in text and I want them 
> in alphabetically ordered by last name. And the format is
> Last name, First name, Title, [doctype], URL, date of retrieval
> Is there any style that does this or what is the right way to do this?
> Best regards,
> Hannu Vuolasaho

Changing captions and order in reference list

2012-04-19 Thread Hannu Vuolasaho

Hello everybody!

I have on problem with reference list. I havenly five references. So this isn't 
that bad problem. It can be done also some ugly manual way.
I want to get list as 

/1/ reference

/2/ reference
instead Lyx always generates 

[1] reference

[2] reference

So how that is changed?

Another problem is that the appear in same order as in text and I want them in 
alphabetically ordered by last name. And the format is 
Last name, First name, Title, [doctype], URL, date of retrieval 

Is there any style that does this or what is the right way to do this?

Best regards,
Hannu Vuolasaho

RE: footer on all pages

2012-04-16 Thread Hannu Vuolasaho

Would the solution be easy as Document->Settings->modules Custom 
header/footerlines  to the selected list. Without it fancy headers doesn't seem 
to work.

Best regards,
Hannu Vuolasaho   

PDF appendix header and footer

2012-04-09 Thread Hannu Vuolasaho


I'm adding PDF appendix to one article without success.
What I have been able to do so far:
a) I have minipage and one pdf page as graphic. Headers and footers OK.
b) I have all PDF pages nicely put each page on its own page No header or 
footers. I tried to scale pdf down, but no headers.
c) I have all three. Import inside a minipage, have all pages stacked over each 
other on one page and headers and footers are showing beneath.

Option a) is impossible as work to import each page separately would take too 
much time.
Option b) looks bad.
Option c) is unusable.

The problem with that PDF is its margin. I'm unable to have fancyheaders and 
PDF file on same page.
Now. How do I import pdf document as external material and have it look like it 
should be on these pages and doesn't look like someone printed also that and 
put it same pile with my article?

Is this common problem or am I trying to do something stupid?

best regards,
Hannu Vuolasaho

KOMA report and localisation problem.

2012-04-06 Thread Hannu Vuolasaho

I checked the translation through.
The localization_test.lyx file could be more better it had some more real life 
samples. Which again is problematic since lyx can't embed graphics.
I can clearly see why no-one wanted to touch it :) 
There are thousand ways to say I'm drunk and few hundreds ways to describe snow 
in Finnish. But Finnish lacks all the fine grained differences  of pictures. 
There are some special cases. Translating few words as best possible ways isn't 
that easy as they could be used different contexts.
I'm not mathematician, just an software engineer so I wish these are quality 
translations :)
 401  Translation fi
 402 "Acknowledgement" "Kiitos"
This translates thank you. It is OK if some some equation or something was 
given by someone else and then writer wants to give credit for that. If it is 
used as telling something is true then it fails.
 403 "Algorithm" "Algoritmi"
 404 "Assumption" "Oletus"
Assumption: function is continuous and differentiable in the area where we are 
using it. Hopefully it is used like that.
 405 "Axiom" "Aksiooma"
 406 "Case" "Tapaus"
 407 "Chart" "Kaavio"
Like flow chart, pie chart. NOT as in "Madonna hit the top10 charts "
 408 "Claim" "Väite"
 409 "Conclusion" "Päätelmä"
 410 "Condition" "Ehto"
 411 "Conjecture" "Otaksuma"
 412 "Corollary" "Seurauslause"
 413 "Criterion" "Kriteeri"
 414 "Definition" "Määritelmä"
 415 "Example" "Esimerkki"
 416 "Exercise" "Harjoitus"
 417 "Fact" "Fakta"
 418 "Graph" "Kuvaaja"
This is for the graph of function. Or more like graphical representation of 
 419 "Lemma" "Lemma"
 420 "List of Algorithms" "Algoritmien luettelo"
 421 "List of Charts" "Kaavioiden luettelo"
 422 "List of Graphs" "Kuvaajien luettelo"
 423 "List of Schemes" "Kuvausten lettelo"
 424 "List of Tableaux" "Taulujen luettelo"
 425 "Notation" "Merkintätapa"
 426 "Note" "Muistiinpano"
 427 "Problem" "Ongelma"
 428 "Proof" "Todistus"
 429 "Property" "Ominaisuus"
 430 "Proposition" "Väittämä"
 431 "Question" "Kysymys"
 432 "Remark" "Huomautus"
 433 "Scheme" "Kuvaus"
I wasn't able to figure out what is this in mathematical way. If is scheme and that state 
machine can go under scheme, I believe it's good translation. It's translated 
much like representation. 
It can hold something like: "The surface is created putting blue points in 
every possible point which are in same distance from point P" or picture of 
blue ball or equation of ball. Depending on context.
 434 "Solution" "Ratkaisu"
 435 "Summary" "Yhteenveto"
 436 "Tableau" "Taulu"
I translated this from something like truth table. Also works propositional 
tableau like this:
Also family tree... However I think I got it right.
 437 "Theorem" "Lause"
 438 End
Hopefully this helps.
Hannu Vuolasaho

RE: KOMA report and localisation problem.

2012-04-05 Thread Hannu Vuolasaho

Just to inform a bit ERT magic  \renewcommand{\lstlistingname}{Listaus} before 
any listing does what I want it to do.

For now all my problems are solved. Thanks everyone.

best regards,
Hannu Vuolasaho


RE: KOMA report and localisation problem.

2012-04-05 Thread Hannu Vuolasaho


I added ticket.

Next starts to be more Latex question.

I tried to understand how babel works but I couldn't set up preamble so that 
lstlistname or listname changes. Are there any tricks? I wouldn't want to 
override systemfiles to get what I want since changes would be over written on 

In Lyx the listing is defined as 

p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }

begin{lstlisting}[caption={Caption for listing}]
This is sample listing

An in 
Now. If I'm correct \lstlistingname always generates word Listing. Is there any 
way to override that so it generates "Listaus", except writing the system wide 

Best regards,
Hannu Vuolasaho


KOMA report and localisation problem.

2012-04-03 Thread Hannu Vuolasaho


I'm writing KOMA report class document and it behaves weird. In Lyx I have Part 
N and in pdf I get part in Finnish as expected. This is acceptable even I was 
curious if it would translate.
Now I have source code listing. The caption of source listing says in Finnish 
that it is listing (Listaus 1.2:)  in Lyx. In pdf I get caption (Listing 1.2:) 
in English . It's translated wrong direction. It can be anything in lyx when 
I'm editing, but in output it should be correct.

Is this easily fixable and where should I fix it? Document->preferences and 
listings has some options so it would be my guess but I have no idea how Lyx' 
localisation works. I just use it and get desirable output usually.

Best regards,
Hannu Vuolasaho

RE: Including landscape lyx document to portrait document

2012-02-25 Thread Hannu Vuolasaho

> Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2012 12:29:43 -0500
> From:
> To:
> CC:
> Subject: Re: Including landscape lyx document to portrait document
> On 02/24/2012 06:29 AM, Hannu Vuolasaho wrote:
> >
> > How do I include the landscape document and how do I get the labels working 
> > from there? Or am I asking something impossible or is it just unholy union 
> > where is nothing good?
> >
> This can be done but will need ERT. Try this:
> +AKAAoACg-

Thanks. Two small  red boxes and one in preample did the trict.

Hannu Vuolasho


Including landscape lyx document to portrait document

2012-02-24 Thread Hannu Vuolasaho


I have two documents. Another is in landscape and main document is portrait 
format. Both have same paper size.

How do I include the landscape document and how do I get the labels working 
from there? Or am I asking something impossible or is it just unholy union 
where is nothing good?

I found that I can insert pdf and it looks quite nice. Except there are double 
page numbers and referencing labels doesn't work.

Ayn ideas?

Best regards,
Hannu Vuolasaho

RE: Engineering student considering LyX for Thesis

2011-10-18 Thread Hannu Vuolasaho


I'm also writing my thesis with Lyx. My biggest problem is .doc template. If I 
open it on Libreoffice, OpenOffice or MS Office with different versions I get 
subtle changes in printout.

For example vertical space before image might change little and lines length 
differ. Then there is the typesetting in Lyx. Lyx' fonts are generally more 
readable than Office programs due proper kerning.

Now the problem comes. What is the right layout and how I reproduce it with 
Lyx. If there is trick please tell to list also.

Also references are different. I never learned bibtext enough to give right 
style of reference list. Now I have page which is list of my references and 
then I cross-reference to them. It is also irritating that you can't cross 
reference to say Fig 1 without labeling it. Or have I missed something?

And last thing. I'm not professional with Lyx and I still learn a lot with it. 
And problems that I mentionned might not be real problems. I haven't just found 
solutions yet.

Best regards,
Hannu Vuolasaho


Help me out of .doc

2011-03-21 Thread Hannu Vuolasaho


I made small edition to my final thesis in Word and now it looks terrible 
again. I want to get rid of it. I have more important things to do than keep 
document's layout in looking good.

I have been playing with openoffice writer2latex and lyx for several hours 
without notable success.

So could someone import this template doc
 to lyx and send it back to me if I ask nicely? That doc has three styles. 
Cover, beginning and the rest of it. Also appendices need one style more but 
I'll figure that out by myself when I get there. No header or footer and 
pagenumbers restart. I believe that's easy.

It seems to be too big task for a newbie who just read trough some tutorials 
and FAQs. Results should be quite similiar so that when the document is printed 
(or PDFed) you can't say which one is from real tool and which is from MS Word.

I believe after I have lyxfile to play, I can copy, paste and adapt to the rest 
of document. Or is this one of those things that I have to just live with and 
hate those who made computer "easy to use"?

Thanks in advance,
Hannu Vuolasaho