Re: Enumeration/conversion issues of 1.4.1 - 1.3.x files (important exams)

2006-04-24 Thread Karsten Heymann
Charles de Miramon wrote:
> Users have a lot of problems with enumerations in LyX. I think there
> is a need to a more powerful interface (maybe with all the features
> of mdwlist) with a finer control of setting and resetting enumeration
> numbers.

I think paralist is even a bit more powerful than mdwlist. Anyway,
either would be great :)

|  ~ Karsten Heymann ~  | Christian-Albrecht-Universität zu Kiel |
| Fon: +49 431 880-1186 |Netzwerkteam des Ökologiezentrum|
| Fax: +49 431 880-4083 | |
| - Selbständiger EDV-Dienstleister im Auftrag des ÖZK - |

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: indenting help

2006-04-10 Thread Karsten Heymann
Hi Stacia,

Stacia Hartleben wrote:
> S = blah blah blah
>   1. blah blah blah
>   1. more stuff
>   2. yet more stuff
>2. ending up
>3. the end!

Did you try to format S as description (or labeling in koma document
classes), those 1. bla... lines as enumeration (or description too) and
then use the "increase environment depth" function?


Re: Reducing size of LaTeX pictures

2006-04-02 Thread Karsten Heymann

Paul Smith schrieb:

How can I reduce to 50% of its size, say, without having to redraw the
whole picture?

\unitlength 1mm

shouldn't \unitlength 0.5mm do the trick? Otherwise use \scalebox{0.5}{...}



Re: Changing citation style with natbib

2006-03-30 Thread Karsten Heymann

Hi Oisin,

Oisin C. Feeley schrieb:

I've been trying to change citations throughout a document from
e.g.  Millar (1998, 80) to (Millar 1998:80)

I'm using the natbib package with author-year. 

Dirty hack: Put the following in the preamble:


Or look how those cite commands are written inside the lyx file source
and do a search&replace there.

|  ~ Karsten Heymann ~  | Christian-Albrecht-Universität zu Kiel |
| Fon: +49 431 880-1186 |Netzwerkteam des Ökologiezentrum|
| Fax: +49 431 880-4083 | |
| - Selbständiger EDV-Dienstleister im Auftrag des ÖZK - |

Re: Don't show page numbers

2006-03-25 Thread Karsten Heymann

Hi Nagy,

Nagy Gabor schrieb:

If there is a title, it seems there must be a page number always. Probably
I should hack the environment, but I don't know enough for that, so it
seems the number will remain.

Put the following verbatim in the LaTeX Preamble (Format -> Document -> 


This should get you rid of the page number.


Re: printing a two-column doc

2006-03-25 Thread Karsten Heymann

Hi Pol, (Strange name :) )

pol schrieb:

An alternative way would be defining a special paper format,
corresponding to half A4. Any hints?

A5, landscape?


Re: subject

2006-03-22 Thread Karsten Heymann

Hash: SHA1

Georg Baum schrieb:
| Ride_Ride_Ride wrote:
|> Why this ML doesn't use "Reply-to"?

| Any decent email-client will allow you to post a message to the list
| very easily.

Unfortunately Thunderbird is not a decent MUA in this respect. The
"Display Mailing List Headers" extension helps a bit, but in fact you're
bound to "Reply to all" and manual editing. *sigh*

the relevant bug report has quite some history:
Did I say *sigh* yet?

Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


Re: Mayday: problem with french quotation marks

2006-02-25 Thread Karsten Heymann
Hi Alain,

> Thanks, it works: I could'nt find the proper item in Preferences, but the
> \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} in the preamble did it.

Here at work (LyX 1.3.4) it is in Edit -> Preferences -> Outputs ->
LaTeX -> TeX Encoding (easy, isn't it? ;) )


Re: Mayday: problem with french quotation marks

2006-02-24 Thread Karsten Heymann
Hello Alain,

> I just reinstalled LyX 1.3.5 on a brand new computer. I'm writing in
> french and use french guillemets << and >> for quotation. At least I
> try to, as they appear as spanish upside down exclamation-mark and
> question-mark.

I could not reproduce that (maybe you could post a minimal LyX file
showing the behaviour somewhere), but make sure you have enabled T1 as
fontencoding (I think it's in the preferences, but I don't have a LyX
here, if unsire export your file to latex and look for a line


Re: Automatic formatting of a particular word?

2006-02-22 Thread Karsten Heymann
Hi Stephen,

(your OE does strange quoting, please fix it, it's difficult to see
who'se written what. thanks. Maybe the following link ist interesting

Stephen Harris schrieb:
> Though the syntax of \DeclareRobustCommand is probably older than 
> \providecommand?

You're reaching the borders of my LaTeX knowledge, but fortunately there
is google groups :)



(one line each) will help. Have a look at usrguide.dvi/pdf too.


Re: Automatic formatting of a particular word?

2006-02-22 Thread Karsten Heymann
Hi Stephen,

Stephen Harris schrieb:
> I have a question about this. My knowledge is theoretical rather than
>  practical and draws upon Knuth's discussion of macros/definitions in
> "The TeXbook" concerning the TeX logo plus chapter twenty, Knuth:

The TeXbook is great if you want to learn to program TeX. If you want to
use LaTeX you should not use it as primary source of information.

> SH: Does this work with LyX? Suppose I wanted a better way of 
> expressing, linux and unix, than *nix. So I invented the word "NyX" 
> to substitute for *nix. And suppose this was a document which 
> discussed LyX and I wanted to typeset the "y" in NyX like LyX and use
> it maybe 15 times so that it was worthwhile to create it.

You're mixing up two things. One is that it is possible to define LaTeX
commands for special "Logo Words", like \LaTeX, \TeX, \BibteX and so on.
This could be done with a command like


(don't use the \setbox / \tenrm stuff, that's plain TeX and doesn't mix
well with LaTeX font selection).

The other is that LyX replaces some hardcoded strings like LaTeX, TeX,
LyX with those logo commands (\TeX, \LaTeX, \LyX, it even replaces
occurences of TeX inside words like »myWayTooCoolTeX«!). ATM and AFAIK
there is no user interface for that, so you have to either patch you LyX
version to recognize NyX as well or (better!) use ERT:\NyX{}. (Or you
make the "N" active and try to detect occurences of NyX on TeX
processing level. (not really ;-))).

> So could I create a definition for NyX \NyX\ (or any word for that
> matter) 

Yes, definitely

> and put it in macros.tex and load it with \input macros and
> use it in LyX with automatic expansion, even if it weren't hardwired
> like Uwe's example?

Better do it the LateX way: write a simple sty nyxlogo.sty and put that
\providecommand*{\NyX}{...} in there (look at clsguide.dvi/pdf on how to
do that).


Re: Layout / Document / Layout / font & size: Palatino style obsolete?

2006-02-21 Thread Karsten Heymann

Juergen Spitzmueller schrieb:

Karsten Heymann wrote:

Finally :) Will there be a "osf" or "sc" checkbox too?

I think so. But the ui needs some careful thought (separation of 
Roman, Sans and Typewriter fonts etc.; another reason why I didn't 
happen yet).

Math and maybe Symbol font are missing too. Unfortunately LaTeX is quite
unsysthematic in this area. Nice to see you are planning to do it right
nevertheless :)


Re: Layout / Document / Layout / font & size: Palatino style obsolete?

2006-02-21 Thread Karsten Heymann

Hash: SHA1

Juergen Spitzmueller schrieb:
~ > I'm afraid to tell you that it won't change with 1.4 (nobody
volunteered to
| change it). But it's very high on my agenda for 1.5

Finally :) Will there be a "osf" or "sc" checkbox too?

Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


Re: text figures and lining figures

2006-02-20 Thread Karsten Heymann


Bruce Pourciau schrieb:

Some time ago Karsten Heymann offered the advice below (about
oldstyle figures, but not about footnotes). Bruce

Well, there isn't much about oldfigs in my text :)

mail.k wrote:

Can anyone tell me how to use oldstyle figures in my body text
(i.e., text figures or the "j" version of the fonts)

Use \usepackage[osf]{mathpazo} for palatino or the eco package for
Computer Modern:

and lining figures for my footnotes (the "x" version of the

You can access lining figures either by switching to math mode or by
(mathpazo only) {\fontfamily{pplx}\selectfont 12345}. But I don't know
how to change the footnotemark format, I would ask that on the
comp.text.tex newsgroup (or search for that on


Re: how to force a straight quote (") ??

2006-02-08 Thread Karsten Heymann

Hash: SHA1

Karsten Heymann schrieb:
| Kevin Pfeiffer wrote:
|> \verb+"+
| Maybe better (\verb is not allowed everywhere): \dq{} in ERT

I have to correct myself: \dq is definded only for (n)german. Better use
\textquotedbl as suggested by the other posters.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


Re: how to force a straight quote (") ??

2006-02-08 Thread Karsten Heymann

Hi Kevin,

Kevin Pfeiffer wrote:

Kevin Pfeiffer writes:

How do I force straight quote marks? As in:   5'-0"



Maybe better (\verb is not allowed everywhere): \dq{} in ERT


Re: multicolumn and texlive

2006-02-08 Thread Karsten Heymann

Wolfgang Engelmann schrieb:
> So I am adding
> \begin{multicols}{2}
> at the begin of the document


> (at the very begin or after the title?)

Try both and decide yourself :)

> and \end{multicols}

> \begin{multicols}{1} here onecolumn text \end{multicols}

You can leave that one out, onecoumn is the default outside a multicols

> \begin{multicols}{2} here twocolumn text \end{multicols} at the end
> of the document



Re: multicolumn and texlive

2006-02-07 Thread Karsten Heymann

Hello Wolfgang,

Wolfgang Engelmann schrieb:

Am Dienstag, 7. Februar 2006 16:25 schrieb Karsten Heymann:

please keep the discussion on list. Thank you :)


np :)

What do you want to achieve? If you only want to switch between 
twocolumn and onecolumn mode insert \twocolumn or \onecolumn as ERT
 where you want to switch. This will start a new page. 

Should perhaps add, that all my text is in twocolumn, just on two
occassions I want onecolumn for just a few pages.

okay, then don't load multicol and do what I wrote above. \onecolumn and 
\twocolumn are standard latex commands and have nothing to do with the 
multicol package.


Re: multicolumn and texlive

2006-02-07 Thread Karsten Heymann

Hello Wolfgang,

please keep the discussion on list. Thank you :)

Wolfgang Engelmann schrieb:

I guess I have to disable in the document>pages the twocolumn
document first, but where do I put the first \begin{multicols}{2} in
my document? at the very begin before the title or after the title? 
after the frontmatter?

What do you want to achieve? If you only want to switch between 
twocolumn and onecolumn mode insert \twocolumn or \onecolumn as ERT 
where you want to switch. This will start a new page. Also have a look 
at the multicol documentation (texdoc multicol on unix).


Re: multicolumn and texlive

2006-02-07 Thread Karsten Heymann

Wolfgang Engelmann schrieb:

I have installed texlive 2005 and want to use multicolumn

if I put in the preample
\usepackage multicolumn
it is not found.




(8.3 filesystem restriction)


Re: powerdot install

2006-02-01 Thread Karsten Heymann

Hash: SHA1

Hello Herbert,

Herbert Voss schrieb:
| Karsten Heymann wrote:

|> Both are nicely documentated, allow verbatim text with overlays, allow
|> customization. I would use beamer for for larger presentations (i.E.
|> teaching classes as in [1]) and beamer for shorter, more visual
|  ^^^

arg -- powerdot of course!

|> presentations.
| long speech short sense: then you always use beamer ... :-)


Looking forward to Berlin,

PS: :o)
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


Re: powerdot install

2006-02-01 Thread Karsten Heymann

Hash: SHA1

As I already deleted John's mail, I'll answer Herberts:

Herbert Voss schrieb:
| John O'Gorman wrote:
|> How does powerdot compare with beamer?

On LyX level? Not very much. On LaTeX level it's a matter of taste IMHO.

Some impressions from my experiences while preparing my first powerdot
presentation held yesterday:

Pro beamer:
there are subsections, subtitles, "blocks" (pretty boxes), fancier
overlay commands, better default vertial spacing on slides

Pro powerdot:
much nicer style presets, much cleaner latex interface, fast evolving
(promising), better reuse of existing packages (enumitem, xkeyval), many
contributors (not at least Herbert :) ), allows postscript specials
(killer argument if you need it)

Both are nicely documentated, allow verbatim text with overlays, allow
customization. I would use beamer for for larger presentations (i.E.
teaching classes as in [1]) and beamer for shorter, more visual



- --
|  ~ Karsten Heymann ~  | Christian-Albrecht-Universit?t zu Kiel |
| Fon: +49 431 880-1186 |Netzwerkteam des ?kologiezentrum|
| Fax: +49 431 880-4083 | |
| - Selbst?ndiger EDV-Dienstleister im Auftrag des ?ZK - |
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


Re: Use of adobe postscript font in lyx

2006-01-19 Thread Karsten Heymann

Hi Helmut,

Hellmut Weber - CORPHIS Service and More schrieb:
for business reasons I have to worl sometimes in a Windows environment 
for which we have bought Adobe's 'ITC Officina Sans Book'.

I would like to use this font with LyX in my gentoo-linux environment.
Although having read the font chapter of the new LaTeX Companion 

very good choice!

I think you will find your answers on
The site's language won't be a Problem for you I think ;-)

btw, do you know ?

Karsten (from Kiel)

Re: Manual Page Break

2005-12-14 Thread Karsten Heymann

Hash: SHA1

Hi André,

Bonhôte, André schrieb:
| I have a document based on a koma article.  Now I'd like to have it
|  look similar to the koma book, namely
| - page break after the title & date

In the document preferences, enter "titlepage" in the options field.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


Re: Off-topic: 7 questions about usage of LaTeX.

2005-12-11 Thread Karsten Heymann

Hash: SHA1

Hi Barnibrata,

Banibrata Dutta schrieb:
| Hoping that some LaTeX experts here may be able to help me with a book
| project which I am doing in LaTeX (instead of LyX).

Personally, if I was you I would ask those questions in a TeX-Newsgroup
like comp.text.tex, there are *far* more experts there (not that I would
count myself as one ... ;-) )

| Q-1) How do I leave a page "Intetionally Blank", after the title page,
| and before the abstract page, if I am using...
| \documentclass[11pt,a4paper,titlepage]{article}

Don't use article for a book. Use book or better scrbook for it. article
is for articles. scrbook is the book class from KOMA-Script, which is
much improved compared to standard classes. Its very nice documented,
look after scrguien.pdf on your system or CTAN (

| \usepackage{fullpage}

Better use \usepackage{geometry} or typearea (documented in the
KOMA-Script manual but can be used independently too).

| \usepackage[pdftitle={ID1421, BDutta},colorlinks=false,a4paper]{hyperref}
| \usepackage{graphicx}
| Note that, the following didn't work...
| \begin{document}
| \maketitle
| \newpage
| This page is intentionally left blank.
| \newpage
| \begin{abstract}

Yepp, LaTeX inserts pages with pagestyle empty after \maketitle. You
somehow have to add the "intentionally blank"-Text to the
"empty"-pagestyle (don't know how atm).

| Q-2) When I use "dvipdfm" or "pdflatex" tool to convert to PDF, all of
| my hyperlinks get a blue or red bounding-box. How do I do away with the
| bounding-box (or say a white bounding-box) ? I am more interested in the
| way which works for "dvipdfm".

Read the documentation to the hyperref package which you are using.

| Q-3) I use MicroSoft Visio to create some network diagrams, and converted
| them to JPEG at high quality (i.e. "Print-Quality" 600dpi, and very low
| compression). Then I used "jpeg2ps -p a4" command to convert to .EPS. The
| image quality in the document (.dvi or the generated final .pdf) seems
| lower quality than the JPEG itself. Any way to get high quality image
in my
| final PDF ?

pdflatex can eat jpgs directly. No need for conversion (although I'd try
hard to get pngs from Visio which pdflatex can use as well and which are
much better for non-photos).

| Q-4) How do I solve this footnote problem ? I reference a footnote in the
| main text as follows... "SomeText\footnotemark{1}". The footnote
| is done as follows..

why don't you use \footnote{} ?

| Q-5) How to include some text in the document that is not part of any
| section ? For example, I want to put some text into a "Copyright"
section at
| the end of my document, in a separate page, with a Heading, but can't
| figure out how to get the heading, and ensure that it is not listed in the
| table of contents.

\chapter* (or \section* if you keep with article) or \addchap rsp.
\addsec if you use scrbook and want them into the TOC.

| Q-6) How do I get a "References" section, which also is included in table
| of contents ? My current usage:-

Use scrbook ( ;-) ) and the bibtotoc document option.

| Q-7) How to limit "float" feature ? I want to ensure that my two
figures (on
| a single page), are separated by some text. Overall, for the document, I
| want to retain the "float" feature. Without the ability to control, my 2
| figures appear one after the other, although they are logically for two
| different paragraphs.

Did you use \begin{figure}[htbp]? Have a look at placeins.sty, there is
a command \FloatBarrier which might be helpful.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


Re: Choice of fonts in LaTeX

2005-10-23 Thread Karsten Heymann


Paul schrieb:

Also, the italic chapter names in the header at the top of every page
(memoir document class) were coming out as an embedded 
NimbusRomNo9L-Regu-Slant_167 font for some reason. All other italic 
text was just using a standard Times-Italic non-embedded font.

Nimbus Roman is the name of the "Times Roman" clone from URW latex ships

I assume there's some difference between Italic and Slanted - italic
is a properly-designed font but slanted is done programatically by 
shearing the standard roman font maybe?

Nope. Both are font variants, in italic the letters have their own
shapes (i.e. the "a" can be completely different), wheras slated fonts
are "shifted" sideways *by the font designer*.


|  ~ Karsten Heymann ~  | Christian-Albrecht-Universität zu Kiel |
| Fon: +49 431 880-1186 |Netzwerkteam des Ökologiezentrum|
| Fax: +49 431 880-4083 | |
| - Selbständiger EDV-Dienstleister im Auftrag des ÖZK - |

Re: Choice of fonts in LaTeX

2005-10-23 Thread Karsten Heymann

Hi Paul,

Paul schrieb:

I'm trying to understand exactly how LaTeX handles fonts/typefaces.

Maybe you want to take as a starting point. An
extremely good read is the fonts chapter from book "The LaTeX Companion"
2nd. Ed.

Is there a way to see which fonts are available to LaTeX?

No, not in a single place. try 'texdoc psnfss2e' for the "standard"
postscript fonts.

What I need to be sure is that users on different machines running 
Windows or Mac, with different fonts installed, will still be able to

read the PDF document. For example, if they don't have Times or New
Century Schoolbook installed, will they still be able to view them?
Does it matter whether they have the TrueType or Type 1 version of

As already said, that is only a problem if you are using standard
postscript fonts and your latex installation doesn't embed them.

I read that Type 3 fonts are bad, so does it matter that I have a
line beginning "[none]" that says Type 3?

Yes, in type 3 fonts the glyphs ("letters") are rendert into bitmap
graphic which acrobat reader versions prior to ver. 6 render extremely

Why do some lines begin with what looks like 6 random letters? Is
this an internal name for an embedded font?

Yes, don't care for the names.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Palatino SUMMARY

2005-08-13 Thread Karsten Heymann


I did not read the thread but using

Geoffrey Lloyd schrieb:


outdated since 2001. use
(or even better \usepackage[sc]{mathpazo} if your latex is new enough) 
for better math support (and better \textsc output).

for hints and reasons.

|  ~ Karsten Heymann ~  | Christian-Albrecht-Universität zu Kiel |
| Fon: +49 431 880-1186 |Netzwerkteam des Ökologiezentrum|
| Fax: +49 431 880-4083 | |
| - Selbständiger EDV-Dienstleister im Auftrag des ÖZK - |

Re: Url typewriter font too large

2005-02-23 Thread Karsten Heymann
Herbert Voss wrote:

> Rasmus Ory Nielsen wrote:
>> I think that the size of the typewriter font used in urls is too large.
> write into the preamble
> \usepackage[scaled]{luximono}%
> \renewcommand\ttdefault{ul9}% luximono

why this 2nd line?
> looks much nore better than cmtt.



Re: How to add new fonts to LyX, esp. in Win32 port

2005-02-10 Thread Karsten Heymann (lokaler Account)
Hello David,
I used MikTeX to install new font packages, and ran LyX
Edit-->Reconfigure, with no discernible affect.  Oh well, I guess
it's probably a MikTeX issue.  
No, but LyX knows only some of the Fonts LaTeX provides. You will go
better¹ if you set the document font to "Default" in Format->Document
and add the Fonts you want via LaTeX commands in the Document preamble
(Format -> Document -> LaTeX Preable). There you can add
for example
(lmodern and charter have to be installed beforehand in MikTeX). So you
can use the full wealth of LaTeX fonts. Hopefully LyX's knowledge of
fonts will improve at some time in the future.
¹In fact many font packages used by LyX are heavily outdated, so it's
always a good idea to select Fonts by hand.

Re: How to use METAPOST figures in LyX?

2004-12-15 Thread Karsten Heymann
Hello Angus,

Angus Leeming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Karsten Heymann wrote:
> >> R S Ananda Murthy wrote:
> >>> I want to use figures created in MetaPost in LyX.
> > 
> >> You need to define a MetaPost format.
> > [...]
> >> You'll also need to define a converter from MetaPost to PNG (for
> >the> LyX screen) and from MetaPost to EPS (for Latex).
> > 
> > Couldn't this be added to a future lyx release by default?
> Sure, but I don't use MetaPost myself so would prefer to see something
> that really works...

perfectly reasoable.
> If you get it working then throw your .lyx/preferences file this way
> and I'll add the test to the configure script.

At the moment I use neither lyx nor metapost, sorry. And I habe no time
atm to dwell into it.


Karsten HeymannMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Kiel, GermanyJabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |

Re: How to use METAPOST figures in LyX?

2004-12-15 Thread Karsten Heymann

Angus Leeming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> R S Ananda Murthy wrote:
>> I want to use figures created in MetaPost in LyX. 

> You need to define a MetaPost format.
> You'll also need to define a converter from MetaPost to PNG (for the
> LyX screen) and from MetaPost to EPS (for Latex). 

Couldn't this be added to a future lyx release by default?


Karsten HeymannMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Kiel, GermanyJabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |

Re: latex beamer and \mathrm

2004-07-10 Thread Karsten Heymann
On Fri, 9 Jul 2004 18:45:28 +0200
Andre Poenitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Which is btw "correct typesetting" for things like \sin etc even in
> sans serif slides.

I think beamer makes it right when typesetting operators like sin
sans-serif. If you want math with serif letters you can always specify
mathserif as an document option.


Re: latex beamer and \mathrm

2004-07-10 Thread Karsten Heymann
On Fri, 09 Jul 2004 14:12:39 +0100
Angus Leeming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've noticed one small peculiarity with the latex beamer class. (For 
> those that don't know it, it's a *fantastic* class with which to 
> create pdf presentations. See
> It uses a nice, sans serif font by default, but I find that 
> \mathrm{foo} results in foo being typeset with a serifed font. Ditto 
> with \textrm. See attached test case.

If you want to typeset text inside a formula with the same font as
normal text, use \text from amsmath. That's precisely what it is made
for. (Ever wondered what the rm in \textrm means? ;-) )


Re: future of win32 port?

2004-06-02 Thread Karsten Heymann
Sorry, wrong list!

On Wed, 2 Jun 2004 13:37:06 +0200
Karsten Heymann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello Gour,
> On Wed, 2 Jun 2004 13:15:07 +0200
> Gour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Karsten Heymann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > 
> > > The more "natural" Toolkit for LyX would be FLTK I think, because
> > > it seems to be quite close to xforms. But that would have to be
> > > done as well...
> > 
> > Why do you think it is more 'natural'?
> > 
> > Since LyX is going into GUI-independence territory, can we say that
> > some toolkit is 'more natural'?
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg60374.html>
>   > Of course, if the xforms code were ported to FLTK, we could have
>   > two identical frontends. Then there might be a case to argue.
>   Would that make sense (i.e. shipping code with two near identical
>   frontends)? I mean, do you want to include every frontend for which
>   you have volunteers? 
>   As fltk is, as I understand it, more or less an improved xforms, I
>   would not mind if fltk played the Darwin game with xforms (though 
>   xforms works well enough where I need it , i.e. on slow machines 
>   like my old notebook).
> But maybe I'm wrong here, since I'm no programmer (only latex and
> python, if that counts ;-) )
> Karsten

Re: future of win32 port?

2004-06-02 Thread Karsten Heymann
Hello Gour,

On Wed, 2 Jun 2004 13:15:07 +0200
Gour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Karsten Heymann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > The more "natural" Toolkit for LyX would be FLTK I think, because it
> > seems to be quite close to xforms. But that would have to be done as
> > well...
> Why do you think it is more 'natural'?
> Since LyX is going into GUI-independence territory, can we say that
> some toolkit is 'more natural'?[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg60374.html>

  > Of course, if the xforms code were ported to FLTK, we could have two
  > identical frontends. Then there might be a case to argue.

  Would that make sense (i.e. shipping code with two near identical
  frontends)? I mean, do you want to include every frontend for which
  you have volunteers? 
  As fltk is, as I understand it, more or less an improved xforms, I
  would not mind if fltk played the Darwin game with xforms (though 
  xforms works well enough where I need it , i.e. on slow machines 
  like my old notebook).

But maybe I'm wrong here, since I'm no programmer (only latex and python, if 
that counts ;-) )


Re: Text block selection

2004-05-05 Thread Karsten Heymann
On Wed, 5 May 2004 15:10:31 +0400

> LyX 1.3.4 & 1.3.3
> ---
> Selected text (e.g. via mouse) may spontaneously lose highlighting.

I can confirm this with lyx-qt 1.3.[34] using KDE 3.2. With icewm I do
not have this problem.


Any plans to support booktabs? ragged2e?

2004-05-05 Thread Karsten Heymann
Hi LyXers,

(I'm using 1.3.4)

are there any plans to support booktabs.sty tabulars? I've searched on
google and on the lyx mailing list archive, but found only traces of a
discussion about booktabs. For those who don't know it: booktabs.sty
replaces the \hline command in tabulars with \toprule, \midrule and
\bottomrule commands of different width and improves the vertical
spacing in tabs (more space between text and rules). It also works
together with longtable. ATM it isn't even possible to issue these
commands via ERT when setting a width to the tab-columns as ERT commands
are always put inside the parbox.

(Now my girlfriend is angry with me as she doesn't like it when I
postedit her LyX-Files in LaTeX. ;) )

BTW, it would also be great if the ragged2e style file could be
supported, which provide improved flushleft environments (better
hyphenation), which are especially usefull for text in tabulars.

I'd love to hear comments about these things!


Re: lyx editor fonts /debian woody :(

2004-04-29 Thread Karsten Heymann
(sorry for sending per pm the first time, angus!)

On Wed, 28 Apr 2004 10:40:53 +0100
"Angus Leeming" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Bernd Mehnert wrote:
> > [...] and our webmaster has put lyx1.3.3 on
> > our servers too. (at the faculty we have again debian woody) now the
> > problem is, that the webmaster needs not without reason an official
> > debian font-package to let lyx look like in its best form. is there
> > any solution, are there official packages for debian woody, that
> > could help here. clearly der are just a few symbols, that cannot be
> > displayed in the editor for example the $\mapsto$- arrow. but it
> > would be nicer, if we could display all symbols in the editor. than
> > you for any answer...
> Isn't this what you're looking for:



  Diejenigen, die in Typographie fit genug sind, um mit einer üblichen 
  Textverarbeitung vernünftige Dokumente zu produzieren, setzen dann 
  merkwürdigerweise nur recht selten eine solche ein. (aus d.c.t.t)

Re: lyx-qt 1.3.4 does not compile

2004-02-25 Thread Karsten Heymann
On Wed, 25 Feb 2004 21:57:10 +0100
"Georg Baum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Am Montag, 23. Februar 2004 13:17 schrieb Karsten Heymann:
> > So this seems to be rather a kde bug than a lyx bug. Nevertheless,
> > are there any ways to get around this from lyx's side?
> Sorry I can't help, because it works for me: Debian 3.0 with updates
> from, kde 3.2 and qt 3.2 .debs from a kde mirror.

that's great to hear. FYI, piotr (the debian maintainer for lyx in has mailed today to the list that he is
working on a 1.3.4 package. 


Re: lyx-qt 1.3.4 does not compile

2004-02-23 Thread Karsten Heymann
Hi lyx people,
(cc: debian kde maintainer, lyx backport maintainer)

additionally I found the following link which seems to be related to this: stating

I'm seeing an odd problem on a redhat73 box, trying to build qt-3.2.3.  
After an initial qt-3.2/kdelibs-3.1.4 build/install, now I can't (re)build
qt-3.2.3 anymore, I get lots of compiler errors (in using the just-compiled
uic) of the form:

error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol:

I also get the same error trying to build many qt/kde apps... lyx-1.3.3 is
one example.  The problem goes away if I uninstall kdelibs from this
system... or at least I can (re)build qt and lyx...

[and in an later post on the same page:]

For posterity, turns out the problem goes away if I use -fuse-cxa-atexit 
when compiling kdelibs.  I think the reason I didn't see this on redhat9 
is -fuse-cxa-atexit appears to be the default for gcc-3.2.2, but that is 
apparently not the case for pre gcc3 compilers.

So this seems to be rather a kde bug than a lyx bug. Nevertheless, are 
there any ways to get around this from lyx's side?


On Mon, 23 Feb 2004 12:41:34 +0100
"Karsten Heymann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> System: Debian 3.0 with official kde3.2 backports.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Software/lyx/lyx-1.3.4$ ./configure 
>   --prefix=/usr/local/stow/lyx-1.3.4-1 --with-frontend=qt 
>   --with-qt-dir=/usr/share/qt3
> make[6]: Entering directory 
> `/home/karsten/Software/lyx/lyx-1.3.4/src/frontends/qt2/ui'
> /usr/share/qt3//bin/uic -tr qt_ BiblioModuleBase.ui -o BiblioModuleBase.h
> /usr/share/qt3//bin/uic -tr qt_ -impl BiblioModuleBase.h BiblioModuleBase.ui -o 
> BiblioModuleBase.C
> /usr/share/qt3//bin/uic: relocation error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: 
> unregisterStaticDeleter__7KGlobalP18KStaticDeleterBase
> make[6]: *** [BiblioModuleBase.C] Fehler 127

lyx-qt 1.3.4 does not compile

2004-02-23 Thread Karsten Heymann
Hi lyxers,

for the first time a new lyx release does not compile for me out of the box. 
System: Debian 3.0 with official kde3.2 backports.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Software/lyx/lyx-1.3.4$ ./configure 
  --prefix=/usr/local/stow/lyx-1.3.4-1 --with-frontend=qt 

results in

  Host type:  i686-pc-linux-gnu
  Special build flags:
  C   Compiler:   gcc
  C   Compiler flags: -g -O2
  C++ Compiler:   g++ (2.95.4)
  C++ Compiler flags: -O -Wno-non-template-friend -ftemplate-depth-30
  Linker flags:
  Frontend:   qt
Qt version:   3.2.1
  LyX binary dir: /usr/local/stow/lyx-1.3.4-1/bin
  LyX files dir:  /usr/local/stow/lyx-1.3.4-1/share/lyx

Configuration of LyX was successful.

running make gives:

make[6]: Entering directory `/home/karsten/Software/lyx/lyx-1.3.4/src/frontends/qt2/ui'
/usr/share/qt3//bin/uic -tr qt_ BiblioModuleBase.ui -o BiblioModuleBase.h
/usr/share/qt3//bin/uic -tr qt_ -impl BiblioModuleBase.h BiblioModuleBase.ui -o 
/usr/share/qt3//bin/uic: relocation error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: 
make[6]: *** [BiblioModuleBase.C] Fehler 127
make[6]: Leaving directory `/home/karsten/Software/lyx/lyx-1.3.4/src/frontends/qt2/ui'
make[5]: *** [all-recursive] Fehler 1
make[5]: Leaving directory `/home/karsten/Software/lyx/lyx-1.3.4/src/frontends/qt2/ui'
make[4]: *** [all-recursive] Fehler 1
make[4]: Leaving directory `/home/karsten/Software/lyx/lyx-1.3.4/src/frontends/qt2'
make[3]: *** [all-recursive] Fehler 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/karsten/Software/lyx/lyx-1.3.4/src/frontends'
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Fehler 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/karsten/Software/lyx/lyx-1.3.4/src'
make[1]: *** [all] Fehler 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/karsten/Software/lyx/lyx-1.3.4/src'
make: *** [all-recursive] Fehler 1
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Software/lyx/lyx-1.3.4$

I tried gcc-3.0/g++-3.0 as well, but then configure could not create a simple qt 

As I'm short on time now I simply post these results without investigating further. 
Any hints on how I can provide "better" debugging information are welcome.


Re: export to M$ Word

2004-02-15 Thread Karsten Heymann
On Sun, 15 Feb 2004 20:59:03 +0100
"Herbert Voss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Karsten Heymann wrote:
>> It is often recommended to export to a single HTML file and to import
>> that into word. I remember that the tth converter does this especially
>> well, to use it, you have to export to html and run it manually.
>  ^^
> export to TeX and then ...

Of course...


Re: export to M$ Word

2004-02-15 Thread Karsten Heymann
On Sun, 15 Feb 2004 23:05:30 +0100
"Roberto Bernetti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi dear listers
> I'd like to have some clues on how to export my lyx documents, without
> figures, in a format that can be editable by M$ Word.

It is often recommended to export to a single HTML file and to import
that into word. I remember that the tth converter does this especially
well, to use it, you have to export to html and run it manually.

There also exists a latex2rtf converter, but I heard the html solution
creates superior results.


Re: Mis-alignment with multicols

2004-02-13 Thread Karsten Heymann
On Fri, 13 Feb 2004 12:20:48 -0800 (PST)
"Rich Shepard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   I have a section of text -- a list -- that is typeset in two columns
>   on the page using the \begin{multicols}{2} ... \end{multicols} pair.
>   Headings, sub-heads and list items all align on the left of the
>   columns... except for the first heading. This one is immediately
>   after the ERT that defines the beginning of the multicols
>   environment. It's set off to the right by the spacing of a new
>   paragraph. I've tried hard returns(ctrl-enter) to force this one
>   line to the left margin, but that generates a TeX error.
>   Is there a \moveleft, \leftalign or similar command I can use to get
>   this one word aligned with the rest?

Layout -> Paragraph -> dont't indent doesn't work? You could try
ERT:\noindent which is basically the same. Otherwise I don't know.


Re: Page number on first page

2004-02-12 Thread Karsten Heymann
Hello Maria,

On Wed, 11 Feb 2004 11:15:52 -0800 (PST)
"Maria Torres" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> How can I make a cover page so that the page numbering starts at 2 on
> the second page, but has no number on the first? Or...if the paper is
> for a scientific report, should it have a page number on the first
> page? Thanks,

If you are using an article class, the pagenumber of the first page will
be printed. If you use a reoprt or book class and use "title",
"autor",... title settings, the printing of the pagenumber on the first
page will be supressed (counting is not affected). To achieve this
effect in article class as well, enter \thispagestyle{empty} as ERT (via
the TeX button) between the title text and your normal text (e.g. after
title, author, date if used).


Re: Entering a vertical vector with brackets

2004-02-09 Thread Karsten Heymann
On Mon, 09 Feb 2004 19:01:31 +0100
"Herbert Voss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> insert \[W = \begin{bmatrix}W_1\\W_2\\W_3\end{bmatrix}\]

If you're like me: "insert" must *not* be typed in (and trying to insert
it as a lfun doesn't work either...). Then it works beautifully.

> mark it with the cursor/mouse and hit ctrl-m andbe sure, that
> use amsmath is enabled. Do _not_ use brackets and an array.
> p. 57 in my math doc

Yes, it looks much better than brackets+array.


Re: lyx 1.3.3: ???

2004-02-02 Thread Karsten Heymann
Hi Hartmut,

On Mon, 2 Feb 2004 11:50:44 +0100
"Hartmut Haase" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> can someone please tell me why I can't view (C-d) the attached file?
> It used to be o. k. with lyx 1.3.2.

The table cap:Kommandos-des-more-Programms is inside a subsection*
pararaph. Set it to standard and it works. btw, the text looks nice :)


Re: modifying paragraph

2004-01-26 Thread Karsten Heymann
Hi Thorsten,

On Mon, 26 Jan 2004 11:38:58 +0100
"Thorsten Hirsch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> How can I modify the paragraph environment of the article document
> class to let him do a linefeed after the title of the paragraph?
> the LaTeX preamble

Use minisec from the koma-classes.

> Bye.
> Thorsten
> P.S.: You see, I still haven't bought any latex book - can you
> recommend me one? Cheap and not going too much into details, just
> enough for answering such easy latex questions

There is a very good introduction to latex called l2short (or l2kurz, as
you are german) downloadable in dvi and pdf format on any ctan mirror,
as for example It's the perfect introductory reading for
latex. Btw, you can search ctan on


Re: Real line...

2004-01-17 Thread Karsten Heymann
On Fri, 16 Jan 2004 23:26:55 -0500
"David Obadia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
> What's the proper way to write the "standard" symbol for the set of
> Real numbers in LyX? (I mean the R with two bars..)

Hi David,

I personally like the symbols from the bbm-package most. Insert


into the preamble, then you can simply type \IR in math and get
the desired symbol.


Re: layout file for latex-beamer avialiable

2004-01-15 Thread Karsten Heymann
Hi Tobias,

On Thu, 15 Jan 2004 09:16:38 +0100
"Tobias Hilbricht" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Am Mittwoch, 14. Januar 2004 12:11 schrieb Karsten Heymann:
> > Hi folks,
> >
> > I just wanted to inform you that the new latex-beamer class (version
> > 1.10) contains layout and template files for lyx 1.3.3 
> Dear Karsten, dear readers of this list,
> thank you for this valuable hint! I was not aware of the beamer class,
> it seems to be a very powerful tool to create presentations. 
> However, after a first try I was not able to use the Latin Modern
> fonts (by including the command \usepackage{lmodern} in the preamble -
> there are font substitutions with Computer Modern fonts then) in
> conjunction with the beamer class. Does anybody know a solution?

I think there is OT1 hardcoded somewhere in it, I had problems with that
too. Don't know why he did that.


Re: layout file for latex-beamer avialiable

2004-01-14 Thread Karsten Heymann
On Wed, 14 Jan 2004 12:31:08 +0100
"Andre Poenitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, Jan 14, 2004 at 12:11:56PM +0100, Karsten Heymann wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> I just wanted to inform you that the new latex-beamer class (version
>> 1.10) contains layout and template files for lyx 1.3.3 (provided by
>> the author of the class, Till Tantau). Although the author claims
>> them experimential they work quite nice for me. (latex-beamer is
>> a---in my opinion---extraordinary latex class for creating pdf
>> beamer presentations from latex source, like prosper&co, but easier
>> to use).
> If he wants that file included in the distribution, someone's got to
> send it...

I don't know if it's already for distribution, but maybe some of you
like to have a look at it. The latex-beamer source tarball at contains a lyx subdir with all relevant files
included, I don't want to post them to the list for size reasons.


layout file for latex-beamer avialiable

2004-01-14 Thread Karsten Heymann
Hi folks,

I just wanted to inform you that the new latex-beamer class (version
1.10) contains layout and template files for lyx 1.3.3 (provided by the
author of the class, Till Tantau). Although the author claims them
experimential they work quite nice for me. (latex-beamer is a---in my
opinion---extraordinary latex class for creating pdf beamer
presentations from latex source, like prosper&co, but easier to use).


Re: Disappearing e-mails

2004-01-13 Thread Karsten Heymann
On Mon, 12 Jan 2004 22:46:09 +
"Paul Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear All
> From time to time, I do not receive some e-mails that I send to the 
> list. Is there somebody able to explain me why it happens?

Hello Paul,

I have experienced that I don't get error messages when sending mails to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (instead of lyx-users). Maybe you mistyped
sometimes too?


Re: Problem with changing font in maths mode

2004-01-12 Thread Karsten Heymann
On Mon, 12 Jan 2004 09:39:49 +0100
"Andre Poenitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 12, 2004 at 09:23:58AM +0100, Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:
> > Andre Poenitz wrote:
> > > > See
> > > >
> > > > for details. I already posted a feature request to the lyx-devel
> > > > list, but got no answer so far :(
> > >
> > > Pointer?
> > 
> >
> Hm.
>  "...i have no clear idea yet how to solve that, maybe
>   selecting e.g. mathpazo in the rm box would change the content of
>   the math box as well to mathpazo and so on."
> Well, I have no clear idea either.
> [At least] I lack detailed knowledge on LaTeX's use of fonts, so
> feature requests like the one above may raise awareness that
> "something is wrong" but won't lead to a solution.

Okay, so maybe a simpler solution could be to adjust the code generated
by using "palatino", "times" or "pslatex" according to the mentioned
l2tabu document (shortened quote:)

2.3  Fonts


2.3.1  times.sty

The times.sty package is obsolete (see psnfss2e). It does set to the
``Times'' font, to ``Helvetica'', and to ``Courier''. However it does
not use the appropriate mathematical fonts. What's more, Helvetica is
not scaled correctly which makes it appear too big. So if you want to
use the combination Times/ Helvetica/ Courier you should do this:



2.3.3  pslatex.sty

The pslatex.sty package works internally like mathptm.sty+ helvet.sty
(scaled). However, it uses a Courier scaled too narrowly. The main
advantage with using pslatex.sty is that it does not work with T1, and
TS1 endodings.


2.3.4  palatino.sty

The palatino.sty package behaves like times.sty - apart from setting to
``Palatino'', of course. This is why it should not be used any more.



That would require no changes to the user interface, only to the
generated latex code. mathpazo, helvet & co are part of latex since at
least 2000, is that "old" enough to assume sufficient accessibility?


Re: Problem with changing font in maths mode

2004-01-09 Thread Karsten Heymann
On Fri, 09 Jan 2004 16:29:12 +0100
"Herbert Voss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Karsten Heymann wrote:
> > On Fri, 09 Jan 2004 15:54:17 +0100
> > "Herbert Voss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > 
> >>Karsten Heymann wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>(mathpazo|mathptmx)+helvet+courier (as stated in l2tabu) should be
> >>>the default.
> >>
> >>without courier
> there are alternatives and it is not a good idea to
> force the user to choose this one. I for myself
> use always luximono, whe not using latin modern ...

Did you see my post on lyx-devel regarding the possibility to choose rm,
sf, tt and math font seperately? As long as that isn't possible, I think
lyx should stick to the basics, and luximono (undoubtly pretty) is quite
new. I don't like courier myself, but it's available everywhere. That
doesn't mean I don't like to have luximono supported, but not as default
when the user chooses palatino.

My 2c,


Re: Problem with changing font in maths mode

2004-01-09 Thread Karsten Heymann
On Fri, 09 Jan 2004 15:54:17 +0100
"Herbert Voss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Karsten Heymann wrote:
> > (mathpazo|mathptmx)+helvet+courier (as stated in l2tabu) should be the
> > default.
> without courier



Re: Problem with changing font in maths mode

2004-01-09 Thread Karsten Heymann
On Fri, 9 Jan 2004 11:35:15 +0100
"Juergen Spitzmueller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Karsten Heymann wrote:
> > although I'm not Herbert, I'd like to add some subjective comments and
> > suggestions:
> Can you file a bug report on bugzilla and add those items, please?

As soon as I can find the time, hopefully today in the evening.



Re: Problem with changing font in maths mode

2004-01-09 Thread Karsten Heymann

although I'm not Herbert, I'd like to add some subjective comments and

On Fri, 9 Jan 2004 10:08:24 +0100
"Juergen Spitzmueller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Herbert Voss wrote:
> > > The way lyx uses palatino is depreciated by the latex developers.
> > > Set the font to "default" and insert the following into the
> > > preamble:
> >
> > the whole fontstuff of LyX is deprecated ...
> Herbert, it would be really helpful if you could file a report on
> bugzilla about how this should be done IYHO. This is on my personal
> todo list and in fact I started that task, but atm my real work does
> not permit investigating further.
> I was not sure if
> - we should drop ae and pslatex completely (I tend to do so)


> - we should support lmodern

Definitely. Altough not widely used yet it will hopefully be the main
LaTeX font for the next years. cm-super should also be supported. I
think lmodern should be default when exporting to pdf.

> - what about times and palatino? AFAIK there are 3 versions around,
> depending on the age of your LaTeX installation:

(mathpazo|mathptmx)+helvet+courier (as stated in l2tabu) should be the

> times/mathptm/mathptmx and palatino/mathpple/mathpazo. Should we just
> force the user to upgrade psnfss or should we check the newest
> available version (and how)?

I think it could be done like:

  if mathpazo is available, use it (and helvet and courier), else
if mathpple is availabe, use it (and helvet and couier?), else
  if palatino is available, use it

analog for times.


Re: Problem with changing font in maths mode

2004-01-09 Thread Karsten Heymann
On Fri, 09 Jan 2004 06:37:44 +0100
"Herbert Voss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Karsten Heymann wrote:
>> On Thu, 08 Jan 2004 22:01:31 + "Paul Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>>> In a certain document, I have changed the font from default to
>>> palatino. However, in the DVI file the mathematical formulae do no
>>> appear with palatino font. Cannot one force LyX to use palatino font
>>> with mathematical?
>> The way lyx uses palatino is depreciated by the latex developers.
>> Set the font to "default" and insert the following into the
>> preamble:
> the whole fontstuff of LyX is deprecated ...

Will at least lmodern.sty be supported in 1.4? Supporting that should be
really simple...


Re: Problem with changing font in maths mode

2004-01-08 Thread Karsten Heymann
Hi Paul,

On Thu, 08 Jan 2004 22:01:31 +
"Paul Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In a certain document, I have changed the font from default to
> palatino. However, in the DVI file the mathematical formulae do no
> appear with palatino font. Cannot one force LyX to use palatino font
> with mathematical?

The way lyx uses palatino is depreciated by the latex developers. Set
the font to "default" and insert the following into the preamble:


See for
details. I already posted a feature request to the lyx-devel list, but
got no answer so far :(


Re: installing cvs snapshot

2003-12-16 Thread Karsten Heymann
On Tue, 16 Dec 2003 12:43:16 +0100
"Andre Poenitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 16, 2003 at 11:33:57AM +, Angus Leeming wrote:
> I see. So this is the reason. 
> It works with an installed version.
>  "Schrift: Größt"

Hey, this is open source. Go and create a patch :)


How to get locales (was: Re: installing cvs snapshot)

2003-12-16 Thread Karsten Heymann
On Tue, 16 Dec 2003 12:08:02 +0100
"Andre Poenitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 16, 2003 at 11:58:46AM +0100, Karsten Heymann wrote:
> > I think you have to check your /etc/locale.gen. Mine contains
> >   [EMAIL PROTECTED] ISO-8859-15
> >   de_DE UTF-8
> cat: /etc/locale.gen: No such file or directory

You may have to install locales. Do you have the locale command?
> > Your german l18n-team should be quite disappointed ;-)
> *shrug*
> I tend to ignore new features like localisation, 

Maybe as a developer you should be able to test this feature. Nobody
forces you to actually use it!

> keyboards with strange layouts, (ok, not really true. I've now five
> Compose keys...),'desktops environments', editors that need booting
> and things like that;-)

Well, that Win*** key is quite usefull for ratpoison wm =-)


PS: No need to mail me directly, I read the list :)

Re: installing cvs snapshot

2003-12-16 Thread Karsten Heymann
Hello Andre,

On Tue, 16 Dec 2003 11:45:48 +0100
"Andre Poenitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, Dec 15, 2003 at 08:12:43PM +0100, Karsten Heymann wrote:
> > LC_ALL (or LANG) affects the program you actually *run*, in this
> > case it

Addition: LC_ALL can override LANG even if LC_ALL is set to C, so set
both to de_DE or unset LC_ALL.

> > is the Program dpkg, so the error messages from *dpkg* are in the
> > set language. It has no influence on the stuff you install, but only
> > on the diagnostic messages of the installer program. Nevertheless
> > does LyX care for LC_ALL or LANG, so 
> >   LC_ALL=C lyx

This ouf course should have been LC_ALL=de_DE 

> > gives you a LyX with an english interface while
> >   [EMAIL PROTECTED] lyx 
> > gives you a LyX with a german interface, but that is something
> > different.
> Does this work? 

Does *what* work? Interface translation? Of course!

> I just checked and I get an English interface with both 1.3.3 and
> 1.4cvs.

I think you have to check your /etc/locale.gen. Mine contains
  de_DE UTF-8
Running locale-gen as root should look like

  gurumobil1:~# locale-gen
  Generating locales...
de_DE.UTF-8... done
  Generation complete.

Afterwards german interfaces should work. (these instructions are for
debian woody, don't know about other distros). If locale-gen outputs
nothing, remove all blank lines and comments from /etc/locale.gen.

> [I never use the German interface so I don't know how it should
> work..]

Your german l18n-team should be quite disappointed ;-)


Re: installing cvs snapshot

2003-12-15 Thread Karsten Heymann
On Mon, 15 Dec 2003 16:35:07 +0100
"Holger Zebner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > one thing first: to get the error messages in english (which would
> > be more helpfull when posting in an english list), enter
> >   LC_ALL=C dpkg -i xxx
> > So you don't have to translate yourself (not that it would have been
> > bad)
> So I just set this variable for the current session? Will I get
> English only when installing for the installing of software?

LC_ALL (or LANG) affects the program you actually *run*, in this case it
is the Program dpkg, so the error messages from *dpkg* are in the set
language. It has no influence on the stuff you install, but only on the
diagnostic messages of the installer program. Nevertheless does LyX
care for LC_ALL or LANG, so 
  LC_ALL=C lyx
gives you a LyX with an english interface while
gives you a LyX with a german interface, but that is something different.
(Note that this setting does not affect the language of the text you
write with lyx -- this can be quite confusing :)

> I added [EMAIL PROTECTED] to my /etc/environments and the problem with
> the diffenernt language startup is solved thanks to your response.

Okay, now everyone on your computer gets german messages. (You can set
it only for yourself in .bashrc, .profile or .xsession).


Re: installing cvs snapshot

2003-12-15 Thread Karsten Heymann
Hi Holger,
(sorry for replying to you directly)

one thing first: to get the error messages in english (which would be
more helpfull when posting in an english list), enter 
  LC_ALL=C dpkg -i xxx
So you don't have to translate yourself (not that it would have been

On Sun, 14 Dec 2003 22:55:08 +0100
"Holger Zebner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[installing deb package]
> [error while processing lyx_1.4.0cvs-1_i386.deb (--install):
> try to overwrite »/usr/share/texmf/fonts/type1/bluesky/cm/cmex10.pfb«
> which is as well in package tetex-extra]

Checkinstall seems to include
/usr/share/texmf/fonts/type1/bluesky/cm/cmex10.pfb into the lyx package.
(As I'm sure that lyx doesn't ship with cm-type1 fonts this is most
certainly a checkinstall bug). As this file is already in the
tetex-extra package the debian package management system prevents
istallation, which is perfectly fine. What you have to do is prevent
checkinstall from including this file into the deb package,
unfortunately I don't know how, maybe checkinstall has the ability to
exclude some files from the built package.

As an alternative maybe you can use stow instead of checkinstall:

$ apt-get install stow
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/stow/lyx-1.4.0cvs-20031215 
$ make && su -c "make install"
$ cd /usr/local/stow
$ stow lyx-1.4.0cvs-2003-12-15

and voila, lyx is accessible in /usr/local/bin/lyx. (To uninstall it,
use $ stow -D lyx-1.4.0cvs-2003-12-15 in /usr/local/stow).

My 2c,

Re: localisation fails with "run" command

2003-12-12 Thread Karsten Heymann
Hi Holger,

On Fri, 12 Dec 2003 15:51:27 +0100
"Holger Zebner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have lyx-qt 1.3.2 installed on a German linux system.
> But when I start it with the "run"-command (ALT+F2) it would start
> with the English interface.
> Where do I change this intro a always German startup?

This depends on your distribution, some more info would be nice. If you
have a $HOME/.xsession file, you could try to insert the following code
there before the windowmanager ist started:

 export LC_ALL

My .xsession looks like:

 export $PATH
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] exec ratpoison

but I think you are using KDE and then you don't like ratpoison :)


Re: lyx on Debian woody alpha

2003-12-12 Thread Karsten Heymann
On Fri, 12 Dec 2003 11:41:54 +0100
"Roberto Bernetti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Alle 22:12, giovedì 11 dicembre 2003, Karsten Heymann ha scritto:
> > On Thu, 11 Dec 2003 17:12:46 +
> >
> > "Angus Leeming" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I am running lyx-1.3.xcvs on an Alpha under Debian unstable. I
> > > could certainly make it available to you but have no idea how to
> > > go about creating a Debian package...
> >
> > One way would be
> >   cd /usr/src   # or wherever you want
> >   apt-get install devscripts  # don't know if nescessary
> >   apt-get build-deb lyx
> >   apt-get source --compile lyx
> >   dpkg -i lyx*.deb
> >
> > Note that this will provide you with woodys 1.1.6fix2 package, which
> > is quite old. 
> Sorry the instructions are for Angus or for me.

Is that a question? I guess yes ;) Well, as Angus posted that he has no
idea how to create a debian packate I thought he would like to know how.
But if you like you can of course try it on your own. everything apart
from dpkg can be run as a user, so if you don't administer your
computer, you can at least provide your admin with a ready-made package.
If you need additional assistance, you can mail me directly (or is this
interesting for the list? i don't know)

> I'm still working with 1.1.6fix4 (SuSE 8.0) so it'll be not a  problem
> to work with 1.1.6fix2. 

Sorry, I meant 1.1.6fix4 too.



Re: lyx on Debian woody alpha

2003-12-11 Thread Karsten Heymann
On Thu, 11 Dec 2003 17:12:46 +
"Angus Leeming" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am running lyx-1.3.xcvs on an Alpha under Debian unstable. I could 
> certainly make it available to you but have no idea how to go about 
> creating a Debian package...

One way would be
  cd /usr/src   # or wherever you want
  apt-get install devscripts  # don't know if nescessary
  apt-get build-deb lyx
  apt-get source --compile lyx
  dpkg -i lyx*.deb

Note that this will provide you with woodys 1.1.6fix2 package, which is
quite old. Here's what I do to get a rescent 1.3.3-qt version on x86.
should work on alpha as well (hopefully):

 1. get the sources of 1.3.1 from and unpack them
install the 'build-dep' packages listed in debian/control
(this will propably mean you have to uninstall the kde dev packages,
 but there's no problem installing them again after lyx's compilation)
 2. get the sources for 1.3.3 and unpack them somewhere else
 3. copy the debian directory from the 1.3.1 dir to the 1.3.3 dir
 4. fix the changelog ('dch -d' from within the 1.3.3 dir, entering "new
upstram version" would be very debianish ;-) )
 5. issue 'debuild -us -uc' from the 1.3.3 dir
 6. install created debs with dpkg

(the source directories should be named lyx-version, i.e. lyx-1.3.3,
otherwise dch can't estimate the new version and the packages will have
the wrong version number.)

voila, that should do the trick.

Open for corrections,


Re: bibtex error: (author?)

2003-12-01 Thread Karsten Heymann
Hello Thorsten,

On Sat, 29 Nov 2003 17:22:06 +0100
"Thorsten Hirsch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Looks like there's something broken:
> "blabla this is the cite"(author?)
> This is the dvi output. (author?) comes from ->input ->cite, where i
> chose one of my bibtex references. Normally there should be
> (Tanenbaum, 2003), which I've chosen in the dialog window of the cite.

It looks like you are using natbib but are not using one of the *nat
styles (abbrvnat etc.). I don't know if only the *nat styles work, but
my test indicate that (without knowing anything about natbib). 



Re: Page numbers in upper right corner?

2003-12-01 Thread Karsten Heymann
On Sat, 29 Nov 2003 18:20:02 -0800 (PST)
"James Frye" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> how can I get the page number in the upper right corner of the page,
> instead of at the bottom center?

fancyheadings is already quite good. Even better imho is srcpage2 from
the koma-script package, which comes with excellent documentation (part
of the scrguide I think).

> I've tried the fancyheadings package, as suggested in the Lyx docs,
> and it will do it on the first page (along with some other
> fancification that I could probably eliminate with a little work), but
> ONLY the first page. The rest get no page number at all.

That's strange. If you are using a Latex-generated titlepage (by using
title, author,.. paragraph styles) the first page has the pagestyle
"empty" whilst the other pages have the pagestyle selected in the
document preferences, i.e. plain or headings. Wild guess: Try setting
thist value to "default".



Re: Problem installing new document class

2003-12-01 Thread Karsten Heymann
Small correction:

On Fri, 28 Nov 2003 09:16:16 -0800
"Marc Jeffrey Driftmeyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Don't put it in /usr/share/texmf---that's where Debian officially 
> updates tetex and all the recommended and dependent packages as well
> for tetex to run. I can't imagine there would be much of a difference
> with other Linux distros that follow the /usr/share intent.
> Create /usr/local/share/texmf
> Then create tex under texmf
> Then create latex underneath tex
> /usr/local/share/texmf/latex



Re: Roman numbers in the text

2003-11-26 Thread Karsten Heymann
On Wed, 26 Nov 2003 15:04:21 +0100
"Samuel Hammer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear all,
> does anyone know how to make roman numbers in the text ?

Hmmm... I would use uppercase serif letters. Works pretty well for me. 
What are you looking for?


Re: LyX - Mailing Lists

2003-11-25 Thread Karsten Heymann
I'm sorry! Sylpheed has Send mapped to C-Return. That's bad :((


On Tue, 25 Nov 2003 12:24:34 +
"Angus Leeming" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The mailing lists are unlikely to change. You could instead filter on 
> the "From" field.

if you mean the "From:" field, that won't work (the mail I'm replying to
right now has From: Angus Leeming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>). Better filter by
something like


These headers (there are some more) are inserted by the list manager
software and so give you exactly the mails you want.


PS: Now pressing C-Retuen ;-)

Re: LyX - Mailing Lists

2003-11-25 Thread Karsten Heymann

On Tue, 25 Nov 2003 12:24:34 +
"Angus Leeming" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The mailing lists are unlikely to change. You could instead filter on 
> the "From" field.

if you mean the "From:" field, that won't work (the mail I'm replying to right now
> Regards,
> -- 
> Angus

Re: Lab manual

2003-11-24 Thread Karsten Heymann
Hello Nirmal,

it's propably not that important... but as you asked:

On Mon, 24 Nov 2003 00:31:43 -0500
"Nirmal Govind" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > My personal opinion on this is that keeping depth with M-Enter can sometimes
> > be unhandy. I prefer to 

I've been a bit inprecise:

> >  1. enter the text with "standard" layout

Here "at depth 0" ist missing, meaning I start writing without any red bars at 
the left.

> >  2. chose the layouts for every paragraph

Now I make then "lyx-code" or "description" or whatever...

> >  3. indent them to their final places

... and indent them (S-M-Right) to the depth where they should go to. And as I 
like examples:
A nice paragraph in std layout at depth 0
Another nice paragraph in std layout at depth 0
1. A nice Paragraph now in enumeration layout at depth 0
A nice paragraph in lyxcode layout at depth 0
1. A nice Paragraph in enumeration layout at depth 0
   |   A nice paragraph in lyxcode layout now at depth 1
> I'm not sure I understand.. 

Hopefully it's a bit clearer now. To me the main advantage of my approach is that
during the input of the text one hasn't to care about keeping the right depth.

> currently, if the instructions on the wiki 
> page are followed, one does not get what is shown in the screenshot. 

Yes you're right. But that has nothing to do with the above :)

> It's not a difference between M Enter and C Enter as far as I can tell 
> cos you'll get the second block of code in text mode which doesn't seem 
> to be what that example tries to illustrate (or so I figure.. :-))..

I must admit I didn't follow the instructions but simply did as I do always

> >>need to be modified and the C-Enter replaced with M-Enter.
> > 
> > 
> > Does that make a difference (apart from empty lines being ignored in lyx-code
> >
> Probably not but just to stay consistent, i.e. to not confuse someone 
> who follows the instructions and sees return arrows at the end of the 
> lines while the screenshot doesn't have them...

You're right :) Maybe I find the time to create a new screenshot.


Re: Lab manual

2003-11-23 Thread Karsten Heymann
On Sun, 23 Nov 2003 17:05:45 -0500
"Nirmal Govind" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Um.. if you mean something like in the screenshot at this page
> >
> > 
> Hi Christian.. I think there's something missing in those instructions:
> "increase the depth (M-p Right) and then write "and change it to" 
> followed by M-Enter so that we don't change the depth. We now have:

My personal opinion on this is that keeping depth with M-Enter can sometimes
be unhandy. I prefer to 
 1. enter the text with "standard" layout
 2. chose the layouts for every paragraph
 3. indent them to their final places
But I think that's mainly a matter of taste (that's why I didn't add it to the 
wiki page).

> Secondly, to get what Karsten has on the screenshot, the two lines which 
> look like the following:
> "Then write "foo --widget=blub" and use C-Enter to get a new line, where 
> you write "bar > /dev/null" and press"
> need to be modified and the C-Enter replaced with M-Enter.

Does that make a difference (apart from empty lines being ignored in lyx-code
when done with (M-)Enter instead of C-Enter)? I didn't use them cause I feel
they have a certain "stigma" on them as being untypographical(?) ...

That remembers me of a litte Idea I had: Is it possible to map C-S-Enter to
the following command sequence:
  M-Enter (or it's lfun counterpart)
  S-M-Right (increase depth)
  chose "standard" layout
In my bind files I nowhere found a Key mapped to more than one lfun. is this
possible at all? Reason for wanting this: Adding a paragraph inside an 
enumeration or itemization easily:

 1. kjanskjndkc nlfkjvn ljkfdnv jkafndvjkanfdv 
kjhnadsk cjhaldjvh ljfakjklfdv 

kjdslkhb lhfdlvhdlfvjh ljkhfbl jkshdflvjkhfv
lkjsdflksdjf l kdjlkjl

 2. jkjhs kdjfh

I believe it's simple but my (few) tries failed...

good night everyone,


Re: Document flows off end of page!

2003-11-23 Thread Karsten Heymann

a classic :)  (which basically means to me that I stubled about this myself 
sometime ago as well ;) )

Short answer: Don't write pages full of headings without some content between 
them. Your problem will disappear as soon as you put some text between the 

Long answer (hopefully correct): 
Okay, the problem is that you put a lot of section headings in the file but no 
text between it. Now latex refuses to insert a pagebreak between headings 
because when writing "real" texts (e.g. texts with some kind of content ;) it
will look ugly 99% of the time:

sometext sometext sd jcsdkjs fsdjöfkjskdf lksjdfl kjsdlfk jöfdjk ölkdjsfv 
  ölkjldfvkjl kdfjv kdfjv some

  1.2 subsection
  1.2.1 subsubsection

  further rexr hjbdkj h sadkjhg akjhkjfhgds jfhkg akjdfvgkajdsgfv kg iuatszd 
  ckjhbad skgcv k jhdggd jhdfk jhgdf skjhgajfdskhg afdsjhg kjsdhfg kjadfs kjdsh

At (*) a pagebreak wouldn't look nice, so latex prevents this. It's nevertheless
completely okay to start writing a text exactly as you did it, you just shouldn't
expect latex typesetting it sensible. 

Good luck with your theses (you seem to be right in the beginning),


On Sun, 23 Nov 2003 03:50:40 -0800 (PST)
"David Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm having a rather strange problem with Lyx/Latex, and
> I've got no idea how to solve it! The problem is that
> my document is more than one page long, but rather than
> moving some of it onto the next page it simply flows of
> the bottom of the first page and disappears.
> You can get the file causing the problem at
> and the
> result which I get at
> The effect
> i'm describing is actually seen on page 2.
> Any ideas whats causing this?
> Thanks,
> David.

Re: multiple lyx-code in a single enumerate?

2003-11-18 Thread Karsten Heymann
On Mon, 17 Nov 2003 09:26:15 +0100
"Christian Ridderström" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, 17 Nov 2003, Karsten Heymann wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > 
> > On Sun, 16 Nov 2003 21:58:51 +0100
> > "Christian Ridderström" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > >
> > 
> > I've added a screenshot of the final LyX-Window.
> > 
> Good idea
> I've uploaded the image to the wiki site, so you can erase your copy.

Okay, that's nice. (admittedly I didn't know how to do that)

> In case you'd like to upload something else, the password is 'lyx'
> with an arbitrary username.

Good to know. Next time I'll switch the language to english before making the 


Re: multiple lyx-code in a single enumerate?

2003-11-17 Thread Karsten Heymann
Hi All,

On Sun, 16 Nov 2003 21:58:51 +0100
"Christian Ridderström" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I've added a screenshot of the final LyX-Window.


Re: Presentation on LyX/LaTeX

2003-11-15 Thread Karsten Heymann
On Sat, 15 Nov 2003 11:33:27 +0100
"Juergen Spitzmueller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> M.B. Schiekel wrote:
> > Corrections and improvement suggestions are wellcome.
> Nice presentation. I think you should check grammar and orthography,
> though. Here are some corrections (there are a few more errors of the
> same kind):
> - Bibliographie-Verwaltungs Pakete -> Bibliographieverwaltungspakete

Thats german language at its best ...



Netzwerkteam Ökologiezentrum
CAU Kiel, Germany

Re: Presentation on LyX/LaTeX

2003-11-13 Thread Karsten Heymann
On Thu, 13 Nov 2003 05:23:53 -0500
"Nirmal Govind" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I made a presentation on LyX/LaTeX to the LUG here at Penn State 
> yesterday. Below is the link in case someone's interested in doing 
> something similar...

Hi Nirmal,

it's a nice presentation!

@ the list: wouldn't it be nice to collect lyx-related info material
centrally somewhere so when someone gets asked "what's lyx?" he can use
it? I guess there are >= 1 people presenting LyX in a presentation (or
not?). I think this stuff is called advocacy. 

And latex-beamer[1] support would be nice (though not trivial...)

My 2c,



Re: Modifying Title page

2003-11-07 Thread Karsten Heymann
Hi Toby,

I guess the correct way (whatever that means) would be to redefine the
\maketitle (or [EMAIL PROTECTED], as I've seem sometimes -- don't know the
difference) macro. It's quite easy if you know some LaTeX (from head,
might contain typos):

  {large written at MyWork\ldots\par}%

Put this in the preamble, and you can use the standard latex paragraph
styles (author, date, title,...) for most of the work, so it would
actually be reusable. (We'll see what the LaTeX experts on the list say
to this, I am definitely none...)

A more practical way (whatever that now means...) would be do design the
titlepage with something like scribus or maybe and create
a eps file from that. Be sure then to use the same fonts (usually
postscript fonts like palatino or times) for the titlepage as you use
for your document (If you're using computer modern fonts you could use
xfig I think, but if that's comforatble I'm not sure)

Have fun,

On Wed, 5 Nov 2003 14:31:31 -0800 (PST)
"Toby Allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am working on my thesis at the moment using report
> class. My question is what do I need to do to modify
> the title page? There is a set format That I have to
> follow which is:

> How would I go about doing it? Its not vital I guess,
> I can just print a title page somewhere else but it
> would be nice to do it witht he rest of the document.
> Also, I'm not sure how to go about modifying the .bst
> file's so that I can use unsrt.bst but not have titles
> of paper's displayed (seems silly to me but hey I've
> got to follow there formatting).
> Thanks
> Toby