Re: Installing LyX on Linux MInt 20.3 with TeXLive 2021

2022-03-06 Thread Graeme via lyx-users

On 03/03/2022 22:59, Graeme wrote:
I've just done a clean install of Linux Mint 20.3, and then a full 
install of TeXLive 2021, which cannot be done with the Mint's Synaptic 
Package Manager. Mint 20.3 includes TeXLive 2019 as part of its 
distribution, but I have not (yet) installed that version.

The standard Plain TeX or LaTeX workflows seem to behave normally, so 
I'd now like to install LyX using the (unsupported) PPA 
available on Launchpad at ppa:lyx-devel/release.

However, when I try to install it using Mint's Package Manager, it lists 
a number of standard TeX packages that it claims are necessary, and will 
not proceed unless I also install them. These include:

texlive binaries
texlive-fonts recommended

These are mostly TeXLive 2019 versions for which there are already 
TeXLive 2021 versions installed. I'd prefer not to have both 2019 and 
2021 versions of TeXLive installed at the same time.

This prompts a number of linked questions:

a) Will LyX work OK with a TeXLive 2021 installation?

b) Is there a way to force Mint's Package Manager to recognise the 
existence to TeXLive 2021 packages?

c) Is there a way to install LyX without installing the TeXLive 
2019 dependencies? (I'd prefer not to have to compile LyX from 

d) If I want to install LyX with Mint's Package Manager, will 
this force me to use TeXLive 2019 instead?

I would welcome advice on how to deal with this problem.


Thanks to all the replies for their helpful comments.

Both Tobias and Kees suggested looking at the TeX User Group page 
advising how to integrate a vanilla TeX Live with a Debian-based version 
of Linux, such as Ubuntu, or Mint. This can be found at:

As I had already installed a full "vanilla" version of TeXLive 2021, I 
then followed the instructions given on that page. Specifically:

1. Using Mint's Synaptic Package Manager, I installed:
a) The texinfo, tex-common, and lmodern packages
(tex-common was a required dependency for texinfo, and lmodern is a set 
of postscript fonts that may not strictly be required.)

b) The equivs package of command-line tools.

I also added TeXLive's bin directory to the definition of ENV_PATH in 
(I'm not sure this last step is strictly necessary for my system, as I 
believe it will only affect any new user accounts that are created 
subsequently, but it seems otherwise harmless.)

2. From a terminal window I used the equivs-control command to create 
create a plain text template file called texlive2021local. I then edited 
this file to include some basic information, and the list of packages 
provided by TeXLive 2021. This list is available at:

3. I used the equivs-build command to create a dummy package called 
texlive2021local_2021.99-1_all.deb, using the information in the 
file texlive2021local.

4. I "installed" the dummy package using the command:
sudo dpkg -i texlive2021local_2021.99-1_all.deb
A check with Mint's Package manager confirmed that the system now 
recognised a package called texlive2021local, with version number 
2021.99-1, and that this satisfied all the TeX-related dependencies 
needed to let me install LyX

5. Using Mint's Package Manager, I installed LyX, including the 
(now much shorter) list of non-TeX-specific dependencies.

I now have a working installation of LyX that uses my local 
installation of TeXLive 2021, so all seems good so far.

Thanks again for the helpful replies to my original query.


lyx-users mailing list

Installing LyX on Linux MInt 20.3 with TeXLive 2021

2022-03-03 Thread Graeme via lyx-users
I've just done a clean install of Linux Mint 20.3, and then a full 
install of TeXLive 2021, which cannot be done with the Mint's Synaptic 
Package Manager. Mint 20.3 includes TeXLive 2019 as part of its 
distribution, but I have not (yet) installed that version.

The standard Plain TeX or LaTeX workflows seem to behave normally, so 
I'd now like to install LyX using the (unsupported) PPA 
available on Launchpad at ppa:lyx-devel/release.

However, when I try to install it using Mint's Package Manager, it lists 
a number of standard TeX packages that it claims are necessary, and will 
not proceed unless I also install them. These include:

texlive binaries
texlive-fonts recommended

These are mostly TeXLive 2019 versions for which there are already 
TeXLive 2021 versions installed. I'd prefer not to have both 2019 and 
2021 versions of TeXLive installed at the same time.

This prompts a number of linked questions:

a) Will LyX work OK with a TeXLive 2021 installation?

b) Is there a way to force Mint's Package Manager to recognise the 
existence to TeXLive 2021 packages?

c) Is there a way to install LyX without installing the TeXLive 
2019 dependencies? (I'd prefer not to have to compile LyX from 

d) If I want to install LyX with Mint's Package Manager, will 
this force me to use TeXLive 2019 instead?

I would welcome advice on how to deal with this problem.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Graphics problems with LyX on Linux Mint

2020-03-21 Thread Graeme

On 3/18/20 3:19 PM, Graeme wrote:

 I currently use Linux Mint 18.3. Recently I upgraded to LyX using the 
PPA available at xenial main

 Since this upgrade there have been problems with the display of EPS and PDF 
graphics files in the main LyX editor window, and with the export of files 
containing PNG and JPEG bitmap images.

 These problems are not evident with LyX on Windows 10, nor were they 
present with LyX 2.3.3 on Linux Mint 18.3.


 1. When including a graphic with either EPS or PDF format, the graphic is not 
displayed in the main LyX editor window, but instead there is an outline box 
with the EPS or PDF filename, and below it the error message: Error converting 
to loadable format.

 The graphic does appear correctly in a PDF file exported using either ps2pdf 
or pdflatex.

 2. When including a graphic with PNG or JPEG format, the graphic is displayed 
correctly in the main LyX editor window, but when attempting to export the LyX 
file to Postscript, PDF (using ps2pdf), or even just plain LaTeX, an error 
pop-up window appears with the title:

 LyX: Cannot convert file
 and the message: 
 No information for converting png format files to eps. Define a converter in the preferences or No information for converting jpg format files to eps. Define a converter in the preferences.

 The PNG and JPEG graphics do appear correctly in a PDF file exported using 
pdflatex, but attempting to export with ps2pdf fails.

 When exporting the Progress Log window shows the following messages for a 
graphic in PNG format:

python -tt "/usr/share/lyx/scripts/" png 
"/tmp/lyx_tmpdir.fGfmcihv6288/lyx_tmpbuf0/2_home_graeme_Documents_GraphicsTestCircle.png" eps 
"/tmp/lyx_tmpdir.fGfmcihv6288/lyx_tmpbuf0/2_home_graeme_Documents_GraphicsTestCircle.eps" convert: 
not authorized `eps:/tmp/lyx_tmpdir.fGfmcihv6288/lyx_tmpbuf0/2_home_graeme_Documents_GraphicsTestCircle.eps' 
@ error/constitute.c/WriteImage/1028.
/usr/share/lyx/scripts/ ERROR
Execution of "convert" (276): Systemcall: 'python -tt 
"/usr/share/lyx/scripts/" png 
"/tmp/lyx_tmpdir.fGfmcihv6288/lyx_tmpbuf0/2_home_graeme_Documents_GraphicsTestCircle.png" eps 
"/tmp/lyx_tmpdir.fGfmcihv6288/lyx_tmpbuf0/2_home_graeme_Documents_GraphicsTestCircle.eps"' finished with exit 
code 1
Error: Cannot convert file

 I get similar messages for a graphic file in JPEG format.

 My suspicion is that BOTH the problems above may be linked to the use of 
ImageMagick within, but I am puzzled by the warning message
 "convert: not authorized"
 in the fragment above, suggesting it may be something to do with file or 
folder permissions. However, this does not explain why everything seemed to 
work OK with LyX 2.3.3 on Mint 18.3

 On Mint 18.3 the system-wide installation of ImageMagick is:
 ImageMagick 6.8.9-9 Q16 x86_64 2019-11-12

 On Windows 10, the LyX2.3.4.3 installer comes bundled with a later version:
 ImageMagick 7.0.9-19 Q16 x86 2020-01-26
 which explicitly lists built-in support for gslib and ps, but ImageMagick 6 does not 
list these among its "Delegates".

 I would welcome advice on how to fix these problems.


Confirmed here (same OS and LyX version). Turns out it's a security issue related to 
ImageMagick. See this post 
<> for the gory 
details. If you're willing to take the risk (I am), you can follow the suggestions in 
the post, but there may be a quicker way. Wander over to /etc/Imagick-6 and list the 
directory. You should see policy.xml and policy.xml.dpkg-old. They former is the 
higher security/problematic policy file in force, and the .dpkg-old version is the 
looser, less secure (but more LyX friendly) version. As root, give the new one a new 
name or extension to keep it (or delete it if you will) and move or copy the 
.dpkg-old version to policy.xml. Worked for me.


Thanks, Paul, for your quick and helpful reply.
Unfortunately, in my Mint etc/ImageMagick-6 folder there was only 
policy.xml with no .dpkg-old version with which to compare or replace it.

I followed the link you supplied, had a look at the documentation for 
ImageMagick, and at the policy.xml file bundled with LyX for Windows, 
but the syntax and terminology of policy.xml files remains rather 
obscure to me.

Since it's the effect of these security policies on the behaviour of 
ImageMagick with EPS (and PS) files that matters. I've made small 
changes to the ImageMagick-6 version that allow the convert command to 
operate as desired on EPS and PDF files.

The key code fragment in /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml is in the 
 section of the file:

I modified two lines in this fragmen

Graphics problems with LyX on Linux Mint

2020-03-18 Thread Graeme
I currently use Linux Mint 18.3. Recently I upgraded to LyX 
using the PPA available at xenial main

Since this upgrade there have been problems with the display of EPS and 
PDF graphics files in the main LyX editor window, and with the export of 
files containing PNG and JPEG bitmap images.

These problems are not evident with LyX on Windows 10, nor were 
they present with LyX 2.3.3 on Linux Mint 18.3.


1. When including a graphic with either EPS or PDF format, the graphic 
is not displayed in the main LyX editor window, but instead there is an 
outline box with the EPS or PDF filename, and below it the error 
message: Error converting to loadable format.

The graphic does appear correctly in a PDF file exported using either 
ps2pdf or pdflatex.

2. When including a graphic with PNG or JPEG format, the graphic is 
displayed correctly in the main LyX editor window, but when attempting 
to export the LyX file to Postscript, PDF (using ps2pdf), or even just 
plain LaTeX, an error pop-up window appears with the title:

LyX: Cannot convert file
and the message:
No information for converting png format files to eps. Define a 
converter in the preferences or No information for converting jpg format 
files to eps. Define a converter in the preferences.

The PNG and JPEG graphics do appear correctly in a PDF file exported 
using pdflatex, but attempting to export with ps2pdf fails.

When exporting the Progress Log window shows the following messages for 
a graphic in PNG format:

python -tt "/usr/share/lyx/scripts/" png "/tmp/lyx_tmpdir.fGfmcihv6288/lyx_tmpbuf0/2_home_graeme_Documents_GraphicsTestCircle.png" eps "/tmp/lyx_tmpdir.fGfmcihv6288/lyx_tmpbuf0/2_home_graeme_Documents_GraphicsTestCircle.eps" 

convert: not authorized `eps:/tmp/lyx_tmpdir.fGfmcihv6288/lyx_tmpbuf0/2_home_graeme_Documents_GraphicsTestCircle.eps' @ error/constitute.c/WriteImage/1028. 

/usr/share/lyx/scripts/ ERROR 

Execution of "convert" (276): Systemcall: 'python -tt "/usr/share/lyx/scripts/" png "/tmp/lyx_tmpdir.fGfmcihv6288/lyx_tmpbuf0/2_home_graeme_Documents_GraphicsTestCircle.png" eps "/tmp/lyx_tmpdir.fGfmcihv6288/lyx_tmpbuf0/2_home_graeme_Documents_GraphicsTestCircle.eps"' finished with exit code 1 

Error: Cannot convert file

I get similar messages for a graphic file in JPEG format.

My suspicion is that BOTH the problems above may be linked to the use of 
ImageMagick within, but I am puzzled by the warning 

"convert: not authorized"
in the fragment above, suggesting it may be something to do with file or 
folder permissions.
However, this does not explain why everything seemed to work OK with LyX 
2.3.3 on Mint 18.3

On Mint 18.3 the system-wide installation of ImageMagick is:
ImageMagick 6.8.9-9 Q16 x86_64 2019-11-12

On Windows 10, the LyX2.3.4.3 installer comes bundled with a later version:
ImageMagick 7.0.9-19 Q16 x86 2020-01-26
which explicitly lists built-in support for gslib and ps, but 
ImageMagick 6 does not list these among its "Delegates".

I would welcome advice on how to fix these problems.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Update: LyX 2.3.2-2 for Windows

2019-01-05 Thread Graeme
On 05/01/2019 12:20, Daniel Kian Mc Kiernan (the best Daniel of the 
bunch) wrote:

On 1/5/19 4:07 AM, Graeme wrote:

A bug in the previous release of LyX 2.3.2 for Windows prevented the
insertion of citations when using the Bibliography environment (rather
than bib(la)tex). An updated installer is available here:

It is not necessary to install this update unless you use the
Bibliography environment.

Is there a problem with the LyX server?

Since Thursday evening (3/1/19) I've been unable to access the updated
installer. My browser (Firefox 64.0) always tells me that:
"The connection has timed out. The server at is taking too
long to respond."

Firefox will emit that diagnostic when one is attempting to access an IP 
blocker by a LAN.  For example, at a bistro that I frequent, all sites 
outside of the US are blocked, including

(The diagnostic may thus be grossly misleading.)

That doesn't mean that your problem is necessarily caused in this 
manner, but it's a possibility.

I've never previously had a problem connecting to the LyX FTP site with 
Firefox, including when I downloaded the previous version of the 
installer for LyX 2.3.2 in December.

I've now tried to connect to the site using Filezilla FTP client.
This generates the following messages:
Status: Resolving address of
Status: Connecting to
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Error:  Connection closed by server
Error:  Could not connect to server

These messages reinforce my original suspicions.

Update: LyX 2.3.2-2 for Windows

2019-01-05 Thread Graeme

A bug in the previous release of LyX 2.3.2 for Windows prevented the
insertion of citations when using the Bibliography environment (rather
than bib(la)tex). An updated installer is available here:

It is not necessary to install this update unless you use the
Bibliography environment.

Is there a problem with the LyX server?

Since Thursday evening (3/1/19) I've been unable to access the updated 
installer. My browser (Firefox 64.0) always tells me that:
"The connection has timed out. The server at is taking too 
long to respond."


Re: Problem with spreadtab module and LyX 2.3.1

2018-11-05 Thread Graeme

On 05/11/2018 09:25, Andrew Parsloe wrote:

On 4/11/2018 2:15 a.m., Graeme wrote:
The spreadtab module is extremely useful, as it provides a wrapper 
around a conventional table environment, to enable some 
spreadsheet-like capabilities within the table (using the LaTeX 
package spreadtab).

It can be downloaded from

When creating a long(multipage) table within the sLTable environment 
provided by the spreadtab module, there is one small difference 
between the plain LaTeX code produced by LyX 2.3.0 and 2.3.1.

Specifically, LyX 2.3.0 exports the lines:
while LyX 2.3.1 exports the lines

In practice I think the LyX 2.3.1 version is correct, but it exposes a 
bug in spreadtab module version 1.4, which cannot handle the optional 
[c] argument following \begin{longtable}.

Thus LyX 2.3.0 can successfully generate a PDF file, while LyX 2.3.1 
fails with a LaTeX error. This applies to LyX under both Windows 10 
with MikTeX, and Linux Mint with TeXLive 2017.

An example LyX file is attached, along with the PDF file generated 
successfully from it using File/Export/PDF(ps2pdf) with LyX 2.3.0.

Unfortunately, I am not sure how to fix the bug in the spreadtab 
module, so help on this would be welcome.

I've attached the new module which works with longtables now, and also 
"normal" tables -- the tabular environment with or without the optional 
vertical alignment  argument. The documentation also needs updating. 
When that's done I'll make a zip file of both module and documentation 
and make them available from the wiki as before.

The spreadtab documentation nowhere mentions longtables. I suspect the 
author of that package  would be suprised to find someone contemplating 
using it for tables big enough to break across pages. He writes "... the 
3 stages [of pdf compilation] described above take time, and above all, 
fp is slow in its calculations. The spreadtab environment leads to much 

compilation than with a classical table."

(But then, perhaps he would think that that is just the sort of thing a 
LyX user would do. He is scathing of LyX, and of people who use LyX. To 
add to my sins, I wrote to him in English. Thrice a sinner.)


Thanks for producing an updated spreadtab module so quickly. I've tested 
it with LyX 2.3.1 and can now successfully generate PDF output from 
files that failed with the previous version.

In practice my usage requires only fairly simple arithmetic operations 
on the contents of table cells, but some of the longer tables do extend 
over five A4 pages. Any small time penalty arising from the use of the 
fp package is far outweighed by the convenience of letting LyX do the 
recalculations, instead of doing them manually, or having to re-import a 
modified spreadsheet every time the values in a few cells are changed.


Problem with spreadtab module and LyX 2.3.1

2018-11-03 Thread Graeme
The spreadtab module is extremely useful, as it provides a wrapper 
around a conventional table environment, to enable some spreadsheet-like 
capabilities within the table (using the LaTeX package spreadtab).

It can be downloaded from

When creating a long(multipage) table within the sLTable environment 
provided by the spreadtab module, there is one small difference between 
the plain LaTeX code produced by LyX 2.3.0 and 2.3.1.

Specifically, LyX 2.3.0 exports the lines:
while LyX 2.3.1 exports the lines

In practice I think the LyX 2.3.1 version is correct, but it exposes a 
bug in spreadtab module version 1.4, which cannot handle the optional 
[c] argument following \begin{longtable}.

Thus LyX 2.3.0 can successfully generate a PDF file, while LyX 2.3.1 
fails with a LaTeX error. This applies to LyX under both Windows 10 with 
MikTeX, and Linux Mint with TeXLive 2017.

An example LyX file is attached, along with the PDF file generated 
successfully from it using File/Export/PDF(ps2pdf) with LyX 2.3.0.

Unfortunately, I am not sure how to fix the bug in the spreadtab module, 
so help on this would be welcome.


Description: Adobe PDF document

Description: application/lyx

LyX 2.1.0: some issues with citations

2014-05-20 Thread Graeme
On Windows 7 (64 bit) (and Windows XP, 32 bit) I upgraded from LyX 2.0.7 
to 2.1.0 without any obvious problems.

In doing the upgrades, I first uninstalled 2.0.7, but chose the option 
to retain user preferences. Then I installed 2.1.0.

Both operations were carried out using accounts with administrator 
privileges, although I normally use LyX with a standard user account 
that does not have admin privileges.

Mostly LyX 2.1.0 performs smoothly, except that there are several 
aspects of the way it handles citations that are no longer as I expect.

1. With LyX 2.0.7, my default bib-file processor was set to BibTeX8, yet 
when I used LyX 2.1.0 I found that it had defaulted back to plain BibTeX.

It seems that none of the preferences stored in the file
\Application Data\LyX2.0\preferences
migrate automatically to the file
\Application Data\LyX2.1\preferences

Of course this problem was easily fixed, but I wondered whether this was 
intended behaviour, or if it is a bug in the Windows Installer (file 

2. A more annoying issue is when you open a file that contains citations 
that use multiple BibTeX keys as the argument to single \cite command

Within the LyX file there are numerous instances of citations with LyX 
code similar to this:

\begin_inset CommandInset citation
LatexCommand citep
key "Smith2001, Jones2001,Smith2002,Jones2002,Smith2003,Jones2003"


All these are handled OK, except when the number of BibTeX keys in the 
in the key text string exceeds 60. When there are more than 60 keys, LyX 
generates the following error message in the Messages window:
12:22:46.359: Document citationtest.lyx opened...\..\src\BiblioInfo.cpp 
(493): Recursion limit reached while parsing
and this is followed by a quoted string containing a large number of 
BiBTeX keys that it tried to parse.

In the main editor window, LyX shows an "inset" style of box (black text 
on a grey background) with the single word ERROR! instead of a truncated 
list of the relevant citations.

I suspect this must be a bug in the way LyX 2.1.0 now handles multiple 
BibTeX keys in citations. LyX 2.0.7 happily dealt with (and displayed 
correctly) BibTeX key lists that had significantly more than 60 entries.

Note that it is only the way that LyX 2.1.0 parses and displays such 
large key-lists that is a problem. If I process the LyX file to produce 
a PDF (using either the ps2pdf or pdflatex export options), then LaTeX 
processes the full BibTeX keylist without any obvious problem.

3. This relates closely to issue 2 above.

After an ERROR! inset is generated by LyX as it tries to parse a long 
list of BibTeX keys, it is possible to click on this inset and the 
LyX:citation dialog will open.

However, this widget now has a width that is set to about 5 times the 
total width of the screen, which means only a narrow central stripe of 
the widget is visible. It is possible to shift this giant widget across 
the screen to gain access to the Cancel button in the bottom right (and 
thereby to close the widget), but the widget seems to behave very oddly 
if you try to resize it.

I suspect this too must be a bug in LyX 2.1.0.


Branch names with spaces

2011-10-13 Thread Graeme
According to ticket #5806 (, the bug 
preventing branch names with spaces was fixed in version 1.6.3, but it 
is still present in 2.0 (on Windows at least).

As the attached LyX file shows, Branches with spaces in the names can be 
created, but after the LyX file has been closed and re-opened, such 
branches do not display correctly on screen as the part of the name 
after the space has been stripped off.

Strangely, the full branch name, including the part after the space, 
still appears in the Document Settings/Branches menu page.


Description: application/lyx

Re: Beamer and columns problem (bug?)

2008-03-28 Thread Graeme

Graeme wrote:

I am using LyX1.5.4-1 on WinXP, with the Beamer document class.

When I select the style ColumnsTopAligned within a frame, Lyx inserts



as can easily be checked with the View Source window.

However, it seems impossible to enter any text between these \begin{}
and \end{} statements.

If I simply hit Return on the line that says Columns (top aligned),
then try to style the next line with the Column style, Lyx takes me
completely outside the topcolumns environment, again as can be seen
from the View Source window.

I get the same problems with the ColumnsCenterAligned and the simple
Columns styles.

Am I missing something really obvious, or is this a bug with Lyx

You're missing something ... whether it's really obvious or not is a

matter of opinion. :-)

First insert the Columns environment. Underneath that, insert a
Column environment and fill in the width (including units, e.g.
40mm). Now nest the Column environment under the Columns environment
(Edit -> Increase List Depth or M-S-right or the tool button that
looks like an item list with a left-to-right arrow). Then type in
whatever you want in the column and nest it as well.



Thanks for your helpful reply. It was the need to Increase Depth that I 
did not find sufficiently obvious...


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Beamer and columns problem (bug?)

2008-03-27 Thread Graeme

I am using LyX1.5.4-1 on WinXP, with the Beamer document class.

When I select the style ColumnsTopAligned within a frame, Lyx inserts



as can easily be checked with the View Source window.

However, it seems impossible to enter any text between these \begin{} 
and \end{} statements.

If I simply hit Return on the line that says Columns (top aligned), then 
try to style the next line with the Column style, Lyx takes me 
completely outside the topcolumns environment, again as can be seen from 
the View Source window.

I get the same problems with the ColumnsCenterAligned and the simple 
Columns styles.

Am I missing something really obvious, or is this a bug with Lyx 1.5.4?


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What happened to the tool bar buttons: view dvi/pdf and refresh dvi?

2006-09-27 Thread Graeme Handisides
I have previously used Lyx 1.4.1 and 1.4.2. on Win XP. After installing 1.4.3 I
deinstalled 1.4.2.
Under my previous installation the default toolbar had 3 buttons to produce a
dvi preview, refresh the dvi and preview a pdf file. These have now disappeared
and as I used them quite a bit, I would like to know how to get them back. Can
anybody help me on this one. I have looked at the ui files, but it didn't help
much, except to confirm that these buttons no longer seem to exist.
Graeme Handisides

Installation of Lyx 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 on WinXP: missing windefault

2006-08-11 Thread Graeme Handisides

I just tried to install both 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 on WinXP and have the problem 
that it then refuses to start because windefault is missing. I assume this 
refers to windefault.ui. What has gone wrong here? Or more to the point, how 
do I replace this file. I have tried several different installation methods, 
and they all produce the same error. I have had Lyx installed before without 
problems, but this time the configuration doesn't seem to have worked properly.

Thanks for any help,
