Re: Bibliographic citations citation style formatting

2023-07-13 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 13 Jul 2023, Herbert Voss wrote:

That is only a LyX problem; the output (pdf) should be ok!


Yes, the PDF output has et al. citations and all authors in the

Because the LyX display does not reflect that is distracting; I spent the
past couple of days trying to fix it when I need to focus on writing the
index and implementing a different chapter heading look (which will wait
until the index is done.)

Best regards,

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Bibliographic citations citation style formatting

2023-07-13 Thread Herbert Voss

Rich Shepard schrieb:
> On Thu, 13 Jul 2023, Herbert Voss wrote:
>> LyX itself uses the only for more than _three_ authors, which
>> looks
>> like a bug to me. It should recognize for biblatex the setting of the
>> above option field.
> HHerbert,
> I agree. (And all options in the Citation Style section does the trick.)
> Seeing, in the LyX document itself, both et al. and all three author names
> troubled me. Yesterday I read part of TLC3/II chapter 15 on bibliographic
> styles and could not identify which of the many options I needed; hadn't
> made it to chapte 16 on citation styles.

That is only a LyX problem;  the output (pdf) should be ok!


> --
> lyx-users mailing list

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Bibliographic citations citation style formatting

2023-07-13 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 13 Jul 2023, Herbert Voss wrote:

Remove the module apa(natbib) from documents->preferences->modules

Since bibtex, natlib, and juralib have been deprecated would it be
reasonable to drop them from LyX? I've no idea how many LyX users run older
versions of TeXLive and supported these options.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Bibliographic citations citation style formatting

2023-07-13 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 13 Jul 2023, Herbert Voss wrote:

LyX itself uses the only for more than _three_ authors, which looks
like a bug to me. It should recognize for biblatex the setting of the
above option field.


I agree. (And all options in the Citation Style section does the trick.)

Seeing, in the LyX document itself, both et al. and all three author names
troubled me. Yesterday I read part of TLC3/II chapter 15 on bibliographic
styles and could not identify which of the many options I needed; hadn't
made it to chapte 16 on citation styles.

Best regards,

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Bibliographic citations citation style formatting

2023-07-13 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 13 Jul 2023, Herbert Voss wrote:

Remove the module apa(natbib) from documents->preferences->modules


I'm suitably embarassed by not checking all settings and seeing this. Mea

and then insert into documents->preferences->bibliography the options

However, inside LyX it doesn't look right for the citation, but the pdf is 

There are three sections in the Bibliography settings dialog box: Citation
Style (with an options box), Bibliography Style (without an options box),
and Bibliography Generation (with an options box). Are all the above options
entered in the Citation Style section?

Many thanks,

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Bibliographic citations citation style formatting

2023-07-13 Thread Herbert Voss

Am 13.07.23 um 07:01 schrieb Herbert Voss:

and then insert into documents->preferences->bibliography the options


However, inside LyX it doesn't look right for the citation, but the 
pdf is ok.

LyX itself uses the only for more than _three_ authors, which 
looks like
a bug to me. It should recognize for biblatex the setting of the above 
option field.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Bibliographic citations citation style formatting

2023-07-12 Thread Rich Shepard

On Wed, 12 Jul 2023, Rich Shepard wrote:

Here's a different one from a report written a couple of months ago. See
second attachment (citation-style.png). Notice that the citation is a pair
of question marks (and all variants of that are the only display options)
while the citation (Langless2000) is what should be displayed.

Fixed this one. While the Settings dialog box showed the authoryear, it was
not in the list of authors. Scrolling down that list I clicked on that name
and the proper entry was loaded. The LyX and PDF files are correct.

However, ... there are still bibliography errors that can be seen in the
mwe.lyx file (attached, along with a mwe.bib containing two entries).

Creating the new file (KOMA-Sctipt book class), the bibliography setting is
stuck at bibtex, not biblatex. I need to fix this for the MWE and future new
docs. It also presents only bibtex citation styles, not the biblatex ones.

I need help setting biblatex as the default for all book and report docs and
having all multi-author docs (3 or more authors) display citations and
bibliography entrries as the first author + et al.

Now to read TLC3/II on biblatex.


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assessment of streams and rivers for determining whether designated beneficial
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.) In addition to mixed taxonomic levels being given the same weight in a
 diversity or integrity index, these metrics do not accommodate the range
 of benthic macroinvertebrate life history strategies.
 These life history differences mean that taxa collected at any site depends
 on the collection date (
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.) For example, at one extreme are the terrestrial locusts, the swarming
 phase of certain species of short-horned
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Bibliographic citations citation style formatting

2023-07-12 Thread Rich Shepard

Running lyx- on Slackware64-14.2 linux.

When I push a multi-author bibliographic citation from JabRef-5.1 sometimes
it displays with all the author's names, sometimes with first author's name
and 'et al.' See attached image.

In both cases, looking at the Settings -> Citation Style -> formatting I'm
presented with variants of the displayed citation, and not both types.

I don't recall having this problem before. Looking at a couple of documents
with bibliographic citations, all multi-author citations are of the '... et
al.' type.

Here's a different one from a report written a couple of months ago. See
second attachment (citation-style.png). Notice that the citation is a pair
of question marks (and all variants of that are the only display options)
while the citation (Langless2000) is what should be displayed.

How can I clean up both of these documents so they properly display

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Customizing biblatex beyond Citation Style - Options field

2018-11-12 Thread Bert Lloyd

Including this in Document Settings - LaTeX Preamble solved the problem.

Many thanks.

On Thu, Nov 8, 2018 at 4:27 PM Jürgen Spitzmüller  wrote:
> Am Do., 8. Nov. 2018, 17:13 hat Bert Lloyd  
> geschrieben:
>> However, there are some further tweaks I would like to make that as
>> far as I know cannot be done this way. For example, in plain LaTex, I
>> would add
>> \AtEveryBibitem{%
>>   \clearlist{language}
>> }
>> after \usepackage[...]{biblatex
> Use
> \AtBeginDocument{%
> \AtEveryBibitem{%
>   \clearlist{language}
> }
> }
> Jürgen
>> I attempted to implement this via Document Settings - Preamble.
>> However, the problem I am having is that it appears that, by default,
>> LyX places
>> \usepackage[...]{biblatex}
>> \addbibresource{are-495.bib}
>> at the very end of the latex preamble.
>> As a result, options I add via Document Settings - Preamble appear
>> before \usepackage[...]{biblatex}, leading to an error message:
>> Undefined control sequence
>> \AtEveryBibitem
>> {%
>> The control sequence at the end of the top line...
>> I tried including the \AtEveryBibitem{%... material in the body of the
>> document using ERT, but this also lead to an error:
>> ! LaTeX Error: Can be used only in preamble.
>> So, is there a way I can
>> A) Control where LyX puts \usepackage[...]{biblatex} in the latex preamble?
>> B) Add material to a specific part of the latex preamble (i.e., the
>> end, or at least after \usepackage[...]{biblatex})?
>> C) Pass options to biblatex a different way?
>> D) Other?
>> Many thanks,
>> BL

Re: Customizing biblatex beyond Citation Style - Options field

2018-11-08 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Do., 8. Nov. 2018, 17:13 hat Bert Lloyd 

> However, there are some further tweaks I would like to make that as
> far as I know cannot be done this way. For example, in plain LaTex, I
> would add
> \AtEveryBibitem{%
>   \clearlist{language}
> }
> after \usepackage[...]{biblatex




> I attempted to implement this via Document Settings - Preamble.
> However, the problem I am having is that it appears that, by default,
> LyX places
> \usepackage[...]{biblatex}
> \addbibresource{are-495.bib}
> at the very end of the latex preamble.
> As a result, options I add via Document Settings - Preamble appear
> before \usepackage[...]{biblatex}, leading to an error message:
> Undefined control sequence
> \AtEveryBibitem
> {%
> The control sequence at the end of the top line...
> I tried including the \AtEveryBibitem{%... material in the body of the
> document using ERT, but this also lead to an error:
> ! LaTeX Error: Can be used only in preamble.
> So, is there a way I can
> A) Control where LyX puts \usepackage[...]{biblatex} in the latex preamble?
> B) Add material to a specific part of the latex preamble (i.e., the
> end, or at least after \usepackage[...]{biblatex})?
> C) Pass options to biblatex a different way?
> D) Other?
> Many thanks,
> BL

Re: Customizing biblatex beyond Citation Style - Options field

2018-11-08 Thread Bert Lloyd
I suppose it would, but I would prefer to load biblatex through LyX in
the standard way if possible.
On Thu, Nov 8, 2018 at 12:04 PM Benedict Holland
> If you don't include biblatex in the UI (remove any bibliography settings in 
> Lyx), it shouldn't load anything. Of course, then it is on you to include 
> biblatex with all options and customizations you would like.
> Does that work?
> Thanks,
> ~Ben
> On Thu, Nov 8, 2018 at 11:13 AM Bert Lloyd  wrote:
>> Dear LyX Users,
>> I am using biblatex in LyX 2.3. I have added several options through
>> the standard approach (Document Settings - Bibliography - Citation
>> Style - Options; for example: hyperref=true), and this works fine.
>> However, there are some further tweaks I would like to make that as
>> far as I know cannot be done this way. For example, in plain LaTex, I
>> would add
>> \AtEveryBibitem{%
>>   \clearlist{language}
>> }
>> after \usepackage[...]{biblatex}
>> I attempted to implement this via Document Settings - Preamble.
>> However, the problem I am having is that it appears that, by default,
>> LyX places
>> \usepackage[...]{biblatex}
>> \addbibresource{are-495.bib}
>> at the very end of the latex preamble.
>> As a result, options I add via Document Settings - Preamble appear
>> before \usepackage[...]{biblatex}, leading to an error message:
>> Undefined control sequence
>> \AtEveryBibitem
>> {%
>> The control sequence at the end of the top line...
>> I tried including the \AtEveryBibitem{%... material in the body of the
>> document using ERT, but this also lead to an error:
>> ! LaTeX Error: Can be used only in preamble.
>> So, is there a way I can
>> A) Control where LyX puts \usepackage[...]{biblatex} in the latex preamble?
>> B) Add material to a specific part of the latex preamble (i.e., the
>> end, or at least after \usepackage[...]{biblatex})?
>> C) Pass options to biblatex a different way?
>> D) Other?
>> Many thanks,
>> BL

Re: Customizing biblatex beyond Citation Style - Options field

2018-11-08 Thread Benedict Holland
If you don't include biblatex in the UI (remove any bibliography settings
in Lyx), it shouldn't load anything. Of course, then it is on you to
include biblatex with all options and customizations you would like.

Does that work?


On Thu, Nov 8, 2018 at 11:13 AM Bert Lloyd  wrote:

> Dear LyX Users,
> I am using biblatex in LyX 2.3. I have added several options through
> the standard approach (Document Settings - Bibliography - Citation
> Style - Options; for example: hyperref=true), and this works fine.
> However, there are some further tweaks I would like to make that as
> far as I know cannot be done this way. For example, in plain LaTex, I
> would add
> \AtEveryBibitem{%
>   \clearlist{language}
> }
> after \usepackage[...]{biblatex}
> I attempted to implement this via Document Settings - Preamble.
> However, the problem I am having is that it appears that, by default,
> LyX places
> \usepackage[...]{biblatex}
> \addbibresource{are-495.bib}
> at the very end of the latex preamble.
> As a result, options I add via Document Settings - Preamble appear
> before \usepackage[...]{biblatex}, leading to an error message:
> Undefined control sequence
> \AtEveryBibitem
> {%
> The control sequence at the end of the top line...
> I tried including the \AtEveryBibitem{%... material in the body of the
> document using ERT, but this also lead to an error:
> ! LaTeX Error: Can be used only in preamble.
> So, is there a way I can
> A) Control where LyX puts \usepackage[...]{biblatex} in the latex preamble?
> B) Add material to a specific part of the latex preamble (i.e., the
> end, or at least after \usepackage[...]{biblatex})?
> C) Pass options to biblatex a different way?
> D) Other?
> Many thanks,
> BL

Customizing biblatex beyond Citation Style - Options field

2018-11-08 Thread Bert Lloyd
Dear LyX Users,

I am using biblatex in LyX 2.3. I have added several options through
the standard approach (Document Settings - Bibliography - Citation
Style - Options; for example: hyperref=true), and this works fine.

However, there are some further tweaks I would like to make that as
far as I know cannot be done this way. For example, in plain LaTex, I
would add


after \usepackage[...]{biblatex}

I attempted to implement this via Document Settings - Preamble.
However, the problem I am having is that it appears that, by default,
LyX places
at the very end of the latex preamble.

As a result, options I add via Document Settings - Preamble appear
before \usepackage[...]{biblatex}, leading to an error message:

Undefined control sequence
The control sequence at the end of the top line...

I tried including the \AtEveryBibitem{%... material in the body of the
document using ERT, but this also lead to an error:
! LaTeX Error: Can be used only in preamble.

So, is there a way I can
A) Control where LyX puts \usepackage[...]{biblatex} in the latex preamble?
B) Add material to a specific part of the latex preamble (i.e., the
end, or at least after \usepackage[...]{biblatex})?
C) Pass options to biblatex a different way?
D) Other?

Many thanks,


Re: Is "Citation Style" menu tweakable?

2017-06-21 Thread David Pesetsky
Thanks for your continued help!  I have solved the problem, with the help of 
(the presuppositions of) your questions and this:

Early in my exploring of Lyx a few weeks ago, I took advantage of the 
information offered by Maria Gouskova, who is in my field, at  That includes a link to her texmf 
directory with field-specific stuff in it, with an invitation to copy that into 
one's own texmf directory, which I did.  That turns out to have included an 
out-of-date version of natbib.sty, which was the cause of my error messsages.  
Removing it solved the problem.

Thanks again,

On Jun 20, 2017, at 11:23 PM, Richard Heck 
> wrote:

On 06/20/2017 06:25 PM, David Pesetsky wrote:
Thank you for your detailed reply (and hello)!  Your suggestion to add "comma" 
to [...]Class Options>Custom works very well, thank you!

But no matter what I put after \setcitestyle (or where I locate the command in 
the document -- preamble, body), I get an error message from Lyx — for example:

{notesep={: }}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.

It's not worth chasing down this problem to the ends of the earth, but if you 
have any troubleshooting suggestions, I'd be happy to try them.

Very odd. The \setcitestyle command is defined by natbib.sty, and you said you 
were using natbib, yes?  (It did not exist before version 8 of natbib, but that 
was about a decade ago.) What OS are you using? Do you know what LaTeX 
distribution you have? Actually, maybe a better questin is: What document class 
are you using?

If you could produce as small a file as possible that causes this to happen and 
post that, then it will help debug the issue.


David Pesetsky []
Head, Department of Linguistics and Philosophy
32-D818 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
(617) 253-0957 office   (617) 253-5017 fax

Re: Is "Citation Style" menu tweakable?

2017-06-20 Thread Richard Heck
On 06/20/2017 06:25 PM, David Pesetsky wrote:
> Thank you for your detailed reply (and hello)!  Your suggestion to add
> "comma" to /[...]Class Options>Custom/ works very well, thank you!  
> But no matter what I put after \setcitestyle (or where I locate the
> command in the document -- preamble, body), I get an error message
> from Lyx — for example:
>> \setcitestyle
>> {notesep={: }}
>> The control sequence at the end of the top line
>> of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
>> misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
>> spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
>> and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
> It's not worth chasing down this problem to the ends of the earth, but
> if you have any troubleshooting suggestions, I'd be happy to try them.

Very odd. The \setcitestyle command is defined by natbib.sty, and you
said you were using natbib, yes?  (It did not exist before version 8 of
natbib, but that was about a decade ago.) What OS are you using? Do you
know what LaTeX distribution you have? Actually, maybe a better questin
is: What document class are you using?

If you could produce as small a file as possible that causes this to
happen and post that, then it will help debug the issue.


Re: Is "Citation Style" menu tweakable?

2017-06-20 Thread David Pesetsky
Thank you for your detailed reply (and hello)!  Your suggestion to add "comma" 
to [...]Class Options>Custom works very well, thank you!

But no matter what I put after \setcitestyle (or where I locate the command in 
the document -- preamble, body), I get an error message from Lyx — for example:

{notesep={: }}
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.

It's not worth chasing down this problem to the ends of the earth, but if you 
have any troubleshooting suggestions, I'd be happy to try them.

Thank you again!


On Jun 19, 2017, at 10:45 PM, Richard Heck 
<<>> wrote:

On 06/19/2017 08:48 PM, David Pesetsky wrote:
Is there a way to tweak Lyx so the Citation dialog shows a different set of 
options for "Citation Style" than the ones that appear by default when I have 
selected  "natbib" and "author-year" in Document Settings/Bibliography?  I'd be 
interested in having a comma rather than semicolon separating multiple 
references, for example.

There's nothing I can't produce manually, of course, by simply selecting the 
date-only option on the Citation Style pull-down menu and typing what I want 
before and after the date, but if I could take advantage of the pull-down menu 
options more often, it would save some effort.

Similarly, for some purposes, at least, I'd be happy if I could tweak "text 
after" in the same dialog so that it ends up preceded by a colon rather than 
the comma that Lyx inserts.

The issues you're raising here are actually LaTeX issues, rather than
LyX issues. It's important, in understanding how LyX operates, to
separate these: There's the question how things look in LyX; then there
is the question how the PDF looks when it is generated. The latter
ultimately concerns LaTeX. In some cases, LyX provides a 'native' way to
tweak the LaTeX output. But oftentimes, you have to do something
manually, e.g., add something to the LaTeX preamble.

In this case, the semi-colon citation-separator and comma before the
"text after" are being inserted by natbib, which is what formats the
citations and bibliogrpahy. So it's natbib that we need to control. The
natbib manual
has a bunch of information about tweaks. Section 5 of the manual
mentions a number of package options that change global behavior. The
one you want for your first request is "comma". You just add this, as a
class option, under Document> Settings> Class Options> Custom. (If there
already are some there, this is a comma-separated list, so add it with a
new comma, e.g.: draft,comma.)

For the other one, section 2.9 of the natbib manual explains how to
select citation punctuation using the \setcitestyle command. In your
case, you want:
   \setcitestyle{notesep={: }}
to select a colon followed by a space. It is probably easiest to put
this command into Document> Settings> LaTeX Preamble, though it can also
be entered as TeX code in the document itself. Note, by the way, that
natbib seems to be quite picky about space before and after the "=",
i.e., it does not like space there.

As it happens, \setcitestyle will also control the citation separator,
so you could just do:
   \setcitestyle{notesep = {: },citesep={,}}
and skip the class option, if you wanted.

Note that this will NOT change how the citations appear within LyX
itself. That can be done, but it's a much messier matter.

Richard Heck

PS Yes, the Richard Heck from the other side of L

David Pesetsky [<>]
Head, Department of Linguistics and Philosophy
32-D818 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
(617) 253-0957 office   (617) 253-5017 fax

Re: Is "Citation Style" menu tweakable?

2017-06-19 Thread Richard Heck
On 06/19/2017 08:48 PM, David Pesetsky wrote:
> Is there a way to tweak Lyx so the Citation dialog shows a different set of 
> options for "Citation Style" than the ones that appear by default when I have 
> selected  "natbib" and "author-year" in Document Settings/Bibliography?  I'd 
> be interested in having a comma rather than semicolon separating multiple 
> references, for example.  
> There's nothing I can't produce manually, of course, by simply selecting the 
> date-only option on the Citation Style pull-down menu and typing what I want 
> before and after the date, but if I could take advantage of the pull-down 
> menu options more often, it would save some effort.
> Similarly, for some purposes, at least, I'd be happy if I could tweak "text 
> after" in the same dialog so that it ends up preceded by a colon rather than 
> the comma that Lyx inserts.

The issues you're raising here are actually LaTeX issues, rather than
LyX issues. It's important, in understanding how LyX operates, to
separate these: There's the question how things look in LyX; then there
is the question how the PDF looks when it is generated. The latter
ultimately concerns LaTeX. In some cases, LyX provides a 'native' way to
tweak the LaTeX output. But oftentimes, you have to do something
manually, e.g., add something to the LaTeX preamble.

In this case, the semi-colon citation-separator and comma before the
"text after" are being inserted by natbib, which is what formats the
citations and bibliogrpahy. So it's natbib that we need to control. The
natbib manual
has a bunch of information about tweaks. Section 5 of the manual
mentions a number of package options that change global behavior. The
one you want for your first request is "comma". You just add this, as a
class option, under Document> Settings> Class Options> Custom. (If there
already are some there, this is a comma-separated list, so add it with a
new comma, e.g.: draft,comma.)

For the other one, section 2.9 of the natbib manual explains how to
select citation punctuation using the \setcitestyle command. In your
case, you want:
\setcitestyle{notesep={: }}
to select a colon followed by a space. It is probably easiest to put
this command into Document> Settings> LaTeX Preamble, though it can also
be entered as TeX code in the document itself. Note, by the way, that
natbib seems to be quite picky about space before and after the "=",
i.e., it does not like space there.

As it happens, \setcitestyle will also control the citation separator,
so you could just do:
\setcitestyle{notesep = {: },citesep={,}}
and skip the class option, if you wanted.

Note that this will NOT change how the citations appear within LyX
itself. That can be done, but it's a much messier matter.

Richard Heck

PS Yes, the Richard Heck from the other side of L

Is "Citation Style" menu tweakable?

2017-06-19 Thread David Pesetsky
Is there a way to tweak Lyx so the Citation dialog shows a different set of 
options for "Citation Style" than the ones that appear by default when I have 
selected  "natbib" and "author-year" in Document Settings/Bibliography?  I'd be 
interested in having a comma rather than semicolon separating multiple 
references, for example.  

There's nothing I can't produce manually, of course, by simply selecting the 
date-only option on the Citation Style pull-down menu and typing what I want 
before and after the date, but if I could take advantage of the pull-down menu 
options more often, it would save some effort.

Similarly, for some purposes, at least, I'd be happy if I could tweak "text 
after" in the same dialog so that it ends up preceded by a colon rather than 
the comma that Lyx inserts.


Re: problems with citation style

2015-03-15 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2015-03-14 19:45 GMT+01:00 Margret Mueller:

 The error message i get now is: package inputenc error Unicode char \u8
 not set up for use with latex
 thank you very much for having a look at it

Does it work if you check Use non-TeX fonts in Document  Settings 
You will probably need to select a comprehensive font that includes Hebrew


Re: problems with citation style

2015-03-15 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2015-03-14 19:45 GMT+01:00 Margret Mueller:

 The error message i get now is: package inputenc error Unicode char \u8
 not set up for use with latex
 thank you very much for having a look at it

Does it work if you check Use non-TeX fonts in Document  Settings 
You will probably need to select a comprehensive font that includes Hebrew


Re: problems with citation style

2015-03-15 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2015-03-14 19:45 GMT+01:00 Margret Mueller:

> The error message i get now is: "package inputenc error Unicode char \u8
> not set up for use with latex
> thank you very much for having a look at it

Does it work if you check "Use non-TeX fonts" in Document > Settings >
You will probably need to select a comprehensive font that includes Hebrew


Re: problems with citation style

2015-03-14 Thread Margret Mueller
Dear Jürgen,

thank you very much for your response - and sorry for the late reply.
I did change bibtex to bilatex and biber. It worked in a test document but
now in my thesis it does not add  the bibliography in the Pdf output
Whatever I do, nothing seems to change that.
This is the relevant part in the preamble:


\usepackage[style=authoryear,natbib=true, backend=biber]{biblatex}


Thanks a lot!


2015-03-08 16:42 GMT+01:00 Jürgen Spitzmüller

 2015-03-07 21:54 GMT+01:00 Margret Mueller:

 Dear Lyx Users,

 I moved my dissertation to Lyx and enjoy the beauty of it, however moving
 the literature remains challenging.

 - Newspaper articles never appear with the exact date (month day) (no
 matter which citation style i use - maybe i didn t try the right one?)

 It depends on the bibliography style file. Attached is one, tweaked by
 myself, that displays the date. This one, however, is localized for German.
 You could just tweak it to your needs.

 - I can not enter any hebrew articles or articles with any special
 letters or signs {} does not change that

 Traditional bibtex only handles traditional encodings. If you work with
 multiple writing systems, you probably need to use biblatex, which handles
 unicode-encoded bibliography files.

 See here for some information:

 Biblatex also lets you modify the date format quite easily.


 For now I use:
 Lyx on windows, bibtex synchronized through mendeley (in the txt file
 everything looks fine)
 natbib and apsr

 Is my only way out to move everything to biblatex? (tried that following
 the instructions and got lots of warnings)

 Thanks a lot for your thoughts in advance!


Margret Mueller
PhD Student
Political Communication
FU Berlin
0049 176 842 787 22

Re: problems with citation style

2015-03-14 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2015-03-14 17:53 GMT+01:00 Margret Mueller:

 Dear Jürgen,

 thank you very much for your response - and sorry for the late reply.
 I did change bibtex to bilatex and biber. It worked in a test document but
 now in my thesis it does not add  the bibliography in the Pdf output
 Whatever I do, nothing seems to change that.
 This is the relevant part in the preamble:


 \usepackage[style=authoryear,natbib=true, backend=biber]{biblatex}



It's difficult to diagnose without seeing the whole document. Is biber
actually triggered? Do you have a BibTeX Log in View  LaTeX Log? Also,
could you please post the LaTeX Log?


Re: problems with citation style

2015-03-14 Thread Margret Mueller
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load biblatex default data model...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'blx-dm.def' found.
(C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\biblatex\blx-dm.def)
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load biblatex style data model...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'authoryear.dbx' not found.
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load biblatex custom data model...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'biblatex-dm.cfg' not found.
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load compatibility code...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'blx-compat.def' found.
(C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\biblatex\blx-compat.def
File: blx-compat.def 2014/06/25 v2.9a biblatex compatibility (PK/JW/AB)
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load generic definitions...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'biblatex.def' found.
(C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\biblatex\biblatex.def
File: biblatex.def 
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load natbib compatibility...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'blx-natbib.def' found.
(C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\biblatex\blx-natbib.def
File: blx-natbib.def 2014/06/25 v2.9a biblatex compatibility (PK/JW/AB)
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load bibliography style 'authoryear'...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'authoryear.bbx' found.
(C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\biblatex\bbx\authoryear.bbx
File: authoryear.bbx 2014/06/25 v2.9a biblatex bibliography style (PK/JW/AB)
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load bibliography style 'standard'...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'standard.bbx' found.
(C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\biblatex\bbx\standard.bbx
File: standard.bbx 2014/06/25 v2.9a biblatex bibliography style (PK/JW/AB)
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load citation style 'authoryear'...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'authoryear.cbx' found.
(C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\biblatex\cbx\authoryear.cbx
File: authoryear.cbx 2014/06/25 v2.9a biblatex citation style (PK/JW/AB)
Package biblatex Info: Redefining '\cite'.
Package biblatex Info: Redefining '\parencite'.
Package biblatex Info: Redefining '\footcite'.
Package biblatex Info: Redefining '\footcitetext'.
Package biblatex Info: Redefining '\smartcite'.
Package biblatex Info: Redefining '\textcite'.
Package biblatex Info: Redefining '\textcites'.
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load configuration file...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'biblatex.cfg' found.
(C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\biblatex\biblatex.cfg
File: biblatex.cfg 
Package: epigraph 2009/09/02 v1.5c typesetting epigraphs

Re: problems with citation style

2015-03-14 Thread Margret Mueller
Dear Jürgen,

thank you very much for your response - and sorry for the late reply.
I did change bibtex to bilatex and biber. It worked in a test document but
now in my thesis it does not add  the bibliography in the Pdf output
Whatever I do, nothing seems to change that.
This is the relevant part in the preamble:


\usepackage[style=authoryear,natbib=true, backend=biber]{biblatex}


Thanks a lot!


2015-03-08 16:42 GMT+01:00 Jürgen Spitzmüller

 2015-03-07 21:54 GMT+01:00 Margret Mueller:

 Dear Lyx Users,

 I moved my dissertation to Lyx and enjoy the beauty of it, however moving
 the literature remains challenging.

 - Newspaper articles never appear with the exact date (month day) (no
 matter which citation style i use - maybe i didn t try the right one?)

 It depends on the bibliography style file. Attached is one, tweaked by
 myself, that displays the date. This one, however, is localized for German.
 You could just tweak it to your needs.

 - I can not enter any hebrew articles or articles with any special
 letters or signs {} does not change that

 Traditional bibtex only handles traditional encodings. If you work with
 multiple writing systems, you probably need to use biblatex, which handles
 unicode-encoded bibliography files.

 See here for some information:

 Biblatex also lets you modify the date format quite easily.


 For now I use:
 Lyx on windows, bibtex synchronized through mendeley (in the txt file
 everything looks fine)
 natbib and apsr

 Is my only way out to move everything to biblatex? (tried that following
 the instructions and got lots of warnings)

 Thanks a lot for your thoughts in advance!


Margret Mueller
PhD Student
Political Communication
FU Berlin
0049 176 842 787 22

Re: problems with citation style

2015-03-14 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2015-03-14 17:53 GMT+01:00 Margret Mueller:

 Dear Jürgen,

 thank you very much for your response - and sorry for the late reply.
 I did change bibtex to bilatex and biber. It worked in a test document but
 now in my thesis it does not add  the bibliography in the Pdf output
 Whatever I do, nothing seems to change that.
 This is the relevant part in the preamble:


 \usepackage[style=authoryear,natbib=true, backend=biber]{biblatex}



It's difficult to diagnose without seeing the whole document. Is biber
actually triggered? Do you have a BibTeX Log in View  LaTeX Log? Also,
could you please post the LaTeX Log?


Re: problems with citation style

2015-03-14 Thread Margret Mueller
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load biblatex default data model...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'blx-dm.def' found.
(C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\biblatex\blx-dm.def)
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load biblatex style data model...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'authoryear.dbx' not found.
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load biblatex custom data model...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'biblatex-dm.cfg' not found.
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load compatibility code...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'blx-compat.def' found.
(C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\biblatex\blx-compat.def
File: blx-compat.def 2014/06/25 v2.9a biblatex compatibility (PK/JW/AB)
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load generic definitions...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'biblatex.def' found.
(C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\biblatex\biblatex.def
File: biblatex.def 
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load natbib compatibility...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'blx-natbib.def' found.
(C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\biblatex\blx-natbib.def
File: blx-natbib.def 2014/06/25 v2.9a biblatex compatibility (PK/JW/AB)
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load bibliography style 'authoryear'...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'authoryear.bbx' found.
(C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\biblatex\bbx\authoryear.bbx
File: authoryear.bbx 2014/06/25 v2.9a biblatex bibliography style (PK/JW/AB)
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load bibliography style 'standard'...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'standard.bbx' found.
(C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\biblatex\bbx\standard.bbx
File: standard.bbx 2014/06/25 v2.9a biblatex bibliography style (PK/JW/AB)
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load citation style 'authoryear'...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'authoryear.cbx' found.
(C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\biblatex\cbx\authoryear.cbx
File: authoryear.cbx 2014/06/25 v2.9a biblatex citation style (PK/JW/AB)
Package biblatex Info: Redefining '\cite'.
Package biblatex Info: Redefining '\parencite'.
Package biblatex Info: Redefining '\footcite'.
Package biblatex Info: Redefining '\footcitetext'.
Package biblatex Info: Redefining '\smartcite'.
Package biblatex Info: Redefining '\textcite'.
Package biblatex Info: Redefining '\textcites'.
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load configuration file...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'biblatex.cfg' found.
(C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\biblatex\biblatex.cfg
File: biblatex.cfg 
Package: epigraph 2009/09/02 v1.5c typesetting epigraphs

Re: problems with citation style

2015-03-14 Thread Margret Mueller
Dear Jürgen,

thank you very much for your response - and sorry for the late reply.
I did change bibtex to bilatex and biber. It worked in a test document but
now in my thesis it does not add  the bibliography in the Pdf output
Whatever I do, nothing seems to change that.
This is the relevant part in the preamble:


\usepackage[style=authoryear,natbib=true, backend=biber]{biblatex}


Thanks a lot!


2015-03-08 16:42 GMT+01:00 Jürgen Spitzmüller <>:

> 2015-03-07 21:54 GMT+01:00 Margret Mueller:
>> Dear Lyx Users,
>> I moved my dissertation to Lyx and enjoy the beauty of it, however moving
>> the literature remains challenging.
>> - Newspaper articles never appear with the exact date (month day) (no
>> matter which citation style i use - maybe i didn t try the right one?)
> It depends on the bibliography style file. Attached is one, tweaked by
> myself, that displays the date. This one, however, is localized for German.
> You could just tweak it to your needs.
>> - I can not enter any hebrew articles or articles with any "special
>> letters or signs {} does not change that
> Traditional bibtex only handles traditional encodings. If you work with
> multiple writing systems, you probably need to use biblatex, which handles
> unicode-encoded bibliography files.
> See here for some information:
> Biblatex also lets you modify the date format quite easily.
> Jürgen
>> For now I use:
>> Lyx on windows, bibtex synchronized through mendeley (in the txt file
>> everything looks fine)
>> natbib and apsr
>> Is my only way out to move everything to biblatex? (tried that following
>> the instructions and got lots of warnings)
>> Thanks a lot for your thoughts in advance!
>> Best
>> Margret
>> --

Margret Mueller
PhD Student
Political Communication
FU Berlin
0049 176 842 787 22

Re: problems with citation style

2015-03-14 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2015-03-14 17:53 GMT+01:00 Margret Mueller:

> Dear Jürgen,
> thank you very much for your response - and sorry for the late reply.
> I did change bibtex to bilatex and biber. It worked in a test document but
> now in my thesis it does not add  the bibliography in the Pdf output
> Whatever I do, nothing seems to change that.
> This is the relevant part in the preamble:
> \usepackage[english]{babel}
> \usepackage[style=authoryear,natbib=true, backend=biber]{biblatex}
> \addbibresource{C:/Users/margret/Desktop/Dissertation/library.bib}


It's difficult to diagnose without seeing the whole document. Is biber
actually triggered? Do you have a "BibTeX" Log in View > LaTeX Log? Also,
could you please post the LaTeX Log?


Re: problems with citation style

2015-03-14 Thread Margret Mueller
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load biblatex default data model...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'blx-dm.def' found.
("C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\biblatex\blx-dm.def")
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load biblatex style data model...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'authoryear.dbx' not found.
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load biblatex custom data model...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'biblatex-dm.cfg' not found.
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load compatibility code...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'blx-compat.def' found.
("C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\biblatex\blx-compat.def"
File: blx-compat.def 2014/06/25 v2.9a biblatex compatibility (PK/JW/AB)
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load generic definitions...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'biblatex.def' found.
("C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\biblatex\biblatex.def"
File: biblatex.def 
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load natbib compatibility...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'blx-natbib.def' found.
("C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\biblatex\blx-natbib.def"
File: blx-natbib.def 2014/06/25 v2.9a biblatex compatibility (PK/JW/AB)
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load bibliography style 'authoryear'...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'authoryear.bbx' found.
("C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\biblatex\bbx\authoryear.bbx"
File: authoryear.bbx 2014/06/25 v2.9a biblatex bibliography style (PK/JW/AB)
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load bibliography style 'standard'...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'standard.bbx' found.
("C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\biblatex\bbx\standard.bbx"
File: standard.bbx 2014/06/25 v2.9a biblatex bibliography style (PK/JW/AB)
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load citatio

Re: problems with citation style

2015-03-08 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2015-03-07 21:54 GMT+01:00 Margret Mueller:

 Dear Lyx Users,

 I moved my dissertation to Lyx and enjoy the beauty of it, however moving
 the literature remains challenging.

 - Newspaper articles never appear with the exact date (month day) (no
 matter which citation style i use - maybe i didn t try the right one?)

It depends on the bibliography style file. Attached is one, tweaked by
myself, that displays the date. This one, however, is localized for German.
You could just tweak it to your needs.

 - I can not enter any hebrew articles or articles with any special
 letters or signs {} does not change that

Traditional bibtex only handles traditional encodings. If you work with
multiple writing systems, you probably need to use biblatex, which handles
unicode-encoded bibliography files.

See here for some information:

Biblatex also lets you modify the date format quite easily.


 For now I use:
 Lyx on windows, bibtex synchronized through mendeley (in the txt file
 everything looks fine)
 natbib and apsr

 Is my only way out to move everything to biblatex? (tried that following
 the instructions and got lots of warnings)

 Thanks a lot for your thoughts in advance!


Description: Binary data

Re: problems with citation style

2015-03-08 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2015-03-07 21:54 GMT+01:00 Margret Mueller:

 Dear Lyx Users,

 I moved my dissertation to Lyx and enjoy the beauty of it, however moving
 the literature remains challenging.

 - Newspaper articles never appear with the exact date (month day) (no
 matter which citation style i use - maybe i didn t try the right one?)

It depends on the bibliography style file. Attached is one, tweaked by
myself, that displays the date. This one, however, is localized for German.
You could just tweak it to your needs.

 - I can not enter any hebrew articles or articles with any special
 letters or signs {} does not change that

Traditional bibtex only handles traditional encodings. If you work with
multiple writing systems, you probably need to use biblatex, which handles
unicode-encoded bibliography files.

See here for some information:

Biblatex also lets you modify the date format quite easily.


 For now I use:
 Lyx on windows, bibtex synchronized through mendeley (in the txt file
 everything looks fine)
 natbib and apsr

 Is my only way out to move everything to biblatex? (tried that following
 the instructions and got lots of warnings)

 Thanks a lot for your thoughts in advance!


Description: Binary data

Re: problems with citation style

2015-03-08 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2015-03-07 21:54 GMT+01:00 Margret Mueller:

> Dear Lyx Users,
> I moved my dissertation to Lyx and enjoy the beauty of it, however moving
> the literature remains challenging.
> - Newspaper articles never appear with the exact date (month day) (no
> matter which citation style i use - maybe i didn t try the right one?)

It depends on the bibliography style file. Attached is one, tweaked by
myself, that displays the date. This one, however, is localized for German.
You could just tweak it to your needs.

> - I can not enter any hebrew articles or articles with any "special
> letters or signs {} does not change that

Traditional bibtex only handles traditional encodings. If you work with
multiple writing systems, you probably need to use biblatex, which handles
unicode-encoded bibliography files.

See here for some information:

Biblatex also lets you modify the date format quite easily.


> For now I use:
> Lyx on windows, bibtex synchronized through mendeley (in the txt file
> everything looks fine)
> natbib and apsr
> Is my only way out to move everything to biblatex? (tried that following
> the instructions and got lots of warnings)
> Thanks a lot for your thoughts in advance!
> Best
> Margret
> --

Description: Binary data

problems with citation style

2015-03-07 Thread Margret Mueller
Dear Lyx Users,

I moved my dissertation to Lyx and enjoy the beauty of it, however moving
the literature remains challenging.

- Newspaper articles never appear with the exact date (month day) (no
matter which citation style i use - maybe i didn t try the right one?)

- I can not enter any hebrew articles or articles with any special letters
or signs {} does not change that

For now I use:
Lyx on windows, bibtex synchronized through mendeley (in the txt file
everything looks fine)
natbib and apsr

Is my only way out to move everything to biblatex? (tried that following
the instructions and got lots of warnings)

Thanks a lot for your thoughts in advance!


problems with citation style

2015-03-07 Thread Margret Mueller
Dear Lyx Users,

I moved my dissertation to Lyx and enjoy the beauty of it, however moving
the literature remains challenging.

- Newspaper articles never appear with the exact date (month day) (no
matter which citation style i use - maybe i didn t try the right one?)

- I can not enter any hebrew articles or articles with any special letters
or signs {} does not change that

For now I use:
Lyx on windows, bibtex synchronized through mendeley (in the txt file
everything looks fine)
natbib and apsr

Is my only way out to move everything to biblatex? (tried that following
the instructions and got lots of warnings)

Thanks a lot for your thoughts in advance!


problems with citation style

2015-03-07 Thread Margret Mueller
Dear Lyx Users,

I moved my dissertation to Lyx and enjoy the beauty of it, however moving
the literature remains challenging.

- Newspaper articles never appear with the exact date (month day) (no
matter which citation style i use - maybe i didn t try the right one?)

- I can not enter any hebrew articles or articles with any "special letters
or signs {} does not change that

For now I use:
Lyx on windows, bibtex synchronized through mendeley (in the txt file
everything looks fine)
natbib and apsr

Is my only way out to move everything to biblatex? (tried that following
the instructions and got lots of warnings)

Thanks a lot for your thoughts in advance!


citation style

2014-10-04 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann


a nice feature of recent lyx versions is that one can choose the type of 
citation by right-clicking on the citation. What I am missing here is, 
however, this type:

authors et al. 2010 (no comma!)
there is only
authors et al., 2010
The first one is demanded by a Springer Publ style.
Is this difficult to include in a later version of lyx and how can I 
achieve it at the time being (ERT?)


Re: citation style

2014-10-04 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Samstag 04 Oktober 2014, 08:01:14 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
 a nice feature of recent lyx versions is that one can choose the type of
 citation by right-clicking on the citation. What I am missing here is,
 however, this type:
 authors et al. 2010 (no comma!)
 there is only
 authors et al., 2010

Works here. Pleae post a minimal example file.


Re: citation style

2014-10-04 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
 Here are the examples. 

Please send a _minimal_ example file. This one has over 60 pages, and I would 
need to delete a dozens of unavailable graphics first.


Re: citation style

2014-10-04 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

I am awful sorry, I sent the wrong file. Wolfgang

Am 04.10.2014 um 10:47 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:

Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Here are the examples.

Please send a _minimal_ example file. This one has over 60 pages, and I would
need to delete a dozens of unavailable graphics first.


Description: application/lyx

Re: citation style

2014-10-04 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
This was indeed something which should not happen: to send the original 
file from which

I had prepared the short one. It should at least not have gone to the list!
There is no excuse, but the publisher wants the proof reading done in 
such a short time,

that I was too nervous (and too old, by the way).
Must donate to the LyX people...

 Wolfgang, full of shame

Am 04.10.2014 um 11:08 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

I am awful sorry, I sent the wrong file. Wolfgang

Am 04.10.2014 um 10:47 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:

Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Here are the examples.
Please send a _minimal_ example file. This one has over 60 pages, and 
I would

need to delete a dozens of unavailable graphics first.


Re: citation style

2014-10-04 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
 I am awful sorry, I sent the wrong file. Wolfgang

By default, natbib does not provide a citation command with author-year in 
parathesis and no comma between author and year.

An workaround is to use the citation command with comma and pass the following 
to the preamble:


This will remove the comma between author and year globally in the output.

If you want the comma to be omitted in the LyX view as well, paste the 
following to Document  Local Format, hit Validate and OK (you might need 
to restart to see the effect):

CiteFormat authoryear
!open (
!sep ;
!close )

!citet %!startlink%%!abbrvauthor%%!endlink% 
!citealt %!startlink%%!abbrvauthor% 
!citealp %!startlink%%!abbrvauthor% %!year%%!endlink%%!nextcitealp%

!nextcitet {%next%[[%!close%%!sep% %!citet%]]}
!nextcitealt {%next%[[%!sep% %!citealt%]]}
!nextcitealp {%next%[[%!sep% %!citealp%]]}

cite %!citet%%!textafter%%!close%
citep %!open%%!textbefore%%!citealp%%!textafter%%!close%
citealp %!textbefore%%!citealp%%!textafter%
citeauthor %!startlink%%!abbrvauthor%%!endlink%%!nextauthor%%!textafter%
citeyear %!startlink%%!year%%!endlink%%!nextyear%%!textafter%


Re: citation style

2014-10-04 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

Thanks, Jürgen,
for the workaround. Since this will remove the commata between author 
and year globally,
I decided to leave is to the Publisher. I am not willing to wreck my 
nerves and spill my time

for the shareholders.
But I appreciated your help very much,

Am 04.10.2014 um 11:34 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:

Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

I am awful sorry, I sent the wrong file. Wolfgang

By default, natbib does not provide a citation command with author-year in
parathesis and no comma between author and year.

An workaround is to use the citation command with comma and pass the following
to the preamble:


This will remove the comma between author and year globally in the output.

If you want the comma to be omitted in the LyX view as well, paste the
following to Document  Local Format, hit Validate and OK (you might need
to restart to see the effect):

CiteFormat authoryear
!open (
!sep ;
!close )

!citet %!startlink%%!abbrvauthor%%!endlink%
!citealt %!startlink%%!abbrvauthor%
!citealp %!startlink%%!abbrvauthor% %!year%%!endlink%%!nextcitealp%

!nextcitet {%next%[[%!close%%!sep% %!citet%]]}
!nextcitealt {%next%[[%!sep% %!citealt%]]}
!nextcitealp {%next%[[%!sep% %!citealp%]]}

cite %!citet%%!textafter%%!close%
citep %!open%%!textbefore%%!citealp%%!textafter%%!close%
citealp %!textbefore%%!citealp%%!textafter%
citeauthor %!startlink%%!abbrvauthor%%!endlink%%!nextauthor%%!textafter%
citeyear %!startlink%%!year%%!endlink%%!nextyear%%!textafter%


citation style

2014-10-04 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann


a nice feature of recent lyx versions is that one can choose the type of 
citation by right-clicking on the citation. What I am missing here is, 
however, this type:

authors et al. 2010 (no comma!)
there is only
authors et al., 2010
The first one is demanded by a Springer Publ style.
Is this difficult to include in a later version of lyx and how can I 
achieve it at the time being (ERT?)


Re: citation style

2014-10-04 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Samstag 04 Oktober 2014, 08:01:14 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
 a nice feature of recent lyx versions is that one can choose the type of
 citation by right-clicking on the citation. What I am missing here is,
 however, this type:
 authors et al. 2010 (no comma!)
 there is only
 authors et al., 2010

Works here. Pleae post a minimal example file.


Re: citation style

2014-10-04 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
 Here are the examples. 

Please send a _minimal_ example file. This one has over 60 pages, and I would 
need to delete a dozens of unavailable graphics first.


Re: citation style

2014-10-04 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

I am awful sorry, I sent the wrong file. Wolfgang

Am 04.10.2014 um 10:47 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:

Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Here are the examples.

Please send a _minimal_ example file. This one has over 60 pages, and I would
need to delete a dozens of unavailable graphics first.


Description: application/lyx

Re: citation style

2014-10-04 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
This was indeed something which should not happen: to send the original 
file from which

I had prepared the short one. It should at least not have gone to the list!
There is no excuse, but the publisher wants the proof reading done in 
such a short time,

that I was too nervous (and too old, by the way).
Must donate to the LyX people...

 Wolfgang, full of shame

Am 04.10.2014 um 11:08 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

I am awful sorry, I sent the wrong file. Wolfgang

Am 04.10.2014 um 10:47 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:

Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Here are the examples.
Please send a _minimal_ example file. This one has over 60 pages, and 
I would

need to delete a dozens of unavailable graphics first.


Re: citation style

2014-10-04 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
 I am awful sorry, I sent the wrong file. Wolfgang

By default, natbib does not provide a citation command with author-year in 
parathesis and no comma between author and year.

An workaround is to use the citation command with comma and pass the following 
to the preamble:


This will remove the comma between author and year globally in the output.

If you want the comma to be omitted in the LyX view as well, paste the 
following to Document  Local Format, hit Validate and OK (you might need 
to restart to see the effect):

CiteFormat authoryear
!open (
!sep ;
!close )

!citet %!startlink%%!abbrvauthor%%!endlink% 
!citealt %!startlink%%!abbrvauthor% 
!citealp %!startlink%%!abbrvauthor% %!year%%!endlink%%!nextcitealp%

!nextcitet {%next%[[%!close%%!sep% %!citet%]]}
!nextcitealt {%next%[[%!sep% %!citealt%]]}
!nextcitealp {%next%[[%!sep% %!citealp%]]}

cite %!citet%%!textafter%%!close%
citep %!open%%!textbefore%%!citealp%%!textafter%%!close%
citealp %!textbefore%%!citealp%%!textafter%
citeauthor %!startlink%%!abbrvauthor%%!endlink%%!nextauthor%%!textafter%
citeyear %!startlink%%!year%%!endlink%%!nextyear%%!textafter%


Re: citation style

2014-10-04 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

Thanks, Jürgen,
for the workaround. Since this will remove the commata between author 
and year globally,
I decided to leave is to the Publisher. I am not willing to wreck my 
nerves and spill my time

for the shareholders.
But I appreciated your help very much,

Am 04.10.2014 um 11:34 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:

Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

I am awful sorry, I sent the wrong file. Wolfgang

By default, natbib does not provide a citation command with author-year in
parathesis and no comma between author and year.

An workaround is to use the citation command with comma and pass the following
to the preamble:


This will remove the comma between author and year globally in the output.

If you want the comma to be omitted in the LyX view as well, paste the
following to Document  Local Format, hit Validate and OK (you might need
to restart to see the effect):

CiteFormat authoryear
!open (
!sep ;
!close )

!citet %!startlink%%!abbrvauthor%%!endlink%
!citealt %!startlink%%!abbrvauthor%
!citealp %!startlink%%!abbrvauthor% %!year%%!endlink%%!nextcitealp%

!nextcitet {%next%[[%!close%%!sep% %!citet%]]}
!nextcitealt {%next%[[%!sep% %!citealt%]]}
!nextcitealp {%next%[[%!sep% %!citealp%]]}

cite %!citet%%!textafter%%!close%
citep %!open%%!textbefore%%!citealp%%!textafter%%!close%
citealp %!textbefore%%!citealp%%!textafter%
citeauthor %!startlink%%!abbrvauthor%%!endlink%%!nextauthor%%!textafter%
citeyear %!startlink%%!year%%!endlink%%!nextyear%%!textafter%


citation style

2014-10-04 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann


a nice feature of recent lyx versions is that one can choose the type of 
citation by right-clicking on the citation. What I am missing here is, 
however, this type:

authors et al. 2010 (no comma!)
there is only
authors et al., 2010
The first one is demanded by a Springer Publ style.
Is this difficult to include in a later version of lyx and how can I 
achieve it at the time being (ERT?)


Re: citation style

2014-10-04 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Samstag 04 Oktober 2014, 08:01:14 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
> Hello,
> a nice feature of recent lyx versions is that one can choose the type of
> citation by right-clicking on the citation. What I am missing here is,
> however, this type:
> authors et al. 2010 (no comma!)
> there is only
> authors et al., 2010

Works here. Pleae post a minimal example file.


Re: citation style

2014-10-04 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> Here are the examples. 

Please send a _minimal_ example file. This one has over 60 pages, and I would 
need to delete a dozens of unavailable graphics first.


Re: citation style

2014-10-04 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

I am awful sorry, I sent the wrong file. Wolfgang

Am 04.10.2014 um 10:47 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:

Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Here are the examples.

Please send a _minimal_ example file. This one has over 60 pages, and I would
need to delete a dozens of unavailable graphics first.


Description: application/lyx

Re: citation style

2014-10-04 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
This was indeed something which should not happen: to send the original 
file from which

I had prepared the short one. It should at least not have gone to the list!
There is no excuse, but the publisher wants the proof reading done in 
such a short time,

that I was too nervous (and too old, by the way).
Must donate to the LyX people...

 Wolfgang, full of shame

Am 04.10.2014 um 11:08 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

I am awful sorry, I sent the wrong file. Wolfgang

Am 04.10.2014 um 10:47 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:

Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Here are the examples.
Please send a _minimal_ example file. This one has over 60 pages, and 
I would

need to delete a dozens of unavailable graphics first.


Re: citation style

2014-10-04 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> I am awful sorry, I sent the wrong file. Wolfgang

By default, natbib does not provide a citation command with author-year in 
parathesis and no comma between author and year.

An workaround is to use the citation command with comma and pass the following 
to the preamble:


This will remove the comma between author and year globally in the output.

If you want the comma to be omitted in the LyX view as well, paste the 
following to Document > Local Format, hit "Validate" and "OK" (you might need 
to restart to see the effect):

CiteFormat authoryear
!open (
!sep ;
!close )

!citet %!startlink%%!abbrvauthor%%!endlink% 
!citealt %!startlink%%!abbrvauthor% 
!citealp %!startlink%%!abbrvauthor% %!year%%!endlink%%!nextcitealp%

!nextcitet {%next%[[%!close%%!sep% %!citet%]]}
!nextcitealt {%next%[[%!sep% %!citealt%]]}
!nextcitealp {%next%[[%!sep% %!citealp%]]}

cite %!citet%%!textafter%%!close%
citep %!open%%!textbefore%%!citealp%%!textafter%%!close%
citealp %!textbefore%%!citealp%%!textafter%
citeauthor %!startlink%%!abbrvauthor%%!endlink%%!nextauthor%%!textafter%
citeyear %!startlink%%!year%%!endlink%%!nextyear%%!textafter%


Re: citation style

2014-10-04 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

Thanks, Jürgen,
for the workaround. Since this will remove the commata between author 
and year globally,
I decided to leave is to the Publisher. I am not willing to wreck my 
nerves and spill my time

for the shareholders.
But I appreciated your help very much,

Am 04.10.2014 um 11:34 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:

Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

I am awful sorry, I sent the wrong file. Wolfgang

By default, natbib does not provide a citation command with author-year in
parathesis and no comma between author and year.

An workaround is to use the citation command with comma and pass the following
to the preamble:


This will remove the comma between author and year globally in the output.

If you want the comma to be omitted in the LyX view as well, paste the
following to Document > Local Format, hit "Validate" and "OK" (you might need
to restart to see the effect):

CiteFormat authoryear
!open (
!sep ;
!close )

!citet %!startlink%%!abbrvauthor%%!endlink%
!citealt %!startlink%%!abbrvauthor%
!citealp %!startlink%%!abbrvauthor% %!year%%!endlink%%!nextcitealp%

!nextcitet {%next%[[%!close%%!sep% %!citet%]]}
!nextcitealt {%next%[[%!sep% %!citealt%]]}
!nextcitealp {%next%[[%!sep% %!citealp%]]}

cite %!citet%%!textafter%%!close%
citep %!open%%!textbefore%%!citealp%%!textafter%%!close%
citealp %!textbefore%%!citealp%%!textafter%
citeauthor %!startlink%%!abbrvauthor%%!endlink%%!nextauthor%%!textafter%
citeyear %!startlink%%!year%%!endlink%%!nextyear%%!textafter%


Re: Citation style

2013-08-18 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
Am Friday, 16. August 2013, 19:38:09 schrieb Richard Heck:

Thanks for the responses. What I actually would like to have is an example 
template of the Springer publisher (sv) svmult (multiple authors), which 
hopefully contains also the required citing and referencing style. This is 
not provided. I guess, there are people on the list who used it before and 
I would appreciate a short example showing the required features.


Re: Citation style

2013-08-18 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
Am Friday, 16. August 2013, 19:38:09 schrieb Richard Heck:

Thanks for the responses. What I actually would like to have is an example 
template of the Springer publisher (sv) svmult (multiple authors), which 
hopefully contains also the required citing and referencing style. This is 
not provided. I guess, there are people on the list who used it before and 
I would appreciate a short example showing the required features.


Re: Citation style

2013-08-18 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
Am Friday, 16. August 2013, 19:38:09 schrieb Richard Heck:

Thanks for the responses. What I actually would like to have is an example 
template of the Springer publisher (sv) svmult (multiple authors), which 
hopefully contains also the required citing and referencing style. This is 
not provided. I guess, there are people on the list who used it before and 
I would appreciate a short example showing the required features.


Re: Citation style

2013-08-16 Thread Richard Heck

On 08/15/2013 01:39 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Am Thursday, 15. August 2013, 17:10:22 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

 Am Thursday, 15. August 2013, 15:18:04 schrieb Richard Heck:

  On 08/15/2013 06:47 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

   I get this error:


   ! Package natbib Error: Bibliography not compatible with author-year



   Check the bibliography entries for non-compliant syntax,


   or select author-year BibTeX style, e.g. plainnat


   Where do I choose the proposed style?


  The style is chosen from a dialog you will get if you click on the

  bibliography inset itself.

 Thanks, Richard.

 If I choose vancouver (which is shown in the dropdown dialog)

 I get:


 I'm skipping whatever remI'm skipping whatever remains of this command

 Illegal, another \bibstyle command---line 1699 of file


 : \bibstyle


 : {vancouver}

 I'm skipping whatever remains of this command

 I found no style file---while reading file PBR-20130815A.20.aux

 ains of this command

 Illegal, another \bibstyle command---line 1699 of file


 : \bibstyle


 : {vancouver}

 I'm skipping whatever remains of this command

 I found no style file---while reading file PBR-20130815A.20.aux


 and the references in the pdf output are shown as ???

 What have I done wrongly? Do I have to remove the .aux file first,

 because lyx might have taken an older aux file? And where would I find

 this aux-file?

 If I export the document as .tex and run latex on it 3 times and

 afterward bibtex, I get:


 This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (TeX Live 2012)

 The top-level auxiliary file: PBR-20130815A.20.aux

 I couldn't open style file srtnat.bst

 ---line 19 of file PBR-20130815A.20.aux

 : \bibstyle{srtnat


 : }

I am sorry, I just noticed that I forgot to remove


from the preamble. Removing it, gives me now the vancouver style in 
the bibliography,

but where do I determine the citation style in the book text?

In DocumentsettingBibliography

I find only default (numerical), Natbib style Author-year and numerical.

I do not want numerical, but need actually the citation style also in 
vancouver. How do I achieve this?

I am not sure this is possible. The documentation for the Vancouver 
style says explicitly that it is a numerical style. You could try 
selecting Natbib and then selecting Author-year. It might work, but 
then it might not.


Re: Citation style

2013-08-16 Thread Richard Heck

On 08/15/2013 01:39 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Am Thursday, 15. August 2013, 17:10:22 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

 Am Thursday, 15. August 2013, 15:18:04 schrieb Richard Heck:

  On 08/15/2013 06:47 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

   I get this error:


   ! Package natbib Error: Bibliography not compatible with author-year



   Check the bibliography entries for non-compliant syntax,


   or select author-year BibTeX style, e.g. plainnat


   Where do I choose the proposed style?


  The style is chosen from a dialog you will get if you click on the

  bibliography inset itself.

 Thanks, Richard.

 If I choose vancouver (which is shown in the dropdown dialog)

 I get:


 I'm skipping whatever remI'm skipping whatever remains of this command

 Illegal, another \bibstyle command---line 1699 of file


 : \bibstyle


 : {vancouver}

 I'm skipping whatever remains of this command

 I found no style file---while reading file PBR-20130815A.20.aux

 ains of this command

 Illegal, another \bibstyle command---line 1699 of file


 : \bibstyle


 : {vancouver}

 I'm skipping whatever remains of this command

 I found no style file---while reading file PBR-20130815A.20.aux


 and the references in the pdf output are shown as ???

 What have I done wrongly? Do I have to remove the .aux file first,

 because lyx might have taken an older aux file? And where would I find

 this aux-file?

 If I export the document as .tex and run latex on it 3 times and

 afterward bibtex, I get:


 This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (TeX Live 2012)

 The top-level auxiliary file: PBR-20130815A.20.aux

 I couldn't open style file srtnat.bst

 ---line 19 of file PBR-20130815A.20.aux

 : \bibstyle{srtnat


 : }

I am sorry, I just noticed that I forgot to remove


from the preamble. Removing it, gives me now the vancouver style in 
the bibliography,

but where do I determine the citation style in the book text?

In DocumentsettingBibliography

I find only default (numerical), Natbib style Author-year and numerical.

I do not want numerical, but need actually the citation style also in 
vancouver. How do I achieve this?

I am not sure this is possible. The documentation for the Vancouver 
style says explicitly that it is a numerical style. You could try 
selecting Natbib and then selecting Author-year. It might work, but 
then it might not.


Re: Citation style

2013-08-16 Thread Richard Heck

On 08/15/2013 01:39 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Am Thursday, 15. August 2013, 17:10:22 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

> Am Thursday, 15. August 2013, 15:18:04 schrieb Richard Heck:

> > On 08/15/2013 06:47 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

> > > I get this error:

> > >

> > > ! Package natbib Error: Bibliography not compatible with author-year

> > > citations.

> > >

> > > Check the bibliography entries for non-compliant syntax,

> > >

> > > or select author-year BibTeX style, e.g. plainnat

> > >

> > > Where do I choose the proposed style?

> >

> > The style is chosen from a dialog you will get if you click on the

> > bibliography inset itself.


> Thanks, Richard.


> If I choose vancouver (which is shown in the dropdown dialog)


> I get:

> ##

> I'm skipping whatever remI'm skipping whatever remains of this command

> Illegal, another \bibstyle command---line 1699 of file

> PBR-20130815A.20.aux


> : \bibstyle

> :

> : {vancouver}


> I'm skipping whatever remains of this command

> I found no style file---while reading file PBR-20130815A.20.aux

> ains of this command

> Illegal, another \bibstyle command---line 1699 of file

> PBR-20130815A.20.aux


> : \bibstyle

> :

> : {vancouver}


> I'm skipping whatever remains of this command

> I found no style file---while reading file PBR-20130815A.20.aux

> ###


> and the references in the pdf output are shown as ???


> What have I done wrongly? Do I have to remove the .aux file first,

> because lyx might have taken an older aux file? And where would I find

> this aux-file?


> If I export the document as .tex and run latex on it 3 times and

> afterward bibtex, I get:




> This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (TeX Live 2012)

> The top-level auxiliary file: PBR-20130815A.20.aux

> I couldn't open style file srtnat.bst

> ---line 19 of file PBR-20130815A.20.aux


> : \bibstyle{srtnat

> :

> : }

I am sorry, I just noticed that I forgot to remove


from the preamble. Removing it, gives me now the vancouver style in 
the bibliography,

but where do I determine the citation style in the book text?

In Document>setting>Bibliography

I find only default (numerical), Natbib style Author-year and numerical.

I do not want numerical, but need actually the citation style also in 
vancouver. How do I achieve this?

I am not sure this is possible. The documentation for the Vancouver 
style says explicitly that it is a numerical style. You could try 
selecting "Natbib" and then selecting "Author-year". It might work, but 
then it might not.


Citation style

2013-08-15 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
I get this error:

! Package natbib Error: Bibliography not compatible with author-year 

Check the bibliography entries for non-compliant syntax,
or select author-year BibTeX style, e.g. plainnat

Where do I choose the proposed style?

In DocumentsettingBibliography 
I can't find it,
only default (numerical), Natbib style Author-year and numerical.

Do I have to do it via Latex-Preamble?

I use Linux Debian


Re: Citation style

2013-08-15 Thread Richard Heck

On 08/15/2013 06:47 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

I get this error:

! Package natbib Error: Bibliography not compatible with author-year 

Check the bibliography entries for non-compliant syntax,

or select author-year BibTeX style, e.g. plainnat

Where do I choose the proposed style?

The style is chosen from a dialog you will get if you click on the 
bibliography inset itself.


Re: Citation style

2013-08-15 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
Am Thursday, 15. August 2013, 15:18:04 schrieb Richard Heck:
 On 08/15/2013 06:47 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
  I get this error:
  ! Package natbib Error: Bibliography not compatible with author-year
  Check the bibliography entries for non-compliant syntax,
  or select author-year BibTeX style, e.g. plainnat
  Where do I choose the proposed style?
 The style is chosen from a dialog you will get if you click on the
 bibliography inset itself.

Thanks, Richard. 

If I choose vancouver (which is shown in the dropdown dialog) 

I get:
I'm skipping whatever remI'm skipping whatever remains of this command
Illegal, another \bibstyle command---line 1699 of file PBR-20130815A.20.aux
 : \bibstyle
 :  {vancouver}
I'm skipping whatever remains of this command
I found no style file---while reading file PBR-20130815A.20.aux
ains of this command
Illegal, another \bibstyle command---line 1699 of file PBR-20130815A.20.aux
 : \bibstyle
 :  {vancouver}
I'm skipping whatever remains of this command
I found no style file---while reading file PBR-20130815A.20.aux

and the references in the pdf output are shown as ???

What have I done wrongly? Do I have to remove the .aux file first, because 
lyx might have taken an older aux file? And where would I find this aux-file?

If I export the document as .tex and run latex on it 3 times and afterward 
bibtex, I get:

This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (TeX Live 2012)
The top-level auxiliary file: PBR-20130815A.20.aux
I couldn't open style file srtnat.bst
---line 19 of file PBR-20130815A.20.aux
 : \bibstyle{srtnat
 : }

this is strange, I tried srtnat before, but in the current run used 

continued error output:
I'm skipping whatever remains of this command
Illegal, another \bibstyle command---line 1699 of file PBR-20130815A.20.aux
 : \bibstyle
 :  {vancouver}
I'm skipping whatever remains of this command
I found no style file---while reading file PBR-20130815A.20.aux


Re: Citation style

2013-08-15 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
Am Thursday, 15. August 2013, 17:10:22 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
 Am Thursday, 15. August 2013, 15:18:04 schrieb Richard Heck:
  On 08/15/2013 06:47 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
   I get this error:
   ! Package natbib Error: Bibliography not compatible with author-year
   Check the bibliography entries for non-compliant syntax,
   or select author-year BibTeX style, e.g. plainnat
   Where do I choose the proposed style?
  The style is chosen from a dialog you will get if you click on the
  bibliography inset itself.
 Thanks, Richard.
 If I choose vancouver (which is shown in the dropdown dialog)
 I get:
 I'm skipping whatever remI'm skipping whatever remains of this command
 Illegal, another \bibstyle command---line 1699 of file
  : \bibstyle
  :  {vancouver}
 I'm skipping whatever remains of this command
 I found no style file---while reading file PBR-20130815A.20.aux
 ains of this command
 Illegal, another \bibstyle command---line 1699 of file
  : \bibstyle
  :  {vancouver}
 I'm skipping whatever remains of this command
 I found no style file---while reading file PBR-20130815A.20.aux
 and the references in the pdf output are shown as ???
 What have I done wrongly? Do I have to remove the .aux file first,
 because lyx might have taken an older aux file? And where would I find
 this aux-file?
 If I export the document as .tex and run latex on it 3 times and
 afterward bibtex, I get:
 This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (TeX Live 2012)
 The top-level auxiliary file: PBR-20130815A.20.aux
 I couldn't open style file srtnat.bst
 ---line 19 of file PBR-20130815A.20.aux
  : \bibstyle{srtnat
  : }
I am sorry, I just noticed that I forgot to remove 
from the preamble. Removing it, gives me now the vancouver style in the 

but where do I determine the citation style in the book text? 

In DocumentsettingBibliography 
I find only default (numerical), Natbib style Author-year and numerical.
I do not want numerical, but need actually the citation style also in 
vancouver. How do I achieve this?


 this is strange, I tried srtnat before, but in the current run used
 continued error output:
 I'm skipping whatever remains of this command
 Illegal, another \bibstyle command---line 1699 of file
  : \bibstyle
  :  {vancouver}
 I'm skipping whatever remains of this command
 I found no style file---while reading file PBR-20130815A.20.aux

Wolfgang Engelmann
Schlossgartenstrasse 22
D-72070 Tübingen
Tel 07071 68325

Citation style

2013-08-15 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
I get this error:

! Package natbib Error: Bibliography not compatible with author-year 

Check the bibliography entries for non-compliant syntax,
or select author-year BibTeX style, e.g. plainnat

Where do I choose the proposed style?

In DocumentsettingBibliography 
I can't find it,
only default (numerical), Natbib style Author-year and numerical.

Do I have to do it via Latex-Preamble?

I use Linux Debian


Re: Citation style

2013-08-15 Thread Richard Heck

On 08/15/2013 06:47 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

I get this error:

! Package natbib Error: Bibliography not compatible with author-year 

Check the bibliography entries for non-compliant syntax,

or select author-year BibTeX style, e.g. plainnat

Where do I choose the proposed style?

The style is chosen from a dialog you will get if you click on the 
bibliography inset itself.


Re: Citation style

2013-08-15 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
Am Thursday, 15. August 2013, 15:18:04 schrieb Richard Heck:
 On 08/15/2013 06:47 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
  I get this error:
  ! Package natbib Error: Bibliography not compatible with author-year
  Check the bibliography entries for non-compliant syntax,
  or select author-year BibTeX style, e.g. plainnat
  Where do I choose the proposed style?
 The style is chosen from a dialog you will get if you click on the
 bibliography inset itself.

Thanks, Richard. 

If I choose vancouver (which is shown in the dropdown dialog) 

I get:
I'm skipping whatever remI'm skipping whatever remains of this command
Illegal, another \bibstyle command---line 1699 of file PBR-20130815A.20.aux
 : \bibstyle
 :  {vancouver}
I'm skipping whatever remains of this command
I found no style file---while reading file PBR-20130815A.20.aux
ains of this command
Illegal, another \bibstyle command---line 1699 of file PBR-20130815A.20.aux
 : \bibstyle
 :  {vancouver}
I'm skipping whatever remains of this command
I found no style file---while reading file PBR-20130815A.20.aux

and the references in the pdf output are shown as ???

What have I done wrongly? Do I have to remove the .aux file first, because 
lyx might have taken an older aux file? And where would I find this aux-file?

If I export the document as .tex and run latex on it 3 times and afterward 
bibtex, I get:

This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (TeX Live 2012)
The top-level auxiliary file: PBR-20130815A.20.aux
I couldn't open style file srtnat.bst
---line 19 of file PBR-20130815A.20.aux
 : \bibstyle{srtnat
 : }

this is strange, I tried srtnat before, but in the current run used 

continued error output:
I'm skipping whatever remains of this command
Illegal, another \bibstyle command---line 1699 of file PBR-20130815A.20.aux
 : \bibstyle
 :  {vancouver}
I'm skipping whatever remains of this command
I found no style file---while reading file PBR-20130815A.20.aux


Re: Citation style

2013-08-15 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
Am Thursday, 15. August 2013, 17:10:22 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
 Am Thursday, 15. August 2013, 15:18:04 schrieb Richard Heck:
  On 08/15/2013 06:47 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
   I get this error:
   ! Package natbib Error: Bibliography not compatible with author-year
   Check the bibliography entries for non-compliant syntax,
   or select author-year BibTeX style, e.g. plainnat
   Where do I choose the proposed style?
  The style is chosen from a dialog you will get if you click on the
  bibliography inset itself.
 Thanks, Richard.
 If I choose vancouver (which is shown in the dropdown dialog)
 I get:
 I'm skipping whatever remI'm skipping whatever remains of this command
 Illegal, another \bibstyle command---line 1699 of file
  : \bibstyle
  :  {vancouver}
 I'm skipping whatever remains of this command
 I found no style file---while reading file PBR-20130815A.20.aux
 ains of this command
 Illegal, another \bibstyle command---line 1699 of file
  : \bibstyle
  :  {vancouver}
 I'm skipping whatever remains of this command
 I found no style file---while reading file PBR-20130815A.20.aux
 and the references in the pdf output are shown as ???
 What have I done wrongly? Do I have to remove the .aux file first,
 because lyx might have taken an older aux file? And where would I find
 this aux-file?
 If I export the document as .tex and run latex on it 3 times and
 afterward bibtex, I get:
 This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (TeX Live 2012)
 The top-level auxiliary file: PBR-20130815A.20.aux
 I couldn't open style file srtnat.bst
 ---line 19 of file PBR-20130815A.20.aux
  : \bibstyle{srtnat
  : }
I am sorry, I just noticed that I forgot to remove 
from the preamble. Removing it, gives me now the vancouver style in the 

but where do I determine the citation style in the book text? 

In DocumentsettingBibliography 
I find only default (numerical), Natbib style Author-year and numerical.
I do not want numerical, but need actually the citation style also in 
vancouver. How do I achieve this?


 this is strange, I tried srtnat before, but in the current run used
 continued error output:
 I'm skipping whatever remains of this command
 Illegal, another \bibstyle command---line 1699 of file
  : \bibstyle
  :  {vancouver}
 I'm skipping whatever remains of this command
 I found no style file---while reading file PBR-20130815A.20.aux

Wolfgang Engelmann
Schlossgartenstrasse 22
D-72070 Tübingen
Tel 07071 68325

Citation style

2013-08-15 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
I get this error:

! Package natbib Error: Bibliography not compatible with author-year 

Check the bibliography entries for non-compliant syntax,
or select author-year BibTeX style, e.g. plainnat

Where do I choose the proposed style?

In Document>setting>Bibliography 
I can't find it,
only default (numerical), Natbib style Author-year and numerical.

Do I have to do it via Latex-Preamble?

I use Linux Debian


Re: Citation style

2013-08-15 Thread Richard Heck

On 08/15/2013 06:47 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

I get this error:

! Package natbib Error: Bibliography not compatible with author-year 

Check the bibliography entries for non-compliant syntax,

or select author-year BibTeX style, e.g. plainnat

Where do I choose the proposed style?

The style is chosen from a dialog you will get if you click on the 
bibliography inset itself.


Re: Citation style

2013-08-15 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
Am Thursday, 15. August 2013, 15:18:04 schrieb Richard Heck:
> On 08/15/2013 06:47 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> > I get this error:
> > 
> > ! Package natbib Error: Bibliography not compatible with author-year
> > citations.
> > 
> > Check the bibliography entries for non-compliant syntax,
> > 
> > or select author-year BibTeX style, e.g. plainnat
> > 
> > Where do I choose the proposed style?
> The style is chosen from a dialog you will get if you click on the
> bibliography inset itself.

Thanks, Richard. 

If I choose vancouver (which is shown in the dropdown dialog) 

I get:
I'm skipping whatever remI'm skipping whatever remains of this command
Illegal, another \bibstyle command---line 1699 of file PBR-20130815A.20.aux
 : \bibstyle
 :  {vancouver}
I'm skipping whatever remains of this command
I found no style file---while reading file PBR-20130815A.20.aux
ains of this command
Illegal, another \bibstyle command---line 1699 of file PBR-20130815A.20.aux
 : \bibstyle
 :  {vancouver}
I'm skipping whatever remains of this command
I found no style file---while reading file PBR-20130815A.20.aux

and the references in the pdf output are shown as ???

What have I done wrongly? Do I have to remove the .aux file first, because 
lyx might have taken an older aux file? And where would I find this aux-file?

If I export the document as .tex and run latex on it 3 times and afterward 
bibtex, I get:

This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (TeX Live 2012)
The top-level auxiliary file: PBR-20130815A.20.aux
I couldn't open style file srtnat.bst
---line 19 of file PBR-20130815A.20.aux
 : \bibstyle{srtnat
 : }

this is strange, I tried srtnat before, but in the current run used 

continued error output:
I'm skipping whatever remains of this command
Illegal, another \bibstyle command---line 1699 of file PBR-20130815A.20.aux
 : \bibstyle
 :  {vancouver}
I'm skipping whatever remains of this command
I found no style file---while reading file PBR-20130815A.20.aux


Re: Citation style

2013-08-15 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
Am Thursday, 15. August 2013, 17:10:22 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
> Am Thursday, 15. August 2013, 15:18:04 schrieb Richard Heck:
> > On 08/15/2013 06:47 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> > > I get this error:
> > > 
> > > ! Package natbib Error: Bibliography not compatible with author-year
> > > citations.
> > > 
> > > Check the bibliography entries for non-compliant syntax,
> > > 
> > > or select author-year BibTeX style, e.g. plainnat
> > > 
> > > Where do I choose the proposed style?
> > 
> > The style is chosen from a dialog you will get if you click on the
> > bibliography inset itself.
> Thanks, Richard.
> If I choose vancouver (which is shown in the dropdown dialog)
> I get:
> ##
> I'm skipping whatever remI'm skipping whatever remains of this command
> Illegal, another \bibstyle command---line 1699 of file
> PBR-20130815A.20.aux
>  : \bibstyle
>  : 
>  :  {vancouver}
> I'm skipping whatever remains of this command
> I found no style file---while reading file PBR-20130815A.20.aux
> ains of this command
> Illegal, another \bibstyle command---line 1699 of file
> PBR-20130815A.20.aux
>  : \bibstyle
>  : 
>  :  {vancouver}
> I'm skipping whatever remains of this command
> I found no style file---while reading file PBR-20130815A.20.aux
> ###
> and the references in the pdf output are shown as ???
> What have I done wrongly? Do I have to remove the .aux file first,
> because lyx might have taken an older aux file? And where would I find
> this aux-file?
> If I export the document as .tex and run latex on it 3 times and
> afterward bibtex, I get:
> This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (TeX Live 2012)
> The top-level auxiliary file: PBR-20130815A.20.aux
> I couldn't open style file srtnat.bst
> ---line 19 of file PBR-20130815A.20.aux
>  : \bibstyle{srtnat
>  : 
>  : }
I am sorry, I just noticed that I forgot to remove 
from the preamble. Removing it, gives me now the vancouver style in the 

but where do I determine the citation style in the book text? 

In Document>setting>Bibliography 
I find only default (numerical), Natbib style Author-year and numerical.
I do not want numerical, but need actually the citation style also in 
vancouver. How do I achieve this?


> this is strange, I tried srtnat before, but in the current run used
> vancouver
> continued error output:
> I'm skipping whatever remains of this command
> Illegal, another \bibstyle command---line 1699 of file
> PBR-20130815A.20.aux
>  : \bibstyle
>  : 
>  :  {vancouver}
> I'm skipping whatever remains of this command
> I found no style file---while reading file PBR-20130815A.20.aux
> Wolfgang

Wolfgang Engelmann
Schlossgartenstrasse 22
D-72070 Tübingen
Tel 07071 68325

Re: Citation style 'Text after' separator

2012-04-15 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2012/4/13 Anne:
 I'm a bit of a lyx newb and I had the problem Sam Aaron had. So I pasted your
 TeX command (\def\@cite#1#2{[{#1\if at tempswa : #2\fi}]}) into the TeX box 
 the beginning of my lyx document. But I still get the comma instead of the 
 though and I don't quite know why.

The solution really depends what bibliography style (i.e., standard,
natbib, jurabib or biblatex) you are using. You should give us some
more information about that.

BTW the above (which probably only works for standard) is mangled by
the @-mapping of the mailing list. It really should read
\def\@cite#1#2{[{#1\if@tempswa : #2\fi}]}


 Many thanks!

Re: Citation style 'Text after' separator

2012-04-15 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2012/4/13 Anne:
 I'm a bit of a lyx newb and I had the problem Sam Aaron had. So I pasted your
 TeX command (\def\@cite#1#2{[{#1\if at tempswa : #2\fi}]}) into the TeX box 
 the beginning of my lyx document. But I still get the comma instead of the 
 though and I don't quite know why.

The solution really depends what bibliography style (i.e., standard,
natbib, jurabib or biblatex) you are using. You should give us some
more information about that.

BTW the above (which probably only works for standard) is mangled by
the @-mapping of the mailing list. It really should read
\def\@cite#1#2{[{#1\if@tempswa : #2\fi}]}


 Many thanks!

Re: Citation style 'Text after' separator

2012-04-15 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2012/4/13 Anne:
> I'm a bit of a lyx newb and I had the problem Sam Aaron had. So I pasted your
> TeX command (\def\@cite#1#2{[{#1\if  tempswa : #2\fi}]}) into the TeX box 
> at
> the beginning of my lyx document. But I still get the comma instead of the 
> colon
> though and I don't quite know why.

The solution really depends what bibliography style (i.e., standard,
natbib, jurabib or biblatex) you are using. You should give us some
more information about that.

BTW the above (which probably only works for standard) is mangled by
the @-mapping of the mailing list. It really should read
\def\@cite#1#2{[{#1\if@tempswa : #2\fi}]}


> Many thanks!
> Anne

Re: Citation style 'Text after' separator

2012-04-13 Thread Anne
Jürgen Spitzmüller juergen@... writes:

 Sam Aaron wrote:
  Any text entered here is then appended to the citation itself  
  separated with a comma. Is there any way to change the separator to be  
  a colon?
 \def\@cite#1#2{[{#1\if at tempswa : #2\fi}]}
Hi Jürgen,
I'm a bit of a lyx newb and I had the problem Sam Aaron had. So I pasted your
TeX command (\def\@cite#1#2{[{#1\if at tempswa : #2\fi}]}) into the TeX box at
the beginning of my lyx document. But I still get the comma instead of the colon
though and I don't quite know why.
Many thanks!

Re: Citation style 'Text after' separator

2012-04-13 Thread Anne
Jürgen Spitzmüller juergen@... writes:

 Sam Aaron wrote:
  Any text entered here is then appended to the citation itself  
  separated with a comma. Is there any way to change the separator to be  
  a colon?
 \def\@cite#1#2{[{#1\if at tempswa : #2\fi}]}
Hi Jürgen,
I'm a bit of a lyx newb and I had the problem Sam Aaron had. So I pasted your
TeX command (\def\@cite#1#2{[{#1\if at tempswa : #2\fi}]}) into the TeX box at
the beginning of my lyx document. But I still get the comma instead of the colon
though and I don't quite know why.
Many thanks!

Re: Citation style 'Text after' separator

2012-04-13 Thread Anne
Jürgen Spitzmüller  writes:

> Sam Aaron wrote:
> > Any text entered here is then appended to the citation itself  
> > separated with a comma. Is there any way to change the separator to be  
> > a colon?
> \def\@cite#1#2{[{#1\if  tempswa : #2\fi}]}
> Jürgen
Hi Jürgen,
I'm a bit of a lyx newb and I had the problem Sam Aaron had. So I pasted your
TeX command (\def\@cite#1#2{[{#1\if  tempswa : #2\fi}]}) into the TeX box at
the beginning of my lyx document. But I still get the comma instead of the colon
though and I don't quite know why.
Many thanks!

Citation Style (name year)

2011-10-12 Thread christopher sibona
I need to use a somewhat non-standard citation style in a document where it is
of the form (name year) i.e., NO comma between the name and year. The
bibliography setting citation style is Natbib with Author-year as the parameter.
The text in the document shows (name, year) currently.

Is there a way to add a new citation style format? The formatter currently has
several options including name year but without any parenthesis. 

Thanks, in advance.

Re: Citation Style (name year)

2011-10-12 Thread Richard Heck
On 10/12/2011 01:22 PM, christopher sibona wrote:
 I need to use a somewhat non-standard citation style in a document where it is
 of the form (name year) i.e., NO comma between the name and year. The
 bibliography setting citation style is Natbib with Author-year as the 
 The text in the document shows (name, year) currently.

 Is there a way to add a new citation style format? The formatter currently has
 several options including name year but without any parenthesis. 

Look at the natbib documentation. I'm pretty sure there is some option
you can use to control the separator here.


Re: Citation Style (name year)

2011-10-12 Thread christopher sibona
Richard Heck rgheck at writes:

 On 10/12/2011 01:22 PM, christopher sibona wrote:
  I need to use a somewhat non-standard citation style in a document where it
  of the form (name year) i.e., NO comma between the name and year. The
  bibliography setting citation style is Natbib with Author-year as the
  The text in the document shows (name, year) currently.
  Is there a way to add a new citation style format? The formatter currently
  several options including name year but without any parenthesis. 
 Look at the natbib documentation. I'm pretty sure there is some option
 you can use to control the separator here.

Thanks - that was the reference I needed. 
I added the following line to the preamble.

Citation Style (name year)

2011-10-12 Thread christopher sibona
I need to use a somewhat non-standard citation style in a document where it is
of the form (name year) i.e., NO comma between the name and year. The
bibliography setting citation style is Natbib with Author-year as the parameter.
The text in the document shows (name, year) currently.

Is there a way to add a new citation style format? The formatter currently has
several options including name year but without any parenthesis. 

Thanks, in advance.

Re: Citation Style (name year)

2011-10-12 Thread Richard Heck
On 10/12/2011 01:22 PM, christopher sibona wrote:
 I need to use a somewhat non-standard citation style in a document where it is
 of the form (name year) i.e., NO comma between the name and year. The
 bibliography setting citation style is Natbib with Author-year as the 
 The text in the document shows (name, year) currently.

 Is there a way to add a new citation style format? The formatter currently has
 several options including name year but without any parenthesis. 

Look at the natbib documentation. I'm pretty sure there is some option
you can use to control the separator here.


Re: Citation Style (name year)

2011-10-12 Thread christopher sibona
Richard Heck rgheck at writes:

 On 10/12/2011 01:22 PM, christopher sibona wrote:
  I need to use a somewhat non-standard citation style in a document where it
  of the form (name year) i.e., NO comma between the name and year. The
  bibliography setting citation style is Natbib with Author-year as the
  The text in the document shows (name, year) currently.
  Is there a way to add a new citation style format? The formatter currently
  several options including name year but without any parenthesis. 
 Look at the natbib documentation. I'm pretty sure there is some option
 you can use to control the separator here.

Thanks - that was the reference I needed. 
I added the following line to the preamble.

Citation Style (name year)

2011-10-12 Thread christopher sibona
I need to use a somewhat non-standard citation style in a document where it is
of the form ( ) i.e., NO comma between the name and year. The
bibliography setting citation style is Natbib with Author-year as the parameter.
The text in the document shows (, ) currently.

Is there a way to add a new citation style format? The formatter currently has
several options including   but without any parenthesis. 

Thanks, in advance.

Re: Citation Style (name year)

2011-10-12 Thread Richard Heck
On 10/12/2011 01:22 PM, christopher sibona wrote:
> I need to use a somewhat non-standard citation style in a document where it is
> of the form ( ) i.e., NO comma between the name and year. The
> bibliography setting citation style is Natbib with Author-year as the 
> parameter.
> The text in the document shows (, ) currently.
> Is there a way to add a new citation style format? The formatter currently has
> several options including   but without any parenthesis. 
Look at the natbib documentation. I'm pretty sure there is some option
you can use to control the separator here.


Re: Citation Style (name year)

2011-10-12 Thread christopher sibona
Richard Heck> writes:

> On 10/12/2011 01:22 PM, christopher sibona wrote:
> > I need to use a somewhat non-standard citation style in a document where it
> > of the form ( ) i.e., NO comma between the name and year. The
> > bibliography setting citation style is Natbib with Author-year as the
> > The text in the document shows (, ) currently.
> >
> > Is there a way to add a new citation style format? The formatter currently
> > several options including   but without any parenthesis. 
> >
> Look at the natbib documentation. I'm pretty sure there is some option
> you can use to control the separator here.
> Richard

Thanks - that was the reference I needed. 
I added the following line to the preamble.

Re: Author-Year-Page Citation Style

2011-08-15 Thread Julio Rojas
Maybe you would be able to send an small example with a bibliography
of just one reference.
Julio Rojas

On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 5:48 PM, Bruce Pourciau wrote:

 On Aug 14, 2011, at 5:51 PM, Julio Rojas wrote:

 You don't need \usepackage{natbib}  in the preamble, but select the
 natbib option in Document - Settings - Bibliography. There you can
 also select Author,Year. For square brackets add square to the
 options in Document - Settings - Document Class - Custom.

 I hope this helps. Regards.
 Julio Rojas

 Thanks for the advice. Adding square to the option does give me square
 brackets, so I'm getting a citation style like [12, 407], but I still cannot
 get the name-year style [Newton, 1999, 407], even though I have author-year
 selected in Document  Settings  Bibliography  Natbib  Author-year.

 On Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 11:02 PM, Richard Heck wrote:

 On 08/14/2011 03:32 PM, Bruce Pourciau wrote:

 I have a document in the Article (Elsevier) class, with Natbib
 Author-Year selected under Bibliography and \usepackage{natbib} in the
 preamble. I have a bibtex generated bibliography using the .bst style
 file of the journal which is in the folder with my document.

 The bibliography is coming out fine, but the citations in the text
 should be, say, [Newton, 1999, 407] and I'm getting a numerical style
 with no brackets: 12, 407.

 This is almost always due to a problem in the BibTeX file, e.g., a
 missing year somewhere, or possibly a Unicode character that is messing
 things up. Exporting to LaTeX and running everything manually from a
   latex myfile
   bibtex myfile
 should help. Error messages from the latter are what to look for.


Re: Author-Year-Page Citation Style

2011-08-15 Thread Julio Rojas
Maybe you would be able to send an small example with a bibliography
of just one reference.
Julio Rojas

On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 5:48 PM, Bruce Pourciau wrote:

 On Aug 14, 2011, at 5:51 PM, Julio Rojas wrote:

 You don't need \usepackage{natbib}  in the preamble, but select the
 natbib option in Document - Settings - Bibliography. There you can
 also select Author,Year. For square brackets add square to the
 options in Document - Settings - Document Class - Custom.

 I hope this helps. Regards.
 Julio Rojas

 Thanks for the advice. Adding square to the option does give me square
 brackets, so I'm getting a citation style like [12, 407], but I still cannot
 get the name-year style [Newton, 1999, 407], even though I have author-year
 selected in Document  Settings  Bibliography  Natbib  Author-year.

 On Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 11:02 PM, Richard Heck wrote:

 On 08/14/2011 03:32 PM, Bruce Pourciau wrote:

 I have a document in the Article (Elsevier) class, with Natbib
 Author-Year selected under Bibliography and \usepackage{natbib} in the
 preamble. I have a bibtex generated bibliography using the .bst style
 file of the journal which is in the folder with my document.

 The bibliography is coming out fine, but the citations in the text
 should be, say, [Newton, 1999, 407] and I'm getting a numerical style
 with no brackets: 12, 407.

 This is almost always due to a problem in the BibTeX file, e.g., a
 missing year somewhere, or possibly a Unicode character that is messing
 things up. Exporting to LaTeX and running everything manually from a
   latex myfile
   bibtex myfile
 should help. Error messages from the latter are what to look for.


Re: Author-Year-Page Citation Style

2011-08-15 Thread Julio Rojas
Maybe you would be able to send an small example with a bibliography
of just one reference.
Julio Rojas

On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 5:48 PM, Bruce Pourciau
<> wrote:
> On Aug 14, 2011, at 5:51 PM, Julio Rojas wrote:
>> You don't need \usepackage{natbib}  in the preamble, but select the
>> natbib option in Document -> Settings -> Bibliography. There you can
>> also select Author,Year. For square brackets add "square" to the
>> options in Document -> Settings -> Document Class -> Custom.
>> I hope this helps. Regards.
>> -
>> Julio Rojas
> Thanks for the advice. Adding "square" to the option does give me square
> brackets, so I'm getting a citation style like [12, 407], but I still cannot
> get the name-year style [Newton, 1999, 407], even though I have author-year
> selected in Document > Settings > Bibliography > Natbib > Author-year.
>> On Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 11:02 PM, Richard Heck <> wrote:
>>> On 08/14/2011 03:32 PM, Bruce Pourciau wrote:
>>>> I have a document in the Article (Elsevier) class, with Natbib
>>>> Author-Year selected under Bibliography and \usepackage{natbib} in the
>>>> preamble. I have a bibtex generated bibliography using the .bst style
>>>> file of the journal which is in the folder with my document.
>>>> The bibliography is coming out fine, but the citations in the text
>>>> should be, say, [Newton, 1999, 407] and I'm getting a numerical style
>>>> with no brackets: 12, 407.
>>> This is almost always due to a problem in the BibTeX file, e.g., a
>>> missing year somewhere, or possibly a Unicode character that is messing
>>> things up. Exporting to LaTeX and running everything manually from a
>>> terminal:
>>>   latex myfile
>>>   bibtex myfile
>>> should help. Error messages from the latter are what to look for.
>>> Richard

Author-Year-Page Citation Style

2011-08-14 Thread Bruce Pourciau
I have a document in the Article (Elsevier) class, with Natbib Author- 
Year selected under Bibliography and \usepackage{natbib} in the  
preamble. I have a bibtex generated bibliography using the .bst style  
file of the journal which is in the folder with my document.

The bibliography is coming out fine, but the citations in the text  
should be, say, [Newton, 1999, 407] and I'm getting a numerical style  
with no brackets: 12, 407.

LyX 1.6.5 on a Mac

Any suggestions would be welcome.


P.S. I can live with a numerical style if I have to -- the journal  
will convert the numerical style to author-year (at least they did the  
last time) -- but I still would need the brackets: [12, 407], not just  
12, 407.

Re: Author-Year-Page Citation Style

2011-08-14 Thread Patrick Dupre

On Sun, 14 Aug 2011, Bruce Pourciau wrote:

I have a document in the Article (Elsevier) class, with Natbib Author-Year 
selected under Bibliography and \usepackage{natbib} in the preamble. I have a 
bibtex generated bibliography using the .bst style file of the journal which 
is in the folder with my document.

The bibliography is coming out fine, but the citations in the text should be, 
say, [Newton, 1999, 407] and I'm getting a numerical style with no brackets: 
12, 407.

Did you try Natbib numerical style?

LyX 1.6.5 on a Mac

Any suggestions would be welcome.


P.S. I can live with a numerical style if I have to -- the journal will 
convert the numerical style to author-year (at least they did the last time) 
-- but I still would need the brackets: [12, 407], not just 12, 407.

 Patrick DUPRÉ  |   |
 Department of Chemistry|   |  Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York |   |  Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom  |   |  email:

Re: Author-Year-Page Citation Style

2011-08-14 Thread Richard Heck
On 08/14/2011 03:32 PM, Bruce Pourciau wrote:
 I have a document in the Article (Elsevier) class, with Natbib
 Author-Year selected under Bibliography and \usepackage{natbib} in the
 preamble. I have a bibtex generated bibliography using the .bst style
 file of the journal which is in the folder with my document.

 The bibliography is coming out fine, but the citations in the text
 should be, say, [Newton, 1999, 407] and I'm getting a numerical style
 with no brackets: 12, 407.

This is almost always due to a problem in the BibTeX file, e.g., a
missing year somewhere, or possibly a Unicode character that is messing
things up. Exporting to LaTeX and running everything manually from a
latex myfile
bibtex myfile
should help. Error messages from the latter are what to look for.


Re: Author-Year-Page Citation Style

2011-08-14 Thread Julio Rojas
You don't need \usepackage{natbib}  in the preamble, but select the
natbib option in Document - Settings - Bibliography. There you can
also select Author,Year. For square brackets add square to the
options in Document - Settings - Document Class - Custom.

I hope this helps. Regards.
Julio Rojas

On Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 11:02 PM, Richard Heck wrote:
 On 08/14/2011 03:32 PM, Bruce Pourciau wrote:
 I have a document in the Article (Elsevier) class, with Natbib
 Author-Year selected under Bibliography and \usepackage{natbib} in the
 preamble. I have a bibtex generated bibliography using the .bst style
 file of the journal which is in the folder with my document.

 The bibliography is coming out fine, but the citations in the text
 should be, say, [Newton, 1999, 407] and I'm getting a numerical style
 with no brackets: 12, 407.

 This is almost always due to a problem in the BibTeX file, e.g., a
 missing year somewhere, or possibly a Unicode character that is messing
 things up. Exporting to LaTeX and running everything manually from a
    latex myfile
    bibtex myfile
 should help. Error messages from the latter are what to look for.


Author-Year-Page Citation Style

2011-08-14 Thread Bruce Pourciau
I have a document in the Article (Elsevier) class, with Natbib Author- 
Year selected under Bibliography and \usepackage{natbib} in the  
preamble. I have a bibtex generated bibliography using the .bst style  
file of the journal which is in the folder with my document.

The bibliography is coming out fine, but the citations in the text  
should be, say, [Newton, 1999, 407] and I'm getting a numerical style  
with no brackets: 12, 407.

LyX 1.6.5 on a Mac

Any suggestions would be welcome.


P.S. I can live with a numerical style if I have to -- the journal  
will convert the numerical style to author-year (at least they did the  
last time) -- but I still would need the brackets: [12, 407], not just  
12, 407.

Re: Author-Year-Page Citation Style

2011-08-14 Thread Patrick Dupre

On Sun, 14 Aug 2011, Bruce Pourciau wrote:

I have a document in the Article (Elsevier) class, with Natbib Author-Year 
selected under Bibliography and \usepackage{natbib} in the preamble. I have a 
bibtex generated bibliography using the .bst style file of the journal which 
is in the folder with my document.

The bibliography is coming out fine, but the citations in the text should be, 
say, [Newton, 1999, 407] and I'm getting a numerical style with no brackets: 
12, 407.

Did you try Natbib numerical style?

LyX 1.6.5 on a Mac

Any suggestions would be welcome.


P.S. I can live with a numerical style if I have to -- the journal will 
convert the numerical style to author-year (at least they did the last time) 
-- but I still would need the brackets: [12, 407], not just 12, 407.

 Patrick DUPRÉ  |   |
 Department of Chemistry|   |  Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York |   |  Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom  |   |  email:

Re: Author-Year-Page Citation Style

2011-08-14 Thread Richard Heck
On 08/14/2011 03:32 PM, Bruce Pourciau wrote:
 I have a document in the Article (Elsevier) class, with Natbib
 Author-Year selected under Bibliography and \usepackage{natbib} in the
 preamble. I have a bibtex generated bibliography using the .bst style
 file of the journal which is in the folder with my document.

 The bibliography is coming out fine, but the citations in the text
 should be, say, [Newton, 1999, 407] and I'm getting a numerical style
 with no brackets: 12, 407.

This is almost always due to a problem in the BibTeX file, e.g., a
missing year somewhere, or possibly a Unicode character that is messing
things up. Exporting to LaTeX and running everything manually from a
latex myfile
bibtex myfile
should help. Error messages from the latter are what to look for.


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