Re: Adding footnote to table cell

2022-07-07 Thread Daniel

On 07/07/2022 20:54, Rich Shepard wrote:

On Thu, 7 Jul 2022, Daniel wrote:

Works for me (attached). If I misunderstood you, could you explain how?


When I look at the preamble for fn.lyx I see nothing; it's all blank which
makes comparison with my file difficult.




The strange thing is that I don't see any file attached in your original 
post. Hence, I did not know what you were after. But you did attach one, 
right? I am not sure what is going on. Maybe Thunderbird is bugging.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Adding footnote to table cell [RESOLVED]

2022-07-07 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 7 Jul 2022, Rich Shepard wrote:

Well, huh! That works. When I added it to the preamble I wondered if the
order of \usepackage{} was important, but had no idea whether it was. This
module is locaton-sensitive for some reason.

Paul, Herbert, et al.:

Changing the sequence of the \usepackage{} commands allowed the document to
compile without error. But ... while the pdflatex output showed footnote 7
in the table cell the footnote's contents were not printed at the bottom of
the page below footnote 6.

So, rather than continuing to beat on this issue I moved the footnote from
the cell to the subsbusection title end. Now it compiles without error and
the footnote content is printed.

Thanks all,

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Adding footnote to table cell [RESOLVED]

2022-07-07 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 7 Jul 2022, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

Try moving \usepackage{ftnxtra} to the very top of the preamble. I found
something about it conflicting with the array package, and loading ftnxtra
first apparently solved that.


Well, huh! That works. When I added it to the preamble I wondered if the
order of \usepackage{} was important, but had no idea whether it was. This
module is locaton-sensitive for some reason.

Next time I hit strange results after adding a package to a preamble I'll
try moving its position in the list before asking for help.

Thank you very much,

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Adding footnote to table cell

2022-07-07 Thread Paul A. Rubin

On 7/7/22 15:36, Rich Shepard wrote:

On Wed, 6 Jul 2022, Rich Shepard wrote:

When I add a footnote to a table cell the compiled page has the footnote
number in the cell, but the text is not at the bottom of the page.

Now the problem is an error in the ERT \today just under the title.

A MWE is attached.


Try moving \usepackage{ftnxtra} to the very top of the preamble. I found 
something about it conflicting with the array package, and loading 
ftnxtra first apparently solved that.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Adding footnote to table cell

2022-07-07 Thread Rich Shepard

On Wed, 6 Jul 2022, Rich Shepard wrote:

When I add a footnote to a table cell the compiled page has the footnote
number in the cell, but the text is not at the bottom of the page.

Now the problem is an error in the ERT \today just under the title.

A MWE is attached.

Rich#LyX 2.3 created this file. For more info see
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\begin_layout Subsubsection*
 Is the project located within designated/proposed bull trout or Pacific
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\begin_inset Text

\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_inset Text

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See section 
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LatexCommand ref
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\begin_inset Text

\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_inset Text

\begin_layout Plain Layout





\begin_layout Subsubsection*


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Adding footnote to table cell

2022-07-07 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 7 Jul 2022, Daniel wrote:

Works for me (attached). If I misunderstood you, could you explain how?


When I look at the preamble for fn.lyx I see nothing; it's all blank which
makes comparison with my file difficult.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Adding footnote to table cell

2022-07-07 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 7 Jul 2022, Herbert Voss wrote:

works only for tabulars _not_ inside an floating environment table


Interesting: it added the footnote but changed the format of the table from
horizontal to vertical (and removed two border lines). And, pdflatex
complained about the date on the first page, an ERT box with \today inside.

Two attached figures:
1. The table in LyX.
2. The table in the compiled .pdf

I do want to learn how to add a tabular cell footnote without borking the
PDF output.



lyx-users mailing list

Re: Adding footnote to table cell

2022-07-07 Thread Daniel

On 07/07/2022 10:42, Herbert Voss wrote:

Am 07.07.22 um 09:02 schrieb Daniel:

On 06/07/2022 20:42, Rich Shepard wrote:

When I add a footnote to a table cell the compiled page has the footnote
number in the cell, but the text is not at the bottom of the page.

Placing the footnote at the end of the subsection heading immediately 

the 2-cell table also doesn't work as intended.

Is there a work-around for either position of a footnote?

Works for me (attached). If I misunderstood you, could you explain how?

for section a.o. you should use the "shorttitle" option and place the
footnote only in the "longtitle". Otherwise you'll get _two_ footnotes
if you use a table of contents.


It is still unclear to me what the OP's problem was.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Adding footnote to table cell

2022-07-07 Thread Herbert Voss

Am 07.07.22 um 09:02 schrieb Daniel:

On 06/07/2022 20:42, Rich Shepard wrote:

When I add a footnote to a table cell the compiled page has the footnote
number in the cell, but the text is not at the bottom of the page.

Placing the footnote at the end of the subsection heading immediately 

the 2-cell table also doesn't work as intended.

Is there a work-around for either position of a footnote?

Works for me (attached). If I misunderstood you, could you explain how?

for section a.o. you should use the "shorttitle" option and place the
footnote only in the "longtitle". Otherwise you'll get _two_ footnotes
if you use a table of contents.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Adding footnote to table cell

2022-07-07 Thread Daniel

On 06/07/2022 20:42, Rich Shepard wrote:

When I add a footnote to a table cell the compiled page has the footnote
number in the cell, but the text is not at the bottom of the page.

Placing the footnote at the end of the subsection heading immediately above
the 2-cell table also doesn't work as intended.

Is there a work-around for either position of a footnote?



Hi Rich,

Works for me (attached). If I misunderstood you, could you explain how?


Description: application/lyx
lyx-users mailing list

Re: Adding footnote to table cell

2022-07-07 Thread Herbert Voss

Am 06.07.22 um 20:42 schrieb Rich Shepard:

When I add a footnote to a table cell the compiled page has the footnote
number in the cell, but the text is not at the bottom of the page.

Placing the footnote at the end of the subsection heading immediately 

the 2-cell table also doesn't work as intended.

Is there a work-around for either position of a footnote?


works only for tabulars _not_ inside an floating environment table

lyx-users mailing list

Adding footnote to table cell

2022-07-06 Thread Rich Shepard

When I add a footnote to a table cell the compiled page has the footnote
number in the cell, but the text is not at the bottom of the page.

Placing the footnote at the end of the subsection heading immediately above
the 2-cell table also doesn't work as intended.

Is there a work-around for either position of a footnote?


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Hebrew document, numbers inside marginal note and footnote change to small font size

2022-03-26 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller via lyx-users
Am Freitag, dem 25.03.2022 um 19:11 + schrieb tush via lyx-users:
> I noticed that changing the Language package to polyglossia removes
> the \beginL and \endL.
> Why is it?

Because the Bidi package (used by polyglossia) internally sets the
correct direction to Arabic numbers.

If language package is none, LyX cannot know you actually want

The \small output is a bug.

> How can I avoid the \beginL and \endL when using "None" as the
> Language package, and also remove the \small{} change for the font
> size?

Put the number in ERT (TeXMode).


small font size digits f.lyx
Description: application/lyx

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
lyx-users mailing list

Hebrew document, numbers inside marginal note and footnote change to small font size

2022-03-25 Thread tush via lyx-users
Consider the attached LyX file.
The document's language is Hebrew and the Language package is set to "None".
I inserted a marginal note and typed inside
א 1

For some reason, the latex code for the "1" is transformed into
{\small{} }{\beginL 1\endL}

Same happens with footnotes.

I noticed that changing the Language package to polyglossia removes the \beginL 
and \endL.

Why is it?

How can I avoid the \beginL and \endL when using "None" as the Language 
package, and also remove the \small{} change for the font size?

However, inside a caption, digits doesn't seem to change font size

I guess I need to amend the Inset Layout in the file for the 
marginal note and the footnote, but I don't know what needs to be changed.

small font size digits.lyx
Description: Binary data
lyx-users mailing list

Re: Wrong order of footnote numbers in tables with afterpage

2021-05-26 Thread _johnny7_ger


I have several multi-page tables in my document. With the package
afterpage it is convenient to force them to always begin on a new page
which works well. I also want to use footnotes in those tables - I am
aware that this is fragile - but this also works as expected. There is
one little flaw, however, the footnote numbering does not correspond
anymore to their actual order.

In LyX I have:
Footnote 1
(afterpage:) Table with Footnote 2
Footnote 3

In the output I have:
Footnote 1
Table with Footnote 3
Footnote 2

That is probably because Footnote 3 is in a paragraph that begins before
the table. Is there any way to correct this numbering, even if manually
for each case?

You'd have to manually reset the footnote numbers. You can do this with:


or whatever. You'll need to restore it to whatever's right also after
the last one.


Thanks, this works like a charm! I have to use this command three times.
lyx-users mailing list

Re: Wrong order of footnote numbers in tables with afterpage

2021-05-25 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck
On 5/25/21 6:46 AM, wrote:
> Hello,
> I have several multi-page tables in my document. With the package
> afterpage it is convenient to force them to always begin on a new page
> which works well. I also want to use footnotes in those tables - I am
> aware that this is fragile - but this also works as expected. There is
> one little flaw, however, the footnote numbering does not correspond
> anymore to their actual order.
> In LyX I have:
> Footnote 1
> (afterpage:) Table with Footnote 2
> Footnote 3
> In the output I have:
> Footnote 1
> Table with Footnote 3
> Footnote 2
> That is probably because Footnote 3 is in a paragraph that begins before
> the table. Is there any way to correct this numbering, even if manually
> for each case?

You'd have to manually reset the footnote numbers. You can do this with:


or whatever. You'll need to restore it to whatever's right also after
the last one.


lyx-users mailing list

Wrong order of footnote numbers in tables with afterpage

2021-05-25 Thread _johnny7_ger


I have several multi-page tables in my document. With the package
afterpage it is convenient to force them to always begin on a new page
which works well. I also want to use footnotes in those tables - I am
aware that this is fragile - but this also works as expected. There is
one little flaw, however, the footnote numbering does not correspond
anymore to their actual order.

In LyX I have:
Footnote 1
(afterpage:) Table with Footnote 2
Footnote 3

In the output I have:
Footnote 1
Table with Footnote 3
Footnote 2

That is probably because Footnote 3 is in a paragraph that begins before
the table. Is there any way to correct this numbering, even if manually
for each case?
lyx-users mailing list

Re: footnote

2021-03-04 Thread Paul A. Rubin

On 3/4/21 12:52 PM, Patrick Dupre wrote:


Could somebody tell me what is wrong in this file with a formula in a footnote?


  Patrick DUPRÉ | | email:
  Laboratoire interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne
  9 Avenue Alain Savary, BP 47870, 21078 DIJON Cedex FRANCE
  Tel: +33 (0)380395988

RevTexk apparently puts footnotes in the bibliography. If you are 
content to have them at the bottom of the pages in which they occur, 
just add "nofootinbib" (without the quotes) to the class options for the 


lyx-users mailing list


2021-03-04 Thread Patrick Dupre

Could somebody tell me what is wrong in this file with a formula in a footnote?


 Patrick DUPRÉ | | email:
 Laboratoire interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne
 9 Avenue Alain Savary, BP 47870, 21078 DIJON Cedex FRANCE
 Tel: +33 (0)380395988

Description: application/lyx
lyx-users mailing list

Re: Footnote rule appears where not wanted

2019-11-12 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck
On 11/11/19 4:06 PM, Richard Opheim wrote:
> I have a strange problem with footnote rules that appear when there is
> no footnote beneath them. This happens when there is a footnote in the
> left-hand column on a two-column page and a figure in the right-hand
> column. This causes a footnote rule to appear at the bottom of the
> following page, even if it's not a multicol page. (Please see attached
> example.) The unwanted rule disappears if the figure on the previous
> page is deleted.
> My question is does anyone know of a way I can have the footnote and
> the figure without the unwanted rule?

I'd ask this on the LaTeX stack exchange site. Or on comp.text.tex. It's
very much a LaTeX issue, and some guru will know the answer. (I do
believe I've heard of this problem actually.)


lyx-users mailing list

Footnote rule appears where not wanted

2019-11-11 Thread Richard Opheim
I have a strange problem with footnote rules that appear when there is no
footnote beneath them. This happens when there is a footnote in the
left-hand column on a two-column page and a figure in the right-hand
column. This causes a footnote rule to appear at the bottom of the
following page, even if it's not a multicol page. (Please see attached
example.) The unwanted rule disappears if the figure on the previous page
is deleted.
My question is does anyone know of a way I can have the footnote and the
figure without the unwanted rule?

Richard Opheim
PO box 2261
Arizona City, AZ 85123

Skype name: richard.opheim
Office: +1 (262) 724-0443
Mobile: +1 (206) 965-0564
Editing <>
J-E Translation
Self-publishing <>

Now available on Amazon: *The Taste of Kyoto: A Guide to Dining and
Sightseeing in the Old Capital
Richard Opheim

*Sine probationem non creditis*

Description: application/lyx
lyx-users mailing list

Re: note (or footnote) to the Bibliography

2019-01-21 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

On 21.01.19 15:48, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
I would like to add  a note (or footnote) to the Bibliography of a 
book (koma script), namely


/in blue: backreferences to page/

and here are the references ...

How to do that?


I just noted that the footnote occurs at the end of the Refernece list:

 in blue: backreferences to pages

I can live with it, but it would be nicer to have it at the begin of the 


note (or footnote) to the Bibliography

2019-01-21 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
I would like to add  a note (or footnote) to the Bibliography of a book 
(koma script), namely


/in blue: backreferences to page/

and here are the references ...

How to do that?


Re: Section header footnote

2018-10-16 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 16 Oct 2018, Ricardo Berlasso wrote:

Another option is to use "short titles:" put the footnote in the normal
title and then add a sort title (Insert → Short Title, or Alt-A, then 1).
The short title without the footnote will be carried to the TOC and the
header marks.


  Yep. Eberhard pointed out the obvious, too. I had completely forgotten
about this solution.



Re: Section header footnote

2018-10-16 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 16 Oct 2018, Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:

In LyX, on the section title Right Click and then Click Short Title. Put
the Section text without footnote.


  Well, d'uh! That just did not occur to me althought I've used short titles
for the ToC and page headers when the actual titles are too long. And,
having the short title the same as the two-word title should do the job.

  Thanks for the most obvious, simplest solution.

Best regards,


Re: Section header footnote

2018-10-16 Thread Ricardo Berlasso
El mar., 16 oct. 2018 a las 3:58, Rich Shepard ()

> On Mon, 15 Oct 2018, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
> >>   Is there a LaTeX/LyX-approved way to limiting the footnote to the body
> >> of the text? If not, I suppose that I can begin the sub-section by
> >> defining that term instead of having it as a footnote.
> >
> Riki,
>Thank you. I thought there would be a viable solution and it appears
> that
> the preamble addition provided in the last answer on that page should work.
> I'll give that a try.

Another option is to use "short titles:" put the footnote in the normal
title and then add a sort title (Insert → Short Title, or Alt-A, then 1).
The short title without the footnote will be carried to the TOC and the
header marks.


> Regards,
> Rich

Re: Section header footnote

2018-10-16 Thread Dr Eberhard Lisse

In LyX, on the section title Right Click and then Click Short Title. Put
the Section text without footnote.



On 16/10/2018 03:08, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Mon, 15 Oct 2018, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
>>>   Is there a LaTeX/LyX-approved way to limiting the footnote to the body
>>> of the text? If not, I suppose that I can begin the sub-section by
>>> defining that term instead of having it as a footnote.
> Riki,
>   Thank you. I thought there would be a viable solution and it appears that
> the preamble addition provided in the last answer on that page should work.
> I'll give that a try.
> Regards,
> Rich

Re: Section header footnote

2018-10-15 Thread Rich Shepard

On Mon, 15 Oct 2018, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

  Is there a LaTeX/LyX-approved way to limiting the footnote to the body
of the text? If not, I suppose that I can begin the sub-section by
defining that term instead of having it as a footnote.


  Thank you. I thought there would be a viable solution and it appears that
the preamble addition provided in the last answer on that page should work.
I'll give that a try.



Re: Section header footnote

2018-10-15 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck
On 10/15/18 6:28 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
>   A sub-section header includes a technical term not known by
> non-specialists in the subject. I added a footnote defining that term and
> the foot note appears in the ToC, not just on the page where that
> sub-section begins.
>   Is there a LaTeX/LyX-approved way to limiting the footnote to the
> body of
> the text? If not, I suppose that I can begin the sub-section by defining
> that term instead of having it as a footnote.


Section header footnote

2018-10-15 Thread Rich Shepard

  A sub-section header includes a technical term not known by
non-specialists in the subject. I added a footnote defining that term and
the foot note appears in the ToC, not just on the page where that
sub-section begins.

  Is there a LaTeX/LyX-approved way to limiting the footnote to the body of
the text? If not, I suppose that I can begin the sub-section by defining
that term instead of having it as a footnote.



Re: How to get rid of indentation in footnote

2018-04-03 Thread jezZiFeR
Dear Jürgen,

thanks, this also works. For me it is not that easy to have a good orientation 
in the manual, but thank you for the hint nonetheless. I hope to get this 
better one day…


On 3. Apr. 2018, 13:04 +0200, Jürgen Spitzmüller <>, wrote:
> > 2018-04-03 10:08 GMT+02:00 jezZiFeR <>:
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > > could somebody please help: how could I get rid of the indentation of 
> > > footnotes in the first line of the footer? I want every footnote to begin 
> > > at the margin without indentation. I use KOMA-script-report in LyX 2.3.0. 
> > > Please let me know if you need a screenshot.
> >
> > \deffootnote{1.5em}{1em}{%
> > \makebox[1.5em][l]{\thefootnotemark}%
> > }
> >
> > See KOMA-Script manual.
> >
> > Jürgen
> >
> >
> > >
> > > Thanks
> > > Jess
> > >

Re: How to get rid of indentation in footnote

2018-04-03 Thread jezZiFeR
Dear John,
thank you very much – this works fine!

On 3. Apr. 2018, 13:04 +0200, John Kane <>, wrote:
> Place
> \usepackage[hang,flushmargin]{footmisc}
> in the LaTeX preamble.
> > On 3 April 2018 at 04:08, jezZiFeR <> wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > > could somebody please help: how could I get rid of the indentation of 
> > > footnotes in the first line of the footer? I want every footnote to begin 
> > > at the margin without indentation. I use KOMA-script-report in LyX 2.3.0. 
> > > Please let me know if you need a screenshot.
> > >
> > > Thanks
> > > Jess
> > >
> --
> John Kane
> Kingston ON Canada

Re: How to get rid of indentation in footnote

2018-04-03 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2018-04-03 10:08 GMT+02:00 jezZiFeR <>:

> Hello,
> could somebody please help: how could I get rid of the indentation of
> footnotes in the first line of the footer? I want every footnote to begin
> at the margin without indentation. I use KOMA-script-report in LyX 2.3.0.
> Please let me know if you need a screenshot.




See KOMA-Script manual.


> Thanks
> Jess

How to get rid of indentation in footnote

2018-04-03 Thread jezZiFeR

could somebody please help: how could I get rid of the indentation of footnotes 
in the first line of the footer? I want every footnote to begin at the margin 
without indentation. I use KOMA-script-report in LyX 2.3.0. Please let me know 
if you need a screenshot.


Re: Footnote question

2017-02-25 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2017-02-18, Steve Burnham wrote:

> I've found a very sloppy solution to my footnote problem. I can delete the
> chapter heading and use ERT like this to separate the footnote marker and
> the footnote text:

> \chapter[INTRODUCTION]{INTRODUCTION\protect\footnotemark}\footnotetext{this
> is my footnote}

> I'd like to come up with a more elegant solution though. The problem with
> this ERT is that all of the subsections for each chapter are numbered wrong
> in LyX as they number according to the last Chapter that was declared
> without ERT. It all corrects itself at the time of compilation though. I've
> tried just sticking an ERT box next to the chapter title with:

>  \footnotemark\footnotetext{this is my footnote}

> but that causes the footnote to again not appear at the bottom of the page.
> When I export a .tex file it seems the problems is the placement of braces.

> \chapter[INTRODUCTION]{INTRODUCTION\protect\footnotemark\footnotetext{this
> is my footnote}}

> The \footnotetext command should be outside of the braces for the chapter
> title and \footnotemark command.

Then, use two ERT boxes: the footnotemark in the chapter and the
footnotetext in a standard paragraph below. (You can even use three ERT boxes:

* \footnotemark
* \footnotetext{

now the footnote's text as normal text

* }   


Re: Footnote question

2017-02-18 Thread Steve Burnham
On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 4:12 PM Steve Burnham <> wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 3:48 PM Steve Burnham <> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 16, 2017 at 2:38 PM Steve Burnham <> wrote:
> Dear Forum,
> I am putting together my dissertation and having a problem with footnote
> formatting. I have enclosed a minimal example with the necessary style and
> class douments. You'll notice when a PDF is generated the text of the first
> footnote, which is attached to the chapter heading, does not appear as
> expected. The second footnote is generated as expected.
> -Steve
> I've made some amount of progress on the question but still searching for
> a final solution. I realized the footnote was appearing on the table of
> contents page. Following guidance here:
> I added a short title. This removed the footnote from the table of
> contents but it still does not show up on the page that it's supposed to. I
> have included a dropbox link with a minimal working example. The users list
> seems to reject any files I attach.
> -Steve
I've found a very sloppy solution to my footnote problem. I can delete the
chapter heading and use ERT like this to separate the footnote marker and
the footnote text:

is my footnote}

I'd like to come up with a more elegant solution though. The problem with
this ERT is that all of the subsections for each chapter are numbered wrong
in LyX as they number according to the last Chapter that was declared
without ERT. It all corrects itself at the time of compilation though. I've
tried just sticking an ERT box next to the chapter title with:

 \footnotemark\footnotetext{this is my footnote}

but that causes the footnote to again not appear at the bottom of the page.
When I export a .tex file it seems the problems is the placement of braces.

is my footnote}}

The \footnotetext command should be outside of the braces for the chapter
title and \footnotemark command.

Re: Footnote question

2017-02-17 Thread Steve Burnham
On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 3:48 PM Steve Burnham <> wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 16, 2017 at 2:38 PM Steve Burnham <> wrote:
> Dear Forum,
> I am putting together my dissertation and having a problem with footnote
> formatting. I have enclosed a minimal example with the necessary style and
> class douments. You'll notice when a PDF is generated the text of the first
> footnote, which is attached to the chapter heading, does not appear as
> expected. The second footnote is generated as expected.
> -Steve
> I've made some amount of progress on the question but still searching for
> a final solution. I realized the footnote was appearing on the table of
> contents page. Following guidance here:
> I added a short title. This removed the footnote from the table of
> contents but it still does not show up on the page that it's supposed to. I
> have included a dropbox link with a minimal working example. The users list
> seems to reject any files I attach.
> -Steve

Re: footnote numbering in boxes

2016-11-22 Thread Michael Berger

On 11/19/2016 11:39 AM, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

Le 19/11/2016 à 10:25, Michael Berger a écrit :

Dear all,

I observe that numbering of footnotes in boxes is automatically changing
to 'lettering' - see screen shot. Is this intended behavior or could it
be specific to classicthesis? I am not sure to like it or not.

Hello Michael,

All I know is that it is not our doing.


Hi JMarc, edu Gpl, all,

I found all open questions on the subject answered in: > Help > Embedded 
Objects > Notes > Footnotes.

For user colleagues  concerned I am citing the most relevant declaratives:

 * the numbers (of footnotes) are consecutive; whether the footnotes
   are reset for every chapter depends on the document class (they are
   in classicthesis)
 * footnotes in tables are not printed by Latex due to technical
   reasons; but there is a method to print them: instead of the
   footnote the command \footnotemark{} is inserted as Tex code and the
   text of the footnote is entered as an argument of the Tex code
   command \footnotetext{put footnote text here}
 * footnotes in a minipage box are printed but inside the box and with
   a different numbering (in classicthesis the numbers are replaced by
   letters a, b, c) because a minipage box is like a page inside a
   page; to get a footnote that is output at the bottom of the page
   (like a normal footnote) use above method of \footnotemark{} and
   _outside_ the minipage \footnotetext{}
 * if in Box Settings the Inner Box is changed from 'Minibox' to
   'Parebox' the footnotes will be moved from inside the box to the
   bottom of the page and the numbering will be consecutive as normal


Re: footnote numbering in boxes

2016-11-20 Thread Michael Berger

On 11/20/2016 08:15 AM, edu Gpl wrote:

Please see this link:

Best regards

بتاريخ ١٩‏/١١‏/٢٠١٦ ١٢:٢٧ م، كتب "Michael Berger" >:

Dear all,

I observe that numbering of footnotes in boxes is automatically
changing to 'lettering' - see screen shot. Is this intended
behavior or could it be specific to classicthesis? I am not sure
to like it or not.

Any comment is appreciated.

I am using Lyx 2.2.2, texlive 2016, Miede's classicthesis 4.2

Thanks & cheers,


Thanks edu Gpl,
but I did not change/add any code of my footnotes. I prefer to have 
*all* footnotes numbered and put at the end of the page - never inside a 
These two footnotes were there already in the text and numbered and they 
were put at the end of the page. Then I selected that part of the text 
as a box, the footnotes moved from the end of the page inside the box 
and had their numbers replaced by letters.

So, I take it this is sort of an automatism.
Anyway, I can now use the code found in your link to reverse this 

Thanks and regards,

footnote numbering in boxes

2016-11-19 Thread Michael Berger

Dear all,

I observe that numbering of footnotes in boxes is automatically changing 
to 'lettering' - see screen shot. Is this intended behavior or could it 
be specific to classicthesis? I am not sure to like it or not.

Any comment is appreciated.

I am using Lyx 2.2.2, texlive 2016, Miede's classicthesis 4.2

Thanks & cheers,


Re: Chicago Manual reference in footnote with bibtex?

2016-09-12 Thread John Kane
Thank you Charles.

I was afraid that I would have to use biblatex.  I never seem to get it to
work properly but I'll try again.

On 12 September 2016 at 05:02, Charles de Miramon <> wrote:

> John Kane wrote:
> > Is there any relatively simple way to implement the Chicago Manual of
> > Style's full reference in a footnote style?
> You should use BibLaTeX with the Chicago style
> >
> > I saw a reference to \footcite in LaTex but a) it's not clear to me how
> to
> > use it even in LaTeX and there was a note in the LyX wiki implying that
> it
> > was not implemented in LyX.
> \footcite is a macro that creates a footnote and insert the citation.
> For LyX, just manually create the footnote and then insert your citation.
> C.

John Kane
Kingston ON Canada

Re: Chicago Manual reference in footnote with bibtex?

2016-09-12 Thread Charles de Miramon
John Kane wrote:

> Is there any relatively simple way to implement the Chicago Manual of
> Style's full reference in a footnote style?

You should use BibLaTeX with the Chicago style

> I saw a reference to \footcite in LaTex but a) it's not clear to me how to
> use it even in LaTeX and there was a note in the LyX wiki implying that it
> was not implemented in LyX.

\footcite is a macro that creates a footnote and insert the citation.

For LyX, just manually create the footnote and then insert your citation.


Chicago Manual reference in footnote with bibtex?

2016-09-11 Thread John Kane
Is there any relatively simple way to implement the Chicago Manual of
Style's full reference in a footnote style?

I saw a reference to \footcite in LaTex but a) it's not clear to me how to
use it even in LaTeX and there was a note in the LyX wiki implying that it
was not implemented in LyX.


John Kane
Kingston ON Canada

Re: Space between footnote-number and Footnote-text

2016-04-18 Thread jezZiFeR
Thanks, this would be a very easy way in fact to use one command for all of
the footnotes. But right now I just get the TeX-command printed – I add a
screenshot (I entered 3 mm, to make it really obvious for testing)

Does anybody know what might go wrong here?

2016-04-17 19:36 GMT+02:00 Shay Riggs <>:

> Try sticking this [1] into the preamble:
> \let\oldfootnote\footnote
> \renewcommand\footnote[1]{%
> \oldfootnote{\hspace{1mm}#1}}
> Change “1mm” to whatever distance you require.
> It looks to me (in my limited experience) that this code automates
> Michael’s answer above.
> [1] Found at:
> On 17 April 2016 at 09:23, jezZiFeR <> wrote:
>> Hello Michael,
>> thanks very much – this really seemed too simple, I just did not think of
>> that possibility…
>> Best
>> Jess
>> 2016-04-17 10:04 GMT+02:00 Michael Berger <>:
>>> You can user the normal formatting practice:
>>> Put the cursor in the ERT-box directly in front of the footnote text and
>>> then
>>> Insert > Formatting > Horizontal Space (choose e. g. 'interword space')
>>> Michael
>>> On 04/17/2016 09:21 AM, jezZiFeR wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I would like to have a space between footnote-number and Footnote-text.
>>>> In the moment I do not have it, I add a small screenshot. I use the recent
>>>> versions of LyX, BibDesk and Biblatex-citation styles (biblatex-dw). How
>>>> could I achive a space after the small footnote-number?
>>>> Thanks in advance, best
>>>> Jess

Re: Space between footnote-number and Footnote-text

2016-04-17 Thread Michael Berger
Right Shay, please note that this will not work in verbatim text e. g. 
in glosses.


On 04/17/2016 07:36 PM, Shay Riggs wrote:

Try sticking this [1] into the preamble:




Change “1mm” to whatever distance you require.

It looks to me (in my limited experience) that this code automates 
Michael’s answer above.

[1] Found at:

On 17 April 2016 at 09:23, jezZiFeR < 
<>> wrote:

Hello Michael,

thanks very much – this really seemed too simple, I just did not
think of that possibility…


2016-04-17 10:04 GMT+02:00 Michael Berger <

You can user the normal formatting practice:
Put the cursor in the ERT-box directly in front of the
footnote text and then
Insert > Formatting > Horizontal Space (choose e. g.
'interword space')


On 04/17/2016 09:21 AM, jezZiFeR wrote:


I would like to have a space between footnote-number and
Footnote-text. In the moment I do not have it, I add a
small screenshot. I use the recent versions of LyX,
BibDesk and Biblatex-citation styles (biblatex-dw). How
could I achive a space after the small footnote-number?

Thanks in advance, best

Re: Space between footnote-number and Footnote-text

2016-04-17 Thread Shay Riggs
Try sticking this [1] into the preamble:




Change “1mm” to whatever distance you require.

It looks to me (in my limited experience) that this code automates
Michael’s answer above.

[1] Found at:

On 17 April 2016 at 09:23, jezZiFeR <> wrote:

> Hello Michael,
> thanks very much – this really seemed too simple, I just did not think of
> that possibility…
> Best
> Jess
> 2016-04-17 10:04 GMT+02:00 Michael Berger <>:
>> You can user the normal formatting practice:
>> Put the cursor in the ERT-box directly in front of the footnote text and
>> then
>> Insert > Formatting > Horizontal Space (choose e. g. 'interword space')
>> Michael
>> On 04/17/2016 09:21 AM, jezZiFeR wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I would like to have a space between footnote-number and Footnote-text.
>>> In the moment I do not have it, I add a small screenshot. I use the recent
>>> versions of LyX, BibDesk and Biblatex-citation styles (biblatex-dw). How
>>> could I achive a space after the small footnote-number?
>>> Thanks in advance, best
>>> Jess

Re: Space between footnote-number and Footnote-text

2016-04-17 Thread jezZiFeR
Hello Michael,

thanks very much – this really seemed too simple, I just did not think of
that possibility…


2016-04-17 10:04 GMT+02:00 Michael Berger <>:

> You can user the normal formatting practice:
> Put the cursor in the ERT-box directly in front of the footnote text and
> then
> Insert > Formatting > Horizontal Space (choose e. g. 'interword space')
> Michael
> On 04/17/2016 09:21 AM, jezZiFeR wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I would like to have a space between footnote-number and Footnote-text.
>> In the moment I do not have it, I add a small screenshot. I use the recent
>> versions of LyX, BibDesk and Biblatex-citation styles (biblatex-dw). How
>> could I achive a space after the small footnote-number?
>> Thanks in advance, best
>> Jess

Re: Space between footnote-number and Footnote-text

2016-04-17 Thread Michael Berger

You can user the normal formatting practice:
Put the cursor in the ERT-box directly in front of the footnote text and 

Insert > Formatting > Horizontal Space (choose e. g. 'interword space')


On 04/17/2016 09:21 AM, jezZiFeR wrote:


I would like to have a space between footnote-number and 
Footnote-text. In the moment I do not have it, I add a small 
screenshot. I use the recent versions of LyX, BibDesk and 
Biblatex-citation styles (biblatex-dw). How could I achive a space 
after the small footnote-number?

Thanks in advance, best

Space between footnote-number and Footnote-text

2016-04-17 Thread jezZiFeR

I would like to have a space between footnote-number and Footnote-text. In
the moment I do not have it, I add a small screenshot. I use the recent
versions of LyX, BibDesk and Biblatex-citation styles (biblatex-dw). How
could I achive a space after the small footnote-number?

Thanks in advance, best

How to insert footnote in bibliography

2014-08-10 Thread William Seager
This is an obvious question but I can't seem to find the

I am using bibtex to organize my references. For one
entry in the list of references I want to add a footnote
(which should appear at bottom of page where the
reference appears).

I mean, the reference should look something like this:

Author (1999). blah, blah [footnote number here]

Is this possible?
William Seager
University of Toronto Scarborough

Re: How to insert footnote in bibliography

2014-08-10 Thread Rainer M Krug
William Seager writes:

 This is an obvious question but I can't seem to find the

 I am using bibtex to organize my references. For one
 entry in the list of references I want to add a footnote
 (which should appear at bottom of page where the
 reference appears).

 I mean, the reference should look something like this:

 Author (1999). blah, blah [footnote number here]

 Is this possible?

As the reference section is created in LaTeX and not in LyX, I ASSUME
that you have to use LaTeX directly in the reference - have you tried to
enter the footnote directly in the reference, i.e. \footnote{An example
footnote.} ?


Rainer M. Krug, PhD (Conservation Ecology, SUN), MSc (Conservation Biology, 
UCT), Dipl. Phys. (Germany)

Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology
Stellenbosch University
South Africa

Tel :   +33 - (0)9 53 10 27 44
Cell:   +33 - (0)6 85 62 59 98
Fax :   +33 - (0)9 58 10 27 44

Fax (D):+49 - (0)3 21 21 25 22 44


Skype:  RMkrug

PGP: 0x0F52F982

Description: PGP signature

Re: How to insert footnote in bibliography

2014-08-10 Thread William Seager
On Sunday, August 10, 2014 20:42 Rainer M Krug wrote:
 have you tried to
 enter the footnote directly in the reference, i.e. \footnote{An example

!! got it in one!  That works almost perfectly. The only problem is
that it continues the numbers from previous ch. but that is 
not hard to fix. thanks
William Seager
University of Toronto Scarborough

Re: How to insert footnote in bibliography

2014-08-10 Thread Benedict Holland
Yea, I was just going to say to do this. I have a quick word of warning
though. I think that biblatex and bibtex will take whatever .bib file you
have as valid latex code. I just remembered it because I personally think
this is a completely ridiculous thing to do but suffice to say, I know that
biblatex will treat your text as latex in your references. I am unsure
about bibtex but if you can use a reference manager to get a
\footnote{blah} printing from a reference, I suppose that it has a use
case. Fantastic solution though.


On Sun, Aug 10, 2014 at 3:37 PM, William Seager

 On Sunday, August 10, 2014 20:42 Rainer M Krug wrote:
  have you tried to
  enter the footnote directly in the reference, i.e. \footnote{An example

 !! got it in one!  That works almost perfectly. The only problem is
 that it continues the numbers from previous ch. but that is
 not hard to fix. thanks
 William Seager
 University of Toronto Scarborough

How to insert footnote in bibliography

2014-08-10 Thread William Seager
This is an obvious question but I can't seem to find the

I am using bibtex to organize my references. For one
entry in the list of references I want to add a footnote
(which should appear at bottom of page where the
reference appears).

I mean, the reference should look something like this:

Author (1999). blah, blah [footnote number here]

Is this possible?
William Seager
University of Toronto Scarborough

Re: How to insert footnote in bibliography

2014-08-10 Thread Rainer M Krug
William Seager writes:

 This is an obvious question but I can't seem to find the

 I am using bibtex to organize my references. For one
 entry in the list of references I want to add a footnote
 (which should appear at bottom of page where the
 reference appears).

 I mean, the reference should look something like this:

 Author (1999). blah, blah [footnote number here]

 Is this possible?

As the reference section is created in LaTeX and not in LyX, I ASSUME
that you have to use LaTeX directly in the reference - have you tried to
enter the footnote directly in the reference, i.e. \footnote{An example
footnote.} ?


Rainer M. Krug, PhD (Conservation Ecology, SUN), MSc (Conservation Biology, 
UCT), Dipl. Phys. (Germany)

Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology
Stellenbosch University
South Africa

Tel :   +33 - (0)9 53 10 27 44
Cell:   +33 - (0)6 85 62 59 98
Fax :   +33 - (0)9 58 10 27 44

Fax (D):+49 - (0)3 21 21 25 22 44


Skype:  RMkrug

PGP: 0x0F52F982

Description: PGP signature

Re: How to insert footnote in bibliography

2014-08-10 Thread William Seager
On Sunday, August 10, 2014 20:42 Rainer M Krug wrote:
 have you tried to
 enter the footnote directly in the reference, i.e. \footnote{An example

!! got it in one!  That works almost perfectly. The only problem is
that it continues the numbers from previous ch. but that is 
not hard to fix. thanks
William Seager
University of Toronto Scarborough

Re: How to insert footnote in bibliography

2014-08-10 Thread Benedict Holland
Yea, I was just going to say to do this. I have a quick word of warning
though. I think that biblatex and bibtex will take whatever .bib file you
have as valid latex code. I just remembered it because I personally think
this is a completely ridiculous thing to do but suffice to say, I know that
biblatex will treat your text as latex in your references. I am unsure
about bibtex but if you can use a reference manager to get a
\footnote{blah} printing from a reference, I suppose that it has a use
case. Fantastic solution though.


On Sun, Aug 10, 2014 at 3:37 PM, William Seager

 On Sunday, August 10, 2014 20:42 Rainer M Krug wrote:
  have you tried to
  enter the footnote directly in the reference, i.e. \footnote{An example

 !! got it in one!  That works almost perfectly. The only problem is
 that it continues the numbers from previous ch. but that is
 not hard to fix. thanks
 William Seager
 University of Toronto Scarborough

How to insert footnote in bibliography

2014-08-10 Thread William Seager
This is an obvious question but I can't seem to find the

I am using bibtex to organize my references. For one
entry in the list of references I want to add a footnote
(which should appear at bottom of page where the
reference appears).

I mean, the reference should look something like this:

Author (1999). blah, blah [footnote number here]

Is this possible?
William Seager
University of Toronto Scarborough

Re: How to insert footnote in bibliography

2014-08-10 Thread Rainer M Krug
William Seager <> writes:

> This is an obvious question but I can't seem to find the
> answer.
> I am using bibtex to organize my references. For one
> entry in the list of references I want to add a footnote
> (which should appear at bottom of page where the
> reference appears).
> I mean, the reference should look something like this:
> Author (1999). blah, blah [footnote number here]
> Is this possible?

As the reference section is created in LaTeX and not in LyX, I ASSUME
that you have to use LaTeX directly in the reference - have you tried to
enter the footnote directly in the reference, i.e. \footnote{An example
footnote.} ?


Rainer M. Krug, PhD (Conservation Ecology, SUN), MSc (Conservation Biology, 
UCT), Dipl. Phys. (Germany)

Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology
Stellenbosch University
South Africa

Tel :   +33 - (0)9 53 10 27 44
Cell:   +33 - (0)6 85 62 59 98
Fax :   +33 - (0)9 58 10 27 44

Fax (D):+49 - (0)3 21 21 25 22 44


Skype:  RMkrug

PGP: 0x0F52F982

Description: PGP signature

Re: How to insert footnote in bibliography

2014-08-10 Thread William Seager
On Sunday, August 10, 2014 20:42 Rainer M Krug wrote:
> have you tried to
> enter the footnote directly in the reference, i.e. \footnote{An example
> footnote.}

!! got it in one!  That works almost perfectly. The only problem is
that it continues the numbers from previous ch. but that is 
not hard to fix. thanks
William Seager
University of Toronto Scarborough

Re: How to insert footnote in bibliography

2014-08-10 Thread Benedict Holland
Yea, I was just going to say to do this. I have a quick word of warning
though. I think that biblatex and bibtex will take whatever .bib file you
have as valid latex code. I just remembered it because I personally think
this is a completely ridiculous thing to do but suffice to say, I know that
biblatex will treat your text as latex in your references. I am unsure
about bibtex but if you can use a reference manager to get a
\footnote{blah} printing from a reference, I suppose that it has a use
case. Fantastic solution though.


On Sun, Aug 10, 2014 at 3:37 PM, William Seager <>

> On Sunday, August 10, 2014 20:42 Rainer M Krug wrote:
> > have you tried to
> > enter the footnote directly in the reference, i.e. \footnote{An example
> > footnote.}
> !! got it in one!  That works almost perfectly. The only problem is
> that it continues the numbers from previous ch. but that is
> not hard to fix. thanks
> --
> William Seager
> University of Toronto Scarborough

Re: cite footnote

2014-07-26 Thread Richard Heck

On 07/25/2014 12:19 PM, Patrick Dupre wrote:


I tried to cite a footnote!
I label my footnote and then cited it but I got a wrong reference!
Is there another way to do the job ?

Please post an example file.


Re: cite footnote

2014-07-26 Thread Richard Heck

On 07/25/2014 12:19 PM, Patrick Dupre wrote:


I tried to cite a footnote!
I label my footnote and then cited it but I got a wrong reference!
Is there another way to do the job ?

Please post an example file.


Re: cite footnote

2014-07-26 Thread Richard Heck

On 07/25/2014 12:19 PM, Patrick Dupre wrote:


I tried to cite a footnote!
I label my footnote and then cited it but I got a wrong reference!
Is there another way to do the job ?

Please post an example file.


cite footnote

2014-07-25 Thread Patrick Dupre

I tried to cite a footnote!
I label my footnote and then cited it but I got a wrong reference!
Is there another way to do the job ?


 Patrick DUPRÉ | | email:
 Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie de l'Atmosphère | |
 Université du Littoral-Côte d'Opale   | |
 Tel.  (33)-(0)3 28 23 76 12   | | Fax: 03 28 65 82 44
 189A, avenue Maurice Schumann | | 59140 Dunkerque, France

cite footnote

2014-07-25 Thread Patrick Dupre

I tried to cite a footnote!
I label my footnote and then cited it but I got a wrong reference!
Is there another way to do the job ?


 Patrick DUPRÉ | | email:
 Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie de l'Atmosphère | |
 Université du Littoral-Côte d'Opale   | |
 Tel.  (33)-(0)3 28 23 76 12   | | Fax: 03 28 65 82 44
 189A, avenue Maurice Schumann | | 59140 Dunkerque, France

cite footnote

2014-07-25 Thread Patrick Dupre

I tried to cite a footnote!
I label my footnote and then cited it but I got a wrong reference!
Is there another way to do the job ?


 Patrick DUPRÉ | | email:
 Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie de l'Atmosphère | |
 Université du Littoral-Côte d'Opale   | |
 Tel.  (33)-(0)3 28 23 76 12   | | Fax: 03 28 65 82 44
 189A, avenue Maurice Schumann | | 59140 Dunkerque, France

Formatting of footnote does not work

2014-06-22 Thread jezZiFeR
Dear list,

I have a question regarding the formatting of footnotes. I use LyX on 
OSX with BibDesk 1.6.2. There is one footnote, which is shown unformatted, 
others are formatted and I can't find out, why. Does somebody have an idea? I 
add a minimal example here.

Thanks in advance

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Formatting of footnote does not work

2014-06-22 Thread jezZiFeR
Dear list,

I have a question regarding the formatting of footnotes. I use LyX on 
OSX with BibDesk 1.6.2. There is one footnote, which is shown unformatted, 
others are formatted and I can't find out, why. Does somebody have an idea? I 
add a minimal example here.

Thanks in advance

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Formatting of footnote does not work

2014-06-22 Thread jezZiFeR
Dear list,

I have a question regarding the formatting of footnotes. I use LyX on 
OSX with BibDesk 1.6.2. There is one footnote, which is shown unformatted, 
others are formatted and I can't find out, why. Does somebody have an idea? I 
add a minimal example here.

Thanks in advance

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Footnote in box with page-breaks

2014-05-26 Thread Frank Leone
Dear all,

I use LyX 2.1 to write my PhD-thesis. I have a multipage box in my
introduction, where I would like to add a footnote, but to no avail.

Specifically, while the footnote nr is added, the actual footnote is not
shown in the pdf. This behavior is specific for boxes where a page-break is
allowed and is not dependent on the actual page-break (i.e., also in small
boxes this problem occurs when page-break is enabled). In other boxes,
footnotes do work.

Do I do something wrong here, or is this a bug? And does anyone know how I
can solve it?

Thanks a lot in advance,



Footnote in box with page-breaks

2014-05-26 Thread Frank Leone
Dear all,

I use LyX 2.1 to write my PhD-thesis. I have a multipage box in my
introduction, where I would like to add a footnote, but to no avail.

Specifically, while the footnote nr is added, the actual footnote is not
shown in the pdf. This behavior is specific for boxes where a page-break is
allowed and is not dependent on the actual page-break (i.e., also in small
boxes this problem occurs when page-break is enabled). In other boxes,
footnotes do work.

Do I do something wrong here, or is this a bug? And does anyone know how I
can solve it?

Thanks a lot in advance,



Footnote in box with page-breaks

2014-05-26 Thread Frank Leone
Dear all,

I use LyX 2.1 to write my PhD-thesis. I have a multipage box in my
introduction, where I would like to add a footnote, but to no avail.

Specifically, while the footnote nr is added, the actual footnote is not
shown in the pdf. This behavior is specific for boxes where a page-break is
allowed and is not dependent on the actual page-break (i.e., also in small
boxes this problem occurs when page-break is enabled). In other boxes,
footnotes do work.

Do I do something wrong here, or is this a bug? And does anyone know how I
can solve it?

Thanks a lot in advance,



Re: footnote in table - too much vertical space in minipage

2014-03-18 Thread John Kane
I think you need to do much of it manually. Have a look at the 
attachement at 
for one example of how to do it. 

BTW I agree with Uwe that table captions should be on top not on the bottom 
unless you are following some strange journal style.

On Wednesday, March 12, 2014 6:46:25 PM, Uwe Stöhr wrote:
Am 10.03.2014 13:51, schrieb Neal Becker:

 I tried the advice for putting footnote inside table

 It works, but there's too much space from the bottom edge of the table to the
 footnote (and following caption).  Any suggestion?  Without the footnote, the
 caption is tight to the bottom of the table

See sec. 4.2 4Footnotes of the EmbeddedObjects manual that you find in LyX's 
Help menu.

By the way, note tat the common rule is to have table captions above the table 
while figure captions 
are below (look in any printed book or see the EmbeddedObjects manual that you 
find in LyX's Help menu).

regards Uwe

Re: footnote in table - too much vertical space in minipage

2014-03-18 Thread John Kane
I think you need to do much of it manually. Have a look at the 
attachement at 
for one example of how to do it. 

BTW I agree with Uwe that table captions should be on top not on the bottom 
unless you are following some strange journal style.

On Wednesday, March 12, 2014 6:46:25 PM, Uwe Stöhr wrote:
Am 10.03.2014 13:51, schrieb Neal Becker:

 I tried the advice for putting footnote inside table

 It works, but there's too much space from the bottom edge of the table to the
 footnote (and following caption).  Any suggestion?  Without the footnote, the
 caption is tight to the bottom of the table

See sec. 4.2 4Footnotes of the EmbeddedObjects manual that you find in LyX's 
Help menu.

By the way, note tat the common rule is to have table captions above the table 
while figure captions 
are below (look in any printed book or see the EmbeddedObjects manual that you 
find in LyX's Help menu).

regards Uwe

Re: footnote in table - too much vertical space in minipage

2014-03-18 Thread John Kane
I think you need to do much of it manually. Have a look at the 
attachement at 
for one example of how to do it. 

BTW I agree with Uwe that table captions should be on top not on the bottom 
unless you are following some strange journal style.

On Wednesday, March 12, 2014 6:46:25 PM, Uwe Stöhr <> wrote:
Am 10.03.2014 13:51, schrieb Neal Becker:

> I tried the advice for putting footnote inside table
> It works, but there's too much space from the bottom edge of the table to the
> footnote (and following caption).  Any suggestion?  Without the footnote, the
> caption is tight to the bottom of the table

See sec. 4.2 "4Footnotes" of the EmbeddedObjects manual that you find in LyX's 
Help menu.

By the way, note tat the common rule is to have table captions above the table 
while figure captions 
are below (look in any printed book or see the EmbeddedObjects manual that you 
find in LyX's Help menu).

regards Uwe

Re: footnote in table - too much vertical space in minipage

2014-03-12 Thread Uwe Stöhr

Am 10.03.2014 13:51, schrieb Neal Becker:

I tried the advice for putting footnote inside table

It works, but there's too much space from the bottom edge of the table to the
footnote (and following caption).  Any suggestion?  Without the footnote, the
caption is tight to the bottom of the table

See sec. 4.2 4Footnotes of the EmbeddedObjects manual that you find in LyX's 
Help menu.

By the way, note tat the common rule is to have table captions above the table while figure captions 
are below (look in any printed book or see the EmbeddedObjects manual that you find in LyX's Help menu).

regards Uwe

Re: footnote in table - too much vertical space in minipage

2014-03-12 Thread Uwe Stöhr

Am 10.03.2014 13:51, schrieb Neal Becker:

I tried the advice for putting footnote inside table

It works, but there's too much space from the bottom edge of the table to the
footnote (and following caption).  Any suggestion?  Without the footnote, the
caption is tight to the bottom of the table

See sec. 4.2 4Footnotes of the EmbeddedObjects manual that you find in LyX's 
Help menu.

By the way, note tat the common rule is to have table captions above the table while figure captions 
are below (look in any printed book or see the EmbeddedObjects manual that you find in LyX's Help menu).

regards Uwe

Re: footnote in table - too much vertical space in minipage

2014-03-12 Thread Uwe Stöhr

Am 10.03.2014 13:51, schrieb Neal Becker:

I tried the advice for putting footnote inside table

It works, but there's too much space from the bottom edge of the table to the
footnote (and following caption).  Any suggestion?  Without the footnote, the
caption is tight to the bottom of the table

See sec. 4.2 "4Footnotes" of the EmbeddedObjects manual that you find in LyX's 
Help menu.

By the way, note tat the common rule is to have table captions above the table while figure captions 
are below (look in any printed book or see the EmbeddedObjects manual that you find in LyX's Help menu).

regards Uwe

footnote in table - too much vertical space in minipage

2014-03-10 Thread Neal Becker
I tried the advice for putting footnote inside table

It works, but there's too much space from the bottom edge of the table to the
footnote (and following caption).  Any suggestion?  Without the footnote, the
caption is tight to the bottom of the table

Re: footnote in table - too much vertical space in minipage

2014-03-10 Thread Neal Becker
Neal Becker wrote:

 I tried the advice for putting footnote inside table
 It works, but there's too much space from the bottom edge of the table to the
 footnote (and following caption).  Any suggestion?  Without the footnote, the
 caption is tight to the bottom of the table

Also, the above reference says:
The packages threeparttable and ctable packages provide proper table notes...

But how do I use threeparttable with lyx?

footnote in table - too much vertical space in minipage

2014-03-10 Thread Neal Becker
I tried the advice for putting footnote inside table

It works, but there's too much space from the bottom edge of the table to the
footnote (and following caption).  Any suggestion?  Without the footnote, the
caption is tight to the bottom of the table

Re: footnote in table - too much vertical space in minipage

2014-03-10 Thread Neal Becker
Neal Becker wrote:

 I tried the advice for putting footnote inside table
 It works, but there's too much space from the bottom edge of the table to the
 footnote (and following caption).  Any suggestion?  Without the footnote, the
 caption is tight to the bottom of the table

Also, the above reference says:
The packages threeparttable and ctable packages provide proper table notes...

But how do I use threeparttable with lyx?

footnote in table - too much vertical space in minipage

2014-03-10 Thread Neal Becker
I tried the advice for putting footnote inside table

It works, but there's too much space from the bottom edge of the table to the
footnote (and following caption).  Any suggestion?  Without the footnote, the
caption is tight to the bottom of the table

Re: footnote in table - too much vertical space in minipage

2014-03-10 Thread Neal Becker
Neal Becker wrote:

> I tried the advice for putting footnote inside table
> It works, but there's too much space from the bottom edge of the table to the
> footnote (and following caption).  Any suggestion?  Without the footnote, the
> caption is tight to the bottom of the table

Also, the above reference says:
The packages threeparttable and ctable packages provide proper table notes...

But how do I use threeparttable with lyx?

Footnote: now you see it, now you don't

2013-10-23 Thread s . noble
Hello list members,

Please bear with me as I'm a newcomer to LyX.

Here's the issue: I have a footnote which has disappeared--or, in other words,
which is not showing up with the other footnotes at the bottom of the page--and
I have no idea how to get it back.

Here's the context: I'm using the Koma-script book class (LyX 2.0.6 on Mac OS X
10.7) and this is happening in the Bibliography. I have appendices, then the
Bibliography. The Bibliography has different sections. It begins with a
\setbibpreamble command, followed by a minisec section title which
introduces the first set of references. Later come a few \breakBibliograpy
commands, each followed by minisec section titles to introduce the other
sections of the bibliography. So far, so good. However, the first minisec
title, immediately following the \setbibpreamble command,  has a footnote
reference mark at the end, and should have a corresponding footnote at the
bottom of the page. The footnote mark gets printed in the PDF output, but the
footnote does not--it goes AWOL.

I've tried to add the \protect command (in ERT) before the problematic
footnote in the heading, but it makes no difference. I've also read through the
footmisc package documentation, and I've added \usepackage[stable]{footmisc}
to the preamble. The stable option is supposed to deal with footnote hassles
in headings, but here it makes no difference.

I just can't figure out what's going on. It seems to be related to the first
minisec title in the bibliography preamble. I've placed test footnotes at the
end of the 2nd  3rd minisec titles later in the Bibliography, and they get
printed as normal. It's the first that is going AWOL.

Thanks for any help anyone might be able to provide.


Re: Footnote: now you see it, now you don't

2013-10-23 Thread Richard Heck

On 10/23/2013 10:29 AM, wrote:

Hello list members,

Please bear with me as I'm a newcomer to LyX.

Here's the issue: I have a footnote which has disappeared--or, in other words,
which is not showing up with the other footnotes at the bottom of the page--and
I have no idea how to get it back.

Here's the context: I'm using the Koma-script book class (LyX 2.0.6 on Mac OS X
10.7) and this is happening in the Bibliography. I have appendices, then the
Bibliography. The Bibliography has different sections. It begins with a
\setbibpreamble command, followed by a minisec section title which
introduces the first set of references. Later come a few \breakBibliograpy
commands, each followed by minisec section titles to introduce the other
sections of the bibliography. So far, so good. However, the first minisec
title, immediately following the \setbibpreamble command,  has a footnote
reference mark at the end, and should have a corresponding footnote at the
bottom of the page. The footnote mark gets printed in the PDF output, but the
footnote does not--it goes AWOL.

I've tried to add the \protect command (in ERT) before the problematic
footnote in the heading, but it makes no difference. I've also read through the
footmisc package documentation, and I've added \usepackage[stable]{footmisc}
to the preamble. The stable option is supposed to deal with footnote hassles
in headings, but here it makes no difference.

I just can't figure out what's going on. It seems to be related to the first
minisec title in the bibliography preamble. I've placed test footnotes at the
end of the 2nd  3rd minisec titles later in the Bibliography, and they get
printed as normal. It's the first that is going AWOL.

So, just to be clear: This is really a LaTeX question. It's possible 
someone here will know the answer, since there are plenty of people here 
with LaTeX knowledge. But it's also possible (indeed, likely) that 
no-one here has ever tried this combination of things, and so that 
no-one here has any relevant information.

All of which is by way of saying you might try somewhere else if you 
don't get any help here: Stack Exchange, or the comp.text.tex usenet 
group (which is very active).

My guess would be that there's some incompatibility between the various 
things you are trying to use. But how to remedy it? No idea.


Footnote: now you see it, now you don't

2013-10-23 Thread s . noble
Hello list members,

Please bear with me as I'm a newcomer to LyX.

Here's the issue: I have a footnote which has disappeared--or, in other words,
which is not showing up with the other footnotes at the bottom of the page--and
I have no idea how to get it back.

Here's the context: I'm using the Koma-script book class (LyX 2.0.6 on Mac OS X
10.7) and this is happening in the Bibliography. I have appendices, then the
Bibliography. The Bibliography has different sections. It begins with a
\setbibpreamble command, followed by a minisec section title which
introduces the first set of references. Later come a few \breakBibliograpy
commands, each followed by minisec section titles to introduce the other
sections of the bibliography. So far, so good. However, the first minisec
title, immediately following the \setbibpreamble command,  has a footnote
reference mark at the end, and should have a corresponding footnote at the
bottom of the page. The footnote mark gets printed in the PDF output, but the
footnote does not--it goes AWOL.

I've tried to add the \protect command (in ERT) before the problematic
footnote in the heading, but it makes no difference. I've also read through the
footmisc package documentation, and I've added \usepackage[stable]{footmisc}
to the preamble. The stable option is supposed to deal with footnote hassles
in headings, but here it makes no difference.

I just can't figure out what's going on. It seems to be related to the first
minisec title in the bibliography preamble. I've placed test footnotes at the
end of the 2nd  3rd minisec titles later in the Bibliography, and they get
printed as normal. It's the first that is going AWOL.

Thanks for any help anyone might be able to provide.


Re: Footnote: now you see it, now you don't

2013-10-23 Thread Richard Heck

On 10/23/2013 10:29 AM, wrote:

Hello list members,

Please bear with me as I'm a newcomer to LyX.

Here's the issue: I have a footnote which has disappeared--or, in other words,
which is not showing up with the other footnotes at the bottom of the page--and
I have no idea how to get it back.

Here's the context: I'm using the Koma-script book class (LyX 2.0.6 on Mac OS X
10.7) and this is happening in the Bibliography. I have appendices, then the
Bibliography. The Bibliography has different sections. It begins with a
\setbibpreamble command, followed by a minisec section title which
introduces the first set of references. Later come a few \breakBibliograpy
commands, each followed by minisec section titles to introduce the other
sections of the bibliography. So far, so good. However, the first minisec
title, immediately following the \setbibpreamble command,  has a footnote
reference mark at the end, and should have a corresponding footnote at the
bottom of the page. The footnote mark gets printed in the PDF output, but the
footnote does not--it goes AWOL.

I've tried to add the \protect command (in ERT) before the problematic
footnote in the heading, but it makes no difference. I've also read through the
footmisc package documentation, and I've added \usepackage[stable]{footmisc}
to the preamble. The stable option is supposed to deal with footnote hassles
in headings, but here it makes no difference.

I just can't figure out what's going on. It seems to be related to the first
minisec title in the bibliography preamble. I've placed test footnotes at the
end of the 2nd  3rd minisec titles later in the Bibliography, and they get
printed as normal. It's the first that is going AWOL.

So, just to be clear: This is really a LaTeX question. It's possible 
someone here will know the answer, since there are plenty of people here 
with LaTeX knowledge. But it's also possible (indeed, likely) that 
no-one here has ever tried this combination of things, and so that 
no-one here has any relevant information.

All of which is by way of saying you might try somewhere else if you 
don't get any help here: Stack Exchange, or the comp.text.tex usenet 
group (which is very active).

My guess would be that there's some incompatibility between the various 
things you are trying to use. But how to remedy it? No idea.


Footnote: now you see it, now you don't

2013-10-23 Thread s . noble
Hello list members,

Please bear with me as I'm a newcomer to LyX.

Here's the issue: I have a footnote which has disappeared--or, in other words,
which is not showing up with the other footnotes at the bottom of the page--and
I have no idea how to get it back.

Here's the context: I'm using the Koma-script book class (LyX 2.0.6 on Mac OS X
10.7) and this is happening in the Bibliography. I have appendices, then the
Bibliography. The Bibliography has different sections. It begins with a
"\setbibpreamble" command, followed by a "minisec" section title which
introduces the first set of references. Later come a few "\breakBibliograpy"
commands, each followed by "minisec" section titles to introduce the other
sections of the bibliography. So far, so good. However, the first "minisec"
title, immediately following the "\setbibpreamble" command,  has a footnote
reference mark at the end, and should have a corresponding footnote at the
bottom of the page. The footnote mark gets printed in the PDF output, but the
footnote does not--it goes AWOL.

I've tried to add the "\protect" command (in ERT) before the problematic
footnote in the heading, but it makes no difference. I've also read through the
"footmisc" package documentation, and I've added "\usepackage[stable]{footmisc}"
to the preamble. The "stable" option is supposed to deal with footnote hassles
in headings, but here it makes no difference.

I just can't figure out what's going on. It seems to be related to the first
"minisec" title in the bibliography preamble. I've placed test footnotes at the
end of the 2nd & 3rd "minisec" titles later in the Bibliography, and they get
printed as normal. It's the first that is going AWOL.

Thanks for any help anyone might be able to provide.


Re: Footnote: now you see it, now you don't

2013-10-23 Thread Richard Heck

On 10/23/2013 10:29 AM, wrote:

Hello list members,

Please bear with me as I'm a newcomer to LyX.

Here's the issue: I have a footnote which has disappeared--or, in other words,
which is not showing up with the other footnotes at the bottom of the page--and
I have no idea how to get it back.

Here's the context: I'm using the Koma-script book class (LyX 2.0.6 on Mac OS X
10.7) and this is happening in the Bibliography. I have appendices, then the
Bibliography. The Bibliography has different sections. It begins with a
"\setbibpreamble" command, followed by a "minisec" section title which
introduces the first set of references. Later come a few "\breakBibliograpy"
commands, each followed by "minisec" section titles to introduce the other
sections of the bibliography. So far, so good. However, the first "minisec"
title, immediately following the "\setbibpreamble" command,  has a footnote
reference mark at the end, and should have a corresponding footnote at the
bottom of the page. The footnote mark gets printed in the PDF output, but the
footnote does not--it goes AWOL.

I've tried to add the "\protect" command (in ERT) before the problematic
footnote in the heading, but it makes no difference. I've also read through the
"footmisc" package documentation, and I've added "\usepackage[stable]{footmisc}"
to the preamble. The "stable" option is supposed to deal with footnote hassles
in headings, but here it makes no difference.

I just can't figure out what's going on. It seems to be related to the first
"minisec" title in the bibliography preamble. I've placed test footnotes at the
end of the 2nd & 3rd "minisec" titles later in the Bibliography, and they get
printed as normal. It's the first that is going AWOL.

So, just to be clear: This is really a LaTeX question. It's possible 
someone here will know the answer, since there are plenty of people here 
with LaTeX knowledge. But it's also possible (indeed, likely) that 
no-one here has ever tried this combination of things, and so that 
no-one here has any relevant information.

All of which is by way of saying you might try somewhere else if you 
don't get any help here: Stack Exchange, or the comp.text.tex usenet 
group (which is very active).

My guess would be that there's some incompatibility between the various 
things you are trying to use. But how to remedy it? No idea.


Resetting footnote numbering after every chapter...

2013-08-09 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
Could someone kindly tell me how to reset my footnote numbers (Memoire
class book) after every chapter? As of now, I'm getting continuous
chapter-numbering for the whole book.

Secondly, is there some way to use symbols for a book which has very many
footnotes? (The problem is that the footnote symbols repeats ... and is not
being accepted.) Kindly cc me in your reply. Many thanks! FN

FN +91-832-2409490 or +91-9822122436

Resetting footnote numbering after every chapter...

2013-08-09 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
Could someone kindly tell me how to reset my footnote numbers (Memoire
class book) after every chapter? As of now, I'm getting continuous
chapter-numbering for the whole book.

Secondly, is there some way to use symbols for a book which has very many
footnotes? (The problem is that the footnote symbols repeats ... and is not
being accepted.) Kindly cc me in your reply. Many thanks! FN

FN +91-832-2409490 or +91-9822122436

Resetting footnote numbering after every chapter...

2013-08-09 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
Could someone kindly tell me how to reset my footnote numbers (Memoire
class book) after every chapter? As of now, I'm getting continuous
chapter-numbering for the whole book.

Secondly, is there some way to use symbols for a book which has very many
footnotes? (The problem is that the footnote symbols repeats ... and is not
being accepted.) Kindly cc me in your reply. Many thanks! FN

FN +91-832-2409490 or +91-9822122436

Re: Footnote In Table Float [RESOLVED]

2013-02-28 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 28 Feb 2013, Rich Shepard wrote:

... The error message highlights the footnote and tells me there's an
undefined control sequence (which normally means I've used an incorrect
character somewhere),  }

  Yep. I did not properly define the boldface text in the ERT box. Sigh.


Re: Footnote In Table Float [RESOLVED]

2013-02-28 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 28 Feb 2013, Rich Shepard wrote:

... The error message highlights the footnote and tells me there's an
undefined control sequence (which normally means I've used an incorrect
character somewhere),  }

  Yep. I did not properly define the boldface text in the ERT box. Sigh.


Re: Footnote In Table Float [RESOLVED]

2013-02-28 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 28 Feb 2013, Rich Shepard wrote:

... The error message highlights the footnote and tells me there's an
undefined control sequence (which normally means I've used an incorrect
character somewhere), " }

  Yep. I did not properly define the boldface text in the ERT box. Sigh.


Re: href for footnote / endnote (Solved)

2012-11-16 Thread Andreas Paeffgen

On 2012-11-14 12:11:01 +, PhilipPirrip said:

On 11/13/2012 10:05 PM, Andreas Paeffgen wrote:

Any hint/ suggestion  would be appreciated.

Export LaTeX from LyX and compare with the file that works. It is 
probably something about the order in which the packages (commands) are 

Ok, the order of the packages is wrong. You can not use the modules 
endnotes, footnote to endnote, but you have to insert in the 
preamble the following commands.


Then everything works as expected.

Thanks to all for the great help

Re: href for footnote / endnote (Solved)

2012-11-16 Thread Andreas Paeffgen

On 2012-11-14 12:11:01 +, PhilipPirrip said:

On 11/13/2012 10:05 PM, Andreas Paeffgen wrote:

Any hint/ suggestion  would be appreciated.

Export LaTeX from LyX and compare with the file that works. It is 
probably something about the order in which the packages (commands) are 

Ok, the order of the packages is wrong. You can not use the modules 
endnotes, footnote to endnote, but you have to insert in the 
preamble the following commands.


Then everything works as expected.

Thanks to all for the great help

Re: href for footnote / endnote (Solved)

2012-11-16 Thread Andreas Paeffgen

On 2012-11-14 12:11:01 +, PhilipPirrip said:

On 11/13/2012 10:05 PM, Andreas Paeffgen wrote:

Any hint/ suggestion  would be appreciated.

Export LaTeX from LyX and compare with the file that works. It is 
probably something about the order in which the packages (commands) are 

Ok, the order of the packages is wrong. You can not use the modules 
"endnotes", "footnote to endnote", but you have to insert in the 
preamble the following commands.


Then everything works as expected.

Thanks to all for the great help

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