Re: [Marxism] Building for a Socialist Brexit

2018-07-12 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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I fully agree with John: the British national state as well as the EU 
proto-state formation are BOTH instruments for the imperialist ruling 
class (or different factions of the ruling class) in order to impose 
their interests on the working class. To side with one against the other 
is the same reactionary nonsense as siding in
imperialist countries between Globalization vs Protectionism (or, to 
give another analogy, between the Republicans vs the Democrats in the U.S.).

Engels quote is absolutely correct. It seems that, according to John, 
not only Marx and Engels but also Hilferding and Lenin (who repeated 
Engels statement quoted by John) didn't "understand" the nature of 
imperialist protectionism! Bold statement!

No, John, austerity against workers takes place inside the European 
Union AS WELL AS outside of it.

As this is a decade-long debate (most of the British left - from the 
Stalinists to most "Trotskyists" - adapts to British chauvinism and 
supports Brexit) there exists a vast literature on this issue.

Here are two pamphlets which deal in detail with the British left and 
their position on Brexit.

Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG
(Österreichische Sektion der RCIT,
Tel./SMS/WhatsApp/Telegram: +43-650-4068314

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Re: [Marxism] Building for a Socialist Brexit

2018-07-12 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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I fully agree with John!

The British national state as well as the EU proto-state formation are 
BOTH instruments for the imperialist ruling class (or different factions 
of the ruling class) in order to impose their interests on the working 
class. To side with one against the other is the same reactionary 
nonsense as siding in
imperialist countries between Globalization vs Protectionism (or, to 
give another analogy, between the Republicans vs the Democrats in the U.S.).

Engels quote is absolutely correct. It seems that, according to John, 
not only Marx and Engels but also Hilferding and Lenin (who repeated 
Engels statement quoted by John) didn't "understand" the nature of 
imperialist protectionism! Bold statement!

No, John, austerity against workers takes place inside the European 
Union AS WELL AS outside of it.

As this is a decade-long debate (most of the British left - from the 
Stalinists to most "Trotskyists" - adapts to British chauvinism and 
supports Brexit) there exists a vast literature on this issue.

Here are two pamphlets which deal in detail with the British left and 
their position on Brexit.

Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG
(Österreichische Sektion der RCIT,
Tel./SMS/WhatsApp/Telegram: +43-650-4068314

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Re: [Marxism] Antifa Activists Are Freaking Out About a Proposed 'Unmasking' Law - VICE

2018-07-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 7/11/18 10:19 PM, Saman Sepehri via Marxism wrote:

Louis, seriously... this is what you are focusing on? Rather than this is a 
right wing attack, comparing anti-fascists to the KKK?

Okay. let me spell things out. The black bloc is a counter-productive 
tactic no matter the intentions of those that carry it out. When you 
wear masks and go on window-breaking rampages, it allows the state to 
discredit the entire movement. It also leads to terrible victimization. 
A number of people who had nothing to do with the window-breaking idiocy 
on Inauguration Day were swept up by the cops and now face lengthy 
prison terms.

If a law is passed that prevents people wearing masks at protests, that 
will have zero impact on legitimate mass movement building. The Vietnam 
antiwar movement, the civil rights movement, the gay movement, the 
woman's liberation movement, the anti-nuclear movement all produced 
significant gains without having people wearing masks and breaking windows.

These ultraleft idiots have to get their act together if the law passes. 
It may lead to agent-provocateurs finding other ways to make money but 
the economy is expanding and they should do okay.

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[Marxism] Antifa Activists Are Freaking Out About a Proposed 'Unmasking' Law - VICE

2018-07-12 Thread Thomas Campbell via Marxism
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On 7/11/18 10:19 PM, Saman Sepehri via Marxism wrote:
> Louis, seriously... this is what you are focusing on? Rather than this is
a right wing attack, comparing anti-fascists to the KKK?
> S.

Louis: Okay. let me spell things out. The black bloc is a counter-productive

tactic no matter the intentions of those that carry it out. When you
wear masks and go on window-breaking rampages, it allows the state to
discredit the entire movement. It also leads to terrible victimization.
A number of people who had nothing to do with the window-breaking idiocy
on Inauguration Day were swept up by the cops and now face lengthy
prison terms.

Actually, all the charges against the Inauguration Day detainees have been
dropped by prosecutors. Of the 21 people who admitted their guilt, only one
person did four months in jail; the rest were not sentenced at all. No one
is facing a lengthy prison term.
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Re: [Marxism] Antifa Activists Are Freaking Out About a Proposed 'Unmasking' Law - VICE

2018-07-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 7/12/18 8:07 AM, Thomas Campbell via Marxism wrote:

Actually, all the charges against the Inauguration Day detainees have been
dropped by prosecutors. Of the 21 people who admitted their guilt, only one
person did four months in jail; the rest were not sentenced at all. No one
is facing a lengthy prison term.

This was a result of prosecution malfeasance involving the withholding 
of video evidence. It could have turned out worse.
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Re: [Marxism] Building for a Socialist Brexit

2018-07-12 Thread Tim Nelson via Marxism
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The frustrating thing about this debate is how polarised the left in
Britain has become. Of course the left is going to be split on this issue.
The working class is split on this issue. You know why? Because the
referendum gave them a choice between two different versions of capitalism.
Only a mad or bad capitalist government would call a referendum asking you
if you wanted a) Capitalism, or b) Socialism. If they call a referendum,
you can be damn sure neither result will bring about the collapse of the
capitalist world order.

I voted Remain, but I accept that there are many good reasons for a
socialist to oppose the E.U. The least intelligent argument is that the
E.U., as a capitalist neoliberal bloc, would somehow impede the development
of socialism in the U.K. That’s not exactly on the cards at this moment,
but even if it were, it’s essentially a socialism in one country
perspective, and really just a hangover from the 1970s, where democratic
socialists and Stalinists feared that inclusion in the EEC would stop them
from being able to nationalise things.

A more interesting anti-E.U. argument actually came from the third
worldists – that the E.U. was essentially an imperialist bloc, that
“freedom of movement” only applied to Europeans, and the E.U. was set up to
ensure that European countries could continue to exploit the third world
after the collapse of Empire. That’s entirely accurate.

However, none of the above arguments were driving Brexit. The Brexit
faction of the ruling class (the right wing of the Conservatives), were
motivated by Atlantacism. They saw the E.U. as a block to trade with the
United States. Their ideology is anti-regulation “free market” capitalism,
which appeals to what remains of small capitalists here (who resent having
to do things like pay minimum wage and not being able to victimise their
staff staff). The E.U serves the interests of big capital, not small
capital (generally speaking), and therefore small capitalists tend to
resent it, feeling trampled.

The alliance between a handful of Atlantacist big capitalists in the
Conservative Party, and what remains of the British petty bourgeoisie could
not, of course, have delivered the Leave vote. So naturally, they fell back
on nationalism. There are in Britain, just like in America and throughout
Europe, many, many working class people who have been dispossessed by
neoliberalism. They are people who used to constitute the “working class
aristocracy” – meaning they (or their parents or grandparents) had safe
jobs, a strong union, better than average pay, etc. That’s now gone. It had
been eroding for years, but the 2008 crash demonstrated that starkly.
They’re angry, they’re very angry, and they’re being told that the reason
for the collapse of their living standards is immigration, the E.U. (and
blacks, gays, women, Muslims).

The E.U. is essentially a liberal capitalist project. The post-1945 liberal
theory of international relations is one of multilateralism and
globalisation. They believe that the WTO, IMF NATO, the E.U., the G7, etc.
are essential to their vision of world order and stability. In their
version of history, it was the failure to create such international NGOs
that led to the two world wars. Therefore, the liberal bourgeoisie is in
full panic at Brexit, and Trump’s attacks on these institutions.

The so-called “right wing populists” who drove Brexit and drive Trumpism,
are basically nationalist free marketeers, who are working for the roll
back of the liberal agenda both internationally and internally, and use
cheap racism and general reactionary ideas to drive it.

Both the liberal capitalists and the reactionary right are of course
damaging to the working class. The difference is that the reactionary right
are aiming to roll back even the limited gains that have been achieved
under liberal democracy. Basic things such as abortion rights, gay rights,
trade union rights and intolerance of overt racism.

In my opinion, Brexit should be viewed in the light of this growing (and
powerful) international trend towards extreme reaction. Not everybody who
voted Brexit is a member of this movement, or would agree with every one of
its aims; but it was most definitely used as a vehicle by the reactionary
right to launch themselves into a stronger position in the British state.
The hard right of the Conservative Party used to be considered the lunatic
fringe – they’re very close to capturing the leadership of that party
(which is for all intents and purposes the ruling party of the British

The solution? The British left needs to stop arguing about how they
did/should have voted in the referendum. 

[Marxism] The forgotten history of revolutionary Raqqa, and its deep wounds | openDemocracy

2018-07-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Dreams of National Capital: Market Socialism, Past and Present | The Brooklyn Rail

2018-07-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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And our own, as it has turned out, over forty years of neoliberal 
ascendancy. “Neoliberalism” may be a widely contested concept, but as an 
ideology it would be hard to deny that the negative theology of the 
market, the belief in its unknowable yet uncanny capacity to process 
information, lies at its center.17 Today, when market socialists insist 
on a space for market competition they tacitly accept Hayek’s theology. 
That is, they take the market as an irrational whole, grounded in 
intersubjective exchange and opaque to reason, as the natural form of 
economic life, which we violate at our peril. It is but a short step 
from this concession to a confession like Vivek Chibber’s, that “it 
might even be the case that central planning is in tension with some 
dimensions of social justice.”18


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[Marxism] Fantasies of Secession: A Critique of Left Economic Nationalism | The Brooklyn Rail

2018-07-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Whether it is explicitly called for or not, “delinking” from the global 
economy to nationalize finance is a major premise of current proposals 
to resurrect social democracy in one country. To have any chance, the 
argument runs, this plan would require strict capital controls.8 These 
are needed to combat massive capital flight in the event that a serious 
social-democratic government accedes to power. Likewise, strong bulwarks 
against cross-border transactions would free national governments and 
their banking systems to direct credit into socially useful ends by 
sharply curtailing international flows of funds, literally “closing 
borders to money,” in Mason’s words.9

At the moment, left-wing intellectuals are generally favorable to the 
notion of splitting off from the world market to pursue national 
economic sovereignty. Besides Mason, Peter Gowan has recently made the 
case for reviving full capital controls as a key part in a comprehensive 
plan for democratic socialism.10 Vivek Chibber, with his full-throated 
defense of market socialism, would also presumably support them, insofar 
as socializing a country’s financial assets to return them to its 
citizens would require walling them off from the international investor 
class.11 This orientation is also clearly evident in some strange panel 
comments from perhaps the best known Marxist economist, Robert Brenner. 
Perversely, in speaking engagements following the 2016 U.S. Presidential 
elections, Brenner lamented the dim prospects for a genuinely 
anti-neoliberal “statism” from the Trump administration. Such “statism,” 
in Brenner’s view, is obviously the only way to counter “neoliberal 
global capitalism.” It only needs to have a “leftist” rather than a 
reactionary form.12


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Re: [Marxism] [pen-l] Dreams of National Capital: Market Socialism, Past and Present | The Brooklyn Rail

2018-07-12 Thread Michael Meeropol via Marxism
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Read them both -- the first one is particularly good -- and
thought-provoking -- the second one about "market socialism" is useful for
those seduced by those ideas --- luckily, Lange, etc. never was persuasive,
even when I was an undergraduate ---
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Re: [Marxism] Acknowledging the contradictions of socialism in ‘the other Germany’

2018-07-12 Thread David McDonald via Marxism
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And people wonder about how the red/brown convergence got its recent
resurgence going recently. I have never read anything so otherworldly about
the DDR.
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[Marxism] Trump's war on Black jocks

2018-07-12 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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[Marxism] Theresa May and the degeneration of British capitalism

2018-07-12 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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"The recent gyrations of the May government are descending into farce.

"Trotsky once wrote that the British imperialists “do their thinking in
terms of centuries and continents”. It seems hard to reconcile this
majestic image of Victorian statesmanship with the antics of their
descendants today. Centuries and continents? Nowadays the heirs to the
British empire flee in xenophobic panic from their very own continent, and
stagger on blindly from one day to the next. That’s the context of the
collapse of Theresa May’s so-called “Chequers deal”, which, as Jeremy
Corbyn says, “took two years to reach and just two days to unravel”.

*"Days of British Empire long gone*
In the days of the British Empire, their ancestors had become virtuosi at
playing off rival foes and fleeting allies in their maintenance of world
domination. Two world wars and the collapse of their empire forced their
descendants to accept a hobbled status as a subordinate patronised by US
imperialism, their horizons curtailed to a couple of years at most. Their
political runts of the present generation can see no further than their own
noses, improvising with no more than a makeshift box of tricks from one
stopgap stunt to the next."

Read entire article:
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[Marxism] Milford Graves: Full Mantis | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2018-07-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Documentary about Free Jazz drummer and renaissance man.
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Re: [Marxism] The forgotten history of revolutionary Raqqa, and its deep wounds | openDemocracy

2018-07-12 Thread A.R. G via Marxism
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Very powerful & moving to hear it from the people who were there. I wonder
if this guy has access to scholarships or something once he finishes his
preliminary studies.

Amith R. Gupta

On Thu, Jul 12, 2018 at 9:09 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <> wrote:

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[Marxism] [UCE] Ajamu Baraka on Ocasio-Cortez

2018-07-12 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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Ocasio-Cortez and the tendency she represents may end-up being the ultimate
short-term sheep dogs, especially for millennials, that critical
demographic most open to socialism. But if that becomes the case, it will
not be because of the power and skill of this tendency but the failure on
the part of those of us who are attempting to build an independent
alternative to win over those elements. Don’t tell me about DSA’s 40,000
members when the Green Party has close to 300,000 members.

Ideas have consequences, the cultural and ideological struggle is central.
The reactionary forces understand this simple fact. It is past the time for
leftists in the U.S. to come to terms with this area of struggle and learn
to execute it much better than we have up to now.
Best regards,

Andrew Stewart
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[Marxism] Injecting life into socialism: Post-1956 Hungarian art and Soviet flower power | Eric A. Gordon | People's World

2018-07-12 Thread Kevin Lindemann and Cathy Campo via Marxism
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[Marxism] How Conservatives Bet Big on Wisconsin and Won

2018-07-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, July 12, 2018
How Conservatives Bet Big on Wisconsin and Won
By Jennifer Szalai

The Fall of Wisconsin
The Conservative Conquest of a Progressive Bastion and the Future of 
American Politics

By Dan Kaufman
319 pages. W.W. Norton & Company. $26.95.

Hardcore conservatives adore infrastructure, and they’re phenomenally 
good at building it. This isn’t to say they’re necessarily committed to 
constructing roads and bridges and dams; it’s the infrastructure of 
their own movement — the one that has helped Republican politicians 
seize power in state legislatures over the past decade — that inspires 
their real dedication.

Their efforts have been chronicled in books like Jane Mayer’s “Dark 
Money” and Nancy MacLean’s “Democracy in Chains.” A conservative donor 
class, seeking to protect its agenda from the uncertainties of a 
democratic system, has erected a scaffolding of legislative groups and 
gerrymandered districts with the care and diligence of a structural 

For progressives, Wisconsin has been a demoralizing case in point. In 
“The Fall of Wisconsin: The Conservative Conquest of a Progressive 
Bastion and the Future of American Politics,” the Brooklyn-based 
journalist and Wisconsin native Dan Kaufman shows how the state became a 
conservative test case. As the head of the right-wing, Milwaukee-based 
Bradley Foundation told him, “Wisconsin is a laboratory for the rest of 
the country.”

The state, which Barack Obama carried over John McCain by 14 points in 
2008, was supposed to be part of Hillary Clinton’s “blue wall” in the 
2016 election. It instead went to Donald J. Trump, pushing him past the 
number of Electoral College votes he needed to win the presidency.

As Kaufman makes clear, though, the notion that Wisconsin in 2016 was 
some sort of Democratic stronghold showed just how complacent Clinton 
and the liberal establishment had become. Trump, sensing an opportunity, 
made an aggressive play for the state. Clinton, in stark contrast, sent 
surrogates instead of showing up herself. Kaufman describes her as not 
just out of touch but quite literally not there.

True, Wisconsin was long known for its progressive traditions; in the 
early 20th century, its state legislature established the nation’s first 
workers’ compensation program and a progressive state income tax, among 
other measures. The Scandinavian farmers who settled there in the 1800s 
had brought with them a communitarian mind-set born of necessity. The 
Swedish word folkhemmet, or “the people’s home,” became an affectionate 
nickname for the welfare state.

The Wisconsin Idea, as it became known, was a pragmatic philosophy, wary 
of revolution but also deeply suspicious of laissez-faire capitalism. In 
an 1873 commencement speech, the chief justice of the state Supreme 
Court warned of the “new and dark power” emerging in the Gilded Age: 
“Which shall rule — wealth or man; which shall lead — money or 
intellect; who shall fill public stations — educated and patriotic 
freemen, or the feudal serfs of corporate capital?”

Whenever you encounter soaring words like these in a book with the word 
“fall” in the title, brace yourself for a crash landing. Kaufman invites 
us to contrast a century of progressivism with what happened after 1976, 
when the United States Supreme Court outlawed limits on campaign spending.

This was also around the time that a 10-year-old Scott Walker moved with 
his family to Delavan, Wis., from Iowa. A decade later, as a mediocre 
student at Marquette University, Walker was candid about his grand 
political ambitions, telling one of his classmates, “God has told me I’m 
chosen to cut taxes and stop killing babies.”

Walker appears in Mayer’s “Dark Money” as a “college dropout with no 
exceptional charisma or charm” who coasted to victory in Wisconsin’s 
2010 gubernatorial election, after wealthy conservative backers 
identified him as a Tea Party politician with a simpatico ideology. As 
Kaufman details, Walker has given his donors a spectacular return on 
their investment, gutting collective bargaining rights for public-sector 
unions (exempting firefighters and police officers, who had supported 
his campaign) and slashing taxes by $8 billion.

Walker even paid lip service to his state’s past by calling one of his 
early pieces of legislation — the Wisconsin Budget Repair Bill, also 
know as Act 10 — “progressive.” But the tax cuts he enacted were so 
extreme that they inflated the state’s deficit to $2 billion. Kaufman 
describes 2011 and 2012 as a pivotal moment in Wisconsin’s political 
transformation, when widespread protests culminated in a recall election

Re: [Marxism] Antifa

2018-07-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 7/12/18 3:51 PM, Ron Jacobs via Marxism wrote:

The prosecution was dropped because the charges were trumped up.

Of course they were trumped up but if people in masks had not been 
running down the streets breaking bank windows, they never would have 
been brought up in the first place. These brats running around like they 
were in Fort Lauderdale on spring break should be taken out to the barn 
and spanked by their daddies.

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Re: [Marxism] Antifa

2018-07-12 Thread Michael Meeropol via Marxism
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This discussion of ANTIFA reminds me of what happened during the "Days of
Rage' in 1969.   During the course of one of the demonstrations (which
involved "trashing" of department store windows) a Chicago Asst. DA
(Richard Elrod) tried to tackle of weatherman demonstrator named Brian
Flanagan --- the DA broke his neck diving at Flanagan and FLanagan was
arrested with a MAJOR FELONY hanging over him ---

Luckily he was acquitted because Elrod had brought the injury on himself --
so "our side" escaped that danger.

Nevertheless, the Weatherman faction of SDS and later the Weather
Underground played a major role in the disintegration of the movement after
1970 ---

I don't want to minimize the role of agent provacateurs and FBI repression
(including the murder of Black Panthers) but the explosion in the Town
House in 1971 which killed three Weather-people actually short-circuited
what would have been a horrible act of terrorism (exploding nail bombs at
FOrt Dix)  and subsequent activities of the Weather underground did not
build any movement ---

The SDS that disintegrated after 1969 had tremendous potential ---

Even the ANC of South Africa confronted with massacres by the Apartheid
government utilized its violence aimed at PROPERTY not people ---

There are no "base areas" for guerrilla armies as in China or Vietnam ---
there is no Debray-style "foco" point from which to harrass the capitalist
state --- The method for beating the capitalists has yet to be discovered
--- but a handful of individuals ready to use violence and maybe die if not
suffer grievous injury and probable long prison sentences is probably not
going to get us very far 

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Re: [Marxism] Antifa

2018-07-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 7/12/18 4:25 PM, Michael Meeropol wrote:
This discussion of ANTIFA reminds me of what happened during the "Days 
of Rage' in 1969.

That makes sense since the black bloc was a conscious attempt to 
replicate the Days of Rage.
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2018-07-12 Thread David McDonald via Marxism
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Louis' full-throated attack on antifa is based entirely on tactical
considerations, principally because antifa break up events they have
nothing to do with creating and in so doing expose many to police fighting
they had no intention of engaging in.

J20 is a perfect example. Some 4-5 people pled long ago and the hundreds
who made up everybody else -- the trials were dropped this week -- was
obviously a bystander.

I think there is a larger problem: in adopting political violence as a
tactic, even a countertactic, antifa do in fact, really, mirror the
fascists or protofascists or wannabe fascists.

They mirror them as follows: 1) willingness to engage in violence against
the other on sight; 2) costumery. You could call it uniforms. 3) Like the
fascists, antifa consider political violence to be their actual program.
They don't explain themselves to the wider public, they don't have a
newspaper, they don't have conferences open to the interested public. 4)
They are indifferent to civilian casualties caused by their fights because
casualties are a part of war. 5) They never apologize for their violence.

It worth thinking about public, unapologetic political violence was from
the very beginning a central tactic of the Nazis and they considered it
vital to their recruitment. Their propaganda was always accompanied by
violence, leading to their term "power propaganda". They were always always
willing to be more violent than their opponents, principally the Communists
and Social Democrats.

This is not a road to go down.
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[Marxism] Sorry! Bad Title. Should have been: Re: Antifa Activists Are Freaking Out About a Proposed 'Unmasking' Law

2018-07-12 Thread David McDonald via Marxism
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[Marxism] Interview with Danish anti-imperialist

2018-07-12 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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Torkel Lauesen's book "The Global Perspective: reflections on imperialism
and resistance" looks interesting.  We've put up on Redline an interview
with him that first appeared in a German daily and was translated into
English by LeftWing Books.

*In 1991, you were sentenced to ten years in prison because of your
antiimperialist activities. Now, 25 years later, you have written a book
titled The Global Perspective: Reflections on Imperialism and Resistance.
Has nothing changed?*

Everything has changed in order to stay the same: The industrialization of
the Global South and the global chains of production have intensified
imperialism. Superprofits for capital have increased, while the prices for
consumer goods in the Global North have decreased. U.S. hegemony has
declined. We now live in a multipolar world with new powers emerging.
So-called real socialism no longer exists, and national liberation
movements have all but disappeared.

*At the end of the 1980s, antiimperialism pretty much vanished from the
left’s radar. Why?*

National liberation struggles in the Global South subsided and
neoliberalism ushered in a golden capitalist era. Furthermore, the talk
about globalization concealed the ongoing reality of imperialism. . . .

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