M-TH: Workers Power on the London Elections (1)

2000-05-04 Thread J.WALKER

*Workers Power* (March 2000) pp.2 & 14.

Who having called for a vote for Labour  in 1997 admit:
'Parliamentary and council politics are, at the best of times, a sham.
The GLA will have fewer powers than most parish councils. Which seems
to be contradicted by: 'Workers Power will make the GLA a focus of
struggle' 'Global capitalism means a return to "old Labour" is
impossible: capitalism can no longer afford the reforms it once
delivered'. We need a working class party 'that fights election in the
knowledge that the real power does not lie in parliament or the town

JW - they also have a whole page feature on the lesson for the LSA
from Lenin and the Duma. This article makes no sense as the situation
in Russia was so different to that in present day Britain. As the
article argues the Bolshevics used their election as a platform on
which to avoid arrest and to prevent comrades being imprisoned or
exiled. Russia had not even managed to attain a stable parliamentary
system and therefore the tactics are not comparable to a local
election for an assembly which few would argue is under threat of
constantly being disolved.

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M-TH: Socialist Outlook on the London Election

2000-05-04 Thread J.WALKER

*Socialist Outlook*  May, p.3

'A Livingstone victory will be a key defeat for Blairism'
'Combined by a serious vote for the London Socialist Allaince'
'LSA supporter should be pleased so long as it establishes itself as
the clear fifth force in this election' [the fifth! - jw] 'Support for
Livingstone - a difficult task given his failure to take a lead, or
even produce basic campaign material' His 'disgraceful statement that
he intends to appoint a repesentative from each of the four (sic) main
parties as his Deputy' 'He must be forced to withdraw' his clear
statement to choose Tories and Liberal Democrats as partners [so
partnership Labour (Blairites) is OK! - jw] 'He has made noises that
he may not mount a full frontal challenge to the government' on the
key-issue of tube privatisation. They call on him to build a huge mass
movement campaign for a massive demonstration in the autumn.

JW - So Livingstone is against Blairism (but not Labourism!); he is
unlikely to lead, organise or possible even support any mass campaign
for improving the condition of the working class in London; he is more
interested in an alliance with Tories and Liberals than to even
acknowlege the demands of his own socialist supporters and would like
to rejoin the always-has-been-always-will-be Labour Party. And yet
they are going to call on the people of London to vote for him. So
when he does betray the fact that his 'Red Ken' credential are merely
a façade and the people in London begin to suffer under his
administration the those people will turn to the Left and say 'well
you told us to vote for him!' This could possibilly, if linked to
other developments in London, lead them into the hands of the fascists
and the anarchist who have maintained a consistent opposition.

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M-TH: Workers Power on the London Elections (2)

2000-05-04 Thread J.WALKER

*Workers Power*, May, p.15

Quoting Livingstone's biographer Carvel, that in the great battles of
the GLC he did 'not mobilise the people who were most effected by the
Lord's judgement [on cheap travel fares]: the poor, the unemployed and
the housebound.' 'He refused to call for industrial action of
transport workers even though the unions and workers were keen.' They
tell of his betrayal of the Miners and of other councils trying to
withstand Tory cuts.

'Without an actual break by the Labour-affiliated unions the existing
reformist party, a new mini-reformist party would be a joke' '100
years of Labour history show that a reformist, parliamentary party
never defends workers and always subordinates the workers' interest to
electorial victory' And then quite incredibly they say, 'As far a
affiliation to Labour is concerned, we don't say  "disaffiliate now".
That would concede ground to Blair without a battle. Unions should
maintain their affiliation, in order to fight inside Labour against
the Blair leadership.' [! - jw]

Assistant Editor
information Rylands
IRS division

tel: 275 3741
fax: 275 7207

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M-TH: Morning Star on London Elections

2000-05-04 Thread J.WALKER

They are not supporting the LSA but their position though more bizaar 
is still similar in struggling to react to the situation.

*Morning Star* 29.3.2000.

- the CPB opposes mayors
- wanted Livingstone to stay in the Labour Party
- the CPB supports a vote for Ken Livingstone as Mayor
'Socialist and Trad Unionists in the Labour Party should not
fragment the left in the Party.' A vote for Ken would 'deal a bloody
nose to Blair' [big deal! - jw] 'A vote for the Communist and
progressive list will be a vote for the working class and democratic
policies against big business' 'A vote for Labour in the
constituencies will be a vote for the mass electorial party of the
organised Labour movement, which must be won back to progressive
policies' ['won back' - it never was progressive! - JW]

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M-TH: London Election - Left in a mess

2000-05-04 Thread J.WALKER

Dear comrades,

I have been quietly reading the Left press in relation to the London 
Election and Ken Livingstone London's Mayoral candidate which is 
happening today.

A large section of the Trotskyist Left and the Marxist Leninist CPGB 
are backing Ken Livingstone  and have gathered themselves together 
into the London Socialist Alliance and will stand for the Greater 
London Authority (where if they are lucky they may win just one 

As someone who leans more towards the position of William Morris and 
the Socialist League of the 1880s (I haven't yet found a 
parliamentary or council election where I would actually vote - 
though I'm not actually opposed in principle) I find their positions 
untenable. They call for a break from Blair but this leave completely 
the nature of the Labour Party itself and how far they rely on Old 
Labour and the Labour Left. In my opinion Blair does is not a 
aberration in the Labour party but constant with its very founding 
ethos of Keir Hardy, Sidney and Beatrice Webb, Snowden, 
MacDonald, etc... He just says openly what the Labour party has 
always done in practice.

For a flavour of the debate I have trawled through a small sample 
and quote them in the following emails [with my own comments in 
square brackets or as JW - ]. I'm I the only one who cannot make any 
sense of what on earth they think their up to and their inability to 
come to a coherent position.

John Walker

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Re: M-TH: Socialist Outlook on the London Election

2000-05-04 Thread Michael Pugliese

  I just read, all four of your posts on Red Ken and the Mayoralty race.
  If the "Bolsheviks" in the UK, want to pretend that their strategic
entrism into the Labour Party, to deliver a blow to Blairite "Third Way"
Neo-Liberalism, is a Leninist policy, I say let their more naive rank and
filers believe that. I think anyone with any experiernce, on the Brit Left,
is hoping and working to makesure, Ken, wins, this platform. The powers he
will have, will be constrained, in any case, so those "betrayals" that
abstentionist ultra-leftists, like Walker worries about, will stand a better
chance of being resisted the stronger the vote and the extra-parliamentary
movement, inside and outside, the Labour Party.
  If Walker, has sometype of insurrectionary strategy or dredging up the
"Vanguard Party", well then, I guess he inhabits some other zone of reality.
(Unless he is an anarchist or council communist, that I can respect more!)

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2000 8:20 AM
Subject: M-TH: Socialist Outlook on the London Election

> *Socialist Outlook*  May, p.3
> 'A Livingstone victory will be a key defeat for Blairism'
> 'Combined by a serious vote for the London Socialist Allaince'
> 'LSA supporter should be pleased so long as it establishes itself as
> the clear fifth force in this election' [the fifth! - jw] 'Support for
> Livingstone - a difficult task given his failure to take a lead, or
> even produce basic campaign material' His 'disgraceful statement that
> he intends to appoint a repesentative from each of the four (sic) main
> parties as his Deputy' 'He must be forced to withdraw' his clear
> statement to choose Tories and Liberal Democrats as partners [so
> partnership Labour (Blairites) is OK! - jw] 'He has made noises that
> he may not mount a full frontal challenge to the government' on the
> key-issue of tube privatisation. They call on him to build a huge mass
> movement campaign for a massive demonstration in the autumn.
> JW - So Livingstone is against Blairism (but not Labourism!); he is
> unlikely to lead, organise or possible even support any mass campaign
> for improving the condition of the working class in London; he is more
> interested in an alliance with Tories and Liberals than to even
> acknowlege the demands of his own socialist supporters and would like
> to rejoin the always-has-been-always-will-be Labour Party. And yet
> they are going to call on the people of London to vote for him. So
> when he does betray the fact that his 'Red Ken' credential are merely
> a façade and the people in London begin to suffer under his
> administration the those people will turn to the Left and say 'well
> you told us to vote for him!' This could possibilly, if linked to
> other developments in London, lead them into the hands of the fascists
> and the anarchist who have maintained a consistent opposition.
>  --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

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