Re: M-TH: Lenin and the working class

2000-05-24 Thread George Pennefather

Lo Again,

>>They are condemned, then, to 
being revolutionary. 
We are condemned, King Lear like, to the duty 
and possiblity of revolution, it is something that is irrevomovable from our 
condition, but we have to choose to exorcise it.
>>Now in the north of Ireland there 
exists thousands upon thousand of workers who would describe themselves as 
Protestant Unionists and who actively support British imperialism together 
with the rampant and intense discrimination against Catholic workers from 
the same geographical location. Many of these Protestant workers are proud 
members of the reactionary Orange Order. These workers have adhered to this 
reactionary counter-revolutionary culture for over a hundred years. Such 
workers can hardly be described as inherently revolutionary.
Indeed, police officers are workers, but I 
wouldn't consider a police officer inherently revolution - its absurd as 
sayign all wopmen are inherently feminist.  But, and I do have a big 
but, we are all potentially revolutionary, and this is why a vanguard is not 
only udnesirable, but also unnessary, when consciousness and necessity 
co-incide the revolution will happen - our job here and now is to promote 
consciousness as widely as possible.

M-TH: Lenin and the working class again

2000-05-24 Thread George Pennefather

Deathy: Indeed, police officers are 
workers, but I wouldn't consider a police officer inherently revolution - its 
absurd as sayign all wopmen are inherently feminist.  But, and I do have a 
big but, we are all potentially revolutionary, and this is why a vanguard is not 
only udnesirable, but also unnessary, when consciousness and necessity co-incide 
the revolution will happen - our job here and now is to promote consciousness as 
widely as possible
George: If the working class is, as 
you claim, "potentially revolutionary" then there is no guarantee that it can 
spontaneously turn revolutionary which is why a vanguard party is necessary. You 
hoist yourself with your own petard.
Warm regardsGeorge 
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Think-Tank web site at
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M-U: Appeal to Workers and Workers' Organizations/Apele a trabajadores y las Organizaciones de los Trabajadores

2000-05-24 Thread James Paris

Appeal to Workers and Workers' Organizations


Brothers and sisters, comrades, friends!

On June 4, the General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS)
will open its session in Windsor, Canada. One of the primary goals of this
meeting is to continue finalizing the text of the so-called "Free Trade
Agreement of the Americas" (FTAA), a hemispheric trade agreement modeled on
the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

In response to this, activists of all different beliefs from across the
continent are mobilizing to demonstrate against the OAS and its FTAA. Trade
unions, workers' organizations, environmentalists, liberals and various
radical groups are organizing to build a strong demonstration against the
actions of the bosses and their allies.

We also wish to organize against the OAS and the FTAA.  This is the purpose
of our letter to you.  We ask you to join with us in building a strong,
militant contingent of trade unionists, workers and working-class youth to
fight the anti-worker actions of the OAS and the FTAA.

Working class people must organize a large International Workers' Contingent
to fight and shut down the OAS.

Unlike many of those who will be in Windsor and Detroit for the actions, we
do not look to the government to "reform" the FTAA. We realize that the
Agreement is designed to make the exploitation of Latin America work more
efficiently. The intent of the FTAA is to turn the countries of Central and
South America into one large maquiladora zone.

We realize that the fight against the OAS and the FTAA is directly linked to
our struggle against the bosses.  There can be no artificial separation
between the forms capitalism uses and its fundamental content.  Thus, the
International Workers' Contingent should be a working class, anti-capitalist

We rely on the power of the working class and its own organizations (trade
unions, workers' parties, etc.). Beginning in the unions, the first line of
defense for workers against the bosses, workers gain a social power that is
unmatched. Unlike students and middle-class intellectuals, only the
organized working class, fighting for its own interests, can bring about
fundamental change in this world.

Workers have the power to bring an end to exploitation, oppression, war,
racism and poverty.  And our class has an obligation to carry this struggle
out to its conclusion.  But it takes organization and political
understanding to do this.

We see the International Workers' Contingent as a small step in this
direction.  Only through bringing together workers from across the
hemisphere can our class unite and fight against our common enemy.

This contingent should be organized around three basic fundamentals that
give us direction in our fight against the OAS and its capitalist masters:

1. Independence of the working class - The International Workers' Contingent
participates on a solid working-class basis. All of our work is directed
solely at organizing trade unionists, workers and working class youth.

2. Workers' internationalism - The International Workers' Contingent strives
to organize and unite workers and working class youth from all countries. We
cannot allow narrow nationalist demands to affect our work, and we cannot
accede to them for the sake of maintaining a coalition or united front.

3. Unity of all sections of the working class - Most importantly, the
International Workers' Contingent must present itself as the organization
doing the most to unite Black and white, men and women, gay and straight,
immigrant and "citizen" to fight the OAS in Windsor.

We propose to organize the Contingent around two central slogans:

* Stop the 'Free Trade' Rape of Latin America!
* For International Workers' Actions to Fight the FTAA!

We call on any organization that agrees with the idea of building an
International Workers' Contingent to join with us in doing so.  We believe
that a democratic united front should be built, where differences of opinion
can be discussed, and all those participating are free to bring their own
banners, signs and slogans.

If you are unable to attend, we encourage you to send a letter of greetings
and solidarity so that your voice can be added to those in Detroit and

We appeal to you to join together to build a working-class internationalist
response to the onslaught of the bosses, framed in the form of the FTAA.

In solidarity;

James Paris, for the
International Workers' Committee


Apele a trabajadores y las Organizaciones de los Trabajadores


¡Hermanos y hermanas, compañeros, amigos!

El 4 de junio, la Asamblea general de la Organización de Estados Americanos
(la OEA) abrirá su sesión en Windsor, Canadá. Uno de los objetivos primarios

M-TH: Bush and nuclear arms

2000-05-24 Thread George Pennefather

George Bush says if elected he will reduce the 
nuclear arsenal of the US. None of these promises has anything to do with any 
real interests in eliminating nuclear weapons. 
Washington is merely seeking to 
restructure modify the character of its nuclear capability in line with 
developments in the aftermath of the end of the Cold War. This entails Russia 
having to face the harsh reality of its decreasing role as a nuclear power. 
Russia as it currently stands is no longer capable of developing its nuclear 
capability and strategic military arsenal in the way that the SU had. The 
argument between Washington and Moscow over  anti-ballistic defence systems 
reflects this reality. Russia is in no position to mount an anti-ballistic 
defence system on the scale of Washington.
Bush's public discussion of 
strategic matters perhaps constitutes a change in the quality of the 
Presidential race in the US. By raising this issue in public Bush is investing 
the campaign with a matter of substance. To a large extent the campaign has been 
apparently lacking substance. Insignificant issues have dominated it. Now the 
matter of the character of strategic offence and defence introduces an issues 
which opens debate, in some form, on the character of international relations in 
the aftermath of the cold war. This makes the campaign more 
Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather
Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web 
site at
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mailing community bysimply placing subscribe in the body of the message at 
the following address:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

M-TH: Yemen and Little Russia

2000-05-24 Thread George Pennefather

As Russia agrees to provide weaponry to Yemen it is clear that what essentially 
Russia's attempts to increase its sales of arms abroad. Russia's main motive for such
sales is commercial. It simply wants to boost its exports to win badly needed foreign
reserves while stimulating heavy industry. Foreign policy concerns are merely second to
the commercial motive although in particular individual cases it may be primary. We 
not forgot that relatively weak Russia is not the Soviet Union in its hey day. Much of 
time Russia uses bluff in its foreign policy since it lacks the clout of the Soviet.
However this cannot fool Washington.

Strategically the most that Russia, especially in place further from its frontiers, can
achieve is the pursuance of its foreign policy in terms of upgrading its nuisance 
value to
Washington's strategic interests.Russia's foreign policy is basically domestic policy 

Russian foreign policy only begins to come into its own at its frontiers --and even 
this is questionable. On the world scale Russia no longer really counts as a 

Warm regards
George Pennefather

Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at

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M-TH: Home schooling

2000-05-24 Thread George Pennefather

The growth of home schooling in the 
US is a development that the American state will feel threatened by. This is 
because it constitutes a form by which the very young can escape the greater 
clutches of the state and ideological process. By being inducted into school 
from a very early age the very young are being integrated into the state and its 
ideology from an early age.
Home schooling also tends to put 
teachers and their unions under pressure. Since some of the reasons offered for 
home schooling will entail criticism of the school and its teachers in their 
capacity to adequately and provide an education. This leads to the questioning 
of the performance of schools and teachers. In this way capitalism uses a 
practice that, in a sense, constitutes a challenge to the state as a means with 
which to beat and oppressors professional teachers.
Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather
Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web 
site at
Be free to subscribe to our Communist Think-Tank 
mailing community bysimply placing subscribe in the body of the message at 
the following address:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: M-TH: Lenin and the working class

2000-05-24 Thread Socialist Party

Lo Again,

>>They are condemned, then, to 
being revolutionary. 
We are condemned, King Lear like, to the duty 
and possiblity of revolution, it is something that is irrevomovable from our 
condition, but we have to choose to exorcise it.
>>Now in the north of Ireland there 
exists thousands upon thousand of workers who would describe themselves as 
Protestant Unionists and who actively support British imperialism together 
with the rampant and intense discrimination against Catholic workers from 
the same geographical location. Many of these Protestant workers are proud 
members of the reactionary Orange Order. These workers have adhered to this 
reactionary counter-revolutionary culture for over a hundred years. Such 
workers can hardly be described as inherently revolutionary.
Indeed, police officers are workers, but I 
wouldn't consider a police officer inherently revolution - its absurd as 
sayign all wopmen are inherently feminist.  But, and I do have a big 
but, we are all potentially revolutionary, and this is why a vanguard is not 
only udnesirable, but also unnessary, when consciousness and necessity 
co-incide the revolution will happen - our job here and now is to promote 
consciousness as widely as possible.