M-TH: Membership

1999-03-21 Thread George Pennefather
What is the membership of Thaxis? And how do you I get information on the mailing list etc. The list is gone very quiet. A lot of people seemed to have left. Has Hugh Rodale and Bob Malecki left? Goerge --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: Re: Capital and the state

1999-03-28 Thread George Pennefather
John Holloway and Sol Picciotto In Capital, Crisis and the State print the following: It is our argument that a materialist theory of the state must extend and develop this critique of the 'fantastic forms' assumed by social relations under capitalism, Just as the analysis of the categories of


1999-03-30 Thread George Pennefather
-Original Message- From: (ACF) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: 30 March 1999 08:29 Subject: org: (long) ANTI-FASCIST ACTION ALERT #67: PROTEST U.S. BOMBING OF YUGOSLAVIA This post is about Yugoslavia and discusses in detail the use of terms "fascism"

M-TH: Serbia and imperialism

1999-04-01 Thread George Pennefather
f the Balkans existing independently of any ethnicity. Down with all nationalisms! Regards George Pennefather --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: Melissa

1999-04-01 Thread George Pennefather
Hi Folks, Has anybody heard of the virus Melissa. It is connected with email. It can apparently access address books replicating mail. A Jay Moore seems to have the virus in his email software. George --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: Scholars and academics

1999-04-17 Thread George Pennefather
-Original Message- From: Bill Bartlett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: 17 April 1999 04:34 Subject: Re: AUT: Re: Capital and the state George Pennefather wrote: >So you say John "life is class struggle". So when you or

M-TH: Inter-capitalist war

1999-05-04 Thread George Pennefather
t;own"  government and state. Implicit in this political position is the eventual overthrowal of the government and the establishment of a federation of communist communities.   Warm regards George Pennefather  

M-TH: Chinese embassy.....

1999-05-09 Thread George Pennefather
oth US and British imperialism both in the past and the present. It is their support and even collaboration with western imperialism that have helped encourage NATO adventurism in both the Gulf and the Balkans.   Warm regards George Pennefather

M-TH: Chinese embassy.....

1999-05-11 Thread George Pennefather
upport for both US and British imperialism both in the past and the present. It is their support and even collaboration with western imperialism that have helped encourage NATO adventurism in both the Gulf and the Balkans.   Warm regards George Pennefather

M-TH: Chinese embassy.....

1999-05-11 Thread George Pennefather
oth US and British imperialism both in the past and the present. It is their support and even collaboration with western imperialism that have helped encourage NATO adventurism in both the Gulf and the Balkans.   Warm regards George Pennefather

M-TH: Chinese embassy.....

1999-05-11 Thread George Pennefather
oth US and British imperialism both in the past and the present. It is their support and even collaboration with western imperialism that have helped encourage NATO adventurism in both the Gulf and the Balkans.   Warm regards George Pennefather

M-TH: Impeirialism and Serbia

1999-05-13 Thread George Pennefather
Hi,   Some people on this list talk about American imperialism advancing its interests by attacking Serbia. However nobody on the list it would seem to me as clearly explained how those interests are being served by this attack. Neither has it been clearly explained why and how British, Germa

M-TH: Fw: UNITE! Info #98en: A US writer on bomb "economics"

1999-05-15 Thread George Pennefather
  - Original Message - From: Rolf Martens Newsgroups: alt.politics.radical-left,alt.activism,soc.culture.yugoslavia,soc.culture.slovenia Sent: Thursday, May 13, 1999 8:10 PM Subject: UNITE! Info #98en: A US writer on bomb "economics" UNITE! Info #98en: A US writer on bomb "economics"

Re: M-TH: Imperialism and Serbia

1999-05-15 Thread George Pennefather
Hi George,Lets put it another way, if it weren't for this war, would the US have sucha strong physical presence in Europe?  And whilst the conflict may be thebeginning of the end for Nato, conjured demons are essential to keep ittogether:- no matter that the threat to the West is inconsequen

Re: M-TH: Imperialism and Serbia

1999-05-16 Thread George Pennefather
Charles: Doesn't American imperialism and all imperialism need the INSTITUTION of war ? Some war , somewhere, regularly ?  Otherwise, how could it avoid disarmament ? And wouldn't disarmament spell the end of capitalism ? World peace would take away capitalism's ultimate form of creative des

M-TH: Serbia and the West

1999-05-16 Thread George Pennefather
litics of revolution.   Revolutionaries must express their opposition to Milosevic, the KLA and NATO exposing the common capitalist class interests that they serve. What is required is a federation of Balkan communities based on communism.   Warm regards George Pennefather

Re: M-TH: Impeirialism and Serbia

1999-05-16 Thread George Pennefather
  To Bob:   This stuff of yours below is does not add up to a response to my query. It merely reinforces my view that much of the Left provide knee jeerk cliched resposnes to the boboming of Serbia. Thre is no substitute for an objective rational outline of why US imperialism b

M-TH: American civil war

1999-06-12 Thread George Pennefather
Hi Folks,   I have been reading some stuff on the Amercian Civil War. It would seem to me that although slavery was a central issue it was not such for the best of reasons. Many whites desired a free state --free of black slaves and all blacks. Lincoln's position o n slavery seemed quite ambi

Re: M-TH: Re:Linux

1999-07-06 Thread George Pennefather
Hi Russ,   Interesting piece. But what about Unix. I hear people talking about Unix and its advantages. I still dont really understand, I'm a philistine here, what is all this about Unix. Could I run Microsoft Word on it. How do I install etc.   George   Be free to check out our Communist Thi

Re: M-TH: Give me the child when he is seven ...

1999-07-08 Thread George Pennefather
Hi Jim,   Who is Dave.   George   Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank Website:http://homepage.tinet.ie/~beprepared      Anyone in London tomorrow (Wednesday) night might be interested in this:Dave Chandler will be discussing his book Bosnia: Faking Democracy AfterDayton, Weds., 7 Ju

Re: M-TH: Re:Linux/Unix

1999-07-08 Thread George Pennefather
Very Good Russ George   Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank Website:http://homepage.tinet.ie/~beprepared - Original Message - From: Russ To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 1999 12:07 PM Subject: Re: M-TH: Re:Linux/Unix >    Hi Russ,   Interesting piece. But what

Re: M-TH: Re: Luxemburg v Lenin?

1999-07-22 Thread George Pennefather
  The book Accumulation of Capital was flawed, but to her credit shetrained the Marxist who best corrected her, Paul Mattick (See hisEconomic Crisis and Crisis Theory).-- Jim heartfield Jim,   Whats this about training Paul Mattick? Please explain.     Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather   Be

M-TH: Re: Commodity fetishism and reification

1999-07-22 Thread George Pennefather
Hi Philip   Philip: In fact, concentration on the surface appearances can even lead todemanding 'progressive' reforms which end up strengthening, rather thanweakening, the hold of capital over society.  This was the case with muchof the radicalism of the 1960s.  Essentially the social conven

Re: M-TH: Re: Luxemburg v Lenin?

1999-07-23 Thread George Pennefather
So the Luxemburg connection may help explain Mattick anti-Leninism and particularly its form of centralism etc.   Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather   Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank Website:http://homepage.tinet.ie/~beprepared --- Mattick joined the youth section of Luxemburg's S

M-TH: Fw: CSM: One-way tickets to better lives

1999-07-23 Thread George Pennefather
  - Original Message - From: Colombian Labor Monitor To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, July 22, 1999 11:01 PM Subject: CSM: One-way tickets to better lives     =    "It's finally dawned on many Colombians t

M-TH: The IRA and Peace

1999-07-29 Thread George Pennefather
Title: THE IRA AND THE PEACE PROCESS Hi Folks, Below is a piece by Karl Carlile a friend of mine. It is an interesting piece and worth a read   George Pennefather   --   KARL CARLILE: THE IRA AND THE GOOD FRIDAY AGREEMENT       The recent farce at Stormont

M-TH: Fw: Republican Movement & GFA

1999-08-01 Thread George Pennefather
A reply by George Pennefather to Philip Ferguson   George: Karl never denied that you "dont promote imperialist oppression by fighting against it". However the point he made is that the Provos did not fight against imperialist oppression. Instead they have been promoting imperiali

Re: M-TH: Fw: Republican Movement & GFA

1999-08-02 Thread George Pennefather
Jim Heartfield:  But thetruth is that the reactionary catholic masses were fighting against theBritish ruling class while British workers were queuing up to get another smacking.George: REACTIONARY CATHOLIC MASSES.   I expressly challenge Jim Heartfield to show me and the other subscribers

M-TH: Republican Movement & GFA

1999-08-07 Thread George Pennefather
unist Think-Tank Website:http://homepage.tinet.ie/~beprepared-George Pennefather collapses two distinctive points in history togetherin his discussion of the Republican movement.He takes the current situation in which Sinn Fein is collaborating withBritish imperialism and projec

Re: M-TH: Republican Movement & GFA

1999-08-08 Thread George Pennefather
Dear Jim,   Your apology has much appreciated. I believe if there was more of this kind of response of yours it would at the very least create a healthier environment for discussion.   It is to your credit that your apologised.   Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather   Be free to check out our Commu

M-TH: Colonisation

1999-08-09 Thread George Pennefather
Hi Folks,   There is a new article on colonisation and Ireland on our web site.   Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank Website:http://homepage.tinet.ie/~beprepared     Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather   Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank Website:http://homepage.tinet.ie/~beprep

M-TH: Ireland

1999-08-10 Thread George Pennefather

M-TH: Re: Colonisation

1999-08-10 Thread George Pennefather
George Pennefather: COLONISATION AND THE CELTIC TIGER   The term Celtic Tiger is being bandied about ad nauseam. It is a term that forms part of bourgeois ideology and is thereby designed to serve a certain function: It promotes the delusion among the masses that Ireland is a thriving

M-TH: Sartre

1999-08-12 Thread George Pennefather
Hi   Were you watching the programme on BBC2 on Jean Paul Sartrel? There were two others before --on Nietsche and Heidegger.   What did you think of them of the programmes?   Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather   Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank Website:http://homepage.tinet.ie/~beprep

Re: M-TH: Re: Colonisation

1999-08-12 Thread George Pennefather
  Hi Bob   Thank you very much for the compliment   Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather   Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank Website:http://homepage.tinet.ie/~beprepared Not bad at all George. I think ...   Bob

Re: M-TH: Re: East Timor

1999-09-12 Thread George Pennefather
Hi Bob Interesting and informative. Can you tell me what --in the main-- was the outcome of the Indonesian elections. How did Megawatti fare etc. Warm regards George Pennefather Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at http://homepage.tinet.ie/~beprepared/ Bob writes A

M-TH: East Timor

1999-09-13 Thread George Pennefather
Hi Folks,   I have been reading much of the post on the East Timorese situation with interest. However I am of the view that  neither of the main positions are tenable --support for intervention or support for the East Timorese independence movement.   Interventionism merely constitutes ano

Re: M-TH: East Timor

1999-09-14 Thread George Pennefather
Bob: No, you are wrong on this George. One should not confuse the reactionary leaderships of these movements with the just desires of the peoples who inhabit this region and it ain't just the East Timorese. In fact there are a myriad of peoples who are living in this part of the world with b

Re: M-TH: Fwd: Re: Fwd: jhurd_dsa-doc: The Dalai Lama on Marxism (fwd)

1999-09-22 Thread George Pennefather
Is it Nestor Gorojovsky, Argentine Marxist, and long-time subscriber? He wrote a really excellent account of the left in the Argentine national movement. -- Jim heartfield Where can I obtain a copy of this account Jim Warm regards George Pennefather Be free to check out our Communist Think

Re: M-TH: Fwd: Re: Fwd: jhurd_dsa-doc: The Dalai Lama on Marxism (fwd)

1999-09-22 Thread George Pennefather
Hi Mac How do I sub to this list. Is it sectarian? Warm regards George Pennefather Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at http://homepage.tinet.ie/~beprepared/ Nestor is an Argentiniam Marxist who calls himself a Marxist-Leninist-Bolivarist, moderates the Leninist

M-TH: Reformist FARC

1999-09-25 Thread George Pennefather
The Colombian Communist Party has been waging a continuous guerrilla war against the Colombian state for many years now. It occupies a large section of Colombian territory. Its main source of income is agriculture --monocultural farming in the form of cocaine production.   Its negotiations wi

M-TH: Louis on Columbia

1999-09-25 Thread George Pennefather
I read your article on the FARC. If FARC is the armed detachment of the Columbian Communist Party does this mean that the Communist Party has a substantial working class base in the cities and towns? And if so why not?   Is the Columbian Communist Party an orthodox Stalinist party? How come th

M-TH: Some tenative observations

1999-09-26 Thread George Pennefather
A few tentative observations on East Timorese developments.   It is clear that the imperialist forces that have descended on East Timor to ostensibly protect the civilian population against the pro-independence "militia" are a mere pretext for direct imperialist intervention to protect and a

Re: M-TH: Some tenative observations

1999-09-28 Thread George Pennefather
Bob: Well, I don't know too many Australians who think we're 'Asian', and Idon't know ANY 'Asians' who think we are.   George: If Australia is a country in Asia then it is an Asian country and its people are Asians --just as white from South Africa are Africans.   Warm regardsGeorge Pennefat

M-TH: Howard doctrine

1999-09-28 Thread George Pennefather
Already what I wrote in piece on East Timor is proving true.   Howard has been apparently forced to retract his statement concerning Australia's role in Asia because of the antagonistic Asian and domestic response to it. The Canberra government commitment to East Timor is already creating di

M-TH: Australia's Vietnam

1999-09-30 Thread George Pennefather
In relation to Gary's letter I just see that Indonesia has pulled out its forces from East Timor. Clearly then this leaves a power vacuum that can be filled with the pro-Indonesian militia since the Australia led UN force has only recently deployed and needs time to pan out. It is questionabl

M-TH: Gurkhas

1999-10-03 Thread George Pennefather
The deployment of the Ghurkhas in East Timor by London illustrates their use in disguising the aggressive nature of British imperialism. Since they are Asian they present an image of being on the side of the oppressed masses. It is like sending an ethnically Irish regiment of the British Army

M-TH: Indonesia and Washington

1999-10-03 Thread George Pennefather
The fact that Washington dithered over the East Timorese crisis and eventually backed an force entering Timor to stabilise the situation may be understood as a signal from Washington that East Timor is not at the top of its agenda. If one looks at the totally different way in which Washington

M-TH: Hot Pursuit

1999-10-03 Thread George Pennefather
Canberra's "hot pursuit" statement concerning invasions into West Timor ties in with the views I have expressed concerning the imperialist invasion of East Timor leading to the conflict widening to increasingly include all of Timor. As I have already said the situation is more complicated tha

Re: M-TH: Hot Pursuit

1999-10-03 Thread George Pennefather
Hi Rob, Your reply is appreciated. Dont think because I dont always reply I dont read any stfuff you post. Warm regards George Pennefather Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at http://homepage.tinet.ie/~beprepared/ G'day George, Yep. I have to agree. Canberra is

M-TH: The UN and Washington

1999-10-04 Thread George Pennefather
Washington's failure to pay the millions of dollars that it owes the UN is a deliberate strategy designed to keep the UN weak and thereby a pliant tool of Washington's ambitions. By keeping the UN week by starving it of badly needed funds the UN is  forced to allow NATO forces and Australian

M-TH: South America

1999-10-04 Thread George Pennefather
Washington's perspective on South America.   Washington cannot allow South America to become increasingly strong and unified. Washington, then, is caught in a dilemma. This helps explain its schizoid foreign policy in relation to South America. On the one hand it does not desire South America

M-TH: Indonesian collapse

1999-10-04 Thread George Pennefather
There is the danger that Indonesia will collapse and fragment.   It is this danger and its adverse effects on Australia and New Zealand both in the context of its commercial and security interests. Australia's new and more active strategy entailing its leading a force into East Timor is aim

M-TH: China and Indonesia

1999-10-05 Thread George Pennefather
Russia and certainly China might have a vested interest in the disintegration of Indonesia. Certainly China might have an interest in somewhat assisting in Indonesian instability (and being seen to be assisting) as a means of increasing its leverage with regard to Washington concerning comme

M-TH: Washington's anxieties

1999-10-07 Thread George Pennefather
The antagonism shown by Washington to both Iran and Iraq is further evidence that Washington does not  mount opposition to a power simply because it is state socialist,  or revolutionary socialist. Neither Iran nor Iraq  fit into any of these categories in any comprehensive sense. Washington

M-TH: Washiington, Turkey and Iraq

1999-10-08 Thread George Pennefather
One of the reasons why Washington hammers away at Iraq is Turkey. Baghdad can exploit  the Kurdish question to undermine the Turkish state --a lynchpin in the NATO gameplan. Since Turkey is such a significant ingredient in America's policy for that region it cannot afford to tolerate the und

M-TH: Torie and taxes

1999-10-08 Thread George Pennefather
The Tory Party Conference raises the issue of reduced taxation. This sounds very appealing to many British workers since the tax deducted from their wages is huge. To promise to reduce this taxation burden is a very populist demand that strikes a chord in the hearts and minds of many.   But

M-TH: Cancelling 3rd world debt

1999-10-13 Thread George Pennefather
Can anyone fill us in on the matter of third world debt and Clinton's announcement that his administration is cancelling it. Is it genuine?   Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather   Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site athttp://homepage.tinet.ie/~beprepared/

M-TH: Pakistan

1999-10-13 Thread George Pennefather
The apparent coup in Pakistan may lead to increased instability in the region. Apparently the general leading the coup who had been a member of the government but was later sacked espouses a more militant approach over Kashmir seems. Kashmir seems to have been one of the issues that led to h

M-TH: The Boer War

1999-10-14 Thread George Pennefather
Just a short while ago the 100 year anniversary of the Boer occurred. It is a war is little discussed despite the importance Lenin seems attributed to it as a historic event.   Warm regardsGeorge Pennefather   Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site athttp://homepage.tinet.ie/~b

M-TH: Pakistan and the military

1999-10-14 Thread George Pennefather
The military coup in Pakistan is being essentially supported by Bhutto who is in exile in Britain. Clearly for venal pragmatic reasons she is prepared to support the undermining of formal democracy.   The military coup in Pakistan indicates that bourgeois democracy in Pakistan is a total sham

M-TH: Pakistan again

1999-10-14 Thread George Pennefather
The military coup that has just taken place in Pakistan may suit Beijing's interest. Beijing does not want to see any unity developing between Pakistan and India. Growing unity between the these two countries might pose a challenge to Beijing's status and influence in the region.    

Re: M-TH: The Boer War

1999-10-15 Thread George Pennefather
Yes Chris I watched the last part of the series --missed the previous three parts. I never realised that there was such an aspect of to the Boer war in the accentuated form it took. The programme was quite interesting. It took the romance out of that war. Warm regards George Pennefather Be

M-TH: INLA and drugs

1999-10-17 Thread George Pennefather
Can anyone explain to me the relationship between the INLA and the drugs issue. Paul Williams from the Sunday World claims the INLA is essentially a gang of thugs involved in the drug scene from the point of view of pushing them and collecting protection.   Yet if this is so it is hard to

M-TH: Israel and UN

1999-10-24 Thread George Pennefather
The apparent likelihood that Israel's influence may increase to the level of eventually sitting on the Security Council is an attempt by Washington to increase the number of its friends sitting  on the Security Council. It may too be an accommodation made as a quid pro quo for some concessio

M-TH: Colombia and Ireland

1999-10-25 Thread George Pennefather
In Colombia a civil war exists. It is a civil war that that has nothing to do with the promotion of the class interests of the working class. The FARC and the ELN are the principal guerrilla armies claiming to represent the interests of the masses. But there is little or no difference betwe

M-TH: China & North Korea

1999-10-26 Thread George Pennefather
China's apparent rebuilding of more friendly relations with North Korea may form part of Beijing's strategy to use its developing relations with North Korea as a lever in any attempts by Washington to forge some kind of unity between North and South Korea. Strategically the re-unification of

M-TH: Fw: A new regular feature in LM magazine

1999-10-26 Thread George Pennefather
- Original Message - From: Louis Proyect <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Newsgroups: alt.politics.socialism.trotsky Sent: Monday, October 25, 1999 3:50 PM Subject: A new regular feature in LM magazine COLUMN: HOW TO SUSTAIN A MARRIAGE IN AN AGE OF DECLINING EXPECTATIONS BY DR. FRANK FUREDI (TENU

M-TH: Fw: Australian referendum

1999-10-26 Thread George Pennefather
- Original Message - From: Eric Cartman Sr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Newsgroups: alt.politics.socialism.trotsky Sent: Monday, October 25, 1999 11:42 AM Subject: Re: Australian referendum In article <7v0d21$cpo$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Andy Lehrer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On November 6th Au

M-TH: Gusmao and East Timor

1999-10-26 Thread George Pennefather
The fact that Gusamao has apparently asked the remaining Indonesians settlers to stay in East Timor is an indication of the reactionary politics of this man. Again nationalism betrays the cause it is supposed to promote. He is only some days back in East Timor and already he is selling out. I

M-TH: Re: ORG: Colombia and Ireland

1999-10-27 Thread George Pennefather
John: 1)Their political program and platform is not petty bourgeois.  They wantto implement a Soviet Union style command economy (or something morereformist) which certainly isn't in the interests of the Columbianbourgeoisie.    George: Yeah! Sinn Fein/IRA said they wanted to implement a pr

Re: M-TH: Fw: Australian referendum

1999-10-27 Thread George Pennefather
Kim Who is the ISO Warm regards George Pennefather Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at http://homepage.tinet.ie/~beprepared/ Yes, the DSP is calling for a yes vote and also encouraging people write on the ballot paper - by direct election. The ISO is calling for a no

M-TH: US elections

1999-10-27 Thread George Pennefather
Given that the political programmes of the main political parties in the United States are increasingly converging on each other personality tends to become the key issue in elections. Image becomes all because there is hardly anything left to distinguish one bourgeois party from another. Un

M-TH: Some Comments

1999-10-27 Thread George Pennefather
Timor: An interesting point that seems to have been omitted from any public discussion on the East Timorese referendum is the displaced population. If as many East Timorese have been displaced as has been claimed then the referendum on independence for East Timor would have omitted a large p

M-TH: Andre Gunar Frank & Marx

1999-11-01 Thread George Pennefather
  I have been spending some time reading Andre Gundar Frank's book called Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin America. It makes for interesting reading especially in the context of my interest in developments in Colombia.   I am drawn to the way in which he conceives capitalism as a glo

Re: M-TH: Republic (and preamble) defeated...

1999-11-09 Thread George Pennefather
But Bob they also voted in a referendum on the same day against accepting the original inhabitants, the Aborigines. as the original owners of Australia. As far as I know this is the case --racism. Warm regards George Pennefather Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at http

Re: M-TH: Fwd: Roma Community Center "DROM"Kumanovo Appeal and Reports

1999-11-14 Thread George Pennefather
Thought you all might be interested in the Radio Program I did quite a while back on this stuff. Hi Bob, Can I get onto this radio station of yours via the internet. Is your broadcast in English. Warm regards George Pennefather Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at

M-TH: Cyprus

1999-11-16 Thread George Pennefather
Talks concerning partition in Cyprus are apparently starting again. Can anyone tell me what this partition is all about? In whose interests is it that partition continue? Why cannot both Turks and Greeks form one political community on Cyprus? Warm regards George Pennefather Be free to check

M-TH: WTO and value

1999-11-16 Thread George Pennefather
much of Marx's political work even after he written Capital are in at least many cases free from the form presented in Capital. Warm regards George Pennefather Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at http://homepage.tinet.ie/~beprepared/ --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: Re: WTO and value -- the relevance of Capital

1999-01-16 Thread George Pennefather
alist economic system. Capital is a work of abstraction. This may >explains how much >of Marx's political work even after he written Capital are in at least >many cases free >from the form presented in Capital. > >Warm regards >George Pennefather This might hold if Marx had

Re: M-TH: China and law of value.

1999-01-16 Thread George Pennefather
OV never operated freely for any enduring length of time. To attempt to analyse the world economy purelyt on the basis of these laws merely leads to the proliferation of abstraction Warm regards George Pennefather Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at http://homepage.tin

M-TH: Washington bombs

1999-01-16 Thread George Pennefather
y meant to underscore and strengthen American strategy and corresponding diplomacy. It may have been that the subjugation of Belgrade was essentially a subsidiary issue to the one of underscoring overall global American strategy --similar, perhaps, in intent to nuking of Hiroshoma. Warm rega

M-TH: Washington and Moscow

1999-01-17 Thread George Pennefather
ession even if it were to turn out to be a merely paper concession is an indication of both Russian internal weakness and growing isolation from the West. Warm regards George Pennefather Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at http://homepage.tinet.ie/~beprepared/ --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: Visas and Ireland.

1999-11-22 Thread George Pennefather
immigrant labour. It is not being done in the interests of the Asian and Black masses. Warm regards George Pennefather Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at http://homepage.eircom.net/~beprepared/ --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: Meszaros book

1999-12-05 Thread George Pennefather
I have finally been able to get around to reading Meszaros book, Beyond Capital. Have you any view about it or any suggestions to make for one about to embark on a reading of it. --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: Provo leadership and rank and file

1999-12-05 Thread George Pennefather
the reactionary" leadership then this surely would express itself in a form of organised rank and file opposition to the leadership. Warm regards George Pennefather Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at http://homepage.eircom.net/~beprepared/ --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: Re: Meszaros book -- go for it!

1999-12-08 Thread George Pennefather
Hugh be a bit more specific. The stuff below says nothing. So far the book seems to be saying nothing new and seems rather convoluted regarding what it does say. It might contain the odd little interesting insight. However this is a somewhat impressionistic conclusion Warm regards George

M-TH: Taxes and surplus value

1999-12-17 Thread George Pennefather
pressed by them. However on the internet is at present much harder to engage in such censorship --although there have been, and are, conspicuous attempts to achieve this on some mailing lists. Warm regards George Pennefather Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at http://home

M-TH: Degrees and the disadvantaged

1999-12-17 Thread George Pennefather
Can anybody explain why the bourgeois state is introducing such as system. It cannot be because they care about the disadvantaged. Warm regards George Pennefather Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at http://homepage.eircom.net/~beprepared/ --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: Geopolitics and the East

1999-12-17 Thread George Pennefather
o the Caucasus. Warm regards George Pennefather Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at http://homepage.eircom.net/~beprepared/ --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: Re: Vote for Karl Marx!

1999-12-17 Thread George Pennefather
How do you mean that Ghandi did not keep to his own principles of non-violence. Warm regards George Pennefather Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at http://homepage.eircom.net/~beprepared/ > >"Real" Marxists would instead be trying to bump Nelson Ma


1999-12-17 Thread George Pennefather
t suggests that American imperialism is prepared to further intensify its aggression. Warm regards George Pennefather Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at http://homepage.tinet.ie/~beprepared/ --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: Iraq

1999-12-18 Thread George Pennefather
o delay or call off the ending of the embargo. It is interesting to see that Russia and China merely abstained. As I understand it they have a veto on the Security Council --just shows how pro-western and weak they are Warm regards George Pennefather Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank w

M-TH: Debt relief

1999-12-19 Thread George Pennefather
Does anybody have any view on the West's apparent attempts to extinguish much of the third world debt? --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: Fictitious capital

1999-12-21 Thread George Pennefather
Given the large amounts of fictitious capital in existence in the form of bonds and shares etc and the long run rise in the price of shares it must be that the accumulation of capital in the West has been sufficient to sustain this bull market. --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: Re: Vote for Karl Marx!

1999-12-21 Thread George Pennefather
Dear John Your reply was appreciated Warm regards George Pennefather Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at http://homepage.eircom.net/~beprepared/ George Pennefather asked: > How do you mean that Ghandi did not keep to his own > principles of non-violence. He no

M-TH: Meszaros

1999-12-22 Thread George Pennefather
with this matter in any comprehensive and definitive way. Warm regards George Pennefather Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at http://homepage.eircom.net/~beprepared/ --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

Re: M-TH: Re: Vote for Karl Marx!

1999-12-22 Thread George Pennefather
Is Palme Dutt still alive.Who was he? I remember reading a book of his called From Yalta to Vietnam. Have not seen it about since Warm regards George Pennefather Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at http://homepage.eircom.net/~beprepared/ George, Although I remember the

M-TH: Christmas

1999-12-22 Thread George Pennefather
Lets not all stop communicating by on the list over the Christmas period as generally happens. After all communists dont recognise Christmas as their festival. A lot of so called communists tend to be commies when it is easy and convenient. George --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

M-TH: Financial scandals

1999-12-23 Thread George Pennefather
rowing power of finance capital in Ireland may demand that the sycophantic element within Irish capital be atrophied or reorganised so that capitalism can operate in a more streamlined way in Ireland. Warm regards George Pennefather Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at http://home

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