Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Sanders campaign is officially over. Now his supporters wonder: What’s next? - The Washington Post

2016-08-10 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Mark Lause wrote:

"In places, though, African American radicals have assumed leadership of the
party and its active composition reflects that (Georgia is a very
interesting state party in this regard)."

I've been too busy with work and care-taking an 88 year old to get
involved, but I fully intend to vote for the Greens in this election cycle.
They canvassed more than enough signatures to get on the ballot here in
Georgia. Mark references the state leadership. They are in fact the very
same BAR editors disparaged in this thread. Well, it turns out their
early-on reference to Sanders as a sheepdog for the Democratic party was
prescient. I'm also more heartened by the fact that Ajamu Baraka has spoken
at rallies organized by the Coalition for Immokalee Workers than I am
discouraged with the current Green "line" on Syria.  But please, by all
means let me know when Hillary stumps for a human rights group organized by
farmworkers. I won't be holding my breath in anticipation.

Greg McDonald
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Sanders campaign is officially over. Now his supporters wonder: What’s next? - The Washington Post

2016-08-09 Thread Ralph Johansen via Marxism

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Louis Proyectwrote

So Jill Stein comes along and challenges this system. But this is not 
acceptable because of her positions on vaccines and Syria. If overnight 
she changed her mind on vaccines and Syria, the Hillary Clinton 
traveling circus of Lesser Evil Politics will dig into every single 
speech she ever made and find some other reason to crucify her.

I assume that this bit on vaccines is all irony, Lou, but for those who 
don't know:

When she sat with The Washington Post's Sarah Parnass and Alice Li, 
Stein explained her stance on something that had flared up during a 
Reddit AMA. Did she think vaccines were harmful?

"I think there’s no question that vaccines have been absolutely critical 
in ridding us of the scourge of many diseases — smallpox, polio, etc. So 
vaccines are an invaluable medication," Stein said. "Like any 
medication, they also should be — what shall we say? -- approved by a 
regulatory board that people can trust. And I think right now, that is 
the problem. That people do not trust a Food and Drug Administration, or 
even the CDC for that matter, where corporate influence and the 
pharmaceutical industry has a lot of influence."

[The origins of Donald Trump’s autism/vaccine theory and how it was 
completely debunked eons ago]

Stein's warning about corporate influence in the vaccine approval 
process is often voiced by "anti-vaxxers." In reality, most members of 
the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee work at 
academic or medical institutions, not drug companies. But for Stein, the 
fact that people saw corporate and lobbying influence running rampant 
meant that some skepticism was warranted.

"Monsanto lobbyists help run the day in those agencies and are in charge 
of approving what food isn’t safe," said Stein, whose platform calls for 
a moratorium on genetically modified organisms (GMOs). "There is rampant 
distrust of our institutions of government right now. The trust level 
for the presidency is somewhere around 15 percent. The strong confidence 
in Congress is somewhere around 4 percent, and the same is true of our 
regulatory agencies."

Stein went on to explain that she'd studied the value of vaccines and 
come out with questions.

"As a medical doctor, there was a time where I looked very closely at 
those issues, and not all those issues were completely resolved," Stein 
said. "There were concerns among physicians about what the vaccination 
schedule meant, the toxic substances like mercury which used to be 
rampant in vaccines. There were real questions that needed to be 
addressed. I think some of them at least have been addressed. I don’t 
know if all of them have been addressed."

[As Green Party’s Stein woos Sanders backers, some see unhappy 
flashbacks to 2000]

The point, she said, was that the voters who doubted that government 
could be trusted to make clear decisions, without meddling by lobbyists, 
needed to be heard. Even when it came to vaccines.

"We have a real compelling need for vaccinations," Stein said. "It 
requires an agency that we can trust to sort through all of those 
concerns. To assure the American public, whether it’s vaccinations, 
whether it’s administering estrogen to, you know, treat symptoms of 
menopause, or at one point it was the solution to prevent Alzheimer's 
and then it was discovered — oh, my goodness — it may actually 
contribute to Alzheimer's — it's really important that the American 
public have confidence in our regulatory boards so that all of our 
medical treatments and medications actually are approved by people who 
do not have a vested interest in their promotion. In my experience, this 
is not a radical idea. This is basic common sense."

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Sanders campaign is officially over. Now his supporters wonder: What’s next? - The Washington Post

2016-08-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 8/9/16 1:46 AM, Clay Claiborne via Marxism wrote:

BAR is wrong to think the so-called "Black Political class" has a lot of
influence on how black people vote, just as it is wrong to think BAR
represents a political leadership that black people should follow. You
think the black masses are being duped?

Of course they are being duped, just like the white factory workers are 
being duped who plan to vote for Trump because they are tired of seeing 
runaway shops. When Trump made a big deal about Carrier air conditioner 
picking up and going to Mexico, that became the lead story on all the TV 
networks. This was the first time any politician aggressively took on a 
major grievance that both the Democrats and Republicans were associated 
with. Did it make any difference to a factory worker that Trump was full 
of shit? Nope.

So Clinton is "better" for Blacks. Well, she says so. Does it matter 
that her husband put an end to Aid to Families with Dependent Children 
that according to researchers 
( reduced the average life 
span of a mother by a half a year? Probably not since the Black church, 
the Black political class, Black celebrities, every white liberal and 
most Black radicals are in agreement that she is "better" than Trump. 
Who notices the loss of six months of a life except the person who is 
losing it, after all?

Well, of course, she is better. The system would fall apart overnight if 
Hillary Clinton was retweeting white supremacist crap. This is a system 
that has been finely tuned for 84 years now, with the election of FDR. 
The Democrats were the good cops and the Republicans the bad cops. 
Workers and Blacks were told by the good cop that they'd better accept 
NAFTA and an end to AFDC or else the bad cop would come in and beat the 
shit out of them.

So Jill Stein comes along and challenges this system. But this is not 
acceptable because of her positions on vaccines and Syria. If overnight 
she changed her mind on vaccines and Syria, the Hillary Clinton 
traveling circus of Lesser Evil Politics will dig into every single 
speech she ever made and find some other reason to crucify her.

In 1964 I voted for a Democratic candidate for president for the first 
and last time. They told me that Barry Goldwater was going to blow up 
the world. Every night for 3 months leading up to the November election, 
you could see commercials superimposing Goldwater's face over an H-Bomb. 
It scared the pee out of me but not half as much as facing the draft 
after LBJ escalated the war in Vietnam.

I ain't scared anymore.

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Sanders campaign is officially over. Now his supporters wonder: What’s next? - The Washington Post

2016-08-08 Thread Clay Claiborne via Marxism
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On Mon, Aug 8, 2016 at 9:50 AM, Manuel Barrera via Marxism <> wrote:
> Trump is bad and so is Clinton, it's not really a contest.

To take that position you have to belittle the fact that the Trump campaign
has made white supremacy central to it to an extent far beyond that of any
major prez candidate in living memory.

Trump is not just another GOP candidate. Open white supremacists have
hi-jacked the Republican party. That's why the last 2 GOP POTUS & last 2
party leaders, the the GOP governor of the state where the RNC was weren't
there. That's why 50 GOP spooks just came out very strongly against him.
That why Susan Collins just said she won't vote for him.

Black people regularly get beaten up and thrown out of Trump rallies. This
doesn't happen at Clinton rallies.

Trump is building his own white supremacist militia.

Donald Trump represents something very new & dangerous in US politics and
we treat this like its just another election at our peril.

Clay, that large numbers of the oppressed are going to continue the
> illusion that change happens--or in this case, is defended or
> maintained--by electing one or the other capitalist in the capitalist
> elections.

I don't think they have that illusion. I think they know that won't make
revolutionary change, but they do know that is one small bit of leverage
that have so they are not likely to waste it in a "symbolic vote" that's a
left-liberal thing. Most people who even bother to vote will vote for
somebody they think can win, and they only have to think they may be a
little better off if the White House isn't occupied by someone who won it
with a campaign based on white supremacy. That doesn't require any
illusions so the only illusions I see are the ones you have about the
reasons people vote the way they do.

electing the one candidate with the SUREST ability to maintain, continue,
> and extend such a massacre is exactly the grand problem.

Are you thinking a Trump presidency is actually preferable from the POV of

> Rather, your position is exactly as pathetic as the belief that Johnson
> would have ended a war that Nixon continued--Johnson left the field
> precisely because he could not be the one to continue it as he had
> succeeded in becoming the point of opposition. You seem so willing to
> ascribe the power and might of mass movement to a secondary player in the
> politics of the Vietnam era, leaving aside the mass sentiments generated by
> a great antiwar movement fueled by a worldwide youth radicalization, the
> revolutionary will of the Vietnamese people, and the resulting degeneration
> of the will of the imperialist troops. All of that, in many respects,
> undergirded by the courage and radicalization of the "black masses" of the
> 50's and 60's.

Manuel, how well do you know the details of Kissinger's sabotage of the
1968 peace negotiations, carried out to put Nixon is the WH? It took
Vietnam 30 years to win its liberation. We all know that now, but looking
back its hard to know with your certainty that it couldn't have ended in
26. A deal was very close, essentially the same deal that was made in 1972.
With the hindsight of history and the arrogance of youth, it easy to assert
that anyone that thought peace was possible in 1968 was pathetic. Was this
also true of the Vietnamese negotiators?

So, I'd really like to know if you know the details of the peace
negotiations in '68 and why they went south and have a theory about how
they would have anyway without Kissinger's intervention on behave of Nixon,
or are you just make a general speculation to make a political point. The
rhetoric that follows about the period I lived would lead me to believe so,

> the misleadership of what Black Agenda Report calls the "Black political
> class" is the primary reason why Blacks (and very much so why
> Chicanos/Latinos) will vote "in their best interest".

I assume you put "in their best interest" in quotes because you don't think
that is what they do. I disagree. I think that in every presidential
election in my lifetime at least 80% black people voted for the candidate
that could best serve their interest. They understood that to serve their
interest at all they had to win and the available choices were restricted
by white voters but given those real-world choices the majority of blacks
did vote in their best interest. The same can not be said about white

BAR is wrong to think the so-called "Black Political class" has a lot of
influence on how black people vote, just as it is wrong to think BAR
represents a political leadership that black people should follow. You
think the 

Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Sanders campaign is officially over. Now his supporters wonder: What’s next? - The Washington Post

2016-08-07 Thread Clay Claiborne via Marxism
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If you read my 5 August reply to his thread you know I remember the
Goldwater campaign of 1964. My Dad told me Goldwater got stupid when he got
drunk and he got drunk often. In fact, as a fast rising GOP operative , my
Dad ran a dirty-tricks MLK  Jr. write-in campaign

in key districts in 1964, spending a lot of GOP money in the process. The
idea, of course, was to help Goldwater get elected by getting blacks to
"vote their conscious" by switching from that Southerner to Dr. King. By
the time Reagan got into the White House, Clay Claiborne, Sr. joined
Richard Bissell as one of the 17 members of the think tank strategy board[
or CIA front?] that issued the white paper

for Reagan's plans to take down the Soviet Union  So as it happens, I have
had a lot of info, some of it not public, about every GOP president &
campaign since Ike.

I cried when Nixon got elected in 1968, but not because I feared he was
going to reverse Johnson's trend in civil rights, but because I feared it
would mean 4 more years of war in Vietnam, which it did.

So not only have I lived, as a black person in the US, through all those
presidencies, I generally had some insight into their inter-workings.
Goldwater was widely called out as a racist because he refused to back the
1964 civil rights law but he didn't make white supremacy a big part of his
campaign and as I pointed out in the above referenced post, his stand on
the klan in 1964 was better that Trump's today! Nixon was the one who took
the GOP down the road of the racist "Southern Strategy" it been on since,
courting white voters with racist dog whistles but I defy you to find the
Nixon equivalents of building a wall to keep Mexicans out, or banning all

Trump is certainly giving a wink to the white supremacists, to use your
happy phrase, in a way that no candidate with a real possibly of becoming
president has done in my lifetime. I can tell you how Hilary Clinton used
racism against Obama in NH in the '08 primaries. If you don't already know
that one, then you probably don't need to try to educate me about the
racism of the Clintons. Yes, every presidential candidate, especially from
the GOP has used white supremacy to get elected, but I'm here to tell you
that no other major presidential campaign in my lifetime has put white
supremacy at its center like the Trump campaign.

The black masses are on the Defeat Trump/Stop White Supremacist bandwagon.
At least I think that is what the numbers show. Obama got 93% of the black
vote. Clinton is expected do as well, some polls have her doing better. So
much for the claim blacks just voted for Obama because he is black. In the
past, the GOP could count on a small black vote
Bush got 9% in 2000 and 11% in 2004. Trump is expected to get 1% of the
black vote. Some polls have him with 0%

Now, why do you suppose that is? I think its because most black people in
the US are of the same opinion as this seasoned black Marxist, which is to
say that the Trump campaign represents a qualitatively new threat to us.
Some people may think it would be just peachy keen if all those black
voters were to switch their votes from Clinton to Stein even if it meant
Trump gets in the WH but those black voters are not going to vote against
their best interest.

I am finding it quite interesting that those arguing against voting for
either Trump or Clinton, find themselves arguing that Trump really isn't
that bad. I think we are going to see these two arguments joined a lot, the
same way people opposed to intervention in Syria feel the need to bad mouth
the revolution.

So to answer your twice put question. The Left is so tiny that I don't
think it will matter whether they vote for Clinton on not, so they should
feel free to vote whatever makes them feel good, they have that privilege.
And truly, from their POV, a Trump presidency that institutionalizes racism
at a new level, won't be as big a problem as it will be for colored people.

Either Hilary Clinton or Donal Trump will be the next president of the US.
That's just the way it is. I think its important that we stand with the
black masses, in fact all people of color, in the US that will be voting
overwhelmingly to keep Trump out of the WH by voting for Clinton.

I expect the white Left to give backhand support for Trump by campaigning
harder against Clinton than Trump, and by working harder to win voters away

Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Sanders campaign is officially over. Now his supporters wonder: What’s next? - The Washington Post

2016-08-07 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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"an openly and profoundly white supremacist way - one we haven't
seen before" - Clay - you are certainly old enough to remember Nixon's 1968
"law and order" campaign which crudely catered to the George Wallace crowd,
and the 1980 Reagan campaign where his first appearance after getting the
Repug nomination was to Philadelphia, Mississippi - the site of the muder
of the three civil rights workers in 1964 - where he made his stand for
white supremacy - in the guise of "states' rights."

Trump is certainly giving a wink to the white supremacists, but they were
crawling out from under their rocks as soon as Obama and his family moved
into the White House, and they will continue to do so whether Trump wins or

BTW - please clarify - it sounds like you are implying that we should join
the Defeat Trump/Stop Fascism bandwagon, another way of saying Vote
Clinton. Am I right or wrong on this?

On Sun, Aug 7, 2016 at 2:22 PM, Clay Claiborne via Marxism <> wrote:

> You completely ignore my main argument that what makes the Trump candidacy
> and potential Trump presidency particularly dangerous is that it is being
> done in an openly and profoundly white supremacist way - one we haven't
> seen before. I argue that white supremacists are already feeling empowered
> by Trump and colored people are already starting to feel the consequent.
> You don't respond to any of that. (Not your problem?)
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Sanders campaign is officially over. Now his supporters wonder: What’s next? - The Washington Post

2016-08-07 Thread Clay Claiborne via Marxism
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I'm from Atlantic City. My brother worked in the casinos. I know what Trump
did to the black community of Atlantic City and it wasn't just empty
ravings. Again you seek to prettify Trump. But to your main point.

Yes, we must not have black people accusing white people of racism!
Especially on the Left were there are so few black people to begin with. It
would seem there is no higher crime. How can one talk sense to a person
that makes charges of racism?

Except I didn't accuse people of supporting racism, did I?

You said that Trump was no worst than any other GOP prez candidate. I said
that wasn't true, presented research ( a waste of my time) to back my
argument and said your position amounts backhand support for Trump, as does
the first sentence of your reply. In that you are trying to portray Clinton
as the greater danger to black people than Trump.

You completely ignore my main argument that what makes the Trump candidacy
and potential Trump presidency particularly dangerous is that it is being
done in an openly and profoundly white supremacist way - one we haven't
seen before. I argue that white supremacists are already feeling empowered
by Trump and colored people are already starting to feel the consequent.
You don't respond to any of that. (Not your problem?)

Instead you use the classic ploy. You reduce my arguments to a charge of

Now you have no idea how to talk sense to me.

I've been through this movie before. It a big part of the reason the Left
is both overwhelmingly white dominated by white chauvinists - which our
"anti-imperialist" comrades undoubtedly are.

was it ears for beers or beers for ears? i always forget.

Clay Claiborne, Director
Vietnam: American Holocaust 
Linux Beach Productions
Venice, CA 90291
(310) 581-1536

Read my blogs at the Linux Beach 

On Fri, Aug 5, 2016 at 8:43 PM, Mark Lause  wrote:

> Well, you have the empty ravings of a classic media celebrity on one side
> and Clinton's record of actually doing things on the other.
> But I'd be the first to admit that I honestly have no idea how to talk
> sense to someone who accuses people of supporting racism because they won't
> help you elect one of the authors of the mass incarceration of young black
> men . . .
> ML
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Sanders campaign is officially over. Now his supporters wonder: What’s next? - The Washington Post

2016-08-05 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Well, you have the empty ravings of a classic media celebrity on one side
and Clinton's record of actually doing things on the other.

But I'd be the first to admit that I honestly have no idea how to talk
sense to someone who accuses people of supporting racism because they won't
help you elect one of the authors of the mass incarceration of young black
men . . .

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Sanders campaign is officially over. Now his supporters wonder: What’s next? - The Washington Post

2016-08-05 Thread Clay Claiborne via Marxism
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On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 3:01 PM, Mark Lause  wrote:

> As to the Trump bullshit, we've heard the same thing about every
> Republican since I've been watching the elections.
> Chers,
> Mark L.
> I have no idea who you've been listening to. I've been watching every US
presidential election since 1964, and the Trump campaign is far and away
the most openly and profoundly white racist campaign in my memory.

What do you have to back up your argument? I want to hear it!

Nixon in 1968 - "law & order" "silent [white] majority" - racist for sure -
in the same class as banning all Muslims, building a wall, and blaming BLM
for the cop killings? I don't think so,

Goldwater in1964 -

>  In rejecting support of the Klan, Mr. Goldwater seemed to have overruled
> both Mr. Miller and the new Republican Na­tional Chairman, Dean Burch. In
> recent days both of them have said that the Republicans would not reject
> the support of Klansmen.

So in '64 Goldwater was actually to the left of the RNC with regards to the
KKK - in 1964!

Fast forward 52 years. We have a Republican presidential candidate that
refuses to be as definitive as Goldwater on the KKK, and he enjoys this
kind of support from the white left: "As to the Trump bullshit, we've heard
the same thing about every Republican since I've been watching the

Yes, I regard downplaying the virulent racism of the Don Trump movement to
be a kind of support.

People of color are already suffering from this campaign in ways that white
people aren't, so my perspective may be a little different.

So now I want to see you defend that outrageous statement because down
playing the extreme racism of the Trump campaign [and all that is building
behind it] will only further alienate the colored masses from the white

The same white Left that takes the "principled" stand of opposing all war
(since they aren't subjected to any) even a no-fly zone or defensive
weapons in Syria ( since they aren't being bombed ) and back this
indifference with a racist notion of who is really behind the Syrian
revolution, will also take the "principled" stand of not voting for Hilary
even if it puts an open white supremacist in the White House.

Its all about taking positions they feel good about. Not about changing the
world for the downtrodden. That ain't them.

So what is the opinion of those on the white left that plan to vote for
anybody but Hilary even if it puts an open white supremacist in the White
House about the fact that the vast majority of black people will vote
against Trump by voting for the lesser evil?

Who do they think is making the wiser decision or is it just that each
group is voting their interest?

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Sanders campaign is officially over. Now his supporters wonder: What’s next? - The Washington Post

2016-08-04 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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If there was a figure I could give you--and there isn't--it would mean
absolutely nothing because the Greens are such a mess organizationally that
it makes the SDS look like the AMA.

People in the Ohio party talk about "members" in several ways.  We have
voters--104,000 in 2014--people who've registered and vote Green in
primaries--in the thousands, but not much--and then we have people who are
actually involved in making decisions--a cluster of almost entirely--but
not quite--white Boomers.  Simply put, this will change or the party will
die here.  And if it chooses not to change, it will have well earned its

In places, though, African American radicals have assumed leadership of the
party and its active composition reflects that (Georgia is a very
interesting state party in this regard).  One of the three Green parties in
St. Louis was predominantly black.  There were some elections that
indicated a significant number of voters were going Green at times.  I
think it was 2004 where the Greens got 1% of the vote but over 4% of the
Hispanic trade unionists.  Being something of a secret organization--not by
choice but by media exclusion--makes it difficult to get beyond a certain

Historically, black voters--like others who are generally taken for granted
to be Democrats--gravitate around such independent parties, to make a
point.  If you see that this is an option but don't have a point to make
because you're happy with a lesser evil, i don't know what can be said to
persuade you.  :-)

As to the Trump bullshit, we've heard the same thing about every Republican
since I've been watching the elections. But i've honestly not heard
anything from him that I haven't heard from his predecessors, particularly
Nixon.  Sometimes these Republicans win and it either turns out not to be
the Apocalypse or, if it is, most of the Democrats will be voting for it
right alongside the dumbest and meanest-spirited Republican.

Mark L.
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Sanders campaign is officially over. Now his supporters wonder: What’s next? - The Washington Post

2016-08-03 Thread Clay Claiborne via Marxism
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What percentage of the Green Party is black?

Clay Claiborne, Director
Vietnam: American Holocaust 
Linux Beach Productions
Venice, CA 90291
(310) 581-1536

Read my blogs at the Linux Beach 

On Wed, Aug 3, 2016 at 8:26 AM, Dennis Brasky  wrote:

> No one is saying or implying that Blacks are "stupid" for opposing Trump.
> This is a bit demagogic, something we've already heard from Hillary
> supporters. Neither are many on the Left who will be supporting Clinton
> merely to stop Trump "stupid" (at least many of them!), despite her record
> of supporting the sanctions, the wars against Afghanistan and Iraq, NAFTA,
> welfare "reform", and bank deregulation. It is the absence of a serious
> Left alternative - "a crisis of leadership" that is responsible for people
> supporting politicians whose policies they hate. Supporting the Green Party
> despite its limitations, is the first major step that our side can take to
> create that Left alternative.
> On Wed, Aug 3, 2016 at 12:40 AM, Clay Claiborne 
> wrote:
>>> On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 8:54 AM, Dennis Brasky 
>> wrote:
>>> Bill's sanctions which killed half a million Iraqi kids in the 1990s and
>>> the 2003 war that Hillary endorsed which killed over one million, there's
>>> also plenty to fear from her presidency. Whichever turd wins, we lose!
>> Only a white person could say that because any colored person in America
>> is already facing more slights and abuses in the past year because of the
>> campaign of one of these turds and not the other.
>> Kennedy & Johnson's war in Vietnam killed more people of color than the
>> KKK could ever think about. So what's your point? My point that they, and
>> even Bill Clinton, weren't consciously building a white supremacist mass
>> movement that lead to increased attacks on you and yours. Maybe that's not
>> been your problem? Have you been subjected to more racist attacks as the
>> Trump campaign has "progressed."
>> We'll hear a lot of talk about not voting for the lesser of two evils in
>> the white left this year but there is a reason why 88% of colored people in
>> the US oppose Trump and its not because they are stupid.
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Sanders campaign is officially over. Now his supporters wonder: What’s next? - The Washington Post

2016-08-03 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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No one is saying or implying that Blacks are "stupid" for opposing Trump.
This is a bit demagogic, something we've already heard from Hillary
supporters. Neither are many on the Left who will be supporting Clinton
merely to stop Trump "stupid" (at least many of them!), despite her record
of supporting the sanctions, the wars against Afghanistan and Iraq, NAFTA,
welfare "reform", and bank deregulation. It is the absence of a serious
Left alternative - "a crisis of leadership" that is responsible for people
supporting politicians whose policies they hate. Supporting the Green Party
despite its limitations, is the first major step that our side can take to
create that Left alternative.

On Wed, Aug 3, 2016 at 12:40 AM, Clay Claiborne  wrote:

>> On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 8:54 AM, Dennis Brasky 
> wrote:
>> Bill's sanctions which killed half a million Iraqi kids in the 1990s and
>> the 2003 war that Hillary endorsed which killed over one million, there's
>> also plenty to fear from her presidency. Whichever turd wins, we lose!
> Only a white person could say that because any colored person in America
> is already facing more slights and abuses in the past year because of the
> campaign of one of these turds and not the other.
> Kennedy & Johnson's war in Vietnam killed more people of color than the
> KKK could ever think about. So what's your point? My point that they, and
> even Bill Clinton, weren't consciously building a white supremacist mass
> movement that lead to increased attacks on you and yours. Maybe that's not
> been your problem? Have you been subjected to more racist attacks as the
> Trump campaign has "progressed."
> We'll hear a lot of talk about not voting for the lesser of two evils in
> the white left this year but there is a reason why 88% of colored people in
> the US oppose Trump and its not because they are stupid.
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Sanders campaign is officially over. Now his supporters wonder: What’s next? - The Washington Post

2016-08-02 Thread Clay Claiborne via Marxism
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Some people do have more to lose than others by the triumph of a white
supremacist movement, and that's what Trump in the White House means. Some
people are losing all ready. Hilary's black Walmart wage-slaves, will vote
overwhelmingly for her because they are politically more sophisticated, and
have much more to lose from a president put in the WH by a mass white
supremacist movement than Hilary's white Walmart wage-slaves who do, in
fact, have what they believe are privileges to defend.

Clay Claiborne, Director
Vietnam: American Holocaust 
Linux Beach Productions
Venice, CA 90291
(310) 581-1536

Read my blogs at the Linux Beach 

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Sanders campaign is officially over. Now his supporters wonder: What’s next? - The Washington Post

2016-08-02 Thread Clay Claiborne via Marxism
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On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 8:54 AM, Dennis Brasky 
> And as for Trump's Islamophobia,
Trump's Islamophobia is merely his opening tactical approach to the main
issue for white racists in Amerca, black people in America. Muslims are
less that 1%, they are not the final destination of the white supremacist
movement he is building.

> Bill's sanctions which killed half a million Iraqi kids in the 1990s and
> the 2003 war that Hillary endorsed which killed over one million, there's
> also plenty to fear from her presidency. Whichever turd wins, we lose!
Only a white person could say that because any colored person in America is
already facing more slights and abuses in the past year because of the
campaign of one of these turds and not the other.

Kennedy & Johnson's war in Vietnam killed more people of color than the KKK
could ever think about. So what's your point? My point that they, and even
Bill Clinton, weren't consciously building a white supremacist mass
movement that lead to increased attacks on you and yours. Maybe that's not
been your problem? Have you been subjected to more racist attacks as the
Trump campaign has "progressed."

We'll hear a lot of talk about not voting for the lesser of two evils in
the white left this year but there is a reason why 88% of colored people in
the US oppose Trump and its not because they are stupid.

Tomorrow, I begin my shift of 4 days x 10 hrs in the engine room of the
Internet, so if you don't hear from me for a while, that could be why.

Clay Claiborne, Director
Vietnam: American Holocaust 
Linux Beach Productions
Venice, CA 90291
(310) 581-1536

Read my blogs at the Linux Beach 
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Sanders campaign is officially over. Now his supporters wonder: What’s next? - The Washington Post

2016-08-02 Thread Clay Claiborne via Marxism
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On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 8:35 AM, Andrew Pollack 

> So from a historical perspective the FDRs/Kennedys/Clintons and their
> lesser-evil mantra are a much bigger political danger for the exploited and
> oppressed.
That would also seem to make the relative gains made by black people under
FDR and Kennedy/Johnson a big danger as well. My perspective must be a
little different than yours because I wouldn't put Clinton in the same
class but then I still remember not being allowed to drink a soda at
Woolworths so maybe my experience is too,

Clay Claiborne, Director
Vietnam: American Holocaust 
Linux Beach Productions
Venice, CA 90291
(310) 581-1536

Read my blogs at the Linux Beach 
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Sanders campaign is officially over. Now his supporters wonder: What’s next? - The Washington Post

2016-07-30 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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Notice the liberal race-baiting at the end, which is popping up more and

“Sometimes you need to check our privilege at the door and realize who will
really be affected by your decision [to not back Hillary].”

Too bad Hillary's Walmart wage-slaves don't have any privilege to check.
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Sanders campaign is officially over. Now his supporters wonder: What’s next? - The Washington Post

2016-07-29 Thread Gary MacLennan via Marxism
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What is missing from the "popular front" against Trump is the entire
infrastructure of the cultural and political  and economic apparatus of the
Popular Front.

Whatever its failings the Popular Front was an amazing phenomenon.

I know you understand well, Lou, that a shabby political compromise is not
a popular front.


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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Sanders campaign is officially over. Now his supporters wonder: What’s next? - The Washington Post

2016-07-29 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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This is true in large part due to historical amnesia, as Michelle Alexander
points out in The New Jim Crow. Based on the Clinton record of demonization
and imprisonment of tens of thousands of young Black men in the 1990s and
throwing one million women and children, mostly of color, off welfare and
onto the "free" market, there's plenty for Black America to be afraid of.
And as for Trump's Islamophobia, Bill's sanctions which killed half a
million Iraqi kids in the 1990s and the 2003 war that Hillary endorsed
which killed over one million, there's also plenty to fear from her
presidency. Whichever turd wins, we lose!

On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 11:26 AM, Clay Claiborne via Marxism <> wrote:

> There is a very good reason why most people of color are more afraid of a
> Trump presidency than the white Left.
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Sanders campaign is officially over. Now his supporters wonder: What’s next? - The Washington Post

2016-07-29 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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No doubt about it. The flip side/long-term view is that the ruling class
has more to be afraid of from mobilized, politically-independent people of
color, workers, women, etc. - which is why they go to such lengths to
convince our "leaders" that the DP is our friend.

So from a historical perspective the FDRs/Kennedys/Clintons and their
lesser-evil mantra are a much bigger political danger for the exploited and

On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 11:26 AM, Clay Claiborne via Marxism <

> There is a very good reason why most people of color are more afraid of a
> Trump presidency than the white Left.
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Sanders campaign is officially over. Now his supporters wonder: What’s next? - The Washington Post

2016-07-29 Thread Clay Claiborne via Marxism
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There is a very good reason why most people of color are more afraid of a
Trump presidency than the white Left.

Clay Claiborne, Director
Vietnam: American Holocaust 
Linux Beach Productions
Venice, CA 90291
(310) 581-1536

Read my blogs at the Linux Beach 

On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 4:44 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <> wrote:

> So we need a popular front against Trump with Clinton standing in for FDR.
> Tragedy... Farce...
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